#brant brothers
reanimationstation · 1 year
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brant's little sister that was mentioned a grand total of once holds a very special place in my heart
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latibvles · 1 year
Try and/or Dish for Ron and... like anyone really. Put that boy in the kitchen.
[ TRY ] — sender cooks receiver their favorite meal featuring . . . RON & GINNY | because i don’t write enough of this friendship and also we get to watch Ron attempt to redeem himself in the kitchen
How hard could it be? That’s what he said to himself about an hour ago, in the supermarket, looking at the list Daisy wrote out. He’d found the ingredients with ease and was in and out of there quickly enough. He didn’t have to do everything, just get it started and she’d be home in enough time for Ron not to fumble with the salt or let the pasta cook for too long or use too much garlic.
And then she called, and essentially damned poor Virginia Brant to some kind of pasta-induced stomach ache.
“There was an accident on the football field, I’ve gotta wait for the ambulance. Can you finish dinner?” Ron blinked, brows furrowing.
“Is everything okay?”
“Yeah! Yeah, I think it might be an ankle sprain but Julie went home at dismissal so it’s just me,” he let out a small breath, nodding even though he knew she couldn’t see it. “I shouldn’t be back too late but if Ginny beats me to it, you know where I am. You know where I keep the binder, right?”
“Mhm,” The realization was only just dawning on him, but he figured since she had other things to worry about — it probably hadn’t occurred to Daisy yet. “I’ll be fine.” He reassured, before they exchanged goodbyes and brief ‘I love you’s.
He wasn’t going to make a big stink about his… culinary difficulties, as she’d once put lightly. He’d just have to figure it out for himself. So here he was, staring at the recipe written in Daisy’s hardly-neat handwriting. Ron got used to reading it a while ago anyway. At the very least, she’d adopted the habit of writing them down explicitly for these very instances.
Still, Ron’s notorious for always slightly burning his eggs, and for the unfortunate incident where he did, in fact, mistake salt for sugar. He’d been lucky that he wasn’t in charge of KP duty and that nearly everything in the Army came out of a can. And he was lucky that he and Daisy had the general agreement that he was better at washing dishes anyway (and that Daisy liked cooking).
Apparently, luck runs out eventually.
He stares at the parmesan cheese with a scrutinizing eye as it melts together with the garlic and the spinach and tomatoes, stirring meticulously when he hears a knock at the door and, subsequently, the dogs barking in the backyard like there was an actual threat at the door. Ron turns the heat down, scrunching a face at his own hands and wiping them precariously on his jeans before making his way towards the door.
“Hope you didn’t miss me too much, Major,” Ginny hums warmly, opening up her arms to give him a tight but quick hug. Ron rolls his eyes with a small chuckle.
“Barely had any time to,” He looks past her, expecting Dick right behind her to no-avail. “No Dick?”
“Am I not enough for you these days?” She asks rhetorically. “He couldn't get off so he’s coming Saturday. Try not to weep too much in the meantime, alright?” Ron nods, shutting the door behind her and setting her bag by the stairs, before making his way back to the kitchen.
“Daisy’s held up at work. Football incident.” Ginny whistles low and he doesn’t have to turn and look at her to know that she’s probably going to say something else that’s probably smug.
“And she’s trusting you around an open flame? Big milestone.”
“Yeah, it’s almost like we’re married or something.” He refutes sarcastically, and Ginny snickers as she leans against the counter, looking into the pan and smiling. She moves to open one of the drawers, where they keep the utensils, and grabs a spoon. He looks at her as he turns the heat off.
“Do you mind if I…?” While usually his pride would rear its head right about now, he knows this isn’t his strong suit, so he backs up and allows her to dip the end of the spoon in until sauce is clinging to it. Ginny brings it to her mouth, pokes her tongue out, then hums. He almost feels like a kid again waiting for his teacher to give him a grade on a test — and the only class he was ever partial to was gym.
Ginny hums again, reaching over to pinch brown sugar between her fingers before sprinkling it in and stirring, then repeating her taste test. Then, she grins again.
“Congratulations, Major Speirs, you might not decimate the Army if you’re put on KP Duty after all.” Ron opens his mouth to say something sharp in reply, but the door’s already opening, and the rattle of the screen reverberates throughout the house.
“Sorry for the hold up! But uh… kid’s okay!” His smile softens at the sound of his wife, and he feels Ginny nudge him with her elbow, before calling out to Daisy.
“You just missed it! We witnessed a miracle over here!”
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collector1observer · 2 years
Let me know what you think of these:
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plussizefantasia · 8 months
Unsure Hearts
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Read Part One Here: Fluttering Hearts
Warnings: Reader gets grabbed, alcohol, I think that's it tbh
an: heyyyy... sorry I was MIA, lots of stuff going on I'll post an update about it soon. In the meantime enjoy part two of the Kili x reader fic from Flufftober. I think this will be a five-part fic including an epilogue and the next two parts are already underway. I've also got some requests ready to be edited and posted soon. Thank you for bearing with me, much love <3
Kili Durin x Human!Soulmate!reader
Word Count: 1.8K
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Thorin was getting worried, Kili had become somewhat of a ghost story over the past month. He had assumed that his nephew was simply doing his duty. Kili had volunteered to be the envoy between Dale and Erebor for the discussions of armament and training. However, that treaty was signed a week ago, and said envoy position was no longer needed. So why in all of Arda was Kili still going to Dale every day? The young prince left as soon as he was finished with his daily tasks and didn’t return to the mountain until well after the sun had set. Thorin was not worried for his nephew's safety, after all, Kili was an excellent warrior and could take care of himself, no, Thorin was worried for Kili’s heart. 
Fili had also noticed his brother’s absence but the blonde prince had always been a bit more perceptive than his surly uncle. Fili had noticed that Kili was missing, but he also noticed that every time he returned to the mountain it was with the most dopey grin that he had ever seen. A grin that he recognized, for it had also graced his face a few months ago when he met his beloved Alma. Fili would bet his beard on it, Kili was in love.
You on the other hand were getting more and more annoyed each time the brown-haired dwarf walked through the front door. He was charming sure, and polite. But he stared. At you. The whole time he was there. And he was there a lot. His attempts to engage you in conversation were far and few between, the few times he was able to grab your attention away from the bustling building he became tongue-tied the moment your eyes landed on his.
Kili didn’t understand why he couldn’t say more than a few words to you without choking on his words. Your eyes had to hold some kind of spell within them. They enchanted him and left him bewitched every time he caught their gaze. It left him frustrated, he had never had this much trouble with women before, why were you so different? Deep down he knew though, you weren’t just any woman. He was afraid though, afraid that naming what you were to him out loud would make it real. And when it is real, it can hurt you. 
There weren’t very many stories on One’s where the love didn’t end up requited, either because it just simply never happened. Dwarves were incredibly stubborn creatures after all, and it was entirely possible that they just wore down their other half until some sort of connection formed. It was also possible that those unfortunate few who weren’t able to woo their other half died of broken hearts. The former was unlikely as Kili kept having to remind himself, he couldn’t die of a broken heart. Right?
He was determined tonight though, to find out definitively if the sparks he felt for you were just interest in the handsome woman from Bree, or if you truly were the other half of his soul. To do that though he would need to say more than a few words to you. The problem with that was that you seemed exceptionally busy tonight.
Busy you were, Brant had told you last night that he was going to be leaving today to go to visit family for some type of emergency. 
“If the place is still standing when I get back, we’ll talk more about it becoming yours someday.” He had said. You were hoping that that ‘someday’ was sooner rather than later. Brant was getting up there in years. Just last week he had hurt himself trying to lift one of the barrels of ale that had been shipped in from the Iron Hills. You had been taking on more and more of his old tasks and to be completely honest, it felt like you did the job of an owner anyway, just without all the benefits.
You weren’t going to let the man down though, even if it did mean rushing back and forth all night trying to keep up with demand all by yourself.
“Another! Y/N,” was yelled in front the back of the room. Roland was a boisterous man who got along with everyone, he was only a year or two older than you and was currently on his eighth pint of the night. He had a large countenance and seemed to fill up whatever space he occupied, he was handsome but the more and more he drank the less his looks mattered. Usually, this is the point in the night where he starts bordering more on unruly rather than fun-loving. Nevertheless, he was a paying customer and as long as he could still walk on his own out the doors, you weren’t going to say no to his money.
You grabbed another pint glass and poured one for him, balancing it and several other drinks on a tray. You steeled yourself with a deep breath before running back out into the fray. 
Walking close to the stool he was sat on you leaned slightly over him and placed his pint down on the counter beside him. He was engrossed in the conversation between the large group of men, something about the best way to skin a buck, you weren’t really listening. As you grabbed his empty glass to take back to the kitchen to be washed, his large hand encircled your wrist none too gently.
“A pint is a wonderful thing, but it is even more delicious when served by a beautiful lady,” He whispered into your ear. You grit your teeth and roughly pull your hand back. 
“Now, Roland, what have we said about touching things that don’t belong to you? Huh? Touch the wrong thing and you might just lose your hand.” You spit back at him. Cutting your eyes up at the mounted swords that rest above the fireplace only a few steps from where the two of you are. “I’d hate to have to clean those swords, they are sharp.” You look back into his eyes, satisfied with the fear that you see within them. You stand back up and place your tray back upon your shoulder. 
“Anything else I can get you gents?” You question the other men scattered about the space. Silence reigned over the air for a few moments. 
“Alrighty then.” 
A pint here, a glass of wine there, and two hot meals delivered later, your tray was empty and everyone in the place seemed momentarily satisfied. 
 Letting out a breath you lean up against the counter.
“What did you say to him?” A somewhat familiar voice pipes up beside you. You turn your head towards the voice. It's the dwarf prince, and you are once again struck with just how handsome he is. You are also struck with the familiar feeling of annoyance, of course, he picked now to talk to you. Just when you had finally afforded yourself a break.
“Hmm?” You raise a singular eyebrow at him. “Who?”
“That large and very drunk man in the back, I couldn’t hear what you said but I could see the look on his face. It was similar to my brother’s when our mother would scold him for forgetting his manners.”
“That’s not too far off actually, Roland over there got a little too comfortable and touched something that didn’t belong to him, I had to remind him of the rules.”
“And what exactly did he touch that was so forbidden?” The prince smirks and laughs.
You smirk back and lift a glass to your lips before uttering one single word, “Me.”
All of the laughter drained from Kili’s face, “He touched you?” His voice had gotten much lower, his eyes darkened right before you.
 You rolled your eyes. “I’m going to stop you right there Your Highness, I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself. I’ve been doing it for years. I don’t need some man, no matter how handsome he is coming to defend my honor every time I’m even remotely slighted. The trail of bodies will get far too long.” You stare into his eyes as you speak, putting all the righteous fury you’ve got stored inside into each word. 
