zu-art · 5 years
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♥ Brarg Week Day 4 - Novela ♥
... I’m sorry for all these long posts lately. I literally only have long ideas for this week D:
Actors Luci and Tincho have such amazing chemistry in their scenes together that it almost looks real. They’re also super annoying ♥
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brargweek · 5 years
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This year we had so many suggestions, we'd like to give everyone a special thank you ♥ There were so many fun cool ideas! Picking between them was hard, but after some discussion we finally chose our 7 challenges for Brarg Week 2019!
24/11 - Day 1: Coffee Shop
25/11 - Day 2: Mermaids
26/11 - Day 3: High School
27/11 - Day 4: Novela
28/11 - Day 5: Road Trip
29/11 - Day 6: Medical
30/11 - Day 7: Angels & Demons
We really wished we could have used all of your suggestions, so to make up for it, this year we'll introduce a new fun feature; a wild card. What does this mean? We're giving you guys the opportunity to take one of the daily challenges and trade it for whatever you like instead. For example, don't fancy Day x? Maybe you'd rather work on some request that didn't make it to the final cut or just something else entirely? Well, this is your chance to go for it! We're giving you guys just one wild card to trade, so use it wisely~
As always, we remind you to please tag your warnings/triggers (ex; #nsfw, #blood, #violence, etc) and to also tag your event entries as #BrargWeek or #BrargWeek2019 to help us find and share your content.
Good luck everyone, and have fun!
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helozinha-art · 5 years
“BrArg Week 2019 - Day 1: Coffee Shop
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Luciano: "E aí, Má! Tem cortesia pra mim hoje?"
Martín: "Claro que não, besta... Sabe que não posso ficar fazendo isso, vão me despedir."
Luciano: "Mas eu sou cliente da casa e seu namorado, eu devia ter privilégios, não devia?"
Martín: "Não mesmo."
Luciano: "Aff, eu tentei."
//English translation under the cut//
Luciano: "Sup, Ma! Is there any courtesy for me today?"
Martín: "Of course not, dumbass... You know I can’t keep doing this, they’re gonna get me fired."
Luciano: "But I’m a frequent client and your boyfriend, so I should have privileges, shouldn’t I?”
Martín: "Not at all."
Luciano: "Welp, I tried at least."
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toabelovednightmare · 5 years
Shooting day
Characters/Pairings: Martin and Luciano. Mention of Maria. Brarg (and BraVene in fiction). 
Notes: This is for Day 4: Novela.
Uff. So many fics this week. I really missed writing Brarg, tho.
Warnings: none. 
The knock on the door took Martin away from his furious typing. He looked up to see the door crack open and move slowly. He held in a gasp when Luciano Da Silva peeped in.
“Hey.” The Brazilian smiled. He pushed the door, and entered Martin’s office. “How you doin’?”
Martin shut his laptop, leaned back on his chair and crossed his arms. He frowned at the pretty brown eyed star that was now sitting on a corner of his desk.
“Are you trying to see if your character is going to survive the plane crash scene? Cuz’ you know I’m not allowed to disclose information about future episodes.”
Luciano threw his head back with exasperation.
“Jeez, one can’t just come keep you company without you thinking that there’s some work related scheme going on.”
Luciano lifted his arms, stretching his back. On Martin’s desk. His hand grazed him, as if the suggestive smile on his face wasn’t enough.
“It’s still a no.”
“I’m not saying that you have to tell me—“
“I’m not going to tell you.”
“It’s just that, after all those shirtless scenes—“
“Again with that?! I didn’t ask for it, it was production! I'm just in charge of filming."
"A good excuse for all those close-up shots of my ass, I'm sure."
Luciano had found the way to gracefully slide down to his lap. He was now playing with his hair. Martin had to fight the urge to rest his hands on Luciano's lower back.
"Now, let's evaluate the possible outcomes of whatever decision the writers are going to take next."
"Yeah. The writers. I only. Direct. The filming."
"Shh. Let's see. Okay?" Luciano pinched his cheek. He moved a little and Martin swallowed. Hard. "If I stay alive, I get to spend more time here, pestering you. I get to keep my job for a couple more seasons, but then I do have to kiss Maria like, a hundred times more. I'm sure you are not too fond of that, are you? Yeah. You keep shooting her bad angles."
Martin opened his mouth to argue, but Luciano shushed him again. He kept moving his butt like he didn't know what it could cause. Martin glanced nervously at the door. Luciano wrapped his arms around his neck. His breath felt hot against Martin's cheek.
