#blossom x princess
lune-redd · 8 months
this is just blossom and princess
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hey-haven · 2 months
how did Blossom and Morbucks get together?
So the story is that during high school, when Princess dropped her villainous ways, she developed feelings for Blossom. She was deeply in denial of her sexuality, so she stamped those feelings deep down and locked them in a vault. Even then, Blossom was in a relationship with Dexter at the time, so Princess couldn’t do much on the off chance she was willing to acknowledge her feelings.
Cut to years later where they’re all adults, Princess needed to call POP and have them send in Anomaly Investigators because she noticed some paranormal activities going on in her house. The investigators concluded that there is a very dangerous ghost, and she needed a different place to stay until they figured things out. Blossom, knowing that a familiar face needed help, offered to let Princess stay with her. Princess reluctantly agreed making the two roommates.
Princess ends up living with Blossom longer than intended because stuff just kept happening to her house (thanks to a cursed gem). During that time, she had to go through her journey of coming to terms with her sexuality. She briefly dated Dipper, realized she only tried to date him to ignore her gay crush, and they broke up on surprisingly good terms, all the while she and Blossom were growing closer and closer. Finally, on the night when Princess could actually go back to her house, she confessed her feelings.
Now I should explain what their relationship even is because it’s not entirely a romantic one exactly. Blossom is aromantic meaning she has very little to no romantic attraction to people. She’s not entirely sure if her feelings for Princess are romantic or platonic, but she does know that she enjoys her company and wants to continue being with her. Princess understands this, and they agree to not really give their relationship any specific label. They are partners, they are roommates, and they love each other. That is more than enough for them.
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🌸Meet Blossom!🌸
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She is Mario and Peach's daughter😌❤️🩷 She's about 3 years old here. While she has her mother's eyes and nose, she takes on her dad's shortness🤭
I gave her red hair as a callback to when Peach's hair used to be red/ginger. I have to flesh out her personality more, but she is going to take on some of a mix of both parents' personalities😌
With her being the daughter of two Star Children, she will find out at some point just how powerful she really is when she realizes her dad's firebrand and mom's white/heart magic are coursing within her!✨️🔥
Hopefully, I can draw out some family pieces of her and her parents soon❤️🩷🌸
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shrimpyfellow · 1 month
PPG jumpscare
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These are some scene redraws :3 vvv
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idiosinkrasies · 2 months
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I think dk!matchablossom should hold hands,,,,,just my opinion (I have like three more of these saved up btw)
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Wanted to post the side by side of this illustration and the inspiration. It’s Luigi serving.
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bahoreal · 2 months
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su yin will dote on xiaobao and hold him tenderly but the moment xiaobao reciprocates he freezes up and gets uncomfortable and pushes xiaobao off oh su yin you are so messed up
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bugeyedfreaks · 7 months
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Super cute print by JGinerIlustracion on Etsy!
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quarantined-fics · 1 year
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Real Love Song by Nothing But Thieves is such a reds song in P&P, i just had to do some concept comics to it 🩷x❤️
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stinkymicrowavedfish · 9 months
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Buttercup is a Gorillaz girl real
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mlp410nightcore · 3 months
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Hi Everyone!! Here are some more next gens for my Blossom Love AU. Lulu and Tulip's parents are Arthur Kingsmen and Roseluck. Lulu is somewhat sweet and helpful, but does have quite the temper if things don't get done either on time or in the right way. But she does mean well and just wants everyone to respect her advice and decisions regarding her and her mother's flower stand business. Despite this, Lulu does love to help her mother around the stand and is quite organized, hence why she was put on finances and making sure things are in order. Tulip, on the other hand, is super bubbly, loves to party and make friends very often. She tags along with her father and his friends (Vivi Yukino, Lewis Pepper and Mystery), Vivi and Lewis's son, Liam and Princess Cadence and Shining Armor's daughter, Flurry Heart (whom is Liam's longtime girlfriend) as they continue to discover and reveal the paranormal as The Mystery Skulls. Even though Tulip is apart of the team, She does get scared very easily just like her father. Tulip works as the one who analyzes and discovers ancient relics ranging from tomes to artifacts left behind by previous civilizations. Despite her goofy and oblivious nature, she's knowledgeable and is quite intelligent as well. Lulu and Tulip have a very close bond, but do have the tendency to get on each other's nerves whether it be on accident or on purpose. Credit goes to Selenaede for the bases I used and to MysteryBen27, Lauren Faust and Hasbro for creating The Mystery Skulls Animated Music Videos and My Little Pony:Friendship Is Magic as well as creating the characters, Arthur Kingsmen, Vivi Yukino, Lewis Pepper, Mystery, Roseluck Princess Cadance, Shining Armor and Flurry Heart as well as creating The Mystery Skulls Team and Roseluck's Flower Stand too. I only take credit for my next gens, art, ships, stories and the Blossom Love AU. I hope you guys like them!!!
