#bonus points if there's magic or superpowers!
drowsie341 · 8 months
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@gontagokuhara-week Day 7 - crossover / (fusion?) au / free day
I'm a Persona 5 fan, and I also love putting my favourite characters into other settings... especially if they're a bit less despair-inducing than Danganronpa lmao.
So, Gonta as a Phantom Thief (because why the hell not)!! I've had this in mind for a while, and it's definitely not a final design or anything, but I like how it's turning out so far.
Warning, lots of AU infodumping below the cut :')
His Phantom Thief codename is Beetle :)
I wanted him to look classy, but also a bit intimidating and warrior-like
As for why his Phantom Thief outfit has some intimidating vibes when Gonta hates looking scary... I think he would eventually realise (maybe through an awakening scene?) that he can still do good by using that "intimidating” side of himself, and that he should embrace his whole self to help more and more people
Thinking about it, in a final design I want to make his undervest? Underjacket? thing more armoured, and give him more insect motifs and armour overall
Designing a Persona for him... that's gonna be a challenge if or when I get to it lol
Gonta’s very protection-oriented, not only with the armor on his outfit, but with his Persona abilities. Group defense buffs and group heal skills are a must for him. Is there a move in P5 where a character is 100% guaranteed to tank attacks aimed at others? If there is, he has that for sure. Also his element would be wind and his weakness would be fire
The shield-spear combo was inspired by this quote which pops into my head occasionally:
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The Phantom Thieves in P5 all have one gun and one weapon each, so an idea I had for Gonta was that his “shield” would actually be a large beetle-shaped armoured gun, that’s strapped onto his arm like a shield because using it as a gun feels dishonorable. ...But I completely forgot about that when drawing this orz I’ll get it right next time
I also have some ideas for a Kokichi P5 design... we going court jester with this one
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tmae3114 · 1 year
one's favourite whump trope not actually being a widely considered thing and which doesn't even have a proper name with which to find discussions of it let alone an ao3 tag to browse is a unique kind of pain, methinks
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konniesreality · 1 year
I've a piece of advice for everyone who trying to shifting/void whatever just give your self 3 days
For the next 3 days spend your day reprogramming your mind look ik going to void /shifting is easy you don't need a whole ass method or whatevaa but as we have certain believes and perspective towards life so initially it's a bit hard to just accept something new for our subconscious it says (no that's not true)
But just imagine you are at a new place so obviously you don't know the routes right? But what if someone keep telling you again n again that this way goes to hotel, this way goes hotel after few time you'll be like ohhh fuckk ik can you plz stop
Same way we have to let our mind get familiar with this new route
But firstly you should believe that shifting/ void do exist don't be like ohh is it even real it seems unreal to you because you haven't heared it from your childhood but that's doesn't mean it does not exist, so first of all stop questing yourself about it's existence
Now what you have to do is select 3 days from your preference and keep it in your mind that on the third day you are going to shift another thing during these 3 days at the initial 2 days don't try to shift I'll explain you later why you should not.
Day 1- just take a piece of paper or your phone anything it's up to you there should be two columns first believes second disbelieve now what you gonna do is on the believes section write things which you actually believe such as water keeps us hydrated but along with these sentence put some shifting/ void sentence repeatedly such as I can shift, shifting is easy for me, regardless of everything I'll shift, and much more it should be in a way which seems natural to you that's why I said put basic things which you actually believe in between first line should be any basic thing which you believe then about shifting then something else then again shifting like that and on the disbelief side write down things which you don't believe keep it simple like ghosts, black magic, and so on once you done go through this list throughout the day and lock it down in your subconscious that yeah this is what I believe and this is what I don't okayy?
Day 2- so this day you have to show gratitude towards whatever you believe like God or may be universe or whatever your superpower your guardian angel it could be anything show gratitude that omg I'm so grateful I came to know about this concept I meant to fulfill my desires or I deserve to live my DR that's why out of millions of people only few people know about this and I'm one of them also you just have to stay excited of course not the whole day but whenever you can because one day has already pass you are on the second and finally tomorrow is the day when you entering your DR so stay happy cheer the moment, feel excited about it you get it right?
This entire day you have to think that everything every single thing whatever you are doing throughout the day is bringing you closer to your DR let's say you are drinking water you'll be like ysss this water helps in my shifting, omg I'm taking a nap this brings me closer to my DR and stuff like that also keep reminding yourself that today is the day every second every minute that passes bring you close to the time when you are going to shift and enter in your desired reality.
Now at night do whatever method you follow for shifting and just enter like yess ENTER IN YOUR DESIRED REALITY GOOO DO IT!!!
And a bonus point you can do vaunts, and listen to subliminal throughout these three days ( it's optional btw but it helps)
Let me know the success stories byy byyy🤍🤍
Thank you so much anon! Everyone do thisssss 💗💗💗💗💗💗
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gloomverse-theories · 2 months
About Rylie’s Red Magic
Rylie getting magic was possibly one of the most awaited moments in the comic, and the way it happened was incredibly impactful. A hat, emerging from her shadow in a time of need, hidden so close yet so far from her reach. And her magic was the cherry on top of this terrible cake tragedy! Color-coded super abilities definitely makes her magic stand out, but when talking about it, there’s always this question:
What will Red do?
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And until it’s answered in the comic (or not), we have a lot of room to explore! 
But first, let’s go over
Magic Personalities
What is that, you ask? Why, it is conveniently explained in Purple’s “How Magic Work” bonus strip! But knock-off Purple here explains it decently too.
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The magic that you get is dependent on your interests, your biggest one, unless you’re really into rule-breaking things like the human body or cats. The type of magic you got is then fixed forever, and you have to live with the consequences of being really into marbles at age 10. Not everyone of us fixate on something cool like space, WALLIS. 
Going back to Rylie. What WAS Rylie’s biggest interest at the time? What we know about Rylie is that she likes black and edgy/rebellious fashion, but is also cursed with rainbow dreads. That’s a solid contender, since her magic is based on colors. Looking at her room, she likes skull motifs, ponies, anime, and plushies.
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A bit less relevant to her magic, although it is very anime magic. And finally, when she was in the hat store, dreaming up of what her magic could be, it was the power to jump as high as building, a nice foreshadowing and a sign that she did want that!
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But let’s look deeper.
Assistant’s biggest desire was to belong, and the Gloom filled it and made her feel like family. 
She got her hat when they were all in danger of death. 
She got her magic pleading for a way to save them.
And the magic answered. 
So I think the conditions in which she got her hat possibly influenced her magic!
