#bobbys timeline
ofspacecrafts · 4 months
Buck didn’t ignore/abandon/leave anyone for a date.
Buck came home to his boyfriend after a tough day and they ate dinner together.
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tevanbuckley · 3 months
re: tim word of godding tommy’s age, i feel like we’ve all been approaching this from the pov of making tommy’s age fit the timeline, and ignoring that if tim & co want him to be 40 they can absolutely just slide the timeline around to accommodate that.
like sure, maybe the karaoke bar fire happens in 2005, but whose to say that’s actually when chimney started at the 118? what if he missed the recruitment window that year and it was early ‘07 by the time he was a probie?
is it still a little hand wavy as far as retcons go? sure, but buck also somehow aged ~3 years between s6 and 7, i.e the same amount of time it took bathena to go on half a vacation so in the grand scheme of things 🤷‍♀️.
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donutz · 8 months
Poppy Playtime with a twist!!
SUMMARY||So younger you meets you in the present at poopy playhouse, but like it's super cool
“Find the flower?” Is it a pretty flowerrr? Not really..
Playtime Co? Oh. Playtime Co. Uhm. Well everybody who worked there isn't working there, not anymore. I'm not saying they disappeared. I read the letter!!
Hey they spelt disappeared wrong.
I drive over to Playtime Co in my [any type of car] and end up seeing blocked off doors.
I mean this place is abandoned so what do you expect?
Another warning to not go in. But like, I'm wayyy too bored in life so I'm goin in.
Somebody's at the door?
I wonder who.
After 10 minutes, surprisingly not taking long, I managed to open the doors.
Getting a view of the colorful place that I once worked at, I also see a person.
“Hello! I was waiting for you! Somebody told me you got sent an envelope so I stood here, waiting.”
I stood there, looking at them with a bit of surprise. And being a little bit suspicious.
Are they not gonna talk?
They kind of look like me, as if they were my identical twin. Just born at different times.
I somehow muster the courage to speak up after a moment of awkward silence.
“... Why do you look like me, but older..” I asked with sweat slowly collecting on my face.
I take note of what they said and say, “Hm, come here for a sec”.
I walk over to them and stand there looking at them, looking away from time to time.
“Hm.” I examine the person. “Oh! Because I am you but older”!
“WH— What.” I lowered my volume, just in case something would spawn out of nowhere.
“It looks like you went to the future.” I tell the past me.
“You're me? But older? Coooll.” I drag my words with imaginary stars in my eyes.
“Follow me m'kay?” I command. Sounds kinda fancy, command.
I was so gullible.
We both go to a colorful room with a few trains that have different colors per train.
“You see those trains right?” I question my younger self.
“Those colors on each train are for a color code.” I stated.
“Green, pink—”
“Yellow and red”.
“Good. Now we're gonna go to that color pad thing and put in the colors”.
“Can IIIII do that..?” I ask with a smile on my face.
I put in the colors and the door unlocked. I softly grabbed the handle as I slowly opened the door, observing what's inside the room.
“There's nothing spooky in the room”.
.. Stupidly, I flinched from older me talking because of how focused I was.
“Did you just flinch”?
“I don't know what you're talking about”.
“... Sure”.
After finishing the grabpack tutorial, we go up to the big door and I[past me] scan[scans] with my[their] blue hand.
“This might take a bit so just wait”.
The door is fully open.
I see, huggy? But he's.. Oh. “Hey young me”.
“Yeeeess?” I ask with curious eyes.
“I think, I went back to the past”.
“You did”?
“I'm gonna nerd out for a sec”.
“It's okay, I do that too”.
“I think that once you started coming here, maybe the factory was— restarting to the past. Like a process of it. Maybe that's why they were moving around so much. While I was at the front desk it was still happening. But when you entered it finished. Oh and y'know what? Maybe me walking around here was also me going through that time traveling process.” I explained.
I was wide-eyed. Mouth open a little bit even.
Ooo. That's.. Okay..? I mean I hate what's gonna happen but. Whatevs. “Yo, tiny baby”.
