#brain rot is getting to be too much
thecagedbard · 5 months
i need to find a shader that is JUST RIGHT. because i now have a need to over complicate a playthrough (vesper of course, someday i'll get to you polly and sida) and just have all the companions be astarion/halsin. the fuck is wrong with me man...
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laniidae-passerine · 3 months
don’t get how you can watch iwtv and be a sincere diehard lestat hater. like the world’s biggest lestat hater is louis and that man can’t even commit to it for more than five minutes before literally hallucinating lestat wearing a wedding ring and talking pretty to him. this show is about louis and every road leads back to lestat for that man
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moldspicy · 1 year
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i just think they are very neat ✨
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spotsupstuff · 2 months
(hii Spot been awhile) Something I think that's interesting about the observation about how Slugcats are getting so much attention nowadays is that its almost a 180 from how things were in the pre-downpour days, iirc.
Though I am glad we're getting an AU like yours it's so interesting compared to the usual
Im eating with a fork
Yeah, the fandom was not particularly strong back then, but I think there was more Iterator content. My suspicion as to why slugcats are so much more popular now is because the general "cat appeal"*. Downpour brought in wider audience which mostly consists of people that go wild over cat videos on the internet.
Not my intention to throw shade on it, because after all what does my opinion matter to anyone, but I find the whole "cuteness cult" of the internet annoying and, when applied to Rain World, frustrating. There's a whole silent worldbuilding in basically every screen of the game and the only thing that people seem to take away post-DP is "cute sluggy go wooo :3 the Ancients were such cultist pricks Dx". Which like alright, but expand a little on the latter please? Try? There is So much fun to it when one moves past the "religion only BAD" mindset.
DP also I think didn't care much about the Ancients and the culture they left behind (and therefore the root of Iterators). "But there's Saint!" Saint is almost everything new that wasn't heard of before, can be taken as another fact of monstroid mad religion and, of course, it Has to be wrapped in a fluffy cat package. The undergrowth Echo also feels like a spit in the face to the lore/religion than an addition, to me. My *guess* would be the original intention was showing an individual who failed to ascend because of the Fifth Hindrance but it doesn't *feel* like it. If that was the intention, I think the author didn't understand why a desire to live/survive could ever, in any form, be bad
It's interesting as well in the sense that when there was only Survivor, maybe up to Hunter- the slugcats felt like a vehicle that brings the player to the story. The player saw the world through their eyes and got to experience the world's rules, abiding them- the original campaigns were still subject to the lore/religion of the world.
DP made the slugcats characters, the main focus, in some cases a rebelion against the lore/religion (forever beef against new route for Survivor and Monk). So people had an easier time latching onto them.
That is my theory at least. Fact is also when I first watched RW I almost didn't get into it as a creator because I felt like I had nowhere to hook to and work with. Characters are great anchor points for people to latch on to and then work with/through, so it's not like I blame the fandom for quite literally getting slug infested. It's natural and logical and I'm well aware of it as someone who's trying to be a writer. Still frustrating.
Either way, at least there's a vacuum for me to fill with something I'm actively actually passionate about. It's kind of a sweet bonus that people are somewhat interested, too.
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spaciebabie · 1 year
"but spacie, i have no followers why should i reblog things" let me answer this question using myself, a person who has been using tumblr for almost a decade now, as an example. pre 2022 the most followers i ever had was like 125. most of them were dead blogs. killed in the porn ban or just people who had left for whatever reason. out of the people left who were still active, i had like 3 people at the most interact with my blog on a monthly basis. for years b4 this, i had ZERO FOLLOWERS but upon making my blog i saw all the other ppl who had been using this website longer than me talking abt how important it was ta reblog shit, and throughout all these years on tumblr, even when i had no followers i reblogged things. b/c i understood that it was integral ta the way this site functions.
now mind you, just b/c i had no followers didn't mean ppl wouldn't stop by and reblog things from my blog. every couple months id have a new person find me and reblog something. maybe they'd reblog a lot of stuff! the point is that id go months without any interaction at times and i STILL reblogged things because i knew people could find me and see something they liked on here. eventually people who frequently checked my blog ta see what i would reblog followed me!! im sure there’s ppl who dont follow me that ta this day who still reblog the stuff on here!! the point is that it genuinely doesnt matter how many followers you have. sure, it certainly helps, but ppl can still find and interact with the things on your blog without you having thousands or even hundreds of followers. so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE reblog things.
