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This is a little Bonnie/Annalise HTGAWM Fansong I wrote from Bonnie’s POV. Their relationship is so complex and twisted it just felt like it was begging for a song. I wrote this about a year ago, but I felt like sharing today. Enjoy! 
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pipermocha12 · 8 years
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caro---line · 8 years
What if Wes killed himself? Or it was Asher who killed him? I meam, it would be one hell of a twist that no one see coming. But my bet right now is Oliver and I really hate it.
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Mettetevi alla prova con un nuovo quiz a tema #HowToGetAwayWithMurder! Lo trovate sul blog (link in bio). Commentate con il vostro risultato 😄 #htgawm #quiz #emmeenne #addictedtotvseries #tvseries #new #illatonascosto #illatonascostodeiserietvaddicted #oliverhampton #coliver #violadavis #annalisekeating #jackfalahee #connorwalsh #conradricamora #karlasouza #laurelcastillo #ajanaomiking #michaelapratt #mattmcgorry #ashermillstone #lizaweil #bonniewinterbottom
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mohamaddibaje · 4 years
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It's time of every year to say goodbye to How To Get Away With Murder. I used to wait every week & sometimes months for the new episode & get really excited when it's aired. I don't know how I will get over that there's no more How To Get Away With Murder, it's one of the rarest shows that I can't ever get bored of. The cast, the script, the writing, the story, the directing, & the production, every single thing in it was powerful & perfect, it's like watching a masterpiece. It taught me how to be myself, how to love myself, & feel proud of myself, & showed me that there are people in our lives will stay with us & support us no matter what, & also I have learned so many things from this show & became more interested in the law firm. I am still not ready for it to end, but it's time to say goodbye yet this time is different because it's for the last time, it's a forever goodbye. Goodbye & Thank you HTGAWM ❤️
#HowToGetAwayWithMurder #HTGAWM #HTGAWMFinale #ViolaDavis #AnnaliseKeating #LizaWeil #BonnieWinterbottom #CharlieWeber #FrankDelfino #AmirahVann #TeganPrice #JackFalahee #ConnorWalsh #KarlaSouza #LaurelCastillo #AjaNaomiKing #MichaelaPratt #MattMcGorry #AsherMillstone #AlfredEnoch #WesGibbins #ChristopherCastillo #ConradRicamora #OliverHampton #BillyBrown #NateLahey #RomeFlynn #GabrielMaddox #FamkeJanssen #EveRothlo #ShondaRhimes #PeteNowalk #ABCNetwork
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msafiyathediva · 8 years
@howtogetawaywithmurder #whokilledWesGibbons!? This is Diva's initial reaction after watching the #WinterFinale of #HTGAWM! And #AnnaliseKeating & #BonnieWinterbottom! 😱
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THEY WERE IN THE COURTROOM again, and this time it was Jorge who had taken the stand. "Mr. Castillo, during the times that you were speaking with your daughter, Laurel, how would you categorize your relationship with her?" Lennox asked.
"Did you ever catch your daughter lying to you?"
"Of course," Jorge answered. "When she was 14, she lied about using cocaine—"
"Behavior while a minor is improper character evidence, judge," Annalise interrupted him.
"Sustained," the judge said.
"Let's, um, move on to governor Birkhead," Lennox continued. "Mr. Castillo, have you ever met or spoken with the governor?"
"Have you ever contacted the governor or anyone associated with her to enact ill will against Ms. Keating?"
"Absolutely not."
"And do you believe any of the allegations that say the governor was involved in your son Xavier's death?"
"I've made a lot of money in my life— enemies too— so I can think of a long list of people who would have wanted to see my son dead."
Lennox kept glancing over at Annalise. "Mr. Castillo, one of the theories Ms. Keating has put forth is that the FBI is part of this conspiracy against her. Have you been in contact with the FBI about this?"
"No. The FBI's who put me in jail." So, he was still mad about that. "Based on misinformation from an informant. That's her sitting right behind Ms. Keating." Jorge pointed.
Annalise stood. "Objection!"
Jorge turned to the jury. "Those two women are conspiring against me."
"Mr. Castillo, don't address the gallery," the judge told him sternly. "I'm censuring the witness. Jury, disregard the last part of this testimony. Mr. Lennox, meet me in my chambers. Adjourned."
Shots were fired outside the courthouse. People, who were standing on the steps outside the building, started running and screaming in fear and panic. Some fell and stayed, hoping they wouldn't be hit. They were terrified.
The officers inside the building took action. They grabbed their weapons and ran down the hall to catch whoever was shooting before they killed someone. They ran past Annalise's mother, who was in distress. She hadn't seen Annalise and was worried. Her other daughter was holding her back.
"Is my baby hurt?!" She cried out. "Please tell me! Is she hurt?!"
Someone had been shot. Tegan looked down at this person in terror. How could this happen?
꧁   ꧂
"THANK YOU FOR BEING here, governor," Lennox said.
The governor had taken the stand. "You say that like I have a choice."
"Well, let's not keep you too long, then. Did you order the death of Nathaniel Lahey Sr.?"
"Do you know if Xavier Castillo ordered the death?"
"Yes, because that guard named him during the civil suit."
"Did you know Xavier Castillo?"
"No, nor have I ever met or spoken to him."
