#both for me tagging my liveblog eps individually
scoups4lyfe · 3 years
Ahaha 😂 Im glad this liveblog only take you 16 hours lol. Also cant wait to see the last part of the hiromi trilogy, kinda excited to see it actually. Wanna see the full on angst lmao.
Also, technically Im someone that didn't care much about Hiromi as character but it really will be a shame if he just stop being Kamen Rider. Hope he can make a comeback or something.
On the other noteeee, Im guessing the Kagerou/Daiji second part gonna come soon (i hope? The actor did say we gonna see Kagerou more). My early guess is that Kagerou gonna join the siblings to fight Olteca (most likely).
Well anyway, I love your live blogs like always and my fav scene ever is definitely the 'mid-winter showcase' bc it all look cool af. Fun fact, (which I got from twitter) apparently that scene was planned last minute including all the cgi. Bc the director want to showcase all Revice form and its amazing that they could make it work in such a short time.
Ah sorry for taking too long. Have a nice day and thank you for your hard work ✨✨ (oh and also thank you for taking the suggestion about tagging the liveblog 💖💖💖)
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haha you're cute <33.
Yeah I agree, I love me some good angst. Right now tho Daiji keeps being such a sus ass mfer that I can barely focus on anything else LOL!
For me ;;;; Hiromi was fun cause I'm mean and I liked to laugh at him getting dunked on (ohhh how the turN TABLES) . I Do think it would be a shame tho for Hiromi to not ever appear again,,, like damn yo. Just send him off to the countryside man. Give this dude a break.
(Of course;; that won't be as emotionally impactful to the MCs; so I guess we'll have to wait and see with what the writers decide to do, OOP)
Bro. I am SO fking ready. He has been SO suspicious,, I literally can't handle this. I just want to see him tip his lid. That teapot's been left on boil for FAR too long, yo.
Now for wHAT Kagerou decides to do??? I could not tell you, man. I really don't know, cause it could go either way. As of right now I feel like he'd still want to sabotage the family (well,,, mostly just Ikki tbh). So...? Idk though. Like as I said,,,,could go literally any way
Bet the writers are gonna go with the most fked up way tho
(those terrible people <333)
YO, WHAT?!?!
That was planned LAST MINUTE????
These fking writers/producers YO.
And awhhh <333
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Never worry about taking up too much of my time <33. You could write me 4,000 words and I'd still read all of them lovingly. Might even take a picture and hang it on my wall LOL!
And woah
AIAIAIAIAIA!!! Haha <33. The individual ep tags were something that was a long time coming. Sorting through my own nonsense is just THEE worst lol; so if you hadn't suggested it I'd have gotten fed up with having to search for specific posts and would've done it eventually LOL
For the past liveblog episodes. I WILL, tag those. I'll make that my friday goal (because that's like,,, a whole-ass day kind-of endeavor :'DD)
I'll tell you guys when I've tagged them all.
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zetalial · 5 years
Watching Fairy Tail! Episode 2
Hey, second part of my blind watch. Enjoy!
Oh so the introduction thingy is every episode. Cool, it’s pretty likeable.
So the episode begins with Lucy and Natsu arriving at the Fairy Tail guild. Aww, I was hoping they’d take a bit longer and we’d see them travelling together a little first. Oh well!
Natsu immediately gets into a fight with some of the other members and we’re introduced to a bunch of names. No chance I’m remembering any of them now even if they do have their own little quirks. 
Lucy is still absolutely starry-eyed as she watches everything going on, which I like. Eventually someone notices she’s new here and she’s immediately accepted into the guild. Wow, that was easy. My dreams of her doing some form of entrance exam are dashed. C’mon, is this even a real shonen without a super-dramatic early test? Next you’ll tell me there’s no tournament arc. 
The Guild master is a little old man who can transform into some sort of big monster and he ends the guild fight - a very normal occurrence apparently - and he gives a brief speech on the values of the guild. Something about individuals being able to each explore their own path as a wizard and being able to achieve their true potential, such values are why the guild is currently flourishing, with its many unique members. (Sorry if I’m getting details wrong by the way, this is all from memory). Anyway, Lucy is impressed and she gets the guild’s mark stamped on her hand. 
