#both of those sound like they'll take a long time but i guess I'll just have to talk to my doctor about which one would be better
miitarashi · 1 year
Can u write what having a family with tintin is like? 😳😳
Oww,this sounds so cute!
I'll make my best to do justice for your request! I hope you like it 😌👌🏽
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Having a family with ✨Tintin✨
First of,as soon you go to him and say that you were finally pregnant.
His heart stopped. Tintin probably asked for you to say it at least four times until it finally sink in and he was beyond happiness.
So much that he called Haddock right away to tell the good news,the old sea man couldn't be more happy for his son
I mean...
Friend (nah,it's son. And he acted like a proud father when Tintin said he would be a dad)
When your children was born,he make sure to pause his adventures to be with you and the children,even before,Tintin was aways there for you during all nine months. For you to not stress yourself about his safety or anything,this was the last thing he would want you to feel, mostly when you were pregnant.
No one can take it out of my mind. As soon you give birth. You did. Nothing anymore.
He would never let you do something on the house,you had to really talk with him to share the chores because he didn't want you to get too much tired from this,even more now that you had a child to take care of.
Of course wasn't just you,Tintin also took care of your child when you were exhausted or taking care of him for too long. He basically became a happily "house husband" even though it was also far more exhausting than his adventures.
He couldn't care less,he was happy.
Happy to see his children first steps and words,making all those normal father things like teaching your children to ride a bike,passing his good taste on books,telling storys about his adventures.
Tintin every now and then could feel that sensation,missing the reporter life but,as soon he stare at you playing in a silly and cute way with your children,he couldn't contain the happy and proud smile.
It's worth.
Every second. He regret nothing.
Tintin turned his body to face you,asking with a "hm?",not worried at first.
"it's just...well...."
Ok. Now he was concerned.
"is there any problems,darling?"
You shook your head,with a little smile,kinda awkward but still,really happy handing him some papers. He grab it,looking that they were medical exams. Tintin's gaze goes back to you,in a way like he asking for answers,but you just pointed out for the papers. He let out a short sigh,open it up and analyzing for a little while before slowly lifting his head to look at you. Surprised and almost shooked.
"...is this...?"
You just nod and he look back for the papers and then,for you again.
"you are... pregnant? Again...??"
"don't even start with that 'when',you know exactly when and how"
He look away with a faint hint of a blush above his cheeks,you giggle a bit coming closer and hugging your husband who's hug you back in the same act.
"so...another one..."
"yes...it's good for our children have a little brother or sister,they'll-"
He kiss you. Hugging you slightly tight,one of his hands going for the back of your head dragging you closer,almost deepening the kiss but pulling away before it could happen. That same hands tucking a loose patch of your hair behind your ear, admiring your face with a not too goofy smile.
"I love you [Name],i simply can't express how happy i'm right now"
"you don't need to say it...i know you like no one else,remember?"
He chuckled at your light playful tone,nodding and resting his forehead on yours.
"you know why i don't miss that much my adventures?"
"because you don't have time to think about it?"
Both of you laughed a bit. He shook his head,helding you as much close he could.
"good guess,but...the real thing is because..."
Looking deep into your eyes and he continue, whispering in a soft and loving voice:
"You are my adventure,[Name]."
A.N: I know i know,the end was too cornie but i couldn't contain myself It sounds so cute to me 😭. And Bro??? I really getting more requests! It's really exciting! And DAYUM- some ideas are so good,i'll start writing soon. And again,thank you for requesting! 😌♥️
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nerdieforpedro · 6 months
Part Three of "The Lake Between Us"
I see you over there
Ezra AU x plus size OFC (Moonbeam - has a name in later parts)
This fic is for those 18+ MDNI
Word Count: 844
Warnings: alcohol use, mutual voyeurism, bad memories, squint and there may have been a thot or two
Summary: One of the first times the pair sees each other from across the lake.
Notes: Are These two finally in sort of the same space? 👀 The burn is slow, but they'll actually meet in person next week and I'll have Ezra talk more. 😆 I'm not as scared to have the man speak and he will be talking quite a bit. lol
Main Masterlist / Ezra Masterlist / The Lake Between Us Series
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A wide yawn escapes your chest as you stretch after coming out on your porch and pouring a drink. You’re aware that this isn’t healthy and it doesn’t even promote the correct cycles needed during sleep but it doesn’t matter. After a few drinks and the night air, you should be able to slink into bed. You’ve learned that you should have no more than four, anymore and you’ll be sleeping outside and make yourself sick. Picking up your glass of orange juice and rum, you glance across the lake and someone watching you from their porch. It doesn’t feel strange like you’d expect it to. Despite not being able to see his face clearly, you can make out his eyes. They’re dark and peering into yours.
Their eyes meet and it’s as if the insects and water are giving them the moment to comprehend each other. There’s no reason to try to speak while gazing at each other. Both parties are bewildered, intrigued and wondering if their minds are taking advantage of their addled state to showcase possible desires. Ezra makes the first move to sip on his second glass and the moonbeam he’s watching does the same. Now mirroring each other’s movements, he sat back in the chair to relax as she was. He did not close her legs as she did however, he assumed she did so because she’s in her nightgown and it’s considered ladylike. There’s nothing polite at this time of night or morning. He was sure when he came out, it was four in the morning. He was curious what time it was now and how long she would be up. If this was a normal night, he may be inclined to walk around the lake and introduce himself but he’s not in the mood for that, not after the memories he’d seen. Those do not inspire any amorous acts, quite the opposite which is why he’s out here in the first place. Ezra would venture a tentative guess that you’ve tried various methods to sleep and you’re at your wit’s end as well. 
Their continued measured watch of each other appeared to continue for hours and yet, neither was bored. You decided to drape your robe over your legs so you could part them once again, your thighs were beginning to moisten from the humidity and you were now on your third glass. Was it only from the alcohol? It might be or you may be considering that you’re seeing this man for a reason. You’ve at least confirmed that he is in fact real and he’s observing you. It makes you wonder why he could have gone into his house upon seeing you come out, but he didn’t. Instead, he chose to watch you in your nightgown. It should be disturbing but, it doesn’t feel like he’s leering just trying to figure out what makes you tick as you are with him. 
You felt the elusive darkness beginning to dress your eyes. You stood first, gathering your bonnet and robe, giving the man with a blonde patch a small wave. It felt disrespectful to leave without acknowledging him as you’d spent the evening together listening to the sounds of nature as you drank, trying to chase for the rest you needed. Making your way back into your house, you stood at the screen door before closing the back door behind it, giving him another wave along with a nod. You feel he’ll be back out on his porch another night and you’re hoping to see him again.
Ezra is curious if you’ll come back out again. He may have frightened you with his intense gaze. The light appears to be on in what is likely your kitchen or dining room. He pictures you putting away your liquor and juice, washing out your cup and getting in your bed. You’ve probably put your bonnet back on and he tries to picture a round face with expansive satin above your head. It makes him chuckle as he finishes his glass. Standing, he remains still for a moment as he’s swaying with the wind. Once steady on his feet, he picks up his own bottle and enters his home, rinsing his glass out in the sink and putting it away for another night. Heavy steps lead to his bed where he strips his shirt off and his shorts, getting in the bed naked. It was too hot even for boxers, only a thin sheet he pulled over himself as he mind began to shut down and he was left with the image of the moonbeam he saw from his porch. Undeterred with his eyes trailed on you, he recalled when you first sat down at your most relaxed before you noticed him. Leaning back, hands on the armrests of your rocking chair, your pale nightgown giving you a faint glow and the moonlight reflected off of your thighs, the picture Ezra created in his mind of you eased him into a deep slumber. The first in a long time. 
Part Two Part Four
Fireflies floating around the lake 💡: @rav3n-pascal22 @maggiemayhemnj @morallyinept @survivingandenduring @bonezone44 @magpiepillsjunior @yorksgirl @gemmahale @missredherring @missladym1981 @alltheglitterandtheroar @megamindsecretlair @readingiskeepingmegoing @pedroshotwifey @tinytinymenace @inept-the-magnificent @vivian-pascal @jessthebaker
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bwobgames · 1 year
Previous First
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"Remember what Owen told us? What we saw on the death certificate?
Mr. Díaz was so stricken with grief for the death of his wife that he asked, with all his heart, for one more chance
In doing so, the house was granted a purpose
Every time someone dies, they'll get another chance by going back in time
At some point, the doctor must've figured out the time loop mechanic and used it to his advantage in helping the patients and keeping himself alive past 100 years"
"This also must be why this house feels so... loved and warm. It was made as a way to protect people, to help them.
And then that bacteria of a man came and infected it"
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"Wait, is there paper around here anywhere? And pencils?"
"There's a whiteboard around here, I think. Let me get it"
He finds one, possibly made for bets, or pool point counting. It has 2 markers.
Beebo grabs them and starts drawing
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"So, Doctor Díaz, accidentally gives this house the ability to turn back time.
This house is now a 'Haunted House'
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And who knows about Haunted Houses? Coli and his daughter.
Coli is obsessed with the concept. He investigates day and night trying to find one.
He wants to put his own purpose in one of them. He thinks he might be able to change the original purpose, but Nadia says it is not possible.
Still, after much effort, he finds one"
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Beebo takes a deep breath
"An old... half house half art exposition.
The owner wanted the people who got in to ... never leave
Um. Not maliciously, i think! The owner just wanted his art to be appreciated!
But, um, the house took it differently"
"Are you okay?"
Ángel hold his hand
"Remember how much I told you about my recent phobia of big houses?"
"I... I got trapped in that house"
"I couldn't get out
The rooms. The rooms kept changing I couldn't- I was there for 3 days and- "
"Hey, hey, it's okay, I don't need details if it hurts you to tell me"
He grabs both of his hands and kisses his knuckles
"You are here now, okay? I'm by your side"
"We are okay"
They wait for a moment, just breathing.
Slowly, Oliver picks up the marker again
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"I. I killed that house
I made it stop working
Then I asked for it to be demolished.
So now, the house Coli searched for so long is gone.
This why he invited me
And why he wants to kill me"
"After this, he tries to do his own Haunted House in his own factory, using the heightened emotions of the distressed workers.
Once the kids found out, they exposed him and put him in jail
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"Due to Marigold not helping him with his projects, Nina being on her side, and the kids doing this, he believes they are all traitors
And wants to kill them
Then, he finds out about Vivi and you, the unrelenting reporter and the guy who bought the company. And puts you two on his 'to kill' list"
"Then proceeds to repeatedly fail in doing so. Skill issue, really"
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"... I have been meaning to ask you about that.
Why did you buy his company? At first, I thought you were also a businessman, and that's how you got the money, but I'm guessing you got it from your illegal jewel business"
"Why a company?"
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"Well, I've told you, haven't I? I quit heists and wanted to start a more quiet life, so why not become CEO? Those guys do nothing and get a lot of money. Sounds perfect!
But, ah, I don't think I'll keep it"
"Is the business life harder than expected?"
"It's definitely not my vibe, but mostly, I want to give it to Marigold. She's the one who should've had it since the start"
"Yeah, you're right.
I'm glad a life of crime has not skewed your sense of justice"
"And if I don't, I fear that a certain teenager capable of murder puts me in her 'to kill' list"
"Also, I wouldn't call it a 'life of crime', I used to be a normal man with a normal job and a pitiable salary. You can see how that makes someone like me want to get in a cool outfit and fuck around for a bit"
"Really? What did you work as?"
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"Head of security in jewelry exhibitions"
"... you sly bastard"
"And never been caught"
"I could've caught you"
"Sure, sure, if it helps you sleep at night"
"If you ever try any heist again, I can and will catch you"
"Scandalous Detective Beebo! Do you want me to go steal things again??"
"Wh- That's not what I said!"
"Well, what a shame! I'm committed to a life of peace now.
I've found the prettiest gem already, and I get to keep it all to myself"
"What gem?"
"... You'll figure it out, come on, keep going over the investigation"
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astrronomemes · 1 year
a collection of quotes, phrases, and sayings from the 1951 Ray Bradbury novel, The Illustrated Man. change & alter as needed.
"Do you know where I can find a job?"
"You'll be sorry you asked me to stay. Everyone always is."
"You smoke a little more every morning, and drink a little more every afternoon, and need a little more sedative every night."
"Long before you knew what death was, you were wishing it on someone else. When you were two years old, you were shooting people with cap pistols."
"Nothing ever likes to die — even a room."
"There's a chance we'll be found."
"I know how you feel, [name]. I don't take it personally."
"I don't know why I said that. I guess I wanted to hurt you."
"There wasn't anything there for me, or you, or anybody like us. I've never been sorry I left."
"[Name], I can't be made to do nothing like that."
"It doesn't matter who I am. I'd be just a name to you, anyhow."
"We destroyed everything and ruined everything, like the fools that we were and the fools that we are."
"What happens next is up to all of us."
"Haven't you heard? It's happened."
"Oh, I want to be home. I want to be home."
"You can't trust anyone anymore."
"[Name], if you don't understand, there's no way of telling you."
"This is what I came looking for. I didn't know it, but this is it."
"You're crying like a baby. Stop it."
"Stay if you like. But I'm going on, with the others, as far as I can go."
"It's been a long time, a long, long time, since I relaxed."
"We've enough food for another two days if we're careful."
"I'm not crazy yet, but I'm the next thing to it. I don't want to go out that way."
"Promise me you won't be like me."
"Next time I come home, I'm home to stay."
"We have reached a new land, so we must have new eyes. We shall hear new sounds, and must needs have new ears."
"Love has to do with humor, doesn't it? For you cannot love someone unless you put up with him, can you? And you cannot put up with someone constantly unless you can laugh at him. Isn't that true?"
"I haven't feared death for a good many years, [name]."
"Can't you recognize the human in the inhuman?"
"May I come again, someday, that I may learn from you?"
"What would you do if you knew that this was the last night of the world?"
"It's not a matter of deserving. It's just that things didn't work out."
"I'll have nothing to do with you terrible people!"
"War begets war. Destruction begets destruction."
"Memories, as my father once said, are porcupines. To hell with them! Stay away from them! They make you unhappy. They ruin your work. They make you cry."
"You die each day, and each day is a box, you see, all numbered and neat. But never go back and lift the lids, because you've died a couple thousand times in your life, and that's a lot of corpses, each dead a different way, each with a worse expression. Each of those days is a different you, somebody you don't know or understand, or want to understand."
"We're all fools all the time. It's just we're a different kind each day. We think, I'm not a fool today. I've learned my lesson. I was a fool yesterday, but not this morning. Then tomorrow, we find out that, yes, we were a fool today, too. I think the only way we can grow and get on in this world is to accept the fact we're not perfect, and live accordingly."
"I'm getting worse, aren't I? I thought so. This morning, when I woke up, I thought, I'm getting worse."
"I've never enjoyed myself so much in my life."
"You've got the wrong person. My name is not [name]."
"The rabbits may hide in the forest, but a fox can always find them."
"Really, you've both been incredibly romantic, running away from your responsibilities."
"The car's in the repair shop. It'll be ready at four this afternoon. Then we'll get the hell out."
"Don't you realize what'll happen when they discover your talent? They'll fight over you. They'll kill each other, kill you, for the right to own you."
"Oh, but I don't belong to anybody. No, not even you."
"Your first night out in years, and you go home at ten o'clock."
"I recall that I was quite firm on the subject."
"You won't mind waiting a moment, will you? I have to make a phone call."
"In order to make a good fight, you got to have a new way of surprising people."
"Someone should go who could tell it well on returning. You have a way with words."
"I will buy your ticket today. You can leave next week."
"I can go, can't I? And you'll like me when I come back?"
"We will remember it for always, [name]. We will never forget."
"You're the best father in the world."
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aberrant-webnovel · 11 months
Chapter 5 - A Kind of Guy
Content Warning: Needle used for medical injection
Chapter 5 - A Kind of Guy
"I can't believe Auntie really broke three of your ribs just to prove a point."
Silva stood at my side, looming over me and studying my bruises.
I laid in a bed in one of the medic offices. I'd been brought here after my "final test" to get an examination for injuries. I was stripped of my shirt and helped into the bed by Silva. She never left my side after I got beat.
Time to see how the Vault Breakers take care of their own, I guess.
The one door in the room creaked open and in walked a tired man in a lab coat. Dark brown hair, tan skin, hazel sunken eyes, rough stubble, and deep laugh lines creasing his face. He held a clipboard and flipped through the sheets on it.
"Ymir Sorenson, you got off light. Heard the Chief even removed her limiter to give you a beatdown. Surprised you don't have any ruptured organs. Just minor internal bleeding and your broken ribs. Should be a quick fix."
He walked slowly to a swivel chair next to a desk in the corner of the room as he spoke. Once he sat down, he turned away from us and then pushed himself backward until the chair rolled over to the bedside. Then he swiveled to look at me.
"We'll have to give you one of our lower grade stims for a quick fix. You're supposed to start training in a few days and this won't heal naturally in time if we give you a civilian procedure. You're also not augmented so a stronger stim isn't advised. The more you integrate tech into you, the more you need."
"Heard those stims of yours just start repairing you on the inside the second you get it. That true?"
"Yeah, kinda. It's an injection of nanites, really. They're designed to mimic your blood cells, no matter your blood type, and then travel through your system to locate damaged areas. They'll then seep into those areas and start to piece back together torn tissues and repair bones as well. Should take about two days to fix you up entirely with this stim. It's tech from a Vault that we got maybe some forty years ago."
"Sounds pretty cool, really."
"Yeah, it's pretty cool."
The doctor smiled at me with a chuckle. A nice smile. Felt friendly. Warm.
Silva then asked a question.
"Um..? That's really all the damage that happened, though? Just a few ribs and some bleeding?"
"Bruising, too."
"That's not what I mean."
"Sorry. But look, this kid is tough. Last person to fight the Chief hand-to-hand was augmented and still ended up needing to go out on a stretcher. Both of his lungs got ruptured and his femur was snapped. Either she still held back or Ymir here is a monster like the rest of the Sorenson bloodline."
"Auntie Harper really did that to someone?"
"Huh? Yeah, it was routine training but a Runner got a little too excited and challenged the Chief. She hates cocky Runners so she beat him and shipped him off to my office. But wait, Auntie Harper? Who are you?"
"Oh! Sorry, I'm Silva Dirge. Varun Dirge is my father."
"Really? Varun's a good friend. I'm glad to meet his child. I'm Doctor Eugene Atom."
"Atom? So are you related to the Founder?"
"That's right. But he lived a long time ago. And my family isn't as dedicated to the Vault Breakers as both of your families. I'm just a D-Ranker in the Medic Corp."
"Even still, it's nice to meet you, Doctor."
Eugene turned to look over my bruising and then address me.
"I'm sure you want to get fixed up sooner rather than later. I'll prepare the stim and then return. Sit tight for a bit, yeah?"
He stood up and slowly sauntered out of the room, the door creaking as it shut behind him. Someone should replace the hinges.
"So, you're a C-Ranker then?
"That's what Auntie said. Still gotta put it in writing somewhere, I think. I actually have no idea what to do after this."
"You're the first in history, you know."
"That's right."
"Don't let it get to your head."
"I won't."
"I know you won't. You're not that kind of guy."
"Oh yeah, what kind of guy am I?"
Silva pulled the swivel chair over to the bedside and sat next to me. I saw her grow a warm smile as she looked at me.
"You're the type of guy who always thinks he's not doing good enough, but really you're doing a lot better than everyone else. You just do things better that others don't think about. You're better at paying attention, understanding other people, and lots of stuff. Not to say you fall behind everywhere else, either. You might be average at doing a lot of things, but that should be good enough.
You're also the type of guy to spend an extra three years studying to get into the Vault Breakers because you thought you couldn't do it at the age your dad did. Everyone knew you'd make it in once you tried, but instead you showed up more prepared than any civilian ever has been for the testing."
"Hey was that teasing?"
"A bit. But you still did that. And it's something I'm proud of you for."
"Says the Amazing Silva. When did you start training enough to handle that test in the pool? I know we were both beaten up by those waves, but you really pulled through better than I thought you would."
"A year ago, maybe. Auntie Harper started training me a bit. Nothing too serious since I didn't want to fight once I enlisted. But she still thought I would need another year of training. I snuck out to enlist with you once I heard you were going to give it a shot today. I thought I'd have a decent chance if we went together."
"I feel like having you here for this was what I needed, too. You always pull through for me, Silva. I rely on you a lot."
The door creaked open again and in walked Eugene. Silva started to stand up from the chair, but the doctor gestured to her and stay.
"No need to rise for me. I'm going stand up while treating the patient, anyway."
I laughed a little bit at his mild joke, but my body felt a sharp pain spread rapidly from my chest. I coughed twice, which didn't help the pain, but then calmed myself.
"Whoa now, don't do anything to hurt yourself. I've got the stim here. I went over your data that we got in your testing and cleared you of any risk with this treatment. After I give this to you, I'll need to keep you here and examine your reaction just to be sure. Give it twenty minutes, then I'll send you home. Most of the repairs occur while you sleep so just get a bunch of rest and drink water at home. Sound good to you?"