"Do you know his father, Jorge?"
"Governor, did you ever coordinate with any member of the Castillo family or the FBI to exact revenge on Ms. Keating for defeating you in a Supreme Court case?"
"No." She couldn't even look at Annalise.
"You weren't protecting your re-election?"
"No, because I plan to win my election by convincing the public I'm the best person for the job. The way not to do that is to commit a series of violent murders. That's more Ms. Keating's fallback."
Annalise stood. "Objection. Censure the witness."
"Governor," the judge scolded her.
"My apologies."
"No further questions," Lennox stated.
"Governor, when I beat you at the Supreme Court with my class action, were you upset?"
"More disappointed," the governor answered.
"Because of the damage to your political career?"
"To the taxpayer. Your victory cost the state millions."
"Money well spent if it saved thousands of poor people from unjust convictions."
"Argumentative," Lennox stated. He seemed calm.
"This speaks to the defense's theory of motive," Annalise protested.
"Do you know Xavier Castillo?"
"As I stated earlier, no."
"What about Hannah Keating?"
The governor paused for a brief second. "I don't know who that is."
"She's my deceased husband's sister, Hannah. You don't know her?"
"I do not."
Annalise went over to her table. "And yet, Hannah Keating recorded herself on a phone call to Xavier Castillo saying this."
She played the recording. "I just saw the governor on tv saying Nate Lahey Sr. died."
"He did die."
"Because the governor killed him?"
Lennox stood up, not wanting to listen to more of it. "Objection. We can't authenticate this recording."
"I wish Hannah Keating were here to speak to its authenticity, but she just died." Annalise looked at the governor. "Gunshot to the head."
"Your honor."
The judge made a decision. "Falls under the death exception. I'll allow it."
Annalise hit record again. "I just saw the governor on tv saying Nate Lahey Sr. died," they heard Hannah's voice once again.
"He did die."
"Because the governor killed him?"
"Calm down."
"I wanted Annalise to go down for my brother, not hurt all these other people."
"I'm hanging up." The recording stopped.
"If you didn't know Hannah Keating or Xavier Castillo, why are they speaking so intimately about you?" Annalise approached the governor again.
The governor shook her head. "I have no idea."
"What about Nate Lahey Sr.? Did you do what Hannah said and kill him?"
"Absolutely not."
"So, if Xavier and Hannah were alive to testify, they would say the same thing?"
"Objection," Lennox spoke up but was ignored.
"Did you have them killed to cover up your lies?"
"No! My god."
The judge cut in and stopped the questioning. "I'm ending this cross!"
"Good," Annalise stated. "I'm done with this witness."
꧁   ꧂
NATE TOOK THE STAND THE next day, and he would be the last to do so. "Mr. Lahey, were you involved in any way at all with the death of Sam Keating?"
"You were arrested and almost charged for his murder, though. Why?"
"I was the boyfriend. That's always the first suspect."
Lennox nodded. "Any other reason?"
Nate looked over at Annalise. "I was framed."
"Who do you believe framed you, Mr. Lahey?"
"At the time, I thought Annalise."
"Did you ever get confirmation of this?"
"No. 'Cause she wasn't the one who framed me."
Lennox glanced over at Annalise for a brief moment. He took a step closer to Nate. "You mean she had an associate do it for her?"
"I mean, she didn't do it. That was Hannah Keating. She wanted to connect Annalise to Sam's murder, and now it's very clear to me how Hannah did it— by using the Castillos and the governor."
"Let me stop you, Mr. Lahey. Did Ms. Keating coerce you to change your testimony today?"
"No. That was you and special agent Lanford when you offered me twenty million dollars to say what you want. I'm just guessing that's so I don't tell the jury that an FBI agent working for the Castillo's murdered Asher Millstone."
꧁   ꧂
THE LAST DAY OF THE TRIAL started the following morning. It was time for the closing arguments. Lennox went first. "Forget everyone else. The Castillos, the governor, the supposed conspiracy. That is all noise to distract you from the person who brought us here— Annalise Keating. She wants to play the victim, and she is good at it too. But you know the real victims."
Lennox showed the pictures of the people as mentioned them. "Asher Millstone. DA Ronald Miller. ADA Emily Sinclair. Rebecca Sutter. Sam Keating. It all started with this man. That is the original sin. You start there. Then there's no doubt that Annalise Keating is not a victim. She's a murderer."
"I'm no victim," Annalise started. "USA Lennox was right about that. But that's the only true thing that he said today. So, here's the truth about me. I've worn a mask every day of my life. In high school, it was a smile that I faked to get boys to like me. In law school, I changed my name to sound more New England. At the law firm, I wore heels, makeup, and a wig. And when I got married, I... threw myself into becoming a Keating, and it was all to create a version of myself that the world could accept. But I'm done."
"Instead, I stand before you, mask off, to tell you the god's honest. I have done many a bad thing. I've coerced witnesses, got clients to lie on the stand, bullied students to tears, manipulated jurors like you. But those are not the crimes I'm being tried for. It's murder. And I am no murderer."
"What I am is a survivor. I survived getting taunted by the n-word when I was in grade school. I survived the sexual abuse by my uncle when I was 11. I survived losing my first love, Eve, because I was scared to be gay. Then the death of my son in a car accident, the murder of my husband, then alcoholism, depression, grief, and every death leading up to this trial."