Blue and Yellow Magic
Before going over the possibilities for red magic, let’s see what common points we can find between the two revealed power ups. 
The most obvious thing is that they are color themed, in case you hadn’t noticed, and correspond to the rainbow (blue - yellow - red) on her wand (which is where we get the red for her next magic). She starts by saying the color out loud, but later manages to switch without speaking. 
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Both of her powers manifest as clothes: a pair of boots and a pair of gloves, and give her superhuman abilities, like lifting giant rocks and jumping very high. 
So now we have the blueprint of her future magic: themed after a color (most likely red), wearable as clothes on her body, and providing Rylie with superpowered abilities. 
I want to add that it should also respect the three rules of magic, but it’s a bit late for that, isn’t it.
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Let’s start with something silly. Rylie has been shown a few times to be interested in ponies. She has an Unicron poster in her new room, and a twilight plushie in her old room.
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Ponies are a longstanding interest of hers, and magic is based on interests! Most My Little Pony iterations have 3 main types of ponies: earth pony, pegasus, and unicorns. 
Earth ponies are strong, and are shown to give stronger bucks/kicks than others. Rylie uses Yellow magic to punch people into the air. 
Pegasus ponies can fly around and walk on clouds. Rylie uses Blue magic to jump around and almost fly (though the only time she sinks into a cloud is when she’s wearing her boots in her dream, but that’s the trauma). 
Unicorn ponies are overpowered and can make incredibly complex spells, but the most commonly used one is telekinesis. In this theory, Red would allow Rylie to move objects from a distance (like Wallis can already do!), and the article of clothing could be anything, from a differently shaped wand she can point at stuff, to a headset with horns. Who knows! 
Rylie’s magic has a running theme of splitting her wand into two parts: pair of gloves for her two hands and pair of boots for her- ah, nevermind that.
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But do you know what else comes in two? Kidneys! Lungs! Ears! Eyes! I think I’m safe to discard the first two since they are inside, but eyes and ears make for good contenders. If Yellow gloves boost her strength, why not Red goggles that improve her eyesight? Perhaps a full headset to improve both hearing and seeing! That may not be as exciting as jumping around, but it is definitely useful in a situation where discretion matters (like Virga hunting the group down). 
Something really interesting about the Yellow magic is that the hat STILL has a little wing as a decoration on it! It made sense for Blue since winged shoes have been a thing for thousands of years (Hermes’ winged sandals) and it grants her the power to almost “fly” when she jumps, but why keep the wing on her hat when she has punching gloves? Because it’s not any kind of punch. It’s an AIR-punch! That sends Cakegirl FLYING! Interesting!
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Rylie does have a lot of connections to clouds and sky, for someone who takes after a Light-themed mancer, does she not? That’s why I argue that Red could be a pair of wings, either as a cape or fixed to her arms. While that could seem redundant with her jumping boots, it could also go well with it, allowing her to glide instead of falling immediately back down. That would be a useful mid-air shift, or a good way to not die when plummeting towards the ocean from a height that transforms water surface into deadly concrete, as a random example. 
Finally, my main theory. There is another theme that I noticed between Yellow and Blue magic: Fight or Flight response. Yellow is Fight, Blue is Flight. It’s the possible reaction to a threat: you either run away and escape the threat, or you attack the threat and dispose of it. Rylie got her magic during a very active threat to her wellbeing and her friends’, and she pleaded for a way to save them. Magic answered by enhancing her ability to flee and to fight!
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But there is a third (and fourth) response to a threat: freezing behavior, to become rigid and petrified in place. Red would be the magic’s “freezing” response, and allow Rylie to block a direct attack, through a shield or armor, and overall make her be able to tank and sustain damage. While not as showy as the other two colors, and definitely harder to turn into an asset for her own magic show, the theme of the three stress responses makes me really like this option.
The fourth response is fawning, but it is not as easy to translate into a magic power up as freeze. 
Something else
I’m no wizard, and the future is as clouded to me as it is to you. Red magic could be either or none of these options. Perhaps it enhances something else, like her speed, or gives her more ranged powers, like a whip or a bow, perhaps it’s dual swords because it would be cool! Maybe it will come up in a moment where Rylie experiments with her magic while everything is calm, or maybe it will be something that helps Rylie in a dire moment, summoned from instinct. Who knows! But it is fun to speculate, and I hope you had fun too. 
There is however one last possibility.
We will never know what Red magic does, if Rylie never tries it.
After all this time, all those nightmares, the color Red may not be the most enticing color to try with magic. Something about an evil magician with red eyes and a red wand. 
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Why try RED, when there’s so many other colors to try from? Perhaps Green will be a combination of Blue and Yellow, or an entirely new ability! The Green lady seemed so much nicer than the Red figure obliterating her. 
So those were my thoughts on Rylie’s magic! 
Magic is based on personal interest
Rylie got hers in a moment of trauma 
Her magic consist of ability-enhancing color-coded accessories
Possible options for red magic power-up:
Telekinesis as a nod to Rylie’s brony phase
Enhanced vision/hearing to pair with her other enhanced abilities
Wings because of the air-theme and little wing decorations
A shield/armor as a freezing response to go with the current two’s fight or flight theme 
Something else
We will never find out because of Rylie’s trauma with red tinted magic
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booklr, arise!! i am once again soliciting recs. specifically, i need your Best SFF/Generally-Speculative Books About Revenge (or at least with a Prominent Revenge Subplot). i will also accept Classics™, but they’re on thin ice.
preferably not YA (no shade to YA, but it’s not what i need Material for right now), preferably not a series--i’m looking for self-contained and actualized Revenge Stories. sci-fi or weird preferred to fantasy; magical realism also good. bonus points if it’s vaguely superpower related, more bonus points if it’s also queer.
hit me with your best recs, please!!
(an incomplete list of relevant things i have already read are below the cut!:)
- VICIOUS/VENGEFUL by Schwab (you see what i’m looking for, huh)
- RED RISING by Brown
please note: i am NOT interested in THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO et al. OR anything ~Steamy~, which is what Goodreads keeps giving me
thanks for reading this far, y’all!!
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phoenixradiant · 4 months
Explain Your Magic System Poorly
My thanks to @illarian-rambling and @leahnardo-da-veggie for the tag!
Rules: Explain the magic system of your current WIP as poorly as possible. Bonus points if you use bullet points.
There are really 4 (maybe 5 depending on how you count them) systems. I'm going to explain them all
Enchanting: You can't do it here. Pay someone somewhere else to do it for you and send it on a boat. Makes things into cooler things.
