#brazilian royalty
royalmotherhood · 2 years
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Princess Pedro de Alcântara of Orléans-Braganza (born Countess Elisabeth Dobrženský of Dobrženitz) with her eldest four children, Isabelle, Pedro Gastão, Maria Francisca and João Maria of Orléans-Braganza
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mr-cactis · 1 year
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blkwag · 2 years
pelé’s so kingie like
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royalarchivist · 3 months
Phil: Big fan of Brazilian barbecue, even before I went to Brazil, which– honestly, thinking about it is so crazy to me still, to this day that me and Kristin went to Brazil. Like, it was on our list to eventually go there at some point, maybe, but the fact that we just fcking did it– I think we booked our plane and hotel like, maybe a couple of weeks before we went. It was such a fcking like... spur of the moment thing.
Phil: Like, I forget who messaged us, I can't remember it was like, Quackity or Cellbit, I think it might have been Cellbit. And we were just like in– we weren't even home. We were in a hotel room. [Laughs] We were- we were in a hotel room! [He gets distracted for a moment as the sky changes] Oh, it's just regular rain. And we booked everything on my phone in the hotel room. That's how like, convincing it was. We were like, "Oh my god, oh my god, ok maybe- maybe-" and like, I remember looking at Kristin, we were just like, "Do– are we going to Brazil? Are we fcking going? Ok? Alright??? Sht, here I go!" [Laughs and mimes typing on his phone] "Oh, I'm gonna get a call from my bank that's- that's money coming out all of a sudden and I'm not home! [Laughs] That's a lot of money!" [Laughs] Hotel, like, planes– Jesus Christ.
Phil: But yeah, it was incredible. I'll- I'll always remember that, like trip, it was fcking nuts. Cellbit like, treat us like fcking royalty, it was ridiculous, he had like so much stuff planned and like, there was transport, and like– dude. He made us feel like, so welcome. It was so cool.
Phil reminisces about the Brazil trip! 🇧🇷💛
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shera-dnd · 3 months
I have decided against my better judgement to be weird about the Dawntrail MSQ
and we can't talk about an expansion set in the fantasy americas without talking about
oh yeah, we're going there baby
So disclaimer that I may be brazilian, but my ass is white as hell, so take everything I say with a grain of salt. Also if any native americans have made posts on this please let me know so I can boost their analysis as well
Also also I'm more than happy to delete this post if I mess up. I'm genuinely trying to make a thoughtful analysis, so if I fuck up just say the word and this thing is gone from this website
Oh also also also, Dawntrail MSQ spoilers ahead!
So FFXIV has had a... messy relationship with colonialism over the years
The fact that the major antagonists for the first half of A Realm Reborn a literally called "beast man tribes" is absolutely not a good start to this story
Add to that the fact that The Twelve (Eorzea's gods) are shown to be kind all powerful deities, while the Primals (the tribal gods) are evil spirits summoned to bring destruction to the world
and yeah no ARR is not good with that shit. It's EXTREMELY not good. If I hadn't been told it got better later on I would have dropped this shit before I got to Titan
But they have been taking steps to unfuck things. First we're shown that even the "civilized societies" (in this case the catholic elves) can summon Primals, then that Primal summoning isn't an actual native custom but was introduced by foreigners with malicious intent, and that not all "beast man" practice that
Then they changed the names of the "Beast Man Tribe Quests" to "Tribal Quests" and then finally to "Allied Society Quest"
Which would have been an empty gesture had like half of the post-Shadowbringer patches, as well a lot of Endwalker, not been about forming alliances with those people and working together with them, recognizing that they have as much right to the land and to life as any Eorzean, this all culminating on the Primals being summoned with the express purpose of helping you protect the world you all share
I guess they realized that they couldn't have their big bad for most of the game be the evil expansionist empire, if they didn't like actually reflect in their own imperialist fantasies they were propagating
Then the teaser trailer for Dawntrail drops and everyone in the fandom is like "wait... are we gonna do a colonialism?"
