#breath of the wild link reader insert
mylove-iv · 6 months
❝a waning goddess’s plight.❞
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ʚ aged up, botw! link x goddess reincarnate, fem! reader ɞ
synopsis: star-crossed lovers whose duties were put forth foremost; you, a Hylian whose body held the soul of the very first goddess and the one who held his heart, and he, another holder of the soul of courage whose destiny always entailed danger and the one who you loved dearly.
genres: angst, romance | set during the calamity.
content warnings: active depictions of death (suicide), implied manipulation/corruption, a (tiny) spoiler, implications of Link despising Hylia and the royal family (mainly Hylia slander haha).
word count: 1.4k words.
―originally posted on @mydarling-iv, dec. 20, 2022.
ʚ masterlist ɞ
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Link enters the great hall, memories of him and you within the said building flying in his mind, acting as a great comfort to the champion causing the corners of his lips to twitch into a small smile.
There’s a soft rustle and his body moves languidly, hand gripping the handle of the Master sword as his left arm readied his shield.
His eyes dart around the large piles of aged stone, light slowly filtering in the ruined hall before the moonlight fully paints the being who created the noise.
Link’s heart nearly stops and a pained, melancholy wraps tightly around his heart as his electric blue eyes land on your form.
Everything clicks into place and the anguish, pain, and sorrow winds itself so tightly around his soul that Link thinks the emotions he’s feeling is irreversible.
So you were the reason as to why Zelda's light stayed pure.
You were the reason why the malice hadn’t spread on such a larger scale.
You were the reason that allowed life to flourish, why everything and everyone was able to survive through the waves of malice the Camality sends out.
You were the reason why he kept going—why Link kept fighting.
You, the very essence of light itself reborn in a Hylian body, was the sole reason as to why people stayed safe—safer from Ganon’s malice infected beasts and the cruelties the said Calamity had to offer.
You, in all your pure holy glory, was slowly enveloped with malice as time had passed—taking on the very corruption that would have otherwise infected and killed Hyrule's royal princess, ultimately ending Hylia's bloodline.
The very goddess who started this entire mess and her wretched bloodline who continued it.
Damn them.
The warm glow of light you radiated was gradually extinguished and enveloped by the Calamity’s cold darkness.
And now you stood before Link, e/c eyes no longer twinkling with mirth, but instead dazzled with a bone-chilling carmine red.
You bore the full weight of the Calamity, preventing Zelda from being tainted and instead it was you who took the brunt of the corruption.
Damn them all. Link thought as he stared at your crumbling body that seemed to grab at any resemblance of sanity and your former self.
You, his beloved lover, stood before Link as a fragmented version of yourself, winding vines of malice embedded in your skin.
Your eyes flash a golden hue, the color your eyes shone whenever your divine power would show itself, and it shocks him to his very core.
Link wheezes as his chest painfully constricts at the underlying meaning—you’re still you, trying to fight the malice Ganon has infected you with.
Things had drastically changed over the span of a century; formerly known as the epitome of light and purity, you were now a husk of your past self and he the same, only now being forced to watch the fate you were ultimately doomed to.
Your eyes dazzle a crimson red and Link's body moves on his own, dodging your swift swing of the sword formed by malice in your deft hand.
He didn’t envision this to be your meeting.
Where your light once shined is now dimmed with an ominous darkness and he, was still the same, forced into a destiny he never wanted and is now struggling to accept the horrible fate you might have after this cursed encounter.
He doesn’t want this to be your end.
Your blades lock with his, eyes meeting intensely: your empty, ruby eyes pierce his own deeply and Link prevents the urge to cry out.
He doesn’t want to be the reason of your end.
It's tense. The air surrounding you both is charged with an unknown heaviness that weighs heavily on the champion's already scarred heart. The strain within Link's arms is numbing, the amount of weight you're putting into your blade causes both weapons to strain against each other tightly.
He didn't want this.
Amidst it all, Link wonders if your love was damned from the very start. You, a hindrance and a threat to the royal family, and he, a mere puppet of that damned goddess; to be used and thrown away in her cruel games whenever she pleases.
He doesn't want this.
Link’s heart aches with yearning, the hope lingering in his chest painful as he thinks of the what if’s and what could have been.
A peaceful life away from the harsh conformities of royal society, a safe home in the countryside, waking in each other’s arms every morning, not having to worry about your safety and well being in danger.
He hates this.
His heart shatters even more when he notices tears rolling down your face, it pains him more than he could ever express.
The remains of the great hall where you and he once danced in was cold and silent.
Instead of waltzing so care-freely with smiles adorning your lips, eyes twinkling with happiness and love, you both now danced a waltz of pained hearts and clashing blades.
His heart hurts.
Link’s strength wanes for a split second but you, the you the calamity had made a puppet of, caught onto his blunder and forcibly pressed further.
The Master sword flies from his grip and you catch it, smoke emanating from the palm you held the blade in: the very sword heroes of courage had wielded through the ages rejecting you as its wielder.
Because of its kind and virtuous maker, the goddess of light, the blade has recognized you as its master’s equal due to you housing the said goddess’s soul.
But now covered and corrupted with darkness, the light you once radiated was extinguished and the blade could no longer feel the purity of your light.
And he also could no longer bask in the light of your presence.
Link stares at you, a myriad of emotions flashing in his eyes, as his shoulders sag with exhaustion and defeat.
His eyes close and he awaits the blow, ending his life, but it never comes.
Instead, your palm cups his cheek and Link can’t bring himself to shiver at the lack of warmth it radiated.
Eyes flying open, his ultramarine eyes clash with your e/c eyes.
You smile painfully, exhaustion apparent in your orbs as you take in the image of your battle torn lover.
“I'm sorry.” You whisper and Link surges forward to stop you.
“NO!” Link shouts as time seems to slow, painful and ever so cruel.
The deed is done.
