#boundless ask
ambrosialdesire · 7 months
After the boundless fic how is reader handling what happened? home girl def got pregnant right?
yes, reader did get pregnant! i think i vaguely mentioned it in another boundless/bounded ask lol
she handles it horribly (as would anyone tbh) since this is kinda based off a yearish before all the s4 shit goes down, so she gives birth to eren's kid before historia had gotten pregnant. she tries to not let what happened to her get to her too much because she would just be crying all, if not most, of the time. reader's basically mentally torn between hating eren and loving him (even though the love is a mix of friendship obligation and stockholm). but how could she hate him?
eren, the boy who once wiped her tears away when she scraped her knee. eren, the boy who she once snuck into the boy's dormitory for to snuggle with him after trost. eren, the boy she once thought she could trust her entire heart to.
she feels awful for thinking wrongly of him since he has been nothing but good to her after that whole ordeal. even if they have sex again, he doesn't call her names or make a mockery of her, he's actual quite gentle with her as if she's glass in his hands.
he's her childhood best friend, what he did before was punishment for her not being a good friend in return. that's what he says at least, maybe to convince himself as well.
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Lea… do you remember what a clear sky looks like at night?
Out in the countryside, no town or city nearby?
I hope one day you will…
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dailydegurechaff · 2 months
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Do you think you can redraw this tanya
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Today's Daily Degurechaff is… FUCK YEAH! EASY JOBS!!!
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travelerbasilau · 1 year
kel kel kel!
do you know how to flex? (hehe)
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Uhhh… Oops?
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johnslittlespoon · 4 months
hii happy pride month, have a little 'you're a dog (i'm your man)' chapter four snippet as an apology for radio silence <33
“Did I wake you?” Gale asks, glancing at John apologetically, but John looks up from his effort to avoid muddy puddles to shake his head. Gale supposes it’s a silly question; John sleeps like a rock, dead to disturbances made by anything other than his own brain.
“Just my sixth sense,” John says, shrugging and shooting him a small smile. Gale snorts.
“You got a radar for me?” He teases, and John smiles wider, eyes crinkling.
“Built in,” he answers matter–of–factly, raising a hand and making a fist over the center of his chest before dropping it, returning his vigilant gaze to the uneven ground. Gale stares for a moment longer, floored not for the first time by John’s apparent obliviousness to the weight of his sentimentality.
Even knowing John how he does, it’s always unexpected coming from someone who a stranger might assume to be brazen and surface–level; John’s loud mouth and wandering hands do him no favours in that regard.
But Gale does know John, like an extension of himself half the time, and still he manages to render him speechless. The way his heart flutters as the sentiment hangs in the air makes Gale want to reach down his throat and squeeze it until it never beats again.
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novelconcepts · 4 months
PLEASE elaborate on the yj videogame idea (if u want)
I dunno where it actually came from, but periodically @owltrifecta and I just spitball what an open-world game adaptation of the show would look like. The crash takes place, and then the player would just make an endless series of decisions that affect the outcome of the story. You can play it true to canon, or you can make changes, but every change would then mess with the story more. Like, yeah, you saved Laura Lee from the plane, but later on, she's trying to sabotage the rituals. Or you rescue Jackie, but then a bunch more characters die of starvation. Taissa stays awake and the wolves don't eat Van, but they press on too far, and find some other horror waiting in the dark. Just a delightful terrifying Choose Your Adventure in the wild.
It would just turn into this Reddit thread environment of people being like "I am trying to make Shauna the antler queen, does anyone know what series of events have to happen???" or "I accidentally got LOTTIE to the take the plane, and she blew up, now what?" You'd get players who try to speedrun their way out of the woods, caring only about getting their favorite out alive, and you'd get the ones who would not REST until they save everyone (spoilers: you cannot save everyone, no matter what you do). Some are only invested in coaxing their ship together. Some want so badly to kill Misty. Travis only makes it out in like a third of the playthroughs, but his death seriously fucks up your chances of getting Natalie out safely.
And, in the middle of it all, you've got Van the unkillable goalie. It becomes a Thing for a subset of players, trying to take her out, but she just. won't. die. Players try to lure her into the frozen lake, thinking they've done it, but when spring rolls back around she's just loitering on the shore. She goes over the cliff? Just rolls to the bottom, unscathed. Set her on fire, the game glitches spasmodically, and then she's just standing there with a few burns and a shrug. My favorite idea in this was Owl positing that Van is the only character who can--and will, if you try to deliberately kill her enough times--break the fourth wall. The only one who understands she's in a story. "Oh, did you think you were in charge here? Joke's on you, dude. It chooses. You don't."
