#bond investment platform
steadyincome · 5 months
Bonds Investment in India: A Top N Overview Discover the key insights into bond investment in India: from government securities to corporate bonds, and explore strategies, risks, and opportunities in this comprehensive guide. Explore lucrative opportunities for high returns with bond investment in India. Bonds typically have a fixed interest rate and maturity date. They are considered relatively safer investments compared to stocks, but the level of risk varies depending on the issuer's credit rating and prevailing economic conditions
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shivayrankar · 1 month
What is an OBPP? | Online Bond Platform Providers | Grip Invest
Want to invest in bonds but don't know where to start? Check out this video! We'll explain Online Bond Platforms (OBPPs), introduced by SEBI to make bond investing safer and easier. 
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kcimoney · 5 months
Who Provides the Best Commodity Market Services in Alwar?
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When it comes to investing in commodities, the residents of Alwar have a gem in their midst. Our financial services firm, which has been a guiding light for many investors, stands out as the go-to place for commodity market services in Alwar.
Understanding Commodity Markets
Before we dive into the services, let’s understand what commodity markets are. Simply put, they are places where you can buy or sell things like wheat, cotton, and even gold. It’s like a big shop where instead of clothes or toys, people trade in goods that come from the earth or are made in large quantities.
Why choose us?
We have been around for a while, and they know the ins and outs of the commodity market like the back of their hand. They offer advice that’s easy to understand and act on, making sure you’re not left scratching your head wondering what to do next.
Gold Trading Expertise
Gold is a big deal in Alwar, and we have got some of the best gold trading experts in Alwar. We can help you understand when to buy gold, when to sell, and how to keep your investments diversified and safe from market volatility. It’s like having a friend who knows all about gold and is always there to give you the best advice.
Personal Touch
What makes us special is the personal touch they bring to their services. They will sit down with you, listen to your aspirations, requirements, and plans, and then help you make the right decisions. Because it’s not just about making money; it’s about making your money work for you.
Community Trust
The people of Alwar trust us because they’ve seen the results. Neighbors, friends, and family members have all worked with us and come away happier and more confident about their investments.
In a city like Alwar, finding someone who understands your financial needs and can offer solid advice on commodity markets is priceless. We have proven time and again that we are the leaders in this field. Whether you’re looking to invest in gold or other commodities, we can be your partner you need.
This article is a brief overview of why we are considered the best provider of commodity market services, especially for those interested in gold trading. For more detailed information and personalized advice, visiting their website or contacting them directly would be the best course of action.
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bestbondstoinvest · 5 months
IndiaBonds: Celebrating 3 Years of Empowering Dreams Join the celebration with IndiaBonds: 3 years of empowering dreams! Trusted by 1,25,000+ users. Transform your financial future today! https://www.indiabonds.com/
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jiraafinvestment1 · 1 year
Beginner’s Guide to Treasury Bills
What are Treasury Bills (T-Bills)?
Let’s understand this in the simplest way possible!
The government undertakes many projects for building the nation.
When the government has to fund projects to construct highways, repay debts, build defense systems, or execute social programs, it borrows money from investors by issuing Treasury bills. Essentially, Treasury bills are short-term loans to the government, with maturities ranging from a few days to a few months but usually less than a year. In exchange for the money borrowed, the government pays a small fee to the investors which can be called the return. Overall, Treasury bills are a way for the government to obtain short-term financing while providing investors with a safe and reliable investment option.
Why does the government issue Treasury Bills?
That’s a great question!
While government collects taxes from the public to undertake developmental projects, all the taxes collected by the government as revenue may not be adequate to cover all the government’s expenses. 
Additionally, the government is responsible to execute the operations without depleting the cash reserves below a defined threshold limit. For this reason, the government depends on issuing Treasury Bills to raise short-term capital without disturbing cash adequacy.
Another reason why the government may issue Treasury Bills is to monitor the interest rates in the economy. By competing with other borrowers in the market, the government can help in checking the interest rates and avoid volatility in the financial markets.
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iixglobal · 1 year
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cosmicpuzzle · 7 months
Pros and Cons of Venus ♀ in Each House
1st House:
♎Attractive, refined and diplomatic.
♎Balanced and amiable.
♎Social and polite.
♎Vain and superifical.
♎Uses charm to get things done.
2nd House:
♎Good taste (not just in food but in all things of value).
♎Financially successful
♎Makes others feel valued.
♎Vain spender.
♎Status conscious purchases.
♎Materialistic bringing.
3rd House:
♎Pleasant and tactful communication.
♎Good relationship with peers, neighbours, teammates.
♎Not argumentative.
♎Sweet talks and Flirting nature.
♎Superficial Emotions.
♎Tendency towards affairs (while travel or neighbours)
4th House
♎Good relations with family especially mother.
♎Domestic comforts and luxuries.
♎Good host to guests.
♎Private with feelings, emotions.
♎Wastes money on luxuries.
♎Needy in love.
5th House
♎Ability in arts, drama, music.
♎Deep and loyal in love.
♎Love of children and mate.
♎Attention seeker.
♎Tendency towards affairs
♎Vanity and excessive enjoyment.
6th House
♎Good relations at workplace.
♎Good sense of service,
♎Clean and hygienic environments.
♎Critical in relationships, argumentative.
♎Uses charm to climb at workplace.
♎Mean spender.
7th House
♎Good at forming relationships.
♎Deal maker and negotiator.
♎Fair and just in interactions.
♎Pleasure seeker.
♎Too many relationships.
♎People pleaser.
8th House
♎Deep conjugal bond.
♎Financial benefits from others.
♎Satisfying sexual life.
♎Taboo relationships
♎Marries for money or sex. Makes money illegally.
♎Porn Addictions and vices.
9th House
♎Love of learning, travel and cultures
♎Good relations with foreigngers.
♎Good parents and mentors.
♎Falls out of love due to boredom.
♎Falls in love with teachers, elders or inappropriate persons
♎Dislikes anything that reminds them of home or their culture.
Venus in 10th House
♎Positive social image.
♎Love of work.
♎Good relations with boss and superiors.
♎ Uses charm and beauty to get things done.
♎Works only for money or with aim on promotion.
♎Love based on status. May trap their boss or superiors in scandals
Venus in 11th House
♎Active social life and community.
♎Makes money through social platforms.
♎Good sense of design and brand building.