Seconds tick by before he opens his mouth to speak again.
“You think I’m handsome?”
“I think that we have bigger problems if that is the only thing you got from that.” You took another sip.
“No, no, no I got the point, you don’t need a big strong man to come to your rescue. Lucky for you, I am not big.”
The laugh that sprung from the back of your throat caught you off guard, you slap a hand over your mouth in an impossible effort to catch it and shove it back inside. He was funny, he had never been funny before.
Kili liked your laugh even though it was closer to a snort than an actual laugh, and he would be foolish to ignore the way his heart picked up at the thought that he was the one who made you laugh.
“You- I- I have never heard of a dwarf who makes fun of themselves, in my limited experience your lot are very prideful.”
“Not as prideful as some other races, I should think.”
“No, you’re not nearly as prideful as the pointy-eared bastards who hole themselves up in that accursed forest.” Your words held a healthy amount of rage as well as teasing.
“I sense that there is a story there somewhere.” Kili raised an eyebrow, mimicking your face from earlier. He was desperately trying not to think about the fact that this was the longest conversation the two of you had had up to date.
“One that I’m going to need a lot more liquid courage before divulging, I’m afraid.”
“We can make that happen.” Kili wiggled his eyebrows and pointed at the bottles of liquor behind the bar that separated the two of you.
At that very moment, a shout from the rowdy bunch of men in the back rang out, calling for another round.
“Duty calls your highness, but perhaps I will tell you that story… another time.” You winked at him and grabbed for your tray again, beginning to load it up once more. If that is how conversations with the dwarf prince went all the time, you wouldn’t mind having them more often.  
You walked away before Kili could come up with a response, but he was more certain than he ever had been that your heart called to his. Why else would the very sight of you walking away feel like his heart was leaving too?
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Read Part 3 here: Troubled Hearts
tags: @bunnybabe-babydoll @kokochanel111 @shiinata-library @oneiratxxia10
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webslingingslasher · 2 years
The Last I Heard
i may have a seperate part 2 of this on the way, the idea is so cute.
Pairing: Peter Parker (mcu) x Reader
Warnings: peter do be flirting
Genre: Fluffy/slight angst/ pining
Word Count: 15K
Summary: Peter overhears you saying you like him but you're too scared to tell him, he makes you want to tell him.
Peter knows it is absolutely wrong to use his powers for his own advantage. 
He also knows that the majority of common folk would disagree and use it to their own advantage if situations were reversed, and that’s fair to Peter. Everyone at one point has sworn that if they had super powers they would listen in to every conversation, or they would read everyone’s mind. 
And Peter did do that at first, until he realized that eavesdropping was a terrible idea. Because you start to feel kind of itchy and icky about yourself, you realize that these are conversations that were meant to be personal. Ned was the one that usually begged, he would point out random people and persuade Peter into listening in and giving him dirt. 
It was never anything too interesting, just personal. 
At lunch Ned would ask, “Yellow jacket is up in hat’s face, what’s going on?” 
And Peter would listen in. 
“You weren’t there! You have no idea what went down, like, at all!” 
Hat defends her stance, “Oh come off it! You’re supposed to be MY best friend, you were mine. And I lost you to him.” 
Yellow jacket is upset at her dismissal, “ You decided that, not me. You think this is dumb of us? That we’re selfish? That this was one big ploy to fuck up your life?” 
Hat is taken aback, then stands her ground. Solidly, “You fucked my brother, Jessica. You both decided to run around and date behind my back, and if you did it openly it would’ve gone over better. But you conniving with him hurts, I just lost my best friend and I have to watch her walk around my house cuddling up to my brother!” 
Peter stops listening, he feels like he should’ve never heard that. 
But he still tells Ned. 
Once at the mall Ned pointed to a group of girls, “What are they talking about?” 
Peter hones in, then repeats. “Redhead is looking for a tampon, Jeans is helping Redhead search for a tampon. Ponytail is talking about wanting to hook up with Jayson but she’s dating Erik, Bangs is telling Ponytail to do it anyways and Glasses thinks you’re cute.” 
Ned grins, “Should I go ask for her number?” 
Peter frowns, “No.” 
He doesn’t like playing this game so much anymore, he’s started to feel like a constant invasion of privacy. He doesn’t do it for Ned much anymore, only sometimes. 
“It’s an emergency, Peter! Like a real emergency! You have to tell me what they’re saying!” 
Ned shakes Peter's shoulders for emphasis, Peter bobbles his head back and forth then stops to wave and smile like a normal human when you walk by doing it first. 
He lets out a sigh, “Who?” 
Ned points to Betty Brant and Flash Thompson. 
Peter understands why he wants to listen in so bad, he gives in. By the way Betty looked it wasn’t going to be anything juicy. 
“Flash is telling her about how his mom is gonna buy him a new car, Betty is saying her mom’s making her favorite dinner.” 
Ned pouts, “Nothing about me?” 
Peter shakes his head slowly, “Sorry man.” 
Ned stays quiet for a few seconds then pushes his head towards them again, “How about now?” 
Peter sighs, “No, Ned.” 
MJ wrapped her hand around your neck after you passed by Peter. 
“Waving to your future man?” 
You turned your head back, panicked he had heard her. Instead you just saw Ned and Peter looking at Betty and Flash. 
“He’s so fucking cute, right? Did you see his hair? His curls are like, fucking perfect today.” 
Peter Parker made your heart race. 
He was a goddamn saint, the nicest person you’ve ever met. He was a genius, the smartest person you’ve ever met. He was funny, the best quick wit you’ve ever heard. His laugh was the best you’ve ever heard. His smile made you feel like putty, his voice woke you up in the morning but melted you down if you’d been extra stressed that day, and his clothes looked down right adorable on him. 
Everything about Peter Parker was your favorite thing about him. 
“Careful, Y/N. I may think you have a crush on the kid.”
You pushed MJ in her ribs, “Has he ever kissed anyone before?” 
“Why, looking to be the first to settle the land, Christopher?” 
You gasp, “Did you just call me a colonizer?” 
MJ ignored you, “You know, you could just ask him.” 
You laugh, “That’s cute.” 
It was. You and Peter were casual friends, you’ve hung out in only groups and only had one on one conversations a few times. You did like him, and you did flirt when you were around him but it was so subtle you don’t blame him for not picking up on it. 
“I mean, I think you guys would actually work out. Like hardcore, he’s just a little dumb. You’ve gotta be the one to bring it up.” 
Here we go again, the same tired piece said over and over. MJ, Betty, even Flash has gotten in on it, they all claim Peter would be down in an instant but would it be because it’s you, or because someone likes him? 
“Does he even like me? Or think of me like that?” 
MJ grimaces, “Peter’s hard. He doesn’t really talk about girls, you know? I mean, he’ll say when a girl is pretty or whatever but he’s never been one to be like, ‘she’s so hot, i wanna french her by noon,’ so, maybe?” 
You tap her arm around your neck, “So insightful, I’m so glad I have a friend on the inside.” 
MJ squeezes the sarcasm out of you. 
Peter’s gotten better at not eavesdropping. 
It’s been weeks of fighting off Ned’s request to listen in on an unsuspecting victim. 
Until recently. 
He kept hearing his name, but couldn’t clock it. He had his head swiveled around the entire lunchroom with no luck. It wasn’t a constant calling, just casual. Peter this, Peter that, Peter, Peter, Peter. 
He swears he’s going insane, he can’t jus-
Peter jumps, he’s trying to dial his focus on his name when you slam your hand down on his lunch table. 
“Oh.” When he realizes it’s just you. 
“Hi, Y/N.” You grin when he does, it’s infectious. You almost forgot why you approached, MJ said Peter would admit when a girl was pretty. 
“Hi, Peter.” 
Peter looks to the side of him and pushes his backpack away, “Wanna sit here?” 
Your heart lurches with the question, he was asking if you wanted to sit next to him. 
You shake your head, “I just have a question.” 
A grin, “Shoot.” 
You gulp, why did you do this again? Oh. To prove you had a chance. 
“In a strictly non friendly way,” 
“Uh oh.” He voices. 
You smile, “Do you think I’m pretty?” 
Peter freezes, “Oh! Uh, I mean, me?” 
“You what?” 
“Me! You’re asking me? Of course I think you’re pretty!” 
You smile, “Thanks, Peter. But, am I pretty in a non friendly way?” 
He looks confused, “What would be a non friendly pretty?” 
You roll your eyes, “Like, pretty enough to date.” 
His eyes go wide, pink coats his cheeks. 
“Oh, oh!” He nods enthusiastically, “Yeah! You’re dating pretty, don’t worry about it.”
You thank him and walk away with your head a little higher. Your group quiets when you approach, MJ greets you with raised eyebrows. She has to pretend the whole group wasn’t just talking about you and Peter.
“What was that about?” 
You sit your stuff down and take a seat, you shrug and look at her. 
“He said I was pretty.” 
Flash commends the size of your balls. 
You thank him.
“Y/N asked if she was dating pretty today, what does that mean?” 
Ned shrugs, “Google it.” 
Peter gives him a ferocious look, “And what would Google say?” 
Ned sighs as he looks over Betty, “Are you sure she’s not talking about me?” 
Peter looks towards the back of the class, you and Betty sat next to each other giggling. Peter tells himself not to, but he does. 
He hones in, he doesn’t get much. He’s learned to listen in enough to get the details, but protect the person at stake. 
Peter’s eyebrows furrow, he wants to listen to more. 
“Uh, they’re talking about a double date.”   
Ned throws up his hands, his jaw is dropped and he’s looking between Peter, you and Betty. 
Peter looks around, “Well what?” 
Ned tugs at Peter’s arm, “With who?” 
Peter’s eyes widened, “Oh!” 
“I’m sure Peter would be down, Y/N.” Betty shoulder checked you and winked, you groaned and looked up at Peter, he was looking at you. Even though he was across the room you felt paranoid he could hear you. 
You smiled at Peter and turned to your friend, “Sure, you ask Ned first.” 
Betty drops her jaw and looks at Ned, she starts to sputter. 
“No! That is not the plan, at all!” 
You huff at her, “The plan was to use Peter against me? You’re sick for that.” 
Peter knows he should stop listening, he’s caught on, the double date was with him and Ned, but he also wants to keep listening. 
“No! I never said that!” 
You narrow your eyes, “Look, it would make sense for you to ask Ned on a date.” 
Betty turns her nose up, “Well, the same could be said for you and Peter.” 
Peter Parker can’t help but feel a bit giddy, you asking him on a date? He would never shut up about it again. 
Ned is pawing at Peter’s shoulder begging for an update, he shrugs him off and keeps listening. 