"Sounds great, Doc. I'll be sure to take it easy."
Eugene approached the bedside and started to examine my arm. He gripped it and started tapping around with his free hand. He was looking for a vein. Then I saw him pull out a silver container, about the size of a cigarette case. He opened it, removed a short plastic cylinder, and looked at it closely. I didn't know what he was checking, but as long as I was safer because of it, then keep doing what your doing Doc!
"Alright, this here is the stim I'm gonna use. You're gonna feel a pinch once I inject it."
Eugene pulled off a cap from the injector to reveal a small needle. He prepared my vein to receive the injection. Then I felt the pinch.
A half-second of pain and then nothing. I watched the injector drain of fluid. It wasn't much at all. Will it really be enough?
"Okay. We're all done."
Eugene removed the needle and swabbed the spot with alcohol. A small bandage was placed on it right away.
"I'll be finishing some paperwork at my desk. If there's no issues in the next twenty minutes, come see me and I'll just have you sign out of treatment. All costs are totally covered for Vault Breakers, by the way."
"Thanks, Doc."
"Silva, you can keep the seat for now. I've got another chair in here somewhere."
With that, I watched him walk over to his desk area and pulled a foldable metal chair out from behind a cabinet. Can't be comfortable, but I guess he's a really nice guy for choosing that seat over his normal desk chair right now.
"Hey, Silva. When are you supposed to get your results?"
"Oh? I didn't tell you, I guess. Commander Vasquez let me know that I've been evaluated as an E-Ranker. I'm going into the R&D corp."
"Yeah? That's great! We'll have to celebrate once I heal up."
"Oh that sounds great. You and Auntie Del should come over for dinner."
I talked with Silva for a bit about this and that. Some things we haven't been able to catch up about yet. We see each other frequently, but we both have our own lives still. We both study all the time. Both of us because of our passions. That becomes a lot of what we talk about.
Twenty minutes went by in a flash. I didn't feel any weird side effects from the stim at all. Moving around still hurt. It was obvious that I wasn't going to have fully repaired ribs in twenty minutes. But something surprised me.
All the bruising on my body had disappeared. I didn't see anything wrong with me on a surface level. This stim stuff is crazy!
Silva helped me up from the bed and over to the desk. Walking was actually pretty awful.
"Hang on."
Silva left my side and went out of the office. She came back pretty quickly, dragging a wheelchair.
"Don't push it. For today, I'll help."
"Y'know, that sounds like a good idea."
I waited for Silva to bring the chair over and I sat down. I got my feet up on the rests just fine and sat in the most comfortable way I could fit.
The chair wasn't the best seat. It was a general use one that the Medic corps provides for patients. Still, it beat walking home with broken ribs.
Silva pushed the chair and walked us over to the desk. There I saw Eugene scribbling through various forms on his desk. He didn't look up at us right away.
"No issues since you took the stim, I take it?"
"Nothing. My bruising is gone already, though. Is that normal?"
"Not normal. Let me see you."
Eugene was seemingly shocked by my answer. He shot his head and looked over at me. I still hadn't put my shirt back on. Figured he might wanna see the bruising, too.
With a few invasive pokes and prods, he checked over my torso and didn't find a single bruise. He tested some of the areas that he remembered were especially dark with more pokes.
"No pain in these areas?"
"Well when you poke me a bunch, my ribs still hurt. Other than that, I don't feel the bruising."
Eugene sat back on his metal folding chair and closed his eyes. He hung his head back and remained silent for about a minute.
"Come back once you're fully recovered. Even if that's before your training day."
"Something wrong, doc?"
Eugene lowered his head back down and looked me in the eyes.
"I don't know yet. Bruising should have gone away after a few hours. I was expecting it to take until the evening. Especially with how badly you were beaten. I need to see about running some tests. I'm gonna be running this through the Chief directly."
"Well, uh, yeah. I can be here once I'm healed. You sure I'm fine to leave?"
"Can't hold a patient for healing fast. Plus you should get going home, yeah? I'm sure you need to tell your family about today."
"Sure thing, Doc. Thanks for taking care of me so far."
"It's what I do. Oh, and please sign over here."
I was handed a clipboard with a blank sign-out sheet. I filled in my name and the time of my departure.
Silva had walked away for a moment and came back with my shirt. I slipped it on with some discomfort, but easily enough. We both said a goodbye to Eugene before Silva wheeled me out of the office and into the hall.
We chatted while she walked us both through the Medic corps building. She took us towards a connecting hall to the main building.
This place is really built like a bit of a maze, but most things are pretty easy to find if you familiarize yourself with the layout. It's almost like this place was designed with a Vault layout in mind. Keeps the Runners and Scouts on their toes.
Silva has been here plenty of times with Uncle Varun. She always told me that they'd hide away in one of the labs and look at crazy things that were being researched. She never met people since Varun was breaking so many rules by doing that. Silva had no problems telling me all about it. We kept all of each others secrets.
Finally we arrived at the main building. We left out the entrance together. Time to go home.
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up-sideand-down · 1 year
Fanfic Writer Emoji Ask
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
Is both an option? Because I do both. I will outline, but at a certain point I lose focus and can't think about what I want to happen next. So...I'll figure it out when I'm writing. Because after I've written it up to that point I kind of have the flow of the story and can write something down.
So really I build a harness and suspension rig so my flying has a modicum of control. Doesn't mean it won't break down and I fly solo though.
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
This might get long. The only really bad advice is to not write, but here are things that I think brought me the most joy when writing.
Write Bad
Seriously, write as shittily as you please. It doesn't matter. The goal is that...you'll get better. You're not going to get better unless you start and when you start it will be bad. Awesome! That means next time you'll figure out something else. Even more awesome!
Everyone makes grammar and syntax mistakes, everyone proofreads and then all the errors pop out when you post. Great! You can still fix it. There's plenty of people who like to beta, you can ask around or maybe they'll even offer it for you. Everything is fixable, but you have to write it to start getting better.
Challenge yourself
Do the things that make you nervous. Join a fandom exchange. Join a word or time limit challenge. Do NatNoWriMo. Stay up all night and @dogoodweirdly What is the worst thing that's going to happen? You drop out and fail.
And that's fine. I've had that happen, no one yelled, no one was upset and if they were...then I didn't want to write for them anyway. Who wants to write for an asshole.
Instead I was welcomed as a cheerleader for the people still going and you better believe I cheered my heart out because I knew next time I was still going to be up there with them
Don't use Chat GPT
It's great at sounding like a good writer...because it's been trained reading a bunch of good writing. And I will admit it's good for the boring writing things. I've used it for work emails...because those sound better when they're generic and don't sound like me.
But I will never use it for my writing. The stuff that comes from my soul. It will never do it right. It will never sound like you.
It might make less errors, but it has no soul. I'd rather shitty writing from me than "good" writing from something that can't even wish it was me.
Read but don't compare
This one is the hardest. You know who they are, that author who always write the good stuff. The person who you wish you could write like. We all have one.
Go ahead, keep reading them. Keep reading all the things. But don't compare yourself. You're two different people, you can't be the same no matter how hard you wish...and you like the fic. You know you do.
It's hard. I know it is. But keep reading, keep commenting, keep the kudos and likes.
Besides you'll cut yourself off from the next tip...
Steal stuff
We don't admit it...but we pick up on the things we read and we like...and we take some small things with us.
I'm not talking entire pages and paragraphs I'm talking about little things like:
A phrase or sentence that sounded really cool
The way they use commas, dashes, semicolons, colons, etc.
The tone and the indicators they use for that
A word you haven't heard but context clues or a dictionary made it sound really cool.
A plot twist that you enjoyed
Structure and how they make the story flow.
Taking these things isn't illegal. These aren't really copyrightable in the first place and...is fanfic. People aren't going to boo you down because you took a saying or a structure from another fic.
And everyone does it either consciously or unconsciously. For example...I started Discworld two years ago. I love it. Wanna guess what popped up in my story during NatNoWriMo?
*gasp* the horror. How dare I?
Well I'm going to keep doing it because it was fun as hell and no one really cares. Steal the little things. Don't apologize.
Which brings me to the final and most important thing
Write for you
We all want the nice comments. We all want the reblogs. We will check it neurotically and cry when they don't show up fast enough.
But never ever write for those comments. They don't matter. (except they do, but that's not the point) The most important member of your reading audience...is you.
I don't know why you started, but I started so I could write the fic I wanted to read in the first place.
Do I read my own fics? Yes I do. Is that kind of narcissistic? I don't really care. I wrote it for me in the first place. The rest of the audience just hitched along for the ride.
Not to say I think I'm the best author out there. Upside the author makes a ton of mistakes and that bitch never updates...but they're a good writer and Upside the reader likes their fics.
Write for you...and you'll always be satisfied when you read your work again...and surprise yourself.
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sunny6677 · 2 years
SUMMARY: The following are real audio tapes of tapes left by an animator at the forgotten studio Joey Drew Studios. Please ensure that you are ready to listen with these with caution, dear listener. What you may hear may cause you to never want to hear again. What you may picture may make you never want to see again. Please be aware of the consequences you may have if you do not have permission to listen to these tapes. If not permitted, then [REDACTED]. You have been warned.
(This is fiction btw, so no worries-- I know some people with anxiety issues might think this is real so this is just a clarification.)
TAPE #10.
J: "So, Sammy! How's the music business coming along?"
S: [SIGHS] "Its been going.. slow. Tunes do take a long time to complete when you hope each note lingers with utmost perfection, you know?"
J: "Hoho! I understand. If i didn't, I wouldn't correct you on some of your parts in the songs you know! I'm not even a composer, yet even I know when there has to be limits, Sammy."
S: [QUIET] "Yes, but you do this every time.. they're my songs, not yours."
J: "What was that?"
S: "N— Nothing. No need to worry, Joey. I'll have them completed by the end of today, I promise. There's only two more to go and it should all be done.."
J: "Haha, I hope so! You know how impatient I can be!"
S: "Oh, believe me, I know.."
S: "Oh, great, those two.."
J: "Oh hey, Mr. Hudson and Mr. Franks! Wonder what they're doing in here."
S: "Probably them meaninglessly wondering around like fools again... god, if they don't leave this instant, I'm gonna get a headache."
J: "Eh, they always do that. Ever since that dinner they've become closer than ever. Wonder what even happened."
S: "Well.. the janitors certainly become more cheerful since he started hanging out with that moron. I didn't even know that they had a dinner.."
J: "Yeah, the two formed a tight bond after that. I even saw them at the place theirself— they both seemed real cozy together. For the first time in forever, Mr. Franks seemed like he was enjoying himself."
S: [SIGHS] "He certainly does seem to be enjoying himself. But it's not like that matters, especially when he keeps losing those damn keys over and over again.. I'd like to be left to work without him knocking on my door for at least a day."
J: "Eh.. we both know that's not going to happen, people 'round here seem to have a routine. No matter what happens, they'll stick to it. And you have a routine of staying tightly locked in your room and not moving a muscle.."
S: "Whats that supposed to mean?"
J: "Oh, nothing.."
J: "Hey, Mr. Hudson! What are ya doin' away from your desk?.. You finished already? Huh.. guess I couldn't expect less from you. You really do finish.. incredibly fast don't you?"
S: "He's.. already finished? That— that shouldn't be humanly possible—"
J: "Well, I've seen it! It'll only be 2 hours and the next thing I know there'll be a bunch of the assigned frames I wanted him to draw. I say, it is quite remarkable! He could even replace Henry with his odd technique."
S: "Well, whatever.. I'm going back to my office. If I can't escape them here, then I'm going to go elsewhere."
J: "Huh, well, okay— let me know when your finished with those tunes, why don't ya?"
S: "I will, Joey, I will.. just give me time, for God's sake."
J: "Hmm.. say, little audio log, ya think Sammy'll end up liking Andrew as much as Mr. Franks does?"
J: "Welp.. I guess fate will decide that. In the mean time, I should be getting back to his office. I oughta see if he'll do a wrong note or part again after all."
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theygender · 2 years
I was able to refill my BC prescription again but I missed one day of it bc I have ADHD and now I'm dying again 🙃 I wanna get a hysterectomy so bad it's just a matter of finding out which hoops I need to jump through
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strawberry-nugget · 3 years
𝙄 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙨𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙨 𝙄 𝙠𝙚𝙚𝙥 𝙄 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙨𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙮𝙤𝙪 | E. Kirishima/ Reader/ K. Bakugo
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𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩 1
𝙎𝙮𝙣𝙤𝙥𝙨𝙞𝙨: after weeks of Bakugo distancing himself from you and Kirishima you finally get the chance to talk out what happened the other day, one thing leads to another and...
𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨: 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, thr*esome, oral (f! and m! receiving), double penetration, fingering, p*ssy slapping, dacryphilia, all characters portrayed are over the age of 20
𝘼/𝙉: I'm so sorry this took me so long. I know this is 6.5k with little to no plot but I hope you enjoy this, hehe, thanks for all of the notes and amazing comments on the last one. I'll be reblogging in a few minutes with the tags in those who asked. Also. This is top Kirishima. Top top top top Kirishima.
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It's been two weeks now that you and Bakugo exist in different timelines.
He's never home, lost in patrol after patrol, leaving a hot mess behind him in his room, belts, gear, his back up costume messily sprawled across his room -you guess he doesn't have enough time to clean everything up. Still, the rest of the apartment always looks inhabitable, save for the little mess you make in the kitchen when you cook; he never cleans what's supposed to be your task.
You feel yourself growing sadder every day. It's something Kirishima notices and informs you he feels as well, rooted deep in how Bakugo is treating the two of you ever since that night. And the worst part is you can't do anything about it. He doesn't return his phone calls nor does he ever pick up, and by now you've accepted that he purposely avoids being in the house with you. It hurts even more knowing that he and Kirishima see each other at work every day; at least he knows Katsuki is doing okay, though as he reports, he rarely ever talks more than patrol and business.
You only wonder why he acts the way he does, thinking you don't deserve to get ghosted over for what happened. He's your roommate and one of your best friends, whatever made him feel like he has the right to ghost you with such each is not going to go by so easily and you're not willing to wait it out anymore either.
Thus, this Thursday night you call in sick for work and emerge yourself in the bathtub after checking the clock. 7.25pm. It's still an hour until Katsuki is off his shift, which means you have plenty of time to do some self care. Shave your legs, scrub your whole body with your coconut scrub- anything to calm down that put of anxiety that's starting to boil in the pit of your stomach.
You fear for the worst. That Katsuki doesn't want to be your friend anymore, and losing him doesn't sit right with you. Not over just catching him masturbating once.
There's a ton of things you want to say, or ask him. The lingering thought of him liking Kirishima or you digs deep enough into your brain and plants itself there, getting comfortable right next to the thought of him being jealous of your relationship. Could this be it? Could he just be lonely? He never talks about meeting anyone or having sex -that must be it, he's lonely, that's all.
Your bath doesn't last for long because you're nervous and the water runs cold before you have the chance to enjoy yourself. Maybe it's time to start turning the heating on in the apartment and you curse yourself because you have to talk this out with Bakugo as well -fuck its hard to not live on your own when you have to make shared decisions with someone. To your stomach's turbulence dismay you can't get out of talking to Katsuki.
"No, I literally won't tell you where she is Bakugo"
Your heart skips a beat at the sound of the door unlocking and closing again, followed by your boyfriend's familiar voice. You don't make a single movement to exit the bathroom yet- you're frozen, opting to rest on top of the toilet cap until you hear Bakugo's reply, your gut falling into a muddy pit of panic.
"I swear to fucking god if you two are trapping me to talk about it"
Typically of him, he shouts, barking and chewing a few sounds of what he's saying. Kirishima knows he's all bark and no bite though, you're eager to figure out how he'll oppose him.
"She wants to talk to you, you can't just ghost her like that when you live with her" There's a long pause next "and you should have told me that you're in fucking love with her"
"What?" Katsuki exclaims
"You think I'm an idiot? Or that I can't comprehend basic human behavior? I know how people who feel the way you do act"
"What are you even saying Kirishima? That I'm jealous?"
You blink feverously, trying to take in what you're listening to unfold in the other room. You know a part of you has been wishing that this scenario wasn't true.
"Yeah, that's what I'm saying. You should have told me you liked her in the beginning. I would have never made a move"
They bicker back and forth for a few minutes; Katsuki accusing and Eijiro defending, then switching back and forth before going silent. It's then that you think you should emerge from the bathroom. It feels wrong to not be part of this conversation when you're the reason for their bickering, but at this point the guilt in your stomach is rotting and polluting your insides.
With a sigh, you turn the doorknob and inhale deeply. You tell yourself you can do this. You have to do this, yet your eyes are filled with hot and salty tears as you approach the living room.
Both of them eye you simultaneously, pursed lips and hands crossed over their chests; the only relieving thing about this is that they're sitting next to each other on the couch, their calves slightly touching. You know they'll make up again, they always will, but you're scared you won't be able to be part of that make up. Not with the information that's been poured onto you.
"Hi" You whisper and despite being sure both of them heard you, they make no effort to open their mouths and talk back "I uhm" You clear your throat "I heard what you were ah saying"
"Course ya did" Katsuki growls "course ya fucking did"
"Baku- I-"
"Save it! I'm gonna-" He snaps and makes a move to get off the couch, though Eijiro has other plans; he slams him back down with just a push of his hand
The same hand that's extended to you, overlapping Katsuki's chest, wordlessly asking you to join them on the couch. Your heart warms up slightly. Kirishima always does his best to make you feel included, it's no surprise he's smiling at you when you take a seat next to the blond.
"You're not going anywhere Bakugo. And babe, you can speak now"
Though you smile nervously with your lips, your first word falls silent, in awe of a lung filling sigh. Then by the time you gather some thoughts together your chest is shivering and the tears that you managed to drown before are now threatening to spill from your eyes again.
Kirishima is watching you religiously, pouting as you throw your head to the opposite direction of his to let out a small sob. He tightens the grip of his hand around yours and barely notices Bakugo batting his eyes to that direction.
"Hey, no, don't cry"
"I just don't want to lose Bakugo because of this" you sob and Kirishima shoots a killer gaze at the blond, biting the inside of his lip.
"You're not losing anyone idiot" Bakugo says, clearing his throat, giving Kirishima a strained look as well
"Babe, don't worry, Bakugo and I will be fine, you and Bakugo will be fine"
You sob again, wiping a stream of tears that's falling from your eyes and Kirishima wastes no time on cupping your cheek after bullying Bakugo to do the same. A nice change, you think, two hands reaching out for your face, you could almost get used to this.
"Yeah, you're not losing me" Bakugo tries to soothe, though by Kirishima's demand he adds to his words "I- uhh, I might want you but this has nothing to do with us not being friends"
"Yeah?" You sniffle, looking up
It's too soft how you're cuddled into their arms instantly, pulled on top of them to sit on both of their laps, held tightly in both of their embraces. You coo into their arms for a while, content when Kirishima kisses your cheek and sobbing faintly when Bakugo rubs your back in circles.
"Do you want a beer baby?" Kirishima asks, softly patting your back and kissing your nape as he leaves you clinging onto Bakugo. You nod into the crook of Bakugo's neck in reply and Kirishima smiles from the other side of the couch.
The sound of the fridge opening is timelines away from what's entering your mind. Is it wrong that you like that cuddle too much? And is it even more wrong that you want more? Bakugo feels nice when you're curling up onto his lap and Kirishima adds warmth and love into everything he's touching, you almost feel your thighs clench at the idea of where your mind's traveling to.
"What if we had a threesome?"
It's so faint when it comes out of your mouth that you're convinced there shouldn't be any loud reaction to it, though you hear the can of beer that's presumably in Kirishima's hand hit the floor, you feel Katsuki's hand freeze on your back. Both of them wonder if they've heard correctly, but never asking you to repeat it.
"A uhm.. Threesome?" Kirishima asks "you'd like that?"
You try to hide your face deeper into Bakugo's neck, but he doesn't seem to approve of it- he pushes you back softly, with a thick hand on your stomach and another still on your back. You feel your face burning as you're forced to face him
"You'd really want a threesome?" You nod and Bakugo gulps "Right now?"
"Mhm" You gulp too, your nose almost nuzzling against his "if- if you want to"
The way you're swamped with attention is overwhelming. From the way Kirishima jumps to the edge of the couch towards you, to the way Bakugo lifts you up and stands on his feet, urging you to do the same as your feet land one by one on the carpet underneath you.
"Fuck okay uh, are you fine with it Bakugo?" The redhead asks, scratching the back of his neck.
"Yeah, I am."
Kirishima gulps when he sees Bakugo latch onto you, placing his hand on your shoulder and coughing up slightly "Should we set some rules?"
"Yes" Bakugo coughs as well, though you can feel him getting hard to where your thoughts are meeting his "wanna suggest anything?"
"Great uh, maybe no kissing between the two of you, since she's my girlfriend? And Katsuki you're wearing a condom too. Are these fine?"
