#boarding schools in Dehradun
wvgsvf · 1 month
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The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) has recently updated its Social Science textbooks for Class 6, replacing the term "Harappan Civilization" with "Sindhu-Sarasvati Civilization." This change has sparked discussions and debates around the reasoning behind it. In an interview with The Indian Express, the head of the NCERT Social Science panel, Dr. Neerja Rashmi, defended the decision, stating that it is based on established scholarship rather than any political agenda.
Established Scholarship Supports the Change
According to Dr. Rashmi, the decision to refer to the ancient civilization as the "Sindhu-Sarasvati Civilization" is rooted in academic research and evidence. She argued that the term "Harappan Civilization" was a colonial construct, as the ancient sites were first discovered in the town of Harappa, located in what is now Pakistan.
"The term 'Harappan Civilization' was coined by the British archaeologists who first discovered the sites in Harappa. However, the civilization was not limited to the Indus Valley alone but spread across a much larger geographical area, including the Sarasvati River basin," Dr. Rashmi explained. 
Scholars have long argued that the ancient civilization was not solely confined to the Indus Valley and that the Sarasvati River, which is now largely dry, played a significant role in the development and expansion of this ancient culture. The new textbooks, Dr. Rashmi stated, are reflecting this broader understanding of the civilization's geographic and cultural spread. 
Addressing the Perception of Political Agenda
The decision to replace the term "Harappan Civilization" has raised concerns among some that it may be driven by a political agenda, particularly by the Hindu right-wing. However, Dr. Rashmi firmly refuted these allegations, stating that the change is based solely on academic considerations and not on any political motivations.
"The decision to use the term 'Sindhu-Sarasvati Civilization' is not a result of any political agenda. It is simply a reflection of the current scholarly consensus on the geographical and cultural expanse of this ancient civilization," she said.
Dr. Rashmi emphasized that the NCERT panel responsible for the textbook revisions includes scholars from diverse backgrounds and that the decision was made through a collaborative and rigorous process. She maintained that the panel's focus was on ensuring the accuracy and relevance of the content, rather than catering to any particular ideological agenda. 
Contextualizing the Change
The shift in terminology from "Harappan Civilization" to "Sindhu-Sarasvati Civilization" is part of a broader effort by the NCERT to update and align its textbooks with the latest academic research and findings. This is not the only change made in the new Class 6 Social Science textbook, titled "Exploring Society: India and Beyond."
The textbook also incorporates other updates, such as a greater emphasis on the diverse cultural and geographical aspects of India, as well as a more comprehensive treatment of the country's history and social dynamics. The aim, according to Dr. Rashmi, is to provide students with a more nuanced and accurate understanding of India's rich past and present.
Reactions and Implications
The decision to use the term "Sindhu-Sarasvati Civilization" has elicited mixed reactions from various stakeholders. While some have welcomed the change as a more accurate reflection of the civilization's geographic and cultural breadth, others have raised concerns about the potential implications of this terminology shift.
Critics argue that the new terminology is an attempt to align the textbooks with the Hindu right-wing's narrative, which emphasizes the ancient Hindu roots of Indian civilization. They fear that this could lead to a skewed or biased presentation of history, potentially undermining the secular and inclusive nature of the education system.
However, defenders of the change, such as Dr. Rashmi, maintain that the decision is based on scholarly evidence and that the NCERT is committed to maintaining the academic integrity of its textbooks. They argue that the new terminology does not necessarily imply a particular ideological agenda, but rather reflects the evolving understanding of this ancient civilization among historians and archaeologists.
As the debate continues, it remains to be seen how the implementation of the "Sindhu-Sarasvati Civilization" terminology in the new NCERT textbooks will be received by students, educators, and the broader public. The outcome of this change may have far-reaching implications for the way India's ancient history is taught and understood in the years to come.
Calling Harappan Civilization Sindhu-Sarasvati in new textbooks is based on established scholarship, not politics: NCERT Social Science panel head Harappan society is 'Sindhu-Sarasvati civilisation' in NCERT's new Social Science textbook for Class 6 Exploring Society: India and Beyond With New Class 6 Textbook, NCERT Legitimises Hindu Right's 'Sarasvati' Claim Harappan society is 'Sindhu-Sarasvati civilisation' in NCERT's new Social Science textbook for Class 6
Conclusion: Implications for the Future
The implementation of the "Sindhu-Sarasvati Civilization" terminology in the new NCERT textbooks is likely to influence how India's ancient history is taught and understood. While the debate continues, it is essential to consider the scholarly basis for this change and its potential impact on students, educators, and the broader public.
