drokniquette · 6 years
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Day 5: Time
Its not every life you get to stop the clock. Ought to use it before its gone
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auncyen · 6 years
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grand-ship-blog · 6 years
And just like that, shipweek is officially over! Thank you all for your amazing submissions and contributions! 💕
We do understand that the tag doesn't always show everyone's submissions, so if we missed anyone's work, please don't be afraid to let us know.
As it is a busy month (many with exams and with voting and other stuff) we will give an extension to the end of the month for all late submissions.
Again, thank you to everyone! You're cooperation made many lovely works for shipweek this year!
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denahi · 6 years
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Inktober - Day 31 / Bravely Ship Week - Day 1 (Sleepover)
Alternis and Edea from Bravely Default as children having a sleepover in Edea’s immense four poster bed. Kind of hard deciding what a young Alternis would look like!
A bit messy/sketchy but I wanted to finish this before I went to sleep! Happy Halloween and end of Inktober everyone ❤️
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clarislam · 6 years
My next Bravely Default/Second oneshot for @grand-ship‘s Bravely Ship Week event, “Risks,” is now posted!
For those that don’t know, Bravely Ship Week is an event running from October 31st to November 6th this year. This week, I went with the pairing of Fiore DeRosaxNobutsuna Kamiizumi, with the theme of Masquerade! I hope you enjoy reading it!
I have one more oneshot for this Ship Week, but that won’t be coming until Day 5 (November 4th)! Stay tuned!
Read this fic on Archive Of Our Own!
Read my Day 1 Oneshot here!
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okthatscoolmom · 6 years
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My drawing for bravely ship week!! Yew/magnolia is really cute y’all
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xiaa · 7 years
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Bravely Ship Week Day 5 - Red
That scene in the tent with Janne and Yew at the beginning of the game 😭 😭 😭 I can imagine Janne beating up Yew’s bullies... and getting roughed up in the process.
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misedejem · 7 years
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Florem Gardens is home to all sorts of creatures, from sentient plants, to flower spirits, to cats, to couple of weird kids serving you the best pancakes you’ve ever tasted.
Here’s my submission for the ‘Flowers’ prompt for Bravely ship week~
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tallowcat · 7 years
Day 5: Red (Janyew)
Red. Janne’s life had always splayed with red.
Red was the colour of the floors on the night he grew fearful of closing his eyes. Red was the colour at the tips of fingers. Red was the colour of the feelings in their eyes.
 Janne lived his life in red.
 Red was the feelings of hate. Red was the swipe of finger over a wound. Red was the smear on his cheek. Red was the absence in his cheeks upon the words.
 Red was a feeling.
 Red was the knowledge he’d been graced with. Red was the burn of the sun in Al-Khampis. Red was the blister of his knuckles on stone. Red was when it all fell apart.
 Red was when he spoke, when he saw, when he breathed.
Red was the crosses and the circles upon a paper, and red was the failure of words that wouldn’t work.
Red was the sharp smile he gave, the sharp look in their eyes when the whispers and rumors caught up.
 Red was the burn of the hilt. Red was the glare in his eyes. Red was the feeling of want, of desire.
 Red was the feeling of being left alone.
Red was the lies on open lips, was the ‘tsk’s and the scolds. Red was when she spoke, when he spoke, when they spoke. Red was the feeling of it all jumbling together.
 Yew made his life bloom a brilliant red.
 Red was the blush of embarrassment on Yew’s cheeks. Red was the blossom that the brush of hands caused in his heart. Red was the skip of a beat at a glance.
Red was the loveliness of a smile towards him.
Red was the tinkle of words given to him by Yew.
 Red was what the Geneolgia family had spilled. Red was the colour Yew evoked. Red was all the Geneolgia’s cared to share.
 Red was desire.
 Red was revenge.
 Red was the warmth of a shared bed. Red was the joining of fingers. Red was the colour of their cheeks and noses on sick days.
Red was the colour of bonding.
 Red was the colour the Geneolgia’s had spilled. Red was the colour of his parents on the floor.
Red was the colour of their insides sprinkled out. Red was rage that burned inside him.
 Red was deceit. Red was a liar. Red was a bastard.
 Red hurt.
 Red hurt him. Red hurt Yew.
 Red was want and desire upon his finger tips.