Both of you gulp and nod. It's natural for Kirishima to ask this. Sharing you out of the blue can't completely sit right with him; it almost flicks a switch on inside your gut, making you gulp again when you feel him hugging you from behind.
"Safeword?" Bakugo asks
"Red" You reply cooing when your back finally hits your boyfriend's chest.
You don't even have enough time to count down seconds before you're pounded and squished between the two of them. It's a miracle that you somehow manage to convince them to move it to the bedroom.
Even if making a small stop at the hall wasn't in your original plan
Kirishima's hands are everlastingly on your waist pulling your back into his chest. He's nibbling on the nape of your neck, his fingers light as feathers as they're peeling your T-shirt off of you. He almost grunts at your exposed back, leaning down just to place a kiss on each of your shoulders before latching onto your ear
"It's fine baby, it's fine if you're embarrassed okay?" He blows into you then takes a bite of your ear lobe to which you shiver as you snap your head to his face. “what? Are you that excited?"
You gulp, nodding with your eyes shutting, an expression on your face that looks almost painful -Bakugo can't help but palm himself, searching Kirishima's carmine eyes with his, waiting for a sign that he should make a move or retreat. Anything that doesn't involve him getting a front row seat to how your chest bounces as Kirishima runs his hands on your torso from behind.
"Fuck, I-" He says, swallowijg his tongue in the process, just when Kirishima's hands change paths, now wiggling underneath your sweatpants.
"Enjoying the show Bakugo?" Kirishima's smiles and fuck- when did he adopt such an attitude? "Come 'ere"
Bakugo does as he's commanded, guided by Kirishima, as he trails your torso with his hands intertwined with his, squeezing your upper hips, trailing your belly button, eyeing you with doe eyes before launching a kiss to your navel. You writhe and wiggle in Kirishima's embrace- the feeling of another man too new, too strange to take in in less than a few moments, but Eijiro's got you, kissing your nape, your cheek, softly playing with your breasts above your bralette. Whispering his praises with his hands across your body.
"Good girl" You're sure he whispers in your ear "I got you" But all you can feel is Katsuki's breath as he's placing open mouthed kisses across your tummy, over the valley of your chest, your cheek.
Kirishima is overly alert by this, jumping in between the little scene, capturing your lips with his, using a hand to push Bakugo into the kiss as well, pulling him in as lips as smeared against lips, your saliva trailing out of your mouth. You instinctively rub your thighs together to relieve some of the burning sensation between your legs
Soon enough, Bakugo is taking off your pants, rhen his shirt, Kirishima's taking his off too, managing not to let you go all while pushing the three of you into the bedroom. There's nothing but a trail of clothing in the hallway that could suggest what's happening inside the room once the door closes shut; three pairs of sweats, three different t-shirts and maybe the white ghost of hot and heavy breathing.
On the bed, it's way more comfortable. Your arching back is finally resting against the pillowy mattress, Kirishima's smile from upside down soothing and forgiving, you almost melt away while he cups your face and bumps his nose to yours, giggling slightly, before glaring at Bakugo. He guides your head into his lap, still holding your cheeks, still rubbing circles onto your soft face, pouting hard before facing your friend.
"You good babe?" He asks you and you nod again, humming a small reply to him "you too Katsuki?"
"Yeah, fuck yeah, I am" He gulps, pumping himself twice.
"You're not getting in without prep by the way"
You writhe in Kirishima's lap, gooey eyes and mouth open wide as he leans to pry your legs open, trailing his middle finger across your clothes slit. Your chest jumps when you hear him chuckle. You know he's struck the gold vein he's searching for, your panties swimming in a puddle, completely damp from getting your neck attacked only a few minutes ago.
Katsuki marvels a finger across your slit as well, avoiding your clit purposely or flicking it occasionally, moaning every time his finger touches the chilly dampness of your underwear.
Kirishima pries your legs open wider, hooking his middle finger under your panties and pulling them over and slightly to the side, flashing the blond with a glimpse of you -you swear you see him gulp. Hard.
"Want a taste?" Kirishima asks, chuckling, as if Bakugo isn't frothing at the mouth at the mention of the action, as if he isn't diving in between your thighs like a starved man.
He almost rips your panties by pulling them to the side. Your hands link through his platinum hair and you almost whine at how soft it feels, or, about the moaning sounds he makes as he's digging his fingers in the plush skin of your thigh, swinging your leg wider. You slide a little further along, laid completely flat on the bed -head still on Kirishima's lap.
Sweetly, Kirishima captures your inner lips with his fingers and circles them around before making you hump on him, his knuckles bumping with Bakugo's nose when he chuckles again. You almost tear up by the over stimulating pressure Kirishima's fingers provide for you, but you decide to hold it in; not sure hitched breath leaves your mouth until Bakugo takes an experimental lick across your slit.
With a thumb presses to your clit he retreats for a second, just to watch as he sinks his middle finger inside of you and -"oh my fucking god Katsuki"- he's back at it again, licking at you religiously. Softly, like Kirishima always does, patiently. Just like you love it.
It has your back arching, chest bouncing for Kirishima's eyes to enjoy. He decides he won't have you hanging, bouncing and thrashing. With two huge palms he cups your breasts, flicking your nipples, massaging you for just enough time to make your heart burn, then he wiggles a finger to the hood of your clit, applying throbbing pressure.
The knot in your stomach is tight, your vision blurry, you're sure what you think is silent moaning is probably full-on screaming, mewling or pleas of pleasure that you can't comprehend.
Kirishima is smiling at you from above, still wiggling his finger on you left and right in Bakugo's business and you can't help it- you yelp, pushing Bakugo's face deeper into you. It feels good- too good, like your legs are nothing but jello, your stomach and thighs feeling like they've transformed into liquid smooth. You mewl in Kirishima's arms, coiling, desperately eyeing him in hopes that he and Katsuki won't stop what they're doing.
"M so close" You slur when Kirishima takes a hand of yours away from Bakugo's hair, softly turning it upside down, until your palm is met with the wetness of his foreskin, the pulsing slit of his that leaks precum into your hand.
He whines -"ohh"- when you wrap your fingers around him, instantly pumping your hand up and down, your grip firm and steady as you twist your wrist with every bob of your hand.
"Suck me off baby" Kirishima softly commands, rubbing an experimental circle with his tip on your lips, smearing some of his precum around your mouth. You gulp at how carelessly he pumps his base, until he pries your lips open.
You take him eagerly into your mouth, feeling your stomach churn and your thighs freezing in place by Bakugos movements; so long as you're steadily sucking Kirishima's cock into your mouth, he scissors his fingers inside of you.
"You like that?" He moans into you, eyeing Kirishima "you twitched- fuck you're twitching"
"Show me how wet she is"
Kirishima commands and Bakugo complies by taking his fingers away from your heat and shining them into Kirishima's face. You whimper but how good it feels when he moans against you, blinking as you watch your boyfriend take your friend's fingers in his mouth, sucking in eagerly, before popping the digits out of his mouth, leaving a trail of saliva fall faintly onto the valley of your breasts
"Your pussy's s'wet baby, you're dripping all over over Katsuki's hands" Kirishima thrusts in your mouth "you taste so good" then turns his attention to Bakugo "tell 'er, how fucking good she tastes"
Bulky fingers rub on your clit once more and Bakugos hand secures your tummy in place while pinning you down; you feel it then, the inevitable end of what has been building up in your stomach for such a long while and you can't help but scream at the feeling of coming undone. Shaking, struggling to take a breath without popping Kirishima out of your mouth.
"Fucking perfect"
Your vision is white, your head is buzzing and your legs are frozen. You can feel Kirishima fucking into your mouth once, twice and ever so slightly, depending in how relaxed your jaw is as he's moaning. You don't choke when he hits your throat, you simply moan onto him, too blinded by the afterglow of your orgasm to even react to what's about to unfold.
"Fuck- take 'em off- Fuuck" Kirishima says, you notice. Bakugo probably does as he's told; you hear shuffling and grunting, the soft pop of his dick to his stomach. You want to see-
Bakugo, hazed and drenched in you, cups your womanhood with his hand, landing his thumb on your clit and you yelp again, thrassing onto the bed, finally popping Kirishima out of your mouth. He tugs and drags his fingers away- he's opening you up, of course, that's it- and you can't help but roam your eyes all over him. Searching for his cock, wanting to see it dive inevitably into you.
It's unfair that Kirishima has a better view than you do, but at least, you hope he enjoys the view. You buck your hips forward when you feel Katsukis thighs grace against your own. His skin is unbelievably cold, making the hair on your legs and tummy raise; a tear rolls down your cheek then the moment the tip of his cock touches your clit.
"We've got- ah- condoms in the first drawer. On your left" Kirishima says cheerfully, bucking his hips away from your face, kneeling just to place a kiss on your forehead- your nose- your lips, finally bumping the tip of his nose to yours when he sucks your inner lip into his mouth
"You liked that baby?" Kirishima breathes "You liked Bakugo eating you out?"
"Mhm" You nod, not wanting to break away from the kiss, unlike Kirishima
You can hear Katsuki cursing, slamming the drawer shut as he fidgets with the condom. Everything seems slow, from the way his thick fingers can't grasp the tiny edges of the wrapper, to him finding out what's the right side to put it on -he grunts, inevitably- stealing giggles from both you and Kirishima
"Ah man, you're struggling, come 'ere let me help"
Bakugo grunts once again, although this time it's not out of frustration. Kirishima playfully pulls him close, places a kiss on his navel and extends his hand underneath Bakugo's, politely asking for the condom -you know his lips are pressed into a goofy smiley line right now just by the way his body moves.
Kirishima lets your cheek rest on his thigh when he moves to grab Katsuki's cock, to roll the condom on him while twisting his fist on him no more than twice -unfair- before playfully slapping the blond's ass, urging him to climb onto the bed again.
It's then that your hips are jerked and raised towards the blond, huge palms on your hips, pulling you towards him. Nervous touches, unspoken apologies for potentially harsh movements, his eyes are flickering into yours and his lips are all pouty, scrunched, his cheeks plump with embarrassment. He doesn't know if you notice, nor does he think he ever will, but it's killing him -that he's only allowed to line himself up with you under this circumstance.
Whether you notice the hurt in his eyes or not, you don't comment on it, nor do you spare him any worried look. He doesn't even know if he wants you to take pity on this state of his.
No, he doesn't.
He only hopes Kirishima won't get mad when he cups your face tenderly, nor when he traps your face with his other hand caging you away from the redhead thigh -it's for better leverage he'll say if he's asked to- but you melt into his touch.
And his chest burns.
It's worse when he finally pushes into you. His heart won't stop beating hard and fast and he's scared he's going to have a fall. No-no- he shouldn't think about it, if he does think about it, he'll definitely have a fall.
"Ooh, ooh, ooh," You murmur, feeling the voice come from the depths of your chest.
That's the only confirmation he needs to ignite his ego and light it on fire. You feel good, you're sucking him in deeper and your cheek is still melting into his palm. It's more than enough; he ignores Kirishima's gaze and whatever it may carry behind it. It's for his own sanity he reminds himself.
"You're doing so good babe,'' Kirishima asks you, cupping your other cheek. He's smiling- no need to worry about him not having a positive reaction to Bakugo caressing you
(The rules that had been presented to him were simple- wear a condom and no kissing)
"You're taking it so well, isn't she Katsuki?"
"Fuck yeah" He grunts, thrusting harder
"So, so well baby, we'll make sure you get to come first okay?" You ogle your eyes at Kirishima, teary and soft by his words, clapping your lips together and pouting, begging him silently for a kiss. Only to feel the void when his soft lips don't come in contact with yours
"Oh no, no kiss for baby. You're so naughty, wanting me to kiss you when you're getting fucked by our friend"
"What?" You whine, popping on to your left elbow "Eiji- i want my kiss"
"None can do" He smiles and Bakugo snaps his hips into you "unless you earn it"
Your stomach is tied in a knot again, gummy walls tightening around Bakugo, back arching. It's almost painful to watch you sprawled like this underneath him, reacting in peak with the rhythm of his hips, begging him to go faster, harder. At one point, he's losing himself in the speed he's fucking you with, feeling like he's about to combust from inside out is not helping either
-He thinks, he'll be spent for days after this-
It's guttural, the way you feel as Bakugo thrusts inside of you, the way you mewl and twitch and feel your eyes roll to the back of your head. You feel full, so much that you mutter it, slurred and incomprehensibly at Kirishima. It's more than enough for him to rub your chin with his thumb and buck his hips on your face again. You take him eagerly, smiling with your lips when he lands on your tongue. You swirl it around, pump him deeper into your mouth, suck on his tip until he moans in sync with you.
"Bakugoo" He hisses, biting his lip as he's eyeing you "don't chase your own satisfaction! Go slower and rub her clit too" He takes Bakugos hand away from your face, tracing it down your body before landing on your heat, pinching your clit softly making you moan "ah so responsive"
For a while he doesn't move his hand away, focused on guiding Bakugo's fingers on you, teaching him how to make you feel good while he's fucking and you're on fire, gut churning and chest tight, ovestimulated by how good it all feels. You can't even take a proper breath as Kirishima humps deeper into your mouth. He groans too loud when his tip hits your cheek.
You know this is too much for him, you know he can't hold back any longer, but you grab onto his shaft and twirl your grin on his base, bobbing it into your cheek and popping it out before swallowing it again.
And while Bakugo's thrusts are becoming desperate, Kirishima bursts into your mouth, holding your hair softly, pulling you closer to you- closer, closer, until your nose hits his navel, biting on his cheeks and squinting his eyes so he won't shut them, drunk on the view of you overflowing with his come. He only grubs your chin, swiping his thumb on the white trail that's spilling from the corner of your lips, trying his best to smirk at you without taking a breath.
"Swallow it sweetheart -ah- that's right, you're so -fuck- perfect for me"
Your lower stomach is protesting, bursting slowly as Bakugo is thrusting faster into you. His speed, him hitting that spot in your gut repeatedly, creating the perfect feeling of numbness, it's all too much and not enough all at once, you want to cry out- you gush and you writhe as your legs hook around Bakugo's waist.
Your boyfriend retreats from his previous position, smiling as ever, petting Bakugo's blonde hair, massaging your breast, kissing your nipple, then attacking your upper chest, trapping supple skin in between his tongue and teeth, dragging Bakugo along with him. It's what ultimately leads Bakugo over the edge, his tip feeling numb, blood rushing all over his body, he thrusts a few more times before he pulls out, spilling his own satisfaction into the condom, feeling his heart race faster than ever before.
"Your doing sooo good" Kirishima says once more, pecking your lips repeatedly. "Wanna ride me? Or are you tired? "
"Fuck no, lay down"
"That's my girl" He smiles "Katsuki, come here"
Kirishima rubs your wetness up and down, grunting when he finds your clit, grazing it with the back of his hand, whispering about how wet you are, to which you respond by hugging your arms around his neck, hiding your face in the crook of his neck. You only pull back when he lets you coo into him by petting your hair softly.
You're instantly met with Bakugo's eyes blazing into yours from above- it's not intimidating, rather, it's lustful, but you still need some time to pull yourself back, despite the eagerness in his eyes. You must have missed the point where he discarded his condom, or just how thick he actually is, because he's standing hard and proud before you, nervously searching for Kirishima's approval.
Your boyfriend's approval comes with gripping on him and easing him close to you. You take him in both of your hands, relying on Kirishima to keep your torso lifted, focusing on twisting your hand around him in the same way you did for Eijiro. Too bad you almost lose grip when He snaps his hips into you.
You can feel Katsuki's dick twitch into your hands as you pull him down lower, getting your tongue out of your mouth to place kitten lips all over his length. Eijiro mimics you, licking the tip when you're not licking the base, letting you take control when he ceases his movements for a bit, to lift both of you a little higher, so you don't have to bend your neck as much. He strokes some sweaty strands of hair away from your face, he kisses your cheek and Bakugo is already thrusting into your mouth feverously.
"You're so wet baby, you feel like you could take us both" You yelp, wide eyes as you freeze on the spot "want to take us both?"
"I do" You yelp with tears in your eyes "I do I do, I do I do"
"Oh, look at you being so desperate, want to get -ah- wrecked, don't you?"
"I do Eiji- you cry out
"Then ask Katsuki to take you too, ask him to shove his cock into you while I'm fucking you too, like the greedy little thing you are"
At this point, you think poor Bakugo isn't going to make it to the end of this.
"Katsu" You plead, watery eyes staring into desperate carmine ones "Katsu fuck me while Eiji fucking me too-"
"Say please" Kirishima interrupts, pinching your nipple "or I'm not going to let him"
"Please, pleaseplease, please"
"Fuck yeah" Katsuki replies "ill fucking wreck you" The sounds he's making are supposed to be words, though they're far from being clear and understandable, his veins are pulsing into your mouth. He's too excited for this, so excited that you know he'll never make it to the drawer to reach for a new condom. So Kirishima is doing it for him, hooking the little rubber between his fingers as he's opening the drawer.
"Come on baby, pull back" He taps on your shoulder and places a kiss on your collar bone, thrusting deeper into you this time. The reaction is immediate, you're throwing your head back in seconds and Bakugo whines at the sudden departure of your warm mouth.
Kirishima allows you to kiss his thighs, his tip, his navel, to squeeze the small of his back and his ass before letting you wear the condom onto him.
You lose track of Bakugo until you feel wet kisses being planted on your thighs and ass, the back of your knees. You feel his hand being placed on your thigh, the warmth of his palm as he's soothingly rubbing it up and down your skin, to prepare you, raising his thumb to graze at your crotch occasionally. You whine every time he thumbs your clit, or flicks it when it meets with Kirishima's navel.
"You good? I'll start with my fingers" You choke on the sound of his words and nod frantically. If only you could actually watch him when he delves his middle finger in you along with Eijiro's cock. Still you whine loudly, when another finger joins the first one, slowly scissoring inside of you "fuck you're gonna take it so well aren't you? Kirishima's right. You love this"
"Answer him," Kirishima whispers, teeth biting down in your lobe. He grabs your face, trapping your cheeks between his fingers, turning you in Katsuki's direction, pushing your cheeks together. You swallow when you see the blind focused on watching you stretch.
"I love it
But Eijiro isn't satisfied with how you're trying to make your words get past from your lips
"Say it like you mean it doll, or I won't let your friend put it in"
You eye him dangerously, putting your lips even further before muttering a soft 'fine' -your redhead doesn't make a comment on your little attitude, probably because he's gotten what he's wanted from you- and Katsuki hisses, fisting his cock faster.
"I love it so much Katsuh"
"And Eiji- you mean. It's not only him that's here" Kirishima smirks and this time he pulls out of you, flipping your body so that your back is facing him. One hand comes to your wetness, spreading your lips apart, stretching you wide open "Try again" He lets go just for a moment, to slap your clit loosely. Once. Twice. Never ceasing when you whine. Your hips buck up towards Katsuki.
"Look at how nice I am, I even gave you a full view. Am I not?"
"You are Eiji. You're the best, the best. And I love this so much, I'm going to combust"
"Oh you will?" Katsuki interrupts, grunting when Kirishima pulls his dick closer to you, rubbing the head on your clit until Katsuki gets the hint. You let out a guttural groan at the feeling, tears starting to form in the corners of your eyes from being too overstimulated for so long
"Yes baby, I will, just please"
"M going in-" Katsuki announces, earning a nod from Kirishima "If he won't let you come, then we don't listen to him 'kay?"
Kirishima chuckles at the one and bites the top of your ears dragging his tongue to the base of it- a warning- to not try and agree with what Katsuki's offering. And being obedient definitely pays off when you feel your boyfriend's head poke against your entrance.
It feels splitting and painful all at once; the tears in your eyes are pouring, and none of the caresses you're receiving is helping. You need time to adjust and both men provide that for you. Minutes pass spent with soft kisses. Kirishima sucking your neck and Bakugo kissing your breasts, the three of you making out- anything until you feel like you can get used to them.
And when you do, they go slow, each at their own pace, simultaneously hitting spots that you don't know could or should ever be hit at the same time.
"You good?" Both men ask and you have to gulp that frog that sits at the top of your mouth if you want to talk, but you can't. Your throat is too tight, your eyes are too watery
"Better than I thought I'd be actually"
You get lost in the haze of their hips, their thrusts and you can already feel Katsuki collapsing onto you, chasing his own pit of pleasure when it hits you. Your gut coming undone for the last time has your heart leaping and skipping beats; you hook your arm around Katsuki's neck, jumping up and down from how fast both men are thrusting into you and you bring your face to his, cooling your mouths together.
When he feels you clamp down on him -and Kirishima- he pulls out, rolls the condom off and strokes himself slightly. You whine at the sudden departure of him inside of you but you quickly clamp down on just your boyfriend, before feeling him shifting from underneath you, finally pushing down the small of your back. You take Katsuki into your mouth while Kirishima slaps your ass, thrusting fast and hard into you.
