#bloomberg story posted 4 mins ago
zvaigzdelasas · 8 months
[Sweden's] accession has been delayed but Turkey raised objections over what it said was the two countries’ protection of groups that Ankara deems terrorists.[...]
Ankara asked Stockholm to toughen its stance on local members of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), which the EU and US also describe as a terrorist group.
Sweden has introduced a new anti-terrorism bill that makes being a member of a terrorist organisation illegal.
Turkish Parliament Votes to Ratify Sweden’s Entry Into NATO - Bloomberg
Turkey’s parliament approved Sweden’s accession to NATO after months of deliberations, leaving Hungary as the lone holdout to the defense alliance’s northern expansion.
23 Jan 24
128 notes · View notes
weekinethereum · 6 years
June 14, 2018
Ethereum News and Links
Counterfactual: generalized state channels. Academic paper. Also Jeff Coleman Reddit comment on the history and progress of state channels. The rest of that Reddit thread is worth reading as well.
Tom Close: Minimal Progamable State Channels
Latest Casper standup call
Drake: Committee-based sharded Casper.
Drake: 1-bit BLS aggregation-friendly custody bonds
More Justin Drake: “we are considering changing the Ethereum 2.0 roadmap to skip Casper FFG with 1500 ETH deposits. Instead Casper and sharding validators would be unified from the get-go in the beacon chain, and deposits would be 32 ETH.” Two less technical Reddit threads worth reading: one and two.
Prysmatic’s geth sharding implementation update
Hsiao-Wei Wang: what you can do for sharding slide deck. Nice sharding overview in there as well.
Latest Plasma implementation calls: this week and two weeks ago
an “alternative light-client concept for plasma chain clients”
Dan Robinson: Plasma Debit. payment channels on Plasma Cash?
Loi Luu video talk on Kyber’s Gormos scalability project: application specific “plasma plus sharding”
Ben Jones, Kelvin Fichter: More Viable Plasma
Alexey Akhunov: latest on Turbo-Geth
Stuff for developers
First Vyper beta release
Truper: compile vyper contracts to truffle compatible artifacts.
Karen Scarbrough: A guide to generalized state channels for developers. And part 2.
Connext on becoming a network for projects to open hubs
Human readable contract ABIs using ethers.js
sol2proto  -  Amis’s first step to Contract as a Service
hevm: an EVM implementation for unit testing from Dapphub
ethQL: a graphQL interface from ConsenSys
Loom SDK out in public beta with long update on their plans
dappeteer: e2e testing with Puppeteer + MetaMask
libSTARK: C++ library for Starks from EliBen-Sasson
Thetta DAO framework v0.1. Github repo
Eth dev with Go online guide book
Cryptographic javascript-functions for Ethereum with web3js tutorials
Slock.it INCUBED client - a network of server nodes for Slockit’s IoT devices
How Weeve puts an Eth wallet in trusted enclave
Latest Open Block Explorers call
John Wolpert on the future of private and public blockchains
Introducing EthIndia and EthBerlin applications are open
Vitalik’s ELI5 on the difference between full and archive nodes
Tips on applying for ECF grants
Geth v1.8.11: 28% less disk usage, 23% faster block processing, increased memory stability
Governance and Standards
Casey Detrio on what happened to EIP648 (tldr: disk I/O is bottleneck, not CPU)
ERC721 finished last call and is finalized
Dean Eigenmann: against community governance
Avsa: governance of the .ETH namespace and ENS foundation
PoA Network governance model
Project Updates
Augur bounty program opens tomorrow before full launch on July 9
Bloomberg on the Decentraland land rush
Dharma 3 month roadmap: improve dharma.js API, better documentation, standardize terms on some debt agreements
Maker: a Dai primer
Now much easier to pay in tokens like Dai on Gitcoin
How Golem wants to use SGX for computational integrity and privacy
FunFair to seek platform licenses so casino operators don’t have to get their own license
TrustWallet to sell its tokens on Kyber
Brave at 2.7m MAUs and giving away 500k more in BAT
0x’s vision, mission and core values
Andy Warhol work to be auctioned by Maecenas
Interviews, Podcasts, Videos, Talks
Truebit’s Harley Swick on Hashing It Out
Grigore Rosu talks K framework on Epicenter
Joey Krug with Laura Shin
5 mins of Joey Krug’s story of risktaking leading him to Augur
Meher Roy gets interviewed by Decrypt Asia
Glen Weyl lecture on Radical Markets at Google
Video of Kyber Network’s event last week
Griff Green revisits The DAO on Zero Knowledge
SEC’s William Hinman: “current offers and sales of Ether are not securities transactions.”
CFTC Commissioner Rostin Behnam: “Blockchain is more than technology: it is an advance that reaches out into every aspect of life.”
Colony’s Hackathon is an MVP of perpetual inflation to incentivize developers.
Etherisc: democratizing insurance using blockchain
A compendium of NFT links
Ujo: expanding collectibles for artists
Incentivized music curation with curved bonding rewards
What if BitTorrent had a token? More lessons learned from p2p file sharing by John Backus
Leigh Cuen reports on Code to Inspire offering Afghan women opportunities to earn Eth for completing tasks
How Polkadot is addressing the big issues in blockchain
Academic paper claiming Bitfinex/Tether manipulated Bitcoin price. I skimmed and did not see reason to update my priors. Still maybe.
Coinbase Index Fund is now open.
VB answers a few technical questions on Marginal Revolution.
Irish newspaper interviews Joe Lubin
Discussion of 20 psychological biases around money that is getting passed around in crypto circles this last week
A year after the sale, Tezos adds KYC/AML
WSJ on big pharma companies tracking supply chains using Ethereum.
Dates of Note
Upcoming dates of note:
June 24 -- Colony online hackathon finishes
June 25 -- Etherisc token sale starts
June 28 -- BuildEth (San Francisco)
June 30 -- Solidity Gas Golfing challenge deadline
June 30-July1 -- Off the chain state channel workshop (Berlin)
July 6-7 -- TechCrunch blockchain and Ethereum events (Zug)
July 9 -- Augur scheduled to launch
July 12-18 -- IC3 Eth Bootcamp (Ithaca, NY)
July 14-15 -- FEM governance meetings in Berlin
July 19-20 -- DappCon (Berlin)
July 24-26 — NIFTY hackathon and NFT conference (Hong Kong)
August 3-4 -- Discon (Boulder, CO)
August 10-12 -- EthIndia hackathon (Bangalore)
September 6 -- Security unconference (Berlin)
September 7-9 -- EthBerlin hackathon
September 7-9 -- WyoHackathon (Wyoming)
Oct 5-7 -- TruffleCon in Portland
Oct 5-7 -- EthSanFrancisco hackathon
Oct 22-24 -- Web3Summit (Berlin)
Oct 30 - Nov 2 -- Devcon4 (Prague)
December -- EthSingapore hackathon
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Here’s the link to share:  http://www.weekinethereum.com/post/174893922173/june-14-2018
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marlaluster · 5 years
Emptying the cliptray on the new phone. ....
1. https://www.instagram.com/p/BiqoEjfn1Qr/ 2. 146,911 likes tessamaethompson Hi. marlaluster Good question in this post. Given the situation either seems quite fitting n kind of the same. Hmmmmm. Id say "real", id wish to know. It is a #hoaxreality so this is quite a flaming post as in red hot n close to the edge. Maybe there will be a follow up. Thatd be really just quite extreme thing given that stuff is pretty ugly these days which are #postapocalyptic. _nixkiii @luxxa.a 👏👏👏 21 HOURS AGO 3. https://www.instagram.com/p/ByOlD0FhsBF/?hl=en 4. https://www.instagram.com/p/BdeHkL3HMi6/ 5. https://www.instagram.com/p/BIt1Gi8jTda/ 6. https://www.instagram.com/p/BH6PVOCDWs3/ 7. TOP STORIES Fox News · 19 hours ago Russia withdraws key defense advisers support to Maduro, seen as major setback The Hill · 4 hours ago Trump: Russia says it has removed 'most of their people' from Venezuela | TheHill NBC News Venezuelan ex-oil workers go on hunger strike as desperation increases 9 mins ago The New Yorker Venezuela’s Two Presidents Collide 13 hours ago Wall Street Journal The Case for Force in Venezuela 1 day ago Reuters Lima Group and EU urge more international involvement in Venezuela 4 hours ago CBS News Trump says Russia told U.S. "most of their people" have left Venezuela 3 hours ago Bloomberg Citgo Gets U.S. Subpoena Related to Venezuela Bribery Probe 6 hours ago The Telegraph Russian arms manufacturers pull out of Venezuela over late payments 9 hours ago Al Jazeera 'One choice': The strain of shipping to Venezuela 1 day ago The Epoch Times Russia Withdraws Most of Its People From Venezuela, Trump Says 2 hours ago VOA News Russia Pulls Military Personnel Out of Venezuela, Trump Says 3 hours ago PEOPLE ALSO SEARCH FOR Canada Venezuela embassy 8. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.foxnews.com/world/russia-withdraws-defense-support-to-venezuela.amp 9. WORLDPublished June 02, 2019 Last Update 19 hrs ago Russia withdraws key defense advisers support to Maduro, seen as major setback By Thomas Grove | The Wall Street Journal Continue Reading Below Russia has withdrawn key defense advisers from Venezuela, an embarrassment for President Nicolás Maduro as Moscow weighs the leader’s political and economic resilience against growing U.S. pressure. Russian state defense contractor Rostec, which has trained Venezuelan troops and advised on securing arms contracts, has cut its staff in Venezuela to just a few dozen, from about 1,000 at the height of cooperation between Moscow and Caracas several years ago, said a person close to the Russian defense ministry. The gradual pullout, which has escalated over the last several months, according to people familiar with the situation, is due to a lack of new contracts and the acceptance that Mr. Maduro’s regime no longer has the cash to continue to pay for other Rostec services associated with past contracts. Russia has been among Maduro’s biggest international supporters, but the winding down of Rostec’s presence shows the limits of Russia’s reach in the South American country at a time when Moscow is facing economic difficulties—in part due to the impact of U.S. sanctions—at home. Venezuela has been one of Moscow’s largest customers in South America. Continue Reading Below CANADA SUSPENDING OPERATIONS AT EMBASSY IN VENEZUELA 10. https://www.google.com/amp/s/thehill.com/policy/international/446684-trump-says-russia-has-removed-most-of-their-people-from-venezuela%3famp 11. The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday night that Russia had withdrawn from the South American country key defense advisers who had been supporting embattled President Nicolás Maduro. The Journal reported that Russian defense contractor Rostec cut its staff from about 1,000 to just a few dozen advisers. The personnel had been training Venezuelan troops. Trump had previously called for Russia to "get out" of Venezuela, but said following a phone call with Russian President Vladimir Putin last month said the Russian leader was "not looking at all to get involved in Venezuela." 12. The newspaper said the pullout of the Rostec personnel escalated in the last several months with the lack of new contracts and the realization that the crisis-ridden Maduro government no longer has enough money to pay for services tied to past Rostec contracts. Trump, on a state visit to Britain, announced the Russian pullback in a Twitter comment. A month ago, U.S. officials spoke publicly about what they felt was the impending overthrow of Maduro as tens of thousands of people protested against his government in the streets of Caracas. But military support for Maduro held steady, except for a small number of defections to Guaido, leaving Maduro in power. 13. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.voanews.com/amp/4944072.html 14. https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.theepochtimes.com/russia-withdraws-most-of-its-people-from-venezuela-trump-says_2949030.html/amp 15. The drawdown by Rostec is also a sign that American sanctions are working around the world. Maduro’s regime has been crippled by increasing U.S. sanctions, cutting off its ability to pay Rostec. In the meantime, an increasingly difficult economic situation in Russia, linked in part to the U.S. sanctions on Moscow, contributed to Rostec’s strategic decision to pull out of the region. Venezuela has not paid for Rostec’s services for months, according to a source. The last contract Rostec fulfilled was for the construction for a helicopter training center for military helicopters in March. Rostec denied the Journal’s report. President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo have both 16. https://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2019/06/03/venezuelan-central-bank-admits-economy-crashing/ 17. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.express.co.uk/news/world/1135671/venezuela-crisis-vladimir-putin-news-russia-nicolas-maduro-washington-caracas-spt/amp 18. Venezuela FURY: Putin hits out at claims of Russia abandoning Maduro Nicolas Maduro and Vladmir Putin Nicolas Maduro and Vladmir Putin (Image: GETTY) VLADIMIR Putin’s ambassador to Venezuela has rejected claims that Russian state defence contractor Rostec had withdrawn key advisers from Caracas. By KUMAIL JAFFER PUBLISHED: 15:16, Mon, Jun 3, 2019 UPDATED: 15:30, Mon, Jun 3, 2019 Share on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on Google+Share with EmailShare via Whatsapp The Wall Street Journal reported on Sunday that Rostec – who train Venezuelan troops and offer advice on weapons contracts – cut their numbers to just a few dozen as crisis grips the nation. While there were up to 1000 staff in Caracas, the report goes on to say that a loss of trust in Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro was a key factor in the mass withdrawal. However, in response to the article, Russian ambassador to Venezuela Vladimir Zaemsky told Russian news outlet Sputnik: "This is another piece of 'news' which has absolutely nothing to do with reality. ADVERTISEMENT 19. Brazil snubs Venezuelan opposition envoy as doubts rise on Guaido Anthony Boadle Photo FILE PHOTO - Venezuelan opposition representative Maria Teresa Belandria, who was received as her country's official ambassador to Brazil, smiles after a news conference in Brasilia, Brazil February 11, 2019. REUTERS/UESLEI MARCELINO BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazil withdrew an invitation to the envoy for Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido to present her diplomatic credentials, she said on Friday, and the government in Brasilia said it would decide later whether to accept them. Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro still recognizes Guaido as the legitimate president of Venezuela, his spokesman said. Guaido's envoy, Maria Teresa Belandria, played down the idea that the snub reflected 20. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-venezuela-politics-brazil/brazil-withdraws-diplomatic-invite-to-venezuelan-opposition-envoy-idUSKCN1T11T1
0 notes
courtneytincher · 5 years
The Most Important Brexiter Isn’t  Boris Johnson
