#boyband save america
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everyonewillsee · 6 years
Constant Star
Five times Dan wanted to kiss Lovett at midnight (and one time he did)
danlo/ot4, boyband au, 2.3k 
some danlo pining for @stainyourhands 
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sebstanaddict · 2 years
Love Song
Chapter 2 - Never Stop
Summary : A romantic comedy story between Sebastian Stan and female reader where we witness their journey after they said I do.
Sebastian and reader have waited years to finally join their love in holy matrimony. But a mix up with reader's dress threatened to turn their perfect day into a disastrous day. Will Sebastian be able to save the day or will they end up having the most embarassing day of their lives.
Pairings : Sebastian Stan x Female!Reader
Chapters: 2/18 (Might add more)
Chapter List >
Warning : fluff, sexual references, spoiler from Spiderman No Way Home and Captain America Civil War, so if you, by any chance, have not seen those movies, you might want to watch them first. Or at least watch the ending.
Word count : 10,3k
This is a sequel to my first Sebastian Stan fic Always You. If you want to understand more about Sebastian's and reader's relationship, please read it first. But it's not necessary to understand this story. Check it out here.
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This is my love song to you Let every woman know I'm yours So you can fall asleep each night, babe And know I'm dreaming of you more
You're always hoping that we make it You always want to keep my gaze Well you're the only one I see, love And that's the one thing that won't change
I will never stop trying I will never stop watching as you leave I will never stop losing my breath Every time I see you looking back at me And I will never stop holding your hand I will never stop opening your door I will never stop choosing you babe I will never get used to you
And with this love song to you It's not a momentary phase You are my life, I don't deserve you But you love me just the same And as the mirror says we're older I will not look the other way You are my life, my love, my only And that's the one thing that won't change
I will never stop trying I will never stop watching as you leave I will never stop losing my breath Every time I see you looking back at me And I will never stop holding your hand I will never stop opening your door I will never stop choosing you babe I will never get used to you
You still get my heart racing (you) Still get my heart racing (for you) Still get my heart racing (you) Still get my heart racing (for you)
Never Stop - SafetySuit
Pleasantdale Chateau, West Orange, New Jersey - May 6th 2023 - 5.30 pm
With long and quick strides, Sebastian walked out of the Bridal Salon to find Madeline. Thankfully it didn't take long for him to find her. She was waiting for him right by the stairs when he went down from the Bridal Salon. He told her the situation with Y/n's dress and asked her if the estate's helicopter was available for them and she immediately contacted the pilot to find out.
While she was on the phone with the pilot Sebastian searched for Rose and Chad who apparently were waiting at the library not far from there, along with his mother, Y/n's father and the other bridesmaids. After telling them what was going on, he left them with Madeline and went outside towards the meadow, intending to inform his guests about the situation.
Heart pounding hard in his chest and sweat in his palms, he walked swiftly to the meadow, praying his guests would understand and not leave before the ceremony even began.
As he walked closer to the meadow he faintly heard the sound of music. A familiar dancing beat entered his ears and he laughed as he came closer. Someone had put on the song Uptown Funk by Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars on the speaker intended for the string quartet he had rented to play the wedding procession music. He laughed even harder when he saw that his friends, Edward, Bill, Charlie and Christopher were dancing under the pergola. Edward was lip syncing to the song. His friends were moving their hands and feet to the music in sync like a 90's boyband. He shook his head in disbelief. He wondered when they had the time to practice dancing in sync like that.
He stopped at the beginning of the aisle and waited until his friends finished singing and dancing before going to the end of the aisle. Edward caught his eyes and nodded at him as he belted out the last lyrics from the song. The guests erupted in cheers as they finished and his friends took a bow with smiles on their faces.
Sebastian walked to them while clapping his hands. He smiled at them all and thanked them for having the balls to do what they just did.
"Thank you guys so much. I owe you guys a lot." He said as he clapped each of his friends' backs.
"D**n right you do. We only do that for you, man." Christopher commented, making him chuckle.
His friends walked to the side and let him take center stage. A staff from the chateau suddenly appeared next to him and gave him a microphone. He nodded at the staff as he accepted the microphone. Heart beating fast in his chest, he turned the microphone on and started speaking.
"Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you for allowing us to do the unconventional thing today, which is starting the party first before the ceremony." He smiled as the guests laughed.
"As you know, Y/n and I aren't quite conventional in building a family. We decided to have a kid first to see what it's like to have a family.. before we get married. And.. let me tell you.. it's hard!" He exclaimed, making the guests laughed.
"I bet some of you are asking why I'm still here after knowing how hard it is to have a family." He continued and the guests murmured among themselves.
"Well.. even though it's hard, there's no better feeling in the world than knowing that whenever you wake up in the morning, there's someone there waiting for you. There's someone to help you start your day. And there's someone to remind you not to wear long black socks with shorts, no matter how much you like it." He joked and the guests laughed.
"Anyway, I'm sure you guys are wondering why this wedding turned into an episode of America's Got Talent." He said and the guests laughed again.
"I'd like to apologize on behalf of my beautiful fiancee. The reason for the delay in our wedding ceremony is because her dress got switched at the dry cleaners." The guests laughed even louder at that.
"No.. don't laugh.. I'm serious." He said while the guests continued to laugh.
"I might have lied about everything else but this one.. this one is fact." He continued as the guests' laughter subsided.
"We're currently trying our best to get her dress here and I sincerely hope you guys are still patient enough while we wait. Because.. well.. it's just not possible to start the wedding ceremony if the bride wears nothing." He said, raising his eyebrows and the guests laughed again.
"Although.. Anthony.. I can see that you don't mind that." He said, staring at Anthony Mackie who looked startled but then laughed at his joke.
"You too, Paul." He said, pointing at his comedian friend Paul Walter Hauser who just gave him a sly smile, making him laugh.
"Anyway, we're hoping to start the ceremony soon but in the mean time, I hope you guys don't mind waiting. And while you guys wait, maybe we can still continue to turn this wedding into another episode of America's Got Talent." The guests erupted into laughter again at his remark.
"If anyone has any talents they'd like to share, feel free to come up here and share it. And we can all vote for the best one at the end. Whoever wins will get to go with us on our honeymoon and help us babysit our daughter while we go off into the sunset to make love." He said and the audience laughed the hardest at that.
"Okay. That's enough for my first attempt at stand up comedy." He said making the guests laughed again.
"Thank you guys so much for being here. And, if anyone wants to come up here and sing or something, feel free to do so." He winked and the guests laughed yet again, clapping their hands and cheered at him.
He then turned around and put the microphone back on its stand. He turned to the staff who handed him the microphone earlier and asked him to start giving out drinks to the guests. The staff nodded and quickly went to the chateau to prepare the drinks. He approached the string quartet and asked them to play some music. They nodded and started playing a classical music.
He then took a stand next to Edward and studied his guests. They were all now chatting among themselves. He didn't see a single annoyed face among his guests. On the contrary, they all seemed to be enjoying themselves and he was really grateful for that.
Suddenly he saw Madeline waving frantically at him from across the aisle. He walked quickly towards her, hoping she wasn't bringing him more bad news. The fact that he had to basically did a live stand up comedy for the first time in his life really was nerve wrecking enough for him. He didn't know if he was strong enough to handle more bad news.
"Madeline.. is there something wrong?" He asked as he arrived in front of her.
"Mr.Stan, I'm really sorry but the pilot of our helicopter said that there's a problem with the helicopter and they're now trying to fix it but they don't know how long it will take. So I'm afraid we can't use it to go and get Miss Y/n's dress." She said, her eyebrows furrowed in concern.
"What?!" He exclaimed in disbelief as he put a hand on his face.
Y/n seemed to be right. Someone out there seemed to not like them being together. He shook his head, trying to clear the negativity from his mind. He remembered his own advice earlier that day to Y/n. It was time to believe in it himself. So he took a deep breath and racked his brain for a solution.
"Mr.Stan, if I may make a suggestion." Madeline said. Her eyes looked at his full of hope.
"Okay. What do you suggest?" He asked.
"Some of your guests arrived on helicopters today. I know for a fact Mr.Robert Downey Jr did. Maybe you could ask to borrow his helicopter." Madeline said.
"Oh.. that's brilliant! Thank you Madeline. I'll go and ask him." He smiled at her then turned around. He was kind of nervous and didn't feel right asking to borrow Robert's helicopter. But he had no other choice. He braced himself as he arrived next to where Robert was sitting.
Robert was thankfully sitting right by the aisle on the third row from the front. His wife Susan sat next to him. They were apparently on a video call with their children as far as Sebastian could see, making him feel even more guilty for the delay in their ceremony. He hoped they didn't have any other events to go to that day.
"Excuse me, Robert." Sebastian said, kneeling down next to Robert and put his hand on Robert's shoulder gently.
"Oh! You surprised me there, Sebastian." Robert said, turning to look at him from behind his glasses.
"I'm really really sorry to bother you, Robert." Sebastian said, his eyebrows furrowed in regret.
"Hey, it's fine. Hold on a minute." Robert said, turning his face back to his cellphone.
"Kids, sorry I gotta go. The groom wants to talk to me." He said to his kids, their faces crowded the cellphone's screen.
"I wanna talk to the groom!" Robert's nine year old daughter Avri said.
"What? You sure, kid? He's a scary ex assassin who once threatened to hurt me, you know." Robert said, making Sebastian and Susan chuckle. He was referring to the time when Sebastian had sent him a video of him doing bicep curls with a barbell in front of an Iron Man helmet right before filming Captain America Civil War. Apparently Robert still couldn't forget about it.
"No! I don't believe you. He's a cute rehabilitated ex assassin." Avri insisted, making everyone laugh.
"Where did you learn the word 'rehabilitated'?" Robert asked, dumbfounded.
"I don't know.. I just heard it from somewhere.." Avri shrugged.
"I'm sure you don't even know what it means." Robert commented.
"No I don't. But I know it means he's a good guy now." Avri replied.
"Well, you got that right, sweetheart." Robert chuckled.
"Hey, do you mind talking to her for a minute?" Robert asked, turning to look at Sebastian.
"Of course not." Sebastian said, smiling.
"Okay, here he is, Avri." Robert said, giving the cellphone to Sebastian.
"Hi there, Avri." Sebastian greeted her as he accepted Robert's cellphone.
"Hi! Congratulations on your wedding!" Avri said with a bright smile on her face.
"Oh, thank you very much, you're so sweet." Sebastian smiled.
"You're welcome. I wish I was there in person. But mommy and daddy told me it's a party for grown ups. So I wasn't allowed to come." she said, a little sadness in her voice.
"Aaawww.. you should've come. You could've played with my daughter Starlene." Sebastian said.
"See daddy, mommy, you should've taken me with you." Avri pouted.
"I'm sorry sweetheart, next time we will." Robert said, then he mouthed the words 'Sorry' to Sebastian and Sebastian smiled.
"Is there anything else you wanna say to Sebastian? I think he's in a hurry. Aren't you Sebastian?" Robert asked.
"Umm.. yeah. Sorry I can't talk long, Avri. I have some emergency matters I have to talk to your dad about." Sebastian said.
"Ooh okay. Is it an Avenger's level emergency?" Avri asked, making them chuckle.
"Yeah. It is." Sebastian winked.
"Okay. Thanks for talking to me. Bye, Sebastian! And oh, you look really handsome." Avri said, smiling at him innocently. Sebastian blushed at that and covered the side of his face with his free hand.
"Thank you, Avri. That's very kind of you. Bye now." Sebastian said.
"Bye!" Avri said, and Sebastian gave the cellphone back to Robert.
"Bye kids, don't forget to feed the cats." Robert said.
"We already did! Bye daddy!" His kids said and Robert finally hung up.
"So, what's the Avenger's level emergency?" Robert asked, turning to look at Sebastian, making him smile.
"Well, as you know, my fiancee's dress got switched at the dry cleaners." Sebastian said nervously.
"Ha.. I thought you were joking." Robert commented.
"I wish I was." Sebastian grimaced.
"Well okay, how can I help?" Robert asked.
"I..uh.. Is it okay if I borrow your helicopter? My friends are currently stuck in traffic at I-280 W on their way to the dry cleaners to pick up my fiancee's dress. There's an accident apparently. We're pretty sure it will be awhile if we wait for them to pick the dress up. So I thought we could use a helicopter to go there instead. The chateau does have a helicopter, but there's a problem with it so we can't use it. So I wonder if I could.. perhaps.. borrow your helicopter?" Sebastian asked slowly.
"Only if you do me a favor." Robert replied with a serious tone.
"Oh of course! Anything you want, Robert." Sebastian said, wondering what Robert was going to ask from him.
"If anyone asks, I won on an arm wrestling match with you." Robert leaned in closer and said close to his ear.
Sebastian's eyes widened in surprise then he laughed out loud. Susan apparently heard him and she laughed as well as she slapped her husband playfully on his arm.
"I can't believe you're still bringing up the fact that you lost in Civil War from him." Susan said.
"Hey.. I have to set the record straight. He might have won in the movie but I was outnumbered." Robert shrugged.
"Tell you what, Robert. We can do an arm wrestling match after I make sure my fiancee's dress is taken care of, and I will definitely lose from you. No need to even fake it. I mean.." Sebastian held Robert's arm and squeezed it. "Hard as a rock." He chuckled. Robert and Susan laughed as well.
"Deal." Robert said extending his hand and Sebastian shook it.
"Oh.. By the way.. I don't have a helicopter." Robert said.
"What?!" Sebastian's jaw dropped in shock making Robert laughed out loud.
"If you mean the helicopter that we arrived in.. that's a rented one." he continued.
"Ah I see." Sebastian breathed a sigh of relief.
"Is it still parked here at the chateau's helipad?" He continued to ask.
"It should be or we wouldn't have any transport to go back home in. Let me see if I can contact the pilot for you." Robert said, turning back to look at his cellphone.
"Okay, thank you very much Robert." Sebastian said.
He waited nervously while Robert called his pilot. His eyes wandered around as he waited. The drinks and cocktails were being distributed to the guests and the string quartet was still playing some classical music. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, thankfully.
"Hey Sebastian, the pilot wants to know where you need to go." Robert said.
"Oh, we need to go to Soho to a dry cleaner's there." he responded.
"Okay. He needs to go to Soho." Robert said to the pilot on his phone.
"Yeah. Okay. Thank you. Yeah just charge it to my card. Okay. Thanks again, Neil." Robert said then he hung up.
"The pilot's name is Neil, he's waiting for you guys at the helipad." Robert said.
"Oh, thank goodness. Thank you so much, Robert. I'll pay the cost of course, don't let them charge it to you." Sebastian said.
"Hey, it's fine. Consider it a wedding gift." Robert winked.
"Thank you so much, Robert. I really appreciate it." Sebastian reached over and hugged him briefly.
"Of course." Robert smiled, patting Sebastian's arm.
"Well, if you'll excuse me. Thank you again Robert, Susan. And I'm really sorry for the bother." Sebastian said as he stood up and nodded at Robert and Susan.
"It's okay Sebastian. Good luck!" Robert said, winking at him while Susan gave him a smile.
He then stood up and went quickly back to where Madeline was standing. Apparently Chad and Rose were standing next to her, waiting for him too. After letting them know of the good news, he went back towards Robert while Madeline, Rose and Chad went quickly to the helipad.
"Hey Robert, do you want to do it now?" Sebastian asked as he arrived beside Robert.
"Sure. Wish me luck, honey." Robert said as he leaned closer to his wife and gave her a peck on the cheek.
"Good luck!" Susan said, smiling at him.
Robert stood up and Sebastian walked with him to the front of the aisle. He asked Edward to prepare a table and two chairs for the match, then he picked up the microphone and asked the string quartet to stop playing the music.
While Edward prepared the table and chairs, Robert did some stretching and warming up. Some guests turned to see him and laughed at him. Sebastian chuckled as well as he looked at Robert's antics. He then turned the microphone on and started speaking.
"Alright everyone. While we wait for my fiancee's dress to get here, Robert and I are going to entertain you by settling an old feud once and for all." Sebastian said making some of the guests laugh while others looked at him in confusion.
"For those who don't know, years ago before we shot the fighting scene in Civil War between Tony Stark and Bucky, I sent Robert a video of myself doing bicep curls in front of an Iron Man helmet." The guests laughed out loud at his statement.
"Well, apparently, Robert here still can't forget about it and is still kind of pissed off that he lost from me in the movie." The guests laughed even harder at that.
"So today, we're going to settle the score by doing an arm wrestling match." The guests laughed yet again.
"Okay. Here we go." Sebastian turned off the microphone and gave it to Edward. Afraid of ripping his suit jacket, he took it off and put it over the back of the chair behind him. His button up shirt was loose enough so he didn't need to take it off as well. Robert had taken off his own suit jacket and put it on the back of the other chair. Sebastian then flexed his arms and did some stretching as well. He even went as far as running on the spot to warm his body up, making everyone laugh.
Robert stood in front of the guests and riled them all so they started chanting his name.
"Robert.. Robert.. Robert.." the guests chanted.
Sebastian shook his head.
"I'm the host of this event and you're rooting for him?!" He shouted at the guests pretending to be disappointed and the guests laughed.
"Seb.. Seb.. Seb.." the guests then started to chant, led by Anthony Mackie and Chris Evans.
"That's more like it!" He nodded his head and everyone laughed.
"Are you ready, man?" Sebastian turned to Robert.
"I've been ready since before you were born, kiddo." Robert said and they laughed.
They took a seat in front of each other and put their right elbow on the table. They held each other's hands and looked up at Edward who was standing behind the table between them and who was going to be the actually unneeded umpire for the match.
"Okay, you guys ready?" Edward asked and they nodded.
"Alright, one.. two.. three.. go!" Edward said.
Sebastian didn't want the match to last too shortly, so he held Robert's hand tightly and pushed it, pretending to start winning the match.
"Remember your promise, kiddo." Robert warned him and Sebastian laughed.
He grunted as Robert slowly pushed his hand down and he pretended to have trouble in holding his hand up. Robert was actually quite strong. He didn't need to pretend too much. After awhile he finally weakened his hold and Robert easily pushed his hand down onto the table and won the match.
"Yesss!" Robert shouted as he stood up from the chair and the guests cheered at him.
Sebastian shook his head, pretending to be disappointed. He then stood up and reached out to hold Robert's hand and raised it up.
"Give it up to the strongest Avenger!" He shouted and the guests cheered.
"Hey, I'm the strongest Avenger!" Sebastian could hear Chris Hemsworth yelled in disagreement.
The guests laughed out loud and Robert whispered a thank you to him to which he gratefully returned with a thank you as well. After giving each other a brief hug, Robert returned back to his seat, leaving Sebastian in front of the aisle with Edward.
Suddenly he saw Anthony Mackie and Danny Ramirez walked towards him.
"Hey Seb.. how much longer do you think we have to wait until your girl is ready?" Anthony asked after they arrived in front of Sebastian and Edward.
"I'm not sure, Anthony. Maybe forty five minutes to an hour. Why?" Sebastian asked.
"Well that's perfect. We have an idea for more entertainment." Anthony said with a glint in his eyes.
"Oh.. that's great! What do you have in mind?" Sebastian asked curiously.
"Well, we've been watching these videos on this YouTube channel about how movies should have ended. They make cartoon versions of the endings of movies, pointing out plot holes and such in a certain movie and do some kind of parody of them." Anthony explained.
"I think I know what channel you're talking about." Sebastian grinned as he remembered seeing some videos from the channel.