♎Social climber and tendency towards online affairs.
♎Uses network to get things done.
♎More interested in product building than its use.
Venus in 12th House
♎Selfless in love and relationships.
♎Charitable and giving.
♎Wise investments.
♎Excessive spending and indulgence.
♎Addictions and vices.
♎Keeps love hidden and suffers hence.
All the above points are quite general and can be modified by conjunctions aspects of other planets and the general nature of your birth chart.
Please don't get offended if you see something for yourself and you don't possess those traits. 1 in 12 people could have these.
For Readings DM
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caturnmoon · 2 months
The sun 🌞 through the houses!
• Part 1 •
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• Sun in the 1st house •
The sun naturally finds its joy here in the house of Aries! The first house rules individuality and how you personally come off to others in this world and self. So with the sun in the 1st house you are someone that naturally has this radiance about them and is not, and I repeat, is not afraid to take up space! It’s giving main character energy for sure. You could have been an only child where the world literally revolved around you (like the sun) or you’re the favorite. The sun in the 1st house creates a natural born leader and others are easily inspired by you and look up to you. For better or worse, you influence the climate of any room and relationship. If not kept in check, this placement can point to some narcissistic qualities. At its best this placement inspires others to embrace their own light and fearlessly takes action in whatever it is they aim to achieve in life. They are blessed with a strong inner compass and drive to set out to achieve whatever it is that they want to. This could also indicate a natural talent and or interest in self-help and awareness platforms; you know who you are inside and out and like to help others discover this for themselves. What you see is what you definitely get with this placement. Especially if placed in signs like Leo, Aries, and Sagittarius.
• Sun in the 2nd house •
With the sun in the house of values both material and personal, you are someone who can naturally exude the qualities of a Taurus. Strong, authoritative, and sensual. Physical security means the world to you in this lifetime, and you have all of the tools in your arsenal to achieve just that. You could have an uncanny knack for investments and finances in general. You are meant to step into this role of security both material and emotionally. This placement to me just gets better with time and ages like fine wine if positively aspected especially. You will most likely be someone who aims for financial solidarity and independence and could be the breadwinner of your family and you take great pride in this too. Those with this placement are most likely to be very generous with their resources as well, giving to others that need their resources and help especially if positively aspected by planets like Jupiter, the moon or Venus. You have an eye for beauty and beautiful things and like to invest in art and the best luxury this world has to offer you. Style comes naturally to you and you could also find yourself interested in interior design or fashion if placed in signs like Taurus, Libra or even Pisces. People look up to you and respect you quite easily with this placement and you’ll naturally navigate positions of authority with ease and steadfastness.
• Sun in the 3rd house •
Mentally active and always on the move. This definitely marks someone with the sun in the house of Gemini! You will most likely be known as a jack of all trades and someone who is difficult to pin point doing just one career during their lives. Highly intelligent and with the propensity to mental restlessness, you need constant mental stimulation for that big bright brain of yours! You also thrive in areas of communication as well, as Gemini rules this. Blogging, networking, and writing may be some natural callings for you. You could travel quite a bit in your professional career especially shorter distance trips, and you also could’ve had a very active childhood too. Perhaps your parents sent you on many different summer camps or boarding schools growing up. Unless negatively aspected, you could have a very close bond with your siblings as well. You could also be someone who naturally enjoys learning and school and are insatiably curious, soaking up information like a sponge. Unless placed in more introverted signs, this placement normally highlights a very social extroverted person. Look to your Mercury in your chart as well with this placement, because the themes of that planet could be a larger portion/theme of your identity!
• Sun in the 4th house •
With the sun being in the house of the opposite luminary the moon, this could indicate a night time birth! You are naturally someone who is in tune with their inner world and incredibly private one at that. Emotional security is everything to you, as well as a safe space you can call home. Your childhood home environment (unless negatively aspected) could have been one full of love and cozy vibes. A safe haven you treasured coming home to after a long day of school and your mom has a lovely dinner awaiting you. Both parents had a huge impact on you but especially your mother or maternal figure. Maybe you were raised by your mother and she was a single parent. Matters of family and the domestic environment will be a big focus for you in this lifetime. You are most likely a homebody who enjoys being at home as much as possible. Perhaps working from home is a huge goal for you! This is also a placement that can show an interest in social work careers as well especially having to do with the domestic sphere. This placement also could show major inheritance as well, it makes me think of it being a trust fund baby placement if the rest of the chart supports this as well. Overall, you are highly motivated by personal, domestic and familial concerns. Look to your moon sign and where it’s placed in your chart as well, as it can highlight more concerning its influence in these matters!
• Sun in the 5th house •
All the world’s a stage!!! With the sun in the house of pleasure, hobbies, drama, children, and affairs this very much rings true for you. The 5th is a Leo house, and invoking your inner child is of the biggest importance for you and your outward expression in this lifetime! You could be known for how you shine in creative endeavors and bringing joy to literally any atmosphere. You feel the most fulfilled when authentically creating and expressing yourself; whether that be through painting, songwriting, acting, sports, or even raising children. You have a healthy sense of self and your ego is strong in its expression. The 5th house literally speaks to me as the house of joy and pleasure and so you find yourself always looking to experience these things in life. Just be careful to keep this in healthy balance with discipline as well, for it could indicate some hedonistic qualities too. A healthy aspect with Saturn could be a great balance with this placement to buffer this. This could also indicate a love for love and affairs could be a potential struggle here as well. Regardless of this, those with their sun in the 5th house have a huge heart and are in tune with their heart chakra naturally. You could also be known for your many talents as you’re someone who is blessed by the solar luminary and puts the spotlight on these qualities for you with ease. The sun is at home in this house of the lion. You’re the supreme ruler of your identity.
• Sun in the 6th house •
The sun in the house of Virgo is such a gentle and diligent placement. The sun infuses its warmth and energy into the house of service, health and routines and as such, you could be a natural healer! The sun here shines the spotlight on your daily routines, matters physical well-being, and services. Virgo is the natural healer of the zodiac and this could be an area of focus for you in this lifetime and what you’ll naturally evolve into being in one of these areas. Perhaps medicine is an area of interest or physical therapy and you love working with wellness routines. This placement also indicates someone who has a green thumb and has a natural knack for gardening! Small animals could bring you so much joy and healing as well, and you could love working with them as well. Such as a veterinarian, or volunteer in a shelter. Animals could love you and are naturally drawn to you. The sun highlights the best qualities (and lighter ones) of the 6th house. Like the 3rd house, this house is also ruled by Mercury. Mercury tends to fare really well in the solar luminary. You have a natural knack for details and are wonderful with matters that require meticulous study. The tiny details that others overlook you naturally comprehend with ease. You are also someone of a resilient nature as you have the ability to work through the petty issues and obstacles life may throw at you. Viewing them as another problem to be solved, you’re able to view things through a logical rational lens.
