#botoes hover
nevalisca-themes · 7 years
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nivrad00 · 6 years
The Pyrrhian Peace Summit
Sunny Tries to Change History
Little Newt carefully inspected Alba’s wounds. “Newt, can you prepare another goldenrod poultice?” she said. “I want to replace Alba’s bandages.”
“Got it,” said Big Newt, hurrying out of the tent.
“She’s really taken a liking to medicine, hasn’t she?” said Hope.
“Mhm,” said Clay. “Yesterday, she asked me if she could sign up for Herbs & Healing. She kept going on and on about what Newt had taught her. I think that’s the most I’ve ever heard her speak!”
“It’s really nice of you to let her help out,” said Sunny to Little Newt.
“Oh, it’s no problem!” she said. “I could really use the extra talon. Usually in the rainforest there’s three of us working together. Haha.”
The Newts had set up a temporary healer’s tent by the ampitheater, so they wouldn’t have to move Alba all the way to Jade Mountain. Despite the delay that morning, the last day of the conference had gone on, and all that was left were the closing remarks.
Snail appeared at the entrance, trailed by Marsh. “Excuse me. Sunny, could we talk to you for a moment?”
“Of course,” said Sunny. “How can I help you?”
Snail glanced at Marsh. “Maybe we should tell you in private.”
“Oh, okay,” Sunny said, exiting the tent. “I’ll be right back, Clay!”
“Uh-huh,” said Clay.
“Seeing all the kids here puts me in a good mood,” said Hope, smiling faintly. “They’re so cooperative.”
“Cooperative? What do you mean?” Clay said.
“Well, back when I was a dragonet… and I mean way back… you’d never see dragons of different tribes hanging out like that.” Hope shrugged. “It’s refreshing.”
Big Newt entered the tent again, holding a green mush in a cloth. “Here you go,” she said.
Little Newt sniffed the concoction. “Oh, Newt, this is marigold, not goldenrod.”
“Oh. My bad.”
“It’s okay! Here, let me show you.” Little Newt led the MudWing back out of the tent.
Hope laughed. “They’re good kids.”
* * *
“She wasn’t as angry as I thought she’d be,” said Snail.
“Are you kidding?” said Marsh, shivering. “I’ve never seen Sunny act like that. So cold and… disappointed.”
“You haven’t seen Queen Coral on her bad days,” said Snail. “Trust me. That wasn’t angry. If anything, she’s relieved that there isn’t actually a conspiracy going on.”
“As far as we know,” muttered Marsh.
Everyone had been crowded into a clearing for the final moments of the Pyrrhian Peace Summit, with only a wooden podium indicating that the event was a conference and not a large picnic. Some dragons hovered overhead, while others – mainly RainWings – found perches in the surrounding trees.
“I see your boyfriend’s finally here,” said Snail, looking through the crowd.
“What?” said Marsh, following her gaze. “Coconut? We’re not… we’re just friends. Where is he?”
“Are you two fighting?”
“No, not exactly.”
“I can tell you’re avoiding him. Come on, tell me what’s going on.”
“I know exactly what’s going on,” said Kinkajou, landing beside the two of them.
“Kinkajou?” said Marsh.
“Disappointing dragons is kind of Coconut’s specialty,” said Kinkajou. “Back in the rainforest, we were in the same tree gliding class for a whole year. Right before I was kidnapped and disappeared for three weeks. And he didn’t even notice! Can you believe that?!”
“Really?” Marsh said with an anxious expression.
“Yep. I don’t think Coconut would notice if his own wings turned into sloths. So whatever you’re worrying about, don’t.”
“I don’t know,” said Marsh. “I feel like I might have hurt his feelings or something.”
“That’s just my advice,” said Kinkajou with a shrug. “Take it or leave it.” She lifted off into the air again.
“She has a point,” said Snail.
“Hi, guys,” said Coconut from behind them.
“Agh!” said Snail. “Coconut, don’t creep up on dragons like that!”
“Sorry,” Coconut said, though he didn’t feel particularly sorry.
He was pretty sure that he would notice if his wings turned into sloths. Probably.
“Hi, Coconut,” Marsh muttered.
Coconut smiled uncertainly. He wasn’t sure if Marsh was still mad and/or worrying. He certainly looked anxious, but that might just be because of Kinkajou, who always made Coconut anxious.
“Um, I’m sorry about the other day,” said Marsh. “I guess I sort of panicked when I heard you might be leaving.”
That was why Coconut hadn’t wanted to tell Marsh in the first place. Marsh didn’t always have to deal with his problems for him. Coconut had been planning on writing such a good essay for Tsunami that Marsh would be impressed and not have to worry at all. After all, how hard could writing an essay be?
(It turned out, pretty hard. But with the help of Boto and Thrush, who, admittedly, did most of the actual clawwriting, he’d gotten it finished. And Sunny had liked it a lot.)
Since their first day at Jade Mountain, Marsh had been a great clawmate. He encouraged Coconut to get out and explore, but he wasn’t pushy. He was one of the few dragons who didn’t talk down to Coconut like some sort of colorful slug. Coconut just wanted to do one thing in return, to show Marsh how much he appreciated it all.
But how could he tell all that to Marsh? What were the words that would ease the troubled look on Marsh’s face, to convince him that everything was going to work out okay? Maybe one day, Starflight would cover those words in writing class. But for now, Coconut would have to make do.