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not-so-casualenjoyer · 2 months
au where.........makarov has a super popular figure skating daughter.........and ghost dates her to get close to makarov.........but then he actually falls in love with her.........oops
mother died giving birth, so it's always just been her and makrov. she's born under a completely different name to separate her from her from makarov and his dealings, because despite it all he loves his little girl and wants her to be safe :(
he indulged in too many of her whims as a child and encouraged her to follow her ice skating dreams but she's actually really good and she got super popular
poor girl doesn't know anything, she prolly just thinks her dad is super rich cause of some big investments or Russian trade deals or something :(( has no idea her beloved father is actually out being a terrorist when he's away on his "business trips"
ghost slides in undercover and woos her, using her to get closer to her dad. except she actually really likes him. keeps asking to meet his friends and family and all that, and he finds himself falling for her even though it was just supposed to be part of the mission.....
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jitterdogart · 7 months
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*Throws a finished screenshot redraw, and a w.i.p. of a very sassy birb before disappearing for another few months*
No, but seriously I really should start actually posting more though shouldn’t I?
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grapejuicegay · 1 year
That conversation between PatPran about their parents' reactions to the play and everything makes so much more sense to me. Ming isn't on social media and he doesn't really care about Pat's extracurriculars outside of rugby. He's not going to care what event Pat puts on or is involved in - he likely also doesn't have much room to say anything anymore. So Pat can give up his play for Pran, he can sacrifice that without it being an issue.
But Dissaya likes all of Pran's photos, is still a big part of Pran's life. She's okay with them acting together because it's just a play, it means nothing. She cares about all of Pran's achievements. She would care that he suddenly isn't putting up a play as his department event when he does so every year. She would care even more if engineering put on that play instead.
No wonder Pran is so anxious, no wonder he's on a mission for this permission. And if it fails once he's tried everything, he has an answer for Dissaya. Until then, he's an impenetrable (i'm trying very hard not to make the joke i want to make) ball of stress.
But you get Phupha intervening and giving them the signature with the condition that only PatPran can play the leads and Pran has a convenient reason. How he sells it, I'm not sure. Maybe just a simple "they're making us work together". Who they is, Dissaya doesn't need to know. But a lie with a hint of truth is always easier - especially when you're lying about so much already.
Pran is aware of how much Pat is sacrificing because that includes his relationship with his dad. Pran is aware that he still has a relationship with his mom. Pat is aware that him and his dad's relationship will never be the same whether he gets to be with Pran or not. Pat is aware that Pran is risking a lot in his relationship with his mom. They're both still scared.
And then you add in Pran-as-Phupha telling Pat-as-Tian "no one should use their whole life to repay anyone" and you have Pa tear up at that? Good god, the sheer amount of guilt these two families carry with them, that all three of these children are trying to work through.
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This isn't Pat getting really into character and Pa getting really invested in the play they're putting on. This is their lives, each and every day. Everything around that is them trying their best to live for themselves, to not let that guilt take over their lives. Because that brings them right back here
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Once again, I'm very happy that this is a little stopping point before ep 12. That we get to see them be happier. That as they get older and older, they get more and more freedom, they get to expand their world just the slightest bit more. They need it. And this is the reminder of how hard they worked for that happiness we see.
and also, this just made it clearer to me how much pran needed to go to singapore. just to get away from Dissaya. just to get to the point where he tells dissaya the big moments of his life when he comes back, when she's not tuned into everything. when she can hear pat sneak into pran's room the moment he's back and know that not only is she okay with it but after everything, there's nothing she could do even if she wasn't. they all need time but these kids also need space
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onioe · 24 days
Feng Xin loved Xie Lian, who wouldn’t? When he first met his prince, they were hardly teenagers, and the feeling that wrapped itself around his heart was not yet love, but admiration. Only a year younger than his bodyguard, and the prince already showed his truly, blinding colors. He was something Feng Xin thought was worth following.
