#bottom richie
cwcthzl · 4 months
nsfw // richie always believing he should be the one to top/dom because of his size and height, and this thought being approved by his previous partners who were bottoms/subs.
that's until stanley. and until richie has a dream of stanley on top of him. it's long before they started dating, sure, and richie was just recently accepting his feelings for his best friend but he's getting hot whenever he thinks of that dream regardless; seeing the way stanley smirks and kisses him, cages him between him and the bed, praises him for taking him so good and degrading him for being so eager to let stanley whatever he wants to do with him.
and when they start dating, it's almost like a switch turned on inside richie, because when he and stanley got to making out and undressing each other, richie didn't have a goddamn thought in his head about the positions or anything. his brain was filled with stan; how his lips moved hungrily against his, how his ran through his locks almost wildly, how he pressed his body closer and closer and how he didn't even pull back to get air in his lungs. it's not like richie was any different, trying to grab and touch every part of stan while continuously pushing his body further and further into the man's touch, kissing him rather sloppily because he just. couldn't care less.
so when stanley finally pulled back and sat on his heels, richie knew what was coming.
and it was the best thing to ever come to him.
stanley fucked him so good, so sweet that richie couldn't believe how he managed to live that long without having stanley in him. the praises in his ear, the kisses, the fingering, the bites, the teasing, the sight of him between his legs, the fullness, the rhythm stanley set up that got faster and harder by the minute, the whispers that told richie to cum for him, the orgasm, the sensation, the eye contact, the smiles, the kisses after and the aftercare.
richie was a proud vers switch after that, and he had no problem with saying that as long as he got to have stan in his arms after.
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jemthespud · 4 months
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Whoever made this I love you
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planetcleer · 3 months
richie tozier is such a fucking service top honestly like he’s so easy he’ll do literally anything if it makes his partner feel good and he’ll do it happily
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coma--dreams · 1 month
This is all I have to contribute to the bottom fandom
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glowsticcc · 28 days
when i have the time and energy i'll draw it out, and this probably makes sense to me and only me,
but kremy being "fae-cursed" in love with gideon is hozier while gideon in love with kremy is sir mix-a-lot
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josephtrohman · 2 months
Joe reaches above his head, pushing onto his toes, to put a clean frying pan on the top shelf, pulling his t-shirt up with the motion. There’s a flash of the dimples near Joe’s spine, at the small of his back—an unnecessarily sexy part of him, in Patrick’s opinion—holding Patrick’s attention. Patrick feels pulled to him from across the kitchen, unconsciously, fingers curling over hip bones, thumbs holding the hem of Joe’s shirt out of the way to get an eye full. He stares with wide, yearning eyes... Or: Patrick catches a glimpse of Joe’s back dimples, and he has to act up about it. Naturally.
top patrick/bottom joe nation i wrote a little bit of married/domestic flavoured smut inspired by joe's back dimples, hope u enjoy <3
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a-a-a-anon · 4 months
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eeek loved the prompt for a richie and eddie wedding so i drew this up for the @rikandadefest 2024 (ao3 link)!
i'm also taking the opportunity to post my headcanons i had while drawing this:
the flowers are grown by richie in his little windowsill garden. they probably died and burnt to the crisp from second hand damage while he was cooking up the wedding dinner/cake, but he was still proud!
