#blood in roses humphrey
ceragondubs · 2 years
Check out this fantastic thumbnail piece created by some of our artists in our artist team! They've done beautifully, please consider checking them out!
★ Sketch & Inking - Samm
★ Colorist - Felix/Rozan https://twitter.com/roza_chera?s=21&t=o0n6bIeEJMW1OoVod7rLHQ / & https://instagram.com/rozart_chera?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
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memoria-99 · 8 months
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Floating cats
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trickster-kat · 2 years
Blood in Roses Witch Masterlist (1)
Hunter Masterlist
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Serenade(Premium) Toccata/Farewell(Normal)
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Serenade(Premium) Toccata/Farewell(Normal)
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Serenade(Premium) Toccata/Farewell(Normal)
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Serenade(Premium) Toccata/Farewell(Normal)
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Serenade(Premium) Toccata/Farewell(Normal)
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Serenade(Premium) Toccata/Farewell(Normal)
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Serenade(Premium) Toccata/Farewell(Normal)
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Serenade(Premium) Toccata/Farewell(Normal)
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Serenade(Premium) Toccata/Farewell(Normal)
Hunter Masterlist
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whencyclopedia · 2 months
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Henry VI of England
Henry VI of England ruled as king from 1422 to 1461 CE and again from 1470 to 1471 CE. Succeeding his father Henry V of England (r. 1413-1422 CE), Henry VI was crowned the king of France in 1431 CE but he could not prevent a French revival led by Charles VII of France (r. 1422-1461 CE) and such figures as Joan of Arc (c. 1412-1431 CE). The Hundred Years' War (1337-1453 CE) was ultimately lost and with it all England's territory in France except Calais. Back in England, the king's weakness of character and mind, and the intense rivalry between his barons led to the conflict known as the Wars of the Roses (1455-1487 CE) between the rival houses of Lancaster and York. After an episode of insanity, Henry VI had, in effect, a regent, Richard, the Duke of York in 1454 CE. Despite military victories by Henry's wife, Queen Margaret, the king was ultimately deposed by Richard's son Edward in 1461 CE. Henry would make a brief return to the throne in 1470 CE before Edward, now Edward IV of England (1461-1470 & 1471-1483 CE), was once more victorious on the battlefield and able to declare himself king for a second time. Henry was then murdered in the Tower of London in May 1471 CE.
Henry was born on 6 December 1421 CE in Windsor Castle, the son of Henry V of England and Catherine of Valois (l. 1401 - c. 1437 CE), the daughter of Charles VI of France. The reign of Henry's father was short but brilliant. Pressing his claim to the French throne, which had started with Edward III of England (r. 1327-1377 CE), Henry V had won a famous victory against a French army at the Battle of Agincourt in October 1415 CE and then conquered Normandy between 1417 and 1419 CE. This was to be the peak of English fortunes during the on-off conflict between the two countries known to history as the Hundred Years' War. The victories allowed Henry V to sign the 1420 CE treaty of Troyes with Charles VI of France (r. 1380-1422 CE) which made Henry the French king's heir while the blood heir, the Dauphin Charles, was disinherited. All this happened while France was split between two rival factions: the Burgundians and the Armagnacs.
The English barons would entangle themselves in a spiral of competition to see who could hold most power while Henry remained a minor.
Henry V died, probably of dysentery on 31 August 1422 CE at Bois de Vincennes in France. The English king had missed the chance to become the king of France by less than two months as Charles VI died on 21 October 1422 CE. Prince Henry, not even one year old, became the new king of England and the youngest to hold such a title before or since. He would not receive his coronation until 6 November 1429 CE in Westminster Abbey, officially becoming Henry VI of England. In the meantime, the infant had two regents, appointed by Henry V before his death: Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester (l. 1390-1447 CE) for England and John, Duke of Bedford (l. 1389-1435 CE) for the territories in France, where, at least according to the Treaty of Troyes, he was also now the king. Another important figure was the king's great-uncle, Henry Beaufort, Bishop of Winchester. These three men and others would entangle themselves in a spiral of competition to see who could hold most power while Henry remained a minor.