The prince was clearly spoiled, but hadn’t all royalty been? They know nothing else but riches, and yet-his prince showed true compassion for those considered beneath him. As they grew older, that fluttering feeling only expanded, but now he knew what it was. Each passing smile, each time they shared a bed because- “the bed is too big, Feng Xin, I don’t like being alone at night” -made these emotions solidified. His prince had true morals, had goals that he believed he could accomplish and set out to do just that. Brilliant, his prince was. Someone to look up too. Just shy of his adult years, Feng Xin had fallen in love with the prince he swore to protect.
Mu Qing loved Xie Lian. How could anyone love the spoiled prince? When he first met the prince, he was fourteen, the prince only a year older and followed by some lap dog Mu Qing could care less about. He had been assigned as his personal assistant; to dress and help bathe him, style him for everyday wear, do his cleaning. Being a servant to the prince was bad enough, but he also had to deal with the sharp tongue of the puppy that hovered over royalty.
No matter how picky the prince was with his food, no matter how he thought it improper to wear the same robes more than once, Mu Qing couldn’t help his cheeks reddening every time he made eye contact with the handsome prince. While spoiled, he was also mischievous. When the dog became overbearing, he’d ask Mu Qing to sneak around the castle, just for giggles. The three were often seen hip to hip as they aged, becoming respectable young men. Mu Qing heart twisted with ugly jealousy when he saw Feng Xin and the prince exchange secret looks and he finds himself unsure who he’d rather be at the moment, or why. The Prince looks at him the same way, and that jealousy is tampered out. He’d fallen in love with the Prince he was made to serve.
Hua Cheng loved Xie Lian. Whoever dared to speak ill of him was mysteriously missing from the face of the earth. When he first met his prince, he had saved the dirty child’s life. The only one to look at him with genuine concern, genuine affection, never lifting a finger to hurt him. His prince had protected him, given him a reason to live. When he first gave himself to his god, it had been purely devotion. Only his god could save such an ugly creature and not think twice about it. Only his god could continue to watch and protect over the monster who sheltered in his old shrines, to feed him his offerings, to protect him from the rain with an umbrella.
No matter how many times his god fell, he came back stronger. Every battle, every wound, every trap set for his god was met head on, whether he was fearful or not. His god graced him with his presence and Hua Cheng could never pay it back, but he tried. He dies proudly for his prince, with the upmost honor to his god. He’s forged into powerful ghost, pushing his body to the limits each passing decade to simply become strong enough to protect his god, the only person deserving of this world. His god shouldn’t need to suffer any longer, Hua Cheng loves his god far too much to let his cruel world continue to sink its teeth into his God’s pure heart. He’d falling in love with the god who gave his life meaning.
Feng Xin had left his prince. He’d like to say he never looked back, that he respected his highness’s wishes and disappeared, but that simply wasn’t true. He loved the prince, and his prince had showed that love back ten fold. Cultivation did not stop Feng Xin from courting his prince, having enjoyed the years of fluttering faces and shy comments. He had even falling for the loud-mouthed brat that did nothing but complain in the face of all, as if nothing ever satisfied him. His prince simply adored both of them, and Feng Xin could live with it, and he had.
