#boralus roleplay
eldridgecandell · 11 months
Laura Harrier
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Isabella Hands, Lady of Boralus and head of the Hands Trading Cooperative played by Laura Harrier
"There is a vacuum in the powerful cabal of Kul Tiran society," the woman spoke softly from the small bar, as she quietly poured the decanter into two glasses.
"And you intend to fill it, Lady Hands?" The voice was gruff but calm from the walrus mustached man at the sitting couch. "And how do you intend to gain the power do such?"
Isabella smiled coolly to the man at the couch as she lifted the glasses to present one to him. "How else in Boralus? The rule of coin never fails."
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The Shattered Glass: Grand Opening!
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Wow! So, never in my wildest dreams did I expect opening night to be such a success. New faces joined us throughout the night and overall this was an amazing experience! To everyone who joined us last night, thank you so much for your participation and support. I very much hope to see you all back at the bar soon! Please keep an eye out here and @boralusevents for announcements.
Also, for those who enjoy tavern roleplay, be sure to look out for The Raven’s Flock Tavern, run by Ethad Grey and The Violent Tap run by @olliehaldstan Both of these taverns are run by extraordinary people who create amazing social settings for us roleplayers. Looking for contacts? One of these taverns is the place to fine ‘em! Tons of friendly folks looking for new friends and faces. 
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inkedwolf-archive · 6 years
Part One: The Shattered Glass
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“Tighter. If I can breathe like a normal human being, it's too loose.” Mac said with a rather stern voice. She was standing in a private room, in naught but her knickers, letting some woman lace her into a corset for the dress she had made.
As she stood there, with hands on a large pillar to brace herself, she realized the woman didn’t possess enough strength to get the job done. Huffing out a sigh, she called for a halt. “Drop the laces, love.” Those words were the only warning before Mac began to walk away with the woman in tow, her petite form trying to keep up with Mac’s long-legged stride.
Mac walked straight to the door and flung it open, her modesty be damned as she looked across the rather busy shop. The tailor had been in high demand, a waiting list in place. Mac’s demands, however, were paired with an obscene amount of money. She wanted a dress, she wanted it soon, and so the tailor obliged.
Looking across the shop, Mac let her pale gaze inspect the customers, looking for one who had what she wanted. When her gaze fell upon a young man with broad shoulders, she grinned wickedly and walked over. The woman beside him looked as if someone had just pissed in her porridge when Mac strode over and laced her arm through the young man’s, feeling his bicep.
Her myriad of tattoos was on display, the corset doing little to cover them. Garters and stockings, lace and far too much leg for civilized folks, Mac was a beacon of defiance against modest behaviors. When she spoke, it only added to that perception. “Mm. Just what a lady needs. A man with a strong arm. Come with me, love. I require your assistance.”
Letting him go, Mac began to walk back to the private changing room, pausing halfway between the man and the door to look over her shoulder. She could see the hesitance in the man’s step as well as the livid look from his lady. Mac couldn’t help but further provoke the situation. With a playful grin and a wicked glint in her eyes, she addressed the woman. “Don’t worry, love. I’ll have him back before you know it. Unless… Would you like to watch? I always did love an audience.” 
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Hours later, Mac was walking the bustling streets of Kul’Tiras with a pair of gentleman in tow. One was a simple courier and a young boy, likely no only than thirteen. The other, an older man in his fifties, weather worn, with his hand resting on the pommel of his sword. Protection and a messenger. Just the thing a Lady of Gilneas would need in a new city.
It was a tiring façade. While she possessed noble blood, title, and held the birth right to her lands and fortune, Nobility was dreadfully uncomfortable. It wasn’t even the corset that dug into her ribs, but rather that air of superiority. Jeweled, primped, preened, squeezed. Just getting her into this dress had taken a small army and she didn’t even want to remember how many people had worked on her hair, twisting and curling it, adorning it with pearls and roses.
She told herself it was all necessary. A mask she must wear in order to get what she wanted. Still, her scalp ached, and she knew her ribs would be bruised from her attire once she shed the beautiful monstrosity. For now, she would suffer through it. Tonight she would dine with her family under the image of Lady Macaela Marley. Tomorrow, she would go back to being Mac and drink sailors under the table at a seedy dive bar. 
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Dinner carried on for far too long. Course after course, something the Nouveau riche often did to show off in front of those who actually held title. It was exhausting, carrying on with pleasantries. Her cousin, Nathan Vaughn, would not shut up. He was older, balding, and pockmarked. Not at all attractive. It could have only been his wealth that landed him a young and beautiful ginger wife. Nathan had, at the very least, two decades on his bride, and while she was now in her fifties, she carried her age beautifully.
There was mention of a daughter who had taken over the family business, one Macaela herself had invested in decades and decades ago. Long before the wall was ever closed and even before Kul’Tiras secluded themselves away like their Gilnean brethren. She was the reason Mac was here. Not this pompous retiree and his wife.
All she could do is wait, course after course, explaining again and again that she didn’t partake in meat. Plate after plate of food and she was still positively ravenous. Part of her wondered if it would be poor manners to accidentally eat her cousin. Surely with as rotund as he was, he would make a fine meal for a half starved wolf. 
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There was enough wine in the world to convince Mac to stay as dinner wrapped up. Natalie hadn’t arrived, only word that should would be working late, so at her earliest opportunity, Mac feigned women troubles and, by the grace of the gods, was able to leave her cousin’s table.