•Houses 7-12 coming soon•
Until next time! 👽🖖🏼
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togglesbloggle · 1 year
Why do you think tumblr will die in only a few years?
Answer with jargon: a strong correlation between recent economic shifts and chaotic choices by major tech companies is most easily explained if the 'traditional' social media platforms of 2005-2020 are mostly a zero-interest rate phenomenon.
Longer answer, with less jargon: Even though Musk's takeover is making all the headlines recently, the last year has in fact seen major shakeups at many social media platforms, so Twitter is actually part of a trend. Almost inevitably, these are cases of social media companies trying to find a way to squeeze more money out of their userbase (Reddit), cut costs dramatically (Twitter), or both. This marks a sudden departure from a much more relaxed attitude towards revenue in the Pictures Of Cats industry, where the focus was historically more on expanding the userbase to a global scale and then counting on world domination to sort of <????> and then the company would become profitable eventually.
We joke, correctly, that Tumblr has never been profitable. But the entire structure of ad-supported content curation between human users is deeply suspect as a business model; IIRC Twitter was never profitable either, and Facebook has been juicing its numbers in very shenanigany ways. Discord was actually making money on net last I checked, at least a bit, so they're not all completely in the hole. But even if you take the accounting figures at face value, none of these companies has anything like the amount of money that their cultural prominence would suggest. Instead, they're heavily fueled by investment dollars, money given by super-rich people and institutions in the expectation that fueling the growth of the company now will pay off with interest later.
So what changed?
I'm not an expert here, but I'll do my best to muddle through. The American Federal Reserve has one mandate that dominates all others (sometimes called the 'dual mandate'), and one primary tool that it uses to enforce that mandate. The goal is to maintain low (but nonzero) rates of inflation and unemployment, which in their models are deeply interlinked phenomena. The tool is 'rate hikes', or more specifically, tweaking the mandatory rate of interest that banks charge one another when making loans.
As a particular consequence of this, hiking the rate also means that bonds start paying out much better. When the rate hike goes through, that affects people who let the government borrow their personal cash- that is, people who buy bonds- as well as institutions like banks that lend to one another. A rate hike means that you, personally, can make a little extra money by letting the government borrow it for a while. The federal government of the US is a rock-solid low-risk choice for this kind of moneymaking scheme, so the federal interest rate sort of defines the 'number to beat'; to attract investors, a company has to give those investors money at a better percentage than whatever the feds are offering. Particularly since a company is a lot more likely to go out of business than the state!
To wrap this back around to the Pictures Of Cats industry: the higher the rate hike, the better your company needs to be doing (or the less risky it needs to be as an option) to attract big investment dollars. Very high rates make it very hard to convince people to invest in business activity rather than the government itself, and very low rates put moonshots and big dreams on the table, investment-wise, in a way that wouldn't otherwise be possible. Social media companies were one of these big dreams.
In the great financial crisis of 2008, the Fed took the dramatic step of reducing their rate to zero, trying to juice the economy back to life. And ever since then, they've kept it there. This has produced an unprecedented amount of funding for very crazy stuff; it's part of what has allowed so many weird new tech companies (Uber, streaming services, etc.) to get so much money, so quickly, and use that to grow to massive size without a clear model of how they're ever going to make money. This state of affairs kept going for quite a while, with no clear stopping point; that zero-interest environment has been one of the shadowy forces in the background that shaped fundamental contours and limits in how our Very Online World has grown and developed. Until COVID.
Or rather, the bounce back from COVID: we suddenly saw a massive spike in inflation and an incredibly strong labor market, as employees quit in record numbers, negotiated higher salaries, and found better work, and at the same time supply chain issues and other economy stuff caused prices to climb dramatically. Recall the Fed's 'dual mandate', to control the employment rate and inflation. This was, basically, kicking them right in the jooblies. They responded in kind, finally finally raising their rates for the first time in 15 years. For some of the people reading this, it'll be the first significant shift in their entire adult lives.
The goal, as I understand it, is to fight inflation by reducing the amount of outside investment into private companies, forcing them to hire fewer people and pay smaller salaries, ultimately drawing money out of the working economy and driving prices back down by lowering demand for everything. You get paid less, so you eat out less, and buy at cheaper restaurants when you do, so restaurants have to compete harder by lowering their prices; seems pretty dodgy to me as a theory, but it's the theory. And the first part will almost certainly work- companies are going to see less investment.
For social media companies that are still paying most of their salaries with investor dollars instead of revenues, this is especially catastrophic. Without outside investment, they're just a massive pile of expenses waiting to happen, huge yearly costs in developer salaries and server fees. This is why, all of a sudden, every social media company is suddenly making bonkers decisions. They're noticing that nobody wants to give them any more money! So they're trying to figure out how to live a lot more cheaply, to actually somehow for reals turn their giant userbases in to some kind of actual revenue stream, or both.
Tumblr is kind of the ur-example of this kind of thing, supporting a very large userbase with no coherent plan whatsoever to start paying its staff with our dollars instead of investors' dollars. When interest rates were low and Scrooge McDuck had nowhere else to hide his pile of gold coins, a crazy kid with a dream was the best alternative available to him. But now, unless something changes, he's going to notice he can just buy bonds instead, and that crazy kid can go take a hike.
That's why I think Tumblr is living on borrowed time, though I don't know how much. Like all cartoons, the economy doesn't really fall off a cliff until somebody looks down and notices they've been standing on thin air this whole time. But they always fall eventually; that's the gag.
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jariten · 8 months
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Recurring themes in 2023: my year of lesbian and yuriful manga
Doing this a little different when summarizing 2023. Since I stuck to my decision to not start buying any new licensed series and mainly did cultural catchup for both english and japanese manga I didn't really read enough hot new releases in 2023 for them to warrant a list of their own as they usually do. So to catch up on the months without a roundup as well as a year end summary I will do some themed lists!
