#both are devotion . but in different flavors
extravalgant · 1 year
(leans in your askbox like someone leaning around the corner)
Excuse me but did I hear correctly that uhm... .. . . you wrote something about Duncan? Duncan GruncanWuncan? And that you might post that? (holds out both of my palms like a starving child) Could you perhaps.. . . .. maybe spare me a glance? Just a silly willy little peak? Bit of aaaaaa preview?
(nah I'm just playing you don't got to if you don't want to LMAAAOOOOO but if you ever do post that thing about Duncan I would LOVE to consume that 👀 because I love Duncan and I love other people's writing a normal healthy amount)
ITS ALRIGHT BAHAHA I WAS GOING TO POST IT EVENTUALLY!!! nothing too long or big since it was just a couple musings i did about the necromancers in game when i was on my break at work >_^
i have written about him here and a bit here if u do wanna see more heehee hoohoo
since its so short i can share it right here and right now but some parts of the responses (particularly morganthes) might be wrong or i misremembered something just on the basis that i was too lazy to go back and double check LOL
necromancers always have something to prove
malistaire drake, who sets out to prove that the dead can return — that love would conquer all, that he could make deities older than him, older than the current spiral, bend to his whims and wishes. 
morganthe, who sets out to prove that she can master astral magic, that if she can't, then she'll force it to. to prove to merle ambrose that she's still the capable young wizard that was proud of her, once upon a time. that she didn't deserve to be casted out by her peers and stripped of the magic she loved so dearly. that she could spin a better spiral, weave a better world. 
duncan grimwater, who sets out to prove that he is useful. that it's not just the wizard (now savior of the spiral, now arcanum scholar, now arcanum liaison) who has the potential to take their magic to new, greater heights. that he is loyal, that everyone deserves second chances – that he wants someone, anyone, to look at him and see the potential for something more brimming underneath. that he is worth all the effort.
malorn ashthorn, who sets out to prove that if there is no one else to turn to, then he is there. to prove that his stay at the end of the path, where the old death school used to be, was purposeful. to guide and shepherd new and fresh novices, to become the gentle hand that nurtures the knowledge of death and the way it is taught. to stay as a constant, in everyone’s life.
and you... what were you trying to prove? it seems that everywhere you turned, someone was always doubting your intentions. shadow and necromancy were two sides of the same coin, parallels in the way they demonstrated their magic. shadow took and took and took, and all necromancy wants is for you to feel safe, to feel secure. even if it means taking it from something else.
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jynersq · 11 months
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littjara-mirrorlake · 2 months
The Color of Hope: Ambition, Necromancy, and Black Mana
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Black is one of the most misunderstood colors in Magic: the Gathering, not least because it appears on the surface to be so straightforward. Look at the most iconic black cards of Magic and you'll see deals with demons, necromancy, mass destruction and cruelty and suffering–the trappings of classic fantasy evil. Even the color's symbol itself is a skull, a universal signifier of death and danger.
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And in early Magic that seemed to be all it was. White was the color of Fantasy Good, black was the color of Fantasy Evil, and the rest of the colors were... fire magic? Elves? Whatever odd but intriguing skeleton affairs are implied by Time Walk?
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Gradually, though, Magic deepened as both a game and a storytelling medium. The color pie grew into itself as a system of complementary philosophies, archetypes whose associated aesthetics were only part of the full picture. Their arrangement around the wheel, below, is highly deliberate; neighboring colors are said to be allies with a high degree of philosophical and mechanical overlap, while colors on opposite sides of the pie are known as enemies, more likely to disagree on fundamental levels.
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Black stopped merely representing capital E Evil and became the color of striving for power; unlike its peers, black felt that nothing, least of all morality, could prevent it from seizing what it wanted. Mark Rosewater's 2015 article about black emphasized the color's focus on the self:
"Black's philosophy is very simple: There's no one better suited to look after your own interests than you... Many costs require the sacrifice of others for your own advancement. Because it puts itself first, black is always willing to make this trade. The weak must fall for the strong to thrive." -Mark Rosewater
At its worst, black is an exploitative, amoral color that prioritizes itself at the expense of all others, allowing the "weak" to fall and scorning the very idea of compassion. Rosewater writes that black is "always willing" to trade others for itself. And these can certainly be parts of black's philosophy, when taken to its worst possible extremes, but they're far from the entire story.
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Over time, Magic's outlook on black gained nuance. Magic story introduced protagonists like the necromancer Liliana Vess, whose craving for immortality, seemingly exploitative nature, and demonic deals called back to the oldest portrayals of black–and yet she was not one-dimensionally evil. She underwent character development over the years, learning the value of reclaiming herself and standing beside others, and at no point did she become any less mono-black for it. Remember her; we will come back to Liliana and her story later.
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In addition to the usual death and decay, black cards began to feature a theme of relentless devotion. On the plane of Eldraine where each color represents a virtue, black's is persistence, explicitly as important as any other color. On the plane of Ikoria, the love between bonder and beast pulls Winota back from the brink of death. Wherever this Oathsworn Vampire printing is set, its flavor text is quintessentially black. It's the same self-driven attitude as before, but cast in a different light: black is nothing if not persistent when it's got its heart set on something (or someone) it cares about. Nothing, least of all the grave, will keep it down. After all, black will always come back for its own.
These newer cards uncovered the true face of black as a color capable of both great love and harm (sometimes even the latter for the sake of the former), and suggested a tantalizing new thread: perhaps putting yourself and yours first isn't all that bad, necessarily. Black is a deeply protective color; it says you don't just have to accept what you're handed, it's okay even to be furious about it (hello, ally color red), but let that galvanize you to do something about it. 
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Vraska, a gorgon who faces extreme discrimination on her home plane of Ravnica, triumphs by reclaiming herself, gorgon powers and all–and even more radically, loving herself. She displays traits often considered the purview of white and green, such as a love of home and a drive to elevate the oppressed, but they are all filtered through the lens of her black alignment. Vraska staunchly refuses to deny herself or her people, the Golgari Swarm, of their value. Nor does she allow law or propriety to prevent her from championing them by any means necessary–even if that means cold-blooded murder, or aligning herself with a villain like the Planeswalker Nicol Bolas.
"[Vraska] thought of Mazirek, of the kraul, of the rest of the Ochran assassins and the malignant Jarad who reigned with casual ruin over the most downtrodden of the downtrodden. She remembered her years of isolation, and the heinous cruelty of the Azorius, and how no group deserved to suffer as much as those who would subjugate her own. Eliminating that hell was all she ever wanted." -The Talented Captain Vraska, Alison Luhrs
Like Vraska, black loves fierce and hard, willing to break any taboo for the sake of those it cares about. And it whispers, the entire way through, you are enough. You deserve better. No matter what others may say or do, you are enough.
"If I am to be met with disrespect, then I must first love myself with a fierceness no fool can take away." -Vraska in Pride of the Kraul, Alison Luhrs
Even black's "ruthlessness" isn't as fundamentally cruel as it appears, centering a passion for problem-solving (shared by its other ally blue) instead of a blunt disregard for others.
"People don’t understand the word ruthless. They think it means 'mean.' It’s not about being mean. It’s about seeing the bright, clear line that leads from A to B. The line that goes from motive to means. Beginning to end. It’s about seeing that bright, clear line and not caring about anything but the beautiful fact that you can see the solution. Not caring about anything else but the perfection of it." -K. A. Applegate
All of this comes together to make a black a color not of evil but of strength, integrity, and persistence. And that's all well and good, but I'm going to take it even further and put forward a new proposition: that black is the color of hope.
Of the nine mono-black Magic cards with "hope" in their names, all but Liliana portray black as an instrument of hope's destruction. This is, once again, black's flaw taken to its extreme–crushing others to achieve its own ends–but neglects black's own relationship with hope.
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Black, more than any other color, requires hope to stay alive.
For black to persist, it must believe in a light at the end of the tunnel, a future in which its goals are realized. As long as it does, it will endure any hardship, walk through fire, and turn reality itself upside down on its way there. Primal, desperate ambition is the engine of hope that burns at the heart of black, keeping it always one step ahead of stagnation. Bitter and stubborn, black believes tomorrow will come because there is no other choice. After all, for black to relinquish hope is to let itself wither, regress, and die–an unacceptable outcome. 
Thus, it is monumentally difficult to strip black of hope. That only makes it all the more crushing when it happens, when black contends with the idea that there is nothing it can do.
Black's deepest, darkest fear is helplessness.
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Like any mono-black character, Liliana Vess is driven at her core by a seething, desperate hope. When Liliana first unlocks her necromantic power, it is out of a sheer refusal to allow her ill brother Josu to die, even when the esis root that would cure him is destroyed by enemy witches in an undead-raising ritual. She defies her previous training as a healer, which taught her only to take the safe path, in favor of a higher-risk and higher-reward approach: stealing life from the witches themselves to restore power to the esis root she needs. It is her knowledge that her brother needs her, and her sheer stubborn will to succeed, which allows her to defeat the witches against steep odds.
"Six foes, and Liliana stood alone. But Josu's life depended on her, and the power blossoming within her was more than enough." -Liliana's Origin: The Fourth Pact, James Wyatt
Tragically, however, Liliana's attempted cure goes horrifically wrong, transforming Josu into an undead being plagued by eternal suffering. In his pain, Josu attacks Liliana. For a while Liliana holds out hope, finding the power to fight back while she determinedly searches for a spell to reverse the harm she's done. It is when she realizes this isn't possible that her strength falters.
"All this time, she had believed… that she could turn the power of death to the service of life and health. That a healer should use every tool at her disposal. But Josu was the result, a horrible fusion of life and death, and all her spells meant to manipulate the life force of the living could do nothing to harm the dead." -The Fourth Pact
Liliana learns that even her own dark magic, fueled by determination, cannot solve the problem she's created. She discovers the hard limit of her willpower, and the despair of this discovery is what causes her Planeswalker spark to ignite.
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At this time Planeswalkers are as gods, immortal and near-omnipotent. Liliana spends decades enjoying this affirmation of her capability before the Mending strips her and all her peers of their power, reducing them once again to mortal mages.
"Then the Multiverse reshaped itself, robbing her—and every other Planeswalker—of the godlike power they once had wielded. Some called it the Mending, as if something broken had been repaired, but to Liliana, it seemed the opposite. It broke her beyond any hope of repair." -The Fourth Pact
Once again, it is Liliana's fear of helplessness and her refusal to accept it that drives her to push beyond the bounds of propriety–this time, to make a pact with Nicol Bolas and four demons to maintain her immortality. It is not enough for her merely to delay death; she requires the security of knowing she is fully beyond its reach, that she will never be helpless before it again as she was with Josu.
"Holding death at arm's length for whatever years are left to me? No, that's not enough. I want to be free of its shadow." -Liliana in The Fourth Pact
Black isn't like its enemy colors white and green, which are superficially associated far more often with hope. Unlike white, it doesn't believe that conviction, justice, and community will bring about rightness. Unlike green, it doesn't trust in the wisdom of the world or the natural order. Black believes that nothing will change unless you make it change; ultimately, black's self is the only one it can trust to bring about the world it needs. In addition, black lacks its enemies' idealism. Instead, it strives to be a pragmatic realist, making a final assessment of defeat all the more definite and crushing.
While white and green are more amenable to finding hope and holding it aloft as a banner, black claws hope desperately to its chest with shredded, bloody fingernails. Every ounce of hope black has, it tore by itself from the clutches of an uncaring world.
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Ironically for such a self-driven color, black's fierce hope is the greatest asset it can provide to others–on its own terms, of course. It was Liliana who turned the tide of battle against the Eldrazi titan Emrakul, defiant in the face of cosmic despair. And when Nicol Bolas made his bid to return to godhood, using Liliana's necromancy to command his undead hordes, Liliana finally turned against him. In reclaiming her power, so too did she use it to free her fellow Planeswalkers from Bolas' assault. Her fear of helplessness no longer shackled her to him; agency and autonomy were hers at last.
The triumph of black, its moment of ultimate victory, is the hard-won fulfillment of its hope.
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"Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light." -Dylan Thomas
An aetherborn, railing against the shortness of their natural lifespan, constructs a new body for themself with their own bare hands. An artificer's grief over her lost companion causes her to push invention to its limits. A young girl who loves her brother calls on the darkest of powers to save him. As it turns out, necromancy–that original thematic keystone of black–is only one of black's many, many refusals to let go of love and hope once it has them, even in the face of the ultimate end.