Her feet simply couldn’t carry her fast enough, not without breaking into a run. She wanted to put as much distance between that balding man and herself before she had to pretend to be naïve enough not to understand the lecherous looks he was aiming at her less than modest bust line. She had hoped to be a lovely distraction, sadly in this, she was successful. It made her skin crawl.
Once she was out of sight, she dismissed her courier and the man she hired to look like a bodyguard. They were irrelevant now. The fewer people to watch her venture into the more disreputable parts of the city, the better. The woman she wanted to meet was working… so Mac would do what she should have done in the first place. Rather than risk scheduling another house call, she would simply go to the office instead. Business discussion in a business setting. 
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Mac was not disappointed when she found her cousin. While the woman was a talented scribe, she also seemed to thrive amidst the chaos that was her company. Packages coming and going, the buzz of business in the air, and all the while, the red headed lass remained focused on her task until the need arose for her to assert herself.
She handled the men with a quiet authority. She didn’t need to shriek above the cacophony of voices, but rather the whole office quieted when she issued a command. Mac stood in the shadow of the doorway, watching and waiting until the last of the men saw their way out of the office with parcels in hand.
It became the quiet before the storm. That sudden peace before Mac’s heeled boots began to click against the wooden floor. The noise brought attention to her immediately, pale blue eyes rising up to meet Mac. “Hello, cousin. Missed you at dinner.” Mac said with a slow grin curling across her lips. “Let’s talk business….”
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mmhberry · 3 years
I have such a toxic relationship with WoW, because this game is literally killing itself from expansion to expansion. But I still proceed to come back to it after so many years.
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bastard-blackstone · 4 years
Letting go...
The sun had set but two hours prior, Kevin sat at the desk on the bottom floor of his home in Upton. On the desk sat that metal frame he was working on previously, though it was placed at the top right corner of his work space. In front of him laid a small circuit board, the Kul Tiran tightening a few screws after running a bit of wire along the board itself. Sparks came off the board as the driver slipped, tapping the circuitry, causing the sailor to curse. “Fuckin’ hells, ya gotta be shittin’ me.” he bit, tossing the screwdriver onto the oak desk, heaving a sigh and running both hands down his face slowly, a grunt leaving him after the action. Working on projects usually helped Kevin, though tonight it was more stressful than progressive and relaxing. He pushed to his feet in frustration, looking to the open door of his house, eyes locked in the direction of Mariner’s Row. Quickly, he plucked his communicator from his belt, pressing the button on the side before he spoke. “Ya come babysit for me? Just a couple hours, I promise. Two tops.” He said, sighing once more. “I will be there shortly, old friend.” A voice rumbled from the otherside. Once Aeryn had arrived, Kevin shook his hand, placing a small coin purse in his palm after the greeting. “He’s asleep, but just in case, ya know what ta do.” he said, heading out of the house after grabbing a bottle of rum and placing it in his bag, his face stone and determined as he closed the door behind himself. The air outside was crips, colder than normal as the wind came off the harbor, cold enough to cause him to wrinkle his nose. “Gonna be a good walk.” he muttered to himself, shaking his head as he found the closest roof to begin his trek. Eventually, the Kul Tiran found himself in Mariner’s Row, the very streets he’d spent his childhood and as he came off that last roof, and his feet hit the ground quietly, he grunted and inhaled deeply, making his way along the row. He walked but a few minutes before he caught sight of an old cart out of the corner of his eye, the quick glance toward the cart was enough to stop him in his tracks, those cold, grey eyes of his going wide. “No fuckin’ way.” he grumbled, the battered, dried out wooden frame falling apart, even as it sat in front of an even older shed, next to a house that was falling apart, not occupied for year. Kevin was compelled to open the shed, trying to fight the feeling and failing miserably as even while he thought not to, he made his way over to that very building. 
The door to the shed was pulled open after a bit of effort, dust released into the air at the action. Inside, Kevin looked to an old skimmer, a two man rowboat, ‘Blackstone bait and chum’ barely visible in it’s worn state. “Fuck you and fuck this shite boat!” he roared, making his way further into the shed, grabbing the best part of the boat he could and dragging it out of the building. The small vessel was eventually worked onto the cart and with some rope from his bag, he made some quick straps, which he placed over his shoulders and began to pull both the cart and the tiny boat out of the city. As he walked, thoughts of Horace began to cloud his mind and with determination, he quickly found himself on a secluded section of beach, just outside of Boralus. Once outside the city and on the coast, the boat was removed from the cart and dragged to the waterline, not yet pushed in. 
