#boyzen swamp dreg
quosterswampdregs · 9 months
can we get a continuation of anon and friends in side boyzens nose I want to if they ever made her sneeze
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Eventually they did, nothing remains forever, even with boyzen's stubborn nose!
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quosterswampdregs · 1 year
Does Boyzen ever try and hold a sneeze back while constantly being tickled? Like how much can she handle before it all bursts out of her, especially if the last thing that tips her over the edge is incredibly small but with a disastrous effect
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I guess all good things come to those who wait?
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quosterswampdregs · 1 year
OH EM G Just saw your recent Bogii content and he's so?? Cuter than before?? Those rather tired eyes, and thin physique, I just wanna hold the soggy wet cat (pun half not intended, cuz he sneezes so much he gets messy, get it? Yeah? Alright I'll just...) And he's much more resilient when he's getting tickled than I previously thought hmm...
With that in mind tho, I don’t think I've seen any Bogii with Boyzen interaction except that one with the golden rods (which was WOAH! So good!), and maybe we can have some of that? Unless you're only down for one character for each asks, which is okay! I will still love whatever you may come up with!
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Thanks! Bogii in my mind was always such a stylized goof of a character, so I'm glad my more recent drawings depict him in that sorta high-energy cartoony way.
As for Bogii and Boyzen? They and Bezyil have this ridiculous love triangle going on. Bogii trips over himself for Boyzen, despite Boyzen being gray-ace and not too interested. She plays along, especially if it means watching Bogii be endearingly clumsy!
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quosterswampdregs · 9 months
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Was in the mood to do a colored piece with boyzen answering an ask!!
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quosterswampdregs · 2 years
Oh dear! These nasal passages of yours are filthy! What it needs is a good cleaning.
*pulls out a feather duster and begins to dust the inner walls of Boyzen’s nose*
- An atrociously self-indulgent daydream brought to you by @oh-no-my-hand-slipped , who had no idea they were into micro/macro until recently
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@oh-no-my-hand-slipped you're absolutely welcome to! All I really ask is that I'm tagged and that there's nothing too NSFT or explict with em! Boyzen's info can be found in the first tag below!!
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quosterswampdregs · 2 years
Boyzen invites multiple micros to try and make her sneeze? ~
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Looks like low sensitivity can be used for good....
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quosterswampdregs · 2 years
If I was in Boyzen’s nose, I’d be fine just teasing her all day~ Maybe she wouldn’t even feel it, but I’d bring a feather with me and start by tickling the inside of her nostrils, then slowly working my way towards the back of her lovely sinuses. I wanna savor every itchy twitch and flare~
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Hey it's a win-win, she gets to do the bare minimum while anon gets utterly lost in the sauce.
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quosterswampdregs · 9 months
Whoops, looks live you’ve got another Boyzen fan!
This is also non-snz related, though it is still silly & purely self-indulgent— if one of the tinies (I know they have another name, but I find it more fun to call them tinies,,) wanted to just like,, hang out with Boyzen in a non-snz/casual context, how might she react? Are there any specific activities they might do together? Watch a movie, cook something, play card/board games, nap, just chat—?
(I may or may not be asking because I plan on drawing something based on your answer— if that’s alright with you!)
Oh curious question I didn’t think about!! The so called ‘tinies’ are actually just a personified collection of anons. They change in species, size, etc, it all just depends on what they ask for LOL, I think it makes things much more interactive, and more personal to the person who asked wile keeping anonymity!
I think she’d find it endearing! Boyzen is very accommodating if that wasn’t clear from the get go. She’d definitely try to make things as comfy as possible for whatever they wanted to indulge in casually. As for hobbies, Boyzen tends to play games and watch tv in her free time!
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quosterswampdregs · 9 months
Boyzen is trans-femme correct? Love the representation as a trans snzfur myself!! She looks so in her element.
I wanna know her story!! I don't know if things like surgery exist for your setting, but I'm always very pleased to learn about your stuff.
Keep up the great work! Much (platonic!) love <3
She is!! I’m really touched by this ask!! I’m also a trans snz furry, so solidarity there!
I’ll admit I don’t have a full backstory panned out, but in terms of her modern upbringing, she moved out into the city right after she graduated highschool, and got a bachelor degree in business. Now she works at her own freelance business from home (graphic design), and is really living out an ideal life!
