#brain; choose either knitting or writing | me; b o t h
dove-da-birb · 1 year
oh my gosh, Potato Grim can see now? That's great!!
but what mischief will he get into now that he has vision...? 😈
Potato Grim can see now! I need to reposition the eyes though, so he's losing eyesight privileges when I get around to altering him.
He looks like he has no brain cells, and/or he's cursed with thoughts; most likely both.
The mischief he'll get in; arson.
Things I watched as I made both his ears and eyes today (six pieces)
Spirit; Stallion of the Cimarron
Dungeons & Dragons; Honour Among Thieves
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marbleheavy · 3 years
I did Nico so here are some Will Solace headcanons that have bouncing around my brain for a while now
He goes through a sweater phase where he wears almost exclusively slightly too big, brightly colored, knit sweaters with thick collars and cinched sleeves
He read that fact about how if your tongue sticks to a rock it’s actually a bone, and now he licks every rock he finds because “What if it’s the bone of a dinosaur? What if I’m licking part of a T-Rex right now?” (and Nico just lets him do it even though he knows they aren’t bones)
REALLY into pinkie promises. Like, he takes them so seriously. Pinkie promise > swearing on the Styx
He takes a lot of chaotic self timer pictures and always ropes everyone else into them. They always end up looking like an album cover and he looks like he’s the lead singer. It’s not even that he’s always front and center, it’s just the way that he’s holding himself in every picture. When he gets his own apartment or house or whatever, he makes a collage of them all and he has every one of his friends choose a picture and write what the name of the album would be on it.
Going off of that, he is really into crafts but specifically memory crafts (does that make sense???). He makes keepsake boxes and friendship bracelets and so many things because he feels like it doesn’t matter if those things actually look good because the most important part of them is the memory attached.
He uses either 🤠 or ✨ (sometimes 🤪) in almost every text and uses them to convey any emotion. Rachel is the only one who ever understands exactly what he means.
A million friendship and bead bracelets just all the way up his arms. Probably some silly bands too.
He carries a backpack with him almost all the time and it somehow holds every possible necessity but always looks nearly empty. Obviously a first aid kit, but also like snacks and a hat and sunscreen and a million pens and the list goes on and on. It’s kind of in a mom friend way but more of a thing where someone sees “i need x item” and Will just hands it to them wordlessly without even stopping his sentence.
He adores the face masks that are supposed to make you look like an animal but they’re mostly just scary. They make him giggle like a toddler. (Imagine him and Nico with the fluffy headbands with the ears and then the face masks and Will just absolutely losing his shit)
Hozier!! Will loves Hozier!! Also country music (but he has a whole spiel about new age, american exceptionalist pop country because he h a t e s that). Also, and this is the really important one, 80s music but the really synth-y stuff (see my 80s cover band au for more details)
His ideal outfit is a chunky sweater, a jean jacket, jeans that don’t match the jacket, and rain boots. He loves rain boots. He’s got multiple pairs and at least one of them have frogs on them. If he can’t wear rain boots, flip flops in the summer and vans in the other seasons (He’s definitely got a pair of these yellow Vans)
He dresses like a dad but a dad that was born in the 80s and is also three years old
Will has at least three flavors of chapstick on him at any given time
Will Solace with a gun is wonderful, truly. I would like to add to this by introducing the concept of him wearing the side holsters on either this legs or his arms. He wants to go on quests so he can live his dreams of being a cowboy with thigh gun holsters and a hat and boots and all of it. (Also, Nico with knives strapped to his thighs and Will with guns) (Also, also, there’s a Cards Against Humanity card that says “Shooting a wizard with a gun” and that screams Will Solace)
Will is very much a “Let’s not resort to violence” person but in a way where like, Person A tries to punch B and Will is like “hey, we can talk this out” but then B doubles down and says something really out of line and Will just backs up and is like “You know what? Never mind, you do what you need to do” (And also in a “Let’s not fight… except for Nico because isn’t he so pretty with his sword?)
speaking of pretty, Will l o v e s to be called pretty. It makes his sweet summer child heart go brrr
He is obviously very into nicknames and terms of endearment but calling someone “Hon” or “Sweet pea” is always passive aggressive (that’s less of a Will thing and more of a Southern thing)
I would like to bring up the licking rocks thing again because I really do just believe it with my whole heart
For a while, the idea of Will’s grandparents (obviously Naomi’s side) being French has been bouncing around my head and I really do love the idea of Will speaking French fluently but not at all formally. It’s a lot of slang and has a Texas drawl mixed in with it but it’s definitely French (and it definitely makes Nico melt). He will just deadpan look at someone and go “Quoi?” and he counts the infirmary inventory stock in French but only up until sixty, then he switches to English (soixante-dix can suck it, sorry if you’re french but like, just make a new word. there’s no need for me to have to do math while already counting. don’t even get me started on anything in the 90s. quatre-vingt-dix-sept?? excuse me??)