And memes were abound of how all those lessons from before don't apply to the "New World" of Tural
THANKFULLY the actual questline leading to Dawntrail helped to settle some of those worries
We're not going to Tural to explore a new uncharted land, but are actually being invited over by the local royalty in order to aid them with their right of succession. We get introduced to the nation of Tuliyollal and how it's a thriving land with its own culture and not just a "terra nil" waiting to be colonized
Still there are some worries that this is gonna turn out poorly and that we're just gonna end up being white saviors
But I think they managed to avoid that pretty well
For starters neither the Scions nor the Warrior of Light are the protagonists of this story. You're all simply supporting character's in Wuk Lamat's story
A story that centers her people, her culture, and her family
And it's not even one culture. They don't portray Tuliyollal as this monolithic mish mash of every single native american culture
No, the lands of Tural are in fact comprised of multiple different people's and nations, each of them with their own customs and traditions which are informed by their history and the lands they live in
In fact learning about their cultures and partaking in their customs is the whole point of the Rite of Succession. It's all set up so that the next Dawnservant would be someone who understands and respects each of the peoples that comprise Tural
(I could, and probably will, write about what Dawntrail has to say about what makes a good ruler)
And our girl, Wuk Lamat, is shown to be the rightful heir because she really goes out of her way to understand each of the nations and show her appreciation for their customs
Putting her well above her Sharlyaboo brother Koana, The King of Unresolved Daddy Issues Zoral Ja, and whatever the fuck is going on with Bakool Ja Ja
(I joke, I love my two headed traumatized dumbass)
Tho I will admit that this does end up giving the tribes a somewhat "planet of the hats" vibe. Like their named NPCs are diverse and interesting, but you can just assume that most random NPCs of any given people are gonna act according to the stereotype
Which is unfortunate, but I have hopes that with the next few patches and the addition of Dawntrail's own Allied Society Quests, we'll get to see more to them
But that... is only up to lvl95 and the end of the Yok'Tural (southern Tural) segment
because then we get to Xak'Tural (northern Tural) and holy shit does it feel like they drop the ball there
Like they really COULDN'T keep themselves from making Shaaloani a fucking Wild West map
Instead of doing anything with the actual cultures and histories of Native North American people, they just do wild fucking west
Because there's ceruleum in them thar hills! And apparently Koana turned most of the region into Sharlyaboos too
So we get a bunch of Wild West frontier towns mixed with native american tribes and mud brick cities. We have trains and guns and a sheriff and a duel at high noon, but now everyone got native american names
At least there's one group off to the northern side of the map who seems to stick to tradition and live in harmony with nature, and that group is shown respect by the other people of the region
so we at the very least avoid the "cowboys vs indians" crap, but my god does that region just feel bad compared to everything else they had done so far
Then we get to the big twist: THE CYBERPUNK PORTION OF THE GAME
because yes, we go full fucking cyberpunk
so turns out that a whole segment of Xak'Tural got colonized by the kingdom of Alexandria, including the lands of the Shetona (Erenville's people)
And I feel like this is the most poignant section of the MSQ when it comes to colonialism
Because here we have Alexandria, an empire that has reached the limit of what it can do sustain itself on its own world, and so has decided to spread out and colonize others in order to gain resources
We see the Shetona and other natives of the region being separated from their families and kept in isolation from the rest of their people
And tho Queen Sphene is shown to be a kind and caring ruler who gives people a choice when it comes to joining the empire, WELL SHE'S STILL THE QUEEN OF A FUCKING EMPIRE
Like her form of kindness and just stagnant peace is put in stark contrast with Wuk Lamat's own love for her people and more proactive pursuit of happiness and harmony
(again with the "what makes a ruler theme")
Also the people that choose to be assimilated into the Alexandrian Empire? Yeah, they're doing so because Alexandria has advanced medical technology and you can only receive their aid if you're a citizen
Not only that, but you have to be a working citizen. We see later on a character being denied medical aid, because he lost his job, thanks to the King's decision and at no fault of his own
yeah this is cyberpunk, not just sci-fi
ALSO can we talk about how the technology used for that medical aid and the little gizmo they give you to signify you're now a citizen, will literally erase the memory of the people you lost
So the Turali who are assimilated into Alexandrian culture not only lose ties to their culture and their loved ones, but are not allowed to grieve their loss, because what they once had is slowly being erased
How their choices add up to survive on their own OR be assimilated
How this all takes place IN NORTH FUCKING AMERICA!
So yeah, I don't think is is accidental. I genuinely thing that they're making a point about the realities of imperialism and colonialism, as well as taking some shots at the US while they're at it
Of course this part is still centered around Wuk Lamat, and instead of having a moment of "the only ones who can stop the evil white europeans are the GOOD white europeans", we have Wuk Lamat be the one to save the day, defeat Sphene, and save her people from the colonizing empire
So I would like to argue that everything that happens from lvl97 onwards is them picking up the ball again and making a real point
buuuut that comes at the cost of us being unable to engage with the native peoples of Xak'Tural outside of the context of colonialism
Which genuinely fucking sucks, and I hope it will be remedied with the post-Dawntrail patches
As well as handling the whole shared land situation they ended up with and how this might end up in a Land Back sort of movement, and oh boy can they mess shit up royally there
So in conclusion FFXIV has had a messy relationship with colonialism and imperialist fantasies and tropes, but the devs seem to be making a concerted effort to undo their mistakes and show respect in their depictions of american natives
They still fuck up
boy do they
but they're at least trying, and I'd say Dawntrail so far has been quite well executed
so yeah, look forward to more insane rambles like this one I guess
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lizzibennet · 5 months
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i will never get over how brazilian pjo fans are so unbelievably pa$$sionate about it rick and disney had no choice but to admit it. we really went from the butt of the joke to royalty in fandom lmaoooo everyone say obrigada percyanos
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Tall and tan and young and lovely The girl from Ipanema goes walking and When she passes, each one she passes goes, ‘ah'”
The Girl from Ipanema
The girl from Ipanema is dead. Or rather the one who gave her voice to it died, Astrud Gilberto.