Ivradian Spiritcalling: Can touch ghosts and make deals with people to take their souls (not as bad as it sounds)
Daurian Branding: Draw abstract concepts to pull them from your fever dream into reality.
Soul Branding: A god draws abstract concepts on you to give you superpowers.
And now to explain the magic used the most:
The Aial Forms: Wizardry, Sorcery, and Pathry,
Cast from hit points and ______
Hit points means soul energy
Don't worry, your soul is like a muscle.
Wizardry: Cast from brain, very specific
Sorcery: Cast from thickness of skull, very wild
Pathry: Cast from the feels, very strong but very limited
Traumatized people canonically have more hit points.
And usually more of the rest of the stuff too
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laidee-flegman · 10 months
the 12 days of Christmas journaling prompts
Seasons greetings everyone! To celebrate the beginning of the Christmas season I'm going to be uploading journaling prompts everyday for 12 days all surrounding Christmas, starting with todays!
What's your go-to Christmas movie, and why does it give you all the warm fuzzies?
If Santa had a smartphone, what emojis do you think he'd use to describe his Christmas Eve adventures?
Describe your ideal winter wonderland – snowflakes, hot cocoa, and all that jazz.
Share a childhood Christmas memory that still makes you grin like a kid on a sugar high.
If you were in charge of the North Pole, what quirky updates or improvements would you make?
Write a letter to your future self, reflecting on this Christmas and your hopes for the next.
What's the weirdest, most unexpected Christmas gift you've ever received? Spill the peppermint tea!
Create a Christmas playlist that perfectly captures your holiday vibes. Bonus points for dance-worthy tunes!
Imagine you're a mischievous elf causing harmless chaos in Santa's workshop. What kind of mischief would you make?
What's your secret weapon for surviving awkward family gatherings during the holidays?
Share your favourite Christmas recipe – whether it's a classic or your own quirky creation.
If your pet could write a letter to Santa, what do you think would be on their wish list?
Describe your dream Christmas tree – lights, ornaments, and all the trimmings.
What's your strategy for tackling holiday shopping without going totally Grinch-mode?
If Christmas characters had social media profiles, what kind of posts would they share? #FrostyTheSnowmanSelfie
Write a short story about a magical, unexpected Christmas adventure you'd love to experience.
Share a cringe-worthy holiday moment that still makes you laugh. We all have 'em!
If you could spend Christmas anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
Create a Christmas-themed bucket list for the season. Check off as many as you can!
What's the most bizarre Christmas tradition you've ever heard of? Would you give it a go?
If you were in a Christmas movie, what would your character be like, and what wild shenanigans would they get up to?
Reflect on the year and jot down three things you're grateful for – big or small.
Share a Christmas joke that never fails to crack you up. Laughter's the best present, right?
Describe the perfect Christmas morning – from the smell of pancakes to the sound of ripping wrapping paper.
If you could invite three fictional characters to your Christmas dinner, who would they be and why?
Write a letter to Santa outlining your good deeds and maybe a few… not-so-good ones.
What's your favourite way to give back during the holiday season? 'Tis the season of giving, after all!
If you had a Christmas-themed superpower, what would it be and how would you use it?
Share a heart-warming holiday quote that inspires you to spread good vibes.
Reflect on one goal or intention you have for the upcoming year. How will you sleigh it?
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playingitup · 2 years
Hey, has anyone here ever seen a Percy Jackson or Harry Potter crossover with My Hero Academia?
Percy getting sent by Poseidon as a child to this alternate universe so he will be safe from the prophecy (probably after Sally dies, ik y'all like the dead mom plot), but said universe just so happens to be full of superpowers.
Bonus points if he has this super sketchy backstory ("yeah, when i was four my mom got killed by this guy with a bull mutation, my dad showed up and brought me here, i remember thinking he was very imposing, like the heroes on the tv" I cant make it sound like it does in my head, but placed in a way that it seems like Percy's dad may possibly be AfO just to give All Might a scare) and doesn't know shit about not being a normal quirked guy (cue to him being able to A) manipulate water B) talk to fishes C) talk to horses D) heal through water E) cause minor earthquakes when upset).
Or, alternatively,
Master of Death Harry Potter, who gets reborn or sent by Death to this universe, either to be a savior again, to find a good family or purely for the ancient entity's amusement. Anyway, he gets attached. And since BAMF MoD Harry Potter is awesome, he becomes a vigilante or a hero student and just wipes the floor with everyone using wandless magic and saying his quirk is some kind of energy manipulation. Going near Midoryia and being like "why tf are seven ghosts hanging around your head? That's creepy"
Or even Nico di Angelo ones
Where Hades sent him there or he found a new form of shadow travel and stuck around for a while, liking the superhero theme, when he realizes that there is someone out there (AfO) using fragments of peoples souls for evil, without consent and to create braindead zombies that really shouldn't exist. This 14yo accidentally becoming a vigilante whilst trying to find the big bad and make sure he gets what he deserves. Aizawa finding him. Semi adoption shenanigans. "I am not going to a hero school, I don't even know basic math" "yes you are, and you will". Todoroki thinking Nico is Aizawas secret lovechild. Nezu and All Might thinking his father is AfO because of his very passionate "theory" that his quirk works by splitting a part of the soul and mimicking the genes after it, much like his own that permits him to raise the dead and command souls
Anyways, please can someone recommend me anything among these lines? Or write it if you want to, I don't have that capacity. Please. I'm begging.
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ivereadthemanual · 9 months
What is the most compelling aspect for you of your favorite ship?
First I panicked because there is no way I can decide on my favorite ship. I mean yes, angelfish rots by brain away like nothing. But sometimes it feels more like a hostage situation.
But thankfully my ships tend to share certain aspects so I try to get those. And now I see you've wrote aspect. Singular. Okay..panicking again. decisions. decisions. decision.
I think the most compelling aspect for me is, if the characters make each other better, support each other and they grow together as individuals. They don't have to do that from the start. I mean who doesn't love some nice enemies to lovers. And fighting can totally be a love language. And they can be total assholes to everyone else. And sure, going on a killing spree together can be a date.
But ultimately I want them to make each other feel seen and loved. They have each others back and mutual trust. And sometimes that means calling each other out on their bullshit.
Bonus points if one is a total dork. Dubble-bonus points if the dork is the seemingly more powerful one (like having superpowers/magical abilities while the other doesn't)
Thanks for you asks. I don't think I ever thought about this. Normally I'm just like "Ok, I love this. Let's ship".
