#books to read in 2022
phaedraismyusername · 2 years
This year some of my favourite books I read were written by indigenous American authors and I just wanted to shout out a couple that I fell in love with
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The Only Good Indians by Stephen Graham Jones
Horror being my second most read genre, I did not think books could still get under my skin the way this one did lol. It follows four Blackfoot men who are seemingly being hunted by a vengeful... something... years after a fateful hunting trip that happened just before they went their separate ways. The horror, the dread, the something... pure nightmare fuel 10/10
Moon of the Crusted Snow by Waubgeshig Rice
An apocalyptic novel following an isolated Anishinaabe community in the far north who lose contact with the outside world. When two of their young men return from their college with dire news, they set about planning on how to survive the winter, but when outsiders follow, lines are drawn in the community that might doom them all. This book is all dread all the time, the use of dreams and the inevitability of conflict weighs heavy til the very end. An excellent apocalypse story if you're into that kind of thing.
My Heart is a Chainsaw by Stephen Graham Jones
This book follows Jade, a deeply troubled mixed race teenager with a shitty homelife who's *obsessed* with slasher movies. When she finds evidence that there's a killer running about her soon-to-be gentrified small town, she weaponises that knowledge to predict what's going to happen next. I don't think this book will work for most people, it's a little stream of consciousness, Jade's head is frequently a very difficult place to be in, but by the last page I had so much love for her as a character and the emotional rollercoaster she's on that I had to mention it here.
Elatsoe by Darcie Little Badger
Taking a bit of a left turn but this charming YA murder mystery really stuck with me this year. Elatsoe is a teenage girl living in an America where myths, monsters, and magic are all real every day occurrences. When her cousin dies mysteriously with no witnesses, she decides to do whatever she can, including using her ability to raise the spirits of dead animals, to solve the case. The worldbuilding was just really fun in this one, but the Native American myths and influence were the shining star for me, and the asexual rep was refreshing to see in a YA book too tbh
Split Tooth by Tanya Tagaq
The audiobook, the audiobook, the audiobook!!!! Also the physical book because formatting and illustrations, but the audiobook!!! Tanya Tagaq is an Inuit throat singer, and this novel is a genre blending of 20 years worth of the authors journal entries, poetry, and short stories, that culminates in a truly unique story about a young girl surviving her teenage years in a small tundra town in the 70s. It is sad and beautiful and hard but an experience like nothing else I read this year.
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why-the-heck-not · 2 years
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20.11.22, sunday
no I don’t actually just casually sit in the darkness all the time, it’s for the mood lighting pic lol
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andalitean · 2 years
Pop quiz! which plot does NOT occur in Animorphs?
A) local teen does brain surgery on her alien friend using a slug for help
B) dogs built the pyramids
C) Atlantis is real and the people there want to kill you
D) a hawk caused the extinction of the dinosaurs
E) the kids went to another timeline and killed Hitler
F) a random kid at school pushes someone's cousin down a hospital elevator shaft and then gets trapped as a rat
G) girl vomits up alligator
H) god is a gamer
I) gay alien centaurs
J) kids infiltrate the CIA and borrow explosives from the government
K) a child almost dies of rabies while his friends are shrunken and fighting mini enemies inside of his body
The answer is.... L) none of the above. All of these things happened in Animorphs.
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mapsontheweb · 10 months
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What People Read Around the World, 2022.
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aviel · 7 months
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Jess Allen - She Was Reading a Book (2022)
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phierie · 1 year
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two sides of the same idiot
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writingdesksrasin · 1 year
AOAS is actually so weird out of context. The main baddie is literally from mars, he killed an entire planet, was beheaded, and then started wearing one of the MC’s best friend’s body like the other 17% of the headless horseman for the ~drama~. One of the main driving plot points of the first book is Mars Man kidnapping Basically The President’s daughter and forcing the MC to babysit her against his will while he studies to get his license to kill. My man floods Basically NATO with mind-controlled sharks and yells “lol nope, u thought” while watching world leaders get eaten from a helicopter. The B-plot is New Jesus trying to navigate the intricacies of religion and developing a dysfunctional-ass found family that consists of his tour manager, a stubborn but devout theatre kid, a jean-cloaked ex-killer, and Robot God. He falls in love with a sexy sea captain who gets possessed by Robot God bc it’s in love. There’s deep talks about nature and morality of humanity. The two MC’s bang while dying of hypothermia while sinking to the bottom of the ocean. This isn’t even half of it.
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kaitcake1289 · 8 months
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i cant stop drawing them help
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dlyblkanime · 2 years
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “STARLION: The Thieves of the Red Night” OUT NOW 0.99 Kindle 19.00 Print
⭐️The Gods were real and their descendants have new jobs: Superheroes ⭐️
⭐️The most action-packed novel of the year, follows a young vigilante who goes undercover at a school for heroes in training, to find a thief among them and clear his own name. With a diverse cast of young heroes taking charge, StarLion melds the best of Marvel/DC and mythology for a world all of its own. ⭐️
⭐️Amazon⭐️ https://a.co/d/eQldNm3
0.99 Kindle 19.00 Print
Featuring: -11 full color illustrations -10 in-depth Character Profiles -A world that fuses mythology and world history, where man and Gods have always walked side by side. -Anime tropes such as flashy powerhouse battles, color-coded auras, a mysterious, yet inviting mentor, a military organization that has no problem hiring teenagers, and even a character with animal ears.
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emergingghost · 4 months
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save me photo of jb's guitar and bookshelf save me [x]
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unbroken-teacup · 4 months
people on tik tok need to keep my boy armand’s name out of their mouths, like “he’s a MASTER MANIPULATOR” sure jan they’re all manipulative vampires that’s the point of the show… it’s just annoying how everyone wants to paint him as this supreme bad guy when all he wants is to finally be loved
rant over
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pink-distro · 2 years
just finished reading My People Shall Live, the autobiography of Palestinian revolutionary Leila Khaled. here are some scenes,,
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marypickfords · 9 months
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some of my favorite reads of 2023. after struggling to read fiction for a few years i tried my best and it was worth it! also i only own 4 of these, need to work on that in 2024.
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lotus-pages · 8 months
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2022 reads ⋆ the cruel prince by holly black ♡
“most of all, i hate you because i think of you. often. it's disgusting and i can't stop.”
for my honest reaction and rating, check out my goodreads.
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nalyra-dreaming · 1 year
Just so good 😭💕🙌🤗
And because we’re adapting the whole of The Vampire Chronicles and taking things from later books and repurposing them, the idea of telling this story and them not being a couple… well, there’s no show! Their love story, as messed up as it is, is the heart of it.
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helniksdaughter · 1 year
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{The Song of Achilles}
by Madeline Miller
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