#blue lock manga spoiler(s)
boinin · 6 months
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The art goes SO HARD this week. The effin PUZZLE GUN kdjslakdjsks
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rose-riot-johnson · 8 months
Well my Tumblr Peeps... I didn't think I was gonna write this, however because of atleast a couple of the fanfics I recently written, a fanfic or a few I have read, some thinking for maybe the last few days or so, I just felt inspired about writing a fanfic about a particular Blue Lock character I have written about before... And I'm starting to feel maybe I can write more about Rensuke Kunigami (fanfic wise)😃👍While I was gonna write a fanfic about the reader being a fanfic writer for a crossover fanfic I was thinking about writing and I did have thoughts of writing that for a couple different Blue Lock characters I have yet to write about, however my heart is telling me to write about the reader being the fanfic writer with Rensuke Kunigami in this type of fanfic⚽😁👍
*Note: From just realizing that I may have misspelled any part Rensuke's name for the 1st fanfic I have written about him, I sincerely apologize for it😅I get it's a minor thing to apologize, however I just figured I'd mention it😅And this fanfic contains 1 or more long paragraphs😅
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⚽📝Being A Fan Of Someone, Who Turned Out To Be Your Biggest Supporter📝⚽((Adult) Rensuke Kunigami x Female Reader)
Genres: Fluff, Cuddling, Kissing, and Fanfic mentions in the fanfic (Warning⚠️: Manga Spoiler(s))
When you and Rensuke Kunigami first met eachother, he was a professional football (which some people call soccer) player and you became a huge fan of his. After every football match (which some people refer as soccer (ball) game), considering you madesure to attend the football matches (some call it soccer (ball) games) he was playing at, you talked to him and he also has been opening up to you more about his time in the Blue Lock program, his opportunity to walk into the "Wild Card" door, what happened while he was in there, and the aftermath of returning from the "Wild Card" door. While he admitted to you that this is how and why he became the football (some people call it soccer) player that he is today, however he has shown to treat you very kindly, so the both of you decided to exchange cellphone numbers and both you and Rensuke have began your relationship together, since then.
A few years went by, as you and Rensuke Kunigami are still together in your relationship with him. You're even wearing your engagement ring he got for you, as the both of you have been engaged (up to reader's imagination how long ago Rensuke Kunigami has proposed to you (no longer than four years and 6 months ago and no shorter than five months ago, however)) ago. The thing is he thought he knew everything about you.
One day while Rensuke Kunigami was on vacation from professional football (some people call it soccer (ball)), as he notices you left your (laptop or cellphone screen on), while confused what social media platform you are on. While he doesn't usually snoop into your business when it comes to your stuff on your laptop and your cellphone, however he did start to get concerned about another name that is part of what you're trying to put in a post, so he figured he wanted to try to get to the bottom of what you're trying to do. Once he started to snoop on your (laptop or cellphone), he notices that name he was pertaining a character you like and he clearly read the word "reader" in it.
Once you got out of the bathroom you caught Rensuke Kunigami snooping on your cellphone, as you were confused (especially about if you should be upset or giggle or etc...), knowing it's very unlike of him to snoop into your personal stuff, including your laptop and cellphone. You then asked, "Rensuke... What are you doing, snooping my (laptop or cellphone)? Am I doing anything wrong?". He then grined and answered, "Ofcourse you didn't do anything wrong, cutie... I was just a little concerned about you, considering that I saw a name, which I thought something happened between you and a particular person, so I had to see, if someone was bothering or anything and come to find out, you seem to be writing a fanfic about a character x reader type of fanfic... I kinda find that cute... I didn't know you write fanfics on (social media platform up to the reader's imagination)...", before (closing your laptop or putting your cellphone down).
The next thing you did was replied, "I still feel that's not a good reason for you to snoop on my (laptop or cellphone), however I appreciate your concern... Anyways I'm glad you liked that I'm writing the fanfic, Kunigami... I'm not exactly the greatest at writing fanfics, however I really wanted to write them for fun, feeling inspired by other fanfic writers with the fanfics they have written, and I wanted to try to make everyone else's days and/or nights from writing the fanfics I have written and wanted to write like the other fanfic writers made my (day and/or night) with the fanfics they have written when I first started reading fanfics through (social media platform up to reader's imagination), since this was my first time reading fanfics in general, honestly...", before you started blushing. Rensuke Kunigami then replied back, "I actually find your reasons of writing fanfics pretty cool... The only thing is you can't just act like you're not confident with your own writing, sweetness... I actually think you're amazing at the fanfics you write from what I saw on your (laptop or cellphone), not too long ago... Especially with (up to the reader's imagination what character the reader is writing about) for this character x reader fanfic you're working on writing about. So, if writing fanfics is really your passion, then don't give up on it... I'm sure you will evolve, as time goes by with writing fanfics, considering I feel you are an amazing fanfic writer...", before he walked up to you and kissed your forehead to make you blush more. He then said, "Now let's start on some cuddle time, sweetheart... And by the way... I like it when you blush... I think it's cute...".
After Rensuke went inside the bedroom room you share with him, you followed him in the same room he went in. Once the both of you got on the bed together, he held you from behind, with his arm wrapped around you, as if you're his little spoon and cooed, "I missed you, so much, (Female Reader Name)... I've been waiting a while to have this moment with you...", before kissing the side and the nape of your neck, then you turned your head around just enough for both you and Rensuke to peck kiss eachother on the lips, as you replied, "I missed you too Rensuke Kunigami... I've waiting to have some time with you, especially cuddle time...", proceeding to kiss the left side of his facial cheeks. The both of you then had hours worth of cuddle time.
Once the both of you finished your cuddle time together, Rensuke Kunigami decided to cook supper, while you checked your cellphone to finish up with the fanfic you were working on. As much as Rensuke Kunigami doesn't mind you helping him with cooking, he rather that you relax while he's cooking. So you finished (and posted) the fanfic you were working on before you decided to set the table for him, since you figured he's cooking and you still want to help him with atleast something pertaining supper time.
After both you and Rensuke started eating supper together the notification sound came from your cellphone and it was multiple times your cellphone was making that sound. You were hesitant to check on your cellphone, however he smiled and said, "You can check on your cellphone, beautiful... It's not like anything bad is happening and you don't check on it often when we spend time together... I insist, (Female Reader Name)...". "Are you sure, Kunigami?", you asked. He replied, "Yes, I'm sure...", while trying to encourage you.
Once you checked your notifications, it turned out it was the notifications that was coming from the social media platform, pertaining the post of the fanfic you have written about the character you have written about. You have noticed alot of praise (and likes, shares, etcs...) pertaining the fanfic you have written about. "I take it you had some success with the fanfic you were working on today, (Female Reader Name)?", Rensuke Kunigami asked, smiling at you. "Yes, I did... And you turned out to be right about what you said about me as a fanfic writer, Rensuke...", you answered before the both of you looked into eachother's eyes, then proceeded to kiss eachother.
While you have always been a huge fan of your fiance Rensuke Kunigami, since the first time you have seen him playing a football match (to some people it's soccer (ball) game), you were surprised that he became your biggest supporter when it comes to you writing fanfics, when he first found out about you writing fanfics. Once you and Rensuke finished eating supper and tooken cared of the dishes, he picked you up and had your legs wrapped around his waist, your arms around his neck, and his arms around you (and behind your back), as the both of you passionatly kissed eachother even after both you and Rensuke Kunigami landed on the bed inside the bedroom the both of you share together (Rensuke Kunigami on top with your back laying on the bed). After the both of you finished kissing, you touched his face and he touched your face, as he said, "(Female Reader Name)... Not only you're the best thing that has ever happened to me... Aside from the day we met, the day we exchanged cellphone numbers, and the night I proposed to you, today must be one of the best days of my life... I love you very much, (Female Reader Name) and thank you for being a huge fan of mine, for all of these years...".
You replied, "You're very welcome Rensuke Kunigami and thank you, very much... I feel the same way with today, the day we met, the day we exchanged cellphone numbers with eachother, and the night you proposed to me... I'm truly grateful for you turning out to be my biggest supporter when it comes to me writing fanfics, today... And I love you too, Rensuke Kunigami.", as you and Rensuke, then gave eachother one more deep kiss before cuddling together again, while he gets you to lay on top of him (with your head on his chest). Before you fell asleep you cooed, "Good night, Rensuke... I love you...". Rensuke then replied, as he whispered in your ear, "I love you too, sweetie... And Good night, my beautiful (Female Reader Name)...", while he holds you into a tighter hug, while trying to keep you comfortable. Before he lets himself fall asleep, he madesure you're sleeping peacefully, as he enjoys watching you have a peaceful slumber and while you fall asleep, he carefully pets your head, until the both of you fall asleep.
📝⚽The End⚽📝
I do hope you enjoyed this Rensuke Kunigami fanfic my Tumblr Peeps📝⚽😃👍Anyways, if I wrote stuff that didn't make sense or might not, I do have an explanation (or so on) why I wrote the fanfic out the way I did😅 While I did want to write about Rensuke finding out the the reader writes fanfics, I also wanted to write about about Rensuke and the reader kissing, cuddling, and other stuff, because that's something that has been in my head, if not just similar stuff to this, and I really wanted come up with more than a few paragraphs for this fanfic, so I decided to mix atleast the reader writing fanfic idea and the kissing, cuddling, and other stuff pertaining the reader and Rensuke idea right in the same fanfic💡I also figured I'd come up with an ending for this particular fanfic, as well😃👍 I'm really considering writing another fanfic or so with Rensuke in the fanfic(s) and I basically have some more ideas pertaining when I do write those ideas out fanfic wise💡📝⚽😁👍
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rirururu · 2 years
Why Bachira x Isagi (Blue Lock) is One of the Best Ships of All Time
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I’ll be honest and say that while Isagi and Bachira’s dynamic in the first arc was cute, it wasn’t anything that stood out to me too much. It seemed like a very typical sports anime type relationship at first. The main character shoots. His friend is there for him and passes to him so he can shine. They have good chemistry. They achieve results together that would be un-imaginably amazing compared to when they were apart. We’ve seen it so many times before already. Kageyama and Hinata, Kuroko and Kagami, Mihashi and Abe; the list goes on.
That all stops when the second selection starts.
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Bachira was forced to leave and suddenly Isagi has to fight on his own. He recognizes that up until now, he’s only been useful because of Bachira and in order to get him back, has to learn to fight without him. And, contrary to what we’re made to believe in the first selection that Isagi is better when with Bachira, the truth is that Isagi actually thrives without Bachira. In fact, he gets so powerful that even an outsider like Nagi who initially called him worthless without Bachira genuinely believed that Isagi would decide against stealing Bachira back by the end.
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As for Bachira, he’s given a hard wake-up call when he finally sees Isagi again. He recognizes how much better Isagi is without him to the point of Isagi ignoring him on the field, and that sets the part of himself that can only feel alive when he’s with Isagi off. It’s only with this wake-up call that Bachira realizes everything he’s thought up until now was wrong. That’s when we get a parallel to what Isagi did for Bachira in learning to fight without him in order to get him back. In exchange for being able to stand on the same level as and not be left behind by Isagi, Bachira threw away his purpose of playing soccer as his way to connect with Isagi. He realized he shouldn’t do things for the sake of staying by Isagi’s side. He should be doing things for his own growth. Bachira did this fully believing and grieving that he was giving up on being with Isagi. So much so that in his head, Bachira says goodbye to him. And in a similar fashion to Isagi, that’s the moment we learn that Bachira is actually stronger without him. 
They both had to get stronger out of desperation to stay together, and consequently abandoned that part of themselves that depended on each other in the first place.
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I want to pause right here and just applaud the author. I know Blue Lock has been praised as being a subversion of a ton of sports manga tropes and this is probably one of the most fantastic examples. We’re so used to the protagonist-and-partner combination being put on a pedestal. But here, it’s deconstructed right in front of us to show how it actually hinders both Isagi and Bachira as strikers and as people. And honestly? It felt like that would be it. I remember my heart dropping when I reached that point in the manga. Logically they would go their separate ways in a mutual break-up.
But they don’t. In the final scene of the soccer match, we see that everyone hadn’t believed in Bachira’s ego since long ago while Isagi had never stopped believing in him. Isagi caught Bachira’s winning goal. I thought that was a perfect parallel to their first meeting when Bachira passed the ball to the monster and then Isagi became the monster. This time Bachira abandoned the monster. There was no monster anymore because Bachira left it behind but even when the monster was gone, Isagi was still there. It's symbolic of how he doesn't see Isagi as just a monster anymore. He sees Isagi as Isagi, signaling a new era in their relationship.
And that’s also when Bachira realizes that just because he’s grown away from needing Isagi, just because he doesn’t live to make Isagi stronger anymore, just because he’s embracing that part of him that plays soccer solitarily for himself, doesn’t mean Isagi won’t still be there with him and believing in him. Bachira could change as much as he wants and the other won’t leave. They don’t need each other anymore, but that’s exactly what allows them to realize that being together makes them so happy, makes soccer so much fun, that they want to stick together until the very end anyway. 
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(Or the official translation / scans)
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This direction for their relationship seems bittersweet but I think that’s what makes it realistic. Relationships are multi-faceted and they change over time. Isagi and Bachira had to say goodbye to one aspect of their relationship but they also gained a new one. They both used to rely on each other a lot to be their very best. That mutualistic symbiotic relationship they had in soccer, that is the crutch in so many sports anime, is gone now. Bachira and Isagi aren’t necessary to each other in soccer anymore. Personally though, I think this new dynamic actually makes them closer than they were before.
To Bachira, Isagi used to be a person he needed to pass to because he’s a monster and someone who staved off his loneliness. To Isagi, Bachira used to be someone who made good passes to help him function in soccer. I think the fact that Bachira was so easily swayed to making Rin his new “monster” made it evident. As they continue to grow as strikers, they’ll be cycling through teammates most suited to their skillset. Teammates come and go. What Isagi and Bachira are to each other evolved past that, beyond the soccer field, and became something that would stay with them their entire lives. There is no “I’m with Isagi because if I can’t play soccer with him, I would die from loneliness” or “I’m with Bachira because he lets me be invincible on the field” anymore. They’re together because they want to be and because they love each other (platonically or romantically). That’s all.
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(Manga panel taken from an AMV on youtube)
And I think that’s beautiful. It’s beautiful because this is what true unconditional love looks like. I know what the manga did to them might not be the “popular” thing. Ships that are super dependent on each other and need each other to live are the ones that get views because it’s seen as romantic. But Bachisagi / Isabachi abandoned that to instead become one of the healthiest relationships you could possibly get not just in a sports anime but in general. 
I mean, wow. I wish I had someone who wanted to be with me and had the emotional capacity to always believe in me no matter how much I changed, disappointed, and grew away from centering my world around them. I wish I had someone who could say that they don’t need me anymore but that’s exactly why they can say in full confidence that they still want me with all their heart. Bachisagi is seriously #relationshipgoals more than most married couples. 
In conclusion, Bachira/Isagi deserves way more recognition and I will happily scream into the void with the other 6 of you out there who ship them /j
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milaisreading · 1 year
Random scenarios between the manager and Blue Lock (pt 1)
Characters: Isagi, Bachira, Chigiri, Kunigami, Gagamaru, Baro, Reo and Nagi
Pt II will include: Yukimiya, Otoya, Hiori, Karasu, Rin and Kurona
Idk, thought of this randomly and I am sorry that it's this long for no reason. Requests are open if anyone wants to!
Warning ⚠️: Y/n is used with she/her. Possible manga spoilers.
⚽️Blue Lock is owned by:  Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
Part II
"Do you need help with that, (Y/n)?" The girl turned to look in the direction the familiar voice came from, shaking her head with a smile.
"It's alright, Isagi. The boxes aren't heavy, go and rest. It's not everyday Ego-san shows mercy and let's you rest." (Y/n) said as the boy frowned a little. Shaking his head, he walked to where one of the boxes was and took it.
"It's really nothing. Friends are there to help, and I do feel kind of guilty that you can't rest." He admitted with a blush. The statement surprised the girl and she smiled back softly.
"I don't mind, it's in my contract after all. And besides, I am trying to do my best to make it easy on you guys as well. Being the future champions of Japan is a big burden!"
"Champions? You think we have a chance at winning?" Isagi asked, surprised at how confident she was in them. It warmed his heart knowing there was someone who believed in him even if he didn't.
"Of course! You guys are doing great, and with the talents you all are polishing you will be unstoppable at the World Cup! Trust me." (Y/n)'s grin along with her words caused the boy's face to turn a brighter red and a new sense of confidence took over his body.
"Thanks! I promise to not disappoint your expectations!"
"I know you won't!" (Y/n) nodded her head.
'I promise to get the Cup! Then I will ask (Y/n) out.' Isagi nodded to himself, a new goal already formed in his head.
"Bachira, come on! It's getting late and you need to sleep too." (Y/n) said, trying to get the boy off of the ground, but he wouldn't budge. It was already late and (Y/n) just wanted to clean everything up and go to sleep. Knowing how Ego is, he was probably judging her behind one of the cameras.
"No! I want to still play and train!"
"Is your monster telling you that?" (Y/n) wondered out loud as the boy kept quiet. She already got used to the talk of the monster and in Blue Lock nothing can really surprise her anymore, so asking about the monster came like a 2nd instinct to her.
"No... I just want to do better." Bachira said, hiding a small blush. It still amazed him how little she cared about the monster and acted like it's a normal thing. Unlike all the other people he met out and in Blue Lock.