Oh, more backstory for Natsu is nice. So he was actually raised by a dragon but the dragon in question has disappeared and he’s made it his mission to look for him. It’s his dragon-father. Alright it’s interesting enough and love all the cute looks at young Natsu cuddling up to the massive beast. Natsu doesn’t seem too bitter about his disappearance or anything although the dragon was his only family. It’s more like he wants to find him so he can thank him for taking care of him or something like that. Either way, Natsu otherwise doesn’t have any family so he now considers the guild to be his family.
That ties into this episode’s plot. A boy has lost his father who is a guild member who went on a dangerous quest. Although everyone else says not to worry, Natsu quickly decides to help out. Lucy comes along with him - I guess she’s feeling a bit lost amidst all these new people. Natsu, now that he’s taken her to the guild, seems pretty unconcerned with her, though he doesn’t mind her tagging along. 
The rest of the episode is pretty straightforward - they go to an icy mountain, meet a monster, fight the monster and find the man they were looking for. The humour is actually pretty nice here though, Lucy argues with Natsu while hiding inside a clock summon who has the most pleasant tone as he relays Lucy’s words. Plus there’s Lucy’s line about how he feels motion sickness on every form of transportation except Happy and Natsu just retorts that Happy isn’t a method of transportation, he’s a friend. What charming ill-logic. 
Yeah the interaction between these Natsu and Lucy is the highlight of the show so far. The fight is showing off Natsu’s skills some more while Lucy watches.
So, my friend, @drrockbell warned me that Fairy Tail will have quite a bit of fanservice. I’ll be watching out for it. Nothing too irksome on that front yet. So far, Lucy has been saved by Natsu twice in two episodes with her summon having been fairly useless in the fight in this case. I don’t mind too much yet but hopefully it’s not every episode. Both the enemies seemed to be taken by her physical appearance as well which is slightly annoying but I won’t call it an issue yet. 
And yeah, those are my thoughts for now. Coming up, I’d love to learn more about magic still, learn more about Lucy and Natsu’s backstories and maybe have a quest that takes place over a couple episodes. I guess I should be more interested in the other guild characters? Eh, I’d need to see more of them, I can’t even recall any of their names. Therefore, more Natsu and Lucy! Or just Lucy? Natsu is fine but I’m not sold on him yet.
Huh, this turned out longer than the ep 1 liveblog? I have got to learn to say less. 
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shiroallura · 6 years
I haven't watched the new season and don't plan on doing it, but I do wanna what are the episodes worth watching or the good parts could you tell me please? Also would you do a review of the season? I'd like to know what you think of it please?
the only episode i actually enjoyed was 7x09 (which was written by josh hamilton, so no surprise there) but check out my dragons liveblogs for more details.
as for my review, here are the things i liked about the season:
keith and acxa. i was unexpectedly charmed and never minded the idea of them before, so now that she’s on their side i’m down for them to get more development. i am also so, so very gay for acxa and her new haircut, holy shit. plus i have a weakness for enemies-to-friends-to-lovers and idk… they’re both cool galra and she was always my favourite general, and they made good right hands of their respective teams. (new tag for them, otp: it led me to you)
hunk got a lot of great moments and development, holding the team together, flashbacks with his family, new bayard upgrade.