Time and time again, black–in love with life, ablaze with hope–looks the Grim Reaper in the eye and tells it: "Not today."
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messiahzzz · 1 year
thinking abt how gale and wyll are both hopeless/devoted romantics, but with a very different flavor to them
wyll believes in the grand tales of romance, writing your story together and witnessing your very own epic tale, the true power of love, wanting to court you in the traditional way, being your knight in shining armor, making sure you never want for anything — the beauty of an ending through your own making, your happily-ever-after.
while gale is more spiritual in his approach to romance. he believes in the bond between souls, true connection and devotion that defies even physical factors, something otherwordly and magical that solely exists between the two of you, a merging of body and mind, getting lost in one another and choosing you each day anew. — he doesn't believe in fate, but he does believe in serendipity.
what they do have in common, however, is wanting to dedicate themselves to their partner with their whole heart. i just think they're both really neat and deserve to be appreciated more by the fandom as a whole!!
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belit0 · 1 year
ahh, i just found out tobirama was about 40 when he became hokage! which makes him even hotter🤭. can you do a hokage tobirama and his young pregnant shy wife meeting his family and like people around the village
I need to EXPLICTLYYYY know where you got that information from bc confirming that he was a daddy brings a different flavor to his character🫠❤️‍🩹
For clarification purposes: Madara is blind in this piece. Hashirama healed Izuna before he died, under Madara's acceptance of peace, and Aniki never took his younger brother's eyes, preferring to go blind rather than steal his sight.
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No one dares to look him in the eye, let alone question the possessive hand that won't let go of (Y/N)'s hips. Her belly is too prominent to deny the situation, but no one is used to seeing the current Hokage with his wife.
Senju Tobirama devoted himself to hiding the woman he promised as a bride, unable to tolerate stares at her and unfortunate comments. Both men and women would send lust and desire toward her, and he would have no way to stop them all. What better remedy than to shelter (Y/N) until his ownership is undeniable?
Tobirama can be quite capricious.
The man even went as far as not allowing his own older brother to meet her, Hashirama himself excluded from the equation. To think that the former Hokage could betray his younger brother like that was ridiculous to everyone, but it wasn't about lust with him. No.
Tobirama hid (Y/N) because he refused to lose the one ray of light in his life (after Anija's solar shower, of course). His past is made up of death and disappointment, built as an unfeeling weapon of war by his father, robbed of the ability to empathize with anyone until the creation of Konoha.
His wife brought a peace he didn't know he needed into his life, a breath of fresh air even as nations struggled to not cooperate with peace, freedom among so much horror and suffering. (Y/N) showed him that life could be spent out of survival mode, that he could relax for sleep and accept another person into his bed without danger.
Having found what he always sought without knowing it, Tobirama could not afford to lose it.
Keeping her away from everything and everyone (beyond his possible jealousy) was also composed by the need to protect her, to remove her from the spotlight that inevitably comes with being the Hokage's future wife, to prevent her from being used against him. The albino's attitudes were based on affection, but now that (Y/N) is round with his creation, full of him, he can't help but proudly display her.
He strolls through the market streets with his head held high and his wife tightly in his grip, shooting hostile glances at anyone who looks at them for more than five minutes at a time. Of course he expects people to be surprised, but he doesn't want her to end up with the evil eye either.
"Hokage-Sama! Here, here!" shouts a little old lady from his favorite food stall. He can't ignore people from his village, those who trust him, and comes up to her stall to give her a smile unbecoming of Tobirama. "You look very happy, Hokage-Sama!"
"Ah... how could a man not be, having such a beautiful woman by his side?" And (Y/N) blushes, waving slightly at the little old lady and trying to hide the redness of her cheeks behind the sleeve of her yukata.
The elderly woman smiles, and hands them both a small package of food without accepting anything in return, "here, here, take this, enjoy life!" She practically pushes them out of her stall, and they resume walking to the point they agreed on with Hashirama.
People stare and stare at them, some even dare to congratulate the Hokage, give him blessings, ask if he could feel how many children are there. Some inquiries make him uncomfortable, and with just a blunt look he gets rid of those prying eyes.
They receive more gifts along the way, offerings of love and respect, food and decorations, townspeople declaring their eagerness to meet the Hokage's offspring. Tobirama would not expect to have interacted with so many people in such a short distance, and his social battery is noticeably drained, squeezing (Y/N) more and more protectively against his body.
By the time they reach Hashirama's house, the Hokage no longer wants anything to do with anyone.
"Ayoooooo! Tobi! You made it!" his older brother waits for them sitting at the door, like a little kid waiting for his dad to come home from work. The problem is, Hashirama is not a child, and not little one either. He pounces on the two, wrapping his arms around them and pressing their faces to his chest, invasive and effusive as always but enhanced by (Y/N)'s presence.
"Aaaa! (Y/N)! Finally released from your confinement! It's so beautiful to finally meet you!" Anija lets go of him, only to squeeze her separately, give her kisses on the crown of her head and clench her cheeks like a grandmother. Yes, Hashirama could be compared to a grandmother. "Have you looked... I mean, in there? See what's in there? We could ask Izuna to-"
"No. It's a surprise." Tobirama pulls (Y/N) out of his arms, and hugging her enters the house he knows by heart. He heads straight for the courtyard, where he knows Hashirama (who comes behind him with his head down and feigning sadness) enjoys afternoons of tea.
Of course, he does not expect the surprise his brother has prepared for him there.
The whole clan, the whole damn family is gathered around a huge table, different from the one Anija prefers for his solitary lunches. Sitting in the two main seats, the Uchiha brothers, who have no business in a Senju house, full of Senju men and women.
Is this what peace looks like? Graphically represented? Tobirama wants to vomit.
"TOBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!" He is greeted by his entire family as a whole, and the elders soon hover over both of them. Females kidnap (Y/N) to shower her with questions and love, all a carbon copy of how Hashirama behaves but boosted to the tenth.
The albino is also abducted, but by the young men and his older brother, who seems to have regained his cheerfulness. They sit him down in front of the Uchiha brothers, and it's like sending a cow to the slaughter.
"Tobi Tobes... I didn't know your family called you like that, neither that your wife was SO pregnant... He hides too many things from us, right Aniki?" Izuna starts, as usual, not missing a chance to poke him with whatever comes in front of him.
"How many children do you have there? 3? She's... prominent!"
"Get my wife out of your mouth before I make you remember why the war existed in the first place." It's a blunt threat, and the young men around him tense up. Peace is old at this point, but the habits of a life that no longer exists are hard to forget.
"He's joking! Yes, yes, he's kidding! No tobi?" Hashirama tries to disperse the waters, and it works, at least with those who don't know them inside out. Madara knows what's coming, and so does he somehow.
"You want me to see how many are there? With the Sharingan, I mean... it's not like I actually want to get inside-"
"Izuna. Enough." Aniki tries, and succeeds until the albino glares at his little brother.
"Madara... you're blind, but if only could you see the size of that woman's belly..."
"IZUNA!" This time it's Hashirama, who gets indignant every time the Uchiha speaks so lightly about his brother's eye condition. Maybe it's the way they both have of cooperating with the situation, but it's still terrible in his ears.
The Uchiha leader chuckles under his breath, and it's all the validation Izuna needs to go on.
"So, what do you say, Tobi Tobes, want to check it out?" and before he can activate his Dōjutsu, two huge branches stop them both. Tobirama, who was in the process of pulling out a kunai and jumping to his throat, is imprisoned in his seat. Izuna, about to reveal the mystery the couple wanted to keep, has a huge trunk wrapped around his head in the eye area.
"Fuck you."
"Fuck you too."
"Fuck all of you guys." And everyone turns around in surprise, because this time it's (Y/N) doing the talking. She puts a hand on her husband's shoulder, dodging the wood on him, and gives a pleasant smile to the Uchiha brothers. "We'll find out how many children are here at the time of delivery, for the time being, I appreciate your efforts, Lord Izuna."
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noproofread · 1 month
Diamond to the Sun
"I held a diamond to the sun to count the moments on account of the way you smile for me"
HELLOO I WROTE AND IM SO PROUD OF MYSELF LOL. writing is hard but it's been a minute since i've written for sanji so here we are :D
Sanji x gn!reader
Fluff. Mild angst. Praise lol. Pet names :).Reader is emotionally unavailable, or so they think. Sanji is determined to break down their walls. Sanji's just a regular loverboy <3
tag list: @vangowithit @fanaticsnail @dakingsu-blog
word count: 1,018
masterlist here
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He loved watching you.
Admiring you.
Every time you smiled he felt his heart jump. He felt weightless at the sound of your laugh. You knew this well, and you had made it clear to him that you didn’t do “love.” You didn’t do relationships. You didn’t believe in it. Sanji didn’t care. He would gladly pine for you even if you didn’t return his affections. You would wake up to breakfast in bed, little notes with beautiful words about you.
“I don’t need to see the sun as long as you’re here.”
“The world is in slow motion whenever you smile for me.”
You would be lying if you didn’t feel flattered. Sanji practically worshiped the ground you walked on. It was cute. You had never experienced someone devote so much love to you. You had grown accustomed to people using you to get their rocks off and leave you. You never had any good experiences so you gave up on everything. You closed yourself off for good. And yet here he was. The blond, charismatic, flirty chef dropping everything to be at your beck and call.
You sat out on the deck, admiring the way the waves crashed against the ship. Droplets of salt water spraying onto your skin, cooling you down as the sun beamed at its highest point. You felt him looking at you. You smiled to yourself, unsure if you smiled because you liked having his attention or because it was cute to see him so powerless in front of you.
“Sanji” you called out to him. He sprinted in your direction as quickly as he could. “Yes, my diamond?” Diamond. His nickname for you. You smiled at him. “Can you get me some lemonade with lots of ice? I feel like I’m cooking in this heat.” You said with a wink. The cook blushed bright red and nodded before heading off to the kitchen as if nothing else mattered but your request.
When he returned with your beverage he stood there for a moment, watching you drink it. Seeing how your lips wrapped around the straw he so carefully chose for you. How your eyes closed as you savored the sweet citrusy flavors that he curated for you. How pretty you looked under the bright light of the sun. How your skin glistened with sweat and droplets of water. He was completely infatuated. You picked up a cube of ice with the straw and maneuvered it into your mouth to chew on it.
“Sanji, are you okay?” You asked after a few moments. He suddenly kneeled down in front of you. Looking up at you as if you were his entire world. It was sweet. You were surprisingly nervous. He had never really looked at you like that. Nobody had ever looked at you like that. It was an odd feeling. You had gotten so used to feeling mostly nothing, at least when it came to people showing interest in you. They never cared so why should you? But Sanji was different. His eyes were different.
“I just want you to know how much I adore you, my diamond. You may not believe in love but I have enough love for the both of us.” “Sanji-” “I would do anything for you. If the gods are real I would gladly let them go for you. I would fight them for you. I would die for you.” He continued. You knelt down to his level, a small smile on your face as you moved some of his hair out of the way.
"You sweet sweet thing.” You kissed his cheek. He blushed. He grabbed your hand, using it to caress his own cheek. Feeling how soft your fingers felt against his skin. You gasped, feeling your own heart flutter at the intimate action. You smiled affectionately. You did care for him. “Thank you for your lovely words, Sanji. I appreciate them more than you know. I just-” You hesitated for a moment. “You don’t have to explain yourself to me.” He stood, taking your hands in the process to help you up. You met his eyes. His kind, doting eyes. If anyone was going to break your walls, it would be him.
“I know it will take a long time, but I will always be here.” He grinned. You barely noticed his thumb tracing circles on your hand. Sanji looked into your eyes. It felt like he saw you. Like he really saw you. As if he already knew your past, your traumas, your fears, your regrets. You felt almost vulnerable in his gaze. He only knew what you had told him. And yet it was like he had known you forever. Something you were unfamiliar with. An exciting feeling. You laughed softly. “Thank you, Sanji. My blonde prince. Thank you for being patient with me.” You felt his hands tense at the word “prince.” Sanji’s heart pounded against his chest. He didn’t want this moment to end. This perfect moment, with him holding your hands as the sun illuminated both of you. You let go first, his hands dropping to his sides as you picked up the glass of lemonade. Only a couple of ice cubes left as the rest had melted.