“Find solace.” he muttered to himself, pacing frantically and breathing heavy with stress. “Find solace.” the man repeated, thoughts of his current situation filling him now, a familiar blue eyed woman at the front of his mind. This solace lasted but a minute before he looked to the boat again, his happier thoughts shattered at the action. “Ya been gone years, ya don’t get ta haunt me not more! I’m happy now and I’ll be better than ya ever was, I already am!” he shouted, kicking the broken down rowboat. “Now, I’ll put ya ta rest for good.” He growled, taking out the rum from his bag, opening it and taking a long drink. The bottle was brought away from his lips and his eyes burned as he glared at the boat. Those grey hues went to the bottle and back, a devious smirk finding his lips. “Don’t be mad at me for arson.” He said to no one before he dumped what was left of the rum onto the dried out wood that formed the vessel. He gathered up what leaves he could, stacking them neatly into the boat. This done, his hand dipped into his coat, a lighter pulled forth. It was flicked to life and Kevin watched the flame dance from the device for a moment, once he had, he stepped over to what had haunted him since childhood, that tiny ship. The flame was brought down to the rum he’d poured onto that wood, flames licking up the liquid quickly. After the flames consumed the first accelerant, they moved to the leaves he’d stacked, the rowboat in full blaze now. He reached down, settled in and pushed the tiny ship out into the water, grey eyes shining as he watched the flames eat the boat up. As the fire danced, it illuminated the night sky, causing Kevin to catch a glimpse of a white owl in the air, eventually he brought his eyes fully to his visitor, smirking as the owl came down and settled on his shoulder. “Aye, soon enough, Mate.” he said, reaching up and scratching his companion’s head. Together, they watched together while the rowboat burned to eventual nothingness. Once it was done, Kevin looked to his shoulder. “Come on, I’ll give ya some jerky, don’t tell ya mum.” He said, nodding and heading home. Kevin slept a little more soundly that night.  
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alliesweetsong · 5 years
Starlight & Steel Pt. I
(Below starts a series of personal time skips for both Allie and for my wonderful roleplay partner this will be a multiple part story spanning into the new year, hope you all enjoy)
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The morning had already began in earnest as Allie stirs and gently stretches. It had been this way for months following her retirement from the organization known as Ardent Circle and though it took some adjusting, the transition to her new role of preparing the house and herself for the upcoming changes she had already been experiencing had for the most part, helped her through. Life for the ranger had been dull the last several months compared to multiple combat deployments she had seen. Trading weapons as security for the latest products on Azeroth for ‘baby proofing’ the apartment, all she had really done was sleep, spend time with Finian and get fussed over nearly continuously by Endrickson nearly on a daily basis
She didn’t expect anything less today. Yawning gently she slowly sits up with a gentle grunt looking around for her lover but is only met with the smiling friendly disposition of Endrickson with a book in his lap.
“Morning Starlight!” Endrickson says in a soft voice clearly doing his best to be aware of her hearing
“Your love left for the market,  to pick up a few things and told me to watch over you. As if I don't already do so, but at least it gives us time to check you and the baby!" the flamboyant priest finishes while placing a ribbon in between the pages and rising to adjust his robes. 
The half-conscious elf smiles at his enthusiasm all while letting the new nickname swirl in her mind and idly moving her unruly morning hair behind her ears. She quite liked the sound of that though she didn’t express it to the medic.  
"I do hope he brings home breakfast, I'm hungry" she continues with a small chuckle "I feel fine,” Allie replies as if to reduce the certain worry he typically had. 
"That I did! I kept it in the oven so it wouldn't grow cold. I wasn't quiet sure when you would be up, but we'll get that in you before I run what examinations need to be done." 
He sets the book down onto the table while walking over to said oven. The door creaking in protest at first until he retrieve her meal. A breakfast platter of pancakes still hot to the touch, a small pitcher of syrup beside them. A smaller plate filled with proteins of ham, sausage links and eggs soon accompanied by salt and pepper shakers for her to season. 
 "Now from records shown, morning sickness generally recedes after the first trimester. However.. there haven't been that many elven births documented so it may differ." He sets the platter across her lap while looking at the growing bump. "That would put you at.."
How long had it been? the days following turning in her resignation letter, the weeks had blurred into weeks, with the same routine mixed with breaks in the day to day to walk around Boralus and venture into Stormwind for her weekly treat of the roast beef sandwich that she enjoyed so much. Even getting rehired by Eilithe at the tea shop seemed like forever ago. As she mentally mulled over how to respond calculating how long it had been since that night quickly evaporated into shock at the veritable smorgasbord Endrickson had supplied her to feast on. 
As she adjusted her posture to sit up her ears twitch happily as a smile spreads over her face. 
“Um five months, I believe,” she replies in a warm manner. 
The priest nods while trying to hide his excitement, but it was clear to the eye that wouldn't last for too much longer. 
"Yes! Approximately five to six months along. And given the shape of your belly now, I would say halfway to the latter." He crawls onto the bed to sit at her feet. If Worgen had tails, it would be wagging as he sat there perked up. 
"I still can't believe Finian is actually going to be a father! He had mentioned at one point he would have wanted a family, but wasn't sure if it would happen. But look at it all now!" He held his hands out as if presenting Allie to the world. "I wish I was able to have a baby, surely Thomas and I would make a cherub of a child," he sighs wistfully.
"I am sure you both would make wonderful parents, but I know you'll make for wonderful...erm, uncles?" Allie replies as if making sure she had the right human word
"Maybe we could adopt?" he asks himself while lowering his chin to his chest. The man knew well enough that no man could actually become pregnant, but one could wish. His thoughts were all over the place until hearing the mention of being an uncle to which he snaps his attention back to Allie. His eyes lighting up as if she had given him an early Winter's Veil gift. 
"Really?" he nearly squeaks while clasping his hands together.
The elven woman chuckles as she starts seasoning her breakfast to taste while nodding. 
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"If you think once our child is born I would just...whisk Finian away from men he has fought alongside with your wrong." She replies. "We are all part of a family now." 
Though Finian had spoke of them all being a family, it still struck him and nearly brought him to tears at the thought. He had to keep some form of composure as he sat there. 