(Bloomberg Opinion) -- In the highly entertaining Channel 4 drama about the 2016 referendum campaign “Brexit: The Uncivil War,” Benedict Cumberbatch, playing the mastermind of the Vote Leave campaign, is sometimes found crouched in the narrow pantry where he retreats to think. It’s not hard to picture the real Dominic Cummings doing just that.Cummings is no mere political curiosity. Though unelected and without a seat at the cabinet table, he is U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s most important adviser. A master of the focus group and the targeted digital ad, he will play a critical role in any early election or second referendum on Brexit.The Johnson-Cummings pairing could be largely a matter of short-term expedience. Johnson wants a proven hand to carry out his “do or die” Oct. 31 Brexit pledge and win an election. But it could also be about something beyond Brexit. At the heart of the new government are two ambitious men possessed by a sense of history, some would say grandiosity, and an appetite for taking big gambles.For Cummings, Brexit is a means to a greater end: a complete overhaul of the machinery of government. This might have been started long ago, but Margaret Thatcher, that icon of the British right, didn’t go far enough in Cummings’s view. She shied away from reforming the civil service, whose inefficiencies Cummings finds maddening. He wants to finish the job he started with Vote Leave by using insights from the world of computing, physics, warfare and sport. If he stays beyond Brexit, Cummings will have to prove his ideas aren’t some utopian vision.But there’s a paradox: The political upheaval caused by Brexit may have opened the door to change, but the chaos of a no-deal Brexit could make the very reforms he seeks impossible to implement.No Ordinary BrexiterCummings cannot be confused with your garden variety no-deal Brexiter. He notes in one of his many, lengthy blog posts that he is “not a Tory libertarian, ‘populist,’ or anything else.” That explains his deep disdain for the “narcissist-delusional” group of hard-core Brexiters in the party. For them, leaving the EU is an ideological necessity and a mark of tribal loyalty. He isn’t one of that tribe, or any tribe. He even went so far, in a twitter exchange in 2017, as to say the referendum may have been a mistake.Most political advisers operate in the shadows, but Cummings is the subject of an endless stream of profiles; in a country that worships eccentricity, he is a journalistic gift that keeps on giving. He also invites inspection. His wide-ranging, occasionally breathless writings provide a dizzying tour of the innovators, historical figures, athletes and scientists who have informed his thinking. His political philosophy incorporates insights from Prussian Otto von Bismarck, interface design wizard Bret Victor, physicist and computer scientist Michael Nielsen, T.S. Eliot and many more.To imagine a Cummings-led takeover of the British state, visualize a room resembling a NASA launch control center in which Bismarck is huddled with, say, a crack team of designers and coders on loan from Apple. Bismarck, the “blood and iron” chancellor who distrusted democracy, is important. Cummings also singles out for praise the Chinese Communist Party for its “use of proven systems management techniques for integrating principles of effective action to predict and manage complex systems at large scale.”For the cadres of civil servants orbiting Downing Street, some might find Cummings’s own verdict of their world makes for uncomfortable reading:Critical institutions (including the senior civil service and the parties) are programmed to fight to stay dysfunctional, they fight to stay closed and avoid learning about high performance, they fight to exclude the most able people.His writings reveal strong views on education reform (he has written controversially that policy-makers too easily discount the role of genetics in achievement), immigration (doesn’t like the low-skilled type) and European agricultural subsidies (thinks them absurd although apparently a farm he co-owns benefits handsomely from them).We don’t know much about what he thinks is the right fiscal policy in an ultra-low interest rate borderline recessionary environment. He’s said little about whether U.S.-style regulations necessary for a trade agreement are an acceptable substitute for EU-style rules.OODA Loop Indeed, policy specifics seem less important to Cummings than design problems and engineering effective decision-making systems in government. He’s a big fan of the OODA loop, the decision-making cycle developed by the late military strategist and Air Force fighter pilot John Boyd. The sequence – observe, orient, design and act – enables the practitioner, originally fighter pilots, to stay one step ahead of their opponents, constantly taking in new information and using it.Doing the OODA loop well requires clear-eyed awareness of your own blind spots, something Cummings sometimes seems to lack. In his blogging days, he would occasionally respond to reader comments. But when readers questioned whether his views smacked of utopianism, or asked for a few examples of where changes he proposes had been road-tested in government, he didn’t reply.He cannot, however, be accused of thinking small. Think of him as a cross between Steve Bannon and Dick Cheney. Cummings would like to harness the extreme preparation and concentration of people like solo free climber Alex Honnold. This ideal of the super-athlete civil servant feeds into his view that selection for politics and government should be like winnowing the great from the also-rans in music or sport. That sounds appealing, but of course the French train up an uber-elite for government roles and still wound up with the gilets jaunes and stubbornly high levels of unemployment.  Held in contempt of parliament earlier this year, he appears bent on undermining elected lawmakers by persuading his boss to ignore constitutional convention in pursuing a no-deal Brexit. He is not one to sacrifice his agenda on the altar of careerism either. Indeed, former Prime Minister David Cameron once called him a “career psychopath.” So as long as Cummings is around, it’s fair to say that the Johnson Plan is the Cummings Plan.Homer Simpson MomentHis opponents, particularly on the left, paint him as self-important, hypocritical and a caricature of the mad genius rather than the real thing. After former Attorney General and anti-Brexit lawmaker Dominic Grieve said he was arrogant and didn’t understand the British constitution, Cummings snidely replied, “Mr. Grieve, we’ll see what he’s right about.” “Not since Homer Simpson sat on a sofa trying to get to grips with the mystery of his own obesity while simultaneously eating donuts, can any TV viewing audience have had irony spoon-fed to them with such generous ease,” wrote the Independent’s Tom Peck.The bigger Homerian irony is Brexit itself. Cummings’s entire theory of remaking government is based on the criticism that, as he put it, “most of everybody’s day is spent just battling entropy – it is not pursuing priorities and building valuable things.” What exactly does he think people’s days will be spent doing when they confront tariffs and new regulatory barriers to trade? When they spend time and money duplicating EU bureaucracies or finding new sources of funding for scientific programs? Entropy indeed.If not an ideologue, he is at least an idealist and they can easily flame out once in power. His very critique of the hierarchical, fixed mind-set machinery of government suggests he would find the plodding experience of overhauling a bureaucracy, as opposed to the adrenaline rush of directing a referendum or election campaign, highly frustrating if he got the chance. The civil servants he wants to turn into decision-making Olympians may not play along. It’s not enough for revolutionaries to have vision, they also need charisma.Known for his brash style, Cummings doesn’t hold back on those he deems lesser beings, once referring to David Davis, the former Brexit secretary, as “thick as mince, lazy as a toad and vain as Narcissus.” (Davis didn’t make it into Johnson’s cabinet.) As reports filter out of special advisers being fired without warning, one wonders whether he’ll inspire enough loyalty to carry through his grander plans.For now, though, it’s Johnson’s confidence that gives Cummings’s ideas wings. If he helps deliver Brexit and win an election that will no doubt secure him a sainthood among Brexiters. He reportedly postponed a surgery to join the government until the end of October, so who knows how long he’ll stick around.Cummings himself might find a short stay wholly unsatisfactory though. That would make him more like a skilled coder who follows his boss’s brief, or even just a hired gun, than the design revolutionary lionized in his writings.To contact the author of this story: Therese Raphael at [email protected] contact the editor responsible for this story: Stephanie Baker at [email protected] column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board or Bloomberg LP and its owners.Therese Raphael writes editorials on European politics and economics for Bloomberg Opinion. She was editorial page editor of the Wall Street Journal Europe.For more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.com/opinion©2019 Bloomberg L.P.
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines
(Bloomberg Opinion) -- In the highly entertaining Channel 4 drama about the 2016 referendum campaign “Brexit: The Uncivil War,” Benedict Cumberbatch, playing the mastermind of the Vote Leave campaign, is sometimes found crouched in the narrow pantry where he retreats to think. It’s not hard to picture the real Dominic Cummings doing just that.Cummings is no mere political curiosity. Though unelected and without a seat at the cabinet table, he is U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s most important adviser. A master of the focus group and the targeted digital ad, he will play a critical role in any early election or second referendum on Brexit.The Johnson-Cummings pairing could be largely a matter of short-term expedience. Johnson wants a proven hand to carry out his “do or die” Oct. 31 Brexit pledge and win an election. But it could also be about something beyond Brexit. At the heart of the new government are two ambitious men possessed by a sense of history, some would say grandiosity, and an appetite for taking big gambles.For Cummings, Brexit is a means to a greater end: a complete overhaul of the machinery of government. This might have been started long ago, but Margaret Thatcher, that icon of the British right, didn’t go far enough in Cummings’s view. She shied away from reforming the civil service, whose inefficiencies Cummings finds maddening. He wants to finish the job he started with Vote Leave by using insights from the world of computing, physics, warfare and sport. If he stays beyond Brexit, Cummings will have to prove his ideas aren’t some utopian vision.But there’s a paradox: The political upheaval caused by Brexit may have opened the door to change, but the chaos of a no-deal Brexit could make the very reforms he seeks impossible to implement.No Ordinary BrexiterCummings cannot be confused with your garden variety no-deal Brexiter. He notes in one of his many, lengthy blog posts that he is “not a Tory libertarian, ‘populist,’ or anything else.” That explains his deep disdain for the “narcissist-delusional” group of hard-core Brexiters in the party. For them, leaving the EU is an ideological necessity and a mark of tribal loyalty. He isn’t one of that tribe, or any tribe. He even went so far, in a twitter exchange in 2017, as to say the referendum may have been a mistake.Most political advisers operate in the shadows, but Cummings is the subject of an endless stream of profiles; in a country that worships eccentricity, he is a journalistic gift that keeps on giving. He also invites inspection. His wide-ranging, occasionally breathless writings provide a dizzying tour of the innovators, historical figures, athletes and scientists who have informed his thinking. His political philosophy incorporates insights from Prussian Otto von Bismarck, interface design wizard Bret Victor, physicist and computer scientist Michael Nielsen, T.S. Eliot and many more.To imagine a Cummings-led takeover of the British state, visualize a room resembling a NASA launch control center in which Bismarck is huddled with, say, a crack team of designers and coders on loan from Apple. Bismarck, the “blood and iron” chancellor who distrusted democracy, is important. Cummings also singles out for praise the Chinese Communist Party for its “use of proven systems management techniques for integrating principles of effective action to predict and manage complex systems at large scale.”For the cadres of civil servants orbiting Downing Street, some might find Cummings’s own verdict of their world makes for uncomfortable reading:Critical institutions (including the senior civil service and the parties) are programmed to fight to stay dysfunctional, they fight to stay closed and avoid learning about high performance, they fight to exclude the most able people.His writings reveal strong views on education reform (he has written controversially that policy-makers too easily discount the role of genetics in achievement), immigration (doesn’t like the low-skilled type) and European agricultural subsidies (thinks them absurd although apparently a farm he co-owns benefits handsomely from them).We don’t know much about what he thinks is the right fiscal policy in an ultra-low interest rate borderline recessionary environment. He’s said little about whether U.S.-style regulations necessary for a trade agreement are an acceptable substitute for EU-style rules.OODA Loop Indeed, policy specifics seem less important to Cummings than design problems and engineering effective decision-making systems in government. He’s a big fan of the OODA loop, the decision-making cycle developed by the late military strategist and Air Force fighter pilot John Boyd. The sequence – observe, orient, design and act – enables the practitioner, originally fighter pilots, to stay one step ahead of their opponents, constantly taking in new information and using it.Doing the OODA loop well requires clear-eyed awareness of your own blind spots, something Cummings sometimes seems to lack. In his blogging days, he would occasionally respond to reader comments. But when readers questioned whether his views smacked of utopianism, or asked for a few examples of where changes he proposes had been road-tested in government, he didn’t reply.He cannot, however, be accused of thinking small. Think of him as a cross between Steve Bannon and Dick Cheney. Cummings would like to harness the extreme preparation and concentration of people like solo free climber Alex Honnold. This ideal of the super-athlete civil servant feeds into his view that selection for politics and government should be like winnowing the great from the also-rans in music or sport. That sounds appealing, but of course the French train up an uber-elite for government roles and still wound up with the gilets jaunes and stubbornly high levels of unemployment.  Held in contempt of parliament earlier this year, he appears bent on undermining elected lawmakers by persuading his boss to ignore constitutional convention in pursuing a no-deal Brexit. He is not one to sacrifice his agenda on the altar of careerism either. Indeed, former Prime Minister David Cameron once called him a “career psychopath.” So as long as Cummings is around, it’s fair to say that the Johnson Plan is the Cummings Plan.Homer Simpson MomentHis opponents, particularly on the left, paint him as self-important, hypocritical and a caricature of the mad genius rather than the real thing. After former Attorney General and anti-Brexit lawmaker Dominic Grieve said he was arrogant and didn’t understand the British constitution, Cummings snidely replied, “Mr. Grieve, we’ll see what he’s right about.” “Not since Homer Simpson sat on a sofa trying to get to grips with the mystery of his own obesity while simultaneously eating donuts, can any TV viewing audience have had irony spoon-fed to them with such generous ease,” wrote the Independent’s Tom Peck.The bigger Homerian irony is Brexit itself. Cummings’s entire theory of remaking government is based on the criticism that, as he put it, “most of everybody’s day is spent just battling entropy – it is not pursuing priorities and building valuable things.” What exactly does he think people’s days will be spent doing when they confront tariffs and new regulatory barriers to trade? When they spend time and money duplicating EU bureaucracies or finding new sources of funding for scientific programs? Entropy indeed.If not an ideologue, he is at least an idealist and they can easily flame out once in power. His very critique of the hierarchical, fixed mind-set machinery of government suggests he would find the plodding experience of overhauling a bureaucracy, as opposed to the adrenaline rush of directing a referendum or election campaign, highly frustrating if he got the chance. The civil servants he wants to turn into decision-making Olympians may not play along. It’s not enough for revolutionaries to have vision, they also need charisma.Known for his brash style, Cummings doesn’t hold back on those he deems lesser beings, once referring to David Davis, the former Brexit secretary, as “thick as mince, lazy as a toad and vain as Narcissus.” (Davis didn’t make it into Johnson’s cabinet.) As reports filter out of special advisers being fired without warning, one wonders whether he’ll inspire enough loyalty to carry through his grander plans.For now, though, it’s Johnson’s confidence that gives Cummings’s ideas wings. If he helps deliver Brexit and win an election that will no doubt secure him a sainthood among Brexiters. He reportedly postponed a surgery to join the government until the end of October, so who knows how long he’ll stick around.Cummings himself might find a short stay wholly unsatisfactory though. That would make him more like a skilled coder who follows his boss’s brief, or even just a hired gun, than the design revolutionary lionized in his writings.To contact the author of this story: Therese Raphael at [email protected] contact the editor responsible for this story: Stephanie Baker at [email protected] column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board or Bloomberg LP and its owners.Therese Raphael writes editorials on European politics and economics for Bloomberg Opinion. She was editorial page editor of the Wall Street Journal Europe.For more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.com/opinion©2019 Bloomberg L.P.
August 16, 2019 at 09:00AM via IFTTT
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marlaluster · 5 years
Emptying the cliptray on the new phone. ....
