#boycotting is for companies not for voting
alanaisalive · 5 months
Now that Eurovision is over, I want you all, especially the Americans, to take a good hard look at how the voting results turned out when people boycotted the event.
In the UK, the viewing figures were down about 2 million people compared to last year. Up to 2 million people made the conscious decision to not watch and not vote because of Israel's inclusion.
The final results of the public vote, Israel came in first place in the UK and got 12 points. Because the only people watching and voting were people who backed Israel or at least didn’t care one way or another.
This doesn't matter. It's a music contest. The boycott was still the right thing to do because it is just a show at the end of the day, and the viewing figures have more impact than the results.
But it is also a good object lesson to show you what happens if you boycott a vote over something that does matter. Choosing not to vote in, let's say, a presidential election will have similar results.
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losergames · 9 months
the UK's 'anti-BDS' boycott bill is returning to parliament for a third reading and vote Wednesday 10th of January.
this proposed law is not aimed at individuals, it would be impossible to stop people from boycotting, but instead targets public bodies like universities, public sectors, and councils in the UK. this would prevent public bodies from making ethical choices about where they want to invest their employee's pension funds. e.g. pension funds could be invested into companies that make arms for countries committing genocide.
the anti-boycott bill explicitly mentions Israel, trying to give them protection from public body boycotts as well as undermine the Palestinian led campaign for boycotting. it's disgusting and disgraceful.
share and reblog this post with your UK friends if you are not a UK resident.
UK residents, contact your MP and demand they oppose the anti-boycott bill. Palestine Solidary Campaign UK have an email template here.
UK residents, if you are able to join, Palestine Solidarity Campaign have organised a protest during the anti-boycott bill vote, Wednesday 10th of January outside of Parliament, London.
UK residents, if you are able to join, Palestine Solidarity Campaign UK have organised their 7th National March for Palestine, Saturday 13th of January in London.
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phoenixyfriend · 7 months
I don't know who needs to hear this but yelling at people to boycott Starbucks as a first step to helping Palestine does not do nearly as much as:
Calling your Senator
Donating to a charity like PCRF, UNRWA, or MSF
Emailing your Senator
Actually looking up the companies BDS asks you to boycott (Starbucks isn't on there; you can boycott if you want, but maybe start your call to action with something a little more relevant, like McDonald's or Puma)
Calling your House Rep
Voting in your primary election
Emailing your House Rep
Donating to a pro-ceasefire candidate who's up for reelection this November like Tlaib or Sanders
Emailing the DNC
Learning about the most effective rhetoric for changing minds
Donating to get out the vote campaigns
Emailing your governor
Literally anything that isn't blogging about how boycotting Starbucks being the biggest thing you can do
But especially picking up the phone and calling your goddamn senators
Smugly telling people to stop going to Starbucks does next to nothing. Call. Your. Elected. Officials.
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robertreich · 1 year
It’s Time to Roast Starbucks For Union Busting
Starbucks should be getting publicly roasted for union busting and refusing to even negotiate with unionized workers.
You see, if there’s one thing I love more than coffee, it’s unions. Because unions perk up pay.
And if there’s one thing I hate more than corporations who try to bust unions, it’s having to make my own coffee every morning.
I may be known for a lot of things, but making a good cup of coffee isn’t one of them.
I was thrilled to hear about workers in Starbucks’ stores across the country exercising their right to unionize.
A cup of solidarity brewed by a unionized barista? What could be better than that?
Definitely not me being my own barista.
Starbucks is a multibillion dollar company. Its new CEO will start with a pay package estimated to be worth over $28 million dollars. That’s roughly 800x the pay of the workers who actually brew and serve the coffee the business is built on — and who barely earn a living wage.                                            
That’s why those workers have begun to unionize.
Since December 2021, Starbucks Workers United has won union elections in more than 300 Starbucks stores, covering more than 8,000 workers and counting.
And most of the union campaigns in individual stores won by overwhelming margins, gaining more than 70% of the total votes — and in parts of the country where private sector unions rarely win.
The Starbucks union campaign has inspired young workers across the country and breathed life into a U.S. labor movement that has been stagnant for decades.