“What? No, it literally could not. You and Ned flirt all the time, everyone knows it’s gonna happen, it just when.” 
Betty is slightly confused, she's wondering if you two are fighting. Just slightly. 
“Do you think you’re not flirting with Peter?” 
You blink and Peter watches your mouth open, you’re about to reply when Ned shakes him hard. 
Peter turns back around and scoots his chair closer to the desk. 
“It’s us.” 
“What is?” 
Peter clears his throat, “The double date, it’s us.” 
Ned’s eyes light up, the thing he’s been searching for in conversation is coming to fruition, then dials it back some. 
“Betty wants me, right?” 
Peter nods. 
“And Y/N wants you?” 
Peter shrugs. 
“I mean, it makes sense. She’s always trying to hook up with you.” 
Peter’s head spins, “What?” 
Ned pulls his head back, “Well, yeah. I just thought you weren’t interested. She’s always trying to make a move when we hang out.” 
Peter is in disbelief, “She is?” 
“Bro, she literally only hugs you when we all hang out. When she gets there and when she leaves, she wants you all over her. Like, now.” 
Peter is nibbling his lip, he never thought he had a chance. He just thought you were extra friendly towards him, maybe you thought he needed a friend. He didn’t know you wanted him like that though. 
He decides to listen in, one last time. Then he swears he was done, forever. 
Betty huffs, she’s lovely but absolutely stubborn. 
“Then fine, I’m not asking Ned until you ask Peter first.” 
“That’s fine, Ms. Brant. But I’m never gonna ask him.” 
Betty huffs again then looks to the boys and sees Peter looking at you, she gets a wicked grin across her face. 
“Then I’ll make him ask you.” 
You turn your head to see her looking at Peter, you start to backtrack immediately. 
“No! No, no, no. You won’t. You promise me you won’t get Peter involved.” 
Betty pretends she didn’t hear you. 
“Betty, I’m serious. Promise me right now you won’t involve Peter.” 
She starts to hum, this is a game to her. You know what she wants and you’re about to give in. 
“Betty please, don’t involve him. I’ll ask anyone else, if you’re that dead set on a double date I’ll ask literally anyone else.” 
She pretends to think about it, then calls out across the room. 
“Hey, Peter?” 
You whip your head to his, he’s looking at Betty confused. You start to melt and panic. 
“You won’t.” You mutter the words. 
“Come here?” 
Peter looks at Ned and shrugs, he goes to stand. 
Your heartbeat is hammering your chest, you grip Betty’s elbow tightly. 
“Stop it, Betty. It’s not funny anymore.” 
Peter’s walking over, you feel your hands shake. You curl them into fists.
“Betty!” You look over your shoulder, he’s about to be here. 
“I’ll ask him! I’ll ask him!” 
Betty smiles, it’s like she's asking you if it was that hard. 
You can’t help the smile that crosses your face when Peter not only approached your side of the desk, but also smiled at you first and made sure you saw him before looking at Betty. 
“You called?” 
Betty grins, it makes you feel sick. 
“I was thinking of asking Ned on a date, what’s his favorite food?” 
Peter thinks of his next words carefully, he makes sure to look at you when he speaks. 
“We’re both pizza kinda guys.” 
You shudder. it was never about asking Peter for you, it was about forcing you to say yes. 
“What’s his favorite? He strikes me as a hawaiian type of guy.” 
He grins, “You guessed right.” 
You speak up, “You strike me as a cheese or pepperoni type.” 
Peter tilts his head, “Do I?” 
You shake your head, “Actually, I think you’re a ‘any type of pizza will do, as long as I can pile as much parmesan cheese as humanly possible on it.’ kind of guy.” 
He hums, “Are you a crushed red pepper kind of gal?” 
You shrug and feel your cheeks get warm, “Maybe.” 
“That’s good then, none of the packets get wasted. Look at us, the zero waste couple.” 
“Couple of besties?” You give a nervous grin. 
Peter nods, “Sure.” 
You swallow hard, you were never prepared for Peter to say something flirty to you, he was supposed to be the nervous quiet one, but you have a feeling he can be extremely charming when he wants to be. 
Betty eyes you then looks at Peter, you notice they share a look but you can’t place what it is. 
“Pizza then?” 
“Trust me Bets, Ned is gonna scream when you ask him out. He’s been dying to do it but it’s always nice to know when a girl is into you.” 
He let that last line slip, he’s trying to hint to ask him without laying it out. Or let you know he was listening in. 
“Does he really? I swear he doesn’t make it known.” 
You look over at Ned, you have no clue how she thinks he doesn’t make it known. He followed her around like a puppy and was at her beck and call. Not to mention he’s watching the entire encounter rocking in his seat biting his nails. 
And you were scared you looked nervous. 
You point at Peter’s best friend, “Really, Bets? He doesn’t make it known?” 
Peter pats your head, “What she said.” 
You bite your bottom lip hard to stop the whimper from escaping, Peter shares a glance with you, you’re pretty sure he heard you. 
“So it’s an easy yes?” 
Peter nods, “The easiest.” 
Betty nods at Peter then looks towards you, “Y/N? Anything you need to ask Peter?” 
Your cheeks feel hot, you give a death stare to Betty. 
“Uh, nope. Can’t think of anything.” 
Betty pushes, “You sure?” 
“Positive.” You push the word through clenched teeth. 
Betty waits with pursed lips and when you offer no more she nods slightly, she can play this game too. 
“Thanks for the advice, Peter. But I don’t think I’m going to ask yet.” 
You want to disappear, and you are extra aware of Peter’s body next to yours. If you leaned against him you would rest into his waist, you wanted to make him proud again, so he could give you another celebratory pat. 
“He’s there when you’re ready, Betty. Stays between us, promise.” Then he looks at you before he departs, “Hey, you going to Flash’s party tonight?” 
You don’t trust your voice and nod, Peter watches where you chew on your lip. 
“Good, I’ll see you there.” He taps your shoulder with a punch and walks back towards his best friend. 
Ned looks at him with wide eyes, his fingernails are nubs. 
Peter sighs dreamily, “I’m gonna make her ask me out.” 
You both point at each other then meet in the middle for a hug, Peter sways you slightly and pulls away. 
“Long time no see!” He jokes, you giggle along. He’s just so funny. 
“No kidding, you know time stops when you’re not around.” You wink to play off the joke. 
Peter scrunches his nose like a bunny, “I love when you flirt with me. Want a drink?” 
You feel frozen for a moment, he’s not supposed to catch on. He was supposed to play dumb until you all grow up and get married and have kids and one night over lunch when you catch up after years you let it slip that you had a giant crush and always waited for him to notice. He wasn’t supposed to notice now. 
“What are you drinking?” You clock his red cup, he’s not a drinker but it’s not a water bottle this time. 
He holds it out, “Try?” 
You take it and raise it to your lips, it’s nearly empty. You can’t help but think about this being the first time you’ve shared a drink with Peter, you’re putting your lips where his were. The only thing more intimate than this is sharing a bite of food. If you pretend hard enough you can say that you’ve technically kissed him. 
It’s sweet and you can’t detect alcohol. You pull back and eye him, he’s waiting for your reaction. He hopes you like it. You pull a face then try it again, you’re trying to place it. 
“Like it?” 
“It’s like a cherry sprite, but like, better?” 
“It is! I can make you one?” 
Peter pushed you towards the kitchen with a hand to your back, you felt his palm through the material of your shirt and realized how cold the rest of you felt. Small conversation carried you through the wait, he made each of you a cup and handed it over. 
You both took a sip at the same time, you pulled back with a slight frown then took another sip. Peter watched you furrow your brows before you reached out for his own and took a sip. You make a confused sound. 
You shrug, “Your’s tastes better.” 
Peter thinks it's adorable, he can only hope that if this goes the way he’s thinking that you would carry this over. He always wants his to taste better, just because it’s his. 
“I’d offer to swap but then I’d think that one would taste better.” 
You nod, “I think you’re right.” Then hold your own out, “Cheers!” Peter obliges then holds his back when you try to tap it, “What are we cheering for?” You pucker, “Do we need a reason?” 
Peter pouts, “No, I guess not. Feels better to have one though.” 
You think for a reason then exclaim, “Here’s one,” You raise your cup again, “Here’s to new friends!” 
“And couples!” Peter taps his cup on yours. 
“What?” You eye him down, did he just say what you thought?” 
He nods his head towards Ned and Betty, totally wrapped up in each other. 
“Right! To new friends and couples.” 
Peter was about to speak again when Flash’s voice rang out on the DJ speaker. 
“Friends to the inner ring, losers stay away.” 
MJ immediately leaves from the inner circle to the kitchen, “MJ! You’re a friend!” 
She calls behind her, “I know you consider me one!” She stops when she sees you and Peter chatting closely. 
She nods her head in recognition, “Nice.” 
“What are you doing?” You watch her open cabinets moving around the kitchen. 
“Making toast. Take my place for me.” 
You made a pit stop to the bathroom and came back to the living room, the whole group sat across the couches and criss-crossed on the floor, there was not one space open. Peter took the last spot, you were about to sit in the kitchen with MJ when Peter waved you over and tapped his lap. You felt warm just thinking of sitting on his lap, it was closer than you’ve ever been before. You would literally be on top of him, and if you were to move just right perhaps you’d get even closer. 
You held your breath as you lightly rested on his lap, most of your weight rested on your feet you kept planted on the ground. Peter wrapped his arm around your waist and tugged you against him, your feet dangled between his knees and his chest was against your back. He delicately wrapped his other arm around your waist, he was hugging you to him. 
“Good?” He tried to look around at your face, instead you gave in and rested your head against his shoulder and rested a hand over his on your waist. You nodded against his neck, he grinned softly, “Good.” 
The rest of the party went by quickly, it was just a few rounds of some games but nothing too crazy. Some truth or dare, some never have I ever, some beer pong but nothing that led to anything more between you and Peter. He did however stick to your side the whole night. 
Betty and MJ had to nearly pull you from his side to leave, you wish they would’ve left you so that Peter would walk you home and you could maybe score a midnight smooch but they didn’t let you get the chance. 
“Say bye to Peter, Y/N.” 
You pout at Peter, you’re wishing he says he’ll take you home instead. He thinks that’s what you want too, but he has patrol after this, he even has the suit on. 
“Bye Peter. I’ll see you on Monday.” You reach in for a hug, he squeezes you and talks in your ear. 
“Bye Y/N. Let me know when you’re home, okay?” You grin into his shirt, he’s never said that before. You pull away and he looks over your face and hesitates before leaning in and pressing a kiss to your cheek, “See you Monday.” 