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Mundane Magic/Superpowers that I think MBS Humans would have
Mr. Benedict can tell just the right trick to get someone talking. He uses this on occasion for more sneaky things, like getting important information out of a government agent who'd otherwise be hesitant to share by offering them a plate of cookies, but most often it's directed toward giving his family the confidence to say what's on their mind. More or less eye contact, a hug or keeping his distance, playing a game or even just sitting together quietly. He knows each of the people he loves intimately well, and he can tell when there's something weighing on their hearts. However, there are definitely times when he uses this emotional intuition to pull pranks or silly secrets out of them, and while there's a slight surprised indignation, the moment always ends in laughter.
Number Two never runs out of dishes. It doesn't matter if she's cooking or making everyone hot chocolate or even putting away leftovers. The entire kitchen could be a disaster, but she will always have just the right container free. Somehow, whatever she needs is right there in the cabinet. She barely even bothers to look anymore, just reaching in and knowing that at the tips of her fingers will be the right sized mixing bowl, or the correct number of spoons, or another pie dish for Moocho. Some days, she won't necessarily find what she's looking for, but she'll find what is needed. Mr. Benedict's favourite mug, Kate's hand-painted bowl, the plate she always uses to bring SQ snacks. And she'll simply shrug and go about preparing whatever that person needs. (It's always appreciated)
Rhonda always knows the right colours for things. Beyond just having an artistic eye, she knows how the right patterns and designs will influence a person. Colour theory to the max. She can make herself look younger, older, more credible, or even on death's doorstep. Half of her disguises are based around the right shade of cloth, and besides that, she can extend her skills to interior design too. Why do you think Mr. Benedict's study is so particularly calming to him? She sets up each of the children's rooms, and though she may not have known them for long, somehow she got everything right, to the point that Sticky asks if she'd been spying on them to ascertain their favourite colours.
Milligan is always the right temperature for day-to-day events. He brings a jacket everywhere in case, because he likes to be prepared, but rarely needs it. More often than not, he ends up giving it to someone else because they got cold. Even when moving in and out of buildings, he adapts quickly to whatever the weather or indoor temperature might be. Even if it's a slightly chillier day, and he did think that a sweater would be needed, the instant Kate starts shivering he takes it off, and finds that he probably didn't need it after all. Rain never seems to stick to him, rolling off his hat and overcoat like he's a duck, and though his hair might be damp, he's never soaked by anything less than a torrential storm.
Miss Perumal makes the perfect cup of tea. No matter who she's making it for or how much, she has just the right timing to get the best flavour. It doesn't matter if it's a special kind of tea leaves she bought intentionally and has been saving or if it's the weird stuff kept in hotel rooms, tea made by her hands is always the best. Of course, when she takes the time to intentionally make tea just for a specific person it has the added bonus attached, but there's always something comforting about a cup of tea from her.
Curtain never has his ink bleed when he's writing. Anything he commits to paper, even if it's a harried scribble, always is perfectly legible to him. Pencil graphite never smears for him, and he is consistently able to find a writing utensil when he needs one. When he was in school, he never had to borrow one, his pencils were always sharp and his pens never died. (It was unknown whether they simply kept working until he finished writing and then disappeared or were lost, or if he really just used the same one for years on end)
Garrison keeps impeccable time in her head. She barely even needs a stop watch for times up to five or ten minutes (But she keeps one on hand anyways). Timing experiments, keeping track of how long she needs to finish tasks, even remembering how long it takes other people to do things if she's seen them do it enough. She doesn't want to believe that she has this ability, even though no matter how many times she tests it she comes up with near perfect results, but sometimes she finds herself relying on it absentmindedly.
SQ has never broken or lost a single piece of his art supplies. No matter what's happening, or where he's been, he's always able to find everything safe in his bag. He doesn't even need to be paying attention, but whatever colour of pencil or type of tool he grabs when he's too focused on his work to look up is exactly what he needs. There's something about his art that seems more vibrant and alive than most others', and even he isn't completely sure how exactly what he's picturing in his mind transfers so perfectly to the physical world.
Reynie gives the best hugs. It doesn't matter who it is, or how badly their day has been going, he always knows just the right amount of pressure. His hugs never last too long, even though he's never the first one to pull away. He finds the right position for his arms and the correct way to lean into the person he's hugging no matter their height. Even if he's in a completely separate room, or if the person goes off to be on their own, something will nag at him to go find them, and when he does it's always a welcome intrusion. The others never even have to ask, which is good for some of them who struggle with verbally requesting affection. As soon as the thought enters their head to wish for a hug, he's right there, ready to offer one, with a smile entirely free of judgement.
Sticky's books stay open to the right page no matter what. Even if he closes it, the next time he picks it up it will fall open right where he left off. He always remembers where he stopped reading, obviously, but it's a nice comfort to have the books immediately settle on where he last was. On occasion, however, the pages will turn not to what he was reading, but what he needs to read. When he's feeling alone, the notebook he keeps his friends' letters in will fall off the shelf; sometimes an operating manual will tip over on his desk just a few minutes before his mother's wheelchair acts up; and he has great success finding recipe cards that Number Two would have sworn had been lost for months on the very day they're wanted.
Kate has a keen sense for when things will last. Rope, tools, even furniture, all she has to do is look at it for a moment and she'll be able to tell whether or not it will be worth using. She would always check the harnesses and equipment at the circus, warning the other performers if something was nearing a breaking point. Once she meets the others, she will sometimes take a day where she works her way through Mr. Benedict's study with her friends, making a stack of books whose binding is getting particularly fragile. She also is very careful to sneakily dispose of any dishes that might have hidden stress fractures, since so many people in their family are sensitive to the loud shattering noises.
Constance can always find blank paper. It doesn't matter where they are, or what's going on, there's either a stack of free brochures she can disassemble or a flyer she can steal or a scrap of notepaper buried deep in her pocket that she evidently forgot about. There were a couple of times her family was concerned she was just tearing the end pages out of books, but she insisted that she would never do that, citing how upset it would make Mr. Benedict (And the rest of them, even though she won't admit it) Most often she uses these to write down her poems, but if there's ever an important message she must pass on, or a vital detail that needs to be recorded, she always has enough space to ensure everything is included.
Moocho, of course, can bake amazing pies. However, beyond his skilled ability to never tear or burn crusts, he is always able to intuit portions. It's a little like Kate being able to know measurements, but even if there's no notice that there's going to be a guest, something will tell him to make extra. He always knows how hungry someone is, even if they deny it, and will give them the right amount of food. Everyone eventually learns to trust him, and on some rainy day when the larger serving dishes are pulled out, they are certain to set an extra place at the table.