 "I know for one thing, you and the baby will be protected by all of us. Even Simmons. I think once he sees the baby it may actually bring him around to seeing he could have something like that. Though I am curious, do you think Finian will ask you to marry him too?" 
Allie gently smiles as she begins chewing her food while her cyan blue eyes glow, not just how they usually do but in happiness as well, Marriage was certainly on her mind, but she wasn’t about to tell the medic that, things tended to spread like wildfire in the squad
"Shadows, Simmons with a child is a scary thought," she replies with a good-natured laugh. 
"But I wouldn't have it any other way to know the four of you would sooner die, not that I want that to happen, then see something happen to myself or the baby," she replies softly. 
"Starlight is a wonderful nickname, I think I will use that from now on."
"By all means, I think it's fitting in your case," Endrickson replies warmly
"You never know, it could spark a want for him to settle down instead of being on the corner of a bar all night. I think he has it in him if he can find a girl that can stand his stubborn ass," he rolls his eyes before shaking his head. "If he hasn't knocked up half of Boralus already.." 
Allie blows on another bite of pancakes before shrugging. "I suppose you're right. Simmons is a good man..." 
she starts before mockingly gagging at his final comment "Can you imagine if he has!?" she replies in a slightly louder voice before giggling. 
"Could start his own nation with the amount of....fun he's had since the war ended," she replies with a gentle shake of her head. 
"Oh? is it? what makes you say that?"
"I even wager he could repopulate all of Gilneas and that was even before the war ended. I tried to get his attention, but he wanted none of this," he gestured to himself before pouting. 
"I would say so! It's hard to miss, between the eyes and your hair you're almost the embodiment of a dusk. I'm actually envious of you!"
"Ya' ever think it's because 'e's not int' men, Damien?" 
Finian had managed to sneak in through the door just in time for his statement. Unheard by the chatty Elf and Medic. Bags were cradled in his arms as he makes his way toward the kitchen to set them on the counter. Reaching into a satchel, he retrieves a tome to set aside for the moment.
Allie had begun to blush as Endrickson commented on her hair and eyes. Though she didn't openly admit it she hated what the void had done to her once golden blonde hair something that. Snapping her gaze to meet Finian's she started to set the breakfast to the side to help the Gilnean. "Good Morning love," she replies before motioning to Endrickson. 
"We were just making jokes about Simmons and his...propensity to bed every woman he finds," she replies chuckling shuffling to put her feet on the floor.
"Ya' not wron' with that. The man 'as been that way since breakin' 'im out of the brig after comin' t' Stormwind. Thinkin' 'e 'as a thin' fer wantin' t' get wot 'e can before gettin' locked up again. Though seein' 'e's under m'ranks I don't see 'im gettin' in t' deep." 
He makes his way over to Allie to kiss her forehead before brushing a stray lock from her features. A soft smile setting on his lips as he held a loving gaze up her.  
"Anythin' t' report?" he asks looking to Endrickson. 
"Well, you returned before I could get an examination of her. So seeing you are here now, I could do that once she is done eating."
The elf places a hand on Finian's chest in a loving manner before chuckling as he kisses her forehead. 
"Well at least he can cause less trouble now," she replies still teasingly before inhaling and slipping back under the covers and replacing the tray to continue eating. 
"You're not going to poke and prod today are you?" she asks in a half protesting manner of Endrickson. 
"I hate when you poke and prod."
"You are lucky I didn't bring my instruments today for that. Though this would more so to make sure everything for the baby is working appropriately. Heartbeat and so on.. If I had the technology of a gnome I would say we could see what your baby would be. Then you could start planning for a nursery, clothes, names," Endrickson states while he gently rolls his wrist as if he could go on.
Finian soon sits beside Allie before stealing one of the sausage links to eat for himself. He would have to make something later once everything was said and done for her. 
" 'ave t' admit, I'm not t' keen o' ya' shovin' anythin' up there t' begin with.
" "It's for medical purposes!! I wouldn't want to have any of me up inside her to begin. That's for you to do when no one else is around. Granted, that doesn't stop us from hearing it, but I digress!"
Allie couldn't help but blush at the current exchange between the two knowing full well what was being inferred. Sometimes the exchanges between the four were so over the top it was difficult for her not to laugh at the immaturity. She wasn't a fan of it herself but she knew where the priest's intentions were. Clearing her throat she pours more syrup on her pancakes and looks between the two. 
"Sweetie, I'm sure you know Endrickson well enough to know he doesn't take joy in that," she replies in a soothing manner before turning to Endrickson. "
Is that possible? to uh, find out what the baby will be?" she asks in a hopeful manner "Unless Finian wants it to be a surprise."
Even Finian was curious about if the priest was able to do so. Though there was a small tinge of concern that plagued him as to how they would even find out in the first place. 
"Nah, who would we be surprisin' aside from ourselves, love? At least then we can figure out wotever name we want from them." 
"There is a way, somewhat invasive with the use of shadows. However, aside from picking up on the life force of the child, I believe I could get an image of it at the very least. It won't put either of you in harm's way, I can assure you of that."
Alllie looks to Finian in a 'what do you think' manner. Even as a void elf, she seemed a bit hesitant at the thought of shadow magic being used and the skeptical look she had adorned would tell as much. 
"Well, I don't want to put the baby in anything harmful," she starts to reply before gently shrugging while keeping her gaze locked on Finian's for a moment. 