The only thing you can do is nod, you smile softly then step back into MJ and Betty who are ‘oohing’ softly at Peter’s move. You can’t even form words, your knees feel shaky and all your pacing thoughts are screaming his name over and over. Peter grins at your reaction before turning and going back to Ned who is now ready to leave since Betty is no longer there to entertain, Peter feels the same way. 
Okay, Peter swears this is the final time. 
He’s never going to listen in on you ever again, he just needs to know what you’re feeling right now. He’s just making sure you’re okay, you didn’t talk over the weekend beyond the ‘home safe’ text and his ‘good, i had fun tonight! thanks for hanging with me!’ text. After he finds out what you’re thinking he’ll trust the process, he just needs to be sure you know he’s interested. 
You were distraught, did you go up to Peter? You got closer than ever at Flash’s party, but he didn’t text you all weekend, but you didn’t either. You wanted to pull at your hair, you had a feeling Peter was the ‘what you give is what you receive’ kind of guy. You swallow the lump in your throat and walk towards him. 
Peter opens his arms, “Hi.” 
Your face lights up, he’s never initiated a hug before. You step into his hold and melt into him this time, no more pretending you didn’t absolutely love this. 
“Good Morning.” He mumbles the words in your ear, you mumble them back into his chest. 
“I don’t want to go to math, go for me.” 
Peter rests his chin on your head and pulls you in tighter, “Wanna swap? I have advanced trigonometry.” 
You pull away and squint at him, “Ew.” 
“I know right?” 
“It’s cause you’re such a smartie. I bet I could quiz you on anything and you would know it.” 
Peter grins, “Wanna come over and test that theory?” 
Your eyes widen, “Just you and me?” 
Peter laughs, “Unless you want to make it a decathlon.” 
A joke. 
He’s joking. 
“Bet, I’ll start working on the flash cards. Irrelevant question, what is your toughest subject?” 
He blows air through his lips and shrugs, he lets out the word with an honest chuckle. 
You swallow, “Noted.” 
He was losing his window of opportunity. 
Good thing, you and Betty sat with him and Ned at lunch. (MJ and Flash followed.) Bad thing, he couldn’t listen to you talk about him. Peter will admit that it feels good to openly like someone and not be scared because he knows the other likes him too, it gives him confidence like he’s never had before. 
You sat next to him too, it went: him, you, Betty, Ned, Flash then two seats away from him, one from Peter was MJ. The table was loud, everyone having mixed conversations, once it quieted down some MJ was reminded of something. 
“Hey, Peter. Are we still doing the thing tonight?” 
What thing? You weren’t told of a thing, was it a Peter and MJ thing? I mean, MJ doesn’t like Peter and you’re almost sure Peter likes you but what is that thing tonight? 
“Yeah! I think Ned is gonna invite Betty too if that’s cool?” 
MJ nods, “Betty’s cool.” 
Peter then nudged his nose against the side of your face, you turn and he’s right there. You notice him glance at your lips for a quick second then asks, “Busy tonight?” 
You hum and think, “I don’t think so.” 
Peter grins, “Wanna come over? It’s game night.” 
“What kind of games?” 
“Mostly video games, MJ and Ned have a switch so we all take turns. But I have some two player board games if you want to play me.” 
You give him puppy dog eyes, “That is so cute.” 
“Is it?” Peter didn’t know it was that easy, he just wanted you to feel included if you didn’t want to watch him or your friends play games. 
You bite your lip and nod, without thinking he places his thumb on your chin and pulls down releasing it. You stare at him and he watches your pupils go wide, he was about to apologize but he won’t now. He’ll let you believe he did that on purpose. 
“Do you have Guess Who?” You clear your throat and try to level your breathing after his stunt. 
“Think so, I have a couple of good ones. I’ll show you when you come over.” 
You look him up and down, “Can I wear my PJ’s?” 
Peter holds a hand to his chest, “I’d be insulted if you didn’t.” 
You hold out your hand to shake his like a business agreement, “Deal.” 
He tells you he’ll text you the details and you lean into him as you laugh at something Ned said in retort to something Flash said. Your head was against his arm, he carefully watched as you made eye contact with Betty, she raised her eyebrows slightly and you carefully nodded your head.
He wrapped his hand around your neck and pulled you into him. 
Peter knows he has you now. 
“Okay, what’s up with you and Y/N?” MJ wasn’t one to care, she promises. But you did consider her a friend on the inside and Peter was acting extremely touchy feely with you and he’s never done that before. Not to mention he kissed your cheek the other night. 
You couldn’t shut up about it on the way home, and of course the group text with you and Betty had been blowing up like crazy. You were constantly analyzing Peter’s every move and Betty was doing the same with Ned. If MJ was honest, and she would never admit it, Flash was her favorite right now. 
“Uh, nothing?” 
MJ nodded, “Nice to know we’re lying.” 
“I don’t know. I know she’s into me and Betty wants to ask Ned out but she won’t do it until Y/N asks me first, but she doesn’t think I’m into her so I’m trying to show her that I am so she’ll ask me.” 
“How the hell do you know about this?” 
Peter shrugs sheepishly, “I listened.” 
MJ groans, “You said you were gonna stop!” 
“I know! Ned was begging me and I accidentally heard it, and now I know she’s into me. I just want to make sure this actually happens.” 
Ned walked in the front door and shook his shoulders, “It’s freezing tonight.” 
Peter glanced at his phone to see if you texted him again, he told you to let him know when you were on your way up, he wanted to catch you in the hallway. Alone. 
“Y/N and Betty are on their way, by the way.” 
“Betty’s bringing her switch so we can all game.” Ned shot finger guns at MJ, she blocked the imaginary hits. 
“Sweet. I’m gonna kick double ass in Mario Kart.” 
Ned looks at Peter, “What are you doing?” 
“I think we’re gonna play some games in my room.” 
MJ waggles her eyebrows, “Alone?” 
Ned whistles, “On your bed?” 
“Probably.” Peter doesn’t see what’s wrong. 
“She’s gonna think you’re making a move, you know that right?” MJ clicks her teeth at him. 
“Like what?” 
MJ chewed on her lip, “She asked me if you’ve ever kissed someone.” 
Ned whoops, “Get it, dude!” 
Peter isn’t that surprised, he wants to kiss you too after all. And maybe that was slightly his plan already, he was trying to separate the both of you from the pack. He just wanted to talk with you more and he couldn't spit game as confidently when his friends were watching and listening. Peter also can’t think of a downside of kissing you either, it just seems really lovely. 
“It’s almost like I planned it.” He winks at his friends as they realize he did in fact plan it to be this way. 
His phone buzzes, “Hold on.” 
He opens the door to see you and Betty’s smiling faces, “Hello.” He reaches in for a hug, you first then Betty. “If you wanna head in you can,” He smiles at Betty and watches her step through the threshold, you go to follow and he steps in front of you. He softly closes the door behind her, you watch expectantly. 
“Hi.” He smiles. 
“Hi.” You mimic.
He almost kisses you now, he opts for pulling you in for a second hug. You’re surprised but latch on tightly, he pulls away and places a delicate kiss on your cheek. It’s softer than the one at the party, it’s intimate, it was a private kiss. 
“Thank you for coming.” He whispers against your skin. 
Your cheeks flush, you’ve never felt this seen before. Peter notices everything about you, and you wonder why it took him this long. You can’t help but get lost in daydreams where he was truly yours and his kisses never stopped, even as they trailed down your body. 
“Thank you for inviting me.” 
He didn’t even look at what you were wearing, he tilted your head up with his hand on your jaw. 
“You look pretty.” 
You blinked slowly, you kept looking between his eyes and his mouth. He said his worst subject was girls, you think he’s a liar, he’s too smooth and quick. 
“You’re better at this than me.” 
Peter just grins smugly. He’s better at the flirting game and he knows it. Spider-Man has some quick wit and it’s helped Peter out tremendously. 
As soon as you both stepped through the door MJ berated you, “What were you two doing out there?” You wince and suck a breath through your teeth, “Making out. Hard core face sucking, had a full round of tonsil hockey.” 
MJ narrowed her eyes, “Oh? Peter finally kissed you?” 
This is what Peter means when he says his friends ruin his game. 
You nod, “Oh yeah. Had me pressed against the wall and everything. I’m still seeing stars.” 
It’s funny, nothing actually happened but what did felt more personal than actually telling your friends about a hook up session. 
“Really?” Betty gasped, fully amazed that you had actually done it. 
You frowned slightly, she seemed so excited for you. You had to let her know you were kidding. 
“Yup. He even asked for my hand in marriage, right Peter?” 
He nods, “We haven’t set a date yet.” 
Betty boos with Ned, “No fair, we actually believed you.” 
MJ shook her head, “No way. Peter’s not the make out in the hallway type.” 
Peter makes kissy faces at MJ, “Wanna find out?” 
MJ gags.
Ned huffs, “Betty and I are setting up Mario Kart.” 
“I’m making popcorn.” MJ backs up into the kitchen. 
Peter tugs you into him, “Wanna check out my games?” 
You may or may not be trying a little extra hard to make your butt look good as you bend down looking at the games, Peter’s standing behind you and you just hope he’s taking a little look. Your PJ’s did hug you just right. 
“You know I’ve never played chess?” You move the box to the right and find Connect Four, you pass him the box and he gasps. “Never?” 
“Nope.” You wish you could play Clue, it was a favorite. You’re gonna team up with Betty to get the boys to play with you, MJ was an easy add if everyone else played. 
“Never learned?” 
You shake your head, “Never did. I dated one guy in middle school who did it competitively, and seeing as he was my boyfriend and a master in the game, or at least I thought he was at the time, I asked if he would teach me and he laughed at me and said it was “too advanced for a brain like mine.” So I vowed to never play it.” 
You stood and handed him two more games, Guess Who and Battleship. 
Peter frowned, “Sounds like a dolt. If you want, I would love to teach you. The hardest part is learning what the pieces do, after that it’s all strategy.” 
You smile, “Don’t make fun of me but that would be a cute date.” 
He laughs, “Teaching you chess?” 
“Yes! You would be like this does that, and this does that, and you would let me practice on you, but you wouldn’t let me win cause then you can tell me why I failed so I actually get better.” 
Peter doesn’t know why he thought girls were so hard to please, he thinks that's just what he’s been told. But so far all you really want to do is hang out with him. 
“We can do it later this week if you’re up for it.”  
You grin and nod, “Yes! You’re awesome, thank you so much!”  
You also are extremely excited to see Peter concentrated and calculated with his moves. 
Peter tells you it’s no biggie, then asks if you want to play in his room. You breathe in and nod, you were nervous to be in Peter’s room for the first time ever, and alone with him. It was slightly calmer if you think about how this is the first of many times you’ll see this room. You’re hoping you’ll be looking at the ceiling a lot more, though. 
