#bluray screencap
morganhopesmith1996 · 5 months
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I so hope Edward Norton comes back as Desty Nova in the Alita Sequel!
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scenikeight · 2 years
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First look at EVANGELION:3.0(-46h).
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goranvisnjicdaily · 7 months
Blu-rays and Fanfic to come
Good Sunday afternoon! I've just finally came across online for the "Timeless Season 1 & 2" on Blu-ray, really hard to find in Canada. I already have Timeless on DVD and on apple, but on DVD the screencaps quality is bad, and you can't screencapture on Apple.
I will also screencaps "The Santa Clarita Diet" This week, it's still available on Netflix, so I'm just going to do it before Netflix take it down, just like they did for "Timeless" :'( At least here In Canada, Timeless isn't available on Netflix anymore. I also found on Amazon, Season 3 of Crossing Lines, never seen it before and it's a Region 2 blu ray, I don't know if it will work on my External bluray player, we shall see ;) I'm taking the chance, because quite frankly, it's kinda hard to find all those Goran Movies and TV Shows on Blu ray ahha! I have most of them from Amazon prime, but some of them aren't on the streamings platforms.
I also got my hands on Elektra, The girl with the dragon tattoo and the Deep end, all in Blurays! So stay tuned for more HD Screencaps in the weeks to come :)
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I'm also having in mind to post soon a Nicholae Schiller fanfic ;) Stay tuned for more and enjoy the rest of your week end :)
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finnickodaiir · 10 months
I will get the 1080p Blu-ray Remux copy of THG 2012 🙏
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dagmartoons · 1 year
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lizardsfromspace · 2 days
Okay, Matrix plagiarism case postscript
One thing I didn't answer is how she got the Wachowski's timeline wrong. I still don't know, but it appears she essentially shifted their lives back a decade
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She says less than a decade ago they were running a construction business, but actually, working at a construction company is what they were doing in 1986. In 1976 Lana and Lilly were eleven and nine years old respectively. I can't explain why she messed this up, beyond having to age them up a decade for the story to work
But this screencap also brings up another thing she mentions repeatedly that I didn't mention - the smoking gun in her claim is that...the Matrix ripped off her words verbatim for its opening crawl. The opening crawl...to The Matrix.
So her story is - and unsurprisingly the timeline here is jumbled, for instance, citing production interviews from 1997 when the film wouldn't enter production until 1998 - the original version of The Matrix contained a Star Wars-style opening crawl, and this was the most directly plagiarized part of the film.
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She claims this opening crawl was, in fact, in the theatrical release of The Matrix and only removed when it came to home media, because she. Because she called the FBI on the Wachowskis for stealing the idea of opening crawls from her
The theatrical cut does differ from later versions slightly - most infamously the Wachowskis made the green color filter much more green in the second DVD release, to make it consistent with the style of the sequels - but if there was a opening crawl mandated by the studio, nobody but her has mentioned it, and I find it hard to believe critics wouldn't mention it.
Because this is Dark City. She's clearly confused The Matrix with stories about the studio's meddling with the 1998 film Dark City.
Dark City was the dystopian sci-fi film that had a opening narration explaining the whole plot foisted on it by the studio, and critics mentioned it. Basically every review mentioned it (some even suggest covering your ears or muting the film the first time you see it, at least until the Director's Cut removed it). Meanwhile, reviews of The Matrix praised its opening from the very beginning: how it drops you right into things and lets you find out about its world as Neo does. It's just not possible that the theatrical release has a opening crawl no one mentioned when I can pull up full comparisons of theatrical vs first DVD vs second DVD vs Bluray. Whatever story she read either was about Dark City, or was a Wachowski saying in passing "yeah the studio wanted us to add one but we didn't".
Another thing I didn't touch on is just how much it hypes her up as a untouchable genius of cinema. For instance, she claims to have come up with the effects of The Matrix in 1983 too
(one funny part is how little she brings up The Terminator at all? She just threw it in as a bonus I guess)
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I looked up how they did the bullet time effect in particular and...it would have been impossible in 1983. It's not just high speed photography; it's entire banks of cameras, placed in the right place by computer previsualization, their sequence programmed, and with all the elements composited together by CGI. Even stylistically - the true creator of the effects cited Akira as a influence, and Akira the movie didn't exist in 1983. Neither did the type of Hong Kong action film that heavily influenced it. I guess it would be possible to write down "someone goes really fast and we depict it like they slowed down time", concepts of a plan etc
But like.