sam holt is a good dude
i liked iverson, although i’m not sure how in character everything was
i ship krolia/kolivan, and ezor/zethrid now oops
family reunions
pretty animation all througout
never had a problem with shiro’s hair
allura not only making shiro a new arm, but sacrificing her circlet crystal to do so, holy shit
shiro and allura having a one-on-one scene together
shiro defending his work wife space princess (yes this is just going to be everything from 7x09 by now)
hunk and shay reunion
krolia and keith visiting texas kogane’s grave
if we’re not getting endgame shallura, at least klantis can’t be obnoxious as hell bc they got blown out of the water too
things i didn’t like:
everything else
too much keith
the way the attack on earth was handled; it should have happened once the paladins were already there, not a year beforehand or whatever
how dirty they did shiro’s character. absolutely awful, but i’m sure i’ll be blogging much about in the coming days
the team suddenly all doing eye glows with their lions? multiple times? like let them all their individual moments, nevermind that keith, lance, and allura shouldn’t be able to do it with ‘their lions’ because they’ve never bonded with them
shiro not being a paladin
even more romantic shallura parallels that clearly aren’t going to go anywhere bc allura blushed at lance out of fucking nowhere
yeah, allur@nce is just Bad
still no background on the druids
no haggar
voltron confuses to raise the stakes in the biggest way possible (having a season end with the lions being stolen)
the last three episodes were so boring; a lot of episodes were pretty boring actually
lance and keith being discount shiros
vld assuming i’ll care about the cadets even tho i don’t give a shit
killing adam off after what, 6 seconds of screentime? what the hell was that
the admiral was pointless
hated griffin
can vld stop introducing new characters and actually develop the ones we have
romelle just felt like an extra; i didn’t mind what we got from her, but she, like shiro in the first 8 eps of the season, really seemed to just Be There and it was bad
they didn’t let keith die out in space
the placement of the game show ep felt so out of place, i just wanted to get back to the main plot
listen this season was somehow worse and both better than s3 and i don’t even know how that’s possible but they managed it
yeah s7 finally made me (and many, many others) drop the show congrats voltron you really just lost like 90% of your fandom
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jenniferstolzer · 7 years
Time to begin a long overdue education
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I have never seen Buffy before. I traded @bewareoftrees​ ... I would watch all of Buffy and she would watch all of Babylon 5. So here I am!
I won’t liveblog summaries, but I will give jokes and guesses and observations so if you want to come along (or not) the tag is going to be #jen watches.
ep1 Welcome to Hellmouth
I like that this is picking up where the movie left off, although I believe these people are 16 like I believe this “authentic teenage slang speech.” Ah the late 90s...
Tony Head! My bro! My favorite Night Surgeon. I was biased from the start but I’m gonna guess he will PROBABLY by my favorite character. This will be cemented if he ends up knocked out at any point.
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I do come with some knowledge of this show, unfortunately as much as I like Willow already, I’m gonna brace myself for impact. Joss has slain my heart before. 
David Boreanaz is still hot but I’m sorry dude, you are way too puppy dog to be menacing and your dialog is atrocious. All the vampire dialog is atrocious. I’m gonna believe this is b/c it set a standard. Can’t forget this show is a milestone for modern fiction writers. 
oh crap this dvd is old enough yo have to pick episodes individually. The past sucks. 
2, The Harvest
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Angel starts what I’m gonna guess is an illustrious career as a sad, cryptic puppy. 
Was 90s fashion ever attractive?
Holy crap the show just used the “jumpscare” sound from Illbleed and everywhere else. I’m recognizing all these sound effects. Someone bought the classic horror kit I think. 
a dudebro who can’t close his mouth swings in from the side in computer lab and I laugh and laugh. 
I didn’t see Jesse becoming a vampire coming, perhaps I should be paying closer attention. He of course gets super sexual assaulty when he’s a vampire and Cordelia is totally into unhealthy relationships so she’ll let him touch her hips and inhale hissing breaths in her ear. No problem. 
“Bring me the first” says Luke. //other vampires bring out an innocent black man. Me: uncool.
“Jesse is dead. You have to remember, when you see him you are not looking at your friend, you’re looking at the thing that killed him.” - Giles
Willow saved him from a vampire! These two are the best. Tag team it awkward booknerds.
The Vampire growl sounds like they’re burping really loud. Glad to know the evil vampires are still stupid enough to get faked out. 
3 Witch
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Giles is so offended that Buffy wants to be a cheerleader. How is it that he is more accurate to me in highschool than anyone else. Good news... as a grownup I’m totally on Buffy’s side. Let her cheer. She’ll be a smash at the gymnastics. 
