mymistag · 5 years
KALA's interview is out ! Discover who runs the peer support group for trichotillomania in Toronto and of course discover what trichotillomania is and what it means to deal with it's stigma. Link in the bio 🎬⬇️ . . . #mistag #mentalhealthstigma #thisiswhatmentalillnesslookslike #selfcareisforeveryone #mentalhealth #mentalhealthrecovery #mentalillness #trichotillomania #trichotillomaniaawareness #trichotillomaniarecovery #trichotillomaniac #bodyfocusedrepetitivebehaviors #bfrbawareness #bfrb #mentalhealthadvocate #mentalillnessadvocate https://www.instagram.com/p/B1gi72SHLB_/?igshid=1gzwhj5krqiod
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natemp21 · 5 years
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What are BFRBs? - Hair Pulling, Skin Picking and Nail Biting. VIDEO: https://youtu.be/6pmuwBiuagI
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lustroniepeka · 4 years
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Krótkie przypomnienie: 📍Zachowania z grupy BFRB to te powtarzalne, nawykowe czynności, wykonywane bez racjonalnych przyczyn, które koncentrują się na ciele, np. skubanie skórek. 📍Ich celem jest redukcja napięcia. Co to oznacza? Zmniejszają poziom przygnębienia, smutku, złości. Przynoszą chwilową ulgę, pomagają odwrócić uwagę, a nawet sprawiają przyjemność. 😞➡🙁 ❓Jaki mają wpływ na psychikę? Mogą prowadzić do poczucia wstydu, poczucia winy, zażenowania, obniżonego nastroju, unikania kontaktów społecznych. Przyczyniają się do większego niezadowolenia ze swojego wyglądu (chyba nikogo nie cieszy poraniona skóra czy przerzedzone włosy). Te zachowania utrwalają szkodliwe metody radzenia sobie z emocjami, stresem. 🆘Jak sobie pomóc? Poprzez uczenie się i ćwiczenie technik radzenia sobie ze stresem. Edukacją na temat tych zachowań. Poprzez samoobserwację- obserwację swoich myśli, emocji i zachowań, które z nich wynikają. Różnorodne techniki relaksacyjne. W nasilonych przypadkach: pomoc psychologiczna, psychiatryczna oraz lekarz dermatolog w przypadku problemów skórnych. 🙋 Znasz kogoś z tym problemem? A może sam/-a go doświadczasz? Jak sobie z tym radzisz. Jeśli post był pomocny podaj go dalej. 🛡Pamiętajcie, to nie powód do wstydu. Przy odpowiednim podejściu i pracy nad sobą da się opanować problem 🖤 #bodyfocusedrepetitivebehaviors #bfrb #zachowanie #psychologia #psychology #psychoedukacja #wiedzapsychologiczna #porada #nawykowedzialania #cialo #skóra #skoraproblematyczna #wlosy #dermatillomania #edukacja #ciekawostkipsychologiczne #smutek #emocje #kontrolaemocji #napięcie #autoagresja #przygnębienie #wstyd #obniżonynastrój #samoocena #wygląd #stres #radzeniesobie #terapia #lustroniepeka https://www.instagram.com/p/CKzaLq-lqcY/?igshid=19304h6zld6rq
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brettneys · 5 years
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
In my last two posts I mentioned compulsions and how BFRBs (Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors) are on the OCD spectrum. Well, we’re going to take a closer look at what obsessive compulsive disorder really is. And maybe then you’ll get a better understanding on what goes on in the mind of people like me.
Obsessive compulsive disorder is a chronic mental illness in which one suffers intensely from recurrent, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and/or rituals (compulsions) which they cannot control.
Obsessions are thoughts, images, or impulses that occur repeatedly. They are unwanted, intrusive, and often disturbing. Obsessions almost never make sense, especially to those who have them. Obsessions are most generally accompanied by uncomfortable feelings such as fear, disgust, or doubt. Sufferers try to prevent obsessions or make them go away by performing rituals, or compulsions. Compulsions are the acts repeatedly performed to obtain relief from the discomfort caused by obsessions, and are often done without realizing, hair pulling for example. However, the relief obtained is only temporary, hence the constant, repeated performing of these rituals. In some instances, people could suffer from either obsessions or compulsions, but not both. If left untreated, obsessions and the need to perform rituals can take over a person’s life.
