#bloom by Kevin Panetta and Savanna Ganucheau
aficionliteraria · 1 year
Bloom Vol. 1 por Kevin Panetta y la artista Savanna Ganucheau (2019)
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Ahora que terminó la escuela secundaria, Ari muere por mudarse a la gran ciudad con su banda ultra moderna. Intentará persuadir a su padre para que le permita dejar su trabajo en la panadería familiar. Aunque le encantaba trabajar allí cuando era niño, Ari no puede imaginar una vida desperdiciada por la masa creciente y los hornos calientes. Pero mientras entrevista a los candidatos para su reemplazo, Ari conoce a Héctor, un tipo tranquilo al que le encanta hornear tanto como Ari quiere escapar de ello. A medida que se vuelven más cercanos por horneado pan, el amor está listo para florecer. . . si es que Ari  no lo arruina todo.
Trata de un jovencito que sueña con ser músico pero su padres necesitan de su ayuda en el negocio familiar. Un día conoce a alguien que le cambian la forma de ver la vida. Esta novela gráfica tiene una feeling general igual que Heartstopper. En otras palabras es una historia wholesome que llena el corazoncito. Es una historia fácil de leer y sumamente adorable. Necesito conseguir el segundo volúmen asap.
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therefugeofbooks · 1 year
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a very queer book haul for june 🌈
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slaughter-books · 8 months
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Day 18: JOMPBPC: Book Stack
A book stack of four amazing graphic novels! 🩷
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themelodyofspring · 1 year
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JOMP Book Photo Challenge
July 06, 2023 - Contemporary
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nevinslibrary · 11 months
Comic Book Saturday
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Do a whole lot of people know what they’re going to do the first summer after they graduate high school? Ari wants to go to the city with his band. But, he has a job in their family bakery. He does interview people to be his replacement, and, that’s when he meets Hector, who loves baking and, suddenly… will love Bloom instead?
This is a little bit baking, a little bit of romance, a little bit of tension. It was a fun read. I really liked the art, especially the faces, Savanna Ganucheau’s shading just boggled my mind (in the best way). Awesome.
You may like this book If you Liked: Heartstopper by Alice Oseman, Kiss Number 8 by Colleen AF Venable, or The Heartbreak Bakery by A.R. Capetta
Bloom by Kevin Panetta
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euemeuslivros · 1 year
"E o pior é que... eu teria te perdoado."
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Título: Bloom: O verão em que o amor cresceu Autores: Kevin Panetta (Autor) e Savanna Ganucheau (Ilustradora) Classificação: Livre Avaliação: ★★★★
Lançado em 2019, escrito por Kevin Panetta e ilustrado por Savanna Ganucheau, ‘Bloom: O verão em que o amor cresceu’ promete aquecer o coração dos leitores trazendo uma HQ de romance LGBTQIA+. Kevin é um escritor de quadrinhos conhecido pela co-criação da série Zodiac Starforce e Savanna é uma quadrinista e ilustradora que começou na área publicando e vendendo seu trabalho em lojas de quadrinhos de sua cidade natal, Bloom é a primeira graphic novel dos dois.
Aqui conhecemos Ari, um jovem que terminou o ensino médio e deseja se mudar para a cidade grande com sua banda, mas para que isso aconteça ele precisa convencer seus pais para que eles o deixem largar seu emprego na padaria da família. Ari amava ficar lá quando era criança, mas agora não consegue mais se ver trabalhando ali, procurando resolver essas questões, ele vai em busca de alguém para ocupar seu cargo, e é quando ele conhece Hector, um cara que ama cozinhar e que é a chance perfeita de Ari para deixar a padaria. À medida que Ari vai ensinando a Hector sobre o lugar e sobre as receitas da família, os dois começam a passar mais tempo juntos e algo parece surgir disso, seria esse o início de um romance de verão?
Por se tratar de uma HQ, o recurso visual ajuda a compreender melhor o cenário que o autor quer apresentar, desde o princípio fica muito claro onde a história quer chegar. Depois que você toma gosto pelo enredo (o que não é difícil) se torna quase impossível não terminar tudo de uma vez, e por se tratar de uma história em quadrinhos a leitura é fluida e pode ser feita em poucas horas. A HQ se passa através do ponto de vista de Ari e todos os acontecimentos são narrados se apoiando nos sentimentos e percepções dele. Em diversos momentos somos surpreendidos por suas reações e atitudes e assim passamos a entender o porquê dele agir de determinada forma conforme as situações problema se desenrolam.