There's no sweet talk right now, authority and intimidation hiding away as satisfaction is being chased. Sloppily and not carefully at all. It's evident in how you're sucking Katsuki off. There's no consistency in your rhythm, you're squirming as Kirishima is slowing down before picking up his pace again, running his hands through your hair affectionately. When he comes, he coats your insides in white ropes of pleasure, riding off his orgasm softly, until he feels himself stop twitching.
By the time he pulls out you've made Katsuki come as well, hearing his high pitched grunts as he lets it all out in your mouth. Although this time you're not overwhelmed with the amount; it's his second round nonetheless.
Katsuki's hands don't cease to take this chance, even if they're awkward and shaking he's grabbing your cheeks squishing them just like Kirishima did a while ago and kisses you, poking his tongue in your mouth, moaning at his own taste, pulling your lips under his teeth.
You know your lips will be bruised by this. And you don't care. Because when he pulls back, Kirishima is kissing you as well, pulling you into his arms, caging you into his chest.
You even smile as tiny, peppery kisses are pressed onto your skin.
"You did so well" Kirishima smiles "you too Katsu, you both were amazing"
Katsuki smiles, popping onto the bed as well, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling himself onto you and Kirishima. He nuzzles his nose at the crook of your neck and for the first time in a while he feels warm, content, calm and collected. Or so you think by the kiss that's planted onto your back by him.
It's tender and soft, mimicking Kirishima's but feeling nothing like your boyfriend's kisses at the same time. You collapse further into Kirishima's chest and he kisses the top of your hair and your cheek, mellowy.
"Wanna take a bath?" He suggests under his breath and both you and Katsuki nod, sinking further in the sheets with heavy eyes. Maybe when your feet won't feel like they'll betray you, you'll get up and have a warm bath, sandwiched between Katsuki and Eijiro, smothered in kisses, lathered in lavender soap, maybe you'll make a cup of chamomile for the three of of you and cuddle between them before you go to sleep.
Until then…
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captains-simp · 3 years
Wanda Maximoff ~ Fake It Till You Make It
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Wanda version of this fic as requested by @yeetus-thyself
7.7k words
Warnings: shitty family and homophobia
[ masterlist ]
Buy me a coffee ☕
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"Pleeaasse, Wan" You pouted once again. You had been begging Wanda for the favour for an hour now; her stubborness was proving hard to overcome.
"I'm busy." Wanda said, her accent strong as she walked around her appartment to collect things for her next mission.
"But will you be busy on the 10th?" You asked from the couch where you watched her disappear into various rooms as she talked.
"I thought you said it was a few days." Wanda quipped, seemingly only giving you half her attention.
"It is." You confirmed with some hope.
"So I'd need to clear my schedule for more than just the 10th." You huffed and rested your head on the back of couch.
"Yes you would. I'm sure Natasha can manage without you for a few days."
"I wouldn't be too sure about that." She muttered.
"Please, Wan." You tried. "I need a win." Wanda stopped by the kitchen counter and gave you a long, considering look. You had long given up on your puppy dog eyes and instead copied her expression as you chewed on your bottom lip.
"I'll think about it." Wanda finally said before grabbing something from the cupboard. It was the best response you had gotten all night and you knew you wouldn't get anything more. So you accepted it and hoped for the best.
Your parents had invited you to their cabin for a few days just like they did every year. It was a beautiful place. You could spend your whole visit in the forest along the back. Or swimming in the clear lake that was a short walk away. The cabin itself was the cosiest place you had ever been and had been where some of your best memories had happened as a kid.
As you got older things changed. Being around your family, especially your parents, wasn't as enjoyable. They had high expectations for their children, expectations that your siblings had met without a problem but ones that you had struggled with. You enjoyed your life. You had the kind of relationships you had always hoped for, you loved your job and you had the perfect balance of the two. But you could never shake the feeling that you had failed.
Your brother was a surgeon who always told you all stories of the lives he saved and the close calls he had swooped in to save people from. One of your sisters was some hot shot lawyer who had done great things like help people wrongly convicted but still put dangerous people back on the street. And your other sister was the CEO of an energy company that you never quite understood. They even all had equally successful partners who loved to talk about themselves as much as your siblings did. You didn't have any of that. But you did have Wanda.
Knowing the Avengers was the only thing about you your family took interest in. They were always subtly hinting at wanting to meet your friends. But you knew the Avengers had to endure enough fan service and didn't want to push your family onto them, especially with how annoying they all were.
However as your family's unrealistic expectations reached their all time high you were sure you wouldn't be able to handle another trip with them without a win, and you were far too petty to take the moral high ground and just not go. Not to mention that was a huge part of you that was dying to see what the Wanda girlfriend experience would entail. Yep, that was what you were asking of Wanda. To pretend to be your partner for the duration of the trip.
You knew it wasn't a smart choice. That if Wanda agreed your crush on her could get out of hand. You knew you would end up getting too caught up in the act. You could have, no - should have - asked Natasha or Yelena or even Carol if she was around. But your family knew you were the closest with Wanda and she would be the one it felt the most natural with, and the most believable. At least, that was what you told Wanda.
"When are you going?" You asked, changing the subject in hopes that Wanda wouldn't suddenly conclude she didn't want to do it (then you really would have to ask one of the others).
"Tomorrow." She answered, keeping her focused tone.
"When will you be back?" You attempted to keep the concern out of your voice but the glance the redhead gave you told you you hadn't done a good job.
"The day after." She said, softer this time. You nodded as you looked down at your lap and tried not to think about everything that could possibly go wrong on her mission.
"Be safe." Wanda strolled over to you and placed her hand gently ontop of yours and gave it a quick squeeze.
"Got any plans Saturday night?" Natasha smirked knowingly at her friend as they preped for their mission.
"No." Wanda replied as she adjusted her earpiece.
"Nothing with y/n then?" Nat asked, partly genuinely but mostly knowing Wanda would still say no.
"Nope." She said again, biting the inside of her cheek in consideration before speaking again. "Not this Saturday."
Natasha raised an eyebrow in surprise and interest. Wanda rarely made any kind of special plans with you as you would always hang out casual and it was never anything fancy or different. She had always wanted to though.
"Plans for another time?" Nat continued as she double checked her pack.
"Maybe, I'm still thinking about it." The redhead turned fully to her friend at her words, confused at why Wanda was hesitant to spend time with you. "She wants me to go to the cabin with her and her family." Nat had heard all about the infamous cabin and your family.
"That sounds fun." Nat nodded. The cabin sounded fun. Your family did not.
"As her girlfriend." Nat's eyes widened excitedly but before she could speak Wanda clarified. "Her pretend girlfriend."
Nat paused and looked as though she was going to speak for several seconds until she stuck to just giving a confused look.
"Yeah." Wanda sighed. "Thinks it would seem impressive." Wanda had tried not to be hurt over that. She knew you weren't just friends with her to show her off to people, because you never did. But it hurt her to think the only time you could see her in a romantic way was when you were pretending.
"Well," Nat muttered as she adjusted the zip along the front of her catsuit. "Fake it till you make it." It was Wanda's turn to give Nat a questioning look. "Maybe it'll be an eye opener for her."
"You think I should do it?" She asked, fully open to hearing and accepting her friend and mentor's advice in that area.
"Definelty." Nat confirmed. She wasn't sure about it for the reasons she said though. Wanda's crush on you was obvious to everyone except you, just as it was vice versa.
You had been overjoyed when Wanda told you she would come with you to the cabin and play along as your girlfriend. She had told you when she came back from her mission, in fact it was the first thing she said after she had let herself into your appartment. It was never really brought up after that, but you couldn't deny you were incredibly anxious on the week leading up to the visit.
On the drive up to the cabin you and Wanda stayed in a comfortable silence most of the time, clearly both lost in thought. You had the radio on for background noise more than anything else, but you would occasionally lightly tap the steering wheel if there was a tune you recognised, oblivious to Wanda's acknowledging smiles.
"So what's the plan?" Wanda asked as she looked at you expectantly. Right, of course the Avenger wanted a strategy.
"Keep things simple, I guess. They know how we met already so we can just say at some point we took things a step further than friendship." Wanda didn't seem convinced at the simplicity of that. "Look they're not going to want to hear about us, not much at least. They prefer the sound of their own voices, they'll be trying to impress you is all."
"Impress me?" Wanda asked.
"Yeah, hope you warm up to them so one day they can invite you to their snobby parties." Wanda chuckled her heart warming laugh as she glanced out of the window, knowing there was a lot of truth to what you said.
"And what are those like?" She enquired curiously.
"I wouldn't know, I've never been invited." You said simply. You had gotten over that a long time ago, gotten used to being forgotten. Wanda clearly hadn't though.
"It will be an honour to turn them down." Wanda said. You shook your head and smiled at her. That did sound pretty nice.
When the cabin came into sight between the trees your nerves spiked. You figited in your seat and bit your lip when you saw some of your family gathered outside, their attention instantly on you. You shot Wanda a quick smile which she returned before you got out of the car.
"Y/n! So nice of you to come." You mum said as her eyes flickered to Wanda more than you. She opened her arms for the shortiest hug in human history before turning to Wanda. "You must be Wanda, we've heard so much." You mum insisted as she brought the redhead in for a hug too. She raised her eyebrows at you over your mum's shoulder and you bite back a laugh.
The others came over to greet you and mainly Wanda in a rush, overwhelming both of you.
"You two will be in the upstairs bedroom on the left." Your mum told you as you went to grab your bags. You did a double take, convinced you had heard her wrong. That was the best room in the house. A big difference from being in the small room in the basement every other time you had been there.
"First one on the left." Your dad confirmed. There was no way your parents were going to be in the basement so you wondered who else had been moved around but didn't ask, knowing whoever it was wasn't going to be happy.
You and Wanda made your way up to the room and you couldn't help but smile at the sight of the spacious room and the door you knew led to your en suite.
"That was...a lot." Wanda summarised as she said her bag under the bed.
"I would tell you it gets better but I don't want to get your hopes up." You sighed as you got a couple of things out.
"It's just a few days." Wanda said despite the fact you should have been assuring her.
"Yeah." You nodded and stared down at the floor. "Now c'mon." You suddenly said as you took ahold of Wanda's hand and laced your fingers together. You missed the startled blush that crept onto her cheeks when you turned around.
Your family were sat outside whispering amongst themselves when you returned. Their interested gaze fell to your entwined hands in an instant.
"So you work with the Avengers?" Your brother, Dalton, said as soon as you both sat down.
"I do, I'm one myself." Wanda said as she continued to hold onto your hand.
"Must be crazy, what are they like?" He enquired.
"They're good." Wanda said simply. Everyone clearly expected something more but Wanda pretended not to notice making you smile.
"I almost did business with Stark once, decided against it in the end." Claire announced proudly. You and Wanda exchanged knowing glances. Stark had told you all about his encounter with your sister, it definetly wasn't her turning him down.
"I was invited to one of his parties." Anna said quickly. "I was busy that night unfortunately."
Bull. Shit.
"Yes I remember working with Doctor Strange when he was still in the medical profession." You gave Wanda an I-told-you-so look as your family erupted into conversation over who had the most contact with the heroes. That had to be a new record of how quickly they started talking about themselves.
They continued like that until your mum called everyone in for dinner. The food smelt undeniably amazing as you took your place at the table next to Wanda and eyed the dishes infront of you. Your parents efforts to impress the redhead weren't all that bad.
Your family continued to catch up and and you and Wanda half listened as you ate. They were all doing as well for themselves as ever and still hadn't learnt any modesty.
Although you were proud of your siblings for what they had all achieved, Wanda had contained four potentially devastating bombs from going off in the space of half an hour a week before but she wasn't going to bring that up anytime soon. Eventually though, the attention turned to you to bring you out of your silence.
"And you're still working in that little café, y/n?" Your mum asked curiously.
"I own it, mum." You corrected quietly as you stabbed some pieces on your plate.
"Ah yes, quite the contrast though, isn't it. Between you two." She said as she pointed at you and Wanda with her fork. You didn't say anything to that because you felt there really wasn't anything to say in response. It wasn't like you hadn't thought that exact thing every now and then.
"The team loves it." Wanda said suddenly making everyone, including you, look at her in slight surprise from speaking up. It hadn't taken your family long to learn Wabda wasn't much of a talker, not to them anyway. You couldn't get her to shut up half the time. "At least one of us goes everyday. If we're lucky we all can. Nothing beats it." She defended simply before turning back to her food to show she wasn't going to say anymore. You smiled down at your plate at her words and the truth of them.
No one said anything in response, clearly shocked from this new information until Dalton spoke up.
"But doesn't Stark like fancy, top of the line, restaurants? I can't imagine him in some random coffee shop, no offence sis." He nodded towards you though you knew he didn't mean it. He couldn't let you have just one win.
"That random coffee shop has catered some of Stark's parties. Not that many though." A smug smile crept onto Dalton's face as he opened his mouth to make a snarky remark but Wanda cut him down again. "Because y/n's invited to the rest as a guest and a close friend." Your family stared at you with open mouths.
"You've been invited to Stark's parties?!" Anna exclaimed. In your defence, your family never wanted to hear about your life so you never got the chance to tell them anything.
"It's not really my crowd." You shrugged. "I just go to hang out with them after." Dalton's jaw clenched in annoyance and he didn't say anything for the rest of dinner. It was only really your mum who kept talking. Telling everyone about her latest travels that fell on death ears.
It was certainly a first for your family.
When everyone had finished their food you and Wanda excused yourselves and said goodnight before retiring to your room. Wanda shut the door gently as you collapsed onto the bed on your back and glared at the ceiling. The redhead shuffled around quietly to get her toothbrush and toothpaste and some other things you weren't really paying attention to and went into the bathroom.
When she came back out she was in her bedclothes and lifted your feet off the floor to turn you so you could fully lay on the bed. You smiled at her weakly.
"You should go get changed." Wanda said as she got her laptop out her bag. "Then you can pick a movie." She announced when she had gotten under the covers and started her laptop. You smiled more and nodded.
You tried not to think about your family and everything they had said at dinner as you got changed but it proved difficult. Everything they had said echoed around in your head but most of all you couldn't shake the disregarding ways they said it. It was as though you could do no right with them. Maybe they would never be proud no matter what you did.
You placed your toothbrush back I'm the holder and rinsed your mouth before heading back into the bedroom to an awaiting Wanda.
You got under the covers next to her and rested your head on her shoulder as you glanced at the Netflix screen and pointed to one of the comedy movies.
About ten minutes into the movie Wanda spoke. "You okay?" She whispered as she continued to look at the screen although that wasn't where her focus was.
"Yeah." You whispered back.
"You can talk to me." She said after a second." You moved your head away so you could see Wanda clearly.
"I'm so glad you're here." You said honestly. She smiled and nodded as her eyes searched yours.
"I'm glad I'm here too." You knew Wanda wasn't glad she had to spend the time with your family. She was glad that she could support you despite their efforts to bring you down. You were incredibly lucky to have her.
You rested your head back on her shoulder and neither of you spoke for the rest of the movie. Or the rest of the night. You must have fallen asleep about half an hour in.
Wanda was one of the most intimate people you had ever met. It was mainly something she aimed towards you and Natasha but didn't refrain from comforting others and giving hugs to anyone who would take one. She never held back at all with you, as far as you knew. But when you woke up and couldn't tell where your limbs started and Wanda's ended, you were still surprised to find yourselves like that. Butterflies flew around in your stomach in a way you knew was dangerous but couldn't help but love.
You were resting your head on her rising chest and had your arm slung across her stomach. Your legs were tangled together and her arms were holding onto your waist. A warmth spread through you and you decided to settle back into her hold and closed your eyes with a content smile.
You had about ten minutes to enjoy that before Wanda woke up. You could feel the moment she realized you were so close, she physically froze. You waited in anticipation for something for several moments until your friend very slowly unhooked her legs and guided your body to lay against the mattress and pillows as she slipped out of bed towards the bathroom.
You sighed when you heard the door close and rubbed your eyes slowly, knowing you should get up but wishing more than anything that you could return to how you woke up.
"Morning." Wanda croaked when she left the bathroom and saw you sitting up in bed.
"Morning." You said back with a smile and tried not to focus on how ridiculously attractive her voice sounded.
You gathered some random clothes into a bundle and went into the bathroom to change again and brush your teeth. When you came out Wanda was pulling her shirt over her head and gave you a generous view of her toned stomach. That training with Natasha really was paying off. Your face heated up when you saw it and you turned away to pretend you hadn't seen when Wanda noticed you.
"Don't make a sound." Wanda warned. You glanced up at her with some confusion. "I don't think your family's awake yet, that means we get the kitchen to ourselves." She grinned and you did too.
You and Wanda had gotten so used to getting up early for your jobs you forgot other people would still be sleeping. It was hard to break out of the habit but it proved useful.
The pair of you made a quick breakfast and ate it outside thanks to the warm weather even at that time. But soon enough your parents came downstairs and ruined the peaceful atmosphere with the clanging of pots and loud convosations.
You wandered around the side of the house and saw the old table tennis table that bad been folded away years ago and hadn't been set up since. You went over and started setting it up when Wanda joined you and eyed the table with a glimmer of mischief.
The redhead wasn't all that competitive, in fact you were pretty sure she let other people win games on the regular to make them feel better about themselves. But there was an undeniable spark of mischief in her eyes when she saw the table.
"You played this before?" You asked convosationally.
"I have." She said as you both automatically took up your positions of opposite ends of the table.
"Me too." You said confidently. "A lot." Wanda hummed in acknowledgment and swivelled her bat in her hand and stood ready. You smiled at her seriousness for the game.
You served surprisingly well for someone who hadn't played in a few years and Wanda was able to hit it back with ease. Once you had developed a steady pace you started hitting the ball more daringly to Wanda who was caught off guard before she started doing the same.
The moment you missed the ball a small smile tugged at the corner of Wanda's lips, her celebration was short lived when you suddenly sent the ball back her way until it was too late.
"That wasn't fair!" She exclaimed childishly.
"That was tables tennis." You said seriously but started smiling again.
Wanda huffed dramatically and flipped you off as she trudged back to the table and served the ball with force. You managed to send it back but took a step away from the table in caution.
You continued like that for a while. The competition tension rising as you picked up the pace, one of you occasionally getting a point before the other evened it out.
At one point you were vaguely aware of Dalton sauntering over to see what you were doing and arched his brow at the sight of the table.
"We still have this thing?" He questioned and you hummed quietly in response, too focused on the game.
"Hey Claire! Get over here, we're playing table tennis." You rolled your eyes at the intrusive and could sense Wanda refraining from doing the same until an idea popped into your head.
You caught the ball in your hand and smiled at Wanda's protests as you moved round to her side of the table just as your sister came out.
"I didn't even know we still had this." Claire laughed as she picked up another bat from the box.
"Maybe we should take it back with us." Wanda whispered to you and you bit your lip to contain your smile because yes, yes you should.
Inevitably, your siblings sucked at table tennis. You had suspected as much you just never thought they would be as bad as they were. They missed almost every hit and everytime they did they got increasingly angry, which meant they ended up flaring their arms around like idiots. It was a memory you would be sure to treasure.
"Stupid game" and "probably broken" kept echoing across the table until your siblings finally stormed off to throw a tantrum.
The rest of the day went by quietly. You and Wanda sat by the lake for most of the afternoon to enjoy the sun and heat. You reveled in the most recent memories of your siblings embarrassment and had to keep hushing down to childish whispered whenever one of them was nearby.
Surprisingly, dinner went by peacefully too.
You weren't asked anymore questions at the table. Instead, your family were content with talking about their upcoming plans between stealing glances at you and Wanda that the redhead never failed to notice.
The pair of you slipped off to your room the first moment you got and easily fell into bed besides one another. Wanda picked out a DVD from her bag of an old Sokovian show she used to watch as a child and had you hooked on as well as teaching you the language.
She settled down beside you and within the first few scenes she wrapped an arm around your shoulder so you could sink into her further like she did sometimes when you watched things together. You were barely paying attention to the series after that.
Despite trying to keep your focus on understanding what was happening in scenes of the show, you couldn't help but want to melt under the warmth of your best friend. You hoped it was something you got to experience more, you felt safer than you ever had in Wanda's arms.
Little did you know that having you in her arms was the most comforting feeling Wanda ever experienced and she always tried to do it as little as possible to refrain from falling for you more. It never worked.
You had thought waking up in Wanda's arms the morning before had been the best thing to awake to. But that day when you woke up not only were your legs tangled together again but the redhead was slowly stroking your hair while your head rested on her chest.
It was a gradual gesture that maintained a perfect rhythm and made you want to fall back asleep. But you were afraid you would mistake it for a dream later on. No, it was definitely real.
Luckily, your head was already tilted upwards slightly so when you secretly opened your eyes to risk a peek at your friend you saw her staring out the window as though she was in a trance. She was clearly so deep in thought she hadn't noticed you wake up, you had never seen her like it. But the feeling was too good to ignore, too compelling.
Soon enough, you found yourself drifting off back to sleep.
