#boggs hall dorms
katatty · 1 year
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I posted that hood intro a little prematurely, though, idk why, because first of all I do need to pop into Academie Le Tour and graduate a few sims! Hermia Capp, Tiave Tricou (Tybalt's fiance) and Kestrel Tricou have all been at Boggs hall dorms a while.
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deatherella · 9 months
Getting Schooled at ALT - Annie
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Annie chose Academie Le Tour. She lived at Boggs Hall Dorms with eleven other students.
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She spent as much time making friends and hanging out as she did studying. She even found someone to love - Thomas Schehl.
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Annie "wanted" to get high points influencing other Sims to do stuff. What better way to get back at those coaches always barking in our Sims faces to work out, than to make them work out over a filthy toilet?
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Annie made it through all four college years with great grades.
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Annie had a graduation party with George, Naenae, and Delilah for guests. Delilah spent the whole party upstairs in Beth's dorm room staring at a dresser with Beth. I have no idea why. And, for the first time ever, one of my Sims had a "Fantastic" party. Wahoo!
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Annie's off to Veronaville. I'm thinking of changing the name of that sub-hood but haven't thought of anything I particularly like.
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courtleymanor · 1 year
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[id: new scene, indoors, day. three-shot of selena/sylvia, janet, and mina standing in front of the time machine in janet’s room at boggs hall dorms as janet asks selena/sylvia, “remember when the android argenta told selena she’d been sent back in time to stop her from killing me?” /end id]
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sushigal007 · 4 years
While Philomena and Len are pretty good about rolling academic wants, Chaz has to constantly be tricked into skilling and right now, she hasn’t unlocked enough of the performance metre to pass. So! Time to wander around campus!
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Chaz: This shit is bananas! B-A-N-A-N-A-S! Chaz: And that’s how I learned to spell bananas.
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Aww, I can’t be mad at her when she looks this happy.
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Chaz: We all float down here.
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some much needed r&r
where: ignihyde, rove's room.
when: saturday, around 5pm.
i got the gummi worms, chips, drinks, a movie... you'll let chill with you, right @rove-bogge ?
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There he was! The Yellow Terror. The residents of Ignihyde often passed around whispers of that horrifying, hulking beast that would occasionally be found roaming the halls.
In a dorm full of introverts and shut-ins, it was easy to avoid interacting with others. In fact, it was encouraged.
The Yellow Terror, unfortunately, didn't operate that way. He would prowl around, confronting anyone who passed his way. It wasn't long until the Ignihydes began to prepare for his visits with means of hiding until the dreaded thing was gone!
Today, it stormed down the long corridors with a sack on his back and drinks in his hands, nearly running into a small, frail man with purple hair (an Ignihyde who just wanted to make it to his room to pull the newest character in his game).
Easy to say he booked it outta there the moment Kalen said 'Hi'.
" Yo, Rove! " Kalen calls out, the moment he makes it to his friend's dormroom. " I'm here for movie niiight! "
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pixuou · 3 years
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Boggs Hall Dorms relationship report: Ellen is with Tybalt, Marla is with Delilah, Phineas is with cheerleader Stephanie, Chaz is woohooing around, Tom is chasing after this girl Alisha who he has competition for in a guy called Brad who lives in the dorm, and Emily has got together with Martin Ruben who they make really cute couple with.
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everly-kindred · 5 years
Eve’s Diary - Entry #53
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Date: 12th of March, 2027
Dear Diary, 
I’m trying to write in you more frequently, like I said I would, so here we go! 
I wanna say first off that I did a big tarot reading like I said I would, since Ostara is coming, in precisely a week! But I’ll put my translation of the cards down at the bottom, after I write about everything else. 
I’ve been having a lot of dreams about frogs lately, and it reminded me of when my Gran took me to this rose garden. There were this big stone rings, like giant hag stones, and my Gran told me they’re called fairy stones and that hag stones can be held up to your eye, and if you look through the hole, you’ll see faeries. She’s a muggle, and that’s a legend that has existed for centuries, for them. 
I wonder if they really do see faeries… What happens if a muggle comes across a faerie? Like… our kind of faeries? I should ask the Care of Magical Creatures professor next chance I get.