“Would you like more ice, my diamond?” Sanji asked, his gaze had shifted to a more flirtatious state. You chuckled. There he is. There’s the Sanji you are used to.
“I would love more ice.” You responded, handing him the glass.
He bowed as if he was your butler. A bow that said “your wish is my command.” And he walked to the kitchen. You laughed breathlessly, watching him light up at the sound. You glanced back at the blue sea, biting your lip at the lingering memory of the tender moment you shared with the chef. Moments later, he reappeared with your glass. You took it from him and stared at the ice for a second. Before he could leave you reached out for his hand.
“Would you want to stay and keep me company?”
“I’d want nothing more.”
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snakebites-and-ink · 4 months
Feel free to expand on the weirdly loving handler and living weapon thingy you blessed our eyeballs with 👀👀
F-feel free to share more 👀👀
The thingy in question
With pleasure :D
I hope you wanted a lot more because this got long.
You can have:
Cuddles with undertones of power dynamics
Handler gently guiding/maneuvering a currently very dissociated living weapon (possibly after a hard mission/battle/something else that was difficult for them to go through)
Dogged loyalty and devotion
Weapon too conditioned to fully understand what they’re feeling
Both protective of each other but express it in different ways according to their roles
Denial. Denial that the living weapon is really a person, denial that one or both of them have gotten too attached/emotional about the other, denial about the ways the relationship is unhealthy, whatever else.
Can’t express their love/care the way two people normally would but find other ways to show it to each other.
They get each other in a certain way that no one else does, see sides of each other that aren't shown in many other situations
The drastic contrast between violence on the field and tenderness in private
And it comes in different varieties
Flavor 1: “I take care of my things.”
Very possessive
Heavy on the dehumanization
Handler/owner won’t let the weapon forget that they’re no more than an object in their eyes; every kindness and comfort serves as a reminder of this because each one is the handler taking care of and maintaining a thing that belongs to them.
—But they’re a very valued object. Maybe they’re expensive. Maybe they’re irreplaceable. Maybe the handler is very picky discerning about what kind of living weapon they’ll work with and others don’t fit the bill. Maybe they’ve saved the handler’s life more times than anyone else the handler has worked with on the field. Regardless of the reason, the handler won’t even entertain the idea of tossing the weapon aside like any other object.
A form of ownership that looks a lot like love. It’s hard to tell where the lines are drawn between sole ownership and monogamy, between maintenance and tenderness, between carefulness and caringness.
Handler definitely will not share. This weapon is theirs and theirs alone. You are not taking it on a mission without them.
Flavor 2: Basically BDSM but more questionable in the “safe, sane, and consensual” department.
Heavy on the affection & fondness. Probably in both directions.
Handler treats the weapon as more than an object, but never as a peer. They’re beloved but ultimately expected to obey.
One or both of them delight in their unequal roles.
Likely some kind of tension and want between the handler and the weapon. Also probably in both directions.
Some dubcon intimacy going on. I’ll let you decide how dubious and how intimate. Suffice it to say, the weapon is conditioned to do what their handler tells them, and that conditioning doesn’t just disappear when they leave the battlefield.
Maybe there is some consent involved, at least at some stage. Maybe they volunteered to become a living weapon out of their own desires.
Flavor 3: Stuck in this situation and doing what they can to be nice
Handler knows this is a weapon but it looks so human
Surely the conditioning can’t completely eliminate their emotions. They must be able to feel the difference between kindness and callousness even if they don’t show it. It would be cruel not to give them gentleness and comfort when they’re past the point of being able to seek it out for themself.
Finding excuses for the “unnecessarily” nice treatment. It’s to keep them operating in peak condition. It’s to reinforce their loyalty to their handler and contrast with the violence of the enemy. It’s because it would be more unnecessary work for the handler to break the habits they formed interacting with actual people. It’s because the handler has fallen for those doe eyes.
Would probably decondition them if they were in any place to do so. But they have to answer to a higher power, whether that be a commanding officer or a greater moral good, etc. so instead they focus on making the aspects that they can control of the situation they are in more merciful and comfortable even as they continue to use them as a weapon.
Flavor 4: Love each other but both believe the dehumanization.
Conditioned like you wouldn’t believe
Maybe the handler has fallen for propaganda. Maybe they took the weapon at their very conditioned word. Maybe they’ve gone through some kind of conditioning themself. Regardless, they see the living weapon as just that: a living weapon. Definitely not a person, but not some lifeless, inanimate thing either.
There’s a deep, non-sexual intimacy to the relationship between a weapon and its wielder. To depend on another to save your life time and again, to destroy foes you could never overcome with your own bare hands. To trust someone so deeply you respond to their orders faster than you can assess a threat or target yourself, so completely you don’t even think to question them. To participate together in the intense acts of killing and fighting for your life.
That forms a bond no one else can truly understand. No relationship in polite society compares with one founded on mortal peril and unquestioning faith.
In the end one is a person and one is a weapon, but they’ve both developed a love for the other. Their relationship is built on the difference in their roles and functionally inextricable from that difference, yet is defined by more than roles alone. If you asked them what they were to each other they would say “It’s my weapon” and “They’re my wielder” with absolute surety, but they would say it with love in their eyes and fondness in their voices.
Flavor 5: Handler doesn’t realize how deeply gentle their treatment affects the weapon
Maybe the handler considers it basic human decency. Maybe they consider it more efficient to keep their weapon in top condition. Maybe they’re just a naturally gentle person. Regardless, they treat the weapon better than any handler or trainer before them but (at least initially) don’t think much of it.
No one else has shown the weapon any sort of kindness since before they were a weapon.
Taken by surprise when the weapon breaks down crying in a tender moment
Handler is kind because it just makes sense. Cruelty doesn’t serve any purpose. It doesn’t have especial meaning to them.
In contrast, the kindness means everything to the living weapon. They become deeply devoted to the handler over it.
Maybe the handler finds out how much it means to the weapon. Do they try to tell them it’s no big deal? Do they make it more of a point to always show that kindness now that they know how important it is? Do they worry this means the weapon needs more conditioning?
I’ve had this on the mind a lot can you tell
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maknaesdancersrappers · 2 months
devoted 2.
part 17.
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Overall warning/s: kinkier smut (eg. voyeurism, exhibitionism, etc.) character death, dark themes
Chapter warning/s: vulgar language, violence, self harm, stalking, kidnapping
Just how devoted is Jaehyun to you?
prev: part 16
wc: 6.9k nice
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November 8.
You carefully swept the doe foot applicator of your favorite gloss over your lips, smacking them together to even out the product. It had a soft strawberry scent and flavor that gave your lips just the right amount of sheen. This was the last part of your makeup routine, satisfied with how you kept your face as bare as possible but covered any blemishes and brightened up the darkness under your eyes. 
Today was your first date with Jaehyun.
The first semester was ending which meant you weren’t going to be classmates anymore. For the longest time, you were both meeting up at the library or the quad to study — even if it was for different subjects. But a few days ago, Jaehyun ran after you when class finished as you were rushing to your next one for a quiz, and he asked you out on a date.
You were elated, bashfully accepting his invitation and completely distracted for the entire day at the thought of going on an actual date with your crush. You initially believed that the feelings were one sided, he didn’t seem to be interested in you and was just naturally friendly. You’ve seen him around campus hanging out with other people — mostly girls, so you didn’t feel necessarily special when he met up with you at the library.
Your phone chimed as it received a text and you peered down to see the notification.
I couldn’t wait. I’m outside your dorm to pick you up.
You let out a quiet sound of surprise, rushing outside to the living room of your shared apartment to look outside the window there that was right above the entrance of the building. You saw Jaehyun leaning against the brick half wall that enclosed the property your dorm was in. He was on his phone, probably waiting for your reply.
Instead, you gathered up everything into your purse and ran out the door.
“Hey.” Jaehyun greeted you with a smile when you called out to him. He was in ripped, baggy jeans, a white shirt that fit just right, and a neutral cardigan. You felt relieved to know that you dressed just as casual as he did by sporting tight fitting, but stretchable jeans and a nude chiffon blouse.
“Hi.” You breathed, hoping it wasn’t obvious you were excited. “H-how… how did you know where my dorm was?”
His forehead scrunched ever so gently, “You mentioned it in passing when I offered to walk you home one time.”
“Oh.” You do recall him offering to walk with you back to your dorm multiple times, especially when it got too late that the librarians themselves were the ones kicking you out. You were too shy to let him, mostly because you also didn’t want to bother him with his own journey back to his place.
“Well, shall we? There’s this cafe I’ve been meaning to try in town.”
You nodded your head, taking a step forward but faltering when he just continued to smile down at you. “Is something wrong?”
He shook his head, ears a little pinker than usual, “No, sorry. Nothing’s wrong. You just look extra cute today.”
You could feel your face burst into heat at his words, “O-oh, thank you…”
Jaehyun chuckled, holding out his hand to you.
For a split second, you were scared that your palms started to sweat out of nervousness but not wanting to delay the date any further, you placed your hand on top of his. He threaded his fingers with yours and squeezed your hand, nudging you towards him.
“Let’s go.”
You’ve walked beside Jaehyun multiple times already but this time you’re walking hand in hand with him — and he’s even swaying your conjoined hands! You were screaming inside at how cute he was to do this. He gave off such a cool vibe that you didn’t think he had such an adorable side.
Autumn has started and the weather was perfect to be outside, the leaves were turning to beautiful shades of reds, oranges, and yellows. It was nice to take a stroll under them right now and it feels quite cozy, especially with Jaehyun.
He filled up the silence growing between you, not that it bothered you, with small talk. He asked about your morning and the day before, if you had any plans for the holiday break. You told him that you were going back home to your parents over the holidays and was unsure if your parents had plans to celebrate.
You could feel his thumb gently smooth over your skin as he talked about his plans over the break, mentioning how he’s going to be helping out his dad in his business.
The cafe you both arrived at was smack dab in between a bookstore and a mom-and-pop store. There were little to no patrons in the cafe from the looks of it and it still had some streamers and balloons from their opening.
“Good morning! Welcome to Cafe Hue.” One of the three workers on duty, the cashier, greeted as you entered.
You offered a smile and glanced briefly at the interior — a habit you picked up in middle school that pushed you into taking interior design. For its namesake, the overall interior was a crisp white with loud, brightly colored decors dotting the shelves. There was room for improvement with the choice of furniture, but it still works.
“What would you like?” Jaehyun asked, pulling you out of your reverie by softly squeezing your hand.
You looked up at the chalkboard menu, giving each item a thought until you settled on a hot cup of French vanilla tea. Jaehyun relayed your order to the cashier, who’s eyes seemed very eager to meet his gaze, and added his own order of an iced americano.
“Do you want anything to eat? We can share something if you’d like.”
“I don’t mind a slice of cake or muffin.”
Jaehyun bobbed his head, “Anything in particular?”
“What would you recommend?” You directed the question to the cashier giving heart eyes up at Jaehyun. She shifted her attention to you, a full second of annoyance flashing in her face before plastering a model customer service smile.
“Everything is freshly baked, our baker’s favorite is the basque cheesecake, but personally, I love the chocolate carrot cake.”
“Both sound good, so I’ll leave the choice up to you.”
The cashier’s smile brightened as she returned her attention to Jaehyun, who seemed oblivious to it.
“Then a slice of each.” He didn't wait for her to tally the order and pulled out his wallet, brandishing a black card from within and placing it on the counter. She seemed astonished to see the card in front of her, but it only took a second for her to punch your orders in while repeating it out loud to confirm. Jaehyun nodded and she swiped the card.
“Have you always been a tea person? I could have gotten you tea instead of coffee all this time at the library.” He inquired, pursing his lips ever so slightly at you.
“Not necessarily.” You shrugged your shoulders, “My mind has strongly associated coffee with productivity and since we’re not here to study, I’d rather have tea. I like both, equally.”
Jaehyun finished paying for the order and guided you to a seat by the window. He helped you into your seat briefly before seating himself.
There was a palpable pause when he looked at you and it almost became awkward until he coughed and glanced away, ears visibly red.
“I’m sorry,” He cleared his throat, “I’ve never really… taken anyone out on a date before.”
The admission made your brows shoot up a little, “What? You’ve never dated anyone?”