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chiptunepacifist · 9 months
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have a lil prinbloss comic! (aged up morbucks design by @/princesscallyie)
[click for higher quality, reblogs appreciated]
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ilikeicecoffee-blog · 13 days
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I was planning on waiting until I finished a certain comic to reveal my Mareach fankid, but since I feel like it'll take much longer than I thought, I think it's better to reveal her before it's done. Here's a teaser of her❤️🩷
Her name is 🌸Blossom🌸 (Peach fell in love with the name after learning about Peach Blossom flowers🤭)
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teegeewrites · 1 month
Blossoming Connection - Chapter One
Here is the first chapter of my newest story. It's the one I posted a preview of earlier this week.
The harmonious notes of birds trilling joyful songs wafted through the air. Sentient beings of every race merrily went about their day. A stunning array of blossoms and trees offered their fragrant gifts to those lucky enough to breathe deeply. The sky, a vast expanse of azure, remained unblemished by clouds. The sun bathed the landscape below in its warm, golden light.
It was a day that deserved to be immortalized in a photograph and transformed into postcards, inviting adventurers to the enchanting Mushroom Kingdom. Yet, at this very moment, one person was consumed by the wish to be anywhere else in the world.
Luigi leaned on the balcony of Princess Peach’s castle, his gaze drifting into the vastness beyond. The breathtaking scenery contrasted sharply with the turmoil brewing inside him, a storm ready to burst forth and tarnish the bright day at the first sign of a crack.
Only ten minutes ago, a significant announcement triggered an outpouring of cheers, congratulations, and even tears of happiness. It was a moment that should have brought Luigi joy, yet it instead filled him with a bitter pang of jealousy and a deep sense of gloom.
Princess Peach gleefully shared the news that she bared her heart to Mario earlier that day. Mario admitted he was astonished at her confession but revealed that he reciprocated her feelings upon recovering. With a heart full of joy, Peach affirmed that they were now officially a couple, and the celebration began.
The affection between Mario and Peach was the worst-kept secret in the Mushroom Kingdom, a flame that flickered brightly for all to see. Their chemistry was electric, lighting up the air around them with every shared glance and laugh. While Peach was known for her seemingly unlimited kindness to nearly everyone whom she crossed paths with, her interactions with Mario had a special glow, hinting at something deeper than mere friendship. Mario, despite his attempts to play it cool, couldn't mask the excitement that bubbled within him whenever Peach was near. It was inevitable that they would soon shed their hesitations and openly embrace the love that was so apparent to all.
Despite the tumultuous emotions swirling within him like a violent tornado, Luigi felt a genuine happiness for Mario and Peach. His affection for both was profound, and like many in the Mushroom Kingdom, he couldn't overlook the undeniable bond they shared. Being in their midst so often, he had the privilege of witnessing their sparkling chemistry unfold right before his eyes.
He remembered how Mario would profess his love for the princess every single day, often to his irritation. His brother would ramble on about the fragrance of her shampoo, the allure of her perfume, her beautiful heart, and every other enchanting quality he could conjure. He even discovered a few discarded poems and love letters that Mario had written, each one a testament to his infatuation.
