#blue riding hood!newt
nomoreusername · 1 year
Camp Buddy (Modern Au)
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Aris x female reader
Summary:When you meet Aris at summer camp, you end up as more than friends.
I had been going to the Camp Killzone since the end of middle school. I know the name sounds intimidating, but it's better than Camp Greiver. At least the camps are for thirteen to nineteen.
Speaking of age ranges I knew everyone who came and went. The kids mostly went because they don't like this place. I find its little cabins and hammocks rather charming.
At some point my friends only went because I dragged them, but this year was different. Teresa quite coming all together. Since she was leaving, Thomas wanted to spend his summer with her. Minho was going on an out of state trip with his Lacrosse team, and Newt was at some science camp for smart people. I was completely alone.
I sighed and watched everyone greet their friends. As usual it was the same groups as always. Nothing new ever happened here, but it would be so much fun if I had my friends.
I put my head on my hand and kept sitting at my same table. Why did my friends have to have lives?
♡ - - - ♡
Throughout the day I got more and more bored. Even bonfire night wasn't any fun. Eventually I decided that breaking one rule wouldn't hurt. Making sure everyone else was still distracted I snuck into the forest with nothing more than my flashlight.
Once I was deep enough to not be seen I turned on my flashlight only for another beam to be shining right back at me. I jumped back and put a hand over my racing heart. It wasn't made any better by the fact that the person was wearing a hood.
"Who are you?"I asked.
"Me? Who are you?"
"I asked first,"I reminded him
"Okay, I'm Aris,"He introduced, pulling his hood down. I hadn't seen him here before, and even if he always blended into the background I would at least know his face. Scratch that. I would definitely know his face. He was cute with bright blue eyes, and defined facial features.
"Okay, your turn,"He said, snapping out of my definitely weird staring spell.
"I'm Y/N. Is this your first year?"I asked.
"Is it that obvious?"He mumbled.
"No, I've just been here every summer. I know I'd remember you,"I said absentmindedly.
"What?"He asked.
"Uh, I just mean-uh -you have a nice face. Not in a weird way or anything. You're just kind of nice looking,"I settled on. "I'm sorry, I can't shut up when I'm nervous,"I sighed.
"Thanks. Your face is nice too."
"Well, I don't have anyone with me this summer, and you're new. Do you want to be my camp buddy?"I offered.
"Thanks Y/N. I'd like that,"He said, with a nice smile.
This summer was the quickest one I'd ever had to have. Aris and I regularly snuck into the forest just because we could. We were partners for every hiking trip, every activity, and anything else you could think of here.
Unfortunately, every good thing must come to an end. In only five minutes I'd be on my bus, and he'd be on his.
"I'm going to miss you camp buddy."
"I'm going to miss you too, but we have each other's numbers on our bracelets. I'll get your address from there and write to you,"I promised.
"I wish I came here sooner."
"Don't be so negative. I met you now, didn't I?"I pointed out.
He went to say something when the buses pulled up.
"Well, I guess it's goodbye for now,"He sighed.
"Just for now."
I watched him walk into his bus line. He turned back, and I knew the last thing I had to do this summer. I got out of my bus line and ran to his.
"Hey Aris,"I called. He looked back, and I brushed my lips against him. It was hardly a second, but I still felt like I was one cloud nine.
We stood there grinning like idiots until a counselor had to ruin it. Looking back one last time I gave him a salute before getting on my bus already wishing it was next summer.
Dear Y/N,
I wanted to write sooner, but school's been insane lately. Anyways I was on the bus ride home I was thinking about something. I never actually got a chance to say something after our kiss so I will now. My parents pushed to go to that summer camp for years, but I didn't want to actually talk to new people. Then, I met some random girl tripping over her words in a forest and telling me I had a nice face. I don't think you noticed, but I kept trying (and failing) to talk to you during the day. In the end being awkward finally paid off because I got to meet you. That was the best summer of my life. Even when we can't go to that camp anymore I promise we'll still know each other. I can't wait to be your camp buddy next summer.
Aris Jones
I smiled down at the letter and clutched it close to my heart. Turning over in my bed I went to sleep still holding his comforting words already dreaming of the next time I get to see my camp buddy.
