#bottom shawn spencer
figsandfandoms · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Psych (TV 2006) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Juliet O'Hara/Shawn Spencer Characters: Juliet O'Hara, Shawn Spencer Additional Tags: Dom/sub, Dom/sub Undertones, Bottom Shawn Spencer, Top Juliet O'Hara, Handcuffs, Non-Penetrative Sex Toys, Mentions of Sex Toys Summary:
Shawn has some issues with authority. Juliet tries to help him through them. A short, smutty fic for the SBAD Valentine's Event, prompt "Issues with Authority"
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thegroundhogdidit · 5 months
i think shawn spencer is the only character that you can reasonably argue is actually a bottom. like for most characters it's just impossible to tell what their preferences in bed are but shawn asked his girlfriend to put a baby in him. so idk
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romaine-bromaine · 4 months
I was on call with my friend and we came up with these memes, enjoy.
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one is an in progress cause I thought it was funny
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social-mockingbird · 1 year
When recovering from a cold and running on less sleep than you should, a classy outfit option is always an exhausted Shawn Spencer
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justalitlecreacher · 2 years
Experiencing gender envy for the most average of men again
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shanastoryteller · 2 months
Happy Pride! Authors choice! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
a continuation of 1
Gus is going exactly eight miles over the speed limit when the sirens start.
This is Shawn’s fault, since he’s the one that had agreed to meet Gavin right before they were supposed to be at Henry’s. When he glances up to see the large, white cop heading towards him, he decides that if Shawn’s gotten him into this mess, he can get him out.
Shawn is very, very serious about keeping his work and personal life separate, but this is the one instance that he encourages Gus to break that barrier. If more major cities had a diverse police force, he wouldn’t feel like it was necessary quite so often. 
Unfortunately, since Shawn has yet to get the appropriate stationary, he’ll have to go back a generation with this trick.
“What’s this?” the officer says, staring at the back of his license.
“Oh, that’s my father in law’s old police business card,” he says. Shawn reaches out for it back when he does this, but Gus keeps his hands on ten and two. “Apologies, sir, I’ve been carrying that thing around for years. Can never be too careful, as I’m sure you know.”
His eyes flick to Gus’s hand and the gold band on his ring finger. “You’re Henry Spencer’s son-in-law?”
“Yes, sir,” he answers evenly. “I’m actually headed to his place now. You know how he is about punctuality.”
That gets him half a chuckle and the tension in his shoulders starts to ease, up until the officer asks, “I thought Henry had a son?”
It can be a delicate balance, weighing the potential racism against the potential homophobia, but this isn’t Gus’s first time doing this either. “Lots of people think that. It’s the unfortunate name choice.”
That gets him some more sounds of amusements, then his license is being handed back to him. “Tell Henry and the missus that old Kingfisher says hello.”
“Of course, thank you, sir,” Gus says, pleasant smile firmly in place until old Kingfisher is back in his car.
He carefully pulls back onto the road and stays five below the speed limit the rest of the way.
There’s a lack of rusted piece of junk motorcycle out front – Gus would prefer it if Shawn would just buy a decent bike, but he likes tinkering too much for that – and he wishes he was surprised. Henry’s grilling in the yard and he waves a hand in greeting as soon as he steps out. “Gus! What the hell are you driving?”
If only Shawn was here right now, because he’d said the exact same thing when he’d pulled up in the blue Echo and he was still valiantly fighting against the very real truth that he and his father can be uncannily alike. “It’s a rental.”
Henry wrinkles his nose, but any further commentary is cut off by an obnoxiously loud engine as Shawn turns the corner and parks next to him, kicking down the stand and pulling off his helmet in one motion. He clocks the look on both their faces immediately and holds up a hand. “I know, I know, don’t be the moldy grape at the bottom of the bag about it. I’ll fix it this weekend. I’ve already put in the order for some of the parts.”
That’s sort of the truth. They’re going to the junkyard on Saturday so Shawn can play Frankenstein, but there are a couple things he buys new every time because one motorcycle accident due to a worn belt was one too many for Gus.
“Can’t you two just get a couple of normal cars?” Henry sighs.
“This is a normal car!” he protests, holding the gate for Shawn to walk ahead of him. He really hopes that he didn’t meet with the mayor in jeans and a flannel, but he also knows better. Shawn slaps his ass as he walks by, and he’s tempted to yank him back into a kiss, but Henry hasn’t seen them since he picked them up at the airport and he figures they can be on somewhat good behavior for at least one dinner.
“I have dubbed it the Blueberry,” Shawn says, using the same voice he does when giving stupid names to chess pieces.
Henry rolls his eyes even as he pulls Shawn down to ruffle his hair, causing him to yelp and pull away, even though the helmet had flattened it enough that he’s probably doing Shawn a favor.
It’s all normal and familiar and they eat dinner on the porch, the weather a welcome relief after the last couple of years on the East Coast. Gus is thinking about how nice it is to be back in Santa Barbara and how much happier Henry looks than when he was in Miami, and that’s probably only partly to he and Shawn moving back too, when Henry says, “What are you boys doing for work now? Gus, Shawn said something about you working on some sort of drug trial?”
Which is when he realizes that Shawn hasn’t told Henry why they’re back like he promised he would and Gus should have known that he would chicken out, but now he’s trapped at this table. He considers simply fleeing and locking Shawn out until he talks to his father. Henry’s seen him do worse.
There’s really no such thing as impressing the in-laws for him. Well, maybe with Madeline, but Henry knows him too well and has known him too long for there to be any of that. Shawn’s mother has too, technically, but he saw her a lot less than Henry.
“Yeah, he’s an executive at Middle Earth Pharmaceuticals,” Shawn says, as if Gus hasn’t frozen with the fork halfway to his mouth. Henry is frowning. It’s too late.
“It’s Central Coast Pharmaceuticals, Shawn,” he says, lowering his fork. Henry’s steak is his favorite and now he can’t even enjoy it because it’s a steak built on lies.
He shrugs. “I’ve heard it both ways. They want him to revamp their internal systems and rearrange some routes. Plus they’re hoping they can use his contacts to make more sales.”
That last part had been more implied than listed in his job duties, but he’s not wrong. “More or less.”
“Alright,” Henry says slowly, now aware that there’s something wrong but not having yet figured it out. He still has time to run. “What about you, Shawn? Surf instructor? Ballon animal operator? Sommelier?”
“Dad, please, you know I’d never cheat on Gus,” he answers. Gus can feel his knee bouncing underneath the table against his own, the only sign of his anxiety.
Gus clears his throat. “I know you know what a sommelier is, Shawn. You’ve worked at two different wineries.”
“Well, neither of them were French,” he says, as if that doesn’t prove that he knows exactly what it is.
Henry leans back in his seat, staring them down in a way that reminds him uncomfortably of their childhood. The line between Cop Henry and Dad Henry had always been thin and retirement hadn’t really done much to change that. Gus stares at the space over his head while Shawn continues eating with faux obliviousness. Finally, Henry says, “Alright, just tell me. It has to be better than Boston. I hated you working out there with those assholes.”
Gus slinks down in his seat.
Henry frowns before straightening. “You’re not working in Los Angeles again, are you? Shawn, you made enemies there, a lot of them, you can’t just waltz back in, and Karen isn’t there anymore-”
“It’s not Los Angeles,” Shawn interrupts.
His frown deepens. He knows if it was another stupid, casual job then Shawn would have told him already. “This isn’t like Argentina, is it?”
God, Argentina. That had sucked. It was supposed to be legit, and had been, up until Shawn had gotten involved in – well, Gus does his best not to think about it, since he’s not supposed to know anything about it. Neither is Henry. As far as they’re supposed to know, Shawn worked at an Argentinian winery for a year.
And he did! At least on paper.