Still, Luigi recalled that Mario’s journey with his feelings for Peach wasn’t entirely smooth sailing. Mario battled with insecurities, convinced that a princess of her caliber would never choose a working-class plumber like him. Despite the reassurances from Toad, Toadette, and Luigi himself, Mario remained unconvinced. Luigi pointed out that he was more than just a plumber; he was the celebrated hero of the Mushroom Kingdom, adored by its citizens just as much as the princess. Additionally, Peach frequently extended personal invitations for him to visit the castle, a privilege not granted to everyone. Although these affirmations gave Mario a slight boost, Luigi could sense the persistent shadows of doubt lurking in his brother’s mind.
He could tell that Mario felt a wave of relief wash over him when Peach shared her desire to be more than just friends. Any flickers of doubt that might have lingered in Mario's heart were swiftly extinguished by a long, tender kiss on his lips from Peach, a far cry from her usual cheek and nose offerings.
Normally, Luigi would have found great amusement in watching Mario’s legs resembling a plate of overcooked spaghetti before he crumpled to the ground in a lovesick stupor. But today, a cloud of sorrow engulfed him and made him feel like the most despondent person in the room. Even Toadsworth, the long-serving royal advisor known for his gentle yet firm approach regarding the princess’s well-being, had given his approval to Mario and Peach’s blossoming romance. The joyful sounds morphed into a dissonant symphony of despair for Luigi, compelling him to slip away from the festivities in search of a moment of peace to untangle his tangled feelings.
As the vision of Mario and Peach's blossoming romance unfolded before him on the balcony, Luigi found himself grappling with an uncomfortable truth he had long tried to bury deep within an impenetrable vault. Yet, today’s celebration was both the shovel and skeleton key that unlocked the very feelings that now haunted him.
He could no longer pretend otherwise: Mario wasn’t the only plumber enchanted by Princess Peach. Luigi, too, secretly nursed a significant crush on her.
Hair as lustrous as a freshly polished golden trophy cascading gracefully just beyond her waist. Split sideburns and a heart-shaped fringe framing a soft oval face which glowed with an alabaster hue. Large baby blue eyes that sparkled warmth and friendliness, inviting others to draw near. Soft, full, and normally peach tinted lips that frequently exhibited kind, curious, and sometimes playful smiles. Lips that harbored perhaps her biggest secret weapon: two rows of immaculate snow-white teeth that should those luscious face pillows allow them to see the light of day are capable of sending the sun to the unemployment line and even rendering the most self-assured people wholly incapable of any rational thought.
Yet, Peach was far more than just a pretty face. She embodied elegance and sophistication in a way that captivated everyone around her. Despite her noble heritage, she never looked down her nose at anyone. On the contrary, she was possibly the kindest and most compassionate person Luigi had ever encountered. Always eager to listen, she took a sincere interest in those fortunate enough to meet her. Her integrity shone through as she consistently honored her promises, never intentionally breaking one. This was clearly illustrated when she welcomed him and Mario into her realm with open arms upon her first rescue from Bowser with heartfelt enthusiasm. Moreover, she frequently went out of her way to spend quality time with them and ensured their every need was met. While others might feign kindness, even the mostly guarded Luigi had to admit that the princess was the genuine article.
One of the qualities Luigi truly respected was her unwavering commitment to justice. She was never one to remain passive while others faced hardship, be it people or kingdoms in peril. While she had a practical approach to challenges, she was far from a delicate lady who shied away from getting her hands dirty or risking her appearance when it was time to spring into action. She had proven herself time and again and had even embarked on adventures alongside him and Mario. What truly amazed him was her ability to achieve remarkable feats while gracefully navigating in a dress and heels!
Even when she wasn't directly involved, she showcased remarkable resourcefulness. She tirelessly gathered crucial intel and power-ups to assist him and Mario on their adventures, even when held in captivity. In truth, her contributions played a significant role in enabling Mario and him to rescue her and triumph over Bowser and various foes time and again.