The Wars of the Roses were not over yet, though. Edward, the Duke of York's son, backed by the Earl of Warwick, was promoted as a replacement to his father and to King Henry. When Edward won the bloody Battle of Towton in March 1461 CE, the largest and longest battle in English history, this is indeed what transpired. Henry VI was deposed, and he, Queen Margaret, and their son Edward (b. 13 October 1453 CE) all fled to Scotland. Edward of York, just 19 years of age, was crowned Edward IV of England at Westminster Abbey on 28 June 1461 CE. Even this was still not the end of the civil war, merely a pause.
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idiotwithanipad · 5 months
What comes after death if you're already dead? 
A short concept I came up with for my OC Amy. Fearing moving on... 
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"Before clock strike midnight, someone going up to the stars"
Robin's giddy excitement had thrown everyone off the beaten path; the concept of moving on from their deaths was enticing to everyone, especially the caveman. He looked as though he couldn't hold back his excitement as he bounced on his furred heels. 
Robin had excused himself in a giddy rush and vanished through the wall, leaving everyone guessing and glimpsing at each other in confusion. Amy sat on the sofa, Humphrey's head resting on her knees, her face didn't show any readable expression, just a blank and vacant stare at the back of the Tudor man's head. 
"Moving on, eh? Sounds nice, dun' it?" Humphrey mused, his eyes flicking up hoping to meet someone's gaze. He felt a slow shift beneath his chin as he was gently placed on the cushioned seat beside Amy, who rose from her seated position, dusting off the back of her pleated skirt, a habit she never 'grew' out of despite being dead for 2 years now.
"Where you off to, Poppet?" Humphrey asked, his eyes flicking up to look at Amy's blank face. The girl paused and shifted uncomfortably. She had no excuses anymore, no more 'I forgot something back on my bed' or 'just gotta check something in my room'. She toyed with her now unconnected headphones and shifted her weight from one boot to the other. 
"... Nowhere". Amy slowly headed away from the sofa, passed Fanny who stared at her in bemusement. The girl still avoided walking through walls and instead opted for taking the doors and halls. The group looked amongst themselves briefly and focused on Humphrey, who's eyes were glued to the last spot where he saw his...No. She wasn't his daughter. He needed to stop playing pretend and face facts; Humphrey Ignatius Bone died without an heir, no child to pass down his name. 
"What do you suppose is wrong with Amy?" The Captain asked, looking towards the equally confused severed head. 
"She usually takes me with 'er..."Humphrey sounded dejected, neglected; it was a fact, Amy had clung to Humphrey most days, almost every day since her first week of death, whenever everyone else wasn't hounding and fluttering around her trying to show her around and get her used to death. 
"Perhaps she went to look for a butterfly? It IS a fun activity. Oh! How exciting, I'll join her" Kitty chimed, gathering her dress skirts and preparing to skip along through the wall, before Pat's hand landed on her shoulder. 
"No no, love, she looks a bit off. Maybe we should give her a minute or so, I'm sure she'll come around" Pat smiled, giving Kitty a reassuring nod. With a short sigh, Kitty slumped down beside Humphrey. 
"If I still had my body, I'd go and find 'er..." Humphrey retorted. 
"She's a teen. Teens like their alone time. Y'know, 'hanging' with their parents isn't really 'down with the sickness' is it?" Julian bumbled, grinning from ear to ear at his very outdated use of slang. And his hint to the rest of the group that Humphrey viewed the strange girl as if she we're his own flesh and blood. 
Pat kneeled down in front of the sofa where Humphrey's head lie. They locked eyes with each other and Pat tilted his head, as much as his arrow would allow, to the side. 
"I'm sure she'll be alright. She knows she can always talk to you if she's in a spot of trouble, mate"
Amy sat alone in a room in the west wing, the room where she died, gazing down at the floorboards. Her face still frozen in that same blank expression. Her eyes remained empty and cold, but her mind burned with questions and worry. 
Every time she came to a conclusion, the method lining up perfectly in her mind, a threatening thought barrelled towards it and bowled it down. She bagan to pick at her fingernails, something she did when she was still alive when she was nervous. She hadn't been this nervous since her GCSE's. 
She wanted to run, to get as far away from this house as possible before it all came crumbling down on her. Tears threatened to spill down her cheeks, her eyelids remained valiant as they kept up their mammoth task of cradling her tears, not allowing them to fall. She got up and paced over to the window, looking over the green lawns, passed the livings who played golf, towards the forest. Maybe she could go there? Maybe if she got far enough away she might not go anywhere she was uncertain of? 