When you woke up again Wanda was gone. Her absence left an emptiness you knew wasn't good for you. As the days of your visit went on your fake relationship with Wanda was going to effect you even more when it was over.
Over...you couldn't think about that.
Once you got up and got changed you found Wanda in the kitchen looking at the news on her phone as she sipped her coffee.
"Morning, honey." You grinned. Wanda blushed slightly into her coffee, something you thought was undeniably adorable.
"Morning yourself." She tried to play off smoothly making you grin more.
You made breakfast for you both just as your mum came into the kitchen and greeted you both with an overplayed smile, already talking to Wanda about an upcoming party that she should go to. Wanda mumbled something about a busy schedule as you managed to whisp her away outside with your food.
Eventually, you and Wanda became bored with sitting around in the house when you had such amazing surroundings on your doorstep. You declared that you were going on a walk with the redhead and left before any of your family could invite themselves to go with you. Especially as you had told your friend to wear her swimwear underneath her clothing as you had a surprise for her.
You made a point of holding Wanda's hand as you left and once you were far away from the house went to take it back only for her to hold on tighter.
"You never know where they could be lurking." She joked as an excuse, so you starting swinging your arms playfully as to assure her you wanted your hands to stay linked together too.
You spent hours in those woods and was thankful for having a spy best friend who of course knew to pack the essentials like food and drinks so you could stay away from the house as long as you wanted.
The redhead brought so much you were able to have a small picnic on top of a hill that overlooked the large lake that stretched out all the way back to the house. You remembered thinking up stories as to explain the strange shape and curves to it as a child.
"It's beautiful here." Wanda said as she picked some grapes from the bunch between you.
"It is." You agreed with a fond smile.
"I used to want to live in a place like this." She muttered, sparking your interest.
"In the woods?" You asked curiously and she nodded.
"I thought I could retire to the woods and get a small cabin and I could grow my own food and that was all I needed." You hummed with a smile as you studied Wanda's features.
"Sounds lonely." You thought aloud.
"I'd have a cat." She said simply making you laugh. "I never used to think that but now when it crosses my mind and I picture that life... I picture someone else there with me." You knew she was imagining it as she spoke and you wished you could see exactly what it was she wanted.
"We could always downgrade the holiday house." You half joked as you nodded in the vague direction of the house. "Make it a simple cabin."
"We?" Wanda asked hopefully, the emotion clear before she had a chance to conceal it.
"There's no one I'd rather run away and live in the forest with." You joked although there was a lot of truth to your words. The redhead considered you for a while before smiling and nodded as though she had reached her own internal conclusion.
"Come on." You said suddenly as you stood up and dusted yourself off.
"You want to go back?" Wanda asked and you grinned.
"I'm going to show you that surprise." You declared and packed the remaining food away. Wanda did the same, eager to see the surprise you kept secret the whole way.
It was quite a way back to the house. The whole time Wanda kept asking more questions about it but you wouldn't say. She could only make guesses based on the swim wear which should have left only a few options, non of which she got right.
Finally, you arrived where you wanted to and grinned at Wabda before starting towards the edge. The redhead frowned as she watched you approach the ledge and became worried when she invisioned the steep slope that didn't always lead to water straight down. If you were to fall... your friend didn't have to wait long to see that. You slipped along the edge and disappeared from her view as she gave a startled cry and sprinted towards the edge and knelt over with wide eyes, expecting to see something that could haunt her forever but instead she saw you on a wide ledge but seven feet below her.
To your left was part of the ledge that had been dug into randomly and acted as perfect aid to get back into the woods above.
"Come down here." You beckoned as you starter to take your top off. Wanda's eyes widened more and quickly turned around and dropped down next to you steadily.
She glanced over the side of the small ledge to glance at the fifty foot drop into the water. There was nothing in the way to fall onto but there was no telling how deep that water was.
"You can't go in like that." You laughed as you kicked off your shorts and pushed them to the side.
Wanda's face heated up at the sight of you in your y/f/c bikini as you assessed the view. But even in her flustered state she was able to put it all together.
"You want to jump down there?" She exclaimed making you laugh.
"I've done it tones of times." You assured. "It's fun."
"It's a death wish! What if the waters not deep enough?" She questioned making you laugh more.
"Are you scared, Wan?" You teased as you took a step towards her making her avert her eyes from your form. She scoffed to play it off.
"Of course not." You hummed in faux belief.
"Well then I'll see you down there." You grinned and took a couple of steps back until your feet were no longer on the platform and you were plummeting down towards the water where you landed with a splash.
Wanda held her breath as she waited for you to resurface for a few agonising seconds. When you did with a gasp and started kicking around frantically to keep yourself afloat with your built up adrenaline the redhead sighed in relief and started taking off her own shorts and shirt and placed them next to your things.
You've jumped from higher. She told herself as she rocked on her feet. And you have powers! She argued back before she shoved those thoughts aside and threw herself off the ledge and into the water below. You laughed as she came back up and pushed her hair away from her way. You swam closer to her and saw her wide smile.
"Fuck." Wanda whispered with a laugh as she looked back up from where you had both come.
"Told you it was fun." You teased as you tried not to focus on the low cut on her bikini bra.
"Yeah yeah." She laughed and paused when she looked past you and saw you were surprisingly close to the house. She could see the outline of your family sat outside.
"They're looking." Wanda muttered. You could tell by the look on her face who she was talking about. It wasn't like there was anyone else around either.
"Do you think they've caught on?" You asked nervously as you stared at Wanda's brown eyes to stop you looking at your family.
"Maybe..." She considered and glanced around. "It's not like we've been acting like that much of a couple." You scoffed at that.
"At home everyone assumes we're dating and the one time we need it be believable it isn't." You rolled your eyes but couldn't help the smile.
"I know." Wanda laughed for a second but then paused. "Then let's give them something believable." She gently placed both her hands on your waist and pulled you slowly towards her. You let her guide you and took extra notice of the water droplets across her face. You almost trembled when your bare stomachs pressed together in the water lightly.
Wanda's soft hands left your waist and gripped your thighs to pull you up to wrap your legs around her own waist. You couldn't help but giggle at the gesture as you wrapped your arms around the redhead's neck and held onto her waist with your legs in a lock.
"Can I?" Wanda whispered when she lifted your chin with her finger and her other hand came round the back of your neck.
"Just shut up and kiss me." You demanded with a playful smile and leaned in to do it yourself.
You smiled into the kiss and felt Wanda do the same. It was everything you had ever imagined it to be. Her lips were soft and fell into place perfectly against your own as they moved together. Your mind was hazey and your stomach was doing flips at the realisation that you were actually kissing your long time crush. You forced yourself to remember that it was all a show. That Wanda didn't mean it. But she put on a believable act and kissed passionately, even slipping her tongue through your parter lips to explore your mouth further.
When she eventually pulled away you rested your foreheads together to catch your breath and grinned as you closed your eyes.
"You're a really good kisser." You blurted out making Wanda chuckle.
"Not too bad yourself." She teased.
"I hope not, we're gonna have to do that again." You smiled and instantly realized that sounded like a confession you desperetly wished you could claim. "You know because...Once probably wasn't enough to make it entirely believable." You rambled and Wanda nodded somewhat stiffly and let your legs drop back down. You wanted to say something to her, anything but it was all stuck on the tip of your tongue.
Just as you opened your mouth to speak, a small murmurarion of starlings flew across the lake, some of them skimming the water then gaining height again as they got closer to you and Wanda. You both ducked instinctively as they flew over your heads and off towards the forest again as you watched them in awe until they disappeared. You glanced up at the sky and noticed the sun had gone behind a cloud, ableing you to continue looking up at the other birds higher up.
You kicked your legs up slightly so you could lay on your back and outstretch your arms to keep you afloat in the water so you could stare up at the sky without hurting your neck.
You didn't realise Wanda mimicked you until her hands brushed against yours. She withdrew it as soon as you touched and went to murmmer an apology but you smiled and held onto her hand as you both lay watching the birds.
Neither of you had to say anything. It was a comfortable and peaceful silence that was occasionally filled with birds chirping or the sound of a calm breeze. Of all the things you expected to feel on that trip, relaxed was not one of them.
You stayed like that for a while until you were both snapped out of your daydreams by the distant yell that declared dinner. Well, you had to go back to them eventually.
Both of you took your time swimming back to dry land and only felt a shiver when you left the water and the breeze hit you. Wanda spotted and reached the towels before you and wrapped yours around you tightly. You thanked her with a small blush as you both sauntered up to the house where the mouthwatering smell of a barbecue greeted you. Your dad was leaning over it while shooing your brother away as he tried to offer his 'help'.
You and Wanda went inside to change swiftly and came back outside as the food was being placed on plates and your mum finished setting up the buffet. Everyone starter helping themselves and you piled as much food as you could onto the plate. You parents had asked what food Wanda liked and when you gave them a brief list you added in a few things you knew you both loved.
"You gonna eat all that?" Anna asked as she eyed all the food on your plate. Guilt and insecurities washed over you until Wanda purposefully grabbed a large handful of small sausage rolls and put them on her plate that was piled with a considerable amount more food than your own. You smiled at the reassuring gesture as she sat down with a satisfied grin on her face when she saw Anna close her mouth to stay quiet.
"Thanks." You whispered to her as you sat down.
"If you don't eat all that I will." She declared. You were pretty sure she went back for seconds.
Instead of disappearing back to your room like you did the previous nights, you and Wanda stayed with your family for a while after dinner. It wasn't to do with their company, more the mesmerising fire in the firepit you all sat around. You were cuddled up into Wanda's side with a blanket over both of you as you stared at the flames, smiling at their small flickers and dances.
"So Wanda," one of your sisters began, "are any of the other Avengers...you know." She nodded her head in the direction of you both.
Oh boy you though.
"I don't think it's my place to say." Wanda said because yes, a lot of the Avengers were queer.
"Oh come on, you can tell us." Anna encouraged as she sat forward eagerly.
"I could, but I'm not going to." Wanda continued to defy.
"Lay off it guys." You mumbled but was ignored. Your family took it in turns saying her teammates names in hopes of sparking a reaction, clearly forgetting they were facing someone who had been trained by Natasha Romanoff.
"Stark!" Claire said but was instantly shut down by the others.
"He's married!" Dalton objected.
"Could still be bi though." Claire tried but Dalton just scoffed.
"I suppose there's going to be more surprises."
"What does that mean?" Wanda asked with narrowed eyes, feeling protective of her teammates. Dalton met her gaze with his own challenging one.
"I just never thought one of the Avengers would be a dyke." You felt Wanda stiffen as you all held your breath. There was no way to tell what was going through the redhead's mind, especially as after all those years of friendship you still didn't even know what team she batted for. She was an ally at least, but would she see this as her battle to fight?
Upon getting no reaction, Dalton continued. "It makes sense why you'd hang out with y/n though, we always knew something was wrong with her but-"
"That's enough." Your mum snapped with a guilty expression she failed to mask. You swallowed hard and moved to get up, deciding you had heard enough.
"Then you're idiots." Wanda stated as she glared daggers at your brother while you sunk down.
"I'll have you know I have a doctorate-"
"Your idiots." She repeated. "There's nothing wrong with y/n, which is impressive considering she's grown up around you lot." You looked at your friend in awe as she continued.
"She's the most amazing person I've ever known, including any of the Avengers. She's everything that you're not and I'm lucky to call her my girlfriend. It doesn't matter what any of you think of her, I love her and I always will." She declared as shot daggers at each individual family member who had fallen silent. She took your hand and pulled you up from your seat to take you inside.
You couldn't get her saying she loved you out of your head. You reminded yourself over and over again on the way to your room that it was just an act. That the redhead was making her point. But God, how you wished it was real.
She was so gentle with you as she guided you through the house. When you got to your room and broke down sobbing she held you on the bed for a long time until your cries turned to sniffles. The thing was, you weren't sure what you were crying over. Sure, what Dalton had said had hurt. As did the confirmation that your whole family had always looked down on you. But you had known that was the case for a long time, you had moved on from it.
Instead, you may have being crying over what you didn't know and didn't have. How much of what Wanda said was true? It was all based off of something that wasn't real. What if she saw you the same way your family did?
When you stopped crying you became aware of Wanda gently stroking your hair as she rested her head on yours and held you close to her. You remembered the memories you had accumulated over the past few days with her. The kisses, the hand holding, the nights together, how she stood up for you like no one ever had. You loved her so much.
"I think we should go tomorrow." Wanda mumbled and you nodded into her shoulder.
"I'm not going to leave you though, you know that right? You can stay at mine and we'll watch more of those crappy American movies you like." She mocked lightly making you chuckle against her. "Whatever you want."
"I just want you." You said honestly. You knew you shouldn't have said that, but you were too emotionally drained to care.
"I just want you too, y/n." You pulled away from the redhead to look at her clearly.
"I don't think you know what I mean." You sniffed and she smiled at you fondly.
"I mean what I said earlier, around the fire." Your eyes widened slightly and you held your breath.
"It was all an act though." You whispered and Wanda chuckled as she exhaled sharply.
"No y/n." "I think I am inlove with you." She said as she took ahold of your hand and searched your face for any signs of a reaction to her confession.
"Me?" You questioned, not quite believing it.
"Yes you, idiot." You smiled and sighed in relief, not being able to find the words to express your overflowing happiness and numerous other emotions you couldn't quite pinpoint. You let go of Wanda's hand and brought them both up to cup her cheeks. You had done a lot more handholding than kissing in the previous few days. It needed to be evened out.
You closed the gap between you and kissed Wanda with just as much passion as you had in the lake, except all hesitation and questions were gone. Because you knew she loved you. Oh God she loved you. You grinned into the kiss at the thought and felt her hand fall to your hip while the other caressed the side of your neck in the most gentle manner you had ever seen from her.
When you eventually pulled away you rested your forehead against hers, a smile still playing on both your lips.
"Told you we'd have to do that again." You said and and laughed. "I love you too."
"Well I hoped that wasn't a pity kiss." She joked and you smacked her arm playfully.
"It definetly was not and I'll prove it to you by taking you on a date when we get back." You promised as you sat back to look at her clearly.
"Oh yeah?" She asked with a playful smirk and leaned over so her face was inches away from yours.
"Yeah." You said back.
"Well until then, my real girlfriend should definetly just keep kissing me." She said as she pushed you down gently and kissed you again. You smiled against her gleefully.
"Your girlfriend would love to."
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stars-in-our-skies · 2 years
So I read your post about fujoshis and I agree with most of it. the thing I didn't really understand though was what you said about how despite the fact that women who fetishise gay men do exist, the Fujoshi doesn't exist, and is a TERF invention? I'm gonna assume by "fujoshi" people mean a very specific kind of gay fetishiser. So not an "omg I've always wanted a gay best friend" kind of person, but more of a .. "The dreaded fujoshi reads way too many BL mangas and manhwas and is obsessed with gay men" kind of thing. In my experience, and also based on hearsay from the queers in my country, these types of people do exist- though to be completely fair I've never met nor heard of a grown woman who fits this description. Mostly it's teenagers and kids who are- presumably- girls, though heck if I know lol. To be frank, as a transmasc queer guy, I don't give two shits what people get off to in private. I could not care less if the fujoshi "fetishises" me in that sense. In fact I really, really do not want to know.
Which ties in neatly with my next point- whilst I don't care about what people do in their private time, I do care about how they treat real life queer people. Both offline and online. Overstepping boundaries with real life queer men, harassing them online and offline, stuff like that, I've seen it and heard of it, and it's really gross. Even that "smol bean" stuff, honestly, whilst not a full on hate crime, it does count as a microaggression. It can trigger dysphoria, at the very least.
What's worse is that the local fujoshi population is homophobic as fuck in real life. Like they'll say things about how it's a "sin" and they don't think real queer people should have marriage equality, that sort of thing. Even if most the offenders are kids and teens it's still really frustrating.
so I guess my question is.. I'm not really sure how you've come to the conclusion that the "creepy, harasser of gay men" fetishiser is purely a TERF invention and even if she were to exist she's perfectly harmless and simply a misguided ally? I'm pro-fujin, btw. I have strong opinions on the TERFy SWERFy appropriation of the Japanese word fujoshi, and I don't think the answer is to gatekeep all queer media from perceived "women"- I just think that there's some nuance to be had in the Fetishiser Discourse.
i've had this ask in my inbox for quite some time. however, i haven't been in the right headspace to discuss politics in-depth, so i put this on the backburner to return to later. having thought it over a bit, i think i'm ready to continue the conversation. i'm sorry for taking so long, but i hope this response is satisfactory.
first, an amendment to my initial post-- reading back through it, i'm not as proud of my tone. in parts i sound preachy, and in others it just straight up doesn't make sense. i'm chalking this up to my neurodivergence and difficulties with portraying what i mean. i'm not going to rewrite the whole thing, but in summary, the points i made were two-fold:
1) that the archetype of "cishet woman who fetishizes gay men," --aka, the 'western fujoshi' -- was most certainly fed into, if not coined by, TERFs; and
2) that this had a lasting impact on the transmasculine community (and, on a broader scale, the queer community as a whole.)
having said that, i'll move on. to address the meat of your statement:
as you stated, you've never actually encountered this "dreaded fujoshi." neither have i! for the most part, i do not believe they exist, as i've already mentioned and will come back to in a moment.
but also as i've mentioned, i do believe there are people out there who, in one way or another, reduce gay men to nothing more than a fetish or pornography while doing nothing to prove themselves as allies to those same gay men outside of sex. what i mean to say is that these people do not exist in massive numbers. i've certainly never seen them in my almost-decade of being in queer spaces, and i've never spoken to someone who has. you have mentioned as much. i am not referring to them when i refer to "misguided allies" as you've put it -- they're fetishizers. this happens to every queer and/or marginalized identity in some shape or form, not unique to gay men. i'll touch on this later.
rather, the women i'm referring to are those i believe to be closer to misguided allies than a genuine threat -- in my (and your) experience, tend to be teenagers and young girls. in most cases, they aren't straight. and in a large number of cases, they are trans themselves, whether they're aware of it or not.
what i see as likely happening is these teens and kids are just discovering what being queer is after being sheltered their entire life. mind you, i'm referring to western society. i can't comment on, say, asian queer spaces. i'm not asian! but for the most part, it seems like they are genuinely misguided children who are just learning about being gay or trans and politics and their views on the world.
i'm not sure how old you are, anon, but the younger generations were raised on technology. a lot of us have been surrounded by politics and news at our fingertips for our entire lives. the most likely scenario here is that these young teens realize they're queer (&/or find queer media interesting) and, not knowing much better, they become fascinated with this "taboo" subject that has been inaccessible to them up until now.
it reminds me of the twilight era -- wherein young girls were enamored with the plot (or maybe, the pretty boys) because it was made for women. fanfic and media that centers queer people are largely made by minorities. it's easy for these teens to see themselves in it; or, in the case of women, to consume it without having to worry about misogyny. this is a similar topic that i won't dive too deeply into, but the appeal of boylove to women because of the lack of women is something that has been brought up in discourse surrounding the term fujoshi, and i'm sure you're familiar with it. so having said that, i'm sure we can both see why it might be appealing to this demographic.
i think, for the most part, what's described here --the fascination of gay men, the 'smol beans', the referring to it as 'sinful'-- is a misguided reaction from young queer people who don't know better. a lot of the current discourse in the community is being perpetrated by that same demographic (see: anything happening on twitter) so it isn't too far off to believe that those same people could hold misguided views. i think if we're going to talk about problems surrounding the younger queers perpetrating queerphobic rhetoric, it's a much bigger conversation than the fujoshi one, and it certainly doesn't end here.
it's more likely these girls are going through internalized issues than externalized. and that is certainly a problem -- but one that needs to be handled differently than it currently is.
side note, i'm not sure what 'local fujoshi population' you're referring to. we've established that adult women (or, really, anyone over the age of 16 in my experience) do not typically fall under this archetype nor exist on any massive scale. the examples you've given are just textbook homophobia -- they have nothing to do with the Myth of The Fujoshi, so to speak. anyone can be homophobic, not just this specific genre of women or whatever.
so I guess my question is.. I'm not really sure how you've come to the conclusion that the "creepy, harasser of gay men" fetishiser is purely a TERF invention and even if she were to exist she's perfectly harmless and simply a misguided ally?
we're referring to two different things here. "creepy, harasser of gay men" is not a common type of person, not in the fujoshi sense. i've said as much.
i specifically brought up the transmedicalist example in my initial post because it mirrors the same issue. essentially, transmedicalists claim that being transgender is becoming trendy and not taken as a serious issue. they have this idea that there's this terrible AFAB 'woman' who binds because it's 'trendy' and uses neopronouns because she is disrespectful to "real trans people" or even delusional. they point to xenogenders, neopronouns, nonbinary people, and anyone they don't believe to be "trans enough" as an example of this.
this "transtrender crowd" does not actually exist. it is an exaggeration of what they think is happening in order to fearmonger and push their point. there MIGHT be cis people pretending to be transgender because they think it's trendy. but the thing is, if we treat everyone like they're 'pretending', we're going to divide our community, and we won't get to the bottom of the actual issue (that, again, does not exist.) if we're so afraid of this hypothetical scenario, we'll only cause more infighting. we need to believe people in good faith -- this same argument applies to the 'misguided ally' thing above.