The first came to easy since a noticeable trend was how much lesbian and yuri manga i made time for. For clarity I make a subjective distinction of lesbian and yuri works, just as some works I'm more inclined to describe as a Gay or LGBT story rather than a BL if it wasn't published in a BL imprint or invests time to do cultural or social commentary. Now to the list:
Among my favorite lesbian manga read in 2023 are: The Girl That Can't Get A Girlfriend by Mieri Hiranishi Moonlight Flowers by Mutsumi Tsukumo Indigo Blue by Ebine Yamaji Umibe no Kain by Minori Kimura
I won't reiterate too much as I already talked about it in a roundup but Hiranishi gave an extremely refreshing perspective on being a woman who loves masculine women, the dark story of her first heartbreak and the path forward. Love that Viz took the initiative to give her a graphic novel edition and promote her platform by licensing The Girl That Can't Get a Girlfriend. I've always found women's manga to be a not that secret treasure trove of lesbian stories yet I hadn't read the classic that is Moonlight Flowers... Just a truly suspenseful and romantic story of lesbian love as liberation and freedom that I can't recommend enough. Just with a clear warning of depictions of intimate partner violence that could be upsetting.
Yamaji has a well known track record of exploring lesbianism as well as bisexuality and I think Indigo Blue was extremely interesting in its explooration of the protagonist and her journey to figuring out what she wants as she's caught between two relationships. Another story of a woman's journey to confront who she is and what she wants: Umibe no Cain was a rather heartbreaking story of a young woman seeking refuge with a woman older than herself and as they start forming a frienfdship she begins to face the hurt and trauma she faced from her mother. But as the two women grow closer their relationship might take a turn that they can't come back from.
In the yuri-ish category: Kimi no Kureru Mazui Ame by Kaiko Fuyumushi OL to Ningyo by Mai Shiba
Won't reiterate too much of Kimi no Kureru Mazui Ame as I already talked about it in a roundup but love bite sized depictions of a miserable adolescence and toxic yuri but not quite. And if you found yourself taken by the more supernatural stories in this collection then may I recommend OL to Ningyo? Described by the author themselves as yuri-ish this collection depicts the bonds of human girls and their non-human counterparts. Humans, vampires, tengu, mermaid, and oni all face their own challenges and conflicts both romantic and otherwise.
In the Now That's What I Call Yuri category: Natsu to Lemon to Overlay by Ru & Miyako Miyahara Ki ni Natteru Hito ga Otoko Janakatta (The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy At All) by Sumiko Arai Sukeban to Tenkousei by Fujichika
Natsu to Lemon to Overlay is the manga adaption of a yuri award winning novel novel that I picked kind of at random. An aspiring voice actress struggling to make any career moves are requested by a mysterious woman to read the obituary at her own funeral. What happens next will warm your heart. The Guy She Liked is one where I'm just going to assume most if not all of you are aware of so I'm just going to say that I like it and am looking forward to the next volume 👍 And last but not least: an adorable 80's throwback with some truly heartwarming moments and developments not to mention very funny: Sukeban to Tenkousei by Fujichika
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lowkeyrobin · 6 months
Platonic Ghostbusters x social media manager! Reader?
oooo hell yeah!! ; thanks for requesting and I hope u enjoy :)
GHOSTBUSTERS ; social media manager
summary ; you run the official ghostbusters social media platforms
warnings ; language
word count ; 746
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Podcast wanted to run the official Ghostbuster social media's but was quickly turned down at that. They needed someone who could actually be on top of that kind of stuff and whatnot. So, Stanz made a deal with Podcast that they'd get a social media manager, and he could act as their teammate with that, basically. Giving them ideas, giving them video clips and extra details, etcetera.
Most of the others didn't see a real reason for a social media manager, but as long as it wasn't their money.
Trevor offered to just do everything himself, but that was obviously turned down as well. The teens all agreed not to let the adults run the account either. They didn't need millennial - Gen X / Boomer humor flooding the whole account and making them look bad.
And that's where you came in.
surprisingly, Pheobe was the one to find you. she's seriously the most chronically offline person ever so the fact she ever opened Instagram was a miracle in itself
lots of talking back and forth and meeting the original four three ghostbusters to get input, then meeting callie & garry and the teenagers
you actually figured out that you used to be friends with Lucky as well, damn
you had managed social media accounts before, but you'd recently quit a few of those because of labor laws being broken so, yknow
you quickly formed a bond with Lucky, Trevor, and Podcast. you were kind of close in age to all three of them and they were all invested in the public image for the brand
setting the Instagram up was genuinely the funnest thing ever
the four of you were chilling in the living room in the firehouse (since sleepover stuff, pheobe was in her room reading) and you had your laptop in your lap and the three of them over your shoulders
the amount of laughing and cackling got some scolding from callie upstairs
it took everything out of you to not make the first post a video of trevor being soaked in Slimer's slime (which had been recorded by Lucky just by coincidence as they were investigating the attic again)
the first three posts, which were pinned, all lined up to be like a banner kind of logo with the theme song in the back, and they all played the same video, clips of the og ghostbusters and how they grew and then the new ghostbusters
the tiktok is its own thing, you allowed trev, lucky, podcast (and pheobe) to run it, but everything had to be ran by you first because pr shit
but thankfully no boomer humor or slang is ever being put on those accounts
most of those people don't even know wtf the internet is anyways lol
stanz has a personal vendetta against you /hj after you posted a .5 of him for relatable promo. he had no idea what you were doing but it was criminal that you made his forehead look so much more bigger than it already was
Winston gives you a bunch of old pics to post to trending angst sounds as well LOL
let's not talk about that tiktok where you, lucky, and trevor dance to/remake submissive and breedable by smosh ft bbno$, okay?
^podcast and pheobe were behind the camera cackling the whole time
lots of random pic posts on the insta as well because why not (most of them are the teens looking awkward, callie, gary & lars trying to look like cool scientists, or venkman, stanz, zeddemore & melnitz being classic, sassy old people)
the socials are never professional whatsoever, it's fun but it's not heavily controversial or obvious that you're there as a pr manager basically or just to manage the socials
like man they don't have the time to look at all the comments, take all the advice, reply to fans, etc
I mean that wage ain't that bad either LMAO
trevor is always bitching about how you make more money than he does /lh
you're not just a representative to them, you're actually family. you're just cool like that
"bro y/n is such a mc I hate them" and you'll reply on your personal w a "says you, reality shifter" or smthn LMAO idfk
always reposting ghostbuster edits / fanart etc because fandom culture 🙏
also I can't get over the fact the ghostbuster theme song is canon now either. yk damn well that shit is plastered everywhere thanks to you 💀
"do the ghostbusters respond??" "stanz said he loves your dog" "HELP HSEIJDLAKE"
10/10 experience
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sofreddie · 2 months
Resigned 8
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Summary: After the incident, Y/N and Jensen deal with the aftermath. While Jensen is ready to fight, Y/N wants to hide.