He shook his head, “No. Wasn’t really interested… until I met you.”
The confession made your heart skip a beat and the faintest heat rose up your cheeks. “Oh. Uhm,” You stuttered, “I… I didn’t expect that from you.”
He sighed, “I get that a lot — not to be vain or anything. I was just never interested in the dating scene.”
“Haven’t girls asked you out? None of them caught your eye?”
Jaehyun shook his head again. “They all seemed… pretentious? No, too eager? Like I’m prey or something.”
You’re still having a hard time believing that this gorgeous man has not dated at all — let alone having you as the first person he’s ever expressed interest in. “What makes me different?”
Slowly, a small smile formed on his lips, “That’s what I’d like to know.”
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You woke up startled, as if your body reminded you that you were in no position to be sleeping in. Honestly, you don’t even know how you fell asleep. You remembered looking around the room in hopes to find a way out, but everything was sealed shut with bolts or protected with grills. You discovered that despite being kidnapped, you were still provided other basic necessities. The other door led to a small ensuite bathroom; just one solid square where there were no partitions or dividers between the shower and the toilet. There was even a drawer full of clothes in your size (that you found mildly disturbing).
It almost felt like Yuta wanted you to feel like you were just away from home instead of being used as bait in a trap.
“Jaehyun.” You mumbled, covering your mouth with your palm. Yuta was right. Regardless of your current relationship status, Jaehyun would do anything in his power to find you and you don’t even want to think about what he could possibly do to Yuta when he gets his hands on him.
All you could do was hope Jaehyun won’t be careless in this situation.
You looked around the room as if you would find something new, but it was more bare than a real estate showroom. Yuta seemed to have cleared the food he had brought in for you last night while you slept, and thinking about it now, you were growing hungry.
There was a small knock at the door and you expected Yuta to come in, but you were pleasantly — also slightly confused — to see someone else come in.
“Oh,” The woman meekly said, “Good morning, Ms. [Y/N]. I’ve brought you breakfast.”
You stared at her; she looked so familiar. You watched as she pushed the door open with her shoulder while her hands were occupied with carrying a tray of food and water.
When she placed it on the table, you gasped.
She smiled, “I’m flattered to know you remember me, Ms. [Y/N].”
“You’ve been missing for weeks. A-are you working for him?”
The smile disappeared from her face as she vehemently denied your accusation, shaking her head. “Please don’t misunderstand this, Ms. [Y/N]! I… I’m forced to do this. If not…” Mina paused, “I’m sorry, I was only tasked to bring your breakfast. I’ll collect the plates later when I bring up your lunch. I’m sorry again, Miss. Please, enjoy your food.”
“Wait—” You clambered off the bed, but Mina was out the door with a soft click behind her.
This just left you with more questions to haunt you. Why was she here? Why was she cooperating with Yuta? Is she a victim as well?
Despite doubting the food’s integrity, you were starving and even though you were served a simple bowl of congee and orange juice, it looked like the most delicious meal you’ve seen in your life. You helped yourself to the food, savoring the flavor exploding in your mouth.
Halfway through your meal, you remembered the dream you had last night.
Your first date with Jaehyun happened almost exactly 8 years ago. Times were simpler back then; everything was just about getting deadlines done at school, going on lunch dates, and clubbing every weekend night.
You started to lose your appetite and felt like throwing up.
How did you end up here?
Burying your face into your palms, you breathed in deeply to stop yourself from crying. You didn’t want to blame Jaehyun, but it’s the truth. You can’t help but think where you would be today if you had walked away from him the first time. You could have still been roommates with Minkyung and Yebin, somewhere in the city. Maybe you could have met someone new at work or the girls could have set you up with someone. Although, you have to admit that the idea pinched at your heart.
You still loved Jaehyun despite everything. Rather than hoping to move on as quickly as you can, you wished he had done things the right way with yo—
Lurching forward, you clamped your mouth shut as you suddenly stood up, the chair falling back with a loud thud. The taste of acid and the congee you had just consumed filled your mouth and you bolted into the bathroom, kneeling at the toilet to expel the vomit.
You barfed into the bowl until you felt like you couldn’t possibly heave anything else from your stomach. Sweat started to build up on your forehead as you calmed yourself down. You spat the remaining sour taste from your mouth and hoisted yourself up, flushing the toilet while you wondered if you caught a virus again.
Then it hit you.
You were supposed to meet Dr. Ahn. Unconsciously, your hand went over your abdomen. Surely, you weren’t…
You brushed the idea away. You’ve been on IUD for years and it’s been extremely effective; why now? These were just your nerves getting to you.
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“Please eat something.” Jaehyun’s mom gestured to the maid she entered his room with to replace the food they brought last night. It was barely touched and the rice had gone stale.
“I don’t have an appetite.” He mumbled through his palm, focused on the latest report from the Commissioner General. They were just more reports on how other missing women were possibly linked to him and he honestly didn’t care about it. He just wanted to know why this is happening — what did he ever do to him.
“Sweetheart, even a few slices of fruit?”
Jaehyun looked up at his mom, contemplating telling her what he’s discovered on his own but decided against it. “Sure, I’ll have an apple.”
She perked up, “Alright, I’ll go prepare it myself.”
When his mom and the maid finally left him alone, he pulled out his phone and dialed one of his recent contacts.
“I found out something crucial.” He skipped formalities and greetings. “I don’t want to discuss this over the phone. Can you gather Doyoung and Minkyung for me? And do you think she can host us?”
“Okay, hello, I’m fine, thanks for asking.” Yebin sarcastically responded. “You know any other day, I would have dropped the call.”
“You wouldn’t have picked up.”
Yebin cooed, “Aw, I’m a little touched that you know me so well.”
“Yebin.” Jaehyun impatiently said. He didn’t have the time to have these types of banter with her right now.
“Fine. I’ll contact them.”
“As discreetly as possible, please.” Jaehyun paused, “Wait, don’t ask Minkyung to host us. I’ll get back to you on that.”
Without any further questioning, they ended the call with no goodbyes and Jaehyun flinched as the door opened.
“Here you go!” His mother sashayed into his room, handing him a small plate of peeled, sliced apples. “And if you decide to have anything more, let me know, okay, sweetheart?”
He smiled up at her, “Yes, mom. Although, I might have dinner with Johnny some time soon.”
“Oh,” She said, “Why not just invite him over? Wouldn’t it be safer?”
“I don’t really like bringing home work. We’ll be fine. I’ll bring extra bodyguards if it would put your mind at ease.”
“It would, thank you. Please be careful and give my regards to Johnny. He’s always welcome to drop by here whenever he feels like it.”
Jaehyun snorted, his mother always treated Johnny like a second son and of course, he had no qualms about it. “I’ll let him know.”
Once his mother left, he picked up an apple slice and dialed a different number on his phone. He listened to the phone ring while munching on the fruit until the other person picked up.
“Hello. I understand this is a bit last minute, but could we possibly meet up in your place? Out of everyone that we’re friends with, your place seems to be the safest. I’ll explain more when we get there.”
“Of course. I’m off early today so I can accommodate you guys. I’ll send my address in a bit.”
“Thank you.” He paused, “Please be careful and wary of your surroundings. As a safety precaution.”
“I will. See you later.”
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“Who arranges a meeting and is late for it?” Yebin griped, flicking popcorn with the tips of her long nails to choose the one with the most butter on it. 
Johnny, picking out all the pieces she had discarded on the side and tossing it into his mouth, glanced at her, “It is rush hour. Maybe he got into traffic.”
“Maybe he’s in trouble.” Yebin snapped back, shrugging her shoulders. “He could be bleeding out from a gunshot wound right now.”
“Yebin!” Minkyung gasped, swatting her shoulder briefly before clasping her hands together in prayer. “Surely, he’s caught in traffic.”
Although at the last minute, they were able to gather at Kun’s apartment at the designated time. Kun was originally worried if he could host this many people in his small apartment but he’s never been thankful for signing the lease for the one bedroom apartment over the studio type.
He’s even more thankful he believed the feng shui expert who told him to prioritize having a bigger dining area than lounge space so almost everyone tonight could be seated. He is, however, a bit embarrassed he only had movie snacks in his pantry instead to offer as they waited for Jaehyun, hence Yebin and Johnny sharing a bowl of freshly popped popcorn. Luckily, Minkyung had brought some rice cakes and chicken with her — saying it’s her cheat day and wanted to share her cravings with them.
Doyoung had finished swallowing a rice cake that was way too chewy for his liking before making a comment about Kun’s apartment. “As a doctor, I’d expected you to have a healthier food selection.”
“I don’t have guests over often and I haven’t had time to go get groceries.”  He sheepishly admitted, placing the bottle of makgeolli he had received from a former patient. “I live off hospital cafeteria food most days.”
“What a mood.” Minkyung quipped, “I respect it. I used to take home leftovers from the food spreads at photoshoots to save money.”
“You always brought home the good stuff when you had small gigs back in college.” Yebin mused, flicking another butter-less popcorn over to Johnny’s side. “[Y/N] and I would always fight for the bougiest one.”
“Speaking of [Y/N],” Minkyung snapped her fingers and pursed her lips, “I haven’t heard from her in awhile. She hasn’t responded to my messages.”
“I was gonna ask the same thing.” Doyoung said before picking up another rice cake from the plate. He glanced at Kun, “I was surprised that you called me over instead of her.”
“Oh! Are we planning a surprise for her or something?”
Johnny and Kun looked at each other, then turned their attention to Yebin, who shut her eyes in annoyance when they did so.
Minkyung gasped, “Did you see that?” She asked Doyoung, “They shared a look!”
“I did.” He narrowed his eyes, aiming them at Kun. “Is there something we don’t know? Is something wrong with [Y/N]?”
“We should really wait for Jaehyun—” Kun cleared his throat, glancing back and forth from Johnny and Yebin for support.
“If something’s wrong and you guys know about it, then what’s the point of waiting for Jaehyun to tell us? We’re all equally her friends here.” Doyoung’s tone made Kun wince.
“We know that!” Yebin butted in, throwing her hands up in frustration. “But we barely know anything as well! Only Jaehyun does and this motherfucker is late—”
On cue, there was a knock on the door and Kun promptly walked over to open the door after checking who was outside through the peephole.
“About time!” Yebin hissed, crossing her arms and glaring up at him.
“I’m sorry. There was a meeting held on the case that I was allowed to listen in to.” Jaehyun said, coolly, no trace of joy or bashfulness his voice usually had when he was with them.
“Is it about [Y/N]? What happened to her?” Minkyung sat up on her seat, brows furrowed in worry.
Kun offered the last seat at the table to Jaehyun, who nodded but remained standing.
“[Y/N] has been missing for over a week now. She’s probably been kidnapped.”
“By who?” Minkyung gasped, “Her college stalker?”
Johnny scoffed, “That dude’s still after her?”
Jaehyun caught Doyoung’s gaze flickering over to him, eyes twitching briefly before he closed them and rubbed his fingers over them to pinch the bridge of his nose. He’s always been the protective brother figure in your life and being one of the last ones to find out about your current situation must be making him feel like shit.
“We don’t know yet. However,” He coughed, clearing his throat. “We have reason to believe that [Y/N]’s case is related to the string of missing women around Seoul.”
“So…” Johnny drew out, “It’s not a targeted type of situation? It’s not the creep from college?”
Jaehyun inhaled deeply and sighed, finally taking the seat that was offered to him. “From the findings of the police — the meeting I had joined earlier — it seems that the suspect does have a target… and it’s me.”
“What?” Yebin spat, “How are the other missing women related to you?”
He cupped his face, massaging in awkward circles to avoid their gazes. “As the police have uncovered, all the missing women have either worked for me, interacted with me, or… participated in an online thread about me back in high school.”
He said the last bit hurriedly, almost embarrassed about that fact.
Yebin’s face was painted with pure disgust, “You’re telling me that women are missing — most are reported to be presumably dead — because they were your fangirls back in high school? And our precious little [Y/N] has been kidnapped… because she’s your fiancée?”
Even Yebin bit her tongue when she said the last word, looking a bit apologetic when Jaehyun hung his head low. She knew calling you his fiancee dug the knife deeper into him than she had meant to. With the lack of reaction from the room, she could tell that only she knew the state of your current relationship.
“I don’t…” Jaehyun mumbled, “I don’t even know what I did to deserve this.”