This update represents a significant shift in historical interpretation and serves as a reminder of the dynamic nature of academic research and education. As students and educators adapt to these changes, the focus must remain on providing an accurate, inclusive, and well-rounded understanding of India's rich history.
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avishka · 5 months
Choosing Between Day Boarding and Traditional Boarding Schools: A Comprehensive Guide
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In the realm of education, parents often face the significant decision of selecting the right schooling option for their child.
This choice becomes even more crucial when considering day boarding schools in Dehradun, which offer an immersive educational experience.
Among the plethora of boarding options available, two primary models stand out: Day Boarding and Traditional Boarding.
Both models have their unique characteristics, advantages, and considerations, making the decision-making process complex yet essential.
Understanding Day Boarding Schools in Dehradun
Day boarding schools, particularly in Dehradun, offer a hybrid approach that combines elements of both day schools and traditional boarding schools.
These institutions cater to students who reside within proximity to the school but desire an extended day program.
In Dehradun, renowned institutions like The Doon School and Welham Boys' School provide exemplary day boarding facilities, integrating academic rigor with holistic development.
Advantages of Day Boarding Schools in Dehradun
1. Access to Extracurricular Activities: Day boarding schools offer a comprehensive schedule that includes academic classes, extracurricular activities, and supervised study hours. Students can engage in various activities without compromising their academic commitments.
2. Convenience for Parents: For families residing in Dehradun, day boarding schools offer the convenience of proximity. Parents can easily drop off and pick up their children, maintaining a balance between work and family commitments.
3. Home Environment: Day boarding schools allow students to return home every day, fostering a sense of belonging and family connection. This setup can be beneficial for children who thrive in familiar environments.
4. Cost-Effective: Compared to traditional boarding schools, day boarding options often come with lower tuition fees since they do not include accommodation and related expenses.
Considerations When Choosing Day Boarding Schools
1. Commute: Parents should consider the distance between their residence and the school to ensure a manageable commute for their child, especially considering traffic conditions in Dehradun.
2. After-Hours Supervision: While day boarding schools offer extended hours, parents should inquire about the supervision and activities available during after-school hours to ensure their child's safety and engagement.
Exploring Traditional Boarding Schools in Dehradun
Traditional boarding schools provide a residential learning environment where students reside on campus throughout the academic term.
In Dehradun, institutions like The Asian School and The Ecole Globale International Girls' School are renowned for their holistic approach to education within a boarding setup.
Advantages of Traditional Boarding Schools
1. 24/7 Learning Environment: Traditional boarding schools offer continuous access to resources, support, and extracurricular opportunities, fostering holistic development beyond classroom academics.
2. Independence and Responsibility: Living away from home teaches students essential life skills such as independence, time management, and responsibility, preparing them for future challenges.
3. Global Exposure: Boarding schools often attract students from diverse cultural backgrounds, providing an enriching environment for cross-cultural learning and collaboration.
4. Community Bonding: Living in close proximity fosters strong bonds among students and faculty, creating a supportive and tight-knit community.
Considerations When Choosing Traditional Boarding Schools
1. Homesickness: Parents should assess their child's readiness to live away from home and cope with potential feelings of homesickness, especially during the initial adjustment period.
2. Cost and Financial Planning: Traditional boarding schools typically involve higher tuition fees due to accommodation and boarding expenses. Parents should evaluate their financial capacity and explore available scholarships or financial aid options.
Making the Decision
When deciding between day boarding and traditional boarding schools in Dehradun, parents must consider their child's individual needs, preferences, and readiness for independent living.
While day boarding schools offer the convenience of proximity and a balanced lifestyle, traditional boarding schools provide immersive experiences conducive to holistic development and global exposure.
By carefully weighing the advantages, considerations, and personal factors, parents can make an informed decision that aligns with their child's educational journey and aspirations.
In conclusion, both day boarding and traditional boarding schools in Dehradun offer distinct benefits and considerations.
Whether opting for the hybrid approach of day boarding or the immersive experience of traditional boarding, parents can rest assured that Dehradun's educational landscape provides ample opportunities for their child's academic and personal growth.