"You are already great! Bachira, you need to rest too. Wanting to become great is a good thing here, but with no rest you will never achieve it." (Y/n) argued, but the boy still wouldn't budge. The girl thought for a moment, then went to pick up a ball from nearby.
'If you can't beat him, then join in.' She thought, kicking the ball towards the boy.
"Huh?" Bachira thought, picking the balk up and looking at the girl.
"How about this, I will help you train everyday for 30 minutes and then you go to sleep? Is that good?" Bachira looked at her in confusion for a moment, but soon after grinned and jumped up, kicking the ball back.
"Alright! It's a deal!"
'She is all I need to keep calm... my monster loves her and so do I. I can't wait till I win the World Cup and ask her out!'
Excitedly, (Y/n) ran down the hallway to look for her red haired friend, package held tightly against her chest. She had been waiting for the item for weeks, and she was more than happy to know it came before the U-20 match.
'It's here! Teieri-san was right when she said it will be fast! Chigiri will love this!' She thought, running to the cafeteria where she eventually found the boy eating.
"Chigiri! I got something for you!"
Surprised, the boy looked up from his plate as (Y/n) stood in front of him, holding out the mysterious box to him.
"What... what is that? I didn't order anything." Chigiri argued, his face going a bright red when he looked at (Y/n) more closely.
'She looks so pretty today...'
"I know! I ordered it... well Teieri-san did since she is the one with the money... but that doesn't matter! Here, open it please!"
Confused, Chigiri took the box and slowly opened it. His expression turned into a shocked one, inside was a red knee brace and he took it out to inspect it.
"Where... where did you find that?" Chigiri asked, noticing it had his initials on the inside.
"I showed it to Teieri-san after I looked for a way to make your running easier, and she agreed to use the funds to buy it! The company even offered some personal touches as well. Hope you like it!" (Y/n) grinned excitedly as Chigiri kept quiet for a moment, unsure what to say. He was really touched that someone outside his family cared this much, not to mention it was the same girl he had liked for the past few months.
"I... I love it. Thank you, I will make sure to wear it whenever I can."
As (Y/n) was cheering him on, Chigiri couldn't help a fond smile as he looked up at her.
'Yes, she is the one I want. Coming and staying in Blue Lock was the best decision. I love her so much that I don't think I can hold it in till the World Cup.' He sighed.
"Why are you eating alone? I am used to seeing Isagi and Chigiri with you." (Y/n) said as she sat across Kunigami, who nervously swallowed his food down.
"They went to sleep, I stayed a little later than usually to train."
(Y/n) nodded her head, sliding her noodles to him.
"You need the food more than I do right now. Besides, I ate a lot during lunch today." The girl explained as the boy looked around the place, then back at her.
"You sure Ego-san won't get mad?"
"It won't be the first time. I stopped counting the amount of times Nagi stole food from me." (Y/n) shrugged her shoulders as Kunigami took the bowl, grateful for the extra food.
"Thank you... and thanks for the help. We don't tell you that often." He said with a tint of red on his cheeks.
"You really don't need to thank me, watching you all play is rewarding enough. Can't wait till I see you guys bring Japanese football to the next level! That will be exciting!"
The answer surprised the boy and he slowly nodded his head. A comforting silence fell among them and Kunigami kept sending the girl a few short glances.
'She looks prettier than normally... I really hope we stay close after Blue Lock. Maybe in a year or so I could ask her out properly.'
"Good job, Gagamaru! You did great out there! The save was amazing!" The boy blushed as (Y/n) patted his back. It wasn't a everyday thing that anyone paid this much attention to him. He was mostly silent and on the goal, not scoring and usually out of the attention radar. Well, except from Ego and (Y/n)'s, who paid attention to him for different reasons. Ego to either point out his flaws or sometimes compliment him in a weird way. (Y/n) meanwhile watched him always in a encouraging and warm way, a way that made him want to do better, show off his skills.
"Y-you think so?" The boy wondered as he wiped off his sweat.
"Yeah! You are so ready for the U-20 match! They won't know what hit them when they see you on the goal!" (Y/n) told him. Her words meant a lot more to him than (Y/n) could imagine, and je was kind of greatful for Reo coming over to pull (Y/n) away for some reason. Gagamaru watched her and sighed dreamily.
'If only I wasn't so silent... but soon I will open up. I just need to prove myself first.' Gagamaru nodded to himself.
"Why do the towels smell so differently?" Baro wondered and looked straight at (Y/n) as she picked up the empty water bottles. The girl stopped in her tracks and thought for a moment.
"Oh! I forgot that I am using a new detergent now. That's why it smells differently."
"A new detergent?" Baro questioned.
"You complained a week ago that the detergent smelled bad and made the towels rougher than necessary. After inspecting them I asked Ego-san to switch them out. Thank God Teieri-san was there to help me." Baro kept quiet for a moment as he stared at (Y/n), making the girl more nervous than needed.
"Is that not good either? I made sure to get the extra softening one."
"No! No it's fine, I just didn't expect you to care enough for it this much." Baro said, sounding genuinely dumbfounded.
"My job is to take care of your issues, and you are my friend. So why wouldn't I care." (Y/n) shrugged, going back to her previous duties as Baro sighed and smelled the towel a little more.
'My queen is always making sure I am doing great. Can't wait till I make everything official. She will have the best of the best.'
Reo walked through the hallway as he held a box with some baked goods his parents had sent him. It wasn't normal for Ego to allow presents inside, but after the victory over U-20, he became more lenient. So now once a month they could get some baked goods from the outside.
'Where is she... I hope she will like them. I asked my mom to find the best bakery in the city.'
The boy opened the door to one of the training rooms and sighed in relief when he saw (Y/n) there taking notes.
"(Y/n)! Are you busy?" The boy asked as the girl turned around to look at Reo in surprise.
"Reo?! Not at all, did you need something?" (Y/n) wondered as the boy jogged over to her, handing her the box.
"Not really! I just wanted to give you this! Hope you like them." Reo said as he blushed. (Y/n) looked at the box in surprise and took it slowly.
"For me? Strange, I already got the package from my parents."
"This is from my parents. I asked them to get these for you... as a thank you gift." Reo said, sounding bashful as he watched (Y/n) open the box, gasping when she saw the cupcakes inside.
"Reo! This is too much! They look like those expensive ones advertised on the internet! Why would you do this?!" (Y/n) asked, sounding genuinely embarrassed.
"You do a lot for us...and I wanted to thank you in some way. And this is my way of doing so. Just take them, please." Reo insisted, and after a minute or two (Y/n) finally agreed.
"I owe you one." She muttered as she took a bite from one of the cupcakes and the boy shook his head as he ate one too, after (Y/n) forced him to take it.
'Typical... she never let's anyone take care of her. But I will show (Y/n) that she can always rely on me. I will keep doing it as long as it takes for her to realize she deserves it.' Reo sighed, already planning something else.
Nagi groaned as he hid in a nearby storage room. Out of Ego's short neglect, the boy had escaped the training room and found safety in the abandoned corner of the building. He really didn't wish to leave training today, since (Y/n) was there, but he barely got any sleep the past week. It was all because of his ever-growing crush on the girl, he felt like his heart would explode when he was around her, and at night it became hard to sleep because of it.
'Stupid feelings...' Nagi groaned, closing his eyes shut as he heard the doorknob rattle. He groaned inwardly, prepared for a scolding from Ego or whoever it was, but nothing came of it.
"Did you find him, (Y/n)?" Reo's voice was heard and Nagi resisted the urge to open his eyes and look at the girl.
'Great...' The boy thought, expecting her to say yes.
"Uhh... no. Just some old brooms."
'Huh? Did he just lie?' Nagi thought in shock as he heard Reo groan and walking off to a different place. He heard (Y/n) sigh and she walked closer to Nagi's frozen form.
"I know you are awake. Go and take a nap, I will deal with Ego-san."
"And why would you do that?" Nagi asked suspiciously, opening one eye as (Y/n) shrugged her shoulders.
"You need rest, that's quite obvious. I want you to be healthy and well-rested, not half dead. Just go, Nagi." (Y/n) said and walked out to go and talk with Ego.
The boy stared at the entrance as his face turned a bright red and he hid his face with his hands.
'I think I really do love her even more now!'
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itonashi · 2 years
May I request Chigiri Hyoma x reader, but the bllk boys and Chigiri are hanging outside of blue lock and the reader hugs Chigiri from behind while he's talking to someone; suprising chigiri of his s/o's sudden appearance? I LITERALLY CANNOT GET ENOUGH OF THIS MAN 🥰💍💍🙏
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pairing: chigiri hyoma x fem!reader
warning: mentioned other chars, fluff, lowercase intended, manga spoilers
note: pls pls pls appear in the tag... im gonna cry if it doesn't appear. i hate mobile legends. memang tolol kau tahu tak (nonsense in malay). i love the anon who req me this.
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it's time!
for your divine, beautiful, majestic, heavenly, breath-taking, lovely, charming, marvelous, splendid, distinguished, monumental, glorious, astonishing, and pretty boyfriend to get out of his hell hole!!!
the blue lock program.
because of that stupid program you didn't get to even chat him or see him for months! now he's a celebrity after that soccer match that you didn't even managed to get a ticket for.
you want to see him so much instead of chatting with him on some apps. you hated how chigiri hyoma is now known to the world and some ppl liked him because of his beauty. that beauty should've been only for you.
fortunately, he is yours and you are his.
but he said that he only have two weeks break so that means the program is still not finish yet and that made you filled with the 5 stages of grief because that technically means that you won't be seeing him for months again! and who knows? he will also be offered with professional clubs out there.
you're glad that he didn't give up on soccer anymore and how he is really happy now.
with these two weeks break, you will make the most time to hang out with your boyfriend and make the most of it.
oh? is that your lovely boyfriend there? and if you're not mistaken — the people that he's talking to is the blue lock people.
'i want to surprise him. i mean.. his reactions will be so cute! after all, we haven't seen eachother for a long time.'
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"i think i will have a chances with many pretty girls this year."
"shut up, otoya."
"being known to the world feels nice."
"i wonder if i have a fanbase..."
"isagi! look at the comments about you."
"people really like nagi, huh."
"why are they so shocked that reo is playing soccer..."
the atmosphere was lively as everyone was talking about different things. some were talking about their popularity, soccer, the u-20 match, school and friends.
what was irritating me is that aryu keep asking me about what i use for my hair. yeah yeah, i know my hair is silky but only some people can touch it. if i don't want him to bother me with his 'glam' things. i just need to straight up tell him about the haircare i use.
"oh really? that's the one you use... hmm, what a shame. it doesn't fit my glam hair."
"ok, aryu..."
just stop talking to me about that, it's boring! damn it. "chigiri! look at people commenting about your beauty!" bachira showed me the multiple comments about my beauty and how they wish they know me earlier... blah blah blah. "haha, it's amazing how chigiri got people to like because of his beauty." isagi said.
"i bet his fanbase is full of girls."
is it? i don't really remember...
"i don't think so?"
"yeah, right.
i couldn't careless about the fanbase anyway. i already have my special someone who never gave up on me. the one who was always there with me through thick and thin. she never left me when i was injured. it was a shame she didn't managed to see the match in front of her eyes.
if she was there, i would've hug her tight even if there was my mother and sister there...
it's been a long time since i see her.
i was conversing with nagi and telling him some information about soccer. when suddenly i felt a hand wrapped around my waist from behind and a beaming girl's voice was heard.
everyone stop talking and look at the uninvited guest that just arrived. 'wooo' and 'oohh' could be heard from them. nagi look at the person who interrupt chigiri from talking and the person unwrapped their hands from chigiri's waist.
"oh, you're surprised to see me." you chuckle at the sight of him.
you wave at all the people there and they wave back with welcome but they're definitely questioning who you are from the sudden appearance. otoya did the honor of asking not before asking if you're single.
"im taken by the oh so lovely princess chigiri hyoma."
"oi, don't call me that."
well, at least no one's here is beautiful like your boyfriend! this goes unnoticed by you but when otoya asked you that question. he almost tried to gouge out otoya's eyes. you didn't notice yukimiya was there until he spoke up.
"[name], you are dating chigiri?"
"ah, since when are you here... yuki?"
"you two knew each other?"
"he's my co-worker in the model agency but don't worry i never work with him, hyoma."
chigiri let out a sigh of relief at that statement. sure, yukimiya was handsome. and he love how you are loyal to him in the end. they time passed with you being introduced to the boys and come of them praised you for being a beauty and question you is it hard being a model and all that.
you get to know some of them better and it did help with yukimiya being there.
"i think it's time we should go back home." isagi said. the time was almost 5:00 p.m and they all agreed to it — saying goodbyes to one another, you set out walking back home with chigiri.
"you really surprised me back there."
"your reaction was worth it. hehe."
typical [name]. a little prankster ever since middle school. "here, do you want my hand?" chigiri offered you his hand for you to wrapped your hands around it and you did just that. you lean your head on his shoulders while walking to the train station. talking along the way about the day and your opinion on the boys.
"you did great on the match, hyoma. you don't have to think about it that much when you were out half time. i have been watching you that whole match even if i wasn't there. you're my favorite player out there."
it was out of the blue when you said that but it was comforting to him. you are his biggest supporter and he will never let go of that fact. the things you said to comfort him. you always know what his feelings are at the moment.
"thank you, [name]."
you chuckle at his flustered voice.
"that's my duty as your biggest supporter."
you two arrived at the train station and wait for your train to come and board it. it is fortunately empty. you love some quiet times with chigiri on the train.
you lean your head on chigiri's shoulder and close your eyes while holding his hand on the train and hum a melody. "[name], what do you think of me?" he said with a slight nervous. hoping at what you said about him is all positive.
"if im being brutally honest... after you were injured, you care too much about what those people said about your injuries. especially those wanima twins. i hate them. you have me on your back — i will defend you from those types of people but im happy that you're not giving up on soccer. you are a hardworking guy. you are slightly moody though..."
"that's too honest."
"i did said i was brutally honest."
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honeyyjems · 1 year
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content warning (s): blue lock spoilers, manga spoilers, mature language, mention/use of alcohol, hard dom!kunigami, public sex (party bedroom), unprotected sex, exhibitionism, rough sex, hate sex?, fear play, slight degradation, masochism, hair pulling, dirty talk, choking, manhandling, biting, mention of blood, overstimulation, use of pet name, bit of breeding and corruption.
summary: The breakup is eating you alive, Kunigami Rensuke plagues your body and mind even when he shouldn’t, the sweet and dirty memoires you have are all you have left. You miss him, but you don't want it to take control over you anymore. Maybe hooking up with a guy will get Kunigami out of your system. You really hoped it would because you don't know what you’ll do if it didn’t.
pairing: Wildcard!Kunigami Rensuke x fem!reader
word count: 4.2k
a/n: this is my first bluelock fic and i love kunigami so i hope to be adding some dirty yummy smut to this statue of a man. I've been reading to much dark romance books and seeing a dark kunigami triggered something deep within me *evil giggle*  also i want to tank my love kaitlyn for beta reading/editing <3
song (s) mentioned: ‘blue’ - kali uchis || ‘house of balloons’ - the weeknd
banner credit: made it myself ;)
masterlist | requests | join my tag-list
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Three months
It's been three months since you’ve heard from him, since he showed up at your front door telling you that it was over, like it was nothing; absolutely nothing. He changed. His hair, build, attitude… but it was his eyes that startled you. They would shine when they looked into yours, but the ones you stared into were dull and devoid of light. The words that came out his mouth still haunt you when you have moments alone; Plaguing your mind and soul.
You still kept in contact with your friends that were Kunigamis. They treated you with nothing but kindness and support. When Reo finally explained what had happened in his last moments with Kunigami, a dark tension dawned on you. The way your blood went cold and your hands clammy; What had he felt in that moment? You were worried about him after Isagi and Chigiri told you their concerns on what might’ve happened to Kunigami in “Wildcard”. But that didn’t excuse his behavior towards you.
Soccer was something Kunigami had always loved more than anything, until you. You understood his priorities and never overstepped yourself; Encouraging him when he felt defeated. When Bluelock entered the picture, you pushed him into it. Although he would be away from you and everyone he held most dear, this was his chance to prove to himself he could be the soccer hero he’s always wanted to be. 
When he appeared on your doorstep three months ago, practically spitting in your face with the disgusting words, throwing you away, and the entire relationship, it was an utter shock. It was hard to move on, and you were trying your very best to keep everything together; However, today was the day you decided you really needed him out of your fucking system.
Dee’s voice brought you out of your head, “Are you fucking serious?” she exclaimed. The words that fell from your lips were a surprise to yourself but you needed this; You wanted this.
“Yes…” You paused and tilted your head. “I think so.” you replied. 
Dee’s eyes stared into yours, still processing, making a giggle escape your lips. Standing at the hood of Dee’s car, you turned and walked towards her driveway, hearing her shuffle behind you.
You threw your hand up, your back still faced towards her, “Don’t make me fucking regret it, Dee.” you teased. 
Dee scoffed, “Oh babe, you’ll thank me for it.”
Hearing Dee take out her phone to call up your friends to pregame for the party tonight, the sound bled into the background, covered by your racing thoughts. Kunigami has consumed you, in body and soul. When you touched yourself, it was his hands that trailed your body. It was his lips on your neck. His scent of cedarwood on your skin and clothes.
God fucking damn it.
All you wanted was the heartache and memories to go away. Maybe hooking up with a guy will get Kunigami out of your head. You really hoped it would because you don’t know what you’ll do if it didn’t.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
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“Are you sure you're fine?” Chigiri asked for the ninth time tonight.
Bringing down the shot glass from your lips and letting it hit with a thump on the table, “Yes for the… how many times now?” You say with slight annoyance, using your fingers to mock count to Chigiri.