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mamin-the-troll · 7 years
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I drew them through tears because I read angst fic and I needed some fluff to stop my tears. (It didn’t work ; w ;;;;)
They’re asking me why I must hurt myself at this hour…
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lightvsdark18 · 3 years
Things in the Devildom I want to try
Blushberry Frappuccino
Chaos Devil Cider
Dark Hell Mocha Chip Cream Frappuccino
Hell Soda
Hell Tea
Hellfire Rose Tea
Little Devil Mango Slushy
Paradise Blue
Barbatos's Tea
Blood Strawberry Juice
Dark Ocean Hell Cocktail
Devil on the Beach
Mandragora Tea
Fluffy Hell Zakura Latte
Black Tapir Roast
BLT Devil Sandwich
Fried Devil Chicken
Havoc Devil Ribs with Bell Peppers
Hellfire Curry Rice
Shadow Pork Ragu Pasta
Fried Shadow Bat
Borscht with Boiled Centaur Gizzard
Devil Flower and Demon Chrysanthemum Tempura
Shadow Goose Burger
Gigadeath Burger
Babel Parfait
Black Cloud Cake
Barbatos's Signature Cake
Demon Éclairs
Hellfire Chocolate Pie
Ghost Pumpkin Cream Puffs
Lunatic Pudding
Madam Scream's Macarons
Mango-Flavored Little Devil's Gelatin Parfait
Mystic White Peach Jelly
Ocean of Clouds Cake
Seven Berries Flavor Pudding
Angelic Brownies
Eclipse Mince Pie
Hell Pancakes
Poison Apple, Putrid Pineapple, and Shadow Berry Pie
Seven-Colored Cake
Bloodberry and Gloom Chocolate Ice Cream
Black Potato Tornado Fries
Candy Hearts
Comfort Candy
Demon Zebra Churros
"Door To Insanity" Combo
Sun and Moon Cookies
Three-Worlds Dango
Devil Nuggets
Spicy Newt Chips
Underworld popcorn
Devilbee Honey flavored popcorn
Hero's Herbal Tea
Sweet Tears Donuts
Donut Say Goodbye
Red Riding Hood Sandwich
Haunted Hamburgers
Crazy Ghoul Hamburger
Queen's Black Rose Cake
Queen's Red Rose Cake
Arctic Ice Cream
Monsoon Ice Cream
Savana Ice Cream
I was looking at a list of everything and just decided to make a post about it.
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silverynight · 5 years
Blued riding hood- newt ventures into the forest to deliver some papers to Theseus and meets 3 werewolves Albus Gellert and Percival. They see food and newt sees three handsome dogs who he HAS to show Theseus too. And now these werewolves love newt
There are two paths to go to Theseus's house; his brother has always told him to use the one that doesn't go into the woods because according to him there are dangerous creatures living there.
Creatures are not dangerous in Newt's opinion though, they are hungry or scared or just trying to survive and there are ways to communicate with them.
However, Newt decides not to worry his brother; he always seems to know where he's been anyway; Newt still hasn't figured out how he does that.
So, he's determined to take the "safe" path when he sees something out of the corner of his eye; it's a white light. Newt is not sure what kind of animal it is, but he thinks about the deers his mother used to see; when things weren't that "dangerous" and people walked into the woods very often.
He knows he needs to see it so he puts his blue hood on and hopes Theseus doesn't figure it out.
There's still sunlight, but there are spots where the light gets almost completely covered by the trees. Newt is excited.
He gets even more excited when he sees three wolves, even though they immediately tense when they see him.
It's alright, Newt knows what to do; he doesn't run, running just makes predators see the person as the prey immediately. He smiles as soon as he notices the beautiful color of their fur; one of them is brownish (it looks like the most relaxed of the three) the other is almost black with a little bit of grey next to its ears and the last one is white with mismatched eyes and Newt realizes that's the one he saw.
"Hello," he smiles, but his smile vanishes as soon as he sees the scar next to its white eye. "Are you hurt?"
Animals can't understand you, his brother would say, but this one... actually the three wolves look like they do. They don't look hostile anymore. They even approach him carefully.
"Oh, it's an old scar, isn't it?" Newt is fascinated when the wolf lets him touch its muzzle. "I hope that didn't hurt much."
The other two start nuzzling him and looking at him with such a glimmer in his eyes that Newt's sure they're very intelligent.
"You three are very handsome boys, aren't you?" Newt giggles, feeling absolutely happy.
It's late; it never takes that much for Newt to come to his house. So, clearly, Theseus starts to panic.
He takes his coat and starts looking for his little one, hoping and praying he's alright.
Theseus is sure he'll find him; he always does, no matter where his little one is and that's one of the reasons he doesn't actually feel bad about what happened to him years ago.
He hasn't told Newt about it yet and he's not sure he's prepared to.
He senses it before he sees it; Newt is sitting on the ground, with a huge smile on his face, looking happy as three creatures are trying to scent him.
Newt has no idea of course, but Theseus does.