It’s been so successful that Starbucks briefly brought its former CEO, billionaire Howard Schultz, out of retirement to bust the union, and still refuses to even sit down at the bargaining table.
That’s why I’ve been boycotting Starbucks.
As part of its campaign to tamp down further unionization, Starbucks corporate has fired scores of pro-union workers, closed stores that have unionized, threatened to withhold wage and benefit improvements from stores considering unionizing, and packed stores with outside managers to undermine organizing efforts.
The National Labor Relations Board, which oversees all union elections in the U.S., has issued more than 93 complaints covering 328 unfair labor practice charges against Starbucks — and ordered reinstatement of at least 23 fired workers so far.
Yet Starbucks is unwilling to change its anti-union ways — even though Schultz was grilled in front of Congress 
Starbucks claims to be a “progressive” company.
But based on the way it’s broken labor law and put unionized workers in the percolator, that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Now is an opportunity for all of us to make our voices heard and to tell Starbucks to stop UNION BUSTING and bargain in good faith with Starbucks Workers United.
And it’s time for Joe Biden, who calls himself the “most pro-union president in American history,” to send a powerful message: we won’t tolerate union-busting by Starbucks or any other corporation — including Elon Musk’s Tesla and Jeff Bezos’s Amazon.
Otherwise, my boycott will continue — and perhaps you’ll consider joining me.  
If we want to brew a future where workers have power and dignity, then we need to show solidarity with unions…
And stand up to corporate bullying.
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gallifreyriver · 7 months
So, Kellogg's Boycott. Again. Haven't seen any posts about it here yet, so figured I'd make one.
In short: We're all tired of these big companies gouging their prices just because they can, and calling it 'inflation.' We're tired of companies announcing record profits while they cut bonuses/lay people off/force workers to run on skeleton crews/etc. We're tired of "Shrinkflation" And we're tired of a bunch of other shit too, but you get my point.
So, vote with your wallet.
On April 1st, stop buying Kellogg's, and keep that up until June 30th. Just three months- just one quarter of the fiscal year. Companies report earnings each quarter, and if their earnings drop it will reflect in these quarterly reports.
Why Kellogg's?
Because their CEO recently pulled a "Let them eat cake." TLDR; Kellogg's has raised prices by 28% across the board, bragged about record breaking profits, and then suggested that families struggling to afford groceries, because of aforementioned price gouging, just "eat cereal for dinner!"
And well, that message was not well received by anyone, as one could imagine. Pissed a lot of people off.
So yeah. The plan is to stop buying any Kellogg's products (below) for the entirety of the second quarter (April 1st-June 30th) and to collectively tell Kellogg to fuck off until they lower their prices. The goal isn't to "destroy the company" or cost anyone their jobs- but we will hit them where they will listen. Their profits.
If they don't listen, then we don't come back, and we start in on the next company, and keep going until they all get the message. There's always alternatives (more on that below) and we don't need them. If they refuse to drop their prices, then we just stick with the alternatives we found.
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Three months is a minor inconvenience to teach a corporation a lesson, and we can do it.
So, take this month before April to find your alternatives. If you need help, I based a non-comprehensive list (below) off the image above. There's tons more just a google search away, and I bet others have made lists as well. There's also always the option to make your own. There's tons of recipes online showing how to make dupes of your favorite products.
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Some things to note:
Don't go stocking up on your favorite Kellogg's products the last week of March and think you're not crossing the picket line. The point is to make Kellogg's feel the loss in profits, and stocking up on Cheez-its beforehand will defeat the purpose. I sincerely promise you can make it three months without buying Kellogg's. Again, three months is a minor inconvenience to teach a corporation a lesson, and we can do it.
That said, Safe Foods are acknowledged. If you or your child is neurodivergent and has issues with food (i.e: literally won't be won't be able to eat at all without their safe food) you get a pass. By all means feel free to try and find alternatives, but it's very unlikely that the few who can't boycott will cause it to fail. There should be plenty of the rest of us to pick up the slack.
Don't be a bystander- meaning don't go about this thinking "Oh, well surely there's enough people boycotting that it's fine if I just-" No. If we ever want things to change then we need to be strong enough to do even something as small as not buying something we like for three months. Furthermore, it's on those of us who can afford Kellogg's products to boycott Kellogg's. It's not the responsibility of those who already can't afford Eggos to boycott Eggos. Nothing will change if you go about just assuming everyone else already has it handled for you. Take a stand.