"Now, if they do kill me.... Well, I'd lose my job. But then we don't have to worry about them walking in on us. You could come to spend the night at my place and it would be fine because it wouldn't be a 'workplace relationship', right?"
Martin let out a shaky sigh. Luciano kissed the base of his neck. Martin's hands had somehow moved to the star's butt.
"I don't shoot Maria's bad angles. All my takes are perfect. They are pure gold."
Luciano laughed.
"I'm serious."
They kissed. Luciano's body was completely against him, and Martin couldn't help but give in for a minute. He ran his hands up and down his back, really feeling him. He bit his lips, and felt Luciano's playful smile against his mouth.
"What is it going to be, then?" Luciano kept moving back and forth. Martin would've loved to pin him against the desk and do all sorts of dirty things to him. But the clock was ticking. They couldn't keep the crew and cast waiting. "Come on, I know you can talk to them. Convince them."
Luciano's teeth brushed his cheek. Martin took in a long breath, gathered all his force of will, put his hands on Luciano's shoulders, and pushed him back gently.
"Time's up. You need to go get covered in fake blood now. You better hurry. That usually takes way longer than what you'd expect."
Luciano rolled his eyes, and moved out of the way at a snail's pace.
"Just so you know, I'm not done yet."
He said as he stepped towards the door, making sure his clothes were as they had been when he had entered the director's office.
"Oh. Make sure that they put a lot of fake tears in your eyes, too. We need it to be extra dramatic this time."
The door closed. Martin brushed his hair, and opened his laptop. Ah...he really needed to start spending more time with Luciano outside the filming set....
Perhaps Maria could get a new love interest....
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oxiosa · 5 years
Title: To Move Mountains Characters/Pairings: Luciano/Martín (Brazil/Argentina). Warning: free interpratation of angels and demons and good and evil tbh Summary: Luciano is an angel, lowest tier of his kind - the mortal world wouldn’t be able to host him without causing some sort of Apocalypse otherwise. He might not be nearly as powerful as seraphims or cherubims, but he has his own tricks under his sleeves. He is not allowed to directly interfere with human affairs, for that’s the rule They command from above; he is here only to balance the presence of demons casted out of Heaven and into Earth - of creatures like Martín.
@brargweek - Day 7: Angels & Demons.
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zu-art · 5 years
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♥ Brarg Week Day 3 - High School ♥
Do high school kids still send each other paper notes?? I debated turning it into a whatsapp thing but phones were strictly forbidden in my school, so they’d end up having theirs confiscated which is less adorable. (yes, Tincho is listening to music, on his phone, under his hoodie.)
I was inspired by this cute fic, cause I wasn’t really feeling my original idea so little love notes felt PERFECT. ♥
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zu-art · 5 years
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♥ Brarg Week Day 7 - Angels & Demons ♥
If you’ve been following me for A While and you have Great Memory, maybe you’ll remember this thing which is what inspired me. Well, that and @oxiosa‘s awesome fic for this prompt.
And I finally finished @brargweek A WEEK LATER. \\o//
(This really just makes me wanna watch Good Omens tbh.....)
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zu-art · 5 years
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♥ Brarg Week Day 1 - Coffee Shop ♥
[ Click the images so you can actually read them lol I’m sorry I keep handwriting these instead of typing them ]
I’M EXCITED FOR BRARG WEEK 2019!! I don’t think I’ll be able to draw longer things like this one every day, but I’d love to. I hope you like it~
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zu-art · 5 years
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♥ Brarg Week Day 2 - Mermaids ♥
Luciana is a river mermaid and Martina is a sea mermaid, so Tina brought a sea shell for Luci and Luci got her flowers from the riverbed :”)
I realized they probably wouldn’t be able to visit each other in the water cause...... I don’t think fish survive in water that’s not the right salinity for their species??? Or something?? (I’m not a biologist of any sort, I really don’t know) So I just perched them on a rock so they can hang out and be fish girlfriends without dying.
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zu-art · 5 years
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♥ Brarg Week Day 5 - Road Trip ♥
I’m late for these but HEY happy Brazil-Argentina Friendship Day, y’all ♥♥♥
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zu-art · 5 years
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♥ Brarg Week Day 6 - Medical AU ♥
This is so late but I am determined to fill all prompts this year!!! The scenario is Luciano is an athlete and Tincho is his physiotherapist. Yes it’s wildly inappropriate for Lu to think his doctor is hot, but it’s not like he can help it.
