#blue lock analysis
chodzacaparodia · 21 hours
Okay, I admit that my heart broke a little
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Isn't Nagi implying that he doesn't feel important to his parents?
When Reo says that this parents, unlike Nagi's parents, constantly meddle in their child's life, Nagi immediately says that it's nice. A vision of parents who are more active in their child's life really seems pleasant to him. When Nagi says "It means you're important to them" I hear an unspoken "Unlike me to my parents". Because his parents not only do not meddle in his life, but are simply not present in it.
And then there's this:
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On the one hand, it's incredibly sweet. Because damn, these words really hit hard.
But on the other hand, it is also extremely painful. Because it's like it's the only nice thing he's ever heard from his parents. It's sad that Nagi was happy with such a minimum of care.
In shounen anime, when one character says something similar to another character (like Fushiguro's "If you die again, I'll kill you myself" or like countless "Don't die" of the numerous other characters), it hits different, because in each case, caring first was expressed through actions. One character was constantly next to the other. They didn't even have to say anything to show that this person was important to them.
And here, parents who give their son "freedom", tell him that it doesn't matter how you live, you don't have to be healthy or happy, we don't care, just don't die here kid (because we'd probably be in a lot of trouble if our deprived of care child died, right?).
We will pay for everything, the child will raise itself.
(Ohh, come on!!! Reo had such a cute photo with his parents, and there is no trace of Nagi's parents.)
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pistatsia · 4 months
Shidou Ryusei: as free as a bird
Shidou is uncomfortable, imperfect. He's vulgar, he's gross, he's blatantly cruel, and he's incapable of compromise. He's hyper-excitable, constantly ready to fight and even looking forward to that brawl. He switches between moods like a kaleidoscope, and what falls out in that kaleidoscope is unpredictable.
Shidou has absolutely no understanding of morality.
This is especially evident in his encounter with Kunigami.
He has absolutely no understanding of the concept of protecting someone simply for no gain. Trying to protect someone heroically, purely because of an understanding that it's wrong, is ridiculous to Shidou. Shidou has only "his" and "others", and that "his" so far includes only Sae, as shown in the episode where he tries to turn Sendou's face into mush.
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Nor does he understand the moralization that it is wrong to hit people. He just doesn't get it, and it's probably ridiculous for him to even think about it, because at the deepest level he has an attitude to respond to any hint of a threat with a fight.
Most likely Shidou grew up in an environment where brute force decided everything. That's why he's so hyperexcitable.
Shidou is in a constant state of tension, waiting for even the slightest hint of a threat, which he is happy to crush immediately. He's constantly ready to strike because he's used to constantly feeling a threat - one that he had to respond to with violence because he wouldn't have survived otherwise. His "fight" response, out of a combination of ancient instincts called "fight-flight-freeze," is always switched to the max.
We all know that the attack is the best form of defense, and Shidou follows this motto with his entire being. "Beat your own so that others will fear you" is about him.
Shidou doesn't mention his family at all in his Blue Lock profile like other players do. Remember how he talks about Santa in the same form - "I can buy something on my own" sounds very childish and unhappy. When you're trying to prove to yourself that you don't need it at all - because if you need it, you won't get it anyway.
Beyond that, even leaving aside his family and theoretical home environment, we know for a fact that Shidou didn't play for any football team before Blue Lock.
He was a loner, and therefore the only space where he could practice was the street.
And street football is insanely, inhumanly violent.
And it makes sense that this similar environment, both at home and in the game, formed the core of Shidou's personality that we see in the manga. The core of personality, which is based on the desire to survive, and not just survive, but to show everyone around him that despite everything he has gnawed out a life for himself with his teeth. A life in which cruelty is the law.
A life where he exists.
Shidou is probably one of the most evident Blue Lock players, for whom football is not only inextricably linked to life - it is life. And Shidou is absolutely explicit about this both in the interview and in the manga.
For Shidou, football and life are one and the same.
The same thing that Aiku says: Shidou is incapable of separating the field and life. They're inseparable in his world in general; they're one and the same.
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It is only logical that Shidou transfers the laws of his life to football as well; and ends up playing football the same way he plays life - a football of the "survival" kind. Where it is his biological need (I'm sorry), his only aspiration, the violence that breaks everything in its path. Where the way to "survive the game", just as in life, is to leave your mark, to somehow prove your existence in people's lives, to be remembered by them and imprinted in their memories.
And pay attention to the way Shidou lives: not according to the rules, uncomfortable and bright, believing that it is better to burn to the death than to lie in a corner as a gray shadow, but alive.
There are no rules in Shidou's football; therefore, there are no rules in Shidou's life.
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And that's why Shidou despises heroes and "good guys"; because only naive idiots who don't understand real life, the one where your survival is all that matters. That's why he mocks Kunigami's principles so much: because to him, a child for whom his whole life has been one big attempt to gnaw his teeth out to survive, such principles are irrelevant.
Because there are no heroes in Shidou's world, and even if there were, they've long since broken.
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And there are no restrictions in Shidou's life either. He lives a violent life, and it makes sense that he lives by the same principles in Blue Lock, not hesitating to threaten Rin with the end of his career or Igaguri with murder.
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He's not violent because he takes some special pleasure in bullying Igaguri: he's violent because that's just who he is. He doesn't have a "harming others is not okay" attitude. It's instinct - as seen especially in his episodes of fighting with Rin. He doesn't care at all about causing him long-term harm or ruining his career - on the contrary, he enjoys it in the moment.
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And this is especially evident in his relationship with Isagi; while Shidou had nearly smashed his head in the day before, on the field he already openly admires him and is quite friendly. Shidou doesn't give violence any particular importance - you don't give any importance to brushing your teeth or throwing out the rubbish in the morning, do you?
For Shidou, it's just insignificant, because violence is the organic basis of his life, its law and right.
Today he's trying to kill Isagi, and tomorrow it's Isagi-chan.
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Because Shidou has no social competence - he had no parents to bring him into society and set some morals.
And his desires are pretty simple and even primitive. When he learns of his potential salary, his first thought is how much he can eat on it. All he basically wants, almost to the point of obsession, is to induce vivid emotions, explosion, adrenaline - something Shidou is addicted to, living in constant danger and something that allows him to feel alive and existent.
You know who that sounds like? Denji. A main character from Shidou's most favourite manga.
They both had no guides to society. They're both unfortunate kids who were deprived of absolutely everything when they were young. Who are so vulgar and repulsive not because there's anything wrong with them and they act so deliberately and meanly - but because they just don't know any other life. They just don't understand what it's like to live differently. They both live on base instincts.
And they both try to greedily claim as much as they can from the life around them - the food, the people, the sensations.
Because they had nothing before.
Back to Shidou and his football.
The most amazing thing about Shidou is the way he treats his opponents (omitting attempts to injure them). Shidou, even when losing, finds time to admire them - to admire those who took the ball away from him or stole a goal. He's really just having a good time - while for Rin, football is something to be taken completely seriously, for Karasu it's a need to pre-analyse opponents, and for Snuffy it's work, Shidou is just having fun.