The Girl From Ipanema was originally titled ‘Menina que Passa’ (‘The Girl Who Passes By’) and set to be featured in a musical comedy entitled Dirigivel.It was written in 1962 by Antônio Carlos Jobim with Portuguese lyrics by Vinícius de Moraes. The inspiration for the song came from a young woman, Heloísa Eneida Menezes Paes Pinto who lived in Montenegro Street in Ipanema. The 17 year old Heloísa would be noticed walking past the Veloso bar-café as part of her daily routine, and one day going about her normal business she caught the attention of the composers. Leaving an impression of youth and grace, to Moraes and Jobim she became the girl from Ipanema. The popularity of the song would elevate the teenager to celebrity status, and in the years that followed would be known as Helô Pinheiro a model and successful businesswoman. 
Under the spell of bossa nova, the great Stan Getz teamed up with Brazilian guitarist João Gilberto to record, primarily, the songs of Antônio Carlos Jobim. The resulting album, Getz/Gilberto was released in 1964 became a million seller and one of the most famous jazz albums of all time. The success of the album was arguably down to the track ‘The Girl From Ipanema’ which came out as a 45rpm single. It was sung by Astrud Gilberto, it went on to sell more than five million copies worldwide.
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During the recording session for the album that took place on 18 and 19 March, 1963 it was decided that a version with lyrics in English would be a good idea. Norman Gimbel was on hand to write the English lyrics, and ‘Garota de Ipanema’ quickly became ‘The Girl From Ipanema’.  There was just one problem: no one available with a good enough command of the language to sing the song in English. That was, apart from João’s wife Astrud who had come along to the studio.
Although she had never recorded professionally before, she was an experienced vocalist having sung on stage with her husband and what followed catapulted the 22 year-old singer to worldwide fame. She laid down vocals for the track, as well as another song – ‘Corcovado (Quiet Nights of Quiet Stars)’. Getz, Gilberto and producer Creed Taylor quickly realised they had something special, with her gentle voice, almost a quiet whisper, a perfect fit for the song and for Getz’s warm yet light toned tenor playing.
The astronomical success of the single ensured good sales for the full album too, and Stan Getz is said to have been remuneration handsomely for his work. However, whilst the success of the song may have helped launch Astrud’s career, she did not benefit financially. She was reportedly paid just $120 which was the standard rate for her contribution - although the saxophonist was apparently insistent that she should be paid nothing.
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In her own words, she was manipulated by “wolves posing as sheep”. Both Getz and Creed Taylor claimed credit for the discovery, with the singer later commenting: “in fact, nothing is further from the truth. I guess it made them look important to have been the one that had the ‘wisdom’ to recognise potential in my singing… I can’t help but feel annoyed that they resorted to lying.”
As a result of the way the song was credited for royalties, Astrud Gilberto received indeed received no additional financial remuneration for her contribution. The injustice continues when it transpires that her husband at the time (they divorced a short time afterwards in 1964) received a 5-figure amount via royalties while Getz, securing the largest amount, is rumoured to have bought a mansion with his share that amounted to nearly $1 million. The injustice and inequality of the music business may have reared its ugly head – unfortunately just one of many such instances - but the music that came from the session has left us with a timeless gem. Today it is reportedly the second most recorded pop song of all time after the Beatles’ ‘Yesterday’.
The Girl from Ipanema would be her only major hit - though it crept back into the UK chart in 1984 as bossa nova flourished again, popularised by Everything But the Girl, Sade and others - but she retained a fandom for a series of subsequent solo albums on the jazz label Verve, beginning with 1965’s The Astrud Gilberto Album. She also recorded with Chet Baker, and continued to tour until 2002. In 2008 she was given a lifetime achievement award by the Latin Grammys.
Video: is Astrud Gilberto performing "The Girl from Ipanema" in 1964 with Stan Getz on tenor sax, Gary Burton on vibraphone, Gene Cherico on bass, and Joe Hunt on drums.
RIP Astrud Gilberto (1940 - 2023)
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warwickroyals · 7 months
list those ugly irl tiaras, sis!
I think I will, actually, because I have no issue dragging IRL royalty, as they deserve. Like, if you like a tiara that I dislike . . . kick rocks I guess, this is just my opinion. I'll do five to keep it brief. And these are in no particular order.