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thetonsbridge · 1 year
Benefits of boarding schools
Boarding schools offer students a completely unique schooling experience. From living away from home to doing everything by themselves, students in these schools live a very different life than the regular day-school students. Some trusted research shows that these schools offer a much better education than day schools, making the students feel more prepared for life after school. As one of the best boarding schools in India, TonsBridge School is here with a list of benefits offered by boarding schools. 
Personal growth
One of the most appreciated advantages of boarding schools is that residing in the school's hostels offers the students great opportunities for personal growth. Living away from their parents helps the students develop some crucial life skills like work ethic, time management, and independence. Although they receive intensive care and support from their teachers and mentors, they have to do things independently under their guidance. This boosts their confidence and prepares them to overcome the challenges they face in their lives. 
Advanced extracurricular activities
Boarding schools allow the students to participate in various co-curricular activities. TonsBridge School has a large campus with amenities, allowing students to participate in various activities for personal growth and advanced learning. With several activities and clubs, students are encouraged to get plugged in with their interests and take steps to develop their skills further. The co-curricular activities keep the students engaged, help them develop various skills, and interact with their peers.
To sum up
The best boarding schools in Dehradun, like TonsBridge School, provide their students with great opportunities for learning several things in addition to their academic syllabuses. In addition to preparing the students for their present and near future, the curriculum and environment of these schools prepare them for their life after their education by brushing up their life skills. 
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vbeducationhub · 1 year
Get Information of Boarding schools in Dehradun
For parents seeking a boarding school in Dehradun, Doon Defence International School emerges as a distinguished choice that blends academic rigour, character development, and a supportive boarding community, all set against the backdrop of the serene Dehradun hills.  
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disdehradun · 2 years
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 Why Dehradun is the Hub for Boys’ Boarding Schools
Education institutions, especially boarding schools, have traditionally favoured Dehradun, the scenic capital of Uttarakhand. This city, which is tucked away in the Himalayan foothills and has a long history of academic achievement, natural beauty, and a calm atmosphere, is the perfect place for young boys to grow holistically. Dehradun has been a well-known center for boys' boarding schools in recent years, attracting students from all around India and the globe. With so many different institutions providing excellent facilities and cutting-edge educational opportunities, Dehradun has deservedly established itself as the premier location for the Best Boarding Schools.
An Academic Tradition of Excellence
Some of the most prominent educational institutions in India are located in Dehradun, and many of them have a long history of providing high-quality education. Dehradun gained popularity as a site for school establishment during the British era, which is when the city's strong academic legacy began. The academic culture of the Dehradun Boarding Schools is still shaped by the discipline, high standards, and comprehensive education that the British influence left behind.
The Perfect Setting for Learning
Dehradun's environment is one of the main factors contributing to its reputation as a centre for boys' residential schools. A conducive environment for study and personal development is created by the quiet surroundings, pure air, and close proximity to nature. Dehradun provides a calm environment free from distractions, allowing boys to concentrate on their studies and extracurricular activities, in contrast to the bustle of big cities.
In addition, the city has a nice climate with chilly winters and mild summers. This makes it a desirable location for parents looking to provide their kids with a well-rounded upbringing. It is hardly surprising that a lot of parents from big cities like Delhi, Mumbai, and even other countries decide to send their sons to a Dehradun all-boy boarding school.
Put an emphasis on holistic development
Boys boarding schools in Dehradun provide more than just academic education. These educational establishments prioritize the comprehensive growth of learners, equipping them to tackle the forthcoming obstacles. Boys learn vital life skills that help them thrive in all facets of life, including academics, with an emphasis on character development, leadership, and discipline.
There are several extracurricular activities available at most boarding schools in Dehradun, including athletics, music, drama, art, and community service. These exercises promote leadership and teamwork in addition to assisting students in discovering their passions and talents. Boys may keep active and healthy while learning critical skills like discipline at schools, which frequently feature well-equipped sports facilities for basketball, football, cricket, and other teamwork.
repute for leadership and discipline
Dehradun's boys boarding schools are renowned for their regimented atmosphere that fosters self-control, accountability, and leadership. Encouraged to take charge of their own learning and behaviors, students develop a sense of independence that will serve them well as adults. Boys are guaranteed to learn the value of teamwork, respect for authority, and time management in the supervised setting of an all-boy boarding school.
The emphasis on discipline in Dehradun's schools has turned them into a leadership development facility. Numerous graduates of these schools have achieved success in a variety of industries and professions, such as business, politics, and the military. This track record of developing competent, well-rounded leaders solidifies Dehradun's position as the top choice for boys' residential schools.