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And at the same time, what, along with "watch as world reaches its end" and "at the end of the day, when I became nothing, tears came out" demonstrates the duality of his nature is his attitude to losing.
He and Kaiser actually have too many parallels, but this is one of the most obvious - even though they treat the issue differently, they act in the same way.
They're both prepared to admit when they're losing - and they're both willing to break themselves for the sake of the goal. They both know how and when to tame jealousy and the losing parts of their being.
Because they don't believe in winning (explosion) any other way.
Shidou knows when to back down. Because he learnt this too from his childhood - that if the opponent is stronger than you and you keep carelessly breaking forward, sooner or later it will destroy you. The only way to win is to recognise his superiority and fracture yourself, forming a new self - one that can defeat him (as seen in Shidou's willingness to stop fighting so that Ego would let him out, and Kaiser's with his story with Noa).
The ability to appreciate and recognise the strength of your opponent is a basic principle of survival.
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But at the same time (just like Kaiser), Shidou doesn't believe that there are invincible opponents. You just have to know the way to break them.
Or rather, not know: feel. Which is what happens at the U-20 game when Shidou enters the flow.
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Logically, with all of the above, Shidou is a complete individualist, and is unable to comply with Rin even for the sake of a goal - because Shidou knows he can beat him. The point at which his PXG game has evolved - with two formations, one centered on Shidou and the other on Rin - is the clearest evidence of this.
Shidou knows when to back off - but Shidou isn't going to back off until circumstances force him to.
And in the end, this approach of Shidou ended up being too egoistic for Blue Lock, which is insanely ironic. What's also funny is that along with it, it's his attitude towards football that epitomises Ego's ideal - a player who puts everything he has into it because it's his way of surviving.
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And so we come to that one scene of punishment. And it's this, along with Shidou's monologue from the U-20 game, that reveals him the most.
Because in the first few frames Shidou looks frankly miserable. Of course, anyone would look that way in his position. But suddenly Shidou starts talking calmly, offering a compromise - and then in the same second he snaps.
He explodes, cursing Ego - though as his words show he understands the reason for the punishment - he's even willing to compromise. It's illogical to curse the one on whom his salvation depends, isn't it?
Shidou acts this way because he's afraid.
Because in this moment - bound, locked up, and alone - he is defenseless.
He's like a caged animal that can't think logically - he's terrified, he's scared, he can only throw himself helplessly around the cage, grinning his teeth wantonly. This is the first time we see him so seriously angry (he still did get some fun, adrenaline rush during the fight with Rin).
The worst thing for Shidou, free as a bird or a tiger and most of all wanting that very freedom (more about that later) is vulnerability and limitation. Powerlessness. For the sake of overcoming this, he is ready to give up violence and his principles of life, as long as he is released and pulled out of this hell of helplessness.
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And this fear is actually incredibly characteristic of his personality too.
But in order to understand why, of all the possible punishments of the world, it is the restriction that drives him to panic, let's remember what football means to him and his style of play in it.
Shidou has sharp and monstrous, even beastly reflexes and instincts. They are honed to the max. He is very strong physically, fast, agile, flexible, perfectly sensing the space around him. Optimal in his movements. Unpredictable. His illogical patterns are impossible to read.
Shidou is all of one naked reflex and instinct, free in his absolute savagery. He is a completely separate character outside of the Ego's system. He literally speaks a different language.
And Sae happens to be the only one who understands that language.
And up until their moments together, this is most vividly shown when Sae stops Shidou from beating up another player - and not just stops him, but understands what needs to be said.
Which again proves that in the violent chaos of Shidou's life he does have a certain logic. A constantly shifting, flexible one, but one...
Which, again, Sae alone understands.
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And it is through playing with Sae that the whole point of why football is so important to Shidou is revealed. Why he plays it so instinctively, despising the rule, the tactics, and his teammates. Why is he suddenly willing to "break himself" for Sae, adjusting his rules of life to fit him, yesterday's stranger - because Sae accepts both him and his football, and doesn't try to limit or remake him. And that's exactly why Shidou is willing to be changed to match him.
Because Shidou's football, the life he wants to achieve, is all about freedom.
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And that's not enough for him. It's not enough for Shidou just to play, just to live. It can't be enough for a man who is used to living on adrenaline and fighting for his existence every day.
Life for Shidou is about freedom, just as football is his escape and a place where he can exist.
Shidou stands out, doesn't follow the rules, exists so vividly and with every action clearly and distinctly proving his presence...
To live.
Both football and Shidou's life are about escaping, about breaking out of his limits. To see the world as himself - free and alive.
Football makes Shidou feel whole, feel alive. Football is what glues him together. It's the only way he can prove what he is - by achieving something. By making himself colorful, visible, uncomfortable - in a way that he can't be turned away from.
One that will allow him to leave a trace of his existence in the world. One that will prove to him that he is.
For Shidou, all these metaphorical (or not) explosions are actually a way of proving that he exists.
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Even his fights and quarrels actually serve his purpose - and Shidou himself confirms this in his monologue. All of this is to be vivid, to imprint, to exist.
To be someone who cannot be forgotten or turned away from.
Who cannot be overlooked.
Who exists as obviously as he can.
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Even his favorite subjects at school - Art and Physical Education (the latter obviously about football) - are related. Because it's possible to leave your mark on the world with art, too - and it makes sense that Shidou admires it so much. Because art is, after all, the most colorful thing a living person can leave behind.
And for Shidou, art is football.
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For him, to exist is to be free. And to burn so brightly that it blinds his own eyes - otherwise both life and football become bland, boring and insignificant to him. Just like his evenings - remember "When is the last time you cried?" from The Egoist Bible? And remember Shidou's response?
"At the end of the day, when I became nothing, tears came out."
Because in the evening, emotions and people disappear and you're left to yourself. Empty, aimless and in a way pathetic - because you're no longer on fire. Because you lose all the things that made you feel during the day.
Shidou depends on vivid emotions - because, due to his difficult youth, they are the only things that allow him to feel that he is alive.
That he's free.
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Shidou's favorite song is also about freedom and trying to break free from the constraints of his life.
There is nothing in the world Shidou longs for more than freedom.
And the spider in Shidou's favorite song is limited and weak.
A spider without wings is incapable of flying. The spider without wings is trapped in unfreedom, looking at the blue and vast sky above his head every day - one that he cannot reach.
A spider without wings is incapable of flying - and those wings Shidou himself, like the spider in the song, could not get, no matter how hard he tried.
But Sae gave Shidou those wings. Sae gave Shidou the ability to play to his full potential, the way he craved with his entire being. Sae took him out from Blue Lock. Sae acknowledged him. Sae gave him a chance to make his mark on the world and gave him purpose, he showed him that there was someone who understood him and his aspirations on this base, animal level.
Sae gave Shidou freedom.
And Shidou learnt to fly.
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boinin · 3 months
Batten down the hatches: Rin's ego is about to land
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The latest chapters show Rin playing with an unfamiliar aura: what looks like swirling rivulets of water.