“.. Me? Are you seriously talking to me”?
“Mhm. Follow me”.
“Is that Huggy Wuggy”.
“No, it's Gojo— who do you think that is”?
“I—!” I make a click sound with my tongue and look away.
“You suck.” I claim, furrowing my eyebrows.
“Thanks. Anyways, this is my baby, Huggy. Who is going to kill us in the future. Or try to”.
“Hey, I bet you twenty bucks that once we go into a room, after like 30 seconds he'll be gone. But you gotta look away. Anddd, I bet you another 5 bucks that he can hear us, or me, talking right now”!
“That's not fair. You're in the future so you know it's going to happen”.
“Mhm, bet or no bet”?
“No bet”.
I go to the door with a bunch of stuff inside and try to open it.
But I end up hearing a jingle of keys..?
“Thanks Huggy.” I smiled when saying that and walked towards the electronic room. At least that's what I call it.
Unlocking it I go in—
“Don't leave me pretty please”!!!
…I expected younger me to follow but I don't need to worry right now.
Once we were in the room, the door locked. I mean that's what I heard. I'm basically going through my life, again. This is something that would be studied. Old people would kill for something like this.
“Did the door lock”?
“I don't know, try opening it”.
I wandered over to the poles and solved a puzzle while younger me was freaking out over the locked door.
“Uhmmmmm, I think Huggy's gone”!!!
“Wait weally????” I mocked, a small smile creeping up on my face.
“I've been through this already, you baby”.
I finished the puzzle and then walked towards the kid.
“Move out the way please!!” I said, making my eyes big and sad looking, like a cartoon character.
The door opened, and we both walked out.
“Alright, time to move to the next area”.
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laceratedlamiaceae · 6 months
I can't believe I'm out here contemplating writing supernatural fic in the year of our lord 2024 but I've fallen deep into the Crowley/Bobby hole and I desperately need there to be a fic where they get together because Sam hooks up with Rowena and Crowley decides that if Sam's going to fuck his mother then he's going to fuck Sam's father (figure) as revenge
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rocicrew · 11 months
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When she stepped away, it wouldn't change the story that other people told about the Rocinante the same way, but Bobbie was going to feel her loss more.
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buckevantommy · 4 months
ohhhh they made a blunder with the timeline: tommy tells gerrard he transferred out of the 118 5 years ago, but then later bobby references buck's arrival at the 118 being 7 years ago. hmmmm
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makorragal-312 · 4 months
Okay, so we're all in agreement that that line from Tommy in the date scene was weird as fuck, right?
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katstiel · 4 months
I've seen a lot of people try to make sense of the timeline of Tommy's life and of how old he has to be, factoring in becoming a pilot and being in the army, and it doesn't make that much sense for Tommy to be Lou's age (and I'm not saying he has to be) but. Have we considered the possibility of Tommy joining the army after we see him in Chimney begins? Does it make sense timeline-wise for him to leave the 118 for the army after 2005 but return before Hen joins? Or leave and return after Bobby joins?
Someone with more attention to detail please do the calculations here
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dailybrandonrogers · 1 year
The BRCU Timelines - A Summary of the Core Overarching Plotline
Pre-BtH Timeline - "Old/Original Timline"
The British Timeline
The Elmer Revolution Timeline
Post-BtH Timeline - "New/Current Timeline"
(Coloured-coded in rainbow order to help remember the timeline occurring order; as in red comes before green, and so does the corresponding timelines, hope this helps!)
1920s - Donna Phitts is born
1971 - Bryce Tankthrust and Bobby Worst are born
2011 - Sebastian Hernandez is born
2018 - Sebastian Hernandez gets a gang sign tattooed on his left arm by the Eldest Elmer in order to continue hiding in his tattoo shop after running away from Helen Brownstein at the beach.