Anyways, this garden was sort of a like… loop within a circle shape, with little bridges going over these ponds with fountains, and the whole thing was surrounded by a little stone wall, and filled with benches and rose bushes and little trees. It was a tiny park, but beautiful. And I remember there were so many frogs, and I spent ages trying to catch one, while my Gran relaxed on a bench and read her book. Sometimes she’d stop and laugh at me, though, especially when I almost slipped in the pond for probably the tenth time that day. It was a good day. 
Did you know that frogs lay eggs and the eggs float in clusters on top of the water? I wonder what would have happened if I scooped up some of the eggs and water and kept it in a jar… It was this weird, greenish yellow slime, with little black dots in each center. I think tadpoles are rather cute, actually. 
Well, my frog dreams reminded me of that. I still need to ask Gallo what it means. Maybe it’s just because it’s been getting warmer? The snow and ice has started melting, and it’s been looking like it might rain.
I’ve been doing watercolors and sketches, and I’ve thought about getting on my broom and flying high enough that I could sketch all of Hogwarts. I think that’d be a rather magnificent experience, don’t you? Terrifying, too. I’d want someone else there to catch me if I lose balance and fall. It’d likely be best done on an extra thick, sturdy broom. 
The other thing that’s been really pressing on my mind lately is the gold cauldron in the potions shop, in Hogsmeade. I can’t remember if I’ve already written about that in you, but I’ve been daydreaming about it for months! Well, I day dream about a lot of things - wand making, bread… well, baking it and other things, the stories I want to write, making cute music boxes… But the gold cauldron especially! I want to save up for it, which would be very rewarding… It would also be rewarding to win it in some sort of competition, though. 
Though, the fountain outside of the Great Hall was sort of… whispering to me in a weird way. Like, I was drawn to it. So I took my last galleon and I wished for the gold cauldron! I hope it was worth it… I was also kind of thinking about rabbits and fairies at the time too, though, so I hope I didn’t muddle it up.
Something odd and… kind of nice happened the other night, which motivated me. I was running from Peeves (he was trying to dump mud on me) when I ducked into the dueling room, and came across one of the girls in the dueling club there. Her name is Briony Boggs, and she’s a Gryffindor. We got to talking, and she told me how my wand needs me for guidance, and I have to lead it. That I need to be confident with it for my spells to go off, and if I think I’ll fail, I will. So I’ve been trying to change the way I think about things ever since. 
As far as what’s actually been happening in school, I’ve been going to my classes like normal. Though, of course, classes aren’t normal by usual standards. Something weird is always happening, but that’s just how it goes isn’t it? The ravenclaw boys were fainting in herbology… I think they don’t wear their earmuffs on purpose when handling mandrakes. I successfully cared for this plant called moly, though! I didn’t overwater them and I wasn’t too rough with them or anything! 
In Defense Against the Dark Arts, we talked about different subjects and how they might be used in defending oneself from dark wizards. My anxiety was too high during that class, though, I didn’t hear much of what was said and I don’t remember a whole lot of what I did process. Basically, as soon as I walked in, Vikander told me to stay after class. I thought it might’ve been because of my clothes, because we had a really odd notice from him to wear house pride stuff instead of uniform and… some people wore uniform and said it’s because they were told by him to be careful of sudden odd changes of behaviour… or something like that.
Anyways, it wasn’t about that, though. He wanted to ask me about my vision. So I went up to his office, and the Healer and one of the Phoenix girls were there, Nicole I think. And he took off his glove which seemed to be like… alive or something. And his hand was all burned but I did my best not to stare. Then he put his hand on my head and asked me to think about the memory of the vision very clearly, so I did. I guess he has some sort of… mind reading magic when he touches people’s heads? I dunno. I got hot chocolate out of it, though. So that was cool. I wonder what he thought of the vision… How he felt when he saw what I saw, especially the part with him in it. 