A laugh falls from his lips, “Okay, okay.” he says, bringing his hands up in defiance. Yours eyes meet his, everything that wasn't said could be said with just the look in his eyes. He hates that he knows the pain you still feel inside. Clearing your throat, turning to look to your left, you see the guy who's been staring at you all night, your eyes meeting across the bar. A buzz lingers on your skin, he was already undressing you with his gaze alone.
Chigiri’s eyes follow your gaze, seeing everything unfolding before him. You feel a nudge on your arm, but you still maintain eye contact. “You still have that condom I gave you?” he teases, making you turn and nudge him with your hip. As you both laugh at each other, Chigiri leans down and kisses the top of your head, “Have fun, okay?” he breathes into your hair. Nodding in response, he turns and leaves, assumingely to find the rest of his friends.
As you reach to grab the Bacardi to pour into your shot glass, you feel eyes on you. His eyes. No, it’s not his eyes you assured yourself. Gripping the shot glass, you bring it to your lips, swinging your head back. The burn you feel in the beginning of the night is practically gone.
A broad body stands beside you, “God, look at you.” the guy whispers into your ear. “Eye candy alright...”
The black mini dress always hugged the right places around your body. A devious smile spreads across your face, “Want a taste?” you toy. 
You feel his arm wrap around your waist as he presses himself into your back. You feel him already stiff in his pants. Holding the groan that almost slips out, you turn to face him. His lips and breath lingers on top of your lips, just a hair away. Getting on your toes, you lick his cupid's bow. 
You had no idea where this confidence came from, but alcohol is to thank for this boost. His hand grabs yours, trailing you behind him into the back of the house away from the crowd. Walking behind him, your head starts to spin in doubt, but fades as you enter a dark room.
The guy, you still don’t know his name, nor do you care to learn it, flips the light switch. “No,” you say as you reach quickly to turn them off again. Darkness filling the room again.
“You afraid of the dark?” you ask in a low voice. There was silence, but the muffled sound of Kali Uchis’s ‘Blue’ through the walls.
“Fuck no,” he growls in the darkness. His lips crash into yours. The kiss was desperate and fast, his fingers sinking into the back of your neck with his thumb on your check, deepening the kiss. Trailing your hand up his shirt, you grip it as you pull him with you to walk more into the darkness. Your back hits the wall with a thud, but that doesn’t stop anything. He licks the top of your lip signaling to let him in. You open up for him obediently, his tongue exploring yours.
A whimper escapes you, his mouth swallowing the sound. He nudges his knee in between your legs, making you arch into him. Tilting your head back to breathe, his lips descend to the crook of your neck. You grind yourself into his leg to add friction to the throbbing pain between your legs. His fingers tug on the strap of your dress bringing it down, leaving a wet kiss in its place.
Closing your eyes, you let your overwhelming need engulf you, but a soft light flashed underneath your lids causing you to open them. The light disappears fast as it comes, you stare into the darkness. His hand lays on top of your hip, digging into them. Grabbing his neck, you bring him back to your lips, kissing him rougher this time; showing him you want him now. The sound of groans and heavy breathing fills the room.
With your eyes closed you feel yourself turn, the side of your face on the wall. His hand clutches the back of your head, pulling the hair causing your head to fall back towards him. He grinds himself into your ass, feeling his hard cock on you. Pushing your ass back into him, his groans tickle the back of your ear. A sharp throb hits your clit, as you feel his other hand pull your black dress up.
The cool air hits your hot skin. He brings your hands to lay on the wall, as you dig your nails into the surface as he continues to dry hump you through his pants. With the added friction to your clit, you could feel your orgasm creeping, but then it was gone.
The guy pulls away, leaving you standing alone in the darkness. All you could hear was shuffling and heavy breathing. Since you were facing the wall, you couldn't see anything. A faint light fills the room and disappears with the loud shut of the door. The sound makes you flinch and turn, but you are only met with blackness staring back at you.
“H- hello?” you stammer.
Silence. Your breathing quickens, making your body tense with uneasiness.
“Pussy…” you scoff, “Won’t finish what you started?” 
You fix the strap on your shoulder and tug your dress back down, and wait. Hoping to hear a snarky remark. Anything. 
Once again, silence. You only hear the song ‘House of Balloons’ through the walls. You push yourself off the wall to walk towards the door, a hand hits the center of your chest shoving you back. Fear claws your skin, making your blood run cold. 
Your chest rises and falls with each breath you take. Is this guy fucking around with you now? But you weren't going to back down; two can play at that game.
“What do you want from me?” you question the person, trying to hide the shake in your voice. He didn't move, nor did he say anything. You've grown tired of always wondering what every outcome will be, this was the moment where you’d just see where this goes, even if it’s scary.
“What do you want?” You yell. A lump forms in your throat making it hard to swallow. Nothing. You didn't want to ask the question that came into your head, but you needed to.
“Are.. are you going to hurt me?” You ask.
“I dont know.”
What the fuck? He doesn't know?
Swallowing hard, “Do you want to?” you question.
“A little.”
His voice was low and breathy, masking it under the quietness in the room.
“Why?” you ask, heart thumping in your ears.
“Because I'm messed up,” he answers. You hold your breath, staying as silent as you can, hoping he wouldn’t continue.
“I can't feel anything but fear anymore,” he whispers, “It consumes me.” Your hands began to shake beside you.
You hear him take a step. “I don't know what I'll do.” he said.
You couldn't see where he was in the darkness but you could feel his heavy stare on you. A snarl rips through the air, his lip smashing into yours. The kiss was hungry, like he was starving. He manhandles you, his rough, large hand gripping your hip while the other latches into your hair. He yanks it, making you yelp into his mouth, giving him the chance to slip his tongue in. He tastes different than before.
Maybe the fear in you was making you hyper aware.
You move your hands into his hair, feeling an undercut. 
Was that there before? 
You squeeze his locks in between your fingers. He groans, his hold in your hair tightening even more, the sting on your scalp becoming stronger. However, the assault on your mouth soothes it. You catch a small hint of a scent. 
Wha- no I’m just imagining it, you think.
You didn't want to feel or think anything. Maybe he will hurt you, but you didn't care. Hell, just him scaring you is making you soak through your panties. 
God, you were sick in the head. Feeling his hand slip under your dress and lightly press a finger against your center.
“Already soaked.” he taunts. “…didn't take much.” you growl at his comment.
A chuckle bubbles up from him, “I wanted to see something,” he says. “And I was right.”
You freeze, knowing exactly what he meant. You push him off of you, making him stumble back. You swing your hand in front of you to hit him, but he grabbed your wrist before you could. His heavy breathing matches yours, and he places your hand on his chest.
A cold metal chain hit on your fingers. Trying to get your breathing under control, you hold the chain trailing your fingers down, following its coolness before something stops you when it hits the end. A pendant. Tracing your forefinger over the pendant, feeling it, but you freeze in place.
A snake pendant. You know that fucking pendent. You bought it yourself.
You throw your palms into his chest, shoving him as hard as you can, but he doesn't even budge. He grabs the sides of your arms, securing them beside you. “Let me go, '' you demand.
“Why?” he says roughly. It's the voice you almost thought you’d never hear again.
“Fuck you,” you bark. “Let me go.”
“Fuck you?” he growls. “I'll do more than that.”
You were fuming, anger boils at the bottom of your stomach. Who the fuck does he think he is? He was the one that left everything behind.
“You won’t do anything,” you hiss, pushing your body against his to try to loosen his grip around you. But it did only the opposite. He brings your body into his, holding you in a tight embrace, locking your arms under his strong ones.
You can feel him, smell him. The scent of cedarwood fills your nose. He’s here. This smell should've disgusted you, but it only made your heart melt. You hold in your breath trying to not devour his smell.
“Let me go or I’ll fucking bite you.” you snap.
“I was counting on it,” He whispers into your ear, his hot breath sending chills down your spine.
He doesn’t need to tell you twice. You sink your teeth into his shoulder, feeling the soft cotton and flesh underneath. A light chuckle comes from him, making you bite harder. Shut the fuck up, motherfucker. Increasing the pressure each second, but he doesn’t move. This has to be hurting him. You can hear his breaths becoming raspy and deep.
“Har- harder,” he stutters. His hold on you gets tighter. You freeze. You wanted to hurt him, but biting any harder would break his skin. Kunigami Rensuke, please don-
“Harder!” he barks, making you flinch at the sudden outburst, but you do as he says. 
You sink your teeth harder into him, feeling his soft flesh break under the pressure, tasting a hint of copper on your tongue.
Kunigami hisses as he takes a short breath. You feel tears at the brim of your eyes. I’m sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sor- You slowly loosen your jaw around him, setting your forehead against the front of his shoulder.
There’s only the sound of your breaths in the room, the hum of the party, the world on the outside.
“I’m sorry,” he says with a sense of guilt. The world stops, just for a second.
“I’m sorry for all the pain I caused.” he whispers as you hear his heart racing, “The trouble.”
There was a pregnant pause.
“But most of all… I’m sorry for breaking your heart.”
Everything comes crashing down, breaking into a million pieces. Yes, he did hurt you, but you know you would be there for him in a heartbeat. Your heart will always beat for Kungami Rensuke. We want what we want. You know it's bad to want him after everything he’s done, but you want to let him know that you’re there for him at this moment; right now you want him.
His hold on you had long loosened, softening into a warm embrace. You bring your hand down to his, grabbing and placing it around your neck, your hand layered on his.
“Ren,” you say softly, “I want you.”
You feel him tense and take in a sharp breath. You tighten your hand around his, making the hold firm.
“I want… you.” you say, making sure he understands what you are trying to really say. Never knowing what really made him change, you know it is still Kunigami. This Kunigami is scared and broken, but fixing him isn’t on your mind; you want to help him.
His mouth slams onto yours again, but this time you are the one hungry, starving. Your teeth clang against each other, taking whatever you both can take. Kunigami sucks on your bottom lip giving it a small bite, making your clit throb under you. A whimper comes from you remembering how good it feels to have him all over. His hold on your neck tightens as he pushes you back to the wall, his hand on your neck holding you in place.
Standing in front of each other, you wait for his next move. The cool air covers your breasts as you hear a loud rip of fabric, your dress. He ripped the front of your dress with one hand. You didn't even bother wearing a bra with your outfit tonight. Your nipples harden under the cool of the air, being in the dark make your senses even more heightened. Kunigami’s mouth lowers to your chest, sucking and biting your left breast. Arching into him, you try to grind on something, anything to relieve the throbbing pain between your legs.
Kunigami’s mouth switches to the other breast, sucking, but gives a small bite right next to your nipple. You quiver under him, as he continues teasing your nipple between his teeth and tongue. You can’t take it anymore, you want him inside you.
“Ren.. please.” you beg. The nickname you know he loves so much. You slide your palms under his shirt, feeling his toned abs and pecs.
His mouth on you doesn’t stop but moves up your neck, leaving wet sloppy kisses in its trail. Kunigami’s grip on your neck moves to your chin. The weight of his eyes on you feel so heavy, you don’t know if you are looking into them, but you can fucking feel them.
“Please what?” he says amusingly. 
Trying to swallow the dryness in your mouth, “Please fuck me.” You whimper, “I need you inside me.”
“I love hearing when you beg for it,” he says with a smile on his face.
He moves away from you, tearing your dress even more, feeling the ripped fabric rip down the middle. It was in shreds while it hung beside your body. All you have is your black lace thong. Shame is what you should be feeling, but there was none.
Kunigami returns to you, and roughly pushes you in the chest as he settles himself between your legs. He still hadn’t taken his hard cock out but you can feel the giant bulge against your slick pussy. He brings his hand to your pussy, just holding you there. You hold your breath.
“This belongs to me,” Kunigami says, “You are mine.” You whimper at his comment.
He presses his finger into you through your thong, getting a gasp from you. A low grunt comes from him, “Who do you belong to?” Kunigami presses, “Say it.”
You freeze, but he pushes another finger into you. Your legs shake so hard, leaving to collapse on him any second. “Say it.” He says again.
“I-I’m” you hesitate. A third finger pushes into you, stretching you wide even through your thong. “To you…” you declare, “I belong to you.”
“That's my baby doll.”
He takes his fingers out of you and grabs the hem of the tong and rips it off. Shivers spread all across your skin at the rough handling. You hear the jingle of his belt, your pussy clenches at the sound. Something soft hits the ground before he has his hands on you again. Kunigami presses you on the wall, placing his hand under your knee, opening you up for him.
Kunigami rams his cock into you without any resistance, making you gasp at the sudden stretch. You’ve never felt so full, and he is so deep inside you. Not a second to waste, Kunigami pounds into you, the slap of his balls hitting your pelvic. Each hard stroke, you can feel every ridge of his cock, the vein on it sliding against your clit.
You clench around him, he groans loud. “You like it when I treat you like a sleeve?” He says, not sounding at all out of breath.
He gets his response by you clenching on him again. He continues his pounding, setting a fast rhythm. The room fills with skin smacking and the obscene sound your pussy makes as you suck him in.
You need to hold onto something, so you hold onto his shoulders, feeling his soft hot skin on your hands. Keeping the pace, Kunigami places his other hand under your other knee, hoisting you up on the wall; Only leaving you to hold onto him. Leaving you at his mercy. Heat fills your center, your orgasm coming close.
You wrap your arms around his neck and crash your mouth on his, kissing him passionately and eagerly. You suck on his tongue, savoring his taste.
“Rensuke,” You moan, “I-I’m.” You lay your forehead on his shoulder, but hear him hiss. The bite. You lift your head and place your mouth over the bite, licking it, the copper taste on your tongue. Kunigami grunts as you continue to lick the wound you made.
His thrusts begin to falter just a bit, signaling he’s almost there too. You place your entire mouth on the bite, and suck on it.
“Oh,” Kunigami says, “You’re fucking dirty.” Your moan is muffled as you suck harder on his shoulder.
“I'm going to fill your pussy with my cum.” he growls, “I’m claiming what's mine.”
You groan on him and your pussy clenches at the comment. Kunigami flattens his palm against your pelvis and applies firm pressure. Your spine nearly breaks at the sensation, feeling him so much more intensely.
“Come on, baby doll.” Kunigami grunts, “Come on me.”
With those words, a flash of white hits behind your eyes. A shock runs through you, making you groan so loud and clear for him. Your body convulses against him but Kunigami still keeps ramming his cock into you. You just hold on for the ride as you come down. His name is pouring from your lips. The overstimulation brings tears to your eyes. You shut your eyes tight and squeeze yourself around his cock.
Kungami’s thrusts shudder, “Fu-FUCK,” he grunts loud into your ear as he loads you with white hot liquid. He fills you, doing exactly what he told you. His cock and cum all in you, claiming you as his. He gives you a couple more slow and hard pumps before he holds himself inside you. His cock still pulsing inside as you both try to catch your breaths.
Kunigami slowly takes himself out with a loud pop at the end of his cock, leaving you to mewl at the sudden emptiness. You feel so empty and weak but so euphoric. He gently places you back on your feet; However, still holding you up.
He presses his forehead against yours. Time stands motionless. Not a word was uttered, but there was a lot being said. Kunigami softly drops his hands, leaving you alone in the darkness. You feel him leave you and hear his feet as he walks. Away from you. Once again, you are alone in the dark without him.
A light switch being flicked on sounds in the room. A sudden burst of light makes you flinch, making you squint your eyes and place a hand over your face. A light chuckle fills the room as you pull down your hand.
You know you looked like an absolute mess, completely fucked out and naked; besides the, now ripped and shredded, black dress around you.
“Seriously?” You say, flicking your hand at him, middle finger in the air. A loud laugh bursts from his mouth, the sound brings butterflies to your stomach. You can’t help but laugh as well. You both laugh lost in the moment, but as it dies, reality settles in.
“This doesn't fix anything.” you say softly, looking into his auburn eyes.
Kunigami stares back into you, “It’s a start.” he says.
Breaking the stare, he walks over to his shirt and hoodie on the floor. Kunigami slips into his shirt, but you can’t help but stare at his body. He already settled himself under his boxers but his v-line peeks beneath the undone jeans. The feel of his seed seeps down your inner thighs.
Something hit your face making you gasp. His black hoodie falls into your arms. A tiny smile breaks on your face but you quickly drop it. You slip on the hoodie and Kunigami’s scent swallows you whole.
No one really knows what happened to Kunigami in “Wildcard", but he’s still him. Although he’s changed, you don’t want to change nor fix him. You want to understand where he is. He is sure guilty for all the sins he’s done. Maybe he has always had this dark side to him and it's just coming up to the surface. Kunigami is afraid, but he doesn’t need to be.
A shadow needs a light and you are his.
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tag-list: @kentosovertime @sugarbooger513 @sugarmapoops @bebechinas99 @katgalle @akisbrew
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kakushino · 1 year
The Fanboy
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Tumblr writer fanboy! Tomioka Giyuu x isekai! fem! Reader
He was not ready.
Tags: fluff, Giyuu being a silly fanboy, suggestive (1 filth mention), minor KNY spoilers from manga, isekai Word count: 1,1k
AN: The blog mentioned is purely fictional. Reader is Giyuu's blorbo uwu
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Giyuu was used to being disliked by his coworkers. He kept to himself and didn’t attend any of the group events, the only one who liked him was the janitor, Urokodaki-san. Urokodaki Sakonji and Giyuu shared many lunches together, in silence or talking - it didn’t matter. 