The Master sword impales you, smoking at the contact point where the metal blade meets your sullied body.
The Goddess blade weakens because of the malice consuming you and you physically wither as you stumble to your knees.
It hurts.
Link is quick to catch you, the burns of malice against his skin feel nothing compared to the numbness your incoming death brings.
“Please, my love.” He croaks, cupping your cheek as his tears land on your skin.
He never wanted this.
You smile weakly, eyes closing as you cup his face once more. “I love you,” It’s a hushed whisper that tumbles from your lips.
Your hand cupping his face falls and Link's hand catches it before he brings it to his face again.
It's quiet.
He places a small kiss to your palm as the tears pooling in his eyes burst, rolling down his cheeks at an alarming rate.
“I love you so much more.” His admission is subdued, his voice hoarse—his heart aching.
He didn’t want your parting to be like this.
Link had always envisioned your departure to be that one of comfort, one that came in the form of a peaceful and eternal slumber.
He never wanted this.
His sniffles turn into pained sobs before quieting down. Hand grasping the handle of the Master sword, Link gently and carefully pulls it out of your body.
Collecting you into his arms, he rests your limp head against his shoulder as he rests his on your clavicle.
Raising the blade, the handle burns his skin at the implication of what he’s about to do.
From being given the Master sword at the young age of twelve, the very blade has journeyed with Link till his fall in front of Fort Hateno a century ago and they have now just recently begun the start of their journey once more.
Only for the Hero of Courage to see the bitter end his lover was forced to endure that he decided that it was now the point where his time as the Goddess blade’s master ends.
He recalls the words his father spoke when Link was finally declared as the Hero of Courage and given the infamous sword to wield.  
The Master sword shall never be raised against its wielder.
Paying no mind, Link wraps his free arm around your waist in a final embrace as he presses your bodies flush together.
His eyes close as he thrusts the blade, first piercing through your chest then through his.
It's quiet, almost peaceful.
He never wanted this.
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© 2024 𝐌𝐘𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄-𝐈𝐕. do not copy, repost, share, or translate any of my works to tumblr, social media, and any other websites/platforms.
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yandereunsolved · 7 months
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𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 Yandere Wild 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊
"Sometimes I feel like I'm talking to a wall. Not that I mind. I just wish that I could understand what goes on in your mind sometimes."
Wild staring unblinkingly at Reader.
Wild's thoughts: I have the best travel companion. They're so eretheral. It is like Hylia blessed me after a hundred years. It almost makes the entire thing worth it. I would fight Ganon for all of eternity just to see them smile. To feel them touch my wounds and scold me. To feel their skin against mine while we are laying underneath the stars. To see their smile. To see their blush. To save them. To see them sing, or dance, or cook. To just see them exist is enough for my heart to swell.
"Truly an enigmatic soldier. Few words spoken— only action."
Wild's thoughts: Goddesses, their voice is sweeter than any honey. I would kill for them. I would die for them. I would kidnap them if Ganon ever rose again. I would kidnap them in a heart beat. I could kidnap them...
"Hey, Wild. Dinner's ready. You better get some before Twlight runs off with the cauldron in his wolf form again."
Wild's thoughts: Dinner. Dinner? DINNER! MY FAVORITE! I want to slaughter their worst enemy and put their head on a stick for them. Truly, it wasn't Hylia, the Champions, the Chain, nor even Zelda who kept me safe and alive during this journey... it was you.
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mastercucco · 8 months
Hateno Boy - Part 1 - Link x Reader
The Calamity is gone, but so is Link’s purpose. He feels completely lost in post-Calamity Hyrule where everyone but him seem to have found their new place.
It certainly doesn’t help his restless nights that you, a young Hylian whom Zelda has hired as the new teacher at Hateno School, are slowly taking up more and more of his headspace with each conversation you two have.
Fandom: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild / Tears of the Kingdom Pairing: Link x fem!Reader Raiting: Mature (might go up, might go down, let's see) Contains: feel-good, slow burn romance; platonic Link/Zelda; Link being an angsty retired hero Chapter Index | Read on Ao3 A/N: Very excited to write something possibly disgustingly cute. The story takes place after the events in BotW but before the beginning of TotK. All characters are adults! I hope you enjoy the story! xx
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Chapter 1 - Purpose
Contains: Link being an angsty retired hero; Zelda being embarrassed by Link's inability to talk to girls (or other human beings in general) Word count: ~1,3k A/N: Please look past any weird sentences, English isn't my first language :p
A breath of warm air blows from the sea, gentle on skin and smelling of sea salt. The wind hurries over the hills of Necluda, tall grass bowing before it like waves on an emerald green ocean. Once it reaches Link sitting on top of the hills, it gently tugs on his hair and pushes his hood down.
He has been sitting there for quite some time now – so long that the tips of his ears are starting to redden from the wind, as gentle as it is. The sun that was high up when he arrived at the hills, is now hanging low over the horizon. It is soon time for him to go; Zelda asked him in the morning to stop by the school before sundown.
He is alone, as he is on most days nowadays. There isn’t much for him to do: Zelda is busy rebuilding Hateno, the recently finished village school her new pride and joy. And when she isn’t mingling with the villagers, she’s kept busy with her research at the Tech Lab. She doesn’t require an escort anymore, not after Purah hired a young researcher to assist them decipher ancient Zonai texts anyway. The man rarely leaves Zelda’s side when the two of them are together – which is often. Very often.
Link was jealous at first. After all, he is the Princess’ appointed knight, and he is the one who wields the Master Sword, and he is the one who saved Zelda’s life – not some overly excited, self-proclaimed explorer with a stupidly tall frame and an apparent distaste for wearing upper garments that hide his muscles.
Eventually, his jealousy morphed into loneliness – something he did a terrible job of hiding from Zelda. She asked him if he wanted to return to Hyrule Castle to help the Royal Guard in training new soldiers. Link said no, that he likes it here in Hateno.