2033 - Blame (Sebastian Hernandez) buys a time machine off of Craigslist in order to travel back in time and tell his past self to change a gang sign tattoo he got as a seven year old. He loses the time machine upon arrival at the beach and after exchanging ownership several times the time machine ends up in the possession of Lord & Lady Mingeworthy, who travel back in time to the year 1865. In 1865, the Mingeworthies are forced to give the time machine to Lucious Cowpussy and Vivian Delongprix, trapping them in 1865. Lucious and Vivian use the time machine to return to 2018, where after exchanging further bouts of ownership returns to Blame, who finally tells his seven year old self to not get the gang sign. Thinking his plan has been a success, Blame returns to 2033 only to find that the displacement of the Mingeworthies from 2018 to 1865 has created a new timeline due to their interferance with historical events; the British timeline.
2033, 1865, 2018 - Blame goes on a fetch-quest through time and space that eventually prevents the Mingeworthies from possessing the time machine in the first place, whilst still allowing the Eldest Elmer (then, known as Tattoo Shop Elmer) to temporarily access the time machine and scheme with Hitler to create the Elmer Revolution timeline.
2018 - The original (non-main character) Blame who travelled back to 2018 to get his tattoo changed decides to hand over his time machine, and stay in 2018. This prompts the events of Stuff & Sam several months later.
2018/2019 - Stuff & Sam takes place in what is technically The Elmer Revolution timeline. However, The Elmer Revolution is not triggered until 15 years later in 2033 when Blame arrives back, allowing the Eldest Elmer to enact his nuke.
1942 - The new timeline is created after the death of Elmer in 1942. Thanks to "lime-a-dozen," whose reveal name is revealed to be Donna Phitts, Blame's life is spared after a near-fatal injury and he is subsequently given a new identity as a man named George. George remembers nothing of his past identity and goes on to live with severe cognitive impairment for the rest of his life.
1971 - Bryce Tankthrust and Bobby Worst were born.
1981 - Bryce Tankthrust meets and falls in love with Bobby Worst at school. Not wanting to be upstaged by another couple at school, she cuts out her heart as a love devotion to him. Abraham Lincoln and Hitler get into fight after being transported foward in time which prompts the revelation of Hitler being Bobby's grandfather. While this heart is later sewn back into her chest by her mortician neighbour, it's given a low chance of long-term viability and becomes a ticking time bomb.
1981 - Bobby Worst is thrown into an orphanage by Bryce's mother after being abandoned by his father, Coach Best, upon the publicisation that Bobby & Coach Best are direct descendants of Adolf Hitler.
1991 - Tammy Tankthrust is arrested and imprisoned for her crimes after calling her victim ugly.
1991 - Finally liberated from her mother, Bryce Tankthrust begins working at CallCo Phones after her involvement in the accidental death of her boyfriend, Donovan, who previously worked there.
1991 - Bryce Tankthrust reunites with Bobby Worst, who is working as an assistant for her boss's wife.
1991 - Bryce's heart transplant finally fails, and her colleague Gloria, a cellphone technician with a secret passion for cardiology, offers to test out a prototype robotic heart as a replacement on her.
1991 - Bryce Tankthrust convinces Gloria to build a robotic replica of her ex-boyfriend, Donovan, in order to temporarily carry out the Double Diva Diversion scheme and make some quick money before promising herself to stay on a legitimate money making career path.
1991 - Donovan murders a man while attempting to help Bryce with a scheme, leading another robot to identify him as dangerous and kill him. Bryce gives him her robotic heart to resurrect him, and leaves him cardiology books to perform a heart transplant on her using the stolen heart of the man Donovan initially killed.
1991 - After so much shit goes down at work, Bryce Tankthrust decides to give in and pursue a life of crime with the help of her robotic assistant Donovan.
2016 - A Day At The Park takes place.
2016 - Queen Elizabeth II ends her deal with Bryce Tankthrust. Previously, Bryce was paying her five million dollars a month to recieve orphan hearts to fulfil her need to frequent heart transplants. This results in a personal feud, prompting Bryce Tankthrust to run for President.