It was thanks to those lunches that Giyuu found out their shared passion - Kimetsu no Yaiba manga. The mangaka was a mystery, working under an alias, and the series was nearly finished, the infinity castle arc coming to an end. He was excited to read the last volume - an extra long one - which was rumored to feature his favorite character, [Name].
Oh [Name]... he’d been treated with an entire volume about her background and daily duties as a kakushi before the last arc, though she’d appeared in glimpses throughout the series. He had an embarrassing memory of spilling his admiration to Urokodaki-san at one time - years ago - but it was fate, for the volume about her came out three months afterwards. 
It was also fate that he discovered tumblr not long after. He’d been scrolling through [Name]’s wiki page when something caught his eye - a trivia about her that he hadn’t noticed. Of course he had to try to find the truth on the deep dark web. Instead, he found a treasure trove full of fanfictions of characters from Kimetsu no Yaiba being shipped with readers. 
Giyuu devoured the total number of three fanfictions about [Name] that evening. Only three… because there weren’t any more. It wasn’t right… She should have been appreciated more. Sure, she was not a fighter, but she was a part of crucial infrastructure, often taking on unpleasant roles to support the protagonists of the series - the demon slayers. Perhaps it reminded him of himself and Urokodaki, but the fact stood he absolutely adored [Name], and she deserved more love.
So he would give her that love.
That was two years ago. 
Now, he had a blog of his own, blue-depresso, which he centered around his fav - he had posted various moodboards and headcanons he had about her at the start, but soon moved onto writing ‘x reader’ fanfictions of his own. It was a challenge to put his hidden artistic bone to work, but it was worth it. At times, Giyuu felt like a cult leader, his following quickly growing once he started to post those fanfics.
The few filthy fics he posted had him going long into the night, thinking how [Name] would feel under his hands, how he would take care of all her needs, and fuck her senseless. 
Giyuu kept the blog and his dirty thoughts far away from Urokodaki-san.
He didn’t want the old man to know just how much of a loser he was.
The last volume came out on one (un)remarkable Friday. Giyuu had pre-ordered it, making him excited to rush to the designated pick-up manga store.
The end of the school day could not come soon enough. He raced through his duties, the usual neat stacks of sport equipment haphazard piles when he locked the equipment room; his rush made him leave the school before Kyojuro, who was usually one of the first teachers to leave due to Friday sales at his favorite bakery. The blonde sent him a bewildered look as Giyuu passed him at the gates.
Once home, he put the sacred item (the manga) on the table gently before he yanked his tracksuit off, quickly getting into shower. He wanted to get comfortable before he read it.
Less than ten minutes later, he was ready.
…he wasn’t ready.
But he needed to read it! He had to know what would happen to his [Name]! (And to the protagonists as well-)
Okay, okay, no. Giyuu took a deep breath and opened the book.
He had to put it down halfway through. His dearest [Name]... died. She’d driven a car at the main antagonist to stop him from moving, and she died in the line of duty. Her death was honorable, and she would have wanted that.
Why did he feel so empty then?
Before he knew it, he’d opened the tumblr app on his phone and started typing.
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blue-depresso She isn’t dead. She is not dead. #kny spoilers #kny spoiler #[Name] #what the fuck is this @ G.K.???? 
blue-depresso This just did not happen. I refuse to accept this. #kny spoilers #kny spoiler #[Name] #dying rn #[Name] is alive
blue-depresso Someone give me G.K.’s location rq because I’m ready to fight #kny spoilers #kny spoiler #[Name] #fight me G.K.
blue-depresso Okay but maybe it wasn’t her in the car. Hear me out, maybe she jumped out before the car got destroyed??? #kny spoilers #kny spoiler #[Name] #[Name] is alive
blue-depresso What is even the point of living on if she isn’t alive? What is the point??? #kny spoilers #kny spoiler #[Name] #im crying #send help
blue-depresso Okay but in my heart, she lives on. You bet your asses I will write that [Name] lives AU once I’m done devouring this volume #kny spoilers #kny spoiler #[Name] #I won’t abandon my girl in her time of need #she’s my wife #she will live
blue-depresso I’m okay (I’m not). I need to finish this manga.  #kny spoilers #kny spoiler #[Name] #ran out of tissues #i need a drink
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Wiping the one tear that left his eye - the tissue tag an exaggeration of the truth, though his throat did get clogged up - he got to reading the rest of the story. 
It felt like he was afloat. What was he gonna do with himself now? His mind wandered to the singular bottle of beer in the fridge his sister gave him - some fancy brand he couldn’t care less about, as he wasn’t a drinker. His body acted before his brain caught up and he drank it, the bitterness a companion to the one in his heart. 
He would write that ‘[Name] lives AU’ tomorrow. Today, he had to bury himself in comfort. There was a fluffy blanket he received from his sister last birthday. Perhaps he should give her a call. It wasn’t that late yet.
In the end he’d fallen asleep on his futon, the blankets under him and his phone laying next to his face. His face flushed, realizing his sister must have talked him to sleep. He would have to make it up to her later.
Giyuu rolled over on his other side to check the time on his clock hanging on the wall, but came face-to-face with a woman instead. 
What the fu-
He scrambled back, trying to create distance from this stranger. Who was it? What was she doing in his flat? What was-?!
Hold on a moment…
His mind ran circles, trying to rationalize what he was seeing. I couldn’t be, could it? But how? This had to be a prank…
The woman stirred, kakushi mask shifting a little. Then, her eyes opened, and it was confirmed.
It was [Name].
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dividers made by the amazing @benkeibear
AN: Will this be an one-shot series? IDK but it was fun to write hehe
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ncroissant · 8 months
aquamarine hoshino x jealous! bimbo! reader
summary: after aqua's passionate kiss with akane on the final episode of 'love for real', aqua comes to home to your jealousy.
content warnings: spoilers to oshi no ko, suggestive, mentions of cock/crotch, toxic relationship, controlling behaviour, dacryphilia, manipulation, use of petnames: angel, sweetheart, good girl like once, no use of yn
wc: 1.2k
author's note: aqua is 16 in the anime and manga, mentally 40, but i'd like to age him up to 18!! this is not proofread, so there are probably a lot of mistakes, lmk if i need any more warnings!! minors please DNI !!
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you spent most of your days encased in aqua's basement. he made the entire place feel like home; decorating it in pretty pink wallpaper and making sure you had anything in reach. whenever you asked for something, he would provide. he was fully set on servicing you as long as you obliged to his one and only rule:
'stay in this room, don't leave without my permission'
he would drill it into your brain like clockwork, never letting you forget, especially since you were likely to forget within a few seconds. you'd look up at him doe-eyed, hanging off his every word. you loved when he would tell you what to do and you could just blindly follow along. he was your best friend after all.
he spent a lot of his time with you: he'd check on you before and after school, he'd listen to you talk about the animes you watched and the mangas you read, or do his work assigned by the director while you sat in his lap, questioning every little detail.
but as of late, he came around to visit less and less, to the point where you would hear him come into the basement late at night, slipping under the covers to cuddle with you.
he convinced himself that you were the one insistent on being touchy-feely, but he was self-indulgent in the way you'd bury yourself in his arms, snuggling deep into his chest.
"aqua?" you'd mumble, feeling him wrap his arms around your waist.
"sorry angel, did i wake you?" he slid an arm on your back, rubbing it soothingly to lull you to sleep.
"no, s' okay, i missed you aqua," you flipped over, wrapping your arms around his neck, inserting yourself into his neck.
he reeked of women's perfume. you wanted to convince yourself he was going around stores finding you your perfect scent. but a pit in your stomach grew and you didn't understand why.
aqua would never tell you he was on a dating show. for one, he only needed to go on it to find clues on ai, but he also didn't want you to worry your pretty head over it. as much as he loved to see the frustration on your face when you were thinking, he knew he'd have to lighten the load for you.
it was tv day, aka saturday, because he was very insistent that TV was very, very bad for you and could only be watched for an hour a week. and miraculously, that hour was filled with content from the last episode of 'love for real'.
you sat there anticipatingly, already shocked from aqua's appearance in the intro, but the final moments had caught you off guard. although the two other guys had gotten rejected, aqua had marched over to the blue-haired girl, akane as you remembered, and placed a long, passionate kiss on her lips.
your eyes widened. he might have done a lot of things for you, but he's never kissed you before. he's never looked at you like that (at least not when you were looking). the tv automatically closed (as aqua had programmed it) and left you with a reflection of your teary-eyed expression.
your knees were pressed against your chest, your arms tightly holding them in place. you wanted to throw a tantrum, a fit, anything that would get rid of this stupid anger inside of you.
as if on queue, the lock on the door unlocked and in walked aqua. "hi angel, how was you day?" he slipped off his shoes, placing his bag down before looking over at you.
"aqua, why didn't you tell me you were on a dating show?" you pushed yourself onto all fours, kneeling in front of him with your stupidly big, round eyes, clinging to his tapered pants.
his eyes widened. he didn't know if it was a treat or a curse to see you in such a state. but, hearing that you saw the show snapped him out of his trance.
"how did you...?" shit. they changed the airing for this episode for saturday instead on sunday, he mentally cursed himself, remembering the fuss the crew made about it earlier.
his thoughts were cut by your sudden display of waterworks, burying your face into his thigh, hugging it like a babbling baby. "are you getting tired with me already?" you sobbed, pulling and pushing at the fabric of his pants.
he felt bad, he really did. but the way you were looking up at him so sweetly and clinging onto him like a little girl made his cock strain in his pants. he was biting back a smile before kneeling down to you level.
"so you saw it, huh?" he frowned slightly, holding the hand that gripped his thigh in his own.
"mhm," you nodded, crying incessantly, trying to wipe away your tears with a free hand.
"aw, c'mere sweetheart. let's get your tears out," he pulled you into his lap, allowing you to bury yourself into his shoulder as he patted your back soothingly.
you cried, rambling about how he didn't tell you and how he's never kissed you before. before you knew it, your hands had boldly gripped his shirt collar.
"why can't you kiss me like you kissed her, aqua? do you like her better?" you puffed your bottom lip out, tears still filling your waterline, leaning too close for aqua's comfort. you so badly wanted to be kissed by him too.
"angel, you know i can't kiss you, it's..." he trailed off, pursing his lips in thought.
it's not that he didn't want to kiss you. he felt like he was too tainted to even think about pressing his lips against yours. you were too pure and innocent. not a single thought inside your pretty little brain.
little did he know, all you could think about was him.
"aqua, please i wanna kiss." you pushed your lips out like a fish, clearly unfamiliar with kissing. he sighed in relief, but also somehow felt nervous to lean in.
he had countless fantasies about kissing you. more dreams beyond just kissing, but dreams of being intimate with you. if you hadn't shifted yourself right on top of his cock, he wouldn't have hastily pushed you down with his lips pressed against yours.
you squealed in surprise from the sudden movement, but he protected your head when you two had tumbled to the floor. he pulled away to look at you, both of you out of breath from the intensity of the kiss.
you looked so pretty just waiting for him to continue and let him do whatever he wanted to. he knew you'd agree with whatever he told you to do. but he wanted to relish in the fact that you were lying there so perfectly, patiently waiting his next command like such a good girl.
"you still want another one?" he teased, inspecting the redness on your face that trailed down the entirety of your body.
"mhm, wanna get her taste off your lips." his cock pulsed at your sudden possessiveness. you didn't even know how to kiss 10 seconds ago, but he wanted to see how much he could teach you in one night.
"yeah, you'll help me like a good, little girl, right?" he dragged you closer by the thigh before pressing his lips on yours once more.
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boinin · 2 months
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Honestly, PO2 ate with this, even if it's not entirely accurate but then wtf is the official translation
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pinoyrella · 9 months
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“First Love - Hatsukoi” Masterlist
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Itoshi Rin x F!Reader
Summary: “A man is haunted by the memories of his unforgettable first love.”
Genre: Fluff, ANGST, Coming of Age(?)
FT: Itoshi Rin, Itoshi Sae, Oliver Aiku, Isagi Yoichi, Bachira Meguru, Shidou Ryusei, Nagi Seishiro, Ego Jinpachi ( + the entire cast of blue lock).
This story is planned to have multiple flashbacks, but takes place as the two are in their mid 30’s.
TW: Content may at times contain heavy language, sexual innuendos, mentions of sensitive topics, and so forth. There will be warnings before each chapter.
Manga Spoiler Warning + ( At times OOC! )
Prologue Chapter 1 - “Where The Lilacs Bloom" Chapter 2 - “Your Voice” Chapter 3 - “Ochazuke” Chapter 4 - “Space Oddity” Chapter 5 - "Talk" Chapter 6 - "The Sixth Sense" Chapter 7 - "The Order of Dreams" Chapter 8 - (Still thinking of a chapter name lol) Final Chapter 9 - "Hatsukoi" Epilogue
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A/N: hiiii! i’m kinda nervous to begin my first blue lock x reader series LOL but nonetheless i hope you enjoy!! although it won’t be exact; the series is inspired by one of my favorite series i watched last year called “First Love” on netflix! WHICH!! is inspired by a childhood song of mines called “first love” by hikaru utada. as a little girl my mom always played this song so it seriously holds such a special place in my heart, i can’t wait to share this with you! i’m also not the best in english so please bare with me at times hehe~
love, p 🌸
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berrisweet · 2 months
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intro : nagi dies his hair pink , unknowingly matching the cherry blossom trees.
rika 💬: first blue lock fic (˃ ᵕ ˂) i've only read a little of the manga and watched the movie so i apologize if his behavior isn't canon T^T this isn't one of my best works but i still hope you enjoy
tw : none !
it was a quiet saturday afternoon, and you were cuddled up on the couch with your boyfriend, nagi. he's on his phone, playing a game as usual. you smirk, having come up with an idea. "nagi?" you ask, playing with his hair. "hm?" he responds,gaze still locked on his phone. "let's make a bet." you exclaim. "what type of bet?" he asks, somewhat intrigued. "if you lose this game, you have to die your hair pink. if you win, well, i get to do whatever you want." he locks eyes with you and says "deal."
spoiler alert, he didn't win the game.
so now he's sitting on a stool in the bathroom while you dye his hair. "why did i agree to this?" he groans, burying his face in his hands. "nagi, stay still," you whine, painting his hair a pretty shade of light pink. he groans again, lifting his head back up.
"i'm sure you'll look pretty, nagi." you say, trying to reassure him. he has a slight pout on his lips, and you just giggle. "this isn't funny." he says, unamused. you look at him for a moment before bursting out in laughter. "i'm sorry, i can't help it." he scoffs, defeatedly.
now you're back on the couch, reading a book while you wait for him to finish showering. after a few minutes, he come out, towel wrapped around his waist, running his hand through his hair. you look up, eyes widening. "nagi!! you look adorable!" you exclaim, happy with how his hair turned out. "s not as bad as i thought i'd be." he says sheepishly, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck.
as soon as he finishes changing, he sits beside you, his arm wrapping around your shoulder. "na, we should go to the cafe down the street. i want something sweet." you say, leaning against him. "i don't really feel like going out right now-" you know where he's going so you cut him off. "pleaseeee?" you ask him, giving him the most puppy dog eyes you could muster. he sighs, nodding reluctantly. your eyes light up immediately, smiling.
you're sitting outside the cafe, eating a slice of strawberry shortcake. you pick a fork full and feed it to nagi, who nods appreciatively. a gust of wind blows your hair, making you shiver. a cherry blossom petal lands on your table, causing you to look up. "oh na, look! i forgot they bloom today." you exclaim, pointing to the beautiful cherry blossom trees adorning the street.
you notice something though. you pick up the petal and hold it near him, comparing his hair color. "your hair matches the cherries!" you say, smiling. he can't hold back a smile at your outburst. "does it now?" he asks, pinching your cheek gently. you nod.
"you're a cherry blossom now!"
taglist ! @chloiyoomi , @kozuwhore , tba !
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milaisreading · 1 year
Hello, is possible for you to make fanfic in which ego makes y/n change teams to manage for like 1-3 week?
(So sorry if it’s difficult to understand, English isn’t really my first language)
Author: ofc! Thank u for requesting, it really makes me feel happy that u all are interested in the series so much 💗 💖 hope u enjoy this🩷
Warnings ⚠️: nothing really. Reader uses she /her and there is mention of Bastard München (manga spoilers). Requests are open! Also, if u all are interested I will write a pt 2 to this request from the Reader's perspective and her stay in Germany
⚽️Blue lock belongs to: Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
The Blue Lock team was watching in curiosity as (Y/n) kept talking and showing things to an older staff member. The team was a little farther away, so they weren't able to make out what (Y/n) was saying, but all they knew it must have been important, as the girl had an unusually serious face and the man tried to write down every word she was saying.
"Ahhh~ (Y/n) looks so cute when she is explaining things." Reo sighed, dreamily watching the girl as Otoya and Gagamaru nodded their heads in agreement.
"Her eyes shine a special way when she is all serious." Gagamaru added.
"I honestly wish we went together to school, would have loved to have her as my tutor." Otoya said.
"I would have failed all my classes for that then." Bachira chuckled as the others started adding their own thoughts. Rin and Baro were the only ones who didn't say anything, too immersed in their own thoughts.
'Who is that guy? Is he here to write down some inventory or?' Rin raised an eyebrow and looked over at Baro, who had a similar expression.
"You think this off too?"
"Yeah. It's also weird how much more often Ego-san has been calling (Y/n) into the office. Teieri-san seemed a little upset these past few days too." Baro said as they watched (Y/n) say goodbye to the man and walk over to the group.
"Did something happen? You guys don't usually stop training unless Ego-san tells you to." The girl wondered as she sat down between Isagi and Kunigami.