This represents the refinement of his ego and playstyle since the under-20 match. But what exactly are they going for with the swirling water? Here's my two cents.
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Rin is strongly associated with water, specifically the sea. He grew up by the coast; he and Sae shared a love of watching the sunset over the water after training together. Those childhood memories are turbulent now, like dark clouds on the ocean's horizon.
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It's here he realises that he can no longer play the puppetmaster football that helped him thrive in Blue Lock. As good as he is, it wasn't authentic... and it's nowhere near where he needs to be to compete with his brother, or even Isagi.
Rin's flow state is the most unique out of any others we've seen. Let's dig into it. All panels are from the official translation, which is important as the translation choices are 1) consistent and 2) likely chosen carefully.
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In the dying moments of the match, Rin complains about feeling restrained. Being Itoshi Rin is eating him alive.
Cool, calm and aloof.
A genius. Prodigy. Puppetmaster.
Team player. Team captain.
Isagi Yoichi's partner. Shidou Ryuusei's rival.
Itoshi Sae's little brother.
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The prospect of defeat rudely wakes him up. His pretence comes crashing down hard, triggered by his ineffectiveness in spite of the teammates around him. It's one of the best rugpulls in sports manga.
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When the power of friendship comes knocking, Itoshi Rin tells it to fuck off and die.
What a glorious moment... and not just because it posits Rin as a Uchiha Sasuke kinnie. I prompt you to examine his eyes in this panel.
They're a swirling vortex of hate and destruction, befitting Blue Lock's angstiest character. The shape reminds me of this:
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Satellite images of Hurricane Franklin and Hurricane Idalia, August 2023. Image credit: NOAA Satellites.
Rin's true ego, which he unleashes against Sae, is a storm.
Optional soundtrack for the rest of this post (because Rin 100% listens to this once it comes out in Blue Lock's universe).
Although it isn't portrayed visually as such in the under-20 arc, the metaphor fits Rin's evolving playstyle. What is more destructive, more uncontrollable, more senseless than a hurricane? A violent force of nature that we can predict but never avert?
When a storm approaches, all we can do is rank it, track it, then attempt to mitigate the inevitable damage.
In football terms? Sounds a lot like playing Rin.
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It's even alluded to in chapter 250: the graphics for Rin's formation are similar to the satellite images of large storms.
Within the U20 match, there are exchanges that support this theory. Darai calls Rin's evolving playstyle arrogant and avaricious. The latter (meaning extreme greed) is evocative of a force that pursues what it wants without regard for anything in its surroundings. What it can't have, it destroys.
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Niou is confident enough in his physicality to try withstand his opponent's attrack. Rin literally flips him into the air. Niou's hubris brings to mind all man-made constructs which are supposedly storm-proof... until a cyclone comes along and proves otherwise.
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The contrast between Rin and Sae's egos are interesting. If we accept Rin's is a storm, i.e. a destructive force of nature that cannot be controlled, Sae's is the opposite despite being as impossible to defy. Sae's motif is defined in the manga as "beautiful destruction", plays and passes depicted in graceful data strings. Rather than natural, his playstyle is sleek and controlled, and dominant to the point of appearing pre-ordained by his opponents.
Their attitudes are equally different. While Rin drools and loses composure in the final minutes, Sae does little more than raise his eyebrows throughout the entire game. He's completely emotionless.
It's the extremes of human nature: animalistic rage versus robotic detachment. This time, the latter wins. Will Rin have an opportunity to face his brother again, with a better grasp on his ego? Here's hoping.
My final thoughts on Rin are speculative. How does one beat a storm? Not just endure—but subdue and calm one?
It's beyond human capability. The ability to control the weather exists only in myth and fantasy, and even then it's usually in the hands of powerful entities, not mere heroes or wizards.
Subduing something as powerful as a hurricane would require a god.
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Is this Isagi and Rin's endgame?
Time will tell.
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oliveraiku · 1 year
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I love how this is Isagi’s character core point: differently from the other guys in Blue Lock, who have always known to be good - and have always played to their strengths enhancing them throughout the narrative, Isagi on the other hand has no delusions about being above average player skills. He simply understands reality as it is, and that is exactly why is he both able to evolve, and be as rational as he is, at the same tome incurring in the ires of the other players and putting them in their plays.
Isagi’s real weapon here is being with his feet well placed on the ground: he sees things as they are, he processes them rationally and then acts on them. Unlike Rin, the same Shidou, Barou, Kaiser and Yukimiya - Isagi is a realist. He is never been in the situation when he was the best, and has no expectations for himself or what he can achieve: there is no peak, it’s all a road up and above.
It’s also why Ego’s commentary in this chapter is important: what he says for Nagi and Yukimiya is a bit of a general discourse that Isagi has applied unknowingly now for a while. Once a player is over in his head above himself (somewhat Kunigami) it’s over: they believe a fluke is their ability and when they fail to up keep with their own expectations and those of others, they start yo fall into a pattern that eventually makes them mediocre, instead of true egoists.
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On the other hand, Isagi by the virtue of now having a self to fall onto, a talent he can use, of not being as good as, is able to put himself in the situation where he can learn, where he can best the others by exploiting not only his own strengths but also their weaknesses. It’s about about an ‘I’ type of ego, but an ego that makes you conscious of yourself in the field and your position: it’s a selfish ego that makes you jump when the moment is right. It’s not about a “I will do this all alone”, but a “I will make it happen, because I am the only one able to make it happen” and that, my folks is Isagi’s essence.
He is an egoist because he has learned to cope with his faulty self and has passed a stage where he is the challenged rather than the challenger. Isagi IS evolution because he does not care about falling prey to mistake - but instead uses them to devour himself all over again.
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sinisteryuri · 24 days
NagiReo in Blue Lock and Episode Nagi through a BPD4BPD Lens
For this analysis we will be using the diagnostic criteria for Borderline Personality Disorder from the DSM-5, below, which was last updated in 2013.
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We'll be taking a look at Nagi and Reo's behavior in both Blue Lock and Episode Nagi, as well as the trivia included in the Egoist Bible. We will be going through at least five different diagnostic criteria for each of them, before talking about BPD4BPD relationships and the way Nagi and Reo interact as each other's FP's.
Chronic Feelings of Emptiness
First, lets's take a look at Blue Lock.
From his very first appearance, Nagi displays a boredom with day to day tasks and relies on Reo heavily.
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Here's a little collage of Nagi's apathy in early Blue Lock.
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Meanwhile, Reo is shown to have been chronically bored with life since childhood. He is "easily bored, [] seek[ing] something to do," which he finds in his goal to win the world cup.
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Now let's look into Episode Nagi.
Nagi demonstrates a persistent low energy/fatigue. He's bored by self-care activities and taking care of basic needs.
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He originally doesn't want to join Blue Lock because of this chronic emptiness/boredom.
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Now we move onto the Egoist Bible.
Nagi describes his weakness as "Tend[ing] to find many things bothersome," which is backed up by the panels we looked at earlier.