He left after the light in his prince’s eyes finally burned out, when he finished tossing rice at Mu Qing, when he finished breaking down in his room. He hoped in a few days he’d come back, he’d come back and finally talk to his prince and comfort him. Something was wrong, maybe he needed time to open up. Yet, he returned to the small cottage torn down with no one in sight. Feng Xin had been tossed away and forgotten, and he hurt terribly.
Mu Qing left the prince. He did it for his mother, and he had no room in his heart for regrets. He couldn’t continue this way, couldn’t they see that? Couldn’t Feng Xin and the prince see that this life was getting them no where? His heart was fighting with his brain for days. He loved them both; he loved the prince and he loved that lap dog that chose to now hover over him aswell. They would understand, Mu Qing had his mother to think of, they would understand.
He left his tears stinging his eyes, refusing to let them fall. Feng Xin dared to insult him? To belittle him while Xie Lian accepted it like it would be the last time he saw him! He couldn’t continue busking, he couldn’t continue nearly starving every night, sneaking away to the village to care for his family. They misunderstood him, and Mu Qing can’t spare the time to defend himself and his decisions. He ascended not long after, pride flooding his chest. He can help, he can find a way to help them both. But that, too, was denied. He watched as the prince begged him to believe him before racing down the mountain. Mu Qing had to think of the future. If he had defended the prince, the other gods would cast him away, and he’d be useless. He gave up when he felt rice being tossed at him by the man he loved, screaming in his face. They treat him like filth under their shoes, and he doesn’t look back as he felt.
Hua Cheng lost his god. He would never regret giving his undead life for a second time if it meant keeping his god out of harms way, but he lost him entirely. The young soldier, a ghost flame, a wrath, all in the name of his prince. He didn’t leave his side, not one moment. He stayed while he was humiliated, while he was stumbling drunk, while a deviled sword plowed into immortal flesh. He stayed while his God cursed the world, cursed the kingdom of Yong’an. He stayed, and he served as he should. He was his God’s most devoted follower. Turning that terrible sword and carving into his own flesh was a sacrifice he wished he could make ten times over, the only regret was to see the devastating look in his prince’s eyes. His god should never mourn his loss, he will be back.
Eight centuries left Hua Cheng with another regret that day. One sacrifice lost his god. Even as thousands of butterflies killed themselves in search of his highness, for any trace of his existence left in the world. He feared the worse; was he dying, bleeding out? Was he fighting many wars, internal and external? Was his god all alone, starving and humiliated? Living so long left many chances to get killed or worse. He god will never bare the scars of his suffering on his skin, but his brain will remember. Eight centuries of searching, of being separated. His god ascended a third time, because his god was simply that amazing. He approached the mountain, leaving the past behind him and staring into his future.
Xie Lian was both loved and hated. Adored and envied. A god and a scrap collector. He’s loved for many years and thanked the heavens that some were worth remembering. He remembered his friends; Xie Lian believed them to still be friends, he hopes when they meet again, they’ll forgive his past. While those old feelings have long past, he appreciates the love he had, even if it was only for a fleeting moment. His long life has left him alone most centuries, hurt and desperate. He ascended a third time in his sleep, and he feels himself sheepish. Were Feng Xin and Mu Qing still waiting on their fallen prince, their disgrace of a god? Would they shun him, perhaps they’d forgotten their past together, not that Xie Lian could blame them, who would want to remember him?
But they did welcome him-sort of. Mu Qing was cold, but Fu Yao acted as a younger version of him; so playful and full of energy. Feng Xin was hesitant around him, but Nan Feng was fussy and defensive, making the pair argue. Xie Lian never let on he knew; why would he? His friends were back, bickering, but lively. He relished in the nostalgia, soaking up these moments before they slipped from his fingers, as life does with all good things.