Anywhere but somewhere she didn't know. 
Robin reentered the common room. Everyone was gone. His eyes remained low, gazing under the furniture and along the skirting boards searching for one of the members of his mouse family; he had affairs to be put in order, after all. 
"Oh, it's just you..."  A voice muttered. Robin spun around and noticed Humphrey's head still perched on the sofa, he looked sullen, depressed. 
"Haven't seen Amy have you?" His question puzzled the caveman; they were usually always together, it was a huge task just to get her to leave the severed head alone for a moment to teach her to play chess or demonstrate how to skin a mammoth. 
"No. Where you see her last?" Robin asked, stepping closer to the sofa, knuckles stroking against his furs. 
"Right where you are now. After you mentioned your little 'moving on' thing she just- got up and left. Didn't even take me with 'er. Not to sound like a broken record, but, she always takes me with 'er..." Humphrey couldn't even look Robin in the face, even as he crouched to meet his eyes. 
"She tell you where she go?" Robin grew confused; the Amy he knew was always honest, or maybe the correct word would be 'blunt'. He once caught ear from her that she used 'Towels not Tamps'. Robin still didn't find out what that meant. 
"No, she didn't say a word. I asked her where she was going and she just said, 'nowhere'. Then off she went". 
Robin hummed in confusion, his brow lowering and his jaw jutting to the left. He rose from his crouched position and looked towards the doorway. 
"Me go find her. She not be too far, she ghost, she can't leave, so won't be too hard to find girl with big stompy boot in old creaky house" Robin declared, cracking his knuckles and starting towards the door. 
His search was lengthy, even he started to grow concerned for Amy's whereabouts. What if he got the timing wrong in his prediction? What if Amy had already gone up to the stars? He wasn't ready to lose her yet, he still had so much to teach her and tell her. Finally, he caught it. The sweet, sickly scent of that very drink that caused Amy to choke to death. 
It was faint, but he knew that scent all too well. He put his nostrils to work and followed the aroma like a Bloodhound, leading him into a dingy unoccupied bedroom. 
"Ah, there you are. Come, Humphrey want you" Robin chimed. 
"Go away"
That was harsh. She'd never told him to go away before, she usually loved spending time with him. She actively saught him out sometimes, she even had a name for it, 'Nope-days'. Days where she felt homesick and missed some parts of her old life, she and Robin would sit in the TV room watching National Geographic, sometimes she'd fall asleep resting against the furs at his side. 
Robin remained persistent, yet he couldn't pretend that her words cut him deep. 
"But you no want keep ol' Humpty Dumpty down there lonely. He big sad with you not there" He risked moving closer to the young woman, her knees tucked up to her chest and her chin resting against her folded arms. 
Her eyes flicked into the direction of the caveman at the mention of the severed head she cared so deeply for, but her eyes never left the floorboards. 
"I don't wanna be around anyone right now, he's gonna have to wait a little longer. Tell him I'm sorry but-..." She couldn't finish. She just bit the inside of her cheek and pushed a strand of her ebony hair out of her face and looked away from Robin. 
Robin jerked slightly as something collided with his back. He leapt away from the unseen attacker and rose his furred fist to strike, but stopped when he noticed who it was. Humphrey's headless body came bumbling into the room, his searching hands shifting around, feeling for something. Robin watched curiously as the body edged it's way across the room towards Amy, as if being reeled in by an invisible line. 
Robin couldn't pretend not to notice the quick glace Amy gave towards the body, the even quicker glance away from it, and the tiny tears that bloomed in her eyes as the body's hand found the top of her head. Once the hand realised what it touched, it's jittering patting motions turned to soothing strokes and caresses. 
It crouched down slowly and felt around for Amy's hand. It touched her shoulder first, then her calf, then finally it scooped up Amy's hand from her knee and rubbed it's thumb across her knuckles. Amy wiped her eyes with the cuff of her hoodie and gave the headless body a tiny smile before looking down again. 
The body's other hand came to collect Amy's other hand too. Without a protest, the body helped her stand to her feet. Her eyes remained fixed at nothing, staring blankly downward. She gave a soft glance up at Robin who watched as the body placed it's arm around her back, maybe so it didn't get swept from her side? Maybe to comfort her? Robin couldn't tell. 