1. http://www.justjared.com/2019/05/23/chris-hemsworth-bumps-into-ex-isabel-lucas-while-grabbing-coffee-in-australia/ 2. Chris Hemsworth and Isabel Lucas are friendly exes! The former couple bumped into each other while grabbing coffee on Thursday afternoon (May 23) in Byron Bay, Australia. PHOTOS: Check out the latest pics of Chris Hemsworth The duo appeared to chat for a few minutes before being joined by Chris' younger brother Liam. Chris and Isabel met on the set of Home and Away and reportedly dated between 2005 and 2008. Chris has been married to Elsa Pataky since 2010. 3. TOP STORIES Time Magazine · 2 hours ago Venezuelan Guards Open Fire and Kill 23 Inmates in Uprising The Hill · 1 hour ago Russia's dangerous new ploy: US trading Ukraine for Venezuela | TheHill Reuters Twenty-nine detainees killed in Venezuela police station cellblock riot 40 mins ago Public Radio International Venezuela’s ex-military deserted Maduro hoping for a revolution. Now they’re on the brink of homelessness. 2 hours ago Fox News Rights group: 23 inmates killed in Venezuelan jail riot 3 hours ago Syracuse.com Oppose Trump's coup attempt in Venezuela (Commentary) 6 hours ago WPLG Maduro invites Huawei to set up 4G network in Venezuela 3 hours ago NBC News Maduro says U.S. seeks to destroy Venezuela state-backed food program 8 hours ago Washington Post When money in Venezuela stopped functioning as currency, this photographer turned it into art 12 hours ago The New York Times Venezuela’s Opposition Leader Juan Guaidó May Negotiate With Maduro 2 days ago Miami Herald Key lawmaker wants U.S. to invade Venezuela to counter Cuba’s influence 2 days ago Bloomberg Venezuela Talks in Oslo Hinge on Maduro Accepting a New Vote 1 day ago More News 4. https://www.google.com/search?q=venezuela&oq=venezuela&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i60l3j35i39j0.2839j1j9&client=ms-android-mpcs-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#scso=_z3boXPCbA-Kiggew2Y6YDg41:86.85713958740234.85713958740234 5. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/maduro-says-u-s-seeks-destroy-venezuela-state-backed-food-n1009676 6. I dont want this way of things here. This is not possible to exist that some people are able to be okay as others are not because some people to not be okay really means that a place is where people cannot be okay. #uninhabitablehere #idontsupportthis #havesandhavenotsisanoppressedrule #endtheruleofthedevil #inequalityisevil #anoppressedrule #celebrityismisevil #winnersandlosers #idontwantthishere #idontwantmyfacetobemessedup #idealistic #idealistheonlywaythingscanbe #ignoredvoices #evilrule #illuminati #alieninvasion #illuminatihoax #thisisnotpossibletoexist #okayasothersarenot #happywhenyouarenot #aliensaresupposedtobesuperiortopeoplehere #aliens #hopingfortheendofthis #dangeroushere #homelessness #anaristocracyhere 7. https://youtu.be/l2mtebeR3rA 8. https://www.newsweek.com/high-school-graduation-daughter-deceased-chair-1435188 9. A mother whose late daughter would have graduated Friday has claimed a sheriff’s deputy told her she’d be arrested if she tried to attend the ceremony. Myka Williams told local station WXIX that Grant County High School was no longer planning on keeping a chair empty at the ceremony to honor her daughter, Courtney Thompson. Courtney had picked out her freshman classes, but died before actually attending the high school as a student. However, her mother said she had played softball for the school in the seventh and eighth grade. 10. https://marlaluster.tumblr.com/post/185118402870/the-devil-keeps-pressing-stuff-im-supposed-to-be 11. https://www.instagram.com/p/BxyCktjHJqo/?hl=en 12. 33,215 likes behatiprinsloo NAMIBIA 🌍 @savetherhinonamibia #etosha debxodeb 💥 iskandr_a Princess of Zulu 2 DAYS AGO 13. @daniel_korte thats a weird thing to say. A weird seeming intention. Very disgusting here where weird figures are hanging out n are disguised doing weird things n others simply subjected to it n at the mercy of this weird place where so much is supposed to mean something other than it means to someone. A weird picture w your account as your profile, youre not wearing a shirt n you look like youre supposed to be something not okay but then thats not really what youre supposed to be seen as by some supposed people that are normal. 14. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx2yjMLl-J_/?hl=en 15. TOP STORIES Washington Post · 11 hours ago Facebook acknowledges Pelosi video is faked but declines to delete it NBC News In latest attack, Trump tweets edited video of Pelosi tripping over words 1 day ago New York Magazine Nancy Pelosi Slowed Down 800 Percent Is Hauntingly Beautiful 16 hours ago The Wrap Fox Business Under Fire for Edited Nancy Pelosi Video That Trump Retweeted 18 hours ago Washington Post Trump shares heavily edited video that highlights verbal stumbles by Pelosi and questions her mental acuity 20 hours ago Full Coverage 16. https://www.google.com/search?q=nancy+pelosi+drunk&oq=nancy+pelosi+drunk+&aqs=chrome..69i57.12592j1j9&client=ms-android-mpcs-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 17. http://nymag.com/intelligencer/2019/05/nancy-pelosi-slowed-down-800-is-hauntingly-beautiful.html 18. Nancy Pelosi Slowed Down 800 Percent Is Hauntingly Beautiful By Brian Feldman@bafeldman Photo: Win McNamee/Getty Images You might not think of Nancy Pelosi, the 79-year-old Speaker of the House, as a musician, but after this amazing discovery, you will. Pelosi recently went viral in conservative circles when footage of her, supposedly inebriated but actually just slowed down to three-quarter speed, made the rounds. But here’s what we discovered when we slowed down the audio even more: She sounds just like Sigur Rós! It’s true that slowing Nancy Pelosi’s speech down to about 75 percent of normal makes her sound a bit drunk. But color us astonished to find out that when you take audio of the lifelong political activist who has represented California in the House for more than 30 years and reduce the speed by a factor of eight, it sounds like an unreleased track from the blissed-out Icelandic band with more than half a dozen albums to their name. Take that, conservatives. Of course, we can’t take full credit for this discovery. Back in 2010, a redditor messing around with Justin Bieber’s “U Smile” accidentally created an “ambient/drone masterpiece” when he slowed the track down using a program called Paul’s Extreme Sound Stretch. Soon, slowing down tracks to ambient speed was sweeping the nation 19. Engadget › 2019/05/24 › facebo... Web results Facebook is fact checking the 'drunk Nancy Pelosi' video, but won't remove it - Engadget 11 hours ago · Facebook won't remove a viral video that purports to show Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Nacy Pelosi ... Deadline › 2019/05 › facebook-... Facebook Says It Won't Remove Unflattering Nancy Pelosi Videos From Its Platform ... 8 hours ago · The video in question shows Pelosi speaking in a slurring style that some claim shows her as drunk or not well. Supporters claim it ... HuffPost › entry Facebook Refuses To Delete Fake Nancy Pelosi Video That Makes Her Seem Drunk | HuffPost 12 hours ago · Facebook is refusing to take down a video altered to make House Speaker Nancy Pelosi appear to be drunk, highlighting a gaping hole in the ... The Guardian › us-news › video › may Real v fake: debunking the 'drunk' Nancy Pelosi footage - video | US news | The Guardian 15 hours ago · Footage of the Democratic House Speaker was edited to make her appear drunk or unwell, in the latest incident highlighting social media's ... The Guardian Facebook refuses to delete fake Pelosi video spread by Trump supporters 20 hours ago · Real v fake: debunking the 'drunk' Nancy Pelosi footage - video. Facebook says it will continue to host a video of Nancy Pelosi that ... Page Navigation More results 20. We’ve detected adult content on your Tumblr T Tumblr [carrot removed pointing left][email protected][carrot removed pointing right] Fri 5/24/2019 2:19 PM Inbox To: [email protected]; Hello marlaluster, You’re receiving this email because we’ve detected new content on your Tumblr, marlaluster, that has been flagged as adult under our Community Guidelines. You can review the flagged post(s) in a timeline view here. You’ll need to use a web browser or the Tumblr mobile app (iOS 12.2 or Android 12.3.1, or later) to see this timeline view. Don’t worry, these posts won’t be deleted—they’re just hidden from public view. If you feel we have miscategorized your content, you can ask us to review this decision. Select “Appeal” on the post(s) in question to request a review. Right now, you (and only you) can view these posts by visiting the link above. Mistakes happen and if we’ve made an error, your post will be reverted to its proper classification and be publicly visible on your blog again. If you have questions, you can read more about adult content on Tumblr in our Help Center. Please note that replies to this email will not be read. Thank you, Tumblr Trust & Safety
0 notes
marlaluster · 5 years
Emptying the cliptray on the new phone. ....
1. http://www.justjared.com/2019/05/23/chris-hemsworth-bumps-into-ex-isabel-lucas-while-grabbing-coffee-in-australia/ 2. Chris Hemsworth and Isabel Lucas are friendly exes! The former couple bumped into each other while grabbing coffee on Thursday afternoon (May 23) in Byron Bay, Australia. PHOTOS: Check out the latest pics of Chris Hemsworth The duo appeared to chat for a few minutes before being joined by Chris' younger brother Liam. Chris and Isabel met on the set of Home and Away and reportedly dated between 2005 and 2008. Chris has been married to Elsa Pataky since 2010. 3. TOP STORIES Time Magazine · 2 hours ago Venezuelan Guards Open Fire and Kill 23 Inmates in Uprising The Hill · 1 hour ago Russia's dangerous new ploy: US trading Ukraine for Venezuela | TheHill Reuters Twenty-nine detainees killed in Venezuela police station cellblock riot 40 mins ago Public Radio International Venezuela’s ex-military deserted Maduro hoping for a revolution. Now they’re on the brink of homelessness. 2 hours ago Fox News Rights group: 23 inmates killed in Venezuelan jail riot 3 hours ago Syracuse.com Oppose Trump's coup attempt in Venezuela (Commentary) 6 hours ago WPLG Maduro invites Huawei to set up 4G network in Venezuela 3 hours ago NBC News Maduro says U.S. seeks to destroy Venezuela state-backed food program 8 hours ago Washington Post When money in Venezuela stopped functioning as currency, this photographer turned it into art 12 hours ago The New York Times Venezuela’s Opposition Leader Juan Guaidó May Negotiate With Maduro 2 days ago Miami Herald Key lawmaker wants U.S. to invade Venezuela to counter Cuba’s influence 2 days ago Bloomberg Venezuela Talks in Oslo Hinge on Maduro Accepting a New Vote 1 day ago More News 4. https://www.google.com/search?q=venezuela&oq=venezuela&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i60l3j35i39j0.2839j1j9&client=ms-android-mpcs-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#scso=_z3boXPCbA-Kiggew2Y6YDg41:86.85713958740234.85713958740234 5. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/maduro-says-u-s-seeks-destroy-venezuela-state-backed-food-n1009676 6. I dont want this way of things here. This is not possible to exist that some people are able to be okay as others are not because some people to not be okay really means that a place is where people cannot be okay. #uninhabitablehere #idontsupportthis #havesandhavenotsisanoppressedrule #endtheruleofthedevil #inequalityisevil #anoppressedrule #celebrityismisevil #winnersandlosers #idontwantthishere #idontwantmyfacetobemessedup #idealistic #idealistheonlywaythingscanbe #ignoredvoices #evilrule #illuminati #alieninvasion #illuminatihoax #thisisnotpossibletoexist #okayasothersarenot #happywhenyouarenot #aliensaresupposedtobesuperiortopeoplehere #aliens #hopingfortheendofthis #dangeroushere #homelessness #anaristocracyhere 7. https://youtu.be/l2mtebeR3rA 8. https://www.newsweek.com/high-school-graduation-daughter-deceased-chair-1435188 9. A mother whose late daughter would have graduated Friday has claimed a sheriff’s deputy told her she’d be arrested if she tried to attend the ceremony. Myka Williams told local station WXIX that Grant County High School was no longer planning on keeping a chair empty at the ceremony to honor her daughter, Courtney Thompson. Courtney had picked out her freshman classes, but died before actually attending the high school as a student. However, her mother said she had played softball for the school in the seventh and eighth grade. 10. https://marlaluster.tumblr.com/post/185118402870/the-devil-keeps-pressing-stuff-im-supposed-to-be 11. https://www.instagram.com/p/BxyCktjHJqo/?hl=en 12. 33,215 likes behatiprinsloo NAMIBIA 🌍 @savetherhinonamibia #etosha debxodeb 💥 iskandr_a Princess of Zulu 2 DAYS AGO 13. @daniel_korte thats a weird thing to say. A weird seeming intention. Very disgusting here where weird figures are hanging out n are disguised doing weird things n others simply subjected to it n at the mercy of this weird place where so much is supposed to mean something other than it means to someone. A weird picture w your account as your profile, youre not wearing a shirt n you look like youre supposed to be something not okay but then thats not really what youre supposed to be seen as by some supposed people that are normal. 14. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx2yjMLl-J_/?hl=en 15. TOP STORIES Washington Post · 11 hours ago Facebook acknowledges Pelosi video is faked but declines to delete it NBC News In latest attack, Trump tweets edited video of Pelosi tripping over words 1 day ago New York Magazine Nancy Pelosi Slowed Down 800 Percent Is Hauntingly Beautiful 16 hours ago The Wrap Fox Business Under Fire for Edited Nancy Pelosi Video That Trump Retweeted 18 hours ago Washington Post Trump shares heavily edited video that highlights verbal stumbles by Pelosi and questions her mental acuity 20 hours ago Full Coverage 16. https://www.google.com/search?q=nancy+pelosi+drunk&oq=nancy+pelosi+drunk+&aqs=chrome..69i57.12592j1j9&client=ms-android-mpcs-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 17. http://nymag.com/intelligencer/2019/05/nancy-pelosi-slowed-down-800-is-hauntingly-beautiful.html 18. Nancy Pelosi Slowed Down 800 Percent Is Hauntingly Beautiful By Brian Feldman@bafeldman Photo: Win McNamee/Getty Images You might not think of Nancy Pelosi, the 79-year-old Speaker of the House, as a musician, but after this amazing discovery, you will. Pelosi recently went viral in conservative circles when footage of her, supposedly inebriated but actually just slowed down to three-quarter speed, made the rounds. But here’s what we discovered when we slowed down the audio even more: She sounds just like Sigur Rós! It’s true that slowing Nancy Pelosi’s speech down to about 75 percent of normal makes her sound a bit drunk. But color us astonished to find out that when you take audio of the lifelong political activist who has represented California in the House for more than 30 years and reduce the speed by a factor of eight, it sounds like an unreleased track from the blissed-out Icelandic band with more than half a dozen albums to their name. Take that, conservatives. Of course, we can’t take full credit for this discovery. Back in 2010, a redditor messing around with Justin Bieber’s “U Smile” accidentally created an “ambient/drone masterpiece” when he slowed the track down using a program called Paul’s Extreme Sound Stretch. Soon, slowing down tracks to ambient speed was sweeping the nation 19. Engadget › 2019/05/24 › facebo... Web results Facebook is fact checking the 'drunk Nancy Pelosi' video, but won't remove it - Engadget 11 hours ago · Facebook won't remove a viral video that purports to show Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Nacy Pelosi ... Deadline › 2019/05 › facebook-... Facebook Says It Won't Remove Unflattering Nancy Pelosi Videos From Its Platform ... 8 hours ago · The video in question shows Pelosi speaking in a slurring style that some claim shows her as drunk or not well. Supporters claim it ... HuffPost › entry Facebook Refuses To Delete Fake Nancy Pelosi Video That Makes Her Seem Drunk | HuffPost 12 hours ago · Facebook is refusing to take down a video altered to make House Speaker Nancy Pelosi appear to be drunk, highlighting a gaping hole in the ... The Guardian › us-news › video › may Real v fake: debunking the 'drunk' Nancy Pelosi footage - video | US news | The Guardian 15 hours ago · Footage of the Democratic House Speaker was edited to make her appear drunk or unwell, in the latest incident highlighting social media's ... The Guardian Facebook refuses to delete fake Pelosi video spread by Trump supporters 20 hours ago · Real v fake: debunking the 'drunk' Nancy Pelosi footage - video. Facebook says it will continue to host a video of Nancy Pelosi that ... Page Navigation More results 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. We’ve detected adult content on your Tumblr T Tumblr Fri 5/24/2019 2:19 PM Inbox To: [email protected]; Hello marlaluster, You’re receiving this email because we’ve detected new content on your Tumblr, marlaluster, that has been flagged as adult under our Community Guidelines. You can review the flagged post(s) in a timeline view here. You’ll need to use a web browser or the Tumblr mobile app (iOS 12.2 or Android 12.3.1, or later) to see this timeline view. Don’t worry, these posts won’t be deleted—they’re just hidden from public view. If you feel we have miscategorized your content, you can ask us to review this decision. Select “Appeal” on the post(s) in question to request a review. Right now, you (and only you) can view these posts by visiting the link above. Mistakes happen and if we’ve made an error, your post will be reverted to its proper classification and be publicly visible on your blog again. If you have questions, you can read more about adult content on Tumblr in our Help Center. Please note that replies to this email will not be read. Thank you, Tumblr Trust & Safety 19. 20.
