#branden lynch smut
stardancerluv · 3 years
Brother’s Keeper
Part 9
Summary: You’re reminded who you belong too while prep for Branden’s job begins.
Warning: consensual…slightly angsty rough sex, dommy!Branden.
Branden was silent on the drive back to your apartment. Glancing at him a few times, you couldn’t help but noticed the sharp edge his jaw took.
Even when you pulled up to the parking spot outside of it, he still didn’t say a word. Sliding from your car, you left the door open and went in and right over to your freezer. Before opening it, you pulled off your summer dress and tossed it on your sofa.
Finally, out of the freezer you took what had been your only loyal companion before Branden broke out. Laying the long cold glass neck against your skin, you closed your eyes. A sigh broke your lips as you tilted your head back, it felt so good.
“I should be the one pulling those kinds of sounds from you.” Branden’s voice rasped above you.
You jumped a little but still held onto the bottle. You saw his stormy eyes.
“Then do it.” You challenged.
In moves you couldn’t follow, he had managed to pull the bottle from your hands and turned you around. He twisted the cap off and took a swig.
The bottle clanked on the counter beside you. He easily picked you up and placed you beside the bottle. Pulling one the strings, the bottom of your bikini became loose. It soon fell to the tile like a leaf in autumn. A smirk curled his lips.
You put the bottle to your lips, took a swig and put it down. “Well?”
A moan came from you as you watched him tug open his belt, followed by his jeans.
“I imagined those fucking sounds.” He pulled you to the edge of your counter.
You gripped the edge. A whimper, followed by a moan of pleasure came from you as he entered you. “I imagined this. You buried in me deeply.”
He thrusted deep and hard into you. It boardered on almost hurting but in an incredibly delicious way. This was animalistic and hungry.
“Fuck,” He groaned. “Damn you feel so good.”
You couldn’t speak, you gasped and moaned trying to breathe. “Yes, yes.” You finally managed.
He slowed his pace which made you whimper more, inciting an dark chuckle from him. “I want to enjoy being in what’s mine a little longer.” Damn, how did his words excite you even more? He dragged his lips and tongue up your throat. “Tell me. Did you like me smacking your ass, letting all around know you’re mine?” He growled in your ear.
You moaned in response. He slid in deep, barely any space was between the two of you. “Yes. I love it when you own me.”
“Fucking right.” He kissed you then, the hunger surfacing again.
You wrapped yourself around him as he began moving in you once again. One of his hands left you as he held onto the counter. It did not take long and you were so aroused, that you felt yourself tighten as you grew close.
“Cum, baby.” He urged, a trace of the softer side was underlying the gruffness that came over him.
Your grip tightened and you called out. It was a mixture of a moan and his name. You came hard, making all of you tingle. You rested your head on his shoulder, your body beginning to wilt.
“Look at me, I want to see you.”
His eyes were fierce and managed to uncurl some deeper pleasure in you as he continued to move in you.
“You’re mine. Fucking mine.”
“Yes, yes.” Tears from the pleasure and from the force of how hard he made you come trickled out of your eyes.
Finally he arched against you, making you call out loud. He buried his face into your hair.
Somehow the two of you stayed like that. How long you didn’t know, but you were one as you regained your breaths.
He moved first, one of his large hands cupping your cheek as his thumb brushed away one of your tears.
Your legs were wobbly as you found a dress to wear to the race track. You would have never imagined to feel like that. From the apex between your legs and out, you were tingling. He had left you in a delicious sense of pleasure and a strong ache that reminded you he had just been between your legs.
In the back of your mind you knew something must have happened when you were lounging by the pool. What exactly, you didn’t know. Perhaps something bothered him about the job, or how he had to pay his debt. You were comforted by your connection and how good he made you feel. Your dreams didn’t come close.
Having left a note with Chris’s manager, all of you got some prime seating to watch him race in the damn mud. His car and the others tore it up as they sped by. The air was heavy with the scent of mud and gasoline.
If he wasn’t already focusing on talking to Chris about the job potential, having you sitting in his lap watching the race would have been rough. Though he did like the fact that your perfume did cut the sharp, otherwise unpleasant scents. Those scents were better than what he had to smell when locked up.
He drummed his fingers on your hip as he watched how tightly Chris took the turns. He had not lost his touch all these years. Sam may be considering a play of deceit, but he was going to come out of this rich and with you by his fucking side. He squeezed your hip. It made you hop a little where you sat on him. His lips curled into a wider smile.