“Nope,” Shawn says, popping his mouth on the last syllable.
“Alright, enough,” he says, “this is ridiculous, just tell me…” As he trails off, his eyes get wider. Gus doesn’t whimper, because he’s a grown man, and because of exposure. He’s nearly immune to Henry’s temper after all this time.
“Shawn!” he shouts. “You are not working at the SBPD!”
Gus stands abruptly, his chair screeching against the floor. Shawn reaches out to grab onto his shirt, but Gus hops back. “I’ll just get started on the dishes, shall I?”
“Traitor,” Shawn hisses, but Gus refuses to feel bad about this.
As much as he doesn’t want to be a widower, he knows better than to get in-between Shawn and his father.
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pineapple-psychic · 3 months
Trans Shawn Lesgo
(for @movietonight)
shawn was always kinda eh about being a girl. hed wear dresses at maddys insistence, and socialize with girls, but really it was telling that his first (and only, for a while) friend was a boy
he came to the idea of being trans all on his own, although he didnt know the terms for it, when he was 7
i have a flashback in my fic Occam Was WRONG about what happened like right after he realized (cut his hair, panicked, came out to gus)
afterwards, when shawn was found by henry, shawn told him that he didnt feel like a girl and wanted to be a boy instead, henry told him to think on it during bed and if during the meorning he still felt the same theyd do smth about it
henry, ofc, asks maddy about it, and maddy has the Right Terms
shawn still feels the same in the morning, they decide to use he/him and let him pick out a new name
he chooses Shawn James Spencer :3
basically yeah gus is chill his parents are ok everyone else sucks
this is his main source of bullying tbh
physical dysphoria gets significantly worse around puberty, starts using medically safe bandages for binding (that stuff from the hospital that you use to compress) . also he totally like broke his leg so theyd give him that, at least once
i have maddy leaving like, the last year of middle school, for more drama! this makes it harder to really be confident in himself since part of his support system is gone
so basically ppl who support him: henry, gus, some odd officers that henry works with
in high school, befriends dennis and abigail
is the 'cool kid', almost no one knows hes trans. this is, ofc, on purpose
after running away, finds a couple odd trans people to relate to and definitely a lot of transphobes 😬
he starts T, kinda here and there since hes moving so often. also he cant afford it a lot of the time (he was definitely homeless a lot, prioritizing his bike and t over shelter)
comes back to santa barbara
wow! nobody really gives a shit anymore abt him being trans (i mean it has been like. 11 years)
i feel like hes comfortable with his own body now that he can theoretically grow a beard. like his body looks outwardly male to cis ppl.
so he doesnt get top or bottom surgery, and doesnt plan to (shhhh im not projecting (im projecting))
aaand thats mostly it! :3
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thespiritssaidso · 3 months
Happy Birthday to Psych!
Summary: It’s midnight when Lassiter is woken up to the sound of someone breaking in.
@sothisiswhoiam @arrowheadedbitch @obsidiancreates @blueskiesandstarrynights
Lassiter woke up to the sound of floorboards creaking. This wasn’t unusual, what with there being three people living in this house. There was bound to be someone awake.
But he looked to his side and saw Marlowe fast asleep. And down the hall he could just make out Lily’s door, which was still shut. Someone else was making noises in his house.
Reaching under his nightstand, he grabbed his pistol that was taped to the bottom. He grabbed the cane beside his bed as well.
As quietly as someone still recovering a stroke can, he scooched himself out of the bed and tiptoed to the source of the sound — the kitchen.
In the dim moonlight coming from the window, he could see a figure hunched over one of the cabinets, rooting through its contents.
Lassiter didn’t say a word. He recognized that figure anywhere. Sadly.
Letting his arm fall to his side, he shuffled to the light switch. He flicked it on, startling the person going through his stuff. They hit their his against the top of the cabinet, letting out an ‘ow’ and a groan.
Shawn shot up, hand still holding the back of his head. “Lassie! Happy- put the gun down- happy anniversary!” Surprisingly, Shawn managed to keep his tone down so as not to wake up the other occupants of the house.
Lassiter responded in an equally quiet voice, but one that was still nonetheless full of anger and indignance at having his been broken into. “First of all: no, I will not be putting my weapon away. Second: what do you mean, anniversary? Marlowe and I got married in April. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but it’s currently the seventh of July.”
Shawn put a dramatic hand over his heart. “Lassie. I’m shocked and frankly very offended you don’t remember. Today marks the 18th anniversary of you threatening to arrest me and also inadvertently starting Psych!” He grabbed a cake that Lassiter hadn’t noticed from off the counter.
In very, very, tiny writing was ‘Happy 18th anniversary of the time you tried to get me arrested and also accidentally kickstarted the Psych detective agency!’ The last part seemed to have been squeezed in, circling around the curve of the cake as the top ran out of room.
“What is this?”
“It’s chocolate cake. I didn’t know if you were a vanilla or chocolate kind of guy, so I guessed. I do know that you’re not a mint guy, that’s for sure-”
“Wait, hold on.” The meaning of the last part of the cake hit him like a truck. “You’re saying that… I’m the reason you started Psych with Guster?” Lassiter leaned against the wall. This- no, he wasn’t…
“Well, yeah.” Shawn set the cake back down on the counter. “If it wasn’t for you I’d probably be halfway across the country in a diner scrubbing tables.”
Lassiter, after shoving his gun in the waistband of his pajama pants, ran a hand down his face. Great. The very thing that annoyed him for 18 years was only there because of him.
“Okay- well- nevermind. Why are you in my house at 2 in the morning? Without having been invited in either.”
“Lassie, I am not a vampire. I do not need to be invited to places to be able to enter them. Also I used to live here, I still have the key.”
“I had all the locks changed the moment we moved in.”
“And I noticed, so I made new keys.”
“This is breaking and entering, Spencer. Do you not realize the gravity of this situation?”
“No. Anyways. This is an important celebration! Jules and Gus even came. They’re outside in the Dualberry right now, hopefully still awake.”
‘O’Hara was here?’ He looked out and, sure enough, there was the dual-steering-wheel car, and inside was Gus in the passenger seat and Juliet in the back.
“Can I come?”
Both men startled, and whipped their heads toward the person who spoke. It was Lily, sitting on the counter and stuffing her face full of chocolate cake. No fork or knife needed. Only her hands, which were covered in cake crumbs and frosting.
Lassiter sighed. “No, no no. We’re not going anywhere tonight, young lady. But we are going to go to the bathroom to wash yourself off. Again.”
“But Daaaaad-”
“But Lassieeeee-”
Lassiter groaned. “When did I get two children?”
“Lily, show him the super sad face.”
“The what-?” Lassiter stopped and watched as his daughter gave him puppy eyes. Something she had never actually done to him. However, it looked practiced. “Nope. Not buying it.”
“Do it with the paw.”
Lily started fake whimpering, and licked her hand to further sell the sad-puppy act. Lassiter felt himself crumbling.
Finally, he gave in. “Now that’s not fair.”
She immediately lost the act, donning instead a look of giddiness. Shawn reached out a fist, which she eagerly bumped with her own.
A soft grin made its way on Lassiter’s face. “Wash off before you leave, I don’t want you covered in food for longer than necessary.”
Lilly mock-saluted him. “Aye aye, Captain Chief Dad.”
Soon they had all piled into the car. Shawn and Gus in the front, Juliet and Lassiter in the back with Lily squeezed between them.
“First stop: the old Psych office!”
Lassiter looked outside at the night sky, they pulled out, Shawn and Gus starting to bicker over who was steering, Juliet talking to Lily about her summer break. How had he gotten roped into this?