"But today, you decide. Am I a bad person? Well, the mask is off, so I'm going to say yes. But am I the mastermind criminal who pulled off a series of violent murders? Hell no."
"Who I am is a 53-year-old woman from Memphis, Tennessee, named Anna Mae Harkness. I'm ambitious, black, bisexual, angry, sad, strong, sensitive, scared, fierce, talented, exhausted."
Annalise let out a shaky breath. She glanced from one juror to the other. She said everything she needed to say and moved almost every person in the room.
"And I am at your mercy."
April was sitting between Laurel and Connor— with Michaela on his side. The jurors had made a decision, and they were anxiously waiting to hear what they had decided for Annalise.
"Ms. Foreperson, I've been told you've reached a verdict."
"Yes, your honor," the juror responded. Some papers got passed on to the judge. The tension in the room was thick. Laurel was gripping April's hand. They had no idea how this was going to end.
The judge looked through the stack of papers as the people in the room waited anxiously. "Please stand."
Annalise and Lennox both stood. "For the charge of conspiracy to murder Sam Keating in count one of the indictment, the jury finds the defendant Annalise Keating..." she paused for a while before revealing it. "Not guilty."
When those words left her mouth, April breathed relief, as did the people sitting behind Annalise. But it was not over yet. "For murder in the first degree of Rebecca Sutter, the jury finds the defendant not guilty. For the murder in the first degree of Asher Millstone, the jury finds the defendant not guilty."
Laurel leaned back in relief, tears threatening to escape. Connor and Oliver had a somewhat similar reaction. April couldn't help but smile, her eyes watering. It was over.
Michaela, on the other hand, was not as happy. 
"For murder in the first degree of Emily Sinclair, the jury finds the defendant not guilty. For the murder in the first degree of Ronald Miller, the jury finds the defendant not guilty. For murder in the first degree of Caleb Hapstall, the jury finds the defendant not guilty."
April looked over at her professor, who was hugging her family members. They were happy. Annalise wasn't going down for something she didn't do. And that was when April knew she had done the right thing.
The judge read the rest of the charges; not guilty. Those were the words that kept repeating themselves. Annalise was free. It was over. And she was enjoying the moment with the people closest to her.
Her students stood in the hall sometime later. Connor and Oliver didn't know how to feel, but they didn't have to wonder much longer.
April turned to her friends— her family. She just looked at them and took in the moment. It was over. It was finally over.
They could go back to when they worried about silly things, not murder. Their lives could go back to normal— somewhat normal.
But not for April.
She was ready. She knew it was the right thing, but she hadn't told anyone.
Her friends watched the two police officers approach them, and they were confused. Especially when they cuffed April. There was a lot she hid from them.
They questioned the officers— asked them why they were taking their friend away. What did April do? She told them she got probation.
April looked at her friends as the officers put the cuffs on. "I lied," she shrugged. "I'm the one who takes care of you. So that's what I'm doing."
They looked back at her with tears in their eyes. They were also confused and panicked. "I'm going to be fine. Fifteen years is not that much. Take care of yourselves."
"No, you can't do this!" Connor yelled at the police officer when they dragged her away. He was the most affected by this.
"Connor," Oliver pulled him back. He was crying too. Michaela reached out in an attempt to comfort him, but Oliver pushed her hand away. "You don't get to do that after everything."
"You betrayed everyone," Oliver cut her off harshly. Michaela was taken aback. She didn't have anything to say. She knew what she had done. She decided to walk away, no matter how much it hurt.
"Let's leave," Laurel spoke. She turned her stroller. And the three made their way to the exit. For a moment, they had enjoyed that feeling of happiness and relief. They hadn't felt that in a long time.
April gave up information and her freedom for her friends. She considered them family. She had lost her father, and her mother was being rearrested; that was a part of the deal she made.
As she was taken away, she thought about her friends and where they would end up. Annalise was free, and her friends were leaving. They were all going to start fresh.
April was unaware of the shooting outside the courthouse as it happened. As fast as that happiness appeared, it was gone. They were gone. It was over.
It was finally over.
She would be alone in prison, but that was how it had always been. Alone. But she took comfort in knowing her family would be okay.
No more worrying about people going after them or who killed who. It was over. It was finally over.
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pipermocha12 · 8 years
I swear to God if they make Connor the killer I will actually stop living.
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usako-pam · 9 years
HTGAWM S02E10 What Happened to You, Annalise? #howtogetawaywithmurder #htgawm #whathappenedtoyouannalise #violadavis #annalisekeating #lizaweil #bonniewinterbottom
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"No, we're not family. We're related. There's a difference"
"I'm alone"
"We're all alone!"
"It's so annoying when people assume you're straight just because you've dated or been married to someone of the opposite sex"
"You'd know that"
"Also, there's more than just gay and straight. Nanda could be bi. Or pan"
"I wasn't a man at that moment. I was a— I was a bomb fixed to— to explode, and I did, and I still don't know why I did, but I did, and it doesn't matter if it was him"
"We deserve to get out"
"Yeah, well, so did Nate Senior. Now he's dead"
"He can't in prison. This will scare her"
"The only people you're scaring is us with your sociopathic brain"
"Psychopathic brain— just to be clear"
"I don't want to hear from any of you. Genius one spoke, and now I want to hear from genius two"
"Food was good, though"
"She was, wasn't she?"