speaking of, some of the things richie cooked up include pickle onion sandwiches (eddie's favorite), fish fingers, and caviar scavenged from the depths of the bin from when lady natasha visited to add some pizzazz. their cake was cheese and onion flavoured
the flowers are blue and pink because of richie's apron colors/eddie and richie's matching pj's colors (i imagine the wedding's color schemes were blue/pink)
the lacey, frilly wedding dress is also heavily inspired by richie's frilly pretty apron. i wanted something a little 1980s-ostentatious-ugly but also princessy because i think that would appeal to richie's out of touch, fanciful sensibilities (/affectionate)
richie got the base of the dress from somewhere else (eddie nicked it for him) and sewed even more lace and frills on himself
eddie's suit is the fancy one from 'digger' (i think they mention its a rented suit in that episode but in my head eddie never bothered to return it.) eddie didnt care much about dressing up but richie wanted it and the wife gets what she wants, and it was the nicest item of clothing eddie had
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An Epilogue (and a Prologue) P1
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P2 | P3
Vyvyan had been waiting outside his uncles’ house for about ten minutes. He was sat in his new car – a yellow Ford Anglia – smoking a fag, so it wasn’t as if any nearby pig could accuse him of loitering on the streets. He’d bought some red paint to paint flames down the sides of the car yesterday from a bloke called Harry the Bastard, and the pots were sat on the backseats alongside his bin bag of possessions. This was all he needed to move out of Hammersmith. Well, a paintbrush would be handy as well, but Vyvyan reckoned North London would have paintbrushes too.
When the boredom finally began to set in, Vyvyan knew he couldn’t ignore what he’d come here to do any longer. His legs were already bouncing with restlessness. Alright, he told himself. Time to let the bastards know. He’d waited until the last minute as it was.
Mr Harrison, good humoured as usual, was in his corner shop to leer at Vyvyan as he made his way through to the flat. Vyvyan had learnt at a young age not to take the man’s temperament personally – he effed and jeffed his way around interactions with anyone he knew couldn’t afford to stand up to him. Today really was the day Vyvyan should sock him one, but he supposed that wouldn’t be awfully considerate to his uncles. He settled for a nonplussed scrunch of the mouth instead.
“Tell ‘em I want some rent!” Mr Harrison snapped as he started on the staircase to the flat.
Vyvyan flicked the Vs over his shoulder in response. Rent? For a place like this? Vyvyan certainly wouldn’t be paying rent if he lived in such a dilapidated hovel, even if he could afford to, and he knew for a fact that his uncles couldn’t. Paying to live here was like paying rent for your prison cell – who in their right mind would do that? Parasitic bastard…
The steps up to 11 Mafeking Parade were steep ones, but they never took particularly long to climb. Soon enough, Vyvyan found himself staring blankly at the green, peeling paint of the front door. He raised his right fist and knocked three times. There was a crashing sound from within. No turning back now. He breathed in deeply.
About thirty seconds later – which was longer than Vyvyan would have spared for most bastards to get off their arses and let him in – the door flew open, bringing him face to face with Richard Richard. He grinned; all previous apprehension washed away.
“Hello, Uncle Richie!”
Richie’s face, arranged into that aloof sneer he regarded most inhabitants of Hammersmith with, morphed instantly into wide eyed, manic delight. His left hand unclasped from what Vyvyan was fairly certain had been a fist, in celebration.
“Vyvyan! Hello! Come in, come in!” Richie said, stepping back to invite Vyvyan over the threshold. “Young man, have you grown again? You really must stop this, you know – you must be as tall as Eddie now!”
Vyvyan smirked to himself – it had taken less than a minute for Richie to comment on his height; that must’ve been a new record. It was nice to have someone to fuss over him though, he did have to admit… not to Richie’s face, of course, but to himself. With Richie being such a fussy soul – he was currently wearing his frilly pink apron – there wasn’t anyone better suited to the task in Vyvyan’s mind. They made their way along the gloom of the hallway, heading for the kitchen.
“I am eighteen now,” Vyvyan said.
“Oh, I know,” Richie said from behind him, and he sucked in a rather dramatic breath as if to emphasise it. “You’ve grown up so fast…”
Eddie was sat at the kitchen table as Vyvyan came in, last week’s copy of The Hammersmith Bugle resting in his grip. At the sound of the stomping footfalls much too heavy to be Richie’s, he turned to greet his nephew with a wave.
“Alright, Vyvy?”
“Alright, Uncle Eddie.” Vyvyan took the other seat at the table, his back to the conservatory. “And, uh, it’s Vyv now actually.”
Eddie nodded, smiling proudly. “Right you are, Vyvy.”
