#bones mccoy fic
hahahalfwit · 5 months
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a-most-beloved-fool · 24 days
fic in which Spock is unconscious or in a healing trance, and Kirk has to carry him somewhere, and any time Kirk is touching him, Spock is purring. Kirk stops to set Spock down and the purring stops. He picks him up again? Instant purring.
Kirk didn't know Vulcans purred, and is. utterly smitten by this. Biggest heart eyes you can imagine. Keeps looking over at Spock with the World's Sappiest Smile.
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papanowo · 5 months
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was looking thru the mermaid au tag on ao3 a couple months ago and realised bones is rarely the mermaid so i sought to change that
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trek-tracks · 1 year
Do you ever think about how Kirk had a "best friend" on the ship before Bones in Gary Mitchell, a man who:
a) deviously manipulates him into heartbreak for Mitchell's benefit,
b) shames him for not being "fun" enough when he's in a position of power,
c) openly insults intelligent and powerful women,
d) treats everyone cruelly as soon as he gets power and tries to seize everything for himself,
e) finds it fascinating that he can stop a person's heart for fun, and
f) tries to murder Kirk instead of admitting that he's a danger to the universe,
and then chooses to replace him with Bones, a man who:
a) tries to save Kirk from heartbreak at every opportunity,
b) gets him to smile and relax by being genuinely interested in how he's doing and telling him that he's great and respected just as he is,
c) openly toasts intelligent and powerful women,
d) treats everyone kindly as soon as he gets power and tries to use it to help as many people as he can,
e) cries about how people suffered when medical treatments were less advanced, and
f) says, "Jim, I can't destroy life, even if it's to save my own. I can't."
because I do
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wwillywonka · 2 months
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Does anyone else ever think about how funny it would be if Leonard McCoy’s “the ex wife took the whole damn planet in the divorce” was literal 🥸 like, okay, but just hear me out 🥸 what if Bones was royalty 🤣 AND NONE OF THE CREW REALIZE BECAUSE THEY THINK HES JUST BEING SARCASTIC 🤣✨✨💃💃
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dustykneed · 8 months
god mcspirk is so terrific. i love when jim and spock scheme together (ok jim schemes but he ropes spock into it too and spock just can't say no to his captain) to fluster bones.
sometimes jim just wants to see his boyfriends make out with tongue... is that too much to ask?
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prompt fill for @mcspirkevents' mcspirk bingo prompt "sloppy kissing" ←⁠(⁠>⁠▽⁠<⁠)⁠ノ
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spirk-trek · 22 days
For the fic prompt thing: how about Spock coming out as gay/bi/ace to a pining Jim (who thinks that Spock is straight)?
Merry writing!!!🖖
hello my darling anon! thank you for the request :) this one is very short and sweet. i like to think spock assumes everyone already knows, so he doesn't expect it to matter. i hope you enjoy!
quick side note to the anon who requested genius!jim... i started writing it, hated it, started again, then watched a documentary that made me change the entire plot but it's turning into one of my favorite little creations ever. thank you (and all the others too) for your patience <3
without further ado, let's get spock out of the closet!
(or read here on ao3 if you prefer)
"Please, Jim. Spock n’ I here are the only ones who know a thing about exes."
Jim, McCoy, and Spock sat around the Captain’s desk in his quarters, enjoying a particularly potent blend of top-shelf beverages. At least, the two humans partook. Spock held onto a mug of tea himself, sipping steadily while Jim continued to tip a vibrant green liquid past his lips. He raised an angled brow at the doctor’s statement.
"Well,” he leaned forward, elbows resting on the surface before him, inadvertently nudging a nearby plant dangerously close to the edge. “That T'pring didn't exactly treat you to the warmest welcome, did she?"
"I have exes, Bones,” Jim chimed in, delayed by his moderate intoxication. He reached out to push the plant back to a more sturdy position before Spock could do so, rubbing one of its leaves between his fingers briefly.