“I wouldn’t mind if you go,” Zelda said, gently placing her hand on top of his, “I can see how lost you are here.”
Somehow, Zelda seeing straight through his lies and offering him kindness hurt more than her asking Link to leave in the first place. After that, Link couldn’t help but feel even more uncertain and disconnected. Everyone had seemingly moved on, everyone but him. While he still remains close with Zelda, honoring his duty, accompanying her whenever she travels outside of Hateno, even living with her, he knows deep down that she doesn’t need him anymore. The Calamity is gone, and so is his purpose.
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The sun hangs low when Link arrives at Hateno School. The sky is flaring in shades of red, reminding Link of a cozy fire under a cooking pot – somewhere he would much prefer to be. The school’s front doors are open, but the playground is silent and the windows are dark, all except one. It has been a while since Link last visited the school. The children adore him, which is exactly why he prefers to stay away. Their looks of admiration and curious questions make him uneasy. Ever since moving to Hateno, all he has wanted is to lay low, going as far as to hide his head-turning Champion’s tunic in the bottom of his drawer. He wanted to throw the tunic away, but Zelda wouldn’t let him.
He can already hear Zelda’s excited chattering when he reaches the open doors and quietly steps inside. Zelda is having an eager conversation with a young Hylian woman – you – whom Link doesn’t remember seeing before. He does remember Zelda telling him about a new teacher she hired a few months back, and he figures it must be you.
You notice Link arriving before Zelda does and give him a polite smile in greeting. Only when he lightly taps on Zelda’s shoulder does she stop talking and turn around.
“Oh, Link,” she smiles. “You have impeccable timing. We were just talking about you!”
Link furrows his brow. Great, just great, he thinks, already feeling the tips of his ears growing warmer.
“Only good things,” you assure with an awkward laugh. “The Princess told me you made the apple pie she brought the other day.”
Link hopes that the dim light of the oil lamps is enough to hide his red ears. He clears his throat, though not even intending to say anything.
“I don’t think you two have met before, have you?” Zelda says, giving Link an encouraging nudge.
Even after all the years spent in royal banquets practicing formal pleasantries with Hyrule’s nobility, Link still feels awkward having to introduce himself. Nonetheless, he extends his hand for a greeting. When you offer him yours, he brings it to his lips and gives your knuckles a polite kiss. Your skin feels soft and pleasant, he thinks, now horribly self-aware of just how sweaty his own palm is.
When he looks back at you, even he can pick up the awkward tension in your smile and words as you introduce yourself. He feels his whole face heat up, not really understanding what he did wrong but knowing he must have, because even Zelda has the same tension in her smile as you do.
“He is very accustomed to his formal greetings from his days at the Castle,” Zelda says with a forced smile and gives Link a look. Only then does he realize that a hand kiss, though adequate in greeting a noble woman, is not something you, a village school teacher, was expecting from a Royal Knight. He would apologize, but his mouth is dry and no words come out.
“And, well, you probably already know of Link,” Zelda breaks the uncomfortable silence after it becomes clear Link isn’t going to introduce himself.
“The Hero of Hyrule,” you say, knowingly. “We have actually met before.”
We have? Link thinks, the heat of embarrassment getting unbearable. All he wants to do is run home and hide under his bed covers for the rest of eternity. This is why he rarely leaves their home or willingly socializes with the villagers. He would cringe if he wasn’t too embarrassed to move his face muscles.
“You have?” asks Zelda out loud, her disapproving eyes boring into Link’s.
“It was years ago,” you are quick to add. “He took refuge in our family home once. I wouldn’t blame him for not remembering.”
Zelda doesn’t appear quite as understanding when she shoots another scolding look at Link, the pink in her own cheeks deepening as well. “Please,” she says as she turns back to you, “accept my apology. Link can be awfully forgetful sometimes.” She gives him a final glare that, at last, makes him drop his head. He’s not sure if dying of embarrassment is a real occurrence, but if it is, then he must be very close to leaving Hyrule for good.
“It’s quite alright, Your Highness,” you say with a slightly uneasy laugh that fails to fully mask your discomfort. “I don’t mind it, really. Like I said, it was years ago.”
There is an uncomfortable silence between the three of you. Then Zelda claps her hands, and the tension breaks like a taut rubber band. Link sighs, relieved.
“Well,” Zelda says, “now that we are done with introductions, perhaps we can show Link the curriculum we’ve been working on? I’m sure he can give us his opinion on the section about monster parts and their usage in elixirs.”
When you turn to look for something from your writing table’s drawers, Link grabs Zelda’s sleeve and gives her a pleading look. Zelda narrows her eyes and shakes her head.
“Do not even think of fleeing” she hisses in his ear before she hurries over to you to help you with a pile of scrolls close to toppling over. Link lets out a silent grunt and looks longingly at the open doors. The sun has gone down, the sky now the same shade as embers cooling down under a cooking pot – somewhere he would much prefer to be.
Chapter 2 - Heromania »
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maple-the-awesome · 1 year
Symbols Key:
💖- Series
🥰- Completed Series
🥵- Smut
✨- Personal Favorites
💧- Contains eventual warnings/possibly sensitive content (the specific warnings will always be listed at top of the story and/or the exact chapter they occur in)
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The Chain
Happy New Year!
When Another Finds Out About His Crush: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
You Sacrifice Yourself for Him: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
He Meets an Evil Version of You: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
He Becomes a Dad: Part 1, Part 2
The Chain Meets Your Baby: Part 1, Part 2
Body Swap!: Part 1, Part 2
The Chain Meets You, His Partner: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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Tiny Details
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While the Night is Young
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Twilight's Calling
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sword-is-bored · 1 year
As It Pours
(Link X Reader)
You getting sick of me yet?