Top-Notch Facilities and Infrastructure
Modern facilities and infrastructure are provided by the greatest Boarding Schools in Dehradun to give pupils the greatest educational experience possible. These educational institutions guarantee that their students have access to the tools they require for academic success, from state-of-the-art science and computer labs to well-appointed classrooms and libraries.
Furthermore, the majority of the boys' boarding schools in Dehradun provide expansive campuses with lots of greenery, sports fields, and leisure amenities. The institutions' emphasis on offering a well-rounded atmosphere that integrates physical and academic growth is a primary attraction for both parents and students.
A strong feeling of belonging
Students who attend boarding schools develop close bonds with one another. At a Dehradun Boarding School, relationships made during the formative years frequently endure a lifetime. It is difficult to recreate the connections and sense of camaraderie that are fostered by shared experiences, struggles, and victories in day schools.
There is an especially strong sense of camaraderie in an all-boy boarding school. Boys pick up the skills of teamwork, dependability, and mutual support. Students can develop emotionally and socially in this supportive atmosphere, which gives them the confidence and interpersonal skills they will need in the future.
Safety and Security
For parents, the safety and security of their children are of paramount importance. Dehradun’s boys' boarding schools take this responsibility seriously, ensuring that students are provided with a secure environment. From round-the-clock supervision by trained staff to modern security systems, these schools prioritize the well-being of their students. This peace of mind is another reason why Dehradun continues to be a preferred destination for boarding schools for boys.
Dehradun has established itself as the leading hub for boys' boarding schools in India due to its unique combination of academic excellence, ideal learning environment, holistic development, and top-notch infrastructure. The city’s rich tradition of education, coupled with its focus on discipline, leadership, and community, ensures that boys who attend a Dehradun Boarding School receive a well-rounded education that prepares them for success in all walks of life.
Whether you are seeking the Best Boarding School for your son or looking for an institution that offers a nurturing, disciplined, and enriching environment, Dehradun’s boys' boarding schools stand out as the ideal choice. With their strong focus on academics, character-building, and personal growth, these schools continue to shape the future leaders of tomorrow.
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environmentmindset · 9 days
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Explore career guidance at The Doon School, Dehradun's top boys' boarding school. Offering expert advice and support for future success.
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frontlist-official · 18 days
Mission and Vision of The Doon School - Boarding School in India
Learn about the mission and vision of The Doon School, a premier boarding school in India, committed to excellence in education and holistic development.
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priyadanuu · 23 days
GD Goenka Public School Dehradun: Developing Leadership Skills in Students
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GD Goenka Public School Dehradun excels in cultivating leadership skills through a blend of academics, extracurriculars, and real-world experiences. For more information follow https://gdgoenkadehradun.com/
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wvgsvf · 2 months
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In recent developments, severe weather warnings from the India Meteorological Department (IMD) have prompted the closure of schools in Dehradun, Mumbai, and Pune. As an educational expert, it is essential to understand the implications of these closures, the measures taken by authorities, and the importance of prioritizing student safety during such events. This article aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the situation, highlighting the proactive steps taken by local authorities and offering practical insights for parents and students.
Severe Weather Warnings and School Closures
IMD Red Alert and Its Implications
The IMD has issued a red alert for Mumbai, indicating the likelihood of extremely heavy rainfall and potential flooding. This alert serves as a critical warning for residents to take necessary precautions. In response to this alert, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) has declared a holiday for all educational institutions within its jurisdiction.
Impact on Schools in Dehradun, Mumbai, and Pune
Schools have been ordered to close due to anticipated heavy rainfall and potential flooding.
Authorities have advised parents to keep their children at home and avoid unnecessary travel.
The state government is closely monitoring the situation and taking necessary precautions to ensure public safety.
The BMC has instructed schools to inform parents about the shutdown and ensure proper coordination.
Emergency services are on standby to handle any adverse situations due to the heavy rainfall forecast.
Local authorities have issued warnings about the potential for severe weather conditions and advised residents to stay indoors.
Schools and colleges have been closed as a precaution against the anticipated heavy downpour.
School administrations are actively communicating with parents to ensure the safety of students during this period.
Proactive Measures for Student Safety
Importance of Timely Communication
Effective communication between school administrations, local authorities, and parents is crucial in managing such situations. The timely dissemination of information helps ensure that all stakeholders are aware of the precautions and can take appropriate actions to safeguard their children.