"We were just wondering who the man was. He has been coming over often these past few days." Nagi said, not looking up from his video game. That earned him a small scolding from Reo and Yukimiya, but it was left ignored by him.
"Oh, that's Suzuki-san. He is a very sweet staff member, he will be my substitute for the next 3 weeks."
"Oh, that's good." Chigiri said as Niko nodded his head in agreement. There was a short silence, until (Y/n)'s words fully sank in and they all looked at her in horror.
"Substitute?! What do you mean by 3 weeks?!" Nagi and Karasu yelled as Bachira jumped in front of her.
"Where are you going for 3 weeks?! We won't be able to survive here without you!" Hiori yelled as (Y/n) got over the initial shock and rolled her eyes.
"Now you are being dramatic, it's just 3 weeks, and Suzuki-san is more than enough capable for the job."
"Where are you even going? On a break?" Kurona was the next one to speak up, trying to hide his disappointment.
"Ego-san got a request from Noel-san to help out the Bastard München for the next 3 weeks, since their manager seemed to have had an accident or something..."  (Y/n) explained as Kunigami and Isagi grew stiff at the mention of the German team.
"What?! Why them?! (Y/n), you can't go there alone!" Isagi argued, dreading the fact that his manager will now be shared with Kaiser. Kaiser of all people!
"Why not? Except for some of them being obnoxious, they seem like a solid team. And based on what Ego-san told me, Kaiser and Ness recommended me to Noel-san. As much as I don't get along with Kaiser, it is a huge thing to get a recommendation from him." (Y/n) explained truthfully.
"Not Ness... I completely forgot he was on the team..." Aryu whispered to Rin and Baro, the whole group remembering how (Y/n) eyed the payer when they visited the last time.
"Let's hope that creep lost interest in her and will treat her like anyone else."
Baro added, making sure that (Y/n) didn't hear them.
"Yeah, (Y/n) shouldn't be with someone like him... even my brother is a better option." Rin muttered.
"When are you leaving?" Reo suddenly asked, feeling his heart squeeze in pain as Nagi silently watched her, his game long abandoned.
"This friday."
"Oh..." Was the only thing that came out of Chigiri's mouth.
"Will we stay in contact tho?!" Niko suddenly asked, thankful that his eyes were hidden behind his hair.
"Of course! I am not abandoning Blue Lock, just helping out another team. Don't worry, we can talk everyday, as long as the timezones allow us."
Reo, Nagi and Kunigami let out sighs of relief as they heard she wasn't abandoning them.
"Wait Friday? So you are leaving in 2 days?" Gagamaru suddenly asked as he remembered that today was Wednesday.
"This isn't good! We are spending the next two days hanging around! Forget the training!" Otoya said quickly, in the heat of the moment forgetting that Ego could hear them.
"If you don't start training again, I am sending (Y/n) to Germany tonight." Ego's voice came from the speakers. This triggered most to get up and resume what they did previously. Bachira, Isagi and Hiori stayed around for a while, using the excuse of needing more rest.
As Friday came the boys grew more and more nauseous, the thought of (Y/n) being alone in a different country scared them. But as fate will, the moment she had to leave came and the team was... less than pleased. Bachira tried to stop her by throwing some weird excuses of needing help, which were shut down by Ego calling Suzuki to help. Once she was gone, Ego and Anri went to look for the team, only to find them moody and depressed in their shared room.
"What are you all doing here? Training is still going." Ego sighed in annoyance as Anri sent them a sympathetic look.
"Do we have to? Today is a tragedy!" Bachira yelled as Aryu nodded his head.
"Yes, a national day of mourning."
The black-haired man blinked and narrowed his eyes at them.
"I don't care what today is! Get out and train, otherwise you all are out of Blue Lock." Groaning, the boys got up and slowly walked to their designated spot. Once everyone was gone, Anri let out a small sigh and looked at the agitated man.
"Don't be like that, you know how close they are with (Y/n). You yourself were pretty upset too when you approved of (Y/n) going."
"I do not know what you are talking about. That wasted talent can go wherever she wants, I wouldn't care." Ego coughed.
"You literally started googling and telling (Y/n) which places to avoid in Munich-"
"I don't want any issues with her parent."
Anri sighed, giving up on arguing and following after the man.
'It's kind of sweet how much of a soft spot he has for her.'
The 1st week for the Blue Lock team was... was quite a rollercoaster of emotions. The team went through nearly all the stages of grief, except for acceptance. Reo and Nagi were more snappy and snarky than usual. Baro was more aggressive on the field and no amount of warnings from Suzuki could stop him from starting arguments with Kunigami. The said orange-haired boy was way easier to provoke now and he was doing a lot more dirty tricks while playing. Isagi and Rin were less motivated to play and would argue way more than usually. Gagamaru was just standing next to the goal, not even bothering to keep up with the team. Niko was way more moodier and less willing to get out of bed, only when Ego starts threatening him does he do that. Chigiri and Aryu missed (Y/n) and her braiding and playing with their hair. It always relaxed them after a long day of training. Karasu tried to keep up with his daily routines, but it was less fun when he knew there wasn't someone cheering him on. Yukimiya and Otoya were trying to keep the peace as much as possible, as they didn't want (Y/n) to hear any of this. And Bachira... well he was just there, he was playing but less enthusiastically. Hiori was more moodier and Kurona shut himself completely off. The only time they really were their normal selves was when they texted or called (Y/n), which wasn't as much as they wished.
Ego was slowly losing his mind as well, since he couldn't take Suzuki's complaining any longer, so that's why Anri started listening to him and writing everything down.
'Two more weeks...' The black-haired man sighed.
'Hope that brat is at least having fun.' Ego smiled a little, which was hidden by his hand as Anri talked about some decisions the JFU made.
"V-vielen Dank." (Y/n) stuttered as she took her fries and joined Kaiser and Ness.
"Was that right?" She asked as the magenta-eyed boy smiled as usually and nodded his head, while Kaiser patted her back.
"Yep! On point, seems like I am a better tutor than you expected." Kaiser said smugly, and as much as (Y/n) hated it, he was right.
"Yeah you are... the fries here are very good!" The girl said as she bit into her food.
"Told you these food stands have better quality than any restaurant in Munich. Now let's go, we got to show you the most popular bar here. They have non-alcoholic drinks too." Ness said softly as (Y/n)'s phone went off. Kaiser and he raised an eyebrow as she quickly typed something back and put the phone away.
"Your phone has been going off a lot in the past hour." Kaiser remarked.
"Yeah, during this time the boys usually finish off with their training, so we text a lot then."
"Oh." Was the response that came from Ness and Kaiser hid a irritated look.
2nd week was a bit....a bit better,at least Suzuki was telling it to himself. While the boys were more willing to listen to him and commit to training, it was like some soulless people were playing the whole time. Gagamaru for example was more willing to avoid the ball flying past him, but there wasn't the same amount of euphoria he usually had. Bachira kept on saying how his monster didn't like this anymore, Chigiri wasn't in his usual speedster mood. Isagi and Rin were arguing less and were just doing their own things on the opposite sides of the stadium. Reo would mop around in the shared bedroom along with Baro after training, and Nagi was just sleeping. Sleep helped him escape this hellhole for now. Karasu was somewhat back in his usual shape after he would reread the compliments (Y/n) had sent him. Yukimiya and Otoya's guards were less on now, as the group was getting less wild and Niko, Hiori and Kurona were just training together, often exchanging what they missed about (Y/n).
"Great job you two! The fans will surely enjoy the game in two weeks!" (Y/n) told Ness and Kaiser as they were leaving the training grounds of the club.
"And you can't stay a week longer? Getting you a VIP pass won't be hard if you decide to stay." Ness said, a little sad that they only had a week with the girl left.
"Sorry, I have my own team to return to and your manager probably misses his work, too." (Y/n) said, a little sad that she has to leave the country soon, as she did grow attached to the duo. But she was very happy to go home to her team, she missed the chaos they cause at times.
"Well, if you do decide to stay, it won't be hard to find an arrangement. Just tell Ness or I." Kasier added, hoping that she might agree eventually.
And finally, finally the end of the 3rd week came and the boys were in their old form as it dawned on them that (Y/n) will be back soon! Ego was happy that the boys were back to their normal and was busy telling Chris off for a manager exchange.
'No way am I going through this mess again.' The man thought.
"(Y/N)!!" Bachira, Isagi and Hiori yelled as they hugged the girl as soon as she entered the building.
"We missed you!"
"Please don't leave like that again!"
"It was hell!"
"Ahh it was? I heard that Suzuki-san had everything under control though." (Y/n) said as Isagi helped her up and Bachira kept on hugging her.
"It's really not the same."
"Yeah, please never leave like that." Kurona and Isagi protested as Reo and Nagi ran to their side and hugging the girl.
"We missed you!"
"The new arrangement was such a drag."
"Lukewarms, move away."
"Hey, I want a hug too!"
"Welcome back, (Y/n). Never leave again."
The whole team was soon at the entrance, hugging the girl and saying how much they missed her.
"I missed you too guys! But I need to go and talk with Ego-san now-"
"Come on, we will catch up in our room."
"Ego-san can wait."
As the group started dragging the girl away, Ego watched the interactions with amusement.
"Welcome back." He whispered, deciding to let some of the comments slide for now.
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lazysublimeengineer · 8 months
you are my property
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Summary: "Y-Yes! Nanase is now... Rin-san's property!”
Characters: Itoshi Rin & Nanase Nijiro
(A/N: Inspired by the latest chapter of the manga. Spoiler warnings ahead as some of the scenes and dialogues were excerpts from the panels of the manga.  I don’t own anything from the franchise except for this fic that reeks of sin and filth. Consider this as my Valentine's Day gift to this fandom).
Nanase bowed desperately, pleading for Rin to make him his apprentice.
“Please let me become your disciple, Rin-san!”
“Ah? Hell no. Beat it scrub.” Rin scoffed at him as he was making his way out of the field.
But Nanase wasn’t deterred easily and immediately kneeled on him with his hands grasping on his left leg pleadingly.
“P-please, I’m desperate! At this rate, I won’t be able to play, and my life would be over!” So, please! I’m begging you!” Nanase cried out in desperation.
Rin glared at him scathingly. “...Ball control. Technique. Pass. Shoot. You suck at everything. I don’t see any merit in training you... So, get lost, bumpkin.”
“I’ll do anything! I’ll do anything! I’ll be anything! I want to survive this Neo-Egoist League... I’ll give my all to Rin-san!” Nanase searched his eyes imploringly, but the bream of determination was all over his face.
Rin stared at him intently, his gaze boring right through his soul as he weighed his sincerity and words.
Do and be anything you want huh?
His words washed over him and a strange, yet unnamed favorable sensation crept within him.
Before Rin could stop himself, he found himself taking his words into consideration and taking him as his mentee under his mentorship.
“Hmph. If you’re worthless, I’ll discard you without a second thought. Run three times more than anyone. During training, obey my instructions.” He replied bluntly.
“Yes!” Nanase’s face immediately brightened up.
His upper lip twitched upwards at the sight. “Listen, bumpkin. From now on, you are my property.” Rin said in a voice that he held no objections.
“Y-Yes! Nanase is now... Rin-san's property!” He beamed at him gloriously as if being owned by him doesn’t bother him.
Nanase doesn’t care if he’s a pawn or anything, just he could survive this match and program.
Nevertheless, the thought of being able to serve and being at the beck and call of the number 1 striker in Blue Lock sent a strange yet fuzzy sensation right inside of him.
A faint, tingling sensation ran through him at the thought of being at service with the genius striker of Blue Lock.
“Good. Practice tomorrow at 8 in the morning sharp. If you’re late even if it’s just a minute, then say goodbye to your chances of training with me. After that, meet me in my room once you’re done with the showers.” Rin replied simply and left him without even waiting for his response nor turning back to see his face.
Nanase was left there, watching Rin go with a look of starry eyes on his face.
After training the next day and weeks before their upcoming match against BM...
A quiet, restrained moan escaped from Rin’s lips as a sharp, yet sweet tremor shot right through his body.
“Ah... S-senpai... Please let me know if I can m-move...” Nanase’s tender yet stuttering voice reached through his line of hearing.
Rin resisted the urge to grab him and captured his lips in a fiery kiss.
He had an image to uphold, and he didn’t want to appear a pathetic, mewling mess under Nanase just because his girthy cock was completely sheathed inside of him.
Rin wanted to laugh at himself. Well, they’re fucking in his bedroom as Rin’s tight control and discipline over himself had melted away when he was in proximity to this country boy who possessed a pair of startling midnight blue eyes and a sunny beam on his lips that never failed to make his heart stutter inside his chest.
When he heard that Nanase wanted to use him as he fit be it a pawn on the field or something else entirely in exchange for his guidance and mentorship, an intense yet irrevocable feeling swept inside of him and much to his chagrin yet confoundment, a spike of arousal shot right through him at the other’s words which sounded like a siren’s song luring him to an innocent yet tempestuous trap of hazy heat and desire.
And Rin couldn’t help the territorial streak rearing out of him.
‘From now on, you are my property.’
The look of genuine felicity and pure contentment in his eyes and smile stirred something dark inside of him. And Rin wanted to own him.
To ruin him.
And to make him cry on the ecstasy of his body that he was giving him that he would no longer seek someone else’s presence for pleasure.
So, you see Rin was selfish like that.
And once a person was his, he’d bound them to him for an eternity.
Nevertheless, he can admit inwardly that he felt his body being torn in half as his quivering walls were stretched to the limit to accommodate his length.
But any pain that he felt for a moment was outweighed by the sinful yet pleasurable sensation traipsing across his veins.
“S-senpai...? Is it t-too much? I c-can pull out and—.”
Nanase’s words died on his throat as he felt Rin’s toned legs wrapping a bit tighter on his hips and pulled him closer, making his cock buried deeper inside of him and let out a light gasp at the hot sensation shooting right through him.
“Don’t. Just fucking move already before I lose my patience.” Rin rasped out. “And for fuck’s sake just call me Rin from now on. We’re of the same age dumbass.” He added roughly.
It took a lot of willpower for Nanase not to come right there and then.
With Rin’s warm body slotting sensually against his own and his rough yet bedroom voice ringing across his senses, it sent a titillating excitement in every fiber of his being.
He swallowed thickly and let his gaze meet the other’s intense yet heady stare directly.
“Right... Okay Rin if you wish so...” He gave an experimental grind of his hips against him, and both let out a low groan at the action and contact.
It felt heavenly to Rin. But even more so with the way that the other was uttering his name on those sweet, naive lips of his.
“R-Rin... You feel good around me...”
Jesus fucking Christ.
Nanase will be the death of him someday.
His legs were already trembling slightly as Nanase pulled away before he suddenly slammed down inside of him with avid ferocity, breaching his needy walls once again with his aching cock which made Rin let out a muffled yet lewd moan at the ferocious contact.
“Fuck...!” Rin cursed under his breath as his hands flew across his back and grappled it for leverage and security, his nails digging into his skin which made the other groan out at the pleasure and pain hitting his veins simultaneously.
As soon as Rin gave him a go signal a few moments ago, Nanase couldn’t hold back and let his instincts took over wherein he thrust mercilessly beneath him which made the bed creak slightly from their wild movements.
“Ngh... Ah...! Ah...! Rin! Rin! Feels so good! S-sorry I c-can't seem to stop...! But please tell me if I’m making you feel good too...?” Nanase moaned out salaciously, his eyes swirled with undisguised pleasure and want.
Rin didn’t know if he wanted to punch him or kiss the living daylights out of him.
He was on the verge of getting cockdrunk as he was busy pleasing and railing him ferociously on the mattress and he was still worried if he was still making him feel good or not?
“Fucking dumbass...What do you think?” Rin growled out lowly as his forest green eyes locked against the other’s dark blue ones.
Nanase could only blink down on him prettily, his gaze was completely lost and drunk on him.
Rin huffed out a throaty laughter.
“Fucking airhead.” He remarked in fond exasperation before one of his hands reached for his nape and brought him down to his face to capture his lips in a wild and hungry kiss, his tongue licking through the roof of his mouth.
Nanase moaned sweetly inside his mouth as he let Rin’s tongue plunder the sensitive seams of his cavity, drool was trickling down the underside of his lips. He continued to piston his insides in wild abandon, getting addicted to the delicious sensation of his velvety walls clinging to his aching cock needily.
Rin delighted himself with every whine and whimper of pleasure that Nanase was making, tasting every delectable crevice of his mouth as he matched his movements and grinded ferociously beneath him.
Muffled moans and cries of pleasure blended in the cacophony lewd sounds of their skins slapping against each other. The crepuscular room was shrouded in a foggy mist of blazing passion and ecstasy making their senses inebriated with unbridled lust and want.
“Ah... I-I'm c-close...” Nanase groaned out against his mouth and was about to pull out when Rin’s legs held into his hips in a vicelike grip and refused to let him go.
“Do it inside. I don’t want to repeat myself.” Rin mumbled hotly against his lips that sent the waves of pleasure crashing into Nanase and pulled his lips away from him to let out a loud groan as he finally reached his peak and painted his insides with the thick, white ropes of his cum.
“Ah! Fuck! Ngh...” Rin mewled languorously as he was filled to his brim instantaneously and reached his climax as well and splashed his load across their chests.
Nanase fell on top of him unceremoniously with his head splayed down on the crook of his neck.
For a moment, nothing could be heard except for their ragged breathing and loud beatings of their hearts inside the four walls of his room.
“Get off me. You’re heavy idiot.” Rin groused out after a few minutes of silence.
However, no response or movement from the other was heard.
Rin clicked his tongue in annoyance and tried to lift his face by the chin with one of his hands.