“Branden!” You squealed and turned to look at him.
He pulled his sunglasses off. “What, baby?” His eyes drifted to you.
“That hurt.”
“Want me to kiss it to make it feel better?” He teased, as his hand drifted down and began to slowly pull up the skirt of your dress.
You wiggled, loving the soft panic spreading across your face. “No!” You looked around. “No, stop!” You wiggled hard.
He didn’t. “What?” He was at your knee. “If I hurt you, I should kiss it better.”
Your hands pushed at his. “Please no, it’s ok.” So he stopped there. He had begun to enjoy once again how you felt on his lap.
“All right, I suppose I can.”
“You are so wicked, Branden.” He pulled back and smirked.
“You love it.”
You whispered in his ear. “I do. That’s why this entire time I imagined blowing you.” You made a sound of protest. “I will have to wait till we are back at my place and you are reclining on my sofa, while enjoying a beer or the rest of the liquor from that bottle we began to polish off.
His stomach churned and he began to feel himself grow hard.
“Hey lovebirds, do either of you want a beer?”
He watched as the suddenness of Sterlo caught you off guard and you shifted and wiggled.
“We’ll take two, Sterlo.” You happily said.
“Great.” Sterlo got up, burped, then chuckled and walked back toward where the beers were being sold.
Branden glanced at the kid, seeing him entranced with the actual race. Then he turned his attention back to you. “You keep teasing me like you are and I may take you to darkened corner so you can.”
Your mouth formed a small O before a demure smile replaced it. “I’ll be good,” You looked from side to side then and leaned in close. “But you can pull me to any darkened corner.”
@thebeckyjolene @brookisbi @johallzy @mrskenobi19 @shantellorraine @sithonis @blondekel77
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stardancerluv · 3 years
Brother’s Keeper
Part 8a
Summary: Bluffing is difficult.
Warning: Towards the end reader gets ill (it is not explicit)...jealousy...touching reader.
Walking through the doors, the loud music greeted the two of you. You giggled into his side, “I guess Sterlo beat us here.” You pointed in the corner where you saw him playing pool with the kid.
He smirked. “Not surprised. He was looking forward to hitting the bars and playing some billiards.”
“Go and join him,” You gently fluffed your hair. “And I’ll get us some beers.” You smiled.
“Sounds good.”
“Great, see you in a sec.”
You were about to swish away when a loud squeak erupted as his hand gave you a smartening smack on your ass. “Branden!” You squealed.
“You were not moving fast enough.” He smirked.
“I better hurry then.” You giggled and made your way over to the bar. You held up two fingers. “Jack, can I have two beers please.”
“Of course, sweetheart.”
“Y/N?” You heard your name, turning you saw it was Sam leaning out of the doorway of his office. “Can you join me in my office?”
I can do this you thought, as you smiled as brightly at him as you could. “Of course.” You looked over at Jack. “I’ll be back for those.” Jack nodded.
Opening the door, you poked your head in. The blue smoke of his cigarette swirled around him. “You wanted me, Sam?”
He waved you in. “Come in and close the door.”
“Sure.” You smiled, your stomach knotted.
He stood, putting the cigarette in his ashtray. “My good girl, come here.”
You looked at him. “Sam?” Worry prickled you.
“Jessica has told me you have been keeping my best man very happy.” He licked his lips.
Your stomach churned. It had worked, but you had not thought actually talking about it would make you feel cheap.
“You said to keep your best man happy. It was easy, he’s rather intoxicating.” You smiled broadly.
Lost in your thoughts with a grin plastered on your face, you didn’t see Sam come over and hug you. He had never done such a thing. He only had ever squeezed your shoulders in a half hug but this embrace felt so alien.
Bile filled your mouth which you readily swallowed down as your stomach continued to churn. The door opened. Looking around Sam, you saw Branden.
“Y/N, where is my...” His voice trailed off.
You pressed your lips together, as you separated from Sam and tucked some hair behind your ear. “I just had to talk to Sam.”
Sam turned quick on his heel to face his best man. “Branden,” An amused look came over his face as he looked between the two of you. “Looks like my girl here has been making you happy.”
Branden came over to you. He nodded, you could tell he was clenching his teeth. He was upset. He looked you over before looking back at Sam. “She was a great choice, I like her. But I was worried she had gotten lost getting my beer.” He smirked.
Sam shrugged. “She has always been a good one. Had to thank her for that. So you don’t need a new girl or anything?”