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toabelovednightmare · 5 years
The plot twist
Characters/Pairings: Luciano, Martin, Catalina. Mention of Manuel, Miguel, Sebastian and Julio. Brarg.
Notes: This is for Day 3: High School.
I had a pretty busy day today, but I am still trying to complete this week ovo. I hope you enjoy this one. Again, sorry if there are any typos hiding around. I’ll fix them eventually.
Warnings: none.
Luciano already had plans for that evening. He only had two classes left before the school day was over. He forgot to do the homework for the first period and got back an exam with a huge freaking "D" on it. But it was okay. It was one bad day, and it was almost over.
Catalina had sent him a text, which he saw once he was out of the last class. She was asking for help with some student council related activity. He figured he'd stop by the room where the student council's president usually hung out, and see what she needed.
It was probably one small thing; Catalina was known for being highly independent. He would be in and out her office in a minute at most.
"I need you to take pictures of the soccer match this evening." Catalina handed him the school camera with a smile, before turning back to her pile of folders and paperwork.
"What?! No!" Luciano almost dropped the camera. He knew what that meant. Catalina gave him a tired look. "Can't you send someone else to do it? Can't Sebby or Julio do it? Why do we need more pictures of the soccer team, anyway? Every other picture we take is of the soccer team."
Catalina rolled her eyes.
"Is this about Martin?" She squinted at him. She put her hands on her hips, which meant--Luciano knew this from previous experience--that she wasn't going to change her mind. "Because, you know, no one talks about that anymore. Like, everybody went on with their lives. You guys should too."
She patted his back. It didn’t help. Catalina sighed.
“Besides, Sebastian is busy with math club, and Julio broke an arm. Come on, I need your help here."
Clearly she didn't care about how this was going to impact the rest of Luciano's day. All he wanted to do was go home, get the homework out of the way, and play PlayStation until he passed out on his bed.
Instead, he ended up dragging his feet towards the soccer field.
It was still early, so the team had just started warming up. The rival team would get there at anytime, so they had to take advantage of the little time left to prep for the match. The team had had a rough season; they'd won the last game by one point, and barely survived the previous matches.
Martin wasn't having that again. He was screaming at his teammates to do this, and that, and--ah, now he was fighting with Manuel. Nice. A good reminder of why he had never tried for the soccer team.
He should actually be really thankful that he hadn't. After what had happened at the beginning of the year, he could say he was damn lucky for avoiding the soccer team. Because, if he had followed his pride, he would now be trapped in that field with Martin.
Martin, the captain, now stood by the opposite bleachers, cussing. And staring at him. Luciano could feel his stare, even when he was over twenty meters away. He took the camera, turned it on and started checking the settings to distract himself from Martin's gaze.
(All he had done was get drunk one time. One time in his short life. It wasn't his fault that Martin had felt the need to keep him company in the bathroom of that house, nor was his fault that things had spun out of control. He hadn't thought about fucking plot twists when he started drinking that night. How the hell was Luciano supposed to know that the very straight looking soccer team captain fancied him? That he fancied him back? He had only wanted to know what vodka tastes like.)
Luciano checked the camera's gallery of images. They seriously did have lots of pictures of sports' activities. And lots of pictures of Martin, to add to the offense. It was a good thing that he wasn't the only one taking pictures for the school's yearbook. God knows what kind of ideas people could get. Luciano didn't need any gossips about Martin and him arising again. He had had enough of that the first half of the year.
Why the hell was Martin staring at him, now? Manuel was still kind of arguing with him, but the Argentinian wasn't replying anymore. Miguel was also trying to get back his friend's attention, but Martin looked...out of it. Was he mad that Luciano was there?
Miguel was saying something. Manuel had finally shut up. Luciano was now taking some shoots of the empty soccer field to make sure that the light and contrast settings were all calibrated. Despite all the cold drama, he was going to take some damn good pictures that day.
The rival team had arrived. But now they had to warm up too. The whole ordeal was going to take a lot longer than what Luciano had hoped. He took a couple of pictures of the rival team, just for the sake of it. Maybe to make fun of them later, who knows.
Someone cleared his throat beside him and, for the second time that day, Luciano held the camera like it was his life. He must have looked bemused or something, because any trace of a smile on Martin's face immediately disappeared.
"Um. Hello?" Martin had his hands buried in his pockets. For someone so tall and fit to look so awkward and taken aback...it was quite an apparition. "You came to see us destroy the European dicks' team?"