OCD symptoms usually begin gradually and tend to vary in severity throughout a person’s life. Symptoms can worsen when a person experiences greater stress in their life. OCD symptoms can cause distress, take up a lot of time, or significantly interfere with a person’s work, social life, and relationships. Symptoms can become so severe or time consuming that is becomes disabling. Some of the complications from OCD symptoms include, but are not limited to; health issues (ex. dermatitis from excessive, repeated hand washing), inability to attend work, school, or social activities, troubled relationships (family relationships, friendships, and romantic relationships), overall poor quality of life, and suicidal thoughts or even behaviors.
While there is no known cause of OCD, there are a few theories. The main theories are biology, such as the changes in the body’s own natural chemistry or brain function; genetics, although specific genes have yet to be identified; environmental factors such as infections have been suggested, but further research is needed. There are also other factors thought to possibly increase the risk of developing or triggering OCD symptoms such as a family history of relatives with OCD, stressful or traumatic life events, or having other mental health disorders (i.e. anxiety, depression, tic disorders), or even substance abuse.
While there is no legitimate cure for obsessive compulsive disorder, medications and therapy have been known to lessen the severity of OCD symptoms. If you think you possibly show signs of OCD talk to your healthcare professional about referring you to a mental health professional to get an accurate diagnosis and to receive the proper help possibly needed.
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doodyfandangler · 4 years
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This portrait is very important to me. The woman in the picture has a condition called #dermatillomania and I have it too, to a lesser extent. So this portrait has very personal connotations. The condition is also known as #excorationdisorder and is a #bodyfocusedrepetitivebehavior it’s a compulsive disorder so telling someone to just stop will most likely make it worse. Because of this amazing and beautiful woman’s disorder, she does not line up with the media hype of what a woman ‘should’ be to be considered attractive. I hope this post will bring awareness and maybe some understanding to people who have this condition. She is one of the strongest badass women I know and she’s proud of who she is! #dermatillomaniaawareness #bodypositive#bfrb#ocdawareness @pickingmefdn (at Birmingham, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_mYZxzHWhS/?igshid=tqmakodyrjbi
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tlcbfrb · 7 years
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This caption is so spot on; thousands of people suffer from #BFRBs and don't realize they're not alone. That's why we need to make noise 🗣for this year's #BFRBWeek. Send in your #SeeMeStand photo by August 31st to help us break the stigma. #Repost @__insurjennnn (@get_repost) ・・・ #seemestand - #trichotillomania and #dermatillomania may touch your life even if you aren't aware of it. Whether it's compulsively #skinpicking or #hairpulling this #obsessive#compulsive#bodyfocusedrepetitivebehavior is a real struggle. I have dealt with both issues for more than 10 years without even knowing they had a name. I have been embarrassed about my arms and the way i absentmindedly pull out my hair, but i am trying to make peace with my compulsions and hope i can give strength to others who suffer the same. @tlcbfrb
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josilverdragon · 7 years
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More hair! It's as long as it has ever been since high school. Woo! #trichproblems #trichotillomania #bfrbdisorder #trich #bodyfocusedrepetitivebehaviors
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Maybe this is a strange thing to be proud of, but I'm so proud of my eyelashes right now. I'd always loved having long lashes, but a disorder called #trichotillomania has made it difficult to maintain them. In stressful times, my eyelashes are often patchy and gapped, and I wear thick eyeliner to hide the bare patches. Right now, my eyelashes are nearly fully grown back! 😊 They'll probably be gone again before too long, but I'm enjoying them while they're here. All my love to fellow #trichsters, you are all so lovely and so wonderful. #bfrb #bfrbawareness #bodyfocusedrepetitivebehavior #trich
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cryptic-fxngs · 2 years
I do this too. Makes more sense now.
