#brb gonna go text her about trc now
amapofyourstars · 5 years
Hi I'm here for revenge and to distract you from TRC feels. For the constellations game: Aquarius, Aries, Cancer (this is the revenge one), LYRA, Aquilla, and Pavo. I hope this keeps you busy for a while you're welcome. Don't send me more stuff about TRC that will frustrate me, you know why.
Thank you for the question, Connie! I LOVE MY RAVEN CHILDREN but fine I’ll stop texting you about them. For as long as it takes me to answer this ask at least. Which will probably be a long time knowing me. Well-played, Turnpenny, well-played. 
Connie is sending me questions from this ask game. 
Aquarius: Who’s your least favorite character to write?
My characters are my children. How could I have a least favorite? 
Aries: Share a line that you’re proud of!
From Summer Hours: 
It was as if someone had filled my mouth with dirt and it was falling down my throat. I couldn’t breathe. I pushed through the door and bolted down the hallway and outside the building. The sunlight was startling, my heartbeat leaping to the very edge of my skin as if I’d burned myself. I stumbled down to the sidewalk and hunched over the curb, my insides twitching and gasping.
Cancer: What are the names of the songs from the musical rendition of your project? (aka, have fun! come up with fun names)
Well the first song is clearly Connie is a Little Shit For Asking Me Such A Hard Question (20 minute version) I kid, I kid... (mostly) 
when will these boys tell each other they’re in love?
i’m kicking you in the balls
we should get drunk
did that drunken kiss just ruin everything?
i don’t want to fight
is this what a panic attack feels like?
you don’t know my sister
Lyra: Give us a few songs that fit your project!
I have A LOT OF THE FEELINGS about the songs I associate with my writing, especially Summer Hours. I had every intention of explaining why I chose multiple songs but then I wrote 250+ words on one song & decided to cut myself off 😅
Why Am I Like This? by Orla Gartland 
This is an Ivy Finch song through and through. I actually got shivers the first time I heard the opening. “Last night I smoked a cigarette My dad would have been so upset”.  It was like Ivy was singing in my ear. Ivy lost her father when she was only eight years old and she misses him desperately. She’s incredibly conflicted because she wants to stick up a middle finger to the world and do whatever the fuck she wants but she also hates the idea of disappointing her family, especially her father.
“Maybe you don't really want me there at your birthday partyI'll be there in the corner, thinking right overEvery single word of the conversation we just hadSo why am I like this?Why am I like this?…Oh, it's like I'm looking down from the ceiling aboveNever in the moment, never giving enough”
The anxiety expressed throughout the song is also applicable to Aaron. Aaron and Ivy seem incredibly different and they are, but they have some stuff in common too: like how incredibly hard they are on themselves. “Let's go out and shout the words we never said”
After everything, after he gets through the worst of his grief, “go and shout the words we never said” is Aaron’s top priority. He’s learned that he needs to tell the people he loves that he loves them, he needs to honestly express how he’s feeling. Ivy didn’t get that chance, but Aaron does and he's taking full advantage of it. 
A few more songs I love that are very Summer Hours: Providence by Lisa Mitchell, Hiding by Florence + the Machine, and Tonight by Lykke Li (it is perfect for Aaron and Xavier). If you’re curious I have a playlist for Summer Hours on Spotify (along with more playlists for characters, relationships, and my other WIP Call It What You Want) 
Aquila - What do you do when you’re stuck in your writing?
Lately I’ve developed this bad habit of just not writing. I don’t suggest this! Breaks are good, obviously, but I’ll go days. In the past, I’ve found if I leave my house and take a walk I usually come back refreshed and with a clearer head. I also like to write out of order so I can write whatever scene is most speaking to me in the moment. 
Pavo: Where do you get inspiration from? 
I’m slightly weird and tend to come up with characters before my stories. So I get my inspiration from people. If I see someone on the street who I think looks interesting my brain tends to fall down a rabbit hole of discovering what their story is. Do they have siblings? Do they have secrets? Are they happy? Eventually I end up crafting stories around my characters. Usually. I do have some characters who I have yet to give a home. 
Thanks, Connie! 💕 
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