"Oh great! Well, we just saw one about how Spiderman No Way Home should have ended. And we were thinking that it would be so funny to reenact them here." Anthony said, grinning wide at him.
"That would be awesome." Sebastian laughed. Leave it to Anthony to find a way to roast Tom Holland, the actor who played Spiderman, at every chance they got. Sebastian thought.
"Yeah, anyway, we'll need three people for it. One as Dr.Strange, one as Peter Parker and one as this dude that gives ideas so that the story goes a different way." Anthony explained.
"Well okay, does that mean you guys need one more person?" Sebastian asked.
"Yeah. I'm gonna be the dude, Danny here is gonna be Peter. We need someone to be Dr.Strange. We thought you might wanna play his part." Anthony said.
"Well.. can't someone else do it? I mean.. I'm the host of this event. And judging from the videos this channel has posted, I'm afraid they could offend someone.. particularly Kevin Feige." Sebastian said. He already was making everyone wait. He didn't want to cause more trouble. Especially to someone who holds his fate in the MCU.
"That's one way of saying you're a chicken without saying you're a chicken." Anthony commented and Sebastian raised his eyebrow.
"Are you calling me a chicken?" Sebastian asked with a slightly annoyed tone.
"No, I'm not. I just made a comment. Did you hear me say he's a chicken?" Anthony turned to Danny and asked.
"I.. uh.. no.." Danny said, doubt in his voice.
Sebastian rolled his eyes. "Why can't Benedict be Dr.Strange?" He asked, referring to Benedict Cumberbatch who was the actor playing Dr.Strange in the MCU.
"Because.. in case you haven't noticed.. he's not here." Anthony said.
"Oh.. really?" Sebastian looked towards the guests and scanned their faces. Apparently Benedict really didn't come.
"He's probably busy filming something." Anthony said, noticing Sebastian's slightly disappointed face.
"Yeah.. I'm sure he is. Anyway, I don't want to offend those people who hold my fate in the MCU. So you'll have to find someone else to be Dr.Strange." Sebastian said.
"Well now I really am calling you a chicken." Anthony protested.
"Oh stop it, Anthony." Sebastian said.
"I can't believe the groom.. is a chicken!" Anthony said loudly towards the guests, making some of them turned towards them curiously.
"You gotta stop it, Anthony. I swear to God." Sebastian said, annoyed.
"Chicken.. chicken.. Sexy Seabass is a chicken.." Anthony started to chant in a sing song voice making Danny and Edward laughed.
Sebastian shook his head in disbelief. He knew Anthony was just joking but he could be so annoying.
"Fine! I'll be Dr.Strange." Sebastian finally said amid Anthony's annoying chants.
"Haha.. that's more like it!" Anthony clapped Sebastian's back in triumph.
"I swear I'm gonna kill you one of these days." Sebastian said.
"Oooh.. channeling your inner Winter Soldier are you?" Anthony mocked.
"Oh just shut it Anthony." Sebastian said, shaking his head and Anthony just laughed.
"So, tell me about the scene we're gonna do." Sebastian said.
Anthony whipped out his cellphone and showed the video they were going to reenact to Sebastian. After watching it several times and memorizing the lines, they asked Edward to find some of the props they needed and they prepared the area under the pergola for the scene. The guests started to notice what they were doing and some started to watch them as they prepared.
"I can't believe I'm going to do a f*****g parody at my own wedding." Sebastian commented as they waited for Edward to come back with the props.
"And you did a stand up comedy, and an arm wrestling match too." Danny commented, laughing.
"Yeah.. definitely not the things I thought I would be doing at my wedding." Sebastian chuckled.
"Well.. life is full of surprises my friend." Anthony said, clapping Sebastian's back.
"It sure is." Sebastian smiled.
Edward finally came back with the props moments later. He brought back a piece of paper, a pen and Starlene's baby blanket.
"Couldn't you get a real cloak?" Sebastian asked as he accepted Starlene's baby blanket from Edward. It was supposed to be Dr.Strange's cloak.
"It's f*****g spring. No one came wearing a cloak. It's the best I could get." Edward protested.
"Sheesh.. no need to be so mad, Edward." Sebastian chuckled.
"I'm sorry.. it's just.. I didn't sign up for this you know. I thought I'd just stand by you and smile and nod. Didn't think I'd get to sing or dance or be asked to find a cloak in the middle of spring." Edward said making everyone laugh.
"Take it easy, Edward. I really appreciate all that you've done. You're the greatest best man anyone could ever ask for." Sebastian said, clapping Edward's shoulder.
"Aaawww.. thanks, man." Edward said, his anger dissipated.
"Okay, if the bro love is finished, we have a parody to do." Anthony commented.
"Yeah, okay. Let's do this." Sebastian said as he put Starlene's blanket around his shoulder and tied it around his neck.
"Okay, Edward. You go and do the introduction." Sebastian said.
"Me?" Edward asked, dumbfounded.
"Yeah, I can't do it. I'm in the parody. It would be weird." Sebastian said.
"Fine.." Edward said dejectedly.
Edward picked up the microphone from its stand and turned it on, then he started speaking.
"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen." Edward said as he stood in the middle of the make shift stage.
"So, as we wait for the bride to be ready, we have a little more entertainment for you." Edward said, and the guests quieted down and started to pay attention to him.
"Today, we are going to show you a reenactment of a scene from this very popular Marvel movie, but with an alternate story line. Which, we could argue, is better than the original. But, we're going to let you see and decide for yourself. Anyway, let me introduce you to Danny Ramirez who is going to play Peter Parker AKA Spiderman." Edward said and he put his hand up to introduce Danny.
Danny walked to the middle of the stage and bowed as the guests cheered on him. Tom Holland cheered the loudest.
"Sebastian Stan as Dr.Strange." Edward continued and Sebastian walked into the middle of the stage, flipping his 'cloak' as he walked in, making the guests laughed out loud.
"And Anthony Mackie as 'Here's an Idea Guy'." Edward said and the guests laughed as Anthony took center stage and bowed.
"Here they are to show you how Spiderman No Way Home Should Have Ended." Edward said and the guests laughed.
"Okay, take it away, gentlemen." Edward said as he gave the microphone to Sebastian. The crowd clapped and cheered as they started the parody.
Edward then played the Marvel intro music on the speaker from his cellphone and the guests laughed as they noticed the music.
"You ready?" Sebastian as Dr.Strange asked.
"Yes." Danny replied as Peter Parker.
"Nice knowing you, Spiderman." Sebastian said. He gave Danny the microphone and he started to make gestures with his hands, preparing to do the spell that would make the world forget Peter Parker was Spiderman.
Suddenly Anthony walked in and grabbed the microphone from Danny's hand.
"Here's a bright idea." Anthony said and the guests laughed.
"Why don't you take a minute to make sure you're both 100% on the same page with all the details before you just kick off this wildly dangerous spell that taps into the multiverse just because you were too stubborn to take the advice of the Sorcerer Supreme! Hmm?!" Anthony said, leering down at Sebastian and pretending to be angry at him. The guests laughed out loud at that.
"Ugh! Fine." Sebastian said and the guests laughed again.
Sebastian picked up a paper and pen from a table which Edward had prepared earlier then he started to scribble some notes on them.
"Okay, so essentially, everybody that knew you before can still remember you're Spiderman." Sebastian said to Danny.
"Yeah. Oh, except for Vulture. I don't know.. The Vulture hadn't been a problem, really. So yeah, go ahead." Danny said.
"Here's another bright idea." Anthony suddenly chimed in making the guests laughed again.
"Why don't you just make the spell to forget Mysterio and everything he ever said?" Anthony said, referring to a villain in the movie who had told the public the secret that Peter Parker was Spiderman.
The guests laughed out loud at that. Tom Holland doubled over with laughter while Kevin Feige put a hand on his face and hid his smile.
"Yeah, let's do that! That sounds way easier!" Danny said excitedly.
"Done!" Sebastian said as he made a cross with his hands in front of him and made some gestures with his fingers pretending to do the spell.
"And that.. ladies and gentlemen.. is how Spiderman No Way Home Should Have Ended." Anthony said and everyone laughed out loud.
"But that would have been less screen time for me!" Tom Holland exclaimed out loud.
"Yeah, kid. That's exactly what would have been a good idea. Be happy that Kevin over there likes you so much that you got the whole movie!" Anthony chuckled, obviously as himself now.
Tom Holland's face expression changed to disbelief as the guests burst out in laughter once again. Kevin Feige shook his head and smiled wide, but he didn’t say a word as the whole crowd continued to laugh and cheer. 
Bridal Salon, Pleasantdale Chateau, West Orange, New Jersey - May 6th 2023 - 6.00 pm
Y/n looked outside the window of the Bridal Salon towards the meadow where the wedding ceremony was going to be held. She could see the decorated pergola and the guests sitting on the white chairs. Then she noticed there were people standing underneath the pergola who seemed to be talking to each other. She could hear faint sounds of laughter coming from the guests. Relieved that the guests seemed to be okay despite the delay in the wedding ceremony, she wondered what they were laughing about. When Sebastian told her he was going to entertain them, it seemed he really did his best at doing it.
"Y/n! Oh my God! You have to see this." Allison suddenly came to stand next to her and showed Y/n her cellphone. She was apparently on a video call with her husband, Bill, who was Sebastian's best friend and one of the groomsmen. He was pointing his cellphone's camera to the scene under the pergola.
There on the screen Y/n could see Sebastian, who was wearing what suspiciously looked like Starlene's baby blanket around his neck. She could also see Anthony Mackie and Danny Ramirez who seemed to be doing some kind of play. She watched them in amusement and laughed out loud as the scene played out.
"I can't believe they're doing a Marvel parody." Y/n said, doubling over with laughter.
Y/n and Allison continued to watch the scene played out. They took a seat on the blue circle shaped sofa in the middle of the room and were soon joined by the other bridesmaids. After Sebastian, Anthony and Danny finished their parody of Spiderman No Way Home, Tom Holland with the help from Robert Downey Jr, Chris Pratt and Paul Rudd took their turn on doing a parody from The Falcon and The Winter Soldier. Eventually the event turned into a competition between Marvel actors and actresses on who could show a better ending for the other's movies. For half an hour Y/n enjoyed watching them doing parodies from Wandavision, Loki and Thor Love and Thunder, laughing and giggling throughout, forgetting that she was on her wedding day and was waiting for her dress to come.
They were watching Chris Evans reenacting the ending scene from Thor Love and Thunder when Shannon rushed into the Bridal Salon carrying Y/n's dress.
"Y/n! I got it!" She said, brandishing the dress to her.
Y/n stood up from her seat on the sofa and accepted the dress from Shannon's hands.
"Oh my God! Thank you Shannon!" She immediately went to the dressing room with Shannon trailing behind.
"Wait.. how did you get here so fast? I thought you were stuck in traffic?" Y/n asked as she took off her white silk robe and hung it on the hook behind the door of the dressing room.
"I asked Rose and Chad to pick us up on the highway. There's no way I'm missing your wedding." Shannon commented as she pulled down the zipper of the dry cleaner's bag and pulled out Y/n's dress.
Thankfully it was the correct one. Y/n breathed a sigh of relief as she saw it. Her dress had dramatic v-shaped bodice with capped sleeve and was adorned with hundreds of crystals. It also had beautiful Alencon lace appliques with floral motifs. The skirt had a ballgown silhouette made from shimmering sparkle tulle. She truly felt like a princess wearing it.
"Wait, you had the helicopter picked you up in the middle of the highway?" Y/n asked in disbelief as she put her feet into the dress and Shannon helped put the dress on.
"Yeah. There's a large empty field not far from where Nick and I was. The helicopter landed there and we just got into it." Shannon explained while buttoning up Y/n's dress on the back side.
"So you left your car behind?" Y/n asked as she fixed the sleeves of her dress and patted the skirt to smooth it out.
"Yeah. I had no choice! But we managed to park it on the side of the road. So it's not like it's blocking the road." Shannon said as she helped tidy up Y/n's dress.
"Well that's great. So.. what do you think?" Y/n asked as she studied herself in front of the mirror.
"You look stunning, Y/n! Seb won't know what hit him." Shannon winked.
"Thank you Shannon! Thank you for being here with me and supporting us from the beginning." Y/n turned around and gave Shannon a hug.
"Oh you're welcome, Y/n. And I'm really sorry about the mix up with the dress." Shannon said her eyes full of regret.
"It's okay, Shannon. You managed to get the right dress back. That's the most important thing." Y/n smiled and Shannon smiled back in return, relief filled her eyes.
They walked out of the dressing room and Y/n was immediately whisked back to sit in front of the dressing table while her make up artist and hair stylist freshened up her make up and fixed her hair. Once they were done Y/n stood up and her hair stylist put on a floral hairpiece on her hair along with the veil. She didn't forget to put her mother's brooch on her dress. She then carefully put her shoes on with Shannon's help. She was studying her final look in the mirror when the door of the Bridal Salon was knocked.
"Y/n.. dear.. it's dad. Can I come in?" Y/n's dad asked from behind the door.
"Of course. Come on in, dad." Y/n replied.
Her father opened the door and his jaw hit the floor as soon as he saw his daughter.
"Oh wow.. Y/n dear.. you look beautiful! Just like your mom did." His father commented as he approached her.
"Dad.. " Y/n said, her bottom lip trembled as she remembered her late mother.
Y/n's father gave her a tight hug and she could see his eyes water as he released her from his hug.
"I'm sorry dear.. you know I can be emotional sometimes when it comes to your mom." He sighed and wiped the tears from his eyes.
"I know, dad. It's okay." Y/n smiled as she held both her father's arms in her hands and rubbed them gently, trying to soothe him.
"Well, before I cry again, I just want to give you this." Y/n's father said as he pulled out a small item from his pants' pocket. It was apparently a penny.
"Do you know the tradition of putting a penny in a bride's shoes.. for luck?" Y/n's father asked.
"Oh yeah, of course dad. Not that I believe in it too much." Y/n commented.
"Well, there's no harm in following it, right? Who knows, it might just bring you the luck you probably need today." Y/n's father said.
"Yeah. Absolutely." Y/n said, thinking that she did need it that day after all that had happened.
"Thank you so much, dad." Y/n said and she hugged her father tight.
"You're welcome, dear." Her father smiled, and he released himself from her hug and put his palm on Y/n's cheek.
"Here, let me put it in your shoes." Her father said.
Y/n sat down and took off her shoes then her father leaned down and put the penny in it. She put the shoes back on and tightened the straps with her father's help. Then they stood up just as Madeline came into the room.
"Miss Y/n? Are you ready?" Madeline asked.
"Yes, I'm ready Madeline." Y/n nodded.
One by one all of Y/n's bridesmaids filed out of the room followed by Y/n's father. Y/n and Shannon left the room last.
Walking with a penny in her shoes proved to be uncomfortable for Y/n. She tried her best to walk but when they were almost at the staircase, she slipped and the heel of her shoes broke.
"Oh no!" She wailed.
"What's going on Y/n?" Shannon asked while Y/n held on to her shoulder.
"The heel on my shoes just broke." Y/n said and she reached down and picked up the broken heel and showed it to Shannon.
She couldn't believe it. It seemed bad luck was written all over her that day.
"Oh no! Do you have spare shoes?" Shannon asked.
"Just my sneakers." Y/n sighed.
"But I guess that'll have to do." Y/n said as she limped back towards the dressing room to change into her sneakers.
"Well, good thing your dress is long. No one is going to notice your shoes. Don't worry about it." Shannon said as she trailed after her, trying to comfort her.
"Yeah.. thanks Shannon." She said, still sounding upset.
Thankfully her sneakers were white in color, and it was definitely more comfortable to walk and dance around in. Something she was sure she would appreciate later on. After changing into her sneakers, Y/n took a deep breath and said a silent prayer in her heart that the rest of the wedding ceremony will go smoothly. Otherwise she might just have a breakdown.
"Are you ready Y/n?" Shannon asked.
"Yes, I'm ready. Let's go." Y/n said, putting her chin up and walked out of the Bridal Salon, ready to be married to the love of her life, no matter what happens.
Ceremony Area, Pleasantdale Chateau, West Orange, New Jersey - May 6th 2023 - 7.00 pm
Y/n slowly walked out of the chateau and stood next to her father at the edge of the meadow. She circled her hand around her father's left arm. Shannon gave her the beautiful bouquet consisted of soft pink and white roses, and they started to walk slowly towards the aisle. She saw the line up of the procession in front of her and felt her heart beat faster as she looked farther ahead. She could see Sebastian standing next to Edward and the officiant. She frantically tried to rehearse the vows in her head as the realization finally dawned on her that she was supposed to say those words in front of everyone in mere minutes. She had memorized it of course, and being used to memorize lines from books, she didn't feel the need to write them down. But she regretted the decision because she didn't think she would be so nervous that she might just forget the words.
"Y/n dear, are you alright?" her father whispered, sensing her anxiety.
"Umm.. yeah dad. I just.. I'm trying to remember my vows." she whispered back.
"Oh, don't you have it written down?" he asked.
"I.. uh.. no.. I thought I could just memorize it." she replied sheepishly.
"Well, you can always ask the officiant to guide you." her father said.
"Yeah dad, it's just.. we're supposed to do a combination of both. But.. I think I remember it now." Y/n said as lines from the vows finally reappeared in her mind.
"Okay. Good. Don't worry, dear. You got this." her father encouraged her as he patted her hand.
"Thank you, dad." she smiled.
They stopped right before the aisle started. Y/n looked around the ceremony area and felt like she was transported to a magical place. It was almost time for sunset so the sky was light grey and the sun was not seen. However, beautiful sparkling lights hung between flowers and vines on top of the pergola. Lanterns were put on the grass all along the aisle. Colorful flower petals were strewn on the sides of the aisle. On the background of the pergola she could see the sparkling pond. The lights reflecting on the pond winked at her as if telling her everything was going to be alright. Tall lush trees surrounded them and seemed to protect them from any harm that might come their way. She looked around at the face of the guests and saw many familiar and famous faces, making her so nervous.
The string quartet played the soft and soothing Air On A G String by Johann Sebastian Bach and the wedding ceremony finally began. The groomsmen and bridesmaids started the wedding procession by walking in pairs. Shannon walked in last with Nick, her boyfriend, then she took a stand next to Edward. The ring bearer, which were both Lucky and Starlene, then walked down the aisle. Lucky was guided by Stefan, Sebastian's nephew who held him by a leash. Lucky looked so cute wearing a tuxedo, but Y/n felt confused because Lucky looked slightly wet. Apparently, minutes before the ceremony started Lucky had jumped into the indoor pool that the chateau had. Thankfully he didn't drown and was saved by one of the chateau's staff. But they didn't have much time to dry him so he was still wet as he walked down the aisle, leaving wet footprints on the white carpet. Right behind Lucky and Stefan was Starlene, being carried by Sebastian's mother. Starlene held a small pillow with the wedding rings tied on top of it. Everyone cooed as they saw Starlene. She smiled wide and giggled as she passed. She was clearly like her father, loving all the attention she had gotten. Next to walk down the aisle were the flower girls, which were both Sebastian's nieces Charlotte and Sofia. They scattered flower petals all along the aisle. Finally it was time for Y/n to walk down the aisle.
Y/n looked to her father and her father nodded in encouragement. She held her father's arm tight then they started to walk slowly down the aisle. The air was filled with awe as everyone saw Y/n walked in. She felt truly like a princess with her dress flowing behind her and the magical atmosphere surrounding them. Her heart seemed to stop as she finally looked up to see the love of her life staring at her with so much love and awe in his eyes. He blushed as they made eye contact and Y/n blushed too. Sebastian looked so handsome wearing a black tuxedo. His hair was trimmed neatly on the sides and was fluffy on top. He had slightly thick stubble on his face which she loved to see on him.