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stoic-whumpee · 2 years
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I posted 1,065 times in 2022
That's 726 more posts than 2021!
266 posts created (25%)
799 posts reblogged (75%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 682 of my posts in 2022
Only 36% of my posts had no tags
#whump - 581 posts
#whump prompt - 422 posts
#whump prompts - 201 posts
#r prompts - 154 posts
#emotional whump - 146 posts
#captivity - 137 posts
#hurt/comfort - 103 posts
#team dynamics - 92 posts
#r speaks - 87 posts
#aftermath - 80 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i'd make a list of what i'm interested in writing for but most of them heavily depends on the mood of that day and the alignment of the star
My Top Posts in 2022:
Prompt #90
Leader sent Whumpee on a mission that ended up getting Whumpee captured. The team blamed Leader for what happened, especially Teammate A who was close to Whumpee and who had protested Leader's decision. Leader was full of guilt, and they decided to come to the enemy and exchanged themself for Whumpee. Bonus point if Leader knew that the enemy's leader had always wanted them and they had finally gave in.
Leader now sat in a cell, all alone, knowing that they wouldn't be rescued. And they were fine with that.
469 notes - Posted June 3, 2022
Whump Writing Resource - A List
(Feel free to add more) 
1. Whump Prompt Generator: 
Whumpy Prompt Generator by @whumpprompts
Whump Prompt Randomiser by @janetm74fics
Random Whump Generator by @grovegrocer
Whump Prompt Generator by @theres-whump-in-that-nebula
Whump Prompt Generator by unknown user. (*please let me know if you know who the author is)
Whump Generator by @thatsgonnaleaveamark
Whump Prompt Generator by @thatsgonnaleaveamark
Torture Whump Prompt Generator by @delicatewhumps
Sickfic Whump Generator by @delicatewhumps
Torture Methods by @delicatewhumps
Illness Generator by @delicatewhumps
2. Whump Community: 
Whump Community Directory at @whumpcommunity
The Whumpapedia at @whumpapedia
Bad Things Happen Bingo at @badthingshappenbingo
3. Inspirations/ Starting Point: (Wikipedia is always a really good website for a starting point, check their Reference section of for more in-depth sources) 
TV Tropes
Superpower Wiki
Magic Power Wiki  
List of different types of weapons 
List of Natural Disasters
List of Accidents and Disasters
List of various World Building Guides and Tools 
Web MD A-to-Z Guide
481 notes - Posted June 5, 2022
Prompt #79
Whumpee is framed for a crime they didn’t commit and was awaiting trial in the dungeon. When they got a visit from their team Leader, they were relieved to see someone who would help them prove their innocence. 
Instead of asking Whumpee what happened, Leader glared at them and blamed them for causing more trouble. Whumpee understood that Leader wouldn’t believe them. They knew that they were now abandoned by the team and gave up on fighting for their freedom. 
Bonus point if Whumpee had always been an outcast/troublemaker in the team, and now Leader said they had always expected Whumpee to “go rogue”. 
494 notes - Posted March 4, 2022
Prompt #95
A character who has been used and exploited too many times, who has been pushed into doing terrible things without another option. A character who every single choice they were forced to make made had led to more downfall, who is never offered a second chance. They don't believe they deserve a chance to be happy anymore.
745 notes - Posted June 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Prompt #112
Touch-starved whumpee who doesn’t know how to ask for comfort
- Whumpee who grows up being denied or ridiculed for their need of affection. Eventually, Whumpee learn to just stop asking because they will never get what they want and will most likely be punished for daring to ask.
- Whumpee who are wary of being open or vulnerable to their teammates because their guardians or the people they grow up with see vulnerability as a weakness. Whumpee has been so conditioned that they are not allowed to ask for comfort so they just close off and deal with it themself. And their teammates don’t know they are truly struggling because they have learned to conceal it so well.
- Whumpee who is taught to not be “selfish” (read: to not ask for anything), so they just don’t ask because they don’t want to bother their teammates.
- Whumpee who takes on the role of a caretaker and put their own needs for comfort aside so they can listen to teammate A’s family issues or be the big spoon because teammate B likes to be the small spoon. They see their touch starvation as something trivial themselves, because their teammates need their touch more and Whumpee can handle themself.
- Whumpee who just melts into someone embrace, soaking up all they can get. Whumpee who hides their disappointment and the feeling of emptiness when the arms inevitably let go and they are alone again.
- Whumpee who is too shy to ask, and is a bit closed off and by themself that people think they don’t like to be touch.
- Whumpee who is very selective about whose touch they want, but has to take any physical comfort they can get because they don’t have any other option.  
778 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
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darrylhudson86 · 9 months
Learn How to Write Unique and High-quality Content That Blows Your Readers' Minds 🙀🔥
Hey there! 🌟 Want to elevate your writing game? 📝 Let's dive into the secrets of crafting UNIQUE and HIGH-QUALITY content that captivates your audience! 💡✨
1/ 💎 Start with a Bang! 🚀✍️ Grab attention from the get-go! Your intro is like the first sip of coffee – it has to be STRONG! ☕️ Share a surprising fact or a mind-blowing statistic that makes your readers go, "Wait, what?!" 🤯
2/ 🌈 Infuse Personality! 🎨💬 Your content is YOUR brand. Sprinkle a bit of your unique flair into it! Add humor, anecdotes, or quirky metaphors – make it a reflection of YOU! 🤪📚 People love connecting with personalities, not robots.
3/ 🕵️‍♀️ Know Your Audience! 🎯🔍 Deep dive into their interests, pain points, and desires. 🚀 Craft content that speaks directly to THEM. It's like having a one-on-one conversation with a friend – relatability is the name of the game! 🗣️
4/ 🔍 Research, Research, Research! 📚🔍 Be the Sherlock Holmes of your niche! Dive into the details, find the hidden gems, and present them in a way that's easy to digest. Your content should be a treasure trove of valuable insights! 🔍💎
5/ ✨ Visual Feast! 🎨📸 Break up that text with eye-catching visuals! Humans are visual creatures – use images, infographics, or even GIFs to make your content pop! 🌈✨ A picture is worth a thousand words, right?
6/ 🚀 Craft Irresistible Headlines! 📰💥 Your headline is the door to your content kingdom! 🏰 Make it magnetic, intriguing, and impossible to scroll past. It's the first impression that matters – make it count! 💫
7/ 🚫 Ditch the Jargon! 🤯🔍 Avoid content that sounds like a secret society initiation. Keep it simple, clear, and conversational. Your goal is to enlighten, not confuse! 🤔📝 Plain language is a superpower!