And importantly, Spread the word. This only works if we let as many people as possible know about it.
So reblog this post, or make your own post, or both. Even feel free to copy and paste this entire post off-platform if you need to. I've also seen some suggest making flyers, or even just writing on post-it notes, and sticking them to Kellogg's products in the store to spread the word off-line.
Just get the word out there. If we ever want these companies to stop gouging us for every cent we've earned, then we have to make a stand somewhere.
If we do nothing it will only ever get worse.
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zahraaziza · 7 months
boycott for palestine: targeted boycott brands
since free palestine is trending on tumblr tags right now, i will use that chance in hopes of important information on boycotting for palestine getting the leverage it needs.
targeted boycotts work the best! select a number of brands you usually consume and boycott them all.
the most popular bds brand combination at the moment is starbucks, mc donalds and disney plus (or any disney owned company/ franchise for that matter).
these brands have to be ones you consume, otherwise your "boycott" won't bear it's fruits, as it should.
still, try avoiding the other brands as best as you can. we vote with our dollar/ euro afterall.
check out if your favorite and most bought brands are a part of the bds boycott list, using this link:
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goemon-fan · 7 months
How to Help Palestine
This post is intended to guide those who have no idea on how to help Palestine. I am making this as quick as possible, so please inform me if there is another source you would like me to add, or if any of these sources are inaccurate.
According to the Palestinian Children's Relief Fund, what we, the average person, can do to help Palestine is:
Educate ourselves (reading and learning Palestine's history)
Advocate for change (writing to representatives, voting, protesting, and petitions)
Staying informed and engaged (reading reputable news sources, don't stop talking about Palestine!)
Supporting Palestinian businesses (and boycotting those businesses which do not support Palestine)
Donating to reputable organizations (the PCRF is a great one, however there is also gazaesims.com, Doctors without Borders, UNWRA, and these)
Notice how many of these are free and easily available.
Decolonizepalestine.com, and more specifically its reading list, is a great start. I highly recommend this Palestine Masterlist Google Doc, it provides free resources and just about everything you need to be informed and educated. This Carrd is also informative and easy to understand. Pluto Books is having a sale on books about Palestine, and Verso Books even provides ebooks for free. Words without Borders provides free stories from Palestinian writers. This website also links to free resources. It is also worth checking out your local library to see if they have any available books about Palestine.
Advocate for Change
Email script; send the message as often as you can, and keep track of possible responses from your representatives. If they're advocating for Is---l (such as my representative is, however I do not want to doxx myself; however, they are Republican) vote them out.
Ceasefiretoday.com provides a master list of advocacy resources.
Staying Informed and Engaged
Aljazeera.com is a great resource for current news regarding Gaza, the U.S. government, and the victims of this violence.
As for staying engaged, don't stop talking about Palestine! Talk with your friends, family, anyone about what is happening, and use your newfound education to educate others! Make a stand and cut Z---ists out of your life!
Support Palestinian Businesses
This is a good beginning list, but feel free to branch out to other Palestinian brands.
However, make sure to boycott these companies, and remember to check any produce you buy (especially dates for Ramadan) to see if it is produced by Is---l.
Donating to Reputable Organizations
Here is this charity list again. Make sure that your charity of choice:
Is going to Gaza/Palestine and
Advocates for a ceasefire
Be on the lookout for scams, and if you want to help Palestinians directly without running the risk of a scam, eSims for Gaza is a great source; and, you're making history! You get to tell your ancestors how you fought for Palestinians!
What Now?
As a final note, every little bit counts. Please do not remain silent even if you run a fan account or have a particular "aesthetic," please do not allow your fandom to remain silent, please do not fall for the fallacy that there's no way you can fight against an entire government. There is strength in numbers, and every little action you make contributes, whether for better or worse. Please do not support Z-----t actors or media, please do not drink Starbucks or buy McDonalds because that is what is convenient for you, please do not choose ignorance and silence to what is happening. I am not asking you to sacrifice or put your life on hold, but you do need to care. Thank you.