Time seemed to stop and everything felt like they moved in slow motion as she continued to walk down the aisle. She continued to hold Sebastian's gaze as she walked, their eyes never left each other as she finally made her way to the front of the aisle. She stopped in front of him and her father took her hand away from his arm. Her father then hugged her and kissed her forehead. He then took Y/n's hand and gave it to Sebastian who accepted it with a big smile on his face.
"Take very good care of her, son." Y/n's father said gently to Sebastian.
"Don't worry, sir, I will take care of her and protect her with my life." Sebastian nodded making Y/n's heart skipped a beat.
Her father smiled at Sebastian and hugged him. He then turned around and left them and took a seat in the front row beside his second wife.
"Hi.." Sebastian whispered at her.
"Hi.." Y/n whispered back as she looked up at him and smiled shyly.
"You look amazingly beautiful sweetheart." Sebastian complimented her, making her blush.
"Thank you Iubirea mea, you look amazingly handsome too." she complimented him back, making him blush.
Then they turned their bodies to face the officiant while still holding hands. She could feel Sebastian's hand was sweaty and somehow it comforted her knowing he was as nervous as she was.
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today, in the presence of God, to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony.." the officiant said as he started the ceremony.
"Are you wearing sneakers?" Sebastian suddenly whispered under his breath, startling Y/n.
"How do you know?" she whispered back, dumbfounded.
"I saw it." he answered.
"The heel of my shoe broke. I didn't have any option." she responded.
"Oh.. okay." Sebastian smiled as he tried not to laugh.
Y/n stole a glance at him and gave him a glare. Sebastian glanced back, smiling at her innocently and she didn't have a choice but to smile back, laughing internally at her lack of luck that day. They looked back to the front as the officiant continued to say his speech.
"Are you ready for your personal vows?" finally the officiant asked them and they nodded.
They turned to each other and held each other's hands in front of them. The officiant gave Sebastian the microphone and he accepted it and started speaking.
"Y/n, my love. Ever since I first laid eyes on you I knew you were the one for me. I waited patiently for the time that I could finally told you how I feel and I'm so grateful that we finally reached this moment, the moment I have been waiting for, for twenty two years. I'm also thankful that we can share this moment with our beloved daughter. Thank you for bringing Starlene into my life and making my life complete in ways I could have never imagined. Today, in front of God and our loved ones, I promise to always love you, cherish you and be your lover and best friend no matter what the circumstances. I will never leave you and will always be by your side, through the good times and the bad.I promise that I will never stop trying. I will never stop watching as you leave. I will never stop losing my breath every time I see you. I will never stop holding your hand. I will never stop opening your door and I will never stop choosing you.As your husband and Starlene's father I promise to always love you both and protect you and any future children we may have with every fiber of my being. Today, I promise you, that my heart is yours.. always and forever. I love you." Sebastian said with watery eyes and Y/n couldn't help but dropped a tear.
Sebastian reached out and wiped the tear from her eyes with his thumb gently, smiling at her with love and joy in his eyes. He then held the microphone up under her mouth and encouraged her to start saying her vows. Y/n took a deep breath and finally spoke.
"Sebastian, Iubirea mea, I remember the first time I saw you like it was yesterday. I remember seeing you that day and my heart told me you were the love of my life. I didn't believe it back then and I continued to not believe it until the day you finally confessed your love to me one and a half years ago. Now, I believe my heart belongs to you and you alone, like it always has been for the past twenty two years. I'm so grateful for the love you have so selflessly gave to me and Starlene. Thank you for being an amazing father to Starlene and an amazing partner in raising our beloved daughter. Today, in the presence of God and all our loved ones, I promise to always love you, adore you, support you through all the joys and the sorrows. I will stay by your side as we sail through this life, with all the storms and sunny days. My heart belongs to you.. forever and always. I love you." She said and this time Sebastian couldn't help but drop a tear.
She reached up and wiped the tear from his eyes with her thumb and smiled at him. They then turned their heads at the officiant and nodded their heads, signalling him to start guiding the traditional vows for them.
"Do you Sebastian, take Y/n as your lawfully wedded wife? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, to be faithful to her as long as you both shall live?" the officiant asked Sebastian.
"I do." Sebastian said, smiling at Y/n and held her hands tightly.
"Do you Y/n, take Sebastian as your lawfully wedded husband? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, to be faithful to him as long as you both shall live?" the officiant turned to Y/n and asked.
"I do." Y/n answered and smiled wide at Sebastian.
Edward then approached them and gave them their wedding rings. Sebastian slowly inserted Y/n's wedding ring onto her left ring finger and spoke.
"With this ring I, Sebastian, take you, Y/n, to be my lawfully wedded wife. Let this ring be a symbol and reminder of my eternal love to you." Sebastian said and smiled.
Y/n then inserted Sebastian's wedding ring onto his left ring finger and spoke.
"With this ring I, Y/n, take you, Sebastian, to be my lawfully wedded husband. Let this ring be a symbol and reminder of my eternal love to you." Y/n said and smiled back at him.
They held each other's hands tightly as the officiant finally declared. "By the power vested in me by the state of New Jersey, I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride."
Sebastian smiled and placed his right palm on the side of Y/n's face. He leaned closer, put his left hand on her waist and pulled her closer to him. He closed the gap between them and finally kissed her lips gently. The guests cheered loudly as they kissed but Y/n could hear nothing and feel nothing except Sebastian's gentle kiss and touch on her and the pounding of her racing heart, as their love was finally joined officially in front of God and everyone they loved.
Honeymoon Suite, Pleasantdale Chateau, West Orange, New Jersey - May 6th 2023 - 11.30 pm
Y/n opened the door to the honeymoon suite at the chateau and squealed as Sebastian picked her up and carried her bridal style into the room. This time he was careful not to hit her head on the door frame. They laughed and giggled as they made their way into the honeymoon suite. They reached the bed and Sebastian put her down gently on the bed. He propped his left hand on the bed and laid down next to her.
"You're so beautiful my lovely wife." He said, stroking her cheek gently with his thumb. Y/n blushed as she listened to him call her his wife. Yes, she was finally Sebastian's wife! Never in a million years she thought she would be able to call this gorgeous man her husband and hear him call her his wife. Despite every bad thing that happened to her that day, she still felt like she was the luckiest woman on earth to be married to this amazing man.
"I love seeing you blush my lovely wife. You look so pretty, like a princess out of a fairy tale." He smiled and leaned in closer to kiss her.
Her heart swelled so big in her chest that she felt like it was going to explode. Butterflies swarmed in her stomach as they continued kissing each other like their lives depended on it.
After the wedding ceremony was finished, thankfully without a hitch, they started the reception right away because they were already so late. Two hours late! Y/n never thought something as horrendous as that would ever happened to her. The reception was held in a beautiful grand ballroom inside the chateau. The atmosphere in the ballroom was also as magical as on the meadow. Y/n loved everything about it. The decor, the food, the entertainment. Thankfully everything about the reception was perfect. She was also so glad that not a single guest left early despite the delay in their wedding ceremony. Everyone seemed to have fun. Even Ridley Scott seemed to be having fun.
As their kisses became more passionate, they rolled over on the bed, forgetting everything around them as they desperately kissed and caressed each other. Three months being apart and not having had a chance to make love yet made them both so desperate. Being so passionate with each other made them slightly careless. At one point Sebastian fell over the bed onto the floor and hit his head on the night stand.
"Ouch!" He said, rubbing the back of his head.
"Oh my God.. Iubirea mea! Are you okay?!" Y/n asked, looking down on him from the bed as she tried to stifle her laughter.
"I'm fine." Sebastian smiled sheepishly as he slowly stood up from the floor. Y/n extended her hand to help him up and he accepted it.
"Maybe I had too much to drink." He chuckled as he sat on the bed next to her, still rubbing the back of his head.
"I think I did too." Y/n giggled, then she rubbed the back of his head and kissed it.
"Here, let me get this suit off you and make you more comfortable." Y/n said and she took the suit off Sebastian and then proceeded to take off his tie, his shoes and his socks. Leaving him in just his trousers and shirt. She then took off her own shoes and went back to sit on the bed next to him.
"Thank you, Mrs.Stan." Sebastian smiled at her and reached out to squeeze her hand as she smiled back. She loved the sound of Mrs.Stan in her ears.
"You're welcome Mr.Stan." She smiled then she positioned herself behind his back and put her hands on his shoulders.
"Sweetheart, what are you doing?" Sebastian asked, turning his head to look at her but she gently turned his head back towards the front with her hands and proceeded to give him some head and shoulder massage.
"I'm going to make you the happiest man on earth." She whispered on his ear and she could feel him tremble at her words.
She continued massaging his head and shoulders with her hands and slowly she could feel him relax under her touch.
"Ooh.. honey.. this feels so good." Sebastian commented and let out a deep and relaxed sigh.
"What did I do to deserve this?" He asked, making her smile.
"Oh.. this is just for being such an amazing husband covering for his wife's mistake." She said, referring to the mishap that happened earlier that day.
"You're so amazing, Iubirea mea.. I can't believe you even went so far as to do a parody to entertain the guests. That was genius!" She exclaimed.
"Oh well.. that was Anthony's idea." He said, chuckling.
"Yeah, but still.. you did great on the announcement.. and then the arm wrestling match with Robert! My God! You are a natural entertainer!" Y/n continued to compliment him, making him blush. During the reception Y/n was shown a recording done by Bill of Sebastian doing his little announcement and the arm wrestling match with Robert.
"Thank you, sweetheart.. you're too kind." He said then he yawned and sighed.
"You're tired aren't you?" Y/n asked as she continued massaging his shoulders.
"Yeah.. it's been a long and nerve wrecking day, honey." He said.
"But! I'm never too tired to please my lovely wife." He exclaimed, putting his index finger up in the air.
"Iubirea mea.. if you're tired let's just go to sleep. I'm tired too. I mean.. it has been a very long day." She said.
"Oh no no.. honey.. it's our first night as husband and wife. We should consummate it! There will be no more first night after this." He said and he turned around suddenly to face her and started to tickle her waist, making her giggle.
"Seb.. no.. stop.." she said, giggling and laughing as she tried to pry his hands away from her waist.
"The monster is hungry.. monster needs to eat! Now!" He growled and started kissing and biting her neck playfully, making her squirm. Soon they were passionately kissing and touching each other but the dress proved to make it hard for them to go all the way. So she jumped off the bed and ran to the bathroom to take it off, leaving Sebastian to lie down on the bed by himself.
Y/n took the opportunity to freshen up a little in the bathroom. After taking her dress off she decided to put her hair down so she took off all the pins on her hair. The hair spray made her hair stiff and she looked like a weird troll after she took off all the pins. So she decided to take a quick shower and wash her hair. After she was done, she put on a fresh, lacy and sexy underwear and a night gown she specifically had picked for this moment. She combed her hair and sprayed some perfume and put on some lipgloss. She opted not to put anything on her face. She then went out of the bathroom and towards the bed.
There on the bed was Sebastian, only wearing boxer shorts and a white undershirt. He was lying down on one side of the bed. She smiled as she came closer. Sebastian had his eyes closed and his mouth opened a little. Apparently he had fallen asleep waiting for Y/n to be ready. Y/n felt her heart warmed as she saw him. She leaned down and gave him a gentle kiss on his forehead then laid down next to him. He stirred as she put her arms around him.
"Honey.. you're back." He said, turning to face her with his eyes still closed and then he yawned.
"I'm sorry it took me so long to get ready. I had to wash my hair. I looked like a troll." She said.
"Uh huh.." Sebastian mumbled. He was still half asleep apparently.
She kissed his cheek and rubbed his arms then hugged him.
"Good night, Iubirea mea." She whispered.
"Hmm.." Sebastian only managed to mumble.
"I love you." She whispered but Sebastian already fell asleep. She smiled and snuggled on his chest. She was slightly disappointed at their failed attempt at making love yet again. But to be honest she was also feeling really tired and her legs ached. So she welcomed the opportunity to get some rest. They were going to leave for their honeymoon the next day and they would have plenty of times to make love then, she thought as she finally drifted off to sleep next to the love of her life whom she could now call proudly as her husband.
Chapter 3 >
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leham-n-daavocado · 3 years
2021 F1 Grid as Boy Bands
According to my sister and I who are millennials from Canada. I'll link to the band's most emblematic or iconic song/video. Because you know Lance and Nicky gotta be obscure Canadian boy bands lost to the annals of time lol. All the British bands we know from The Hit List lol. We also are quite encyclopedic when it comes to certain 2nd and 3rd generation K-pop groups so...
Lewis: Backstreet Boys
N'Sync may have won America, but the Backstreet Boys won the world. No other boy band is appropriate for Lewis other than the one that has sold the most records, has tons of bops from "Quit Playing Games with My Heart" to "The Call" and over 25 years of longevity. Most Famous Song/Video: I Want It That Way
Valtteri: a1
They have a few bops, but maybe not an enduring longevity. One of their members is Nordic and the video for "Caught in the Middle" has Finnish vibes. Besides "Take on Me" also originated from Scandinavia. Most Famous Song/Video: Take on Me
Red Bull
Max: One Direction
Started on X-Factor, an analogue for the Red Bull factory. Over the top devoted fanbase. Most Famous Song/Video: What Makes You Beautiful
Checo: Arashi
Enduring J-pop band. Crazy well known in Japan where they're literally part of everyone's lives daily in variety shows, TV shows, etc. Most Famous Song/Video: Arashi
Charles: N'Sync
Look at his fashion and the bandanas and tell me he doesn't give you late 90s/early 2000s N'Sync vibes. Most Famous Song/Video: Bye Bye Bye
Carlos: 98°
Forgotten 90s/2000s boy band. Just like Carlos is often forgotten. Gave us "Give Me Just One Night (Una Noche)" to capitalize on the Latin trend at the time. (Una Noche means one night guys! Like naan already means bread lol). Most Famous Song/Video: I'd say it's The Hardest Thing, but my sister only remembers Una Noche
Daniel: O-Town
Created on Making the Band, an analogue for the Red Bull factory. We chose this because we absolutely believe Daniel would sing a song about nocturnal emissions while making reference to literally every famous female celebrity.
Now this hot girl (hot)
She's not your average girl
She's a morphorotic dream from a magazine
And she's so fine (damn), designed to blow your mind
She's a dominatrix supermodel beauty queen
Most Famous Song/Video: Liquid Dreams
Lando: BTS
Burst into the scene and is very popular among young fans. Great marketing. Lots of fan drama. Most Famous Song/Video: Dynamite (My sister says Save Me is a better song)
Fernando: New Kids on the Block
It's part of el plan, "Step by Step." A classic OG boyband. Most Famous Song/Video: Step By Step
Esteban: SoulDecision
Under appreciated Canadian boyband that still gets plays now and again on the radio. Trevor goes on to get notoriety years later with singing Armin van Buuren's "This is What it Feels Like." Most Famous Song/Video: Faded
Alpha Tauri
Pierre: Super Junior
Created by SM Entertainment as an AKB48 style band with revolving members and constant graduates. If that isn't the Red Bull factory, I don't know what is. Super Junior members were constantly under threat of being taken off the band until the group as a whole became too popular to be replaced. Now they're 2nd generation kpop kings. Most Famous Song/Video: Sorry Sorry
Yuki: Five aka 5ive
They have the bad boy/brash vibes with J and Abs, but then the sweet ones with Scott, Rich and Sean. Kirby with a knife. Most Famous Song/Video: Everybody Get Up
Aston Martin
Sebastian: Take That
Classic British boy band. Remembered fondly. Red Bull Seb had Robbie Williams vibes at times. Most Famous Song/Video: Back for Good
Lance: b4-4
Obscure Canadian boyband. Just because. Have iconic, hilariously cringe song about oral sex that you sung out loud as a child unknowingly. It captures DTS Lance beautifully. Some of the members were opera singers, so their skill was hidden by circumstance. Most Famous Song/Video: Get Down
George: Westlife
Hugely successful boy band. People are critical of what they perceive to be lack of skill and ability in some areas. They have old man/adult contemporary vibes like George. Most Famous Song/Video: My Love
Nicky: id
Another obscure Canadian boy band. I think they only really got played on The Hit List because it fit their demographic and MuchMusic never bothered with them except to lampoon them on Ed the Sock's annual music video retrospective, Fromage. Unfortunately, Nicky also faces this level of obscurity in his home country. Sorry Nicky! Most Famous Song/Video: Busted
Alfa Romeo
Kimi: 2ge+her
Parody band with show on MTV. Played on the popular boy band tropes of an older member, member with initials for name, the cute one, the heartthrob and the bad boy. Has Kimi's dgaf vibe. Most FamousSong/Video: The Hardest Part of Breaking Up is Getting Back Your Stuff
Antonio: The Moffatts
Because Antonio gives us Scott and rock vibes with his long hair and him leaving F1 is misery. Most Famous Song/Video: Misery
Mick: SuperM
A super group made up of members of some of SM Entertainment's most famous/skilled members. There's a lot of expectation because of the legacy of the groups and a ton of hype. They get tons of opportunity others would not because of their reputation. Seeking longevity/recognition beyond their one hit song. Most Famous Song/Video: Jopping
Mazepin: My sister said it's Creed... but it's not a boyband and she picked them because they're annoying. I picked Seungri for the Burning Sun Scandal, but my sister said I couldn't pick a member from the most popular band in Korea for a decade lol. Other suggestions were Milli Vanilli (lip syncing scandal) and Lou Pearlman (shitty and creepy boyband manager). We won't subject any boy band to him I guess.
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cathrrrine · 3 years
RUN | Pietro x Reader
Originally from my Wattpad
"Let's begin with your name."
"You already know my name." I groaned.
"Your real name."
I sighed, "You already know it. My real name is Y/N L/N."
"See? Not so bad." Natasha rolled her eyes as she tilted her head slightly to the left, a mannerism of hers that she often displayed. "Now, your age."
"Oh, that's strictly confidential." I shook my head curtly.
"Y/N..." She warned.
"All I can tell you is that I'm an adult."
She raised an eyebrow in defiance, but she didn't push further. Natasha had brought me to an interrogation room, yet again, but this time it was a different one. It didn't have the big, ugly two-way mirror attached to the wall and instead of hard, uncomfortable chairs, this one had couches. Natasha sat on the one across from me, while I had been instructed to sit on the one with it's back to the wall. The room was annoyingly comfortable, in a way that made me want to vandalise every single object in a room.
It looked like they believed my surrender after all and the change in the way they handled me showed that. For starters, I wasn't in handcuffs. But, to be fair, I guess being in the same room with Romanoff was more than enough security, maybe even more than being cuffed.
Even if I knew I could fight her well.
"I don't need to tell you twice. You lie about anything at all, the deal's off."
It was another interrogation session. Oh my god, I hate that word. I hate even just thinking about it. I've thought about it and said it at least twelve thousand times, and frankly, I've gotten tired of it. If they kept this up, S.H.I.E.L.D would have wrung me dry by the end of the week.
If I wasn't so adamant on surviving, I would've thrown myself off the side of the building by now.
"Don't you think I've been through enough interrogations?" I voiced my thoughts aloud to the redhead in front of me, picking at my nails in boredom.
"There's no such thing as enough interrogations."
"God, you people are scrutinising." That earned me a huff. "And you make me yawn."