He points to his bed when you enter, “I’m leaning towards Guess Who first.” 
You kick your shoes off and sit on his bed, “Comfy.” 
“Just big enough for two.” 
The way he speaks so casually makes you sweat. He’s a natural when it comes to flirting with you, you feel kiddish thinking about your lame attempts you call flirting. No wonder it went over his head for so long. 
“Red or blue?” He holds up the plastic, “Red.” He nods in approval, “Nice choice.”
You hum, “Spider-Man wears red, I like red. I’m easy.” 
He looks at you, “You like Spider-Man?” 
You draw your head back, “You don’t?” 
“I do! I didn’t know you were a fan, that’s all.” 
“I’ve never seen him in person though, MJ has and I ask her about it all the time but she’s just super generic. Have you seen him?” 
Peter clears his throat, “A few times.” 
You drop your jaw, “No way! Tell me!” 
“Nothing special, just the usual walking down the street and seeing him swinging.” 
“That’s so cool though, have you seen him just fucking people up? Like when he does that web thing when he picks them up and slams them down? It’s so sick. Or when he wraps them up and like, flies towards them and double kicks their chest?” 
Peter pretends to think about it, “I think I’ve seen some videos. He’s pretty cool, he’s got a few sick moves.” 
“He’s my Harry Styles, if I saw him I’d melt down and cry and ask him to gently hold me. Like, it sounds crazy but I just know he’s cool. I don’t even like him like that, I just want to be his best friend.” 
Peter wants to ask how you’d feel knowing you were about to make out with him. 
“Total fangirl moment?” 
“Pictures and all. I’d ask him to sign my tits, no joke.” 
Peter throws his head back in a laugh, you smile at how he lights up. You love making him so happy. 
“Okay!” You clap your hands. 
“Is your person wearing a hat?” 
“Is your person wearing glasses?” 
“Does your person have a beard?” 
“Fuck off, Peter. I’m moving in.” 
“I’ll take that as a yes.” 
“Is your person old?” 
“Is your person Sam?” 
You narrow your eyes at Peter, “Is this how it’s going to be between us? You always winning?” 
“I ask good questions, stick around me long enough and you’ll get better at dodging me.” 
“I could eat you up in scrabble.” You mutter. 
“Yes you could, I’m ass at scrabble.” 
Somewhere after the hour mark you’ve made your way to Battleship, it’s been a close game both of you have one more hit on the other person. You’re starting to feel the pressure, you try and calculate where he is, if you guess wrong he’s going to win. You know it. 
You hold your breath, “C-4.” Peter looks at you and builds the suspense, then frowns. “Miss.” You groan, “Ugh, go ahead and sink me.” He smiles softly, “D-11.” You grunt at your board, “I’m swimming in the ocean with hope and a lifejacket.” 
“Don’t worry, my one boat will come to save you.” 
You snort, “Don’t worry babe, I blew your engines. You’re sinking next.” 
“Are we gonna Jack and Rose it?” 
You nod stiffly, “I’d let you die for me, yes.” 
The room gets quiet, it makes you want to puke but you think the time is right. You told Betty you’d do it tonight, and Peter isn’t so scary, you just hate the feeling of rejection. 
“Remember when Betty called you over about Ned?” 
Peter has to pretend to think about it, he hums as he’s setting up his ships again. 
“Well, she was trying to set up like this double date thing cause she’s too scared to go out with him alone for the first time. I mean nervous, not scared. Ned’s not scary.” 
He hums again, he’s placing the third ship. He’s nearly holding his breath in excitement. 
“And she wanted me to, like she asked if I would, I uh, nevermind.” 
You lost the steam, you weren’t even sure how to word it without making it seem like a favor. 
“I’m listening, she asked if you would what?” 
“It doesn’t matter, it’s stupid. Are you almost done?” You almost looked over to see if he was done placing his ships but stopped before you would ruin the game. 
He looked up at you, “Tell me about Betty, come on.” 
You shook your head and bit your lip, he took his chance and leaned forward to untuck it like he did earlier. Peter watched your pupils blow like before, he looked between your eyes and mouth before moving in. You felt his hand move to cup at your jaw, his thumb brushing your cheek softly before hooking his hand around your face. 
You felt like you couldn’t breathe, you knew what he was doing. He watched your reaction as he pulled you near him, he leaned in closer. He was taking his time, you were nearly shaking waiting for him to just kiss you, he was slowly building the tension. He wanted you to know he wanted this just as much as you did. 
He smiled as he leaned in, just inches away. He brushed his lips against yours, the feather like promise of more. You melted into his touch and closed your eyes, he took that as a sign. His lips pressed against yours and your spine jolted, electricity felt like it ran through you, it didn’t hurt but it woke you up. You gripped at the back of his neck and held him tighter to you, you had dreamed of this for months, you weren’t letting go easily. 
Peter moved against you slowly, he felt as you opened your mouth slightly and he took that as an invitation, he smoothed his tongue over yours and you moaned into his mouth. You’ve never felt this way before in a make out session, and this was just starting. He went until he felt choked for air, he pulled away slightly. You made a wet smacking sound when you separated. You raced for breath and kept your eyes closed, still panting you needed more. You opened your eyes to blink then pulled him back in, you were only able to last a minute before you searched for more air. 
You couldn’t help yourself, he tasted so sweet it felt impossible to pull away. Now that you know what you were missing you never wanted to go back. You told yourself one more, you tried to pull him in but he pulled your hands from behind his neck, “Breathe. I’m not going anywhere. Can’t make out if you're unconscious.” You nodded and made a show of you breathing, then you leaned in for one more, he bowed his head and laughed. “That good?” You drank him in with greedy eyes, you ached for him. “Please,” You whimpered the words, it sent chills down his spine, he loved the way that sounded. 
He nudged his nose against yours, “Please ask me, I’ll say yes.” He whispered his request.
He wasn’t talking about kissing, you knew that. He was asking about you asking him out, you know he was. He tied two and two together, you breathed in deeply. 
“Do you want to go on a date with me?” 
He nodded and placed his mouth on yours once more, you gripped at his shirt before shoving the plastic boxes to the side so you could get closer. You slowly shuffled toward him until you pulled away to straddle his waist, meeting his lips quickly before he could tell you to slow down. You’ve dreamed of this forever, you were in awe of what was happening, Peter Parker was making out with you, and it was really, really good. 
Betty tried to walk in to ask what time you were leaving, it was a school night after all. But she decided to back out and give you space when she saw you busy at work on top of Peter. She came from the room glowing, she couldn’t believe you had actually done it. 
“What’s going on in there?” 
Betty smiled at MJ, “They’re making out.” 
“Good for them!” Ned cheered out, he passed the finish line before MJ, “Last lap, loser.” 
“That reminds me!” Ned looked over at Betty, “What?” 
“Wanna go on a date with me?” 
Ned dropped the remote, his character fell off a cliff. 
“Yes. God yes!” 
MJ is sure Flash is her favorite now. 
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ranodo-mobile-3 · 3 months
"You know the rules" Brant said, all too chipper to his new pledge. "Anything your big brother instructs. You must do. So yes, that means everything on that list." He leaned back in the chair he was sitting in. A few moments ago, he had given Theo a paper with a shortish list of things Theo had to do every day.
1) You must give me one blowjob a day
2) You must wash my clothes
3) You must wear a chastity cage at all times
4) You must send one "chastity check" picture whenever I ask
5) You must answer any text you get from me within five minutes.
Right as he finished talking, Brant pulled out a metal cage from his desk drawer and set it down. "This right here is going on you until you're officially a member."
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milo-igidk · 5 months
I see a song of past romance (Brant/Jolie; Oralie/Kenric; Prentice/Cyrah)
I see the sacrifice of man (Prentice; Forkle; Jolie; Calla; Kenric)
I see portrayals of betrayal (Alvar, Brant, Gisella, Keefe, The elves & Humans)
And a brother’s final stand (Fitz & Alvar)
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radishearts · 6 months
My kotlc enjoyers pspspspsppspspsppspspss have some sketches for a fic im writing :D (Before I Burn)
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It’s set in precannon, around 20 years before the current TL (So like, the 90s) following Kenric and Oralies navigation of Elvish Bureaucracy, classicism and inter-species politics. Also Brant is his brother and Kenric is desperately trying to dispute ability restriction — I’ll put the summary in the replies but if ur interested give it a read
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frizzle-mcshizzle · 5 months
what's something about kotlc that the book/readers gloss over?
what's something that should have happened in the books that didn't?
if you could bring back a character BUT you had to kill another character to replace the one you saved, which ones would you choose? (geez hope that one makes sense)
if you could make one of the main cast go evil, which one would it be?
which backround character would be most likely to be the main character of a tragedy?
yay more questions!!
what’s something about Kotlc that the books/readers gloss over?
(oh this is gonna be long) to preface, i understand why most people gloss over this, and the only reason i notice is because of the adoption in my family, but its just something in kotlc thats so deeply important to me, and its the reason i love the series as much as i do.
kotlc is the only series ive ever read that has realistic, non stereotypical, adoption, where the main focus isn’t on adoption. most stories with a premise that focuses on something other than adoption, would pretend like the main characters biological parents/who raised them, where non existent after the first book. the main character would call their new parents mom and dad quickly and there would be no issues. because obviously adoption is all sunshine and rainbows.
in keeper it takes time for Sophie to even feel comfortable calling Havenfeild home, Eda and Grady struggle with adopting a new child who looks so much like their dead daughter. Sophie struggles with missing her family and feeling like she’s replacing them. it takes multiple books for Sophie to call them mom and dad consistently and for them to properly act like a family. thats how i should be, it takes time to feel like someone is a part of your family
adopting someone into your family is like falling in love, it happens slowly, then all at once, before they become apart of your heart for the rest of your life.
and thats what keeper did, she captured the feeling of adoption perfectly, without making it the main plot, it just happens in the background and i will forever love that
what's something that should have happened in the books that didn't?
few things actually
Tam being the one to release Gislea
Teirgan officially adopting the twins
Kesler actually having a more negative reaction to the Squall reveal
it doesn’t focus on Talantless and badmatches enough and i wish that was touched on more
Kesler and Grady being best friends
Dex’s parents being a bit more relevant (totally not baias
if you could bring back a character BUT you had to kill another character to replace the one you saved, which ones would you choose? (geez hope that one makes sense)
it did make sense, but honestly i think more characters should die and every character that has died heavily impacted the plot, and undoing their death would change a lot about the story but i will give a list of characters that i think should/will die
if you could make one of the main cast go evil, which one would it be?
people have said Dex in the past because of the neglect from the team and his mom being in the black swan without telling him. but because of his kidnapping i don’t think he would
but…Tam, not even go evil, but what if he had been so badly manipulated by the neverseen that he switched sides, what if he actually was a traitor, how would Linh feel, how would Teirgan feel, just imagine the effects that would have on everyone. how hard it would be to fight their friend, their brother in battle.
which backround character would be most likely to be the main character of a tragedy?
i mean we already have, Oralie, the Twins, Wylie, the Ruewens,
and Brant and Jolie’s story is literally a tragedy (@crymeariveronceagain i am right about that right?)