Reo considers his his weakness to be, "I can do anything and get bored easily." When he describes a day in his life at Blue Lock he says, "When I asked Nagi, "Let's play games," he refused. "Because if you improve quickly, you'll get bored easily," he said. You really know me, I thought, but that made me a bit sad." His boredom is a weakness for him, that both he and others, like Nagi, pick up on.
A Pattern of Unstable and Intense Interpersonal Relationships Characterized by Alternating Between Extremes of Idealization and Devaluation
Here, I'll note the DSM-5's notes from the Diagnostic Features section: "They may idealize potential caregivers or lovers at the first or second meeting, demand to spend a lot of time together, and share the most intimate details early in a relationship. However, they may switch quickly from idealizing other people to devaluing them, feeling that the other person does not care enough, does not give enough, or is not “there” enough. These individuals can empathize with and nurture other people, but only with the expectation that the other person will “be there” in return to meet their own needs on demand. These individuals are prone to sudden and dramatic shifts in their view of others, who may alternatively be seen as beneficent supports or as cruelly punitive. Such shifts often reflect disillusionment with a caregiver whose nurturing qualities had been idealized or whose rejection or abandonment is expected."
Again, we first look at Blue Lock.
Nagi demonstrates a positive attitude towards Reo. He looks up to him and is often praising him and mentioning him even when Reo isn't around. However he ends up harshly speaking to Reo after their argument directly after their 3v3 match, showing a rapid switch in emotions triggered by feelings of Reo not caring about their promise.
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Reo shows a lot of negative emotions easily. He feels rejected and spiteful because of Nagi leaving him during the second selection. This makes him think of plans to make Nagi take him back, experience the same pain, etc. He continues to describe Nagi as a treasure he found, however, as a person who made his life stop being boring.
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Now let's move onto Episode Nagi.
Nagi and Reo share with each other the details of their personal lives very quickly after meeting each other, something mentioned in the DSM-5 as: "shar[ing] the most intimate details early in a relationship." Reo especially does this, but both do.
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Reo is also stuck on the idealized idea of playing soccer with Nagi. He makes every effort to make this into a reality, even with the later devaluation he experiences during Blue Lock.
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Identity Disturbance: Markedly and Persistently Unstable Self-Image or Sense of Self
The Diagnostic Criteria of the DSM-5 says this: "There are sudden and dramatic shifts in self-image, characterized by shifting goals, values, and vocational aspirations. There may be sudden changes in opinions and plans about career, sexual identity, values, and types of friends. These individuals may suddenly change from the role of a needy supplicant for help to that of a righteous avenger of past mistreatment. Although they usually have a selfimage that is based on being bad or evil, individuals with this disorder may at times have feelings that they do not exist at all. Such experiences usually occur in situations in which the individual feels a lack of a meaningful relationship, nurturing, and support. These individuals may show worse performance in unstructured work or school situations," in regards to this criteria.
First, we will take a look at Blue Lock, once again.
Nagi doesn't have a solid identity in football or a goal. He plays depending on Reo. His ego revolves around Reo's and he doesn't have a sense of his own. Nagi cares about Reo deeply and because he started playing football for Reo, he has a hard time developing an identity within football outside of Reo.
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Reo has a conflicting set of ideals. He flickers between wanting to be independent and rely on no one and wanting to play with Nagi. This is partially because Nagi is the object of his affection and therefore the center of both his black and white thinking and fear of rejection.
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Reo also experiences a disjointed sense of identity within his personal opinion of himself. When faced with Nagi's rejection, Reo's opinion of himself drops exponentially.
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Moving on to Episode Nagi.
Nagi is unsure of his identity and stands on shaky ground regarding his worth.
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Meanwhile Reo, in contrast to Blue Lock, is confident and happy because of his idealization of Nagi and his dream, showing the instability and fluctuation of his identity.
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Finally, let's take a look at the Egoist Bible.
Reo answers that what makes him happy is "Due recognition" and what makes him sad is "preconceived views" showing the way he is influenced by others in his view of himself and his identity.
Frantic Efforts to Avoid Real or Imagined Abandonment
"The perception of impending separation or rejection, or the loss of external structure, can lead to profound changes in self-image, affect, cognition, and behavior. These individuals are very sensitive to environmental circumstances. They experience intense abandonment fears and inappropriate anger even when faced with a realistic time-limited separation or when there are unavoidable changes in plans (e.g., sudden despair in reaction to a clinician’s announcing the end of the hour; panic or fury when someone important to them is just a few minutes late or must cancel an appointment). They may believe that this “abandonment” implies they are “bad.” These abandonment fears are related to an intolerance of being alone and a need to have other people with them."
Let's look at Blue Lock.
Nagi does everything throughout Blue Lock to keep his promise to Reo. This promise is important because it represents their partnership and implies that Reo will stay with him. During the Neo Egoist League, Nagi struggles to convince Reo to play with him again, trying to avoid the rejection of losing Reo as a partner, which would make him feel purposeless.
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Meanwhile, Reo often tries to avoid rejection. To him rejection is one of the worst things that could happen. He's always thinking about rejection, about being chosen, about what happens if he isn't chosen.
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Now let's look at Episode Nagi.
In Episode Nagi, Nagi's fear of rejection is a little bit clearer. We can go back to the panels showing his sense of self to take a look at his thoughts of just being the tag along or a slacker to see this. He also is determined to stay with Reo in Blue Lock, despite his laziness and lack of motivation because of their promise. When he's insulted he instates himself as Reo's partner and part of a set.
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Meanwhile, Reo notices rejection in small things like offhand comments. For example when Nagi passes to Zantetsu and comments on his dream being the same.
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Inappropriate, Intense Anger or Difficulty Controlling Anger
The DSM-5 says: "They may display extreme sarcasm, enduring bitterness, or verbal outbursts. The anger is often elicited when a caregiver or lover is seen as neglectful, withholding, uncaring, or abandoning. Such expressions of anger are often followed by shame and guilt and contribute to the feeling they have of being evil."
Let's look at Blue Lock for a final time.
Nagi expresses anger towards Isagi when he brings up Reo, because he recently experienced separation from him.
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Reo resorts to physical violence on the field when Nagi is brought up in insults.
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Now, for Episode Nagi.
Reo has to stop Nagi from getting into a verbal altercation with Barou that would most likely devolve into a physical fight. This started because of Reo being brought up in an insult.
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This BPD4BPD flag was made by @gender-mailman
BPD4BPD is a label for pwBPD who want to date pwBPD. To me this is an incredibly interesting lens to view NagiReo through because I find that it makes them click as people who understand each other in this specific way of their BPD and yet, because of their clumsy teenage inexperience and because of their independent struggles with it, keep on hurting each other.