"Better safe than sorry, that's the motto." She replied sarcastically. "Next question, how long have you been with Hydra?"
That escalated quickly.
I gulped automatically, not out of fear, but out of habit. "Ever since..." I was born. "For as long as I can remember."
I wasn't lying. But that didn't mean I had to tell the whole truth.
"And you left when?"
"As soon as I could." On my 18th birthday.
"There it is! The hard-hitting question. I've been waiting for that one." This was harder than I thought it would be.
"Why did you leave Hydra?" Natasha repeated the question without a hitch.
"Well, I didn't like it."
"That's all?"
"What do you mean that's all? You don't like something, you leave. Common sense."
She stared at me intently. I've gotta say, she does this thing a whole lot better than Fury. I could technically see the gears in her head turning, calculating every emotion and every word. This woman knew how to play me at my own game. She didn't crack at the silence that ensued. My skin almost crawled at her stare.
Keyword, almost.
"Staring's not going to drag the answer out of my throat, you know." I leaned back on the soft, velvet couch.
They said I had to be honest for them to trust me, but honest hadn't even been in my vocabulary until 12 hours ago. What did they expect me to do? Immediately lose every sense of self-worth and start throwing every single fact about my life, every detail of the trauma that I've endured–to them?
Doing this meant saving my life, but it also meant having to give up at least a sliver of my secrets. Was it worth trading my secrets to these people for my life? Why did the price have to be so goddamn high?
I took a deep breath. "I was 10."
"When they first ordered me to kill someone."
I remember the weight of the gun in my small hands, the smell of blood in the air when I shot the man, and the sound of his body thumping on the gravel in the dead of the night.
"I don't remember who it was or why I had to kill him. But I remember enough to know that it was..." I trailed off against my will, the memory getting the best of me. As if the whole situation wasn't already pathetic.
I cleared my throat. "I remember enough to know that it wasn't right. I felt it in my bones."
Natasha stayed silent, willing me to continue. "Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I'm an angel or whatever. As I grew up I understood that I didn't want to be associated with these people. Hydra wasn't exactly a paradise, obviously. But it took me a while to understand that. And once I did, I took off."
"And they've been looking for you, ever since?"
"Does that explain yesterday's events?"
Him. "Unfortunately."
"How long?"
"How long, what?"
"Have you been running from them?"
My mind went blank. How many years has it been? Time looked like one long line for me. I mentally calculated the amount of days, months, years that it took for me to hide.
"6, 7? I don't remember how long it's been." I bit down on my lower lip, hard. "No one's ever asked. I never bothered to keep count either."
She nodded, uncrossing and recrossing her legs and shaking out her hair. The redhead woman seemed to contemplate what she was about to say next. For a second there, I was curious. How unsettling could the question be to make her visibly bothered?
When the words spilled out of her mouth, I wish I never wondered. "This is an important question—are you Enhanced?"
I winced. One question, out of all the other ones, was all it took the break the dam that I've built in my head. Memories came flooding back in, in flashes, in the aches of my muscles, pouring mercilessly into the forefront of my brain.
Muffled voices, bright fluorescent lights shining into my eyes, cold-sweats...my head pounded vigorously. I pinched the bridge of my nose, praying hard that I was hiding my discomposure well from her.
Was it worth it?
"You have to be honest, Y/N. We need to know if we can trust you."
Strenuous hands pulling at me, strapping me down, dilated pupils, the whirring of their monstrous machines...
"Yes, Natasha. I am."
"She can't be trusted."
"She's done nothing that says so, so far."
"How do you know that, Maximoff? She's sly. She's sneaky. This could just be another game of hers."
"We could be very well falling into a trap right now."
"Send me in." Natasha crossed her arms, her expression unreadable. "I'll get her to tell us what we need."
"I don't doubt your interrogation skills, Nat, but do you really think it's a good idea? I mean, she's a lot like you." Clint remarked.
"That's exactly why I should go." There was an air of mystery to the way she insisted upon it.
They all looked to their Captain for his approval. Steve had both palms on the table, his head slightly bowed. He looked up to his team, eyeing every single one of them before his eyes landed on Natasha's.
"She's right." He stood up straight, mirroring Natasha's pose. "Nat, you bring her to the interrogation room. Do whatever you need to make her talk. Get all the information we need to know about her; her past, her abilities, her name for God's sake."
The redhead nodded, gesturing for him to continue.
"Wanda, I want you to sit in the next room. Read her mind. Make sure she's telling the truth."
"Pietro, you go with her, make sure things don't go out of hand. And don't worry, kid. She can't hurt you, especially not when she's basically just waved the white flag."
He paused for awhile before continuing. "If it ultimately goes well...we should let her into the team."
"Are you kidding me?" Tony bit back.
"No. She's an asset. She's got useful information and skills we could put to use."
"Steve. What if she goes rogue, huh? And she decides to wake up one day and kill us all? This is a situation bound to go awry. We can't let a former Hydra agent in just like that." Tony ran a hand across his face before adding another comment. "I made the mistake of giving her the benefit of the doubt before and it only got us in trouble."
Steve pondered upon Tony's opinion for a while before nodding once and announcing his decision. "So, we put her on probation. Let her know that she's not totally off the hook, see where it'll lead."
"Rogers, are you sure about this?" Natasha pursed her lips.
"Yes." He uncrossed his arms and put his hands on his hips, in true Captain America fashion. "Let her know that she'll be pardoned if she tells the whole truth. Maybe it'll encourage her. I'll inform Fury about this whole thing."
The meeting room was silent for a while before the team began to disperse. Steve was the last one to go, but not before Natasha stopped him.
"Rogers. I need to tell you something."
She looked surprised, but not as much as I thought she would be. I was expecting a little bit more than raised eyebrows. Maybe even a gasp. "What can you do?"
I chuckled dryly, "Maybe it's better to show than tell."
It was her turn to chuckle, not an ounce of humour in it. "Now's not the time for your sweet little antics. This isn't a talent show."
"Oh, really? Then what is this? I thought I was auditioning for your makeshift boyband."
"Well, maybe if you talked more and sassed less, you'd make the cut."
I shook my head again, slowly. I had to be careful with what I told them. The walls seemed to look duller and the couch I was on felt like a boulder instead of the plush heaven that it was.
"I'm an Echo."
"What does that mean?"
"It means exactly what it sounds like. I echo people." My hands trembled slightly at the mention of it. "I absorb other people's powers and I amplify it."
This was as much as I've ever told anyone ever since I ran from Hydra. Genuinely? I'm a little freaked out at the fact that I just did so. But it had to be the right decision. I couldn't afford to make another wrong turn.
Besides, I was in control here. I had the choice to tell them what I wanted to tell them and what I wanted to keep from them. I figured they should know that I had that little something up my sleeve this entire time.
After all; they were my only lifeline at the moment.
"Was that how you beat us the night we caught you?"
I thought back to that night, when I ran as fast as Pietro did and broke through the barriers of the Witch's force field. I shrugged, not bothering to please her with a response.
"Tell me more about your past."
I narrowed my eyes at her, "Really, Romanov? Digging for more? I already gave you enough, don't you think?"
Natasha blinked once, but didn't back down. "I ask, you answer. That was the deal, wasn't it?"
The smile didn't reach my eyes when I jut out a grin at her. "What do you wanna know about my past?"
"The basics. Where you're from, how you're here."
"I'm half-Russian." I shrugged. "And you already know how I got here."
"No. I know how you came to S.H.I.E.L.D. We brought you here. What I need to know is how you got into this whole ordeal."
A scoff escaped me, "Is this a therapy session or an interrogation?"
"No, seriously, you're asking me about things that don't matter-"
"Y/N." She repeated, more sternly.
I tucked my arms to my chest so I wouldn't flinch as I said the words that haunted me.
The ones I knew haunted her too.
"I was born into it." My tongue felt heavy. "They raised me in the Red Room."
For the first time since we started, Natasha Romanoff gasped. It was barely audible, and it wasn't the show-stopping theatre moment I'd been looking for, but it was a gasp in itself. It's funny, though. I thought I'd be more amused. But the heavy feeling that sat on my chest drained all the humour out of me.
Natasha immediately rose from her seat, staring at me with possessed eyes. Her face had gone white as sheet, her lips pale.
"What did you say?"
"You heard me, Romanov."
She sauntered over to me, one foot stepping in front of the other. "Don't you dare lie to me."
"I'm not." My voice was weaker than I would've liked it to be, barely above a whisper. "I was trained in the Red Room. As soon as I was old enough, they shipped me off to the hands of Hydra."
She wasn't listening as intently anymore. Her eyes were locked on mine, but I could tell she wasn't exactly in the room anymore. Her head's probably off in the same place mine was in just a few minutes ago.
"Is that enough for you?"
Just like that, something snapped within her. "Tell me more."
"I already did."
"You're hiding something!"
I stood up so I was level to her height, my eyebrows knitting in anger. "I gave you what you wanted. I gave you the truth."
"No." She shook her head. "I want the full one."
"What the fuck is wrong with you?"
She trudged towards me, lifting up her shirt so her abdomen was exposed. "Do you know who gave this to me?"
It was a long scar on her hip, positioned slightly to the left of her belly button, the skin raised and bumpy. "How the hell am I supposed to know?"
"I got this on one of my first missions. I was assigned to escort a nuclear scientist out of Iran." She seethed. "We were ambushed by Hydra at the rendezvous in Odessa. My tires got shot, the car ran off a cliff."
"Where are you going with this?"
"I managed to save us both. But as soon as I did, the assassin who ambushed us open fired. Killed the scientist. Straight through me. Left one hell of a scar." She let go of the hem of her shirt. "A soviet slug."
It was my turn to grow pale. There was only one person who could do that. And I was far from ready to say his name.
"You knew him didn't you? I should've known all along."
"How?" I begged, the somewhat 'calm' demeanour I've tried hard to keep was long gone.
"Does it matter?" Her gaze was threatening. "You were trained by The Winter Soldier, weren't you Y/N L/N?"
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jadepetals · 4 years
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so this is part 2 of the fics that i've read and have stayed with me for a looong time. hope you feel the same way.
The Meeting Place / 15352 words
Bakery working, university attending, empty pocketed Harry Styles loves words, quotes, and wooing the beautiful boy who hates blueberry muffins. Because falling in love is very easy when one is falling in love with Louis Tomlinson.
swimming in a champagne sea / 16978 words
Louis is a supermodel. Harry is a celebrity photographer known for capturing the brightest up and comers in their most candid moments. They meet at London’s most exclusive New Year’s Eve party.
Monsters at Home / 21566 words
Everyone's eyes are on Harry, the beautiful, charming new student. Harry's only got eyes for the school golden boy: football captain Louis Tomlinson, whose homophobic father complicates matters a bit.
til I drown in your hands / 26204 words
Liam has a house to sell (and issues to sort out), Zayn is just trying to keep it together, Niall wants everyone to get along, Louis is flirty, and Harry has been in love with Louis for eight years.
lock me up with love / 29657 words
Louis had a messed-up knee, ruined career, and labradoodle to take care of. Harry had a normal knee, perfect career, and concern for his recluse neighbor. Harry's baking skills were enough to bring them together.
Sounds Like Heaven / 30516 words
A very painful au where singer/actor Harry Styles and songwriter Louis Tomlinson are married and have a daughter, but are not together any more. Except of course, it’s not that simple.
Sisterwives / 32624 words
Louis thinks he's getting everything he's ever dreamed of. Harry helps him find what makes him truly happy.
Nobody Marks You / 33093 words
Five assholes stuck in a bunker put on a play.
In Your Black Heart (Is Where You’ll Find Me) / 35954 words
The story of The Captain and The Carpenter.
Two Steps Behind / 38550 words
Louis is two years younger than his neighbors, Harry, Liam, Niall, and Zayn, and he grows up bending over backwards to get their attention and acceptance. Especially Harry's.
7 Up / 51973 words
Very loosely based on the British TV show "The Up Series" and somewhat inspired by the song “Something I Need” by Onerepublic, we follow the lives of Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson in an interview setting every seven years. They fall apart and come together, their lives and emotions recorded. Harry calls it a time capsule. Louis calls it a pain in the arse.
Gentle Autumn Rain / 57690 words
Louis Tomlinson moved to London with a big heart and a big dream. Harry Styles moved to London, fresh out of the police academy, with the hopes of helping as many people as he could in his eyes. When a deranged alpha forces their paths to cross, their ideas of what is meant to be will never be the same.
somethin’ bout you / 59855 words
Of all the government agents in the world, Louis had to go and land the most charming one.
DOCTOR, DOCTOR /80389 words
Harry and Louis are competing for the same position. They have differing outlooks, a heavy amount of mutual irritation, and all manner of reasons why getting romantically involved would be a terrible idea. Somehow — well. Things end up happening.
The Dead of July / 117466 words
Harry is Captain America, and Louis’ been dead for 70 years.
Never Be / 117522 words
The one where Harry Styles moves to Connecticut from England for nine months as a part of a study abroad program, and he just so happens to move in with Louis Tomlinson and family.  
Wild And Unruly / 123665 words
Harry is a cowboy sitting on the biggest oil reservoir in Wyoming, and Louis is the paralegal assigned to pressure him into selling his land.
A Love Like War / 173835 words
Louis Tomlinson is a cliched rock star, he's got everything except for love. But then he meets Harry Styles; the man that, against all odds, saves him in every way a person can be saved, even when Louis didn't know he needed saving in the first place.
Your Mess Is Mine / 176723 words
Louis is the father to the most brilliant little boy in the world who is all Louis really needs, or at least that's what he tells himself. Harry is a gorgeous boybander fresh off a two year break and a massive scandal that's left him a little broken and more than ready to move on.
Young & Beautiful / 227417 words
Louis, to his horror, attends an elitist university in which the name Zayn Malik means something, Niall Horan doesn't stop talking, there are pianos everywhere, and Harry Styles, only son of a drug-addled, clinically insane ex-rocker, has a perfect smile and empty eyes.
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5
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bangtae-sohotddaeng · 4 years
we’ll be counting stars | k.th. | 1
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(^ gif cred: ON THE VOYAGE | pinterest)
pairing: idol!Taehyung x publisher!Reader
rating: nc-17 (for language and themes)
summary: You’d sworn off love and relationships forever. You were here to do your job - work with the biggest boyband of the world. Not forge friendships and...and whatever it was that you and Taehyung were building up with these sneaky glances. It was, to be very fair, your Chief Editor’s fault that you’d landed in this mess. Maybe you should quit your job? Maybe you should quit life -
Oh, he was staring again, and did he freaking lick his lips?
warnings: swearing (reader’s got a potty mouth) + this is set like 5 years in the future + reader has emotional issues, she's a relationship phobe + mentions of weed
genre: so much ANGST ugh + fluff + comedy + some crack
words: 2.1 k
next >
series masterlist
gimme feedback, much much appreciated!
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“Wait a second, really?” You blinked up at the Chief Editor, your boss, in wonder. “Heading this?” 
The chocolate skinned, tall woman smiled at you. “Yes, heading this. I’d been looking to hand you something from a really long time, to be honest. This is just the right fit."
You grinned at her, hugging the contract file to your chest. In your thirteen months of employment at the publishing company, through the departmental transfer from HR to Editorial and then the promotion to the Associate Editor position, this was the best thing to happen to you, so far. You finally had a project you were gonna head. You would finally, finally get to handle things on your own—curate your own team, work on an individual project where you made all the decisions.
You breathed out, happily. “I’ll read this thoroughly and report back within an hour, boss. With my sign on it, in all likelihood.”
“I’m counting on it.” Your boss smiled at you.
You looked down at the file. You were going to work with a K-pop group on their auto-biography. You were gonna fly to fucking Korea, for six full months. This was huge. This was awesome. This was what you fucking needed, right now. Your best friend that you had been rooming with for a year was starting to get too comfortable. You were so not up for that kinda shit again.
You looked at the bottom of the front page. Athena had drawn up this contract. Your eyebrows arched. It was no secret that she was your boss’s favourite Acquisition Editor. Some even suspected they were having an affair, despite the gleaming diamond you could see—even right now—on the woman’s finger. 
This project had to mean a lot to your boss. And she’d picked you to head it.
“This sounds big, boss,” you mumbled, leafing through the hefty files. You were gonna need a couple hours, maybe, to go through this properly. “And looks big, too.”
“It is big, Y/N. In all the ways. This idea had been brewing in my head for a really long time. I had Athena make the proposal to this K-pop group’s management company, a few months back, and they said yes. She and I had been brainstorming how to approach this. Those guys are pretty tight about their privacy and, um, well. Fraternising policies. It’s all in there, you’ll see.” She pointed a finger at the file in your hands. “We were finally able to draw up the contract with the company’s CEO and Manager. And you were the only one I had in mind when we thought up of building a team and having someone head it so that we don’t have to leave.”
You gave a small, delighted giggle. “Thank you so much, boss. I won’t disappoint you.”
“I know you won’t.”
You got back to your desk and flipped to the first page of the file.
Your eyes bulged. You had been a busy—and irritable because of all the stupid shit that just constantly kept on happening in your personal life—woman during the past couple of years and really uninvested in anything and everything that had to do with entertainment. This past year had been especially rough ever since your move to the States. You freaking smoked pot when you needed to unwind, what could be worse than that.
But. But—before, when you were a normal, happy woman with a soul, BTS had been kind of a really humongous deal. Did that somehow change in the past couple of years? You strongly doubted it, recalling how huge they’d been growing worldwide, the last time you kept a check. Which you did like crazy.
You momentarily wondered if your boss would still have you as the first consideration if she knew about your crazy ARMY days…
You blinked, coming back from the mental journey, and turned the page. BigHit’s owner was still the same, obviously, but the group members now apparently had individual managers. You blinked, uncomfortable at the knowledge. Reading further, you found something that disturbed you even more.
All the BTS members were done with their Military Service, with Jungkook, Jimin and Namjoon having returned from it just this year.
You swallowed, thickly. A lot had changed in the world outside of the one you’d been living in, too, apparently.
You read through the terms and conditions and your duties, thoroughly. Few points were pretty obvious and things you’d been expecting, but some of them made you frown.
You brought one such issue to your boss’s acknowledgement when you were done reading the entire booklet of a contract, nearly two hours later. You were ready to sign the thing, otherwise.
“And? What about it?” Your boss blinked at you, unfazed.
You sighed, and lifted your left hand up, pointing at your empty ring finger. “No ring, no fiance, boss. They want the team members to be at least engaged. I’m as single as it gets.”
She chuckled at that. “Tell me honestly, are you unprofessional enough to fraternise on your job? Such a high profile one, at that?”
You worried your bottom lip between your teeth. “I don’t think they’d care about what I think, boss, or that they’d even ask.”
Your boss gave an exasperated sigh. “Okay, let me put it in a different way.” You tilted your head to show your interest. “What’s your opinion on relationships, in general?”
You grimaced, unable to help your knee-jerk response. But then you shrugged, trying not to scowl while you said the words you’d started to believe in since the past couple of years. “Well, as I’d informed you through my quite less-than-professional letter at the time of my joining, boss, I think relationships are pointless. Humans keeping relationships beyond professionalism with each other is pointless, actually, because with a personal attachment comes a buckload of expectations, and then it’s just a rabbit hole down the middle of the earth. At the end of which, we burn.”
Your boss seemed to be suppressing laughter. Did the moral of your life amuse her? “You actually quoted the letter word by word, there, Y/N.”