In terms of surgery, while it does exist in my world, swamp dregs actually don’t necessarily need it! They can biologically and physically change their sex at will, though it is usually dependent on mentality and how one views themselves. Dysphoria can mess with that visual, so she has a therapist to assist in mental exercises. It can take weeks, months, years, even decades to naturally change, so some settle for surgery if they’re able to. Boyzen did get top surgery, that being said!!
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quosterswampdregs · 1 year
I feel stupid for asking this but I don’t know much about furries. What are feral swamp dregs? And what does anthro mean? I love your art btw!!
[Don’t Reblog to Non-Snz Blogs]
In the simplest terms:
Anthro: anthropomorphic. Often identifiable as any animal/species with human qualities. Most often recognizable by walking on two legs (bipedal), talking, wearing clothes, etc. however, characters that walk on four legs CAN technically be anthro as long as the other qualities exist.
Feral: A term often associated in the community as quadrupedal. It usually means no talking or other human like qualities, which makes them more ‘feral.’
That’s at least what they’ll mean on this blog. Other furries might have different definitions, but from what I’ve seen in my years, that’s sort of the consensus. For me, depending on the request, drawing feral content can get sort of uncomfortable, especially if the person is asking about something MUCH more animal (someone has genuinely asked me to draw something “as animal as possible,” which just rubs me the wrong way entirely). I’ll do occasional feral (quadrupedal) content, but if so, they will still be anthropomorphic in their other qualities.
As for what swamp dregs are, you can check the tags below.
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quosterswampdregs · 1 year
Oh! If that’s the case then…
I’d love to request a short story and/or comic where a tiny character accidentally gets stuck in bezyil’s nose? Maybe there’s a bit of a panic from the tiny until they get sneezed out….and then taken care of?
—Awakened Anon <3
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Of course! The art here is drawn by PupperStar!
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1700 words, just about; here's Bezyil as they deal with a cold that has completely numbed them up! A spot of help smoothes things out...
Cautious Cold.
“I dunno, it might help if you get some air…”
Bezyil thought back to the words of advice from Boyzen while on the phone. If there was anyone they knew who was proficient in dealing with head colds, it was her. Something about being outside was supposed to clear up their aching sinuses and unfair congestion…
Yet, here Bezyil was, sprawled out on their back, and staring into the partly-cloudy sky. Eyes half-lidded, ears low, and projecting the unmistakable image of the common cold—their poor nose was slick, shiny, and warm to the touch. An angry salmon, oozing whenever the nares would part and flex. 
The worst part about it all was that Bezyil couldn’t sneeze if they tried. They didn’t enjoy sneezing all too much anyway; that was Boyzen’s deal. But something about such a cold made their nostrils numb and completely insensitive to any irritants.
They tried, too, as they were doing now. Defeated, their paw sifted around nearby, taking a long blade of grass to examine with a squint. They angled the point deep into their left nostril, forcefully flaring it wide. The grass bent and wiggled aimlessly against the spongey walls, poking and prodding at the numbness with no result.
Well, with minimal results. It made Bezyil’s eyes teary, and at one point, they pulled in a few shuddering breaths…which almost expectantly deflated and left them sniveling. Was this how Boyzen felt all the time? No wonder she was so out-of-pocket sometimes…
Little did the swamp dreg know of something sifting through the tall grass. A fox, diminutive in stature, and curious in nature. He had doubtlessly been traveling for quite some time, and the sight of something breathing and shuffling over the canopy of barley was reliving! Perhaps he could request a ride, a higher view?
He began to shout—his speed increased to a jog, hands cupped around his maw in hopes of elevating his sound. Waves of cream fur and olive spots got rather distracting, especially when so close!
Bezyil’s eyes reflected the partly cloudy sky when they opened. The spring air was frigid when blowing over their nose, but at least it was relieving the inflammation. Everything felt at peace, for just a few moments—until the tiny yips and shouts picked up. “Udh…my ears are buzzing,” Bezyil mumbled, rolling over so that they could rub their leftmost ear against the ground. It was as if a mosquito were buzzing nearby, annoying at best... “Ghnn- sndK- huff…”
The vulpine wasn’t prepared for such a turn and had a head-on collision of a massive, salmon-toned septum. His front was temporarily glued, at least until he could slowly pry himself away. It left his t-shirt sticking to his fur, heavy and drippy. Halfway through wringing it out with his fists, a second snuffle sent both of his feet flying out from under him. He tumbled and was immediately winded!