"Excuse me?"
"So they slaughtered him. They shot a defenseless man in the head, and here we are— another black man's body being paraded in the court and me having to beg for justice"
Main cast
— Sarah Drew as April Coleman / SCHOOL PRESIDENT / "I have a good plan. Be happy"
— Aja Naomi King as Michaela Pratt / PROM QUEEN / "The only people you're scaring is us with your sociopathic brain"
— Jack Falahee as Connor Walsh / HAIR GEL / "I didn't think that I could ever feel these things before I met you, but, Oliver, I want a long, boring, normal life because it's with you. You're everything to me"
— Viola Davis as Annalise Keating / THE PROFESSOR / "The FBI has labeled him as a black identity extremist. As if it's so extreme to think that black lives matter."
— Karla Souza as Laurel Castillo / WALLFLOWER / "Okay, that is between me and April"
— Liza Weil as Bonnie Winterbottom / BON BON / "Annalise was right. Ron was playing me. I just didn't want to see it"
— Charlie Weber as Frank Delfino / HITMAN / "He's gone. They're both gone"
— Matt McGorry as Asher Millstone / DOUCHEFACE / "No one's as hot as you"
— Conrad Ricamora as Oliver Hampton / THAT IT GUY / "Connor, as I stand here with you now, I realize that my dream wasn't the... wedding or the tux or Bryan Adams. My dream was you"
Side cast
Rome Flynn as Gabriel Maddox
Billy Brown as Nate Lahey
Paul Dano as Trevor Peterson
John Hensley as Ronald Miller
Timothy Hutton as Emmett Crawford
Amirah Vann as Tegan Price
Jessica Marie Garcia as Rhonda Navarro
— Spoilers
— Mention/description of blood/injury/death
— Mature content
— Shitty writing
— Spelling/grammar errors
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"YES. OKAY. BYE." Michaela hung up the phone. They were in the bathroom, and the shower was on. They thought the FBI is listening— so maybe they were a little paranoid. Mainly because of what Gabriel told them.
"What now?" April asked. Michaela turned to them.
"That was my lawyer," she told them. "She says the government is seeking the death penalty for Annalise." The news shocked them.
"I thought the death penalty was suspended in Pennsylvania," Oliver said. His eyes were wide in shock.
"Annalise's case is federal, not state."
"So they can execute her," April added. She was shocked by this. Annalise hadn't done anything to deserve this. Michaela nodded at her words.
"I was tailed on my run last night," Connor spoke.
"What?" Oliver exclaimed.
Michaela sighed. "Stop."
"It was a black SUV, probably the FBI." Connor's voice was shaking.
"You're being paranoid," April told him sternly. What Gabriel told them has gotten in his head. "Your mind is making things up."
"Or the FBI heard everything that Gabriel told us, which means it's all true. They killed Asher, and now they want to do the same to Annalise. We signed a deal with the devil."
꧁ ꧂
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" April asked Trevor. He had shown up at the house unannounced. She followed him outside and closed the door. "Start talking," April demanded.
"I have been talking to Karen," Trevor said after a brief pause.
April frowned. "About what?"
Trevor looked at her for a moment. "She wants a second chance." She scoffed when he said that. "You should work it out, especially because of everything that is going on. You need her."
"You two seem to have gotten close, so I don't think you need me."
"She needs you," Trevor insisted.
"I—" April cut herself off, not knowing what to say. She scoffs.
"You need to give her a chance."
"No, I don't." April stepped closer to him. "You can't trust her, Trevor. You know that."
"No, I don't. And right now, she is the only one I trust."
April was taken aback by his words. She didn't know they were that close. "Are you kidding?"
"She has changed, April. Let her show you that."
"She hadn't changed, Trevor."
"You've known her for five minutes," April interrupted him.
Trevor paused. "We've talked for a very long time, April. She had told me the full story of why you don't get along. And I really believe that she is trying to be better. She just really needs you to be there for her."
"Where is she?"
Trevor frowned. "April—"
"Where is she?" April asked again. "If she cared, then she would be here, not you. It's because she doesn't. So don't stand there and make excuses for her because you don't know her like I do. Leave." She turned around and walked back into the house.
꧁ ꧂
"WHAT'S TODAY'S LITTLE SECRET?" Michaela asked Gabriel. He was at their house again. They were sitting around the dining table. "You solve JFK? Hoffa?"
"Let's make a trade," Gabriel said. He was sitting in front of his fellow law students. "You tell me about what happened to Sam, and I won't tell Annalise that you're snitching on her."
"What are you talking about?"
Gabriel looked at Connor, who asked the question. "You got a deal with the FBI. That's how you got Asher's murder charges dropped against you."
"Okay, Asher's not here, but I will gladly fight you in his place," Oliver said. He seemed annoyed.
"Yeah, that goes for me, too," Michaela added.
"We don't have to fight him. We just have to go to the FBI and tell them what he told us," Connor told them. "Did you hear that, FBI?!" He yelled out. "Gabriel thinks that Agent Pollock killed Asher!"
Gabriel almost rolled his eyes. "Asher told me Wes didn't act alone. Before he died, he told me that. Hannah thinks so too."