The body's hand continued to hold Amy's, it gave her hand a gently squeeze and began walking off to the right side of the room towards the wall, bringing Amy with it. She looked back over her shoulder at Robin, who began to follow the pair through the wall and out into the vast labyrinth of halls and corridors. 
Amy felt as though she had a lot of explaining to do, especially to Humphrey... Or, to his head anyway. She knew exactly where she was being taken, she knew him too well, and his mobile half. 
The body guided Amy through the wall to the common room and Robin followed suit, jogging up ahead past them and towards the sofa where he'd seen Humphrey's head. 
"Ey! I find Amy. Then your body find Amy. She here" Robin beamed his crooked grin and let out a sharp sigh of relief. 
"Amy?" Humphrey's voice was weak. As if he hadn't spoken in days, it reminded Amy of when she first met him, when he was often neglected in the most unpleasant of places, rarely put anywhere nicer at least. 
"... Hey" Amy mumbled, her hands awkwardly sliding into the front pocket of her hoodie. 
The body finally released Amy's hand and moved to the front of the sofa, it bent down and slowly scooped up its head, fixing it back onto the stump above its shoulders. With a click and a twitch, Humphrey's full form seemed to meld together and come to life at last. His soft eyes blinked and focused on the girl. He moved back over to her cautiously, as if one creak of a floorboard or a single forceful step would result in her bolting away from him. 
"Look, I don't expect you to tell me what's wrong if you don't want to... but, at least tell me how I can help?" Humphrey said, his brow creasing with concern and sadness. 
Robin stepped closer, stroking his furs and tilting his head slightly, wanting to hear the reason for Amy's sudden hostility earlier. 
"It was nothing, I-I was just being a twat" Amy stuttered, her eyes flicking from side to side. Humphrey gave a slow, drawn out blink and shook his head slowly, knowingly. 
"... What?" Amy questioned, looking between Humphrey and Robin who now also looked disheartened. 
"Fine. I just- wanted to be alone for a while because I was scared" 
Humphrey and Robin shared puzzled glances towards each other, Robin even shrugged and itched behind his ear. 
"Scared of what?" Humphrey asked, looking his body over to make sure he didn't look as grotesque as he felt. 
"Of what Robin said. Of.. Y'know. Whoosh.." Amy said with an upward flourish of her hands, before letting them flop back down into her pocket. 
Robin took on the appearance of a deer in headlights and diverted his gaze from Amy to Humphrey, who practically scowled at the caveman for this crackpot theory. 
"B-But, when you move on you go to up to the stars. It big good up there, many people, old family-" Robin began to try and back up his claim before Amy cut him to the quick. 
"What if there's nothing when you move on?" 
Robin's ramble ended in his jaw hanging slack and his eyes bulging slightly, focusing on Humphrey who looked back over at him with the same remaining face of confusion. 
"I mean, you don't actually KNOW what happens when you move on. Like-...maybe you've just been lucky not moving on after all this time, Robin? What if when you move on there's no more... 'Ghosting'? You're just... gone? You're just stuck nowhere. No light, no friends, no family, no noise, no nothing? ACTUALLY dead?" Amy's voice held deep sadness and dread. 
Even Robin had began to contemplate whether or not he thought she was right; he didn't know what was to come. He'd always assumed, after spending these thousands of years in the same place, any kind of new place would be a huge adventure. But what comes after death if you're already dead? 
Robin's head shook slowly and his shoulders slumped down in a heavy sigh. 
"I dunno..." The caveman muttered, his gaze sinking lower to the ground. Humphrey piped up and held out a hand, ready to pat Amy on the shoulder. 
"But it COULD be better than this, you just-"
"I don't WANT better than this!" Amy blurted, stepping back away from Humphrey's outstretched hand. Robin jumped slightly and took a sidestep away from Amy, shocked at her sudden increase in volume. Humphrey's hand froze in place before gliding back down to his side. 
"What do you mean?" Humphrey asked, his eyes widening; she didn't want anything better than being trapped here for eternity? It baffled him, he'd give his arm and his leg to move on if he hadn't already lost his head. 
Amy's eyelids screwed shut and she grit her teeth, unable to believe she let herself slip up like that. 