Notes: thank you psychos discord for coming up with this
ao3 link
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under-loch-n-key · 3 months
You're doing Psych Omens?? Amazing!! I especially like it cuz while Shawn isn't too dissimilar from Crowley in that he can easily fulfill a similar narrative role, Gus is so different from Aziraphale I think it'll really bring an interesting new dynamic to it, not to mention one of them having a human love interest would affect the dynamic further! Oooh, are you gonna make Lassie a witch hunter? That'd be extra interesting. Whatever you decide, I am looking forward to all the new dynamics!!! (If you do make Lassie a witch hunter, Juliet should be a witch but he doesn't know it lol)
Yes, I am~ and just for you lot, I will post my idea and first draft of a story plot and mini comic idea. Maybe a fic? I don’t know maybeeee. We’ll have to see. Lol. Depends on what all of you would like. [:
Sooo, anyways, here it is.
Shawn - Demon (former Angel. Gus’s guardian angel.)
Gus - Human (is aware of Shawn’s being. Was scared shitless at first. Probably got The Father (we love him) involved to try and exorcise Shawn at some point but eventually accepted Shawn as he was. Although, he definitely bitched him out for things he should’ve saved him/prevented him from doing.)
Lassie (Lassiter) - Angel (too tired for his job. Been on earth way too long. Honestly is considering being apart of the witchfinder army just to wipe out any evil beings. That would make his job a hell of a lot easier. He is still fuming about The Fall because Lassie’s got that loyal dog mentality. Lol.)
Jules (Juliet) - Human (she is like Anathema and is heavily empathic and spiritually sensitive so she is immediately and heavily drawn to Lassie and Shawn.)
Woody - Demon (lovable demon. Absolute weirdo and sweetie. Woody makes dark jokes and perverse jokes but he’s just seen as a weirdo at his job. Little does most people know he’s a demon. He really enjoyed Shawn’s company in Hell and was very glad to see that they are working together at the precinct in the overworked. He knows that working at a precinct full of angels is basically a death sentence but Woody is a bit of a masochist and we all know it.)
Sooo, anyways here’s the Prophetic Omens (no, you’re prophetic!) (Psych x Good Omens) crossover draft idea.
Lassie is blue and Shawn is green. Their narrated dialogue will be too. The basic introductory won’t have any colour but I figured colour coding would be easier for some people.
Prophetic Omens will be set where the Santa Barbara police precinct is mainly dominated by angelic and human officers. Some demons are littered in there of course. When Shawn gets arrested like he did in the first episode, he can tell the others (Lassie & his first partner) are angel’s but he has his demonic aura and overall self cloaked. Lassie could sense that there was something off about him but couldn’t place it.
He’d get to the bottom of it though.
His suspicions never fully went away, but he found out what Shawn was during the time with Yang. Right before his mum was kidnapped, when Yang was in the Psych office because instead of Juliet & Lassiter leaving Shawn and Gus behind after Shawn snapped at Jules, Gus goes after Juliet to console her on what Shawn’s going through and to not take it too personally. He’d deal with Shawn later.
Lassiter stays behind to put Shawn in his place regarding how he acts all fun and games, but now that things are getting serious, suddenly the game isn’t fun anymore and to get on him about how he treated O’Hara. Shawn spins around and snaps at Lassiter with his true eyes showing and Lassie looks at him in shock and Shawn realises the slip and retracts.
“You..” “Yeah..” “You son of a bitch!” He goes to grab Shawn by the neck and push him into the wall “You caused all of this chaos didn’t you, Spencer? You sulphuric imps just didn’t learn anything from the fall, did you? Keep your grubby little mitts off of this plane or so help me and sweet justice herself, I’ll make sure you won’t be able to set foot here again.”
“Dude, get..OFF!” He pushes Lassiter away “as if you over glorified, holier than thou pieces of KFC are any better! You know, Lassie, you could miracle this away but you won’t. So, don’t blame me for this. Yang wasn’t my doing. I didn’t mean to hurt Jules. Well, I did, sort of, but you weren’t even supposed to stick around! That wasn’t apart of the plan, man! So, thanks a lot. Now the plan is ruined. Gotta think of something else now..”
Lassiter’s glare deepens and he scoffs, “you’re one to talk about ruining plans, Spencer. Does 6,000 years worth of sin not ring any bells to you?”
“Lassie, don’t be the e in bible. You’re crueler than I could ever be and you’re the angel here. I’m shocked you don’t even have a harp. Yeah, some things did not go the way it was supposed to a few years back, but do you have to recycle the same point in time? You couldn’t do anything more creative? Like ‘hey you remember that time when you and your lession of demons possessed some pigs? What was that about?” Ya know, something more with a flare.”
(Yes, that is an actual biblical story btw.)
“You always have a response to everything don’t you?..”
“Well, I was a guardian angel before I fell. So, having a response to everything was kinda in my job description..”
“I don’t think heaven would approve of you remaining by the side of your divined assignment.”
“Pfft, Please, they already don’t approve of me anyways, Lassie. You know that. Besides, Gus is my best friend, not an assignment.. Sure, he was freaked out to learn that his guardian angel wasn’t an angel anymore at all. Well, and there truly being a heaven and all that, but ya know. He got over it. He had more questions than a whole season of Jeopardy and don’t worry my lips were sealed. Buttt, the exorcism case made going to the beach in bare feet seem enjoyable. It was like hopscotch but, well, just hopping no scotching.”
Lassiter cracked an amused smile at the image. That explained why Shawn was more on his feet than usual while we were there.
He knows that he’ll have to tell heaven about the arrival of the enemy.
“I know that look..” “what look?” “You’re “it’s so hard being me” look. Just do what you gotta do; I already left Santa Barbara once, but for now..we have a killer to catch. Heaven can wait.”
I don’t look like that.. he thought. That’s not important now though. Lassiter nods, “you take shotgun and don’t mess up my seats, Spencer.”
Shawn grabs his bag of corn nuts “I would never, Lassifrass. I’d say I’m an angel but ya know.”
“No. Those monstrosities are staying here.”
“They’re delicious, Lassie. Don’t join Gus’ corn nut hate club. He doesn’t even have shirts for it!”
“You’re not bringing those into my car. I don’t need crumbs in my seats and I don’t need that smell left in my car. I just had it detailed.”
“You’re no fun, Lassie. Aren’t angels supposed to be symbols of positivity and fun? You’re seeming pretty grumpy there, Carly.”
“Shut up, Spencer. When we’re done with this, you will apologise to O’Hara. I don’t know what you were thinking but make it right. Also, don’t get yourself killed. I have a feeling there’s more about this Yang-goon that we aren’t being let in on..”
“I will, don’t worry about me, Lassie. To think, us working together. Sharlton & Shassie have joined forces at last.”
“Tsk. Don’t think I enjoy working with you. One case. Then we’re done. This is a matter of convenience, we were already talking. That made you convenient, nothing more.”
“Admit it, your heart hearts me.” Shawn points at Lassies heart and back at his.
Cuts to panel of Lassie’s face with a light red tint on his cheeks and he grips the steering wheel.
“I’d rather help McNab pick flowers for his wife. Now shut your mouth, Spencer. If we’re going to be in this car together, I’d like to at least enjoy some part of the ride. Preferably in silence.”
“Fineee. You’d miss my sweet nectar of a voice if I wasn’t here and you know it.”
“Not in a million years, Spencer. The times I’ve gone to bed happy are the days when your trap is shut and you’re out of sight.”
“And they call me the demon.”
Lassie smirks to himself as they drive to the crime scene to meet up with O’Hara and Gus.
To be continued…
Soooo, yeah, there is the first draft of stuff rn. If people want me to make it a fic, I will. Then I’ll doodle some art of them all to go along with it. The fic would probably take place at the beginning of that episode or even a few episodes before. Still deciding on stuff. Lol. I always do making anything Psych related. Lmao. M
Hopefully, you lot enjoy the first draft. 💛💛💛
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aba-daba-dooo · 8 months
Guess who's in a new fandom and has written about 70 pages of fic in a week? I fell deep into the Psych rabbit hole about a decade too late and now it's too late for me. Please enjoy a sample of the first chapter below.
