Gala wanted them so boom. Color palette guys. Bases by @/tobyhadonejob-old
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mantis-clan · 3 months
Mantisclan Year 3 Lineup
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I realised I haven’t properly fleshed these guys’ personalities out! Better late than never :D Here’s all our current cats and a bit about them as of year three!
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Quietstar is a perfectionist at heart, and has been through a lot in the last three years, from losing their deputy and apprentice to then losing their mate, Bonespeckle, over the course of just a few moons. A bit neurotic, Quietstar has always seen flickers of strange shadows and movements in the corners of their vision. Pious to the last breath, the one thing Quietstar cares about more than Starclan and Mantisclan is their daughter. Sunsap.
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A former kittypet abandoned by his owners due to sickness, Bluesky joined the clan on moon twelve. He’s very daring, but secretly afraid of becoming a burden to those he loves and being abandoned again.
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The clan’s resident healer, Blisseyes trained under Bonespeckle before the older molly changed paths to being a warrior. She’s an excellent storyteller, able to make even the most mundane of herbs sound interesting.
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Fumble joined the clan on moon twenty two after a particularly rough kitting on Mantisclan territory. Perpetually an anxious wreck, Fumble gets through his day by telling himself stories and reassuring himself with the knowledge that he’s fast enough to outrun any threat. Though that’s not quite enough to stop him worrying about his kits, Thistle, Osprey and Tadpole.
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A troublemaker at heart, Breeze joined the clan on moon seventeen, having boldly asked to join with her newborn kits Locust, Branch and Echo. Sometimes she lets her nature get the better of her and can come across as rude or mean-spirited but she really just wants her and her family to have a good laugh.
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On moon twenty five, Perditofog and her two kits Stem and Magnolia joined the clan. Just as much, if not more of a troublemaker than Breeze, those two queens get up to plenty of trouble together.
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The most recent addition to the clan, Lynx is an old friend of Peter Pangrove’s and knew him when she was a kit in a loner group with him. Aggressive and energetic, Lynx seems to have some connection to Spider…
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Quietstar and Bonespeckle’s adopted daughter, Sunsap doesn’t let the fact that she’s missing a leg stop her from wanting to follow her ba’s pawsteps in becoming clan leader someday. Ambitious and driven, Sunsap is the first to jump into battle when the time comes.
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Once an apprentice from Snailclan, Mumblecrackle ran away to join Mantisclan on moon twenty seven. Always eager to have some fun, Mumblecrackle lives to have a good time.
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Locustpond, Branchheart & Echodapple
Breeze’s litter, these three are each unique characters. Locustpond, while she was an odd apprentice, has turned into a stern, Starclan-worshipping adult. Branchheart seems to blend into the background, not seeming to have a solid identity of her own and Echodapple has grown from an egotistical kit into a compassionate, if impulsive, adult. Locustpond and Echodapple both suffer from chronic pain and have bonded a lot over that fact.
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Tadpolewood, Thistlefire & Ospreyrip
Fumble’s kits, these three newly made warriors have a lot of learning and growing to go. While Tadpolewood endlessly strives for perfection and recognition, Thistlefire and Ospreyrip seem content to goof off rather than take their duties seriously.
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Stempaw & Magnoliapaw
The youngest members of the clan, these two brothers are quite similar in some ways and different in others. Stempaw always has a snappy comeback prepared and excels in debate and inciting arguments while Magnoliapaw is often left to smooth over his brother’s disagreements- not that he struggles all that much, what with his charming personality.
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Peter Pangrove
The oldest member of the clan, Peter Pangrove has loved and lost a lot in his life and as a result feels constantly lonely even when surrounded by cats he cares about. He seems to have been a friend of Lynx’s in the past, but, then again, he seems to know everyone.
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Ambitious and bloodthirsty, this former deputy of Mantisclan acquired the position by murdering Quietstar’s mate- not that anybody knows this, of course. He has since mellowed out in his old age, and may be starting to regret some of his actions, why else would he step down from the deputy position?
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Killed on moon number one by a bear trap, Briarmoth hardly had any time at all to be the fierce deputy for Mantisclan that he wanted to be.