San Lang was a welcomed change to his life. The ghost king, ironically, was full of life and wonder. He managed to shut down Mu Qing and Feng Xin’s arguing, supply information where it’s needed and asked for, spends time to truly listen to Xie Lian talk. It’s been so long since Xie Lian spoke to someone as attentive as his ghost king. He knew who the young man was the moment he hoped into the ox cart, but why ruin it? He quite liked Hua Cheng, and with his luck, it won’t last. He wants to make it last. He wants Mu Qing and Feng Xin to bicker inside the shrine while San Lang praised his cooking. He wants his fleeting moments of happiness to stretch for days-years-centuries. The scrap collector tries not to ask much of the heavens, but he silently pleads for this.
Xie Lian has loved before, coming in many different forms. He still loves his friends, far differently than his youth. Xie Lian loves his San Lang, far more passionately than he had anyone else. Every bone in his body craves his-now husband, to cherish him has he’d been cherished, to worship him has he’d been worshiped, to give him all of himself. And he does. He gives everything he has to offer, and his San Lang is quick to return it. He reunites with his old friends, makes plenty of new ones. That empty spot in his heart now overflowing with affection after eight hundred years. He never wants to get used to this, he never wants to rid of it.
Xie Lian loves everyone, everyone loves Xie Lian.
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icarusbetide · 6 months
are you normal or did you feel melancholy when you realized that the historical figures you think of as the "young generation" due to the time period you engage with, were one day the old ones? because i saw art of lafayette and washington's aides de camp right above art on henry clay's generation and it hit me like a sucker punch.
yes they are all dead white men from over a century ago but damn. alexa, play the times they are a-changin.
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sukidude · 11 months
that post thats been floating around zukka tumblr about how zukka is a captivating ship not just because it works but because it has the potential not to.
not even the potential, it’s doomed to fail. divorced zukka is so riveting because it is the embodiment of knowing the consequences but trying your luck anyway. of having read the book but hoping for a different ending this time.
every. time.
they fly until they fall, they crash until they burn, they love until they can’t stand each other.
It’s not just enemies to friends to lovers, it’s a secret third thing: doomed by the narrative!!!
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fleouriarts · 1 year
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feeling bad about my art lately. will probably not post for a while. but i wanted to at least dump some stuff here before i retreat into my hidey hole
#hivemind tv#hmfcu#riley savage#graydon weaver#quadeca#jane remover#eden burke#my art#2023#fanart#doodles#furry#its like. augh. longtime fleouriarts followers are familiar with my eternal tango with posting art online#doing this since i was 11 has like rotted my brain and made me rely wayyyy too much on external validation to motivate myself#and every year or so it gets bad enough that i take a break. but the break usually only lasts a month before i miss the feeling#and come back and then the cycle repeats#its probably worse now bc this is a fandom where getting seen by the creators is not really that hard#so there have been times where im like 'well idk if i wanna draw this. but if i do maybe hivemind will rt it :-)'#NO!!! THATS NOT WHAT ART IS ABOUT!!!!! i cant keep letting myself get addicted to the numbers going up man i gotta get out of here#and i was reading a quad interview from around when idmthy got released. cus hes also brain poisoned like this. but he managed to get out#and now just kinda comes online to release music and then leave#i need to be like that. i need to take a break from art posting thats so long that i come back as a changed man odysseus style#idk. its been so long since i drew stuff that no one gets to see but me. all the art i keep to myself is just out of embarrassment#i need to relearn how to draw stuff just for the love of creation and not “maybe people online will like this one”#or “this new thing came out i need to prove my love of it by drawing it”#sometimes it leads to good art but more often than not it just makes me feel worse#whatever. if any of yall are in the hivemind jane or quadeca discord i MIGHT still post stuff there. but otherwise ill keep to myself and m#friends for a while i think#woooooo this is queued to post while im in orgo lab everyone wish me luck with my thin layer chromatography
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solazu1 · 3 months
I’ve seen so much shitty ship content in the marble hornets fandom since I’ve joined that I’m starting to get sick of shipping as a whole, ngl. I’m staring hard at the main contenders here, Jaylex, Brim, and Jam. Brilex is another ship I see frequently fucked up a lot too, but yea whatever. I’m not condemning people who get it wrong because I’m not the goddamn messiah of characterization either but there’s gotta be a line to be drawn, right? like with all the absurd vaguely uncensored abused x abuser content associated with jaylex, the uncomfortable brim content where every instance of hoody fucking up Tim's life on **PURPOSE** is ignored for the sake of a cuddle or for the sake of sexualization, THE HEAVY OVER-SEXUALIZATION OF BRILEX, and the fully fleshed out personalities of Tim and Jay being washed away and sacrificed for mischaracterized, stereotypical, romantic interactions that really isn’t something the character would ever do but rather something the author wants them to act out. <- honestly the last bit can be applied to all other ships too! And it isn’t my only gripe with Jam specifically but I feel like my specific criticism on it deserves another post that will probably never come haha.