Link watched (Y/n) from under a tree. It was pouring rain and yet they were so happy to be outside. They faced the sky and let raindrops fall down their face. Their clothes and hair slowly got wet, but they couldn’t care. Link watched as they began to sway and hum a song. Their arm began to lead them, and they started dancing to the quiet song they sang. Link sighed, smiling and looking up into the leaves. He was nice and dry here, but they looked so happy out there. He wanted to see their happiness up close. Link stepped out into the rain, letting the cool droplets kiss his cheeks.
(Y/n) had their eyes closed. When Link stepped in their circle and took their hand they were taken aback. “I thought you didn’t want to get wet.” They said quietly. Link shrugged and took their other hand, humming a tune. (Y/n) smiled and began to hum with Link. Following the beat of their song the two swayed together. Link’s hands warmed up (Y/n)’s. (Y/n) pulled Link back and the two began to dance. Lightning flashed across the sky, Link looked worried for a moment. (Y/n) pulled their hand from his and cupped his face. “We’ll be fine. The goddess sees us.” They said simply.
They took Link’s hands once again and pulled back. They took Link’s arms and wrapped them around their body. They pressed their back against his chest, reveling in the feeling of being held like this. He continued to hold their hands, gently swaying to the humming. The rain ran down his back, he proved to be a big umbrella for (Y/n). Link kissed (Y/n) in the crook of their neck, enjoying the close intimacy. (Y/n) sighed and leaned back, staring up at the grey skies once again. Though these were few and far between, intimate moments like this made everything worth it.
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dervampireprince · 1 year
ASMR | LOZ - Sidon x Listener SFW Bathing And Resting With Sidon
[M4A] [Established relationship] [Reunited] [Bathing - water sounds] [Sleep aid] [Comfort] [Romantic] [Kissing]
He's back, he's back! I've been wanting to bring him back for a while and when seeing him announced to be back in the next Zelda game made me need to bring him back even more.
Custom audio commissions are open! Full spicy audios on sound gasm and Patreon. Downloadable versions, exclusive  spicy audios and Discord on Patreon. I also stream on Twitch 3 times a week @ dervampireprince . [minors + ageless blogs dni. this blog is for 18+ only.] [do not repost/reupload/edit my audios and videos]
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ridreamir · 3 months
Yellow Footsoldier (Link and Kohga)
Slight spoilers for TOTK ahead, a (joke post) continuation of: Draft created Jun 15th, 2023, never posted. Figured I could do it at least that much :-)
There was something suspicious about the new guy.
With Kohga in the depths on another expedition, you'd been left with a few of the blademasters and footsoldiers, who were busy readying the Zonai parts brought back from the last scavenge and guarding the banana pile. Hey, that banana pile was really important to them. It was starting to become important to you, too.
These days, he'd been disappearing into the hellscape below Hyrule a lot more frequently than he used to. And while you half-understand that he worships a literal evil incarnate figure that's essentially their god and darkness is their thing, you can't help but feel every muscle in your body clench at the thought of going down there. Especially with the implications that you were once a member of a 'special' lineage. The crown princess was expected to literally glow. Who knows what might happen if you were to go down there.
His expeditions have been getting longer and longer. That was warning enough that things were progressing rapidly, and you didn't have the best track record with 'change'. He wasn't going to like it, and you weren't going to like finding out what he'd do if he caught you.
This was survival, you decided. And if he didn't want you to leave, he shouldn't have made escaping so easy.
There was something wrong with the new guy.
He hardly had a purpose amongst the clansmen, but he walked around the place like he was either overconfident or completely and utterly lost. Which of the two you weren't exactly sure, but when you caught him about to tip a pot over off the side of a particularly high shelf you called out for him to stop. Hey, you liked looking at that pot. It was decorative...
Then he stared at you, entire body tense. Must've been embarrassed about being caught, or something. Now the new guy really, really liked trailing you like some sort of creepy weirdo. Anything you tried to tell Kohga went right in one ear and out the other, though. The Yellow footsoldier was an esteemed member of the Yiga Clan and a very upstanding man, apparently. He's the strongest warrior, the best of the best, blah blah blah. So yeah. Asking your captor to pay special concern for you was, in hindsight, not the most logical idea. Expecting anything logical from these demon worshipping bozos was a bad idea. And so you've been plotting your escape. First the depths, now a man walking around in a banana colored suit who, though perfectly toned and *definitely* not all that, ehem, well endowed... cough... it's just too freaky! All wrong! It's all wrong!! He's attached to your hip! He hovers when you polish the Zonai fans, stares from across the room when you sit on the sandstone steps, watches ever more intensely any time you handle anything for yourself.
And he's been getting in the way more often than not, especially with how you fumble knowing that he's watching from some unseen corner at all hours of the day. Hylia above, you can't even sleep in peace without worrying he'll be peeking through the bars of your cell-turned-bedroom. At least the other footsoldiers give you some semblance of privacy.
That's it. You really can't take it anymore. Bye, Kohga, bye, banana man. Peace out. .... When you sneak out one night, you think you've gotten away with it. But then you hear the snap of a twig, turn around, and find Mr. Banana freezing mid stalk.
Ah, shit. And freedom was so close, too... You sigh, and decide to save him the trouble. You walk yourself right back into your cell.
(Meanwhile, you have no clue that Link behind you has been trying to get you out of there for weeks now.)
. The premise reminded me of this song's cover.