“You weren’t in the best crowd in high school, but you were an angel compared to them.” Johnny spoke up, being the only one who came from Kyeonggi’s despite only attending for a year. “Who could possibly go through these lengths to get back at you?”
Jaehyun pulled his hands away from his face, expression grim and jaw tight. “I already know who it is. I don’t have enough concrete evidence, but I just know it’s him. He’s got the money to do what he wants, he’s smart,  manipulative and he’s cunning and deceiving behind that fucking smile of his—”
“Smile?” Yebin cut him off, “Ooh, I knew that Japanese man was trouble! I’m canceling that fucking deal—”
“Don’t.” Jaehyun stopped her from taking her phone, “Unless you have a good reason as to why you’re breaking off a seemingly good contract with his company. Or any of you who had signed with him, for that matter.”
“Wait, wait,” Minkyung waved her hands in front of her to catch their attention, her perfectly shaped brows perpetually burrowed between her forehead, “Japanese man? Do you mean that Nakamoto guy? He’s your suspect?”
“I’ve always been suspicious of him. Everything started when he came into the picture: the number of missing women increasing… the stalking… this monopoly of their tech company in the country — especially in the security industry — that he’s offered to people around me and [Y/N]... He’s smart, yes, but like the snake he is, he’s leaving behind his skin.”
“Why aren’t you telling this to the police?” Doyoung inquired, taking everything Jaehyun had said. “You just said that the police are already investigating the case.”
“And they are. The commissioner general himself is heading the case.” He nodded, “But as I said, there’s no concrete evidence for me to pin this on Yuta.”
“Wait,” Kun interjected, “Nakamoto… Yuta? I think… he accompanied a patient of mine a while back.”
“Aren’t you a gynecologist?” Yebin scowled, “That man is not allowed to procreate— wait, he knocked someone up? Could it be one of the missing women?”
The thought of Yuta possibly touching you, consensually or not, hadn’t crossed his mind (or maybe he just didn’t want it to) and it made him seethe, balling his fists tightly until his nails dug into his palms.
“I’m not one to break doctor-patient confidentiality but if I remember correctly, he presented himself as a potential father despite what my patient was claiming.”
“What an asshole.” Yebin remarked, lips still downturned.
Kun continued, “He also seemed withdrawn from the whole ordeal — physically present, mentally absent.”
“Do you remember when this was?”
The doctor licked his lips, thinking hard about it. “Probably a few months ago? Barely a year. She was one of my first patients. She had come into the clinic with her arms around his arm, practically dragging him in. I can search for her name tomorrow at the clinic if we want to track her down.”
Minkyung gasped, “Oh my gosh, Kyungwon! We should check up on her. What if she’s been missing too?”
“Didn’t she say she broke it off with him? I guess it wouldn’t hurt to check up on her, she’s one of [Y/N]’s closest colleagues.” Yebin picked up her phone from the table and scrolled through her contacts, “Good thing I got her number last time so I could set her up with a cousin.”
“If there’s a way you can do it inconspicuously, then please do.” Jaehyun implored, “For now, I just need everyone to be on high alert. Act like you don’t know anything if you come across him.”
He sighed, cradling his jaw with his hand after propping his elbow against the table.
“Hey,” Johnny called from across the table, “[Y/N]’s a feisty girl. She’s not going down without a fight. I’m sure she’s okay.”
“I know she is. I’m just trying to figure out this fucking psychopath’s motive and plan.” He mumbled, “I’ve been wracking my brain out how it ended up this way. Did I step over his pride? Did I come off the wrong way on him when he was having a shitty day? I just don’t understand.”
“We can mull about it when we find out more things about him. My family has close connections to a prominent family in Japan, I can have someone get intel on Nakamoto from his home country.” Yebin offered, standing up from her seat. “This sicko is going to pay hell for even touching a single hair on [Y/N]’s head. I’d love to stay and plan out the ways we’re going to torture the fuck out of this guy when we catch him, but I have to handle an ingress of a museum exhibit down in Busan over the weekend. Keep me posted, yeah?”
“Of course,” Jaehyun started to rise from his seat but Yebin waved him off, “Yebin, thank you.”
“Don’t be gross, Jung. I’m doing this for her.”
“I’ll be heading out as well with Yebs. I have a photoshoot tomorrow at Daegu. I haven’t interacted with Yuta at all, and I’m hoping I don’t have to, but I’ll be vigilant.”
They saw the girls off and Kun offered the boys the case of beer he had in the back of his freezer.
“He seemed like such a cool dude. It’s rare to see guys who know the shit they work on, you know?” Johnny was the first one to break the silence between the four men quietly breaking open their respective beer cans and sipping the foam. “But I’m somehow not surprised about it either.”
“I barely interacted with him at the housewarming.” Doyoung confessed, “Even when our security system was replaced with his tech, I didn’t handle it personally.”
Jaehyun somberly acknowledged them, gently pushing the soft aluminum of the beer can that made a soft popping sound every time he let go. With their friends knowing the situation, he felt a little relieved to know he’s not alone in trying to save you.
If he could save you.
“Hey,” Kun nudged his arm and as if he had just heard his thought, said, “Don’t take it too hard on yourself. He’s playing a game that only he wants to play.”
“A game?” Jaehyun repeated.
“Well, that’s how I see it. The way I see it from what I know — which isn’t much — it seems like he’s learning about you to bait you out. Why take the time to find all these people from your past? People you don’t even know? If he’s got all this money and power to do virtually anything he wants, why waste it on them when he could’ve gone straight to people you actually care for?”
Kun shrugged, “Think of it like chess. He’s taken the rooks and the pawns — and even your queen. And the only advice I can offer now is for you to be careful and walk right into his trap.”
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Just as the hour hand passed midnight, the boys called it a night. Kun saw them off at the entrance of his apartment building. Johnny had parked all the way down the street while Jaehyun was lucky to have gotten a spot nearby, offering Doyoung a ride after finding out he had commuted.
“I’m sorry, by the way.” Jaehyun said just as they buckled themselves into his car. Before Doyoung could respond, he continued, “You should be one of the first people I should tell about anything related to [Y/N]. I guess a part of me had always seen you as her older brother and I was ashamed to admit I couldn’t protect her.”
He nodded his head in acknowledgement, lips pursed in contemplation.
“You…” His voice trailed off, “You were her college stalker, right?”
Jaehyun’s fingers gripped the steering wheel, “I was.”
“Are you surprised that I know?”
“I had a feeling when it was brought up a while ago. Although as I said, you’re practically her brother. You two know everything about each other.”
“Apparently not everything.” Doyoung bitterly grumbled, slapping his forehead afterwards. “I’ve been so caught up in my own shit that I haven’t checked up on her at all even when she mentioned she had to go home to her parents because she was sick.”
Silence came over them inside the car that seemed louder than the late night city life they were passing by.
“How did you react when she told you about what I did?”
“I told her she was crazy for coming back to you. I’ve urged her multiple times to break it off again.”
Jaehyun is oddly calm. He knew he would have been thinking about all the ways to make Doyoung eat his words, but now he’s just accepting all of it. Maybe because it was over between the two of you.
“But she fought for you.” Doyoung brought him out of his reverie. “Like her life depended on it. It made her look like an idiot, for sure, but she defended you. She gave you a second chance and begged me to do the same. So I did.”
“That means a lot to me. Thank you.” Jaehyun responded once he pulled over in front of Doyoung’s building. “But… I have to apologize again. Before she disappeared, she broke up with me.”
He looked at him like he had grown a second head. “I don’t believe you. I literally just told you she fought to be with you.”
“People… change their minds.” Jaehyun turned the engine off, but didn’t unlock the car. “And I’m starting to think it’s better that way. I never considered this situation before… someone is using her against me, but then again, I’m not entirely a good person for her.”
“But you’re good to her and that was enough for her.”
Jaehyun chuckled morosely, thinking, “If only you really knew everything, man.”
“So what? After we save her, you’re just… going to let her go?”
The response weighed heavy on Jaehyun’s tongue, refusing to be spoken and heard by someone else other than his thoughts. Every fiber of his being didn’t want to let you go, he wanted to fight for your relationship — but he knew he didn’t have the right to.
“Yeah,” He eventually said, “That’s the plan.”
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You woke up to a muffled noise and a soft, rhythmic thumping on the adjacent wall of your bed. You groaned, a bit annoyed that your slumber was interrupted, but shook the grogginess away to figure out what was making the noise.
Sitting up, you didn’t bother to rub at the dryness of your eyes and pressed your ear onto the wall, only to gasp and pull away with cheeks flaring up.
Was that… a moan?
You put a hand to your mouth, pressing yourself back up on the wall to hear.
That’s definitely a woman moaning in pleasure and despite not being able to make out the words, the male voice accompanying the woman’s moans was Yuta. Shame overcame you once you realized overhearing their private moment had started to make you press your thighs closer.
You scooted away, jumped off your bed and sat at the table on the other side of the room. You could still hear the soft thumps, but at least you couldn’t hear the moans. Crossing your arms, you sat back on your seat and closed your eyes.
He’s doing this on purpose, you thought. For some twisted reason, you know he wants you to hear that.
Looking out the window, you tried to gauge what time it was. Around midnight, perhaps? What was Jaehyun doing? Is he even getting enough sleep? Is he eating properly? You slapped yourself.
“For someone who broke up with him, you’re pretty concerned about him.” You murmured, but bit your lip when it began to tremble. You should be mad at him. For all that he’s done. You’re in this situation because of him. But why does a part of you want him to leave it to the police? You hoped deep in your heart that he’s not going to come here himself like Yuta is anticipating because you don’t know what this psycho is planning — what his end goal is.
But why do you care? Why does it matter? You laid your head on the table and sobbed, “I still love him.”
“Please, please if there’s any higher being listening to me right now.” You prayed, voice shaky and strained, “Please don’t let him come here. Please.”
After some time, you jolted in your seat at the sound of the door knob rustling. Had you cried yourself to sleep?
The door opened and Yuta sauntered in wearing nothing but a pair of baggy sweats that hung low on his hips, smirking at the sight of your face that’s red and puffy from crying. “Aw, did you miss Jaehyun after hearing all that? Did you enjoy the show? I’ll let you watch next time~”
This man has an innate ability to fill you with rage within seconds.
Before you could think it through, you stood up and pushed his body with all your might, running at the door he hadn’t closed yet. You were able to swing it wider, but couldn’t get a foot out when you felt your hair being yanked back. You felt a few strands snap as you yelped in pain, trying to grab at Yuta’s fist around your head.
“That’s cute.” He laughed in your ear, kicking the door with his foot. He tossed you towards the bed like a rag doll, your body just hitting the edge of it before crumbling to the floor. “Don’t do that again. I’ll forgive you this time, but if you insist on taking a little stroll outside, I don’t mind trading a few minutes of freedom for some head.”
“Fuck you.” You spat, visibly shuddering at the offer.
He just laughed again, shrugging his shoulders. “I don’t have to fuck myself. Your friend is a great fuck and leaves me happy every time.”
“What?” You massaged the part of your scalp that had been strained. When realization hit you, you gasped in horror, “Kyungwon?!”
You called out to her, scrambling onto your feet and running towards the wall. You pounded on the surface, “Kyung? Kyungwon, it’s me, [Y/N]!”
Yuta merely chuckled behind you, “Do you really think I would let her stay here overnight and discover you’re here?”
Somehow the thought of Kyungwon still being able to go home comforted you.
“That’s risky of you to bring her here in the first place.”
“It’s a gamble, but someone has to bring the prince to the damsel in distress, no?” Yuta dragged the chair you had sat on towards him and sat down.
“What do you plan on doing when Jaehyun gets here?” You heaved, keeping your emotions in check. “Do you honestly think he’s going to go here alone?”
He gave you a wicked smile, the type that made you shiver.
“I know he is.”
Yuta reached into the pocket of his pants, leading your gaze to the prominent tent between his legs that made you want to vomit. Does this type of scenario excite him? You averted your gaze to the television that turned on.
“As expected, Jaehyun had contacted your friends. Presumably to recruit them in saving you.”
A CCTV footage on what seems to be the front entrance of an apartment building appeared on screen. It didn’t look familiar to you, but then you see a familiar mop of head in the corner.