I went to dragonology, and we talked about how dragons are similar to seekers - specifically Viktor Krum. I was a bit distracted, though. Did I mention that Professor Eastwood’s eyes are orange? It’s the most… unique eye colour I’ve ever seen! And, I mean, Blightly’s eye is all red and scarred, and Dracheblume has purple eyes… Plus there are a few people with two different coloured eyes at the school, too. But his are orange and like… glowing. 
In Artificer club we made a thing called a PMRA which is this like phonograph with legs and it moves and dances around and plays music and can record stuff for you! We built them and then Bonnie cast the spells for me to enchant mine, and also Marigold and this Gryffindor boy named August’s. 
You can feed the PMRA sheet music or give it records to play. I went to the music room and grabbed some sheet music for Celestina Warbeck and the Weird Sisters, and also some of the Beetles and Peter Paul and Mary… Oh, also the Mamas and the Papas. It’d be cool to build up a music collection for it! 
For now mine sits by my dorm bed, and I have it play music very quietly for me at night. Someone in the dorms is a bit of a snor-er and someone else talks in their sleep… I’ve been told I also talk in my sleep. Well, mutter more like. But occasionally I’ll be sleeping and then some girl a few beds away from me will start muttering strange things like… especially food related things. She must dream about lasagna an awful lot. 
There've been some glitter pranks around the school, too. If you step on a trigger on the ground, you get splashed with this powder paint, and it gets everywhere and passes so easily onto other people, so some students (lookin’ at you, Peach) will go around and purposefully try to spread it. I think it’s funny, even if it’s messy, but when have I ever been a stranger to messiness? Most of my clothing is covered in paint stains…
It’s funny timing, though, because the ministry is now in the school. They’re investigating the forest. Apparently, a bunch of students were caught there, and now there’s all these aurors and occasionally Minister Merriwether walking around. The scary thing, though, is that apparently they’re putting a barrier up around the school, and if you cross it, you’ll… disintegrate? I wonder if that’s painful… I imagine so. I hope the animals know to stay away from it. 
Anyways, that’s all I can think of to catch you up on, so that means it’s tarot reading time. I think I’ve done this spread before, perhaps last spring? It’s a six card spread and you make it in the The first card asks what I ‘need to decay’ or rather what I need to let go of. For this, I drew the Emperor. While he represents masculinity and a leader, he also represents a giver of sorts… So either there is a masculine presence in my life that I need to let go of, or I need to stop… providing for other people? I don’t know. This one didn’t make sense to me. I’ll have to think about it. I don’t think I’m particularly giving, and if I am, I don’t see how I’d be too giving… 
Second one asks what will ‘fertilize me’ which actually means what do I need to learn from. I drew the five of swords reversed. This card, in reverse, would mean something like the desire to be mean, maybe because of wounded pride. So perhaps I am to learn from a moment in which I wanted to be mean instead of kind? Maybe it means I need to learn from any desire I might have to act when I’m angry. I’m not sure. I’ll keep it in mind though and treat it like a warning for the future. 
For the third card, it asks what will ‘nourish me’ which is what I can look forward to. I drew the Chariot. The Chariot is a card of control and victory so… I’ll try not to jump to conclusions or assumptions about what that means and jinx myself. (butboydoIsurehopeit’stalkingaboutquidditch)
The fourth card asks how I ‘burst forth from the earth’ or rather what seeds I should plant for the future. For this, I drew the Magician. I’ve had this card before, and it seems like it shows up a lot in my readings. So as we know, this means power, concentration, dedicating myself. Focusing on strengthening my… smarts and wisdom and stuff. So the seeds I should plant are the seeds of learning, which makes a lot of sense since… I’m in school and all that. 
As for the fifth card, it asks how I ‘grow tall’ which means what skills I should be focusing on and improving. The deck gave me the ten of swords. This card is a card of deep suffering and sadness, so if I’m needing to focus on a skill and building on it, perhaps it should be the skill of… healthily expressing sadness? I guess I do bottle stuff up sometimes.
And finally the sixth card asks how I will ‘blossom’ or rather where I need balance, and for this, I drew the nine of wands reversed. This card is a card of encouragement, confidence, and facing down fear, so maybe it’s telling me that I need to balance out my anxieties and my defeated attitude with bravery and courage. So that I am realistic and honest with myself, but also willing to take a risk and push myself to my full… potential?