"I'm glad you're here, 'Seus!" He beams at him. "Look at my new friends! Aren't these the most beautiful wolves you–"
"Those are not wolves, Newt," he almost growls and the 'wolves' notice him right away and start putting themselves between him and his little brother. "Come with me, little one."
Those are werewolves; Theseus would recognize them anywhere because he's one of them.
But he's not gonna share Newt with anyone.
Support my fics here!
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inyournightmares97 · 6 years
A Whole New World
Park Jinyoung takes you on an unforgettable ride. 
Warning: Hogwarts!au, lots of strong language. Mostly fluff. 
Word Count: 4.4k+
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“I found it! I found the solution to all of your problems.”
Park Jinyoung was extremely smug as he sat down across from you in the library. You looked up from your book and sighed at the Ravenclaw boy. You opened your mouth to ask what brilliant achievement he expected you to applaud him for this time, when you looked at him properly. Jinyoung’s glasses were slightly askew on his face. His Ravenclaw scarf was torn and there was something in his dark hair that looked suspiciously like twigs and dead leaves.
“Where the hell have you been?” you demanded, reaching out to pluck a rather conspicuous twig poking out from his hair. He blinked at you while you tossed it aside and made a face. “Wow, you look like you went rolling around in the Forbidden Forest.”
Jinyoung cleared his throat and ruffled his hair to rid it of a few more leaves. “Uh, never mind that.”
You raised an eyebrow at him. You had been friends with Park Jinyoung ever since your first day at Hogwarts. He had been much smaller and less confident back then. The two of you had found yourselves in the same compartment on the Hogwarts Express and Jinyoung had shyly admitted to you that he was a Muggle-born just like you. It had been a rogue chocolate frog that went on a rampage in your compartment that had cemented your friendship; by the time you both managed to catch the bloody thing, you were the best of friends. Even when Jinyoung was sorted into Ravenclaw and you into Gryffindor, he had looked at you across the Great Hall and given you a small smile that made you feel warm inside.
Six years later, Park Jinyoung had become an enormous pain in your ass.
He was naturally talented at everything. He got onto the Ravenclaw Quidditch team in his second year and developed a talent for any subject that he set his eyes on. You had to admit that Jinyoung was always willing to share his knowledge and spend endless nights tutoring you in the library before exams, but his smug little smile and his condescending tone made it difficult to be grateful.
Not to mention that he’d become extremely handsome once he hit puberty and suddenly gained a little fan club of younger girls who constantly came up to him in the library and asked him to tutor them. Jinyoung always helped them and sent them on their way without responding to their advances but you could tell from his pleased expression that he enjoyed the attention.
Little shit.
“Look, forget all that. What are you doing? That Charms essay? That’s not due until Monday,” Jinyoung said dismissively as he tried to grab at your parchment. You frowned and batted his arms away.
“Excuse me. It takes some of us more than an hour to write a NEWT-level essay, all right? Leave me alone,” you grumbled as you tried to focus on your work. Jinyoung had probably already finished his anyway. It seemed a little unfair to you that a fellow Muggle-born should have such a natural talent for magic while you struggled your way through everything.
“I’ll let you copy off mine later if you come with me,” Jinyoung promised.
You pointed your quill at him accusingly. “Ha! So you have finished yours! Nice try. I won’t let you sabotage my Charms grade this time. I’ll get an O too, and you’ll see that you’re not that special.”
Jinyoung glanced down at your essay with a sigh. He turned the parchment towards him and scanned a few lines with his sharp, dark eyes. “You’re not getting an O with that. Forget it.”
You blinked up at him helplessly. “Is it that bad?”
“Yes, it’s hopeless. You’re not even writing on the correct topic. I’m telling you, I’ll let you copy off mine later tonight if you just come with me for a while. I promise it won’t take long. You’re going to like this. It’s what I’ve been working on all week.”
You were suddenly alert. Jinyoung had been acting a little suspicious since the last week. You assumed it was only stress since your NEWTs and graduation were fast-approaching but he had been disappearing for entire hours at a time and refusing to explain where he was. You also did want to know why the usually impeccably dressed, not-a-hair-out-of-place Jinyoung looked like he had been rolling in piles of leaves. Jinyoung grinned as soon as he saw the twinkle in your eyes. He had your attention.
“Come on. You know you’re curious.”
Damn it. You reluctantly rolled up your parchment without waiting for the ink to dry. (In your experience, if Jinyoung said your essay was shit, then it really was shit.) Jinyoung watched you with his dark, excited gaze as you packed up your belongings and then turned to look at him with a sigh.
“Fine. Let’s go see what you’ve done this time.”