THIS is what i meant when i said that this 'fujoshi' you have described does not exist. she is an exaggeration of what people think is happening. and it is that exaggeration that TERFs specifically have created and fed into. they created the idea of a 'woman who fetishizes gay men so much she wants to be one', and then it got repeated -- so far that the transmasculine community has fallen for it, and that the word 'fujoshi' no longer just means 'a woman who reads BL' to most queer people.
this fetishization we have described might occur occasionally, yes. there MIGHT be cishet women who only see gay men as her Smol Yaoi Beans. but it does not exist on a widespread scale -- not to the degree where it warrants this much fearmongering, and the people who are mostly affected by this fear are transmasculine individuals.
the 'fujoshi' being referred to directly stems from TERFs' misogyny and transphobia. they want us to fight each other, and they have succeeded. that was my point.
and, before i go, there's one more thing i forgot to mention initially. you didn't bring this up, but it occurred to me that we haven't discussed how this issue affects asian gay men. in the west, of course -- again, i'm not from asia.
i think if anyone was going to be hurt most by the Fujoshi Trope, it's queer asian men. except, i am white. i cannot tell you how discrimination against queer asian men looks or how it is perpetrated. i cannot give you my personal experiences with it because i do not have them. it exists, for sure -- and i think that it's a part of a larger issue, namely anti-asian racism and queerphobia as a whole. that is something i want to leave to queer asian men -- if any would like to comment on it, i am always eager to listen and adjust my views as such.
taking this into account, that is the only point i could see towards 'women fetishizing gay men' (aka the bastardized western form of a "fujoshi"). i believe my points still stand, namely of this being a TERF-created issue. of course, if anyone wants to discuss it more, my inbox is open.
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ordinaryschmuck · 3 years
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(This is the only time I'll let a comment/reply suggest a story. Only because @mr-walkingrainbow really seemed like they were having a hard time suggesting their drabble for some reason)
Rainstorm Confessions
Eda sat in the living room of the Owl House, wistfully staring at the grom photo of her, Luz, and King. When she heard the front door open, she quickly and discreetly shoved the picture back in her hair so her spouse could notice anything.
"Ok, the rain shield is now in place and ready for the worst," Raine announced, dusting off their hands as if the job was strenuous in any way.
"Still don't know why you're so worked up about it raining? The weather oracles said there was about a ten-percent chance that it would."
"Better to be safe than sorry," Raine shrugged as they sat next to their wife, "Now, do you want to tell me why that photo is bothering you?"
Eda's cocky grin drooped to a grimace at that comment.
"I was kind of hoping you didn't notice."
"What did we promise each other?"
"...No more secrets."
"So?" Raine prompted, allowing Eda a chance to breathe out a sigh before speaking.
"I just miss the kids," she muttered.
"You're talking as if they're dead," Raine grinned, trying to make the mood light, "Luz and King are just a scroll call away from a visit, you know?"
"I know, but it's more than that. Taking care of those two gave me...purpose. Like, I could actually do something worthwhile with my own life."
"You're life is worthwhile. And even though Luz is with her mom and King is with his dad, I'm positive that they'll always come to you for things that count. Like, for instance, how to properly deal with a bully that doesn't involve a duel to the death."
Eda couldn't help the chuckle that came from that.
"Nah, that's probably the first thing I'd suggest," she said, "Still, I see your point. Doesn't mean I don't miss them both like crazy, though. And, to tell you the truth, it's the noise that I miss the most, surprisingly enough. It's kinda unsettling at times with how quiet it gets around here."
"Oh, well, if it's noise that you want, I can easily take care of that," with a twirl of their finger, Raine summoned their violin. Already putting two and two together, Eda allowed herself to sit back and let Raine play away, the melody already causing their living room to radiate with magic. It was a peaceful domestic moment that either witch adored, ultimately resulting in Eda closing her eyes in pure bliss.
Only for the sound of thunder to cause Raine to break their violin strings, thus bringing the peace to an end. The ear-piercing noise was enough to make Eda's eyes burst wide open, to then see that her spouse seemed equally unsettled.
"I guess you were right about that whole 'safe than sorry' thing, huh?" Eda cracked.
Raine nodded.
"Still, that doesn't mean you're allowed to say, 'I told you so,' or anything."
"Sure," Raine said numbly, this time making Eda the one who's worried about her partner. Although, it didn't take long for her worry to slowly morph into cockiness once she figured out what could be the issue.
"Raine, you wouldn't happen to still be afraid of rainstorms, are you?"
Raine gave their full attention to Eda, looking appalled.
"Me? No. Of course not!"
Another thunderclap was heard, causing Raine to jump out of their seat and into Eda's arms. It didn't take long for the bard to notice that Eda's grin only became smarmier.
"You sure you're not scared?"
"...It's liquid death from the sky!" They exclaimed, "It is totally normal to be afraid of it, so don't you dare think that I'm the weird one in this scenario!! In fact, I've met several witches in the bard coven who were just as scared as I am about rain on the Isles."
Despite the attempt, Eda still cackled.
"Don't worry, Rainestorm," she made extra sure to emphasize the nickname for irony's sake. "The big-bad Owl Lady is going to make sure you're safe and sound."
"I'm not a child, Eda!" Raine defended, a flush glowing on their cheeks, "I am a grown adult. I don't need protecting."
And the sound of thunder rang out again, causing Raine to furtherly hold tight onto Eda.
"Nope! Nevermind! Please protect me!"
Eda's smile was warm thanks to that remark. She slowly slid back on the couch, taking Raine down with her, so they both can lay down and relax in each other's arms. Or, in Eda's case, try to make sure her spouse didn't have a heart attack at the next slew of thunderstorms.
And even though she still misses her kids, she's still glad she wouldn't miss a moment like this ever again.
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ecclais-fouoras · 3 years
Falling for someone like you
Chapter 9 ? What a day
Previous chapter here
Tags : fluff and slight smut warning ⚠️
The next day went swiftly, you both had a great time at the mine and then the museum, afterwards you both went out for dinner, in the small restaurant she had spotted before. Wilhemina offered to pay since you had already done so much for her those few days. "I insist baby..you've been amazing and I was the one who suggested it... Let me get this one"
"Okay fine...don't make a habit out of it you know I love to spoil you, my darling" you had responded placing your hand on her cheek. That night you had gone to bed early, exhausted from the day spent. Your lover laid by your side, your arms around her protectively and her leg draped over your body, and fingers upon your collarbones. "Y/n ?"
"Mm ?" "What are we gonna do tomorrow ? I tried to find something to vis..."
"Amusement Park"
"Huh ?"
"Tomorrow that's what we're doing"
"Oh...you do kn..."
"I checked if it was something you could do, and there are many attraction available"; "Good..." She said before yawning. "Oh baby sleep you're tried"
"I don't want this day to end"
"It doesn't have to...in your mind never" You turned slightly, putting your hand around her hip and under her head, and hers went to your neck. Your legs found the spot between hers and the one still on top of your body. On Sunday you woke up a little bit early to pack stuff in the car before traveling to the park, your girlfriend watching the landscape pass by the cars window. Your eyes fixated on the rood and right hand in hers on her thigh. You arrived and went inside. The place was kinda crowded but since Wilhemina couldn't stand for too long waiting wasn't a problem, you could easily enter attraction in another line. "I hate their faces when they see me cut the line" she said growling from anger and you caressed her hair while explaining "Hey baby... You're not cutting line, your simply taking another one. If they don't like it they can try and live all their life in a body that aches like yours. They'll see if taking that line is worth the trouble."
"I guess you're right"
"I am...if they aren't happy about it they can suck my dick"
"OH so they can but you barely let me do it ?" You playfully feigned being offended and slightly pinched her arm. "That's not even true.."
"It is. Whenever I wanna do it you don't pack"
"Well I'm not going to pack every single day love"
"Well at least some of them baby"
You giggled and subconsciously started walking towards a small Russian mountain.
"Are you up for that mina ?"
"Of course. I'm up for anything", "You Sure ? It seems pretty scary". "It's not. Besides if it wear it would say not for people with back problems"
"Okay okay... Well when you throw up just make sure it's not while the wind is in our way."
"Haha very funny"
:read more:
She said as you took her hand and leaded her to the side line, after a few minutes you got in the seats. Wilhemina held your hand a little tighter than usual, so you nuzzled behind her ear and told her she was more than safe with you. She relaxed a bit and then screams and squeals of joy were the only thing that could be heard. You both moved throughout the park, doing things left and right, pointing at beautiful landscape and designs. You stopped at a flying swing and encouraged wilhemina to come with you and do it together. But she didn't seam to keened on it. Even as you took her hand and tugged her towards it she held her ground. The mushroom tower started to rise and everyone started cheering as the chair flew around in circles and people moved in their chairs."Look it's fun honey" "It's for kids."..."No. It's not. Watch there are plenty of adults her and besides it didn't bother you in the flying elephants."
"That was different"
"Absolutely not, look if it's because you don't stand the movements it's okay, but at least tell me"
"I do stand it" you went closer to her, your hands on her hips as you kissed her cheeks "Babe tell me what the real problem is, no bullshit please"
"I don't have. Anywhere to put my cane in there."
"Well we can leave it in the entrance"
"I'd rather not"
"Why, you don't need it during the ride, and I'll get it for you at the end baby"
"Who knows what will happen during the ride. I don't want to find it broken, not only because you gifted it to me, but because it is my life, I refuse to let it be broken or lost by those incompetent people"
"Hey..hey no need to insult anyone here, baby I know that, but just like when you go to bed you leave it to the side, you can let them take care of it"
"Baby I promise nothing bad will happen"
"How can you do that"
"I'll make sure it doesn't, do you trust me ?"
"Of course I trust you. I just don't trust anybody else"
"But you learned how to trust me, so maybe you can try and give a little trust to that"
"Fine. One session"
"Yay ! I promise you'll love it" You said as you both went to it, and as soon as wilhemina was sited you went up to the people managing the attraction and asked them to keep her cane during the ride.
"Oh and by the way. If anything happens to it. Even the slightest impact, i will make sure you all lose your job, and ruin your reputation so much no one will go to a park that is unacceptable with disabled people."
"..we..yes. well, we will take good care of it"
"You better do." You went back and sat just next to Wilhemina on the double sided chair. "Did you te..."
"It's okay baby. They'll handle it carefully"
"Oh okay..." The swing raised above the floor, and progressively your feets hanged down as they stopped touching ground and The ride began. the wind hit your face faster and faster and you both smiled and yelled as it spined. Wilhemina had to keep her hand on her skirt so it didn't lift up and give everyone else a great view and you giggled. You whispered in her ear as the world around you kept turning and turning. "Don't traumatize these children and get arrested for public nudity I'd hate to have to get you out of jail and runaway together..."
"Is it weird of it actually sounds good"
"Depends on which part"
"The last bit you fool"
"Well my anxiety could never...but keep dreaming darling" You both laughed and held hands as the chairs were turning even faster. At one point the air was to rapid through her hair and it detached her hairdo, you Heard her groan as her hair moved everywhere including her face while she looked at you. "Oh come on why"
"It's fine mina just let it go"
"It's a good thing this was not a wig"
You laughed again as You pushed the hair out of her face and saw her eyes shining with joy, you don't think you ever saw her so happy your whole life, and you thought maybe she never has been.
"I love you y/n"
She said as her hair flew behind her like a beautiful main. You couldn't help but put your hands around her face and bring her for a kiss. Your lips lingered on hers for a while, hands stoking her cheek and breathing linked and she pulled away questioning. "Why the kiss?"
"I just couldn't not kiss you right then"
"But in front of all these people ? Children"
"They won't die because I kissed the woman I love. They've seen people kiss before, they'll be fine"
"But the people here ?"
"I don't give a single fuck about them, I love you and they better get over it."
"I love you too" You enjoyed the rest of the ride, and after you got down you went to get wilhemina's cane for her, and as it took a little longer before she got out of it like the rest you heard someone tell her to get off the swing because people were waiting. You immediately turned around and went up to him, her stepped back a little "What did you just say ?"
"I..i said that this bitch needs to get off of the swing or learn to leave others their turn"
"You better shut the fuck up now, or else you really aren't going to enjoy the ride with a broken nose and bleeding face."
"Is that a threat ?"
"No it's a promise."
"It's unacceptable she ne.."
"And you need to stick your patience up your ass and fuck off. She'd be out of there in a second if you were able to keep your fucking mouth shut, now I bet you don't have any one in your life who has a disability except you because you are clearly having a stroke so let me tell you this. You say anything offensive to my wife. And I'll have your fucking ass in the floor."
"How dare you ? Telling all this in front of my kids"
"Maybe it'll teach them not to be complete assholes to people. Now your kids didn't say anything you did. So maybe you could thing about that"
"M'am you have to hurry..and keep your distance with the rest of the clients" The bold men tried to respond.
"But...i..i" ."
"we'll be out in a sec.. You. Save it. I honestly don't give a shit about your opinion, I'm not doing this for me, I'm doing it for her. Because if she weren't there I would have already been in jail for beating your ass. I'll say it once. Stay. Away. From. her. And keep your thoughts to your two inches long brain."
You went back to give her her cane and you both left the swings, glaring one last time at the men, who looked like he was about to piss his paints.
"Don't bother him, he's an ass"
"You don't always have to get in trouble for me"
"You're kidding right ? He was practically begging me to tell him off. Besides no one talks to you like this and gets away with it on my watch"
"He looked like a kid cought cheating have to admit watching you It was a little hot." She whispered in your ear
"Happy to oblige" you said as you pushed a strand of hair behind her ear and grazed her cheek. After that she bent forward a little and lifted her arms to try and do her hair back which you knew could hurt her.
"Hey hey no.. leave it" you said as you put your hands on hers.
"Let's sit over here baby"
You said while taking her to a small stair bench.
"Sir over here I'll sit on the one higher.
"Oh okay"
You settled her between your knees and asked for her hair tie.
"Do you really want to put it up again ? You know I love your hair down like this, you look so beautiful"
"I know you do, but it's our thing you know, I don't want it to become banal, I like that you're the only one who sees me like this, it makes it special"
"We have other things that are private darling, just because you go out with your hair down it doesn't mean it's not special anymore. I still get to see you in your nightwear or with a messy tee-shirt and a lazy bun."
"I know but still, I prefer keeping it up please"
"Okay baby no problem, can I put it up how I want ?"
"..fine yes, but no funny business"
"Of course" you said as you kissed her neck. You started sectioning her hair, brushing it through your fingers, huming softly. And you started breading, strands of hair between your hands, one over the other. Starting from up and then going down. Wilhemina relaxing visibly in your embrace, letting her head slightly back.
"Oooooooh, I am not the only traveler, who has not repaid His debt, I've been searching for a trail to follow again take me back to the night we met, and then I can tell myself what the hell am I supposed to do.
I had all and then most of you some and now none of you. Ooh
Take me back to the night we met.
"Here done"
"Can I sea ?"
"Let me just ..there "
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"You don't like it ?"
"No..no i do like it.. it's different than what I'm used to"
"I figured you don't usually bread it because it's probably to painful, so I wanted to do something nice". "I love it y/n"
"You look beautiful"
She blushed softly before you kissed her lips.
Afterwards you were both a little hungry, so you took wilhemina to a candy shop, they sold many things like sugar canes and candy floss
You waited before asking Wilhemina what she wanted, and ordered a pomme d'amour for starters, and decided you would take candy floss to walk.
"It's going to be messy y/n we have to cut in"
"No..baby the whole thing is to bite it at the same time"
"I swear if you get my shirt stained"
"It won't willy"
"Oh you know I hate that nickname"
"That's why I use it willy"
She groaned and you both stood while you held the food.
"On three"
"Wait does that mean we bite on three or after three"
"Oh just bite it on three love"
"Two" you both said
You both took a bite out of the apple, juices covering your taste buds and the sweet sugar envelope cracking.
You giggled with your mouths full  and finished the apple as much as you could, heads turning around to find a good angle and sharing the same space.
You noticed Wilhemina had sugar on her top lip corner.
"Baby you have a little something here"
"Oh..thank you"
She tried getting it off but it wasn't efficient. So you stepped closer.
"Here..let me do it" you said before setting down the rest of the dish and pressing her against you while your hands found her jaw and you kissed her soundly, she moaned a little when you bit her top lip. And grazed it with your tongue. It asked for entrance and Wilhemina granted it to you. You made out together for a little bit before parting a little and just holding each other for a while, pairs of hands around shoulders and hips.
After that you bought the candy floss and started walking around the park once again.
You both picked in each others sticks, exchanging looks, smiles and kisses.
Feeding each other bits every now and then.
After a dozen minutes you had both finished
And you kissed her again, sharing the taste of sugar between each other. Her cane pressed against her and her cheek in your hand.
"Thank you y/n"
"For what ?". "For giving my life purpose"
"Aw baby why do you have to be so damn cute ALL the time"
"I'm serious"
"Me too...and you don't need to thank me, you mean everything to me. Come here."
You said before taking her inside your arms, inhaling her sent and circling your arms around her frame. You pressed kisses in her hair and she place them in your neck.
"I love you so much Wilhemina"
She started to tear up a little bit before sniffling and hiding more inside your body.
"I mean it...baby you don't ever have to cry about that again..for I will hold you till the end of time itself. And in every one of your future life's I'll have you in my heart."
Time passed as you held each others before slowly getting going again.
You arrived at a shooting game, pushed animals were hanging from the walls and ceiling.
"Oh here let me win you something !"
"Oh come on darling these games are money black holes"
"Not if your good at it" she starting turning around and walking away
"Besides it's gun shooting you're not going to be any good at that love you don't own any. Also I think it's quite funny that yo..."
"Here m'am, ya just need to get those target over there to ya win"
"Huhh come on y/n, do you even know what I said"
"Ssh baby I gotta focus"
"Sshh? So you shush me now ?"
You ignored her rambling as your hands settled their positions and you started shooting the first few bullets hitting right on the targets, five bullets later you heard a ringing sound and the guy stunned by your performance started
"Well m'am I'll be honest I wasn't expecting ya to win on the first try. But here ya go, you can pick one of them little stuffed animals"
"Mm I'll have this one for my lady over there "
"Excellent choice...here there ya go ... have a nice day birdies"
You giggled and thanked him as you went up to Wilhemina and gave her the white furry bunny you had won.
"So since you were so supportive I'll just keep it to myself"
"...I'm sorry baby...i just didn't want you to waste your money" "I know"
You said as you handed her the toy, "it's for you baby", "Oh.. really ? Wow it's the first time my lover...well anyone wins me something at a game"
"Looks like I'm your first on lots of things babe"
"Heyy" she responded while jabbing your shoulder "Aww why do you always do that, I think I need to go check it at the hospital."
"Oh don't be A baby y/n"
"Well you're the one standing with a bunny in your arms so who's really the baby huh?" She frowned before she joined you in laughter. You walked hand in hand with her gift under her hand. The sun was starting to set slowly as you both chatted and enjoyed the rest of the day.
"Let's get married"
"...What ?"
"Here let's get married now"
"..y/n ? I don't understand...I'm not sure it's a good idea"
"Chill baby I meant there" you said as you pointed the small church in the middle of the other attractions.
"It says it celebrates unions and marriages, but nothing actually official"
"Oh .."
"So let's get married here darling. Let's have our unofficial official ceremony now"
You said as you led her to the counter
"It's okay you don't want to"
"No..no I definitely want to, I'm just straddled, and what If they don't celebrate our 'marriage', baby there are no legal obligations here"
"Well I don't care if they don't celebrate 'Our' marriage. I'll find another fake church that does, but we have to try frist right ?"
She nodded and took your hand.
"Hello ladies how May I help you"
You both looked at each other and she smiled.
"We would like to get married." "Alright, are you married irl ?" "Nope"
"I have to inform you this is all outside of any actual legal union, this mariage is only valid here, and in your hearts."
"We know"
"Perfect then. Follow me" You arrived in a room filled with dressed and suits, the man asked if you wanted to pay before or after, you decided to do it now, Wilhemina didn't even notice you did. "I'll let you approximately 30 minutes to choose your formal wear and get dressed, an hour to prepare your vows and will Then accompany the... well brides walk down the aisle"
"If it's easier i don't mind being already there."
"Oh yes good. Anyway, I'll let you change, there are two different Rooms with staff so you don't see each other until marriage"
"Thank you". You both said before picking your outfits and trying on dresses and suits. After some time the man came back and took Wilhemina before letting you know where was the aisle. You waited there with the pastor, who didn't look used to celebrating marriages between women, but who wasn't mad about it. The music started and there was no one else in the church except for the few staff and you both. The doors opened and you saw your girlfriend walk arm in arm with the guy who welcomed you in. She looked ethereal, beautiful you had never seen such beauty before, her hair was in a beautiful hairdo, half down half up, a bunch of colored flowers in her hair and even a purple orange make-up.
