#blog rant incoherent. I didn;t know I HAD this on the page. checked some links... TH*IS was there.'
kevinwillpkgd · 5 years
this was (a missing?) link on my cartoon page.
Christmas 06: The media bread+circus. Clowns, acrobats and animals.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2E8ddvbP3E (todays edit, 2019)
(Well, this is mostly snivelling I'm not rich yet, really. Or how I rec'd the 'be yourself' , 'meet the market' , 'do as you're told' life-style multiple-choice thing. Like man = muscle, hustle, brains, OK?)
Money, power and fame. FYI, Nothing says MPF like the CRTC. OK?
Culture. This, here and now (today), is the valley of the vanities; we that seek vengeance. Our tribe, surrounded by those living vi-care-iously thru us. Into the valley of death rode the $600!
Revenge; it's the new macho. Get your forehead (VENGEANCE!) tattoo today and go ahead, rev on things that make u feel bad. Personality-cases (screwups) unlimited... R us.
You wanna survive in this cess-pool? Learn the tools of the trade first. Hey, we have lots more than psychotic jocks making a dirty run for the top here. Bitches do more than screw(up), whine and borrow money, too.
Whassup? People. OK, for instance, there's the fraud (black)con-spree type 419: (Web-works. Purse-snatching on the (greyhound) bus, car-jacking and other smash+grabs. Hack+crack. How long+far can ya run it (float) before a crash and burn collects ya?). 2: The blue-blood hot-wire connection team (Anything you can beg, borrow or steal. (BBS WIM FRE) They do have to prove you stole it, um? Also called the Micky-soft corp method or divine rite of cannibalism management. (as compared to 3: the 'Orifice of your choice' management.) It's recommended you have $4 billion a year for payouts and 15 extra years for the lawsuits it generates.)
Oh, and lawsuits? It costs $6000 to recover $500... or $200 to have the dumb f*ck killed instead. Welcome to (just another brick in the)wall street. Plus traditional isolate, sabotage, cover-up and mudball gossip types. Overt, covert subterfuge and clandestine operations.
Super-star personality cults, team-jams (pun intended) and formula (propaganda) works, basically.
(I *REALLY* want to include a link to the wiki on me here. Go look it up instead.)
First things first. Any good war-lord robin-hood has a low-rental ghetto to stash his gang (+recruits) in. That's the hood. Don't go there. Don't work that department unless pillage, loot and rape is first, second and third nature to ya. And not getting caught is fairly instinctive. Win.
Survival is for psychotic sociopaths... Unless you're a magically brilliant super-star. Grinding just digs a bigger and better hole-trap.
Oh, have your (team) loyalties straight first. (via alcohol addiction? History, character and impact is better.)
What's a dirty run-up? A functional (corp) team plays politics, not performance. Win, right? Not win, succeed, correct. Give 'em what they need, what works, what helps you; in the order of your choice. Gossip is the least of it. Winners turned loose in a candy store, got it?
Burn, humiliation or waste of time. How many parachuted soups (supervisors. Or dates.) are that way? The suggestion box feeds the (drinking) team, not you, remember.
Anyway, vanity. Paranoid skits and instant personality collapse: how real news unhinges cement-heads and makes entertainment-art = life.
Paranoids have real enemies too. Bad news doesn't make people feel good. Ideas don't either, so they vanity-rage, make it their own, then point in the great game.
After shooting the messenger, naturally. We didn't say they were bright. As a matter of fact, soups are know for loyalty, not IQ. Managers! Ignore, repress, develop. The odds of them developing you, as compared to furthering their politics? Not good, if you even get that far.
A sense of humor is first to go. That's not funny, that's filthy, mean and cruel. Instant rage! Like ufos. (A true cement-head has believed, at one time or another in his life, that he is the only real person in the world. Ego-centric retards in a pre-sociopath state. The only real people in the world usually don't believe in UFOs, or like to think about how many stars are out there; or that our sun is a third generation son.)
Considering any other ego out there just confuses the issues and any good cop know the issues are money, sex and revenge. We're only telling you it's money, power and fame. Sex, violence and humor sells, thou.
Sex is for the easily distracted. (ie, most of us. Oooh, tasty jingly glitter! wow!)
Ignorance is safer for ya, so the press shoots blanks. So do retards and other winners are just targets. Today's news and weather as reported by the people who denied smoking causes cancer for 50 years. Or golbal warming does storm season.
And they like lynching terrorists. Well, you *MIGHT* be terrible! A hate campaign is a simple campaign, anyone can join in. Perfection! Miracle-cure dept! Bad reporting is good business, OK? It makes for self-serving bullshit and an entertainment society? So? It works for BB!
Edutainment, propaganda and merchandising make Big-Brother fat and happy. Don't expect anything else from or for Valley-girls.
Bread and media circuses: nothing says money, power and fame like the CRTC, unless it's a corp-censor sitting on the pipe-line. Sharks, piranha and drowning (management) men; all the same thing, right? Everybody into the pool. When you have 'em by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow. So goes the money, power and fame of a media circus (ball).
Universities put con in connections nowadays. Commercial-Connect U. means bull, bitch + backstab... with a big grin. Cheerleaders, mass-produced. They don't worry about drug tests, they worry about IQ tests.
Content, copyright and control, today's CCC. Control-freaks out of stuff to steal mean trouble, by the way. Example? China and Russia eventually went tits-up. AGT= traditional, stereotyped societies. Just like graphics. (Or the movies.) That's typical of cheerleaders.
NB: If you can't sell 10 copies (of whatever) at a con anyway, you suck. Get over it.
So, dating by hustle: How to the building and use of a gunpoint-recruited team. Asked out, going out, working the crowd. Recruited, recommended, accepted.
Stalking millionaires, in a word. (Or at least a score. Http://packrat.comicgenesis.com My cartoon-connection stuff.)
Me? I'm not going to con you into anything, hustle you into it, compliment, hornswoggle or bully you. So please stop doing that to me!
Yell, maybe. bludgeon, maybe occasionally. I AM Irish, after all.
Lordy, she's talking again; I can feel my IQ dropping fast. Worse yet, my spider-sense is tingling now (along with a few other things) and part of me likes it big-time.
Finished. Rant-mode off.
You don't understand? From the shit-pit to weasel-world to cursing candles? Sigh. I am so dead. I'll do the necessary, sufficient, conditions of produce, connect, popular for sometime instead.
(for mike Becker of the Becker Bros (jazz sax player) jan 14th07
NEXT UP. Satire, (name dropping), parody, sarcasm, and mockery. Imitative, churlish, buffoonery and self-dep modes.
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