"As long as Finian doesn't mind,, and you promise nothing bad will happen...I wouldn't mind finding out." she finally states before starting to chuckle 
"I vote Finian Jr. if its a boy." she blurts before taking a quick bite of pancakes to hid the giggle burrowing its way forth. The slight tint to her cheeks gave away her tease.
At first, Finian wasn't all that sure about having magic used on their unborn child. Granted he did know that whether he liked it or not, the child would have a touch of void thanks to Allie. The man was no stranger to magic, even with this time off he had been considering in reaching into his dormant druidic abilities. An arm soon wraps around  Allie as he looks to Endrickson. 
"Aye mate, I trust ya' enough with 'er. Ya' and the rest of the crew are the only ones I do at this point. As much as I give ya' shit." 
Though hearing his lover jest about the name, he did purse his lips at the thought with squinting at her. 
 "Whenever Allie is done, we can proceed then. Wouldn't want her to lose any sustenance at this stage."
Allie gently chuckles as she shuffles the tray back onto her lap and begins to eat the remainder of the pancakes both amused at her lover squinting at her at the quip she had made. Seemingly eating faster now, she clearly was hungry or she was enthusiastic for these examinations Endrickson kept alluding too. Making no mention as to either, the now-retired ranger devours the remainder of her pancakes before setting the tray aside and holding up the sausage links for Finian to take. 
"So, Endrickson, if you're not poking me and prodding, what is the plan today?" she asks 
"Here, Hunny, please eat."
"I see the motherly instinct is kickin' in already," the knight teased while taking the plate from her. 
He wouldn't refuse them either seeing he hadn't eaten at all since leaving the apartment. Had Endrickson not made something for Allie, he would have done so for the both of them. 
"Well I was thinking about pestering Thomas for a bit to see what we could do. I think he mentioned just taking a walk through the city to take everything in. We haven't exactly left the harbor or Uptown too much. I think only Finian and Simmons have done that much."
It was the Ren'dorei's turn to shoot a playful wink at the Knight while smirking and throwing the comforter off herself to slide out of bed to stretch and get her day going. 
"A walk does sound nice, but I meant these examinations after I was done eating," she replies to Endrickson before squeaking and relaxing her posture. Even pregnant and showing the elven woman remained in fairly decent physical condition. She wouldn't win any marathons but her wartime workouts would still be very apparent. 
"Perhaps after Endrickson is done we could join them love? unless you had other things planned for us today? I think some fresh air would be nice."
"Aye, I 'ave somethin' else in mind fer us t' do today. Let the loverboys 'ave their time alone. Besides, I think I remember Thomas sayin' somethin' about needin' t' shop fer wotever reason. Sounds right up ya' alley, right Damien?" He smirks toward the priest for a moment. 
A wordless exchange between the two left the feminine one giggling for a moment before clearing his throat. 
"Quite right. So that being said, we should get this examination underway." 
He waits for Allie to finish her tray of food before taking it over to the sink to be washed before he left. Once she had made herself comfortable again, he would begin rolling his shoulder back and close his eyes. Upon opening them, the pale hues would have a more violet hue to them as he waits at the bedside. "Whenever you two are ready."
"Ohhh that sounds exciting," she replies to Finian while relaxing her posture. 
"I suppose there will be plenty of time in the future for us to have a walk with them." she finishes before lifting an eyebrow at the wordless exchange between the two while her ears twitch trying, unsuccessfully to clearly listen in to whatever inside conversation the two were not having with each other. 
 Inhaling and glancing side-eyed at Finian in a 'what was that about' manner she quickly snaps back to Endrickson and nods three times before taking a seat at the foot of the bed and placing her hands in her lap preparing herself for whatever the examinations would entail. 
"I am ready," she replies warmly
Finian wouldn't budge in revealing what he and Endrickson had known about, but it would could to pass eventually. For the moment, he makes his way beside Allie to give her and Endrickson room to work. As the priest approaches, his fingertips gently press onto the elf's growing belly with a soft smile. His fingertips holding a shade of violet as well until it begins to channel into Allie. 
"Let's see how they are doing, shall we?" 
he cants his head to the side for a moment. As he continues, a silhouette of the unborn child could be seen. Their heart beating strong and even able to see it move some within the womb. The very second the knight had seen it, his face lights up. Even the infant's hand reaches up against its mother's stomach as if acknowledging they were both there. Very dim twin orbs moving about somewhat, but not looking in any particular direction. With another deep breath, Endrickson would amplify his methods though he would be the only one to see what truly lay within the elf. It wouldn't be long until his eyes shot open with a gasp. 
"Are you ready to know?" 
The elation on the Ren'dorei's face was evident as the silhouette of the unborn child becomes visible. If it hadn't dawned on the Ranger yet that she was going to be a mother, That certainly wasn't the case anymore. Squeaking in ooh's and excitement, Allie gently lays a hand over Finian's as she covers her mouth in amazement with the other While her ears flicked as if trying to hear their child's heartbeat. Inhaling deeply as Endrickson asks them both the question, she gently squeezes Finian's hand and gently nods. 
"I know I'm ready," she replies sniffling clearly happy.
Taking Allie's hand into his, Finian weaves his fingers between hers before giving a squeeze of his own. However, the affection wouldn't cease there as he leans to press his lips into her hair. He couldn't recall the last time he had felt so much love for a person and even another he had yet to know. 
"Aye, let's 'ear it." 