You sighed. “That wasn’t something I’d thought through when I mailed it, boss. The voice input tool turned my rants into a letter. And my frustration over your concerns about fraternising in the office made me mail it.”
Your boss nodded. “Well, I talked to BigHit’s manager over the phone. The company’s not the group’s,” she added when you frowned in confusion at the singular term. “I explained to him about where you stood—taking references from this letter—and explained to him why I needed my most valuable Associate on the team.”
Your cheeks heated up, both due to the huge praise and embarrassment over the exposure of your letter. “Oh, um. Thank you. I guess?”
“Ugh, sign the damn piece of paper and start collecting the damn team, Y/N!”
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You’d resorted to staying back at the office till late hours just to avoid your roommate.
When you’d moved to the country, thirteen months back, and decided to share your decade old friend’s flat—feeling lucky as shit that he worked in the same city as you—you and him had been on the same page. You’d both been fed up with the concepts of relationships and entanglements, even the strictly-physical ones, and wanted to just burn away your youth on the grind and pot-smoking weekends.
But then, gradually, you noticed the shift in him. He was trying to get into your pants. It could not end well.
It wasn’t to say you weren’t attracted to him. You’d jump the gorgeous guy’s bones in a heartbeat, in an alternate universe. But in this one, you’d had a first hand experience of ruining multiple friendships, and you so did not wanna risk another.
That idiot didn’t get it, though.
Hence why you were brainstorming your project’s team at ten oclock of the night in your nearly empty office building.
“Any luck?” Your okay-ish colleague—the least clingy out of the lot—peered at your spreadsheet over your shoulder.
“Why the heck are you so against it, Sana?” you groaned into your palm, frustrated.
“Because I’m ARMY!” she said in an aghast tone.
“So? Dude, that’s nearly 70% of the earth’s population, at this point, I’m guessing.”
“Um, maybe, but. I don’t trust myself to be professional, Y/N,” she morosely mumbled, dropping into an empty chair on the table next to you.
You looked at her from above your glasses. “Why the heck not?”
She ducked her head, her honey blonde hair covering almost all of her face. But you still spotted the red that bloomed across her face. “Because I have a crush on Yoongi, the size of freaking America, Y/N!”
“What? What? That’s your reason?" You covered your mouth with a hand to hold back your laughter. "Lame fucking reason, Sana!” You glared at her when she nervously looked back at you. “Get your shit together, and pack your bags. And give me your husband’s number, I wanna tell him something.”
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You hadn’t imagined that picking out five people from a group of thirty would be this hard. You had spent an entire week literally running after these people to convince them. They were all married or engaged save for one, who had plans of proposing to his boyfriend a few months later, during Valentine’s before you convinced him to do it now so that he’d be able to join the team.
You’d come up with a total of four women and two men, including Sana, that were all fluent in Korean. That was kinda one of the biggest prerequisites, other than being in a committed relationship. You’d briefed the lot of them about what was to be done on this trip, who you were dealing with, and how long you’d be off for. They were all on board, now, and the only thing required was your boss’ approval.
And now you were all standing in the Chief Editor’s cabin, waiting for her to finish reviewing the team members’ profiles you’d collected and presented to her.
Your brain was nearly short circuited, at this point. If she said she wasn’t happy with any of your selections you were prepared to tell her to make the new selection herself, because there were only three more married people in this office, and none of them spoke Korean. There were only two more Korean speakers, but they were both female interns who’d be the worst nightmares to put on this project.
You looked at the six people standing next to you, all looking a varied degree of nervous.
But your boss looked impressed as she perused the file. She beamed at all of you, and then nodded. “Prepare for a six months’ stay, people, and prepare to do your best there. The only two real rules to remember are to keep it all a secret until the BigHit people are ready to disclose the news, and not fall in love.”
You all grunted in barely concealed annoyance at the last part, excluding Sana who bit her lip. You rolled your eyes. “It’d be a bigger concern for their partners than it would be to you, if that happens, boss. Don’t worry. We’re all a bunch of professionals, here.” You reassured your boss, shooting a glare at a fidgety Sana. 
“I have complete faith in y’all. Now, off you go. Brush up your Korean, spend time with your partners.” She looked at you. “Or just, you know, catch up on lost sleep. You fly to Seoul this Friday.”
Three days from now, oh God.
You all trickled out of your boss’ cabin with furrowed foreheads. You had the most workload out of them all, though, because in addition to preparing to spend six months in a foreign land, you also were to prepare a formal itinerary for said six months. You, of course, were clear on the details because they were mentioned in the contract, but writing them out for your team would definitely take a lot of time.
You briefly wondered if you should employ Sana’s help, before quickly deciding against it. It wouldn’t do you any good to do anything to sway your professional relationship by asking for personal favours.
“Hey, Y/N, all okay?” Simon, the guy that was proposing to his boyfriend early because of you, asked you when you dropped into your office chair with a huge thump.
You turned to scowl at him. “You guys have got to stop asking me that all the time! When have you ever gotten a good answer?”
Simon’s eyes widened, and he quickly shook his head. “My bad.”
You kept squinting at his retreating figure. Another member of your team met your eye, before quickly scrambling away.
You hummed in thought. Did they all think you were a bitch? Maybe you were.
Good. It’d do you some good in Korea.
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gimme feedback, much much appreciated!
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Tags: @tangledsparkles​
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leahxx129 · 4 years
Truth or Cut (Dean Winchester x Reader x Sam Winchester)
Hello there! This my * very VERY * late submission to @dontshootmespence​ ‘s   Alphabet Angst for 8k Challenge. I am incredibly sorry for this delay but I had to take a break away from Tumblr and social media in general in order to focus on my mental/physical health & other issues in my private life. Now I think I’m ready to return and create content again. As for the story, I hope you like it. This is my first attempt at a love triangle. Important: does not include Wincest so it’s safe to read for anyone who’s not into that. Also, I inserted a ‘Keep reading’ line, I hope it’s visible.
Summary: The British Men of Letters try a new approach to acquire the Winchesters’ cooperation, which leads to heartbreaking revelations. 
Warnings: cursing, bloodshed, mentions of sex, character death
Word count: 2.750-ish
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* Moodboard is mine, pictures used are not.
You gain consciousness to two male voices calling your name frantically.
“She’s opening her eyes, Sam! She’s alright… Look!” the hoarse baritone belonging to the elder Winchester reassures his brother a second after your eyelashes have started fluttering.
“Well, that’s the overstatement of the year, Dean… Let’s just say I’ll live.” you grumble once you fully come around. “What the hell?!”
Usually you’re more eloquent than that but at the moment it’s the best you can muster, considering that you’ve awakened in what appears to be an abandoned warehouse and all three of you are handcuffed to uncomfortable metal chairs organized in a neat triangle, facing each other. The only source of light are a few flickering candles placed on a table nearby.
“That’s what we’re trying to figure out, babe.” your long-term boyfriend Sam replies in a soothing tone.
His handsome face seems intact – minus a couple of scars he obtained in previous fights – so being ambushed is crossed off the list of possible explanations on what happened and how you got here. Maybe you were drugged? If yes… by whom? The things that go bump in the night prey upon their enemies and slash their throats open, not abduct them.
A heavy silence falls on the place, only the crackle of the candle flames can be heard.
You have no idea how much time has passed – it could’ve been an eternity as well as ten minutes – when suddenly a consecutive knocking sound fills your auditory canals.
“Are those… are those high heels?” you ask aloud incredulously.
“Louboutin’s to be exact, my dear.”
Every head snaps to the accent’s direction just in time to see an elegantly dressed slender woman step into the candle-lit area.
“But excuse my manners… talking about fashion before introducing myself? How rude of me. I’m Lady Toni Bevell on behalf of the British Men of Letters.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me!” Dean growls “You know, here in America no means no, Lady! We’ve already told your stupid little boyband to fuck off. We’re not here to do their bidding, we’re here to save lives.”
“So I’ve heard.” She nods in understanding. “But yet, we’d still like to gather some information, one way or another.”
She walks over to the table and unfolds a neatly wrapped package, revealing a knife. Suddenly, Sam’s sarcastic chuckle fills the place.
“And you think you can get us to spill by torturing? Seriously?”
A predatory smile spreads across Toni’s face as she casually picks up the weapon of her choice.
“I was thinking about playing a game that may involve torture. It’s up to you whether it does or does not.”
“What game?” you ask suspiciously.
“I’d like to call it Truth or Cut. Maybe Truth or Stab, depending on the importance of the information you intend to withhold. The rules are the following… I ask something and if you reply, that equals truth, and nothing will happen. If you do not wish to answer, just say cut and I’ll sink my knife into your flesh.”
“You’re crazy!” Sam exhales in disbelief.
“Thank you, Sam! I’m going to take that as a compliment. And since we are already engaged in a conversation, let’s start with you.” She walks to the center of the triangle to face the younger Winchester. “I’d like you to give me the names of American hunters you consider the best.”
Sam leans a bit forward, his face is unreadable.
“Bite me!” he hisses through gritted teeth. “I’m not gonna participate in your psychotic game. You can’t make me.”
Toni flashes a dangerous smile once more.
“Are you sure about that?”
She slowly walks behind your chair and places the blade under your right collar bone.
“If you refuse to pick either truth or cut, your loved ones will pay the price for it, big guy.”
Sam’s eyes search yours for confirmation of the next step and you nod.
“You’re bluffing.” He counters Toni.
The next second you feel the metal pressed against you slash into soft skin and you can’t suppress a loud grunt of pain. Blood starts oozing from the wound and your white tank top soon begins to acquire a shade of crimson.
The brothers yell ‘No!’ in unison, then Dean delivers an impressive selection of curse words – sneaking in some that were new even to you.
Toni strolls over to Sam.
“Now I ask again. Name the best American hunters you know.”
“Cut.” Sam responds in a tone just above whisper. He soundlessly flinches when the woman draws blood by sliding the blade across his left forearm.
“Alright… Who wants to be next? Perhaps Dean? List all the places where we can find extensive knowledge on the supernatural, not counting the Man of Letters safe houses of course.”
Dean’s gaze meets Toni’s and for a second you think you can see her confidence falter because of the deadly rage and utter disdain that radiates from the hunter, but she soon regains composure.
“So? Is it truth or cut, Dean? You know what will happen if you refuse to choose.”  
“Cut!” he emphasizes the t at the end.
You’re next and you pick cut as well. Then the cycle starts all over again...
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You’ve made three rounds without anyone breaking and giving Toni what she wants, which visibly annoys her.
“Let’s shake things up a bit by changing the topics, shall we?” she announces out of the blue, making all of you knit your brows.
Spinning around on her heels, she turns to Sam.
“Sam! Did you manage to decide where you want to propose to Y/N? In my personal opinion the place where you said your first I love you-s is more romantic than the place where you first met, but that’s just plain old me.”
Sam’s eyes widen in shock, reflecting your own facial expression.
“Sam? What is she talking about?” you question in a thin voice, perplexed.
A shy, boyish smile appears on his face as he looks deep into your eyes, reminding you of the very first time you’ve seen him.
“Uh, yeah. She’s right. Although I have no idea how she knows this, but I did indeed plan on proposing to you at one of those places, probably where we met… up until now. Now I have to come up with something else I guess.”
A mixture of emotions floods your heart, making you undecisive what to say first. You finally open your mouth to speak but before a sound can escape, Toni directs the next question to Dean.
“Alright, that was a truth, so no cuts. Now, Dean! I am certain she will not get offended so you can tell me honestly… Is Y/N a good kisser?”
“How would I know?” he asks back, lacking any hesitation. “I think you’re mistaking me with Sam, her boyfriend. You know, the tall guy whose proposal you’ve just ruined? Next time you play this game with someone, have your facts checked first, Suit pants.”
The confusion on Sam’s face slowly starts to fade away, but Toni presses on relentlessly.
“Oh, Dean... That was a very convincing performance! But, unfortunately for you, I did have my facts checked. And according to these facts, you and Y/N locked lips passionately just two years ago, in 2015. Isn’t that right, Y/N?”
Everybody’s eyes are on you waiting for your reaction, and you can’t help but reminisce about the event in question.
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You were having a hard time finding the key for the motel room you were renting - courtesy of the bottle of bourbon you’d consumed earlier. All those keys on the chain looked the same and neither of them seemed to fit into the lock, let alone open the damn door… In addition to that, the world slowly started spinning and you had to prop yourself against the doorframe to prevent an ugly fall.
“Need a hand there, Sweetheart?”
Your heart skipped a beat from the scare but soon calmness washed over you as you identified the person. You could recognize that husky voice anywhere, intoxicated or not.
“Dean Winchester!” you exclaimed, turning around to find him leaning against your car you’d parked near the doorway. “The world’s deadliest hunter and mightiest panty dropper turned hell’s cruelest demon! To what do I owe this pleasure? Considering that you’ve gone out of your way to ignore both me and Sam in the past couple of months.”
He leisurely pushed himself from the car and started walking towards you.
“I needed a breath of fresh air, that’s all. But speaking of whom… where’s Sam?”
He almost left no distance between your bodies when he finally stopped. What was he doing? If he wanted to kill you, he probably would’ve done it already…
“I don’t know. Why don’t you give him a call, huh? Ask him how he’s doing? You could make him the happiest man alive…” you replied with a bitter undertone.
A shit-eating grin formed on Dean’s handsome face.
“Uh-oh. Is there trouble in paradise?”
“Shut it, Dean! It’s really none of your business.” You said, crossing your arms and averting your gaze.
His comment hit a nerve – you both knew that – but the last thing on Earth you wanted to do was discussing your relationship crisis with him. If you still had a relationship, that is.
To much of your surprise, the next second he grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him and pressed his lips against yours. It felt terribly wrong but incredibly right at the same time… It took you half a minute to gather all your willpower and push him away.
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“Y/N? Is it true?” Sam’s voice brings you back to reality.
Tears start dwelling up in your eyes, providing a wordless answer. He swallows hard.
“It’s all my fault, okay?” Dean speaks up as you’re clearly unable to form a coherent sentence. “I kissed her, man. It happened when I was a demon… I figured if I kissed her, I’d piss you off enough to leave me alone. Besides, she was totally hammered and still pushed me away.”
“Is that supposed to make me feel better, Dean?!”
“I don’t know… a little, maybe?”
Sam scoffs then all of a sudden realization hits him.
“You didn’t answer the question.”
“Is my girlfriend a good kisser?”
Both you and Dean stare at him in shock.
“C’mon man, you can’t seriously want me to answer that…” Dean attempts to change the subject but doesn’t succeed. Sam’s stare makes it obvious he won’t let this one slide. He won’t let go until he hears the truth no matter how unpleasant it may be.
“Yes.” Dean blurts out. “She’s a good kisser. In fact, she’s one of the best kissers I’ve ever encountered in my entire life. Happy now?”
The only response is a nod.
“Oh wow…” Toni lets out an excited sigh. “Changing the topic was the best idea ever, don’t you agree? Now, let’s move on to Y/N. She’ll get the most interesting question in my repertoire.”
She slowly walks over to you, her Louboutin’s menacingly tap against the concrete every step of the way. She crouches down, tucks a strand of hair behind your ear and asks the most ruthless question in the sweetest voice.
“Which one of the Winchester brothers is better in bed?”
The tears you’ve been holding back for quite some time now break free and roll down your cheeks swiftly.
“I mean, it’s not entirely true what Dean said, now is it? You did push him away but then you pulled him back...”
Complete silence ensues and you swear you can hear three hearts break if you listen closely.
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You were standing there more confused than ever. What the hell was Dean doing?! Was this a long time coming or was he playing some sort of a game? Either way… If you were sober, you most certainly would’ve punched him in the mouth. But due to your condition – or at least that’s what you’ve been telling yourself ever since – you pulled him back and kissed him there instead. The part of how you got inside the room was a blur, but soon enough you found yourself tangled up with him in the sheets. Torn clothes peppered the floor, a smell of bourbon lingered in the air and Dean treated you as if you were the single, most important person in the entire universe. You truly thought you’d never been happier – then came the morning and shattered everything to a thousand pieces.
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“You know, to encourage picking truth regarding this question, I am going to tell you something you yourself may not even be aware of, Y/N.” Toni breaks the silence. “There is something else that’s not true in what Dean said. He did not spend that night with you just to piss Sam off… He’s been attracted to you ever since you’ve met and being a demon allowed him to shamelessly do something about it.”
You whisper ‘Cut’ as a reply and Toni’s face hardens.
“Oh, honey… withholding this information is worth a stab.”
Before you can comprehend her words, she swings the knife and it ends up in your right thigh. You don’t think you’ve ever seen this much blood come from a stab wound… Both Winchester men yell in protest, but their voices become distant as you slowly slip into unconsciousness.
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Mary and Castiel tracked down your location and arrived just in time. You almost bled to death, but the angel managed to heal the wound. For a while you wished he didn’t.
Three weeks later you’re sitting in your car at an abandoned gas station. About fifteen minutes after your arrival, a black SUV parks near you. You limp to the vehicle and tear its door open, barely containing your fury.
“What the fuck was that, Toni?!” you question while getting in and pointing a gun at her.
She glances at the weapon then looks you in the eye.
“Is that necessary?”
You cock the gun in response.
“Alright. So, as you know, the management decided that you delivering information to us about the Winchesters is not enough anymore.”
“Yes, that’s why you’ve contacted them directly, I know.”
“Correct. But since they refused to cooperate, the management came up with a plan of disrupting their unity. This way it’s just a matter of time and one of them will be knocking on our door. I suspect it will be Sam.”
A bitter laugh escapes you lips.
“So that’s what this was? A disruption of unity? Really?! And why didn’t I know of this, huh?”
“We needed your reactions to be genuine.”
“God, you’re a bunch of psychopaths… You know what, I’m not gonna do this anymore. I quit.”
She lets out a loud scoff.
“Please… what are you going to tell them? Furthermore, how do you think they will react when they learn that the love of their lives is a snitch?”
You let your gun down.
“I’ll make sure they know why I became a snitch... I’ll make sure they know how I made a crossroad’s deal years ago to save them both. I’ll make sure they know how you offered to delay the hellhounds in exchange for some information every now and then. I have no idea how they’ll react, but maybe someday they’ll understand and find it in their hearts to forgive me.”
Toni stares daggers at you.
“I suggest you think this through carefully, Y/N, as we still hold your deal. One bad move and the hellhounds will come and get you. No more delaying.”
You flash her the biggest smile you can summon.
“Well, it’s been a while since the last time I played with puppies from the pit… I think I’m ready.”
Not waiting for her reaction, you get out of the car and start limping back to yours. By the time you get in, Toni is gone.
You’re all alone.
Well, not entirely alone to be fair.
The grumbling hellhounds in your backseat keep you company.
You take your phone out of your pocket avoiding any sudden movements and type a quick message to the Winchesters:
‘My nightstand, second drawer.’
Toni thought she could prevent you from exposing the truth by taking action quickly, but she wasn’t paying attention. You never said you were gonna tell them everything. You said you would make sure they know. And the detailed farewell letters you left for them in your drawer will serve the purpose well.
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stargazedwinchester · 5 years
Just Saying | Dean
i know its been very long since ive wrote, but i have completely missed writing, i feel like nothing else will really be my forte like writing is, so here’s a quick imagine i started 4 years ago that i never finished haha. so here it is!
i’ll probably write a sam version of this, idk
Based off of 5SOS’s song ‘just saying’, listen to it here
Warnings: Swearing, I’m a bit rusty but I really tried to make it amazing
Word count: 1,805
“He’s almost an hour late! Where is he?” You huff, checking your phone for any missed calls or unread messages. None. “I’m calling him.” You look through your contacts and called his number. “There’s no point Y/N,” Dean speaks up, “He’s a total loser. He’s got no future, everyone’s telling you that.” You look over at Dean, whose eyes are glued to the TV screen. “But they like me.”