Luciano shrugged.
"I came to take pictures for the yearbook. No one else was available."
He was aware of how dry those words had sounded. He had intended it to sound like that. His goal was to discourage Martin from trying to engage in any kind of longer interaction; the blonde had already made clear that he didn't want that.  
"Wow. Okay. I thought that we could chat a bit, but I now see that you are perfectly fine avoiding me like you have been doing for the whole year."
Martin took a step down. Luciano’s frown was as intense as his desire to push Martin off those bleachers. He really had no shame whatsoever. 
"Excuse me? Avoiding you?"
"I haven't seen you at all this year."
How did he dare pretend that he didn't know what had happened? This. This was the reason why he didn't want to be near Martin. Luciano knew that the blond would find a way to blame it all on him, and make him look like a fool twice now.
Martin didn't move. He was still staring at Luciano.
(They had been drinking. They were both drunk and somehow locked themselves in the bathroom. Luciano couldn't recall what they had been talking about. At some point Martin had leaned in and kissed him. And it felt good. It felt fantastic.)
"You know, it's very rude to kiss someone and disappear from their lives without giving any explanation."
Luciano clicked his teeth, he turned around to glare at Martin.
"Without any explanation? Oh, so you wanted me to walk around school, blow you kisses and hold your hand like I didn't know that you and your friends were making fun of me behind my back? Thanks for starting all those gossips, by the way. I was totally prepared to spend half a year tolerating that shit."
Martin's face had turned bright red. His green eyes were wide open. Luciano could hear Manuel calling him from afar.
"Who the fuck was making fun of you? I never said anything behind your back!" He pointed at the field, where his team was standing. Like they couldn't all see him doing that. Martin really knew how to make people start talking. "Was it one of them? Why the hell didn't  you say something?"
Luciano huffed. He turned around and started fooling with the camera again.
"No. It's not whatever. Why didn't you tell me?"
Luciano ignored that last question. The air between them was too tense. He felt like even the rival team was staring at them. And he felt like a fool. Again. It was like having a painful pit in his stomach.
Manuel was still calling Martin, and Miguel was now desperately waving for him to return to the field. Martin finally sighed, and started making his way down the bleachers.
Luciano felt his shoulders relax. The tension was really heavy on his shoulders. He knew that Martin would find a way to mess with his head.... He still had to stay and take pictures. Fuck.
He grabbed the camera. Through the lens, he could see the anger on the rival team's captain's face. Martin walked to the middle of the field like he had all the time of the day. Miguel was asking all sorts of questions, obviously. The rest of the school's team was sitting on the grass like they were now having a picnic.
And just like that, Martin turned around, waved at him, and shouted.
"FYI: You are going to prom with me!" It was like a nightmare. Luciano's face might had actually burst into flames. "BTW it was not a question!"
How wrong he had been to think that Martin was done with him.
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toabelovednightmare · 5 years
Summer days
Characters/Pairings: Martin and Luciano. Brarg (?)
Notes: I decided to connect this fic to Chiaroscuro. Basically, Martin is a nude model for Luciano’s college drawing class. There’s enough UST between the two to clog your pores. 
Also, I wrote this for the Brarg Week 2k19. 
This is Day 1: Coffeeshop
I wasn’t planning on posting it, but what the hell. Here it goes : ) enjoy. I’m going to try to upload the other days (I have a couple more already done) and catch up to the week e v e.
Warnings: none.
Martin couldn’t recall why he had thought that walking from the gym back to his apartment would be a good idea. It obviously wasn’t; it was summer and the sun rays blazed mercilessly over the downtown. His skin was burning and thick sweat drops dripped down his forehead. Actually, his whole being was covered in sweat. He was suffocating, near death, when the sweet vision of a tiny coffeehouse on the corner of a street appeared before him.
He had never heard of the place, but fuck it. Martin would happily drink dirty water if it meant that he would get to sit in a room with A/C. He hurried inside, immediately noticing that it was the kind of hidden indie place where college kids usually hang out. It wasn’t that weird, considering that he was still in the perimeter of the arts school where he part-timed.
After taking a quick glance at the people sitting at the tables, he chose to sit down at a booth near the window and looked at the cardboard menu in front of him. Tears almost rolled down his cheeks when he realized that they served mate. If it wasn't so damn hot and if he didn't still feel like a melted ice cream...