“I said get off—.”
He stopped midsentence when he came face to face with the sleeping face of Nanase in front of him.
Rin scoffed lightly. “You have a goddamn stamina for a training out there in the field but couldn’t last in the first round of sex?”
His lips quirked upwards at the ingenuous sight before him.
It was a slight weakness that Rin couldn’t remedy out of him as he was a natural genius, and he can train Nanase in other ways to build up his stamina under the sheets.
He owned the country bumpkin after all.
(A/N: Kaneshiro feeding the fandom with the delicious crumbs of several ships from some panels of Chapter 251. Nanarin is another rare ship that I’m willing to sail and this confirms the fandom’s bf Rin possessive hcs and Nanase being a service top. Reviews are amusing so let me hear them from you).
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shewasverynice · 3 months
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Fandoms: 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Manga)呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime)  MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS
Rating: Explicit 
Major Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con 
Content Warnings: Dubious Consent, Prostitution, Drug Use, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Blood and Violence
Categories: F/M, Multi, F/F 
Relationships: Gojo Satoru/Original Female Character(s), Nanami Kento/Original Female Character(s), Getou Suguru/Original Female Character(s), Ieiri Shoko & Iori Utahime 
Major Characters: Original Characters, Gojo Satoru, Getou Suguru, Nanami Kento, Okkotsu Yuuta, Toudou Aoi, Zenin Naobito, Zenin Jinichi, Zenin, Zenin Ougi, Fushiguro Megumi, Kamo Clan, Nitta Akari, Inumaki Toge, Ieiri Shoko, Iori Utahime, Kusakabe Atsuya, Muta Kokichi, Itadori Yuuji, Hakari Kinji
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Chapter 9 ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
The night was a cacophony of chaos and power as Shinjuku was engulfed in the clashing energies of sorcerers and curses. Above the skyline, Gojo engaged Sukuna in a battle that seemed to tear at the very fabric of reality. His mission was clear: keep Sukuna away from Sarah and minimize the collateral damage to the bustling district below.
On the ground, the situation was no less dire. Okkotsu, Hakari, Itadori, and Geto were locked in a desperate struggle against Mahoraga, a fearsome shikigami known for its adaptive abilities and relentless strength. Their objective was to hold the beast at bay until sunrise, a deadline that felt like an eternity under the circumstances.
Okkotsu, with his mastery over Rika, the Queen of Curses, led the charge. "We can't let up for even a second," he shouted, as Rika's massive form pummeled Mahoraga with raw, cursed energy. The shikigami roared, its body shifting and adapting to the attacks.
Hakari, sweat glistening on his brow, activated his domain expansion, Immortal Gambler, rolling the dice to bring forth his full power. "We just need to keep it busy, right?" he yelled over the din, his eyes scanning for an opening to exploit.
Itadori, fists clenched and determination burning in his eyes, launched himself at Mahoraga, his movements a blur of speed and precision. "No matter what, we can't let it get past us!" he declared, his voice resolute. The force of his punches reverberated through the night, each impact buying precious seconds.
Geto stood a short distance away, his eyes narrowing as he summoned a torrent of cursed spirits to swarm Mahoraga. "Stay focused, everyone," he instructed, his voice calm yet commanding. "We need to anticipate its adaptations and outmaneuver it."
Above, the sky was a dazzling display of blue and red, as Gojo and Sukuna clashed with such intensity that the air itself seemed to crackle with energy.
The minutes dragged on, each one feeling like an hour. Okkotsu's Rika clashed with Mahoraga, their titanic struggle sending shockwaves through the air. Hakari's domain flickered and pulsed, his power surging with each roll of the dice. Itadori fought with the ferocity of a cornered animal, his fists a blur of relentless strikes. Geto's cursed spirits swirled around Mahoraga, their collective force a formidable barrier.
But Mahoraga was relentless, its adaptive abilities making it a foe that seemed almost invincible. Just as it began to overpower Okkotsu, Hakari struck it hard enough to cause it to falter. Itadori seized the moment, landing a second powerful blow that sent the shikigami reeling. Geto's cursed spirits swarmed it, binding it in place.
Okkotsu nodded to Geto, "Go. We'll handle things here."
With a final nod, Geto took off through the city, his form a blur as he leaped from rooftop to rooftop, his mind racing. As he approached the Zen'in stronghold, Geto saw the chaos below. The clan members were locked in fierce combat with countless curses, their techniques lighting up the darkened streets. Leading the charge was Maki Zen'in, her cursed tools flashing as she cut through the enemy ranks with precision and ferocity.
"Maki!" Geto called out, landing beside her. "How are things holding up?"
Maki, her face grim and streaked with sweat, spared him a quick glance. "We've been better. The curses are relentless, but we're managing. What brings you here?"
"I need to collect the Prison Realm from Megumi," Geto explained, his eyes scanning the battlefield. "We can't afford to lose it."
Maki nodded, understanding the urgency. "Megumi's inside, holding off some of the stronger curses. Follow me."
They fought their way through the throngs of curses, reaching a fortified building where Megumi stood amidst a swirl of shadows and shikigami. His expression was one of intense concentration as he manipulated his techniques to fend off the attacking curses.
"Megumi!" Geto called out, drawing the younger sorcerer's attention. "I need the Prison Realm."
Megumi nodded, his shikigami momentarily dispersing as he reached into his jacket and pulled out a small, intricately carved box. "Here," he said, handing it to Geto. "Be careful with it."
"I know," Geto replied, taking the Prison Realm with a grateful nod. "Thank you."
With the Prison Realm secure, Geto turned to leave but paused, looking back at Maki and Megumi. "Hold the line here. I'll be back as soon as I can."
"Go," Maki urged, her eyes fierce. "We'll manage."
Geto took off again, his path now leading him toward the location where he was to meet with Sarah. He moved swiftly, the city a blur around him as he navigated the war-torn streets.
As Geto navigated the chaotic streets, he stumbled upon another fierce battle. The Kamo were engaged in their own struggle against the curses overrunning Shinjuku. The scene was a blur of cursed techniques and monstrous figures, the air thick with the scent of blood and the sounds of combat.
Geto's eyes narrowed as he saw the familiar figure of Noritoshi Kamo, leading his clan members with precision and ruthless efficiency. But it was clear they were being overwhelmed, the sheer number of curses threatening to break their lines.
Geto leaped into the midst of the battle, his presence immediately felt as he unleashed a torrent of cursed spirits, their combined might bolstering the Kamo clan's defenses. Noritoshi glanced at Geto, a brief look of relief crossing his features before he focused back on the battle.
"Geto, we could use the help!" Noritoshi shouted, his voice strained as he launched a barrage of blood arrows at the advancing curses.
"Hold the line!" Geto called back, his cursed spirits swarming over the enemies. "We can't let them breach this area!"
For several intense minutes, Geto fought alongside the Kamo clan, his cursed techniques weaving through the battlefield with lethal efficiency. But he couldn't shake the nagging urgency at the back of his mind—he needed to get the Prison Realm to its destination.
Just then, he saw a familiar figure slicing through the ranks of curses with a brutal efficiency that was unmistakable. Nanami Kento, with his unyielding determination and precise strikes, was carving a path through the chaos.
"Nanami!" Geto shouted over the noise, catching the older sorcerer's attention. "I need you to do something for me!"
Nanami dispatched another curse before turning to Geto. "What is it?"
"I have the Prison Realm," Geto said, holding up the box. "I need to get it to the others, but I can't leave until I've helped here. Can you run ahead and warn them I'll be a bit late? Tell them to hold on as best they can."
Nanami's eyes flicked to the Prison Realm, understanding the significance. He nodded, his expression serious. "Understood. I'll relay the message. Stay safe, Geto."
With that, Nanami dashed off into the night, his form disappearing amidst the chaos. Geto turned back to the battle, his resolve steeling as he redoubled his efforts. The Kamo clan, bolstered by his presence, began to push back the tide of curses.
"Let's finish this!" Geto shouted, his cursed spirits converging in a powerful, coordinated attack. Noritoshi and the other clan members followed suit, their combined efforts finally breaking the curse's advance.
As the last of the curses fell, the battlefield grew eerily quiet. Geto took a moment to catch his breath, his eyes scanning the area for any remaining threats. Noritoshi approached him, gratitude evident in his eyes.
"Thank you, Geto," he said, his voice sincere. "We wouldn't have held out without your help."
Geto nodded, already turning to leave. "No time for thanks. There's still more to do."
The moon hung low and full, casting a pallid glow upon the landscape below. Atop the grand staircase of black marble into Tenjiku, Sarah stood alone, her silhouette stark against the silvery night.
She waited, knowing what was to come. The air was thick with the weight of inevitability, pressing down upon her shoulders like an invisible cloak. Her heart thrummed with a mix of dread and determination, each beat echoing in the hollow silence. She hadn't chosen this fate; it had been thrust upon her by those who whispered lies and wove deceitful promises. She despised them, the ones who had placed her in this position, but now she stood resolute, a guardian of the power she never sought.
From the shadows, a presence began to materialize, a dark and twisted aura that sent shivers down her spine. The King of Curses was approaching. His very essence seemed to warp reality, bending light and shadow to his will. His four eyes glowed with a malevolent fire, burning with a hunger for what had been taken from him.
"You stand in my way, little thief," his voice was a deep, resonant growl, reverberating through the still night air. "Return what is mine, and perhaps I will spare you."
Sarah clenched her fists, feeling the surge of power within her, the stolen essence that now intertwined with her own. She did not want it, yet it was a part of her, and she knew that relinquishing it would mean more than just her own demise. Those she loved, those she had sworn to protect, would be left vulnerable to Sukuna's wrath.
"Eat shit, Sukuna," she replied, her voice steady despite the fear that coiled in her chest. "It's mine now and a monster like you can't have it back."
Sukuna's laughter echoed through the night, a sound devoid of warmth or joy. He took a step closer, his form towering and menacing. "Brave words for one so fragile. Do you truly believe you can stand against me?"
She did not answer with words but with action, summoning the power within her. The air crackled with energy as she reached behind her to her scar, the stolen power manifesting as a long curved silver sword. It pulsed with an ethereal light, a beacon of defiance in the face of overwhelming darkness.
Sukuna's expression darkened, his eyes narrowing with disdain. "So be it," he snarled, raising his own hands, tendrils of cursed energy unfurling from his fingers. They lashed out like serpents, striking against her with a force that shook the very ground beneath them.
Sarah gritted her teeth, holding firm against the assault. She could feel the strain, the cursed energy within her struggling to maintain the defense of her body. But she would not falter. She could not. For the sake of those she loved, she would stand her ground, even if it meant facing the King of Curses himself.
Sarah gritted her teeth, her resolve hardening as she recalled the plan she had reluctantly agreed to. The power coursing through her veins was not hers to wield, but she would use it to buy herself time. She couldn't face Sukuna alone for long, but she didn't have to.
A sudden shift in the atmosphere signaled the arrival of her ally. In a flash of light, Gojo appeared between her and Sukuna, his presence radiating confidence and power. His blindfolded eyes turned towards her, giving a slight nod.
"Run, Sarah," Gojo commanded, his voice calm and unwavering.
Without hesitation, Sarah turned and sprinted down the marble staircase, her feet barely touching the steps as she descended. Behind her, she could hear the clash of immense energies as Gojo engaged Sukuna, his limitless techniques creating a formidable barrier.
Sukuna's roar of frustration echoed through the night, but Sarah did not look back. She trusted Gojo to keep Sukuna at bay long enough for her to reach her next destination. The plan had now transformed into a dangerous game of cat and mouse, with her life and the lives of those she loved hanging in the balance.
The path ahead in Shinjuku was a maze of twisting corridors and hidden passages. Sarah's breaths came in short, rapid bursts as she navigated the city, her heart pounding in her chest. Every shadow seemed to hide a threat, every whisper of wind a warning. She pushed herself harder, knowing that every second counted.
Finally, she burst into a clearing, where Todo waited. His imposing figure was a reassuring sight, his presence a stark contrast to the darkness surrounding them. His eyes met hers, and a grin spread across his face.
"Ready for some fun?" Todo asked, cracking his knuckles.
"More like ready to survive," Sarah replied, her voice tinged with exhaustion but also with determination.
Todo's expression grew serious. "Stick to the plan. I'll cover you from here."
Sarah nodded, her eyes scanning the area for any sign of Sukuna or his minions. She knew that Gojo wouldn't be able to hold Sukuna forever, and she had to keep moving. Todo's strength and abilities would be her next shield, allowing her to press forward.
As she continued her flight, she could hear the distant sounds of battle, the earth trembling under the force of the clashes. She felt a pang of guilt for leaving Gojo and Todo to face Sukuna, but she knew that this was the only way. They had chosen to protect her, to give her the chance to keep the stolen power away from Sukuna's grasp.
Sarah continued her sprint through the bustling streets of Shinjuku, her surroundings a blur as she focused on her goal. The neon lights and chaotic noise of the city contrasted sharply with the desperate urgency of her mission. She spotted Rin and Boe waiting in the shadows of an alleyway, their eyes scanning the crowd for any sign of her.
"Sarah!" Rin called out as she approached, her eyes gleaming with a predatory light. Her nails were already elongating into sharp claws, and her teeth were sharpening into fangs.
"Boe, Rin," Sarah panted, catching her breath. "Sukuna is likely still fighting Gojo. We don't have much time."
Boe nodded, her expression determined. She extended her hand, and droplets of her blood began to form into razor-sharp blades, glinting ominously in the dim light. "We need to keep moving. Todo is holding the line with the curses, but we can't let Sukuna get any closer."
Rin placed a reassuring hand on Sarah's shoulder. "Stay here, Sarah. Geto will be here soon. He'll take you to safety. We'll join Todo and make sure Sukuna doesn't get past us."
"Be careful," Sarah urged, her eyes filled with concern.
Rin gave her a fierce smile. "Don't worry about us. Just make sure you stay safe."
With that, Rin and Boe turned and disappeared into the night, their figures quickly melding with the shadows as they headed towards the battlefield. Sarah watched them go, a mix of anxiety and gratitude churning within her. She knew they were strong, but Sukuna was a formidable enemy.
She leaned against the wall, trying to steady her breathing and her racing heart. The sounds of the city seemed distant, muffled by the adrenaline coursing through her veins. Minutes felt like hours as she waited, every second stretching out painfully.
Finally, she heard a familiar voice. "Sarah, over here."
She turned to see Nanami approaching, his expression calm but urgent. "We need to move quickly. Geto is on his way but he's running behind."
Sarah nodded, pushing herself off the wall. "Let's go."
Nanami led her through a series of backstreets and hidden pathways, his knowledge of the city proving invaluable. As they moved, Sarah couldn't help but glance back, her thoughts with Todo, Rin, and Boe. She knew the fight they faced was monumental, but she also knew they were some of the strongest allies she could have.
Sarah's heart pounded as she ran, but suddenly, a chilling presence surged behind her. She glanced back to see Sukuna, his malevolent grin widening as he closed the distance. He raised his hand, his cursed technique slicing through the buildings around them. Shards of concrete and steel rained down, and Sarah leaped through the rubble, her movements swift and desperate.
She vaulted over debris and even propelled herself upward, using the fragments as footholds to avoid Sukuna's relentless attacks. Her breath came in ragged gasps, and she could feel the sting of minor cuts and bruises, but she pushed on, driven by sheer willpower.
Just as Sukuna's attack closed in, a familiar flash of light appeared between them. Gojo materialized, his expression calm and composed, and he intercepted the strike meant for Sarah. The impact sent shockwaves through the area, but Gojo's Limitless Technique held firm.
"Nice timing," Sarah managed to gasp, relief flooding through her.
"Couldn't let you have all the fun," Gojo replied with a smirk. "Let's give him a fight he won't forget."
Sarah nodded, her resolve hardening. She focused inward, feeling the cursed energy within her. The cursed scar on her back burned as she summoned her power, and from the scar, she pulled out gleaming silver blades, each one infused with her determination and anger.
Together, she and Gojo faced Sukuna, the air crackling with energy. Sukuna's eyes narrowed, his grin faltering for just a moment. "You think you can stand against me?" he taunted.
"We'll do more than that," Gojo retorted, his voice steady and confident.
The battle erupted into chaos, a whirlwind of clashing energies and fierce attacks. Sarah moved with precision, her silver blades slicing through the air as she fought alongside Gojo. His techniques created barriers and distortions, providing her with openings to strike.
Sukuna's power was overwhelming, but together, they managed to hold their ground. Sarah's blades cut through the shadows, each strike fueled by her determination to protect those she loved. Gojo's presence was a reassuring anchor, his strength and skill a constant support.
For a while, it seemed they might have a chance. They worked in perfect synchrony, each movement calculated and precise. But Sukuna's rage grew, his attacks becoming more frenzied and powerful. The ground trembled beneath their feet, and the air grew thick with the scent of blood and destruction.
"We can't keep this up forever," Sarah thought, her mind racing as she searched for a way to turn the tide.
Gojo, sensing her thoughts, glanced at her. "We just need to hold him off a little longer. Trust me."
Sarah nodded, tightening her grip on her blades.
Sarah and Gojo fought side by side, their movements synchronized in a deadly dance. As the battle raged on, Sarah knew she needed to do more to tip the scales in their favor. Channeling her cursed energy, she summoned her legion of skeletal warriors from the depths of her cursed scar.
"Rise," she commanded, her voice steady and commanding. "Fight with me!"
The skeletons surged forward, their bony hands wielding weapons of shadow and flame. They attacked Sukuna with relentless ferocity, their strikes coordinated under Sarah's control. Gojo, used their presence to keep the pressure on Sukuna, his limitless techniques creating openings for the skeletal warriors to exploit.