Impressively (Alter) Average AO3
Shawn lied. He knows he should have come clean to Juliet years ago about not actually being a psychic, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. Telling the truth has begun to feel a lot more like lying. Gus, however, has a theory. What if Shawn has been a psychic all along and just didn't know it?
The midday sun streaks through the blinds of the SBPD. It is unusually warm for Santa Barbara this time of year, and it’s always warm in Santa Barbara. Gus fidgets with the top button of his shirt, trying to let a fresh gust of air blow through his clothes. 
“Look, Gus.” Juliet turns around in her chair to face him. Her blonde hair hangs in thin threads around her face and dark circles drip from her eyes. Her bottom lip puckers with anxiety before she speaks to him. “If you’re here to talk to me about Shawn. I’m not in the mood, okay?” 
Shawn told him everything. 
It was a very rare moment that Shawn Spencer was open. And once it happened, it was like a waterfall. Shawn told him everything about the jacket, the ticket, Juliet, and then finding some strange girl covered in blood while taking the taxi home. They spoke in the hallways of the hospital where Shawn had taken her, his voice teetering between smooth and a wavering panic. 
Gus really wanted to say “I told you so”-- because he did. He told Shawn in the very beginning that lying about being a psychic was a bad idea and that he had to at least, tell Juliet the truth. But he couldn’t do that. Shawn was shaken in a way that didn’t seem possible, as much as he tried to hide it. 
Gus moves around her desk and stands at her side, finding more courage and spark in his step. “I just need you to hear me out.” 
“Hear you out?” With the words, her breath escapes all at once in a heave of thoughts and emotions she has clearly been trying to hold in. “He lied to me, Gus. He knows how I feel about liars and he went ahead and kept lying to me and everyone else.” 
“And you have every right to be upset but–” 
“And you knew too. The whole time! Which makes me angry at you too! You’re defending a liar!” 
“First of all, Shawn is my best friend and I will always look out for him. Second, he has been a shell of himself since you broke up with him. He’s been sleeping in the Psych office for days. He didn’t even want to eat the jerk chicken I brought him. He’s messed up.” Gus leaves out the part where he ate Shawn’s rejected chicken. What can he say? He’s weak for jerk chicken.  
“You know, I really don’t care.” Juliet rotates her chair back into the forward position, the clack of her high heels moving across the floor, and stares back into the computer screen in front of her. Converaation shut and closed. But Gus refuses to drop this. Not this time. 
He leans over the screen of her computer “But I’m not entirely convinced he was lying to you. Or at least, Shawn only thinks he’s been lying.” (see AO3 for the rest)
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The Ultimate Psych Fic Rec List
Ft. 49 of the best Psych fics (imo) >>>
Four Floors Down, Use the Stairs in Case of Emergency by centipede
Shawn does something really stupid. Really stupid, really dangerous, and something that means he's really, really screwed. Which shouldn't surprise anyone.
Especially since no one knows where he is.
High Tide by LittleFairy78
It all started with a fight. Shawn leaves town for a few days, only to find his life cruelly changed upon his return. He tries to get to the bottom of what happened, but everybody else thinks he's just in denial. Shawn angst...
Fun in the Woods with Buzz McNabb by centipede
While searching for stolen bonds in the woods, Buzz McNabb wins babysitting duty for a certain psychic consultant for the SBPD. And Lassiter proves something he never meant to. As non-angsty as it gets because, seriously, this is Buzz we're talking about.
Judas In My Mind by PineappleHead
MacGyver/Psych crossover
Murdoc is looking for a new recruit for HIT. Shawn has all the necessary skills. Neither of them could foresee where their crossed paths would lead them.
"What have I become? Now that I've betrayed everyone I've ever loved, and pushed them all away? And I have been a slave to the Judas in my mind. Is there something left of me to save in the wreckage of my life? I'm becoming Judas in my mind..." -------Fozzy
What's The Story, Morning Glory? by Liviapenn
The first time Shawn ever kisses Gus it's goodbye.
Wednesday, March 3rd Of 2010 by lapsus_calami
March third of two thousand ten dawned much in the same way every day before it had. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and Gus and Shawn were an unbeatable detective duo. The day after, however, would dawn much differently.
Shawn And The Real(er) Psychics Of Santa Barbra by Beaconbaconbison
Shawn isn't a psychic. He's just some guy who got struck by lighting and woke up having visions about things he couldn't possibly know. That seems on par with the rest of his life. Right? He really. Really. Really isn't psychic. Even if these visions are helping solve a murder. He's just very observant. That's all.
like a comet pulled from orbit by torigates
Shawn is good at half-truths.
Born This Way by redwolffclaw
Henry Spencer has started to realize that something is different about his three year old son Shawn and will soon need to use all his detective skills to figure out how to raise his rambunctious prodigy.
Familiarity by sebviathan
AKA the four times Shawn and Lassiter met before they actually met, and when it finally came together.
How many hats? by Abby_Gal
After Shawn kills a man to protect his best friend, he can’t stop his overstimulated brain from making him watch the man falling to the ground again and again. Luckily the man who has helped train his brain as a kid is there to help him calm down.
Baby Steps by Vanya_Instance
Shawn and Gus were celebrating the opening of a new nightclub near Shawn’s apartment. The night was turning enjoyable, drinks were reasonably priced, the music was deafening but danceable and with a magnificent feat of wingwomanship, Shawn had found Gus a girl. A true miracle indeed.
Not to sound smug, but this had been a brilliant idea on Shawn’s part.
But then Shawn wakes up in an alley early the next morning, covered in cuts and bruises, miles away from the club and her apartment, with no memory as to how she got there.
For the first time Shawn finds herself on the other side of the thin blue line, not as a suspect, but as a victim.
And Shawn is scared.
And Shawn thinks she preferred being the suspect.
Little Murder in the Big Woods by Anonymous
A totally harmless lie gets Shawn involved with Gus' work retreat... and MURDER.
To be fair, he'd probably be getting a front row seat to a murder somewhere whether or not he decided to pose as Gus' live-in partner in order to spend a weekend camping trip distracting him from team-building exercises.
Shawn Spencer: The Ultimate Reference by sottovoce81
Shawn Spencer was the ultimate reference. He was the go-to guy for a quick reference when the Winchesters were in need of something.
Burton Guster Gets Salty by Emachinescat
“Run! Don’t look back!” That’s what Shawn says to Gus as they run for their lives from a killer with a gun. But Gus does look back – just in time to see his best friend go down with the crack of the pistol.
Shawn Spencer is Nobody's Agatha by huckleberryzenon
After the disaster that is Lindsay Leiken, the FBI decides it's time to begin psychological evaluations of all the psychics who consult with law enforcement, starting with one Shawn Spencer. Shawn's confident he'll pass with flying colors, but what if the danger isn't in getting found out, but the person administering the test?
Another thing they'll never talk about by rosey_angel
He’s decided it. This is going to happen. Everyone at school is talking about weddings because Casey McClintock's mom is getting married and ever since then he’s been over the moon. Because he decided. He’s going to marry Shawn Spencer.
Thinking over the secret moments in their past, Gus can't hide his feelings about or for Shawn any longer.
Psy vs. Psy in the Sky (And Right Back Down Again) by Emachinescat
After being taken hostage by fake psychic Lindsay Leikin, Shawn finds himself tied up and on an unplanned skydiving adventure.
Thanks For the Memories (Or Lack of Them) by EclipseWing
They tell you that your name is Shawn Spencer. They tell you that you are thirty-three and that you live in Santa Barbara, California.