“He graciously hosted everyone in his apartment. Smart move on Jaehyun since my company failed to convince the building owner’s to switch to my tech — but I doubt Jaehyun knows that. Good thing there’s a bunch of free streams of city’s CCTV on the net, huh? With a little nudge here, the camera is focused more on the apartment.”
Yuta tapped his phone and the video sped up. He only slowed it down to show you who was entering — first, it was Doyoung. Johnny followed, and Yebin and Minkyung came together.
“And last, but not the least,” Yuta sang, tapping his phone once more to show Jaehyun, even zooming into the video to get a better look at his face.
Your heart sank. He looked so sullen, it hasn’t been long, but he looked like he lost weight and aged a few years.
“Oh! I would have loved to hear what they were talking about.” He sighed, “Don’t you?”
“I don’t get what your end goal here is.” You hissed, balling your fists at your sides. “Kill Jaehyun?”
“Kill him? Heavens, no.” He laughed, “He can do that himself.”
Your nails almost pierced your palm at how much you balled your fists tighter upon hearing that.
“I want to break him — mentally and emotionally. I’ve already started to unravel him since I got the single thread that was keeping him together.” Yuta tipped his head at you, “I want to drive him insane until he loses himself — be that monster he really is.”
“He’s not a monster—”
“[Y/N], [Y/N],” He clicked his tongue in disappointment, “Should I give you another copy of his journal for you to read to pass time here? Did you forget already just because you saw him all mopey and sad just now? [Y/N], that man invaded your privacy from when you were younger! He had personally sent people to the hospital because of anger issues AND did not feel an ounce of remorse for doing so. Does that not bother you at all?”
You refused to comment, opting to control your breathing to stop yourself from hyperventilating at the reminder of the things you’ve read in the files.
“Aw, [Y/N], it’s okay. We all make mistakes. Yours was giving him that second chance.”
“No.” Your voice cracked.
Yuta’s brow rose up at your response.
“Giving him that second chance wasn’t a mistake. I don’t regret it.”
“I hope you don’t eat your words, [Y/N].” He sighed, “You haven’t read everything yet.”
“It doesn’t matter.” You snapped, defiant and curt. “I hope he kills you.”
Yuta chuckled, nonchalantly with a nod as he slowly stepped towards the door.
Your brows burrowed ever so slightly, what did he mean by that? Did he really just want Jaehyun to kill him? For what reason?
“By the way,” He said as he opened the door, the tone of his voice dropped lower and you’re mortified at how it sends pure fear shooting through you. “Try to escape again and there will be consequences. Don’t ruin the fun, [Y/N].”
And just like that, he left you once again in the room. The loud click of the lock signaled that you’re once again alone with your thoughts, drowning endlessly in questions that suffocated you to sleep every night since you’ve been here.
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A/N: and it's finally here!! if anybody is still notif gang, thank you for being so patient 🥹 i hope it wasn't too fast paced, but i literally just wrote out what i typed out in the outline thats been rotting in my notes.
i hope it's not too much to ask, but please share my uncle's getfunding link for his chemo therapy 🙏
support me by reblogging with the same tags! i would also really appreciate leaving your thoughts in my inbox as it would help me become a better writer and prepare me to write my own book 👀
for extra support, you can check here on ways to send me a tip ~
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bonefall · 11 months
are there any differences when it comes to starclan worship and beliefs among the clans? considering how you’re taking a christian-flavored approach to their religion, there’s gotta’ve been some kind of “great schism” or “protestant reformation” religious discourse. especially when it comes to wind “we-sleep-under-the-stars” clan and sky “gone-for-the-past-50-years” clan
The most significant difference is between SkyClan and Forest Four worship. Between the four, it's mostly superficial ritual differences.
Traditional Forest Four religion is centralized. Clerics are both healers and religious leaders. There is a stricter concept of both blasphemy and dark magic that discourages personal worship of StarClan, so when you're given a strange dream or omen, you are supposed to bring it to your Cleric to interpret it.
By contrast, SkyClan has lived several generations on the lam. The closest thing to a Cleric they had was the Hub like Skywatcher, who was more of an "official networking expert" than anything. The Leader is the strongest spiritual authority and a Cleric is more of a doctor than a priest, so SkyClan cats nurture a more personal connection to Skypelt than Forest Four do with Silverpelt.
SkyClan's practices do not sit well with Forest Four. It's no wonder they have a demon like Brokenstar in their pantheon. Heretics, the lot of them.
As for Forest Four...
ShadowClan will surprise you with how pious they are. They have a deep connection to the Dark Forest with Ripplestar, Brokenstar, and Tigerstar in their recent past, so they fear the influence of demons more than other Clans.
So, their warding rituals also tend to be the best, and they're the most vocal about blasphemy. Clan cat AU of The Exorcist would have the priest come from ShadowClan.
WindClan is loud. The wind howls and so do they. They sing songs, chant as groups, and act notably performative about their piety. Visiting the Cleric regularly is a social expectation-- else you must be hiding something!
They have this practice of "counting their blessings," (Clanmew: "Pos shayu shai Laalha; For starlight I-lather") which basically means they like to point out the blessings StarClan has given WindClan. Usually this has to do with glowworms, an abundance of snails or rain, shiny things in general, a bountiful hunting week, etc.
ThunderClan does a lot of honoring. Sacrifices, dances, feasts. They have the most productive territory and make use of that. You'd think they'd get along with WindClan best, but they both find the other insufferable lmao
Leaftail: "bunch of shineless tailtasters over there-- they think they can just EAT FOOD and that means they're devoted to StarClan? I do that ANYWAY."
Shellfur: "maybe if they ate some more food over there they wouldn't have to visit their Cleric every 3 days. Your stomach growling isn't an omen bitch you just don't partake in StarClan's earthly delights."
Leaftail: "RICH coming from a TUNNELBUN BITER"
Shellfur: "MAAAAAAD that I eat YOUR food BETTER THAN YOU"
And, lastly, RiverClan.
They take things slow and try to recognize the blessings present in their world. When something is acknowledged as having "personhood" in Clanmew, it's given a warrior name. RiverClan gives a lot of things warrior names.
They have a lot more rituals than other Clans, but they're little ones. Superstitions, really. Like saying prayers before meals, putting an intentional flaw in their crafts, throwing every 5th fish of a hunting patrol back in the river. Stuff like that.
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juleswritesstuff · 5 months
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Hi! This is the first thing I've ever posted. It's not perfect but I like it a lot, so...here it is 🙃
English isn't my first language, so i apologize in advance for eventual mistakes.
You had never noticed the little freckles on his skin.
Well, no, you definitely had, but you had never admired them so up close.
The sun was kissing his skin, making those little dots of magic stand out like a blanket of stars in the night sky.
Which was fitting, you thought, as he was, after all, named after a star.
Laying in bed you admired the gentle slope of his nose, as he was breathing slowly, calmly, completely at peace.
The softness of his mouth, of his lips that were the sweetest of tastes, the most addicting of flavors. Lips that turned hungry, needy, ravenous but still delicate as an angel's kiss when they made contact with your skin. Scorching hot and, at the same time, sweetly soothing.
The arch of his eyebrows, almost always in a frown, as they were now relaxed and framing his perfect features.
The soft texture of his black curls, spread on the pillow like a halo, like he was a gift sent directly from heaven itself.
“I can feel you staring” he says quietly. 
No hint of malice in his voice, just calmness. 
His eyes were still closed, long eyelashes gently kissing his skin.
“I'm not staring” You say lifting your head and supporting it on your hand “just admiring” 
An airy chuckle leaves his lips as they curl up the slightest bit.
“There's nothing to admire here that isn't you”
He says it like the most casual thing in the world. 
And you swoon, lovestruck.
His eyes are still close, but his head is tilted and he is now facing you completely.
“I beg to differ” you say as your hand goes to tuck a loose strand of hair away from his forehead and behind his ear. He hums in content.
“You are beautiful, Regulus” 
You say breathlessly.
That makes him open his eyes and suddenly you're drowning in a sea of gray. A summer storm that brings you comfort and peace.
Your entire world.
“You always say that” he says. He adjusts his position to mimic yours, but his gaze seems almost lost, shocked by your words. Like he could never believe that he was the most beautiful person you had ever laid eyes on.
“I say it because it's true” you breathe softly, your eyes honest and a smile on your lips. “You look like you were painted, like you were made to be painted. You look like you were sculpted by Michelangelo himself. You look like you could make angels cry just because they witnessed your beauty in all its glory. You look like a work of art Regulus. You are a work of art” 
You get closer to him with every word that leaves your mouth, inch by inch, until there's only a breath between your faces.
And in a heartbeat that disappears too as your lips meet in the softest of kisses.
It's no time for hunger.
It's no time for eagerness
It's no time for neediness.
It's time for devotion, for worship.
It's time for love.
And you pour all your love in that simple touch of lips.
And he does too.
All the devotion, the admiration, the fondness.
All the love. 
“I could write entire poems about you” he mouths on your lips. His hand resting on your cheek so tenderly, like he was afraid of breaking you with just a single brush of his fingers.
“Pages on pages of words that couldn't even get close to the perfection that you are. And those who read my word will know only a fragment of your beauty, of your breathtaking being. Calliope pales in comparison to you. Dante wishes he had a muse as divine as you”
He is breathless, and your heart is about to explode in your chest as he whispers those words against your lips.
“You are a work of art, my love” 
You dive in and kiss him, and kiss him again, and again, and again, until both your lips go numb and you become one with him and him with you.
They say that if an artist loves you, you will be immortal. 
How lucky it is, then, that you portrayed Regulus every chance you got, like it was the last drawing you'll ever do. Like he would fade if you didn't draw every single detail of his perfect face every time you could.
And how lucky it is that Regulus had an entire collection of diaries, full of words dedicated to you, written for and to you, like he wanted to imprint on paper every breath you took and each and every one of your lashes, of your moles. Your perfection in his eyes. 
How lucky that you'll both live forever.
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khalixascorner · 7 months
im having a hard time finding sim!tony starker fics... any recommendations? thank u in advance!
Ok so I have a lot of recommendations lol.
If you enjoy dark (and I mean dark) SIM, then Basil has a ton of short fics. The whole collection is here.
Highlander_II writes a lot of canon aligned SIM, found here.
I also write a fair amount of SIM (all different flavors) if you want to just browse my profile (found here).
The Darkness in Me is a fun/dark two part where there's SIM, Tony, and Peter.
@authoressofdarkness has a lot I really like but the ones that come to mind for SIM both are WIPs.
Guide Me Safely to Shore is a soul mate story and Beauty and the Beast. Both feature a villainous Tony and hero Peter.
Baby Bats has a ton as well so just check their profile but mind the tags depending on your preference. @babybatscreationsv2 is a talented writer who writes across the spectrum of tags and genres.
@the-mad-starker and @graceful-starker have both written a few as well that are all really good so I'll just drop their profile links too. (hopefully the filter sort stayed on the link, but if not, just filter for superior iron man).
Mads. Gracie
@ursafootprints has one that's ongoing that I'm dying for the resolution. Mind the tags though because it's a dark incest fic. Double Blind
Late addition because I was rushing. Askmyknives also writes sim and you can find them here.
Ready is a hot little coffee shop AU one shot.
Devotion, absolution, desire is a really good dark smutty piece.
Blinding lights is a vampire soul mate AU that I adore.
Collared Innocence by StarkerKeyz is a super hot and also kinda cute soul mate story. I reread it regularly.
Anyways, if I forgot anyone, I'm sorry but these are some of what comes to mind!
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k-martins · 1 month
There's something about the way Itfs fell in love that just enchants me.
Like. We all agree that Megs fell in love first. It was love at first "even if I might die here, it's better than seeing you get hurt." And that only grew over time into an unconditional love and need to keep Yuji happy and safe, to preserve his humanity that he loved and admired so much. Meg was never a good liar, so his devotion to Yuji was always clear on his face, in the way he spoke, that he showed his appreciation. And for someone who had never loved anyone so intensely in a romantic way, he must have been at least disturbed by how easy it was to love Yuji, something he couldn't say for himself.
Or at least, in Megumi's view, because for Yuji, loving Megs was never something difficult. It was natural. Something that was written in the stars to happen.