"Sam's sister Hannah?" April finally spoke up. She had an annoyed expression on her face.
Gabriel nodded. "Why did she and Asher both say that Wes had help killing Sam?"
"Hannah is a crazy psycho, and she doesn't know anything. And Asher never said that."
"Yes, he did," Gabriel retorted. "It hurts, doesn't it? Someone you thought loved you told me that."
Michaela leaned on the table with a glare on her face. "Even a lying and spiteful Asher is a better person than you will ever be. Now, get out." Gabriel got up and left without another word. They heard the door open and close. "We are so screwed," Michaela breathed out.
"I know what to do," Connor stated.
"Oliver takes a poker to his head."
That comment didn't phase Connor. "No. But our fathers aren't going to like it."
The three law students found themselves standing in front of Annalise in her house— that was Connor's idea. "Good news?" April asked their professor, who just got off the phone.
Annalise crossed her arms over her chest. "I get to challenge the death penalty today."
The students glanced at each other. "Good, because we know how you can win." Connor stepped forward. He took out his phone and played a recording. It was of Gabriel talking about Pollock killing Asher. "The FBI killed Asher. This— this whole thing's been a setup."
"I already know that," Annalise deadpanned.
Connor glanced back at his friends in confusion. He looked at Annalise again. "Well, then, why haven't you used it? Force Gabriel to testify?"
"And put Gabriel's life at risk?"
"This proves that the FBI is conspiring against you!" April snapped at her, annoyed that she wasn't doing everything to protect herself. She approached her professor.
"Is this what I taught you to be? Cowards who throw innocent people under the bus?"
"You threw Nate under the bus after Sam!" Michaela shot back. She was now standing next to April.
"For you. And god knows I'm still paying for it."
The students were getting annoyed, especially Connor. "Look, this recording can get your whole case dropped! You should be thanking us!"
"No. It gets Asher's murder charge dropped. Because apparently, I have informants who will testify to all of my other charges."
They froze at her words. They had been caught. She knew everything— of course, she did. They stared at her, not knowing what to say. "Come clean," Annalise continued. "You're the informants. Admit it. Admit that you agreed to testify against me!"
"Fine, it's us," Michaela burst out.
"We only signed because agent Lanford used Asher's murder to coerce us," Connor said, his voice low.
"And it worked," April added. "We fell for it. And now we hate ourselves because, yeah, you taught us better."
"How do I know this isn't a trap?" Annalise asked them. "That you're not recording me now?"
"We're not," Michaela told her.
"Oh, says the snitch."
"This recording can get your death penalty charges revoked," April pointed out. "And it can help us out of our deal. We won't have to testify against you. Everyone wins."
"They want to kill you," Connor added. "And they might. But that's why we're here— because we wouldn't be able to live with ourselves if that happened." He shook his head slightly. "We're sorry. Really, we're sorry."
꧁ ꧂
ANNALISE STOPPED THE RECORDING. She was standing in front of Montes and Madam Chair. She recorded her conversation with her students without their knowledge. "These voices belong to Connor Walsh, April Coleman, and Michaela Pratt. They claim that the FBI murdered Asher Millstone in order to coerce them into testifying against me."
"We don't know if this recording is real," Montes protested.
"You were part of the coercion of these three witnesses, Ms. Montes," Annalise hit back. "How can a committee believe anything that you say?"
Madam Chair spoke up. "Counselors, this is not a judiciary hearing."
"Do you need more proof? Talk to agent Lanford." Annalise gestured to the agent who was sitting behind Montes. "He was their handler. He can get these three witnesses in front of you. Or I can give you their numbers myself."
They took her words seriously, and the next thing they did was go to the students' house. Lanford pounded on the door. 
Oliver opened for them. "Good, you're home," Lanford retorted. The other students joined them at the door.
"What's going on?" Connor asked.
"Annalise has a recording of you three claiming I coerced you into testifying against her."
April frowned at that. "A recording of us?"
"We'll talk more at my office. Do we need to cuff you?"
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"We need to go to the FBI"
"Absolutely not"
"A child is missing"
"Channel some of that anger"
"I've learned to live with that"
"You haven't"
"That man hurt you for years, April. Made you feel ashamed. Took away your dignity. He deserved to die. It was self-defense. You didn't have a choice. Say it"
Main cast
— Sarah Drew as April Coleman / SCHOOL PRESIDENT / "And it would be a shame if she couldn't practice law anymore. And a bigger shame would be if she went to prison for something I did"
— Aja Naomi King as Michaela Pratt / PROM QUEEN / "Hard is being trapped in a basement somewhere and your friends not doing anything about it!"
— Jack Falahee as Connor Walsh / HAIR GEL / "Look, she chose all of us for a reason. Michaela now, too"
— Viola Davis as Annalise Keating / THE PROFESSOR / We're going to beat out all of the guilt and the shame and the lies and the fear. Bury it"
— Liza Weil as Bonnie Winterbottom / BON BON / "They're not going to find out"
— Charlie Weber as Frank Delfino / HITMAN / "She was stolen off the street. And the only reason they got Christopher is 'cause you two took your eyes off him"
— Matt McGorry as Asher Millstone / DOUCHEFACE / "No more reject! No more loser! No more doucheface! You're a good man"
— Conrad Ricamora as Oliver Hampton / THAT IT GUY / "I'm not scared. I'm not a little boy!"