"I don't want this to be over. Okay?... I don't want to never see any of you again. And even if it's nice- wherever we go after this, how do you know we'll even be together again? I don't wanna be alone anymore, I got enough of that when I was alive. Hell, I think when Mum and I came here when I was alive, that was the most time we'd spent together in months." Amy admitted amidst panting breaths and exasperated hand gestures. 
Humphrey's gaze lowered. He remembered the time Amy opened up about her life. Her busy mother, absent father and lack of friends left her very lonely. He could sympathize, he had a lonely life too, people were there with him, but not emotionally. They weren't there FOR him when he needed them. 
After hearing his theory put like that, Robin hoped he was wrong. His eyes coming back up to meet Amy's. 
"I never alone in life... But alone in death, big long time. It bad. Went mad. No more alone" Robin gave a swift shake of his head and let his emotions get the better off him. 
His arms braced around Amy and crushed her into a tight hug. Amy's nose crunched against Robin's thorax and her lip curled at the unpleasant scent of the old musky furs. With a muffled groan of discomfort, she batted her hand against Robin's arm to urge him to release her. 
It took him a few seconds to register the gesture before huffing and letting her go, but not stepping too far away. Amy released a deeply held breath and sharply inhaled a fresh one, gathering her hand to correct the placement of her unusable headphones
"Well..." Humphrey said softly.
"I hope, whatever waits for you whenever you move on is something that you're looking for, Poppet"
Amy clutched onto Humphrey and Robin's hands tightly, swaying them back and forth slightly with a new smile on her face. 
"I already have it"
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inlovewith-icecream · 1 month
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"Watch and learn, little Humphrey" (A Blair Waldorf/Jenny Humphrey Playlist)
(Blood on my shirt, rose in my hand; you're looking at me like you don't know who I am; blood on my shirt, heart in my hand; still beating), Teeth (5 Seconds of Summer)
(Oh, 'cause I keep diggin' myself down deeper I won't stop 'til I get where you are; I keep running, I keep running, I keep running/they say I may be making a mistake; I woulda followed all the way, no matter how far), Graveyard (Halsey)
(Maybe I should try harder; you should lower your expectations/teach me how to be okay; I don't want to downplay my emotions), Prom Queen (Beach Bunny)
(Turned her tears to diamonds in her crown/but she'd trade it all for a heart that's whole), Prom Queen (Molly Kate Kesner)
(The wasted years, the wasted youth; the pretty lies, the ugly truth/adolescence didn't make sense; a little loss of innocence; the ugly years of being a fool; ain't youth meant to be beautiful?), Teen Idle (Marina)
(You got that medicine I need; fame, liquor, love, give it to me slowly/I don't really wanna know what's good for me; God's dead, I said, "Baby, that's alright with me"/It's innocence lost, innocence lost), Gods and Monsters (Lana Del Rey)
(When your skin doesn't feel like home; and I don't wanna break down and feel alone; this body only knows; how to hold back more than it shows), Wrong Victory (MSMR)
(She's an It Girl so plain to see; and we all want to be; just like her; she maybe overrated; but one thing for sure/she's so opinionated; so very complicated; she got the whole world; she's the latest It Girl), It Girl (Twirl)
(My heart is massive; but it’s empty a permanent part of me; that innocent artery; is gasping for some real attention), Easier Than Lying (Halsey)
(No matter how sweet the salt; we push so hard we finally broke/everyone keeps asking are we okay; the truth is we're not but I don't know what to say), All The Things Lost (MSMR)
(Don't make a sound now; don't make a sound now; maybe it won't find us after all; carry me home), Surrender (Digital Daggers)
(If the morning light don't steal our soul; we will walk away from empty gold/they can break our hearts; they won't take our soul), Empty Gold (Halsey)
(Why do we play in the thorns; and still wonder why we're torn/is it better to love than never at all; or are we building towers just to watch them fall), Blood in the Water (Empara Mi)
(This is our time; no turning back; we could live, we could live like legends/Fate falls hard on our shoulders; but legends never die), Live Like Legends (Ruelle)
(Empires rise, empires fall; we live or die to take the throne/only one will stand at the end of it all), Empires (Ruelle)
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He who fights with monsters
Book 1 Book Quotes
Humphrey watched as Jason walked back. Behind him, the rainbow smoke of a dozen monsters drifted into the sky. It also rose up from his body as the blood of his enemies burned away.