I feel like with NagiReo, the way their relationship has developed throughout Blue Lock up until the Neo Egoist League, it's lacking communication. They're both hurting each other in ways that are typical for how they react to rejection and they get stuck in cycles of miscommunication because of it. They both deeply care about each other and I think because they're teenagers who don't really know what they're doing with their friendship or tentative romance or whatever you choose to interpret their relationship as it is turning out exactly as one would expect. I think there's a positive outlook for them which is very exciting to see for two characters who fall so closely within the lines of BPD coding and have such a close and interesting relationship, a BPD4BPD relationship that's really rare to see in media.
In fandom, I see a lot of casual ableism towards Reo especially, perhaps because his coding is more overt, especially in the department of expressing feelings of rejection, which is bleak, but honestly that is something we can work on as a fandom.
Also, please feel free to add to this post if there's anything I missed, especially since my manga reading website is a little bit behind both on Episode Nagi and on Blue Lock, or if there's anything interesting you have to add!
Remember to be kind to your local pwBPD and just all pwPDs and I hope you enjoyed this little dive into NagiReo's theoretical psychology!
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aesterblaster · 7 months
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Are you normal or are you thinking about how Nagi is lowkey a metaphor for depression and just not taking control of your life. You ever think abour how he absolutely glows when he finds his purpose, how even his eyes and his vision are sharper? You ever wonder if Reo is so connected to him not just because of the happiness Nagi brings HIM but also because he never wants such talent to slip away to that dark place again?
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saeitoshithoughts · 1 year
𝔄 𝔤𝔲𝔦𝔡𝔢 𝔱𝔬 𝔴𝔯𝔦𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔤 ℑ𝔱𝔬𝔰𝔥𝔦 𝔖𝔞𝔢
Itoshi Sae analysis: A Guide to writing Itoshi Sae. 
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childhood + beliefs and changes 
helping writers 
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[Twitter links (big thanks to these amazing people for translating these!)
@hoshi801_ PROFILE
@705point8 PROFILE
[Manga site used]
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I am so sorry that this has to be in a google document but Tumblr has a word limit and it kept deleting my work :0
To people who may be interested in my previous drafts, here they are:
1 - Itoshi Sae Analysis 2022
2 - Itoshi Sae Analysis 2023
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Tag list: (Thank you so much for being interested in my thoughts and theories! I hope that my work has pleased your wait! Genuinely!)
@lassiedovefall @enneadec @ruisann @c7arisse @eirlysian @natsukicookies @itstosaki @istharoth @yeosatinyngz @hishui
@eplusgequalove01 @iheartpieck @r4ntxr0 @saeishiro @kawaiitoga @lackofabetterword-xx
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hyomaluvr · 7 months
Chigiri Hyoma’s Flower Language
small analysis, not proof read
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hyoma has calla lilies as the flower mixed in with his roses in this official art!! i thought this was precious because calla lilies in general usually represent beauty and purity, but he specifically has a pink and three red calla lilies. pink calla lilies typically represent passion and love, and red calla lilies represent determination and courage.
i think these are such lovely flowers to assign for him because he fits all of these so so well!!! the reasons being:
- he’s gorgeous lol (beauty)
- he’s never had a girlfriend/anything remotely intimate since he wanted to devote himself to soccer (purity)
- obviously his passion for soccer (+ running) is impressive even for blue lock. he has very simple motivations, and that’s that he loves it, rather than an ego driven by other motives. (passion & love)
- lastly and to me the most important, hyoma had the balls to potentially lose what he believes is his entire identity for the sake of his dream. along the way, he started to develop an identity separate from just ‘sprinter’ or ‘striker’, and it’s proved to aid him in his goal. he’s so strong :,) (courage and determination)
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rose-tinted-vision · 1 year
Ego Jinpachi: Who is he?
no really, who is he?
As usual, manga spoilers ahead!
[edit: this was posted before chapter 204]
All we know about this man is
He was hired by Anri Teieri "create Japan's No.1 striker" out of the 300 boys in Blue Lock, and that's all that his contract consists of.
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The JFA clearly does not approve of his methods and wants him to fail.
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The above point probably has something to do with what he said about him being "banned from the world of football" if they fail. What he said has been bothering me like an itch tbh.
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He even reiterated his point and said that he will "vanish", as if it was so simple. How will he do it? Why is he so willing to do it? Does he really trust in his intellect so much that he is willing to bet his future on it?
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Again, relating to the above point, Ego clearly cares for Japan's football (a point which, I think, is often overlooked. Or just not spoken about much).
This next line is interesting. It implies that he had dietary restrictions at some point in his life, which I previously assumed meant that he was a professional football player too, then realised that it doesn't make sense. If he were a professional football player too at least one boy out of the 300 would have recognised him, right?
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Anri Teieri trusts him enough to go along with his whims (why???)
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Also, he must have had done Something in the past to catch Anri's attention, for her to trust him enough with the funds from the JFA, and to vouch for him against the reporters and JFA heads.
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I sincerely hope that Kaneshiro sensei gives us at least some of his backstory in the future, because literally all we know about Ego is that he likes his ramen.
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zhonglicious · 1 year
my take on the itoshi brothers
the itoshi brothers’ relationship is so complex and it makes me want to throw myself off a building so hard. spoilers to anime onlys, and spoilers for the u-20 arc onwards. if u dont wanna see then just scroll <//3 so anyways as i was saying, the itoshis
this is half analysis, half theory, part screaming, so like if u have anything u disagree w me on or anything u wanna add then please do
so obviously from the very start we can see how warped their relationship’s gotten ever since sae went to spain. rin focuses all his attention and efforts into getting better so he can crush sae, while sae doesnt even acknowledge his existence. 
at first, i only saw rin’s side in this. i admit, up until i reread the manga and their backstory, i was thinking ab the situation solely from rin’s perspective and ended up neglecting some details. most especially sae’s reaction to the fallout, as well as some other minor details.
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we can see from the suitcase than sae had just landed, and that his first instinct was to go to rin. his first priority was to go see his baby brother, with the intention of telling him about his decision regarding his soccer career. he obviously still cares about rin here, and we can see that as he didn’t “completely” abandon their dream. 
for sae, his view on their dream shifted. after seeing how big the skill gap is between him and the world, he decided that he can’t be the best with rin as he is. especially as rin hasn’t had the opportunity to see how it actually is outside of japan. i think he shifted his view so that they can still be the best, just with him lifting up rin rather than being by his side. much like how reo shifted his view into becoming a midfielder so he can make nagi shine even brighter 
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sae changed his resolve to become a midfielder, while he “entrusts” the original dream to rin. In his eyes, it’s still their dream, as he’ll still be the best with rin, just not as strikers. however, i don’t think he counted that rin would be completely attached to their original dream. well, either that or he was desperately hoping that rin would understand where he’s coming from
to be completely honest i think it's the latter. as rin expressed his discontentment with sae’s new resolve, we see in his eyes that he’s frustrated. and then it all comes boiling over when rin yells “you’re not the same brother i shared a dream with”
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we can obviously see the hurt in his eyes before his face is masked by shadow. i think that deep down he already knew that rin wouldn’t accept his “new dream” but was still hoping he would. rin saying this was just the confirmation that he would, in fact, not accept it
again this post is half analysis half theory. personally i think that the brothers, in their own way, were trying to defend their relationship. rin wanted to keep the previous them, the them that were together in their dream always. sae wanted to preserve his relationship with rin somehow, seeing as how much he changed after his time in spain
sae, in his own way, is still trying to protect rin. at first, his original plan was to make rin the best striker by becoming the best midfielder. that way, rin isn’t alone when he finally faces the world. however, as rin didn’t want to give up on their dream, then sae decided that the best course of action was to destroy that dream so that rin wouldn’t get hurt any further
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in my eyes this is the moment sae steels his resolve to shatter that dream. he then faces away from rin so his resolve doesn’t shatter, knowing that seeing his brother’s face in anguish will weaken that resolve
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the fallout hurt both of them, but that hurt spiraled into two different responses. sae becomes completely aloof to rin, while rin begins to harbor a boiling “hate” towards sae. 