Will and Persephone being buddies!! They just get along well and very much understand being summer people in love with anti-sun people and just, ugh, family dinners in the Underworld and Will always, always brings a gift for her. Will and Nico come in and anyone can hear Persephone yell “Is that Will? Is Will here?” and Will just grins and calls back “Yes ma’am, and I brought you some brownies from my Mama and some of the flowers from her garden”
Also, Nico knows all the deities and Will brings them cookies because they’re a team like that
He either plays soccer or lacrosse but either way he’s very good at it and it’s honestly intimidating (jock will solace <3)
Not to say Will isn’t his fair share of chaotic, but he’s friends with a lot of very chaotic or at the least eccentric people (Cecil and his pranks, Lou Ellen and her pig balls, Rachel and herself, Nico and himself, etc.) so he’s very good at turning on the Southern charm and just smiling his way out of any situation so he can get himself and everyone else away without any consequences
I think that’s all for now!! If you have any additions, please feel free to add them on, I love seeing other people’s ideas!
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dragonpressgraphics · 8 years
3 Tag Games
Tagged by @pod7et
1: Are you named after someone?  was. I fixed that 11 1/2 years ago.
2: When was the last time you cried? Uh, not caused by a fic? Not sure. But I was very close this saturday
3: Do you like your handwriting? Nope. And I know that seems weird, that as an artist I have horrible handwriting, but i do. I apparantly just have no patience to wait - my art thumbnails also look very awful. the difference is, the first time i'm trying to get the idea down fast before my brain moves on or forgets. the second time is to make it nice. I never get around to writing it a second time unless its typed up.
4: What is your favorite lunch meat? in general: Roast Beef. specifically - the Buttercup Dairy Store Cajun Roast Beef. A small mom and pop owned store back home where i had my first job.
5: Do you have kids? yes. one.
6: If you were another person, would you be friends with you? i don't see why not?
7: Do you use sarcasm? everyone around me does so if i do, it doesn't get noticed as sarcasm. i have it, i try to, but my levels of sarcasm just doesn't compare
8: Do you still have your tonsils? Yes
9: Would you bungee jump? *SHUDDERING* Why would you ask me that? WHY?
10: What is your favorite kind of cereal? I don't eat cereal anymore
11: Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? I used to, but i have a pair of shoes now that i can get on and off without having to, so i don't bother anymore
12: Do you think you’re a strong person? No
13: What is your favorite ice cream? Vanilla bean - Breyers or Ben & Jerry’s Chubby Hubby
14: What is the first thing you notice about people? Uh...colors, I think. They'll draw your eye in and then you start noticing everything else.
15: What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? MY HEIGHT (I'm so short and its not fair - my dad was a whole foot taller than me. so's his brother. and his oldest sister is almost a foot taller than me as well
16: What color pants and shoes are you wearing now? blue striped pj’s
17: What are you listening to right now? Everyone's sleeping and i was too lazy to find my headphones, so all i'm listening to is my fingers typing and the humming refridgerator (i apparantly can't spell that.)
18: If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Well, that depends. Am I picking it? Or does each color have some deep meaning that would be applied to me? Becuase if it's the first, the color would be blue. if its' the second, you'll have to give me the chart...
19: Favorite smell? BACON
20: Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? my mum-in-law (and yes, i call her mum. and no, i'm not from England. so there.)
21: Favorite sport to watch? Yuri on Ice. that totally counts, right?
22: Hair color? plain old brown with silver creeping in. sometimes i dye it to bring out the red highlights that hide inside. usually that means i've just turned my whole head red. :P
23: Eye color? Brown
24: Do you wear contacts? I can't wear them anymore. they hurt my eyes.
25: Favorite food to eat? Bacon. what, i can use the same answer twice! okay fine - how about something i can't get anymore because i don't know how my father cooked it?