Branden chuckled. “No.” He closed the little distance between the two of you. You felt his warm hand slide past your lower back before he took a comforting grasp onto your hip, which he squeezed. “She’s great. Given me a very warm welcome home. Made me feel really good.” He squeezed.
“Good, good. I figured with what Jessica said, if you will excuse me Y/N,” He chuckled. Your cheeks burned. “Heard the two of you.”
“Well,” Branden said dryly. “Well, I’ve been away for how long? Almost ten years.”
“It wasn’t hard to make me feel good.”
You flushed, a new flush of feeling ill filled you. You wanted to run away.
Sam clapped his hands as he went over to his desk. “I’m very happy, Y/N. This is great, Branden.”
You blinked and looked at him, his words felt like a slap across the face. And not one you wanted.
“But yeah, she’s cute. Look at the cute little ass.” He looked you up and down. “I want her to stick around.” His lip curled. “Not really interested in the others, that one with my friend flaps her lips too much. I don’t want any other girls who could be a burden.
Sam nodded. “I always tell her she talks too much. Not like Y/N, she’s always been a good girl.”
He squeezed your hip. Somehow, despite how you felt, you were able to wrap an arm around his waist once again. It gave you butterflies, but you still felt ill. This was harder than you expected.
“Thank you, Sam.” You finally said.
“Tell me, Y/N, do you wanna stick around this big lug, my favorite guy?” You knew from the sound of his voice he wasn’t really asking. It had all worked.
You nodded and smiled up at Branden. He didn’t return it, one side of his mouth twitched upward. “If that’s what he wants.”
“Yeah. You’re cute.” He shrugged. “I’m growing fond of you.” He glanced down at you again.
You managed to giggle. “I’m glad.”
“All right then, that makes me happy.” Sam grinned from ear to ear. He took another deep pull on his cigarette. “Y/N, do me a favor go and get those drinks for Branden. The boys need to talk.”
“All right.” You said brightly.
“Don’t wander. Don’t want anyone else thinking they can take you home.”
You blinked and swallowed. “Ok.”
Branden was fuming and his mind was a jumble. What was that all about. If you hated Sam so much, why were you hugging him.
“Branden, indulge me. Can you come by tomorrow.” He lit his cigarette and took another drag from it before exhaling towards the ceiling. “I got some new intel, and I want us to jump on it.”
“Certainly. Always good to strike, act when the intel is new and fresh.”
“That is exactly what I was thinking.” Sam smiled.
“Now, I want to get that pretty ass and I have a friend to beat at pool.”
“Be my guest.” Sam came around and opening the door, he clapped Branden on the back. “Have fun.”
You slid onto a stool. “Can I have two shots, Jack?”
“You sure, sweetheart?”
“Yes.” You needed something to calm your feelings. Branden wasn’t just being an asshole, he was being cruel, gross even.
“Want anything in particular?”
You shook your head. “Surprise me.”
You hoped it wasn’t because he had walked in on Sam hugging you. You really wished you could wash off the feel of him holding you so close.
Sterlo came around you on the back of your stool. You smell the alcohol on his hot breath before he spoke. “I thought you and Branden were joining us for billiards.” His words were not exactly slurred but they were close together.
“Branden told me not to wander.”
“Oh, ok.” He smiled in an easy sort of way. “Because we want a match.”
“We’ll be there.”
He wandered off then.
You had the second shot, it didn’t burn a path as the first one had. Clearing your throat, you relaxed the best you could waiting for Branden.
You breathed when you saw the door open, Sam was clapping Branden on the back who was smiling. Your stomach continued to churn.
“There you are!” Branden exclaimed as he came over and leaned against the bar. “Which one is mine?” He eyed the bottles before glancing over at you.
“Whichever one you want.”
He grabbed a bottle and twisted the top off. He took a hearty swig. You gestured to Sterlo. “Your friend wants us to play a match with them.”
Branden smiled around the bottle. “Let’s beat em.”
“I can try.” You tried to say brightly. You ran your hand on his arm. When he stiffened your heart stilled. “Before we do that, would you mind if I go and freshen up?”
He shook his head. “The men’s room that way?”
“Show me.”
“Here we are.” You said sweetly after the two of you walked silently over to where the restrooms were. You immediately ducked into the ladies. Relief filled you when it dawned on you that no one was inside. Taking the last stall, you barely locked it when your stomach emptied.
Shaky you left the stall, you rinsed your mouth as best as you could. You never remembered ever being this grateful that the girls and you had thought of the little basket. At that moment, you needed the mouth wash. Once satisfied, you finally left the bathroom.