AND we begin with body shaming. Cordelia is talking to Willow now which is weird. And Willow herself I think either got skinnier between episodes or they were dressing her in liek 10 layers of clothes in the two opening eps. Then this other girl comes in and Willow is like “You lost a lot of weight” and the first girl is like “Had to.” Ugh. How about I just grate my spare tire off with an industrial file. 
Hooray for Buffy putting out the fire and saving the girl :) Doing something is so against the teen girl stereotype. 
Amy just exposition barfed all over Buffy about the huge crush she has on her own mom. I’m glad they’re highlighting this body weight thing as an unnatural fixation but that’s just for the crazy witch mom, not for the universe which is who is usually concerned with how girls look in cheerleading costumes. (forgive me, I have a stink about body standards)
“It’s so cool! You’re like a guy! My guy friend who knows about girls stuff!”
I like barbies as voodoo dolls. And I love the twist that Amy is super totally evil.
Ah! Xanders “you’re a guy” got turned around on him. Hurray!
OMG BODY SWAP! It’s the worst Freaky Friday but I approve of them surprising me with it. Great job Buffy!
You punched Willow out you bitch! Oh and Xander too but You PUNCHED her OUT. She’s so evil! OH CRAP NOW SHE HAS AN AXE!
So cute shy Giles so embarrassed about his first spell casting. Then Willow runs in with a bat. Yeah, I’m going to like this show I think. 
and ep ends with psychological horror
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4, Teacher’s Pet
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Xander is struggling with his toxic masculinity standards. Apparently how many times he’s scored is up for debate so he has to go pretend to threeway to regain status in his alpha male society. Gag. 
Meanwhile Angel is over here being perfect boyfriend material, super hot, wearing a white tank with blood all over his arms. He gives her his coat. Gag again! Lol. We’re hitting a very wide gamut here. 
Xander falls for a woman who looks weirdly like the mom from the last episode. 
Blane just sexually harassed his substitute teacher. I’m convinced now that last ep was fatshame episode, this ep is sexual aggression the episode. 
“I’m gonna carb up for my one on one with Ms French this afternoon.” Ick gross much?
Evil sexy woman ate Dr. Gregory’s head b/c she’s a preying mantis. Being sexually attractive is a weapon women possess against men so desperate to fork a fertile woman that one of the characters is literally called the “fork guy” in this episode. 
Someone give an emmy to the random bum. 
Giles is not immune to sexy substitute, but he’s got enough sense to appreciate without turning into a blithering idiot. 
Oh wait, Cordelia is still here for the body image hangups I see. 
By the way, all this crit about alpha male/ femme fatale nonsense is not a crit on these characters, it’s a writing hangup. Plots, tropes, and cliches are those things b/c they’re over used and this is the late 90s after all.
“I understand, I met someone and you’re jealous.” Xander is projecting so hard as he’s on his way to fork his teacher, just saying. 
Even if she wasn’t a praying mantis this woman needs to be arrested. She’s sexually harassing the hell out of this 16 year old boy as he stumbles all over himself trying to prove his societal preconception of masculinity. He was a half second away from doing the right thing and saying no to the hot woman b/c it’s bad touch 101 but then he got drugged and passed out. Close but no cigar, X.
Willow has had a crush on him this whole time. It wasn’t subtle at all. 
I’m glad that Blaine is rightfully horrified by the concept of being raped and murdered. That’s the correct response. Write men who can think with more than their dicks. Men are well-rounded people too. 
Mantis affects are “awesome” lol. Looks like someone I know. 
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(apparently it’s more than just a joke. That’s the same costume used for both shows. I snarked about it looking like Na’Grath and it actually IS Na’Grath. And the actress was in B5 as well... omg the blending of universes is starting. @bewareoftrees did I give you Babylon 5 or did you give ME Babylon 5? HAAAAH)
Willow talks about how nice it is that the boys are being conscious with their bodies and continue to proves that she’s the best. Also Dr. Gregory was a virgin I guess. Thank you, show, for not making a joke out of that. 
Disk 1 Summary
It’s a fun show. It’s got some kinks to work out still but I can def see the promise. Will def keep watching.
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