Here's a link to a video of someone dying the armor set with bananas:
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 years
Reader help Link after he wakes up
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild ]
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I remember reading an idea like this some time ago and also there was This discussion of how Link doesn't remember anything and still have to save Hyrule 😟
So I decided to write my own versión, hope you like it! =D
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Link had been waken up for a beautiful voice that lead him outside of the strange place he was on, and since Link had wake up he had been lead to do diferent things by people he doesn't know without much room to protest
Everything had culmine when the strange old man revealed to be the last king of Hyrule and tells him that he is a campeon destined to defeat the calamity that haunt the castle before disearing and leave him alone once again. Not knowing much than his mision or that he should go to Kakariko, Link start his journey
You could meet him on his way, either because you live in Kakariko or because you are an adventurer and find him on the middle of his road, either way who you meet isn't the warrior that had just wake up to fulfil his goal, who you meet is a man with old clothes that look at everything confused and amused, just like a toddler discovering the world for the first time
Lately had been happening strange things (like the towers that just appeared from nowhere) and meeting someone like him is pretty strange, he could easily be a Yiga, so being wary of him will be normal, and he can understand somewhat even if that place look somehow familiar he is nothing much than a stranger, no matter what he was in the past, is a past he doesn't even remember
When you asked him who he is or what he is doing he can't do more than look away shamessly, what he was supose to say? That the voice of the princess Zelda had just woke him up? that he is destined to defeat Ganon?
But when you ask him if he needs help he was taken aback, it doesn't matter if is for pitty or because you want to keep a close eye on him, you had just offer him your help. If you are an adventurer your help will be of great help actually, since he doesn't know how to do pretty much nothing right now, and even if you aren't one still, a little help is welcome
He still was unsure to acept your help, he didn't know if he should trust you, but in reallity he barely know what to do and some help will be good, so he hesitatly accept it. At first he just wanted to go to Kakariko to find Impa as the King had tell him, not wanting to make her wait more time than she already wait
Since he is still pretty new to everything soon you will get the opportunity to help him more, he has to visit all the kingdoms and search for the rest of the shrines and towers, even if the only things you could do for him is teach him some things about the world it would be a great help
After some time that you started helped him you two will end up being good friends, he holds you close to his heart since you are practically his first friend since he has waken up and he is grateful for your help
If you are an adventurer then the two of you will end up traveling together even if is just for a while and he will try to learn from you all he can too. Still, after he start to continue with his adventure he invite you over to travel to the other kingdoms (he doesn't express it but it would make him really happy if you accept), but if you decline his offer he will respect your choise and will still try to keep un contact with you and pay you a visist whenever he is near the place you are
If you aren't an adventurer that will become a motivation for him to became stronger so he could take you at least on a little trip. Also, whenever he cames to pay you a visit and this time is him who teach you something new he will feel really proud of himself (and gives him more motivation to continue with his journey)
In either case (when you don't go with him) whenever he visist you he always brings a gift for you from wherever he was, it could be different materials that you could use or he know you need, or something he knows you will like (specially from the kingdom you are more interesed on)
He wants to tell you about the places he visit or all the things he does, but since he really doesn't like talking too much (or isn't too confortable with it) he gets used to taking a lot of photos with the Sheikah Slate so he could show you
Also, he will let you try and experiment with the Runes of the Sheikah Slate, specially if you two travel together being that then you two will have more oportunities to try it, but please don't point it out because he will feel embarrased for being so irresponsable (he just want to have some fun with his best friend)
Whenever he retrieve one of his memories he needs some time to process it, it could be difficult for him since he is learning about his past and even about himself, so he could hold back himself a little and even quietly searching your company since it comforts him
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mylove-iv · 6 months
❝eyes don't lie.❞
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ʚ aged up, botw! link x hyrulean princess, fem! reader ɞ
synopsis: in a sea of people bearing facades, his blue eyes oh so honest enraptures your heart unbeknownst to even yourself.
genres: fluff, romance.
content warnings: implications of mistreatment and a power imbalance, snapping due to frustrations, really messy but pining idiots who've yet to realize that they're pining for each other, longing disguised as helpfulness.
reader specifications: reader was detailed to have rosy cheeks and wears heels.
word count: 2.39k words.
―originally posted on @mydarling-iv, dec. 31, 2023
ʚ masterlist ɞ
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The sun warms the skin of your rosy cheeks as it pours from the canopy of leaves overhead. The woods smell of fresh earth as it had just rained prior, allowing the cool air to kiss your nose sweetly.
You've forgone your constraining heels, deciding to go bare foot as you race through the forest, hoping to find a rare herb whose blooming window now only opened.
If you miss such an opportunity, the herb won't bloom until a couple moons later. Such a thought causes you to huff as you continue running, hoping to out run your knight who seems keen on following you.
Besides your soft pants, you hear your assigned knights heavy footfalls. Odd, you think as his foot steps are always so light.
Breaking from the tree line, the morning sun paints you in a golden glow that warms you up, chasing away the chill that was starting to settle in your limbs. You hear the footfalls come closer and you start your sprint once more, being careful with running on a fallen log that acted as a bridge over a small ravine.
"Your highness!" A voice calls out, the familiarity of his voice causes a slight upturn of the corners of your lips.
You're halfway on the large log before you meet sky blue eyes that remind of you clear, cloudless skies that you oh so adore. His cheeks are slightly flushed, his hair windswept from the run from the castle to the forest you've forced him to endure, and yet, his eyes remain kind.
"Ser Link," You hum thoughtfully, borderline coy. "Kind of you to finally join me."
You see Link's nose scrunch slightly, such a small twitch would've gone unnoticed if you haven't been paying close attention as your knight never seems to break character.
Always it seems that he chooses to keep a tight lipped mouth, his face stern, his body rigid as to alway be prepared, and yet, his eyes are such an endless pool of blue that you can read quite well—more likely are allowed to—and only with you, he seems to talk, his words always so soft and endearing.
Even if you cause trouble, like now, where he's to chase after you, or if you were to endanger yourself accidentally, it is never anger or frustration you see in his bluebell eyes, but always worry.
"It's dangerous." His words are curt, yet there's a slight furrow to his eyebrows that will go unnoticed by many. But you aren't like most people, you catch on quick when it comes to his tells and his eyes-
Stars, they're filled with an apparent worry that guilt starts tugging at your soul.
You swiftly turn, resuming your dash to the other side as a flash of lavender and your eyes widen as you see a superbloom of armoranth, a rare commodity even for the likes of the nobility and imperial family as well.