“It’s okay, Marsh,” said Coconut, wrapping his wings around him.
“Oh,” said Marsh, meekly returning the motion. He glanced at Snail with an embarrassed look.
“So are you dating or not?” Snail said.
“No,” said Marsh.
“Yeah,” Coconut said at the same time.
“Wait, what?” said Marsh.
Coconut tilted his head. “Right? Why do you think we cuddle all the time?”
“I – I thought that was just a RainWing thing,” said Marsh.
Snail laughed. “Marsh, you’re an idiot sometimes.”
At the front of the crowd, Tsunami yelled, “EVERYONE! Silence, please!”
A hush fell over the crowd, and a hundred pairs of eyes turned to look at the podium. Sunny was standing there, a smile on her little yellow face. “Hi, everyone,” she said. “The Pyrrhian Peace Summit is almost over, so I’d like to leave you with a few words. But I’ll try to keep it brief.
“First of all, a few very brave students have stepped up and confessed that they were the cause of the mayhem the past few days. Though it was irresponsible of them, and they will be punished accordingly, there was no harm intended. I am confident that nobody here was out to harm or deceive anyone else.
Sunny scanned the crowd, eyes dwelling on the dragons of each tribe. “I’m constantly surprised and humbled by the respect you all give to me and my friends. Ever since we escaped from the cave where we were raised, dragons have expected something of us, whether they revered us or hated us, all because of the dragonet prophecy.
“But my friends and I – Clay, Tsunami, Glory, Starflight, and me – we’re not some sort of heroes. We’re just normal dragons who found themselves with some amount of power. A long time ago, we made a commitment to use that power to help the dragons Pyrrhia. And we invite you to make that commitment too.
“We’ve already seen so many examples of what intertribal cooperation can do, in medicine, communication, technology, and peace. Please, don’t hesitate to be in contact with us or with each other to continue the discussion. Jade Mountain Academy, of course, will always be happy to act as mediators if the tribes need neutral ground to meet on.”
Sunny unrolled a scroll in front of her. “I’d like to close by reading an excerpt from a wonderful essay written by one of our students, Coconut.”
Marsh gaped at Coconut. “What?!” he whispered.
“In school we learned that flowers compete with each other to have the brightest colors. It makes more bees come to them than having duller one. Sometimes RainWings do that too because they want to be popular or the prettiest. I don’t do it because I don’t like to have lots of dragons are looking at me. But I thought flowers would get more bees too if they worked together and didn’t compete with each other all the time.
“I think that is the difference between dragons and flowers. We can choose to be whatever color we want to be and we can work together if we want to. But if the flowers went to war they would probably never stop unless they had the Flowerets of Fate.”
A few dragons in the crowd laughed. Sunny looked up from the scroll and beamed. “If I’ve learned anything from the past few years, it’s that we are in control of our own destiny. We’re dragons, not flowers. Let’s make Pyrrhia a better place together.”
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hellomelder · 7 years
amazon river dolphin
Hey guys! We’re back for blog #17! This week we will be learning about the Inia geoffrensis, or more commonly known as the amazon river dolphin
Taxonomic classification:
kingdom: animalia     phylum: chordata    class: mammalia      order: artiodactyla
family: Iniidae
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Nutritional Requirement:
Their diet primarily consists of fish, and they depend on healthy fish populations for their survival, feasting upon over 50 types of fish. They also consume shellfish, crabs, crustaceans, and even small turtles.
Growth and Development:
 In the wild, the average life expectancy of these animals is only 33 months. However, in captivity, they have been recorded to have lived between 10 and 30 years.
The Amazon River Dolphins are social and friendly creatures, living since centuries in the Amazon and its tributaries. Usually seen roaming alone, or in pairs during the mating season, these dolphins would hover in groups of 10 to 15 when there is an abundance of prey. Like most other species, these dolphins sleep with one eye open.
Courtship and mating foreplay have also been recorded with the male nibbling the female’s fins. However, if the female is not receptive, the male would react aggressive. The frequency of intercourse in a couple is high, and they have been observed to use at least three different sex positions lying head to head, lying head to tail, and contacting the womb at right angles.
Evolutionary origins: 
A characteristic that is unique to these dolphins is the presence of stiff hairs on the beak, which are sensory organs aiding them to sense the presence of a prey in the muddy river bottoms. These water mammals have conical teeth in the front portion of their mouths, which is ideal for holding their prey. The molar teeth situated in the rear end of their mouths are shaped ideally for grinding food before they swallow. This is known as ‘heterodont’ dentition.
Botos are generally concentrated below the confluences of the channels. They dwell in the fast flowing, whitewater, clearwater or blackwater rivers of the lowlands. But they are strictly freshwater mammals. They are also found in the lakes, the largest tributaries of the rivers, and seasonally in the flooded rainforests.
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passo-html · 8 years
Quando você passa o mouse em cima do post e aparece dois botoes, um de reblog outro de like dai só apertar que vai... Sabe?
tem sim
aqui tem um estilo
porém ele não está no hover, e a cor ta vermelho, mas é só tu mudar todos os “color:red” por “color:#ddd” e depois criar a div hover, se não souber fazer te ensinamos
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