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The Burmese Ruby Tiara 🇬🇧
Queen Elizabeth II had a perfect tiara in the Nizam of Hyderabad, that was literally gifted to her and she just randomly decided to take a sledgehammer to it and made the meatball splatter tiara? I'm still so annoyed because the old tiara was so much better and this is a huge downgrade.
Elizabeth II sucked at making jewelry. All three of the tiaras she commissioned are ugly as sin, but this one is just insulting. At least the Brazilian aquamarine has character.
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Princess Madeleine's Aquamarine Bandeau Tiara 🇸🇪
It looks like an arts and crafts tiara. Like I get it, she was 18 and you want to give her something practical as a baby's first tiara, but it's just ugly and Madde deserved better. It's funny because Sweden has some of the best tiaras and the other Aquamarine tiara they have is one of my favourites.
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The Empire Tiara 🇱🇺
Luxembourg has some of the worst tiaras, but this one takes the cake. The issue with many of these huge tiaras is that they were made during a time when hair was way more dramatic, which complemented these big gun tiaras. However, modern hairstyles just don't work, and that's why I can't vibe with the Empire Tiara. It also is just too gaudy, stiff and heavy-looking, like one of those beauty pageant tiaras.
MT just looks bad in it and I already have a negative opinion of her for, um, other reasons . . .
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The Duchess of Edinburgh's Wedding Tiara 🇬🇧
So, I don't know what they were thinking giving Sophie this hideous hodge-podge mess. It was made up of pieces from a different tiara belonging to Queen Victoria and it shows. It has tons of empty space and is gapping at the bottom. It also just doesn't have a proper base. I think they renovated it recently and while it looks better, it's still ugly.
Also not that point, but that pearl necklace? Your husband designed that for you? Sorry.
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The Modern Gold Tiara 🇳🇴
I like a sci-fi look, and I like how Sonja wanted to step outside the box with this one, but I just find it ugly and awkward-looking, and the diamonds on add nothing. This is maybe the best version of it, though. Extra points for creativity, I guess.
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coffehbeans · 8 months
Welcome to my Blog! Have some coffee ☕
Hello everyone! I'm Coffeh. I'm a 22-year-old Brazilian graphic designer irl, but here I share my g/t art and stories and reblog what I like! Hope you can enjoy this silly litte corner I have for myself.
If you're a nsfw blog or a vore blog, I ask you to not interact with my posts, please. I just like to filter my Tumblr experience this way. I also block empty blogs, just in case they're a bot.
Now onto the fun part! I'll divide my stories in universes and characters, with trope lists and everything. Pick any that you like, there's a little bit of everything! I'm still improving at writing, so any constructive feedback is welcome!
Hope I can make y'all fall in love with my silly little blorbos <3
All of my writing will be under #coffeh writes
And all of my art will be under #coffeh draws
Now if you just want some random g/t thoughts, prompts or just random thoughts in general, just go to #coffeh rambles
Tales from Immers (Berk, Kylon and Rosemary)
Fantasy and adventure, friendship, curses, growing into a giant, intentional fearplay.
This story is going to become my first multichapter! Currently on the planning phase and ongoing. I have a few chapters out, but they'll be rewritten.
Summary: Self-procclaimed genius Kylon dreams of a better life for him and his friend Rosemary after being ostracized from their prejudiced village. But when Kylon ventures too far into the Imore Woods, what he finds next might involve him and his friend with the place's local legend.
Chapter 1
Character tags: #oc: kylon #oc: rosemary #oc: berk
Royalty (Estelle and Alaric)
Friendship, royal setting, giant race, arranged marriage, platonic slow burn, hurt and comfort, unintentional fearplay.
Summary: A young princess named Estelle must live in the castle of the prince of the giants, Alaric, in order to achieve piece for the human kingdom.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Character Tags: #oc: estelle #oc: alaric
Sinking Ships (Aegir and Caytlin)
Fantasy, merfolk, fluff, friendship, bittersweet ending, angst.
Summary: A marine biologist gets stranded by the sea, and is saved by a merman in the proccess. Determined to find out more about eachother, they form an unlikely bond. But Caytlin's relentless ambition might put their friendship to the test.
Chapter 1
Character tags: #oc: caytlin #oc: aegir
Survivor (Sunflower and Juhren)
Fantasy and adventure, childhood friends, eventual romance, rekindling friendship, fantasy races, hurt and comfort, unintentional fearplay.
For now I only have a collection of short stories involving these characters, they're my oldest g/t ocs! <3
Summary: In a world where all sentient beings are magical, humans are the magicless outcasts, being hunted down and killed in some places for unknown reasons. Sunflower is a human disguised as a leivdian, living peacefully in the remote village of Leivden. But when the nordem, powerful giants who are in war against the Capital, attack and destroy her safe haven, Sunflower has to run away and escape her country in order to survive. But being a human in a world full of magic is dangerous, specially when there's a price on her head, and she finds herself having to rely on the very same species that made her run away in the first place. In the process, Sunflower may reencounter an old friend.