"Princess!" Link calls out worriedly but your feet is already touching the soft grass on the other side of the ravine and only after a few steps away from the log, you turn.
Your eyes widen as you see Link hurriedly crossing the makeshift bridge, his sword strapped to his back as his arms a somewhat raised to help him balance on the log as he hurried to you. His lips are pursed cutely, the furrow between his brows deepening and becoming apparent. Such a sight causes you to smile widely as a sweet laugh tumbles from your lips, being unable to hold it back.
Link's eyes widen as his head snaps quickly to your direction as he stumbles off the log slightly and onto solid ground. You're kind enough to quickly grab ahold of his hand to keep him steady and even kinder to reduce your cackles to soft giggles.
"You must be careful now, Ser Link, I don't want you tripping again." You tease softly as you give him a sweet smile and your knight looks gobsmacked at the sight.
You cough slightly, snapping Link out of his daze before he drops to one knee, keeping your hand in his in a firm yet soft grip that allows you to pull away if you so desire to. He's quiet as his eyes become somewhat sad and you feel bad for teasing him and keeping such a nonchalant facade with him.
┊ ੈ✩‧₊*°࿐ྂ
Palace politics and the nobility were unkind, you and Zelda having not been spared from it as the sole heirs to Hyrule. Having been assigned knights against both of your wishes, Zelda was rightfully angered, feeling more constrained by your father's decision.
In a fit of anger, she had urged you to rebel against your knight as you also shouldn't be controlled even more. You sighed, silently promising yourself that you'd be polite to your knight while trying to maintain a facade of indifference to your knight in hopes of quelling your sisters unhappiness.
It was only when Zelda's showcase of her displeasure and unfair treatment directed towards her knight became so blatant that you are reminded to maintain your promise to yourself to treat your own knight with grace.
You recall of the times Link had saved you from your own stupidity so selflessly and without regards to his own safety and it pushes you to soften your cold facade with your knight as he too is only fulfilling his purpose, a royal guard bound by the king's order whose words is absolute.
After arguing with your father about the medical treatment regarding those affected by a sudden winter blight, or therefore lack of, you stormed out of the throne room in anger.
You then callously snapped at Link for no reason as he simply followed you as he usually does to your quarters. In the heat of your frustration, you became blind to his sky blue eyes faltering, hurt flashing through them briefly.
Later that night, going against your father's orders and not informing Link, you sneak out of your room and into the Applean forest. The said forest is a great deal of distance away from the castle but you had caught wind of a great deal of herbs growing there that would effectively help combat the effects of the blight.
Bundling them a handful in a small cloth, you scolded yourself for your harsh words to your knight and promised to make a healing balm composed of the herbs to give to Link as an apology, and to hopefully turn a new leaf as well.
But as you are starting to make your way out of the forest, a loud squeamish squeal rips through the air and your blood chills. From the corner of your eye, you see the red skin of a bokoblin wielding a wooden club.
Chastising yourself for not bringing Link with you, you break into a sprint, the beast giving chase. Breaking out of the the tree line, your heart pounds against your chest but as you gain a decent distance between you and the bokoblin, a chilling sound of a guardian focusing its laser causes your heart to drop.
You look up swiftly, seeing the reddish glow of a guardian going on the offense due to detecting an enemy. A malfunctioning one, Zelda had mentioned some defects. You cursed, biting your bottom lip anxiously as the bokoblin closes in on you and the guardian prepares to fire its beam.
You berate yourself for your unkindness towards Link in your last moments with him and you are forced to come to terms with your untimely death.
Time seems to slow and just as you see the laser make its away to you, a firm yet gentle arm wraps around your waist as your back lands against something solid and warm. The smell of sweet spearmint and earthy pine fills your nose and your body slackens in relief as you recognize this scent—his scent.
"Link." You murmur softly as you turn your head, bearing witness to his skills that rivals none in the kingdom.
He quickly brings the Hylian shield you had gifted to him during his knighthood ceremony and quickly parries the guardian beam causing the large tank of ancient tech to combust immediately before Link tears his arm away from you, choosing to draw his sword and making a quick work of the bokoblin.
Time between you and Link seems to stand still as you stare at his back. Guilt consumes your heart, you worried him horribly this time. Stars, if anything had happened to you, they would've punished Link and ultimately put his head on a pike.
You open your mouth to profusely apologize but Link is quick to bend the knee in front of you, his eyes never leaving yours and you feel horrible when you bear witness to the clear stress and worry swimming in his eyes.
Link gently grasps your hand, squeezing softly that doesn't hurt you in anyway that seems to reassure himself that you're safe and real. "I-.. I know you despise me for restricting your freedom, but please- please, next time if you wish to go out, please take me with you so I am to safeguard you from harm." He looks away, lips pursed softly as his eyes become sullen.
By some instinct—an urge—you cup his face, softly easing him to look at you in the eye once more. You're to speak yet the earnest look in his eyes forces any words to die on your tongue and you're taken off guard with how kind and true your knight is.
"Ser Link, I'm sorry for making you feel as if I despise you. In truth, I don't hate you at all, yet despite that, my actions showed you otherwise, and for that, I apologize. I apologize for snapping at you earlier, and I'm extremely sorry for worrying you with my stupid stunt tonight."
His eyes widen softly, the stars gleam from overhead making them twinkle and the sight seizes your breath. "I'm sorry, Ser Link, for everything." You murmur softly, bowing slightly.
A gentle squeeze to your hand encased in his brings your attention back to him. Your eyes widen from the sight in front of you, your heart stuttering and breath hitching ever so slightly as you see a small smile grace Link's face. He then leans further to place a soft kiss to the back of your balm, his honest eyes never straying from yours.
┊ ੈ✩‧₊*°࿐ྂ
Guilt ebbs away at your psyche once more as you recall that you've never apologized for your constant indifference towards him and have actually kept it up.