after the u-20 game, we immediately see that rin’s “hate” for sae is in fact not hate. his first instinct is to call sae “nii-chan” a deeply affectionate title that hasn’t been said since that night. however, sae crushes rin’s spirit by saying that isagi is the one that has the potential to change japan’s soccer
now here i think sae, in his own, messed up way, is trying to motivate rin into becoming the best in the world. the worst part i think is that it works, as this is one of the critical moments that causes rin’s way of thinking to change, with the other one being the fallout. here, crushing sae is no longer his “first and foremost” priority, and he’s instead setting his sights on becoming the best, without anyone or anything holding him back
i’m not very good at articulating my thoughts and there ARE some things i wanted to put here, but i couldn’t explain them in a way that’s coherent to anyone other than me. but the final thought im getting away with here is that ultimately, the brothers still haven’t given up on their dream, whether they’re aware of it or not. by inadvertently giving rin motivation to become the best, sae is still giving rin a chance to catch up to him. in the same vein, rin’s desire to catch up to and surpass sae is his desire to prove his worth to sae again
once again these are just my personal views on the relationship. i could be wrong, i could be right, i could be partially wrong or i couldve missed the point completely. either way i just needed to get that out of my brain. so if u have anything to contradict me with or anything to add, please feel free to do so! i love hearing ab other people’s thoughts anyways <33
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einommies · 1 year
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some more of me making more obvious observations but losing it over reonagi again
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chodzacaparodia · 2 months
It's so wholesome that each member of "Team Kindness" (Isagi, Hiori and Nanase) is somehow attracted to Rin, one of the people with the most anger in Blue Lock.
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It started with Isagi, who starts treating Rin as his biggest rival almost from the very beginning and tries to surpass him:
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Then there is Hiori, who was the only one who was willing to give Rin a helping hand without hesitation:
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And recently Nanase, who wanted to become Rin's disciple, also joined this group:
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+ Honorable mention: Bachira who, although not officially a member of "Team Kindness", is the best boy and he deserves to be here, because he also freely makes contact with Rin without much resistance:
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Rin is not a person who attracts others with his positive energy. It's quite the opposite. You may get the impression that he pushes others away and wants to stay away from them. After all, he doesn't need anyone. But somehow he lets Isagi, Hiori, Nanase and Bachira, i.e. people who are perceived as kind (at least at the beginning of the series for some of them) and want to make contact with him, into his space. And this is beautiful.
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ecoamerica · 21 days
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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pistatsia · 5 months
OKAY so the only thing I want to say about yesterday's spoilers (Ness backstory) is that borderliner* Ness is canon now lol
✅ explosive anger
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✅ feeling neglected, alone, misunderstood most of the time
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✅ low self-esteem and the resulting self-hatred
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✅ strong, overwhelming emotions
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(feelings that can't be explained == too high (for average person) bursts of them. Inability to handle them)
✅ black and white thinking
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(Isagi's either good (tosses to Kaiser) or bad (doesn't toss to Kaiser) lol)
✅ fear of abandonment + self-harm
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✅ very intense, frequent, extreme emotional swings
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(difference of one second)
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(difference of one second pt.2)
✅ maladaptive daydreaming
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✅ determining one's value through relationships with others
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✅ unstable relationships
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I'm really disappointed that chapter haven't shown Ness' attempts to gain his parents and siblings love but, eh, okay. I can work with that
A little background on who people with borderline personality disorder are and where do they come from. (Of course, each case is unique. I'm talking about the average manifestation of the disorder here.)
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a type of personality disorder in which a person is unstable, hypersensitive, highly anxious, and has no sense of self (no feeling of identity). One in ten patients end up committing suicide.
In fact, borderliners are people with no emotional skin. What for a stable person is a small domestic nuisance - for a borderliner is boundless terror, fear, a complete sense of helplessness and overwhelming self-loathing. Are you sick? It's your fault, you're worthless. You forgot your pass and had to buy an underground ticket? You're disgusting, step under a train right now. You forgot the food in the fridge and it spoilt? Don't you dare eat for another three days, punish yourself, cut yourself because you're nothing. That's not an exaggeration, it's true. And then you see an advert with a doggy and you laugh until you cry and all is fine.
It's like that dozens of times in one day.
Why do borderliners work this way? Heredity plays a role (which in Ness's case can be seen, for example, by the fact that he reacted acutely to some things even as a child), but to a greater extent, of course, the family, because when BPD is treated in the early stages, it is more easily reduced to remission (but does not disappear completely - it is like the core of the personality). Speaking of family types, typically borderliners come out of families with a narcissistic parent or the same borderline. Why exactly is that the case?
Because life with a narcissist/borderliner parent is an endless battlefield in which the child is forced to survive. Any emotion you have, if it doesn't fall under the parent's incomprehensible ideas, is repulsive. Any request you make and attempt to speak your mind is a violation of all laws and the worst offence. Today you're the golden child, tomorrow you're trash. Today your mom says she loves you, and tomorrow she blames you for divorcing your dad. Today dad likes the tea you made him, tomorrow he'll throw it in your face. It's a constant violation of personal space, an inability to have privacy, an impossibility to defend your interests - and yet a staggering neglect, a removal of the child from your life. Parents in such families usually divide their children into "golden" and "outcast" children, emphasising in every possible way how terrible the lousy sheep of the family (the outcast child) is, and encouraging bullying by their siblings.
Sounds similar to Ness's story, doesn't it?
In such families, the child by the age of 6 or 7 already knows that he is disgusting, horrible, and must do anything to avoid being abandoned - because the parents emphasise in every possible way that he is horrible, but they (for now) keep him out of mercy. A child learns by the slightest movement of the eyebrows and corner of the mouth to know when mom loves you and when she hates you, when dad is good and when he's bad.
The childhood of such children is a battlefield, and they come out of it emotionally disabled. For example, a very common consequence of living in such a family, in addition to BPD, is PTSD. Yeah, like war veterans.
(and by the way, borderliners VERY often end up paired with… Narcissists. Because it's a familiar love-hate game. And on top of that, also a beautiful (non-existent) personality to take a bite out of for your non-existent self))
(if it seems like I'm somehow writing about borderline disorder a bit too unkindly - I love Ness and sympathise with him. It's me whom I don't love lol)
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boinin · 16 days
Blue Lock volume cover analysis
An examination of unusual features and chains among the 28 volumes released to date. Subject to revision.