Beautiful. Kindhearted. Optimistic. Elegant. Resilient. Princess Peach personified the quintessential fairy tale princess, radiating charm and grace wherever she went. She had an irresistible allure that made it easy for anyone to adore her, and Luigi, aside from Mario, was perhaps the one who fell for her the deepest.
Sadly, she didn’t reciprocate his feelings. Then again, he had never found the courage to share his true emotions. Why would he? Why would he expose himself to such potential embarrassment? He possessed enough self-awareness to recognize that she was way out of his league. He understood that he would always linger in the shadow of his more charismatic brother. He was the type of guy who would flinch at the mere sight of his own shadow. The same guy who felt socially awkward even in the most laid-back environments. The same guy who remained in the background, despite being the one who resolved the problems. He was hardly a catch for ordinary women, let alone for someone of royal stature. Thus, no matter how much it tormented him inside, he made a silent promise to keep his thoughts to himself.
Luigi's introspective silence was abruptly interrupted by the French doors swinging open with a soft creak. He let out a weary sigh, assuming it was Mario coming to check on him. However, the elegant sound of high heels clicking toward him was far different than his brother’s heavy familiar footfalls.
“There you are, Luigi!”
The soft, melodious voice that filled the air was unmistakably not Mario’s. This voice, which typically brought warmth and joy to his heart, had morphed into a heavy weight, shattering the fragile glass of his emotions. He turned slightly, casting a glance over his shoulder to find Princess Peach with her hands clasped over her brooch and a look of relief washing over her face.
Great, what is she doing here, he thought with a twinge of bitterness. He forced a flimsy smile. “Oh, hey there, Princess.”
“I’m glad to see you’re still here,” she replied with a small smile of her own. “We searched everywhere for you! We thought you might have gone home already.”
“Yeah, I’m still here,” he chuckled weakly. He mentally scolded himself for not considering the thought of returning home. Maybe he could’ve avoided this potentially awkward position.
Peach acknowledged with a nod; however, her smile slowly faded into a concerned gaze. “Luigi, is everything alright?”
Though he felt anything but fine, he was determined to keep that to himself. “Everything’s just fine,” he replied before redirecting his eyes forward.
“Are you sure?” Peach countered, skepticism creeping into her voice. “I may be wrong, but something tells me you’re not being completely honest with me.”
“I can assure you that I’m fine,” Luigi sighed, silently wishing for her to take the hint and leave him be. “Just needed some fresh air, that’s all.”
Sadly, Peach softly rested her hand on his shoulder, prompting a slight flinch from him. “Luigi, I want to start by saying you shine in so many ways. You’re a wonderful brother, a loyal friend, an excellent cook, a great listener, and an exceptional person overall. However, one thing you’re not is a convincing liar. Please, look me in the eyes and tell me what’s troubling you. I might be able to help.”
Luigi’s shoulders tightened as a faintly annoyed smile tugged at his lips. He had forgotten how resolute Peach could be when it came to the well-being of those she cherished. She was adamant about discussing the matter until it was completely addressed and unfortunately for him, this appeared it wouldn’t be any different. With a resigned sigh, he turned to face her and was met with a concerned gaze and the gentle, yet anxious smile accompanying it.
“See, that wasn’t so difficult!” she teased lightly, her fingers lightly gripping his shoulders before her demeanor shifted to one of sincerity. “Now, are you ready to tell me what’s bothering you? I’m sure it’s not as bad as you may think.”
Easy for you to say. You’re not the one with a broken heart, Luigi thought wryly. He desperately wanted to turn his attention elsewhere, but those large, beautiful eyes had this unyielding pull that anchored him in place. Her compassionate gaze gradually weakened his resolve and soon enough, he felt the all-too-familiar sting of tears welling up. He attempted to blink them away, but a couple created paths of sadness down his cheeks.
In a split second, the tender smile that graced Peach's face morphed into a pronounced frown, as if a cloud had suddenly obscured the sun. “Luigi,” she spoke softly, “please speak to me. You know you can talk to me about anything.”