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She's destined to be one of the most profound master writers of the 21st century. This is a book proving she's never written anything. It has a pitch for The Third Eye, it has a second film treatment tacked on at the end, and it has copyright registrations for her sequels to Terminator and The Matrix. M. Night Shyamalan's character in Lady in the Water was destined to be a great writer too, but he actually wrote a book. He didn't put out a book with a decades-old synposis that was never finished & reams of legal documents and a bio saying, I'm one of the greatest authors of all time. Because who needs writing when you have destiny, God, and the ancient superrace living in the Pyramids on your side?
This is my for real last post on this since I ended up just depressed about it in the end. I think the worst part is, she knows she lost. But she still goes to the press telling a story she knows isn't true, and people believe her. Some of it is transphobic - "stop saying it's a trans allegory when they stole it"; some of it runs with the Christian oppression narrative (full disclosure, I was inspired to look for her book again bc while looking up another crank, I saw an interview with her in the sidebar of a religious website); but a lot of it is just people who innocently want it to be true.
One of the few pieces debunking her story is on a website called Black Excellence - it doesn't even have a byline - said this:
"There are many people, especially Black people, who wanted the story to be true. It symbolized a Black person, especially a Black woman, finally winning against the system. When Sophia Stewart spoke about how mainstream media would not give her the time of day because almost all of them were owned by Warner Brothers, some Black media embraced her. Blogs spread her story, especially the initial story on Globe that contained errors about the case.
"But the story is not true. Sophia Stewart did not become the richest Black person in the country. But that did not deter her from going on several shows and publications to tell her story."
She took advantage of people's urge to root for the underdog against a corporation - and seized on a lack of mainstream coverage to claim her story was being suppressed. But it just isn't true. Also yeah she ridiculously claims that Warner Bros owns every news website and newspaper and that's kind of funny I guess. Well, that's it. I'm never doing this again
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galatariel · 11 months
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what i used: • 2021 macbook pro with m1 chip (390/500gb storage used she's hanging in there) • photoshop 2020 • mpv (for screencaps but this isn't needed!) • handbrake (available for linux, mac and windows here) • video source to gif
what is handbrake? basically its a software that helps you change the format of videos, such as for certain devices or screens, or in the case that we're going to utilise, quality and frame rate!
disclaimer: handbrake is super easy to use and very beginner friendly for this procedure and it can make a video go from 30fps to 60fps however it does not replace the quality of true 4k/blue/master-pro res files. in the gif below, this is the level of detail in a master pro-res file.
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getting started it's easiest first to note the timestamps of the video you want to encode, and keep in mind that unless your computer is incredibly powerful, i wouldn't try to encode an hour worth of footage in one run! my laptop could handle about 30 seconds in one go before she started toasting.
using handbrake: once you've downloaded the software, open the software and it will come up with a pop up window asking you to open the video source (that is presumably saved within your folders) and go ahead and do so!
in the range section, use the drop down button to navigate to seconds and enter your timestamp. the duration on the side will show how long of the footage you're gonna encode is!
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then go down to the save as, and give your footage 'to be snipped' a name. this isn't necessary but useful because if you're planning to say, encode 3 or 4 small parts of footage in one sitting, each encoding instance will overwrite the previous one. so i just call mine 'cut 1', 'cut 2' and so on.
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next go to preset, and there you'll see such a wide variety of options that you can play around with, with differing qualities, frame rates, sound options, and so on. for the sake of this tutorial, i'm using 'superhq 2160p60 4k av1 surround' and i've used the drop down menu to select it! then go ahead and press start! the time taken to complete depends on the duration of footage that you sent to encode! you'll find your encoded video as an .mp4 file in your designated folder (which you can change via browse at the bottom)
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what next? • if you prefer to open footage directly into photoshop (my ps can't handle it), then go for it! • if you screencap as i do, then just use mpv or whatever screencapping program you prefer to make the screencaps and open in ps in your usual manner. • you can use the timestamps to further process the video through vapoursynth to denoise, but i've yet to try that!
the results for this first set of example footage, i used footage from the be the sun concert file, which is almost 2 hours in length and 4gb in file size.
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you can see the difference in the smooth frame rate of the footage, as well as the quality of the sharpening!
and to utilise the bane of gifmaking, a gose episode, notorious for dodgy pixelated frames and less hd quality in 1080p on youtube, i ran it through the same settings!
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these are the exact same files, downloaded using 4k video downloader and with the same sharpening, but see how on the original file, the sharpening looks a bit more harsh and 'outlined' while it seems to sit softer on the encoded 4k version!
so i mainly use handbrake for dvd files, or not-so-hd 1080p youtube videos or videos that seem a bit clunkier but i had never tried them on a tv/film file so take a look below! i used a 1gb (so not very good quality) of a show (as compared to its 4gb files).