Like this? Want to reference these points in your own analysis on Reddit, YouTube, wherever? Go ahead! A shout out to this post is appreciated. Straight up plagiarism isn’t.
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Volume 8: Mikage Reo
Reo's chains are noticeably shaded green. Guess whose eyes glow green when they're fired up...
In addition, @thyandrawrites has a theory that Reo ties/reties his hair up as a way to maintain emotional composure. The volume covers tend to represent the character's personality or struggles in some sense. If so, this is an early nod to the emotional trials Reo endures during the series.
Volume 10: Tokmitsu Aoshi
No chain weirdness here, but Tokimitsu is surrounded by black gunk in his cover. This may be a visualisation of his anxiety and the way he copes with it: running at speed and bulldozing through his opponents.
Volume 11: Ego Jinpachi
Ego's cover depicts him totally immobilised by the four chains bound to his neck. To date, no other character has been more restrained by the chains. This likely represents that Ego's fate is utterly dependent on the outcome of Blue Lock. His cover also suggests that Blue Lock (and football) consume Ego's life.
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Volume 12: Shidou Ryuusei
Shidou's chains have a blue glow, much like Sendou's in volume 27. This glow is far closer to Shidou's collar however. It could imply that Blue Lock is the beginning of Shidou's pursuit of football.
He's also depicted with demon wings. The collar or chains don't impede his movement significantly, unlike other characters. In addition to portraying his incredible physicality, this could also visually represent how Blue Lock has failed to subdue Shidou.
Volume 16: Oliver Aiku
Aiku's chains are wrapped tightly around his arm and he's pulling them taut. The chains themselves appear rusted and cracked, most notably on his collar. This could represent Aiku's relationship with football. He grew jaded with being a striker in high school. Becoming a defender, then the match against Blue Lock, revitalised his enthusiasm. Hence, the chain is holding fast: he's just as ensnared by football (and Blue Lock) as the others.
Volume 17: Itoshi Sae
Sae and his chains are bathed in radiant gold light, which is associated with both divinity and wealth. His chains crumble in one place, and remain barely intact. I offer two interpretations for this. Firstly: unlike the others, Blue Lock does not have a strong impact on Sae—his success as a footballer is completely independent of it.
Secondly: if we take the chain to represent Sae's footballing career, the crumbling chain could allude to a time when football negatively impacted him. Perhaps whatever happened in Madrid? But he came back stronger, as the rest of his chains appear even more golden.
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Volume 18: Teieri Anri
Anri is the only character depicted without chains or a collar. While working with Ego is a prison sentence in its own right, the artwork suggests that her ambition and future isn't connected to the outcome of Blue Lock. It can also be interpreted as a nod to the hierarchy within Blue Lock. Anri is Ego's boss and thus, she is free while he is constrained. However...
Zoom in on the reflection on her phone screen. It appears to reflect a wide grin—which can only be one person's. Taking into account her passivity in chapter 247, this detail positions Anri as Ego's accomplice: willing to do his bidding, no matter how amoral.
Volume 19: Michael Kaiser
Kaiser's collar and chains are made of glass, through which his blue rose tattoo is visible. As chapter 243 told us, a blue rose represents the impossible to Kaiser. Glass chains suggests that his ego or ties to football are fragile, and could be broken easily. Symbolically, glass can also represent transparency. As a character, Kaiser is upfront about his talent and desires. Nobody is in doubt about his footballing mantra or his intent to undermine Isagi.
Volume 20: Alexis Ness
Ness's chains are entwined with blue rose brambles, all but for a short length to the top right of the image. While Ness came to love football independently, seeing it as magical, the rose brambles show that his connection to football is now inseparable from his devotion to Kaiser. It also reflects that Ness would not be a professional footballer without Kaiser, as per chapter 242/243.
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Volume 24: Hiori Yo
Hiori is the only character shown holding the end of his chain, which is secured by a football-shaped weight. This suggests that Hiori himself is the one in control of his career, rather than external forces. Football is a burden to him, albeit something he can carry. Therefore, Hiori is not ensnared by the chains (or Blue Lock) to the same extent as other characters. Appropriate for a character guaranteed to succeed as a footballer, but who ultimately may not choose to pursue it.
Volume 25: Niko Ikki
Niko's volume cover is hilarious. I'll leave the explaining to Tomo-tan, who lays out the humour and genius of Niko's cover in this great Reddit post.
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Volume 26: Don Lorenzo
Members of the New Generation World XI have no chill when it comes to their covers, and Don Lorenzo is no exception. His collar shows bite marks, as though chewed through. Gold teeth are good for more than caramel popcorn, apparently.
Lorenzo's chains are accompanied by what looks like electricity. This suggests that football reanimated Lorenzo from near death, as per chapter 216. It's a visual nod to his playstyle, which resembles the incessant pursuit of a zombie. Guess we can call him Snuffy's Monster.
Volume 27: Sendou Shuuto
A blue glow appears on Sendou’s chains, halted from travelling further by his fist. This may represent the threat Blue Lock poses to Sendou's footballing career. He's already been kicked as the striker of the national team; now in the Neo Egoist League, he must battle for a place on the new U20 line-up. No easy feat, as his sweaty face implies.
Another detail worth mentioning is that the trajectory of one of Sendou's chains appear to align with the chain Aiku's pulling in his cover. This similarity, and the fact that they're both holding their chains, may be interpreted as a nod to their status as former U20 teammates—likely the only ones that will make the new team, going off the latest NEL auction table.
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oliveraiku · 1 year
the baseline of understanding Blue Lock is given by realising that Isagi Yoichi’s fiercest rival and greatest competition is Isagi Yoichi himself
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moonartemisia · 5 months
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Blue lock Tarot and their numerology analysis post! Since the official art of the illustrations came out for the new merch, I'm surprised to see the boys in all Major Arcana cards that resonate their personality through each of them. Major Arcanas in tarot are the Nature in all the richness of its infinite possibilities, and there is in it as in Nature, not one but all potential meanings. These meanings are fluent and ever-changing. Major Arcanas also represents the human consciousness, these kinds of cards you'll see in a tarot set. Major Arcanas are the full-time cards that hold your life choices and other changes that resonate within you. So, let's start
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It's no to surprise that Isagi's Major Arcana is "The Fool" numerology stands for is the unnumbered card 0, this represents The Fool as the main character of the Major Arcana and makes his journey through each of the cards, meeting new teachers and learning new life lessons along the way, and eventually reaching the completion of his journey with the World card. This is known as the Fool's Journey and is a helpful way of understanding the story line of the Major Arcana Tarot card meanings. This makes sense as he is the MC of Blue lock, and better yet, noticing his rank place in the facility is 299! Also, meaning to say that Isagi, being the Fool, resonates his improvements and meets new players within the Blue Lock facility, holds guidance, and stepping stone to his adventures.