Luigi berated himself for yielding so easily as he continued trying to stave off the remaining tears that threatened to leave his eyes. A heavy sense of dread settled in his gut, knowing that this could be the turning point in his relationships with Peach and Mario, and not necessarily in a way that promised happiness. With a profound exhale, he braced himself for a daunting ordeal that felt far more formidable than any encounter with Bowser.
“Your Highness,” he began, a wave of timidity washing over him, “you’re absolutely right; I am not OK. However, I’m afraid to say why because things may never be the same.”
“What do you mean by that, Luigi?” Peach’s brow furrowed.
“Well, i-it has to do with what happened a few minutes ago,” Luigi hesitated.
“A few minutes ago?” Peach questioned with a perplexed look on her face. Suddenly, her eyes grew wide, as if a light bulb had just flickered in her mind. “You don’t mean when Mario and I announced our relationship? I thought you would be the happiest for us, yet it appears to cause you pain. Why would that be the case?”
With a heavy swallow, Luigi realized the moment had come; he was about to drop the bomb that would scatter everything like shards.
“What if,” his voice barely audible as he spoke, “what if I were to tell you…that Mario isn’t the only one who has developed feelings for you?”
Peach's brow knitted even tighter together in confusion. “Luigi, what are you-” She stopped mid-sentence as her eyes grew even larger in astonishment. She gasped loudly before a gloved hand quickly darted over her mouth.
“Luigi? Are you saying…you’re in love with me?!”
There it was: the truth swaying above them like a chandelier ready to plummet from the ceiling. “Yes,” Luigi responded in a hushed tone, his voice trembling as the tears he had held in check began cascading down his face. “I’m sorry, your Highness.” Fearing her reaction, he swiftly turned his attention to his boots and the delicate hem of her gown, avoiding her eyes at all costs.
You bumbling idiot; why weren’t you strong enough to keep your thoughts to yourself?! he castigated himself. For a while, the only noise echoing in his ears was the relentless pounding of his heart. The desire to leap from the balcony and dash home so he could hide under his bed in shame was burning inside him. However, he wouldn’t do that to Peach. He wouldn’t drop a bomb of this magnitude on her and leave her to pick up the scattered pieces. Though fear gripped him at the thought of facing her now, he resolved to remain and confront the fallout of his choice.
He questioned the wisdom when Peach’s delicate hand cradled his chin and guided his face to meet hers. The sight that greeted him was like a chainsaw ripping through the fragile fabric of his heart. Her baby blue eyes shimmered with unshed tears, locking onto him with an intensity that made his breath hitch. This was the moment he dreaded—the moment she would unleash her fury for ruining what should have been a celebration for her and Mario. He braced himself, eyes squeezed shut, anticipating the sting of her slap followed by a harsh reprimand. Yet, instead of a stinging blow, her slender arms encircled and pulled him closer to her. Her cheek pressed against his, and the warmth of her tears mingled with his own.
“Luigi,” her voice faltered as she leaned closer, her breath warm against his skin. “Why didn’t you say anything?!”
“You weren’t supposed to know, your Highness,” Luigi confessed softly as he hesitantly returned her embrace. “No one was supposed to know.”
Peach responded to his hug by squeezing him a little tighter. “Not even Mario knows?”
“He does now!”
The sudden sound of that recognizable voice caused both Luigi and Peach to jump in surprise. When Luigi dared to glance over her shoulder, the sight awaiting him made his blood run cold.
There stood Mario, his eyes and jaw open wide. However, he quickly regained his composure and strode toward Luigi and Peach, his expression unreadable. Peach released her embrace and turned to her new boyfriend with a hint of worry. As Mario came to a stop in front of them, his intense gaze bore down on Luigi. Though Luigi had the height advantage, he had never felt so small in his older twin’s presence.
“Luigi,” Mario started with a calm demeanor. “How long have you felt this way about the princess?”
Luigi's instinct was to reply instantly, yet as Mario's unwavering gaze fixed on him, his mouth turned to sand, and he felt himself withering under the weight of scrutiny. The warmth of Mario's hands enveloping his own only intensified his anxiety. Panic bubbled up inside him, and he secretly longed for the ground to swallow him whole.