“Yeah, but the ones you do got ‘re angels.” McCoy jabbed a finger into the space between them. “Not to mention, they’d all take you back ‘n a heartbeat if you asked. You know I’m right.”
Jim hummed, bobbing his head in consideration and tracing a circle around the edge of his glass. 
“Not Gary."
McCoy rolled his eyes. "Gary’s dead."
"He's still my ex, no?” He picked up his glass again but did not drink from it. 
"And T'Pring is Spock's." The doctor turned his attention back to the science officer, a smile on his face Spock couldn’t discern a reason for. He set his mug down on the desk and clasped his hands together.
"T’Pring was correct in her assessment that our bond would not amount to what she is likely to achieve with Stonn. Her actions were logical."
"Oh, c’mon now.” McCoy waved a hand. “Logic. She'd’ve been lucky to have you."
"I continue to resist belief in the concept of luck, doctor."
Jim leaned closer then, brushing their shoulders together. Spock turned to address him, watching as a warm expression reached his eyes, flecks of soft pink light reflecting back from golden depths.
“I’ll convince you yet,” he murmured. Spock’s mind went blank in its attempt to formulate a response, making it a relief when the doctor cleared his throat. 
He shifted back, centering his posture. “Regardless, Captain.” 
“Jim,” he corrected. “Off duty, remember?”
He touched his glass to his lips but still did not drink. 
“Regardless, Jim.” In his peripheral vision, Spock saw McCoy finish his own drink in one swallow. “You misunderstand my meaning.”
“Then what did you mean?” The doctor’s voice was harsh from the burn of alcohol, blue eyes narrowed.
“I am not interested in sharing a life with her on Vulcan, as my home is no longer there.” 
Jim had propped his head against his hand, swirling his last dregs of green lazily with the other, waiting for him to say more.
“Of course, the issue is compounded by my lack of attraction to females.”
The glass slipped from Jim’s fingers, shattering against the floor. Spock raised both brows as the man then raised his hand toward McCoy and shushed him loudly.
“I didn't say anything!”
Jim leaned in toward Spock with urgency, nearly slipping off his chair in the process. Their knees touched, broken glass forgotten below them.
“Lack of... attraction?" He repeated. Spock noted a change in color to his cheeks, deepening beyond the usual pigment caused by alcohol consumption. 
“To females.” 
Spock nodded.
“They do not arouse me,” he answered simply.
“Well, would you look at that?” McCoy was looking down into his empty glass. “I need another drink.”
“But, Spock.” Jim reached out for his shoulder as if the interruption had not occurred, grasping tightly to regain his attention. Spock raised a brow.
"Men." He whispered the word as if it contained some sort of secret. “Do they-”
McCoy turned from where he’d crossed the room to retrieve the bottle of brandy. Apparently too quickly, as his steps stuttered sideways.
Jim’s hand on Spock’s shoulder jumped away, though he pulled his eyes away with significantly more difficulty.
"You can't just-"
Spock interrupted. "It is a logical question."
"See?” Jim was smiling brightly when he turned back toward him. “He thinks I'm logical."
"Yeah, well, I think you're both stupid."
Spock crossed his arms over his chest, but Jim ignored the insult. He attempted not to notice the anticipation behind his expression, the way it pulled at him, made him consider reaching out as Jim so often did.
"Well, Mr. Spock?"
Spock blinked. "Males are, indeed, of primary interest to me."
"That's a whole lotta words to say you're gay."
McCoy had leaned back against the partition, glass to his lips. Jim covered his mouth to stifle a laugh, though it escaped in the form of a huff through his nose, eyes sparkling with mirth.
"I believe, gentlemen, that is my cue to take my leave."
"No!” Jim’s smile fell suddenly and he leaned back into Spock, hand reappearing at his shoulder.
“Stay? Please?”
He swallowed, blinking slowly. Spock was all too aware of the four centimeters his hand slipped down his arm before his grip tightened to stop it, as well as the six centimeter decrease in space between their faces. 
“You haven’t even finished your tea, after all.”