I always see people saying that Itfs is one-sided, that Yuji would have done what he did for anyone. and, although the second question is correct, I couldn't disagree more. Because, unlike the instant passion that Megs felt, Yuji's love was built throughout the work. It started with a curiosity to meet the boy that appeared shrouded in shadows, then it moved on to the trust that they would both protect each other no matter the situation, admiration ("you are trustworthy, Fushiguro", "you are so smart, Fushiguro"), affection, longing and everything else. The closer Yuji got to Megs, the more love he felt, the more happy moments he wanted to build before he died. But of course Yuji was too dense to understand that his affection was different, even if it was clear in his actions (come on, he learned Megumi's favorite popcorn flavor, he taught him how to make meatballs, he always made sure that Megs was okay, that she didn't overexert herself). When Shibuya happened and everything went up in smoke, Yuji thought about Megs and how he let him down (I started crying when I heard Megs say "I never regret saving you" while Yuji broke down), but he moved on. He tried to protect him from Sukuna and anyone who threatened him. Then, when he heard "so start saving me, Itadori" and it became clear that Megumi would never abandon him, even with the danger and blood on his hands, Yuji realized. "Oh, I love him."
This growing of feelings, of how they both started in different ways, but that never diminishes the intensity of what they feel for each other fascinates me. Megs' love is not less or greater than Yuji's just because it was faster. Turning a crush (a feeling that passes quickly) into love is something rare.
Loving someone means accepting their mistakes and flaws, loving both their bright side and their dark side.
Yuji and Megumi have seen each other at their brightest and darkest and yet they held each other's hands and promised to never let go.
and this is so beautiful it's making me cry.
i want them to be together in the end so bad. it doesn't have to be romantic.
i just want them to keep their love and affection for each other safe from the world so they can heal together.
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dairy-farmer · 7 months
More DamiTim brain rot ❤️ This time Reverse Robins flavored!
The specifics of how and why the Joker ends up killing Tim is important - The important thing is that Tim comes back, it gets dipped in the magic mountain dew, and eventually comes back to Gotham as the Red Hood.
Now, Red Hood Tim is a bit different from Red Hood Jason in that his low self-esteem meant he didn't think Bruce saw him as a son and wasn't super surprised/devastated when Bruce didn't manage to save him or kill the Joker in revenge. Red Hood Tim still kills occasionally, when he thinks it's necessary, because well he doesn't blame Bruce for not being willing to become a killer, he still believes that the Joker and some other really really bad people do need to die. Red Hood Tim is also very protective of children, and sex workers, and the people of Crime Alley.
Damian, who is Nightwing of course, and Bruce are understandably a bit concerned about this new murderous vigilante/antihero but don't put as much focus on him as they do their other rogues. That is until Red Hood ends up running across and saving Robin Jason. Something about Red Hoods behavior and what Jason was able to tell him about his interactions with Red Hood piques Damian's curiosity. Eventually, after a few weeks of careful surveillance, stakeouts, and clue collecting Damian comes to the realization - or at least suspicion - that Red Hood is somehow Tim.
Damian is ecstatic at the prospect, because he had been secretly a little lotta bit in love / list / obsessed with Tim before he died and was devastated by his loss. Now that he's back however, Damian formulates a plan to keep Tim safe and make Tim his. Bruce of course doesn't realize who the Red Hood is and still plans to lock him up for murder if he ever catches him. It just so happens that Damian catches him first.
Tim wakes up in A room he doesn't recognize, with a collar fastened around his neck. There is more than enough chain to allow him to comfortably move anywhere in the room, which is set up like a loft apartment with every amenity he could need, in an open floor plan. Shortly after waking up Damian appears and explains what's going on; that since the Red Hood is a murderer, he needs to be locked away. But because the Red Hood is Tim, Damian could never allow him to be put in Arkham or Blackgate. So Damian took the liberty of creating a hidden and secure place to keep Tim where he will be both unable to kill anyone else and safe.
At first Damian doesn't do anything suspicious or creep on Tim... At least for the first few days. Then he starts to get more touchy with Tim - petting his head, touching his waist or back, trying to tangle their fingers together. After a few days he stops giving Tim clothes to wear, insisting that Tim is incredibly clever and could find a way to use them somehow to escape and that it's fine if he's naked because no one else can see him and the room is temperature controlled for maximum comfort.
Tim, of course, tries everything he can think of to escape or get Damian to let him go: He explains his plans and all the proof he has that he's been making a positive difference, promises to stop killing and being Red Hood, promises to leave, promises to go back home to the Manor - anything and everything he can think of. Damian will of course hear none of it: He finally has his beloved Timothy back, kept safe and sound and Damian's.
I haven't decided if it would be better for Tim to try and use sex as a way to get Damian to let him free, or for Damian to gently non-con Tim - kissing and touching him gently, reassuring Tim of his love and devotion, only using the softest and most non-appraisive materials during the times when he has to/wants to tie Tim down, all while Tim cries and pleads and begs Damian not to do this. Telling Damian that this is rape and that it makes Damian just as bad as a lot of the people he puts away, or that it's wrong because they are brothers (Even if only by adoption... Or maybe not even that. Maybe Tim was only officially Bruce's ward when he died!)
Really, just Reverse Robins Damian catching and keeping his beloved, miraculously resurrected Tim locked away where only he can see him and touch him and love him and never let anything harm him or take him away from Damian again.
damian softly nonconning resurrected tim!!!! believing its a second opportunity to be together since their time together was cut short so soon. convincing tim to let him touch him while telling him how much he loves him but still 'hurting' him even though damian doesn't think of what he's doing as "hurting" tim 😍😍😍😍
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foibles-fables · 1 year
I have a question. How did you come to the wonderful conclusion that Aloy and Talanah would be a good couple? I can see the appeal in it, but I'd rather hear it from you
[CRACKS KNUCKLES] Watch me try to stay as concise as I can with this post, hahaha.
First thing I'll say is--I'm an absolute sucker for a strong-based friends to lovers ship. The loyalty, the devotion, the knowing each other before and after the world changes them and every stage between, the slow strengthening of feelings, the contending with blurred boundaries, the oh moment, the it was this all along, the I have always been here and so have you and so we will, the settling into even deeper contentment with the other, hoo boy I can go on and on. I especially like it when it comes in a sapphic flavor of the Burdened Chosen One and their Tender, Caring, Supportive Best Friend.
[looks directly at camera]
So you can already see where I'm coming from, here. But--truly, for me--it comes down to 1) the similarities AND innate differences in their life stories/situations and 2) their interactions in HZD. A combined one-two punch that crushed my windpipe and stole my lunch money.
I'm a sucker for a friends to lovers ship, and I'm also a sucker for a ship with compelling parallels. What interests me most about the Aloy/Talanah dynamic is that they're narrative mirrors, but foils in situation. Both are highly-skilled hunters; both driven by their fixation on a parental figure (either avenging or uncovering); both lost their father (figure) to a cruelty much too large for them, with their fathers' shared desire for them to survive; both inheriting new titles (Sunhawk, Alpha Prime) and shouldering the burdens of their deceased parental figure; both proving their place and worth in the world as based on, in Talanah's words, more than the nature of their birth alone; I could keep going. (Don't tempt me.) But here Aloy was an outcast, while Talanah is from one of the noblest houses of her tribe--the difference of change from without versus change from within, and all the ways in which both are complicated. So narrative mirrors coming from opposing situations--how does that make them alike, and how does it make them different? How does it change they way they navigated through the world, and how does it change the way they would navigate one another?
I also love to point out the fact that Talanah is the perfect example of what Rost was trying to demonstrate to Aloy in his final lesson. The strength to stand alone and to make a stand. Her dedication to a selfless cause--ambition not for her own sake, but to restore her family's legacy, and to change her culture. GOD. My fingers are going numb just thinking about it.
What I'm trying to say is that Talanah is in a unique position to see and empathize with the burden Aloy feels post-HZD, and I'm not sure I'll ever forgive the writers for not capitalizing on that during the pivotal time of HFW. Carrying on of your parent's legacy is not easy, and even if Talanah doesn't know it by weight, she knows it by shape. Importantly, to me--Talanah understands--she's lived analogous experiences to Aloy's--but she's also different enough to challenge her. In fact, it goes both ways. There's a mutuality to the way that they make up for what the other has maybe lacked--puzzle pieces instead of cognate shapes, or the same image repeated twice, amplifying itself. There's harmony where there could just be volume.
That got away from me, so I'll just keep on going with how their interactions in HZD fishhooked me. I made a post the other day about Aloy's joy in the Redmaw victory, and that's a major part of it. The rest is just--the sense of ease and understanding that comes out in all of their conversations? And how Talanah always and consistently from the beginning sees Aloy as Aloy, not a Seeker, not a savior, not an oddity, just based on her own merit alone? How she heard Aloy give herself a name--Aloy despite the Nora--says she'll remember it, and then does, TWICE? Every smile she brings out of Aloy, every moment of bare genuineness between them, that giggle from Aloy post-quest? And don't get me started on the "you made this possible, Aloy" parallel. Don't even let me think about "you'll always have a special home here, if you want it." It'll end badly for all of us, category 10 blorbo emergency.
But it's not only what Talanah can offer Aloy (a deep bond of loyalty and fondness, a sense of belongingness, the simple fact of being seen as exactly how you yourself want to be seen)--Aloy gives back to Talanah as well!! Much more deeply than just helping her earn the Sunhawk title and restoring her family's legacy. Think about their pre-Alight conversation: "I won't stand aside while one of mine fights alone. Not again." Aloy has become one of Talanah's--a person who has lost everyone dear to her. Something that must be absolutely terrifying (see my post-HZD Lanah characterization, lmao) but still worth fighting for.
I was lucky enough to read the entire Sunhawk comic directly after the credits rolled on HZD, and that again just blew me out of the water with how much sense they make. The fact that Talanah was the only one to see Aloy leave makes my brain wanna come gushing out of my ears. And how they just--keep running into one another (more on this in the next paragraph). But perhaps the most important comic moment is Talanah's affirmation of "you don't owe me anything" after Aloy apologizes for leaving. That right there is respect to Aloy's agency and personhood (versus instrumentality!!) and the burden Talanah can sense she's under. She trusts Aloy to have told her what was up, if she had wanted her to know. And trusts that whatever she is doing must be important. Even if it's been difficult to be without her, Talanah knows she can't ask Aloy for more than what she is or what she can give.
(that's not to say Talanah isn't hurt. I think she still is--and projects a lot of that hurt and attachment onto another woodsy hermit--but that's a topic for a different post. You can trust and accept something like this while still being hurt by it.)
You asked how I came to the conclusion of THEM, so I haven't really included HFW in this analysis (I was clearly a goner from HZD), but it's there too. The way Aloy just happens to find out Talanah is nearby after her entire worldview is cracked open at Latopolis, how seeking her out and finding her seems to just make things okay again despite everything? (again, the constant finding of each other.) The fondness of their reunion? "It feels good to hunt by your side again"? The easy way they settle into old comfortable patterns of conversation? The tone of You love him, don't you and Really??? and Come here.? It's just all there screaming at me. I can't.
I just. I love them so much. It's so clear to me how they already have helped and can continue to help each other grow. Especially now that the series has placed them in yet another paralleled situation post-HBS. From where I see it, they've been dancing around each other since the beginning. And the way they've both sought things with others (ALSO EACH HAVING PARALLELS TO THE OTHER) only to walk away makes me wanna go absolutely feral. I can very, very clearly see this playing out into an what was I looking for when there was you moment and it might actually be the thing that makes me perish
I'm so sorry if this was totally incoherent. I've got a lot of feelings about this ship and I'm gonna continue to make them your problem.
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salt-clangen · 2 months
Inventive, authentic, and boastful.
This took longer than the other clans so if there’re mistakes it is what it is.
Oakclan was the original clan, they’re the blue print, the source code. When you think clan, it’s them, when you think cat, it’s them. They’re well rounded and basic in the most charming way. While they may seem simple at first glance and second…and fifth, this clan is full of cats with ingenuity and a cooperative spirit.
They’re extremely proud to be the first clan created, valuing innovation and progress while still retaining a sense of nostalgia. They can seem a bit stuck in their ways despite all the talks of progression, but it’s their believe that convention doesn’t have to sacrifice tradition. This clan is known for their vast resources and wealth of knowledge, it’s natural for them to feel a bit prideful, though some cats take it a bit too far.
