#brb trying not to cry over my fictional 8 besties I’ll never see again
puthyflapps · 2 years
You’re telling me we could’ve had some Toni and her mom bg all this time instead of the lame ass boys? Ugh. Finding out bts shit about shows makes things worse sometimes. Shoni are my #1 but I was watching Toni and Regan scenes and they were actually so cute, all for it to end like that. 🙁 The scene where Martha comes to get Toni after the breakup got me bad. Feels like I have to rewatch s1 again because there are a lot of gems I don’t remember.
People tried to warn them and they didn’t listen. They thot we were all a bunch of crazy, man hating gays but we were right in the end 😪 I can’t even begin to think about how the actresses feel
I’m sad and mad that I got invested in non-clexa fanfic for everything to turn out like this. Like what am I supposed to do with this hyperfixation now???? Maybe they can shop it around and try to get it picked up elsewhere but damn this really fucking sucks
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