And worse yet, he was getting dragged toward the source; a nostril, gargantuan in comparison. To call it a cavern would be a gross understatement—taller than he was in height, easily his wingspan in width, and he couldn’t begin to see just how deep it went. Ropes and chords of thick, clear mucus draped from the slick ceilings, which caught the refractions of sunlight and projected patterns onto their nasal walls. 
Rolling onto his stomach quickly, the fox scrambled along the dirt. He was trying his hardest not to get swept up, here! The battle was quickly falling out of his favor, though, what with his tail and legs losing their sense of gravity. His arms flailed just slightly, before taking hold of a thick barley stalk. The seedy bush of hairs at the top of the stalk was the size of his torso, perfect when hugging for his life!
The fox’s eyes flew open with a deep scowl. The blade of grass they held was beginning to tear, just out of arm’s reach. He reached for it anyway, but it snapped just before his claws could get a grip! The wind pressure ceased just as this happened, but before he could get a sigh of relief, a second sniff sent him flying into their rightmost nostril.
It was dark. At least, it was nearly dark, but the sunlight from outside caused everything to be basked in an orangish-pink hue. The fox looked towards the nostril entrance—exit, in his case—squinting at the light pouring in from outside. He wasted no time staggering towards it, but quickly found the frictionless, slick ground below him nearly impossible to move effectively in. He slipped and fell to his stomach with a winded huff, but his fall was cushioned by the head of barley in which he had taken along with him.
The walls around him began to tremble, and he shot his head upward with surprise. It was like a low-grade earthquake going on, but one that you could see! The plush-like walls were tensing and relaxing, rearranging their position. The entrance, once wide and circular, quickly began to close in, to a narrow, slim swirl of a shape.
Frantically, he skittered towards the opening, but it had closed far too tightly for him to squeeze through. Slowly, he staggered back, looking out with both awe and fright at the sealed exit before him. The sound around him was suddenly dampened, akin to submerging under water. A heartbeat echoed and made the fox’s fur stand on end. This was a predicament, wasn’t it…?
“Mnhhg-!” Bezyil suddenly sat up, doubtlessly causing the vulpine to tumble around, “oh, now my nose itches?”
Irritated, they thumbed at the front of their nostril, and took a few sniffles, each sharper and longer than the last. As their nostrils opened, the fox was met with a blast of strong wind. It launched him back in a tumble, combing over his fur and sending him meters back. At least, until his shoulders slammed against something soft. A side of the swamp-dreg’s nasal wall, which had an opening to whatever dark chambers led past it. A second snuffle forced his back flush to the opening, where a powerful suction had him scrambling a bit.
The fox’s arms trembled as he tried to push himself out of the position. His legs were planted too, trying with great effort to squeeze and writhe against the pulling tension.
“SnRT!!” Bezyil snorted and curled their lip, “sndk- udh…snnk- snnrrk-! snnNDKT! Huhh… snff snff…”
Relief, at last. Clarity, through both nostrils—somewhat. As for the poor fox, he stumbled into the deeper reaches of their nose. Here, the walls were especially velvety on all sides, and it was beyond difficult to move about effectively. His paws grasped the cushiony flesh, feverish with the macro’s natural warmth. Every so often, the walls would pulsate and squeeze, clearly working around the irritant that was himself.
The vulpine’s tiny paws moved quickly—there was no way he could brute force his way out, so he could only assume a strong enough irritation from his doing would help out! His fingers dug in, his tail swept up and down, every thrash and jerk was in effort to stir up a sneeze.
“H-hHkh—! HhHhuh- fi’dally-!” Bezyil whined as they stormed inside their house. Their palms planted on the counter with a pant, looking in the marble reflection to see their angry pink nose. “H—hhHuh-!”
The fox winced as he was squeezed. It didn’t hurt—in fact, the warmth actually felt relieving. Their nasal walls provided a constant, firm massage, which eased his muscles far beyond what he believed possible. It all fell away rather abruptly,  given the puffy layers of muscle relaxed flat against the floor and walls, and a surge of cold air complimented a gaping light.
Oh dear.
“hEKK’TSSCHHHhuw!!” Erupted Bezyil, with little warning. The fox was propelled end over end, becoming absolutely weightless for two heartbeats. He then fell, pinwheeling his arms until he found a soft, cushioning landing against the paw pads of Bezyil. He rolled over, winded, staring with wide eyes up at the equally surprised Macro.