The direction Park Jinyoung was taking was slightly disturbing.
You followed him until the line of trees that led to the Forbidden Forest, but once Jinyoung started to actually enter the trees, you decided that it was time to stop this madness. It seemed rather anticlimactic to get expelled or eaten by some weird creatures when you were just months away from graduating so you grabbed Jinyoung’s robes and yanked him back firmly.
“Excuse me! What stupid games are you playing? I am not going in there!” you insisted. You pointed at the trees. “Do I need to remind you what lies beyond those trees? The Forbidden Forest. Do you know why it’s called that? Because it’s forbidden to enter.”
Jinyoung turned to you and raised an eyebrow. “You can’t be serious. Does the word forbidden really exist in a Gryffindor’s dictionary? What’s the use of being brave and courageous if you can’t even bend a couple of rules?” he egged you on. You tried not to let yourself be affected. You knew that Jinyoung was just trying to get you to snap but you weren’t going to fall for it.
“No. You never said anything about the Forbidden Forest. I’m not going in.”
Jinyoung took a deep breath and looked you straight in the eyes. “I dare you to come in with me.”
Damn it. Park Jinyoung knew you too well. You had never been able to say no to a dare. Turning down a dare was admitting a loss and you hated losing. You glared at Jinyoung and his pretty little smirk before finally exhaling. “Fine. Fuck you. If I die, then my death is on your hands and I will come back as a ghost to make your life miserable.”
“Lovely,” Jinyoung replied as he reached out and took your hand. You were surprised at the unexpectedly affectionate gesture coming from him but he barely looked at you as his warm fingers closed over yours. “Come on. We don’t have to go very far inside. I promise you’ll be fine.”
You followed Jinyoung into the line of trees and squeezed his hands tightly. You knew that there probably wasn’t too much to be afraid of in the fringes of the forest but you still hated how the trees blocked out the sunlight and made it seem dark despite being afternoon. Jinyoung pulled you along confidently as he hurried into the forest. The two of you walked through the thick greenery for a few moments before you finally reached a clearing.
Sitting right in the middle of the clearing was an old, light blue Ford Anglia car.
“What the hell? Where did that come from?” you demanded, eyes wide. The last thing you had expected to see in the Forbidden Forest was a car and certainly not such an old one. Had somebody just abandoned it here? Jinyoung grinned at you as he walked towards the car and patted its hood fondly. You stepped closed to it warily. “Oh my God. It looks so ancient. What is this from, the eighties?”
The moment you had finished speaking, the car jerked a little bit and let out a rumbling noise that sounded suspiciously like a growl. You squealed and stepped away from it. You weren’t sure why but you suddenly had this terrible feeling that the car had heard what you said and was offended.
“It’s fine,” Jinyoung told you as he patted the car gently. “She has a bit of a temper but she’s harmless.”
“She? The car has a personality?” you cried.
“It’s not just a car. It’s a magic car.” Jinyoung’s eyes were shining as he excitedly opened the driver’s side door and showed it to you. True, it had the traditional gears of an older car but there were also a number of other unusual buttons that didn’t really look like they belonged there. Jinyoung pointed them out to you with all the fondness of showing you his firstborn child. “It has a lot of interesting features! It can fit almost any number of people inside, there’s an invisibility booster that was a bit faulty but I fixed that and I managed to give it a little makeover and fix the broken parts. See? I even gave it a little paint job.”
You stared at him. “Are you telling me that you spent the last week coming into the forest and fixing up a car that you found? God, Park Jinyoung, you are such a ­­boy-“
“That’s not all, though. It does one more thing.”
You blinked at Jinyoung. “What?”
“It flies.”
You stared at him for a long moment as you felt your heart sink. You suddenly understood what this was all about. Back in first year, when you had all taken Flying Classes, you were the only idiot in the group who had lost control over your broom and driven yourself straight into the Whomping Willow. The encounter had resulted in you spending your entire second week at Hogwarts in the Hospital Wing. It was possibly one of the worst experiences in your life and you had sworn to never fly again.
For some reason, this had never sat well with Jinyoung. He had surprisingly excellent motor skills and had made it onto the Ravenclaw Quidditch team in his second year. Jinyoung had tried multiple times throughout the years to get you to attempt flying again but you had always refused. The memories of being thrown about like a rag by the Whomping Willow were too fresh in your mind.
“Look, this is easier than a broom!” Jinyoung began, but you cut him off.
“No, absolutely not. I cannot believe that you thought I would seriously get into some random car that you found in the Forbidden Forest and let you fly into the air with it. Do you have any idea of how dangerous that is? You don’t even know where this car came from. What if it stalls mid-air? What if it decides to drive us into a tree?”