8/ 🔄 Surprise Twist! 🔄✨ Break the pattern! Insert unexpected twists, turns, or a "plot twist" in your content. Keep your audience on their toes! Predictability is the enemy of engagement. 😉🔄
9/ 🎯 Call to Action Magic! 🚀💬 End your content with a clear and compelling call to action! Whether it's a question, a challenge, or a request for feedback – ignite that engagement fire! 🔥✍️
10/ 🌟 Bonus Tip: Consistency is Queen! 👑📅 Keep the content train rolling! Consistent posting builds anticipation and trust with your audience. Be the reliable source they can't wait to hear from! 🚂💖
Take your content to the next level 🚀💻 Check out my ultimate blogging guide for beginners! 🌐✨ It's packed with ninja-level tips and tricks to kickstart your content creation journey! 🔥🚀
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whump-me · 1 year
1, 6 and 16 for the whump ask!
- @whump-kia
I did 6 and 16 earlier, so I’ll stick with 1:
1. What was your whump awakening(s)?
Oh, I have several. I’ve always been good at turning things whumpy that were never meant to be whumpy. I’m pretty sure tiny me was coming up with whump scenarios for Scooby-Doo and the freaking Care Bears. And I had my Barbie dolls saving each other from near-drowning and hypothermia and tumbles off cliffs all the time. But the first things that gave me whumperflies that didn’t come out of my own head were:
The Secret World of Alex Mack. Old Nickelodeon show where a girl gets superpowers from a chemical spill, and the chemical plant spends the remaining four seasons trying to find her and make her their lab rat. In the show, it was played as mostly humorous, and on the rare occasions they got hold of her, she got out before anything bad could happen. In my head? Not so much.
Animorphs. Not only was there plenty of whumpy stuff in the series, there was a whole book where my favorite character was captured and tortured for the. entire. book. I read that book so many times…
Mercedes Lackey. I was introduced to her fantasy novels as a preteen by a bookstore clerk who, as far as I can tell, took one look at me and instantly thought, This person desperately needs the queerest book in the entire fantasy section. The whump was a bonus. Mercedes Lackey’s Valdemar series is set in a light and fluffy fantasy world where the authorities are always pure and good, people have telepathic bonds with their soulmates, and young misfits are apt to be whisked away by magical talking horses and brought to the royal palace to find out how special they are. Good stuff for teenage me. Better stuff: the occasional weird tonal shifts featuring villains with a fetish for torture and murder (or in one case, creating catgirl sex slaves from his own DNA). I don’t understand what was going through her head when she wrote these books, but I am not complaining.
Roswell. Specifically, the one episode where the alien hero posing as human is captured, locked up in a secret government facility, tortured for information, and nearly vivisected. It was the whumpiest thing I had ever seen at that point, and is solely responsible for my love for cold whumpers gently and sinisterly whispering to their whumpees.
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dittomander · 2 years
Hi Ditto!
I’m sending this through the good ol’ totally functioning all the time mobile app. I have no idea of the journey this ask will go through to reach its destination, but I hope it gets there. I hope.
I guess I need to ask a question to make it an ask, huh? *throws a dart at a spinning wheel*
If you could take some or all of the amigos and place them in a different movie or show, which one would you pick (other than Sofia the First since it’s the same world)?
I feel like the amigos might enjoy an Indiana Jones type of adventure, but honestly the possibilities are endless. I was just curious as to your thoughts.
Thank you for your time! I appreciate it :)
I wanna drop them in the RWBY-verse!
(Also I know you specified the amigos but bear with me here I'm going in full au concept mode):
A sizable number of characters—any of the Flores-es (bonus points for Elena and Lucía), any of the de Alvas, Scarlett, Ash, at least 3/5 named sirenas, and that's just off the top of my head—already have perfectly valid RWBY character names
Elena's emotion powers are her semblance, obviously
(and Esteban's teleportation is his)
on the topic of sirenas... are fish faunus a thing in RWBY? I'm not actually all that familiar with the lore, but I feel like adapting sirenas as faunus makes the most sense
the amigos are already in a group of 4 for a huntsman team
...although what their team name would be is throwing me. I'm assuming Elena would be the leader, so that would put the E first? maybe Team EMGN (imagine)? Team ENGM (enigma)? what counts as "evocative of a color?"
..........team EGMN (eggman)????
anyway someone please give these kids some comically impractical firearms, some trauma-metaphor superpowers, and set them loose against literal nightmare creatures, I think it would be fun
ALso fun is the idea of dropping the amigos into the world of Revenant as they are—Elena gets mistaken for a Maiden within like 30 seconds of arriving and literally no-one knows what to make of Mateo bc actual magic is supposed to be restricted to a very select group in that world. Maybe his magic is assumed to be just a really versatile semblance? Gabe and Jaune bond as sword bros and someone attaches a gun to the end of Naomi's lasso. Hijinks ensue.
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icarus-suraki · 1 year
95, 77, and 49 for the ask game if you would be so kind
Invade my personal life! Or let me invade yours...
95. What would you do if you would be invisible? I never think about what I'd do if I could be invisible, you know? Like, when it comes to lists of "what superpower do you wish you had?" I always go for flight or shapeshifting (and sometimes teleportation). So I don't know what I'd do if I could be invisible…
It might be useful sometimes, like when I want to walk around in Sephora while knowing nothing about makeup and not feel embarrassed about that when the employees talk to me. Or--actually, this is a good one now that I think about it--it would be great to be invisible in a public place where I can just watch people without anyone thinking I'm being creepy or staring at them. I'm sorry you think I'm creepy, I'm just interested in how you have your dog in a stroller and your toddler on a leash (or whatever). It would be useful at work in customer service situations where, after a particularly difficult interaction, I could just go somewhere and disappear for a while. That would be great. And the other really good use I can think of is walking around at night. I could walk around at night and no one could see me and think I'm planning to break in and I wouldn't have to be concerned about someone following me or harming me because they wouldn't see me. I could just run around in the grass at night or learn how to parkour myself up onto the roof and no one could stop me.
Now that I think about it, learning how to parkour myself up onto the roof or getting into places that are off-limits (including outside at night) would be the real best use for being invisible. Not for any nefarious purposes, but just to Be In That Space.