They don't tell you that you're meant to be psychic.
Fro-Yo? More Like Fro-No! by Emachinescat
No matter how angry he was, Gus would never hurt his best friend - not intentionally, at least.
But the hard truth was that intentions wouldn’t matter if Shawn ended up frozen to death in some ditch in Canada. Either way, it would be Gus’s fault.
Either way, he would have killed his best friend.
how you try by disastermovie
Gus always knew Shawn would come back to Santa Barbara. He didn't know when or in what state, but he always knew that one day, he'd find his best friend back on his doorstep, grinning like nothing had changed. That's just how Shawn is. And Gus would welcome him back because that's just what their friendship is. No matter how many years pass, no matter what shenanigans Shawn drags him into, they'll always be best friends.
That doesn't mean he has any idea what to do with a baby.
The Joker and the King by Castlewood_Bard
Shawn and Gus in a royal AU. That's all you really need to know.
Two Dead Guys, a Girl, and a Psychic by moondragon23
Life is great for Shawn Spencer. He has a cool job, a smart, beautiful girlfriend, and gets to hang with his best friend all day. What more could a guy want? When he gets his next two cases, a dead chemistry professor and a girl looking for her father, it looks like business as usual. Too bad things never go that simply when Shawn is involved.
I've Heard It One Way by NephilimEQ
Shawn Spencer just got his appendix removed...and, at the same time, he's just found out that he has another problem. But he's not going to tell anyone. Until, one day, head detective Carlton Lassiter finds out his secret. Will this bring them closer together or ruin their friendship forever?
A Tale as Old as Vegas, Baby by burglebezzlement
Gus would like to believe there's no way Shawn's been hiding their secret Vegas marriage for five years. Unfortunately, the marriage license with their signatures on it and the photograph of the two of them smooching in front of Elvis say otherwise.
Shawn Spencer and the Fate of the Furious by huckleberryzenon
an AU to Season 4, Episode 9: "Shawn Takes a Shot in the Dark." Rollins has a few tricks up his sleeve after his arrest, post Shawn's dramatic car-hopping rescue.
Shafted by MusicalLuna1
Only Shawn could injure himself whilst searching a cordoned off building with a faction of S.B.P.D. officers. Shameless Shawn whumpage.
GHOST TOWN by Vindicata
What are the chances of a guy on a Norton motorcycle running into a guy in a ‘67 Impala as they each crisscross the country? Pretty damn high.
"You're awfully perky for a guy who was just freaking out a couple of minutes ago."
"And you're awfully bitchy for a guy who just had his life save by a courageous bystander with fantastic hair"
“Time to roast a ghost?”
“Couldn’t have said it better myself.”
Handlebars by Vindicata
Everyone thinks Shawn needs Gus and the SBPD to investigate.
They were wrong.
When Shawn works around the system to hide a case he’s working on, the secret might just blow up in his face... or show truly capable he is to the people who always underestimated him.
Guilt is a Funny Thing. Not in a “Haha” Way Though. by JenCM
“He called me, you know.” Henry choked out, distress obvious in his voice. “Kid…kid said he needed a ride. I told him to catch the bus.”
Carlton looked over, wondering if his exhausted eyes and ears were deceiving him. No, it wasn’t the fact that Henry Spencer was opening up to him, if he could call a random statement ‘opening up’ It wasn’t even the fact that the man looked him straight in the eye when he said it.
He scoffed with bitter amusement, “If it’s any consolation…” Carlton said with a sigh, “I told him he could walk home.”
Henry didn’t seem surprised at the revelation. He broke eye contact, his gaze falling back on Shawn, motionless in the hospital bed.
“Guess it goes to show that the kid still doesn’t listen to me.”
The only sound that followed was the hissing of the ventilation machine, and the beeping of the monitors. Nothing else needed to be said.
When Shawn ends up in a completely preventable situation that leaves him worse for wear, his father and Lassiter take a one-way trip to Guiltina while Gus tries to sell a ‘slightly used’ Lazy Boy and Juliet is just caught in the middle of the mess.
Phone Tag by windscryer
A demon hunter and a fake psychic walk into a bar . . . oh wait, that was the LAST story. This is what happens after.
A series of episode tags for both Psych and Supernatural continuing the adventures of Shawn and Dean and Sam (and eventually Gus and the others too, maybe).
How Much is that Body in the Window? by ZedPM, DinerGuy
It started as a vacation in New York City for our favorite psychic and his best friend, but when the duo stumbles upon a body (literally) they’ll need to lend a hand to Castle and the rest of the gang to solve the case before they head back to California.
A Bitter Pill by Psychrulz
Everyone knows Shawn has a tendency to get distracted. When he misses a clue and a murderer almost gets away, Chief Vick has had enough. She orders Shawn to get help and fix the problem- or else. Naturally, nothing with Shawn is ever that simple. When the fix turns out to be worse than the problem, the lives of his entire team are put in danger.
The Tangled Web by Collegekid06
Who tried to kill Shawn?
Someone cut the brakes on Shawn's bike. Now he's in a coma, and Henry, Jules, Lassiter and Gus are trying to find out who did it.
We All Go A Little Crazy Sometimes.... by Collegekid06
Shawn voluntarily commits himself to a mental institution.
How will Henry react?
How will Gus react?
And will the doctors ever let him go?
My Dinner In Hell: Or, How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love A Good Steak by Collegekid06
Need I say more?
The Longest Day by LittleFairy
Shawn knows it's technically not really his fault. Lassiter thinks differently. Emphatically so.
But they have to make the best of the situation together, no matter who is to blame. Because the bad guys are on their way to Mexico, the other bad guys are after them, they're in the middle of nowhere, and somehow they have ended up...cuffed together.
It's just one of those days.
Shawn and the Friendly Neighborhood Stalker by laytoncolt
It's another case that no one else believes a case, and Shawn would be figuring it all out a lot quicker if didn't have to deal with a break-in and a stalker, that may or may not be related.
The Dah Ling Store It Yourself by Nixa Jane
The bad news is that one of Lassiter's highest profile arrests has just escaped from prison. The worse news is that his best hope of tracking him down is a sleep-deprived Shawn Spencer.
The Pharmaceutical Psychic by Tardisgater
Being captured by a mad scientist is almost expected by this point. The mad scientist's experiments actually working is a whole 'nother thing. It's time to shake up the status quo.
You Have the Right to Remain...Dead by MusicalLuna
When an officer is murdered late one night while on duty, Karen forbids Shawn from getting involved, afraid he won't take the case as seriously as he should.
But since when has a little thing like being banned from a case stopped Shawn Spencer?
I'm Okay by light at last
The day that Shawn is supposed to graduate is the first time he manages to actually fool his dad. It will remain one of few.
Identification by veggiewoppa
Hitchhiking in the rain = bad idea
Getting a ride from a homical maniac = worse idea
Stopping for the night in a motel full of potential victims = Worst idea in the history of bad ideas
The Boy in Blue by Collegekid06
Shawn's nightmares all come true when he finally ends up at the police academy...and it's not by choice.
The Evidence Lock-Up by InsaneTrollLogic
All contents part of case 10329QXT—The Disappearance of Shawn H. Spencer. Property of the Santa Barbra Police Department.
Bouncing Around by PurpleMoon3
Cas finds God.
Note: I tossed around for a while deciding whether to include this because I had no idea what was happening in it 99% of the time, but it made such a strong impression that it would be criminal not to
Aquatic Equestrianism by trascendenza
The one where they're mermen, because clearly my brain is a weird place. "You are outta your damn mind if you think that dolphin wants to be ridden."
The Pilot of My Roflcopter by trascendenza
The one where Shawn talks like a lolcat to seduce Gus.
Molasses in January by trascendenza
The one where they're, um, snails.