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fromtheboundlesssea · 2 months
“And to go at it after Mysaria revealed her sexual trauma? It felt gross.”
you should watch what Emma and the actress of mysaria have to tell about this kiss, it explains very well and at least for me it wasn’t gross but a way for both of them to feel comfort in a long time
I don’t watch the interviews after the episodes because I don’t want it to cloud my judgement. This is a show. SHOW ME ON SCREEN rather than it being explained outside the episode.
Again, it just feels like it makes Rhaenyra incapable of having healthy adult friendships. And, again, Mysaria used to give young virgin maidens WHO LOOKED LIKE A CHILD RHANYRA to Daemon to sleep with.
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ko-existing · 8 months
Hi pabu I hope you're doing great:)
How will you describe there not being a difference between what we cal imagination and what we cal reality?
I'm well, how are You? It's cold, stay warm
The reason there is no difference between imagination and reality is that they both rely on the same substratum or foundation—'boundless awareness'—for perception. Another reason for this lack of difference is that in order to distinguish between them, one must first think about it.
Without thinking about it, name a difference.
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llondonfog · 1 year
Might I perhaps offer the idea of General Lilia learning the intimacies of food through a baby Silver? No longer is food a survival borne necessity-- No longer is it scavenged scraps, nor bottom barrel camp gruel. No longer is it meat stolen and seared by the ashes of a pillaged village, nor an unassuming toad, nor something cold, nor scheduled, and dull.
It cannot be.
The human wails and it is the screech of metal on metal. It does not often cry. Your error is extreme and grievous.
This vexes you.
The baby, of course.
Quickly now-- shut it up.
It is not old enough to consume solid foods. It has yet to bear fangs, or menace, and the flesh of its tongue is flaccid. This disgusts you. The human is not strong, nor smart, unable to not only defend itself with the simplicity of a bite, but unable to accomplish the base need of sustenance. You bear your own fangs, perhaps as a threat, perhaps of a (pleading) example.
You mash the food. What food? Well, you did resort to the toads before. If it wanted to live, surely it could eat the toad. No, you were told, (slapped, really, by warrior, daughter of Baul). Toads were unacceptable in either their nutrient fullness or mashed.
You worked hard to mash that.
More for you.
It’s still crying.
Fruits. Often a rare delicacy on the field. Wildberries were more-so cover than meal; more-so dare than comfort. Take it you damned human, and be grateful. You examine the pale yellows shoved towards your counter corner. An export, a gift from the golden bounties of the Scalding Sands, a gift from your Queen. Tsk. The expense far outweighs the cry of this human.
But perhaps it can buy you silence.
Your hand rises, meeting the hilt of your cleaver.
Your eye twitches…
No, this will not do.
(Your weapon is clean, you fool! Meticulously sheen and prepped for immediate confrontation! To slice a simple fruit? Please.)
((The blood haunts your weapon. Pestilence haunts your weapon. The cries haunt your weapon– baby.))
(You cannot use your cleaver, it is far above such use for a human.)
You glare at it, and are proud to note its fear. One look, and you have calmed its torrent of tears, though, even now the salt escapes its eyes. But of course, it is nature for the weak to weep in the face of danger. Its eyes are wide and curious. It sniffles, and auroral skies bore into your reddened grounds. Eyes and souls and whatnot.
Look away.
You prefer it crying.
But, ah, there it is again. Soft hiccups, like the light rains of morning dew.
Fine, human. You win for now.
You peel the banana and it coos, birds joining along in song. Mash now… Mash more. More.
You squint at it. Human.
It blinks.
Yes, yes you. Can you eat… drink… eat this?
Its wide eyes are a nod.
A snarl. Annoying.
It is still lumpy. I shall mash it more, lest you choke and die.
Silence, human! Were you not taught the value of patience?
A scoff. Of course not. You humans have no concept of nobility, let alone virtue.
You work at the meal in silence. The sun filters gently through your window. It catches on the boy’s hair, and the strands seem to dance with rainbows. Your arms do not tire from the repetitive motion– please. You’re a trained solider. A dinner cannot cripple you.
The boy smiles at you.
Fine human. Fine. Take your food. Choke.
