#boomer nonsense
littlepatchofhell · 1 month
Help, I'm debunking a fucking libertarian lion meme on my dad's Facebook.
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I wrote about 250 words in response.
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Before I actually copy and paste this into the fb comment section, I just wanted to ask y'all if I sound... insane? Depressed?
Could a depressed person make this?
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mbrainspaz · 1 year
chief maintenance guy: those branches you picked up, put ‘em in the dumpster.
me: I was gonna dump ‘em in the woods?
chief maintenance guy: no put ‘em in the dumpster. We’re payin’ for them to empty that thing and not fillin’ it up.
me: … and that’s… bad?
chief maintenance guy: Yeah! We need to use it. They’re payin’ for it!
me: okay.
chief maintenance guy: *drives off*
me: They’re about to be payin’ for the extra half hour it’s gonna take me now too.
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samijey · 3 months
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Joe Hendry doesn't believe in fist bumps but he's happy to give you a nice hearty handshake (?) instead, what a guy!!
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animentality · 2 years
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crowcryptid · 23 days
Certified florida moment.
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#i hate it here <3#yeah man just keep pouring concrete on everything there will be no consequences just keep building yea just keep on doing that#hey @everyone did you know there are other places in the world#you can just go there. go there instead. stop moving here. do people not realize they are actively destroying this place by moving here#we do not need to cater to every boomer in 1 state#please. plesase. plseas. pls. plseas please plsea its. so .. crowded. please. drop dead already.#not going to post the full article (its not that long) but this shit was happening in secret#sometimes i wish gators were less chill. if they were like crocs at least some of the golfers would be taken as payment yknow.#if you want to cut down some of the rarest ecosystems you really do need to get deathrolled by a gator i dont make the rules#a large part of my hatred of tourists and transplants is because of things like this#they do not come here in good faith. they come here to see artificial bullshit which leads to building MORE artificial bs#or they come here for 'culture war' nonsense. importing the dumbest rich people as public service to the rest of the states.#the other part is that they are either rude or stupid almost every time#we do not need more golf courses. or malls. or water parks. or hotels. the only thing we need is affordable housing and public transport#but that will never happen because fuck you if you aren't a millionaire. thats how things work down here.#the craziest thing is- at least in the 2 (used to be 4) golf courses i pass by regularly. you rarely ever see a single person on them#they got rid of 2 of them because it was more profitable to build a shopping center on 1 and they are building a soccer stadium on the othe
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thepoisonroom · 1 year
did i ever tell y'all about the time i went out with someone who referred to my parents as "the landed gentry" because they own their house
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sage-nebula · 3 months
in parking garages
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dewitty1 · 7 months
Saturday Six (Stuff)
Cats woke me up too dang early. It was mostly Reggie, of course, so I chucked him out (don't @ me about it - he's and indoor/outdoor Boi) because that's what he wanted anyway. I didn't realize it was that cold until later, when I actually got up, thanks to Leeloo. So, I went out and called Reggie several times, with no luck. He decided to wait to come back after three + hours of being outside (not too unusual, but random enough) and I give him the Molly Weasley "Where *HAVE* you been?!" he just looks at me and gives a "maow" like "Whassup mom? Wassall the hubbub?" Crazy damn cat. Gotta love em. (^・ω・^ )
I'm really getting upset about the business situation. Idk what to do. It's bad, bad. And I've looked at jobs. Nothing much but nursing really. Ugh.(;*´Д`)ノ
I find it funny that I identify as aromantic, but I love reading romance novels (not as much as I used to, but I have some old faves), Drarry fic of course, and I love RomComs, and shows like Love is Blind and Indian Matchmaking lolololololol. I guess I just don't feel it for myself. Idk, it's weird, to me anyway.(*´▽`*)
I really hate asking people for help. It really feels like failing to me. I guess I have my parents to thank for that one. But I've been asking people to share my business posts. Mostly on Fb because that's where the old people with money are. I don't love it, but this is the world we live in.(o;TωT)o
As if things weren't bad enough, I also got a jury duty summons in the mail for my birth month. But at least it wasn't for my actual birthday.
Anyway, I'm just trying breathe. And I keep hoping that something will come through. I'm still swimming, even though life is trying to drown me. p(*^-^*)q
BONUS - Mom tested positive for covid! So life keeps giving! (•̀o•́)ง
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void-thegod · 1 year
nazi: were a republic, not a democracy
blah blah dumb ass word vomit that shows how bigoted they are
also how much they love guns
they said something about no one caring about ppl being queer and doing drugs and going to hell
like bro: go back to the 17th century with ur time machine. go back to suck adolf hitlers cock.
maybe the war wouldnt have happened
i really wish jesus would come get these mf fr
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rorykurago · 1 year
a 50-something male coworker tried to start a Life Advice (TM) conversation today with "well now you've moved into your own place [for the first time], you'll have more responsibility--"
and I had to remind him that
I'm over 30
have lived alone since I was 18, and
have lived for years at a time (on my own) in non-English-speaking foreign nations
motherfucker you're complaining you don't know how to cook because your wife's been doing it for 40 years, and you're going to condescend to me about responsibility and independence?
brother I'm too tired to tell you all the ways you can sit down and shush
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bwarkz · 1 year
“oh my god! marsha p johnson wasn’t trans! look! this gay guy who thinks queers and transies are degenerate scum grooming our children who was actually there at the pride riots misgendered her!! like he does every other trans person he talks about!! so it must be true!! homophobic trans activists always trying to erase gay men from history smh 😔”
you’re all brain dead hags.
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catgirltoes · 1 year
how does one use pintrest fr it seems like a website that doesnt have users and just comes up in searches coz its some kind of image agregate website run by bits (outsider looking in)
It's like. Okay. When you first made an account it asked you to pick a bunch of generic topics that you like. Then it'll just show a bunch of rndom uncredited pictures, some of which link to articles. If you open one of the pictures, there'll be more pictures you can browse through underneath it. Obviously everything operates on infinite scroll because what better way is there to suck in the housewives? You can also "like" posts (does a bit more than Tumblr likes) and "pin" them to one of several boards you make on your own account. It's kind of a cross between sideblogs and a tagging system. You can follow other people, too, or just one of their boards, which would cause their posts and posts like them to show up in your main feed thingy.
Also every post has a comment section. There are many generic boomer political posts on there. I was a politically-opinionated thirteen-year-old. I'm sure you can imagine how well that went.
And, like, people would post actual stuff they had made to Pinterest. It's just that a whole lot of people would post stuff that they hadn't made, too, which is how Pinterest got its reputation as the place where credit goes to die.
Genuinely it sucked as a social media site. Worse than Reddit.
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wildernessfaery · 1 year
“i often find myself looking at my feet and wondering why the world is so boring.”
this quote is literally me right now. i’m outside eating my lunch and guess what? i’m looking at my phone. there are butterflies and daisies and these really pretty white flowers that keep falling from the tree i’m sitting under. it’s sunny and warm and my makeup looks fucking perfect and i’m just refreshing my tumblr feed when the world is literally right there ^^.
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A friend recommend cunk on earth to me and it's ok but sometimes it catches me off guard and i actually have to laugh out loud
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mister-killjoy · 5 days
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