Characters: Alpha!Jensen x Omega!Reader, Clif
Warnings: A/B/O Dynamics, Omegas are second-class citizens/treated awfully, Angst, Fluff
WC: 2,406
A/N: I have so many plans for this story and am so excited to share it with you. Hope you enjoy it! Feedback is appreciated. : )
Resigned Masterlist
My Masterlist
Part 7
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Jensen sighed and relaxed in the back of the SUV as Clif escorted him from yet another interview. He'd been busy since the incident with Y/N and the Alpha, which someone had recorded and posted online. Fighting and disagreements over Omega Rights had been causing large-scale uprisings all over the globe, and Y/N's recent incidents and his claim of her were cited as another example.
Those fighting for rights and equality used her as another publicized victim and an example of why change was needed. Y/N's face and incident videos were posted all over the news as people debated her and her actions, which led to debates over Jensen as her Alpha and the roles of Alphas in society. He networked with his lawyers, politicians, other activists, and charities, going public and donating tons of money. He even launched a campaign, with the help of Jared and others, and spoke about it every chance he got at interviews and conventions. Jensen was a highly visual and extremely vocal Omega Rights activist when he wasn't on set.
When he returned to work after the incident, he expected the producers and executives to be upset with him, if not fire him for his actions and negative publicity. Instead, he was met with understanding, compassion, and support. They all seemed invested in change and greenlighted him taking a public stand, especially in light of what had happened. Jensen was less surprised but equally grateful when the whole cast and crew became very involved, promoting Omega Equality on every platform and taking a stand the way he had.
Jensen's openness about the incident and his relationship with his Omega caused a ripple that inspired many other Alphas to do the same and step forward on behalf of their Omegas. Many were too afraid, just as Jensen had been, but they seemed to feel if he could do it, so could they. He didn't mind being an inspiration or a public face, especially if it meant a better life for him and Y/N and ending the barbaric social traditions of Alpha and Omega dynamics.
Sitting upright and rubbing the sleep from his face, Jensen turned his attention to Clif in the driver's seat. "Where to next?"
"Home," Clif responded, flashing his eyes to the rearview mirror before returning to the road again. "You have tomorrow to rest, and then it's back to set."
Jensen nodded and sighed, slumping back into his seat. Home. He hated to admit it, but home was hard lately. He and Y/N had been struggling since they left the police station. After everything that had happened, she was afraid to go outside, scared to get in trouble for the slightest thing. She kept herself locked in the apartment and stopped watching TV entirely since she constantly saw herself and the incident. He knew it was hard for her but was frustrated that he couldn't break her out of it. He felt like he was losing her.
"How is she?" Clif inquired, and Jensen smiled softly. Clif looked out for all of them, and Jensen knew he genuinely cared.
"Not great," Jensen admitted as they approached his building. "She won't go outside of the apartment."
"You're a newly mated pair, and it hasn't been easy. Maybe focus on and enjoy the bond. She might need reassurance before she's comfortable going out again. I can't imagine how awful it is what she went through."
Jensen sighed and nodded, knowing he was right. He needed to make things okay between them first. Then, maybe he could bring her out with him. He'd been so focused on work and activism - and, admittedly, a bit of revenge towards the dicks that did this to them - that he hadn't spent much time with her.
Thanking Clif for the ride, Jensen entered the building, taking the stairs instead of the elevator to burn off some of his extra energy and prepare his mind for Y/N. Finally standing outside his front door, he fidgeted with his keys, took a deep breath, and entered the apartment.
"Y/N, I'm home."
Y/N jumped to attention from where she was folding and putting away laundry in the bedroom. Setting down the clothing, she walked towards the sound of her Alpha's voice with hurried steps. With a broad smile, she rushed to Jensen and wrapped her arms around his middle. She purred when his arms wrapped around her, rubbing her cheek into his chest. She missed him while he was away and was always glad when he came back to her.
She rushed to the couch, cleaning up the various books, magazines, and printouts from the sofa and the coffee table. She loved to read and was constantly in a book. However, since the incident, she'd stopped with her preferred novels and instead focused on everything related to Omegas: roles, laws, behavior, and biology. The more knowledge she had, the better armed she'd feel to deal with the world and her role within it.
Stacking everything neatly, she returned to Jensen. Taking him by the hand, she led him to the couch, sat beside him, and curled into his side.
"How was it, Alpha?"
Jensen sighed, hugging her closer to him. He wasn't sure if she was aware or not, but she hadn't called him by anything other than his title since the station. Every time she called him Alpha instead of his name recently, it reminded him of how it was at the start. More and more, it felt like the OE ruined the progress they had made with each other and their relationship.
"I think we're making real progress," he responded with a kiss on her head before removing her collar. Another unwanted change, she'd put on her collar every morning, and Jensen would remove it every night. He told her repeatedly that she didn't need to wear it at home, but she still insisted.
When Y/N returned from the police station, she was hurt and terrified—terrified of what she had gone through, of what could happen in the future, and even of her Alpha. Jensen quickly eased her worries over him, showing that he was the loving, caring Alpha he'd promised to be when they'd first mated.
He wasn't like any other Alpha she'd encountered, recently or in the past. He cared about her to the point that he was trying to fight for Omega's Rights and change laws. He was trying to change the world for her, and she couldn't be more grateful to have someone like him in her life. But as lovely as that was, she wasn't optimistic. She appreciated his efforts but felt they were useless, fighting a battle they could never win.
"Alpha?" Y/N spoke, and Jensen hummed to let her know he was listening. "You don't have to work so hard, you know? Maybe you could spend more time at home with me?"