“It won’t! I’ve tested it, okay?”
You rolled your eyes. “Oh, yes, that makes it all better.”
“I promise that nothing will happen to you. I’ll drive it myself and I swear, I’m fully prepared for any unfortunate events, okay? You can’t even imagine the number of protective charms I’ve cast on the car. That’s why it took me an entire week!” Jinyoung insisted. His eyes were pleading with you and the soft gaze was making you feel weak. “I know you don’t trust the car but can’t you trust me? When have I ever let anything bad happen to you?”
You stared at the car for a long moment. “I-I can’t. I’m sorry. I just can’t.”
Jinyoung’s shoulders slumped. You could see the sudden disappointment in his eyes. Jinyoung rarely let his emotions show but you could see that something inside of him had cracked. The smile disappeared from his face and he shut the car door with a sigh. “Fine,” he mumbled bitterly. “Okay, then. Let’s just go back to the castle, shall we? I’m sorry for wasting your time.”
Your stomach twisted. “Jinyoung…”
He blinked at you simply. “What? It’s fine. It doesn’t matter. Let’s go.”
“Don’t be that way, please,” you insisted. You knew Park Jinyoung like the back of your hand and you knew that when he was upset he became quiet and withdrawn. He simply ran his fingers through his hair as he started to walk back through the forest. You followed him, feeling guilty. “Jinyoung, wait. Come on, don’t walk away from me like that, it’s not fair! You know that I’m not doing this on purpose, I’m just really scared!”
Jinyoung frowned at you. “That’s a pathetic excuse coming from a Gryffindor.”
“Well, we all have our weaknesses, all right?” you mumbled.
“Can’t you just trust me this once?”
You felt something inside of you melt. Jinyoung’s eyes were pleading with you and he was biting his soft lips nervously. Some part of you had started to feel guilty. Jinyoung had spent an entire week fixing up this stupid car and making it work again. He had gone to all this effort for you and now you were just throwing it all into the dirt. You didn’t want to see Jinyoung disappointed with you, you didn’t want to let down someone who clearly cared about you enough to do all this for you. You took a deep breath and nodded.
“Okay, let’s do it. Not too high, just… just a little bit.”
Jinyoung beamed and you couldn’t help but smile back at him. He walked back to the car quickly and opened the passenger side door for you. Despite your entire body screaming at you, you sat down in the car. The seats were old but surprisingly comfortable. Jinyoung had probably charmed them as well. He hurried around the car to get into the driver’s seat while you shakily put on the seatbelt.
“Ready to go?” he asked you.
“Shut up, let’s just do this.”
Jinyoung chuckled and nodded as he buckled himself in. “Okay. Look, you have nothing to worry about. I’ve thought about everything. There are charms to protect us in case the car stalls mid-air or something. This is literally the safest thing you could be in right now. And it’s not as scary as a broom because you’re closed in on all sides so at least you won’t look down and see nothing under your feet.”
You glared at him. “Can you stop explaining my own fears to me?”
“I’m going to start now…”
You nodded and leaned back as Jinyoung started the car. He drove it forward on land for a few moments and once it had picked up a little bit of speed, he flicked a switch. You squeezed your eyes shut and your stomach churned as you felt the car lurch into the air. Oh sweet Merlin, I’m going to die. You opened one eye shakily once the car felt stable and you looked down to see the trees underneath you.
“Oh no,” you whispered. “Don’t go any higher. We’re above the trees. Jinyoung, we’re already above the trees, please stop!”
Jinyoung chuckled and stopped the car so that it was hanging mid-air just above the greenery. You could see a huge portion of the Forbidden Forest here and also most of the castle. Jinyoung took his hand off the gears and squeezed your hand comfortingly. You turned and looked into his warm, caring eyes.
“See?” he asked you gently. “We’re not dead yet.”
Jinyoung’s hand squeezing yours made you feel a little better. You were scared, but you also knew that Jinyoung would never have made you do this unless it was completely safe. He wasn’t the sort of person to do things on an impulse or without thinking it through. You relaxed a little bit and managed to open your eyes fully. It was a little exciting. You had never seen the forest or the castle from this angle and everything seemed smaller.
“Is this how birds see things?” you joked weakly.
Jinyoung smiled and nodded. “Probably. They usually have their eyes completely open and they’re not trembling so much, though,” he teased you. He only chuckled when you glared at him. “Hey, I’m kidding. You’re doing great. Let’s go a little bit higher.”
“I wasn’t asking you.”