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gallifreyanwriter · 2 years
In Which Henry Spencer is possessed by Castiel
A little bit of Psychnatural for yall. Not ready to put this on AO3 yet but I will put it here. Exactly what it says on the tin--Henry gets possessed by season 4 Cas.
“I just don’t believe it,” Shawn said, finality in his voice.
“Shawn, we have him on video tape,” Juliet said, voice breaking with sorrow, “It was definitely him.” 
“No, no no no, he wouldn’t-he wouldn’t, Jules, you know my dad, how could you-how could you believe he could commit MURDER like that??” Shawn rambled, pleading desperately to her sad eyes.
“I still don’t believe how he actually committed those murders, and I saw  ‘em,” Lassie mumbled.
“NotthetimeCarlton,” Juliet hissed, slapping him on the arm.
“Alright,” Shawn said, flopping down in the chair, “Let’s see this so-called evidence. Let me train my psychic gift upon it, and see what the spirits’ opinion is.”
He lifted a finger to his temple.
“Preliminary vibes are…skeptical,” Shawn informed, “Just so you all are aware.” 
Chief Vick sighed, pushed the tape into the VCR, and shakily hit play.
The security footage played out.
First, a brawl breaking out inside some sushi restaurant on De La Vina Street. 
Then enter Henry Spencer, his father, moving fluidly with the agility of a man half his age, wading into the crowd and slaughtering everyone within his reach, with something that was blasting light into each one of their skulls.
He looked down at the coroner’s report, which reported the eyes being burned out of each one of the victims.
He looked back up at the bodies, clearly lying dead on the ground. “I don’t believe it,” Shawn said numbly.
“I couldn’t believe it either,” the Chief said, sounding just as tired and defeated as him, “But we have footage, witnesses…even a confession, Shawn. Your dad could go to jail for a very, very long time.”
Henry sat rigidly, in the interrogation room, staring blankly ahead at the wall.
He didn’t look well. He looked catatonic, but…not with fear. He just looked like a statue. An object.
God, Shawn couldn’t even see him breathing.
Something was definitely wrong with him. Shawn just hoped that what was wrong with him wasn’t the cause of murders.
“Can I have a minute alone with my dad, please?” Shawn asked, brittle.
Lassie and Juliet looked at each other, and nodded.
Shawn entered the room, and shut the door. He had to get to the bottom of this.
“Shawn Spencer,” rumbled Henry, straining the limits of his lower register.
“Dad?” Shawn squeaked, clearing his throat. “What just-”
“No,” Henry said, heavily sighing, “I am not your father.”
Blink blink.
“Dad, this isn’t funny,” Shawn said, warning in his voice, “I just-I just watched you kill all those peopl-”
“I am not Henry Spencer,” said Henry Spencer. 
“Then who are you?” Shawn asked, throwing his hands up into the air, “Your alter-ego, Countess Boochie Flagrante?? This is seriou-”
“Castiel,” interrupted Henry, cool as ice.
Shawn blinked. Some sort of gut feeling, that something wasn’t right here, was the only thing that gave him that split second of pause to listen to his dad.
 “I am Castiel,” his dad insisted, “Angel of the lord.”
Shawn tried not to let his jaw drop, and only partially succeeded by turning it into a bit of a disbelieving grin.
“What? No,” he said, huffing a bit of a nervous laugh, “Dad. Dad, drop the voice, you-you got me. I fell for it, nice job, you got me. Well, you didn’t really get me, but I was about fifteen to twenty percent got if that makes you feel better, I’ll even give you twenty-five if you stop this right n-”
Then his dad’s shadow grew wings on the wall behind him, and Shawn’s jaw dropped for real.
But it wasn’t just the puppet show up against the wall, it was…the crackle. Shawn could feel every hair on his body stand up as the shadowy wings unfurled, like lightning was about to strike him–but it never came. He was sure, deep down in his bones, that the power that was oppressing Shawn was coming from…whatever was creating that wing-shaped pattern.
Then he looked his dad in the eyes, and it was not his dad.
His eyes were glowing, bright and crackling blue.
Then he sat back, exhausted, eyes fading back to their usual blue-grey.
“Wh-what-” Shawn garbled, speechless.
“This is not my true vessel,” Castiel said gently, lowly, with a smooth cadence that Henry never, ever possessed, “I should not remain inside for very long. But it will be long enough to do what needs to be done, to save this place.”
This was not his fucking dad.
“What have you done with my dad?” Shawn whispered, stock still in mortal terror.
Castiel touched his-Henry’s-chest. 
“He is still here,” he said, “He allowed me in. He consented.”
“Ohh, that’s one thing you don’t know about my dad,” Shawn said, mirthlessly laughing, shaking his head, “He-he would never agree to this.”
Castiel cocked his head to the side, regarding Shawn as if he were a caged animal.
“Henry was right,” he simply said, leaning back in the interrogation chair, “He said you wouldn’t believe.”
“Why would I?” Shawn hissed.
“Before he surrendered his mortal form to me, Henry had a message for you, Shawn,” Castiel said, “In the case that you didn’t believe, he assured me that this would solve your lack of faith.”
“What could he have possibly said, that would make me believe he was on board?” Shawn asked.
Henr-no, Castiel, leaned across the interrogation table and looked Shawn Spencer right in the eyes.
Shawn felt that uncomfortable power again, pressing in around him, choking the air out of the room.
“Henry said, and I quote,” Castiel said deliberately, “Check your goddamned mail, for once in your life.”
The voice was all wrong, still, but it did sound like Dad.
Shawn thought back to the pile of mail on his kitchen table, that he hadn’t opened yet. 
He saw, in his mind’s eye, the corner of a return address, the letters H-E-N and the letters 4 2 C-A-B-R-I-
Oh god, his dad had sent him a letter days ago!
Shawn stood up in a haste, and gave this-this thing that was wearing his dad one more backward glance before he rushed out of the room, past a sorrowful Juliet, and out the door back to his house.
He sorted through the pile of unread mail, finding the one from his dad, and tearing it open.
The angel’s telling the truth. I gave the okay. And I’m still in there, jackass, so don’t you dare plan my funeral. I’ll be back.
Sometimes, when things get tough, you have to offer up whatever you got to get the job done. I hope you, of all people, understand that. 
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jareaulover · 1 year
If I Can't Have You (Hotchreid fanfic, Chapter 1)
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Description: Spencer Reid left the BAU after Gideon. He just didn't want to be there without his mentor, and everyone was very understanding. Even the BAU's Unit Chief, who Spencer had been having sex with, was understanding of his situation. Years later, the BAU is called to help on a case in Las Vegas, one that... involves their former colleague. Stakes are high, but will Aaron and Spencer let their feelings get in the way, or will they ignore them all together. That's the million dollar question. ~~ This is heavily canon divergent. Spencer left the BAU in season 3, right after Gideon, so a lot of things that should've happened didn't. Also Hayley and Jack don't exist... Also, technically Alex Blake should be there, but I really wanted to include Emily and Tara, so as much as I love her, I swapped her.
Notes: Did I take my title from a Shawn Mendes Song? Yes Does it really have much to do with the story? No But I figured there's gonna be a lot of pining and trying to decide whether or not to be in a relationship and i just love the line "Everything Means Nothing If I can't Have You" so...
Warnings: A main aspect of this story is the case that they are working, so there will be talk of murder, kidnapping, sexual assault, and things of that nature, so please be warned. There might be smut in later chapters, but I haven't decided yet.
Full Chapter is below the cut
Read on AO3
Spencer folded the letter that he had received from his mentor and pushed it into his messenger bag. He was sitting at his desk, reading and re-reading the letter over and over. He decided to put it away, finally, after the 7th time through. He’d already memorized it and he had just made his decision. He pulled out a pad of paper from his desk and began to write his own letter of resignation. He tried not to think about the others… The group of profilers who would be devastated that he was leaving, especially since Gideon had just left.