Jensen gave her his full attention, her tone more than a little concerning as she slipped into her natural Omega submission. He tried to control his Alpha, who was stirring with quiet anger. Though he and Y/N had mated and he'd claimed her, they were still new and hadn't mated nearly as much as they should have. His hormones were still off-balance, his body trying to recover from being out-of-whack and near feral. Mostly, it made him fiercely protective and possessive over Y/N, but it also made him quick to anger, and he struggled to control it. He even briefly entertained the idea of going on suppressants, but he couldn't bear the thought of anything between them.
"Maybe you could come out with me?" he instead suggested. "To some gigs or on set? It would do you good to get out of here."
Y/N shook her head and abruptly moved to the kitchen, wandering about and keeping herself busy to avoid the conversation. Jensen groaned and ran his hands through his hair, tugging the strands in frustration. It wasn't the first time he'd tried to convince her to leave the house, and she turned him down or avoided the conversation each time. He tried to be patient and understanding, but those were running thin. It didn't help he was utterly exhausted from stretching himself so thin, but he knew it was worth it.
"Please, Y/N, talk to me," Jensen pleaded, leaning against the counter opposite of her. "I know you're scared, but I'll be with you."
"I'm a bad Omega," Y/N huffed, shaking her head. I've been reading about the laws and requirements, and I'm trying to do better. I'm one step away from being sent away from you, and I don't want to risk it."
"You're not just an Omega, Y/N. You're my wife, my partner, my person. And you're amazing. You're not bad, Y/N; the world is."
She started to cry at his words, and he gave in to the need to comfort her, rounding the counter to take her in his arms again. As her tears started to ebb and her knees wobbled, he lifted her onto the counter, stepping between her legs and cupping her face. He wiped the remaining tears away with his thumbs, tucking her hair behind her ears.
"I'm sorry, Alpha."
"Don't be sorry. And you can call me something other than Alpha every now and again, you know?" he added with a chuckle, trying to make it light, though it was starting to bother him. Just as she was more than an Omega, he was more than an Alpha. She simply nodded, and he sighed. "Have you watched the news or gone online at all lately?"
"No," she responded. "Last I looked, everyone was plastering my face everywhere and talking about me as a bad Omega. I didn't want to see it anymore."
"You're not a bad Omega," he insisted again, cupping her face and tilting her head to meet his stern gaze. It's not just about you being a 'bad Omega.' It's not just about you. More Omegas and Alphas have come forward, and activists, lawyers, and politicians are debating on every channel daily. There are protests around the world. Change is coming, and it's what I and others have been fighting for."
She dared to let her heart soar with hope at his words, and Jensen could feel it. It made him even more determined.
"We're wrapping up filming in a few days, and then we'll be heading home to Texas," Jensen reminded her. "Why don't you come to set with me? It'll get you out of the house, you'll be with me, and everyone on set is supportive and part of the fight." Her eyes widened, and her body stiffened as she readied to reject his request again. He had to close his eyes and breathe deeply to keep back the anger that wanted to break free. Eyes locking back on hers, he spoke slowly and deliberately. "Please don't make me command you. You need to get out, and we need to spend more time together."
Y/N's mind flashed back to the beginning of their relationship when he held her hands and pleaded with her: "All I ask is that you be mine. Give me and us an actual, real chance together."
She'd be lying if she said she wasn't still scared, worried that one foot out of the house would have her stepping into trouble simply because of her biology—because of something she didn't choose and couldn't change—because of who she was born as. But Jensen was so sure, so enthralled by the idea of freedom and equality, that he wouldn't be stopped. And, apparently, he wasn't alone—not by a long shot.
After they had both calmed down, Y/N insisted on making Jensen dinner. He sat on the sofa, looking through the various media she'd been reading. One book in particular—Alpha, Beta, and Omega Dynamics Throughout History: A Comprehensive Study—caught his eye. The book was thick, and Y/N placed many small tabs to bookmark various topics, one of which had him reading intently: True Mates and Biological Compatibility.
The author spoke about traditional ideologies and modern societal structures. They mention the old wives' tales of True Mates and how modern science preferred the term Highly Compatible. They suggested that one could have many potential biological mates, but, in theory, everyone had a potential mate that was 'the one.' Jensen began to lose interest as the author continued into the fantasy and fairytale of True Mates throughout time and literature. He was about to abandon the book when the next paragraph of the text stopped him and had him reread it several times.
True Mates share a unique bond and, thus, are connected on a unique level. When the Alpha claims his Omega, they are bound and connected. However, according to ancient texts, true mates once claimed each other—a mutual claim that created a deeper and unbreakable bond. This tradition was abandoned over time as Alphas became the dominant members of society. Marks on an Alpha are frowned upon in modern times as they suggest equality and are considered an antiquated and unnecessary practice. 
Jensen returned the book to the table and turned his attention to Y/N in the kitchen. He watched as she moved about comfortably, the delicious smells starting to drift through the apartment. It was one of the few times she looked at ease and unburdened by the world. He could see his claim, now healed and scarred, shining silvery against her neck, proclaiming to the world that she was his.
Their bond felt weak, tested by their circumstances and time apart, and despite it all, his cycle and hormones were still off. Maybe if they dual-bonded—if he claimed her again and she claimed him, too—it would fix him and them. He'd never imagined taking a claim, but suddenly, it was all he wanted: to be wholly and genuinely connected with his other half, for her to be connected with him, and to know they were equal.
"Y/N?" he asked as he entered the kitchen, smiling as she finished cooking and gave him her attention. "There's something I want to ask you."
She tilted her head and furrowed her brow, and Jensen chuckled at the adorable sight.
Taking a deep breath, he vocalized his thoughts, "I want you to claim me."
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33446699 · 1 month
Toxic relationships : How to end this cycle ?