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wanderhipnose · 4 years
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🆃🆁🅸🅲🅾🆃🅸🅻🅾🅼🅰🅽🅸🅰 Tricotilomania é uma desordem comportamental caracterizada pelo impulso incontrolável de arrancar pelos ou fios ou tufos de cabelo. Tricotilomania (do grego trico=cabelo + tilo=puxar + mania) é uma desordem comportamental crônica, caracterizada pelo impulso recorrente e incontrolável de arrancar fios ou tufos de cabelos do couro cabeludo, sobrancelhas e cílios ou, com menor frequência, de qualquer outra região do corpo (braços, pernas, barba, tórax, púbis, etc.), o que resulta no aparecimento de uma falha capilar perceptível na região do corpo que sofreu a agressão. Os portadores do distúrbio se referem a um período de tensão crescente que antecede à pulsão de puxar e arrancar o pelo ou fio de cabelo, seguido por sensação de alívio e prazer, assim que o desejo é atendido. Há casos em que o ato é consciente e, de certo modo, segue um ritual. A pessoa seleciona os fios que pretende arrancar de acordo com um critério pré-estabelecido (cabelos brancos, rebeldes, crespos, muito finos ou grossos demais, por exemplo) e passa a puxá-los com as mãos, ou utilizando objetos que facilitem o processo, visando acalmar a pressão interna. Parte dos portadores desse transtorno psiquiátrico, porém, age automaticamente, sem se dar conta do que está fazendo, ocupada e distraída que está com atividades sedentárias, como a leitura, a conversa ao telefone, o programa na TV ou a direção de um automóvel. Estudos clínicos sugerem que, aproximadamente 40% dos pacientes desenvolvem o hábito de engolir os fios, distúrbio que caracteriza a tricofagia.Geralmente pode vir junto o hábito de roer unhas, que da mesma forma, caso a pessoa venha a ingerir as unhas, essas podem se acumular no trato digestivo, necessitando de cirurgia. . . . . . #trichotillomania #alopecia #trich #bfrb #hairpulling #hairloss #trichotillomaniaawareness #mentalhealth #skinpicking #bfrbawareness #ocd #dermatillomania #microblading #hairlosssolution #mentalhealthawareness #nailbiting #eyebrows #trichotillomaniarecovery #bfrbs #wigs #excoriationdisorder #bodyfocusedrepetitivebehaviors #hairpullingdisorder #anxiety #skinpickingdisorder #excoriation #brows #alopeciaareata #beauty #bhfy (em JK Shopping DF) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMusf_VBs0V/?igshid=3g9iwjbbfkuc
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simonesamuels · 7 years
So... I literally pull out my hair when I'm stressed/anxious (#trichotillomania). I talk about that and nail-biting here, as well as loving yourself no matter what -- including your hair. I also mention @mpcelina 's speech to Parliament about her "dope braids" and #bodylove. For full vid, check out my YouTube channel -- link is in bio (my about.me profile links to my YouTube channel). #naturalhair #finenaturalhair #thinnaturalhair #4cnaturalhair #hairpullingdisorder #hairpulling #bodyshame #nobs #anxiety #nailbiting #bodyfocusedrepetitivebehavior #sippingwithsimone (at Ottawa, Ontario)
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lustroniepeka · 4 years
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BFRB- część I Dziś przychodzę do Was z mało znanym tematem w polskich źródłach. Czy wiesz czym są BFRB- body focused repetitive behaviors (powtarzające się zachowania skoncentrowane na ciele) ❓🧐 Być może nie. Spokojnie, mnie na 5-cio letniej psychologii też nie uczyli 😉 A czy utożsamiasz się z którymś z wymienionych zachowań? Pod wpływem stresu nałogowo skubiesz skórki wokół paznokci? Drapiesz sobie ramiona lub łydki, gdy masz problem? Rwiesz sobie włosy z głowy i sama nie wiesz po co znów to zrobiłaś? Żadna łuszcząca się skórka czy krostka nie może pozostać przez Ciebie nietknięta? Masz niewidoczne dla innych rany w jamie ustnej, bo znów przygryzłaś sobie policzki? 📍Zachowania z grupy BFRB to te powtarzalne, nawykowe czynności, wykonywane bez racjonalnych przyczyn, które koncentrują się na ciele. 📍Ich celem jest redukcja napięcia. Czyli co? Np. zmniejszają poziom przygnębienia, smutku, złości. Przynoszą chwilową ulgę, pomagają odwrócić uwagę, a nawet sprawiają przyjemność. 😞➡🙁 W tym poście zawarłam trochę teorii, w części II przedstawię psychologiczne następstwa takich zachowań oraz strategie pomocowe. 🆘🛡 🙋Znasz kogoś z tym problemem? A może sam/-(a) go doświadczasz? Jak sobie z tym radzisz?❓ #bodyfocusedrepetitivebehaviors #bfrb #zachowania #psychologia #psychoedukacja #wiedzapsychologiczna #nawykowedzialania #cialo #skóra #wlosy #edukacja #psychologiczne #napiecie #napięcie #smutek #złość #przygnębienie #emocje #autoagresja #lustroniepeka https://www.instagram.com/p/CKEudL9F__R/?igshid=b6k7728188cb
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brettneys · 5 years
Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRBs)
Since learning that I have Trichotillomania I have wanted to learn all that I can about this condition, or disorder. I have learned that it is one of many body-focused repetitive behaviors. But what is a body-focused repetitive behavior? And what other ones are out there?
Well, body-focused repetitive behavior is a term for a group of related disorders that include hair pulling, nail biting, and skin picking, as well as many others. They are complex disorders that cause people to repeatedly touch their hair and body in ways that result in physical damage. It is important to know that these behaviors are NOT habits or tics. They are compulsions, meaning we have no control over the urges to do these things.