This was a correct statement. Jim’s hand slipped another two centimeters lower.
“Yeah, Spock. Stay,” McCoy encouraged, downing the rest of his drink once again. “I’m leaving.”
Spock only briefly glanced at him before looking back at Jim. 
“Very well, Captain. If you wish me to remain.”
“Jim, Spock. Jim. And yes. I do.”
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captainsophiestark · 6 months
Not A Doctor
Bones McCoy x Reader
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Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: Star Trek
Summary: Bones' SO hurts themselves on an away mission and has to stitch themselves up as well as they can to buy time for a med evac to the Enterprise
Word Count: 1,533
Category: Fluff, Humor, a little bit of Angst
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"Shit," I hissed, pressing a hand to my side as I slid down the wall. When I finally got up the courage to pull my hand back and look, it came away with a lot more blood than I'd hoped to find. I'd fallen pretty far and managed to avoid any broken bones based on my pain levels, but the wound in my side was gaping and looked concerningly serious.
I could practically hear the extended bridge crew chorusing "I told you so" from here.
As if on cue, my communicator beeped. I grimaced, but managed to take it out of my bag and open it to respond.
"What's up?" I groaned.
"Y/N, where are you?" came the voice of Jim Kirk, one of my best friends and the captain of the Enterprise. "Scotty's reporting he can only find two targets to beam up."
Dammit. That figured.
"I'm... not totally sure. I was trying to follow the signature on my tricorder to that plant I've been looking for when the ground just gave way under me. I'm not sure how far I fell, but I hit something pretty hard on the way down and I've got... quite the gash in my side."
Silence on the other end for a few moments, then:
"Hang tight. We're coming to find you."
The communicator hung up with a click, and I sighed, ignoring the flare of pain in my side. I had faith in Jim's determination and ability to find me, especially with Spock here helping him, but I still needed to do something if I wanted to be alive when they found me.
Thankfully, I'd watched my boyfriend, Doctor Leonard McCoy, stich people up often enough that I felt fairly confident I could do a passable job on myself. I dug some sewing supplies out of my bag that I hadn't removed from my last away mission misadventure, and pulled the hem of my shirt up to get a better look at the wound.
I grimaced, gritting my teeth and trying to prepare for this. I'd been so excited to join Kirk and Spock on this away mission. This planet was supposed to have one of the rarest plants in the galaxy, and I'd been looking forward to finding it since I'd first heard we'd be coming here. And now, I was at the bottom of this pit or cave or whatever, slowly bleeding out, without even a picture of the plant to show for it.
I tried to focus on my breathing as I threaded a needle and put it to my skin. I knew the wound needed to be disinfected before I totally closed it, but I didn't have anything on me to do that with, and I knew Bones would be able to take care of it for me if I could manage to get back to him.
I took a few deep breaths to steel myself, then stuck the needle through. I swore loudly and kept up a steady stream of expletives as I sewed up the wound. I pulled it closed as tightly as I dared, then held my jacket to my waist to try to staunch the remainder of the bleeding.
I sighed, long and hard, then leaned my head back against the wall of whatever hole I'd fallen into. I had no idea how long those stitches had taken me, but it certainly hadn't been quick. Hopefully, it wouldn't be too much longer before I heard Jim and Spock stumbling down some passage towards me.
I focused on deep breaths as the pain continued to throb in my side, completely zoning out to the time and environment around me. Finally, I heard some shuffling movement from a slightly more gradual incline up ahead of me. The voices of my friends echoed out, curious and searching.
"I'm here!" I called back, my voice a little weaker than normal. I cleared my throat, then tried again. "Here!"
A moment later, my friends came into view. Jim grinned at me as Spock started scanning the space, probably trying to decide on the best way to get me out of here.
"How're you holding up?" asked Jim. I forced a smile.
"Living the dream."
He scoffed, then moved to crouch beside me and put one of my arms over his shoulder.
"Spock! Come help me."