0 notes
marlaluster · 6 years
Emptying the cliptray on the new phone. ....
1. TOP STORIES China Is Spying On Israel to Steal U.S. Secrets Foreign Policy - 5 hours ago This is China's playbook to pit EU countries against each other Business Insider - 7 hours ago The New York Times Company China Pledges Openness in Hopes of Reaching a Trade Deal 5 mins ago CNBC Trade war 'uncertainty' is affecting the world's top chemicals firm, and it wants a quick deal 8 hours ago CNBC Italy's Di Maio tries to reassure Washington after becoming first EU country to join China's massive Belt and Road initiative 2 hours ago South China Morning Post Italy agrees to return Chinese cultural relics in goodwill gesture 6 hours ago Reuters U.S. official denounces 'choreographed' visits to China's Xinjiang 12 hours ago BBC News Italy joins China's New Silk Road project 6 hours ago Wall Street Journal China’s Huge Bond Market Is Coming to an ETF Near You Soon 4 hours ago CNBC A trade deal could come in weeks, but it won't remove 'contentious' issues, says former US diplomat 9 hours ago Quartz China private rocket company OneSpace attempts orbital launch 1 day ago Bloomberg China Officials Tap Lower Tariffs, Debt Sales to Aid Growth 13 hours ago PEOPLE ALSO SEARCH FOR Italy joins China Belt and Road Blast in China chemical plant US China trade talks More News Web results China - Wikipedia Wikipedia › wiki › China 2. https://www.google.com/amp/s/foreignpolicy.com/2019/03/24/china-and-russia-are-spying-on-israel-to-steal-u-s-secrets-putin-netanyahu-xi-haifa-ashdod-iai-elbit/amp/ 3. ARGUMENT China Is Spying On Israel to Steal U.S. Secrets Benjamin Netanyahu ignored the intelligence operations of Beijing and Moscow for too long. Now, the Israeli government is finally paying attention, but it could be too late. YOSSI MELMAN MARCH 24, 2019 Featured image Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu talks with soldiers as he stands near a naval Iron Dome defense systeminstalled on a Sa'ar 5 Lahav Class corvette of the Israeli Navy fleet, in the northern port of Haifa on Feb. 12. (JACK GUEZ/AFP/GETTY IMAGES) This month, Israel’s National Security Council (NSC) will present the cabinet with its recommendations on foreign investments in Israel. Because of the sensitivity of the issue, no one in the cabinet is prepared to talk about the elephant in the room. Nevertheless, it is clear that the policy review and the report are primarily focused on China. In the past decade, Beijing has increased its economic and military investments and interests in the Middle East, including Israel. The Israeli government ignored China’s behavior for too long, but lately it has begun to pay attention. The National Security Council has to reconcile two contradictory policies, both of which are important to the Israeli economy and its national-security interests. The first is a policy embraced by all government across the political spectrum for decades: encouraging foreign investment, privatization of national assets and utilities, and the expansion of international markets for Israeli goods. In recent years, like many other exporters, Israeli firms have looked eastward to the growing and developing economies of Asia—and China’s in particular. A recent survey by the Israeli intelligence community that is not in the public domain shows that Chinese investment in the Middle East rose by 1,700 percent between 2012 and 2017. Altogether, the Chinese have invested $700 billion in the region. Nearly half of it is in the energy sector, $150 billion in research and development, $113 billion in industry, $103 billion in transportation, $68 billion in the military field, $4 billion in financial loans, and only $155 million in humanitarian aid. From 1992 to 2017, China’s bilateral trade with Israel has grown from $50 million to $13.1 billion, making it Israel’s largest trading partner in Asia and its third-largest trading partner in the world after the European Union and the United States. In the first half of 2018, China’s imports from Israel reached $2.77 billion, an increase of 47 percent compared with the same period in 2017. The second policy is to defend national and strategic assets and infrastructure from being controlled and taken over by foreign governments and corporations, even if they are not hostile to Israel. Because of its high-tech economy, Israel also faces the delicate problem of foreign spying and theft of its advanced technologies and know-how. Russia and China have in recent years enhanced their espionage efforts in Israel, particularly to obtain access to both state-owned and private-sector Israeli tech companies, and through them to the United States, a close ally of Israel. China has targeted Israel’s two largest arms exporters, Israel Aerospace Industries 4. Lucifer I Jesus am Lucifer, the light, & the love of heaven on earth. Love conquers all, this dimension is the lake of fire, a trillion, trillion stars of fire, Satan rules this dimension, he is a liar, and that is why this dimension is full of lies. No man gets to heaven without love. Love me, and you will join me in heaven, if you do not, you will live in pain, and confusion here for eternity. 1 month ago 4 Omni Fortuna r/im14andthisisdeep 1 month ago 9 danny harrity If we all start eating plant based you could probably tack on 5. Some repeated items on clipboard. Oops. Oh well. But whew some scary things surfacing, like Lucifer speaks in a comment on Youtube. I support free speech. No need to have these things to the recesses of the minds of these people to be crazy, ie mentally ill. Go head n get these things out to the open. Its racist here n it worships the devil. And it shouldnt be the practice n the way be hidden as that it is the say so of some supposed people among, they are hiding who they are n this restriction on speech is making these people cozy n its attacking people that dont ignore stuff n cant pretend stuff doesn't exist that does. Very bad situation, very attacking, very strangely sacrificial of these people that would prefer not tp hide everything. Those people are being sacrificed here. 6. https://youtu.be/Zf8PWSQaEwY 7. Sly Cooper In 120 years from now there will be a completely new set of humans on this earth 1 month ago 2K ApeX D34ST Sly Cooper I bet by that time ageing could have been able to have been slowed down meaning longer lives, so I'd say 140 years 1 month ago 87 D Ramos By 2040, I say major technological advances will take place transforming our way of life. And the way we age. 1 month ago 54 JR Dulin Sly Cooper http://truthism.com/ 1 month ago 2 Junior Farias Well, it all hinges upon the countries relation 1 month ago 2 Clay Old Since we're stating completely obvious things: Water is wet. Fire is hot. And you are not intelligent. 1 month ago 18 Jon Wayne @D Ramos only the ultra rich will get that 1 month ago 2 Lucifer I Jesus am Lucifer, the light, & the love of heaven on earth. Love conquers all, this dimension is the lake of fire, a trillion, trillion stars of fire, Satan rules this dimension, he is a liar, and that is why this dimension is full of lies. No man gets to heaven without love. Love me, and you will join me in heaven, if you do not, you will live in pain, and confusion here for eternity. 1 month ago 4 Omni Fortuna r/im14andthisisdeep 1 month ago 9 danny harrity If we all start eating plant based you could probably tack on another 20 years 1 month ago 5 DA OG POTATO Clay Old exothermic fire? 1 month ago 300 Subscribers With 0 Videos? In about 100 years all the people who comment on this will be dead, RIP love you all 1 week ago 164 Νάντια Lol 8. https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCUovGVmudc3uWGzqnhEaztQ 9. The eyes never lie. Elsa pataky and Chris Hemsworth. 2,963 views exciteme69 1,088 subscribers Published on Feb 27, 2019 "It's funny when it's your husband. For me, sexy is the inside of someone. Of course I think he's beautiful and fit, but I will never tell him that because he will get too, how do you say, 'cocky'?" she jokes. "He'll be like, 'What do you think of that?' And I'll say, 'Well, I've been the sexiest woman in Spain for a lot of years.' It's all just a joke, though." Category Entertainment Up nextAutoplay 4:51 Chris Hemsworth love for his daughter India Rose exciteme69 3.3K views 13:27 Interesting Times (By Design) Jeremiah Cohen Recommended for you 10:44 Elsa Pataky Height, Weight, Age, Wiki, Biography, Net Worth, Facts FactsTady Film 5.2K views 10. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zLG7ZyyV1Fw 11. Single is more fit for situation. But I was visiting a post to say, Yay Logan Paul! 12. https://www.instagram.com/p/BvY2koOHH-z/?hl=en 13. 683,451 views kellyrowland As women, we experience a lot of the same challenges & are more alike than we know. No matter our background, ethnicity, or religion. We must move as one. Dance, sing, & fight for our rights together. #WomenDanceTogether Let’s keep this going and have fun!! @therealruthecarter started this amazing movement. @halleberry challenged me & now I nominate @lala, @mstinalawson, & @serenawilliams ! Let’s go ladies!! flawlessqueenyonce2 OMGGG yuuus Kelly🙌🙌👋👋💃💃 sweetpea2422 💜💜💜🖤🖤🖤🖤🌸🌸💜💜💜🌸🌸🌸💜💯💯💯💯💯💯‼️‼️ sammira @misslabitue yesss we do hall.deber Right aliciainthecity @_jadeashlee I gotta do this one 😂 ghoodie2shooz @shanayphoenix we know Kelly can dance 🙌🏾 handful_n_sum 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥❤️ iamtherealshay @kellyrowland 🤗🤗 tashamackin OMG!! Yes I Love this #WomanDanceTogether movement let’s keep inspiring and motivating and lifting each other up. ✨👌🏾💕 graceliife #ActUpChallenge inglewoods_baddest U Betta 💕💕💕😂😂 kathierij 🙌🙌🙌👌Here we go. #womendance together. @kellyrowland lifeinpieces_jazz90 ❤️❤️❤️ trendsetta84 💜💜 kingrond @suchainz81 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 mualatrinabean 😍😍😍 amia.katee @citygirls princess_i_am Yessssssssss.... serrar_da_king 🔥🖤💥💚💎 theyodre_courtney I nominate @tarajiphenson 😍😍😍😍 naimandbeauty Love this, check my page out @naimandbeauty kalita1house WOW KELLY TWERK ❤️❤️❤️❤️ astriddawl PeriodT ms___kira___ 🥰🥰🥰 9 HOURS AGO ABOUT USSUPPORTPRESS 14. https://www.instagram.com/p/BvYM_fGH-Vv/?hl=en 15. 208,027 likes kellyrowland Don’t you hate it, when people put they Leg out like that, in a photo?😂 🙄 .....and who are all of these photo bombers? 😂🤣😂🤣😄🤣😂🤣😄😂🤣😄😂 (Check out the Solo shout out? FUBU) kasialicia @dnelle_ haha idk what it was but I’m like dang Danelle got in good shape! Then I was like wait this is Kelly 😂 rforcixdigitalia Just Nice carolinemwale ❤ jayl2012 @jayjaswill 😂😂 changeyour_mindpodcast 😍 thompsonlamonica958 🤣🤣🤣🤣 you cute!!😍😍 mzkeishab Not if you’re a woman 😮 cryssishaw I love that the Asian man has on a fubu shirt 🤣 noeladonisyima Trop cool la carte ,jolie portrait Kelly. successfully.dee.718.2.0 @dimplessstep exactly, great person to be compared too, lol girlyfifi That outfit tho 😍🔥 ebony43 My Beautiful Black Barbie ❤️❤️❤️ damnerica Lil teenager 😍❤️🔥 kathierij Looking pretty with this leg out. The photo bombers do they matter? 😃👌 kinggandre Gorgeous 😍 jeremiashapaka Are you still sixteen damn decullus Bae clorissa2 Still look good.❤️😍🔥 jonviesays How they just standing in the back like you aint THE KELLY ROWLAND!!! LMAO id be going APE SHIT! LMAO antroyleach Day portabandeirice 😍😍😍 glawsonmusic Nope!!!🔥🔥🔥 hiawathanicole It’s a habit 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️ tikasumpter No. No I don’t. Keep em’ coming. 16 HOURS AGO ABOUT USSUPPORTPRESSAPI 16. Beyoncé beyonce.com DescriptionBeyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter is an American singer, songwriter, actress, record producer and dancer. Born and raised in Houston, Texas, Beyoncé performed in various singing and dancing competitions as a child. She rose to fame in the late 1990s as lead singer of the R&B girl-group Destiny's Child. Wikipedia Life and career highlights Start story Born: September 4, 1981 (age 37 years), Houston, TX Height: 5′ 7″ Net worth: US $355 million (2018) Children: Blue Ivy Carter, Rumi Carter, Sir Carter Show less Claim this knowledge panel Top results 17. https://www.instagram.com/p/BcgWrp1HCm-/?hl=en 18. https://www.instagram.com/p/BcgWp07nklK/?hl=en 19. https://www.instagram.com/p/BcgWbQGn2bs/?hl=en 20. https://www.instagram.com/p/BaehH1VnFq4/?hl=en
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1. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu1-dLmBQao/?hl=en 2. TOP STORIES How a Pop Star Who Sings Love Songs Like It's 2014 Topped China's Charts Bloomberg - 12 hours ago China's soybean demand has been hit by swine flu, raising doubts about Beijing's trade promises CNBC.com - 12 hours ago The New York Times Company Lighthizer Says ‘Major Issues’ Are Unresolved as China Talks Drag On 20 mins ago The Washington Post China’s ban on the Boeing 737 Max inspires others, ramps up pressure on U.S. regulator 4 hours ago CNBC If you invested $1,000 in Alibaba when it went public, here's how much you'd have now 14 hours ago Wall Street Journal EU, in Major Shift, Moves to Confront China’s Growing Assertiveness 1 hour ago The Daily Galaxy China Close to Launching Its “Artificial Sun” –‘Limitless Clean Energy’ 5 hours ago Inkstone ‘One more Christian, one less Chinese’: official vows to rid faith of Western influences 10 hours ago Reuters Deal or no deal, U.S.-China trade talks may end in weeks: Lighthizer 5 hours ago Bloomberg Fear of Trump Walking on Xi Haunts China as Trade Talks Near End 17 hours ago ABC News US envoy calls China's Muslim camps 'horrific,' wants probe 12 hours ago Slate What Will Really Determine the Winner of the U.S.-China Rivalry Over A.I.? 4 hours ago PEOPLE ALSO SEARCH FOR 3. https://www.google.com/search?q=china&oq=china&aqs=chrome.1.69i60j69i59l2j69i60l2j0.1829j1j4&client=ms-android-mpcs-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#scso=_dBOIXLuoD82-gge_jLCYDg31:134.85714721679688.23809814453125.42857360839844 4. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.inkstonenews.com/society/senior-protestant-official-china-vows-further-sinicize-religion/article/3001291 5. A senior Chinese official who oversees state-sanctioned Christian churches has pledged to rid the Protestant faith in China of any Western “imprint,” calling for further “sinicization” of religion. Xu Xiaohong, chairman of the National Committee of the Three-Self Patriotic Movement, a government-controlled body that runs state-approved Protestant churches, on Monday attacked what Beijing perceived as “Western influence.” “[We] must recognize that Chinese churches are surnamed ‘China,’ not ‘the West’,” Xu told delegates to the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. “The actions by anti-China forces that attempt to affect our social stability or even subvert the regime of our country are doomed to fail,” he said. 6. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bloomberg.com/amp/news/articles/2019-03-12/for-xi-jinping-a-vexing-question-can-donald-trump-be-trusted 7. Skip to content Bloomberg Subscribe Economics Fear of Trump Walking on Xi Haunts China as Trade Talks Near End Shawn Donnan and Kevin Hamlin March 11, 2019, 10:17 PM EDT Updated on March 12, 2019, 5:00 AM EDT Beijing plays coy on summit, uncertain it can trust Trump Trump battling his own reputation for last-minute surprises The Rise of Asia Is Being Challenged by the U.S., Says Hao Capital’s Liu Donald Trump regularly touts the strength of his personal relationship with Xi Jinping, talking about the Chinese leader in the sort of warm terms U.S. presidents normally reserve for longstanding allies. Yet as the world’s two largest economies inch towards a trade agreement designed to define and reorder their economic relationship for years to come, one question looms large: Does Xi trust Trump enough to get on a plane and seal the deal? Trump and his aides have for weeks been pushing for Xi to agree to a meeting at Mar-a-Lago, the president’s club and resort in Palm Beach, Florida, to finalize a deal as soon as this month to end a dispute that has cast a shadow over the global economy. Trump himself has said that it’s only when the two leaders meet that the final details can be ironed out. China's National People's Congress (NPC) - Second Plenary Meeting Xi JinpingPhotographer: Lintao Zhang/Getty Images Chinese officials, however, have long been wary of putting Xi in a position where he might be embarrassed by an unpredictable Trump or forced into last-minute concessions. “That is the real conundrum for Xi,’’ said Eswar Prasad, an expert on the Chinese economy at Cornell University who regularly meets with senior officials in Beijing. “The concern about being snookered by Trump at the negotiating table is a real risk for Xi.’’ Read More: Trade Truce Too Little Too Late as Exports Slump China’s worries are flipping the U.S. script on its head. As Trump claims to be the first American president to stand up to Beijing, his aides have built a possible deal on a foundation of distrust. In their view, a China that has for decades lied and cheated its way to economic success cannot be trusted to live up to any commitments unless a deal has teeth. “That’s the fundamental question,’’ Robert Lighthizer, the U.S. trade representative, told Congress on Feb. 27. “What the president wants is an agreement that number one is enforceable.’’ Officials in Beijing insist they’ve played by international rules and just want to be sure Trump won’t again kill an agreement at the last minute. Trump has rejected at least two deals brought to him since he first hosted Xi at Mar-a-Lago in April 2017: One struck by Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross for China to cut steel overcapacity, and another negotiated by Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin last year. Both would’ve averted a trade war. The latter one was particularly jarring for Xi, who faces pressure in China to avoid giving up too much in a deal with Trump. Vice Premier Liu He came to Washington as Xi’s special representative, and declared to China’s state-run media that a trade war had been averted. After Trump backtracked, talks stalled for months until the two leaders met in December at the Group of 20 summit in Argentina. Read More: Burned Once by Trump, China’s Xi Wary About Fresh Trade Talks Last month, Trump’s decision to walk away from his Hanoi summit with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un without a deal only reinforced China’s concerns about the president’s unpredictability. Donald Trump with Kim Jong Un in Hanoi on Feb. 27.Photographer: Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images Former Commerce Vice Minister Wei Jianguo argues that because the U.S. and China are great powers Trump would never walk away from Xi as he did Kim. The consequences would be too great. “It is important to boost confidence in a slowing global economy,” Wei said. There are parallels for the Chinese. In 1999, Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji faced a nationalist backlash after a last-minute change of course by the Clinton administration threw a deal for China’s accession to the World Trade Organization into doubt. Erin Ennis, who tracks the negotiations for the U.S.-China Business Council, said a Trump snub of Xi this time around would be an order of magnitude greater than any previously. Then again, she said, “I don’t think the Chinese are the only government in the world that is not entirely sure what they are getting when they send their head of state into a meeting with the president of the United States.’’ Daily Talks Trump has for months pushed to sign a deal, and that has fundamentally changed the dynamics of negotiations. In recent days both sides have held daily conference calls. China’s state-run Xinhua News Agency reported Tuesday that Liu, Lighthizer and Mnuchin decided on arrangements for the next stage of trade talks, without providing more details. China last week revised an offer on intellectual-property protection, one focal point of the negotiations, according to people briefed on the offer. It has also pledged to increase purchases of American goods by $1.2 trillion over six years and to open its market in some key sectors, raising hopes that it might finally allow U.S. firms to compete in forbidden areas such as cloud computing. As a deal gets closer, Chinese officials also want the U.S. to agree that any commitments go both ways, particularly on enforcement. The U.S. wants China to agree not to retaliate against any punitive measures Washington might apply if Beijing doesn’t meet its commitments. But Vice Commerce Minister Wang Shouwen over the weekend countered any enforcement mechanism would have to be “two-way, fair and equal.” Wang ShouwenPhotographer: Fred Dufour/AFP via Getty Images ‘Judge, Jury’ “I’m not sure if China would ever allow the United States to be the judge, jury and sheriff on these issues and that seems to be the core of what the U.S. is asking for,’’ said Wendy Cutler, a former senior U.S. trade negotiator who heads the Asia Society Policy Institute. Trump could see political benefits from walking away from a deal. He’s already facing questions about the quality of the agreement and whether the trade war he started -- and the economic damage it has brought in farm states in particular -- will prove to have been worth it. Some hawks inside his administration also fear Trump is being led into a bad deal with a China that will remain a growing strategic threat. Still, both presidents have their reasons to settle their differences. Trump is under pressure to prove his “America First’’ trade policies can deliver, the evidence for which is mixed so far. Since 2016 the U.S. trade deficit -- Trump’s own favorite metric -- has blown out by almost $120 billion, or more than 20 percent. Meanwhile, a successful summit in Mar-a-Lago would enable Xi to silence his own domestic critics, said Steve Tsang, director of the SOAS China Institute at the University of London. "If he cannot get some kind of a ‘decent’ deal with Trump and the economy continues to slide, the pressure on Xi will build up," he said. — With assistance by Jenny Leonard, and Miao Han (Updates with Xinhua report on trade talks under "Daily Talks" subhead.) SHARE THIS ARTICLE Share Tweet Post Email Trending Now Technology What Is the Boeing 737 Max and Which Airlines Fly It?: QuickTake March 12, 2019, 4:20 AM EDT Business Boeing Losing Premium Over Airbus on Groundings: 737 Max Update March 12, 2019, 2:25 PM EDT Business Boeing Drops Most Since 2001 as Second 737 Crash Grounds Flights March 11, 2019, 9:48 AM EDT 8. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.ft.com/content/44abbd4c-44db-11e9-b168-96a37d002cd3 9. US-China trade dispute US trade chief warns that China talks could fail Robert Lighthizer says right to raise tariffs if there are violations must be maintained Robert Lighthizer: 'I’ll work as hard as I can, and the president will tell me when the time is up, or the Chinese will' © Bloomberg March 12, 2019 5:34 pm by James Politi in Washington US President Donald Trump’s trade chief has warned that negotiations to end the tariff war with China were at risk of failing, saying “major, major issues” needed to be resolved before an agreement was reached, and he could not “predict success at this point”. Speaking before the Senate finance committee on Tuesday, Robert Lighthizer, the US trade representative, said that talks with Beijing had intensified and probably entered their “final weeks”, as the two countries haggle over structural reforms and enforcement provisions. But Mr Lighthizer indicated that a deal could not be taken for granted. “We’re either going to have a good result or we’re going to have a bad result before too long, but I’m not setting a specific timeframe and it’s not up to me,” Mr Lighthizer said. “I’ll work as hard as I can, and the president will tell me when the time is up, or the Chinese will,” he added. Mr Lighthizer said he and Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury secretary, spok 10. https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/millions-would-die-check-out-chinas-nuclear-war-plan-against-america-46842 11. Report Advertisement 1 The National InterestOpen Menu Millions Would Die: Check Out China's Nuclear War Plan Against America Share on FacebookF Share on TwitterL Share on LinkedInI Subscribe to RSSR Print March 12, 2019 Topic: Security Blog Brand: The Buzz Tags: ChinaMilitaryTechnologyWorld Nuclear Weapons Could this happen? by Lyle J. Goldstein Playing Now Elsewhere, I have, moreover, documented Chinese discussions of tactical nuclear weapons for anti-submarine warfare, as well as the importance of nuclear-tipped submarine-launched cruise missile (SLCMs) for strategy in the late Cold War. Let’s hope that these are just academic discussions in the Chinese context and do not reflect actual weapons under development. When one reads enough Chinese naval literature, diagrams of multi-axial cruise missile saturation attacks against aircraft carrier groups may begin to seem normal. However, one particular graphic from the October 2015 issue (p. 32) of the naval journal Naval & Merchant Ships [舰船知识] stands out as both unusual and singularly disturbing. It purports to map the impact of a Chinese intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) strike by twenty nuclear-armed rockets against the United States. (This first appeared several years ago.) Targets include the biggest cities on the East and West Coasts, as well as in the Midwest, as one would expect. Giant radiation plumes cover much of the country and the estimate in the caption holds that the strike “would yield perhaps 50 million people killed” [可能造成5000 万死亡]. The map below that graphic on the same page illustrates the optimal aim point for a hit on New York City with a “blast wave” [火风量] that vaporizes all of Manhattan and well beyond. That makes the North Korean “threat” look fairly insignificant by comparison, doesn’t it? But what’s really disturbing is that the scenario described above envisions a strike by China’s largely antiquated DF-5 first generation ICBM. In other words, the illustration is perhaps a decade or more out of date. As China has deployed first the road-mobile DF-31, then DF-31A and now JL-2 (a submarine-launched nuclear weapon), China’s nuclear strategy has moved from “assured retaliation” to what one may term “completely assured retaliation.” Report Advertisement Indeed, the actual theme of the article featuring those graphics concerns recent reports regarding testing of the DF-41 mobile ICBM. The author of that article, who is careful to note that his views do not represent those of the publication, observes that when a Chinese Defense Ministry spokesperson was queried about the test on August 6, 2015, the spokesperson “did not deny that the DF-41 exists” [并没有否认‘东风’41 的存在]. The author also cites U.S. intelligence reports, concluding that four tests have now been conducted, including one that demonstrates multiple-reentry vehicle (MIRV) technology. The author estimates that DF-41 will finally provide China with the capability to launch missiles from north central China and hit all targets in the U.S. (except Florida). With the goal of better understanding the rapidly evolving strategic nuclear balance between China and the U.S. and its significance, this Dragon Eye surveys some recent Mandarin-language writings on the subject of Chinese nuclear forces. To be sure, a flurry of Chinese writings on the nuclear balance did follow after the September parade in Beijing that highlighted Chinese missile forces. Perhaps the most remarkable revelation from the parade was the unveiling of the DF-26, a new, longer-range anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM), based on the revolutionary shorter-ranged cousin, the DF-21D ASBM. In fact, the November 2015 issue of the aforementioned journal ran a series of articles on the DF-26. In those articles, the weapon is described multiple times as a “nuclear conventional dual-purpose” [核常兼备] weapon. The major thrust of the article in that issue on the impact of the DF-26 on nuclear strategy seems to be to try to debunk the argument that China’s deployment of this new type of missile is “destabilizing.” Like their American counterparts, Chinese strategists seem to be increasingly practiced (at least in a domestic context) at selling the argument that more and new types of weapons enhance deterrence and thus strategic stability. Report Advertisement Despite the developments related above, the balance of opinion in Beijing seems impressively moderate on the prospects for a major nuclear buildup by China. In the allegedly nationalist forum of Global Times [环球时报], one commentator from the China Institute for International Studies (associated with the Foreign Ministry), for example, offered a few illuminating comments about a year ago in an expert forum entitled “ How Many Nuclear Warheads Are Enough for China? ” He is evidently concerned that “We have heard some new voices calling to ‘build a nuclear force appropriate for a great power.’” Instead, he argues that China must continue to focus on building a “small, elite and effective nuclear forces” [精干有效的核力量]. Likewise, a former vice-director of the Chinese Navy Nuclear Security Bureau offers that China is a medium-sized nuclear power, which should learn from the experience of Britain and France and deploy no fewer than four submarines carrying nuclear weapons (SSBNs)—far fewer than operated by either Russia or the United States. Yet one can still find in that same analysis ample concern among Chinese specialists regarding new directions in U.S. military capabilities that could threaten China’s deterrent. Another concern amply evident in Chinese writings concerns tactical nuclear weaponry. Most of this reporting of late concerns a recent upgrade to the American B-61 nuclear bomb . A full-page graphic in the same issue that discusses the DF-41 missile tests offers many specifics on the B-61, including its “dial-a-yield” [威力可调技术] feature that enables the operator to choose destruction on a scale ranging from fifty to 0.3 kilotons. That same month, in the magazine Aerospace Knowledge [航空知识], a “centerfold” featured the SS-26 Iskander, a Russian short-range tactical nuclear weapon. Elsewhere, I have, moreover, documented Chinese discussions of tactical nuclear weapons for anti-submarine warfare, as well as the importance of nuclear-tipped submarine-launched cruise missile (SLCMs) for strategy in the late Cold War. Let’s hope that these are just academic discussions in the Chinese context and do not reflect actual weapons under development. As one can see from this discussion, there is ample reason for anxiety with many new Chinese nuclear systems now coming online, as well as substantial reason for optimism. As an author who frequently rides China’s high-speed rail [高铁], I am acutely aware that astronomical sums of money spent on that system could just as easily have been spent building an enormous arsenal of nuclear weaponry. That was not done and it’s certainly good that Chinese leaders have their priorities straight. American strategists need to keep this Chinese restraint in mind, especially as they weigh both new, expensive weapons systems (missile defense augmentation, the new strategic bomber, SSBN-X and also prompt global strike) and a set of measures to counter Beijing within the maritime disputes on its flanks. Lyle J. Goldstein is Associate Professor in the China Maritime Studies Institute (CMSI) at the U.S. Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island. The opinions expressed in this analysis are his own and do not represent the official assessments of the U.S. Navy or any other agency of the U.S. Government. Image: YouTube Screenshot. Sponsored Content 2 Accounts That Pay 12x What Your Bank Pays 2 Accounts That Pay 12x What Your Bank Pays MyFinance | Personal Finance for the 21st Century One Thing All Liars Have in Common, Brace Yourself TruthFinder Virginia Medicare Recipients Should Know About This! Virginia Medicare Recipients Should Know About This! Quick Medigap This is What Dental Implants Should Cost This is What Dental Implants Should Cost Dental Implants| Sponsored listing eToro Bringing Crypto Trading and Wallet to The US eToro Bringing Crypto Trading and Wallet to The US TechCrunch [Photos] Remember Him? Wait Till You See Him Now. [Photos] Remember Him? Wait Till You See Him Now. Bob's Hideout Lung Cancer Symptoms That May Be Too Often Overlooked Lung Cancer Symptoms That May Be Too Often Overlooked Lung Cancer | Sponsored Listings [Photos] Fishermen Think They Found A Seal On A Floating Iceberg Until They Got A Closer Look [Photos] Fishermen Think They Found A Seal On A Floating Iceberg Until They Got A Closer Look Coolimba Connect Topics Regions ABOUT US PRESS ROOM SUBSCRIPTIONS CONTACT JOBS AND INTERNSHIPS ADVERTISING SUBMISSION GUIDELINES PERMISSIONS MASTHEAD Center for the National Interest National Interest Newsletter Email Address Email Address © Copyright 2019 Center for the National Interest All Rights Reserved Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy TWITTERL FACEBOOKF YOUTUBEX RSSR By using this website, you agree to our use of cookies. This use includes personalization of content and ads, and traffic analytics. More info Close 12. https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1098867/world-war-3-russia-china-US-latest-military-war-game-RAND-Corporation 13. The RAND Corporation, who carried out the simulation, claimed US land, sea and air forces would be reduced to rubble in the outlandish scenario. Nonprofit research organization RAND Corporation reported the war-game showed US armed forces facing substantial losses, despite repeated attempts to overcome both Russia and China's military muscle. RAND analyst David Ochmanek said: "In our games when we fight Russia and China, the US gets its a** handed to it. RELATED ARTICLES World War 3: First footage of NAUSEATING Russian HALLUCINATION gun Putin REFUSES to respond to letter from son of Salisbury victim "We lose a lot of people. ADVERTISING inRead invented by Teads “We lose a lot of equipment. “We usually fail to achieve our objective of preventing aggression by the adversary." The simulations showed the US see major setbacks in all five battlefield domains. PROMOTED STORY 14. News World express_logo NEWS UK World Weird Royal Politics Science Weather Scotland Nature Sunday Clarifications and Corrections SHOWBIZ & TV Celebrity News TV & Radio SPORT Football Transfer news Tennis F1 Rugby Boxing Golf WWE NFL UFC Cricket Other NBA Racing COMMENT Columnists Express Comment FINANCE City & Business Personal Finance The Crusader TRAVEL Cruise Activity Holidays Beach Holidays Short & City breaks Travel News ENTERTAINMENT Gaming Theatre Films Books Music LIFE & STYLE Life Style Health Cars Garden Property Food Tech Diets Win PICS Celebrity Galleries Royal Galleries Sport Galleries VIDEOS Search... LoginRegister Our Apps Puzzles Horoscopes Discounts Shop Our Paper World War 3 WARNING: US would be ‘wiped out’ by Russia and China reveal analysts WORLD War 3 simulations conducted by an American nonprofit have revealed US forces would be completely “wiped out” when confronted with Chinese and Russian military. By BRIAN MCGLEENON 04:24, Tue, Mar 12, 2019 | UPDATED: 07:37, Tue, Mar 12, 2019 US and China are starting a new Cold War warns historian Play Video The RAND Corporation, who carried out the simulation, claimed US land, sea and air forces would be reduced to rubble in the outlandish scenario. Nonprofit research organization RAND Corporation reported the war-game showed US armed forces facing substantial losses, despite repeated attempts to overcome both Russia and China's military muscle. RAND analyst David Ochmanek said: "In our games when we fight Russia and China, the US gets its a** handed to it. RELATED ARTICLES World War 3: First footage of NAUSEATING Russian HALLUCINATION gun Putin REFUSES to respond to letter from son of Salisbury victim "We lose a lot of people. ADVERTISING inRead invented by Teads “We lose a lot of equipment. “We usually fail to achieve our objective of preventing aggression by the adversary." The simulations showed the US see major setbacks in all five battlefield domains. PROMOTED STORY 30 Most Dangerous Roads In The World (Editor Choice) READ MORE: Former Donald Trump campaign chief Paul Manafort sentenced to prison The war game simulation showed the US is lacking in military prowess (Image: GETTY) A Soviet WWII-era T-34 tank drives during a military parade (Image: GETTY) Russia: ‘Hallucination gun’ captured in action on Navy ship Play Video The US were soundly beaten on land, sea, air, space and cyberspace. US stealth fighters were often wiped out while still on the runway. Former deputy secretary of defence and an experienced war-gamer Robert Work said: "F-35 rules the sky when it's in the sky, it gets killed on the ground in large numbers." Other scenarios showed that US warships were sunk and US bases reduced to rubble. RELATED ARTICLES US plotting to CRIPPLE Russia: Top Kremlin general issues war warning Alarm bells in Washington as Russia and China TEAM UP The aircraft carrier Liaoning of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy leaves a shipyard (Image: GETTY) Russia: Inside apartment where five-year-old girl was rescued Play Video Player Information About Brightcove The US was seen to not have enough anti-air and missile defence capabilities to strike back in the event of a high-end conflict. Both aircraft carriers and US Air Force bases were often targeted by long-range precision-guided missiles, and the US Army's tank brigades were pummeled by cruise missiles, drones and helicopters, officials stated. Mr Ochmanek said: ”Things that rely on sophisticated base infrastructure like runways and fuel tanks are going to have a hard time." When it comes to cyber warfare, Mr Ochmanek indicated that US satellites and wireless networks could become ineffective if Chinese military forces were to employ "system destruction warfare". RELATED ARTICLES North Korea v USA a 'total mismatch' says former Russian general SHOCK Russia WARNING: Vladimir Putin plotting to rebuild Soviet Union Russia accuses UK of 'island mentality' in Salisbury spy poisoning 15. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/mar/12/western-powers-using-christianity-to-subvert-china-says-religious-official 16. 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China’s constitution guarantees religious freedom, but since President Xi Jinping took office six years ago, the government has tightened restrictions on religions seen as a challenge to the authority of the ruling Communist party. The government has cracked down on underground churches, both Protestant and Catholic, even as it seeks to improve relations with the Vatican. In China, they’re closing churches, jailing pastors – and even rewriting scripture Read more In a speech on Monday, Xu Xiaohong, the head of the National Committee of the Three-Self Patriotic Movement of the Protestant Churches in China, said there were many problems with Christianity in the country, including “infiltration” from abroad and “private meeting places”. “It must be recognised that our movement’s surname is ‘China’ and not ‘Western’,” Xu said, according to remarks reported on Tuesday by the United Front Work Department, which is in charge of co-opting non-communists, ethnic minorities and religious groups. “Anti-China forces in the west are trying to continue to influence China’s social stability and even subvert our country’s political power through Christianity, and it is doomed to fail,” he said, speaking to parliament’s largely ceremonial advisory body. “For individual black sheep who, under the banner of Christianity, participate in subverting national security, we firmly support the country to bring them to justice.“ Only by eliminating the “stigma of foreign religion” in China’s Christianity can its believers benefit society, he added. “Only by continually drawing on the fine traditions of Chinese culture, can China’s Christianity be rooted in the fertile soil of Chinese culture and become a religion recognised by the Chinese themselves,” Xu added. “Only by continuously carrying forward and practising the core values of socialism can our Christianity truly be suited to socialist society.” 'We are scared, but we have Jesus': China and its war on Christianity Read more China has been following a policy it calls the “Sinicisation” of religion, trying to root out foreign influences and enforce obedience to the Communist party. Restrictions on religion have attracted particular concern in the US. Last week, during a visit to Hong Kong, the US ambassador for religious freedom called on Beijing to end religious persecution. What China calls a deradicalisation programme in its restive far western region of Xinjiang has also caused widespread opprobrium in western capitals and amongst rights groups, who say authorities have been placing Muslims there in internment camps. The government says they are vocational training centres where people are sent to learn about the law and the Mandarin language. Yang Jie, an imam from Xinjiang, told the same advisory body on Monday that some adherents had poor “religious and civic awareness”, which made them vulnerable to “the temptation and incitement of religious extremist forces”. They mistakenly believed their religion came before their citizenship, and that certain illegal acts were a “firm expression of faith”, Yang said. “This wrong view and behaviour has seriously affected social stability, ethnic unity and religious harmony, and has vilified the social image of the Muslim community and must be resolutely stopped.” Since you’re here… … we have a small favour to ask. More people are reading and supporting our independent, investigative reporting than ever before. And unlike many news organisations, we have chosen an approach that allows us to keep our journalism accessible to all, regardless of where they live or what they can afford. The Guardian is editorially independent, meaning we set our own agenda. Our journalism is free from commercial bias and not influenced by billionaire owners, politicians or shareholders. No one edits our editor. No one steers our opinion. This is important as it enables us to give a voice to those less heard, challenge the powerful and hold them to account. It’s what makes us different to so many others in the media, at a time when factual, honest reporting is critical. Every contribution we receive from readers like you, big or small, goes directly into funding our journalism. This support enables us to keep working as we do – but we must maintain and build on it for every year to come. Support The Guardian from as little as $1 – and it only takes a minute. Thank you. Support The Guardian Paypal and credit card Topics China Christianity Asia Pacific Religion news Share on LinkedIn Share on Pinterest Share on WhatsApp Share on Messenger Most popular World Europe US Americas Asia Australia Middle East Africa Inequality Cities Global development About us Contact us Complaints & corrections Secure Drop Work for us Privacy policy Cookie policy Terms & conditions Help All topics All writers Digital newspaper archive Facebook Twitter Advertise with us Guardian Labs Search jobs Dating Discount Codes Support The Guardian Available for everyone, funded by readers Contribute Subscribe Back to top © 2019 Guardian News & Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. 17. https://www.inkstonenews.com/society/inkstone-index-china-vows-eradicate-poverty-2020/article/3001336 18. 2020: the year by which no Chinese will be living below the poverty line, according to the Chinese government. Beijing has pledged to wipe out poverty in rural areas by 2020 to build what it calls a “moderately prosperous society,” where most people lives comfortable middle-class life. China is eager to tackle rural poverty because the ruling Communist Party’s legitimacy is built in part on a promise of shared economic prosperity. Since reforming its economy in the late 1970s, China has lifted more than 800 million people out of poverty. The country went from receiving support from the World Bank in 1980 to its third largest shareholder in 2010. 19. Inkstone EDITION MAR 12 SOCIETY ‘One more Christian, one less Chinese’: official vows to rid faith of Western influences Photo: Facebook SOCIETY Inkstone index: China’s war on poverty by Qin Chen 7SHARES In the Inkstone index, we break down China into the simplest possible chunk: a single number. What can one number tell us about China? Quite a lot. 2020: the year by which no Chinese will be living below the poverty line, according to the Chinese government. Beijing has pledged to wipe out poverty in rural areas by 2020 to build what it calls a “moderately prosperous society,” where most people lives comfortable middle-class life. China is eager to tackle rural poverty because the ruling Communist Party’s legitimacy is built in part on a promise of shared economic prosperity. Since reforming its economy in the late 1970s, China has lifted more than 800 million people out of poverty. The country went from receiving support from the World Bank in 1980 to its third largest shareholder in 2010. China still has millions living in poverty. China still has millions living in poverty. Photo: Simon Song But the breakneck growth has not been evenly shared. The country has seen a sharp increase in inequality to a level close to that of the Democratic Republic of the Congo or the United States. According to a 2014 Peking University report, China’s top 1% hold about 35% of the country’s wealth, while the bottom 25% hold just 1.2%. The anti-poverty campaign is part of a bigger plan. In 2012, Beijing set the goal of becoming a modernized society by 2050. And it can’t do it without addressing the income disparity. The deadline appears to be at the top of Xi’s mind. He reiterated it four times in six days during this year’s “Two Sessions” parliamentary meetings, according to state media CCTV. Get the Inkstone Daily Brief Inkstone publishes six stories every weekday at 6:00am (ET) to bring you fresh insight into China. enter email SIGN UP By registering you must agree to our T&Cs Qin Chen QIN CHEN Qin is a multimedia producer at Inkstone. Most recently, she was a senior video producer for The New Yorker’s video team. Prior to that she was at CNBC, making short documentaries and writing about how technology shapes lives. CHINA Inside the Forbidden City: The Emperor’s harem 02:19 by Karif Wat and Andersen Xia 0SHARES All women living in imperial China’s Forbidden City were carefully sequestered in quarters deep inside the palace. Most were employed as maids and servants, but there was also a select group of concubines tasked with bearing children for the emperor – as many as he could father. The selection process was extensive… and the life of a concubine was often a harsh, lonely one. Check out our video, above, to find out more. Karif Wat KARIF WAT Andersen Xia ANDERSEN XIA CHINA Inside the Forbidden City: The Emperor’s harem 02:19 20. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnn.com/travel/amp/raffles-city-chongqing-horizontal-skyscraper/index.html
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marlaluster · 6 years
Emptying the cliptray on the new phone. ....