A Nest Of Memories
How they Met
Character tags: #oc: sunflower #oc: juhren
Out of Bounds (Ethan, Helena, Seb and Zora)
Sci-fi and drama, angst with a bittersweet ending, post-apocalyptic, utopia, growing into a giant, family bonds, friendship.
Summary: A genetic mutation starts affecting 5% of the world's population, making them grow into towering 130-feet-tall giants. Ethan Greenwood has everything in life: a loving mom, lots of friends, a promising career as a public defender, and the safety within the borders of Steelfort. But when he's diagnosed with the hyperon syndrome himself, Ethan has to struggle with the changes in his body and the loss of his perfect life. Will he be able to retain his humanity, even as it gets further away from his grasp? And will Helena, his mother, and his best friends, Zora and Seb, reach out to him, both physically and emotionally?
This is going to become a novel in the far future (hopefully). For now, I have some short stories exploring the characters and the world.
Sleepover and Snacks
Character tags: #oc: ethan #oc: zora #oc: seb #oc: helena
G/t Night Dream (Cole and Lia)
Sci-fi, dystopian, memory loss, friendship groups, romance, tiny people being oppressed, borrowers (to an extent), angst with a bittersweet ending, growing into a giant.
Summary: Humanity has known how to hide and run for over a century now. On Earth, the hyperion are the superior, evolved race, while humanity are treated as less than pests and killed on sight. In a hidden underground society, a human resistance tries to get by as they borrow resources from the hyperions' houses. Cole has been a reliable leader of his scavenging group for a while now, and he gains the additional loyalty and support of a new member, Lia, someone he had saved from the giants. But when Cole is captured and turned into one of them, Lia decides it's her turn to save him.
For now, only a few snippets of these characters' stories are avaiable.
Character tags: #oc: lia #oc: cole
(Placeholder title ashush no idea how to name her universe yet)
Fantasy, drama, tragic, sad ending, hurt and comfort, angst, monster and monster transformation, memory loss (eventual recovery).
Summary: Edward Becker's wife has been missing for seven years. He knows she will come back... Even as he hopelessly waits. She has to. One day, Cordelia returns.
Character tags: #oc: cordelia #oc: edward
I mean, basically most of the stories I've tagged above are from these two bigger tags for now, with the exception of G/t July's "Element", which feature characters I'm not sure I'll write more about. But any other short story that doesn't have a definite character, I'll put in this section.
Last but not least, My Wattpad Profile, if you guys prefer that over Tumblr.
Anyway, thanks for visiting my page! Don't forget to grab a coffee when you leave☕
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gemini-forest · 8 months
I am very confused with many characters in your au. Do you mind introduce them?
Like introduce all of them? I'll do what I can, I'll do a TLDR.
Leo: new father, leader of the group, married to Jayden, adopted Casey Jr. Works part time from home looking over medical documents.
Jayden: New parent, married to Leo. In current timeline is on maternity leave. Works part time at the Mystic Library at the front desk.
Donnie: Happily single, works from home, sells his programs and tech.
Casey Jr: From a different future timeline. New big brother, anxious, has a cat named Bread. CJ is very sweet.
Raph: In a domestic relationship with Francis, expecting his first baby. Works part time in the Mystic Library in the kiddy room as an attendant. Loves kids.
Mikey: Married to Aiden, no kids, works as an art therapist.
Aiden: Married to Mikey, shy, awkward, but can be loud and honest around those he trusts.
Francis: In a domestic relationship with Raph. Pregnant with their first child. Works as an instructor for Brazilian Jujitsu, isn't doing anything major atm.
Karai: Doesn't know how she came back to life, is working a cozy job, enjoying life.
Splinter: Managed to prove and get his royalty money for Lou Jitsu films, his return regained his popularity. So he's living happily retired and old.
Vince: Francis' dad. Divorced. Works as a surgeon for the EPF. Knows, respects, and continues to educate himself about yokai. Has not told the EPF about the turtles nor the Hidden city because he ain't no snitch
April: Currently dating Eliot(has yet to appear so no log for him yet), works as a journalist by commission for both Hidden City newspaper and New York times. Earns good pay as well
Annie: A baby, oh baby, tiny baby, freshly born, small, precious.
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royalmotherhood · 2 years
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Princess Pedro de Alcântara of Orléans-Braganza (born Countess Elisabeth Dobrženský of Dobrženitz) with her five children, Isabelle, Pedro Gastão, Maria Francisca, João Maria and Teresa of Orléans-Braganza.