Richie rolled his eyes behind Eddie’s back as he moved over to the sink.
“Don’t mind your uncle, Vyvyan – he’s only got a two second memory,” he said.
Vyvyan snorted. “’S alright, doesn’t really matter with you two anyway.”
He missed the touched look his uncles exchanged at this comment, choosing instead to stare at the splintered wood of the kitchen table. Vyvyan wasn’t any more interested in the knackered old thing now than he’d been the last thirteen years he’d had tea at it, but pretending he was meant he could put off telling his uncles the news just a little longer.
How exactly should he broach this subject with them? It wasn’t as if Vyvyan had come with bad news – he wasn’t fourteen and on the run from the pigs after nicking from the local off-licence – this was good news. Everyone thought so. All his teachers, even Miss Naylor the social worker, had said so. This shouldn’t be difficult.
A soft clunk on the table in front of Vyvyan interrupted his brooding and he blinked, taking in the chipped teacup that had materialised before him. He glanced up to see Richie hovering by his side. He nodded in recognition.
Vyvyan barely noticed the green colour of the tea inside the cup as he sipped. There was very little he wouldn’t eat or drink, and this tea was loaded with sugar – even if there were pieces of bark floating around the cup too. He was sure it was his dustbin like attitude to food that had endeared him to Richie from the word go.
Eddie, for his part, had never quite understood his nephew’s ability to consume just about anything he could fit into his mouth. It was the kind of spectacle that made you want to down a pint of brake fluid before washing the taste away with some good toilet cleaner – and Eddie often had. Watching Vyvyan sup the cup of horrors now – not missing the smug look Richie was giving him in his peripheral vision – Eddie finally folded his newspaper and put it down. Richie gave him a pointed glance.
“Uh…” Eddie said.
Vyvyan’s eyes darted over to him and then over to Richie. Smart kid was the sprog. Both Richie and Eddie smiled indulgingly at Vyvyan, which they could both then tell by the scrunch of his nose he wasn’t taking at face value.
“Everything good with you then, Vyvy?” Eddie asked him.
It appeared Vyvyan’s nerves had trickled out into the rest of the room. He supposed his uncles weren’t used to seeing him doing boring, grown-up things like contemplating and hesitating. Really, he was making this far more painful than it needed to be. Eddie was starting to get that guilty look in his eyes – the one Vyvyan first remembered seeing that Christmas his mum had thrown his Beano on the fire.
“Yeah, yeah… better than good actually…” Vyvyan said, glancing back down at his teacup.
Richie and Eddie exchanged another look.
“Oh?” Richie said, moving to stand by Eddie. “Have you got yourself a girlfriend, Vyvyan? What’s her name? When can we meet her?”
“Oi, you!”
Eddie grabbed at Richie’s arm in an attempt to curtail the pervy thoughts clearly racing through his mind. In a rare moment of self-awareness, Richie caught himself and shuddered out of his fervour.
“I only meant-”
“I think we all know exactly what you only meant, Richard. Vyvy can show us his bird when he’s ready.” Eddie winked conspiratorially at Vyvyan. “I can lock him upstairs when she comes ‘round if you want.”
Richie gasped. “Edward Elizabeth Hitler! Don’t be so foul in front of your nephew!”
Vyvyan snorted his way into a laugh, the involuntary shudder spilling the green tea over the table. His uncles were barking up completely the wrong tree here. He had the power to end or prolong this. Richie and Eddie looked like they didn’t know whether to laugh with him or offer some kind of counsel.
“I’m sorry – your faces – it’s not a girlfriend,” Vyvyan said.
He mopped up the spilled tea with the hem of his shirt, which he could tell Richie appreciated.
“Such better table manners than you, Edward.”
“So what is it then? What’s better than a new bird?” Eddie asked.
There was a hint of panic brewing in his voice; Vyvyan knew he was his Uncle Eddie’s most vulnerable weak spot, but it still surprised him when he saw it written so starkly across the man’s face. Richie raised a curious eyebrow. It was time for the crunch. Vyvyan took one last sip of his tea – he really hoped he hadn’t bigged the news up too much now. He chose a splinter on the table to stare at and willed laser beams to erupt from his eyeballs.