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As it stems moving in the numerology 0, the standing number of the fool card. 0 is a symbol of nothingness or complete freedom from limitations. In numerology, it is often referred to as the void, as it represents potential and choice. It most likely means that positive change is on the way. This connects to Isagi's rational and spatial awareness when it comes to see or he predicting his next goals in soccer. But when in reverse, "The Fool" card, it serves as a call to reevaluate your intentions, motivations, and inner guidance. It prompts you to examine if you might be holding back due to concerns about others' opinions or unrealistic expectations.
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This makes total sense of Bachira's Major Arcana that he is "The Sun" numerology is 19. This card is generally considered positive. It is said to reflect happiness and contentment, vitality, self-confidence, and success. Sometimes referred to as the best card in tarot, it represents good things and positive outcomes to current struggles. In this case, we know how Bachira is full of his enthusiasm. As Bachira being the sun card resonates his positive nature of being himself. Glowing his self-acceptance like how he surfaces his inner monster to create his unique ways towards Blue Lock. In the reversed position, the Sun indicates of significant difficulties finding positive aspects to certain situations. The clouds might be blocking out the warmth and light that needs to progress. This might be preventing from feeling confident and powerful. May experience certain setbacks which are damaging your optimism and enthusiasm. In numerology, 19 defines as highly ambitious and have a strong drive for success and power.
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I'm a bit surprised to see Rin having the emperor card here. So the emperor card often represents a mature figure seated on a throne or a soldier holding a shield and sword. This card signifies responsibility, courage, and intelligence. Sometimes, it can even symbolize a real person in your life, like a corporate executive, a political leader, or a respected warrior. It really personified Rin in the truly card because of his own goals and what he can do in his ways to achieve them — like an emperor conquering what he does at best to prove which it is no doubt! This card is suggestive of stability and security in life. You are on top of things and everything in under your control. It is the essence of hard work, discipline and self control that have bought you this far. It means that you are in charge of your life now setting up your own rules and boundaries. This takes place as to what Rin stabilize himself to be better at his game in soccer. He would do whatever it takes to be on top of his league just like that.
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When in reverse the card can be tyrant, domineering, rigid, stubborn, lack of discipline, recklessness. Definitely describes Rin as his stoic and unfriendly behavior shows within the series. Number 4 is the standing number of this major Arcana card meaning Memory. Logical mental reasoning by the physical man full of Spirit. Being able to express oneself in a socially accepted way in the material universe. Measurement. The reality of life on earth and being able to express oneself in it.
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Now let's move onto KuniGiri cards, respectively they are "The Death" (13) and "The Magician" (1). But, first let's start with Kunigami first.
Kunigami takes the first numbered major Arcana card which is the Magician, the Magician is one tarot card that is filled with symbolism. The central figure depicts someone with one hand pointed to the sky, while the other hand points to the ground, as if to say "as above, so below". This is a rather complicated phrase, but its summarization is that earth reflects heaven, the outer world reflects within, the microcosm reflects the macrocosm, earth reflects God. It can also be interpreted here that the magician symbolizes the ability to act as a go-between between the world above and the contemporary, human world. Indeed as the Magician bestows there's balance in between the space of human nature meaning this interprets Kunigami's personality depicted as the hero or so well term for his respective mannerism that being differed from the facility. The Magician also has the potential innate to the fool! Speaking of how he and Isagi before the previous interactions and now in their NEL matches that made changes of how they build-up together as 0 and 1 are closely in order of the major arcanas. It is hard to believe that in the reverse of the Magician implies as manipulation, cunning, trickery, wasted talent, illusion, deception. Which we all know what Kunigami put himself into the wildcard in the present chapters. 1 in numerology represents fiercely independent, competitive, determined, value their freedom, are original, have leadership qualities, are self-reliant, etc. Number 1's, can accomplish whatever they set their minds to. They are perpetually brimming with new ideas and this is what gives them happiness.
On Chigiri's analysis of "The Death" card, death is one of the most feared cards in a Tarot Deck, and it is very misunderstood. Many people avoid mentioning this card because it has that much power. Most times, people take the name of the card literally. However, the real meaning within the Death card is one of the most positive in the whole deck. The Death card signals that one major phase in your life is ending, and a new one is going to start. Leaving to close one door, so the new one will open. The past needs to be placed behind you, so you can focus your energy on what is ahead of you. Perfectly fitting for our princess Chigiri as it reminds me of how his past brings a burden for him, in the ACL injury incident that thought himself that he wouldn't be the genius at soccer he wouldn't be. But let alone he was free after taking another new form of himself as a "rebirth" or transition of his new path in Blue Lock! The old version needs to ‘die’ to allow the new you to be created. This can be a scary time for you because you may be unsure of what will happen in the future. Even if you are scared, you should welcome the change because you are opening the door to new life events.
The Death reversal meaning is still about change, but that you have been resisting it. You could be worried about letting go of the past, or could not be sure of the changes that needs to make to go forward. Resisting the change and holding onto the past can limit your future, which can cause you to feel like you are in limbo. Man, if this ain't Chigiri when he is contemplating when he should run like before or nah well it resonates his hesitation during the previous chapter where he is afraid of breaking another limb or he will quit soccer. But that's a beautiful trump card he got imo. Thus, the number 8 of the card indicates major changes.
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Lastly, NagiReo. Nagi resonates the star card (17) while Reo is the Hermit (9). So let's analyze first Nagi's cause it's really interesting. So The Star card defines within the tarot embodies a sense of hope, inspiration, and profound positivity. It signifies a renewal of spirit, bringing forth calmness, serenity, and an optimistic outlook for the future. This is a time of significant personal growth and development as you are now ready to receive. I see that no wonder The Star card is on Nagi is he symbolizes what we know him as the potential lazy genius player that today in his self-development grind to where he is today being motivated and finding his purpose goal in attaining to reach the blue lock ego level and yet being the best of the best as he changes throughout every chapter. In the reverse is what we get as his usual unmotivated self the opposite of the tarot. The Star Reversed can mean that you’ve lost faith and hope in the Universe.
The numerology of the star card means of the number 17, which reduces to 8. The number 8 is about power and success.
Reo's card being The Hermit respectively is the "withdrawal from events and relationship to introspect and gather strength." Seeking the inner voice or calling upon vision from within. A need of understanding and advice, or a wise person who will offer knowing guidance. A card of personal experience and thoughtful temperance. This goes to the ideals and plans that Reo visualize with Nagi when they set foot to play football and has a calling for having Nagi being his best duo when it comes at all times. It really resembles how Reo defines the Hermit card. The hermit's appearance in a reading can also denote the appearance of someone who will come to your life that will be your mentor. In reverse, the Hermit card stems, loneliness, exile, withdrawal from loved ones, misfits, and sadness. In the numerology, the number 9 is powerful. It represents completion, although not a final ending—more like the fulfillment of one cycle so that you can prepare to initiate the next one. It's a recognition of life's ongoing ebb and flow.
That's all for the analysis of this post! What do you all think?
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