#bloodmarket ocs danny
joeyvander · 7 months
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If you are from my yakuza/other fandoms brainrotting account...
I think you guys might like this mess of a guy, Danny An absolute sleaze bag. (His toyhouse account is fucked up in the layout. Use pc for better results ahrkjehr) . Info down below.
Quick Info:
Danny is a man of little good qualities. He is short tempered, sleazy, doesn't understand human emotions, lacks overall empathy and sympathy, and is a bit of a narcissist. His short temper can cause him to become irrational and reckless, getting himself into worse situations than he was originally.
And yet at the same time, he does have some redeemable qualities. Once he got into a relationship with his current husband Wix (bf's oc), he showed more of his softer side and learned to be a family man to both his husband and his two adopted cryptid sons.
He is capable of feeling some love and does have the ability to learn from his mistakes if the mistakes end up hurting the very few he cares about. Of course it is hard for him to make such deep connections, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Usually he just ends up finding value in that person in some way.
He is also loyal guy to the end. Mainly to his friends, husband, and kids and will stick up for them if he needs to, depending on the situation. If they are doing something silly or reckless though (yeah he's a hypocrite), he will just tell it how he sees it.
Additional Info:
His love language is not the usual cuddly affectionate "I love you"s. He can and has done that to his husband, sure, but it is not his true signature way that he shows he has an emotional connection to someone. He shows it through financial and physical support, lending money and buying things for those he cares about. He also lends places to stay even without invitation, give food, essentials, and provides protection to those close to him.
What exactly does he do?
Danny works as an organ harvester and makes- illegal medicine on the side. The bodies he gets for his work are not ones he gets himself. He is just a pawn in a larger scheme and gets a cut of the money… and sometimes the people are still alive.
The group that he works with has given him a chance to get through college and granted him basic immunity from other certain shady people (not all of course) and overall law enforcement. But not the news if word gets out. Word getting out of his connections can mean life or death though. For him and anyone that tries to blow cover.
On the outside he appears to work in an old antique shop, but to be honest he is rarely seen behind the counter. The shop belonged to his adoptive father. This building still has all he needs to complete his real job as well as his living space upstairs, so he never felt the need to move. (Also he hates changing things he is so used to. Including escaping the criminal life he has slide into.)
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