She walked gracefully, her dress following her and a veil attached to her flower crown.
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"Hey...wow, you...look... amazing...I'm so lucky" she blushed before being handled her cane and replied "Well...I must say You're not so Bad yourself y/n"
"Erm erm.. We are reunited today. To celebrate the union of two beautiful souls, linked together by life. Two hearts beating at the same pace, two bodies sharing one path. We are here, in the evening of this bright full day, to make the two women standing here, married, for better and for worst until death do them apart...If i may have the rings. " He took them and turned to Wilhemina "You will now exchange your vows"
"Oh..lord..sorry. this is the part I'm not going to be good at. But you already know that.
You know every part of me. Every single piece I've yet to discover. You hold them, in your arms. Steady, fierce, protective, bringing me the safe home i could have never hope to have. And yet here you stand. By my side every day. You hold my heart, and you make my sun hang, so bright yet so easy, in my sky. I didn't believe I could ever be liked. And you showed me unconditional love.
I didn't believe I was pretty, you made me feel like the most beautiful goddess in the world. I didn't believe I could feel it, but darling, you are the person I love like I would have never believed such feeling existed.. I am not good at expressing feelings, I find them to abstract, to volatile to be caught by my words. So I chose the ones of someone else that resonated with me so hard I believe them to be our own.
'You belong with me, my love. And I belong with you. We should live life side by side, In everything we do. You belong with me today, For now and ever more. And I belong with you, my dear, The one that I adore. We were meant to be, I know; It’s written in the stars. I love the way we are as one, And everything you are. Just think of all the moments Aligning for us to meet, So once we found each other, We were bound to feel complete. But this part of our story, We’ll sit and write together. Hanging memories on the wall,of the home we’ll share forever. So, both of us are certain. As we each say ‘I do’, That you belong with me, my love, And I belong with you." As she was done and the tears spilled from your eyes the pastor gave her a ring and spoke again.". "Now you will repeat after me as you place the ring on her, -I take you, y/f/n" "I take you y/f/n" ; "—to be my wedded Wife" "To be my wedded Wife"
"— to have and to hold from this day forward"; "To have and to hold from this day forward"
"—for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer''; "for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer" ; "—in sickness and in health to love and to cherish,"; "in sickness and in health to love and to cherish,". "—till death do us part"
"Till death do us part"
She said as she finally settled the ring she picked out on you.
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"You will now exchange your vows to your bride."
".. Wilhemina, every time I dreamed about love, it was always me finding it, searching, like a lost salior for my beloved boat.But little did I know, love would find me, it would find a way through my heart, in between the cracks of it, sunshine would bring healing. I remember when I first fell in love. The intensity, the warmth, I remember her smile, her hair. I remember how hard I loved. How wrong I may have, probably because of the youth. I remember how much it had hurt. When she was taken away from me. When I could no longer hold her body, when everything from her had immediately and indefinitely turned to dust. I remember how I cursed at the wind, yelled, screamed, cried, abused whatever God had been responsible for it, responsible for this pain love had brought. I swore, I swore to never love ever again. And I tried, I begged for love to leave me alone. I dreamed it would never hurt again. And I remember when I found you, and you found me. How utterly lost we had been. How stupid it was for me to think I would not fall for you.
For your smile.
For your laugh.
For your eyes.
For your tears of joy and sorrow. For every single beat of your heart. How stupid I had been, To think I would never fall again. But the truth is, I spent all these years climbing, to afraid, to hurt, to coward, to actually jump. But the more high you gain The longer and harder the fall. And man, did I fall. And man, how did it feel so terribly perfect to do so. And man, little did I know, you could make me fly. I wasn't scared anymore. It didn't hurt. It was the answer I had been searching for all of my life. The one I didn't know was within me all along, the one you brought to life. It was love, love was the answer. No Our, our love was the answer. I'm so completely and unapologetically in love with you. You, you, you it's always been you. And the stars are watching, they are jealous, and they talk because never in the eternal burn they experience, never did they see souls shine so bright. Our connection goes beyond speaking, you choose words to express what you want to say. I want words to choose how to express what I say.  In truth, we married each other that first night, in bed, we had been married by our bodies, but now we stand in history—what our bodies had said, mouth to mouth, we now said publicly, gathered together.
'I don’t love you as if you were a rose of salt, topaz, or arrow of carnations that propagate fire:i love you as one loves certain obscure things, secretly, between the shadow and the soul. I love you as the plant that doesn’t bloom but carries the light of those flowers, hidden, within itself, and thanks to your love the tight aroma that arose from the earth lives dimly in my body. I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where, I love you directly without problems or pride: I love you like this because I don’t know any other way to love, except in this form in which I am not nor are you, so close that your hand upon my chest is mine, so close that your eyes close with my dreams... We, unaccustomed to courage exiles from delight, live coiled in shells of loneliness, until love leaves its high holy temple and comes into our sight to liberate us into life. Love arrives and in its train come ecstasies, old memories of pleasure, ancient histories of pain. Yet if we are bold, love strikes away the chains of fear from our souls. We are weaned from our timidity, In the flush of love’s light, we dare be brave. And suddenly we see that love costs all we are and will ever be. Yet it is only love, which sets us free.'.. Today i stand here, as i will stand for as long as my fragile body allows me to, perhaps then I will sit, or lay, by your side my dear, always. And love within me blooms, and makes flowers from every cell in me grow. I will choose you over and over again love, I will hold you close, I will give you peace, I will bring you home. In me. In my heart."
"Now, for the ring.."
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He gave you the one you'd picked for her, a thick golden string with amethyst, and Carnelian.
"-I take you, Wilhemina venable"
"I take you, Wilhemina venable"
"-to be my wedded Wife"
"To be my wedded Wife"
"- to have and to hold from this day forward"
"To have and to hold from this day forward"
"- for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer
"for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer"
"-in sickness and in health to love and to cherish,"
"in sickness and in health to love and to cherish,
"-till death do us part"
You finally slid the ring on her finger before saying.
"Till death do us part
"Perfect, you may now kiss the bide."
You turned to Wilhemina, picked the veil covering her face, lifted it and placed it backwards before taking she took her face in her hands and yours grabbed her hips, bending her slightly backwards before stealing her lips in the most beautiful and delicious kiss you both had the chance to share, oxygen wasn't even needed as your whole body experienced full Bliss, during the embrace you heard, no felt her mumble 'i love you' to which she know you replied by kissing her harder tumbling a little before parting away, faces close, smiles on both of your lips. You walked down the aisle tightly pressed together her hair darked than usual with the dim candle light. And as you went through the door, bells rang and you felt rice being thrown at you from somewhere you couldn't spot. Eventually you got outside, turned to your wife and spun her around before kissing for what would most definitely not be the last time of the day, body pressed together like it will be during your Wedding night.
When you came back home both of your touch yas tender yet urgent, you took no time to
Set your things, just immediately riding her of her day clothes and coat, slamming the door with your feet and taking her upstairs. Before the bedroom door you lifted her up over the threshold, "tradition is sacred my darling"
"Shut up and just make love to me"
Shortly you were both in your underwear, your body on top of hers, cradling her with kisses and caresses, your lips all over her body.
You began to take her nipple in your mouth and play with the other one, her back arched and she moaned loudly, you were starting to kiss your way down her body but she stopped you.
"I..I..want us to cum...together"
"I can't refuse my baby now"
You dragged down her body before teasing her inner thigh and kissing her clit, making sure she was wet enough, you went up her body again, your hand between her legs stating to work her up. Your own hand finding yourself, toying with your panties before sitting back and touching yourself for her to see. Once you were both ready you aligned both of your centers, and lowered yourself on her. Hearing a moan from both of your throats as the contact was a delightful bliss. Your moans filled the room as you rubbed your clitorises faster, wet sounds coming from the friction. "Uh..uH baby I'm getting close"
"..wait a bit for me.. can you do that ?"
"Uhh..yeah..yeaH" You doubled your efforts and before you knew it she was cumming all over you which triggered your own orgasm. You fell on her body, legs intertwined as your bodies sank into each others. Still catching her breath Wilhemina couldn't stop herself from laughing.
"...We got married...in an amusement park";
"We did baby...".
".....I love you";
"I love you too baby"
A/n: the italic pieces are bits of different poems, I couldn't settle for one, if you think cutting a poem is sacrilegious I'm sorry but I believe that Words and art is ment to be movements, live and change though our experiences of then, pieces of structure that you can use to build. your own.
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a-pretty-nerd · 4 years
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Tomura Shigaraki x AllMight!Daughter!Reader
Chapter 10
When The League of Villains discovers that AllMight has a daughter, they are quick to snatch you up and hold you hostage. Shigaraki had a careful and thought out plan, but that was before you got there. Now you’re in the mood for some not-so-healthy rebellion.
I hope you guys like this chapter! If you wanna support me further and hang out, check out my Patreon for more of my content and my discord!
Word count: 1,818
Warnings: Minor violence
Chapter 9 Chapter 11
Loud announcement after loud announcement blasted from the speakers as the police spoke. Repeating the same few sentences over and over again. His stomach turned as anxiety took hold of him. Izuku Midoriya stood nearly a block away from the scene as he watched. He and Bakugou were given orders to sit on the perimeter and wait in case they were needed. Having experienced The League before, their assistance was helpful. But everyone was hoping it wouldn't be needed. For now, everyone's top priority was you. Bakugou huffed in frustration, folding his arms across his chest as he watched.
"I don't get it. We should just round them up while we still can. If we don't act fast, they'll slip out of our hands again." He growled.
"Arrest isn't our top priority right now. The hostage's safety is. We can't risk any harm coming to her. You know that." Midoriya answered. The blonde scoffed and spoke again after a long pause.
"I still can't believe it."
"Believe what?"
"That he has a daughter. You'd think he would have mentioned something like that by now. After all these years. Especially one with such a strong quirk."
"Yeah...I don't have kids of my own so, I don't know much about that but...It's odd isn't it? That he never mentioned her. Not even to us." Bakugou thought for a moment.
"Maybe it was the mom. Maybe she kept it that way. We don't know much about her."
"No...that doesn't sit right. Her mom seems intense, sure. But that's his daughter. I don't know about you, but if I had a kid like her, I wouldn't be able to stop talking about her. So, it doesn't make sense why someone like him..."
"They were young, right? About our age?"
"That's right."
"Think about it. If you and Ururaka got pregnant right now, what do you think would happen?"
"Thats different, she's a hero too-"
"No. Really. Think about it. If she told you tomorrow you were gonna have a kid, how would you feel?" Midorya thought for a moment.
"Scared, I guess."
"Would you slow down your hero work? After everything you've done, all the work you've put into this. Would you risk it all to be a proper father? And what about her? Would Ururaka be okay putting her life on hold for that kid? I doubt it."
"I see what you're saying. But that still doesn't explain why we're just finding out about her now."
"I'm sure he was just trying to protect her from shit like this happening. It's clear he still cares for her. It was probably his was of keeping her safe. As messed up as that is."
"I studied All Might my entire life. Became his successor and student. And still...I feel like I never really knew him until now."
"You're still my most valuable player. You're staying right here." Shigaraki's voice purred as his grip tightened around your arm. Pulling you closer to him. You felt your blood quickly rush up to your cheeks. The hot feeling coursing through your veins. You heard the loud squeak of a chair shifting across the floor. Your quirk unwittingly being activated. He ignored the sound, his deep red eyes glaring into yours as his scarred brow bone curved over them in a tight scowl. His eyes, so brilliant and full of passion. You were lost in them. Time always seemed to stop when he did this.
"Boss! We gotta get out of here! We can't fight them all!" Spinner shouted, tearing those eyes away from you. How long had he been starring at you? Was he just as lost as you? You were doubtful. If he was lost in anything, it was probably his rage. His grip on you loosened, slowly dropping your arm almost like he was reluctant to.
"The truck. Is the truck ready?"
"Yes, but I doubt we can get out of here without being caught."
"Of course not. That's why we'll need a distraction. Until then we need time. Toga, the phone, quick." She jumped at the command. Grabbing a smartphone of hers and quickly adjusting it to film. Shigaraki's hands quickly found your body again. But they weren't nearly as harsh as last time, just firm. Man handling you to appear threatening. One hand coming around your neck from behind to display his fingers, and the other around your arm. He pressed you against his body.
"Filming!" Toga shouted.
"You heroes should know better than to just barge into such a delicate situation. The conditions are simple. Make one wrong move, and the girl is dust. I'll even leave her in a pretty little urn for you, hehehe, All Might."
"Cut! Edit and send to the heroes right?"
"And social media, anything to get it on the news. Dabi, Twice, is there a way for you to contact our friends on the outside?"
"But boss! They have us tapped! They'll be prepare for our escape!" Twice shouted.
"They've planned for it already. We've lost the element of surprise. We need results."
"Shigaraki?" You croaked.
"What!?" He shouted in your ear. You winced, holding your free had up to tap at his wrist around your neck.
"Could you, loosen up a bit?" He swiftly pulled his hands away from you. Watching you gently cough and regain your breath.
"We're not, really going to kill her, are we?" Toga pulled her attention away from her phone and shuffled closer to you. Turning to be in-between you and Shigaraki, almost to protect you from being grabbed again.
"No. Not if we plan to get out of here." He and turned sat down on the couch, his hands coming up to rub against his sore neck. Toga patted your back.
"You alright there? You're burning up. You're not sick are you?"
"No...No Im fine."
"You sure?"
"I'm fine. Thank you, Toga." It made her smile to hear you say that.
"Don't worry. Tomura's smart. He'll get us out safe, you'll see." You smiled back at her.
"I'm sure. But somehow I doubt I'll see you again. So, if this is goodbye-"
"Don't say that!" Toga shouted. "We're gonna stick together. Remember? I promised you I wouldn't let anyone hurt you!" You starred at her with wide eyes as your heart raced in your chest. A loud flutter.
"But, Toga."
"But nothing, friends stick together, right?" You nodded. "Then that settles it! We're taking her with us, aren't we guys?" Confused faces looked up at the two of you. "Well?"
"Uh- Sure." Spinner shrugged.
"Hell No - Alright!" Twice shouted.
"Heh, alright." Dabi chuckled.
"Tomura?" Toga called the absent-minded man.
"We're taking her with us, right? She's one of us now!" Toga reached for your hand and curled her fingers between yours. Shigaraki looked up at her, his eyes lost in thought. "Tomura!" She scolded him like a little sister. He blinked a few times, shaking his attention to you.
"Are you, Y/L/N? Are you one of us?" You froze for a moment. No. Of course not. You're not a villain. You're not like these people! You're a heroes' kid! You're not evil! You're a good person!
You opened your mouth to speak, an overwhelming cacophony of thoughts keeping you from answering. For the first time in your entire life, you had been cared for in a way you never had before. No longer reliant on a bottle of pills to function properly. No longer forced to be productive. No pressure to be anything special. You could grow here. You could be yourself here. The room buzzed with energy at the activation of your quirk. Your emotional state boiling to a head, you opened your mouth to answer but before you could speak-
The building began to shake underneath you. You were thrown to the floor, eyes darting everywhere in search for the cause. The sound of explosions blasted above you, while what sounded like a bulldozer echoed below.
"Damn it! They're coming from both ends!" Dabi announced, gaining his balance to perform a ready stance before his blue flames emerged.
"C'mon Shigaraki! What do we do!" Twice shouted as he clung onto the man's forearm. The rest of you inching closer and closer to each other.
The blasts above became louder and louder until it became evident it was right above. Your stomach turned as you came to the realization. Before the order left his lips you had reached for a table across the room and brought it up above your small group for protection.
"Y/L/N!" Just in time for it to deflect the shrapnel of drywall that burst from the explosion above. Suddenly the floor below gave way, sending the six of you falling through the open air. There were supposed to be several floor to the building, but thanks to the hero, Deku, flimsy walls of the already rotting building had been quickly demolished within seconds.
You watched yourself fall, your hand desperately reaching for anything to hold on to. Failing and plummeting down with the rest of them. You watched as the DynaMight emerged from the smoke above to watch you with a satisfied grin plastered over his face.
The cries of the others behind you filled your ears. Why wasn't this hero doing something? Why wasn't he jumping to catch you? To catch the others? Is going to let you fall to your deaths? You can't let him do that! Quick- Quick- your quirk- catch them!
After a few attempts at activation in your panic, you were able to catch the others in the air. Just before their bodies hit the concrete of the building basement. Dropping them down from a safe few feet. The fall was uncomfortable, but a relief to you and the others that you could work so quickly.
But your success was short-lived as the building trembled and quaked with another explosion. You looked up just in time to watch what was left of the old hide out to come crashing down around you. Leaving you trapped in the basement, in complete darkness.
"THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" A familiar shriek echoed in Bakugou and Midoriya's ear pieces. They both jolted at the painful intrusion. Your mother, having just stolen a police walky talky huffed on the other end.
"Our apologies ma'am but they're fine. I saw it with my own eyes. They're just trapped under debris. Everything is going according to plan." Midoriya reassured.
"Ac- ACCORDING TO PLAN!? You mean to tell me, young man, that you intended to trap my daughter in with her KIDNAPPERS, WHO THREATENED TO KILL HER!?" She spat, understandably.
"If they wanted her dead by now, she would be. Shigaraki doesn't play games unless it's necessary. Trust me." Bakugou barked.
"So now what? We just wait until this psychopath decays his way loose?"
@craftybean13 @babayaga67 @imjustverable
@kamenoyaki @hentaiqween101 @skzero-99 @justanotherlifeff
@witch-o-memes @lolilith
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laurensxox · 3 years
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Fandom :: The Arcana
Pairing :: Julian Devorak x Reader (Not Apprentice)
Requested? :: no
Warning/s :: Julian's Route (Upright) and New Tale Spoilers, Named Apprentice, Female Reader, Chronic Illness, Swearing, Author is projecting their longing
Genre :: Angst
Summary :: Julian spends the night reminiscing over childhood memories and longing to go back to the past where he was in Nevivon again, playing as carefree as one can be with the one person he truly cared about other than his younger sister
Author's Note :: Stark, if you're reading this, I'm fighting you for this dramatic, self-sacrificing dumbdumb-
Song Inspiration :: Talking to the Moon by Bruno Mars
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Portia's Cottage :: Just After Sundown
A chuckle left the auburn haired man as he watches Pasha relay stories of their childhood to their friends, informing them of how they were raised by a group of grandmothers and how their parents actually perished from a shipwreck caused by a rather strong storm. Mazelinka quickly add in how much of a troublemaker the two of them has become as the years pass by, didn't even waste the chance to tell them about the tooth fairy situation which caused Julian to go beet red in mild embarassment. Their friends were in no need to know that story!
Shaking his head, he let a more genuine smile form on his face. As embarrassed as he is right now, he was happy to see everyone laughing jovially without the fear of Lucio's plans with the Devil weighing on their shoulders. A warm sensation forms in his chest as he tries to hold in his laughter as Pasha nearly slips on her feet with her excitement to share their history. It was nice to be able to just laugh and and thrive in the positive energy inside the cottage! Even Muriel, their very introverted friend, seems to be relaxed as he lets Allen (Apprentice) braid his hair using flower stems while Asra leans on his side.
Looking at the trio and sensing the strong forming bond between Pasha and the Countess, Julian couldn't help the small pang of longing swell somewhere within himself. He couldn't stop his mind from pushing forward memories he tried to bury and lock away.
"Ilya, help! I'm slipping!"
"Don't worry, I'll catch you!"
The longing pang quickly turned to pain as the memories rushes back to the surface. He could feel his hand start to tremble as the formerly locked away memories barrels it's way to the front of his mind. Jumbled memories of playing tag and tending to scraped knees should have made him feel fond but it makes feel nothing but longing. Longing for a time and companionship he knows he'll never be able to have again.
Taking a deep breath, he hadn't noticed that he had closed his eyes until he opened them. With him being occupied with trying to stir himself away from the path of self-loathing once again, he hadn't noticed how quiet the cottage had gotten, its other residents looking at him with concerned eyes. Not even the Familiars scattered in the room made a noise.
He forced a laugh to ease the sudden change of atmosphere in the cottage, hoping it sounded convincing enough to clear the concern away from his family and friends' eyes. While he has come to terms that it's okay to ask and receive help instead of keeping things to himself, he still struggles with it. And it was obvious with the way he tries to act like he was okay, that he wasn't just bombarded with memories he doesn't want to remember.