“The guy has no job, and yet he doesn't bother to take you out anywhere. If he does, he’s late... just like today.”
“You always come home with no money, you complain that whenever the check comes, he always makes you pay. Always. I’d never do that, just saying.” Dean glanced over at you, shrugging. A small smirk washes upon his face. “Are you telling me song lyrics or something? What’s with the ‘just saying’?” You sat down next to him, squinting your eyes a little bit, trying to figure the guy out. “Are you high? Dean, are you doing drugs?”
“Y/N! No! It just bugs me a lot that you even put effort into this guy. Not once has he ever shown you effort or any appreciation.” Dean shuts the TV off, the black screen dimming the room. He stands up, and treads over to the fridge, and pulls out a beer, offering you one. You pass on it, and he just places it onto the marble counter.
“When you change your mind, I’ll be waiting.” He sips at his beer and looks around the bunker. “Waiting to tell me ‘I told you so’?” You sit there confused, what was Dean talking about? You were pretty sure something has gotten into Deans system to make him talk like this, to act this way. He shrugs. “Dude, you like him. Why are you acting this hostile towards him?” You check your phone again, still no messages. “I can act, Y/N.” he points his pointer finger at you, and raises his eyebrows slightly.
“But what about the French Mista-”
“Let’s never bring that up ever again.” He spoke, drinking his beer once more. Your phone buzzed, and your heart skipped a beat. “He’s parked up the street. I’ll see you later.” You stand up and walk out through the bunkers door. You walk up the hill that the bunker is set on, seeing a car with the parking lights on. That was him.
What if what Dean said was true? But what exactly was he getting at? It honestly sounded like he was trying to terribly serenade you with trashy boyband lyrics, but you shrugged it off and tried to enjoy the rest of your night.
“What are you so worked up about?” Sam questions Dean, unsure of his brothers' feelings and actions. Dean looks the other way. “Y/N. She’s out with... with that douchebag and she should know her worth, man.” Dean sighs, yet going back to the fridge for another beer. “Aww, is someone jealous?” Sam chuckles, poking fun at the older Winchester. “You’re like a little broken-hearted teenager.” He chuckles again, receiving a death glare from Dean. “Shut up, you ass. I just care for her, that's all. I’m so much better than him.” Dean pauses at his statement, contemplating it for a second. His eyebrows wrinkled as he thought whether or not he’s actually better for you than some lowlife. Despite his drinking habits, his unnecessary swearing, and awful, awful good luck with the ladies, he would quite literally make the perfect boyfriend. Hell, even as a friend he would be the absolute best. Dean takes another sip of his beer. “Yeah, I guess you are- in some ways- better than him. But don’t give up hope, man. She’s probably just waiting for you to come in and save the day like always.” Sam pats him on the back and exits the kitchen.
You arrived back at the bunker, fed up and absolutely wasted. You had to hold onto the handrail with both hands and slowly make your way down the spiral stairs, while you had to keep telling yourself to not throw up all over yourself, and the bunker. You look up, seeing an extra tall Winchester stood at the bottom of the stairs. You groan. “God, how drunk are you?” They ask, you’re so hammered you can’t even make sure who’s who. Or even if this is one of the Winchesters. You release your grip from the staircase and go to grab the forearm of said person, and instantly, you know who it is. “Ah. Sam. You’re Sam.”
“Yep. It is. Let’s get you to bed.” Sam attempts to pick you up but you refuse. “If you dare pick me up I will be sick, so don’t try it.” You warn, making Sam laugh. There was a comfortable silence as he slowly walked you down to your room, you knew Sam has always been there for you, even when you’re drunk. Sam’s intentions have never been bad, neither has Dean’s. They’d do absolutely anything for you, even if it means allowing you to be with someone who knows zilch about your real life, neither would he even care about learning everything you’ve been through, all of the ups and the downs and the things you’ve learnt on the way, he wouldn’t care. He wouldn’t care.
Those words replayed in your head countless times, you weren’t too sure if it was your brain trying to tell you something after the uneventful night you had or if maybe, just maybe you weren’t actually feeling it. You sighed then groaned.
“What’s wrong?” Sam questions, placing his hand on the top of your back, still helping you from swaying side to side. “Nothing.” You look up at him, he connects eyes with you. “It was so bad. We went to this restaurant that wasn’t even that good. We ordered food and he kept insisting that I ordered something different since he ‘doesn’t want me to gain weight.’” You air quoted, stopping in your tracks. Sam stood back and crossed his arms. “What a dick.” He says, leaning against the wall. “I know, right? Dean wouldn’t do that to me. Hell, you wouldn’t either and you’re the health freak.” You huff, making Sam smirk. “He even made me pay.” You point out, Sam rolls his eyes and pushes himself off of the wall. “Again? Y/N, what do you even see in him?” The way Sam asked you this question made you feel so inferior, you had no reason as to why you do actually like him, you made yourself believe you’d want something normal, something away from the hunter life, and that if all else fails, at least you’d be able to go back to your normal, suburban home somewhere in America and settle down with your husband, find a job, have some kids and live normally. But, you never really gave it a second thought that now that you’re in the hunter life, there’s really no way out. Things will still come after you to get revenge or even just for fun... you wouldn’t be able to just throw it all away, besides, the Winchesters need you. “I don’t know, dude, I just thought I could have something different on the side of hunting. I don’t know. Maybe I’m being stupid.” You look down at the floor, then turn around to open your bedroom door. But then, you notice a figure stood to the right of you, and you look up and realise it’s Dean. 
Sam pats you on the back and smiles at Dean, leaving you two alone.
“You’re not stupid, Y/N.” Dean exclaims, opening the door for you. You look up at him and smile, to be thankful. You lift your left leg up and attempt to take your shoes off, but almost topple over with the lack of balance, within an instant, Dean grabs you by the arm and leads you over to your bed, and kneels down on the floor, untying your boots for you. “Thanks, Dean.” You say, laying back onto the bed, your hands covering your face. Dean places your boots next to the bedside table and moves onto the other one. He glances up at you. “No problem, sweet.” Everythings quiet for a moment. Dean gets up off of the floor and joins you on the bed, laying back the exact same as you. His arms are crossed across his stomach, while he stares up at the ceiling. “I’m better than him.” He blurts, instantly regretting what he said. “I mean, I overheard you and Sam and he told you to not get a burger? What kind of man does that?” His attempt to make a smooth recovery didn’t end so well, you look at him and laugh. “I know. I really wanted that burger, too. I had to get myself drunk so I could stand him.” You smile, somewhat guilty. You felt bad speaking about relationship problems to someone who never truly has had a proper relationship before.
Dean looks over at you, his gorgeous, apple green eyes shining at yours. You never observed such a beautiful shade before, something so unique but so unforgiving. The fact that those eyes can still shine so bright after he lost his mother, his father, and his brother a few times, it’s incredible. So fascinating, in fact, that you stare back. The back of your hand traces over his cheek, he blinks, then smirks. “I’d do anything for you, Y/N. Hell, I’d die for you if you asked me to.” His eyes dart from your eyes to your lips, but he didn’t want to seem desperate.
You have to physically stop yourself from moving over and kissing the life out of him, he's basically your best friend and probably not even into you like that, you’re sure of it. Dean likes the dumb blondes that only want any sort of intercourse instead of a connection. But the more he stares, the more you’re unsure of what his intentions are. The more you want to go for it. ‘Fuck it, go for it!’ your heart tells you, and you do. Your lips just barely touch his, and he hesitates, wondering what you’re doing, but he moves in closer for a better touch. His hand gently slides through your hair and you smile. It’s the happiest you’ve been with someone, someone that isn’t even yours. At least not yet, anyway.
“You’re so beautiful, Y/N. I’ve always loved you.” He murmurs, between the kiss. Your heart stops. What did he say? 
“What?” You break the kiss, but still touching foreheads. “I’ve always loved you.” He repeats, tracing his right thumb over the bottom of your lip. “I have.” He whispers, going back in for another kiss. “I’ve always loved you too.”
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bruciewayne · 5 years
5 minutes
stevetony post-avengers, 2012 era, getting together, fluff, 2.2k
for ‘steve rogers’ on @iron-man-bingo​
At first, Tony didn’t know what to think of Steve Rogers. Actually, that’s a bald-faced lie. He knew exactly what to think of him; arrogant, pigheaded, stubborn, and of course, nothing like the stories. At all. But apparently, he’s been under the influence of Loki’s sceptre (yeah, that guy from Norse mythology who fucked a horse (Tony’d went on a week-long wiki-venture in the middle of writing his thesis. It’d been a tough time.)), so it didn’t count, he’d apologised after.
They did say ‘never meet your heroes’ after all. 
When he was younger, he was so sure that if he ever got to meet Captain America he’d hug him, thank him for his service. When he grew up, he promised himself that if they ever found him, he would deck his probably-perfect teeth. Adult-Tony does neither.
Adult-Tony keeps his distance. He so badly wants to punch him, because of everything his father said, but he feels as though he should wait until he has actual, reasonable grounds to punch him, things he’s done, not what his father did. The fact that his face would most likely break his hand also factors into his decision of simply shaking his hand when they part ways.
They’ve had a couple of small, quiet moments, mostly amidst battle, that make Tony think that maybe he’s not an asshole, and maybe he could get to know him, but at the end of the day, Tony really doesn’t know what to think of him, he’s good in the field, he’s a good leader, but outside of that, he doesn’t really know him. At all. 
Thanks to dear old Nick, that changes, fast.
Well, about half a year after New York, maybe a month after his whole Mandarin/Killian. He spends the time ‘bettering himself’ and getting on and out and back in and then permanently out of a relationship with Pepper. On one hand, he hasn’t been all too productive (making, then destroying dozens of suits cancels each other out, really), on the other, it makes him a prime target for Fury to shoot at.
“You told me the Initiative was scrapped,” Tony says. He can’t believe he actually went to SHIELD for this. He, by choice (like, 21% choice) went into SHIELD HQ, to talk to their resident pirate. About letting five strangers move into his tower. 
“You assumed the Initiative was scrapped, assumptions just make an ass of you and me, Stark, you know that,” Fury says, evenly, “you have the space and the funds. Stark, you know that something like Loki is going to happen again, the best way to prepare for that is like this, all of you under one roof, learning to become a team.”
“Your little boyband saved New York, once, by the skin of our teeth, and now you want us to protect the word.”
“Your boyband, and you lot aren’t the only people in my phonebook. Look, all I want is for you to become a team, for the future,” Fury pushes a manila folder to Tony across the desk.
The Avenger’s Initiative
“Fine. You owe me,” Tony concedes, leaving the room. He doesn’t take the file.
Within a week, he has two more assassins under his roof, with the next he has another scientist (a biologist). It’s awkward, for a bit, everyone staying in their own corners, so to speak, until Agent Bart-- Hawke-- Clint proposes weekly movie nights (Tony just thinks that he wants an excuse to watch movies (they’re going to be very good friends)) and much of the awkwardness dissipates.
It’s fascinating really, they know each other so well on the field, they work seamlessly together, but put in a civvie, normal, situation, and now no one knows where to sit, but the movie night thing helps and everything just clicks. Tony thinks he has friends now.
Except there’s something, someone, missing.
He doesn’t even know why he wants him here so much, it’s not like they got super close or anything,the four of them click, and based on what Clint says, Thor would slip right in and he’d barely be here anyway (which is a shame, because Tony really wants to get his hands on that hammer), but none of them know their captain at all and Tony can’t help but look at the four of them and think there’s something missing.
“The god and the legend too good for us?” Tony asks Natasha one morning. She’s the most open and vulnerable she’s been ever since she started living here, maybe a month ago; she has messy hair and she’s wearing a hoodie at least two sizes too big. It might be Clint’s. Tony’s not going to think about it too much. (And if he wasn’t in fear of attack-via-butter-knife, he would call her cute.) Anyway, he’s asking her because she’s the one reporting to Fury at the end of every week, and out of her and Clint, she’s more likely to tell him something (Currently, Clint’s giving him the silent treatment for putting purple dye in his shampoo (he drew over Dum-E with glitter glue (He’ll never admit it but Dum-E likes it))).
She gives him a look he doesn’t really want to decode. “Thor’s dealing with his own stuff, off-world, and Rogers is still at SHIELD.”
Tony gives her a disbelieving look, surely the team captain should be with them, and not in a cinderblock room eating crappy food (Tony’s been to SHIELD HQ exactly once in his life and never in the residential areas or the cafeteria (In his defence, he’s not too far off)). 
Looks like he’s going to be getting another stamp on his SHIELD loyalty card.
It doesn’t take much to find out where Rogers is, a little hacking tells him his apartment details and a little more gives his security camera access. Rogers is pitifully predictable, Tony watches what he did in the past week, cutting between days and decides he needs saving. 
All he does is go to ‘class’ (some guy explaining something, probably everything that happened in the past 70 years, while he takes notes. Captain America takes handwritten notes. (He should mention that he has godawful handwriting (Maybe Tony enhanced the image out of curiosity, but only JARVIS knows that and he’s well aware of the national ‘no snitching’ policy), he should also mention that he’s a doodler. Tony’s far happier than maybe he should be to find that he has a flaw - not so perfect now, huh Dad?)) and the gym (maybe he’s untouchable but damn Tony really wants to touch those muscles) and that’s it. He also leaves for hours at a time, only at night, and Tony could probably find where he goes, but SHIELD most definitely already does, and he thinks the guy deserves a little privacy from him (He leaves when the sun sets and comes back when it rises and looks the exact same. Not particularly suspicious until you realise that it means that he doesn’t sleep. Not Tony’s problem - he probably has therapists anyway.). He’s going through the motions, head down, quiet, Tony doesn’t think that he’s seen him smile the entire week.
JARVIS tells him that the sun sets in just under 20 minutes. He takes the suit.
“Going anywhere?”
“What the-- Mr. Stark?”
Tony’s always enjoyed the dramatics. He steps out of the shadows, still in the suit but with the helmet off, to face Rogers, legs straddling motorbike.
“Eh, call me Tony,” he says, casually leaning against a concrete pillar. God, the SHIELD garage is depressing. SHIELD is depressing.
Rogers still looks confused. And ready to book it straight out. “Anything I can do for you?” 
“Come live with me.” Tony’s been told that statements usually make people do what he wants, instead of questions, and this statement is to a living legend, the Great American Hero. Telling him to live with him.
Rogers looks even more confused, “I already have a place?” He says, like even he’s not too sure.
“Fury didn’t tell you? Everyone has to live in Stark, well, Avenger’s now, Tower. For team bonding or something. In all honesty, I think he just wanted to get Legolas off his back, so to speak.” When in doubt, talk.
“Legolas?” Rogers still looks confused, but under it, there’s excitement, or proudness, or something, like he’s trying to tamp it down.
“Yeah, archer from Lord of the Rings, sequel--”
“To The Hobbit!” 
Tony expected many things from him, straight up refusal was one of them, but not excitement at the Hobbit. If he couldn’t easily throw Tony a city block, he might have called him cute. (Whatever, he’s goddamn adorable, okay?)
“Yeah, kid,” he says, voice softening of it’s own volition. He clears his throat before he says anything more.
Rogers smiles at him, small and shy, and fiddles with something on his bike. “Were you, were you serious?” He looks at Tony likes he’s expecting him to pull the rug, yell ‘Sike!’ and fly away cackling.
“Yeah, you were meant to be there since the beginning,” Tony wishes that he has that file, from so many weeks ago, just to prove to him, ‘Look, you’re meant to be with us’. Fuck, a couple months ago he was ready and willing to punch this guy in the face and now he wants to wrap him in a million blankets and make him marathon the extended versions of the Tolkien-verse movies until he’s happy.
He’s going to be having words with Fury.
“Oh,” he says, like he never really considered that, “when can I move in?”
“Now’s always good,” Tony replies, challenging him with a raised eyebrow - ‘now’ means breaking out of SHIELD, ‘now’ means no more lectures from SHIELD personnel.
Rogers brightens up, it’s not much, but a 0.2V lamp in a basement seems like a quasar. (And if it makes Tony himself happy, to see him like this, well, no one has to know.)
“Let me get my stuff,” he swings off the bike and that should not be as attractive as it is. Bikers never really interested Tony, but there’s something about this one in front of him.
Tony comes with him, still in the suit, because he has to see his cinderblock in real life - hopefully the camera made it worse?
The camera did not make it worse. It takes him under five minutes to pack, and everything can fit in a standard backpack.
By the time they get back to the garage, Tony learns a couple things: 1. He knows what the internet is, and enjoys it, 2. The lessons are going incredibly slowly and he watched some Youtube videos and went on Wikipedia and already knows everything they’re telling him (they’re at the 70s and they skipped the formation of Queen), and finally, Steve Rogers, not Captain America, because in that short five minute walk he’s learnt so much about the man behind the mask he’s determined to never let him be forced behind it again, Steve Rogers is a nerd, a geek and a little shit.
And lonely. So fucking lonely. They pass so many people, walk straight through the canteen, twice, and while, yes, they get some double-takes (mostly baby agents (they’ll grow out of it)), no one says hi, or waves, or greets them or anything, even the guy who Tony recognises as Steve’s ‘teacher’ doesn’t say anything when they pass by in front of him.  
He’s entirely untouchable, a living legend, Tony gets that, hell, even though that ten minutes ago, but under all that, under the fanfare and the applause and the costume, he’s a person, curious, bright, intelligent, funny, flawed. He wishes more people knew that.
“So, how fast can that new-fangled suit of yours go, Mr. Stark?” Steve asks putting on an ‘old Brooklyn’ accent and tilting his head and scanning it up and down as he straddles the bike again, bag on his shoulders.
“Fast enough,” Tony replies narrowing his eyes.
He grins. Bright and unabashed and it’s wonderful, but Tony only gets to see a second of it because he’s whipping out of the garage, yelling “Race you,” over his shoulder.
Tony’s laughing as he engages the suit, snapping up the helmet and following hot on his heels.
(They tie (4. Steve Rogers drives like a madman), shaking on a rematch.)
((It’s the happiest Steve’s been in the new century, in his life.))
It takes them a while. It takes them so fucking long even the new baby (practically foetus) agents are done with their shit. 
It takes years of longing looks and brushed hands and secret smiles and quiet nights and flirty one liners and compliments, but eventually, eventually, Tony admits to the torrent of butterflies that inhabit his insides whenever he even looks at Steve and he kisses him, grinning so goddamn bright Tony’s positive his heart is going to burst.
“You gave me a home,” Steve admits quietly to him. Tony can’t see his face like this, in his arms, but he can kiss the side of his neck, hopefully communicating more than he ever could with words. Steve gets it. 
“You make me happy,” Tony says, simply, into his skin, holding tighter.
(They tie the knot three years after that (the baby-- toddler agents yell Mrs. Rogers to Tony and Mr. Stark to Steve for a month straight (Tony doesn’t think too hard about the implications)))
((It’s the happiest Tony’s been in his life.))
iron man bingo masterpost
ao3: ineffablestarkrogers
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everyonewillsee · 6 years
Without you here, life is just a lie
After five years as the world’s most popular boyband, PSA splinters, then breaks. It takes 12 years to get back together.