“Oh geez- are you okay??” Bezyil sniffled quietly with a shrug of their shoulders, “I didn’t even know you were in there…!”
The fox gave a delicately weary glance up to Bezyil, then down to his drenched, slicked-down fur. Upon being lowered to the counter, he nodded at last. He was okay, possibly better than okay, but he wouldn’t elaborate.
“Oh good..snfk-! I’m glad—oh! ‘Me’..? Ugh, coming off a head cold, hopefully. I’ve got a fever and aching joints, and I can’t seem to get a single sneeze out…”
Bezyil blinked as the fox jokingly begged to differ. “Tch-! Well of course you saw me sneeze, what with you rummaging around in th-!” And they abruptly cut themselves off with a thought. “Wait-! You got me to finally sneeze!”
Bezyil rested their chin on the countertop and looked on with dazzling eyes. “Would you-? Uhm—! I hope this isn’t out of blue or anythiH-hH?”
Nothing more needed to be said. The fox was staring forward at Bezyil’s nostril, looking down the warm, snug pathway ahead of him. Telling by the bashful eyes and open gestures, they were asking for a bit of help! The fox obliged without them even finishing, stepping up onto the rim of their nare and holding their septum. A hand, fingers splayed, brushed just inside, insisting the flexible sides expand and contort under the touch.
“H-hhHeehH—! Please b-be careful…I-I already tossed you around s-sUH-! So much…! Huhh-!!” Pleaded Bezyil with their eyes squeezed shut. Their shoulders jumped—something about knowing the cause of such an irritated note multiplied the sensations tenfold. “hNKTtshh!!” 
That couldn’t have been satisfying at all. The fox, at least, wasn’t satisfied by it. The front of his body leaned inward just as the cold-ridden swamp-dreg was recovering. He massaged and rubbed at the floor of their nose working up and around the left side to the roof. His fingers wiggled at the reddening patches, and his tail swept by his hip.
“Hh- HH-!” Two short, huffy breaths were taken, but telling by the spasms felt on all sides, they were going over the edge. “hNNTTSHhhww!!!”More than a forceful sneeze sent the fox tumbling across the table. Bezyil quickly caught him in their soft paws, opening them as if checking for a bug. “Nnh—! Read my mind…thank you…snffk-! Feels like I can breathe through my nose now…”
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quosterswampdregs · 2 years
Whoa! Who's that new dreg from the cattail story?
Uhhhhh no clue actually!
The sketch itself came from a request via discord for a female macro swamp dreg. I didn’t want to use Boyzen because the request was really specific (in terms of body type, which just didn’t match with boyzen). So I just drew a miscellaneous swamp dreg for the fic.
It also explains why she never had a name! (The fox is just Foxnon, (anon fox, furry!anon??) btw).
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quosterswampdregs · 2 years
HuuuUUUuge fan of Boyzen here! I absolutely love one of your older posts where Boyzen has her head laying on the ground, teasing a shy requester/micro as they stand just inside a nostril before continuing deeper up there ~ the internal shot and view up the nostrils is very... hh
I haven't got anything specific in mind, but I would love to see a similar macro+micro/nasal-exploration scenario; a micro interacting with Boyzen's nose as she teases them, maybe showing them how big she can flare, inviting them to explore her nose inside and out, then maybe the tickles start to get the better of her and... - uh... you get the idea! =////=;;;;
Thanks for reading!
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Anon gave me permission to absolutely bully them via Boyzen (because that's just the sorta person she is lmao). Enjoy Furry!Anon POV stuff. It was suuuuper fun to play around with angles and perspectives in this comic, I'm sorta in love with this piece!
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quosterswampdregs · 2 years
Could we see Boyzen with a sneezy cold? 🙏
Boyzen’s colds don’t usually get sneezy at all. If anything, a cold would irritate and itch but never fully get to the point where she could sneeze. It just leaves her in a perpetual state of being stuck.
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quosterswampdregs · 2 years
I remember an older pic where Boyzen traps Bezyil's thumbs in her nostrils - I would love to see noseplay between these two or maybe something that explains their nasal anatomy more
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Some practice with angles!!
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quosterswampdregs · 2 years
Hi, I have a question! Which of the swamp dregs is best at holdbacks? Do any of them like holding back?
Bezyil is probably the best at holding back sneezes of the three! Boyzen enjoys anything around sneezing, and that includes making herself hold back or having someone else do the same.
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