Kotlc is a series sprinkled with tragedies throughout you just have to look, they’re there, most of them are just hidden in the background. 
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maevesheart · 1 year
you… perv?
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ she-devil (01)
note: georgie griswold is reader’s twin brother :) both are 17 and juniors at midtown!!
summary: harry’s important “news” pisses you off, so you go straight to the source yourself. except when he doesn’t give you answers, you just sort of… slap it out of him.
WC: 1.8k
TW: violence (a slap), swearing
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even as a child, you had been kept out of the public eye.
your last name being one of the most recognized in the world, your father tried his hardest to prevent you and your brother from a childhood of cameras and zero privacy.
that only worked for so long, and eventually the two of you were placed in the best private school your father could find, midtown high.
when the two of you transferred your freshman year, all eyes were on you. It didn’t matter how long the both of you had been there, immediately you two became the most popular two in all of the school.
money, grades, status, and beauty? every girl wanted to be you and every guy wanted to date you. it was no secret either.
so when you woke up on monday morning, prepared for another perfect day in your perfect life, the last thing you expected was to get suspended that same afternoon.
“miss griswold?” a quiet voice squeaked from your bedroom’s door.
you groaned in response, pushing the pillow over your ear in hopes to drown out the noise.
“it’s monday, miss. school starts in an hour.” the voice became closer, and before you knew it, cold hands were on the exposed portion of your arm.
you let out a hiss and turned to see the newest maid, daliah, looking at you with wide eyes.
“yes, i know. now please go away. ugh!”
she nodded quickly and then rushed to the door, probably going to cry or something. you didn’t really care either way.
sitting up in your king sized bed, you stretched and took off the eye mask that sat on your forehead.
sighing, your feet touched the carpeted floors and you padded into the cool bathroom.
after a twenty minute and incredibly organized skincare routine, you made your way back into your extremely large bedroom, and waltzed into the walk in closet.
the walls were lined with expensive and beautiful clothing, but of course, since you went to the most boring and bland school in existence, you were forced to wear a fugly yellow and blue uniform.
you quickly put your hair up in a sleek ponytail, and had jaela, your makeup artist, do a simple makeup look
slipping your feet into your black tom ford pumps, and grabbing your celine backpack from the floor, you made your way out of the closet, and then out of your bedroom, into the tall and long marble hall that held two rooms; yours and your brothers.
you walked down the extensive hall to the curved matching marble staircase, and trailed your perfectly polished black nails on the gold railing as you made your way down.
sara, your maid since you were a child, was waiting at the bottom, and you greeted her with a smile.
“good morning, miss.”
“morning, sara. where’s dad?”
“he’s already at work, but breakfast is prepared.” she gave you a ‘sorry’ look, but you were used to your father never showing. ever since your mother passed he never seemed to make an effort with your brother or you.
taking a seat across from georgie, you watched as he smiled down to his phone.
“texting gwen?” you smiled, happy that your best friend and twin were finally together.
“no. betty, actually.” he awkwardly looked up.
your eyebrows narrowed, and the corners of your mouth went downwards.
“betty brant?” you asked accusingly, causing georgie to give you a look.
“please, g, spare me the jokes,” you laughed, expecting him to confess he was kidding.
“no. y/n/n, i’m seeing betty.”
“this is ruining my morning. stop talking.” you ordered, pushing away from the table and rushing to the elevator. georgie followed after you.
though he stood at 6’3, and had much longer legs, he could never match your pace when you were angry.
“y/n, cmon. don’t be a bitch.”
“georgie! i just really don’t want to speak about this.” you said, very sternly. he winced and tucked his arms into the pockets of his khakis, standing awkwardly next to you.
“let’s forget this happened, yeah? i’ll pretend betty brant’s name never left your mouth, and we will be the perfect twins that we always are.” you smiled your sickly sweet smile at him, and he rolled his eyes before agreeing.
“fine. whatever.”
the day passed as slow as it possibly could. that was until lunch, of course, and then it seemed your life couldn’t get any worse.
you sat down with gwen, liz, and harry, like you always did, and the four of you giggled loudly and gossiped like no one could hear.
the four of you made up the school’s most popular and desirable friend group. some called you “the elites”, and others just referred to you guys as spoiled assholes.
liz was the brains, harry was the gossip, you were the face, and gwen was the glue. she kept you all from falling apart.
obviously, when there was any friend group filled with four, gossip obsessed, narcissistic, beautiful teenagers, there was sure to be drama. gwen made sure that drama never let your friendships dwindle.
people would still be jealous, even if you mentioned their names or not.
your idiot brother sat with brad and flash, even though you often voiced your disgust for the both of them.
brad being your first — and only — boyfriend, decided to dump you the summer before your junior year.
the two of you avoided each other all year, and you had zero intent of speaking to him as the year came to a close.
you watched georgie smile down at his phone as it lit up with messages, and hoped deep down that he was joking. even though your mind screamed that he wasn’t.
harry’s loud “psssst!” broke you out of your absorbing thoughts, and you snapped your head to his direction.
“parker’s been spreading some good goss.”
gwen and liz both leaned in, also wanting to hear what your groups notorious big mouth had to say.
“wait,” all heads turned to you.
“who is peter parker?”
liz giggled and harry rolled his eyes. “the weird nerd who was obsessed with liz last year!” harry whisper-yelled, obviously wanting to tell his story.
“alright, go on,” you urged.
“supposedly, parker told ned leeds that he took your virginity last weekend at flash’s party…” harry shyly smiled, waiting for your response.
instead of answering with words, liz, gwen, and harry watched as your lips turned down to a scowl and your eyes narrowed into slits.
“i’m gonna cut off his dick!” you exclaimed, jumping up from your seat and rushing to the back of the cafeteria, where parker sat with his loner friends.
once harry had told you who parker was, you could picture him perfectly in your head.
brown curls, deep brown eyes, and a jawline that could cut diamonds. he was sort of cute….. no! y/n stop it! you scolded yourself.
this boy was spreading lies about you and your most special thing. how dare he? who did he think he was?
marching straight up to the boy who sat laughing with his two nerd friends, you stopped short in front of him, and crossed your arms.
you heard gwen suck in a breath behind you, and harry skidded to a stop on your left.
“parker…” he nodded, as peter’s head shot up.
ned grinned, never even imagining that the elites would walk up to him.
peter looked at the four of you in suspicion. was this about liz? he thought that ended months ago.
but once he saw your face, he knew this wasn’t about liz.
you stared at him with slits for eyes. he thought yoy looked like a lion staring at it’s prey.
you were beautiful, yet terrifying.
“h-hey,” he stuttered, watching gwen awkwardly rub her arm, and harry nudge liz’s side.
“get. up.” you seethed, still burning holes into peter’s eyes.
if looks could kill, peter would be six feet under.
he looked back at mj, who stared blankly at you, and ned, who was bursting at the seams with excitement.
“i said, get the fuck up!”
his eyes widened again, and he abruptly stood up, smoothing down his wrinkled uniform.
“what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” you seethed.
“i- what?” he murmured, shaking his head.
liz turned around and tried not to watch, she couldn’t help but feel bad for the boy.
gwen stood right behind you, ready to pull you away in case it got too intense.
harry, on the other hand, watched with wide eyes, acting as if this was a movie that he got early access to.
“don’t play dumb with me. and also, don’t be a douche. i cant believe your nerve!”
he shook his head again, trying to understand what you were so pissed off about.
“i’m confused,” he breathed out, awkwardly laughing, which just set you off more.
your shoulders went up and down as you took in a deep breath.
after around ten seconds of no one speaking, you smiled at peter.
not a genuine smile, though. a smile that said, “you really expect me to believe your bullshit?”
peter smiled back. and you couldn’t stand that.
usually you weren’t one to resort to violence, but when a nobody is telling half the school that he took your virginity, when he didn’t, you don’t know what else to turn to.
you turned around, as if you were leaving, before spinning back around on the balls of your feet and leaving a huge red mark on the side of peter’s cheek.
his head turned with the impact, and gwen let out a shriek behind you.
“what?” liz questioned, turning around to see your hand raised in the air, and peter holding his cheek while his eyes lit with fire.
harry sucked in a breath, watching your eyes widen, and peter’s shoulder rise and fall with his angry breaths.
ned’s mouth hung open, and mj’s eyebrows hit her hairline.
the entire cafeteria watched. the golden girl? slapping someone? it was unbelievable.
no matter how rude or spoiled you acted, nobody had ever seen you be violent.
not even the occasional into-the-locker-shove.
georgie rushed over and pushed harry out of the way. he placed a hand on your shoulder, and tried to lead you away.
you stood frozen, and breathed out the first words spoken since the slap.
“oh my go-“
“griswold! parker! my office, NOW!” principal morita bellowed from across the cafeteria.
you looked at him, and then your still raised arm, and tucked it into your side, your head falling into your chest from embarrassment.
your father would not be happy.
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arisenreborn · 5 months
The Tramont Family
Time for me to scribble down my thought-thinks about Olivia's family that have been kicking around in my head!
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Lord Matthias Tramont. A stodgy man rumored to have once-upon-a-time been quite charismatic, but Olivia can’t believe that. He is all about maintaining the families position and adhering to tradition - or whatever Queen Regent Disa tells him will help their position. The family ascended to nobility through a history of service in the military (along with a few clever marriage arrangements), but in the recent past they took a slip down the political power ladder, which seems to have influenced him. He is at regular odds with Captain Brant and Watchhead Gregor. He took great pains to arrange a potential marriage to Regentkin Sven for Olivia, only for her to spurn those efforts and, to his mind, make an utter fool of him. As such, their relationship is quite rocky at the moment. Her becoming Arisen has in some small way ‘mended’ that, but now everything he’s worked for and the connections he’s made are being tested as Disa would rather be rid of Olivia, having seen how her bullheadedness makes her unpredictable and troublesome. So, Matthias presents an air of the most detached support; giving her the most cursory and basic of protections from the Tramont family, but nothing further, while biding his time looking for the most rewarding opportunities.