Some common BFRBs include but are not limited to; Trichotillomania, the hair pulling disorder, Onychophagia, the nail biting disorder, and Excoriation/Dermatillomania, the skin picking disorder. Other BFRBs include cheek and lip biting, nail picking, scab eating, and other self-grooming related behaviors.
Trichotillomania, known as the hair pulling disorder, causes sufferers to pull out hair from the scalp, eye lashes, eye brows, and other parts of the body, often resulting in noticeable thin spots and bald patches. Approximately 5-20% of people who have trichotillomania also suffer from what is known as trichophagia, where they eat the hair they pull out.
Onychophagia, known as the nail biting disorder, causes sufferers to repeatedly and uncontrollably bite their nails past the nail bed and chew on their cuticles until they bleed, often leading to soreness and infection. Now, this is different from just nervously chewing your nails or biting them off so they’re short. This is a compulsive disorder in which you are not in control. Many sufferers end up biting their whole nail off. They can’t control it. It is a obsessive compulsion.
Excoriation/Dermatillomania, known as the skin picking disorder, causes sufferers to repeatedly touch, rub, scratch, pick at, or dig into their skin, often resulting in discoloration, scarring, and even severe tissue damage and disfiguration. Individuals with dermatillomania may pick at healthy skin, minor skin irregularities such as pimples or calluses, lesions, or scabs. Dermatillomania affects approximately 1.4% of American adults, and more often women than men. It is also estimated that 38% of people with dermatillomania also suffer from trichotillomania.
Many BFRBs begin during adolescence, commonly coinciding with puberty, but may also affect children and adults at different ages. They are chronic mental illnesses that have no known cause or cure, but may be treated with medications and cognitive therapy. Usually BFRBs have alternating periods of remission and greater symptom intensity. I’m still waiting on my remission.
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mutedfaerie · 7 years
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Waking up to random spots of dried blood on your hand and elbow, and realizing you picked in your sleep... #dermatillomania #dermaproblems #bfrb #iamthe1in4 #bodyfocusedrepetitivebehavior
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innovatribe · 8 years
Skin healing! Yay! #Dermatillomania #Excoriation #ocd #bodyfocusedrepetitivebehavior… https://t.co/eLfZKTk88h
Skin healing! Yay! #Dermatillomania #Excoriation #ocd #bodyfocusedrepetitivebehavior… https://t.co/eLfZKTk88h
— Soozie*Shenanigator (@soozietwits) January 7, 2017
from Twitter https://twitter.com/soozietwits January 07, 2017 at 03:56PM via IFTTT
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brettneys · 5 years
Sunshine. Swimming. Stress? For trichsters, like me, yes. With it being summer time and having recently gone to a public pool, I needed to talk about something. And that is the stress and anxiety that revolves around summer time.
A lot of people with trichotillomania have a lot of anxiety during the summer. Mostly from trying to hide our trich. Many people avoid swimming in the summer in fear of getting their hair wet and exposing bald spots, or getting their face wet and their eyebrow make up coming off. There are some, like me, who have scars on their legs from picking so much, so they try to avoid wearing shorts in public. We constantly stress about trying to hide, and trying to come up with excuses when people notice and ask questions. We just want to enjoy summer like everyone else. But we can't.
I went to the public pool today with my family as part of our Take a Trip Thursday day of our summer schedule. (Found the idea on Pinterest) And I was worried about wearing a swimming suit, mostly because of my "mom bod", but also because it exposed my legs. I have pulled from my legs for so long, and dug out ingrown hairs, that I have scarring on the lower parts of my legs. Some marks are still red from recent picking. People have asked me, "what's wrong with your legs?", "are those bug bites?", "are you okay?". I've blamed it on razor burn, chiggers, eczema, and just ignored their question. It's embarrassing. How do you just casually tell someone "oh i just randomly pluck and pick at my leg hairs, sometimes without even noticing, because i can't help it."? Its a complicated thing to explain. Its a complicated thing to understand. I also avoided getting my hair wet. I mean, I was mostly holding babies in the shallow end rather than actually swimming. But I avoided going under the little waterfall contraption they had, because I knew that if I got my hair wet then my bald spots on my head would become noticeable. Just like if I got my face wet then my eyebrow makeup would smear off (I'm poor and can't afford the good stuff). I tried to enjoy the time with my family as best as I could, but that fear and anxiety were right there. One day I will be able to enjoy summer without being stressed and ashamed, because one day I will overcome this condition. Remission is possible, it just takes time and a lot of self-discipline.
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