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leorawright · 2 years
Tf2 Masterlist 4
Mercs seeing their calm s/o charge into battle
Medic with autistic s/o who likes neuroscience
Medic comforting s/o
Medic and Sniper with a short s/o
Mercs with winged s/o
Mercs with intimidating s/o
Mercs with s/o who gets hurt to see them
Saxton Hale being terrified of the mercs s/o
Mercs twin losing their sanity due to Marasmus
Mercs figuring out their s/o is Pyro
Mercs with deceptively strong s/o
Mercs seeing s/o have a seizure
Mercs play the pocky game
Mercs with 'fisherman' s/o
Mercs crush confesses first
Mercs with large s/o
Mercs with s/o who has a tarantula
Mercs with s/o who is short but full of rage
Mercs with s/o who always gets sick
Mercs when they're best friend joins the team
Mercs with s/o who has anemia
Mercs with British s/o
Mercs with butcher s/o
Mercs with s/o who has body dysmorphia
Mercs with s/o who shuts down when upset
Mercs with s/o who always cracks jokes
Mercs with chubby s/o
Mercs with friend who turns anger into sadness
Mercs finding out reader can spin yarn
Mercs with a Brazilian s/o
Mercs with s/o who runs underground criminal empire
Mercs with half cyborg s/o
Mercs being friend with a weapons dealer
Mercs finding out their s/o is a DJ
Mercs friend is mistaken for being in the mafia
Mercs with motorcyclist s/o
Mercs with s/o who blows them kisses mid battle
Mercs s/o uses 'your mom' jokes to distract the enemy
Mercs with demon hunter s/o
Mercs getting married
Mercs s/o giving them their favorite stuffed animal
Mercs with s/o who's under a love potion
Mercs crush unexpectedly kisses them
Mercs hearing their s/o destroy someone with a roast
Mercs with short s/o
Mercs with an s/o from the Adam's family
Mercs with so who has a service dog
Mercs with shark reader
Mercs seeing their so randomly appear and disappear
Sniper finding his s/o blowing bubbles
Mercs with robot medic s/o
Mercs friend is a substitute for other mercs
Mercs with s/o who plays the piano when they stim
Mercs with so who has powers from Little Nightmares
Mercs with s/o who can summon plants
Mercs with s/o who has a pet dragon
Mercs with s/o who constantly cracks their body
Mercs with blu robot medic s/o
Mercs s/o bites to show affection
Mercs finding out their s/o is royalty
Sniper finding out his s/o is Saxton Hale's godchild
Mercs finding out Heavy has an older sibling
Mercs finding s/o in an abandoned lab
Mercs s/o finding a child in a dumpster
Demoman soulmate au
Mercs with a quartermaster s/o
Spys reaction to his s/o ordering him a custom knife
Mercs s/o has ghost powers
Mercs seeing their s/o learn every mercs language
Mercs gender neutral friend dresses feminine
Mercs s/o used to be a soldier
Medic with vampire s/o
Mercs mute s/o talks for the first time
Mercs reaction to s/o calling them their husband
Sniper soulmate au
Mercs with gopnik friend
Mercs with reader who's brutally honest
Mercs s/o was in a gang
Mercs so wears bells to let mercs know they're coming
Mercs with s/o who smokes
Spy soulmate AU
Mercs s/o comes out of hiding
Mercs s/o (who doesn't know their job) defends them
Mercs s/o uses an anti tank rifle
Mercs accidentally kill their s/o(permanently)
Mercs s/o has a really nice voice
Mercs with s/o who is similar to scarecrow from D.C.
Scout soulmate au
Mercs finding out their s/o used to hunt SCP's
Mercs with s/o who's an archon
Mercs with s/o who has a toxic ex
Mercs with kitsune s/o
Mercs finding out their s/o has Guillian Barre syndrome
Characters with s/o that can never open a pickle jar
Mercs s/o being a young grandparent
Mercs reaction to s/o dropping their pulse to 0 as a distraction
Sniper kissing headcannons
Mercs with so who owns a reptile preservation
Mercs finding out their s/o works as a singer at night
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royal-confessions · 1 year
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“It is a pity that Princess Maria Amélia of Brazil passed away so soon and was unable to marry Archduke Maximilian of Austria. Even married to Charlotte of Belgium, the archduke was obsessed with the Brazilian princess. He went on a pilgrimage to all the places she had been and even went to Brazil to meet and get Amelia's favorite birds. Surely, this is one of the most tragic loves of royalty. I feel sorry for Charlotte who had to put up with all of this.” - Submitted by cenacevedo15
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droctaviolovecraft · 19 days
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"He chose to whistle and fight us, you'll have to jump on that hot plate, we will scare you and make you spend carnival in the devil's lap. Your despair is our amusement."
MOTHRA Institution Resurfaces: Brazil's Secretive Organization Returns with Monarchical Ambitions
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil — September 7, 2024
"In a stunning and mysterious development, the clandestine MOTHRA Institution, an organization with roots dating back to the 1500s, has resurfaced after centuries of secrecy. Originally founded during the early days of Brazilian colonization, the MOTHRA Institution is said to have a singular and extraordinary mission: to restore the Brazilian monarchy, even by force if necessary."