You bit your lip as Jinyoung gently propelled the car forward a little more. The motion made you nervous and you clutched onto the sides of your seat tightly as the car slowly cruised over the trees. Your heartbeat was thudding but you convinced yourself to look out of the window. Most of the forest was behind you now and Jinyoung was approaching the lake. The car tilted upwards as you kept going higher and your breath caught in your throat.
“Oh fuck, Jinyoung, this is too high. This is too high! What if we fall in the lake? What if….Shit, shit shit!” you cried as Jinyoung swerved the car and laughed. Your heart had sunk down into your stomach at the sudden turn and you knew that he had done it on purpose. Jinyoung was laughing his beautiful laugh beside you as he casually handled the steering and you reached out to slap his shoulder hard. “Stop it! Is this funny to you? I’m terrified!”
Jinyoung turned to you and chuckled. “I know. It’s adorable.”
“Fuck you.”
“Would you please relax? Your nails are digging into my skin,” he gestured to how hard you were clutching his arm. You ignored him and grabbed his arm harder. Jinyoung rolled his eyes and suddenly changed a gear. “Fine. If you’re going to be like that then let me show you what real flying is like.”
He suddenly lurched the car directly upwards.
You let out an audible scream as the car shot upwards vertically. There was so much distance below you that you were terrified to look now. You squeezed your eyes shut and turned to bury your face into Jinyoung’s shoulder. He laughed and let you grab onto him as he casually handled the controls. Jinyoung’s chest was rumbling from his cheerful laughter but you only grabbed onto his robes and kept your face pressed against his shoulder.
After a few moments, the car stopped moving and there was complete silence.
“Hey,” Jinyoung whispered to you softly. “Open your eyes for me.”
You slowly let go of his arm and straightened up. Trusting Jinyoung, and feeling a little safer since the car had stopped moving, you slowly opened your eyes again.
It was beautiful.
For a moment, you felt all your fears disappear as you looked at the beautiful explosion of colors around you. The sky was a deep, blood orange color as the sun gradually set and you were surrounded by white clouds that were stained with the rays of the sun. Small stars twinkled high above you and the clouds drifted around you softly and slowly. You had never seen anything so beautiful. How could nature be so stunning?
“Wow,” you whispered.
Jinyoung turned and looked at you. “This was worth it, wasn’t it?”
You nodded slowly. You were suddenly faced with how enormous the world was, with this amazing creation and the endless possibilities it held. Your life seemed so insignificant and small in comparison to this vast beauty. You turned and looked at Jinyoung. He had a soft smile on his face as he looked at you with an unreadable expression. Even Jinyoung looked different up here. You had often thought about how handsome he was, but surrounded by the milky clouds and in the beautiful orange light, Jinyoung looked absolutely ethereal.
“I can’t believe this,” you mumbled. “It’s like a whole new world up here.”
Jinyoung nodded. “I think it’s important to look at things from a different perspective sometimes. We always look up at these clouds but we’ve never seen them from above. It makes you re-evaluate your life and think about how small your existence is. It makes you think… it makes you think about the things that are really important to you and how lucky you are to be here.”
You rolled your eyes at him. “Yes. Thank you for showing off your poetic prowess. Did you prepare that?”
Jinyoung smiled. “I promise I didn’t.”
“I think… I think I’m okay if we move a little bit,” you admitted shyly. You felt a little embarrassed about how afraid you’d been just a few moments ago. Jinyoung’s eyes twinkled at you knowingly but he said nothing. He just restarted the car and cruised forward slowly through the clouds as you both looked at the beauty that surrounded you and the sudden calmness of nature. You felt yourself relax completely. Your eyes took in the beauty of the sky, of the clouds and the stars and of the man sitting next to you.
“Do you want to stop there for a bit?” Jinyoung suggested. The car had swooped a little bit below the cloud line and there was a small mountain that had a large ledge where the car could be parked. “I don’t want to push you too far on your first trip. You might end up feeling nauseous.”
You nodded and allowed Jinyoung to stop the car on top of an enormous rock on the mountain. You unbuckled your seatbelt and slowly got out of the car. Clouds were still rolling past you and from this point, you could see the enormous lake, the forest and the castle. They looked so distant and small from this perspective.
Jinyoung sat down on the rock with his legs crossed and you sat beside him. There was complete silence here and it was strange, yet comforting. You took a deep breath and enjoyed the view in complete silence for a while. Then you turned and looked at Jinyoung. He was staring out at the view with a peaceful smile in his face as the wind gently blew his hair. You had never seen him look so happy, and it made you feel warm inside.
“Jinyoung,” you whispered.
He turned to you with a small smile. “Hmm?”