Ari é o retrato de um jovem confuso e que não sabe lidar muito bem com suas emoções, mas sejamos honestos, quem de nós também não é assim? Porém, tudo tem limite. Ari e Hector são muito diferentes, mas ainda assim conseguem ter uma conexão, mas não sei se isso é o suficiente para nos fazer torcer pelo casal. Não é difícil entender como Hector conquistou o coração ranzinza de Ari, eu mesma me senti cativada por ele ao longo de toda a história, sem dúvidas meu personagem favorito do começo ao fim, já não posso dizer o mesmo de Ari, que em diversos momentos se mostra egoísta, insensível e ouso dizer até mesmo tóxico em suas relações.
Bloom é uma história simples porém cativante e encantadora que nos deixa maravilhados do começo ao fim. Em diversos momentos me peguei parada em páginas aleatórias apenas apreciando a beleza das imagens e dos momentos da história. Mas apesar de todos os elogios, preciso ressaltar que o amadorismo dos autores fica evidente aqui, vários pontos da história que poderiam ter um peso maior acabam não sendo explorados, enquanto outros pontos que não são tão relevantes acabam se demorando mais do que o necessário. Em diversos momentos me surpreendi (de forma negativa) pela forma como os eventos se desdobravam, meio com pressa meio sem saber direito como desenvolver aquele ocorrido e a sensação que eu tive e de que algumas coisas ficaram apenas jogadas no meio da história. Isso não me fez desgostar da HQ, de forma alguma, mas é um ponto de atenção para os leitores mais exigentes.
Outro fator que pode ser levado em consideração como talvez um ponto negativo é o fato de que não foi possível desenvolver de forma profunda todos os personagens que aparecem ao longo da narrativa, claro, precisamos lembrar que se trata de uma história curta e de volume único e na minha concepção todos os personagens que aparecem são devidamente explorados para os propósitos da narrativa, em diversos momentos apenas com suas expressões conseguimos obter mais informações sobre eles e acaba que em nenhum momento a falta de progressão dos personagens secundários é algo que incomoda ou dificulta o pleno entendimento da história. 
Agora um dos pontos mais fortes da HQ é a imersão que ela traz consigo, contamos aqui com uma playlist feita por Hector para Ari, playlist essa que pode ser facilmente encontrada no spotify e que ajuda a dar o tom da história, além disso, temos também a receita do ‘Famoso Pãozinho Fermentado da Família Kyrkos’, cenas do processo de produção de arte e páginas-teste da história. A edição dá um show no que se propõe a disponibilizar como conteúdo extra. 
Aos que dizem ser uma cópia de Heartstopper da autora Alice Oseman, lamento informar que Bloom foi lançado antes (foram só uns 10 dias antes, mas ainda assim acredito que é importante ressaltar esse fato). Apesar dos pontos negativos, eu com certeza recomendo a história, é um romance fofo e cativante, chegamos ao final com a sensação de que o Ari é uma pessoa melhor e de que o Hector é o namorado dos sonhos de qualquer um. Embora meus talentos não incluam a culinária, me senti tentada a fazer a receita que o livro apresenta, quem sabe no futuro...