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yantao-enthusiast · 6 months
girl help i’m trying to write smut but i’m too desperately poetic and it diminishes the sexual tension
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taviokapudding · 1 year
Simon's joke of "soup of theseus" is so damn good & way more layered than most people think.
Okay so first- what is the ship of Theseus?
So amongst his many misadventures and legends the ship of theseus was a ship the Athenians believed connected them to the divine living person that was Theseus. The thing is, he was maybe Poseidon's adopted kid/the King if Athen's son and probably not real (or at least if he did his misadventures were super exaggerated as royals = divity stories are) but the fate the Athenians had for him & Apollo (the 6 labors is a fun legend that explains their connection and what the original ship may have been) was so intense, they would constantly give maintence as a form of religious worship to said ship on the island of Delos (where Apollo's most sacred sancutary is) every year it would dock to pay respects.
Btw we don't need to know the specifics of Theseus but he did infamously slay a minotar and Finn did have a good exchange with the Mannish Man to get the enchiridion aka the book that sets Betty & Simon on the paths they are on now so that's neat af
So if you've ever heard about the ship of Theseus being paradox- it comes from the critique that's always existed about that ship's maintenance & religious practices tldr if you are constantly replacing each rotted and borken part of a ship, is it still the same ship?
The soup is a paradox like the ship
That paradox exists in many many scifi and adventure stories like the Nier series & Ghost in the Shell but in this instance we got to first look at the joke literally. Farm world's Finn's wife's soup is the same as the ship. The original soup farm world HW made no longer exists on a technicality, but the way Finn and his kids continue to add on and consume the soup is exactly like the Athenians. It's about the intent of carrying on the memory and keeping the soup around to honor the dead rather than the soup's original recipe {which also is incredibly sad & imples that farmworld Finn is both coping and never learned the original soup recipe}. It's a beautiful way to honor their dead mom/wife and it makes you wonder if that Finn did die if his kids will continue the practice.
But the paradox goes beyond the soup & into our reality
A lot of people have noticed that Fionna's last name is Campbell and Campbells is a real soup brand that would've been around before the great mushroom war. When Marceline gets sick as a kid, Simon goes great lenghts to get her chicken soup- that only worked out because the primordial version of the Mother Gum assisting {which is extreme Bubbeline foreshadowing}. And in that scene the can low key is a campbell design. But what if I told you there's more?
In Cheers, the tv show Simon is seen constantly watching and referencing throughout the original run of Adventure Time & in the recent Fionna and Cake had Carla Tortelli work at a Canpbell's Factory.
Neat references aside the soup ends the moment the main trio hit the remote button and I have a BA in psychology & interest in childrens media and entertainment that I want to milk for once. Metaphorical intention is beyond relevant episode specifics but actually the foundation of Fionna and Cake when it comes to the paradox.
Simon making the soup of Theseus joke is the main problem Fionna and Cake has to address
If Simon can summon his & Prismo's au from his head without proper MMS (Magic, Madness, and Sadness) where does Simon the human start and Ice King end?