Side characters
Rome Flynn as Gabriel Maddox
Billy Brown as Nate Lahey
Paul Dano as Trevor Peterson
Amirah Vann as Tegan Price
Connie Ray as Karen Coleman
— Spoilers
— Mention/description of blood/injury/death
— Mention/description of rape/sexual assault
— Mature content
— Sexual content
— Spelling/grammar errors
— Shitty writing
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"I CAN'T FIND MY KEYS," Michaela complained. April, who was standing the closest to her, turned to look at her.
"They're in your hands." Michaela chuckled when she looked down and saw that she was holding them. They were wearing their graduation gowns and caps.
"Hello, is the FBI in there?" Connor called out.
Michaela finally managed to unlock the door. "That joke wasn't funny the first time," she told Connor, annoyed.
Michaela opened the door. "Everyone chug," Asher said. He gave the orange juice to April as they walked in. They were hoping the organs juice would sober them up— they were high.
"Why do we want this feeling to end?" Oliver walked in last and closed the door. They were carrying grocery bags.
"I just want to feel normal," Michaela muttered, taking the orange juice from April. Her phone started ringing.
"FBI?" Connor asked. He was no different now than when he was sober, except now he was thinking out loud.
"Unknown caller."
"Maybe it's Peyton ready for round 2." They went to the kitchen. Michaela declined the call.
"April did give Peyton my number instead of her own." Michaela looked over at April with a slight glare.
April was sitting by the counter. She shrugged. "She's lucky I didn't knock out her fake teeth."
"Only 'cause I stopped you," Asher said.
"Can we talk about what happened right after that?" Oliver asked. He was the most out of it.
"No," Michaela deadpanned.
"Why don't you just say yes?"
"I'm high, not insane."
"Ouch," Connor muttered. Michaela's phone started ringing again.
Michaela looked at her phone. "Now they're FaceTiming me." They all glanced at each other, wondering who this could be. "I'm just gonna answer."
Connor stepped forward. "Michaela, no."
But Michaela didn't listen. And she answered the call. "Hello?" The phone was glitching. The rest gathered to see who this person was.
They were shocked when the phone stopped glitching, and a face appeared. "It's me, Michaela."
"Oh, my god," Connor mumbled.
"Are we hallucinating?" Oliver questioned.
They hadn't seen Laurel in a very long time, and she was calling. "Just— okay, listen."
"Are you the mole?"
"No! It wasn't me, I swear," she told Michaela. "I would never turn you guys in, okay? But, obviously, someone else did."
REWIND; 10:03 am
"You're all wondering why I called you here today," Annalise started. Her students on their seats, paying attention. "You passed your final exam. Tomorrow, you graduate. But I had to say something before we part way for good."
"I know that you all ask yourselves why I'm still here, teaching, considering the hot mess my life has been the last three years. Well, the answer is simple— you."
"No one should be falsely accused of crimes they didn't commit. But it happens to people far worse off than me. And here's where you come in. I teach so that some of you will make sure that the Justice system lives up to its name. Even though I know that most of you will sell out and do corporate, some of you— the brave ones— will forge your own path, a path that doesn't put money or greed or glory first, but your clients."
"So think hard about who you want to be because, in 24 hours, you graduate, and you'll be free of me... free from Middleton... free from your families. So, whoever you decide to be, make yourself proud."
"That was a drunk speech," Connor muttered. They entered the house.
"Yeah," Michaela agreed. "That was a get lost and be nothing like me because my life's a huge disaster speech."
"Annalise gave a speech?" Oliver asked. He was sitting on the couch in the living room.
"Yeah," Connor replied. "She basically told us to go out into the world and be good people."
"Drunk speech," April added. "A good drunk speech."
"On that note, I have gifts." Oliver handed each of them a small box.
"Oooh! Tiny puppies?" Asher gushed.
"No. It's better. Open up."
April opened her gift, and she was surprised by what she saw, especially because it was from Oliver. "Wow," she chuckled. "I was not expecting this."
"What is it?" Michaela asked, confused.
"Are we taking a cooking class, Oli?" Asher asked Oliver.
"They're shrooms," Connor stated.
"They're psilocybin mushrooms that can heal psychic wounds— you know, like, from the last three years," Oliver informed.
"Or unlock all of the deeds that we've worked very hard to bury."
"Okay, which is it?" Michaela asked, glancing between Oliver and Asher.
"Asher's wrong. I'm right. It'll be fun...gi." Oliver chuckled at his own joke.
Connor didn't seem to like the idea. "We're supposed to meet my mom for dinner soon."
"I texted her and told her I was taking you out for dinner, and she should just meets us here tomorrow before the ceremony."
"Looks like you've got it all covered," April said. She was holding the mushroom. "Are we doing this or what?"
"Yes, that's the spirit!" Oliver cheered.
"Screw it!" Michaela declared, wanting to do it as well.
"Yeah, what the hell?" Connor mumbled. A little wouldn't hurt.
"Bon voyage."
꧁ ꧂
"YOU CAN'T FIND HER?" Michaela was standing with her arms crossed, gazing at Bonnie and Frank. They were all in the living room of the house.
"She went to the dean's party," Frank replied.