Resenha por: Martha Cristina IG: @eu.e.meus.livros
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gaywriting · 2 years
Bloom comic book review
Bloom by Kevin Panetta & Savanna Ganucheau (2019)
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i got this book as a birthday gift by a friend and finished it in one day on oct 12, 2022
the story follows young Arisotle, a boy who lives in a small seaside town and spends every free moment working in his fathers greek bakery shop. he hates it though and is very desperate to get out of the town and start his band with his friends in the big city. when his sister married off and his father getting older the pressure to take over is getting heavier on Ari's shoulders and he decides to look for a someone to take his place in the bakery. he meets Hector, a culinary student in university, who just moved in his grandma's old house, who's very into baking, and also happens to be very cute. now Ari has to figure out what his heart tells him is the right path for him. it is a cute story!! it wasn't anything out of the box, but a sweet story none the less. there were a few issues i had with the boys and the relationship though, which is why i can't say im crazy obsessed with it (it reminded me of how i ended up feeling about AGGTVAV)
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in my opinion, Ari's whole character arc could have been done a lot better and left room for improvement. i love when characters have flaws and are assholes sometimes, for no reason even, as long as it gets resolved in a good way, when they've done bad. equally i don't really like some points of Hectors character either. i get that he's supposed to be the kind, patient, gentle giant but there were moments where i felt like he were acting a bit two faced and almost just as manipulatively as Ari did. when he were saying he didn't like Ari's friends i was like "is this gonna end with him forcing Ari to dump his friends???". i really didn't like that. maybe because i've had lovely friendships where there's friendly bullying. basically i wasn't feeling these two boys during the dramatic moments of their relationship. i would also have liked to have seen more of them dating, but i feel like the book ended so abruptly
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basically i feel like they needed to give the boys some more time to show their love and so they can avoid coming across as slightly toxic. other than that, the baking looked delicious and there were some cute moments, though only near the end and nowhere near enough of them.. this is a story that might do good to have a little sequel or a couple more pages to really flourish other than that its a cute story with lovely art and some delicious baking (with recipes in the end!) so if that sounds like something for you then give it a go! 🇬🇷🥖💕
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benedictusantonius · 2 years
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[2023|011] Bloom (2013) written by Kevin Panetta, illustrated by Savanna Ganucheau
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willmarstudios · 2 years
Bookworm Will Review #8
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Title: "Bloom"
Author: Kevin Panetta and Savanna Ganucheau
Rating: 4.25/5
This was another one that I feel like I slept on and waited too long to actually pick up, but I'm very glad I finally did!
This is, for lack of a better terms, a super cute slow burn story about Ari and Hector who bond through baking. I do enjoy stories that feature characters struggling to find a sense of happiness and purpose which is exactly what Ari is struggling to do. His family wants him to continue working at their family bakery, but he wishes to follow his band as they take over the music scene. However as we slowly learn, Ari was merely following the flow just trying to escape his home town.
He wanted to leave the nest like so many of us want to do, to truly find ourselves, but with money troubles, his parents (father especially) need him to stay. To almost put his dream on hold.
Ari is obviously upset and seeks to find a replacement so he can follow his dreams at the time, which introduces Hector as he too seems to be trying to find a sense of purpose while dealing with his own personal journey.
What I REALLY enjoyed is how the focus was on Ari's own discovery of what HE wants and to not be a follower in his current group of friends. As I'm sure many of us know, several of his friends are just terrible and selfish: bullies who frame teasing and insults as just humor and Ari defends it because he is so desperate to fit in and achieve his dream. To me that was such an enjoyable plot to watch Ari come to realize how unhappy he is and have the rose colored glasses shattered.
Ari really has so much to thank Hector for because of how much he indirectly impacted Ari's life. I was so happy to see Hector just flat out express his feelings toward Ari's friends and his essential goal to no longer be a band-aid on someone else's scar. Hector has so much more to them and we only scratched the surface of him and his backstory so I really hope we get a sequel!
To see that raw emotion from Hector towards Ari after the kitchen fire (which I was NOT expecting at all?!) was so cathartic! Hands down, my absolute favorite part of the book was when Hector would just talk and express himself.
Sorry Ari, but Hector stole the book for me haha (Plus he is very cute lol)
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theartofangirling · 1 year
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part 2 of the 2023 version of this post: young adult books!
part 1: middle grade books | part 3: adult books
this is a very incomplete list, as these are only books I've read and enjoyed. not all books are going to be for all readers, so I'd recommend looking up synopses and content warnings. feel free to message me with any questions about specific representation!
