kimdokja-real · 2 months
you know how some people say a song can soothe emotional feelings?
i feel this song encapsulates the dokjoong journey we had with this Kim Dokja who called himself bottomjoonghyuk.
Even if the Posts are deleted, the memories still remain.
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kimdokja-real · 2 months
He is Kim Dokja, reincarnated.
That's why he was Yoo Joonghyuk.
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kimdokja-real · 2 months
HI, we're the Friends of this guy, kimdokja-real.
Don't mind our Capitalization, we do it so things seem more Significant for him, it's a long story.
Just our turn to be typing, so yeah we're his friends and we just want to let the world know what an adorable, cool, cute, amazing being he is.
I'm sure you know Dokjoong right? Ok so this person does things without knowing the impact he has on others (like how you'll be excited that he's a guy?). Right so he turned Dokjoong from nothing into Something, and his notes got like 700+ notes and he even received asks despite it being a new blog and it being Dokjoong which was quite looked down upon.
But he doesn't see the Impact he has.
Also about Dokjoong being deleted........it was an emotional conflict between him and his Boyfriend, who can be quite a toxic person. So they agreed and Deleted everything of Dokjoong.
Well hard as it seems, even though he was bottomjoonghyuk, this person was more Kim Dokja than Yoo Joonghyuk at that time, and his Boyfriend occupied the role of Yoo Joonghyuk, like suddenly thrusting him into a new World, and there were emotional complications even though they were mildly good for each other. They Love each other very much, but his boyfriend can be so toxic at times...
His Boyfriend is a good person, but he's possessive af like Yoo Joonghyuk. He Sounds Cute in the Voice Recording but believe us he can be a hell of a yandere at times......
So anyway since they held roles of Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk during that emotionally complicated moment, 'Kim Dokja' acquiescenced and deleted every Dokjoong post
His boyfriend had some problems with his Masculinity at that time
It was a toxic relationship, and his friends were toxic too........but anyway, now's a new start.
We plan to take care of this person really well. He didn't say it of course but he was bullied. So he can have some trouble coming out of his shell. For example, we think his voice is Super nice, even sexy, but he thinks it's boring or just Normal.
And his family hasn't been very supportive either, the mother was really commanding (another reason why it changed to kimdokja-real, his Blog name) and income was an issue and there was a lot of responsibility well this person........He just went through a lot.
So he'll be doing new things, we want to explore his Talents and him as a person......for example like for his previous fics, he can't believe people still like them. When a person went to his current fic and said 'i know you're out of the fandom but can you.......provide me the link to your blog, it doesn't seem to work'.
Normal people would know it means you're popular enough right? Well this person really worked hard, harder than god, and yeah..........he has a lot of scars (that's why we named him kimdokja) and he can't believe he can have good things or even Deserve them.
I Know it may be sad to know this about an Author you really like, but this is the truth. So we'll be controlling his life a bit (hence the Voice acting), and also new JoongDok fic (when he didn't write JoongDok before and even disapproved of it, personal story) pushing him out of his comfort zone, but we'll always take care of his feelings and be there for him, our kimdokja and also yoojoonghyuk.
This Guy is a Being, but how to say........we think he doesn't think he Deserves the Right to be Human. Or even Act Human
I know there are some who think he's literally perfect, giving you your Dokjoong like from a God, when it was impossible. Well he's Impossible........but I think he's been impossible enough, and we'll try to get him to speak about his feelings and be more Human.
Like Someone sent an Ask asking if He's Alright...but he Never posted it, just left it in his ask box, like he doesn't know how to reply.
Anyway, we'll just be helping him become more human.
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