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justm3di0cr3 · 10 months
Canada Is likely to sign a treaty and vote for a ceasefire in Palestine. So if your Canadian please sign. From what I'm aware, upon majority vote, Canadian government will agree for Israel to stop the genocide.
Important reminder as well, DO NOT get anything from boycotted companies for the holidays or black Friday etc.
Israel wants people to stop talking about the boycott. Don't give in.
To check which companies support Israel take confirmation from www.boycott.thewitness.news. Avoid those companies at all costs.
Also Israel has already dishonored the temporary ceasefire. As some one who also plays twst, you will not die if you don't get the Thanksgiving bundle with paid gems. People are dying, place yourself in their shoes for once.
You lived a happy life once but now all those are js memory fragments as everything around you gets reduced to rubble, children cries and the sound of bombs fill your ears as you frantically search the crowd in hopes of seeing your family still alive. With two possibilities. 1. You see them and thank God that they are alive. 2. You see a pile of bodies, maybe intact or maybe not, or even js a limb with no news of your family spotted you are left to believe the scattered flesh and disfigured bodies belong to your loved ones. It'd disturbing isn't it? That's their life. Don't not ignore it any longer. Speaking up makes a difference. Doesn't matter if you have no followers or anything. The posts circulate the media and hopefully the pressure on politicians will force Israel on a permanent ceasefire.
I don't normally tag but the first bit needs to be seen by many people. I apologize in advance. Some tagged are moots while some are accounts I follow that are Pro Palestine from what I'm aware. Again once more I am extremely sorry.
Tagging: @quartzztwst @fungifanart @midnightmah07 @viilpstick @leonistic @robo-milky @ceruleancattail @cheshirefangs @bunni-v1 @xiao-slut @seuing
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main-serendipity-sky · 10 months
The state of Jiminland today
Today I was pushed over the edge as I watched twitter implode so it took me about 12 hours to write my thoughts out.
It's disheartening to see a fanbase, 52Hz, openly being a Jimin anti but it's also disheartening to see people act shocked when Jimin lost 2 awards he almost had because a majority of Korean fans (not kpjms) didn't vote for him.
How can you be shocked at the way Jimin is treated if you are part of the problem?
52Hz has been called out ever since July but karmy and kjkkrs defended this fanbase even with proof presented. I tried asking them about it but I got blocked instead. I even remember reading some accounts here that were blaming pjms instead back in July.
It's not ignorance if you are informed and you choose to ignore it.
52Hz lied, blurred out Jimin from playlists, altered predictions to mislead fans and pushed them to vote for Jk only. They also did something similar last year for Hobi and Namjoon.
It's not only that 52Hz lied but people protected them and then followed like sheep.
The hate and indifference towards Jimin in this fandom runs so deep and is disguised as many things that may appear harmless:
•Not supporting him as an artist but speculating on his private life
•Using him for fan wars since because he is best weapon BTS has in all areas
•Using him for ship wars because "Jimin always gets hate" and if Jimin gets hate that means jikook is real
•Using him as a cheerleader/funny guy/flirty guy/cute guy/support guy for BTS but failing to see the complexity that Jimin is
•Ignoring, belittling, or attributing his accomplishments to anything/anyone other than Jimin himself
•Downplaying or excusing what the company has done to him because you want to maintain the ot7 illusion
•Not talking about the sabotage because you will be labeled a solo and get hate from other people but you still talk about things that bring Jimin hate like any of his ships
•Degrading his art to Jk's level because it's the cute shipper thing to do even though we all know quite well both things are not the same
•Putting Jimin and Jk on the same pedestal when Jimin is up there because of his hard work and fans who have worked endlessly to stream and buy while Jk's numbers have been inflated by Scooter's tactics
•Boycotting the jikook show because a hate filled account gave you that idea when you should be the fan that always supports him till the end
•Using Jimin for your sexual fantasies
•Not defending him
•Pushing a narrative where Jimin must be the sacrifice for BTS or jikook
We can call out 52Hz and kfans but then our own behavior is just as bad.
Jimin doesn't deserve this.
We are talking about Jimin.