Role of Schools:
Inform parents about school closures and provide updates on the situation.
Ensure proper coordination at the school level to handle any emergencies.
Maintain open lines of communication with local authorities to stay informed about weather conditions.
Role of Parents:
Keep children at home during severe weather warnings.
Stay updated on weather forecasts and follow advisories issued by local authorities.
Prepare for emergencies by having necessary supplies and a plan in place.
Ensuring Public Safety
The primary goal of school closures during severe weather conditions is to protect students and staff from potential harm. Local authorities and school administrations are working closely to manage the situation effectively and ensure public safety.
Emergency Preparedness:
Authorities have emergency services on standby to address any adverse situations.
Schools are actively coordinating with local authorities to ensure a swift response to emergencies.
Residents are advised to stay indoors and avoid unnecessary travel to reduce the risk of accidents and injuries.
Additional Measures in Hapur
In view of the Kanwar yatra, the Hapur administration in Uttar Pradesh has declared a holiday for all government and private schools from July 26 to August 2. This decision is aimed at ensuring smooth travel during the yatra and minimizing disruptions.
Importance of Coordinated Efforts
The coordinated efforts between school administrations and local authorities in Dehradun, Mumbai, Pune, and Hapur highlight the importance of proactive measures in ensuring student safety during severe weather conditions and other events.
Preventive Measures:
Closing schools preemptively helps reduce the risk of accidents and injuries.
Ensuring smooth travel during events like the Kanwar yatra minimizes disruptions and ensures public safety.
Continuous monitoring and timely communication are key to managing such situations effectively.
Practical Insights for Parents and Students
Preparing for Severe Weather Conditions
Parents and students can take several practical steps to prepare for severe weather conditions and ensure their safety.
Stay Informed:
Regularly check weather forecasts and stay updated on any warnings or advisories issued by local authorities.
Follow reliable news sources and official channels for accurate information.
Emergency Kit:
Prepare an emergency kit with essential supplies, including water, non-perishable food, medications, and first-aid supplies.
Include important documents, contact information, and emergency phone numbers.
Home Safety:
Ensure your home is prepared for severe weather conditions, such as securing loose items, checking for leaks, and having backup power sources.
Have a plan in place for potential evacuation if necessary.
School Communication and Coordination
Effective communication between schools and parents is essential during severe weather conditions. Schools should ensure that parents are well-informed about closures and any updates on the situation.
School Notifications:
Schools should use multiple channels, such as emails, phone calls, and social media, to notify parents about closures and updates.
Regular communication helps parents stay informed and reduces confusion.
Parental Engagement:
Parents should actively engage with school communications and follow any instructions provided.
Keeping open lines of communication with the school can help address any concerns or questions.
The recent school closures in Dehradun, Mumbai, and Pune due to severe weather warnings underscore the importance of proactive measures to ensure student safety. Effective communication, timely dissemination of information, and coordinated efforts between school administrations and local authorities are crucial in managing such situations. By staying informed and prepared, parents and students can navigate these challenges safely and effectively.
In the face of severe weather conditions, the priority remains the safety and well-being of students. The steps taken by authorities in Dehradun, Mumbai, Pune, and Hapur reflect a commitment to safeguarding the community and minimizing disruptions. As parents and educators, it is our responsibility to stay vigilant, informed, and prepared to protect our children during such events. 
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avishka · 5 months
Enhancing Holistic Education: The Significance of Day Boarding Schools in Dehradun
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In the realm of education, the holistic development of students stands as a paramount goal.
Day boarding schools in Dehradun have emerged as pivotal institutions that cater to this holistic approach to education.
Combining the benefits of both day schools and boarding schools, they offer a unique educational experience that fosters academic excellence, character development, and overall well-being.
Academic Excellence
Day boarding schools in Dehradun, such as The Doon School and Welham Boys' School, prioritize academic rigor alongside comprehensive extracurricular activities.
Their structured daily routines provide ample time for focused learning, supplemented by dedicated study hours and expert guidance.
This conducive environment cultivates a culture of academic excellence, wherein students are encouraged to excel not only in traditional subjects but also in critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity.
Holistic Development
Beyond academics, day boarding schools in Dehradun place a strong emphasis on holistic development.
Institutions like The Asian School and Ecole Globale International Girls School offer a diverse range of co-curricular and extracurricular activities, including sports, arts, music, and community service.