“Well, basically, I’m going to uni,” he said.
There was a second – a painfully long second – of stunned silence. In that second, Vyvyan considered both cannonballing out of the window and drilling his way back into the corner shop. This was why saying nothing was easier. This was why slinking off into the night without a word was what everyone else in this bloody family did-
Then Richie and Eddie started shouting and cheering, an incoherent cacophony of pride, and Vyvyan realised the flat, as always, was safe. A grin was spreading across his face before he even looked back up at them.
Eddie got to his feet abruptly, knocking his chair into Richie and cutting off his current stream of: “Eddie, our little Vyvyan’s off to university! Eddie, can you believe it, Eddie!? Eddie-” He ambled over to Vyvyan and slapped his shoulder. Vyvyan wasn’t going to say anything, but he was sure there were tears welling up behind his glasses. His uncle let out a high pitched, hysterical giggle, the kind of noise Vyvyan didn’t often associate with Eddie. Not an Eddie who hadn’t just downed fifteen pints of lager in one lunch hour, anyway.
“Thank god for that,” Eddie said, strangely breathless. “For a moment there I thought you were about to announce you’d knocked someone up!”
This probably should have offended him, Vyvyan thought, but it didn’t, so he laughed instead. Who cared? He knew emotional bollocks was hard for Eddie – bloody hell, it was hard enough for Vyvyan. They couldn’t all spurt this gooey stuff out at will like Richie. Eddie was blinking quite rapidly, appearing for all intents and purposes like a child who hadn’t yet learnt to speak properly.
“Vyvy, I- I- we-”
Vyvyan reached up to pat Eddie’s hand, which hadn’t retreated after the proud slap and was still clasping his shoulder.
“I know,” Vyvyan told him.
Eddie gave Vyvyan’s shoulder a meaningful squeeze. This was all turning out brilliantly, better than Vyvyan had dared to let himself hope for. Sure, he hadn’t seriously expected either of them to react negatively to the news, had he? At least, not seriously negatively. He’d worried they might object to him leaving for adventures outside of Hammersmith, where he couldn’t just pop in to see them when the mood took him. A small part of him had worried they’d hardly react at all. But no, they were proud of him. Proud.
Good god, Vyvyan was going to have to watch himself if he didn’t want to go all girly on them. Richie hoicked the other chair across the kitchen floorboards with a screech.
“Vyvyan Basterd!” he said.
He was fanning his face with the Bugle, as if he’d just run a marathon. Eddie rolled his eyes, his hand still not moving from Vyvyan’s shoulder.
“Here we go…”
“Young man, you must tell me absolutely every detail this instant!” Richie said as he sat down. “Do you understand? Do you? Do you realise how abso-fucking-lutely-bloody-bollocking MARVELOUS this is!?”
Yes, somehow, Richie was sweating, his limp hair already soaking up the first dank streaks of it. His shirt was beginning to lose its opaqueness; his lazy eye was unfocused; his smile was wide, and manic, and mental– fucking mental – exactly the way Vyvyan had always loved him.
Fucking mental. His fucking mental uncles. He started laughing all over again.
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fortjester · 6 months
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swimming pool by the front bottoms // the bear (2022 - present)
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irenic-raccoon · 10 months
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I think I'm funny
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ex0rin · 1 year
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Jack Quaid as Richie Kirsch | Scream 2022
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yes-dillman-yes · 1 year
ahh!! awesome! could you write a miniseries stozier x FTM reader smut that takes place post them defeating pennywise the first time? (obvi a good while after so they’re an appropriate age) like the reader notices that stan is pulling away from the group and that richie is being avoidant about it/deflecting a lot and decides to talk to the two of them and things escalate from there
or if you’re not comfortable with ship x reader: a miniseries richie x FTM reader where the reader saves richie from a beating by henry bowers and comes out to richie (bonus points if you can work in a reference to the teenage werewolf in the basement incident into the fic <3)
Warnings: mature language, penetration, blowjobs, cunnilingus, unprotected smut, threesome
Summary: They had defeated Pennywise for years at this point, but the haunting presents of the clown had yet to leave them. They are now exiting their finale year of high school, when at Billy’s graduation party, Stan and Richie enter a private argument. Or what they thought was private - until y/n stumbles into the room to declare peace.