"We'll need to get around the corner and most of the way back up the incline we came down to reach a spot where Mr. Scott can register us," said Spock as he joined us. "There seems to be some property of this rock that's prohibiting the transporter signal from reaching us."
"Great," I huffed, grimacing as my friends pulled me to my feet. Even resting most of my weight on them, I was still seeing spots. "This is gonna be great."
Between the three of us, somehow, we managed to get back into transporter range. I almost lost consciousness at one point, but we'd paused, and I'd managed to pull myself back from the brink. When the Enterprise's transporter room finally materialized before me, the relief was palpable, not least of all because Bones was waiting for me.
"Y/N," he said, jumping to attention and rushing onto the pad to replace Jim at my side. With Spock's help, we started moving immediately for the Med Bay. "What happened?"
"I was following the signature of the plant I was looking for on my tricorder. Then all of a sudden, the ground gave way underneath me. It wasn't a straight drop, I don't think, but I fell a pretty long way, bouncing off the rock slide and the walls of the cave I fell into on the way down. I'm bruised, but I don't think it's anything bad besides the cut on my stomach."
Bones nodded. "We'll get you to Med Bay and make sure."
Luckily, my boyfriend was very good at staying calm and focused in a crisis for his patients. He was completely in the zone as he and Spock helped me into a bed once we reached Med Bay, and then Bones started checking my vitals and assessing my injuries. I watched him carefully for any break in his usual bedside manner to tell me if I needed to be worried about something, but none came.
Hopefully that was a good sign, and not just because he was an incredible doctor.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity to me, Bones returned from his testing and reappeared by  my bedside. His hands were on his hips, but he seemed calmer, and definitely out of intense doctor mode.
"Alright, the good news is you'll be just fine. But I'm still gonna need to disinfect the wound and stitch you up," he said. I gave him the best smile I could muster.
"Sounds like a plan."
He sighed, then gently lifted my shirt high enough to give him access to the gash in my side. The light touch of his fingertips sent goosebumps along my skin, but I did my best to ignore them, especially as Bones frowned.
"What the hell did you do to yourself?" he asked, not looking away from his work on my side.
"Uh... I slammed into a rock. We covered this already, remember?"
"No, I didn't mean your injury." Bones paused and looked up at me, the smallest smile tugging at his lips. "I meant these stitches. Yikes."
I scoffed and rolled my eyes, making Bones chuckle as he got back to work.
"Okay, whatever. I'm a biologist, not a doctor, dammit. I think I did a pretty good job, considering the circumstances."
"Mm, I guess so. Barely."
"Hey!" I laughed, hitting him lightly in the shoulder. "You better knock it off or I'm gonna start practicing my stitches on you."
Bones snorted, but I could see the smile on his face as he continued working. Thanks to the medical facilities of the Enterprise, it barely hurt as he undid my messy job and redid it with a much better one of his own.
"So... what are you doing after this?" I asked after a few long moments of letting him work in peace. He paused to look up at me again, one eyebrow raised.
"Don't tell me you're hitting on your own boyfriend after only the low-level painkillers I gave you?"
"I can and will hit on my own boyfriend whenever I want, no painkillers required. But I was mostly asking if you had other patients to deal with after me, or if you'd be free to come cuddle on the couch and eat junk food with me. I think it'd really help speed up my recovery process."
Bones' mouth quirked into a smile again as he put the finishing touches on my stitches.
"Well if it's for the wellness of a patient... I think Nurse Chapel might be willing to take over from me for the rest of the day."
"Thank goodness for Christine."