As viewers who grew up alongside the series, the majority of 25+ watchers are finding Simon, older Finn, and Fionna painfully relatable because good fucking god we are all traumatized because of the ongoing pandemic.
If you want to focus on the main topic you can skip this part. But if you want to get very serious for a minute, please stay. The majority of people wont to accept what I just said about the pandemic being ongoing because global governments pretending the pandemic is over, the rise of depression and escapism in real time at a social level at a global level but especially in the US where the series is being made, and the daily interactions we have with most people refusing to mask up {with a violent reaction} when there still isn't a cure for COVID has created the perfect enviroment for most people to not accept change or crave extreme change. Fionna and Cake tackles these 2 very common forms of how depression tends to manifest when it's not fully manic to be displayed through Simon (self isolation from poor coping due to loss, detachment from society, dwelling on the past to the point it effects social interactions, extreme forms of religious practice, etc.) and Fionna/Finn (pretending everything is fine, avoidance, going through the bare minimum motions to survive, escapsim and dream of grandure, not caring about sel preservation, no/lack of self control with sweets/coffee, etc.). And I've noted there's a subset of AT viewers who don't relate or find the depections too real to the point they're upset the show's tone isn't as light hearted as AT. The thing is when a global disabling event happens, unless you were under 10 when it happened and even then it's a 50/50 because you probably did lose or know somebody who did die these last several years, you will have some kind of trauma response to it whether you like it or not. Hell, some of you unknowlingly have a gap in your memory about 2020 specifically due to inconsistent sleep schedules that have nothing to do with the shrinking of the brain mass COVID causes that we all call "brain fog" and now that I pointed it out you're probably going to go stare at a wall for 5 mins {sorry btw, doubly if you have long COVID and this is how you found out what brain fog partially is}. As someone who's been dealing with depression since I was a child, it's okay to be not okay given the last several years and doubly if you've been conscious long enough to see the US freefall into fascism too {which I hope encourages those who weren't aware that's been happening to go look into that because we can't get into it right now}. Because I unfortunately know what manic depression can look like - if you find yourself relating to Simon a little too much during ep 3, please talk to somebody who is licensed and trained to do so {not me, I haven't done suicide prevention work since 2017 and am not licensed- I genuienly won't be enough of a resource} okay? Don't throw away yourself nor change yourself for others only. You need to work to accept the past, move on to live in the present, and change yourself for yourself. It won't be easy and resources are out there to not do it alone, alright?
Becuase of how paradoxial and fluid mental health (espeically undiagnosed depression) can be and how AT has it's own version with MMS, could Simon have unconscious MMS still because of Betty's with without a battery but can't tap into it because of his mental state? And could Ice King as we once knew him even be considered a proper person Simon could return too?
The original wish of why Ice King's appearance & abilities is the way it is IS because of Evergreen's impression on Gunter {Evergreen was one of the ice elementals of the past btw- go watch the original Adventure Time for that context}. So Ice King isn't even an original character, just the crown building off the wishes and manifestations of each bearer by emulating a warped version of Evergreen. And that's the main reason why I speculate Ice Thing aka Gunter the Penguin is chill af to the point he got married and can exist with less gems. His wish didn't build off of power to protect Marceline (Simon) nor the power to copy Evergreen (Original Gunter).
As the main trio jump from connected universe to connected universe, more Simons and crowns will appear that are even more removed from our Ooo's crown and it's version of Ice King or Ice Prince or Winter King will only manifest because of the prior and current wishes made. So if Simon does get a crown that isn't the Ooo crown, will the Ice King that once existed even be THE Ice King he wants to be? And will Simon want to be Ice King or an Ice King when the trio do return to his Ooo?
The crown and it's many versions is a paradox that can only be resolved if Simon and Fionna can work together but also set aside their depression to address what they both really want and what that wish's intention will do to themselves and those around them. In short, shit's deep
I applaud the team for Fionna and Cake for tackling such a layered problem and I'm excited to see how Simon's soup of emotions, Fionna's growth, & magic crown of Theseus is addressed.