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as i said at the start in the disclaimer, handbrake can't replicate true file quality, as you'd expect to see in a proper hd bluray/t*rrent file of a show but there's an interesting difference in the frame rate. personally it's not something i would utilise much there but its all up to individual preference on how someone prefers to have their gifs <3
this is a very basic run-through of how i used handbrake, as i haven't really explored all its features and i use this as a quick process when i'm running through seventeen dvd/dl files but i feel like it would work well on general youtube videos (such as interviews, episodes, behind the scenes) and feel free to send an ask/message for any help/clarification! <33
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neverscreens · 1 year
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— TWIN PEAKS, season one.
Pilot, Part One and Two.
Traces to Nowhere, 440 Screencaps.
Zen, or the Skill to Catch a Killer, 403 Screencaps.
Rest in Pain, 384 Screencaps.
The One-Armed Man, 429 Screencaps.
Cooper's Dreams, 426 Screencaps.
Realization Time, 399 Screencaps.
The Last Evening, 464 Screencaps.
Downloadable in RAR files, 4,6GB
3.798 Screencaps in 1080p BluRay.
You can find this resource in gallery and also rar file. Like or reblog if it was useful, every interaction shows us that we should keep making screencaps for y'all ♡
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hq-screencaps · 3 months
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Ghostbusters: Afterlife (2021) ↳ 6,572 BluRay 1080p screencaps
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isagrimorie · 10 months
One of the good things about watching Picard on BluRay and using a video player that fixes the screen color is that I get to finally appreciate what they were going for with the lighting in Picard season 3.
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I don't know if the screencaps capture the darker blacks and contrasts, or the better lighting on the actors.
But also:
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I love that now Tuvok's here, her speech subtly reverts to her former speech patterns. What else reverts? How she feels like a sulky teenager being reprimanded.
I don't think Seven thinks of Tuvok as a father figure, but she does look up to Tuvok. I feel their rapport is more like best friends/siblings from another mother vibe. Science bros.
But also most of the time it's either Tuvok or Janeway who reprimands her when she (almost inevitably) takeovers and hijacks Voyager.
This is a familiar song and dance for them.
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The way tumblr compresses an image, huh?
Anyway, I love Tuvok's look here-- I also love that he still knew Seven of Nine well enough to prepare for this eventuality.
Also this shot of Tuvok just looking at Seven, just that look that says so much I remember Tim Russ shared in the Ready Room what Robert Picardo used to say about playing a Vulcan: " The trick to playing a Vulcan is that you basically are doing King Lear with just using an eyebrow. I mean, that's essentially what it is. Everything is very subtle, very, very subtle, but yet the range of emotion, whether it's, you know, irritation at Neelix's character, or whether it's something else, or flabbergasted about, you know, what human has done at this day and time. It's just a subtle reaction, that everybody is watching, knows what you're feeling. You're just not showing it as much. So it's just that, little tiny bit."
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"Resignation denied. Captain."
Tuvok is so proud of her. I'm too lazy to gif it right now but he quirked his mouth up just a bit in a smile. I think the only other one prouder than Tuvok is Janeway.
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Seven returns Tuvok's smile and I am again overcome with emotion.
Star Trek is still better than most franchises that create shared worlds. Look at two of my favorite Voyager characters on a Picard show, which is basically a send-off to the Next Generation cast, to hand off to a new generation.
I love them.
Now I need Janeway to appear to give her that Captain's pip.
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pinkiepiebones · 1 year
Renfield’s Suit, part 1
*cracks knuckles* *cracks wrists* *cracks corn* Alright, I learned how to play mt BluRay at 0.1x speed, so I took... about 100 screencaps from the first half hour or so of the movie for suit references. You’re WELCOME @ninjathrowingstork​ and everyone else who wanted this!!! heart emoji
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So first I think it’s important to start with this Behind the Scenes shot of Proper Normal Lawyer Guy Renfield. I don’t know shit about suits. Does this look like the tattered thing he was wearing in the movie? Is it the same, um, lapels?
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This is such a quick shot in the flashback but it’s important because 1) suspenders and B) it confirms! Renfield spent time in the asylum after being found in the cargo hold of the Vesta (it was the Vesta, right? Or was he on the Demeter as well? In the 1931 movie it was the Vesta...). This particular shot is from when Van Helsing and Seward heard Renfield laughing because he was eavesdropping on them :3
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Anyway. Hoo boy, Current Year Renfield. I took this shot to highlight the fraying on his left shoulder as well as the visible mend at the, I dunno, sleeve seam? His sleeve (maybe his arm too?) was ripped off at some point and he had to stitch it back on- and we know he mended shit himself because 1) the costume designer told us and 2) sewing supplies box. (thanks eternally to @dreamcast0 for pointing out it was a sewing box and not a weird printer as I had thought!)