These activities are designed to nurture students' talents, interests, and values, fostering well-rounded individuals equipped with the skills and mindset to thrive in a dynamic world.
Character Building
Character education lies at the core of day boarding schools in Dehradun.
Through mentorship programs, leadership opportunities, and values-based education, schools like The Heritage School and The Aryan International School instill virtues such as integrity, empathy, resilience, and social responsibility in their students.
By emphasizing ethical conduct and interpersonal skills, they prepare young learners to become principled leaders and responsible citizens of society.
Personalized Attention
One of the key advantages of day boarding schools in Dehradun is the provision of personalized attention to each student.
With relatively smaller class sizes and a low student-teacher ratio, schools like Tula's International School and Kasiga School ensure that educators can cater to individual learning needs and provide tailored support and guidance.
This personalized approach fosters a supportive learning environment where every student feels valued and empowered to reach their full potential.
Safe and Nurturing Environment
Day boarding schools in Dehradun prioritize the well-being and safety of their students.
From robust security measures to well-trained staff and comprehensive wellness programs, institutions like The Royal College and Doon International School ensure a safe and nurturing environment where students can learn and grow with confidence.
By fostering a sense of belonging and inclusivity, they create a home away from home for their students, fostering strong bonds of camaraderie and mutual respect.
In conclusion, day boarding schools in Dehradun play a pivotal role in enhancing holistic education by offering a balanced blend of academic excellence, holistic development, character building, personalized attention, and a safe nurturing environment.
Through their unwavering commitment to nurturing the minds, hearts, and spirits of young learners, these institutions empower students to excel academically, thrive personally, and contribute meaningfully to society.
As pillars of educational excellence in Dehradun, they continue to uphold the values of holistic education and inspire generations of learners to reach for the stars.
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kasigaschool · 25 days
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5 Creative Crafts for Preschool Learning
As a preschool educator, you know that creative play is essential for young children's cognitive, social, and emotional development. Engaging in creative activities not only fosters imagination and self-expression but also helps build important skills like problem-solving, critical thinking, and fine motor control. In this article, we'll explore 5 creative crafts that can be incorporated into your preschool learning curriculum to promote a love of learning and creativity.
Finger Painting
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Finger painting is a classic preschool activity that encourages creativity and self-expression. Set up a space where children can paint using their fingers, exploring different colors, textures, and techniques. You can also add a twist by incorporating different materials like paper towels, sponges, or even leaves to create unique patterns.
Collage Making
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Collage making is a fun and engaging activity that promotes creativity and problem-solving skills. Gather various materials like paper scraps, glue, scissors, and other craft supplies. Encourage children to create their own collages by cutting, pasting, and arranging different shapes and colors.
Playdough Creations
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Homemade playdough is a simple and cost-effective way to encourage creativity and imagination in preschoolers. You can make your own playdough using flour, water, and food coloring. Add some fun textures like glitter, beads, or sand for an extra sensory experience.
Nature Art
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Nature art is a wonderful way to connect children with the outdoors while promoting creativity and environmental awareness. Collect natural materials like leaves, twigs, rocks, and flowers. Encourage children to create their own art pieces using glue, scissors, and other materials.
Popsicle Stick Puppets
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Popsicle stick puppets are a simple yet engaging activity that promotes creativity and storytelling skills. Provide children with popsicle sticks, felt, markers, glue, and other materials to create their own puppets.
In conclusion, creative crafts play a vital role in preschool learning, providing an engaging and interactive way for young children to develop their cognitive, social, and emotional skills. At The Presidency International School, we believe that hands-on activities like these crafts are essential for nurturing creativity, imagination, and problem-solving skills in our young students. By incorporating these creative crafts into our daily routine, we encourage our children to think outside the box, explore their artistic side, and develop a sense of pride and accomplishment in their creations. Whether it's making a paper plate butterfly or creating a collage with recycled materials, our preschoolers are learning valuable skills that will benefit them throughout their educational journey. As the best preschool in Dehradun, we are committed to providing a nurturing environment that fosters creativity, curiosity, and a love for learning. Try these creative crafts with your little ones and watch them blossom into confident, creative learners!
Where curiosity meets creativity! Our preschool at The Presidency International School, powered by Maple Bear, brings the best of Canadian education to India, shaping young minds and preparing them for a brighter future.