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Lady Claudia Tramont. A noblewoman whom Matthias was arranged to marry by his father, she is the perfect image of a true lady - carefully concealed warts and all. She is deep down a little more understanding of Olivia’s desires to break out on her own and do what she wants beyond her fathers wishes for her. Yet outwardly she goes along with Matthias in all things, and regards Olivia coldly for acting out - something that may stem from a root of jealousy. She dotes endlessly on Ephraim and (not-so-)secretly loathes her youngest son being marched off to battle. Similarly she takes great pride in young Abigail for being everything Olivia failed to be.  As for Oliver… Yes, a mother should be so proud to have such a successful and formidable son… And she will say as much to any who would broach the subject of him, but there is a marked way in which she otherwise avoids ever talking about him that would suggest some level of discomfort. Perhaps even fear.
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Oliver “The Bull” Tramont. As a child, Olivia idolized him; he was a strong and powerful knight who protected the people and would slay dragons, to her mind, and she would one day do the same. Now, however, the naivete of childhood is long gone, and she knows him to be little more than an opportunistic mercenary who upholds everything she hates about the nobility.  While his father prefers to bow and scrape to the other nobles, Oliver prefers a more hands-on approach, proving their indistinguishable value through the wholesale slaughter of any enemies. He is equally feared and revered on the battlefield, a beast of a man who sends monsters fleeing before him. While he gets his men out alive (and mostly unscathed), he will also hire Pawns for particularly dangerous work and bears them only the least amount of respect afforded them in Vermund, often enough using them as fodder.  While he seems to care only for battle, however, he secretly has designs on the throne, throwing in his lot with the likes of Allard… He also holds great disdain for his elven heritage, going so far as to cut the pointed tips of his own ears off, and 'encouraging' Ephraim to do the same.
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Ephraim Tramont. Though your classic sickly Victorian child in his youth, he is now training to follow in his fathers and older brothers footsteps as a soldier in the Vermundian military. Perhaps needless to say, Olivia couldn’t help but to be jealous and bitter towards him for this, though she’d never actually act out in such a way towards him. Indeed they were very close, and in his youth she would often bring him trinkets and gifts when he was confined to his bed. Alas, eventually he started parroting Matthias and Oliver by telling her she needed to simply accept her lot in life - in part out of his love for her, and in part his jealousy. As much as he loves her, he also hates her for being so ‘free-spirited’ about everything. (By then, however, she was already enlisting under their noses.) He’s a rather weak-willed sort, doted on endlessly by his mother and not at all cruel at heart, but desperately tries to make up for his shortcomings by emulating the strength and demeanors of those around him.
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Abigail “Abby” Tramont. The youngest of the Tramont’s and Olivia’s favorite. She is everything her older sister is not and more than happy to follow in her mothers footsteps, enjoying all of the dancing and needlework and such. But she loves her big sister dearly, ever enamored by the tales of adventure Olivia would put her to bed with, and Olivia’s romantic dreams of the ideal knight.  After Olivia’s return as Arisen, she would send her letters or even sneak to her house to visit her, gifting her embroideries she made. She loves to listen to all of Olivia’s own adventures now, while sipping on tea and the tasty treats she brought that she knows Olivia loves so well. And while she had next to no opinion on Pawns before meeting them so much more up close and personal through Olivia, upon doing so she’s quietly disturbed by how her eldest brother speaks of them in comparison to the reality she sees. She is very fond of Emrys and somewhat unknowingly regards him like a big brother - she’s certainly never had a brother like him, who is actually fun to be around.
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latibvles · 2 years
Hey Lex, can i request touching number X + Dick + Giny + the woods, please?? Thankuuu✨
so … we went with a bit of SBT paragals! au here feat. Bastogne, since I’m assuming thats what you meant by woods. Hope you don’t mind the creative liberties here but this was fun to write and also … more Dick Winters perspective practice for yours truly! what happens in foxholes stays in foxholes.
Of all the situations to find himself in, this was, debatably, at the bottom of his list.
He can hear her breathing, feel the tremble against him, and knows that, realistically, she should be on her way, even in this pitch dark. But the silence after the shelling is still delicate like the cover of his foxhole and as logical as it is for her to go all he wants is for her to stay — here, where he can see her. Where he doesn’t have to worry about if she’s made it through or not.
He worries about all the men. A good leader cares, that’s what she’d told him, once, back when he was still a Lieutenant and she was just a Sergeant. But worrying about her feels different. He can admit to that, now.
She looks at him, blond whisps falling out of that braided halo, her expression somewhere between relaxed and solemn — the tug of a frown to her lips, the arch of her brow. As though she’s… not daring him to kick her out, but waiting for it.
When he doesn’t, she turns to her side in the foxhole, as much as one can, anyway. A bit emboldened — he places a hand on her back, hesitantly. In response she reaches back, grabs the hand, and places it on her waist, good and proper, before backing up into him.
“If you’re gonna cop a feel, do it right,” Ginny’s voice is hushed, but amused, and in spite of the frigid air, Dick feels a flush creep up his neck to the entirety of his face.
“Wasn’t my plan, Brant.”
“I thought I told you already — it’s Ginny,” He can hear that smile in her voice without even seeing her face. It makes him smile a little, too, as her hand once again moves to grab his, pulling it further so they’re slotted against each other.
And he lets his mind drift, for a moment, to a place somewhere in Pennsylvania, or maybe New York, with nice sheets and pleasant snow and a quiet room all their own. It was one of those things he kept to himself, although Lew had some sort of mind-reading power and had been knocking Dick since… it didn’t matter how long.
He knows he should let her go. Knows that this is selfish, inherently, and that he really ought to do better, but there’s something in the way she hugs his arm a little tighter and how instinctive it is to bump his nose with the back of her head that keeps the words from coming out.
“Daisy’ll have it covered.” Ginny mutters — and at the thought of Ginny’s equally as perceptive, dark-haired friend, all Dick can truly do is chuckle, keeping her close and indulging in their minimal shared warmth.
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thankssteveditko · 1 year
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(Amazing Spider-Man #11, Apr. 1964 - Stan Lee, Steve Ditko)
So Otto's grand return is kind of convoluted, and kind of slots him into a role where any returning villain probably would've fit. It's honestly more about the ongoing Peter/Betty Brant romantic storyline, which I haven't commented on at all because it's not very interesting and I know how quickly it becomes irrelevant.
Betty's dark secrets that have previously been hinted at are revealed this issue. Basically, her brother back in Philadelphia owes some major gambling debts to a mob guy named Blackie Gaxton, and to repay his debts he's arranging for Doc Ock to break the mob guy out of jail. Betty is in on this because she dropped out of school and took her job at the Bugle so that she could try and help her brother get out of debt. Otto agrees because he's being paid a lot and that'll help kickstart his new career in crime. It's a lot.
Blackie Gaxton. Terrible name. Great face, though. Please appreciate it now, because he's never appearing in another issue.
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clonedchaos · 4 months
Immortal Ties One Shot
Rating: G/PG (General Audiences)
Summary: It's been three years since the Nublar Six returned back to their homes and families. And today, it's the third-year anniversary of their return, and their parents have made secret arrangements for the six to reunite.
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"This is super suspicious, D," Kenji commented, slinging his sleeping bag over his shoulder as he and Darius strode down a camping trail.
Darius glanced over at his adopted brother and raised an eyebrow. He adjusted his backpack onto his shoulders, silently wishing he had packed lighter for their camping trip... and that he had even a fraction of the muscular definition that Kenji had.
"What makes you say that, Kenj?" He asked, glancing around at the high trees overhead. The sun was high in the sky and he blinked harshly against the glare.
"Your-- our mom claimed that we were having a family camping trip," Kenji started.
"... And?"
"And she and Brant ditched us to go stay in some other part of the forest. Without us," He complained, crossing his arms.
"She said it was for... brotherly bonding," Darius tried, though he had to agree with him. 
"Without Brant?" Kenji finally inquired. Darius sighed. None of this was making any sense. Why were him and Kenji being alienated from this trip? Brant and their mother hadn't told them anything. They just beamed ear to ear as they ushered them down a different forest path alongside a map to guide the way. Something about a… surprise. What surprise would be out here?
"And now we have to go to some specific camp site two miles from here. My legs are going to be killing me," Kenji continued dramatically, pulling out the map of the numerous campsites scattered about the forest.
Darius rolled his eyes good-naturedly before he glanced over at the map. "Uh, Kenj... You're holding the map upside down," He advised with a chuckle.
Kenji squinted hardly at the map. His cheeks lightly dusted pink in embarrassment as he quickly turned the map to its proper orientation. "I knew that. I'm a master at directions, remember?"
Darius only snorted in amusement as they continued their walk. Eventually, they made it to a lovely grotto carved into the side of a small rock face. A natural green curtain hung across the small cave entrance, decorated with yellow zinnias. Two glass lanterns with candles lit inside were hung in front of the cave mouth, supposedly there to illuminate the surroundings at night. Hung above the lanterns was a painted banner with bold letters that read "Welcome, Nublar Six!" 
Darius and Kenji looked at each other with baffled expressions. They rushed inside, eager to see if their suspicions were true. They passed a few more flickering lanterns that illuminated their path. The interior of the grotto was small and cozy, but sizable enough for a good portion of people to bunker down inside. It was fully lit thanks to lanterns and tiki torches. Brightly colored paper lanterns and streamers hung from the ceiling, coupled by a few chrysanthemum garlands.
Sitting in the center of the cave around a foldable table lit with candles were Sammy and Yasmina. Everyone's jaws dropped as their gazes landed on each other.
Sammy was the first to make a sound-- a loud, high-pitched squeal. She jumped to her feet and booked it over to the brothers, arms wide. She pulled Darius into a tight bear hug, lifting him off the ground and squeezing the breath out of him.
"Oh my goodness! You're here! You're really here!" She chirped, eventually setting Darius down. He slightly staggered, winded. She turned to Kenji and did the same to him. "I was just telling Yaz how excited I was to see her and now you guys are here too! What are the odds?! I must be dreamin'!" 
Yasmina came over with a grin and pulled Darius into a less forceful embrace than Sammy had. “Darius, it’s so good to see you.”
”It’s so great to see you!” Darius grinned back, returning the hug. Meanwhile, Kenji had lifted Sammy into the air and was spinning her around in a circle, their laughter echoing off the cave walls. 
Kenji eventually turned his attention to Yaz and she smirked at him. “Good to see you again… dingus.”
”You know you missed me, Yaz,” Kenji declared, pulling her into a hug. Yaz groaned but hugged him back with an embarrassed look as Sammy giggled at her girlfriend’s reaction.
Once they stepped back from the embrace, Darius tilted his head. “What are you two doing here? Aren’t you two supposed to be in Texas and Montana?”
”We were, but I was speaking with Yaz just a second ago, and our parents decided to take us on a camping trip... At the exact same time,” Sammy answered, gesturing to herself and Yaz. “I thought it was odd coming all the way up to California for that, but I’m glad I did! I get to see two of my best friends in the world and my awesome girlfriend!!” She clapped eagerly, practically radiating joy as she pulled Yaz into a side hug. Yaz chuckled, cheeks blushing.