Mario offered a comforting smile to Luigi. “It’s OK, Luigi. Just relax and take a slow breath. I’m right here. Now, are you ready to talk? I know it’s not easy, but we need to confront this before we can move on. Take all the time you need; I’m here for you."
Luigi felt his nerves dissolve at the sight of Mario’s easy smile, as if they were ice cubes in a warm drink. He took a deep breath, allowing a shy smile to form. “Your Highness,” he turned to face Peach, “I’ve had a crush on you ever since that first rescue.”
Peach’s breath caught for a moment before a tender smile spread across her face, making Luigi’s cheeks flush with embarrassment.
“I understand now,” Mario said, his expression shifting as if a puzzle piece had finally clicked into place. “You’ve been in love with her for just as long as I have. Yet, you’ve stood by me, cheering me on and offering encouragement when I doubted myself, all while hiding your own feelings. Just how long did you intend to keep this under wraps?”
A timid smile danced on Luigi’s lips, his cheeks growing warm with embarrassment. “Until I was in the Overthere.”
A collective gasp erupted from both Mario and Peach, their shock unmistakable. Mario’s eyes bore into Luigi’s with a deep sadness. “You really planned to bear this burden forever?!”
The somber look on Mario's face made Luigi's heart sink, and he could only respond with a feeble nod. In an instant, he was swept up in a powerful bear hug from his older twin, nearly knocking the wind out of him.
“Idiota!” Mario's shout echoed through the air, a force that could have made Luigi jump if he weren't being squeezed like a massive stuffed animal. “Holding on to something like that isn’t healthy! It would have eaten away at you from the inside! We all care too much to see you in agony! Why would you choose to carry such a heavy load?!”
"I-I never wished to come between you and the princess," Luigi eked out despite being crushed. “I already ruined what should’ve been one of the happiest moments of your lives.”
“No, Luigi, you haven’t ruined a thing,” Peach’s soothing voice drifted to him as she placed a comforting hand on his shoulder as Mario finally released him. “We’re both surprised by what we’ve learned, but I’m certain Mario feels the same way. We could never be angry with you for this. You didn’t need to keep it a secret.”
Stunned, Luigi blinked rapidly. "W-Wait, you guys really aren’t angry with me?" he asked, his voice tinged with disbelief. Mario and Peach exchanged glances and shook their heads together, making Luigi chuckle in astonishment. "I thought for sure you’d be furious and want nothing to do with me for confessing my feelings."
Mario chuckled as he playfully slapped Luigi’s back. “Luigi, you’ve been reading way too many Young Adult novels! Sometimes, our hearts have minds of their own.”
“Mario, do you realize how cheesy that sounds?” Luigi cocked an eyebrow. “Maybe I’m not the one who’s had my nose stuck in those books.”
Laughter bubbled among the trio, filling the air with warmth, until Mario's sudden frown cast a shadow. “How did this slip past me?”
Luigi stared at Mario with his brow furrowed in bewilderment. "What are you talking about, Mario?" he asked, trying to make sense of it all.
Mario's expression turned somber as he pondered, "how could I not have recognized your feelings?" He shook his head slowly. "We’re twins; we should be great at sensing each other’s emotions. Our connection was once so strong, even when we were miles apart. Yet, I failed to notice your feelings for the princess."
Luigi chuckled softly, his hand resting reassuringly on Mario’s shoulder. “You know, love tends to make us forget a few things along the way.”
“Come on, that’s not funny!” Mario laughed while shaking his head. “But I really am sorry for not realizing how you felt, Luigi. I’ll do better from now on.”
“Mario, there's truly no need for that. We have our own lives to live, but you can be assured that our bond is still very real. It doesn’t have to be in action all the time.”
“Thanks, Luigi. I really needed to hear that.”
With a firm grip, Luigi pulled Mario into a heartfelt hug, which Mario joyfully returned. He then glanced at Peach, who observed the scene with a serene smile.