And even if Lilia’s food is dog shit lol, and he half-way seems to be trolling you, I think there’s a genuine fondness when he prepares a meal. Learning/ *cough* experimenting with recipes seems to be a freedom for him. The freedom of leisure, of finding peace in a meal– fun! even! It’s fun to have the luxury of playing– emphasis on playing!-- with food! Because you can afford it! Because there is a surplus! And it's even more fun to share with your family! (Rip, lol.) And when that joy and (cackled) playfulness is reciprocated with a bite? When your peace has value, and your silliness appreciated? (Even if it’s gross? Lol? DESPITE it being gross?) Gosh, I– I think that genuinely touches him. Even if he’s amused by your (foolishness) bravery, there is a love there. And to have all of this born from raising Silver (obviously)? HA. HAHA. LOSER. HE LOVES HIS SON. WEIRD. LOVES HIM SO MUCH, ENOUGH TO THE POINT OF CHANGE AND EVOLUTION. POINT AND LAUGH.
(Yo, the thought of him feeding his young child? Bro. BRO.)
Anywho, thought you would enjoy this lil brain worm lol. (Idk if you remember, but I actually sent you an anon before! I wrote to you about Sebek and his lil Plover family :) its totally okay if you dont lmao, but just in case, hi!) I hope you’re having a fantastic day :) thanks for all that you write!! <3333
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plover anon, you came into my house and ripped out my sobbing heart piece by aching piece— this was wonderful.
it is one of my FAVORITE things in the entire fandom when an author digs inside lilia's general vanrouge persona, particularly now that we do know the bitter, stark contrast of how he behaved prior to finding silver and malleus' birth. how would he have reacted to being the sole guardian of a helpless child, especially one of his enemies, and possibly the child of the very human royalty who were responsible for the decimation of his country, his home? there's no love here, no grief for what's been lost, no bond of loyalty as he shares with malleus. this is a wailing and useless pink, squirming thing— he could not love it less.
and to capture that begrudging, spiteful attempt to simply ensure the child's survival (not care yet! not nurture!) through the act of FOOD no less! the journey of food being so intertwined with the journey of love for his human son is KILLING ME AND I'M IN LOVE!! i am eating up (no pun intended lol) lilia's inner monologue and it is SO SATISFYING!! the way you kept switching between the act of giving sustenance with the same blade that took the lives of this baby's kin, the way that lilia keeps struggling to view the child as anything more than the species responsible for their misery, the fucking hilarious way he keeps getting riled up for thinking he's being bested by silver's refusal of his absolute awful dinner offerings!!!
(and you did it all in second person pov my fucking BELOVED POV!!)
the transition of food from necessity, fuel, a means to an end, to a luxury explored with others, the delight in seeing a loved one's face react to your uncertain attempts— the fact that lilia knows his food is shit, and watches that baby-now-young-man take a bite no matter how many instances he's been stricken by it and smile weakly at him through his grimace and say, perhaps a bit less vinegar, father (father! FATHER!!), the fact that this boy will never refuse him, will love him and his godawful dishes until the end of time!! what kind of love is that but unconditional!!! what has general lilia vanrouge ever done in his long, lonely life to deserve that smile!!!
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yashley · 2 years
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“Are you sure it wasn’t intentional?” / “Do you think she might be working for the bad guys?”
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mrghostrat · 9 months
i just came in to leave you a lil smooch and a cozy lil guy for your day (:
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ambrosialdesire · 5 months
uhm can we get some more from bounded eren?
Like just life after it ykk
well uhhh if you're talking about the events after bounded, since eren is in the canonical storyline... i think you already know what happens 😭
obviously, reader becomes a single mother since yk but she has the help and guidance of her friends, so it's not that difficult. i like to believe that both her and historia raised their kids together too since they're going to be roughly the same age (maybe reader's is a little older cause i think i based boundless a year before the attack on marley) and it's nice to share company with someone who also has a kid before everyone else has one.
there are days where she'll randomly start crying when remembering about eren, the good memories before everything went down, and it's even more heart-wrenching when she starts noticing how similar their kid is to younger him. that fiery attitude, the immediate instinct to help out their friends, how sometimes they'll say they don't need your help but run to you every time things go wrong. not to mention the eyes, no doubt it was unmistakably his bright turquoise-blue eyes.
otherwise than that, reader does live a peaceful life like eren had intended for all his friends to live and she does find another partner eventually, though she has this irrational fear that eren's going to somehow crawl up from hell (cause we all know DAMN well bro is not in heaven 💀💀) and start haunting her for moving on. yet a part of him would always be a part of her (not just bc of their kid) but rather how much of an impact they had with one another as childhood friends.
if the two of them do get reincarnated in another life without titans and are ever fated to meet again, maybe this time around it would end up differently. or maybe eren's possessiveness is unavoidable, finding and attaching onto the reader even throughout different lifetimes. hell, even inamorato could be considered as one of their reincarnations since they're childhood friends in that fic too LMAO
what a terrible thing, living every new life in a seemingly inescapable loop of being chained along forever to someone you can never forgive.