1. The TRUE Devils/Alien Invasion Adigun Forest Published on Feb 27, 2019 Fair Use I don't own the images in this video. This is for educational purposes only. Category People & Blogs Certain features have been disabled for this video In response to user reports, we have disabled some features, such as comments, sharing, and suggested videos, because this video contains content that may be inappropriate or offensive to some audiences. 2. https://youtu.be/IbSRCJpfVpI 3. https://www.google.com/search?q=china&oq=china&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j69i60l4j35i39.4295j1j9&client=ms-android-mpcs-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#scso=_iLN5XOfmE-6I5wLk7JiwAg44:2027.8095703125.238037109375.142822265625.1904296875.4761962890625.3333740234375.047607421875.7142333984375.142822265625.8095703125.09521484375.6666259765625.5714111328125.8095703125.857177734375.4761962890625.3809814453125.3333129882812.6666870117188.3809814453125.047607421875.2857055664062.1428833007812.3809814453125.09521484375.2380981445312.047607421875.1428527832031.952392578125.8571472167969.952392578125.047607421875.9047546386719.3333282470703.095238208770752 4. TOP STORIES China Is Censoring "Genetically Edited Babies" on Social Media Futurism - 1 day ago U.S. and China Discuss Chicken as Trade Talks Progress Bloomberg - 19 hours ago Miami Herald While China robotizes its workforce, Latin America is falling behind 27 mins ago Reuters U.S. companies adapt to 'endless' China tariffs 4 hours ago The Guardian China bans 23m from buying travel tickets as part of 'social credit' system 8 hours ago Fox Business Kudlow drops US, China trade-deal bombshell 4 hours ago The Washington Post China’s expanding war on Islam: Now they’re coming for the Kazakhs. 8 hours ago CNN Why China doesn't want to get caught in the middle of a India-Pakistan conflict 20 hours ago TheHill Foreign affairs expert says China ‘weaponized’ North Korea | TheHill 2 hours ago Radio Free Asia 'How I Escaped a Kidnap Attempt by Chinese Agents in Hong Kong' 5 hours ago CNBC A heated battle between the US and China played out at the world's biggest mobile event 15 hours ago The New York Times Company Live From America’s Capital, a TV Station Run by China’s Communist Party 1 day ago PEOPLE ALSO SEARCH FOR MSCI China weighting Mike Pompeo Philippines China data 5. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/02/28/asia/saudi-sisters-asylum-hong-kong-intl/index.html 6. Read more news from CNN VIEW IN APP Live TV Saudi sisters trapped in Hong Kong seek visa extension as they scramble to secure safe haven By Sandi Sidhu and Hilary Whiteman, CNN Updated 12:57 AM EST, Fri March 01, 2019 This photo was taken at the toilet airport during a trip to Turkey. The sisters wore this type of niqab when they were traveling outside Saudi Arabia. Hong Kong (CNN) Two women who fled Saudi Arabia for Australia, only to become trapped in transit in Hong Kong, are seeking a last minute visa extension from the city's authorities as they try to secure a more permanent refuge. Hong Kong only accepts a handful of asylum cases, and the sisters are believed to be in the process of applying for refugee status with a third country. The sisters' right to stay in Hong Kong expired Thursday, months after Saudi officials allegedly attempted to kidnap them at Hong Kong airport by trying to convince them to get on a flight home under false pretenses. In a statement, lawyer Michael Vidler said they had appealed to the Hong Kong Immigration Department "to allow the sisters to continue to remain in Hong Kong as 'tolerated overstayers' on humanitarian grounds pending determination of their emergency rescue visas to a third country place of safety." On Twitter, the sisters said "we are in fear every day we are in Hong Kong." "We want to leave to a third country place of safety as soon as possible," they said. "We desperately hope that this will happen very soon and that the Hong Kong government will continue to allow us to stay here until then." Flight from Colombo The two sisters -- who have not been identified but spoke to CNN under the pseudonyms Reem and Rawan -- have been in Hong Kong since September 2018. That's when they fled a family holiday in Colombo, Sri Lanka, retrieving their passports from their sleeping parents and making a break to the airport. From there they had a flight booked to Australia, where they had tourist visas already approved and hoped to claim asylum. When they touched down in Hong Kong for what was supposed to be a two-hour stopover, however, the plan fell apart. As soon as the women stepped off the plane, they say two men approached them and asked if they were going to Melbourne. The women say the men asked for their passports and boarding passes, first saying they might miss their flight, then suggesting there was something wrong with their Australian visas. The sisters say the men led them to another area of the airport, where Vidler says they canceled the women's Cathay Pacific flight to Melbourne and booked them, without their knowledge, on an Emirates flight to Riyadh, via Dubai. Eventually, after refusing to go with the men, the sisters succeeded in leaving the airport, after which they checked into a hotel. That's where police picked them up four days later, after their father and uncle came to the city and filed a missing persons report for them. The women say they were held in a room by police for six hours, where they repeatedly refused requests from their father and their uncle to see them. Police eventually drove them back to their hotel. By that time, it was after midnight and the women hurriedly packed their bags and fled. Since then they have moved from safe house to safe house, as they seek a visa in a safe country. Vidler says they have few options. Their Saudi passports have been canceled and what limited right to remain they had in Hong Kong has now expired. "We are hopeful this extension will be allowed and that their application for an emergency rescue visa be granted soon," Vidler said. In a statement, human rights group Amnesty urged the Hong Kong government not to return the sisters to Saudi Arabia, "where their lives would be in grave danger." "Don't send them back," Amnesty said. View on CNN © 2019 Cable News Network. Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | AdChoices 7. Satan became the Ruler of the Earth When Satan had successfully tempted Adam and Eve, he not only brought the human family into the life and death struggle that we experience today, but now as a result of man's fall, Satan had obtained authority over the whole earth. Satan began claiming the earth as the place where he rules. Jesus even called Satan the ruler of this world when He was on earth. Jesus answered and said, "This voice 8. http://www.creation-science-prophecy.com/legalbattle.htm 9. However, Jesus will only suffer a bruise to the heel which is not a serious wound; But, Jesus will do everything that He set out to do. Jesus will reclaim the righteous to Himself and the earth will once again be His. Satan and his evil angels will be destroyed forever along with the majority of mankind who are wicked. Enter by the narrow gate; for wide 10. https://www.instagram.com/p/BuakrKBn0dC/?hl=en 11. 73,536 likes behatiprinsloo 🕷 shirley_shago Montague team ❤️❤️💕 ROMEO + JULIET carli_amidala @jacisimon I am down , I haven't seen this in like 9+ years charw125 Amazing movie ❤️ anatherezamotta @marinavrenard hayley_xyz 😍😍 ehsanvizviz Oh waaaw that's @leonardodicaprio 👌😀 linvallejo Romeo+Juliet parryku I. Love. Romeo. And. Juliet carriefairy 👏 kap.colliportuensi ❤😍😍 djkennybrian ⚡⚡ biii_mora @caliara_ what is the name? lukibeybeh Yaaaaaaassssss demirjessica Romeo and Juliet, with the great Leonardo DiCaprio... First movie I saw with him in the local cinema.... 1995, 19 years old... 🤣 _miliyy_ 😍 mrsgoody81 The soundtrack tho!!!!! tmenn LMAO @rockmeamodeo still probably the weirdest movie I have ever seen rockmeamodeo @tmenn omg but I love it!!! "Hoe! My longsword!!" Hahaha lolita8479 @beathiprinsl... Sii ROMEO Y JULIETA HERMOSA PELI!!!! 💗 dem101902 Love this version of Romeo and Juliet🙌🏻 fur1122 Mink manufacturers wholesale Привет я китай шуба фабрика хочешь заказать shaniaalfateha romeoooo😍😍😍❤️ bruhitsfrance Yassssss🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 saragallomusic 🙈🙈 2 DAYS AGO 12. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bufypa8Hab8/?hl=en 13. https://www.instagram.com/p/BuVfomkj_OP/?hl=en 14. 367,933 likes adamlevine Just WOW. #TOKYODOME renachan83 @claire83doktor nope! ;) miy.yo また来てね!!🎸❤️💕😍🇯🇵大好き❤️🇯🇵🍣 seowonyang1423 Did you not like the concert in Korea? You didnt post any of them.....😢😢 miy.yo ARIGATOU💗🇯🇵 marizcp @moroon555 wow!!!!! yuka.tmr Thank you very much for the great live in Japan! I’m waiting for your return!! Love you guys, Amazing Maroon 5💫 a.mishibasnotra U should come to india too alicedasilva1962 I love u adam❤️❤️❤️ marinadruetta Veni a argentina te lo suplico mrsanamae @charkhoo adonicanunn #vibes rherelax 什么时候到中国???? love_certified Amazing! Be sure to come check out our page 💖 annadevega @robdanao 😭😭😭😭😭 rustamgr like your songs riomouri.kioshi Cool @haqnii satishkumar7490 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 cheilalais When are you going to come to Brazil again? ❤️❤️ jonaversoza badly want to see and hear you and the whole band perform live here in manila 😭 unfortunately i can't bc i don't have a ticket. i love u guys ❤️ keep singing & creating good music 🙌 u inspire me a lot iamkimkline 🔥👏 frida_kp24 ♥️😍 elis.maciel.90 Que Deus sempre esteja com vocês, que zele por cada passo que vocês derem,em cada lugar que forem... Obrigada por fazerem nossas vidas mais felizes com suas MARAVILHOSAS músicas e com a sua voz angelical (Adam) que me acalma, me faz querer sempre o melhor da vida, das pessoas,me inspira... Amo vocês e rezo pela felicidade de todos vocêse suas famílias, para que vocês nos presenteiem durante muitos e muitos anos com esse dom maravilhoso que Deus deu à cada um de vocês!!!! Fiquem com Deus e saibam que aqui no Brasil 🇧🇷 tem alguém que ama profundamente a todos vocês!!! Muita luz e mais sucesso!!!❤️❤️❤️🇧🇷 tatianakucherova8 D܆O܄ U܄ W܁A་ N܉T܉ T܉O܄ C܆U܄M܉ O܄N܉ M܉Y܁ B܆U܄T܉T܉??‽ I܄F܃ U܄ D܆O܄ T܉H܉E་ N܉ F܃I܄N܉D܆ C܆H܉E་ C܆K܉ O܄U܄T܉ M܉Y܁ P܉A་ G܉E་ ☃ lizra16 Moved to Singapore from Miami!! Can’t wait to see u here- first concert for my girls! Super excited 4 DAYS AGO ABOUT USSUPPORTPRESSAPIJOBS 15. http://www.creation-science-prophecy.com/legalbattle.htm 16. And the LORD said to Satan, "From where do you come?" So Satan answered the LORD and said, "From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking back and forth on it." Job 1:6-7 NKJV We most likely are looking at a meeting of extraterrestrials, people from other worlds. Each member at the meeting is a representative of their own world. We can know that this is a meeting of representatives because of how Satan says he has a right to be there. We will see that Satan is saying that he is the representative of Earth! So what we have here is a system of government for the Universe that God Himself oversees. Apparently this was an important event. In this meeting the sons of God are presenting themselves before the Lord. It seems that all who were there, except one, had a right to be there. At least we don't have any record of God questioning their presence. The whole point of this part of the story is that Satan was not invited. When God asked Satan why he was there, he essentially answered: from walking around on the Earth. 17. invited. When God asked Satan why he was there, he essentially answered: from walking around on the Earth. Is Satan claiming ownership? I think so. Remember, this intergalactic war is over the question of ownership of the throne of Heaven. Satan wants the throne. Apparently, Satan is starting a legal process that he thinks will allow him to take over one planet, the Earth. In the meeting, Satan seems to 18. allow him to take over one planet, the Earth. In the meeting, Satan seems to conclude that he either owns or he rules our world. He is actually claiming rulership of the Earth in that meeting! That is why I think he went to the meeting. He sees himself as the leader of the whole planet Earth. This meeting most likely is a meeting of the leaders of the Universe with God; So Satan felt he had a right to be there. We can determine this point of rulership further from the following discussion: Then the LORD said to Satan, Have you considered My servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil? So Satan answered the LORD and said, Does Job fear God for nothing? Have You not made a hedge around him, around his household, and around all that he has on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his possessions have increased in the land. But now, stretch out Your hand and touch all that he has, and he will surely curse You to Your face! And the LORD said to Satan, Behold, all that he has is in your power; only do not lay a hand on his person. So Satan went out from the presence of the LORD. Job 1:8-12. 19. In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven. Matthew 6:9-10 We are still praying for God's will to occur on earth as it is in Heaven. We are praying for this because His will is still not yet happening fully. Jesus has not yet taken authority of our world. Yes, that is right. Satan is still the ruler of this world. Death and destruction are still occurring all around us. Jesus still has not taken our world away from Satan. We know that is true because we are still here! However, Jesus especially talked about Satan, that he will be cast out and judged. Now is the 20. TOP STORIES Deadly California floods swamp 2,000 homes, turn 2 towns into 'islands'; record snow hits Sierra USA Today - 3 days ago Northern California river floods 2,000 buildings New York Post - 3 days ago The Sacramento Bee ‘Probably gonna be a wet one’: Two storms incoming to kick off March. Will it flood again? 2 days ago Los Angeles Times Gov. Newsom declares emergency over Northern California flooding 2 days ago Business Insider California’s wine country is facing its worst flood since 1995. Photos show some areas under 8 feet of water. 2 days ago Mashable Surreal photos from massive atmospheric river flooding in California 2 days ago Wall Street Journal Thousands Evacuated in Northern California Flooding 2 days ago WWLP California floods leave communities stranded 2 days ago The Mercury News Farmer found dead in Northern California floodwaters 2 days ago NBC Bay Area Evacuations Lifted for Flooded California Wine Country Towns 1 day ago CNN Rain returns to the South and California floods continue 3 days ago ABC News AP PHOTOS: California towns tackle muck, debris after floods 3 days ago PEOPLE ALSO SEARCH FOR Wine country flooding More News
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courtneytincher · 5 years
The Most Important Brexiter Isn’t  Boris Johnson