list of books under the cut ⬇️
aces wild by amanda dewitt
the chandler legacies by abdi nazemian
bruised by tanya boteju
juliet takes a breath by gabby rivera
picture us in the light by kelly loy gilbert
when we were magic by sarah gailey
iron widow by xiran jay zhao
the rise of kyoshi by f.c. yee
jane unlimited by kristin cashore
summer of salt by katrina leno
the wicker king by k. ancrum
the dead and the dark by courtney gould
wilder girls by rory power
i kissed shara wheeler by casey mcquiston
her royal highness by rachel hawkins
tell me how you really feel by aminah mae safi
the weight of the stars by k. ancrum
you should see me in a crown by leah johnson
last night at the telegraph club by malinda lo
the grief keeper by alexandra villasante
crier's war by nina varela
how to excavate a heart by jake maia arlow
imogen, obviously by becky albertalli
in other lands by sarah rees brennan
carry on by rainbow rowell
cemetery boys by aiden thomas
felix ever after by kacen callendar
i wish you all the best by mason deaver
little thieves by margaret owen
technically you started it by lana wood johnson
the gentleman's guide to vice and virtue by mackenzi lee
the infinite noise by lauren shippen
bonds of brass by emily skrutskie
the darkness outside us by eliot schrefer
simon vs. the homo sapiens agenda by becky albertalli
what if it's us by becky albertalli and adam silvera
aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe by benjamin alire sáenz
like a love story by abdi nazemian
different for boys by patrick ness
history is all you left me by adam silvera
twelfth grade night by molly horton booth, stephanie kate strohm, and jamie green
across a field of starlight by blue delliquanti
heartstopper by alice oseman
check, please! by ngozi ukazu
bloom by kevin panetta and savanna ganucheau
laura dean keeps breaking up with me by mariko tamaki and rosemary valero-o'connell
the princess and the grilled cheese sandwich by deya muniz
if you'll have me by eunnie
on a sunbeam by tillie walden
the girl from the sea by molly knox ostertag
always human by ari north
rust in the root by justina ireland
dread nation by justina ireland
pet by awkwaeke emezi
the darkest part of the forest by holly black
elatsoe by darcie little badger
i was born for this by alice oseman
loveless by alice oseman
i hate everyone but you by gaby dunn and allison raskin
you know me well by nina lacour and david levithan
the black flamingo by dean atta
spinning by tillie walden
dreadnought by april daniels
a lesson in vengeance by victoria lee
all the bad apples by moira fowley-doyle
clap when you land by elizabeth acevedo
summer bird blue by akemi dawn bowman
the miseducation of cameron post by emily m. danforth
we are okay by nina lacour
radio silence by alice oseman
we used to be friends by amy spalding
a neon darkness by lauren shippen
i hope you get this message by farah naz rishi
are you listening? by tillie walden
alone in space by tillie walden
all out edited by saundra mitchell
out now edited by saundra mitchell
out there edited by saundra mitchell
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🔪 What to Read After Watching The Bear (Queer Edition)
🦇 You bookish bats know I love a foodie romance (which is why I created my first "What to Read After Watching" list for The Bear last year). After watching The Great North episode of Ham and Crispin "yes chef" and "corner" -ing adorably, I realized I had to make a queer version. So here are a few queer books you should consider reading after watching The Bear!
🧁 Be sweet! Comment a "YES CHEF" if you love this list!
🔪 Bloom - Kevin Panetta & Savanna Ganucheau 🔪 Chef's Kiss - TJ Alexander
🔪 Love & Other Disasters - Anita Kelly 🔪 Café Con Lycee - Emery Lee
🔪 Rosaline Palmer Takes The Cake - Alexis Hall 🔪 The Romance Recipe - Ruby Barrett
🔪 Legends & Lattes - Travis Baldree 🔪 Queerly Beloved - Susie Dumond
🔪 The Dos and Donuts of Love - Adiba Jaigirdar 🔪 The Heartbreak Bakery - A.R. Capetta
🔪 Fake Dates and Mooncakes - Sher Lee 🔪 Served Hot - Annabeth Albert
🔪 Mangos and Mistletoe - Adriana Herrera 🔪 Idlewild - Jude Sierra
🔪 Chef's Table - Lynn Charles 🔪 Paris Daillencourt Is About to Crumble - Alexis Hall
🔪 Triple Sec - T.J. Alexander 🔪 You Had Me At Happy Hour - Timothy Janovsky
🔪 A Bánh Mì for Two - Trinity Nguyen 🔪 Lavash at First Sight - Taleen Voskuni
🔪 Chef's Kiss - Jarrett Melendez, Danica Brine, Hank Jones, Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou 🔪 The Princess and the Grilled Cheese Sandwich - Deya Muniz
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therefugeofbooks · 1 year
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Currently reading Bloom by Kevin Panetta and Savanna Ganucheau
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dickarchivist · 2 days
Pick stuff from your room and have people vote which one they want to take home! Thanks for tagging me, @wings-and-beskar ♡♡♡♡ I'll tag... @a-single-tulip @eternal-transcience @wizardofrozz @eclec-tech aaaaaaaaaaand @n0vqni ♡ I went to tag anxiouspineapple99 and couldn't. I miss her presence on tumblr
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remy-lys · 1 year
Riordanverse head canons
—Percy runs up to people and just shows them pictures of fish and tells them the fishy’s name and their accent (most common accent is french for some reason)