“Is this why you always tried to pressure me to fly?” you wondered quietly. “I always thought you were just picking on me because you knew it was one of my fears.”
Jinyoung looked at you for a long moment. “Picking on you is fun, I won’t lie,” he admitted with a chuckle. “But no. I wanted to bring you here because… I don’t know. I guess it just bothered me that there was a whole new world up here, something so beautiful that you would never get to experience because you couldn’t overcome that one fear. I hated knowing that you were missing out on something so amazing. I wanted to be the one to show this to you.”
You felt your heartbeat thud. “Why?” you whispered.
Jinyoung gave you a small, wistful smile. “I guess because… whenever I come up here alone, I end up thinking about you. And how much better it would be if you were beside me.”
“...And is it?”
“Is it better because I’m beside you?”
“Yes,” Jinyoung answered confidently, without skipping a single beat. His dark eyes pierced into yours with a calm adoration that rarely allowed you to see. Jinyoung often hid his feelings behind humor and sarcasm and teasing but right now, so far away from the world and worldly consequences, he suddenly felt the urge to be completely honest. “Yes. It’s infinitely better because you’re beside me.”
You kissed him. You didn’t know what made you do it, but you were filled with a sudden passion, a sudden gratitude that you had Park Jinyoung in your life. No matter how much he had irritated you or teased you or pushed you beyond your limits, you knew that he had done it all because he loved you. He had showed you the most beautiful, intimate thing that two people could share and he had gone to all that effort to show you what he loved.
Jinyoung kissed you back softly. His lips against yours felt like heaven and his hands gingerly slid into your hair as he pulled you closer to him. There could not have been a more beautiful place for you to share your first kiss or admit your feelings for Jinyoung. You had an inkling that you would feel extremely embarrassed about your bold actions tomorrow but now, you could only think about how his soft lips felt against yours, his familiar scent and the warmth of his breath as it tickled your skin.
“Thank you,” you whispered to him quietly. “Thank you for bringing me here even though I didn’t want to come.”
Jinyoung gently pushed your hair out of your face and smiled. “Do you finally trust me? I would never do anything to hurt you. I’ll always keep you safe.
You nodded. “I know.”
He kissed you again, more firmly this time. You melted into his arms and sighed happily against Jinyoung’s lips as you both embraced. It was new and exciting and part of you wanted to stay up here forever. You never wanted to go back down. You would spend a lifetime in this beautiful place with Jinyoung if you could. Just as Jinyoung’s arms wrapped around you and his lips pressed against yours insistently, you heard a sound.
The sound of the car starting up.
Both of you flinched and turned around in shock. The engine of the car suddenly roared to life and before either of you could react, it began to move forward to the edge of the cliff. Jinyoung jumped to his feet and tried to run towards it but the car had already thrown itself off the edge and soared into the air. You both watched with a terrible sinking feeling as the light blue car soared upwards and disappeared into the night sky.
“What is happening?” you demanded, confused. “Jinyoung. Make it come back.”
Jinyoung rubbed the back of his neck. “I don’t… I don’t know how…”
You stared at him in disbelief. “What do you mean you don’t know how? I thought you considered everything?  I thought you put all sorts of charms and safeguards on the car in case something happened!” you cried, eyes wide.
Jinyoung glared at you. “That was if the car failed or something, I didn’t think it would drive off without us, now did I?”
“Park Jinyoung, I am going to kill you.”
He chuckled nervously. “Did I mention that I love you?”
“Fuck you.”
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ao3feed-gravesnewt · 8 years
Blue Riding Coat
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2lVwtqb
by Kelliskip
Red Riding Hood Au- Newt has to deliver documents to his brother Theseus. However he gets side track when he meets wolf named Percival
Words: 1657, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Newt Scamander, Original Percival Graves
Relationships: Original Percival Graves/Newt Scamander
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Wolf!Percival
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2lVwtqb
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amagizoologistscase · 8 years
what are your muse’s aesthetics?
BOLD any which apply to your muse! remember to REPOST!  feel free to add to the list!
[ COLORS ] red. brown. khaki. orange. yellow. green. blue. purple. pink. black. white. teal. silver. gold. grey. lilac. metallic. matte. royal blue. beige. strawberry red. charcoal grey. forest green. apple red. navy blue. crimson. army green. cream. mint green. redwood.
[ ELEMENTS ] fire. ice. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. frost. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops. acid.
[ BODY ] claws. long fingers. fangs. teeth. wings. tails. lips. bare feet. freckles. bruises. canine. scars. scratches. wounds. burns. spikes. feathers. webs. eyes. hands. sweat. tears. feline. chubby. curvy. flexible. short. tall. normal height. muscular. piercing. tattoos.