You gasped when out of the darkness you were pulled close. You wiggled but then you easily relaxed, as the soft scent of the soap Branden had used filled your nose and his deep chuckle your ear.
“Do you like the feel of my body or his better?” He rasped in your ear.
You wiggled then and managed to free yourself from his grasp. “What the hell are you talking about?”
He walked to you till you were against the wall. “You were awfully cozy hugging him.”
You made a face. “That was the first time that happened.” You then looked up at him. “It was disgusting.”
“Was it?” He grabbed your chin as he leaned in close. “Or did you just have to freshen up, so I wouldn’t see how much you enjoyed it?”
Despite everything, you honestly don’t know what was going on with you. Seeing him this angry, this possessive and you wanted him. “Feel how much I want you.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” He snarled.
“Feel what you are you doing to me.”
He muttered something but then you felt those rough hands on you. A soft moan poured from your lips as his hand slipped under your panties.
@thebeckyjolene @brookisbi @johallzy @mrskenobi19 @shantellorraine @sithonis @blondekel77
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stardancerluv · 3 years
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Brother’s Keeper
Part Eight C
Summary: Feelings are realized…and the steps are taken forward.
Warning: sex between Branden and Reader
As you idly ran your fingers through the coppery strands of Branden’s chest hair, you could still feel the thudding of his heart beat.
“Listen, baby.” You looked up at him as he grabbed your hand. “I am and will always be an asshole. But I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
You nodded. “I’ll remember.”
“And just seeing you hug him made me see red.”
“I know,” You whispered. “I was just as disgusted.”
“The sooner this job is over, the sooner we can go away.”
“You really want to go away.”
He nodded. “Far away. We need to go somewhere, where I won’t be looking over my shoulder.”
“I’ll go wherever you want to go.” You worried about your mom but you had been looking after her all these years, you didn’t know if you still had it in you. Were you horrible to just finally want to leave, to forget about this place?
He smiled. “I’ll make sure your mother is well taken care of.”
“How…” Your voice trailed off.
“I could read your expression.”
You don’t know when but you had drifted off in Branden’s arms. Waking up, you found him breathing deeply beside you. You went out into your small living room. You sat on your shabby sofa and brought your knees to your chest.
Why did a matter of days feel like years? Your world has been turned completely around.
Sighing, you rested your cheek on your knee. You have finally been with the man you have loved for so long. He is damaged, just like you are. Him more so. Your heart wouldn’t forget some of the darker tales he’d share in the letters. You were not stupid, there were probably several stories he didn’t share.
You could do this. You’ve seen just a slice of his fury and you knew what he was capable of. It excited you and made you nervous. You hoped that it wouldn’t get him sent back. You don’t know if you could be parted from him, especially now.
When you got up some time later, parts of you hurt. You didn’t know if it was because of the two of you or the emotional toll all of him had on you. It was all worth it.
Slipping into your bathroom, you pulled off his t-shirt and stepped into the shower. Perhaps you were being a silly little girl, whatever was left of her. But you would wash your past off. You sighed as you soaped up your hair.
“Can I join?”
You opened your eyes and met his, there was a blue fire in them that made you shiver. You smiled. “Only if you promise to wash my back?”
“I suppose I could do that.” He returned the smile.
You let him pull you close and tilt your face up. “I’m sorry.” He whispered.
“No more sorries.” You ran your fingers through his short strands.
“Y/N… I…”
“Branden, our past is in the past. But we are now our present. I am in all the way.”
He nodded. “I agree.” His grip on you tightened. “All the way.”
Your lips met then. You were not sure who moved first but once again, your heart beat hard in your chest as you were swept away by his kiss.
Nestled on top of him, your kiss continued. “I need you, Branden.”
His eyes searched yours. “Only if you want to.” He whispered.
Earlier when you two had come home from the bar, you practically ripped each other’s clothes off.
But now, this was different. It was as if the two of you could finally just be, without anything else.
“Yes. Please.”
Laying there, he helped you slide down on him. A sigh and soft moan poured from you. Gently you drew close and the kisses continued as you moved together. You tucked your wet strands behind your ear.
“Branden deeper. Remind me of how I am yours.” You whispered.
“Hold onto me.” He whispered back against your lips. You nodded and moving, he was over you. He held your face as his thumbs caressed your cheeks. Shifting, you gasped as he filled you deeply. It almost felt as if there was no space between you. He swallowed, his breath was warm on your face as he spoke. “I love you, Y/N.” He admitted in a rough voice.