He especially tried not to think about the BAU Unit Chief, Aaron Hotchner. He and Aaron had been having a physical relationship the past two years. It was completely unexpected, but oh so passionate. Spencer supposed another reason that he was leaving was because he had started to grow feelings for his boss and he knew that the older man would never feel the same way. He ripped the page out and headed to Aaron’s office.
Aaron was sitting at his desk, filling out some paperwork from their last case. Everything had gone pretty smoothly, they had saved the child who had been snatched and luckily they had done so before any harm could come to the child. He was happy that they’d had one with a good ending after so many losses. He had just signed the bottom of the last page when there was a knock on his office door.
“Sir, we have another one.” The BAU’s technical analyst said, peeking her head into the office, “And it's a bad one…” She sighed. Aaron nodded.
“Call everyone back. We’ll gather at the round table in 20.” He said. Garcia nodded and scurried away. Aaron leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath. He picked up his phone to check the case that Garcia had seen before him and looked over the files in the tiny screen of his phone. 
“So, we have three male victims. COD on all was exsanguination following a series of stab wounds in the abdomen.” Garcia explained, her disgust visible on her face.
“All of them were laid out with their hands folded over their abdomens, face up.” JJ pointed out.
“And they were cleaned and changed into the same white button up with khakis… They almost look ready for their funeral.” Emily said, flipping to look at all the crime scene photos.
“Yes. Each man was taken on a Monday afternoon and all were found the next Monday in the same place they were taken from” Aaron explained, “He then waits another week before taking another. We have only a few hours until he takes another victim. Wheels up in 30.” He said, standing and leaving the room. The others were quick to follow.
“Looks like we’re going to Las Vegas.” JJ teased Emily, bumping the other agent's shoulder. Emily raised her eyebrows at JJ.
“Maybe after the case we’ll get some time to play.” Emily teased right back. JJ smirked and grabbed her go bag. Emily picked up hers and they made their way to the elevators.
“So, will you be meeting up with the former agent that you told me about? Didn’t you say that he moved to Las Vegas?” Dave said, standing in the doorway of Aaron’s office. Aaron raised his eyebrows.
“Yes, he did move to Las Vegas but… I’m not going to see him, I mean… That was a long time ago.” Aaron said, looking at his tablet. He was looking at the photos of the victims and the medical examiner’s reports for the first two.
“Come on, you told me that you had a lot of unresolved feelings and this could be your chance to resolve them.” Dave stated, suggestively. Aaron kept his face hard.
“Maybe, maybe, I will call him.” Aaron spoke, putting a lot of emphasis on the second maybe, “I’m not making any promises.”
Aaron was preparing to go home, grabbing all of his personal items and shoving them into his briefcase. He was exhausted and ready to be home. As soon as he got his stuff together, there were three quiet knocks on the door of his office.
“Come in.” He said. The door opened and Spencer was there. He looked as if he was ready to get home as well. His jacket was on and he had his bag over his shoulder. His hair was in the familiar slicked back style, but a few strands had fallen in front of his face. Aaron felt his knees weaken just looking at the attractive man in front of him, “You’re still here? I thought you’d gone home.” 
“Yeah, uh, can we talk?” Spencer said, that’s when Aaron realized how nervous he looked. His fingers were drumming quickly on the strap of the bag and his eyes were darting, never looking directly at Aaron.
“Of course, is something wrong?” Aaron asked, his face turning more serious. He knew that the man was still hurt by Gideon’s departure, but he never expected to hear what Spencer said next.
“This is my letter of resignation. It’s effective immediately.” Spencer said, sitting the paper on his desk, “Here’s my gun and my badge.” He set them down next to the letter. Aaron looked at Spencer in disbelief.
Once on the jet, the team began talking about victimology. All the men had a similar appearance, so they figured that they were surrogates for the person the unsub truly wanted to kill. 
“Well, stabbing is typically a replacement for sexual penetration. Was there any sign of sexual assault on any of the victims?” Lewis asked. From the screen, Garcia responded.
“No signs of… that on the first two victims… The ME is still examining the latest victim.” Garcia explained.
“Well, that could mean that he’s impotent.” Rossi said.
“Okay, when we land I want Prentiss and Morgan at the latest crime scene. JJ and Rossi go to the medical examiner’s office and Lewis, you and I will set up at the local PD.” Aaron said, sitting back in his seat. The rest of the team nodded. JJ got up and moved to the back of the plane, clicking on the contact labeled ‘Spencer Reid’. The line rang twice and then a voice…
“Hello.” The man on the other end spoke softly. 
“Hey, Spence, I was just calling to let you know that we’re heading to Las Vegas for a case… Maybe after that we can get breakfast or something.” JJ said.She heard some shuffling.
“Yeah, I’d like that, JJ. Actually, I’m the one that suggested they call you guys. I’ve been consulting on the case.” Spencer told her.
“Oh, it’ll be great to work with you again.” JJ said while grabbing a water bottle out of the mini fridge.
“Yeah, I’m excited to see you guys.” Spencer said, “Listen, my class is starting so I have to get off the phone, but I’ll see you when you land.” the phone call cut off before JJ could respond. She made her way back to her seat.
“Well, I just talked to Spence and he said that he’s consulting on this case.” JJ said, “He said that he was the one to suggest that they call us.” 
“So we get to work with the boy wonder again?” Emily said, “I’m glad, I’ve missed him.”
“I think we all have.” Derek pointed out, “I was sad that he left, but I get it. Gideon was his mentor and it really hurt him when he left.”
“I can’t wait to meet Dr. Spencer Reid. I’ve heard so much about him and I think I’m the only one who hasn’t met him.” Tara said,
“He left before I joined as well.” Rossi said, “So I haven’t met the kid yet, either.” Rossi looked over at Aaron, but the man didn’t even glance.
“It will be nice to catch up, but remember we’re also working a case.” Hotch said. The others nodded and continued going over the case files. Rossi finally looked away form Hotch and back to his case files.
Aaron entered the local police station accompanied by Dr. Tara Lewis. The Captain met them at the door.
“You must be… Agent Hotchner.” He said, “I’m Captain Smith.” He said, offering his hand. Aaron shook the man’s hand.
“Yes, I’m Agent Aaron Hotchner and this is Dr. Tara Lewis.” He said. The Captain shook Tara’s hand.
“We’ve got you guys set up in the conference room back here. Dr. Reid set it up.” He said.
“Is he here?” Aaron asked.
“Yes, he’s setting up the evidence board you guys requested. Honestly, we’ve been stuck with this case and when he suggested calling up his old team I was definitely willing.” He said.
“It's a good thing you called us.” Tara said, “We believe that he will take another victim sometimes today if he hasn’t already. Has anyone been reported missing in the comfort zone?” The three approached the door to the conference room. The Captain opened the door and there was Spencer Reid, hanging another picture on the board.
“The lieutenant just informed me that there’s been another abduction. His name is Arthur Skinner.” Spencer started, “He was last seen in the lobby of the hotel he was staying at. Someone said they saw another man come up to him but they couldn’t give a description. We should try a cognitive.” Aaron watched the Doctor talk, he suddenly found himself distracted by the way Reid’s hair fell into his eyes, followed by Reid’s hands moving the hair away from his face.
“Ready to get going?” Tara said, looking at Aaron now.
“Oh, yes. Let's go… Reid, are you coming?” Aaron asked. He set his briefcase on the table and waited for the Doctor’s response.
“No, I’m going to stay and work on a geographical profile.” Reid said. He glanced up from the map he had just spread across the table and caught Aaron’s eye right before the man left the room. Reid gripped the pen in his hand and looked back down at his map.
