ignamira · 2 years
@blueberry32​ said: "No, it's rude." 
“I don’t know about you Vix...”
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“Last I checked, ours were just fine. Nicest ones around unless someone wants to start somethin’ with it.”
That’s likely not what Vicky is talking about at all Amira but, sure priorities.
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biteyourcrush · 2 years
@blueberry32​ because dungeons needed to be raided.
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With minimal effort, she backflips away from the window, and from the rustle of shrubbery, you could easily assume she landed safely in some bushes. By the time Vicky’s out the front door, Aaravi’s stowing her grappling hook inside her bag, and shooting Vicky a questioning look.
“Hey, are you attuned to the aethernet? I could easily get us a TP close enough to the entrance, and I’ve got more than enough gold to cover the costs- but that’s kind of a moot point if you don’t have attunement.”
Attuning to the dungeon aethernet crystals was one of the first things Aaravi did whenever she did any travel, it was so much more convenient than finding and taming a wild horse- she COULD summon a mount using her new scroll, but that would take so much longer to ride over there, and then... what, would she just have to make small talk?
...Could take that time to discuss strategy, talk about what she saw when she did her first test run of the place before she had to leave when the puzzles wouldn’t budge without the help of a partner. Bluh.
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atropaanimus · 2 years
@blueberry32 is getting the nerd details
"Well... Quite a bit, given how much time in comparison the internets age is to the rest of time itself."
Where do they even start with this? A few hobbies wouldn't hurt to tell Vicky.
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"There's botany and every sub genre of it. I had to learn everything about the humans Dungeons and Dragons games because so many souls thought they were hell bound for playing it. Spoilers: they weren't. Alchemy, mostly in potions... I also do calligraphy and make music boxes."
When you were as eternal as the universe, there was a lot of time to fill and plenty of things to do in order to fulfill it.
"Just a few of them anyway." They concluded with a smile. "I wouldn't want to bore you with the entire list."
Even they didn't know how long that was.
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royalreef · 2 years
@blueberry32 replied to your post:
i'd say thats pretty on brand 
(( Someone made a post about being afraid of killing Miranda and I like to just.
Envision Her. Popping up and staring at that post.
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fullcfphobias-a · 2 years
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gemstoneandtriangle · 7 years
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This plush reminds me of some one, but I can't place my finger on it... *coughs* @blueberry32 *coughs*
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Overall interesting people, if a bit strange. Don't know anyone by the name of "William", though. ((Vincent belongs to @rebornica / @ask-a-schmidty-nightguard Dave Miller design belongs to @blueberry32 Aaron Afton belongs to @murderous-handyman))
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eaudecrow · 7 years
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Fight me @blueberry32, you're great and nothing you can say will stop me. Your art is great, your blog is wonderful, keep being awesome
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ignamira · 2 years
“Ass is nice.”
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Thanks for your wisdom, Amira.
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biteyourcrush · 2 years
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...Her mom-senses are tingling in the middle of fighting a squad of Dread Mariah’s ninja-elves.
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atropaanimus · 2 years
🌟 + Vicky
Send a 🌟 + a name for relationship talk [Accepting]
"Our darling, sweetest Vicky? She's quite the adorable charmer."
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Of course they weren't going sell her out on the attempts at romance noooo. Milo didn't roll like that. "Reanimation hasn't looked that cute in centuries. Few hit the mark the same way she does. Not to mention she is the creative, smart and talented minded individual this place could use more of. I'm not sure how she handles keeping her little squad together but she does. It's rather impressive to say the least. She's very kind and thoughtful of others, though... I hope she keeps some of that in mind for herself."
There was also the fact of being reanimated and being death, they had a feeling about hers but they didn't want to sour the mood.
"I do wish her the best of success. Perhaps more time for us to hang out together is in the near future. I feel we don't get to do that often enough. I'll have to invite her to one of my downtime spa days at the hot springs."
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royalreef · 2 years
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         If Zoe tells her about any dark, repressed memories in her past, she’s going to start killing people! More than usual, even!
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@blueberry32 I just read your blog's description
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((Since I like to do dialogue last, I had a blank page I could edit this onto. I started writing out the description of Vincent and this immediately came to mind. Sorry not sorry guys.)) ((Vincent belongs to @rebornica / @ask-a-schmidty-nightguard Dave Miller design belongs to @blueberry32 Aaron Afton belongs to @murderous-handyman))
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gemstoneandtriangle · 7 years
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@blueberry32 I'm sorry you're feeling a little under the weather. I wish I could do more than just say "I hope things get better", but here's a tired Duck you can have in the meantime.
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