Notes: Never in my life would I think I would be writing a Stozier fic, but I found it as a challenge to overcome. All characters are 18/19, so no underage private time. I haven’t written is so long so please excuse typos or just shit writing. Long intro, and I kind of altered the story from the request slightly. Enjoy my readers!
There was never the intention for y/n to become an ease dropper, but he had somehow ended up as one. Eddie was freaking out over spilled punch and Billy had used all the downstairs towels for cleaning up a mess earlier that night that y/n took on the responsibility to hunt for some replacements. Which lead him to finding Richie and Stan in Billy’s room - whisper shouting at each other.
“I told you, Richard, everything is fine with me,” there is a pause in Stanley’s speech, “I’m just…I don’t know what to say anymore. I don’t know how else to move on - except to just leave.”
Richie grabs Stan’s shoulders, forcing him to look each other in the eyes.
“You don’t think I feel the same? But that’s not what this is about. You know that. The other’s keep asking me about you, and I’m always left with no response-”
“I’m sure that’s new for you.”
“IT IS! I tell them you’re at Boy Scouts, or bird watching! Because I can’t just tell them that you can’t even stand to look at any of them anymore since all you can see is that stupid clown’s face!” Richie’s face starts to turn red.
A beat of silence until another word is spoken.
“I apologize that my absents causes so many issues for you.”
“Don’t, Stan. Don’t turn this into something it’s not. I’m asking you to stop running. You have no idea the affect you have on me. You ignore us- me, and I feel like I’m loosing a part of myself.”
“Maybe it’s for the best-” Stan is about to finish his sentence when all of a sudden the door swings open. Y/n stumbles into the room awkwardly catching their balance.
“Oh shit, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt,” y/n tries to say casually. He doesn’t want them to know he was listening for so long. But they both look at y/n with a suspicious stare.
“You’re not,” they say in unison and then smirk at their actions.
Stanley pulls away from Richie’s grip, and heads for the door. But right before he brushes past, he is grabbed by y/n’s firm hands. A shiver runs down his spine excitedly. Y/n leans into their shared space and whispers, “Don’t go, Stan. Let me talk first”. Y/n leads Stan to sit on the bed, and shoots Richie a look that says ‘you too’.
Y/n stands before the two boys and begins his speech, “Ok, so I was definitely listening before I fell in. Which I am sorry for doing, but I know - we all know that something is wrong with you two. Stan, you’ve been MIA for weeks. Even when you’re in the same room as us, you’re mentally a million miles away. You saw shit that some of us didn’t but you’re letting it drift you away. We miss you. I miss you.”
Y/n sees tears start to build in the dark haired boy’s eyes and something in him shifts. Y/n can’t help himself as he bends down to wipe the boy’s tears away. He shares a smile as he does so. Their hands intertwine as y/n shifts towards Richie’s direction.
“As for you carrot top,” a giggle leaves Richie’s mouth at the name, “you’re always a loud mouth but recently- everything is a fucking joke to you. This is the first time in a while that I’ve heard you have a serious conversation. You criticize Stan for running away but don’t pretend that you’re not avoiding the pain too”. Y/n takes his free hand to run his palm softly across the other boy’s freckled face, “Now, please, tell me what I can do to help relieve you both of these feelings?”
Stanley hums to grab y/n’s attention, and leans forward to connect their foreheads. Before any more questions can be asked, both of their lips are touching. Stan moans into the kiss while he slides his left hand on to Richie’s thigh. His thigh shakes at the touch like a jolt of electricity runs through him. Richie moves into action, running his own hands over y/n’s hair and shoulders. He begins to leave kisses on each piece of skin he touches.