Toxic relationships are in which your wellbeing ,safety and happiness is consistently undermined .These points are how to leave toxic relationships in general whether they are romantic ,platonic , coworkers, friends,family etc
Start loving yourself,in toxic relationships sense of self worth is destroyed and self love is at the lowest point ,stop blaming yourself,the most important step you can do is to gradually and slowly consciously tell yourself that it's not you who is the problem but the other person ,its a slow growth process which will eventually help you to realise how important you are
Stop believing that you can change the other person if someone is not making you priority it means they don't want to do it ,stop thinking that if they are hurting you continually they will change someday
Try to be financially independent or try to save money if possible, it seems difficult but it's very very important,most of the times people who are stuck in these relationships can't get out due to the financial dependence
Don't provoke the person you are dealing with in arguments and fights ,cause it will only be dangerous to you ,as it may start physical abuse or intense emotional abuse anyone who is toxic isn't affected by these things Infact they live on and enjoy these kind of arguments,fights
If you can't afford to live separately or faraway from these kind of people, minimize or atleast reduce the contact and interactions you can have with them
People who go back and forth in toxic or abusive relationships are mostly because of the disregulation of emotions and nervous system,for this maybe leaving suddenly that person won't be effective as you may find yourself going back to the same person again ( likely if you have done this previously) in this case slowly start detaching with the person
Slowly start regulating your nervous system and your emotions ,your brain got conditioned to the highs and lows of this relationship and as soon as your brain won't get it ,it will start craving it ,trauma bonding makes it very difficult to leave these relationships
Don't believe in words of affirmation if their words don't match their actions ,and they tell you they care about you but constantly do things which hurt you ,it's nothing other than manipulation
Create and be assertive of your boundaries,it will not only reduce the interactions but also will help you see their true nature
Don't invest in a business together,if possible separate your assets or bank accounts
Don't lose contact with your friends,relatives parents etc any person who is good or neutral to you ,so that you won't be left alone in dark when they decide to leave you
Try to involve yourself in hobbies or anything which helps you to reduce your anxiety etc and help you to shift your focus ,and make your brain condition to the new hobby that makes you feel peaceful and happy
Try to eat healthy if possible because the most important person in the end is you ,and the chances of getting sick are likely in these cases because body is constantly in a survival mode
Try to reach out to a professional if possible in case of depression and have suicidal thoughts ,if it's not possible for you to reach out to a professional due to any reason ,there are professionals on different social media platforms platforms who can help in this case
Don't take insults or abusive comments personally because they mostly say things what they think of themselves and what they do themselves
Start collecting evidence and have documentation of things ,in case you may need something in legal cases or you need to show therapist
Don't lose yourself and don't forget yourself,recall who you were and and how the relationship affected you negatively,instead of focusing on the rare happy moments try to remember what they did to you so that you don't lose yourself again
Stop blaming yourself for the things what happened to you or for allowing others to use you,for being nice ,sometimes we need to learn life lessons ,forgive yourself and start loving yourself
Ask yourself questions and analyse your behaviour that what is this person bringing to your life ,and if they are not making you happy adding some value to your life ,why you still want to be with this person,is it some kind of attachment issue you need to address and if yes then work on it
If you believe in the idea of twin flames and soulmates and that is the reason why you are staying in these toxic relationships, realise that your soulmate won't make you feel crap about yourself and if the relationship isn't giving you peace and happiness,maybe it's time to get out of it ,we don't find peace in places where we aren't meant to be
If you have a plan to leave ,don't tell the person who you are in toxic relationship with , as they may try to stop you from leaving ,or start gaslighting, manipulative techniques
After ending your relationship don't go to next relationship immediately,give yourself some time to heal and try to love yourself
Rebuild your life and remember if you don't believe in forgiveness the best revenge is your own happiness and success,so set your life goals and decisions accordingly
If possible go no contact,block or whatever suits you ,tell yourself that you don't need closure,you don't need a last conversation with them to know what went wrong ,don't need apologies and don't stay hopeful that that toxic people will change because they mostly don't
In the end I hope we find people who are good to us and good for us and be able to feel how beautiful life and love , relationships can be ,as much as being in a healthy relationship is important,getting out of toxic relationships is also very important ,don't allow anyone to walk all over you again and again ,you are a human being not a doormat
* I am not an expert and maybe not the best person to give advice in these conditions but if anyone who is going through these conditions and want to get out of these relationships find these tips helpful I will be glad , these points are based on my knowledge and experience while observing these kind of relationships in my surroundings
* This is just an attempt to help anyone suffering in these conditions,in any serious case please contact professionals , authorities which can help you or reach out to people who are close to you if you need help .
*if you don't find it helpful or find I am wrong , you can correct me and don't need to agree with me ,but while doing so please be kind
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theambitiouswoman · 2 years
How To Get Started Investing In The Stock Market
Educate yourself: Before investing in the stock market, it's important to educate yourself about the basics of investing, including the different types of investments, the risks involved, and how to build a diversified portfolio. There are many resources available, including books, online courses, and investment blogs.
Determine your investment goals: It's important to have clear investment goals before investing in the stock market. Are you investing for retirement, a down payment on a house, or to generate passive income? Your investment goals will help determine the types of investments that are appropriate for you.
Open a brokerage account: To invest in the stock market, you'll need to open a brokerage account with a reputable brokerage firm. Some popular options include Fidelity, TD Ameritrade, and Charles Schwab. When choosing a brokerage firm, consider factors such as fees, investment options, and customer service.
Build a diversified portfolio: Diversification is key to successful investing. By investing in a mix of stocks, bonds, and other assets, you can reduce your risk and increase your chances of long-term success. Consider investing in a mix of large-cap and small-cap stocks, domestic and international investments, and bonds with varying maturities.
Start investing: Once you have a brokerage account and have determined your investment strategy, it's time to start investing. Consider starting with a small amount of money and gradually increasing your investments over time.
There are several ways to invest in the stock market, including:
Individual Stocks: This involves buying shares of individual companies on the stock market. You can buy shares through a broker or an online trading platform.
Mutual Funds: Mutual funds pool money from multiple investors and invest in a diversified portfolio of stocks. This allows you to invest in a variety of companies with a single investment.
Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs): ETFs are similar to mutual funds, but they trade like individual stocks on an exchange. This allows you to buy and sell ETFs throughout the trading day.
Index Funds: Index funds track the performance of a specific index, such as the S&P 500. This provides exposure to a broad range of companies and can be a good option for long-term investors.
Online Trading Platforms: Many brokers offer online trading platforms that allow you to buy and sell stocks and funds. These platforms typically provide research tools and stock charts to help you make informed investment decisions.
Robo-Advisors: Robo-advisors are digital platforms that use algorithms to create and manage investment portfolios for you. They can be a good option for beginner investors who want a hands-off approach.
Investment Apps: There are several investment apps available that allow you to buy and sell stocks and funds from your mobile device. These apps are often designed for beginner investors and offer low fees and user-friendly interfaces.
A few popular options:
Robinhood: Robinhood is a commission-free trading app that offers stocks, ETFs, and cryptocurrency trading. It’s designed for beginner investors and offers a user-friendly interface.