 Red was the scream in Yew’s throat at his begging. Red was a feeling in his stomach at Yew’s eyes.
Red was something he wanted to forget, to forget Yew, to forget the kinder colours he had painted in his mind. Red was the colour of soiled hands.
 Red was a glare. Red was a snarl. Red was a sword. Red was a wound. Red was a win. Red was something he grasped at.
 Janne didn’t want to see what colours Yew inspired in them, in those ‘avengers’. He wanted nothing. Yet he held on.
 Red was the colour of Yew’s feelings. Red was the colour of his own, too.
 Red was failure. Red was pain. Red was a cross. Red was a fall.
 Red was fire. Red was burning.
 The burns on his arms had shone a brilliant red for days upon days.
 Red was a tumble. Red was determination. Red was a stagger.
Red was failure.
 Red was blood.
 Red was when he fell. Red was when he wheezed and gasped. Red was what clogged his throat, stopped him from breathing, from grasping, from gasping.
Red was what spilled into places it wasn’t meant to be.
Red was what spilled from what they’d left of him, the holes, the cuts, the vomiting.
 Red was what tumbled through his mind at Yew’s appearance. Red was Yew’s eyes. Red was Yew’s sadness, the smear on his cheek that of his own insides. Red was Yew’s tears.
 Red was the feel of Yew’s hands once more. Red was the burn of their contact. Red was the dull throb in his head. Red was the selfishness.
 Red was the feel of Yew once more.
 Red was death.
 Red was that of second chances. Red was anger. Red was betrayal. Red was hot desire. Red was want. Red was a hand grasping for his mothers in the dark.
Red was fear of the night.
 Red was failure.
 Red was the bow of his head to Agnes. Red was the sting at the back of his throat as he swallowed down the bile.
Red was the burn of pity he felt from them. Red was when they brushed him. Red was fake.
 Red was not real.
 Red was the brush of fingers. Red was the feel of him, of Yew. Red was the beat of his heart. Red was the blood rushing to his cheeks,.
 Red was Yew’s gentle forgiveness.
Janne had spent his life with red.
 Red was the feel of trust. Red was the change in desire, in need, in wants.
Red was the joining of their shoulders. Red was the laughter in the air. Red was when he said something he didn’t understand.
 Red was his life with Yew.
 Red was the swallow of bile.
 Red was Yew’s hands on his cheeks. Red was the twinkle in his eyes. Red was the heat of his heart in the moment. Red held a brilliance all different to the one he’d been chasing with a single mind for so long.
 Red was the touch of Yew’s lips on his own.
 Red was the weight of trust in his hand. Red was the squeeze of Yew’s nerves. Red was the flush down his neck. Red was the feel of a ring on his finger.
 Red was a shared bed on cold days. Red was ‘good morning’s and ‘goodnights’. Red was meals in comfort.
Red was belonging.
 Red was family.
Yew was family.
 Red was the absolute. Red was forever. Red was feelings. Red was promises. Red was vows.
 Red was ‘I love you’.
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rubindraws · 7 years
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*Me slamming dunking this onto tumblr and retreating back to work on commissions* I’ve sated the ship gods this year
A (Late) day 1 for @grand-ship ‘s bravely ship week~
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caardvarkk · 7 years
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Day 5!! The crew hanging at the zoo!
This took me an entire week. 
i never want to draw again.
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drokniquette · 6 years
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Day 3: Stars
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littlev1234 · 7 years
Fandom: Bravely Default
Pairing: Tiz/Agnes/Yew, mentions of Ringabel/Edea
Warnings: None
Words: 1,509
Summary: “Their dates often went like this: hanging out in a peaceful place and enjoying each other’s presences. Compared to their friends, the trio preferred simpler pastimes and subtler romantic gestures. She relished every second of it, and she knew Tiz and Yew did, too.”
Also known as Fluffy Cliches Featuring Hot Mechanic Tiz, Beautiful Contented Agnes, and Adorable Nerdy Yew.
Notes: Modern AU. Late submission for Day 7/free prompt of Bravely Ship Week.
AO3 Version: Repose
A bead of sweat slid down Tiz’s temple and reached his cheek before he swiped it off with the back of his hand. Due to the grease splotches staining his hands, the movement left a streak of black. Oblivious, he leaned down to continue working under the car’s hood.