77. What did you want to be when you were a kid? A unicorn, generally speaking. Or a magical fairy princess maybe.
This question is probably more about what I wanted to be when I grew up and I think that was probably "a kid." Adults were always asking the "what do you want to be when you grow up?" question and, honestly, I never had a good answer.
When I was really little, it was usually "ballerina" but mostly because I liked 1. twirling around and 2. dancing. I never actually took ballet lessons though.
When I got a little older, I realized how much I liked animals, so I'd say I wanted to be a veterinarian, which seemed to please the grown-ups and made them say what a good thing that was to want to be. I liked cats, especially my own cat. Somewhere in about 4th grade, I read a newspaper article about how few large animal veterinarians there were, so that was a good thing to add into my answer--and, after all, I liked horses too.
At some point in about 5th grade, dolphins, orcas, and sea turtles became very cool (it was c. 1993), so it became likewise cool to say that you wanted to be a marine biologist when you grew up. Much like saying you wanted to be a vet, the words "marine biologist" made the grown-ups look very proud of you, so it must be a good thing. I think I read The Arm of the Starfish and A Ring of Endless Light sometime very close to that age, which are also marine biology-related, so bonus points there.
Other times, what I wanted to be seemed to be connected to whatever proto-fandom I was in. Like, the OG Ninja Turtles: I thought April was cool (and she was the Girl Character) so maybe I want to be a journalist/reporter too. But when it came to favorite characters' careers, I tended to keep those very secret because I knew I'd get teased for wanting to be like a character (this was a thing back then for some reason).
Honestly, I never had a really clear notion of what I wanted to be when I grew up. The whole library thing came about because the National Honor Society wanted us to do X number of volunteer hours in the community, so I started volunteering at the local public library when I was 14 (freshman) and they hired me as a part-time employee the summer after I turned 16 (in May). Did I want to be a librarian? Not really. I mean, in 4th grade, I was "nominated" by my teacher to be on the Safety Patrol (read: hall monitors, office runners, &c) and I was assigned as a library assistant. And I was Not Best Pleased. I wanted to wear the Safety Patrol sash and get the little kids on the busses and do the whole hall monitor thing. But, no, I had to help shelved books every afternoon. I actually said something about how I didn't want to do that and my teacher basically said it was library or nothing, and I wanted to do something so I took it. That made it easier to go volunteer at 14 and then get hired at 16. I like to say I was apprenticed into library work. Did I really want to do it? Not really. Did I get pressed into it? Yes. Did I learn how to do it? Yes. So it became a way to earn a living (until the work became not at all like what I had been taught lmao).
My junior year of high school (1998-1999), the US military paid to have my entire junior class take the ASVAB test, which took up most of one school day and which none of us took very seriously. It was framed as a "career aptitude test" but it mostly got all of us on the military's recruitment radar (pun intended). It was the 1990s and the economy was good so no one was enlisting in the military and that was a Problem. So we all had to take the ASVAB, which would tell us potential career matches, which we would then use for a year-long (maybe semester-long?) research project on My Future Career. My potential careers were forest ranger, archivist, or military intelligence. I wrote the paper about archival work because, hell, I knew enough already and my aunt was an archivist herself. It was an easy A. (I like to think of myself as diligent and scholarly but I will also look for the easiest ways to be diligent and scholarly).
In college I got the idea that I wanted to get a PhD and go teach Modernist literature somewhere, but one of my favorite professors ever talked me out of that and I'm still a little bitter about it. She also talked me into getting an MLS, but I had to go work in a bookstore for a couple of years before I decided to do that--not because of any great desire to be a librarian but because it was work I knew I could do.
So, yeah, I had no genuine answer for "What do you want to be when you grow up?" I almost figured I'd just be a kid forever. That would have been fine with me. Just hang around, play, learn some stuff in school, no concerns about careers, just reading books and learning new stuff. I can't really understand people who had/have some clear career goal and just go for it right out of the gate. I cannot fathom it. What is that even like???
49. Tell us a story about your childhood. Oh man, I need more parameters for this! Like, I can literally remember back to when I was 2 years old, so that's a lot of materials to draw from. I mean, I can remember my parents leaving for the hospital when my brother was born and I was 2 and 1/2 then (unfortunately I can't remember telling my mother "Well, I don't want one!" when she first told me I was going to have a little brother or sister). Let me think…
I know I'll never be a great author because my childhood was just too good. I'm just on the Millennial side of the Gen X-Millennial division, so I think I got the best of both sides: we were a comfortable single-income household (as were most of the families in our neighborhood) until I was about 12 or 13 when my mom wanted to go back to her professional life, so that's when the whole "latchkey kid" thing started. But otherwise basically everyone's mom was home during the day and, if we weren't in school, we were absolutely free-range kids. We traveled in a pack and we looked out for each other. At the maximum, there were 7 or 8 or us in the pack and probably equally as many kids in packs from other streets nearby. Down in a low floodplain area, which was at the back of three of those streets, there was a draining creek (The Creek) and someone's garden bamboo that had gone completely feral. This was the Bamboo Forest and we spent a lot of time in there.
When you think about it, it was a useful resource: you can build teepees with bamboo and a tarp or sheet, you can swordfight with bamboo, you can make a ninja-style staff, you can use it as a long stick to poke things, you can just hide out in the forest itself, you can pull up and peel open the shoots and they're good for when you're thirsty… It sounds a bit Lord of the Flies, but there were some territory disputes over the Bamboo Forest because it was such good stuff. (Once someone said that some older kids were in there with bb guns, which was maybe the scariest thing ever, but it was fine.)
(This is sort of a tangent but now that I'm watching way too many C-dramas, there will occasionally be outdoor scenery that looks just like the Bamboo Forest and its environs and it's the weirdest thing. I know you know The Untamed so the bit where WWX and LWJ are walking through the narrow pathway to Yi City? That looks so much like the edges of some of the woods we ran around in. It just makes me laugh so hard because it looks like where we ran around with our "swords" and were heroes. It's such a weird coincidence.)
I should say that the Bamboo Forest was mostly on the east side of the creek. The west side was very steep and was other kinds of trees--lots of beeches and softwoods, but not pines. At the far end of the bamboo, there was a tiny little park on a greenway trail. Part of the land to the east of the park (I should draw a map) was really swampy, so there was a long wood pathway across the swamp. When I was little, my mom would take my brother and me on walks to and through this park and she'd often recite the troll's lines from The Three Billygoats Gruff: "Who's that trip-trapping over my bridge?" (she did the voice and everything). So that was Troll-Bridge park to us. We'd wind up there after taking the shortcut along the creek a lot and jump off the swings or pick blackberries (always sour) or hang out with the kids who lived up on that street. It wasn't much of a park: three swings, one big bench swing/porch swing, a small climbing structure, and maybe two springy ride-ons. Often there were four or five of us there, so we had to share the swings and whoever was left over had to make do with the bench swing.