Sukuna snarled, his eyes blazing with fury as he fended off the relentless assault. "You think these puppets can stop me?" he roared, his voice echoing with malevolence.
Sarah's eyes flashed with determination. "They won't stop you, but they will slow you down."
As she commanded her skeletal army, Sarah couldn't help but remember the conversations with her allies. They had been cryptic about the plan, and now she understood why. She held a fragment of Sukuna's power, and if he could read her thoughts, knowing the plan would be a liability.
"Just trust us," Rin had said. "We'll keep the plan from you for a reason."
Sarah glanced at Gojo, who was fending off Sukuna's attacks with his usual ease, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. He was always so confident, so sure of himself. She knew he had a plan, even if she wasn't privy to it. She had to trust him, just as she trusted the others.
Gojo's voice broke through her thoughts. "Keep him busy, Sarah. Just a little longer."
She nodded, redoubling her efforts. Her skeletal warriors swarmed Sukuna, their strikes relentless. Gojo moved with fluid grace, his techniques creating barriers and distortions that kept Sukuna off balance. For a moment, it felt like they might actually have a chance.
Sukuna's rage grew, his attacks becoming more brutal. The ground trembled beneath them, and the air crackled with energy. Sarah's heart pounded, but she pushed through her fear. She had to trust in the plan, in her friends and in Gojo.
"Now, Sarah!" Gojo suddenly shouted.
Without hesitation, Sarah called upon every ounce of her strength, her skeletal warriors launching a coordinated attack. Gojo moved in tandem, his technique amplifying their strikes. Sukuna was momentarily overwhelmed, his defenses faltering.
Gojo's hand lifted, his fingers crossed. "Infinite Void!"
The world seemed to warp and bend, reality itself distorting as Gojo unleashed his domain expansion. Sukuna was caught in the trap, his movements slowing as he struggled against the overwhelming force.
"Now!" Gojo urged.
With a fierce cry, Sarah directed her skeletal warriors in a final, all-out assault. The black bones and hellfire eyes of her minions surged forward, striking at Sukuna with a coordinated fury. Gojo's domain held him in place, and for a brief moment, they had the upper hand.
But Sukuna's power was vast, and he roared with fury, breaking free from the grip of Gojo's technique. He lashed out, but the damage was done. Sarah and Gojo had managed to slow him down, to buy precious time.
Suddenly, in a blur of motion, Sukuna broke through their defenses and grabbed Sarah with three of his arms. His grip was like iron, and Sarah gasped as she felt his immense strength. Gojo's eyes widened in shock, his usual composure slipping as he saw Sukuna holding Sarah so close.
"Sarah!" Gojo shouted, his voice filled with urgency.
Sukuna laughed madly, a chilling sound that echoed through the battlefield. "You thought you could challenge me? Pathetic," he sneered, his eyes gleaming with malice. He began to tear at Sarah's arm and thigh, his nails digging into her flesh. She cried out in pain, struggling against his hold.
She gasped, her vision blurring from the agony.
Gojo moved to intervene, but Sukuna's voice stopped him cold. "Take another step, and I will kill her," Sukuna warned, his tone deadly serious. He tightened his grip on Sarah, making her wince in pain. "You don't want to test me, Gojo."
Gojo froze, his mind racing. He knew Sukuna wasn't bluffing; he would kill Sarah without hesitation. But he couldn't just stand there and do nothing. His eyes flickered with frustration and desperation as he tried to find a way to save her.
"Sarah, hang on," he said, his voice shaking with the effort to remain calm. "I'm going to get you out of this."
Sukuna chuckled darkly, enjoying their helplessness. "Such touching words, Gojo. But they won't save her. The power she holds belongs to me, and I will take it back."
Sarah struggled against Sukuna's hold, trying to summon the strength to fight back. Her mind raced as she thought of the others, fighting to protect her and the world from Sukuna's wrath. She couldn't let them down.
"Let her go," Gojo demanded, his voice hardening. "If you want power, take it from me."
Sukuna's eyes narrowed, considering Gojo's words. "Tempting offer, but no. Watching you suffer is far more enjoyable."
Gojo's fists clenched, his cursed energy crackling around him. He knew he had to do something, anything, to save Sarah. He couldn't let Sukuna win. But he also couldn't risk her life by making a reckless move.
"You're not going to win," she spat, glaring up at Sukuna. "I won't let you."
As Gojo and Sukuna were at a standstill, a sudden shift in the atmosphere caught Gojo's attention. Without a word spoken, he sensed the arrival of someone else amidst the chaos of battle. Geto, disguised within the presence of a powerful cursed spirit, approached quietly but purposefully.
Gojo's eyes narrowed slightly as he recognized his best friend's familiar aura, hidden beneath the facade of the spirit. Geto's presence was a sign that their plan was finally coming together.
As Gojo took cautious steps towards Sukuna, Geto moved swiftly behind the king of curses, his movements masked by the ongoing chaos. With a precise gesture, Geto placed down the small cube and opened the prison realm behind Sukuna, a dimension where even the King of Curses would have no means of escape.
Sarah struggled against Sukuna's grip, her grunts of agony echoing through the empty alley. His fingers dug into her flesh like iron claws, refusing to release their vice-like hold. With a snarl, Sukuna tore at her arm, drawing blood that shimmered with cursed energy.
"Let me go you bastard!" Sarah gritted, but Sukuna's dark laughter drowned out her cries. His crimson eyes glinted with sadistic delight.
"You belong to me now," Sukuna growled, his voice sending chills down Sarah's spine.
But the prison realm completed its time restriction. The tendrils of flesh gripping around his four arms and body in a whipping motion. He gasped, his fingers digging in harder to Sarah's bicep and thigh even as the flesh wrapped around and bound them together.
"Fuck!" Gojo shouted, he and Geto moved closer to inspect the damage.
Sukuna grinned, "Well well well. Isn't this interesting?"
Sarah tugged and yanked at her arm and leg, but they were completely immobilized by his grip and the winding flesh of the prison realm. She looked up at Gojo and then Geto.
"What do we do?" Geto mumbled, "We... We can't close it... She-"
"She'd be crushed." Sukuna chuckled, "So? What will you do?"
"Cut them off." Sarah huffed, "Just do it. It's worth it to know he's locked away."
"But you... You'd..." Gojo choked on his words, "You can't be serious- We can find another way!"
"How long do you think that shit will hold him?" She growled, "Don't be a bitch. Just cut them off. Take a sword from my..." Her voice trailed off. Her cursed technique wasn't activating. "Fuck... It's the--"
"That's right, girl." Sukuna smirked, "The prison realm negates cursed techniques."
Her teeth grinded as she looked up at Geto, "Come on. Gojo's not gonna do it. Help me."
"What do you want me to do?" Geto asked, his voice unwavering and calm.
Sarah stepped as far away from Sukuna as she could, then reached to hold onto Geto's arm, "Close it. Whatever I lose, I lose."
"Don't be stupid!" Gojo's breathless cry echoed in the alley, "You-- That's gonna be more than just your arm and leg if you--"
"Satoru." She said sharply, the use of his first name catching him wildly off guard. He stared at her as she reached out for him next, "Hurry up. We don't have time for this. You need to help Geto."
Gojo swallowed thickly, looking over her trapped body. He found a good grip on her waist and hip, "... Close it."
Geto nodded, "Gate. Close."
As the gate slowly closed, Sukuna's maniacal laughter echoed through the air. Sarah struggled to control her breathing, the weight of the gate's stone squares bearing down on her. Gojo and Geto gripped her tightly, pulling her away from the closing gate with all their strength. With one last brutal pull, they managed to tear her away. The atmosphere crackled with dark energy as Sukuna disappeared into the prison realm, leaving behind an eerie silence.
Gojo wasted no time and immediately started spriting towards Tenjiku, carrying what was left of Sarah's barely conscious body. Her breathing was shallow and rapid, but she was hanging on. He avoided looking at her, feeling his stomach churn with anxiety.
"It's okay, baby. It's okay, sweetheart." He mumbled to her, desperate to keep her awake, "It's gonna be okay. It's alright. It's gonna be fine. I've got you. I've got you, alright? Just keep breathing, okay? Just keep breathing. Can you do that for me? I need you... I need you-- to keep breathing."
Breaking News: Overnight Chaos in Shinjuku – Sorcerers and Mysterious Creatures Clash, City in Turmoil
Shinjuku, Tokyo – In an unprecedented and alarming turn of events, Shinjuku was plunged into chaos last night as a series of violent confrontations erupted between a group of sorcerers and mysterious entities that residents have come to know as curses. The city, known for its vibrant nightlife and bustling streets, became a battleground, leaving many questions unanswered and citizens in fear.
Eyewitnesses report that the conflict began when a group of sorcerers, including the infamous and controversial Satoru Gojo, engaged in a high-stakes battle with an unknown but incredibly powerful entity identified by some sources as "Sukuna." The confrontation quickly escalated, resulting in widespread destruction and panic among the residents.
Throughout the night, other sorcerers were seen fighting against what appeared to be a variety of monstrous creatures. Among them were notable figures such as Yuta Okkotsu, Hakari Kinji, and Yuji Itadori. The motives behind their actions remain unclear, but many in the community are questioning the necessity and the recklessness of their approach.
Local citizens, many of whom are familiar with the presence of curses in their daily lives, expressed their frustration and fear. "These sorcerers act like they own the city," said one resident. "They come in with their flashy powers and destroy everything, and we're left to pick up the pieces. The curses were here first; they're part of our world too."
As dawn broke over Shinjuku, the battles subsided, but the damage was done. Buildings were left in ruins, streets were littered with debris, and the community was shaken. Many residents are calling for a thorough investigation into the actions of these sorcerers and the true nature of the curses.
City officials have yet to release an official statement, but public sentiment is growing increasingly critical of the sorcerers. "We need answers," said another resident. "These sorcerers are like vigilantes, acting without any oversight. We deserve to know why our city was turned into a war zone."
As the cleanup begins and the authorities work to restore order, the people of Shinjuku are left grappling with the aftermath of a night filled with terror and confusion. The true motivations and consequences of the sorcerers' actions remain shrouded in mystery, leaving a community divided and demanding accountability.
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animebw · 1 year
Short Reflection: Winter 2023 Anime
Is it just me, or did this season of anime kind of blow? Yes, anything would be a step down after the absurdly stacked Fall 2022 roster- and in fact, two of my favorites this season were continuations of shows I already liked from fall (Blue Lock and MHA)- but man, there was just a stench of failure around so much of Winter 2023′s offerings. Not just in how many of them turned out to be disappointments, but in how many of them didn’t even get to finish in time! Barely a week went by without another show suffering long delays, production after production crumbling under the weight of mismanagement and corporate apathy that doesn’t care how many animators are worked to death for an inferior product as long as they can make some extra cash from rushing it out early. I mercifully managed to avoid all the victims of these delays (well, almost; RIP Kubo-san Won’t Let Me Be Invisible), but even existing in the same space as them felt like it took a toll on everything else. This was a rough one, folks. But there were still some gems worth highlighting, so after spilling my thoughts on Onimai, Trigun Stampede and MHA Season 6, here are my thoughts on the rest of the anime I managed to finish this season!
(Also no Vinland Saga review yet cause I’m waiting for the season to be over, but spoilers, it’s still really fucking good. You’re shocked, I can tell.)
Tokyo Revengers Season 2: 1.5/10
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You know what? I give up. I gave Tokyo Revengers every opportunity to finally pull itself together and turn into a good show. But not only did it drop the ball so hard the shockwave registered on the Richter scale, it felt like it was actively going out of its way to suck as hard as it could. Every single plot thread in season 2 is bungled so horrendously, from Takemichi’s increasingly unforgivable stupidity to the insulting cul-de-sac fights that change nothing about the status quo to the truly infuriating mishandling of every female character (Hey, I know, let’s give Yuzuha a panty shot while she’s being beaten by her abusive brother! Great idea!), that there is no possible way this show can ever recover. Even if the next season is somehow a masterpiece that fixes all the series’ issues- which it won’t be, let’s be honest- it won’t change the fact that Tokyo Revengers has established a new low for lazy, intelligence-insulting storytelling in shonen. The only reason it managed to get so popular is that it keeps making you think it’s about to do something really cool and meaningful with its high concept. But at this point, it’s all but proven that it never will. Fuck this show, fuck the manga it’s based on, and fuck everyone who accepts this barely-animated hackjob slop as anything close to acceptable entertainment.
The Fire Hunter: 2/10
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Between this and Mars Red, I’m really starting to hate studio Signal MD. They’ve got a habit of turning fascinating highbrow fantasy premises into some of the dullest, sloppiest, most poorly produced pieces of pretentious dogshit that think they’re high art imaginable. And this one’s directed by Mamoru Oshii! He’s supposed to be a veteran director who knows his shit! How did he turn out such a colossal flop? Almost nothing in The Fire Hunter works on an audiovisual level; the animation is embarrassing, the direction is incomprehensible, the editing is somehow even worse (I have never seen such poorly timed painterly insert stills), and the whole thing is smothered under a droning soundtrack that drowns every scene in the same overbearing, tuneless sonic dead air. Even the best script in the world couldn’t survive this cataclysmically bad production, and suffice to say, this is very far from the best script in the world. It’s equal parts mind-numbing exposition, dull narration, and pointlessly mean characters with no interesting internal struggles or worldbuilding to justify the air of arrogance about the whole affair. The Fire Hunter desperately wants to convince you it’s art, but it’s just crap. Skip it.
To Your Eternity Season 2 (2nd Half): 3/10
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I’ll give it this: the second half of To Your Eternity’s second season is unquestionably better than its first. Not a very high bar to clear, I realize, but after the utter slog that was Bon’s introductory arc, it’s good to have actually interesting things happen for a change. Unfortunately, for all the fresh air the siege of Renril brings to the proceedings- new characters, new kinds of stakes, a bonkers re-imagining of what Fushi’s powers are even capable of- it’s nowhere near enough to save this show from running itself into the ground. Whatever magic To Your Eternity once had is well and truly gone, buried under a flood of terrible production compromises and questionable story choices that have lead it down a path it can never recover from. No matter how much future arcs might try to turn things around, they’ll never escape the lesson this show has somehow forgotten it used to preach: when something dies, it can never truly return. To Your Eternity is dead. It’s over. Let it rest in piece while it still has some faint shred of dignity left.
Giant Beasts of Ars: 3/10
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Did someone open a time portal to 2006? Giant Beasts of Ars feels exactly like the kind of original fantasy anime that studios were pumping out two decades ago- and unfortunately, that’s not a compliment. It gets off to a good start with a strong introductory episode that sets the tone well for a fun magitech adventure with some giant monster fighting, but the second that adventure gets under way, pretty much everything goes to shit. The characters are bland. The world itself is dull and uninspired. The action is lifeless thanks to a weak production that can’t give these fights the oomph they need. And the plot escalates from understandable low-key stakes to some of the most asinine “suddenly we’re fighting god now” swerves I’ve ever seen. Seriously, the way this story loses all sense of scale in its final episodes as it barrels head first toward a climax left me stunned in disbelief. Never mind the fact it ends on an asspull cliffhanger that’s almost certain to never get resolved because nobody’s going to want a second season of something this limp and underbaked. What a waste of time.
Kaina of the Great Snow Sea: 3.5/10
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I was really excited at all the fantasy anime coming out this season. After being swamped in the isekai sewers for so long, it was such a relief to see the industry remember they could tell stories about actual fantastical worlds and not just, you know, reskinned Dragon Quest knockoffs. So imagine my how immeasurable my disappointment was when one by one, all these promising series let me down. Kaina’s Naussicaa-inspired world of snow seas, giant spire trees and steampunk skiffs navigating an allegorical prayer for co-existence with nature and rejection of militarism should have been an easy slam dunk, a new Miyazaki for a modern landscape. Unfortunately, as beautifully realized as the world is- Polygon Pictures is no studio Orange, but their impressive background art and environmental storytelling continue to make a strong case for CG anime- the writers forgot to populate that world with anyone worth getting invested in. The characters are the stockiest of stock archetypes, photocopies of photocopies of tropes that have already been worn to the bone by decades of misuse and overuse alike. If you’ve seen even one generic fantasy anime, chances are you’re already sick of these characters, and there’s nothing fresh or particularly meaningful here to make up for the lack of originality. Don’t get me started on how poorly the princess is treated, yegh. Is it too late to unplug the concept of fantasy anime for a few years and hope it recovers some steam before we plug it back in?
High Card: 3.5/10
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There is no excuse for High Card being as lame as it ended up. A Kingsmen-style goofy gentleman spy action comedy written by the author of Kakegurui in which secret agents in dapper suits fight with the power of magic transforming playing cards? And the entire world is themed around cards and card games (the country is Fourland, the spy organization is Pinochle with its office on Old Maid street)? This should have been a camp masterpiece every bit as delightfully unhinged as Kakegurui. This should have been the most gloriously Anime Bullshit (affectionate) experience of the year. But instead, it was mostly just Anime Bullshit (derogatory). It takes so little advantage of its concept, wasting episode upon episode on trite plotlines and cliche developments, jumping between so many tones and focuses without ever settling on a single one. I came here to see Twink Bruce Wayne summon bazookas out of thin air with the power of Instant Interdimensional Marketplace, not slog through the umpteenth iteration of “the stoic katana girl needs to open up to her male colleagues” or “tragic little sister with an incurable illness.” The bouncy ED, which sees the main cast all singing together in the car, was the one consistent bright spot, and even that started feeling more and more like an insult as time went on. If only the rest of the show were as loose and freewheeling as those painfully short 90 seconds per episode promised.