 The very sight of the two nearly brought Endrickson to tears as he couldn't contain himself. He swiftly removes his hand from Allie's belly and clutches them into shaking fists. He begins to bounce at the foot of the bed. 
"It's a BOY!!"
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[ @fin-mckendric​ ] for helping me write this incredible monstrosity both in discord and ingame
[ @revthepunchbear​ @deadsunharbor​ @eilitheduskbringer​ ] for the honorable mention you’re all great
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captainfortunes · 5 years
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All grown up
Livia Rossini
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wolfhollow · 6 years
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Boralus Map and Key | Version 1
I am sure that I have missed some spots, and I haven’t labeled all the great signs that don’t have shops attached. A few spots, like in the Proudmoore Barracks and the Stormsong Monastery I assigned names to, but they’re pretty much just a description of the location since they don’t have any names. 
The red circle areas indicate where there are hostile NPCs outside. Any buildings with red dots have hostile NPCs actively inside them. If you notice any locations that I missed or hostile NPCs in houses I’ve marked as safe let me know so I can do an updated version! Also any spelling errors. I am very tired.
I love Boralus, and it is the best, and I never want to leave. 
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zexxcandell · 5 years
Debt Collecting
(Reply to the quest provided by @eliceynbirch​ )
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The Black Eyed Walrus was your typical seedy under the docks bar.  All manner of men, women,and who knows what made their way down here for the kind of quiet drink that made sure the constables wouldn’t look twice at it.  It was old, it was gross, it was unkempt, but it was the shadowy aesthetic that would be pirates craved and discovered they were not ready to be in.  Owned by Maggie, a one eyed crone who’s stories about her past life made men pale and ill treated women their hero, she’d come into possession of the dockside establishment via a strong bite and the early retirement of the previous owner.  Maggie was just Maggie, she didn’t have a last name that she was willing to share and by the muscle she hired to keep things in order no one pushed to ask about her personals.  Maggie was as much the bar as the bar was her. 
Despite how it looked, it held a huge part of Maggie’s heart and she’d be damned if anyone was going to ruin it.  The biggest source of pride of the crone’s was the large plate glass window she had purchased to look out onto the old dock outside and shadowy waters of the harbor.  It had cost quite a bit of gold and took some brave craftsmen to come down and install it for her.  She loved that window that she had painstakingly painted the visage of the bar’s namesake, a large walrus with a large black ring about it’s eye.  The literal personification of the woman in paint and time.  Maggie loved that window and her art as much if not more than the bar she never left.  
Sadly, a large figure was currently being launched through the window in a shower of glass and roar of a brawl within the bar.
Twenty minutes ago…
“An you are?”
“Zexx, Zexx Candell.”  A calloused and sea salt worn hand reached between the bottles of rum and liquor to grasp the other man’s hand firmly.
“Hoarse, Hoarse Darby,  pleasure tha Candell,” the sailor nodded genially as he broke the grip and lifted up his fresh bottle to his lips again followed by a hard pull of the alcohol.  Darby was young, dumb, and likely full of a troublesome substance but his thick corded arms and bald head did the trick to know him a tough bastard. He liked it that way. He also liked it when free drinks followed winning a few rounds of dice with a stranger.
“Likewise, mate, you took me for quite a ride there,” Zexx replied with a wide toothy grin.  If not for the thick salt and peppered beard, the laugh lines of the man would have been very clear.  But for all the smiles and laughs, his one blue eye was slightly red and carried a sadness that only comes from true loss.  “I swear I can roll better.”
“In mah experience that more ya drink tha better the dice seem ta follah,” Hoarse replied with his own grin on his reddened face, his nose showing easily a future of alcoholism as he toasted his cycloptic benefactor.
Zexx let out a bark of a laugh as he lifted his own bottle and took a short pull, a hard grimace following as he wiped his lips with the back of his hand.  “Shame yer friends, didn’t want to play any more.  Though probably better for me to lose to one of you than all of you.”
A few drunken nods joined an oily grin as Darby wiped his own mouth with his own palm.  “Aye, but thems lookin fer tail more’an drink an games.”
“And they plan to find it here?”
“Right?”  Darby laughed and leaned forward into the table, his head bowing forward as a soft jangle of metal could be heard as he guffawed.
“Oy there, what’s that then?”  Zexx asked as he tilted his head looking to his gaming partner.
“Eh?  Oh this thang, pretty lil bauble I picked up recent,” Darby nodded as he sat back up drunkenly and reached inside his shirt to produce the silver anchor talisman.
Peering across the table with a whistle, Zexx held out an expectant hand.  “Fine piece of jewelry there mate, mind if I take a closer look?”
A hard tug pulled the leather thong from around Darby’s thick neck as he swayed drunkenly across the table to lay it in Zexx’s hand who nodded softly as he lifted it to look at.  “Simple make, but damn fine.  Where ya happen upon it?”
Darby leaned back in his chair and kicked his bare feet up on the table, to wiggle his toes with a sigh as he rested the bottle on his belly.  “Tha thing?  Reason why ahm alrigh on tail myself.  Some ‘hore had it an I ask where she got it says somethin bout an uncle or something.”
Hoarse snorted as he shook his head while taking a swig.  “Yer uncle?  Ya righ ya filthy bitch.  So I confiscated it up righ.  Brough me hell o luck out on the blue.  An tonigh!”  