2016 - Adrian Gelson assaults Queen Elizabeth II, leaving her permanently disfigured, at a national park and steals her ring in order to use it to propose to his girlfriend, Everly Darling. After getting married, Adrian & Everly move to Clamville under the alter egos of Mr. & Mrs. Gallager to settle down and start a normal life. However, they are tracked down by a bounty hunter of Queen Elizabeth II and coerced into returning the ring. After murdering the bounty hunter and attempting to escape Clamville, they're kidnapped by Mrs. Frontbottom, the Queen's head of security, and forced to take on the British alter egos of Lord & Lady Mingeworthy while carrying out a mission to obtain the ring left in Clamville and return it to her majesty. However, despite successfully completing this mission, they are forced into keeping the British alter egos and carrying out a life of servitude to the Queen in Clamville as an alternative to death.
November 4th 2016 - Bryce Tankthrust is Elected President.
2020 - Bryce Tankthrust stages the incarceration and escape of horny terrorist Bobby Worst.
November 4th 2020 - Bryce Tankthrust loses the presidential election.
2021 - Footage of Bryce Tankthrust staging the incarceration and escape of Bobby Worst is leaked to the public, which severely damages Bryce's reputation, and businesses. As a consequence, she loses her entire fortune and is left broke.
2021 - Bobby Worst is kidnapped by the Mingeworthies at the request of Queen Elizabeth II as an attack against Bryce Tankthrust.
2021 - Mrs. Frontbottom is revealed to be alive and overthrows Queen Elizabeth II as Queen of the UK.
2021 - Bryce Tankthrust and her assistant Donovan team up with the Mingeworthies to rescue Bobby Worst.
2021 - Bryce Tankthrust gets exonerated, restoring her reputation anf fortune, and her and Bobby Worst get married. Adrian & Everly decide to continue living life as the Mingeworthies, despite being freed from their contract
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2hoothoots · 8 months
because i'm predictable, what're bobby and chloe up to in the villain au? or how's the dynamic between sam and dogen since he's taken psychoisolation to the extreme?
Bobby's in a pretty similar position to the regular timeline - at least, at first glance. he's overworked and underpaid, constantly crunching to try and keep on top of the ever-growing mountain of paperwork his superiors keep handing down to him.
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but i think the trajectory of his character looks pretty different? he never really met Raz at Whispering Rock. he never got humbled by him, never had to suffer the embarrassment of his spot as top dog being yanked away by some new kid... but he also never really got to go through a lot of the character growth from their ensuing rivalry? he's definitely mellower than he was as a kid, but he's got a lot of unresolved issues bubbling under the surface - anger problems, poor self-esteem, a tendency to lash out at authority figures...
he still really believes in the work he's doing, and wants the Psychonauts to be the force for good he knows they can be. but he's carrying a growing burden of stress and exhaustion, stuck in a toxic work environment that's more likely to change him (or just make him snap) than he is to change it.
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his only real friend at the Motherlobe is Chloe. Chloe is... well! again, first-glance, not that much has changed. she works the same job in the Motherlobe's engineering and aerospace department, and she still gets to pursue her childhood fascination with space.
but the harsher work culture and the more pragmatic, efficient environment have exacerbated some of her less personable traits. she's blunt, rude, and almost fanatically devoted to her work, to the exception of basically everything else. her workplace safety standards are lax, and her ethics laxer. she'd sell the Psychonauts out for one corn chip if she thought it'd get her better funding for her pet projects
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spnj2fanlw · 6 months
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Chapters: 7/7 Fandom: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester Characters: Dean Winchester, Bobby Singer, Sam Winchester, Gwen Campbell, Mark Campbell, Christian Campbell, Ash (Supernatural), Bela Talbot, Jo Harvelle, Ellen Harvelle, Castiel (Supernatural) Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Sam Winchester's Demonic Powers, Sam Winchester's Visions, Alternate Universe Summary:
A year ago Dean watched Sam walk away from the life. A few months later Sam dropped off the radar completely, his last words to Dean a scribbled note. I just need some time. Don’t look for me. I’ll call if I need you.