Bones and I shared a smile, then he returned to his work and I watched him contentedly. Obviously, life and death situations on away missions were never ideal—but I couldn't really bring myself to be upset about how this one had played out, even if I hadn't managed to get my plant in the end.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
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you guys just dont even. understand Him. hes NOT super overly sweet and affectionate with his partner(s), although he does love them very much. he reluctantly accepts a kiss on the cheek from jim, melodramatically rolling his eyes and kicking him out of the sickbay. but he looks back at jim as he walks away, a soft smile on his face and an added pep in his step for the rest of his shift.
he grumbles about "ridiculous vulcan voodoo" and makes a face as spock offers him an ozh'esta. but when their fingers touch, spock can feel the overwhelming affection underneath his icy exterior; his armor protecting him from getting hurt again.
the armor isn't going to fall off the moment he falls in love. it may not ever fall off; not all the way, at least. spock and jim aren't there to "fix" him, they're there to love him as he is. he doesn't have to outwardly express his love to show that he loves. he loves and cares deeply, all he ever wants is for everyone around him to be safe and to feel better.
in this essay about leonard mccoy, i will be-
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drachen-katze · 18 days
I could not be McCoy. Like. Bro was best friends with Kirk in the academy and Kirk got him out of the lowest point in his life. He saved him by forcing him into Starfleet. And I hate to say it, but I think for a good long while it probably hurt to see and know that while Kirk was his best friend, Kirk became most definitely closer to Spock. And Bones is okay with that, he knows there’s nothing to be done about it, but I still think it stings him sometimes. Like he’s sitting and drinking alone in his room thinking about the fact that Kirk and Spock are playing chess and Kirk is smiling at this walking computer and is so close to him after such a relatively short time
I think Jim still is and always will be Bones’ closest friend, but Bones is no longer Jim’s closest friend, and he hasn’t been ever since Spock came into the picture. And I think he should be allowed to feel hurt over that.
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misscalming · 1 year
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(Spock got completely fucking wiped out while in a small tinny boat and is living his best “castaway” (2001) life rn ) (( edit: excerpt from my fic ))
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illegalpaladin · 6 days
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It's here! My NSFW McSpirk fic, "How Wisdom Might Be Loved," is finally up on ao3. If you remember that erotic hand touching scene I posted a while back, this is the full fic!
This was a labor of love, and I'm so excited to finally share it with everyone.
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papanowo · 1 year
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yall ever forget which cast youre supposed to be imagining when reading a fanfic
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trek-tracks · 7 months
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No, they just celebrate Jim's birthday with the crew every day because Bones is a big softy even in a time loop
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wwillywonka · 2 months
i always thought the forced mind meld scene in undiscovered country was out of place and, more importantly, wildly out of character for spock. i think that's the general consensus from the fandom as well, but i also feel like not a lot of people have actually seen this movie or thought deeply about it considering the lack of analysis i've been able to find on it. but the more i think about it, the more it makes so much sense that spock would do something that extreme all in the name of protecting not only jim and the enterprise crew but starfleet as well. jim even says it to him later in the film, "we're both extremists," and spock wonders if they're so used to falling into roles and routines around each other that they've lost the ability to combat something completely different and unique that might come along to challenge them. it is this predictably that valeris was able to use to manipulate him, to get him to trust her, to get him to help her rise in rank in starfleet. because he saw her as everything he could never be: a full vulcan, completely and totally logical and dedicated to her work, without emotional attachment. of course he doesn't regret his friendships with the enterprise crew but still, there is a small part of him that will forever want to be more vulcan. we know that from unification. how long did spock know valeris? all the way back to her first academy days? how long was she his student, his favorite student? how much time and effort did he put into helping her, all the while blind to her ulterior motives? how the hell is he supposed to trust his own judgement now?
she's destroyed the sanctity of starfleet, the place spock escaped to as a teenager to find inner peace and purpose, the place that has given him a home and friends and people who trust him, who would follow him into anything if he asked.
and now he's become a danger to the enterprise crew. he's become a danger to jim and leonard.
and so, the forced mind meld scene comes not from anger towards valeris alone but a deep anger towards himself. and in his anger and his shame at being angry in the first place and his shame for feeling that shame, of course he would do anything to protect his friends, even if it means violating and sullying the most important ritual in vulcan culture.
it's still horrible, he still shouldn't have done it. but it makes so much sense in the wider context of his character and thus makes for a strong and effective plot choice.
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