The sailor waved to the moderate pile of gold he’d picked up from his companions and the one eyed man across from him.  Zexx nodded softly as he held the pendant still in his palm, he’d never been much for arcane work but he knew enough to know this was more than a bauble.  This said sages all over.  
“Sounds like quite the girl,” Zexx murmured as he set the anchor between them.
Darby nodded with a laugh, “Oh yeah sweet as o bee hive, feisty as one too!”  The sailor leaned forward with a dark, drunken grin that held a lot more information about what happened between him and the girl than he was saying.  His free hand reached forward to pick up the bauble again.  “Ah tell ya, she had thighs tha dra-”
Darby’s words were cut short as a strong hand grabbed him by the wrist and pinned that hand to the table.  Shock sobered him up for a brief moment as he followed the hand up and into the face of a no longer smiling Zexx.  Shadows framed the one eyed man as he pinned Hoarse’s hand, as a dark anger radiated from the man.  Darby never even had a chance to shout as Zexx’s free hand grabbed him by the back of the head and slammed it swiftly into the old birch table with a crunch of a nose and snap of a jaw.  The same hand grabbed hold of the stunned sailor and lifted the head to smash again into the table for good measure, a spray of blood and teeth following this hard slam.  With a grunt Zexx pulled the head up and tossed the sailor back into his chair which amazingly kept standing as Darby flopped back loosely with a ruined face and blank stare.
Zexx peered behind his shoulder and around the immediate area for a moment, the chorus of the bar still a low din as this was not quite an uncommon occurrence around this place.  Spitting in the direction of the sailor, the swordsman would sweep up the bauble before swiftly moving to Darby’s side of the table.  Keeping a quick on the bar and for sight of Hoarse’s friends, a moan sounding behind him as the stun was starting to wear off on the man.  Turning about swiftly to plant his fist between the eyes of the sailor before ripping a bandana from around Darby’s neck and ‘knapsacking’ it for the coin on the table.
A final clink of coin and swift pull of the ends finished the ‘golden lunch’ Zexx had prepared with a snort and grim smile.  So far so good, Zexx though as he lifted the money and gave a final look to Darby.  A new soft moan given to signal just a bit of sadism on the hero-for-hire’s part, a swift jab delivered to the broken nose for good measure.  A wet smush and moan as Darby finally fell out of his chair with a clatter.
“Wha tha fuck?”  His blue eye widened as Zexx looked up from his unconscious quarry and turned to find Darby’s five mates who had been at the bar glaring at him.  Their hands were holding bottles, a couple of girls, and a lot of fists.
Zexx coughed hard and spit, struggling up to his hands and knees from his prompt exit of the bar.  Rolling over onto his rear he sat a moment to catch his breath, tasting quite a bit of blood in his mouth again as he spit to the side again and stared back the way he came from the Walrus.  
Inside was a madhouse of fighting, blood, and a thundering shot followed as someone had finally drawn a pistol into the air to either find some order or put down a brawler.  Zexx guessed it the latter.
Breathing heavily and painfully, the swordsman would struggle to get up and scramble away down the dock his old boots thumping on the wooden dock.  His left hand squeezing tighter again about the anchor in his palm, happy for keeping it and the luck it was sending his way.  The loss of coin wasn’t in the plan but sometimes you gotta buy an exit.
Zexx stopped for a moment and leaned on one the dock posts as he tried to ease the ache in his ribs from breathing and even moving.  The big sailor had packed quite a punch or six and definitely finding his way through a window was not the most comfortable way to vacate the premises.  As his pain slowly eased thunder resounded the docks and the post he’d leaned on exploded in a shower of wood and muck causing him to stumble away in a panic.  Flipping about he’d easily find the bloody and angry culprits to be three of the five mates of Darby’s, one with a smoking pistol in hand.  The second man lifted his own pistol now to pull the trigger for the loud Kul Tiran salt shooter to blow past Zexx’s ear.  A quick check found the ear still there as he turned to run again, the loud thumps of feet and curses following him as he booked it past the moored ships.
As much as Zexx wanted to just run it was very obvious from his previous beating and wounds there was no way he would outrun them.  Fight or die was taking precedence over flight now as he rounded to down a dock, seeing a head of him quite a few rows bobbing in the black water.  Could he row?  A thunderous shot ringing about with a swish of a bullet was a clear indicator that he could definitely row.  Reaching one of the boats, his booted foot kicking the knot hard to loosen it before pulling it off the tie off, which followed the rope as a bullet tore it from the dock and sent it spinning into the water.
“Crap in a hat,” Zexx muttered as he readied to leap into the boat.  Thankfully he had some help in getting in the row as thick muscled arms grabbed him behind and tackled him forward into the boat below.  The swordsman made a perfect landing pad for her his pursuer as the boat dipped into the drink and sped away from the dock further out into the harbor.
There was some muffled threat and yell Zexx heard as he painfully breathed and tried to steady his rocking brain with the rowboat drifting too and fro.  More pain flooded his body as a punch struck him in the back and another in the kidney before he struggled to right himself away from the sailor.  A quick twist on his back and an elbow caught a defensive arm of the attacker and let Zexx follow with a roll to his back to face the sailor.
Darby’s mate was already clamoring up to his feet with a well experienced ease of fighting on the sea, his feet loosely planted as he let his body roll with the pitch of the waves.  Fists raised to taunt and egg Zexx on to stand, who replied with breathing heavily as he felt around behind him in the boat for purchase to get up.  Bloody and ragged breath flowed from the one eyed hero as he finally gripped onto something. 