Y/n pulls apart from the kiss to catch his breath, and bends his neck to open more room for Richie’s mouth to suck. Stan rubs his hardening cock through his jeans while watching the show before him. The sucking comes to a pause so a whisper could be shared, “I think this is us showing you our gratitude”. The sucking instantly continuing. Y/n smiles at Stanley and can feel himself start to get wet.
“Don’t just sit there, baby. Show me what you want,” y/n request.
Both of the other men guide y/n onto the bed, with his face towards the ceiling, they begin to undress him until only his underwear remains. Richie begins to undress himself while Stan kisses the happy trail leading to y/n’s wet entrance. Stan shoots a look up, asking for permission, which is granted with a moan and a nod of the head.
“Your body is beautiful, y/n. I can’t wait to feel how good it is to be inside of you,” Richie is rubbing his cock right in front of y/n’s face while speaking pure filth, “But first, Stan the Man here is going to get you nice and loose. I bet you like his tongue.”
The only sound Stan makes in response, is his tongue sliding into y/n’s pussy to then slide out so he can suck on the clit. The minute he begins to focus on that area, a deep groan leaves y/n throat. But before he could make any more sound, Richie grabs his jaw and slides his long cock into y/n’s mouth. A sweet bliss washes over all of the men.
For a few beats, the only sounds that could be heard are the sucking sounds of skin and moans that sound like a choir. Y/n’s legs are shaking around his lover’s head while Richie gasps with pleasure from the friction of the tongue against his dick. The edge of his climax creeping upon him.
“I’m going to fucking cum all over your face, baby” Richie purrs.
All of a sudden, Stanley pulls his head up and lays a hand on Richie’s shoulder to pause the action. Stanley demands, without saying a word, for Richie to lay on his back while positioning y/n on top of the laying boy’s stomach. Stanley once again shoots a questioning look towards y/n - asking for consent. The request is eagerly accepted.
Richie is heard whinnying as Stanley leads the boy’s slim cock into the soaking entrance of their shared lover. A sigh of relief leaves y/n’s mouth as they finally become full. A sudden new sigh escapes him when he feels his cunt stretch perfectly to fit another cock inside. Both of the other men are gripping and kissing any flesh available to them.
Finally, Stanley utters his first words, “We’re going to cum inside of you. You’re our angel.”
Richie is sucking their lover’s nipples while reaching around to grip Stanley’s ass, helping the man to thrust deeper inside. Y/n is moving his hips in the best direction to feel his g-spot getting hit repeatedly. His nails scratching the surface of Richie’s scalp - Richie groaning and thrusting like an animal in response. Stanley, on the hand, is fucking like he has it all mapped out. Every move has a purpose and direction: making everyone cum.
“Fuck me harder! I’m close…so, so fucking close,” y/n demands.
Richie is there too, leaking inside the other’s hole.
Stanley slams his thick cock in the perfect spot that y/n jolts forward, climaxing as Richie’s cock slips out. His cum covering Stan’s stomach and y/n’s ass. Richie quickly moving his hands to stimulate Stan’s nipples - just enough touch to get the dark haired boy to groan out his sign of climax.
Y/n didn’t need to hear the groan though. He felt the warm fluid coat his raw insides. Finally feeling complete and fulfilled.
“Goddamn that’s Stan the fucking man!”
“Shut up, Richie.”
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doe-eyedwerewolf · 7 months
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The Many Faces of Rik Mayall ©️Daniele Smith, 2022.
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greenpidge101 · 7 months
Eddie: fight me off, Richie! Stop smiling I’m kicking your ass!!!
Richie: *biggest smile ever*
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I’m back?? and so soon too!? yup I got one [1] idea about these boys and wrote about 3,000 words in like two days <33
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stesichoreanpalinode · 4 months
The case of the matching jammies
Because this post demanded a poll:
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