The guy who is the most appreciative of his fans. The only one who came to weverse to thank fans for BTS' win in MAMA only after 40 minutes (he didn't thank for his individual win but for the group win!). The guy who wanted FACE to be free just so he could share it with us. The guy who did his entire documentary just so we could see that he had fun doing FACE.
If you don't appreciate and value Jimin,
If you won't fight and defend him,
If you care more about your pretty profiles filled with positivity and pretty pictures,
If you are only here to "support" jikook but have no intention to support Jimin as an actual artist,
If you downplay what he has gone through,
Don't call yourself his fan.
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man1cpixiedreamcowboy · 11 months
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hi guys btw i don't post here that much anymore regardless but i would like to make it clear that i hate that fuckass cunt zionist noah schnapp ❤️
don't ignore the harm that he is perpetuating just bc u like a tv show he's a part of when he is using his position to influence others into supporting and being complicit with genocide
vote with your dollar by boycotting zionist companies. and also support Palestinian businesses near you that are also being targeted at this time
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whereserpentswalk · 9 months
Me: boycotting Starbucks isn't about how if you purchase from a company you're supporting them. It's about not giving them what they want from us (money) until they stop supporting genocide. These people will only listen to our demographic if they feel what they want from our demographic is threatened.
Radlib: yeah that checks out.
Me: not voting for the democratic party in 2024 isn't about how if you vote for someone it means you like them. It's about withholding what they want from us (votes) until they stop supporting genocide/do anything vaugly progressive that moderate Republicans couldn't do. These people will only listen to our demographic if they feel what they want from our demographic is threatened.
Radlib: (incoherent conspiracy theory).
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thegeekcloud · 5 months
Boycott Eurovision: Yes or No?
There has been a lot of talk on boycotting Eurovision this year because of the Israeli participation and their qualification to the final. Behind everything of course is the subject of money.
MoroccanOil or however it's spelled is one of the biggest sponsors of the Eurovision Song Contest, not just this year but every year. And guess what country this company is from? You got it. It is therefore logical for audiences to boycott Eurovision by refusing to fund the competition in any way. That includes:
Streaming the competition
Buying merchandise
If the EBU is not funded then the profitability of having MoroccanOil as a sponsor (and Israel attending) will drop dramatically.
One must keep in mind a few things:
"The big Five are the biggest sponsors which is why they are automatically qualified to the final". They literally keep 5 countries in the final to entice them to keep paying. IN fairness, this is not as much as you might think but still a substantial amount.
They already banned Russia - a country with an incredibly large amount of people (and therefore potential viewers)
The sponsored money has already been given. This is the money that mostly funds the contest.
The participating countries themselves pay a fee. A fee so big a LOT of Balkan countries can't afford!
Most of the money is used for the incredible staging and other events of the competition.
Boycotting Eurovision now in terms of keeping money away from the EBU doesn't really do much in truth. Go for it if you like. It doesn't hurt. But, watching the contest right now is not really gonna change much. A lot of people are already attending (tickets are like 1000 euro apparently btw).
It doesn't hurt, though it doesn't make much difference either to be completely honest with you. My advice is follow the instructions of your favourite artist. After all, this contest is not just about Israel but about them as well. They've all worked so hard and they've been asked to remove all political messages from their performances which is basically a violation of freedom of speech.
Protesting always helps though it is very hard to do IN the arena.
Voting would help if we were all to vote for one person. We all saw last year how Loreen took the crown from Kaarija even though he had like 1.5 times more public votes. And now, Joost is about to be disqualified (cause apparently he punched an Israeli representative who mocked Joost's dead father???). Not voting would basically mean Israel would win. Why?
Italy is not really a political ally of Israel (an example for that would be apology votes from Germany) yet they gave them 40% in the semi finals vote. 40%!?!?. Israel was not even that high on the trends yet they got 40%. But, at the same time, I do not know many people who watch the semi-finals so those who did are either die hard fans or, if those were protesting, people who explicitly watched for Israel.