Being the only one still at his father’s mechanic shop, the metallic clinking of his fingers skillfully moving parts and the drone of the pitiful fan standing in the corner filled his ears. The fan had no chance of standing up to today’s humid heat. Tiz carried on, checking a gauge before screwing a plastic cap back in place.
Some may believe such backbreaking work was unappealing and tedious. He, however, found it satisfying in its simplicity. Find the problem, fix it, and send the vehicle on its way.
Two pairs of light footsteps entering the garage caught his attention. After he finished tightening a washer, he stepped back and closed the hood. “Sorry. I wasn’t watching the time,” he apologized.
“It’s all right,” Agnes reassured. While her long bangs remained swept to the side across her forehead, the rest of her thick brown hair sat in a neat bun at the back of her head. An off-white short-sleeved dress with brown accents complimented her lithe frame.
“We’re not in a hurry,” Yew agreed, absentmindedly adjusting his messenger bag. He, too, had dressed more appropriately for the weather with shorts and a T-shirt with the Al-Khampis school logo scrawled across the chest.
Tiz smiled to himself. They looked comfortable and stunning, and here he was with ruffled hair and an old tank top.
“Let me take a shower before we go,” he said. Walking over to a nearby table, he set down his tools and grabbed the half-full bottle of water he placed there a couple hours ago. After pushing his bangs out of his eyes—he really needed a haircut—he uncapped it and took a few long gulps. Sweat glistened on his skin, from his jawline to the lean muscles of his arms, and the damp tank clung to his torso.
When he finished soothing his dry throat he tossed the empty bottle into a nearby trash can. He turned back to the others only to see that their faces had suddenly turned bright red. “...are you two okay?”
“W-we’re fine!” Yew insisted, voice a tad higher-pitched than normal and sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. The deep red hue coloring his face matched that of Agnes’, who nodded quickly in agreement.
“If you’re sure…” Tiz shrugged. “You can wait on the couch until I’m done.”
“Okay,” Anges squeaked.
Sending them another odd look, Tiz opened the door to his father’s house and stepped inside.
The second he was out of earshot, Yew and Agnes turned to each other with equal muffled excitement.
“That was just like out of a movie…!” Yew exclaimed.
“We were truly blessed to have that moment.” Though more sedated in her reverence, Agnes had clasped her hands together.
They continued to fawn over Tiz’s handsomeness as they headed inside and sat down on the couch. Since no one else appeared to be in the house, they assumed Tiz’s father and little brother weren’t at home.
Yew reached into his bag and pulled out a worn book. “The campus library was giving away books no one reads any more, and I thought you might like this one.”
She accepted the thick book and examined the cover. On the green cover read the title Sweets Around the World.
“Oh my,” Agnes breathed as she flipped through a few pages. She spotted pictures of mouthwatering desserts along with text explaining the foods’ history and making. Closing it before she temped herself into making one in that instant, she leaned over and pecked his cheek. “Thank you, Yew.”
Yew smiled shyly. “You’re welcome. While I was there I also saw a book that I thought would be perfect for Edea, but I decided not to get it.”
“What was it?”
“How to Keep Your Cool When Your Boyfriend is a Ladies’ Man.”
They both gave a small laugh.
“I had a feeling she’d throw the book at me or Ringabel if I gave it to her,” Yew explained.
“You made the safe choice,” Agnes agreed lightheartedly.
Tiz returned a few minutes later. Wearing faded jeans and a solid blue shirt, he attempted to tame his long bangs for a moment before giving up. “Ready to go?”
They unanimously decided Tiz would drive—Agnes had an abysmal sense of direction, and Yew tended to drive far more carefully than necessary. After a five minutes they reached their favorite coffee shop and headed inside.
“Bonjour!” Magnolia greeted as she untied her work apron and handed it to a fellow employee. “I didn’t know you three were coming here today.”
“We didn’t decide on it until this morning,” Tiz explained.
Magnolia’s gaze flicked between them, and then she shot them a teasing wink. “On a coffee date, are we?” She released a dreamy sigh. “You’re all so mignon! It was worth the nightmare of setting you ‘blockheads’ up together, as Edea would put it.”
“We would have figured it out eventually,” Yew said, though his uncertain tone revealed otherwise.
“Where are you going now?” Agnes asked.  