“Oh, wow." Martin's head shot up as soon as he heard the familiar malicious tone of voice. Nope, he hadn’t heard wrong. Luciano was standing there, with an apron, a notepad, and a cynical smile plastered on his face. “So now you’re stalking me. No offense, but it’s kind of creepy.”
Martin decided to play it cool.
"What the hell are you doing here?" He muttered under his breath. Just loud enough for Luciano to hear.
"I work here? Duh?" Luciano replied, huffing out a laugh.
Dammit, of all the places on campus where the art student could've worked. And of all the shifts he could have had. And, of course, of all the days, he had to pick the hottest--the one day Martin  would be forced to walk inside that weird coffee place.
Play it cool, Martin. Play it cool.
"You work? Wow. And here I was thinking that you were just another entitled rich art school kid. What happened? Did you flop a class and daddy refused to pay for it?"
He smirked at the dark haired boy. Luciano’s own smile flaked. The student furrowed his brow, visibly offended.
“That’s none of your business,” Luciano hissed. He lifted his chin, and gave him that nasty side smile of his. “At least I have a job where I actually get to wear clothes.”
What? Martin thought. Was that damn kid really crossing that line?
“What is that supposed to mean? What are you trying to say?”
Someone cleared his throat loudly. Very loudly. Martin glanced to the back of the store, where an old man in an apron was working the cash register. Luciano clicked the top of his pen. Through gritted teeth, he replied with animosity.
“What would you like to order?”
“Bring me a fucking mate.”
“Okay. A mate for the psycho.”
Luciano took note. Or pretended. Martin could have sworn that he had barely made a line or a scribble.
When he went to grab the menu, Martin held on to it.
“Funny’ you’d have the balls to imply that I’m a whore when you’re the one that keeps coming on to me.”
Luciano huffed loudly, and pulled again to no avail.
“Give me a break. I get enough of you at class.” He pulled once more, but Martin wasn’t over yet. His wish to strangle Luciano was clear in his eyes. “Besides, isn’t that what hoes do? Sleep around?”
“I don’t sleep around.”
“Yeah, well, I’ve heard very different stories.”
Martin let out a loud sarcastic laugh.
“Have you ever heard the saying ‘the thief thinks everyone steals’? I bet that ass is the only reason you get good tips, isn’t it?”
Luciano gave him a disgusted look. No, it wasn’t disgust. He looked baffled. Dumbfounded. Like he had not expected Martin to out smart him like that. He should have. All that teenage lust must have clogged his brain or something.
Luciano pulled the menu and finally caught Martin off guard. His face had acquired a reddish tone, and his tongue wasn’t as sharp anymore when he mumbled, “I’ll bring your fucking mate, you dick,” before turning around to retreat to the kitchen.
Martin tried his best to suffocate the evil little laugh that crawled up his throat. He followed Luciano’s path towards the back of the joint. His gaze, however, did slide down the back of the angry waiter.
He pried his eyes off as soon as he realized what he was doing.
Fucking kid. He deserved it. Martin had had enough for a day with the damn sun. Now he was hot and bothered, and all because Luciano couldn’t keep off him.  
Luciano was probably going to spit in his mate.
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oxiosa · 5 years
Título: Segundas Oportunidades Personajes: Martín y Luciano, y la invaluable participación de Miguel (Argentina, Brasil y Perú respectivamente) . Advertencias: homofobia internalizada y el peor KARMA Summary: Martín bufa, se revuelve el cabello avergonzado mientras siente sus mejillas encenderse. La situación es bastante humillante de por sí sin que Luciano tenga que señalarlo.
@brargweek - Día 3: Escuela Secundaria
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brargweek · 5 years
Tittle: Bilhetes
Pairings/Characters: Luciano/Martín, Miguel/Manuel (menção); Brasil, Argentina, Peru, Chile, Uruguai
Warning: Fluffy
Language: Português
Summary: Martín escreve bilhetes para alcançar o seu "amor de colégio", Luciano está em dúvida e Sebastian está cansado desses dois.
@brargweek | Dia 3: Colégio
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brargweek · 5 years
Tittle: Irresistível
Pairings/Characters: Martín/Luciano, (menção) Elizaveta Hedervary, Arthur Kirkland; Argentina, Brasil, Hungria, Inglaterra
Warning: Fluffy
Language: Português
Summary: Em que Martín e Luciano são atores juvenis e, em algum ponto da trama, o amor entre eles não é apenas dos personagens.
@brargweek | Dia 4: Novela
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