The jury will 100% give a lot of votes to Israel. I don't like to say it but their song is EXACTLY the type of song they vote for. Another example might be Greece (they are trying something different from a musical point of view) or France (let's face it that man is an angel). I want to say Switzerland but I would also have said Belgium and look where we are. They SHOULD like Switzerland too. In any case the jury can do SERIOUS DAMAGE (again, why Sweeden won even if tHeY'rE nOt SoRrY tHeY wOn)
Governments can push the jury towards a specific result. We probably know where Belgium's 12 is not gonna go (they cut the broadcast) but this is for example a minister in greece:
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IF the competition ends up going to Israel THEN the real boycott will matter cause it can start earlier. Prevention of countries participating for example. People not attending at all.
But the best result would be to prevent that all together. It doesn't help that Joost (Netherlands) did not perform today at the Jury show but his recording was shown.
That's all.
My advice is don't watch or don't watch israel to send a message but vote for either Greece, Italy, Croatia or Switzerland or all of the above. The Netherlands too if they participate cause even though I don't want the contest to go once again there Joost has fucking earned it.
Edit: the goal was for israel not to participate at all (and honestly Azerbaijan shouldn't either) but they did, they are, we're here now so...unless the artists themselves step down....
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dzthenerd490 · 5 months
I’m really sorry that you have to deal with death threat from randos of the internet. I hope it doesn’t affect you as much.
I am not big on politics and I’m not the best person to talk about the genocide on Palestine but I hope for your voices to be heard and for Palestine to be free.
Eh, like I said just a bunch of toddlers throwing candy around and laughing as if it's the evilest thing in the world. It might be annoying but at the end of the day their just kids, it feels wrong to get mad at them for such trivial things.
Though a side note, its trivial for ME, if any of you are receiving death threats and it's really affecting your mental health with depression or even suicidal thoughts, then please seek help. You're a living being, and you don't deserve to suffer even if the thing that's making you suffer seems like a tiny papercut. Also, it's possible for a wound to look small but potentially be life threatening, so please don't underestimate the pain you're in... Just, don't let yourself suffer is what I'm trying to say.
Though regarding the politics. You don't need to talk about the issue, caring is enough. All anyone asks is that you show support in your own way. Whether it be protesting when you can, making sure you know who and what to vote for when election time comes up, but my personal favorite is boycotting all those companies that support Israel's genocide. Any of these is fine, but most of all, thank you for caring for Palestine.
From the River to the Sea, Palestine WILL be set Free. ❤️🖤🤍💚
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pretty-toastie · 1 year
don't get me wrong i absolutely love the fact that people are pushing back on mojang and microsoft over the mob vote. i am overjoyed at the trend lately of widespread action from userbases to push back on companies making decisions that screw over their users for the sake of money (twitter, reddit, unity, etc). but let's not miss the bigger picture here.
the mob vote situation and others like it are microcosms of capitalism as a whole; people are upset because they've noticed that entities with enough resources to provide whatever they want to are providing only the illusion of choice, and never actually offering---let alone giving---people that which they actually want/need.
petition and boycott, both of which are being employed by people opposing the mob vote, are mechanisms of political change. the unified mobilisation of the community is akin to unionising.
so just,,, remind people: if they think boycotting the mob vote is a good thing to do, they should also support labor movements and anti-capitalist political groups.
because they're the same thing.
one is but a smaller, more digestible version of the other.
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gryficowa · 2 months
It's not fair that free Palestine/Gaza tags are still not trending, especially when we now see the fucked up side of Israelis (On Zionist Views) where they are fighting to make it legal to rape Palestinians in prison… That's sick, that people stopped talking about Palestine like before, it's not fair, that Palestine hasn't been trending on tumblr for a long time, I'm just disappointed with it all
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And by the way, as usual, the things that are boycotted (Disney and its companies) are in trend…
If not Harris, Biden and Trump, then the things that are being boycotted (Eurovision, the Olympics, Disney…), it's frustrating that people have lost interest in Palestine…
But it's better to be interested in irrational drama, because people thought that a drag queen was making fun of "The Last Pot" when they parodied a picture with gods from mythology… Well, it's obvious that this is more important than the fact that Israel was admitted to the Olympics, and he commits war crimes, how I hate the standards of society…
So not only have they lost interest in Palestine, they are outraged by things that are not what they thought they were and it sucks -_-
I'm simply fed up, not only are liberals from blue Zionist terrorists entering the tags about a free Palestine, they are threatening Trump when in practice they don't care about Palestine, and they are using it as a way to manipulate people to vote for a Zionist like Harris, but also this stupid drama with the opening of the Olympic Games, it's just that what's happening is sick (When Israelis are now on strike to make rape legal and it's fucked up and a lot of people don't care)
It just can't be described, but I know people don't care anymore and it sucks
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lokisasylum · 10 months
The situation is critical, we need to be careful…
Jang Seunghyun, also known as ARMY52Hz on twitter/X, has been for the past 24 hours posting after posting, after posting none stop in a desperate attempt to save his ass after being exposed for his lack of transparency, favoritism and one-sided beef with—not just Jimin, but all the other members as well.