"The organization, shrouded in myth and legend, claims its origins from MOTHRA, a powerful goddess-like figure. According to lore, MOTHRA, along with her four children, is responsible for the birth of both the organization and humanity itself. The institution’s ancient ties to Brazilian royalty, particularly its connection to the reign of Dom Pedro II, has fueled its ambition to revive the monarchy after its fall in 1889."
"The MOTHRA Institution, long thought to have disbanded or gone dormant, has made headlines in recent days after reports surfaced of covert operations aimed at capturing, containing, and studying anomalies—both human and supernatural. These anomalies, many of whom are believed to work for the institution, often exhibit strange abilities or deformities. According to some insiders, this is due to the organization's personnel being descendants of the Habsburg family, a European royal dynasty known for their unique genetic lineage."
An Ancient Order with a Dark Purpose
"The MOTHRA Institution’s history is steeped in Brazil's colonial past. Founded by elite settlers and aristocrats, the group initially acted as protectors and scholars of the unusual and supernatural. However, with the fall of the empire and the establishment of the Brazilian Republic, MOTHRA's objectives shifted. The institution reportedly turned to darker methods, utilizing its collection of anomalies in an effort to one day reestablish the monarchy and bring Brazil back under royal rule."
"For centuries, the institution remained a ghost story—whispered about but never confirmed—until now. Several eyewitness accounts and leaked documents indicate the organization is more active than ever. Operating under the radar, they have reportedly captured various anomalies across South America and beyond. These beings, often with extraordinary powers or bizarre physical attributes, are studied in secret facilities spread throughout Brazil’s dense rainforests and remote mountain regions."
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Anomalous Workforce
"What sets the MOTHRA Institution apart from other secretive organizations is its workforce. Most employees are anomalies themselves, descendants of a lineage said to stretch back to the Habsburg dynasty. The Habsburgs, infamous for their distinctive features due to centuries of inbreeding, are believed to have passed down strange deformities and abilities through the generations. These anomalies serve as both researchers and field agents, using their unique attributes to carry out MOTHRA’s mission."
"One former operative, speaking on condition of anonymity, described the organization as "a refuge for those who don’t fit in with the outside world"—a place where the abnormal is embraced and studied. According to the source, these individuals possess abilities ranging from heightened intelligence to paranormal powers."
The Rise of Monarchist Sentiment
"The reappearance of the MOTHRA Institution comes at a time when monarchist sentiment is gaining traction in some parts of Brazil. In recent years, a small but vocal movement has emerged advocating for the restoration of the Brazilian monarchy, with some even calling for a descendant of the House of Braganza to take the throne."
"While the monarchist movement remains on the fringes of political discourse, the reemergence of the MOTHRA Institution raises questions about whether the organization’s ultimate goal is closer to being realized. Experts warn that the group's combination of ancient power, secretive operations, and access to anomalies could pose a serious threat to Brazil’s democratic stability."
Government Response
"Brazil’s government has yet to officially comment on the reports of MOTHRA’s resurgence, but sources close to the Ministry of Defense suggest there is growing concern about the group's activities. Security forces are said to be monitoring the situation closely, and an investigation into possible illegal operations linked to the organization may be underway."
"Despite the institution’s shadowy reputation, some conspiracy theorists and fringe historians have long believed that MOTHRA never truly disappeared. They claim the organization has influenced key moments in Brazil's history, from colonial times through the fall of the empire, and perhaps even into modern political affairs."
What’s Next?
As the MOTHRA Institution continues to operate from the shadows, the world waits to see how its ambitions will unfold. Will the organization’s dream of restoring Brazil’s monarchy come to pass? Or will it remain a secretive force, quietly collecting and studying anomalies while shaping the nation's future in ways we cannot yet understand?
For now, one thing is certain: the MOTHRA Institution has returned, and it’s here to stay.
*By: Sofia Marques, Investigative Journalist*
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Ave Glória, Ave Império - Instituição MOTHRA
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veronicaleighauthor · 1 month
Book Review: “Tears of Seer”
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In a time of division for the world, some gifts can be valuable… Others simply dangerous. The year is 1542, and the ship bringing Isobel de Medici has just docked in Scotland for her to be married to Lord William Atwell. In an era where a woman cannot decide her own fate, dreaming of a good life is not allowed, let alone encouraged. Isobel has always been taught to accept whatever the future brings her, until she has to start thinking beyond herself and finds herself entangled in a web of lies and revenge. “Tears of a Seer” is a journey to a cruel past, where the religious conflict of the Protestant Reformation clashes with the battles of Scottish royalty and outbreaks of the Bubonic Plague, and anyone who thinks differently is taken to the stake, accused of witchcraft.