—Leo loves Rubik’s cubes
—Thalia had an odd aversion to pine trees
—Nico calls Will “wheel” because in Italian they don’t have that soft I therefor, he has an inability to pronounce his name (more of an observation but whatever)
—the seven + Reyna and Nico have a discord server where they call for hours almost every night
—Will has a collection of Star Wars bobble heads
—if you ask Nico for the definition of any sexuality or gender, he will give you a fucking dictionary definition that he has memorized and knows by heart
—Leo had a crush on Jason but was too scared to tell him and Jason had a crush on Leo but was scared that he wouldn’t like him back cause Leo flirts with literally every dam(n) person he meets
—CHB has their own pride parade and everyone attends no matter their sexuality or gender identity
—the seven + Reyna and Nico (I should just start saying the nine) LOVE the spiderverse movies and freaked out when they saw the cliff hanger at the end of across the spiderverse
—Annabeth asked Nico A TON of questions about 1930’s Italian architecture
—Piper was a my little pony kid (I was too:)
—Hazel learned that it was perfectly to swear nowadays and now makes an effort to swear every day
—Nico loves the tales of cazilor album by Naethan Apollo and later learns that Will does too (I like it too. My favorite’s “I don’t get sleep” cause I don’t, I stay up too late thinking of head canons and now have permanent eye bags:)
—on the Solangelo and music note (pun intended), Will took nico to see Hadestown together and Nico became obsessed with the musical
—the iris cabin hands our skittles during pride month just because they can (Nico gets extra skittles because if his traumatic coming out story)
—Thalia has pet rats
—Leo almost exclusively reads comic books and his favorite is dog man for some reason, he also loves Bloom by Kevin Panetta and Savanna Ganucheau, he also cried when the bakery was set on fire :(
—every once in a while, Nico gets Hazel a happy meal from McDonald’s and they eat it in a new spot each time
—Hazel entered an art contest and surprised herself by getting first place, Frank was so proud of her
If you’ve made it this far, wow. Have a nice day!!
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up-in-flames-writing · 9 months
Hey, I saw your post on how m/m relationships are predominantly written by women! I'm sorry people always default to defending themselves for shitty behavior by claiming misogyny. I think that a fair few of the fem side of the queer community haven't really contemplated their biases or how we are also facing unique forms of oppression.
I would like to say that as someone who collects books about mlm romance, I'd love to see your recommendation list regardless of the note count on that post! Also! I'd love to give you a recommendation myself if you haven't read it already! I absolutely recommend Self Made Boys by Anna-Marie McLemore! McLemore is a Latine Nonbinary writer who, as part of a remixed classics series, wrote a queer take on The Great Gatsby. Both Nick and Gatsby are trans, and their identity is explored and handled beautifully. I haven't read any others of the Remixed Classics series but the whole point is to diversify and transform the original premise. There's a handful of Mlm romance books in the series but I can only vouch for Self Made Boys. I hope if you decide to read it that you enjoy it just as much as I did!
Oh! I have Most Ardently pre ordered! It's a trans Pride & Prejudice retelling, & I'm so damn excited for it! I have the whole series on my wishlist too.
My personal goal is to also have a Remixed Classics book published, although I'm not gonna say what it's gonna be on just in case. A boy can dream, tho.
If I were to publish a post curating a list of queer masc fiction (& also non-fiction) I highly recommend you & everyone else to add onto the post yourselves! I'm afraid my journey into the queer side of lit has only started 2 years ago, with my reintroduction to literature itself, so I don't have as many books as I would like to have. I do have a few rare gems on my shelf, tho, like my copy of Hung Jury by Trystan T. Cotten, or the Dairy of a Drag Queen by Crystal Rasmussen. I do have a few more popular books tho, like T.J Klune's work or the comic Bloom written by Kevin Panetta & drawn by Savanna Ganucheau (I hope I wrote those down right.)
Either way, I'm always looking for new queer masc works written by queer mascs, & would love to undertake a project like the post I mentioned!
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haveyoureadthispoll · 7 months
Though he loved working there as a kid, Ari cannot fathom a life wasting away over rising dough and hot ovens. But while interviewing candidates for his replacement, Ari meets Hector, an easy going guy who loves baking as much as Ari wants to escape it. As they become closer over batches of bread, love is ready to bloom . . . that is, if Ari doesn't ruin everything. Writer Kevin Panetta and artist Savanna Ganucheau concoct a delicious recipe of intricately illustrated baking scenes and blushing young love, in which the choices we make can have terrible consequences, but the people who love us can help us grow.
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