“Are you sure?” Aaron asked, “I know that Gideon leaving has been hard on you, but you’re an asset to this team.” 
“I’ve been offered a position as a professor at a University close to Las Vegas… My mother has been getting worse and I just need to be close to her.” Reid told his boss matter of factly.
“I understand, Reid. I’m sorry to see you go.” Aaron glanced at the stack of files that had been piling up recently. Reid followed his eyes.
“I’m sorry, Hotch… I know it's going to be difficult for a bit, but I know you guys will find someone to take my place.” Spencer reached across the desk, resting his hand on Hotch’s own folded hands. Spencer wasn’t usually one for touching, but it was different with Aaron. Spencer tried not to think about the fact that he wanted nothing more than to kiss the older Agent, but he couldn’t allow himself to do that.
“You’re going to be a great Professor, Spencer.” Aaron told him. Spencer smiled, his beautiful, shining smile. Aaron wanted to pull him in and kiss him, but he knew he couldn’t.
“Thank you, Aaron.” He said, standing up and exiting Aaron’s office. Aaron sighed and leaned back in his chair. He hadn’t thought about it much, but he knew his feelings for the younger man had gotten to be… Almost too much. Maybe now he could get them to subside.
Next Chapter
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rjalker · 2 years
Interacting with The Murderbot Diaries fandom moodboard
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[ID: Sixteen memes, described in order from left to right and top to bottom:
First: The Bugs Bunny in a tuxedo meme, now edited to say, " I wish people who misgender Murderbot a very shut the fuck up forever.
Second: A screenshot from the show Mako Mermaids, showing David grinning adoringly towards Nixie with his face propped up on his hands. David is labeled, "The Murderbot Diaries fandom", and Nixie is labeled "Exorsexism, transmisia, athiktomisia, ableism, racism, whitewashing, aroacemisia, abuse apologism,"
Third: A stick figure drawing of a werewolf with red eyes and sharp bloody teeth, sanding over a pool of blood labeled, "people who misgender Murderbot".
Fourth: A screenshot from the show iCarly, showing Gibby, labeled "Me", about to hit Spencer, labeled, "people who misgender Murderbot" over the head with a stop sigh.
Fifth: The "is this a pigeon?" meme, edited so the person is labeled, "The Murderbot Diaries fandom", saying, "Are we a safe and welcoming space for nonbinary people, touch averse people, nonpartnering aroace people, and people of color?" While pointing at, "The most oppressively exorsexist, ableist, amisic, and racist fandom I've ever had the misfortune of being in".
Sixth: The meme of an anime character saying, "oh so it was a joke", now edited so they are saying, "Oh, so you're purposefully and knowingly misgendering Murderbot because you think people who use it/its pronouns don't deserve to respect", followed by a closeup of their hand holding a rock, captioned, "Saying this, it aggressively picked up a large rock with killing intent written in its every movement."
Seventh: A Screenshot from the Beauty and the Beast show from 1987, showing someone holding a newspaper whose headline now reads, "Local nonbinary werewolf loses its shit, mauls five exorsexists", with smaller text beneath continuing, "Strange Mauling in the Park Puzzle Police".
Eighth: A digital drawing of Murderbot, edited so it is holding a gun pointed at the camera, now with glowing red eyes from under its helmet, and a filter of red noise and static, reading in all caps, "use it/its pronouns for me or stop pretending you care about me".
Ninth: Two screnshots from The Good Place, showing Shawn now saying, "I have heard no statements nor seen any evidence to suggets…oh misgenders Murderbot? Yeah, they all definitely belong in the Bad Place.".
Tenth: Three screenshots from The Good Place, showing Eleanor and Chidi talking. Eleanor says, "I'm proud to misgender Murderbot because I refuse to respect people's pronouns if they use it/its." Chidi responds, "Okay, but that's blatant exorsexism. Tell me you understand how exorsexist you are being."
Eleventh: A screenshot from the 1974 short film, "A Political Cartoon", showing Peter President standing at the podium, now edited so he is holding a baseball bat, captioned, "[violence against exorsexists commences]".
Twelfth: A screenshot from the show Farscape, showing John Crichton sitting on the floor, holding a blue mask in one hand, staring towards the camera, looking distressed. Text above and below reads, "When The Murderbot Diaries fandom promises they respect and love nonbinary people…while they're right in the middle of misgendering Murderbot and demanding that no one is allowed to be upset with them for this.".
Thirteenth: The meme of an uno card, then someone holding a massive handful of cards. The card now reads "Don't misgender Murderbor or draw 25". The person who has drawn 25 cards is labeled, "The Murderbot Diaries fandom".
Fourteenth: A screenshot from the Muppets, showing one of the characters speaking, edited to now say, "Insult of your choice, we all know that Murderbot is not a human. Your pathetic attempts to justify your transmisia and exorsexism in misgendering it by claiming it/its pronouns are 'dehumanizing' shows you do not actually give a single shit about Murderbot, or real people who use it/its pronouns, and furthermore that you have literally zero understanding of this character or the themes of this series even though it's not fucking subtle. Shut the fuck up or just admit you hate nonbinary people. Literally everyone can already tell.".
Fifteenth: A photo of a prop for a movie of a quadrupedal werewolf snarling with its mouth wide open, labeled, "Me @ people who misgender Murderbot".
Sixteenth: A digital drawing of Murderbot against a pale blue background, that reads, "Murderbot would hate every single one of you fucking bigots".
End ID.]
No, there is literally zero excuse for you to call Murderbot anything other than it/its pronouns. There are no excuses. There is no justification.
Any fucking argument you try to use to justify misgendering Murderbot is an argument that has been used to justify misgendering me.
If you think you're literally incapable of calling someone by it/its pronouns even when those are literally the person's pronouns, leave this fucking fandom and don't come back until you can treat nonbinary people with the bare minimum of respect.
If you are so distressed by people going by it/its pronouns, you have no fucking buisness being in a fandom for books where the protagonist and many other character use it/its pronouns.
There is no fucking excuse for misgender Murderbot or any other person who uses it/its pronouns. Murderbot is a fictional character, but you are perpetuating real bigotry when you misgender it.
[Plain text: "There is no fucking excuse for misgender Murderbot or any other person who uses it/its pronouns. Murderbot is a fictional character, but you are perpetuating real bigotry when you misgender it." End plain text.]
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ao3feed-psych · 12 days
As many tomorrows as you want
by flordefandom For a moment, there was no sound. The train was imminent, but Carlton heard nothing. All that existed was the hazel gaze coming from Shawn. He saw the expected emotions there, some fear and sadness. But he saw something else there too, something that Carlton could not name. Shawn smiled at him, while he put a hand on Carlton’s cheek and in these final moments, he looked in peace. ------- Carlton finds himself stuck in a time loop, reliving the same day again and again. Can he stop Mr. Yin while being a victim himself, specially as he navigates his complicated feelings towards Spencer. Words: 5414, Chapters: 1/5, Language: English Fandoms: Psych (TV 2006) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Major Character Death Categories: M/M Characters: Carlton Lassiter, Shawn Spencer, Burton "Gus" Guster, Juliet O'Hara, Mary Lightly, Karen Vick, Henry Spencer (Psych TV 2006), Mr. Yin (Psych TV 2006) Relationships: Carlton Lassiter/Shawn Spencer Additional Tags: Groundhog Day, Angst with a Happy Ending, Temporary Character Death, Implied/Referenced Suicide, not quite but to be safe, Time Loop, Episode: s04e16 Mr. Yin Presents... (Psych TV 2006), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Bottom Shawn Spencer, Top Carlton Lassiter, Bottom Carlton Lassiter, Top Shawn Spencer, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Fingerfucking, Oral Sex, Rough Oral Sex, Tender Sex, Song: Iris (Goo Goo Dolls) via https://ift.tt/xkrAElo
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