#br act
hyakunana · 7 months
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Durge, the Dark Urge — but make it a bard forest gnome girl named Imbrie
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akkivee · 6 months
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more of these flavours of gentaro pls 🥺🥺🥺
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inuyashadowns · 1 year
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dreamings-free · 1 year
By Tom Skinner 25th July 2023
A proposed increase in visa fees for foreign acts touring the US has been delayed amid pressure from the industry to reconsider the move.
Back in January, the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced that it was planning to raise touring visa fees for international artists by more than 250 per cent.
read the full article here at nme.com
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lokisasylum · 1 year
Why bother trending "FOCUS ON (idol name)" if they're gonna keep 40 tabs open; hyper-focused on what Jimin and Jimin stans are up to?
And then try to blame US when THEIR streams drop & claim "sabotage", when WE are the ones minding OUR business???
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There's A LOT of fake fans (lots of fake "ot7s" & shippers) who have never supported Jimin and are now cosplaying as "newly converted Jimin solos" fake-crying about the mistreatment from the fandom & company towards Jimin to gain sympathy from PJMS in order to gain followers and access to group-chats, circles and spaces where we share Jimin focused PL & streaming methods to not only copy us, but to also continue reporting our playlists or worse, set Jimin up for hate campaigns.
Always give ppl the benefit of the doubt before engaging.
Stay safe out there.
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whenthegoldrays · 1 year
Do-hun and Soo-jin's last scene
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
virgin homophobic gay oda vs chad subtle homoerotic mine with a rose for daigo in his teeth (real)
mine’s SUBTLE ???????
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kurjakani · 1 year
Ok i chilled for a moment and lads i think i was reflecting my own emotions onto people and seeking fear in their eyes i may have tried to self sabotage myself again. As usual.! Im delusional about how much i take up space in other ppls heads is the problem
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elijah-terry · 10 months
still so frustrated with lauren sh/ppen having an authority figure in her podcast say a character displays antisocial tendencies or traits of aspd or whatever the fuck she said, continuing to try to paint the character as unsympathetic, and then online going "umm i never said he had aspd sooo"
like god shut up
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bandtrees · 2 years
my favorite thing about like, proshippers who make liking “problematic” things their whole personality, is when they pick a random popular and completely normal ship and try to treat it like it’s ~~~PROBLEMATIC~~~ to suit their edgy internet persona when it’s the most noncontroversial take ever
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angelhummel · 2 years
every night before bed i send psychic attack beams to the person that claimed mercedes had the least sapphic energy out of any of the girls on the show
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spoonietimelordy · 1 year
Can people please stop making possession jokes when someone act weird? It's just as bad as using autistic or drug addict as insults. Please stop.
Like just don't use disabilities as jokes.
Signed a fed up system
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mewnyan · 2 years
everyone in this house better stop talking abt zodiac signs and other new age spiritual bullshit soon or else i'll go fucking mad
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indizombie · 2 years
In Ambedkar’s own words, “a person holding land had a higher status than a person not holding land”. Naturally, he considered kisan a misnomer as it included the landlord as well as the landless. Think about the Punjab Land Alienation Act, 1900, that prevented Dalits from buying farmland or even accessing village commons because they were considered “non-agriculturalist castes”. This was even though Dalits had always worked in agriculture as village servants, “bonded” and hired workers. Expectedly, the post-Independence land reforms, almost by design, meant to give land only to those recognised as traditional kisans.
Awanish Kumar, ‘Ambedkar and his idea of the caste of land’, Indian Express
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cowlovely · 2 years
i’m not watching the oscars but i am refreshing the academy’s twitter page to see what’s winning
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a-tale-of-legends · 2 years
Fuck it, Angelica has a Jumpluff in honor of Ramos in the Legendverse.
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