A grimace itches at your face, "I'm sorry, Ser Link, for the incessant teasing." You sigh meekly, your thumb mindlessly rubbing back and forth on Link's gloved hand.
His eyes widen slightly and you hate yourself even more at the implications—stars, of course he doesn't expect a sincere apology from you as you've gone up and ditched him the second time since the guardian incident!
His reaction bothers you more knowing that the reason why you've began to avoid your knight was because of the constant skips your heart would make whenever you and Ser Link interacted.
Stars, he is your knight and you a princess, never mind your reputation, you'd only sully his and make him a court fool in front of the nobility if you're to pursue him-
You lose yourself to the brewing storm in your mind and ever the observant knight he is, Link notices how your eyes become sullen. He gently squeezes your hand, a move you've become familiar with, and it works as your attention moves back to him.
"Princess, I've no need to forgive you for something that doesn't upset me. I- I'm just glad that you've begun to talk to me comfortably." He murmurs softly and you will your heart to not skip a beat because stars-
His eyes are so blue—an endless sea of honesty and softness that you've come to realize that he's granted only you the privilege of seeing—and the sight has your heart pounding.
A small smile tugs on your lips, "It is one of the many things I can do to make up for how cold and indifferent I've acted towards you, Ser Link." You purse your lips, looking away and Link sees how truly sorry your are in your eyes.
He squeezes your hand once more to get your attention on him once more and the pained smile on your face tugs at his heart strings. "I've constantly taken advantage for your unwavering loyalty, Ser Link. I'm-"
Stars, it truly is upsetting. He is only doing what he is ordered to by your father and you punish him nonetheless? How unkind and unjust for you to treat him like that-
How cruel can you be to someone so innocent in royal affairs? The thought is chilling and it overwhelms your control over your emotions.
A choked gasp leaves your lips as he sees your eyes glaze over with unshed tears. Link is quick to rise, his body moving closer as he patiently waits for your signal.
You catch on and nod despite being unaware of his intentions. Yet from the honest look in his eyes, you realize that you trust the man in front of you wholeheartedly. "I'm sorry for every wrongdoing I've committed against you." You mutter, looking away from him in shame.
Link's hands gently cups your face, and like on the night of the guardian incident, he mimics what you had done and makes you look at him in such a gentle manner that intensifies the ache in your chest.
Your lips are pursed, eyebrows furrowed in guilt, and Link smiles softly to ease your worries. You melt, cheek leaning into his hand as he gently caresses your cheek with the soothing motions of his thumb.
Beautiful. Absolute stunning. Link finds the thought at the forefront of his mind as he looks at you.
"It's okay, princess. Just promise me that you'll allow me to stay by your side." Link murmurs, eyes looking into yours with such a softness that could make you melt even further.
You bring up your hands to cup his as the sweetest smile gracing your face sends his heart racing. "I promise, Link."
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© 2024 𝐌𝐘𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄-𝐈𝐕. do not copy, repost, share, or translate any of my works to tumblr, social media, and any other websites/platforms.
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mastercucco · 8 months
Hateno Boy - Part 2 - Link x Reader
The Calamity is gone, but so is Link’s purpose. He feels completely lost in post-Calamity Hyrule where everyone but him seem to have found their new place.
It certainly doesn’t help his restless nights that you, a young Hylian whom Zelda has hired as the new teacher at Hateno School, are slowly taking up more and more of his headspace with each conversation you two have.
Fandom: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild / Tears of the Kingdom Pairing: Link x fem!Reader Raiting: Mature (might go up, might go down, let’s see) Contains: feel-good, slow burn romance; platonic Link/Zelda; Link being an angsty retired hero Chapter Index | Read on Ao3
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Chapter 2 - Heromania
Contains: Link is awkward; Everyone is crazy about the Hero, maybe even you Word count: ~2,9k A/N: Yaas, second chapter, let's goooo
The cool night air sneaks in through the open window, barely keeping you awake. Twilight has come and gone, and you can already hear the first calls of the night owls. Your day at the school is stretching unpleasantly late into the evening once again. You’ve been so focused on creating the new curriculum with the Princess – or Zelda, as she has asked you to call her – that you have completely forgotten all your obligations as a teacher.
Now you’re stuck with a cup of tea that went cold hours ago and a stack of short stories written in poor grammar that you promised to read before the end of the week – a promise that seemed perfectly reasonable four days ago. But tonight? Not so much.
You’ve spent a lot of time with Zelda and her knight these past weeks. Zelda is eager to finish the curriculum before fall comes. You still have several moon cycles to go – summer has barely reached Hateno –, but Zelda isn’t one to waste time. She is dedicated to offering the children the best education they can get. You’re in awe of her devotion to the cause – and a little ashamed by your own lack thereof. You are the teacher, after all. You should be twice as passionate as Zelda is, should you not?
You blame your lack of enthusiasm on these late nights: the cold cups of tea and the ever-growing list of tasks and responsibilities that never seem to get any shorter, no matter how many hours of sleep you sacrifice.
You sigh as you pick up the next story from the stack.
You snort. The ‘Hero of Hyrule’ craze among your students (or ‘heromania’, as you like to call it) is at its peak. You thought you were being clever when assigning them to write a short story about the Hero, hoping it would excite them to complete an otherwise dull assignment. But you were a bit too clever for your own good in the end: your students got so excited to share stories that all of them returned more than one paper. And who were you to kill their excitement just because you had forgotten to do your part in reading them all in time?
You groan, rubbing your face harshly. You can feel the first throbs of a headache knocking behind your other eye. As amusing as some of the stories are (even Zelda thought so after reading one about Link turning into a giant), you’re slowly starting to despise your work, and your students – and the Hero, for that matter.
Another breath of cool air brushes against your neck. You bury your head in your hands. You don’t actually despise your work, not really. It’s just these late nights that you hate.