Boyband Save America, OT4, Explicit, 47.5k
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Can you pretty please tell me anything and everything about all (or at least a couple, in case you have a lot haha) of your Marvel OCs please? I’m always a sucker for Marvel OCs lmao
so as of now I have 90 marvel ocs, oof!  They’re all hanging out here if you want to check them all out, and I’ll update my mobile masterlist once the thought doesn’t make me cry lmao!  Also I totally didn’t mean to ignore that ask about Kat, I started answering it and saved it as a draft and then it got buried but I will get back to it ASAP!!!!!!  For now though I’ll just yell a bit about a few of my most developed OCs!
Kat Aliano (Inferno): Kat is my first real fandom oc!  I made her back in 2011 and I would die for her.  Basically she’s a child genius who’s been living alone since her parents died in the Chitauri attack and she got caught while attempting to hack Tony’s private database for more information.  Fury is still trying to get the team to act like a team and he thinks that giving them a common goal (raising a child) will help, so he forces Tony to adopt her.  The avengers all grow attached fairly quickly, but none moreso than Tony, who sees her as a daughter (and she sees him as a dad).  She lives with Tony for the most part, and gets taken by Killian in Iron Man 3, which is when she gets her powers.  I have her story planned out all the way through endgame (in fact I’ve already written part of the Endgame battle for her already) but I don’t know how many spoilers you want so I’ll leave it at this for now!  If you want to read her fic, the first chapter is published!  
Nikki Rogers (Lady Liberty): Nikki was my second real fandom oc and is barely a week younger.  Way back in the day she was a daughter of Steve Rogers and Aphrodite and a pjo crossover.  Now she’s still Steve’s daughter but she doesn’t know who her mother is dun dun dunnnn. Nikki is my sunshine angel baby darling and is honestly just the sweetest person in the multiverse.  Nikki is the hero who doesn’t want anyone else to suffer the way she has so she goes out of her way to be as sweet and loving and good as she can be.  She learns some information about herself in Winter Soldier that sends her on a bit of a spiral but instead of having a villain arc it just pushes her to become her own hero, and thus she becomes Lady Liberty. She goes to Midtown High and her love interest is Peter, she’s a cheerleader and on the Academic Decathlon team, and has a complicated relationship with MJ for a long time.  She fights in Civil War but Tony helps her escape when the Rogues are arrested because her identity is still secret and even while fighting, the Avengers all want to protect her.  She was raised by Peggy Carter (not her mother, though a few people have asked me that in the past!) but when Peggy’s alzheimer’s got too bad she was moved to SHIELD custody and moved between Natasha, Clint, Maria, and Coulson depending on who was on a mission.  If you want to read her fic, the first chapter is published 
Adelaide Stark: Adi is Tony’s daughter!  She was born only a few days after Howard and Maria died, and then her mother died in labour, so Tony ended up with a lot of grief and a lot of responsibility.  He was absolutely determined to be a better father than Howard and always put Adi above everything.  Adi grew up as a total daddy’s girl and just as much of a genius as her dad (although she didn’t skip any grades, mostly because Tony didn’t want her under the same pressure that he was always under), and has been designing for Stark Industries since middle school.  She was in her senior year of high school when Tony disappeared, and was all set to go to MIT and continue designing weapons.  But when Tony gets back and she finds out that it was one of her designs that nearly killed him, she pulled back completely.  She was the biggest supporter of ending the weapons manufacturing, and now only ever designs for Iron Man (and eventually other Avengers) gear.  Instead of MIT she took over the SI philanthropy work and started up a new charity for mental health support, with focus on veterans and PTSD.  After a few years she branched off and started her own foundation, separate from SI, which had more or less the same purpose.  She first meets Sam Wilson when she’s in DC lobbying for better support for veterans, in between IM3 and CAWS.
Bianca Davis (Lady Justice): Bianca Davis is Rebecca Barnes’ granddaughter!  She grew up knowing the Commandos (and Tony, because Peggy was his godmother I’ll take that hc to the grave) hearing stories about Steve, Bucky, and World War Two, which is what led her to eventually major in history and to become the youngest museum curator in the world (this wasn’t intentional lmao but a fact that I learned later.  She isn’t really a curator, though it is her official job title, but she runs the Captain America/Howling Commandos exhibit at the Air And Space Museum, which she’s been doing since she finished university - the letters of recommendation from Peggy and the surviving Commandos definitely helped lmao.  She’s noticed Steve at the exhibit several times but has always respected his space, but one day he makes a dry comment about an obnoxious tourist that she had to deal with and they begin speaking – she calls him a fossil and he falls a little bit in love.  They’ve become close by the beginning of CAWS and when he first goes on the run, she’s who he and Nat go to when they need disguises for the mall, and she ends up on the run with them once they realize that Hydra knows she exists.  
Alessia Stark (Lady Shield): Alessia is Tony’s twin sister.  Howard experimented on her when she was a teenager, in hit attempt to recreate the super soldier, and it worked.  It left her with the same abilities as Steve and it drastically slowed down her aging.  She never had any interest in being a superhero, even though Fury has tried to recruit her several times, but when Tony becomes Iron Man she finally decides that she’s going to protect him no matter what, and thus becomes Lady Shield.  She makes it very clear in the Avengers that she isn’t there to be part of Fury’s boyband, she’s only there to keep Tony alive since she knows that SHIELD doesn’t actually care about him – she throws “iron man yes tony stark not recommended” in Natasha’s face several times.  She becomes a bit of a balancing act between Tony and Steve while trying to hold them together.  She also gets blasted by Loki’s scepter in Berlin which leads to some... changes (big spoilers so I won’t share if you don’t want to know yet!). Her ship is Steve but she fights with Tony in Civil War (“you both have solid points and if Ross wasn’t the biggest piece of shit on the face of the earth I’d suggest we all sit down and come up with our own amendments, but I won’t let anyone hurt my brother.”)
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goodmcn · 5 years
                 *     𝖇𝖎𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝖌𝖗𝖊𝖊𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘  to  all  u  skinnie  legends  out  there  who  i  am  BURSTING  at  the  seams  to  write  w  !      i’m  𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛  ,  i  go  by  𝑠ℎ𝑒  / 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦  pronouns  and  am  full  of  excitement  to  get  some  kickin  plots  started  w  my  lil  charmer  son  ,  𝒃𝒐𝒅𝒉𝒊   !      he’s  a  relatively  new  muse  i’m  trying  out  so  forgive  any  of  the  kinks  i’m  workin  out  !       unless  u  like  that  shit  which  in  that  case  u  go  boo  and  i  love  u  .  all  likes  will  result  in  me  comin  to  u  for  plots  so  make  sure  to  love  that  𝐥𝐢𝐥  𝐫𝐞𝐝  𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭  down  !    without  further  ado  ,  here  comes  ur  new  resident  boyband  bf  with  dimples  n  commitment  issues  !    :~)   :~)   :~)
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𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠   here   and   do   i   have   the   tea   for   you   .   𝒃𝒐𝒅𝒉𝒊    is   back   on   campus   ,   which   is   surprising   considering   the   threatening   note   i   left   them   .   yes   ,   i   know   all   about    𝐡𝐢𝐬  𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞  𝐢𝐧  𝐭𝐡𝐞  𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡  𝐨𝐟  𝐚  𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝  𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝    because   of   their   𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐝   .   imagine   the   tabloids   and   how   the   𝒈𝒐𝒐𝒅𝒎𝒂𝒏   family   would   feel   for   such   information   to   come   out   ,   not   to   mention   the   reputation   of   𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐦𝐚   because   of   their   actions   .   at   this   rate   ,   𝒉𝒆   is   better   off   staying   put   in   𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐮  ,  𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐚   and   living   off   that   $966  m   family   net   worth   .   what’s   the   point   in   studying   𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐲   with   plans   to   𝑪𝑳𝑬𝑨𝑵  𝑼𝑷  𝑯𝑰𝑺  𝑨𝑪𝑻  𝑻𝑶  𝑩𝑬  𝑻𝑨𝑲𝑬𝑵  𝑺𝑬𝑹𝑰𝑶𝑼𝑺𝑳𝒀  𝑨𝑺  𝑨𝑵  𝑨𝑪𝑻𝑶𝑹     ,   is   it   worth   it   with   what   i   know   ?  anyways   ,   they   may   want   to   continue   to   be   𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔  &   𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒏𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒄   because   the   𝒊𝒎𝒑𝒆𝒕𝒖𝒐𝒖𝒔   &   𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒄𝒖𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒕  attributes   make   me   want   to   spill   .   (   𝑤𝑜𝑙𝑓𝑔𝑎𝑛𝑔  𝑛𝑜𝑣𝑜𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑧   ,   𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛   ,   𝑝𝑠𝑡  )  .
                         *   TRIGGER  WARNING  :  drug  mention  ,  death  mention
⋆  ╰    𝑺  𝑻  𝑨  𝑻  𝑰  𝑺  𝑻  𝑰  𝑪  𝑺   .
𝒇𝒖𝒍𝒍        𝒏𝒂𝒎𝒆 :         bodhi    alexander    goodman   𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬         :        bo  ,  b 𝒃𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒉𝒅𝒂𝒕𝒆        /        𝒂𝒈𝒆 :        june 6  ,    twenty  -  one  𝒛𝒐𝒅𝒊𝒂𝒄         :        gemini 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓        𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒚        /        𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒔         :         cismale    identifying        with        he   /  him   /   his    pronouns           𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏         :         to  be  determined  ! 𝒐𝒄𝒄𝒖𝒑𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏        :           student   at   hworth   majoring    in    anthropology   and    minoring   in    performing  arts     ,    member  of  (   undetermined   vc  / name  but  their  artist - claim is PRETTYMUCH !  🥴    )  , aspiring   actor   𝒉𝒐𝒈𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒔        𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒆        :        gryffindor 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏        𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒅        𝒃𝒚         :   ��   jake peralta   from  b99   ,  finn hudson    from  glee   ,    jim halpert   from  the office  ,  han   solo    from  star wars   ,   sonny   carisi    from  law   and  order   svu     ,   prince naveen  from  the   princess   and  the  frog  
𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒕𝒔      :        -        impetuous  ,    remiss     , hedonistic   ,  defiant ,    mercurial   ,  afraid  of  commitment  ,  truculent
+                benevolent ,    jovial   ,   responsive  ,  imaginative   ,   assiduous ,   steadfast ,  sharp-witted   ,   enthusiastic  ,  magnetic  , sympathetic  
⋆  ╰      𝑨  𝑵  𝑻  𝑬  𝑪  𝑬  𝑫  𝑬  𝑵  𝑻 .
001  :     bodhi  came  into  his  family  as  the  result  of  a  closed  adoption  .  he  doesn’t  know  much  about  his  birth  family  besides  the  few  pictures  his  parents  have  shown  him  but  he’s  been  told  little  to  nothing  about  his  roots  besides  the  fact  that  his  birth  mother  is  also  jewish  .  it’s  not  that  his  parents  want  him  to  remain  in  the  dark  about  his  past  ,  it’s  that  they  want  to  give  him  the  choice  to  pick  and  choose  what  facets  of  it  he  discovers  himself  ,  and  so  far  ,  bodhi’s  been  content  living  the  life  he  knows  :  two  loving  parents  who  picked  him  of  all  people  to  add  to  their  family  .
002  :   his  mother  ,  martha  goodman  ,    runs  a  foundation  to  empower  women  in  leadership  positions  and  makes  a  fortune  running  workshops  and  speaking  tours  .  his  father  is  the  tv  mogul  of  america  .  eric  goodman  has  his  own  TV  empire  and  runs  shows  such  as  the  bachelor  franchise  ,  ER  ,  will  and  grace  ,  veronica  mars  ,  shameless  ,  etc  (  basically  warner  bros  television  productions  .  )  he  grew  up  needing  nothing  ,  learning  everything  ,  exploring  the  world  of  the  rich  and  famous  with  hollywood’s  darling  power  couple  keeping  him  grounded  and  putting  a  good  head  on  his  shoulders  .  while  most  in  their  tax  bracket  filled  the  expectation  of  the  snotty  rich  families  ,  the  goodman’s  seemed  to  have  an  ascriptive  surname  ,  building  a  reputation  of  themselves  for  being  kind  ,  self-made  people  who  maintained  humility  and  their  good  natures  throughout  their  rises  to  fame  .  
003  :      with  a  family  reputation  for  being  generally  decent  human  beings  ,  bodhi’s  sparkling  personality  and  kind  disposition  showed  no  deviation  from  this  behavior  ,  and  he  quickly  charmed  his  way  through  every  hollywood  party  or  charity  fundraiser  his  parents  let  him  tag  along  to  .  there’s  no  expectation  from  martha  or  eric  for  him  to  be  anything  other  than  a  good  person  ,  allowing  bodhi  to  develop  at  his  own  pace  and  for  that  ,  he’s  able  to  flaunt  a  relationship  of  mutual  respect  and  absolute  adoration  of  both  his  parents  to  this  day  (  a  notably  rarer  and  rarer  thing  in  the  circles  he  graces  ,  it’d  seem  .  )
003  :      he’s  well-liked  throughout  school  ,  doing  well  enough  in  the  sports  he  dabbles  in  to  have  a  potential  future  in  them  ,  but  it’s  nothing  that  speaks  to  him  the  way  the  arts  do  .  his  teachers  note  his  bright  ,  inquisitive  nature  ,  the  way  he  watches  and  recreates  movements  and  noises  with  almost  frightening  precision  ,  the  tenacity  and  the  desire  for  absolute  perfection  .  it’s  shocking  ,  really  ,  when  his  parents  see  his  grades  tanking  around  the  same  time  he’s  leaving  middle  school  .  they’ve  given  him  what  he  wants  ,  after  all  ,  without  losing  the  perspective  of  discipline  they  mutually  agreed  upon  .  the  private  schools  should  be  enough  to  keep  him  in  line  ,  but  as  it  turns  out  ,  it’s  nothing  of  their  own  intentional  doing  that  leaves  bodhi’s  gpa  with  much  to  be  desired  .  tired  of  his  legacy  being  attached  to  his  surname  ,  he  finds  himself  attracted  to  the  way  he  makes  people  smile  :  at  first  ,  it’s  the  way  he  performs  on  a  stage  that  gives  him  the  approval  he  so  craves  ,  eventually  ,  it’s  the  adrenaline  that  comes  from  intentional  disobedience  that  starts  to  drive  him  .
004  :    the  headmaster  of  the  ritzy  high  school  he  attends  hesitates  to  label  him  a  ‘  problem  child  ‘  —  after  all  ,  bodhi’s  well-liked  among  his  instructors  ,  has  a  thriving  social  life  ,  and  is  actively  involved  in  extracurriculars  up  to  his  ears  .  ‘  he’s  not  a  bad  kid  ,  ‘  the  headmaster  explains  to  the  concerned  goodman’s  ,  seated  tensely  in  his  office  for  a  behavioral  intervention  meeting  ,  ‘  he  just  makes  some  really  ,  really  bad  decisions  .  ‘  and  that’s  to  say  the  least  ,  he  notes  :  the  list  of  his  infractions  include  everything  from  harmless  pranks  and  showing  up  to  class  hungover  to  provoking  other  students  and  being  caught  with  illegal  substances  .  they  don’t  condone  such  behavior  ,  of  course  ,  but  the  school  would  never  consider  rejecting  the  decent  sum  his  parents  offer  to  scrub  his  academic  record  of  such  infractions  .  
005  :      unwittingly  ,  they  fuel  bodhi’s  chaos  .  knowing  he  can  get  away  with  more  and  more  than  he  ever  considered  possible  ,  he  carries  on  following  whatever  feels  good  or  seems  like  it’ll  fill  his  time  .  he  hates  sitting  still  and  loves  making  other  people  feel  good  ,  a  dangerous  combination  when  fueled  with  the  nearly  1  billion  dollar  empire  his  parents  have  at  his  fingertips  .  he’s  saved  only  by  his  own  charm  and  his  family’s  heft  ,  getting  out  of  dui’s  and  public  intoxication  charges  without  too  much  more  than  a  salacious  headline  (  something  he  grows  used  to  enough  to  remain  unbothered  by  .  )  it’s  when  he’s  17  and  receives  an  offer  from  his  first  manager  to  join  a  group  that  he  gets  out  of  the  rigidity  of  school  that  seemed  to  have  been  holding  him  back  .  it’s  him  and  4  other  boys  his  age  ,  meant  to  be  something  of  nsync  revamped  ,  utilizing  his  musical  inclination  and  dance  talents  to  shoot  him  into  the  tabloids  for  reasons  other  than  something  that  would  scandalize  his  parents  ,  for  once  .  the  group  is  playful  and  fun  ,  and  their  fan  demographic  is  mostly  girls  his  age  ,  so  he’s  more  than  pleased  to  finish  school  on  the  road  during  their  first  small  scale  tour  through  the  US  .  
006  :    while  this  gives  him  a  new  outlet  for  his  energy  ,  bodhi  still  finds  himself  in  the  occasional  sticky  situation  with  the  law  ,  much  to  his  parents  and  now  his  team’s  exasperation  .  his  parents  force  him  to  enroll  at  hu  as  some  sort  of  hope  he’ll  learn  discipline  ,  balancing  his  career  and  his  studies  ,  and  for  a  while  it  works  .  recording  during  the  school  year  and  touring  every  other  summer  ,  bodhi  strikes  a  balance  that  gives  him  some  sort  of  fulfillment  for  a  short  amount  of  time  —    that  is  ,  until  his  mercurial  side  kicks  into  gear  and  combines  with  his  natural  hedonistic  tendencies  to  cause  one  of  the  lowest  of  lows  in  his  life  .  he’s  halfway  through  his  sophomore  year  when  he  feels  a  change  of  heart  ,  losing  passion  for  the  now  -  boyish  tendencies  he’s  become  so  comfortable  with  in  his  life  ,  longing  for  something  where  he’ll  be  taken  more  seriously  .  he  wants  to  impress  ,  to  blow  people  away  ,  to  make  them  feel  ,  and  while  music  has  been  there  for  him  his  whole  life  ,  he  can’t  help  but  think  maybe  he’s  been  meant  for  a  stage  or  a  camera  and  that’s  what’s  left  him  so  empty  .  the  prospect  of  having  to  tell  his  family  and  group  he  wants  to  throw  it  all  away  to  pursue  something  he  has  no  experience  in  agonizes  him  ,  pushing  his  nerves  to  the  point  he  reverts  to  old  habits  trying  to  soothe  them  .  he’s  partying  harder  than  he  has  in  years  with  his  close  circle  ,  much  to  the  chagrin  of  a  childhood  friend  who’s  trying  to  talk  him  out  of  being  reckless  .  he  claims  to  remember  none  of  the  details  of  the  night  ,  but  the  memory  of  handing  his  best  friend  the  first  line  of  coke  for  the  night  and  watching  something  go  very  ,  very  wrong  before  bodhi’s  able  to  follow  suit  is  forever  engrained  in  his  memory  .  fucked  up  ,  terrified  ,  and  forever  afraid  of  the  very  real  responsibilities  he’s  faced  with  ,  he  turns  and  hightails  it  out  of  the  party  .  the  police  raid  it  a  half  hour  later  ,  and  his  friend’s  death  is  ruled  an  accidental  overdose  on  laced  coke  .  