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The deputy of Mantisclan before Dovewhisker and Quietstar’s mate, Bonespeckle was never one to outwardly show much glee, but that doesn’t mean she loved her family any less.
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Grumpy, yet always with time to tell stories for the kits, Larkshade lost herself in her grief when Bonespeckle died and eventually succumbed to a wound she received from a rogue while out on patrol alone.
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New to the concept of clans and Starclan, Spider joined Mantisclan to escape from something in her past- but it seemed to follow her anyway and she ended up dead from injuries sustained in her getaway. Was she murdered, and what did she know about Lynx?
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Poor Mousepaw. Dying tragically young and doomed to the Dark Forest for reasons beyond his comprehension, the gloomy tom has every reason to resent Starclan.
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matsuropalette · 3 years
herlock sholmes isnt a furry he’s a warrior cats kid and his warriorsona’s name is branchheart
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hiluluwu · 3 years
Wind clan
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One of my pals was snooping my blog and wanted more cat designs so. Here's some guys I did the other day :3 (bases by @/murkshade)
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mantis-clan · 3 months
Lots of big events this moon!! Lets go over them :3
Dovewhisker’s mangled tail has healed, but he’ll always carry evidence of the incident on his pelt.
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Such a close brush with death has made him consider his own fragility. He’s not getting any younger and maybe a leadership position isn’t the best way to influence the clan… So he decides to retire to the elders’ den.
Bluesky has been appointed deputy in Dovewhisker’s place.
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Quietstar has gotten a running nose.
Echodapple’s joint pain is worse than usual this moon, he finds himself barely able to get up out of his nest.
While on patrol, Quietstar, Tadpolepaw, Echodapple, Peter Pangrove and Branchheart hear desperate screams coming from a nearby lake.
Upon seeing the twoleg and the screeching bag they are holding, Echodapple just can't take it. He jumps into action without waiting for the rest of the patrol to back him up and he pays the price. Grabbed by the scruff and thrown hard onto the floor, the only thing the rest of the patrol can do is grab Echodapple and flee back to the safety of Mantisclan.
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Echodapple got head damage.
Some sort of pest got into the herb stores and completely destroyed them. Blisseyes will have to clean it out and start anew. This is not good with Echodapple’s recent injuries.
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mantis-clan · 3 months
The Breeze kits became warriors this moon!
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In order we have Locustpond, Branchheart and Echodapple!
Echodapple is free from fleas at last and Thistlepaw managed to recover from heat exhaustion!
Bluesky was caught sharing prey with a rogue, who was chased off by a patrol.
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mantis-clan · 3 months
Branchheart i love you my forgotten friend youre always jn my heart ❤️
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a branchheart for you :3
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mantis-clan · 3 months
Mantisclan Allegiances
This is a living document and will be kept up to date as the moons progress
Quietstar - a dark ginger tabby and white cat
Bluesky - a brown tabby and white tom
Blisseyes - a long-furred white and dark grey tabby she-cat
Magnoliabelly - a speckled grey tom
Tadpolewood - a light brown tabby and white she-cat
Thistlefire - a speckled light brown and white she-cat
Ospreyrip - an unusually spotted dark brown and white she-cat
Sunsap - a dark ginger tabby she-cat
Breeze - a speckled ginger and white she-cat
Lynx - a black speckled tabby she-cat
Locustpond - a dark ginger/black tortie and white she-cat
Branchheart - a speckled cream and white she-cat
Echodapple - a speckled light brown and white tom
Fumble - a light brown ticked and white tom
Perditofog - an unusually dappled dark brown she-cat
Mumblecrackle - a long-furred masked pale grey tabby she-cat
Stempaw - an unusually dappled light brown tom
Dovewhisker - a white and unusually dappled pale grey tom
Peter Pangrove - a long-furred speckled brown tom
Briarmoth - a cream and brown marbled tabby tom
Bonespeckle - an unusually dappled grey and white she-cat
Larkshade - a sandy marbled tabby she-cat
Spider - a brown-speckled white she-cat
The Dark Forest
Mousepaw - a pale brown mackerel tabby tom
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