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xannerz · 4 months
"i think using ai is okay when you're looking for inspiration--" i'm going to rip your throat out with my teeth
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theminecraftbox · 9 months
Hiiii my discourse is that the Utah stream was cool n fun but from a storytelling perspective it was one of the strongest beats in Wilbur’s arc but one of weakest beats in Tommy’s arc. Wilbur leaving Tommy behind felt like it was pandering to the side of the fandom that always frames Tommy as a perpetual victim. Wilbur should’ve asked Tommy to come with him and Tommy should’ve refused = Tommy finally asserting his agency as separate from Wilbur + a demonstration of Tommy’s inability to give up on his obsession w Dream. Weird hill to die on but I’m dying here.
strongly agree / agree / ambivalent / disagree / strongly disagree / don’t care whatsoever
I don't precisely disagree that it exemplifies a weak beat for c!Tommy wrt his independence from Wilbur, but I do disagree that c!Tommy was emotionally situated to tell c!Wilbur to leave him in that stream.
Reframing things in the way you're describing would constitute a reversal of Wilbur and Tommy's priorities--that is, Wilbur would now be the one who can't let go, and Tommy would be the one willing to relinquish the relationship. While this does give Tommy more agency, I think it runs far too contrary to the entire point of Boundless Sands (and tbh Wilbur's other goodbye streams) as it exists for me to really think it's in character: which is Wilbur wanting to separate himself from Tommy/the server and move on, Tommy being unable to move on. This is a theme that, for Wilbur, has been building over his entire apology tour, and that, for Tommy, will be continued in the finale streams.
It would also reverse Tommy's priorities wrt Dream and Wilbur. Like, I do not think that Tommy's inability to give up on his obsession with Dream is something particular to Dream or something that outweighs the strength of his relationship with Wilbur. I think it all stems from a similar place emotionally, and his preoccupation with Dream has always been framed as secondary to what he's got going on with Wilbur. Given the choice between "follow Wilbur" and "stay and hunt Dream" I simply cannot see Tommy choosing the latter. Moreover, Wilbur's reliance on Tommy in return has always been a crucial part of that dynamic (unlike with Dream, in which Dream is a totally uninterested party at this point in the story.) So Wilbur breaking one vertex of that triangle is, I'd argue, totally necessary to finalize that relationship and to cue up what's coming in Tommy's development, which is a continued inability to let go right up until the finale. Relatedly, I view the genuine finale as thematically impossible while Wilbur remains around: Tommy is only able to see how stupid the conflict with Dream has become once Wilbur's out of his life, and that's because Wilbur was too powerful an influence for him to push away on his own.
Not to mention that Tommy thinks that Wilbur's hinting at suicide for a good part of that stream--I just don't think that's very conducive for Tommy to tell Wilbur to go off on his own. also also I think Tommy threatening Wilbur with a sword when he says he's leaving is very cool and fun.
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travelerbasilau · 1 year
Y’all aren’t safe. I’m pouring milk on all of you. And throwing you at the wall
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Uh.. What?
Sounds like fun!
Kel, what is wrong with you?
What’s wrong with you? Where’s your whimsy, Aubrey? Huh???
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boundless-iridescence · 5 months
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Random Ask | Always Open
@stelliferousduo asked: "This…is…so…much…fun…~~!!" She exclaimed while bouncing up and down one of the large, springy mushrooms in Apam Woods. Unfortunately, her company did not seem to share said sentiment as he simply hovered above her with 'that look' on his face. You know, the one where it was obvious he was questioning her sanity. "Come on, Erasmus~ Loosen up a little and join me! What's so bad about having some harmless fun every once in a while?
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He didn't answer her right away. Now, with energetic light circling behind him faintly, he was using a low level talent to float above the insanity around him. Eventually, he sighed, shaking his head, leaned back as he hovered there just above where her hop allowed him to reach.
"Perhaps it's not bad, but it certainly seems like a waste... How old are you again?" he asked the question with mild disdain.
He finally lowered back to the ground, pacing around the mushroom, still refusing to join in on this 'fun'. He glanced up as she jumped, looking up from under his hat. He didn't exactly like the accusation of needing to loosen up.
He was loose. He just wasn't a fool.
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