[ WEAPONS ] fists. sword. dagger. spear. arrow. hammer. shield. poison. gun. axes. throwing axes. whips. knife. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers. machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. mud balls.
[ MATERIALS ] gold. silver. platinum. titanium. diamonds. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amethyst. metal. iron. rust. steel. glass. wood. porcelain. paper. wool. fur. lace. leather. silk. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. brick. marble. dust. glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbonate. rubber. synthetics. latex. spandex.
[ NATURE ] grass. leaves. trees. bark. roses. daisies. tulips. lavender. petals. thorns. seeds. hay. sand. rocks. roots. flowers. ocean. river. meadow. forest. city. desert. tundra. savanna. rainforest. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. clouds. mountains. fog.
[ ANIMALS ] lions. wolves. eagles. owls. falcons. hawks. swans. snakes. turtles. ducks. bugs. spiders. birds. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. horses. cats. dogs. bunnies. praying mantises. crows. ravens. mice. lizards. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dragons. rats. otter. bees. (I’m just going pick all because Newt and animals... I mean... duh)
[ FOODS/DRINKS ] sugar. salt. candy. bubblegum. wine. champagne. hard liquor. beer. coffee. tea. spices. herbs. apple. orange. lemon. cherry. strawberry. watermelon. vegetables. fruits. meat. fish. pies. desserts. chocolate. cream. caramel. berries. nuts. cinnamon. burgers. burritos. pizza. ambrosia. chips. souffles.
[ HOBBIES ] music. art. watercolors. gardening. smithing. sculpting. painting. sketching. fighting. writing. composing. cooking. sewing. training. dancing. acting. singing. martial arts. self-defense. electronics. stargazing. technology. cameras. video cameras. video games. computer. phone. movies. theater. libraries. books. magazines. cds. records. vinyls. cassettes. piano. violin. acoustic guitar. electric guitar. bass guitar. harmonica. harp. woodwinds. brass. bells. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. motorcycle riding. eating. climbing. running. baking.
[ STYLE ] lingerie. armor. cape. dress. tunic. vest. shirt. boots. heels. leggings. trousers. jeans. skirt. shorts. jewelry. earrings. necklace. bracelet. ring. pendant. hat. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. brocade. cloaks. sweaters. corsets. doublet. chest plate. gorget. bracers. belt. sash. coat. jacket. hood. gloves. socks. masks. cowls. braces. watches. glasses. sun glasses. visor. eye contacts. makeup.
[ MISC ] balloons. bubbles. cityscape. light. dark. candles. war. peace. money. power. percussion. clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. diary. hospital. fairy lights. newspaper. madness. sanity. sadness. happiness. optimism. pessimism. notebooks. loneliness. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. enemies. loyalty. smoking. drugs. kindness. love. hugs. pillows. skull. tagged by: @theamericanjewitch tagging: Multimuses - choose yourself what character you want to answer for @witchesarelonely, @musicidesquad, @monstersandmagicians, @rolcplaycr, @ncharm, @gcldentina.
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mamin-the-troll · 7 years
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Snout kiss!
Mwahahahaha! I passed final defense!!! I still have to re-edit my research report but I don’t care anymore. I’m too tired. I slept for 16 hrs and now I need Wolf!Graves and Mini!Newt to heal my heart (っ*´∀`*)っ
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mamin-the-troll · 7 years
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I wanted to draw a comic but got 0% motivation so I doodled Little red blue riding hood Newt instead. Please look after him. Don’t let him get eaten by the big bad wolf ;)) 
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mamin-the-troll · 7 years
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For @funkzpiel because of this wonderful and perfect fic. Your fic make me wanna draw a lot more omg (Please excuse me but I think I won’t be able to stop doodling ; w ;). Thank you so much :D
Who haven’t read the fic please go and read it. It’s so amazing I wanna scream. Funkzpiel’s Newt is VERY ADORABLE and Wolf!Graves is FREAKING GOOD TO MY HEART!!! That’s all the reasons to read this fic!!!
PS: The original design of the wolf is Stephen Cartwright’s I own nothing! (except I made his brows thicker... wayyyyy thicker lol)
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ao3feed-gravesnewt · 8 years
Blue Riding Coat
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2mVoIW6
by Kelliskip
Red Riding Hood Au- Newt has to deliver documents to his brother Theseus. However he gets side track when he meets wolf named Percival
Words: 1657, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Newt Scamander, Original Percival Graves
Relationships: Original Percival Graves/Newt Scamander
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Wolf!Percival
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2mVoIW6
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