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‘Cause if you guys recalled when I posted about this guy earlier this year, during Jimin’s first and second wave of sabotages, where it was revealed that this person is not only working directly for Hybe and therefore under their payroll. He’s very much obsessed with Jungkook to the point of dressing up and wanting to look like him, and in addition has been caught hanging out around DCGallery, the infamous forum filled with BTS antis who love to fabricate rumors and hate campaigns (his email and IP address also match that of one of the biggest Jimin hater blogs).
But if that's not enough to raise your blood pressure aside from the damage he's already done to this fandom since God knows when. Here's a recent post he made:
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Did you catch that?
No? Lemme just--
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Yep, you read that right, on one hand he is admitting that he "and his team" (meaning other staff who help in managing the account) made a mistake (althought I sincerely doubt that purposely and intentionally manipulating charts in order to "encourage" people to vote for who YOU want is a "mistake" that bypassed multiple people).
This bastard is referring not only to Jimin, but also Suga and V as "unrelated singers". Jimin was at No.11 on the chart and only needed TWO points in voting to enter Top10. Both Suga and V weren't too far below him and could have also entered, but no, they purposely made Karmys hoard ALL of the votes for ONE member. 'Cause this is how they continuously showed the charts to "the fandom":
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But if Jimin, Suga, V and any other member are considered "unrelated singers" and are known to have been directly sabotaged by this same account who we know works for HYBE... are they indirectly admitting to something we still don't know, but have been suspecting for some time now?
Is the whole "2025 BTS Reunion" a farce and they're only creating false expectations to keep Army from leaving so when the dreaded d-word happens the company will be free to promote ONE member and use the fandom AGAIN?
But if that's not enough to get your panties in a bunch with an uncomfortable itch. Then the next thing surely will.
Remember I've also warned you guys about trusting certain "translators" in the fandom because many of them are known to do (intentional) mis-translations in order to portray certain members in a certain way to feed an agenda and get them hate.
if the name "hiraeth8221" sounds familiar to you, it should because she has been exposed like many others as these type of translators so it should be no surprise that someone exposed this little gem:
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This was before Bighit became HYBE. And it was known the translators were few and people sometimes "from the fandom" would get directly hired to work with them.
But guess who this particular translator is defending TODAY:
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Yep, ARMY52Hz. Which means hiraeth8221 is STILL under Hybe payroll and very much involved with other Hybe controlled accounts known to create trouble in the fandom.
But that's not the most disturbing part, the real scary thing is that after she too got exposed today, minutes--maybe SECONDS later MANY army and especially Jimin stan accounts that opposed what ARMY52Hz did and are actively boycotting them, started getting mass reported by mysterious "Korean army accs" that seemed to have been created in the past 24hrs when ARMY52Hz got first exposed for manipulation.
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This has of course enabled jungkook solos to also mass attack other members and their stan accounts. While also publicly defending ARMY52Hz. WHY? Because its been known and mentioned for YEARS that the fandom did nothing to control them and taekookers whenever they caused harm, especially to Jimin. Hell, they said it themselves:
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But now that their little bubble is close to bursting if and when they loose accounts like ARMY52Hz. They'll be done for and finally exposed for the deranged bunch they've always been.
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If at this point you don't feel your stomach turning at how much from this fandom (and maybe even BTS themselves) has been heavily manipulated over the years... and now with the addition of Scooter Braun doing the real damage by manipulation of the charts, sales ect in order to favor certain people... then I don't know what else to tell or show you guys to make you understand how BAD the situation is.
And honestly at this point, not even the 2025 BTS Reunion will fix it. if anything it might get WORST.
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