Don’t Toy With Me, Nagatoro-San Season 2: 3.5/10
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Look, I’m no prude. I’m not above trash. Nagatoro’s first season was far from a masterpiece, but it had enough actual charm and character depth that I didn’t mind coming along for the ride. But the thing about trash is that just like every other show, you still have to do it well. Nagatoro wasn’t ever entertaining because it was a shallow wish-fulfillment rom-com for masochists, it was entertaining because it found something recognizably human in spite of being a shallow wish-fulfillment rom-com for masochists. And sadly, whatever spark made that first season work didn’t survive the transfer to OLM studios. There are fun moments here and there, but the overall package is just too half-hearted to care anymore. Not even the introduction of Nagatoro’s sister keeps the proceedings from feeling increasingly mindless. What’s the point of this show, really? What does it offer that I can’t get better elsewhere? Because if the only appeal is the teasing gimmick, well, Teasing Master Takagi-san is right there, people. You could be watching an actual good show about a girl mercilessly teasing her crush instead of this flavorless assembly-line mushburger of an anime. Just saying.
The Tale of Outcasts: 4.5/10
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There’s something strangely endearing about The Tale of Outcasts, despite its many flaws. Does it read like every thirteen-year-old girl’s embarrassing stash of unpublished Ancient Magus Bride fanfiction? Yes, unquestionably. But you know what? There are far worse things to be. Maybe it’s the isekai exhaustion getting to me, but there’s something so refreshing about a cringey wish-fulfillment fantasy adventure populated by stock archetypes and hacky plotting that’s actually, like, wholesome? That feels like it was made out of genuine amateurish love for Victorian splendor mixed with demon furries instead of incel resentment that the world isn’t catering to their every whim? Yeah, it’s still cringe, but it’s charmingly cringe, not revoltingly cringe. I still can’t really recommend it unless you’ve got a real soft spot for deep-voiced daddy beast people who can be your angle or your dveil, but out of all the bad shows I kept up with this season, this was the one where I never minded clicking on that next episode button, and that’s gotta count for something.
Urusei Yatsura (2nd Half): 5.5/10
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I think it takes a change in mindset to really appreciate Urusei Yatsura. True to its 70s roots, this is not an anime to watch for a constant sense of forward progression. This is a show to be enjoyed as a reliable weekly comfort, 25 minutes of mayhem every 7 days with a familiar cast of characters bouncing off each other endlessly. If you come in looking for a tightly woven narrative that’s always driving toward a forseeable endpoint like most modern anime confined to single cours runs, you’re likely to be disappointed. But if you let yourself just enjoy the chaos and don’t worry about what might come next, I think you’ll find a lot to like here. If nothing else, I appreciate Studio David sticking to that old-fashioned spirit. But I have to admit, I might’ve preferred a more streamlined adaptation that doesn’t waste a second of runtime. What can I say, I’m used to modern anime pacing. Or maybe I’m just annoyed by yet another instance of a tomboy character who wants to be more feminine. Which, you know, not Ryunosuke’s fault that particular trope has gotten so beaten to death these days, but still. Sometimes making changes for modern times isn’t such a bad thing, you know?
Revenger: 6/10
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So y’all hear about this Gen Urobuchi guy? Apparently he was pretty famous back in the day or something, IDK. He’s been plugging away at his goofy Taiwanese puppets show for the past few years and slapped his name on the story concepts of a few high profile projects for extra buzz, but now at last, he’s returned to grace us with a full story and script from his own hands! ...and apparently from 17 years in the past as well, because from what I’ve heard, Urobuchi originally wrote Revenger back in 2006, well before the one-two-three punch of Madoka Magica, Fate/Zero and Psycho-Pass that would make him a household name. And boy does it definitely feel like a trial run of those shows. Not that it’s bad by any means; it’s slickly produced, the cast has good chemistry, and the Booch is clearly having fun coming up with creative ways for evil bastards to be mercilessly slaughtered. But that’s really all it is, with little of the staggering depth and emotional complexity that would later earn him a place among the greats. It’s a first draft of basically all the thematic ideas he’d later perfect: the corruption of systems of power, the failure of blind heroism, the necessity of finding hope even in the darkest corners of the earth. I still recommend it for any fans of creative edgy violence, but don’t come in expecting another Madoka. It’s a bite-sized snack of an Urobuchi show, not the main course. And I’m totally fine with that; it’s entertaining enough on its own modest merits to be worth a look.
Play It Cool, Guys (2nd Half): 6/10
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Yeah, I knew this one was gonna grow on me. There’s nothing like a really good low-key deadpan comedy to put me in a good mood at the end of a long day. Really, I think Cool Doji Danshi’s secret weapon is how much it appreciates the mundane awkwardness of everyday life. I have been in many situations much like its titular characters, little moments of confusion where the pieces don’t quite line up how they’re supposed to and before I know it I’m putting my umbrella in the fridge because I momentarily mixed it up with the groceries. And also like its title characters, I’ve learned just how damn important these moments are to my life. None of us are perfect meat machines 100% of the time; in many ways, our clumsiness is what makes us human far more than our accomplishments. And there’s something so wonderfully comforting about watching these boys (and men) come to appreciate their own imperfections much as I’ve done of myself. We need more shows that celebrate that simple silliness as well as this one does. So if you’ve been looking for something to lift your spirits in this increasingly grim world, I cannot recommend this show enough.
Sugar Apple Fairy Tale: 6.5/10
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Do my eyes deceive me? A non-isekai, shoujo oriented fantasy that’s all about slavery being a bad thing? Stop the presses, we’re defying all the norms over here! Between this and the new season of Vinland Saga, it feels like we’re finally starting to push back on the noxious floodgates that Shield Hero pried open, and I could not be more thankful for that. Now, is Sugar Apple Fairy Tale a perfect depiction of the dynamics of slavery? Fuck no, it’s a young adult wish-fulfillment romance about a hot sulky fairy boy falling for the woman that was once his owner, this thing’s as problematic as an Antebellum-era Uncle Tom’s Cabin ripoff. But at least it’s actually trying to say something about the effects of dehumanization on a societal scale and how it manifests, and I’d argue it succeeds more often than it trips over itself. Plus, how fucking great is it to have an actual shoujo romance again? Set in a charming fantasy world with some actual originality? Sugar Apple Fairy Tale’s not perfect, but its charms are evident of a trend I hope to see countless other shows follow. The more fantasy anime looks like this instead of The World’s Strongest Necromancer is Reincarnated With a Cheat Skill In Another World Harem (I just made that title up, but admit it, you weren’t sure at first), the better off we’ll all be.
Ippon Again: 6.5/10
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We seriously need more good female-centric sports anime. The guys have been dominating the field with their shounens and seinens while the girls are forced to subside on moeblob table scraps more concerned with being cute than actually telling a compelling sports narrative, or else being handed the absolute bottom of the production barrel (cries in Farewell My Dear Cramer). Ippon Again isn’t gonna right the ship all on its own, but it’s a damn good first step. The characters feel like believable teenagers, their judo matches are given genuine weight and strong animation, and while it suffers from some tired sports anime cliches, it always executes them with heart firmly on its sleeve. At its best, it captures the same freewheeling adolescent spirit that defines the likes of A Place Further Than the Universe, and I don’t say that lightly. It’s no masterpiece, but it’s a damn good time with no caveats, and hopefully it’ll only be the first of many great lady-centric sports anime to come.
Tsurune Season 2: 7/10
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If you’ve somehow forgotten about the first season of KyoAni’s pretty boys doing archery show Tsurune from back in 2018, well, I don’t blame you. As a testing ground for the studio’s rookie talent to take their first crack at putting their own show together, it was by far the studio’s most workmanlike production, an all-around solid experience but lacking the insane polish and panache that defines the KyoAni brand. But my god, what a difference five years makes. Tsurune’s second season isn’t just a massive upgrade on the production front, it’s a complete overhaul on the show’s entire look and feel. It’s sweeping and elegant, it’s vibrant and explosive, it’s as expertly poised and shimmering as a bowstring drawn at dawn right before it releases a brilliant arrow. This show has gone from KyoAni’s simplest looking show to one of its most richly cinematic, complete with earthier color tones and revamped score from Fruits Basket composer Masaru Yokoyama. Yes, it’s ultimately still just a show about pretty boys learning to shoot bows well as they overcome their issues together. But with such a massive step up in its look and feel, it’s officially become just as much appointment viewing as any KyoAni masterpiece.
Blue Lock (2nd Half): 7.5/10
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Now that’s more fucking like it. Last season I bemoaned the lack of edgy death game nonsense I was promised in this edgy death game sports anime, but once we reached the second selection, Blue Lock kicked into high gear and made good on its premise at last. Betrayals! Allies turned enemies! Enemies turned allies! Overcharged homoerotic rivalries and break-ups alike! Overdramatic shonen boys trying to crush each other underfoot to grow stronger! Self-actualization through rejecting the power of friendship and embracing the power of “Fuck this guy!” This is everything I wanted when I first learned about Blue Lock’s premise, twisting the classic shonen sports formula into an equally blood-pumping tale of clashing egos and selfishness as everyone fights to become the best player by embracing their worst selves. It might have taken a hot second to get there, but now that it’s arrived, this show has become some of the most deliriously entertaining chaos you’re likely to find in the genre. Well done, you mad genius.
Buddy Daddies: 8/10
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Man, whoever’s making the decisions on what shows PA Works produces is really on a roll lately, huh? It takes a real genius to look at premises like Ya Boi Kongming and Akiba Maid War and see an opportunity to create something truly special. But even that pales in comparison to the brilliance behind Buddy Daddies, a.k.a. “Hey, so this Spy x Family show is about to take over the world, right? What if we made our own version of that, but mix in the homoerotic buddy-cop energy of Tiger and Buddy to make it stand out?” That’s the kind of galaxy-brain thinking that’s rapidly making this studio a personal favorite of mind. And it’s that kind of confidence and pure solid storytelling chops that make Buddy Daddies just as entertaining and endearing as its most obvious inspiration. It’s not exactly the same- it’s set in modern day, it’s more focused on the child-raising than the assassin stuff- but it’s every bit as good at nailing that specific sweet spot of deliciously entertaining spy action, wholesome family hijinks, and the bittersweet space in between trying to reconcile those two worlds. Heck, Miri’s a way more realistic four-year-old than Anya ever was; you can tell the writers really did their research on what it’s like to care for a child that young. The year’s still young, but I think this show is already a strong contender for the feel-good masterpiece of 2023. Just don’t go in expecting the hot guys to kiss, because you will leave disappointed if you do.
The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady: 8.5/10
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We’ve done it, folks. We’ve finally cracked the code on how to make modern isekai great. Step One: Center it on a female protagonist with an actual personality instead of an empty self-insert male-patterned cooler full of stale oatmeal. Step Two: Make your story all about subverting the exhausting masturbatory self-centeredness of vanilla isekai in favor of a symbolic or literal revolution to give power back to all lovers of fantasy instead of pandering to maladjusted thirty-year-old manchildren. Step Three: As part of that progressive reinvention, make it GAY. AS. FUCK. The Executioner and her Way of Life was a strong step in the right direction, but as good as that show was, there was clearly still room to push things even further. But now, at last, that potential has been fully realized by the stunning tale of a reincarnated princess and a genius young lady coming together to revolutionize the world. Folks, MagiRevo fucking rules. The main leads are wonderful separately and even more wonderful together, the production is strong enough to carry the story’s soaring ambition, and it’s a genuinely powerful exploration of the harms caused by archaic systems of patriarchal power, and how difficult it is- but also how necessary- to change what’s been leading a society down the wrong path for so long. And while it drags a little in the midsection, it all culminates in a spectacular final act and a final episode that had me sobbing in my seat for 25 straight minutes. This isn’t just the best isekai since Re:Zero, this is a triumph of queer fantasy carving its own revolution through a genre that’s desperately needed it for far too long. So come join me and raise your banner with Anis and Euphie, because their journey deserves all the attention we can give. I promise, you won’t regret it.
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lanternkiwi · 2 years
random thought i had in the shower tonight: what if reonagi ends up like rin and sae
also another long post sorry i have a lot to say LMAO
bllk manga spoilers below
FIRST OFF, we have the reason why each respective duo starting playing soccer together 
rin pulled off some wild ass trick, catching sae’s attention.
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and of course, every bllk duo’s famous last words “play soccer with me”
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i know its football IM AMERICAN FUCK OFF
and reo and nagi started for scarily similar reasons. nagi did some wild ass trick and it caught reo’s attention, and now they started soccer as a duo. and those motherfucking famous last words LETS PLAY SOCCER ???? MFS PLAYING WITH MY FEELINGS INSTEAD
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rin and sae were INCREDIBLE, just like reo and nagi. they made headlines, they were THE duos to fuck with in their respective times together. they had a whole future ahead of them. and their playstyles are kinda similar too
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rin relied on instinct, trusting his brother to send passes his way. nagi simply follows reo’s orders and follows his lead, trusting that reo will send him passes. 
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rin and sae are very tactical and smart players. they position players where they’re needed and execute perfect passes suited to their styles. they’re both smart and resourceful. recently, reo’s been gaining the physical strength to help himself too, just how sae is agile and quick. and reo can copy sae’s playstyle now too.
now onto the juicy stuff, the good shit, the pussy of this post
sae was presented with an opportunity for growth. real madrid. spain. we know the drill with sae and (s)pain. he moved away to become a better player, leaving rin behind in japan. 
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nagi was presented with the same thing. except instead of spain- it was the goat himself isagi yoichi. and he left reo behind in the second selection
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reo and rin obviously started using sae and nagi as motivation to get stronger. reo in the second selection and on and rin just in general. they had the hopes that once they met again, they’d be able to play beside each other again. 
but oh boy
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backs turned to them and everything man what the fuck
but rin and reo NEEDED this. they were too dependant on their partners to properly use their full potential. reo relied too much on nagi’s skill to focus on his own talents. rin was so ready to be in sae’s shadow even though he was so talented at the game. they were too dependant. they needed this to grow as individuals. 
rin obviously 💀 developed a grudge against sae. reo developed resentment as well, but he wasn’t so intense about it as rin (which is fair considering rin started soccer because of watching sae play all this time)
reo and rin were also lowkey selfish about this as well (again, understandable i’d be sick as fuck if any of this happened to me) in the second selection, much to chigiri and kunigami’s dismay, he was ready to NOT pick nagi just so nagi could feel the same pain he felt. rin joined blue lock just to win and join the u20 team to play against his brother. rin was only focused on his endgame, he clearly didn’t care about who he had to step on to get there. 
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i know yall see it too and im not fucking crazy
rin, becoming the selfish player that he is, was able to fight on his own. reo was also slowly able to become an independent player as well. it’s been an UPHILL battle for him tho (i mean this respectfully i love u reo mwah)
and both of them were able to notice the growing gap between their respective partners when they meet again
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like i mentioned earlier, the two of them NEEDED this. badly. reo was too dependant on nagi and vise versa, rin was too attached to sae. he was willing to stay behind sae, in his shadow. reo and rin couldn’t advance and develop properly while staying with sae and nagi. neither of them had the proper HUNGER to be the best like nagi and sae and it bit them in the ass hard.
when the duos met AGAIN, u20 and manshine v bastard, it severed the rift permanently. sae widened the gap between him and rin (personally, not in the context of soccer), further pushing him away and (indirectly ??? directly ??? who knows) motivating rin further. 
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the way rin’s eyes lit up here :(
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rin developed that urge to MURDER on the field while reo is still willing to stay behind nagi. 
meanwhile, nagi didn’t widen the gap like sae did. nagi went back to reo, and reo took him back (me too bby)
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the itoshi bros HAD this bond. they truly did share the dream of becoming the best strikers in japan. 
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rin and sae WERE equals to each other. until time apart and skill level created such a gap between them. sae had matured, grown as a player, and his outlook had changed. (look at my sae n rin post if you wanna hear more of my thoughts about that) anyway, rin was still young, naive, and inexperienced (in terms of the world) and still believed in him and sae’s dream. somewhere in spain, sae discarded that dream. SERIOUSLY WTF HAPPENED IN SPAIN
the reason why i think this might end badly for reonagi is because the itoshi brothers were able to grow independently, at the cost of their bond, and strive to become the best in the world.
reo doesn’t quite have that drive yet. yes he wants to be the best, but he wants to be the best WITH NAGI. rin wants to stand alone on that stage, crushing his brother and getting his revenge in the process. reo is perfectly fine than sharing the stage.
which is NOT what blue lock is about 😭
look at the difference in their ‘dream’ and the reasons rin and reo call blue lock a stepping stone
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back then, rin was like reo. he was content with staying in sae’s shadow the same way reo is content with being in nagi’s. rin was able to overcome that because of sae’s cruelty and harshness in their fallout. now, rin wants to be the best ON HIS OWN.
in comparison, nagi wasn’t as tough on reo as sae was rin, which i think was nagi’s mistake. like i mentioned in my itoshi brothers rant post, i think sae chose to be harsh and cold like that because he knew it would motivate rin to make his own name. as much as reo says he wants to be independant and not rely on nagi, the fact nagi CAME BACK and reo TOOK HIM BACK which could ironically hurt reo (and nagi)
it might not end well for reonagi again if they keep this up. especially since reo disregarded his new ‘independant’ ideal so fast after getting back together with nagi. 
ANYWAYS thats pretty much it i hope i didnt miss anything cause i jumped on here to make this post as soon as i got out of the shower i blew my own mind fr LMFAOOO
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