On the west side of the park there was a small clearing and the creek was running low along there, running south to north (I think), in some trees. There was a road there too and a sizeable drainage pipe that went under the road and we'd consider whether we ought to try crawling through it just to see if we could (we never did, which was probably the best decision). But in this same area, under the trees, was a whole field of mayapples. It was like this ankle-high forest of these umbrella-leaved plants every spring and it was the strangest thing to walk through it. It was something like walking through water because your feet were under these leaves, but it was leaves and not water.
I think I remember the trees and plants and landscape in that whole area best. There were other odd trees in the woods besides the bamboo, like a random willow tree and a random mimoas tree and a random holly tree. They were just…there among all these poplars and maples and oaks and such. The holly tree seemed to "disappear" sometimes because we could see it from the park but when we went down the slope behind the park (towards the bamboo), we couldn't find it in and among the other trees. We ran up and down and up and down a dozen times to try and find it--finally we did but only with one person standing on the slope and directing everyone else. When we found it, we realized just how tall it really was and why it was so hard to find, but the trunk had all these star-shaped bumps all over it.
I could talk about all the parks and greenways and the parts in between and the creek that went all through that neighborhood for literally hours. I don't let myself go down the roads that go through the neighborhood because I'm afraid it will have changed too much and I don't want that. I want to remember that the paths were mostly gravel and not paved and that the bamboo forest seemed to go on for miles along the creek.
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dsknsk · 2 years
What I look for in magical girl designs.
These are not personal 'rules', just things I look for. These shouldn't be seen as hard rules for your design - don't feel bound by me, I'm just one person on the internet after all. Also this is specific to Magia Record/PMMM, so some of that universe is taken into account.
We can see this easily in Homura:
How much it fits the girl wearing it. (and by extension, their figure)
There is an unwritten, but implied thing in PMMM that magical girl outfits are based on what the wearer thinks as cool. I often say that 'Imagine yourself as your ideal, superpowered self with a pretty costume - well, that's that'. Of course, the wearer has to feel comfortable in it, because their magical girl outfit is a manifestation of their inner thoughts and feelings about their self-image at the very moment their wish was made.
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Her costume mirrors the Mitakihara school uniform, because that was the only place she ever formed human connections in. It's also in dull colors, as she was in mourning when she made her wish - which influenced the choice so much that it's easily visible. She also convinces herself that she can take care of herself (which is why her witch's nature is self-sufficiency) and that she's mature - hence the high heels. (In previous timelines, she trips over them often but this dies down later. Note that when Madoka walks away from her in episode 8, leaving Homura behind after the latter narrowly prevented her from wishing, she trips over them again).
This can also be a justification for 'plain' magical girl outfits. In my LCB Magia Record AU, Charon (Lapis) made a wish when she was literally a blank slate (had her memories erased), so her outfit is very plain as a result because she had very few in mind.
While I mostly dislike GAN's designs, Matsuri is actually a decent one:
An aesthetic.
Aesthetics keep outfits together. They can make something that seems like a mishmash into a style in itself. While it's not mandatory (there exist enough good magical girl outfits with just the 'magical girl' aesthetic), and shoddily-chosen 'aesthetics' (usually things that shouldn't be aesthetics at all) can be very, very bad (looking at you Rabi), it can help in regards to the coherency of it. It also makes it recognizable what kind of style the wearer likes.
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The phone and futuristic motif make this outfit from a simple sundress into something that has a theme, and into a magical girl outfit.
I also really like how Alina is designed:
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Alina's outfit is a play on a prison warden's stereotypical uniform, with the hat and the collar and all, but it puts a personal spin on it. The colored parts of the skirt forming a rainbow subtly hint at her being a painter/artist. The mostly black-and-white weigh well with her brightly colored hair. While the fishnets and the neckline slightly give it a fanservice flavor, it's not over-the-top and remains fittingly small.
When the two points above come together in a good manner, the outfit will show the wearer's personality.
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Like this. The style with the pastel colors has a soothing effect, and the entire outfit tells us what kind of girl she is. She even has a pillow on her back so that she can sleep wherever she wants. Hilarious. (Also, as a bonus - the purple and yellow pompoms remind me of Derse and Prospit, dream planets).
For example, I really like Mikoto Sena's oufit. It has an obvious aesthetic and the black/white, again, nicely fits with her bright hair. I just wonder whether it's a pain to animate. I've even joked that the real reason for the anime's ending is that they just didn't know how to animate Sena lol.
If it's easy on the eyes or not.
It doesn't HAVE to be, let that be clear. If it's pretty in YOUR eyes then you do you. This is maybe a little strict but this comes easy actually. All I have to do is to look at it and let my brain parse the design. If I can, I imagine drawing it (which is traditionally). Something with a simple structure and few accessories makes a different impression than an outfit with ribbons and belts everywhere. An outfit with a lot of details can be pretty - I even prefer it -, especially when it's splash art (static art, in contrast to animation and sprites).
Many designers (though not people when making OCs, from what I've seen) think that more ribbons and accessories = more magical. It doesn't necessarily have to be that, and it doesnt HAVE to be bad. Some designs that I think are cluttered can be made coherent with a few changes. The line between too much and too plain can be very, very thin. Most of my designs lean towards the plain side, but there's some justifications for that.
Also, with canon Magia Record I sometimes have to play the game of 'where is the Soul Gem' since they're no longer always obviously present and colored with their user's eyecolor.
Older doesn't necesarily automatically mean more skin shown, though. My designs for the LCB Magia Record AU do show more skin as the characters are basically confirmed to be above 20 by canon, but by the standards of some canon Magia Record designs they're still relatively tame. For example, Outis is sure to be above 20, and while Ebony's age is unknown, she's likely younger, but shows more skin. (As a sidenote, I didn't do any research for Outis' outfit, but likely none or very few is done for Ebony either).
No fanservice on minor-aged or childish characters.
A lot of Magia Record characters don't have a set age. Still, canon contract age range is young teen (occasionally contracts are made with slightly younger characters like Nagisa) so you'd automatically assume from canon characters that they're within that range.
Also, when for example your magical girl's outfit has winter as a theme, it's a little weird to suddenly show a midriff. Don't let fanservice break your design like that, it's just a pity...and very sad.
So...that should be all!
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