Beneath the prestige and honor of the clan lies a subtle predilection for favoritism. Though Oakclan cats may tout themselves as open and altruistic, they’re really no different than Duskclan when it comes to their mistrust of outsiders however Oakclan hides this prejudice well, so well that many cats don’t notice it until they’re in the line of fire.
While other clans accept and even embrace that cats may choose to leave the clan, be it for romance or guided by starclan. Both Honeyclan and duskclan can understand why a cat might leave, Duskclan a little more critical. But in Oakclan, you don’t leave, why would you? Starclan called you to be in duskclan? Well maybe you should check again because our clerics will say they got a prophecy that says you stay right here. Oh your mate is in Honeyclan? Well they can come here, the more the merrier in Oakclan. You want to wander and explore? And abandon your clan and family! Shameful you would even think of that, the deputy will keep a close eye on you until you prove you’re responsible.
It’s not so much that they force you to stay, most of the times it’s not a conscious, singular effort to retain warriors, but rather an entire culture that reveres the collective so much that they can’t see past it. They’re blind to this bias, how can devotion be a bad thing.
The clan is open to newcomers, though they certainly put them through plenty of tests to make sure loyalty is engrained. But even after passing assessments and assimilation into the clan, new cats are still treated as outsiders for quite a while compared to other clans. (Think thunderclan tpb with fireheart) It takes a long time for someone to shake that label, usually by risking their lives for the clan. Once they do, cats that were once new and treated like a foreigner all of a sudden turn around and do it to other new cats. It’s like hazing rituals, everyone thinks that since they went through it, it’s now their turn to haze someone.
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Duskclan is spicy, Saltclan is fishy (umami), Honeyclan is sweet, and Oakclan is savory. They love roasted prey, filleted open and stuffed with seasoned organ meats and flavorful mushrooms. Gravy is also a popular addition. They’re the clan that ate the most fish before saltclan, having access to Turtle pond as well as the great river. They also have a regular supply of eggs and mushrooms all around their forest. (Turkey tail, hen of the woods, morel)
Their territory rarely has large game, but they do see the occasional boar crossover from Duskclan and it’s a very popular meal. It takes a lot of effort to hunt boar and they’re not as polished as Duskclan, but often they’re very willing to trade for it.
It’s often joked that Oakclan cats will eat anything, but they absolutely have preferences, opting to eat fresh meals over preserved foods. Smoked meats and fish are saved for winter but in the old growth forest their prey populations are stable enough that they don’t have to eat it until nearly half way through. They prefer rich, tender meals, hot and fresh out of the oven.
Because of this they have 2 fire pits the camp and the keepers are constantly working to prepare meals throughout the day. Eating isn’t considered a group activity and cats usually group up in pairs or trios to eat.
This habit of preferring freshly cooked meats over preserved dish can seem excessive, this is the clan of excess. They truly have the resources and numbers for this type of lifestyle. Keepers recruiting warriors and carers to help butcher prey to be used within a short time frame. And while they prefer not to smoke or preserve, they aren’t above doing so in times of famine or disease outbreaks.
Crafts and Trades:
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Let me stress the difference between arts and crafts, because the clans see these as two very distinct activities. Art is anything that was made to be pretty and functionless, crafts are anything that serve a purpose. Ie a clay bowl is the craft, the paint on the bowl is art. Both have their place in life, but while Honeyclan is the artistic clan, Oakclan is the crafting clan.
Their main forms of trade are high quality red clay products, twines of different materials/strengths, and utensils. Ladles, oven mitts, fire pokers etc are quite popular for trade due to the quality of the craft. This clan has a slew of materials to choose from and the best artisans have their own signatures that they pass along to their apprentices. It’s not uncommon to hear “oh this masher was carved out of cherrywood, it was probably made by Cedarpelt or maybe his granddaughter Daisyfur.”
Construction also falls under their list of expertise, and while they can’t really trade with it, repairing and upgrading dens and other structures are treated similarly to other artisans roles. Keepers are expected to have a certain craftsmanship to their projects vs other clans. In the Artisans knoll some keepers will teach lessons to other clans on den structure if asked.
With so many impressive crafters in their clan, it made natural sense to turn the clans former camp into the Artisan knoll. A project proposed by Dovestar, who had the leader before Froststar and Archstar (the current leader). So this project is relatively new and a few elders remember how crafting and trading had been before the knoll. A much more closed off practice, artisans weren’t as willing to share their knowledge even within their own clan let alone the others. Some cats may even prefer that.
But Oakclans desire to show off out won their need for separation, the by product of their flaunting actually fostered a better environment for teaching and learning. They might say that was their intention all along, but Duskclan is doubtful.
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Oakclan has been in their current camp for about 5 leaderships(~25years), the original camp chosen by the founders of the clan was much closer to the gathering stone. It was originally on a slightly elevated hill with fallen oak trees for dens and try as they might the bramble wall surrounding the camp was very weak in certain areas. Due to how easy it was to access and how poor the border wall was, raids launched against the camp were very successful.
Yet despite all the damages suffered, it was an extremely unpopular decision made by the leader of the time, Fishstar. The clan argued the proposition heavily and a few cats even threatened usurpation if she was to go through with it. They argued for nearly 3 days, refusing to complete patrols or tasks. On the third night of near rioting, the commotion was stopped when a fox entered the camp. No patrols or guards meant no one had noticed it getting closer and closer to camp. And no fires going meant no one saw it enter until it struck.
The fox only killed one cat that night, the leader of the argument against moving camps, Leafbounce, before it was killed single handedly by Fishstar. After that the clan took this as an omen that it was starclans will to move to the new camp. This story is likely true, but it definitely gets embellished when being retold. It’s often told to kits as a bedtime story, weirdly enough.
Oakclans camp is located in a dry gully surrounded by bramble bushes that were planted for defense. Between the thorns and the steep walls, the new camp is much more secure. The nursery is an old badger set dug into the side of the gully bank, while the sick den, cleric den, and apprentice den are made of rocks. The warriors den and elder den are fallen tree branches covered with lichen and ferns. The leaders den is the hollow center of the of a large, dead oak tree, on clear nights the leader and their mate sleep in the branches.
Because of their territory’s size and wealth of predators, solo patrols are done only by senior warriors. Staying near camp though is fine, as long as an individual is within shouting distance they can have a semblance of privacy. Apprentices and noncombative roles must be with at least one warrior, otherwise you risk being cornered by a fox or badger. Swimming in Turtle Pond also requires a buddy system to avoid drowning or injury.
Artisans- easily the most common position after warrior. Just like the other clans these cats are in charge of crafting. Every apprentice learns how to make a pot, a bowl, a plate, and a ladle before they become warriors and it’s usually taught by the lead artisan. This role also includes camp building as that’s just considered a large craft project. This role has about 8 cats in it at any given time and about 3 apprentices on average.
Camp keepers- this role doesn’t have to build or maintain the clan’s dens like in other clans so they get to spend more time cooking and butchering. There’s usually about 5-6 keepers with 1-2 apprentices.
Care takers- unlike Duskclan whose carers focus on herbal plant care or Honeyclan who focuses on floral plant care, Oakclan is very balanced about territory management. Carers in this clan work hard to manage both herbal and non-herbal plants as well as the local fauna. They learn when the best time to hunt certain prey is and the local predator populations. Due to the rich resources in their oak forest they deal with foxes, badgers, and coyotes more often than the other clans. Occasionally they even see elk, wolves, lynx, coyote-dog hybrids migrating down further south during particularly harsh winters. They’re very prepared to drive out these visiting animals, typically with nuisance behavior like scent marking near their dens or coordinated taunts to distract and steal food. This is usually pretty effective.
Lore keepers- this role is ideal for cats with a flare for dramatics. Oakclan has a particular interest in theatre and performance, so their stories are often played up for drama. This leads to some less than accurate accounts but historians are diligent about knowing the correct history. This role is also very inventive and most of the cats in this role have a few inventions under their belt, not always successful. Currently they’re trying to work on a writing system on paper, similar to twoleg accounts from kittypets. There’s already a glyph symbol system used on trees to indicate different scenarios, but they’re hoping to translate this to written word. They’re working with artisans on writing materials and parchments. This role usually has ~5 cats in it and 1 apprentice who’s trained by the group.
Queens- kits are wild and no matter how tight you weave the dens and bramble wall, those little fuckers are gonna find a way out. And with how dense the forest undergrowth is it’s very easy to get lost, so queens are strict and sharp eyed. This is a good role for cats who like order but are flexible enough to not lose their cool. Trips to the artisan knoll and Turtle pond are common and most kits are taught to swim in the shallows while they’re young.
Code keepers- they monitor the border closely and accompany non combat cats on their tasks. Like other clans they represent cats that have been accused of breaking the code. This roles has about 5 cats in it.
Clerics- Oakclan’s clerics are a nice medium between Honeyclan’s casualness and Duskclan’s strictness. A nice mix of healing and spiritualism. They tend to answer to their leaders as much as they answer to Starclan, which can be both good or bad, depending on the cats. This role tends to be a bit uninvolved in the day to day clan activities.
Warriors- the most common role, just like the other clans this is the catch all role that does all the hunting and assists other roles in their tasks.
Leaders and Deputies- unlike the other clans Leaders do all the patrol planning and day to day, the deputy works on more specialized projects like camp repair.
Apprentices- all apprentices (aside from clerics) are trained as warriors until 12 moons, then they get their warrior name. After that they can choose to pursue a secondary apprenticeship.
Mediators- similar to Honeyclan these cats are in charge of trades and resolving interpersonal conflicts.
Alright I think that’s everything to cover, just like my other posts here’s a few cats from Oakclan. We have Onebranch an average Oakclan artisan, Oakstar the founder, and Archstar the current leader.
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south-of-heaven · 1 year
Chef || Cody Rhodes x Reader
Summary: Cody knows you all too well, he makes your anniversary extra special
A/N: I am a nerd when it comes to cooking and different chefs
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Cody's surprise for your anniversary leaves you speechless and overcome with emotion. As you step into Atelier Crenn, the renowned restaurant of French Iron Chef Dominique Crenn, tears well up in your eyes. Dominique Crenn has been a significant inspiration to you, and the fact that Cody went above and beyond to arrange this experience touches your heart deeply.
Unbeknownst to you, Cody had taken it upon himself to reach out to Chef Crenn and secure a reservation on a day when she would be personally working in the kitchen. He had shared your admiration for her culinary artistry and made sure she was aware of your passion for her work. The thoughtfulness and effort Cody put into making this moment possible exemplify his love and understanding of your interests.
As you are escorted to your table, a mix of excitement and nervousness fills your being. The atmosphere is filled with anticipation as you eagerly await the culinary journey that lies ahead. Each dish is a masterpiece, an exquisite symphony of flavors and presentation that ignites your senses and leaves you in awe of Chef Crenn's artistry.
Midway through the dining experience, Chef Crenn herself emerges from the kitchen, a radiant smile on her face. She graciously approaches your table, and Cody introduces you with pride and admiration. The opportunity to meet and interact with the culinary icon who has had such a profound impact on your own passion for cooking is a dream come true.
Chef Crenn engages you in conversation, genuinely interested in your own culinary journey and inspirations. Her warmth and down-to-earth nature instantly put you at ease, and you find yourself exchanging stories and insights as if you were old friends. The encounter is both humbling and inspiring, reaffirming your love for the culinary arts and reminding you of the endless possibilities that lie ahead.
Throughout the evening, the experience is nothing short of magical. From the carefully curated menu to the intimate meeting with Chef Crenn, every detail speaks to Cody's unwavering love and support. His commitment to making this anniversary unforgettable reflects the depth of his understanding of your passions and his desire to make your dreams come true.
As the evening draws to a close, you're left with a profound sense of gratitude for Cody's thoughtfulness and the opportunity to meet one of your culinary idols. The memories created during this extraordinary anniversary celebration will forever hold a special place in your heart, reminding you of the love and devotion that you and Cody share.
Returning home, you find solace in knowing that Cody's surprises are not just gestures but reflections of the deep connection and bond you both cherish. Your love for each other is intertwined with a genuine appreciation and support for one another's passions, creating a foundation of happiness and fulfillment in your relationship.
As you reflect on this extraordinary anniversary celebration, you're reminded of the incredible love story you and Cody are living. With each passing year, your connection deepens, and the adventures you embark on together continue to ignite the spark that brought you together.
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