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The back of his suit is gross, man. Like, permanently sweat stained. Surprisingly no mending that I could see- guess any attacks that damaged his suit came from the front (psspsspss whump writers)
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As has been previously pointed out, I think, Renfield unbuttons his vest when hunting. Makes sense, I suppose, gives a little more freedom of movement. Also check out that stain on the left side of his chest. Hmm. Stabbed in the heart? I never got a clearer shot so I can’t confirm if that’s from an injury and he just didn’t treat the stain in time and it set in, or his fountain pen leaked (psspss)
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TFW Apache Joe is not, in fact, all out of knives. Again, left sleeve, and the lapel thingies of his suit are fraying.
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As Renfield was panicking about his intestines trying to become OUTtestines (I’m very funny), I realised how... badly his suit fits now. Like, it all just kinda hangs on him instead of being worn by him, you know? Poor guy was slender already, and a century of working for Dracula made him gaunt.
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morganhopesmith1996 · 5 months
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I made an edit of when doc ido finds alita!
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ask-kurusu-syo · 11 months
[Fansub] Uta no Prince-sama Maji Love STARISH Tours (BDrip)
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It's here, it's here, it's here!! I finally bought the damn Bluray! I got the Sentai release which I didn't even know got released which please go buy it from their site to support UtaPri! It's only $20! Seriously, even though I'm providing a digital fansubbed version, I want everyone downloading this to go buy an official copy! (Even if the subs aren't the best.) Anywho! Here's my version that includes both versions of the movie, the special, the encores, and the intros and outros! I made some improvements from the webrip which you can see in the screencap above. I learned how to make the subs multicolored horizontally, yay! The files are all mkv but big because I don't know how to encode. I only know how to rip. And don't forget to download and INSTALL the fonts! Also if this post gets removed, just send me an ask and I'll repost it. Spread this around but do credit me if you repost! Thank you and please support the boys!
(I use ZoomPlayer to play mkv files)
(I also recommend using PIA VPN before downloading if you don't have a VPN)
PS I'm also currently subbing 1000% for the nostalgia so be on the lookout for it!
Click to buy from Sentai!
Full Folder
Uta no Prince-sama Maji Love STARISH Tours Movie (Arigatou Version)
Uta no Prince-sama Maji Love STARISH Tours Movie (Daisuki Version)
Uta no Prince-sama Maji Love STARISH Tours Special The Journey Begins
Intros and Outros
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goranvisnjicdaily · 2 months
📸 Pictures by @nilavukosavic and @ercountygeneral (The picture of Goran and Shane West)
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📡Goran has been invited at the HRT Radio Dubrovnik for an interview, which can be listened 👉 HERE
You have to thank my Co Admin and good friend @accio-baqat for this find! While I'm at work, she's browsing the web for Goran's interview or news 🤩 I swear, Goran Visnjic Daily wouldn't be what it is without her. Also, a big thank you to everyone sending me stuff!!
Now, the radio interview is quite long, Goran's interview begins at 1:16:01 😄 Enjoy!
@dubrovnikfestival also posted on Instagram a short movie 🎥 There we can see glimpses of Goran on Stage in ''Ekvinocijo" 🤭
Congrats to everyone who worked hard on the ''Ekvinocijo" Play! Even though I haven't seen it in real, I've read enough reviews and saw a load of pictures and videos to make me wish I had been there! 🤩
Here are some Gifs I've made from the video and of course 227 Screencaps are as well available 👉 HERE
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🙄 One last thing haha! I did order Vikings Valhalla Season 3 Blurays on Ebay, as I have in mind to redo the Screencaps I did from Netflix... On this, Good night 🤭😊
Don't forget to follow Goran Visnjic Daily on Instagram 🤭
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hehe mythbusters
that show is legit a comfort show, i once watched it when i was 7 and like recently i got to binge watch it and awah...
anyways keep up the screencaps they have draw this with your ocs potential :D
Thank you! I've been meaning to get back into gathering screencaps but I'm woefully internet deficient right now, and I only just recently discovered that the full series has never been released on bluray! Unacceptable that the only option for watching in full resolution is through streaming; DON'T LET PHYSICAL MEDIA TRY
I've no idea how to make things trend but let's get #MythbustersBluRay trending
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cooperlaura · 1 month
where do you get your caps?
^^ for caps from the original series and the return. FWWM caps I get from screenshotting my bluray copy of it.
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