(Bloomberg Opinion) -- In the highly entertaining Channel 4 drama about the 2016 referendum campaign “Brexit: The Uncivil War,” Benedict Cumberbatch, playing the mastermind of the Vote Leave campaign, is sometimes found crouched in the narrow pantry where he retreats to think. It’s not hard to picture the real Dominic Cummings doing just that.Cummings is no mere political curiosity. Though unelected and without a seat at the cabinet table, he is U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s most important adviser. A master of the focus group and the targeted digital ad, he will play a critical role in any early election or second referendum on Brexit.The Johnson-Cummings pairing could be largely a matter of short-term expedience. Johnson wants a proven hand to carry out his “do or die” Oct. 31 Brexit pledge and win an election. But it could also be about something beyond Brexit. At the heart of the new government are two ambitious men possessed by a sense of history, some would say grandiosity, and an appetite for taking big gambles.For Cummings, Brexit is a means to a greater end: a complete overhaul of the machinery of government. This might have been started long ago, but Margaret Thatcher, that icon of the British right, didn’t go far enough in Cummings’s view. She shied away from reforming the civil service, whose inefficiencies Cummings finds maddening. He wants to finish the job he started with Vote Leave by using insights from the world of computing, physics, warfare and sport. If he stays beyond Brexit, Cummings will have to prove his ideas aren’t some utopian vision.But there’s a paradox: The political upheaval caused by Brexit may have opened the door to change, but the chaos of a no-deal Brexit could make the very reforms he seeks impossible to implement.No Ordinary BrexiterCummings cannot be confused with your garden variety no-deal Brexiter. He notes in one of his many, lengthy blog posts that he is “not a Tory libertarian, ‘populist,’ or anything else.” That explains his deep disdain for the “narcissist-delusional” group of hard-core Brexiters in the party. For them, leaving the EU is an ideological necessity and a mark of tribal loyalty. He isn’t one of that tribe, or any tribe. He even went so far, in a twitter exchange in 2017, as to say the referendum may have been a mistake.Most political advisers operate in the shadows, but Cummings is the subject of an endless stream of profiles; in a country that worships eccentricity, he is a journalistic gift that keeps on giving. He also invites inspection. His wide-ranging, occasionally breathless writings provide a dizzying tour of the innovators, historical figures, athletes and scientists who have informed his thinking. His political philosophy incorporates insights from Prussian Otto von Bismarck, interface design wizard Bret Victor, physicist and computer scientist Michael Nielsen, T.S. Eliot and many more.To imagine a Cummings-led takeover of the British state, visualize a room resembling a NASA launch control center in which Bismarck is huddled with, say, a crack team of designers and coders on loan from Apple. Bismarck, the “blood and iron” chancellor who distrusted democracy, is important. Cummings also singles out for praise the Chinese Communist Party for its “use of proven systems management techniques for integrating principles of effective action to predict and manage complex systems at large scale.”For the cadres of civil servants orbiting Downing Street, some might find Cummings’s own verdict of their world makes for uncomfortable reading:Critical institutions (including the senior civil service and the parties) are programmed to fight to stay dysfunctional, they fight to stay closed and avoid learning about high performance, they fight to exclude the most able people.His writings reveal strong views on education reform (he has written controversially that policy-makers too easily discount the role of genetics in achievement), immigration (doesn’t like the low-skilled type) and European agricultural subsidies (thinks them absurd although apparently a farm he co-owns benefits handsomely from them).We don’t know much about what he thinks is the right fiscal policy in an ultra-low interest rate borderline recessionary environment. He’s said little about whether U.S.-style regulations necessary for a trade agreement are an acceptable substitute for EU-style rules.OODA Loop Indeed, policy specifics seem less important to Cummings than design problems and engineering effective decision-making systems in government. He’s a big fan of the OODA loop, the decision-making cycle developed by the late military strategist and Air Force fighter pilot John Boyd. The sequence – observe, orient, design and act – enables the practitioner, originally fighter pilots, to stay one step ahead of their opponents, constantly taking in new information and using it.Doing the OODA loop well requires clear-eyed awareness of your own blind spots, something Cummings sometimes seems to lack. In his blogging days, he would occasionally respond to reader comments. But when readers questioned whether his views smacked of utopianism, or asked for a few examples of where changes he proposes had been road-tested in government, he didn’t reply.He cannot, however, be accused of thinking small. Think of him as a cross between Steve Bannon and Dick Cheney. Cummings would like to harness the extreme preparation and concentration of people like solo free climber Alex Honnold. This ideal of the super-athlete civil servant feeds into his view that selection for politics and government should be like winnowing the great from the also-rans in music or sport. That sounds appealing, but of course the French train up an uber-elite for government roles and still wound up with the gilets jaunes and stubbornly high levels of unemployment.  Held in contempt of parliament earlier this year, he appears bent on undermining elected lawmakers by persuading his boss to ignore constitutional convention in pursuing a no-deal Brexit. He is not one to sacrifice his agenda on the altar of careerism either. Indeed, former Prime Minister David Cameron once called him a “career psychopath.” So as long as Cummings is around, it’s fair to say that the Johnson Plan is the Cummings Plan.Homer Simpson MomentHis opponents, particularly on the left, paint him as self-important, hypocritical and a caricature of the mad genius rather than the real thing. After former Attorney General and anti-Brexit lawmaker Dominic Grieve said he was arrogant and didn’t understand the British constitution, Cummings snidely replied, “Mr. Grieve, we’ll see what he’s right about.” “Not since Homer Simpson sat on a sofa trying to get to grips with the mystery of his own obesity while simultaneously eating donuts, can any TV viewing audience have had irony spoon-fed to them with such generous ease,” wrote the Independent’s Tom Peck.The bigger Homerian irony is Brexit itself. Cummings’s entire theory of remaking government is based on the criticism that, as he put it, “most of everybody’s day is spent just battling entropy – it is not pursuing priorities and building valuable things.” What exactly does he think people’s days will be spent doing when they confront tariffs and new regulatory barriers to trade? When they spend time and money duplicating EU bureaucracies or finding new sources of funding for scientific programs? Entropy indeed.If not an ideologue, he is at least an idealist and they can easily flame out once in power. His very critique of the hierarchical, fixed mind-set machinery of government suggests he would find the plodding experience of overhauling a bureaucracy, as opposed to the adrenaline rush of directing a referendum or election campaign, highly frustrating if he got the chance. The civil servants he wants to turn into decision-making Olympians may not play along. It’s not enough for revolutionaries to have vision, they also need charisma.Known for his brash style, Cummings doesn’t hold back on those he deems lesser beings, once referring to David Davis, the former Brexit secretary, as “thick as mince, lazy as a toad and vain as Narcissus.” (Davis didn’t make it into Johnson’s cabinet.) As reports filter out of special advisers being fired without warning, one wonders whether he’ll inspire enough loyalty to carry through his grander plans.For now, though, it’s Johnson’s confidence that gives Cummings’s ideas wings. If he helps deliver Brexit and win an election that will no doubt secure him a sainthood among Brexiters. He reportedly postponed a surgery to join the government until the end of October, so who knows how long he’ll stick around.Cummings himself might find a short stay wholly unsatisfactory though. That would make him more like a skilled coder who follows his boss’s brief, or even just a hired gun, than the design revolutionary lionized in his writings.To contact the author of this story: Therese Raphael at [email protected] contact the editor responsible for this story: Stephanie Baker at [email protected] column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board or Bloomberg LP and its owners.Therese Raphael writes editorials on European politics and economics for Bloomberg Opinion. She was editorial page editor of the Wall Street Journal Europe.For more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.com/opinion©2019 Bloomberg L.P.
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(Bloomberg Opinion) -- In the highly entertaining Channel 4 drama about the 2016 referendum campaign “Brexit: The Uncivil War,” Benedict Cumberbatch, playing the mastermind of the Vote Leave campaign, is sometimes found crouched in the narrow pantry where he retreats to think. It’s not hard to picture the real Dominic Cummings doing just that.Cummings is no mere political curiosity. Though unelected and without a seat at the cabinet table, he is U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s most important adviser. A master of the focus group and the targeted digital ad, he will play a critical role in any early election or second referendum on Brexit.The Johnson-Cummings pairing could be largely a matter of short-term expedience. Johnson wants a proven hand to carry out his “do or die” Oct. 31 Brexit pledge and win an election. But it could also be about something beyond Brexit. At the heart of the new government are two ambitious men possessed by a sense of history, some would say grandiosity, and an appetite for taking big gambles.For Cummings, Brexit is a means to a greater end: a complete overhaul of the machinery of government. This might have been started long ago, but Margaret Thatcher, that icon of the British right, didn’t go far enough in Cummings’s view. She shied away from reforming the civil service, whose inefficiencies Cummings finds maddening. He wants to finish the job he started with Vote Leave by using insights from the world of computing, physics, warfare and sport. If he stays beyond Brexit, Cummings will have to prove his ideas aren’t some utopian vision.But there’s a paradox: The political upheaval caused by Brexit may have opened the door to change, but the chaos of a no-deal Brexit could make the very reforms he seeks impossible to implement.No Ordinary BrexiterCummings cannot be confused with your garden variety no-deal Brexiter. He notes in one of his many, lengthy blog posts that he is “not a Tory libertarian, ‘populist,’ or anything else.” That explains his deep disdain for the “narcissist-delusional” group of hard-core Brexiters in the party. For them, leaving the EU is an ideological necessity and a mark of tribal loyalty. He isn’t one of that tribe, or any tribe. He even went so far, in a twitter exchange in 2017, as to say the referendum may have been a mistake.Most political advisers operate in the shadows, but Cummings is the subject of an endless stream of profiles; in a country that worships eccentricity, he is a journalistic gift that keeps on giving. He also invites inspection. His wide-ranging, occasionally breathless writings provide a dizzying tour of the innovators, historical figures, athletes and scientists who have informed his thinking. His political philosophy incorporates insights from Prussian Otto von Bismarck, interface design wizard Bret Victor, physicist and computer scientist Michael Nielsen, T.S. Eliot and many more.To imagine a Cummings-led takeover of the British state, visualize a room resembling a NASA launch control center in which Bismarck is huddled with, say, a crack team of designers and coders on loan from Apple. Bismarck, the “blood and iron” chancellor who distrusted democracy, is important. Cummings also singles out for praise the Chinese Communist Party for its “use of proven systems management techniques for integrating principles of effective action to predict and manage complex systems at large scale.”For the cadres of civil servants orbiting Downing Street, some might find Cummings’s own verdict of their world makes for uncomfortable reading:Critical institutions (including the senior civil service and the parties) are programmed to fight to stay dysfunctional, they fight to stay closed and avoid learning about high performance, they fight to exclude the most able people.His writings reveal strong views on education reform (he has written controversially that policy-makers too easily discount the role of genetics in achievement), immigration (doesn’t like the low-skilled type) and European agricultural subsidies (thinks them absurd although apparently a farm he co-owns benefits handsomely from them).We don’t know much about what he thinks is the right fiscal policy in an ultra-low interest rate borderline recessionary environment. He’s said little about whether U.S.-style regulations necessary for a trade agreement are an acceptable substitute for EU-style rules.OODA Loop Indeed, policy specifics seem less important to Cummings than design problems and engineering effective decision-making systems in government. He’s a big fan of the OODA loop, the decision-making cycle developed by the late military strategist and Air Force fighter pilot John Boyd. The sequence – observe, orient, design and act – enables the practitioner, originally fighter pilots, to stay one step ahead of their opponents, constantly taking in new information and using it.Doing the OODA loop well requires clear-eyed awareness of your own blind spots, something Cummings sometimes seems to lack. In his blogging days, he would occasionally respond to reader comments. But when readers questioned whether his views smacked of utopianism, or asked for a few examples of where changes he proposes had been road-tested in government, he didn’t reply.He cannot, however, be accused of thinking small. Think of him as a cross between Steve Bannon and Dick Cheney. Cummings would like to harness the extreme preparation and concentration of people like solo free climber Alex Honnold. This ideal of the super-athlete civil servant feeds into his view that selection for politics and government should be like winnowing the great from the also-rans in music or sport. That sounds appealing, but of course the French train up an uber-elite for government roles and still wound up with the gilets jaunes and stubbornly high levels of unemployment.  Held in contempt of parliament earlier this year, he appears bent on undermining elected lawmakers by persuading his boss to ignore constitutional convention in pursuing a no-deal Brexit. He is not one to sacrifice his agenda on the altar of careerism either. Indeed, former Prime Minister David Cameron once called him a “career psychopath.” So as long as Cummings is around, it’s fair to say that the Johnson Plan is the Cummings Plan.Homer Simpson MomentHis opponents, particularly on the left, paint him as self-important, hypocritical and a caricature of the mad genius rather than the real thing. After former Attorney General and anti-Brexit lawmaker Dominic Grieve said he was arrogant and didn’t understand the British constitution, Cummings snidely replied, “Mr. Grieve, we’ll see what he’s right about.” “Not since Homer Simpson sat on a sofa trying to get to grips with the mystery of his own obesity while simultaneously eating donuts, can any TV viewing audience have had irony spoon-fed to them with such generous ease,” wrote the Independent’s Tom Peck.The bigger Homerian irony is Brexit itself. Cummings’s entire theory of remaking government is based on the criticism that, as he put it, “most of everybody’s day is spent just battling entropy – it is not pursuing priorities and building valuable things.” What exactly does he think people’s days will be spent doing when they confront tariffs and new regulatory barriers to trade? When they spend time and money duplicating EU bureaucracies or finding new sources of funding for scientific programs? Entropy indeed.If not an ideologue, he is at least an idealist and they can easily flame out once in power. His very critique of the hierarchical, fixed mind-set machinery of government suggests he would find the plodding experience of overhauling a bureaucracy, as opposed to the adrenaline rush of directing a referendum or election campaign, highly frustrating if he got the chance. The civil servants he wants to turn into decision-making Olympians may not play along. It’s not enough for revolutionaries to have vision, they also need charisma.Known for his brash style, Cummings doesn’t hold back on those he deems lesser beings, once referring to David Davis, the former Brexit secretary, as “thick as mince, lazy as a toad and vain as Narcissus.” (Davis didn’t make it into Johnson’s cabinet.) As reports filter out of special advisers being fired without warning, one wonders whether he’ll inspire enough loyalty to carry through his grander plans.For now, though, it’s Johnson’s confidence that gives Cummings’s ideas wings. If he helps deliver Brexit and win an election that will no doubt secure him a sainthood among Brexiters. He reportedly postponed a surgery to join the government until the end of October, so who knows how long he’ll stick around.Cummings himself might find a short stay wholly unsatisfactory though. That would make him more like a skilled coder who follows his boss’s brief, or even just a hired gun, than the design revolutionary lionized in his writings.To contact the author of this story: Therese Raphael at [email protected] contact the editor responsible for this story: Stephanie Baker at [email protected] column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board or Bloomberg LP and its owners.Therese Raphael writes editorials on European politics and economics for Bloomberg Opinion. She was editorial page editor of the Wall Street Journal Europe.For more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.com/opinion©2019 Bloomberg L.P.
August 16, 2019 at 09:00AM via IFTTT
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