”Only two?” A familiar voice asked.
Everyone spun around to find Ben and Brooklynn standing at the mouth of the tunnel.
”Hey, guys,” Ben waved, his eyes reflecting his amazement.
”Brooklynn! Ben!” Kenji exclaimed and immediately ran to his girlfriend. He kissed Brooklynn on the cheek. “It feels like forever since I’ve seen you in person!” He then turned to Ben and pat him on the shoulder. “Both of you!”
”It has been a while,” Ben agreed with a nod. Everyone began exchanging a series of hugs and greetings. The cave bounced their excited clamoring off the walls.
”It’s been far too long. This is amazing! How are we all here at the same place and same time??” Sammy questioned.
Ben’s gaze grew thoughtful. “I think this has something to do with our parents scheming behind our backs. They must’ve organized this.”
”I thought my dads have been off this weekend,” Brooklynn nodded in agreement. “Now I guess I know why. They’re terrible at keeping secrets.”
“So we have the next few days to hang out?! All six of us?!” Sammy squealed. 
“It appears so,” Darius grinned at the prospect. The next three days with his group of friends, most of whom he hadn’t seen past a video call in months? What could be a better way to spend the weekend? 
"Then we don’t have time to waste, gang! Let's get this reunion party started!" Kenji declared, pulling out his phone from his pocket. He scrolled through his playlist and soon, the cave was filled with the beat of loud dance music.
Sammy giggled and pulled Yaz into a wild dance number. Yaz frantically tried to keep up with her, giggling as she did so.
Kenji dramatically extended his hand to Brooklynn with a bow. “May I have this dance?”
Brooklynn snorted in amusement with a smile as she put a hand in his. “Of course.”
As the two started dancing to the upbeat tune together, Darius and Ben stared at each other. They were obviously the only two without a dance partner.
Darius grinned and extended his arms. “Alright, island boy. Wanna be my dance partner?”
”I’m not the best dancer…” Ben trailed off in embarrassment before shrugging it away. “Ah, what the heck?” 
The two began dancing of their own accord, sometimes pulling the other into spins or other dance moves.
Eventually Darius ended up dancing with Brooklynn, and then Sammy. Sammy was the hardest to keep up with. He found himself out of breath by the time the song ended and the six collapsed onto the floor. Laughter filled the room.
”Oh! I brought candy!” Sammy chirped, reaching into her travel bag to pull out Skittles, M&Ms, and Reeses. She tossed them into the center of the tight circle. 
“Sugar!” Brooklynn exclaimed, pouring a few of the miniature Reese’s cups into the palm of her hand. She ate one and almost seemed to melt on the spot. “Ah… almost as good as caffeine,” She dreamily chuckled.
Darius snickered as he got himself a handful of Skittles. Sammy was still rummaging through her bag and pulled out a deck of cards. “Anyone up for a game of Uno?”
”That would be a deadly competition, Sam,” Yaz said seriously before her tone lightened. “… I’m in!”
Everyone else chorused their agreement and the classic card game was soon underway. After several minutes, they were getting down to what was assumed to be the end of the game. Ben only had one card left.
Yaz glanced up from her cards deviously at Kenji. She threw down a plus four. “Sorry, Kenj. It’s just how the game goes.”
”That’s cruel, Yaz. Why would you do that to Ben?” Kenji snorted before throwing down his own plus four on top of hers.
Ben’s eyes widened, as he was on the receiving end of all this madness. “Seriously guys?!��Eight cards?! I was just about to win!” 
”Sorry, man. Can’t have you beating us all just yet,” Kenji chuckled as snickering echoed around the cave. Ben muttered to himself as he drew eight cards and set one down according to Kenji’s instructions on the color.
Sammy made a face. “We’re doing double stacking… right?”
”Those were the rules, yeah,” Darius confirmed before glancing at Sammy’s two cards. His face fell in realization.
”Well then…” Sammy threw down double red fours. “I win!” She cheered.
The cave was filled with a cacophony of groans of defeat and victorious or impressed giggles.
”Let’s go, Sammy!” Brooklynn cheered, nudging her friend with her shoulder.
”That’s the first game I’ve won in a while. My mom always wins. Er… Sorry, Yaz. I know you love winnin',” Sammy apologized sheepishly to her girlfriend, who still seemed to be registering the unexpected loss.
Yaz’s eyes rounded but she smiled and dismissively waved a hand. “Eh. Good game. I’ll admit it. You beat me,” She snickered, leaning over to kiss her on the forehead. Sammy giggled at the reaction and did the same back to her.
"Who's up for another round?" Brooklynn chuckled, gathering the cards together.
"A chance for redemption? Definitely," Ben nodded. Brooklynn shuffled the cards and begun dealing them. Once Uno got old, they opted for playing a game of charades and even a round of trivia that Ben had brought along.
Eventually, they ended off the night outside of the cave underneath the stars. A crackling campfire was situated in the center of a circle of rocks and logs. Thankfully, their parents had supplied them with an abundant amount of smores and firewood.
Kenji had his arm wrapped around Brooklynn, playfully trying to smudge her face with a marshmallow. She snickered and kept trying to dodge it, but just ended up eating it before it touched her freckled cheeks. Yaz sat with her head on Sammy's shoulder, while Sammy rested her head atop Yaz's. Ben and Darius sat together, trying to see who could create the bigger stack of smores to devour.
They all listened as Sammy began a story about Yaz visiting her down at her ranch in Texas. "You should've seen her riding a horse for the first time," Sammy was giggling. "She was bouncing around wildly. I half thought she was gonna fall off into the nearby pig sty."
"The horse was galloping! I wasn't prepared for that!" Yaz defended in a humored tone.
"I put ya on the calmest horse in the ranch," Sammy replied. "Poppy was a dear."
"I never said I was the world's best horse rider like you are, Sammy," Yaz nudged her shoulder.
"No, but you are the world's greatest track star," Sammy corrected. The two laughed.
"It seems like you two had fun," Darius smiled at them. He was glad their relationship was still going strong, despite the long distance. Kenji's and Brooklynn's appeared to be doing the same.
Sammy nodded enthusiastically. "We did so much more on the ranch, but that's enough about us. How have you all been?"
"Good. I've continued my lectures on dinosaurs on my channel. It's gotten popular, mostly thanks to Brooklynn. She sent some people my way," Darius nodded to her in appreciation.
"It was my pleasure, D," Brooklynn grinned. "Who knew so many Brooklanders were dinosaur geeks?"
"Speaking of dinosaurs, how has the isle been, Ben?" Darius inquired in interest.
"Wonderful. Dr. Turner and I have been taking good care of all our friends," Ben declared. "Bumpy's gotten so much bigger. Little Eatie too. We might need to come up with a better name for her, actually. She's almost bigger than her mother," He chuckled.
"Hmm... Great Eatie! It makes her sound all royal," Kenji suggested. Brooklynn raised an eyebrow at her boyfriend.
Sammy's eyes widened. "Oh! I like that name!"
"We're not calling her that," Yaz snorted, shaking her head. "What about Angel and Rebel? Are they doing okay?"
Sammy clapped eagerly. "Oh! Yeah! How are the little babies?"
"Also older. And not so little anymore," Ben added. "They're still thriving in the arctic biome. Dr. Turner and I have been keeping a close eye on them. Same with Pierce."
The air was filled with stories for the next two hours. Darius felt warm, and not just because of the firelight flickering before him. Though they had all separated since returning to their families, their friendship was still as strong as it was since they had left the isles.
If there was one thing Darius was confident in knowing that night, it was that their bonds were like an immortal flame that would never die out, no matter what came its way.
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knuxtiger4 · 10 months
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My favorite lady I have been playing in a Vampire the Masquerade game we have been playing the last few months. I finally made a proper reference sheet, though this is one of two as I want to make a second one with other details! As for Marina... she has been through hell and back so to speak.
Marina was born in Finland in 1895. Her family fled from Finland in 1904 for a better opportunity in the US (NYC) and to escape Russian controlled Finland where a revolution was occurring. As Marina grew older she worked in a factory that produced metal for firearms and with that grew to be a strong lady due to the work. In that time she met Martti Winefride Brant at a social party one evening who became her boyfriend when she was 18 and soon married him not long after. The couple would go on to have two children: Oliver (born 1917) and Saana (1919). Right before her death at 28 that her husband has went out one night friends. When he returned home, she would discover that he was a newly embraced "vampire" and turned on Marina. Unknown to Marina in the panic of fighting for her life desperately, she experienced her First Change before her death and her embrace.
Upset and confused on what had happened when she "woke up", she made the difficult choice of leaving her children in the care of her brother. Marina would very quickly discover she was not just a vampire... she was an abomination and one that had no control over herself. She could no longer stay in the city as she was shunned from both sides of her supernatural state.
Marina would spend years staying on the outskirts of her family, little contact made with them. Travelling around as a drifter, Marina would come across many people but gripped with the struggle of figuring out why Martti left her on her own and why she was cursed. During her travels she would find out the tragic event of Saana sudden disappears in California. The distraught mother attempting to locate her daughter with no signs and having to accept she was long gone or dead.
Marina still looking for answers to her werewolf origins, would eventually bring her back to Finland right in the middle of WW2. Unlucky, Marina would cross paths with German vampires forces who captured her, tortured her and made her into a weapon they used in the Siege of Leningrad. Hitting the lowest of the low, becoming the beast of raw power and rage.
Paths would twist for Marina as at the end of the siege she would find herself dragged back home to the US into the hands of the Camarilla where her memories were tampered/sealed with by an unknown individual. Marina from here would only remember her vampire state and that she was in the city because of her family, her descendants.
In the most recent, Marina returned back to NYC after hearing her great-granddaughter Ellen died in a tragic car accident, feeling that she needs to be close to her family again as their protector. She would live among the homeless population of NYC until that one fateful day where she met her coterie and more importantly Ingrid Fugita.
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Literally writing about this right now as we speak but guys. Please think about Kenric and Brant brothers (real not fake). Please think about Kenric Blackswan member and Brant the Neverseens boy. Think about Kenric desperately defending ability restriction of pyrokintics. Think about Brant being angry at his brother for joining the people who have hurt him. Think about the age gap of Kenric just about his early to mid twenties and Brant in his mid late teens angst phase. Think about how they loved their beloved so deeply. Think about how their loves would join them. Think about how they both burned for it.
And uhm. Also not to get too crazy on main but think about Tinker as their sister. A technopath so quiet and afraid of fire yet radical enough to join a resistance group. You thinking with me ? Let’s hold hands. I love you. Talk to me about it (I beg you)
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