"Or she took off," Connor muttered. He went to stand next to April.
Bonnie seemed frustrated, and they couldn't really blame her for that. "Annalise is the one with her name spread all over the news. If anyone gets to panic here, it's her."
"How do we know she's not the informant?"
Frank quickly shut the idea down. "Shut the hell up." He knew Annalise more than the students did.
"She gave a cheesy goodbye speech this morning."
"This could be anyone." Frank was not happy that Connor was trying to put the blame on Annalise. "Xavier's making crap up."
"Gabriel?" Michaela asked.
"One of you?" Bonnie shot back.
"It's obvious who it is," Asher spoke up. "Laurel." Frank narrows his eyes at him.
Oliver let out a laugh, quickly covering his mouth with his hands. They all looked at him. "Oliver," April scolded him.
"I'm sorry," Oliver laughed. "I know it's not funny."
Frank frowned. "What's wrong with him?" He pointed at Oliver.
"He took mushrooms," Connor stated.
"We all did," April added.
Frank gave them a look of disapproval. "Morons."
"They're not working on the rest of us," Connor said in an attempt to defend himself.
Michaela was holding her head. "Not true." She sighed. "Oh, no. I think the panic sped up the digestion, and, yeah, it's working." She took a seat. "And I don't like it. I don't like it at all. I hate you, Oliver."
Oliver was still laughing. "Just— stay here," Frank ordered them and turned to leave with Bonnie.
April followed them to the door. "Why didn't you guys tell me about Miller?" She could feel the mushroom starting to take effect.
Frank and Bonnie glanced at each other. "You've been through enough already," she told April.
"What's done is done," Frank added. "Go back to your friends." He then left along with Bonnie.
꧁ ꧂
"ALRIGHT. BUDDY SYSTEM. No man left behind." Asher waved his arm, letting the other walk past him in the aisle. They were at the store, looking for something sweet to eat.
April and Michaela were looking for candy. "This." April grabbed a small bag of sweets. "My favorite." She smiled brightly as she opened it right there.
Michaela laughed as she watched April struggle with opening the bag. "Aren't you supposed to be a genius?"
April laughed with her. "I am?" The laughter soon died down.
"Oh, my god." April and Michaela straightened up and saw Peyton standing there. She looked surprised to see them.
"Oh, my god," April mocked her.
"Sorry, I just... well, I thought you all might be somewhere else," Peyton explained with a shrug. "Like jail."
April gave a fake chuckle, approaching Peyton. "For what?" Her smile dropped. "For beating your ass?"
"Hey, there's no need for that." Asher pulled April back. "We're all friends here."
Peyton ignored Asher. "I'll tell Gabriel you said hi." She turned and left.
April growled and stepped toward her but was stopped by Asher. "Okay. No, no, no. We're not doing that." He pulled her back to the group, and she started eating her candy again, calming down.
"I'm high, not insane."
"Ouch," Connor muttered. Michaela's phone started ringing again.
Michaela looked at her phone. "Now they're FaceTiming me." They all glanced at each other, wondering who this could be. "I'm just gonna answer."
Connor stepped forward. "Michaela, no."
But Michaela didn't listen. And she answered the call. "Hello?" The phone was glitching. The rest gathered to see who this person was.
They were shocked when the phone stopped glitching and a face appeared. "It's me, Michaela."
"Oh, my god," Connor mumbled.
"Are we hallucinating?" Oliver questioned.
They hadn't seen Laurel in a very long time, and she was calling. "Just— okay, listen."
"Are you the mole?"
"No! It wasn't me, I swear," she told Michaela. "I would never turn you guys in, okay? But, obviously, someone else did."
"How do you know about any of this?"
"I saw the news."
"How?" Asher asked, still shocked. "W-where are you?"
"Listen, I can't say in case my brother's listening."
"Laurel, you ruined our lives."
"I'm sorry, okay?" Laurel told Michaela. "But someone who knows everything turned on you. And I swear on Christopher's life, it wasn't me."
Oliver was unsure. "How do we know that Christopher's still alive?"
"He's right here." Laurel pinned the camera down, revealing Christopher.
"Oh, my god," Michaela muttered under her breath. Laurel put the camera back on herself again.
"How do we know that the FBI didn't put you up to this?" Connor questioned.
"They didn't."
"But they're who helped you disappear, right? Y-you're in witness protection?"
"Christopher didn't crawl out of this house on his own. Someone had to help you do all this."
"I did," April stated. They turned to her, shocked by the revelation. "Tegan and I helped Laurel disappear."
"It's true," Laurel told them. "They helped me. And I'm not the informant, I swear. Okay?"
"We don't believe you!" Connor snapped at her.
"I love you all." Laurel hung up.
"Tegan's not answering." Michaela put her phone away.
"Maybe she's the mole," Asher stated. "Or Laurel."
"It's not Laurel," April told him, starting to get annoyed by that theory. She had always been loyal.
"It's probably Annalise," Connor said. "The goodbye speech, the whole Snow White and the murderous dwarfs exam. It's her. She's the informant."
"It doesn't make any sense," April argued. "I mean, everything would lead back to her. It would make her a bigger suspect to the police and the FBI."
"It makes more sense that it's Tegan," Asher said, somewhat siding with April. "Or Gabriel. Or your mom," he said to April.