T. S. Vega is a Brazilian multilingual author who writes ever since she was thirteen but only recently started sharing her work with the world. She enjoys everything related to art and History and hopes her books can be positive in people’s life.
My thoughts:
First of all, I apologize to T. S. Vega for taking so long to do this review. I loved your book, just had some things come up. But back to the review – I’m a sucker for a complicated historical saga and when I first learned of “Tears of Seer” I knew it’d be right up my alley. At its heart, it a Beauty and the Beast retelling set at the backdrop of historical events. Going into it, I knew next to nothing about Scotland in the 16th century. It was fun to learn about the place where some of my ancestors came from. Isobel, the heroine, is a character you love from the start. Now, Liam…it’s a little more of a challenge to love him, but throughout the narrative we see what C.S. Lewis once said: “There is the great lesson of ‘Beauty and the Beast,’ that a thing must be loved before it is lovable.” Isobel demonstrates that time and time again, reminding us that love is a choice. Through her love, Liam becomes loveable. One of the other things I really liked is how Isobel’s Christian faith is portrayed in a positive manner. It was a nice surprise. I just didn’t want this book to end. Which leads me to my end question: T. S. Vega, will there be a sequel?  ::hint, hint::
If you’re interest in buying “Tears of Seer,” you can do so here!
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nexility-sims · 1 year
I was wondering what the lore is behind the cultural tattoos that I see the reyes family have?
ah, i'm so glad i finally got this question !!!!! i am, however, woefully unprepared to actually answer it skdfsd long, so see below for more & for reference images and such:
i decided at some point to lean more heavily into actually representing the world the way i imagined it—after i went on the hiatus with part iii, i suppose? part of that was reconsidering the aesthetics, which includes tattooing. i'm familiar with the traditional tattoo revitalization movement going on in the u.s. and canada right now (and elsewhere in the world), and i wanted to incorporate it ! i had already sort of included tattoos, but it was in the background (literally, see alfonso's aide). i'd done some sketches in the past with coastal carolina tattoos, so it was pretty easy to draw on those as inspiration (see blanca below or zuriñe's foremothers).
obviously, however, this is not the region that i've chosen as the inspiration base for the story's worldbuilding. for that, i've taken inspiration from designs and depictions of either body paint or actual tattoos. (one source is this comic, which is super well-researched and interesting!) the actual process has been really slow-going because i don't want to ?? misrepresent anything i'm borrowing inspiration from ?? even if it's being put in a fictional space, you never want someone to be like "that looks familiar, but it's wrong and offensive." the body paint, for example, is from a set that is, i believe, brazilian, but i haven't been able to figure out to what indigenous communities it belongs or what the meanings may be. feels a little weird, tbh, but the content for this whole entire hemisphere is SO limited. so, i have been hesitant in part because i don't want to lift designs without trying to understand what they might have meant historically or may currently mean to descendants.
i also would, ideally, like to have meaning ascribed to the details in my own mind? like, if there's a style of tattoo that people are getting across generations within the context of the story, then the elements have to have meaning. probably. the other limitation is that i can't spend all of my time figuring this stuff out or, worse, in photoshop trying to master the line art and fight the way sims destroys image quality sdjksdg
for example: the tattoos depicted below on alfonso and rui are comprised of stepped frets. my understanding is that they're called xicalcoliuhqui in nahuatl, and they're at least a couple thousand years old, with connotations related to the feathered serpent and mountains—a primordial motif with deep roots in the worldview(s) of the region's religious complex(es). the bird on their shoulders is a fantasy bird, apparently, that is frequently (mis?)identified as an eagle ... for my purposes, it's probably an eagle sdjsg i've decided these are military tattoos, but i'm still in the process of figuring out what the military orders are and how these tattoos fit into that ... this is the problem with creating details then having to retroactively refit them into something you create later on down the line !!!!!!
the body paint on arnaut (below) is also a military design, in my mind. he doesn't have the tattoos because he's not in the same order that alfonso and rui were/are/will be. safya's body paint (below) is funerary since she's a corpse in that picture. there are distinctions based on occupation, gender, life stage or accomplishments, whether one is considered nobility/royalty or a commoner, and so forth. same with the tattoos ! i imagine the clans also have their own specific designs (halima has a face tattoo from the aforementioned set; blanca's are based on zuriñe's family's, so i guess they'd be an armendariz design rather than a reyes one, which ... fascinating choice, blanca ????). the body paint is ceremonial, so it's most likely to be seen at an event like a funeral, a coronation, etc. i've been thinking a lot about royal orders lately, and i think they're more likely to be represented with tattoos (or body paint) than a little thing you pin on yourself.
okay, i'm going to stop now because i'm rambling and have nothing left to say of substance skgsjg if you have follow-ups, feel free to ask :^)
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