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v1nylhead · 24 days
what’s on your tattoo agenda, lotus?
I’ve got quite a few lmao, so get ready 🫶🏼
1. A sleeve that says Buona fortuna above one of my favorite art pieces: the fallen angel, underneath the eye? We’ll have Icarus falling as he sheds his wings.
2. A broken wine bottle betwixt lithe, manicured digits.
3. A sketching of Humphrey bogart & Lauren Bacall
4. A rose on my dorsal underneath the divine touch.
5. Sign of the times newspaper ( harry styles related )
6. A skull with blood leaking from his eye, donning vampiric fangs.
7. A Medusa tattoo ( snake unraveling from vines, a collarbone tattoo )
There are a few others, but I can’t really think of them as of right now unfortunately!
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memoria-99 · 3 months
This post is inspired by this post
The pros of being in the big live fandom: There are many people who can share my thought or fancontent with
The pros of being in the almost dead fandom: There are so few people that I can be the number one fan of the character
Does that mean Wizardess Heart is not really dead? I'm pretty sure I'm not Hiro, Luca or Clive's number one, not to mention Alfonse
But I'm like 85% certain I'd be the number one, or at least number two of these guys--
The Niflheim: Philippe
Guilty Alice: Noir
Blood in Roses: Humphrey, Cecil, Finn, Michalis
Lost Aiice: Hansel, Allen
If someone's fan of any of these boys come out let's fight... ofc kidding, pls tell me let's appreciate them together
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2000sfm · 8 months
hi!!!! this is just so cute!!! could i get some mw faces and even characters pls?
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pls, you're so so sweet ! some of the fcs i'd love to see would be nikki rodriguez, charles melton, ryan destiny, nicholas galitzine, madelyn cline, madison bailey, victoria justice, noah lalonde, da'vinchi, manny montana, eliza dushku, geffri hightower, peyton alex smith, sabrina carpenter, danielle rose russell, camille hyde, keke palmer, miya horcher, rhoyle ivy king, zayn, katie douglas, brenda song, renee rapp, zion moreno ( !!!!!!!!! ), evan mock, sofia carson, glen powell, keith powers & maitreyi ramakrishnan & as for characters: buffy + faith + spike or angel from btvs, the mikaelsons from the vampire diaries, eric + jason or jessica from true blood, chip from jennifer's body, seth cohen from the oc, lucas scott + brooke davis + peyton sawyer from one tree hill, jennie humphrey from gossip girl, jackson teller from sons of anarchy, lane kim from gilmore girls, hanna marin + aria montgomery + emily fields + mona vanderwaal from pretty little liars, bella swan + edward cullen from twilight but if you'd like some mw characters from reboots that are not listed, feel free to come back to us ! you can always check out @2000sfminspo for more suggestions <3
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idiotwithanipad · 3 months
Gore AU Amy (My OC)
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Ft Silver @moonah-rose's OC
A lot like Gore AU Mary and Robin, Amy has some changes from her 'canon' self.
The first being that she can no longer talk; Her vocal chords are thrashed, her throat and lungs are full of Monster Energy Drink from when she choked to death. If she even opens her mouth, the fizzy liquid will pour from her mouth.
The second being her personality is a lot more fragile and fearful; One of her biggest defining traits is her foul mouth and sharp wit, so she's more than willing to dish it out if someone starts. She's the type of person who would finish an argument, not start it. But beyond her 'hard as nails' exterior she puts on, she is extremely sensitive and scared, using insults and threats as leverage so that others won't hurt her first (a cliché I know😂) But since her one weapon has now been taken away, she goes into her shell and never stands up for herself, fearing not being able to fight her own corner. If you take away a scared person's weapon, they just become even more scared.
Her connection to Humphrey has become almost like a bloodline bond rather than adoption and is borderline toxic; While she is still not related to Humphrey by blood, in my Gore Au, each ghost is trapped in a permanent loop of going through the emotions they felt moments before their death. For example: Humphrey was under attack from Royal Guards before he died, so in death, he is still in that mindset where he feels like the door will be broken down any minute, constantly. Along with this, he believes that Amy is the daughter he and Sophie could've actually produced, causing him to be extremely possessive and protective of her. Due to her inability to talk, he fears that she will be arrested by the Queen's Guards too and be interrogated. But since she can't talk, it will seem like she's refusing to cooperate, and she'll be executed. Obviously that won't happen, but Humphrey is stuck in that state of mind in this purgatory. Amy is practically kept under house arrest by Humphrey and hidden anywhere he can hide her, even if he has to stash her away under his cloak and carry her around on his back to hide her, he will.