007 :     bodhi  doesn’t  tell  a  soul  about  how  he  left  his  friend  behind  ,  about  how  he  could  have  done  something  if  he  wasn’t  such  a  fucking  coward  afraid  of  stepping  up  ,  and  feels  the  loss  deep  inside  himself  every  day  moving  forward  .  he  ignores  it  by  pushing  his  fun-loving  disposition  even  further  ,  trying  to  temper  it  with  a  push  to  be  taken  more  seriously  as  an  artist  in  order  to  make  his  transition  into  acting  .  he’s  had  small  theater  roles  here  and  there  and  does  a  student  film  or  two  ,  but  it’s  nothing  close  to  what  he  wants  of  himself  .  after  all  ,  hollywood  wants  a  leading  man  ,  which  bodhi  has  the  absolute  capability  of  being  — if  he  weren’t  so  busy  letting  himself  be  consumed  by  his  peter  pan  syndrome  .  he  wants  it  all  ,  to  be  taken  seriously  ,  but  is  unwilling  to  let  go  of  the  habits  that  keep  him  lodged  in  immaturity  .  always  one  to  run  from  his  problems  ,  holling’s  threats  are  now  forcing  him  to  face  the  reality  of  the  consequences  he’s  tried  so  long  to  ignore  .  with  his  career  ,  his  family  name  ,  and  his  own  future  at  risk  ,  he’s  being  forced  to  recognize  that  good  intentions  aren’t  always  enough  to  keep  him  in  one  piece  .  
⋆  ╰      𝑨  𝑵  𝑨  𝑳  𝒀  𝑺  𝑰  𝑺  .
001 :     bodhi’s  been  something  of  a  golden  boy  as  long  as  he  can  remember  ,  or  at  least  some  version  of  it  despite  his  propensity  for  mischief  .  boy-ish  ,  charming  ,  with  a    heart  perhaps  too  big  for  his  body  and  seemingly  allergic  to  anything  remotely  resembling  responsibility  .  he’s  a  natural  born  leader  when  the  event  suits  him  —  passionate  and  able  to  use  his  magnetism  for  bringing  people  together  ,  but  when  he  feels  unmotivated  ,  he’s  about  as  helpful  as  he  is  good  with  his  schoolwork  (  which  is  to  say  :  leaving  something  to  be  desired  .  )  despite  this  ,  he’s  an  outspoken  advocate  for  good  and  through  his  jokes  and  headassery  ,  will  push  for  a  message  of  benevolence  and  good  energy  .  
002 :     his  bright  ,  playful  disposition  makes  him  naturally  magnetic  .  he’s  a  man’s  man  through  and  through  but  has  a  sensitivity  engrained  by  his  parents  that  lead  him  to  respect  all  life  ,  no  matter  the  perceived  or  stereotyped  value  .  despite  his  traditional  ‘  bro  ‘  demeanor  ,  he’s  quite  respectful  and  his  brash  nature  tends  to  avoid  all  objectifying  or  unbecoming  commentary  .  with  a  devilish  grin  and  an  unparalleled  enthusiasm  for  life  ,  bodhi’s  kind  nature  doesn’t  seem  so  much  of  a  pushover  as  someone  who  really  just  makes  those  around  him  feel  alive  .  he  has  an  air  of  self  -  assured  confidence  and  mellow  security  ,  partnered  with  his  belief  that  everyone  has  a  value  as  a  person  and  his  kind  ,  unrelenting  eye  contact  ,  has  the  effect  of  bodhi  making  you  feel  like  you’re  the  most  important  person  in  the  room  ,  solely  by  the  way  he  pays  attention  to  you  .  this  is  part  of  his  passion  ,  making  others  feel  uplifted  and  important  .
003 :     his  upbringing  ,  despite  not  perfect  ,  leaves  him  with  a  moral  compass  pointing  a  little  straighter  than  what  he’s  found  in  some  of  the  circles  he  frequents  .  despite  a  usually  easygoing  and  breezy  disposition  ,  bodhi’s  disdain  for  the  egocentric  or  high  -  brow  mindsets  of  his  classmates  often  leaves  them  as  the  butt  end  of  his  jokes  .  he  knows  there’s  no  point  in  calling  them  out  ,  so  instead  he  takes  a  jim  halpert  -  ian  approach  to  their  demeanors  by  pressing  every  single  button  made  available  to  him  .  he  gets  an  absolute  KICK  out  of  this  and  while  he  tries  to  leave  the  lady  societies  out  of  the  equation  of  his  teasing  ,  many  of  his  snotty  sigma  brothers  have  expressed  quite  the  frustration  with  their  wildcard  member’s  tendency  to  cause  issues  within  their  ranks  solely  for  his  own  entertainment  .  
004 :     despite  having  all  the  makings  of  a  true  leading  man  ,  it’s  bodhi’s  selectiveness  with  his  efforts  and  fear  of  all  things  responsibility  that  leave  him  in  neverland  ,  a  perpetual  peter  pan  syndrome  following  someone  who  desperately  wants  to  be  taken  seriously  despite  doing  nothing  to  make  himself  more  serious  ,  thus  his  flaw  of  greed  —  he  wants  it  all  ,  but  wants  it  given  to  him  rather  than  work  for  it  himself  .  he’s  naturally  playful  ,  almost  to  a  fault  ,  using  humor  as  a  coping  mechanism  for  his  discomfort  at  some  less  than  opportune  times  .  having  a  heart  as  big  as  his  leads  to  a  level  of  sensitivity  that  sometimes  teeters  on  being  too  much  rather  than  too  little  —  he’ll  percieve  slights  that  aren’t  there  ,  or  take  liberties  with  past  conflicts  as  excuses  to  cause  new  conflicts  of  his  own  .  he’s  a  perfectionist  at  heart  ,  which  leads  to  his  tendencies  to  be  all  or  nothing  :  he  either  will  go  after  something  with  every  intention  of  being  the  best  ,  or  will  refuse  to  try  at  all  .  his  inner  confidence  leads  to  an  occasional  miscalculation  ,  biting  off  more  than  he  can  chew  and  leaving  those  around  him  to  clean  up  after  his  mess  despite  his  best  efforts  .  he’s  dedicated  to  certain  people  and  causes  but  is  otherwise  unreliable  ,  with  a  naturally  fickle  disposition  that  leads  to  some  uncertainty  as  to  whether  he  will  really  follow  through  or  not  unless  it  has  to  do  with  something  or  someone  he’s  expressed  loyalty  to  in  the  past  .
005 :     LIKES  TO  FUCKIN  MOVE  !  he  cannot  fuckin  sit  STILL  and  u’ll  always  catch  him  bouncing  his  leg  or  wigging  lmao  he  hates  sitting  down  .  sports  were  awesome  for  him  but  he  THRIVED  when  he  learned  how  to  dance  n  honestly  that’s  one  of  his  most  notable  talents  .  he  fucking  looooves  to  move  ,  and  lots  of  how  he  emotes  comes  from  his  body  language  bc  he  knows  how  important  it  is  to  be  expressive  in  more  than  jsut  your  face  ,  esp  w  acting  .  he’s  left  handed  ,  LOVES  animals  ,  and  feels  most  himself  when  he’s  making  someone  else  smile  .  he’s  prone  to  random  outbursts  of  musical  inclination  and  is  the  one  in  his  friend  groups  that  often  receives  a    ‘  bodhi  SHUT  UP  ‘  because  he’s  trying  to  harmonize  with  the  radio  DFSDFSD  .  he’s  more  than  willing  to  share  his  ecclectic  collection  of  scars  and  scratches  from  the  countless  bad  decisions  he’s  made  ,  and  has  been  a  frequent  star  of  barstool’s  social  media  for  some  of  his  less  -  than  - professional  antics  .  there’s  a  running  hashtag  on  twitter  to  make  him  the  next  bachelor  but  he  can’t  stay  out  of  jail  long  enough  for  his  dad  to  give  him  the  green  light  KSFDJSDF
⋆  ╰   𝐂  𝐎  𝐍  𝐍  𝐄  𝐂  𝐓  𝐈  𝐎  𝐍  𝐒 .
001  :      exes  -  who  doesn’t  like  a  good  exes  plot  :/  good  terms  ,  bad  terms  ,  on  and  off  ,  whateva . give  me  someone  he  said  ‘  i  love  you  ‘  to  in  24  hours  ,  give  me  someone  he  dated  for  6  months  and  never  said  it  once  ,  give  me  someone  who  he  ghosted  ,  someone  who  ghosted  him  ,  truly  ANYTHING  i  am  down  to  talk  abt
002  :      good  influences  -  bodhi  needs  some  ppl  to  help  keep  him  in  CHECK  the  mans  can  be  a  lil  wild  sometimes  .  im  thinking  1  or  2  ppl  who  kinda  work  as  his  voice  of  reason  when  he  can’t  think  straight  n  wants  to  dive  off  the  roof  into  the  pool  to  say  ‘ bodhi no ! ‘
003  :       bad  influences  -    he’s  a  p  good  guy  so  i’d  LOVE  for  some  muses  to  bring  out  the  worst  in  him  
004  :       hookups  -  he  respects  women  by  providing  them  w  fire  ass  hookups  n  then  never  talking  to  them  again  KSDFKJSDHF im  kidding  ,  but  fr  he’s  down  .  give  me  ongoing  ,  former  and  ended  badly  ,  one  night  stand  ,  all  the  TEA  
005  :      inner  circle  -  i’m  always  a  sucker  for  a  good  bro  squad  (  bro  is  forever  and  always  gender  neutral  btw  )
006  :      party  friends  -    this  is  self  explanatory  y’all  !  
007  :      childhood  friends  from  malibu  /  so cal  area  -  he  basically  hasn’t  grown  up  in  like  12  yrs  besides  getting  taller  n  buffer  give  me  some  childhood  friends  ,  a  first  love  ,  former  neighbors  ,  even  a  mf  pen  pal  ?
008  :      friends  w  lingering  feelings  /  skinny  luvs  -  any  of  these  in  ANY  extent  would  be  desired  and  adored  😔✊🏼
009  :      enemies  /  ppl  who  don’t  like  him  /  he  doesn’t  fw   dfsfsd  -    bodhi’s  pretty  social  but  he  kinda  has  this  thing  against  rlly  snotty  rich  kids  so  pls  give  me  some  high  brow  muses  that  he  doesn’t  get  along  w    !  and  makes  his  life’s  effort  to  annoy  n  cause  trouble  w  !
010  :      fans  ?  -  he’s  in  a  boyband  ..  .  .  ..  tbh  it’s  not  the  least  likely  thing  in  the  world  for  him  to  have  a  stan  or  two  at  hu  ?  prettymuch  n  former  1D  stans   come  thru  DJFSJDHFKSJ
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thisiskatsblog · 5 years
Hi kat. Is it ok if I give you a list of lgbt artists? Sometimes this fandom is very uncomfortable and negative about queer artists because we sometimes act like no artists ever come out that’s simply not true! Here’s a list of queer artists 🌈 : Orville Peck, Ricky Martin, Tyler the Creator, Olly Alexander, Kevin Abstract, young MA, Ryan Beatty, Janelle Monae, LilNasx, Brandi Carlyle, Katranada, Dev Hynes, Sam Smith, Troye Sivan, king princess, Clario,MUNA, Frank Ocean, Steve Lacy, st Vincent 1
#2 Halsey, LIL PHAG aka Elijah Daniels, Greyson Chance, Pablo Vittar, Rostam, perfume genius and so many others. Thank you and if you guys are really about supporting lgbt artists can some larries follow these ppl on social media & support their music . Also… I don’t mean to be rude but when talking about famous gay men in love relationships why not talk about someone like Greg Berlanti ( worth over two hundred million) his husband Robbie Rogers & their two kids? Is it a str8 saviour kink?
Forgot to add sir Elton John and Barry Manila onto list for old folks:)
Hi there anon. Thanks for this list - it is nice and long and there’s still many more missing from it that we could add! It’s also very good to be reminded that INDEED, there are many artists who are LGBTQ+ and out and proud and there IS an audience for these people, and they ARE very successful in their careers and therefore coming out IS a valid option and likely a good thing to do for Louis, Harry and whoever else is not straight in One Direction as authenticity is ultimately the best foundation for a long term career and a good connection with your audience. What you loose in breadth, you build in depth of commitment, and ultimately that’s what long term careers are made of (also read Amanda Palmer’s The Art of Asking). 
I don’t agree that the negativity that sometimes overcomes this fandom about the possibility to come out is a straight saviour kink. Most of the people that I have come in contact with who are very passionate about this issue of Louis’ and Harry’s closet are queer themselves. At Takemehomefromnarnia, we used to do Today’s Actions congratulating and raising awareness in the fandom about LGBTQ+ artists - Harry picks queer artists to open for him - and many of the artists on your list (like Lil Nas, Halsey, Janelle Monae, Sam Smith, Troye Sivan, king princess, MUNA) are people I’ve first became aware of through this fandom so people know them and talk about them. 
The issue with being in this particular fandom is that it’s two (or more?) LGBTQ+ artists in one and the same boyband that was put together in a reality TV show with very restrictive contracts and with management that insisted on marketing them to an audience of what they presumed were straight girls, and - once they could break America - with presumedly homophobic parents. The old grey men in charge had one goal: make as much money as possible in 5 years no matter the human cost. That’s different from most artists on your list, who came into their contracts in different ways, and whose career plans were not built for them, on heteronormative and homophobic presumptions. It simply is harder for Louis and Harry because of how they got into the business, which limited their power.
From the very start, Louis and Harry have resisted their closeting with any power that they did have, which is another reason why I disagree with the straight saviour kink. They never acted like victims, they started this resistance themselves, by fighting the closet in any way they could. 
I think this fandom standing up against the closeting, is also an act of saving ourselves - some of the loudest Larrie voices are LGBTQ+. 
I don’t think Larries are trying to “save” Harry and Louis. This is Louis, Harry, LGBTQ+ fans, and allies all standing up TOGETHER against the homophobic assumptions of the execs earning money off of all of our backs and being greedy, wanting more, and hurting all of us in the process. 
This is an LGBTQ+ audience wanting to see the representation they know they could have (because of the way Harry and Louis have stood up to their closets) and fighting to get that. 
And yes, making other examples of representation visible, is a really important part of that fight. I’ve chosen to focus my blog just on this fandom, because I don’t have time for more than that. But it’s a valid effort, and if you are interested in writing a bit more about every person in your list, I am more than happy to support you in that. “Out LGBTQ+ artist of the week” - I’m up for that!!!
So here’s my proposition: come off anon and let’s do it! 
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onestowatch · 5 years
Camp Flog Gnaw 2019: 11 Ones to Catch (Who Aren’t Tyler, the Creator or ???)
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Camp Flog Gnaw, Tyler, the Creator’s inaugural festival and carnival is right around the corner, and we here are Ones To Watch are counting down the hours. While we still do not know who this mystery headliner is–office bets are currently on Frank Ocean but some have thrown in a potential Kanye Sunday Service set–there is plenty to get excited over. 
From Solange, BROCKHAMPTON, to the man, Tyler, the Creator himself, 2019’s Camp Flog Gnaw lineup is undeniably stacked. Yet, some of the best talent lies in the fine print. And with the festival days away, you may find yourself frantically doing last-minute research or planning how early you have to show up to Dodger Stadium for those exclusive merch drops, finding yourself unsure of which up-and-comers need to be on your radar. Well, go ahead and save yourself the time with our list of 11 not-to-be-missed acts at this year’s Camp Flog Gnaw.
LAUNDRY DAY is Gen Z’s answer to BROCKHAMPTON. Comprised of a group of high schoolers, the New York collective cites inspirations ranging from the aforementioned America’s favorite boyband to Tyler, the Creator, so it came as little to surprise to see them scoring a coveted spot on this year’s Camp Flog Gnaw lineup. And while the comparisons to BROCKHAMPTON abound, LAUNDRY DAY is undeniably their own entity, encapsulating themes and sounds wholly unique to their generation.
slowthai is without a doubt the most explosive act on this year’s Flog Gnaw lineup. The Northampton, England artist is an enthralling amalgamation of UK’s storied history of grime and punk told through a lens that has a less than favorable perception of Britain’s reigning powers and systems. And as is evident by the title of slowthai’s acclaimed debut album, Nothing Great About Britain, there is clearly no love lost to be had.
While rumors still abound as to if the mystery headliner is indeed Frank Ocean, you can at least take solace in the fact that Choker is performing. With a sublime vocal range and knack for otherworldly production that is sure to stop you in your tracks, Choker has long outgrown the Ocean comparisons that accompanied his initial emergence onto the music scene. Choker is an artist all his own and a breathtaking one at that.
Omar Apollo
Omar Apollo’s music gives definition to the term effortlessly cool. The Indiana native crafts irresistible bedroom R&B that speaks to his Spanish heritage, while still presenting a forward-thinking vision for the genre. Combine that with touches of DIY instrumentation paired with a polished finish, and you have a set we will not be missing anytime soon. And don’t even get us started on his Kenny Beats–produced, Spanish-sung “Frío,” because we already halfway to fully swooning.
Dominic Fike
Dominic Fike is destined to be a pop star like no other. Striking gold overnight with the infectious earworm that is “3 Nights,” Fike’s blend of hip-hop, R&B, and anti-pop brought with It an unprecedented level of hype. The early promise was soon delivered on by numerous BROCKHAMPTON features and collaborations, as well as the Kenny Beats–produced “Phone Numbers” that scored our best and worst summer days.
Elephant Gym
Flog Gnaw’s lineup is not without its fair share of standouts but no act stands out quite like Elephant Gym. Finding inspiration in the likes of Toe, LITE, and Tricot, the Taiwanese trio breathes life into their bass-centered bright, rhythmic math rock. Elephant Gym is bound to be the jam session to end all jam sessions, and Flog Gnaw is one of the few places you can bear witness to it all unfold.
When Clairo first became a viral sensation with her iMovie-recorded “Pretty Girl,” she was touted as the poster child of bedroom pop and anti-pop alike. Yet, it is Immunity that will likely go down in lasting history. Produced by Rostam, of Vampire Weekend fame, Clairo’s debut album arrived as a brilliant illustration of the promising artist’s personal growth and limitless depth. Immunity is Clairo’s coming-of-age story and Flog Gnaw is set to be a striking chapter.
TACO ending his Camp floggnaw set with Self control from u/frfrmstobi77
Truth be told, you never know what to expect from a Taco DJ set. Well, actually, one thing you can expect is that it will be a hell of a time. Last year saw the Odd Future member bring out Juice WRLD to what basically amounted to a surprise set. Taco’s DJ set is the place to be at if you are looking to catch who will likely be at the top of Flog Gnaw’s lineup come next year. Plus, it was basically the closest we got to a Frank Ocean set last year.
Destiny Rogers
Destiny Rogers suddenly emerged out of a small town in Northern California to massive acclaim, all without losing her homegrown roots. The 19-year-old pop and R&B artist quickly became one of today’s most promising rising artists with the release of her infectious single “Tomboy.” More than just an impressive debut showing, Rogers would soon finder herself earning praise from the likes of Billie Eilish, Ariana Grande, and plenty more.
When Steve Lacy dropped his critically-praised album, Apollo XXI, earlier this year, there was only one feature present: DAISY. The Los Angeles–based band has been described as making loud jazz, punk R&B, and “music for kissing.” And whatever you may end up calling DAISY’s music, one thing is certain. One listen will have you hooked.
Tommy Genesis
Tommy Genesis can and will do it all. Citing inspirations ranging from multimedia artist Tracey Emin to Japanese photographer and contemporary artist Nobuyoshi Araki, the Canadian–born artist’s dark and hypnotic vision for hip-hop begins to take shape. It is one inspired and influenced by a range of creative mediums, from poetry, film, to modern art, and one she is sure to bring in full force to her Camp Flog Gnaw set.
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