Come and COnnect with Us :
Website : Best Preschool in Dehradun - The Presidency International School
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bestboardingschool · 2 months
What Characteristics Make a Child Stand Out in a Boarding School?
Boarding schools have long been revered for their ability to provide students with a rigorous academic environment, structured discipline, and a community-oriented lifestyle. In India, boarding schools, particularly those in Dehradun, have set high standards in education and character-building. Among these, boys' schools in Dehradun are particularly noted for their emphasis on holistic development. But what characteristics make a child truly stand out in such prestigious institutions? Here, we explore the key traits that help students excel and leave a lasting impression in a boarding school setting.
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1. Academic Excellence
Academic performance is often the first area where students can distinguish themselves. Boarding schools like those in Dehradun offer a challenging curriculum designed to push students to their intellectual limits. Children who stand out typically exhibit:
Curiosity and a love for learning: They are always eager to explore new subjects and go beyond the syllabus.
Discipline and dedication: Consistent study habits and a commitment to excellence help them maintain high grades.
Critical thinking and problem-solving skills: They can approach problems creatively and find effective solutions.
2. Leadership Skills
Leadership is a cornerstone of personal development in boarding schools. Students who stand out often take on leadership roles, whether in student government, clubs, or sports teams. Characteristics of strong leaders include:
Confidence and decisiveness: They can make informed decisions and lead others with assurance.
Communication skills: Effective leaders can convey their ideas clearly and listen to others.
Responsibility and reliability: They are trusted by peers and teachers to handle responsibilities maturely.
3. Extracurricular Involvement
Boarding schools in Dehradun emphasize the importance of extracurricular activities as part of a well-rounded education. Students who excel in these areas often stand out for their:
Passion and talent: Whether in sports, music, drama, or arts, their enthusiasm and skill are evident.
Teamwork and cooperation: They work well with others, showing that they can be both leaders and team players.
Time management: Balancing academics and extracurriculars effectively is a hallmark of standout students.
4. Adaptability and Resilience
Life in a boarding school can be demanding, requiring students to be adaptable and resilient. Children who thrive in this environment often display:
Flexibility: They can adjust to new situations and challenges without becoming overwhelmed.
Perseverance: Even in the face of setbacks, they persist and strive to overcome obstacles.
Emotional intelligence: They manage their emotions well and demonstrate empathy towards others.
5. Interpersonal Skills
Strong interpersonal skills are crucial in the close-knit community of a boarding school. Students who excel in this area tend to have:
Empathy and kindness: They show understanding and compassion towards their peers.
Respectfulness: They treat everyone, from fellow students to staff, with respect.
Collaboration: They can work effectively in group settings and are often seen as peacemakers.
6. Independence and Self-Motivation
Boarding school students are expected to be more independent than their day-school counterparts. Those who stand out often demonstrate:
Self-motivation: They set personal goals and work diligently to achieve them without constant supervision.
Initiative: They proactively seek opportunities for growth and improvement.
Responsibility: They take ownership of their actions and learn from their mistakes.
7. Cultural Awareness and Open-Mindedness
Boarding schools, especially those in culturally diverse places like Dehradun, provide a melting pot of cultures and ideas. Students who stand out often show:
Cultural sensitivity: They respect and appreciate different cultures and perspectives.
Open-mindedness: They are willing to learn from others and adapt to new ways of thinking.
Global awareness: They stay informed about global issues and understand their role in a larger context.
8. Integrity and Ethical Values
A strong sense of integrity and adherence to ethical values is essential for standing out in a boarding school. Students who embody these traits often display:
Honesty: They are truthful in their dealings with others and maintain a strong moral compass.
Fairness: They treat others justly and advocate for equality.
Courage: They stand up for what is right, even in the face of adversity.
9. Academic and Career Ambition
Having a clear vision for the future can set a student apart in a boarding school. Characteristics of ambitious students include:
Goal-oriented mindset: They have clear academic and career goals and work steadily towards achieving them.
Proactive planning: They seek out opportunities for internships, volunteer work, and other activities that will advance their goals.
Commitment to continuous learning: They are always looking for ways to expand their knowledge and skills.
Standing out in a boarding school like those in Dehradun requires a blend of academic prowess, leadership, extracurricular engagement, adaptability, interpersonal skills, independence, cultural awareness, integrity, and ambition. These traits not only help students excel in their school years but also lay a strong foundation for future success. The best residential schools in Dehradun, known for their rigorous standards and holistic approach to education, provide an ideal environment for cultivating these characteristics, ensuring that their students emerge as well-rounded individuals ready to make a mark in the world.