"Gabriel doesn't know anything."
"Neither does my mom," April added after Connor. She was looking at Asher, just like Michaela was. They both thought he was acting weird.
"It's Annalise," Connor went back to that. "She's doing what she should've done the night with Sam."
"Fine," Asher gave in. "Maybe you're right," he told Connor. "Maybe it's AK."
"It's not Annalise," April stated. She was staring at Asher. "But you knew that."
Michaela spoke up, siding with April. "It's why you didn't take the mushrooms. You were probably scared you'd reveal something."
"It's not me," Asher insisted.
Connor seemed to believe April and Michaela. "You do keep pointing your finger at everyone else."
"This is how these stupid leaks work. They get us all paranoid, so we turn on each other. And then all the hard work we did to have each other's backs, to be loyal, to trust each other— that goes out the window the second we all turn on our own, okay? We're family. You're my family. I would never... I wouldn't...," he trails off.
April crossed her arms. "Tell us the truth, Asher." Michaela seemed especially hurt by this. She was tearing up knowing one of her closest friends turned on her. "It's you."
Asher seemed regretful. Taking his time to answer because he knew how they would react. They were not going to trust him anymore. He ruined the relationship he had with the people closest to him. "Yeah," he breathed out— confirming their theory.
"And I know that Karen has been working with them too. That's why she was released early. Look, the good thing is, I-I haven't given the FBI anything concrete yet," Asher cried.
April looked at him, feeling betrayed. And maybe that was why she was tearing up, or perhaps it was the mushrooms. She didn't know, but the feeling of betrayal or overwhelming.
"That's— that's why they haven't arrested any of us. Everything we saw on the news about— about them thinking that more than one person was involved in Sam's murder? That's all stuff that they suspected before. I promise, I never got anyone on record saying anything—" Asher was cut off mid-sentence when he was hit in the back of the head with a fire poker. This knocked him unconscious— his body fell to the ground.
"Why did you do that?" Michaela asked, freaked out. Oliver was standing by Asher with the fire poker in his hand.
"I don't know, I don't know, I don't know."
"Someone check if he's dead."
April kneeled next to Asher and checked his pulse. "He's fine." He was bleeding from his head. She was keeping an eye on him, trying to ignore the arguing coming from the other three in the room.
"Guys!" April interrupted their bickering when she noticed Asher opening his eyes.
Michaela kneeled next to him. "Asher?" Oliver kept apologizing for what he did. "Are you okay?"
Asher blinked a few times, adjusting to the light. "I'm calling an ambulance."
"No, no, no, no," Asher protested. "I'm good." He touched the back of his head. His hand got stained with blood, and he wiped it on his shirt.
"Get a towel," Michaela told Connor, who left to get one. "It's probably a scalp wound. Those— those bleed a lot."
April got up. "Excuse me," she mumbled before leaving the house.
Connor and Michaela walked out to the porch and saw April sitting there alone. She looked calmer, and the mushrooms had almost passed through her system. They sat next to her.
"Maybe he's right," Connor said after a brief pause.
"You think so?"
"What choice do we have?"
"I'm not making this decision on shrooms."
April then spoke up. "We have at least two hours before we have to line up."
Connor and Michaela turned to her. He looked at her with a frown, not understanding why she was bringing that up after what happened with Asher. "Are you kidding me?"
April turned to them. "I don't know about you, but I'm graduating."
Michaela nodded, siding with April. "Me too. That's who I am— a brilliant, come-from-nothing badass boss who's not going to let some stupid boy or the FBI get in her formidable way."
"Asher?!" They heard Oliver yell. The three got up and went back inside, wondering what was happening. "Asher?!"
"Where is he?" Michaela asked, running over to Oliver.
"I went to get a fresh towel, and he's gone," Oliver explained. The back door was open.
Oliver had cleaned the floor. "See? Clean as a whistle, like it never happened."
"It happened."
Michaela made her way down the stairs. "We're not talking about that today." 
"Right." Oliver looked at his friends, who were all ready to graduate. "You look great."
"We look like ass," Connor deadpanned.
"Looking like ass is better than not graduating at all," April stated. She was sitting on the couch, still thinking about Asher. She looked tired. There was a knock on the door. "Great."
"Pam's early. Twenty bucks says her first question is where is Asher?" Connor went to answer the door, and it was not Pam.
"Are you Connor Walsh?" The woman at the door asked. April went and stood next to Oliver and Michaela.
The woman walked past him with two men behind her. "Michaela Pratt and April Coleman?"
April and Michaela glanced at each other confused. "Yes," they replied.
"You three are under arrest for murder." The students started arguing with them— why were they under arrest? Why was this happening now?
The woman put cuffs on April— Connor and Michaela were also being handcuffed. "Wait! Who died?!" April demanded. She looked the woman dead in the eyes.
"Asher Millstone," the woman answered. The answer shocked them. Asher left the house alive, so why were they being arrested? April was speechless.
"This is a big misunderstanding!" Oliver called out after them. The students were dragged out of the house by the agent and the officers.
꧁ ꧂
There was memorial service sometime in the future, and there was a big crowd. A woman was standing in front of them, sharing kind words about the departed. A man, who resembled Wes to a T, made his way through the crowd. He wanted to be at the front and perhaps share a few words.
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