Acorns: Acorns is an investment app that automatically invests your spare change. It rounds up your purchases to the nearest dollar and invests the difference in a diversified portfolio of ETFs.
TD Ameritrade: TD Ameritrade is a popular trading platform that offers stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, options, futures, and forex trading. It offers a variety of trading tools and research resources.
ETRADE: ETRADE is a popular online broker that offers stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, options, and futures trading. It offers a variety of trading tools and resources, including a mobile app.
Fidelity: Fidelity is a full-service broker that offers stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, options, and futures trading. It offers a variety of investment tools and research resources, including a mobile app.
Value Investing: Value investing involves buying stocks that are undervalued by the market and holding them for the long term. This approach requires patience and a thorough analysis of a company’s financial statements and growth potential.
Growth Investing: Growth investing involves buying stocks in companies that are expected to grow faster than the market average. This approach often involves investing in companies that are at the cutting edge of technology or have innovative business models.
Dividend Investing: Dividend investing involves buying stocks in companies that pay a dividend. This can provide a steady stream of income for investors and can be a good option for those looking for more conservative investments.
Passive Investing: Passive investing involves investing in a diversified portfolio of low-cost index funds or ETFs. This approach is designed to match the performance of the overall market and requires minimal effort on the part of the investor.
Real Estate Investing: Real estate investing involves buying and holding real estate assets for the purpose of generating income or appreciation. This can include investing in rental properties, real estate investment trusts (REITs), or crowdfunding platforms.
Options trading: is a type of trading strategy that involves buying and selling options contracts, which are financial instruments that give the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an underlying asset, such as stocks, at a specific price within a certain time frame. Options trading can be used to generate income, hedge against risk, or speculate on market movements.
Swing trading is a type of trading strategy that aims to capture short- to medium-term gains in a financial asset, such as stocks, currencies, or commodities. Swing traders typically hold their positions for a few days to several weeks, taking advantage of price swings or "swings" in the market. Swing traders use technical analysis to identify trends and patterns in the market, and they often employ a combination of charting tools and indicators to help them make trading decisions. They look for stocks or other assets that have a clear trend, either up or down, and then try to enter and exit positions at opportune times to capture profits.
There are many technical analysis resources available for traders to use in their analysis of financial markets. Here are some popular options:
TradingView: TradingView is a web-based charting and technical analysis platform that provides users with real-time data, customizable charts, and a variety of technical indicators and drawing tools.
StockCharts: StockCharts is another web-based platform that provides a wide range of technical analysis tools, including charting capabilities, technical indicators, and scanning tools to help traders identify potential trading opportunities.
Thinkorswim: Thinkorswim is a trading platform provided by TD Ameritrade that offers advanced charting and technical analysis tools, as well as a wide range of other features for traders, including paper trading, news and research, and risk management tools.
MetaTrader 4/5: MetaTrader is a popular trading platform used by many traders around the world. It provides a range of technical analysis tools, including customizable charts, indicators, and automated trading strategies.
Investing.com: Investing.com is a website that provides real-time quotes, charts, news, and analysis for a wide range of financial markets, including stocks, currencies, commodities, and cryptocurrencies.
Yahoo Finance: Yahoo Finance is a website that provides real-time stock quotes, news, and analysis, as well as customizable charts and a variety of other tools for traders and investors.
Finviz: is a popular web-based platform for traders and investors that provides a wide range of tools and information to help them analyze financial markets. The platform offers real-time quotes, customizable charts, news and analysis, and a variety of other features.
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monratarot · 4 months
Suit of pentacles - Ace of pentacles
Please like and reblog if you find this information useful! 🌸🎀💕
//don’t claim it as your own and/or repost it on other platforms//
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Ace of pentacles - Lord of the Root of the Powers of Earth
the time is right & if you go for it now, you will succeed; gifts from nowhere appear everywhere
great material stability and strong physical situation
Season: Autumn
Timing: 1 Year, probably sooner
Element - earth
Astrological association - Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn
🌟Upright meaning
a promise that if we keep our work going, the ground will be nourished and will be well in time
seed, new beginnings
promise of return
happiness and contentment
you can have what you deserve
money is coming or a new property
foundation and stability
good fortune
new beginnings and could signify the start of a new relationship
relationship - stability in a relationship showing that where you are now is where you need to be; excellent sign for moving forward; a stable and grounding relationship headed your way, one in which you can build from as an addition rather than a distraction to your life
health - health is going to be taking a turn for the better in regards to illnesses that already exist
work - a good time to invest time and money in financial pursuits; a good time to consider finding a stable position within a job
a change for the better monetarily, or that you will have the opportunity for improving financial wealth
whatever difficulties you are experiencing right now, take it as a challenge that you have to conquer in order to achieve your dreams
🌟Reversed meaning
having kids
getting married, settling down
stable bonds
greed and holding fast to one outcome
unwise investment of time or money
a difficult time when you are treated unfairly by an unscrupulous person or organization
someone close wants to keep everything for themselves - relationship
gambling and reckless spending
your actions and decisions can do harm to your relationship
imbalance in your relationship, where one is always giving and the other is always taking
be careful not to miss out on opportunities to start a romantic relationship in the future
time for you to start saving and planning for a better future
you are not looking after your health very well
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jiraafinvestment1 · 1 year
Retire in Comfort: A Beginner’s Guide to Investing for Retirement
Investing for retirement is a crucial aspect of financial planning, and it is never too early or too late to start. Whether you are in your 20s or 50s, investing for retirement should be a priority. To maintain a desired lifestyle after you stop working and to be financially secure when you are old, planning and investing for your retirement from early on is essential.
Retirement can span many years, and depending only on a basic pension will not be sufficient to cover your expenses. To enjoy a relaxed retirement, it is important to be prepared financially.
But while thinking about financial preparedness for retirement, many questions haunt the investor. Questions like – When should one begin to plan for building a retirement corpus? How much money is required for a comfortable retirement? And what measures can be taken to guarantee that there is enough money for retirement?
To find guidance for these questions and to set a plan in motion for accumulating your retirement corpus, read this blog for some insightful strategies on retirement planning.
Let us begin with an understanding of how to calculate the estimated retirement corpus.
It is often recommended that individuals should plan on having at least 70% of their last drawn pre-retirement income to cover their expenses during their retirement. 
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