“I love you.” You whispered back and your lips met as you moved. You clung onto him.
It was a bright day. He were grateful that no hangover was pounding in his head. Last night had been a watershed. He never felt like this. It was good. All of this would work out, it just had to.
He tilted his head to you after getting out of the car. “Get here, baby.” His arm tightened around your waist as the two of you walked up to Sam’s.
At the door, his protection patted him down. He rose an eyebrow. “Not her.” When they ignored you.
“We know her.” The one said flatly.
“Hi Tommy.” You said sweetly. You gave Branden and Tommy, who was as big as an armoire, a bright smile.
A chuckle came from above. Glancing upward, Branden saw Sam standing his balcony. “Sorry Branden, they take their job seriously.” He smiled broadly.
“Hi Sam.” He watched you shield your eyes as you looked up at him.
“Hi girlie!” He winked.
It made his stomach lurch. “Yeah, I understand that.” He said loud enough so Sam would hear him.
“Come on up, Sterlo and the boy just got here too.” Sam then looked at you. “Y/N, the girls are by the pool.” He gestured to the direction of it.
He turned to you and dipped his sunglasses down. “Be a good girl. Wait for me by the pool.”
The smile you gave him then was warmer. “Want me to grab you a beer for after your meeting?”
He smirked. “Sure. I’d like that.”
@thebeckyjolene @brookisbi @johallzy @mrskenobi19 @shantellorraine @sithonis @blondekel77
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stardancerluv · 4 years
Wow, so in a few short days, it will be 2022! Where did 2021, go? I’ve had some ups and downs. But I am still writing…all my readers you are amazing and thank you. Despite being. Busy with work…some new ventures in my life I am still enamored in the world I created for my Ewan characters!
Here is to 2022, be better then the last two years!!! All my best to everyone!
Quick post, I’ve seen some of these kind of posts, so I am making one too!
First, wow...2020 is almost over. 2021 is here and it’s interesting. When 2020 first began I was bogged down with three jobs. Had a few trips planned here & there. Overall it looked like a decent year ahead. My fandom for the man above 👆🏻☺️😂 got reignited (when I saw BOP & Dr. Sleep) and to help pass what little time I had, I started to write for his character as Roman. I also had plans, to meet him at con for one of my trips so I was pretty excited. 😁
We all got sidelined with this horrible diease. I was completely out of work & had lots of time. So I loving to write (I went to school for writing & history) I decided to write to ease my anxiety over what was going on in the world around me. There will..always...always be typos! I try and catch them but I have dyslexia so those errors will be there!
So from Roman Sionis...I also began to write for Dan Torrance, Ray Stussy, John Bishop, Elmont, Brendan Lynch, Ford, Jerome, Mark Renton, Obi Wan Kenobi, and Oliver! (Yeah I have my hands full!)
❤️❤️I love hearing from all of you. Messages...comments..likes & reblogs!!!❤️❤️ I will reply..and probably cry or tear up because so many of you have been so wonderful! Also have a question, a concern please be nice and send a pm...please don’t judge or make assumptions, I don’t!
I want anyone reading this who doesn’t know me or my style...to know...
I write: fluff, angst, smut & sometimes...(thanks to Roman Sionis, Brendan Lynch, Ford, & Mark Renton) there will/might be moments of voilence, drug use or blood.
I will always give warnings before the text.
Also I write female reader (who I try to keep her as neutral in appearance as possible)
I take requests from time to time! When I take requests, I will do them all within reason!
Please note....Some voilent...smut-related topics I will NOT write
I do not mind writing a request with gender nuetral or male reader. That said @mlmxreader & @ronaldrx write the absolute best male reader for Ewan’s characters. I could not...cannot even come close to their level of quality. So if this is what you want to read, what your heart desires...what speaks to you...GO enjoy their quality! (Do not be creepy to them!)
Wooo...this was longer then I thought it would be. Final note, masterlists will be updated over the next few days again!
Thank you everyone! Happy 2021...may it give us happiness, laughter, adventures and plenty of creativity in whatever we seek! ——Rachel
Links to Characters:
Roman Sionis 1 Roman Sionis 2
Roman Sionis 2a
Roman Sionis 3
Dan Torrance
John Bishop
Branden Lynch
Curt Wild
Alex Law
Mark Renton
Obi Wan Kenobi
Ray Stussy
Bill Fordham
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