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Why Boarding Schools are the Best Choice for Quality Education
Education is very important in life and that is why parents have to make sure that they take their children to a good school. For many parents, boarding schools are an exceptional choice which provides students not only high-quality education, but also focuses on their character development. Of them, the Dehradun boarding schools have emerged as popular schools due to the quality education that they provide. In this article the author delves into the reasons why many people consider boarding schools as the best option for education and the advantages that the schools have over other kinds of schools especially those in Dehradun with special emphasis on boys’ boarding schools.
The Appeal of Boarding Schools
Traditional boarding schools are different from other types of school because they offer a more formal educational experience while at the same time offering an environment that can aid the child’s overall development. As opposed to day schools, boarding provides education beyond business hours in the evenings and on the weekends. It also ensures that student develop strong discipline, focused in their studies as well as in a position to gain from the various co-curricular activities.
Why Dehradun Boarding Schools Stand Out
Boarding schools of Dehradun have a rather honoured status when it comes to their capability to provide education to students. Studied amidst the backdrop of Dehradun these schools are beautifully nestled with the added advantage of being technologically advanced. The environment in which Dehradun is located reinforces that which enhances learning and development hence making it an ideal place for learning.
Perhaps the most important reason for right selection of Dehradun boarding school is the focus on the individualization of the learning process. When class size is reduced and there are competent faculty members, the students get individual attention for which they can be taught according to how they understand things. This makes it possible for institutions to be able to cater for each and every student’s needs hence being able to achieve the maximum potential that each student has to offer intellectually.
The Benefits of All Boys Boarding Schools
It is for this reason that all boys boarding school provide a special form of learning that may well be of most importance to male students. These are schools that are aimed at helping boys to learn so that the create environments suitable for boys and an environment that enable boys to learn effectively. This raises the issue of single-gender setting as it enables the establishment of unique approaches in teaching as well as designing programs that best suit the male children.
Most of these Schools for boys have several qualities of a sober and friendly environment in order to foster comradeship amongst students. The likenesses and differences create a sense of unity among the members of the institution to enable the formation of close friendships and fello Sheila Codable November 18, 2021-The similarities and differences bring about a strong community in the members of the institution for them to be able to fellowship and make friends for life. It can improve their whole schooling period and personal growth in an encouraging environment positively.
Holistic Development at Boarding Schools for Boys
One of the many benefits of boarding schools for boys is the catch–all, all round development provision. In addition to good grades, these schools foster etiquette, discipline, leadership, sense of responsibility among others. School children participate in various co-curricular activities such as games and arts, and` community involvement, among others.
Usually, boys’ boarding schools provide students with complex curriculums that focus on moral and spiritual development of the personality, as well as on the development of the students’ personal features, such as perseverance and teamwork. These programmes help students to be ready for other situations in their future educational pursuits or at the workplace. First and foremost, the boarding school compel the students to practice initiative, time management and hard work since it is a structured institution.
A Closer Look at the Best Boarding Schools
When it is time to look for the right boarding school for your child, there are a number of key areas you should bear in mind including the rating of the school academically, sport and other co curricular activities and the school environment. The standard of Dehradun boarding schools remain high in these areas which has in turn make them famous among many people.
The best boarding schools usually offer the curriculum that is well rounded to cover all the facets that concern basic academics as well as other co-curricular activities. They provide the options of taking up higher level classes, additional subject areas, and material or information that helps in improving the teaching and learning process. Besides, these schools also encourage discipline and order in schools and have a support system of role models and other students.
Lastly, boarding schools provide students with an experience that is unique and academic challenge coupled with character transformation. The unique selling proposition of Dehradun boarding schools such as geographical location of the school and quality education become the hallmark of Dehradun boarding schools. In today’s word the advantages of all boys boarding schools are evident, firstly for the parents, secondly for the boys themselves that attend such schools as it gives them an opportunity to learn in a specialized setting and become better people not only academically but in other areas of their lives as well.
Selecting the boarding school for boys is one of the most significant decisions that determine students’ success at any school or college. Choosing one of the leading boarding schools in Dehradun means that the student will receive a complete education for the further successful life.
As quality institutions offering rigorous academic programs and personal and social development within supportive communities, boarding schools should therefore be considered the best to offer education to one’s children.
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schoolsofdehradun · 2 months
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