“Your Highness,” Luigi began, his demeanor becoming more solemn, “I think I already know your answer, but I need to hear it from you. You know how I feel about you now. Do you feel the same? Have you ever thought of me in such a manner?”
The light in Peach's smile dimmed, and her shoulders drooped heavily. Her body language told Luigi everything he needed to know. “Luigi, I appreciate the honesty you showed me earlier, and I want to reciprocate that. It’s only fair.
“Unfortunately, I have to tell you that I don’t share your romantic feelings. But please know that I hold you in high regard. You are one of the most incredible people I’ve ever known, and you’ve brought so much happiness into my life. My heart, however, belongs to Mario, and my feelings for him have blossomed through our time together. If the situation were reversed, perhaps I could have felt the same way about you. In short, I care for you deeply, but it’s in the way one cares for a beloved friend.”
Luigi exhaled deeply as a smile that mingled sadness and relief blossomed on his face. Just moments ago, this news could have been the final blow to his spirit, but now it felt like a tremendous weight had been lifted from him. Tears fell anew, following the trails of his past sorrow, yet they were tears of healing rather than hopelessness. “Thanks, your Highness.”
Peach stepped closer, playfully grasping his shoulders while a mischievous grin danced on her lips. “Luigi, how many times do I have to remind you that you can drop the formalities with me? What happened to calling me Princess?” Her expression shifted to one of sincerity. “You’re a wonderful person, and someday, you’ll make someone very happy.” She planted a soft kiss on his cheek and enveloped him in a warm hug.
Peach pulled away from the embrace as Mario cleared his throat with a playful cough. A mischievous smile danced beneath his mustache. “Hey, what’s the big deal, Luigi? Trying to steal my girlfriend?!”
Luigi's cheeks flushed a deep crimson, even though he was fully aware that Mario was just having a bit of fun at his expense. Meanwhile, Peach's face radiated with a mischievous smile as she glided over to Mario.
"Oh my, is Super Mario feeling a bit jealous of all the attention on his brother? I think I need to change that right now!" She leaned down and pressed a big, affectionate kiss on Mario’s cheek, stretching the skin and leaving a vivid pink imprint behind.
"Aw, Princess! I was just joking around!" Mario feigned a pout, his face flushing to match the color of his beloved cap.
"I know!" Peach laughed, wrapping her arm around him as they strolled over to Luigi. "Come on, Luigi, join us!"
Before he could utter a word, Peach had already encircled Luigi’s waist with her other arm, tugging both him and Mario to the balcony’s edge. They all marveled at the magnificent sight of the Mushroom Kingdom spread out before them.
“Uh, Princess,” Luigi broke the silence, “do you think the guests are starting to wonder where we are?”
Peach’s face lit up with a cheeky grin as she faced Luigi. “A little more time won’t hurt them. Right now, I want to relish the moments with two of the most important people in my life.”
Luigi let out a soft laugh as he gazed out at the horizon, mulling over the recent event involving the three of them. What he had feared would unleash a storm as fierce as a category five hurricane had instead revealed itself to be a mere passing sun shower. Had he known that confronting his internal struggle would be this uncomplicated, he would have confessed his feelings long ago. Though his heart still bore the scars of past wounds, he felt a reassuring sense of optimism that it would mend soon. He had weathered a few heartbreaks in his time, and while Princess Peach was a truly remarkable woman who would be difficult to move on from, he was confident this experience would be no exception. For now, however, he would enjoy the delightful company of his two favorite companions.
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degenerate-otaku · 4 months
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might be cooking some PrinBloss hehe
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theblossomingofluigi · 2 months
Chapter 18: Back to Work
Luigi finds himself forced to team up with Wario and Waluigi, though calling their efforts "work" would be generous at best. Enduring their taunts and lackluster attempts at plumbing, Luigi is eventually rescued as he and Bowser head down to shut off the water valve. During this task, Luigi and Bowser have a chance to reconcile their past and create a deeper connection between them that they had never experienced before.
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