“I’m going home to freshen up. Janne and I are heading to a club tonight. You’re welcome to join.”
Yew glanced at Tiz and Anges before shaking his head. “No thanks. We plan on hanging out at Agnes’ house tonight.” None of them were huge fans of parties anyway.
“All right. A bientôt!” She waved farewell and left the café.
“I’ll put in our orders,” Tiz offered.
“We’ll find a seat then,” Agnes suggested.
They found a table small table near a window. As they sat down, Agnes’ phone pinged. She pulled out her phone and glanced at the screen.
“It’s Edea.”
“Isn’t she at the carnival with Ringabel?”
“Yes. She just told me that she let him hold her hand on the roller coaster, and he practically crushed it.”
“I can’t blame him.” Yew shuddered. “Roller coasters, my one fear.”
Agnes shook her head with a fond smile. Yesterday his “one fear” was ghosts, and last week it was “accidentally eating moldy pudding.”
“They said it’ll be ready in a minute,” Tiz announced. Approaching their table, he purposefully brushed his hand across Yew’s back while walking to his own seat. “What are you talking about?”
Their conversation resumed until their orders were ready. Agnes walked to the counter, picked the drinks up with a polite thank you, and returned to the table. She handed a packet of creamer to Tiz, who had a plain black coffee.
Yew swirled the straw in his caramel frappuccino before taking a long sip. Across from him Agnes raised her iced sweet chai latte to her lips, and when she placed it back on the table a spot of foam remained on the corner of her mouth.
Tiz and Yew exchanged amused grins.
“Agnes…you have something on your lip,” Yew informed.
She swiped her tongue across her mouth. “Did I get it?”
“No,” Tiz said. After she tried again and failed, he reached over and swiped it off with his thumb. “Got it.”
“Th-thank you.”
They stayed at the café for well over an hour, idly chatting long after they had finished their drinks. After leaving a tip in the jar at the counter, the trio eventually started for Agnes’ house.
Tiz stifled a yawn as he parked his car in her driveway.
“Tired?” Yew asked.
“A little,” he admitted.
“You don’t have to stay up,” Agnes reminded.
“I’ll be fine,” he insisted. “I don’t have to work tomorrow anyway.”
Upon entering the quaint home Agnes turned on the television. She then settled in the middle of the couch, and Tiz sat down beside her. Yew took his preferred position; lying down on her other side with his head in her lap. The fact that his feet hung off the edge didn’t bother him. While Agnes found a mindless romance movie they had already seen before, the youngest pulled out a book and opened it to the bookmarked page.
Halfway through the movie Tiz’s head lightly fell against Agnes’, indicating he had fallen asleep. With a soft, affectionate smile she looked down to see Yew also snoozing quietly. His book lay face down on his stomach.
Their dates often went like this: hanging out in a peaceful place and enjoying each other’s presences. Compared to their friends, the trio preferred simpler pastimes and subtler romantic gestures. She relished every second of it, and she knew Tiz and Yew did, too.
She turned off the television and carefully placed the remote beside Yew. She didn’t have the heart to wake them up, and sleepiness was beginning to tug at her eyelids as well. Relaxing against the couch, she fell asleep to the warm weight of Yew’s head in her lap and the sound of Tiz’s soft breathing.
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grand-ship-blog · 6 years
Shipweek is here!
Please submit your works through #bravelyshipweek so we can see them! If we miss any, don’t be afraid to message us! Happy ship week!
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denahi · 6 years
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Bravely Ship Week - Day 4 (Tradition/Progress)
This pair of prompts reminded me of the Oblee pairing with Agnes representing tradition and Edea representing progress. I like the Fencer outfit and think it suits Edea well, and it reminds me of Revolutionary Girl Utena, so I decided to tweak the outfits here for a kind of Utena-inspired butch/femme vibe.
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clarislam · 6 years
My Bravely Default/Second oneshot, “The Time Is Now,” is now posted! 
This is another oneshot for @grand-ship‘s Bravely Ship Week Event! For Day 5, I chose the theme of Time and the pairing of Fiore DeRosaxNobutsuna Kamiizumi!
Read on Archive Of Our Own!
I also wrote oneshots for the first two days of this event, and the links are below:
Read Day 1 here!
Read Day 2 here! 
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