"What is with that look, my dear friends? I am perfectly well, no worries!" he exclaimed, giving them his usual smirk and raised eyebrow, internally hoping it'll be enough to convince them that there was nothing to be concerned about. "There is nothing in this world that this handsome and smart devil can't handle!" His little comment about himself seems to be the right thing to say as his friends immediately rolled their eyes in fond exasperation. Although, by the look of his sister and honorary grandmother, he guessed that they have seen right through him and he can already see his funeral-
He gave a small sigh and let a small weary look replace his earlier expression, "I'll just head outside to take in a quick breath of fresh air," he said as he quickly exited the cottage before his two family member could say anything. Knowing that they'll probably just follow right after him, he quickly made his way away from the cottage and into the hedge maze by the palace gardens. It took him a while to get to the center but he was relieved to see it empty. Consul Valerius has taken to drinking his usual wine there in this time so he was quite happy to see that for once, the Consul broke his routine. He needed to be alone right now.
Taking a seat in one of the chairs surrounding a rounded table, he crossed his arms on the table and used it to rest his head upon. Taking another deep breath to calm his racing heart, he closed his eyes.
Maybe he needs to stop locking away these memories, he has only done so before due to his need to focus on finding the cure for the plague and then having to focus to not get caught by the patrolling palace guards when he was still a wanted convict. The memories and the longing for his childhood best friend used to be a big distraction for him while he was still working under Valdemar.
He didn't need to do any of those anymore... So maybe...
The soft rapid footsteps echoed in the small forest near the town of Nevivon, followed by the childish giggling of two children. Both children wore a tattered white sheet of cloth, the corners wrapped around their necks in a way that resembles that of a cape. Whilst in their heads rests crudely made paper crowns.
Young Julian and his best friend, (Y/N), were already considered too old for these kind of games by some of the grandmas and fellow children but the two gave them no mind, choosing to continue living in their fantasy world until they were truly too old for it.
The two children stopped once they have reached the center of the forest where a small meadow hides in. It was decorated by dozens of wild flowers and the breeze were always refreshing. The two has deemed this as their spot when they had first found it years ago, back when they were much younger.
They call the meadow as their kingdom, where they are the rulers, side by side as King and Queen. The wild flowers are their loyal subjects and sometimes, when Pasha joins them, she acts as their ambassador.
Young Julian kneeled as they reach the very center that they always keep clean, it was their designated throne room. The young boy carefully plucked a blue hued flower from the ground, he didn't know what kind of flower it was but it was pretty, a perfect gift for his 'Queen'
As if mocking the reminiscing man, right across from him and innocently clinging to the hedge wall was the very same flower that he had picked back then. He didn't know if he wants to sneer at it or be fond of it. He wished he has a glass of Salty Bitters right now, maybe he should have headed to Rowdy Raven instead of here.
"Would you have approved of the man that I have become, (Y/N)?" he whispered as he stares at the flower, as if it would miraculously turn into his childhood friend and answer him. Maybe that was possible? Allen did transform him into Asra back then, would the illusion work on a plant as well? But then again, that will be all it'll ever be. Just an illusion.
The grandmas all exchanged fond gazes as they watch their resident troublemakers sing songs with all their heart, their love for the dramatic was very much obvious at that moment.
Little Portia was banging on pots like drums by the sidelines, sometimes singing some lines as well when prompted by either her older brother or the girl she was starting to see as her older sister.
He stood up from his place and started to make his way out of maze. He wasn't going to go back in the cottage nor was he in any hurry, he just felt too restless to stay sitted in one place. He has gotten used to always moving around with all his running from guards and fighting a Major Arcana. But before he went back to trying to find his way in the maze, he stopped in front of the flower that he has been staring at.
It was a small flower with 6 petals that looks blue and violet at the same time, the bud in the middle was light green in color and it was the only flower growing in the hedge. From what Julian remembers, these flowers grow in bundles. So to see one so alone, well, it didn't help the growing hole inside him.
Gently plucking the flower like he did so in his childhood, he observed the flower a little more before making his way back into maze, taking the small flower with him. Surely, the Countess would not mind him plucking such a small wild flower, now would she?
Julian looked up from his book as he felt something soft being places om his hair, looking up, he saw (Y/N) placing what looks to be a bunch of flowers weaved together in a circlet manner on top of his head. Something similar on her own head as well.
"What are you doing, peanut?" he asked the girl, gently closing his book and waiting for the other to finish adjusting the flowers. He had taken to calling her 'Peanut' after he had caught her trying to sneakily take the peanuts in the communal pantry. He didn't snitch to the grandmas, of course.
"Just adjusting your flower crown, bum-bum" she answered, making small more adjustments before appearing satisfied that the flower crown both looks good and will surely stay on her friend's head when they begin to trek their way home later.
The Doctor surprisingly got out pretty easy, definitely faster than when he was first trying to get to the heart of the maze. Looking down at the flower, he let a sad smile adorn his face.
"I suppose even after all these years, you're still my lucky charm, huh, (Y/N)?" he mumbled under his breath, giving the one of the petals a small kiss before continuing to walk.
He didn't really have a destination, the palace grounds was vast and there are still some areas of it that he hasn't been to. Maybe a little exploring wouldn't hurt? He hopes Pasha wouldn't get too worried if he takes too long to get back to her cottage, he does often find himself in troubling situations.
"You know what? I wouldn't even ask how you manage to be in this situation." (Y/N) said, crossing her arms as she narrows her eyes at the boy dangling before her.
Julian had, at that moment, managed to get himself tangled in the vines surrounding the branches of the tree. Truth be told, he was trying to climb the tree in order to get fresh fruits for his sister and best friend. But when he finally managed to get on a branch, a crow suddenly flew out of its nest and caused him to go off balance, fortunately being caught by the vines, no matter how tangled up he got.
He wouldn't tell her that though, lord knows she wouldn't let him live it down.
"Why, my dear peanut, I was just trying to see how strong these vines are and if they would make a good rope!" It was honestly a good excuse for him, but apprently not good enough for (Y/N) as she just raised her eyebrow at him, clearly not believing him.
After a good bit of exploring, he manages to find himself near the fountains where he saw the trio couple making their way back to the palace. Were they on their way home already? How long has he been outside? Shaking his head, he called for their attention and made his way to them.
"Going home already?" he asked, raising a brow as he observes the many colorful flowers adoring Muriel's hair. It was quite a new look on the tall man but it surprisingly suits him. Seeing his friend give him a narrowed look, he moved his gaze to the two magicians.
"Yeah, I'm feeling quite a bit tired already and Asra wanted to do a quick inventory of the stocks we have left in the shop" Allen explained, moving to lightly keep their wild green hair out of their sight. It was getting a little long, they might need a cut soon. "Though, we don't plan to stay there for the whole night, just a quick inventory and dinner then straight to Muri's where we'll sleep for tonight" the apprentice added, giving the taller doctor a smile.
"I see, I see! Well, don't let me hold you back for any longer, have a safe walk home!" he exclaimed, moving to walk further before he was stopped by a gentle grip on his wrist. Turning back, he saw that it was Allen who held him back. He could see the concern swirling in their green eyes but the smile never faltered away from their face. "Yes, dear?" he asked.
"You know you can talk to us if there's something bothering you, right? You don't have to if you're not comfortable but just remember that we're here, okay?" Moved by their words, Julian pulled them into a sideway hug and let out a genuine laugh. He was so lucky to have his friends. Sometimes he still thinks he doesn't deserve them but he knew to keep it to himself for now. He didn't fancy sitting through another lecture session about his self worth by his sister again.
"Aw, Allen, don't you worry about lil 'ol me! I'm quite alright now!" That was a lie, he was far from alright, but his friend doesn't need to know that. "I may talk to Pasha and Mazelinka about it so no need to worry that cute little head of yours" That seemed to settle the Apprentice as they pulled away from the hug and gave his arm one last pat before moving to stand between their partners.
"You should do that now before Portia wears a hole in her carpet with how much she's pacing when we left" Asra said before he and the other two gave the auburn haired man one last wave and left.
Deciding to do as his magician friend said, he started his way back to his sister's cottage. Earlier was such a good day, it wouldn't do to plague his sister with worries and sour up the light mood. He already did that earlier before he walked out, best not make it worse.
Looking up at the dark sky, he smiled as he admires the scattered stars. It was a beautiful night, the full moon was giving the world such a soft look and it made things seem so peaceful. It made him feel like he was back to laying in the meadow near Nevivon. Like he was laying next to... Next to...
He wasn't able to wipe away his tears before they begun to fall down his cheeks. A sob fought its way out of his throat as he falls to a crouch.
Fuck, he wants to go back. He really really wants to go back-
Julian observed the wide sky and the many stars on them, it was a beautiful night and the night breeze was cold and as he lays on the equally cool grass of the meadow, it soothes his heated skin. It made him sigh in contentment, what more could he want?
Looking at his left, he smiled as he sees his sleeping sister. The little girl had decided to join them that night in their nightly star gazing but it didn't take long before she fell asleep, not used to staying up later than her bedtime. He'll have to carry her home later on.
The sight on his right took his breath away. Blush rushed to his face as he seems to see his best friend in a completely different light.
There, laying beside him, was (Y/N). The moonlight was softly hitting her face, and it made her (eye color) so much more brighter like gems, like the stars that littered the dark sky above them. Her laugh as she continues to talk about the astrology that she learned from Mazelinka, sounds like soothing bells to his ears.
Since when has his peanut became this... pretty?
He longs to be in her arms again, he longs to hear her voice again. No doubt it would still sound like music to his ears. He wants to make flower crowns again, he wants to play king and queen again, he wants to stargaze with her again, he wants to sneakily steal cookies, hangout by the hot springs, pick flowers for the grandmas, share lessons with Lilinka, he wants to...
He really wants to see her again.
Julian sat on her bed by her side, his hand gently holding her weaker and much fragile one, her illness eating away her strength. Her ring finger still holds the flower ring he had made earlier that week, it was already wilting but the girl refuses to take it off.
"I made up my mind." he said, breaking the solemn silence in the room. It made the other look at him curiously, waiting for him to elaborate.
"I'll take the offer to study medicine in Prakra" he explained, finally looking at his best friend and secretly, the girl who has his heart in her gentle grip for he doesn't think his bestfriend could ever be harsh, other than when she's twisting his ear for getting in trouble without her
But he can't, he knew he can't. She probably hates him, gotten word of his 'crimes' and no longer sees him as her best friend. But as a murderer, a plague doctor who assisted his superior on experimenting to dying plague victims in search of the cure.
She probably already has a family of her own now, has 3 children like she once said she wanted. Probably has a nice spouse that always makes her laugh and will never hurt her. A spouse that doesn't have their sins still haunting them in every step and breath they take.
"You're leaving me?" the pain in her voice was clear, she was hurt at the thought. They had planned to wait for her to be cured before they decide to go out of their hometown to travel, to study medicine like they always dreamed of.
"Not for long, I know we planned to study together but..." He took a deep breath, "I'm doing this for you, (Y/N), I want to study now for you"
Silence filled the room once again.
Julian clutched up at his coat, the place right over his heart where it hurts the most. He had completely fallen to his knees, tears continues to drip down to the ground from his eyes, his other hand gripping the ground.
Whispered apologies leaving his mouth over and over again.
"Promise me you'll come back? That you won't forget about me?"
Julian stared at his love's dull but hopeful (eye color) orbs, hisbhand momentarily leaving hers to gently caress her cheek.
"I'm so sorry... (Y/N), I'm so sorry..."
"I promise"
"I broke our promise... I'm so sorry, my love..."
Meanwhile, in the same meadow of Julian's memories, sits a much grown up version of the girl in his memories. Body trembling as sobs come right after one another, clutching a bundle of those same blue wildflowers to her chest. Her eyes tightly shut as tears falls to the ground of her childhood. The girl looked up, staring at the same moon that Julian was previously admiring.
"Where are you, Ilya? I thought you'll come back... You promised... You promised..."
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Anyone interested in a reunion sequel? 👀
My apologies if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes, I just woke up when I finished this lol
Anyways, I hope you all liked this! Let me know what you think, don't be shy! 💙
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Jensen Ackles: Tired
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Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Wife!Reader, Jared x Gene
Pov: Jensen 
warnings; Panic, anxiety, guilt, collapsing, more panic, fluff, a tiny bit of angst, Swearing
Summary(request): Ouuuuh I'm sooo happy that you write for Jensen!!! Can I pleaaase request a one shot of Jensen x wife reader in which she collapses because she's been exhausted taking care of the kids and he feels guilty that he didn't notice and he's determined to help more ?? I'm so sorry if this sound dumb. No pressure if you don't wanna write it.
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N- This wasn’t a stupid idea, I know that this had taken me a bit of time to write, so I’m sorry about that. I absolutely love this idea. Thank you for requesting/anon it.  (Your eye color: Y/E/C) @firefly-graphics for divider
Jensen masterlsit: 
Main Masterlsit
"Kids I need you two to sit in the living room while mommy cleans the kitchen." I heard Y/n say from my upstairs office. I was currently working on my second album for Radio company.
I had been up here for the past couple of days. Once or twice a day I'd hear Y/n get louder than normal, saying something to the twins about how they needed to stop fighting with each other.
Our twins, Ada and Jay. A boy and girl. They were bundles of energy, they run up and down the halls. There little feet leaving loud echos around our home.
"Yes, mommy will turn on Disney. You want to watch frozen two again?" I heard Y/n say. This was the first time that it sounded like the two littles had agreed on something.
A moment later I heard the soft intro music of frozen two. I smiled and continued to work on the new lyrics for our second album. We had promised our fans that the album would be out relatively soon. By soon I mean within a month's time.
I needed a break, I wasn't able to get anything done on an empty stomach. So I made my way down our elegant stairs. I saw the littles entranced by the tv, they didn't even notice me come down the stairs.
I let them be through thinking about how long it had taken for Y/n to get them to calm down. Mostly how much it had taken Y/n to get them to be quiet.
I shuffled my way into the kitchen,, passing behind Y/n as she cleaned a day's worth of dishes. I wrapped my hands around her mid-section, whispering in her ear, "Hey my love." She leaned into my touch and took a rather deep breath closing her eyes.
"Hey honey, what are you doing down here? I thought you had your album to work on." She said trying to unscrew one of Ada's sippy cups. I took the cup out of her hands and unscrewed the top with ease.
"I needed some food in my belly. Looks like you've got those kids preoccupied."I said release her from my hug and slipping a look into the fridge.
"Yeah I do, they've got me going in circles." She said finishing up by putting the cleanish dishes into the dishwasher. She turned to face me, motioning me to grab her water bottle from the fridge.
"I can see that, but hey remember you've got it. If you need anything come get me okay." I said giving her a chat kiss and walking back through the kitchen up the stairs.
I heard the music for the ending of frozen two come and go, but I could smell the start of dinner. I was done with working on the new album, so I changed into some more comfy pants, and went downstairs.
The twins were asleep on the large couch in our living room. Y/n was humming to a song in her head, I stood there and watched her. She danced around, cutting up peppers and messing with the oven for chicken.
She turned around and let out a loud shriek, "Jensen, you scared me!" She said with a huff. "You should be more careful, hell I could have thrown this knife at you." She said setting the knife down.
While I was staring at my beautiful wife I noticed a few things. Her skin seemed dull, I could see the bags under her eyes, her dancing wasn't a full-motion like it usually is. She stops and takes deeper breaths.
"Are you feeling okay?" I asked her out randomly. Giving me an odd look, a raised eyebrow. "Yeah, I'm feeling fine. Why?" Y/n asked me. "I was just wondering, that's all baby," I said kissing her cheek.
"I'm going to wake up the twins okay, if not they'll be up till five in the morning," I said, smacking her ass playful. The roll of Y/n eyes was the last thing I saw before I made my way into the living room.
"Ada, Jay. It's time to wake up." I said softly, Ada stirred in her sleep and Jay didn't even move. Ada slept like my wife does. Very softly, now on the other hand Jay sleep like a rock like his father.
"Ada, it's time to get up. Mommy is making dinner, you want dinner?' i said coaxing her to wake up. Jay still laid asleep, Ada's eyes fluttered open, "Dada!" "Hey baby girl, did you sleep good?" I asked her, hugging her.
She wrapped her small arms around my neck and looked at me with a wide smile, "Yes I sep good." She said, she giggled. A giggled much too Y/n's. "Do you want to help me get your brother up?" I asked Ada.
"Do we have to wake him up." She said a frown replacing her smile. "Yes, I'm afraid we have to," I said smiling. "Fine Daddy."She said unwrapping her arms from my neck and climbing next to her brother, she patted his shoulder.
"Jay, brotha daddy says you gotta wake up now." She said going from patting his shoulder to poking his side. "JAY! WAKE UP!" Ada screamed at the top of her, "Hey, hey there's no need to scream at him, baby." I said interru[ting her screaming session.
"Here let daddy show you how to wake him up," I said with raised eyebrows. "Jay, mommy says you'll get dessert if you wake up and eat all your dinner," I said rubbing small circles into Jay's back.
He opened his eyes and looked back and his sister and me. His eyes reminded me of his mother's Y/E/C eyes. Ada's eyes were the color of him, dark forest green, and when we went outside to play or to the beach, Ada's eyes turned to a light green something resembling an emerald.
All of a sudden my thoughts were interrupted when I heard the crash of something from in the kitchen. I rushed to go see, worried about Y/n. When I rushed in she was collapsed on the floor. "Y/n, honey," I said walking over to her. "Y/n... Y/n are you okay?" I questioned.
"Mommy?" I heard Ada and Jay say at the same time. I needed to make a quick decision. So I called Jared. Telling him that Y/n had collapsed on the floor.
Moments later I heard the door open and shut. "unc Jar." I heard Jay say, then I heard the click on heels behind him he had brought Gen with him. "Jared let me take the kids, you go help Jensen and get Y/n some washcloths a glass of cold water. Okay," Gene said.
"Hey, Auntie." Heard Ada say. "Come on kiddos let's go get some stuff from y'alls bedroom." I heard. Trying to keep Y/n's head elevated. "Hey, Jensen, What happened?" He asked. "I don't know Jar, One minute she was fine and she was cooking dinner, and next I heard a crash while getting Ada and Jay up."
"Jensen just breathe." He said, " How can I relax Jared, my wife.. my wife is lying unconscious on the kitchen floor. And I don't know how to help her." I said running a hand down my face.
"Jensen. Stop take a breath. Got get some washes clothes to get them cold as you get them. And come back here, okay." he said patting my shoulder.
I ran up the stairs passing the twins' rooms, gene gave me a sympathetic smile and was packing the twins' bags. It's a good idea take the kids to your house for a moment. I ran into our closet grabbing far too many, running back down the stairs.
Missing a few at the bottom almost tripping over my large stature. "Get them wet we're going to put some on her forehead, neck, and wrist. Get that glass of water too." Jared said.
Eventually, after Gene had taken the kiddos to their home, Jared and I moved Y/n to the couch. She started to wake up, her eye fluttering open. It was more than too nice to see her Y/E/C. Jared excused himself telling me that they would keep the kids for the rest of the night.
"We'll keep the kiddos, give Ada, Jay, Shep, and Odette a surprise a sleepover," he said patting my shoulder then left. We sat in silence for a moment.
"Wait?" Y/n said first. "I asked if you were okay," I said. "Yeah you did and I wasn't lying." She said, "So, why did this happen then, Y/n?" I questioned her.
Again we sat in silence, "Because Jensen, I feel like I'm doing this all by myself, you're so sucked into finishing the damn album you've left your wife, your wife to deal with two toddlers." She said arguing with me. She took the washcloths off her forehead and wrists throwing them onto the coffee table.
I hadn't realized how much weight I had put on her shoulders. I guess I kind of just expected that she could take it. "I... I guess I didn't realize that I was doing that." I said.
"No, you didn't. You know what just forget it, okay Jensen. I need to finish dinner and then get Ada and Jay from Gene." She said. Truing to get up, but ending up bouncing back onto the couch.
"No, look. I know that I was forgetting about things. And forgetting that you can't take this all by yourself. Yes, you're my wife and you mean the world to me. You don't realize the amount of panic that went through me when I heard that crash. I understand now.' I said
The tears starting to come out. 'You don't know what I would do without you. I wouldn't know what to do without my wife, my beautiful, strong, amazing wife. I'm sorry I fucked up. Please, Let me fix it." I said begging with my wife now.
She stared at me, reaching her hand over to my face wiping the stray tears that had fallen while I was talking away. "Okay, I guess we both fucked up. I didn't say anything to you, and you wouldn't have been able to know." She said scouting closer to me, her hands staying on my cheek.
With her warm hand still on my cheek, I leaned into the touch. "I'll finish dinner, you, Y/n you relax please." I said pleading. She shook her head, "How about we do it together." Y/n offered I smiled and grabbed her hand bringing her up from the couch. "I like that idea," I said.
Going in for a much-needed kiss. She meddled into it. "We can take advantage of the littles being at Gene, and Jared." She whispered against my lips. "Naughty," I whispered back. "Dinner first though," I said stripping the moment of its erotic nature.
"Okay, baby But you've got dish duty for a while," Y/n said her hand sliding up and down my chest.
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Completed On: 04/25/2021
Taglist: @akshi8278 @wonderfulworldofwinchester @deanswaywardgirl @hit-meup69 @fofisstilinski @doctorlilo
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