26: Scary movies or comedy? Comedy! I'll even watch scary stuff sometimes if it has enough comedy
27: Last movie you watched? You know what? NO. I ain't telling cause i really regret watching it. WHILE i was watching it, but i was too lazy to find something else.
28: What color of shirt are you wearing? my bright orange pj's
29: Summer or winter? Autumn!!!
30: Hugs or kisses? Hugs
31: What book are you currently reading? Does fanfic count? if not, I technically have several books i'm in the middle of right now - i think i started them 2 years ago. before i realized i could read fanfic on my nook.
32: Who do you miss right now? dad
33: What is on your mouse pad? N/A (laptop has the touchpad, and even when it doesn’t, i use a trackball. no mouse necessary - but we did have one a friend stole from our college computer lab that my hubby used for like, forever.
34: What is the last TV program you watched? um.....oh! the Red Green Show
35: What is the best sound? music. or laughing.
36: Rolling Stones or The Beatles? not sure
37: What is the furthest you have ever traveled? NH to California
38: Do you have a special talent? i like to think so
39: Where were you born? Deleware
Alright, I was tagged by @dmsilvisart to answer 8 questions and tag 9 people who I would like to get to know better. Here we go:
1. Relationship Status: Married 11 1/2 years, known each other for 22
2. Favorite Color: Blue!!!!!!
3. Pets: None. Everyone in my house but me is allergic
4. Last Song I Listened To: That was hours ago! you expect me to remember? :( Right now i have the Yuri on Ice open theme song stuck in my head. Which makes me mad because i tried to buy it on Amazon and the only copies i could find were NOT the version in the open (different singer) or only 30 seconds long (when the open is around a minute and a half)
5. Favorite TV Shows: Supernatural, Doctor Who, Star Trek, Sherlock, Yuri on Ice, M*A*S*H (no one said it still had to be on the air...or in its original run...or...any kind of...qualifier), Stargate, Eureka, slayers, Furuba and probably so much more if i had any brain left for thinking
6. First Fandom: Star Trek
7. Hobbies: Reading, writing, arting (though i want that to be more than a hobby), Games (puzzles, board, card and video - everything really), knitting, scrapbooking
8. Books I’m Currently Reading: Several. from like, 2 years ago, before the whole nook thing. BUT! I am holding @unforth-ninawaters "Glimmer of Hope" hostage until i get more of my work done and i'm sooooo antsing to read it right now!
************************ Alphabet Game
Tagged by @tenoko1
a - age: 39.9
b - biggest fear: Being in open water or being lost, or being alone
c - current time: 3:05am
d - drink you last had: tea
e - every day starts with: my daughter waking me up for a hug before she leaves for school. then i attempt to fall back asleep until i get a nerf shot at my ass (by my husband) as a pretend alarm clock
f - favorite song: Dust in the Wind (but really, so SO many good ones to choose from! how do you choose?)
g - ghosts, are they real: can't decide
h - hometown: where i live now? where i was born? Where i grew up? I never know which version of the question i'm being asked...
i - in love with: not sure what to put here
j - jealous of: anyone whose life is more together than mine i guess. Or people who waste their opportunities
k - killed someone: um, no
l - last time you cried: This saturday I came really close. I had to go hide.
m - middle name: Is my maiden name - i was rather partial to it and since i was moving my old middle name to the first position i said, sure, why not. Let's just lop off that first name and move everything over one to make room for that new last name. wasn't like i was using that old first name anyway.
n - number of siblings: 1.5 (aka, a full sister and a half brother. whom i havent seen since he was 5 except for one time, by accident, at a con. Where he made it clear he wanted nothing to do with our family.
o - one wish: To be able to support myself on my artistic ability
p - person you last called/texted: do the website IMs count? cause that would be either jhoomwrites or mittensmorgul
q - questions you’re always asked: did you draw this?
r - reasons to smile: my kid, music, my art, comments on my fics
s - song last sang: aaaaaah....All of me? i...think? I was singing along
t - which time? Because according to my fitbit, i was awake 17 times last night
u - underwear color: the hated pink color
v - vacation destination: so. many. places! japan, ireland, greece, a supernatural convention for the ENTIRE weekend
w - worst habit(s): Tumblr, procrastination - oh wait, same thing
x - x-rays you’ve had: i've had a variety of things like that - xrays, mri's, catscans...hip, sinus, teeth, baby, gallstones, foot, etc
y - your favorite food: For the third time, BACON!
z - zodiac Sign: Aries
Not tagging anyone - if you wanna do it, go ahead :D
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