Anyways that’s my reading. It felt good to get back into it and do a big one for once. I’ve just been pulling one card or doing three card readings everyday or every other day. My back hurts from sitting over my diary and writing, so I think I’m gonna lay down and go to bed.
Much love, Everly
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froynlaventje · 5 years
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At Academie Le Tour’s Boggs Hall Ginger Newson and Donna Duncan greet their new dorm mate Tyren Duncan.
Tyren is the oldest son of Avalon and Roland Duncan. He is Outgoing, Active. Serious and Nice. He got the Snob, Schmoozer, Great Kisser, Good and Virtuoso traits and he is an underachiever. His LTW is to become a Rock God so his Virtuoso trait will come in handy, I will let him skill his creativity beyond the normal allowed level for underachievers.
Ginger and Donna also got traits because I added the traits mods after I played this household last rotation.
Ginger got the Clumsy, Natural Cook, Light Sleeper, Schmoozer and Good traits. Donna got the Supernatural Skeptic, Vehicle Enthousiast, Unstable, Party Animal and Never Nude traits.
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animated-pixels · 7 years
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First floor of Boggs Hall Dorms done! i kinda like how it turned out, except for the computer room, i had no inspiration when i decorated it. Lol. Next step: decorating the second floor and bedrooms *sigh*
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katatty · 4 years
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jodeliejodelie · 9 years
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Boggs Hall Dorms.
FINALLY, I’m done. This lot took me forever, there are so many rooms and the shared spaces are sooooo big. Let me just lie down for a week.
Anyway, there is place for 12 students on this lot and there are 2 TV rooms, one game room, a study area, an utility room, and a kitchen with a dining area. The kitchen might be a little small for 12 people, but you can always move it to one of the bigger rooms, or make a tiny kitchen in the utility room upstairs.
I couldn’t fit all the pictures in this post, so don’t forget to check out the other posts in the Boggs Hall Dorms tag. Or just scroll down on your dash if I just posted this, they will most likely be there :).
Download (TS2):
Both an exterior only version (includes planting) and a fully furnished version can be found here (Onedrive).
Or here (Mediafire).
Or at Sim File Share.
As for compatibility: I have the Ultimate Collection version of the game.
My thanks to all CC creators whose work I’ve used.
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courtleymanor · 2 years
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[image description: new scene, indoors, day. overhead shot of janet fell’s small dorm room in boggs hall dorms at academie le tour, with its dark red painted walls and beige carpeting. selena/sylvia is standing in front of the renuyu senso orb with its glowing green bulbous lights. “so this is the famous time machine,” she says. “somehow it seemed more impressive in aunt selena’s flashback.”]
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sushigal007 · 4 years
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Philomena: I’m married so no. You’re... you’re really not. I should probably look into this, yes? Philomena: OK but just so you know, I’m married.
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northern-angel · 5 years
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Edwin learns Fire Safety, which is probably a good call considering his track record. Next up are Finals, Edwin does a whole lot better than last time so he’s happier. Roxie and Jonah do about as well as last semester. Edwin decides this is as a good a time to make a clean break, of course his Sim Goddess forgot he would not be taking all of his grant with him. So my bad Edwin! Roxie and Jonah completely fail to notice Edwin’s moving out, they are too wrapped up in each other. So we finish their round in much the way we started, except Edwin has moved onto greener pastures in the newly rebuilt Boggs Hall Dorms. I had meant to move him to his own house but as I mentioned he didn’t take as much money with him as I was expecting.
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sushigal007 · 4 years
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Livestock battle at the water hole.
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I don’t know why people ban those guys, my Sims get so many cleaning points from them. Philomena: You’d think differently if they stormed your house and flooded it.
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Philomena: Time to contemplate my place in the universe and fall in love with science.
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sushigal007 · 4 years
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Chaz: So, Len Frost, how about I help you warm up? Len: I can dress myself, thanks.
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Chaz: Actually you could stand to lose a few more items of clothing. Chaz: Also there’s a hot tub here. Len: Tell me more!
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