Now it's 2009 and Dean finds Sam locked in a warded cell, guarded by the Campbells. They say he's running with demons, that they call him the Boy King. They say Sam's up to something big. Dean and Bobby confront a caged Sam who is cold and distant and far too knowing. While everyone tries to tell Dean that the brother he knew is gone, Dean is determined to find the truth. Along the way he discovers angels, broken seals, a runaway apocalypse, and visions of another timeline that burned up his brother's brain.
Now all Dean has to do is figure out what Sam's endgame is and how to stop it, or risk losing Sam forever.
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ratatatastic · 22 days
thinking a lot about ekky organising a fishing trip (the sturgeon tagging trip if you will) for some of the boys back in like february-ish* and with the knowledge that ekky has taken forsy out deepsea fishing this season do you know what its like going oh so he took him lakefishing in BC...oh okay
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and also we got this shot of ekky manning a rod while forsy stands behind him like thats not- okay
#the sturgeon tagging trip haunts me in ways you dont understand#like oh so its ekky forsy and benny on one boat while mikksy monty and bobby are on the other?#like oh youve orchestrated this so youd be on boat stranded with the gems youre madly in love with#smooth ekky real smooth#taking your husband on a lake fishing trip to appease him and smooth over your deepsea superiority campaign...yeah#LIKE I THINK A LOT ABOUT BENNY EKKY AND FORSY ON THE SAME BOAT????#the m²bobby boat is just mikksy peacefully fishing while monty is fighting for his life trying to reel up a sturgeon#and bobby just stands there looking pretty#meanwhile ekky is trying his damndest to not act like a 12 year old boy while being stranded on a boat with 2 hot bitches he cannot handle#i also very much think about how the playersonly cast was teasing forsy if ekky asks him to reel up fish for him since hes so strong#and he was like no he doesnt he has an electric rigger :(#so you can imagine how happy forsy is at the prospect to being put to work during the sturgeon trip (reeling in big fish for ekky)#i could write so much prose of the homoeroticism of leaning over a mans shoulder#to pin him between your body and the rod. grunting in his ear all the while as you help him reel in a big one.#theres a lot here and im not nearly enough of a scholar to put it all to words#yeah i think forsblad flirt through fishing. dont you?#*also february-ish because the timeline here is murky because it the earliest this was posted about was feb 17#and on that day they were playing against the bolts on the road. and before that they were playing against the pens and sabres.#and theres like that stretch at home before that. and byeweek. and yeah. februaryish i suppose
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supercutofbuck · 4 months
yeah Bobby was dead for 14 minutes, but 9-1-1 is my little soap opera so i fully expect him to be up and doing cartwheels by the end of the episode
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theweaselandthekilt · 5 months
Ravishing Rick Rude loses intercontinental champion belt to Piper's "interference"
The match is GREAT but for this...start at 17:00
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loverboydotcom · 5 months
make it big on the record player can’t even listen to wake me up before you go go anymore bc i just think about how much bobby hates that song
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unproduciblesmackdown · 4 months
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@tinybigfoot no i love information! which is unfortunately often in conflict with "i'm not looking up shit," like might be found on wikis easily lmao, except for when i'm having an "i'm extremely looking up shit" moment. love the drama of the scene having a known time via Newspaper b/c of the accurate contemporaneous headlines rather than being able to simply read the date; didn't know about that event! and this is me just yesterday looking at bits of paper in the backdrop of one of the Introduction comic pages like ooh can i read this (no) imagine it if had Clues (don't think it would & doesn't seem to anyways)
another zany fact to remember that yeah according to those character profiles mitzi Would Have It Be Believed she's at all younger than mordecai, ft. the implication that since yeah he was born in '99 & mitzi Was born in the nineteenth century too, she's either the same age or slightly older. let's go Circa Thirty Characters....which is mostly just mitzi who'd deny as much & mordecai having a couple years to go, fingers crossed. then we leap over to people born in the '80s lol
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