Amy's emotional state is stunted as well; Amy had a tough upbringing with long periods of neglect and verbal abuse, so she fell depressed many times in her life. Unfortunately, one of those low times was during her stay at Button House and leading up to her death, so she is constantly low and very withdrawn.
Her lips and eyes are affected; Because of the lack of oxygen during her death, Amy's lips turned blue and visible veins can be seen around her mouth and eyelids. Her eyes are also constantly bloodshot and leaking blood, since during her death, she coughed so much that it dislodged her eyeballs causing them to bulge forward. This makes her look like her eyes are twice the size they naturally should be (like a bushbaby!) As well as her skin being twice as pale.
Friends: Amy has no friends inside the house, Humphrey distances her from the others as much as he can due to fearing that they are Royal Guards in disguise (again...he's trapped in that paranoid mentality), but her bond with Silver is near enough the same as the 'canon'. Although it's mostly one sided, for Silver does all the talking due to Amy being mute.
Amy only saw Mary and Robin from a distance until she met Silver; Unlike the canon, Gore Mary never moved on. Gradually after the two girls got to know each other, mostly involving one of them sneaking away from their 'parent' to go investigate, Mary began to get used to Amy and allow her to visit the woods as long as she never brought the 'insiders' to them. Robin, being more like Mary's second hand man, would begrudgingly chaperone them to make sure none of the 'insiders' tried to catch them
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solomons-poison · 2 years
Omg, I remember playing all of the available routes and mcs in blood in roses back then :O! Now I don't even remember the majority of the plot XD (although I think Humprey was my fav and I favoured the 'human' endings the most :D)
Ahaha it's such a cheesy plot (I guess most otome games are like that tho lol), especially the witch MC's storyline. I had to stop playing for a little while because some of the reactions were so over the top 😅
But that's funny, I think my favorite was Finn, his rival wizard! I don't think I ever played Humphrey's route but he was intriguing to me :o
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yaassu · 5 years
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OoF stay away from Vance’s woman if you want to keep your head attached to your body
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shall-we-imagine · 6 years
Cinnamon rolls (BIR).
Overlooking the fact that a lot of them have attacked MC or tried to kill her at one point...😂
Looks like a cinnamon roll but can actually kill you: Mina, Finn, Michalis.
Looks like a cinnamon roll and is actually a cinnamon roll: Jack, Cedric, Dominik, Edgar, Lionel, Cecil.
Looks like they can kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll: Alfred, Rupert, Daniel, Spade, Bridget, Gordon, Ioannis.
Looks like they can kill you and can actually kill you: Humphrey, Raymond, Rogan, Gerard.
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memoria-99 · 3 months
Chemistry between the LIs is important.
I love the funny interactions and chemistry between the LIs.
And that's why I love Wizardess Heart and Blood in Roses plus The Niflheim
WH: Elias-Luca, Klaus-Randy, Klaus-Sigurd, Zeus-Hiro, Zeus-Klaus, Zeus-Lucious, Klaus-Albert, etc
BnR: Alfred-Rupert, Jack-Daniel, Humphrey-Finn, Gordon-Finn, Ioannis-Michalis, Alfred-Cecil, Cecil-Gerard, Cecil-Bridget, Bridget-Matilda, etc
TN: Skeletiano does 90% of this
Lost Alice on the other hand, though I like it, not as much as the others. MC is the only one who shines and LIs are mostly unmemorable. There ARE exceptions like Chronus and Allen but anyway
LIs here barely have any kind of chemistry each other... which is natural cuz most of them don't even know each other.
WH members are mostly tied to the academy, BnR members are mostly tied to the hotel, TN members are mostly tied to the Niflheim castle but LA members are just roughly tied to Wonderland which is very large and separated into various districts... they're more like random Gedonelune residents in WH
Sooo the point is... LIs' interactions should be interesting, to get more points for me
So why did I write this? Idk just felt like it
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faceclxims · 4 years
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