“Get up ya bastard!  Get up ya fuck!  Ah’m gonna smah ever bone in ya!”  A short kick was sent into Zexx’s leg as he winced and struggled back onto the seat of the row boat.  Leaning forward a moment to catch his breath and Zexx made what might have been perceived to stand and fight.  Instead it was to level the short harpoon gun at the sailor who suddenly went white in the face before going red as the short fisherman’s spear went through his left eye and skull.
A familiar thump of dead meat rocked the rowboat again as the current took it further from the docks and into the harbor from the Walrus.  Zexx dropped the gun with a clatter of metal and fishing line before slumping back with an exhausted sigh.  His hand ached just as much as the rest of him as he lifted it up in front of his face to let the anchor uncoil before him, a new appreciation of the elements coming.  Behind that swaying talisman came a glint of something on the still form of the other man, a curious brow raising at what luck had befallen him now.
Two days later…
“Sorry again on the delay of retrieval, had to wait for Darby to arrive back in port before I could track him down.” Zexx spoke calmly in the office of Madame Kestavin sipping at a cup of herbal tea she’d been gracious enough to have for him.  Though he was a mass of bruises, bandages, and strong scent of herbal salves miraculously he was healing quite quickly and easily.  According to the medical staff he’d been seeing he was lucky to not be in traction for the rest of his life, but instead somehow a few days rest and medicine he’d be right as rain.  Lucky him.
“As for your girl’s items,” the anchor pendant was set gently down on the desk followed by another necklace of gold marked with a well sized ruby.  “I was able to retrieve the pendant but as for the gold it wasn’t in the cards.  Fortunately though, I was able to grab this and had it appraised before coming down here.  I think you’ll get roughly what you were owed for it but I’ll understand if you’d rather take it out of my reward.”
Zexx sipped at his tea again with a wry smile at the woman as he tried to cross his legs and winced loudly before putting his leg back down to sit easier.  
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“Are you satisfied?”
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rosariesandwrath · 6 years
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A beautiful piece of my OC Muriah DeLavu (Laldere) as I imagine her to look in her Whitemane meets Boralus casual attire. 
Done by the incomparable @dancinfox. Thank you yet again. 
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ciralinroseshadow · 5 years
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Ciralin Roseshadow is acting as the Riddler inside the Anchor Trading Company’s (@atc-wra) Harbour Games this evening! 
Come on by and answer a Riddle for a prize! 
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admiralboreal · 6 years
Trying to RP in Boralus
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cambambaloo · 6 years
So what is it?
What’s the tea?
Why don’t I see people roleplaying in Boralus?
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inkedwolf-archive · 6 years
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Mac used her thumb to flick her tattooing machine to life, the tell-tale buzz filling the air. The humming tune of the art to come. Reaching up, she dipped the tip into the little vat that held the black ink, letting the hollow needle plunge up the pigment.
@karicharbonneau Thank you so much for sharing this scene with me. Although it has always been part of Mac’s history and backstory that she is a tattoo artist, you’re my first official victim to play out a tattooing scene with me. <3 
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caterinaprimrose · 6 years
Kindred Spirits
[ A letter to Mister Graham Ellingham, the Great.]
It was mid-day when Graham was approached by a man in a dark grey, nearing black, suit, the same suit of the man that Miss Primrose was accompanied by at the talent show. The suit that all Hudson security wore and distinguished them among the city. 
“Mister Ellingham?” He’d ask, eyeing him over like he’d been given a description. “Letter for you, sir.” He said, holding out the enveloped item. She had it delivered to him personally. “Have  a good day.” He dips his head before departing. 
The letter is written in a beautifully educated, proper, pretty cursive.
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“Darling Mister Ellingham,
I simply cannot stop thinking about the night we had the pleasure of meeting. I was fortunate to be recognized by you. Affections from a man of such talent and understanding of the stage could hardly ever go unnoticed. I apologize for my hasty escape from the festivities, I had an early rise the next morning to attend a court hearing on legal documentation. 
I meant what I said that night, about you and I furthering business ventures. I only hope that by the grace of the great actresses before me that you would not deny the public the masterpiece we could create together. From observing your critiques towards the participants of the talent show I think that tangling our artistic visions would serve rich enlightenment to our audience. A piece that would be taught in higher education and spoken of for decades to come. You are such an elegant man, Mister Ellingham, one whom could truly bring kingdoms to their knees. 
Mister Roman, the employee that accompanied me to the mainland, said he’d never witnessed me so stricken by another soul in all his years of watching me grow into the successful woman I am today. I feel it in my very core that we are meant to create something much bigger than ourselves. Do you, Mister Ellingham?
For the sake of better communication, I would like to invite you to dinner in Boralus. I lead a very luxurious life, Mister Ellingham, and plan to allow you to live in it -- and savor it-- for as long as you wish. Should you accept my invitation, I will be connecting you to several investors, businessmen, and nobles whom can prove to create very lucrative opportunities for you.
I like to fancy we will become quick friends, and I do like to take care of my friends, Mister Ellingham. As such, I’ve a gift being made for you. I won’t spoil it!
With great affection,
~ Caterina Primrose”
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boralusrp · 6 years
New URL for Boralus RPing!
Your new destination for roleplaying in Boralus city is ... http://boralus.city
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