#mun post#i probably over analyzed but also didn't do enough to dig deeper#so hopefully if you've seen AT you can fill in the gaps#but also walk away with interesting knowledge and#a weird look into my noggin#and yes im layman terming so much because if we get into specifics ima bore the shit out of y'all#also i hc fionna/finn has adhd & simon is somewhere on the austim spectrum because of how they display their depression - there's overlap#adventure time fionna and cake#spoilers#fionna and cake spoilers#campbells soup#was also a suprise- i knew cheers had a ton of product placement but a whole factory job is such a random reference#adventure time spoilers#simon petrikov#brain rot is getting too real#i wanted to make a tiktok or youtube about this but fandom on there doesn't allow for discourse and yt at fandom prefers facts and lore ove#deep interpretation and speculation- doubly from someone who is also a sorta girl failure with a degree like simon#sorry if there's spelling errors- i prefer mobile tbg#also im not a historian- if I got theseus's lore wrong just know im blaming the victorian historians and google#i prefer reading medical biology sociology and psychology peer reviewed studies over history studies because those obsessed greek and roman#scholarly bitches are actually super annoying to talk to- every discussion literally ends up back to the greco-roman empire and I'm good#i prefer the now and the future than the past because i've learned enough to know how to spot history repeating itself & wanting to address#it while we can and/or while folks still have funding to do so vs the past is full of bs {mostly christian and victorian 'historians'} ya#gotta dig through to get to a semblance that can be adapted to the present- i respect the hussle but I have a limited access of resources t#deep dive theseus and explain him so sorry if you wanted more - like go ask a BS or higher in greek mythology research instead#oh btw for those curious i got a ba in psychology but my interest was pediatrics lgbtq+ and entertainment for those under 18 so y e s I have#too many thoughts about this show and many others but the ongoing worker's strikes are why im not making content#doubly if tiktok does start paying me *is filing to get an income* but y e a h bitch i could keep going if i had more than 30min to recall#all the information i do remember outside of the theseus specifics- i had to pull out my irl dictionary for that because it's been a while
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kittycrumb · 7 months
Whats ur favorite twdg character and why?
HALLO! thankyou for the ask.. a have a couple, clementine for obvious reasons, she’s the goat. her character is so strong and soo well written. seeing her grow up and develop makes any sane person enjoy her, she’s awesome. i don’t think i need to explain much further, i could go on and on but no one will disagree with me so no one needs to hear it. heh.
other than clem i really (really) like violet, i love her… so. much.. her being “mean” and cold is one of the reasons why i like her as much as i do, she has so much to her if you break down her character. people dull her down to this mean harsh person that was an after thought of a love interest and has no place acting the way she does, she acts the way she does because she’s realistic, her lines and emotions are so well thought out. she’s so sweet and cheesy i fear im going to implode, the way she acts around clementine is soo 😆😆 i love clemvi so much, i think it’s sooo perfect and cute and oh wow. the dialogue options you get in like every violentine scene are so cute.. it makes me SICK. i think i’m pretty normal about them.. people who dont like vi see her and never try to understand her. when they see she gets angry and frustrated at clementine when you choose to save louis instead they say how awful she is and that why couldn’t she just be an exact copy paste of louis and that louis is better and vi is bad and this and that. if i let someone steal you, lock you up and then expect you to kiss my ass when i come save you how ever many hours later, do you think you would be able to think rationally (in that time where you are filled with so much adrenaline and fear of your safety) or do you think you would act realistically, lose control of your emotions and lash out without thinking. whatever if you’re such a hero sure you can say that you’d think rationally BUT DO NOT CALL VIOLET A VILLAIN BECAUSE SHE GETS MAD you just cannot bare to see a girl let her emotions do the talking in an apocalypse can you. people are such haters. Anyway i love clementine and violet 😆 thanks for reading.. heheh..
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