You hear the door creaking. Shit, you think in a panic and hurriedly tidy up all your scattered papers and pens. You should have expected Zelda to pay you a visit tonight, just like she has every other night so far. As tired as you feel, you don’t need Zelda to see that. Worst case scenario, she might even think you are slacking.
But when you look up, it’s not the Princess standing at the doors, but her Silent Knight.
“Oh, good evening, Link,” you sigh in relief. You glance at the stack of short stories and, as subtle as you can be, flip the first paper upside down before saying, “Please, come in.”
Link, however, does not. He stands awkwardly in the doorway, his expression turning to a frown as he looks around, as if the last person he expected to find inside the school was you, the teacher.
“The Princess isn’t here,” you say after it becomes clear you are not getting a hello from him.
Link looks like a lost puppy, an apt comparison in your mind: he does follow the Princess around like one. The silence between the two of you feels awkward. Even though you have seemingly spent multiple evenings with him, you two have barely even spoken. Everything you know about him, you have heard from either Zelda or the gossipmongers of Hateno.
Or from your students. Most of it from your students.
“I’m sure she will arrive shortly,” you add, giving him an affirming smile. After hearing this, Link finally steps over the threshold and lets the door creak shut behind him.
“I’m sorry,” he says, still looking around, “I thought she would already be here.”
“There’s no need to apologize,” you say, still smiling, hoping to ease the awkward tension still lingering in the air. You continue, “Please, Link, have a seat while you wait. Would you like some tea?”
Link shakes his head and sits down on one of your students’ chairs. It is way too small for him and whines horribly under his weight. The sight of him is amusing, and you struggle to hold back the smile tucking at the corners of your lips. It becomes extremely clear, extremely fast, that Link is trying to look anywhere but into your eyes. You consider asking about his day but decide against it; he’s not the most talkative person in Hyrule, as you’ve come to learn.
“Please, let me know if you need anything,” you politely say before going back to your work. You have barely finished reading the first sentence of The Hero And A Monster In A Svamp when Link suddenly speaks.
“I’m bothering you,” he says.
You glance up from your paper. He is looking down at his hands, a distant look on his face.
“No, not at all,” you lie, “but I do have to ask you to leave after I’m done with these papers.”
“Oh,” Link says, already getting up.
“No, not now,” you quickly say, “but later. You won’t be able to leave once I lock the doors.”
“Oh,” Link says, again, and slowly sits back down. “Right. Okay. Sorry.” He is glancing at the doors with a look of uncertainty.
“And I do prefer the company,” you assure softly. You give him a smile and – for the first time – he returns it. It’s quick but awfully sweet, and you feel your stomach turning.
He looks down at his hands again. “I could make tea,” he says almost absentmindedly and stands up, still avoiding eye contact. “Would you like some?”
Not waiting for your answer, he rushes upstairs to the kitchenette. It’s going to be a long night, you think to yourself and shift your eyes back to your student’s story.
Ones upon a time there was the Hero of Hyrule. One day he saw a monster in a svamp. He takes his Master sword and he kills the svamp monster and he is So fast because he is stronger then the svamp monster. Everyone is happy. Princess Zelda is happy and we had a big party for The Hero. Mom is there and also my brohter and all my friends are there asswell but dad is crying because svamp monster is really my Nana and everyone is sad. The end.
You rub your eyes. A long, long night…
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Your second cup of tea has also gone cold by the time you are done reading the stories.
“Thank Hylia,” you mutter as you push the papers inside your bag. The stories are all sweet – though you question the validity of most of them – but no matter how adorable, you’re glad you don’t have to read one more story about the Hero tonight.
You hastily gather your things and blow out your oil lamp before heading to the doors. You nearly scream when Link steps out of the shadowy corner he was sitting in. He has been so quiet for the past hour that you completely forgot he was even there.
“I’m so sorry,” you mutter, your face flushing with embarrassment. He doesn’t say anything, and his eyes are as quiet as his lips. Instead, he opens the door for you. He gives your back a light, assuring push as you walk past him, something you’ve seen him do to Zelda many times before. His gesture seems automatic, you don’t think he even realizes he does it, but your cheeks blush anyway.
“Are you done with your work?” he asks, even though the answer is obvious as you lock the doors.
“Yes,” you still answer. “Hopefully the Princess doesn’t come here looking for us.”
“No. It’s late,” Link simply says. There’s a tone in his voice you can’t quite put your finger on. Is it disappointment? Or bitterness? You don’t know him well enough to say for certain.
“You’re not going to go look for her?” you ask.
Link shakes his head. “I will walk you home,” he says instead, giving your back another gentle push as you start making your way towards the village.
The silence between you two doesn’t feel as awkward outside, where the rustling of leaves and the singsong of night birds fill in the quiet. The night air is brisk, easing the throbbing pain behind your eye. You sigh. You are happy Link offered to walk you home – though, he would’ve walked past East Wind either way. He has an aura of safety around him, something you much appreciate at this hour, even though you know Hateno to be safe even during the night.
To your surprise, Link breaks the silence first, “I’ve been meaning to ask you something.”
You get a little startled when you turn to look at him and find him staring right back at you. You don’t think he has ever made eye contact with you in such a straightforward manner. You know you’re blushing. It’s almost like he is searching for something within your gaze.
And all you can think about is just how blue his eyes are.
“Have we really met before?” Link asks.
You can’t help the hint of pity seeping into your smile. It’s clear that the question has been bothering him for quite some time.
“Yes,” you answer, “yes, we have.”
He looks away, his brow furrowing as if he’s trying to force the memory.
“Our family farm is right outside Hateno,” you try to help him out. “You knocked on our door late at night. It was during a thunderstorm, a bad one. I don’t think we’ve had a storm like that since.”
The pace of Link’s footsteps slows down. His eyes are looking straight forward, but he doesn't seem to be actually looking at anything. You can see he is trying his hardest to remember. It pains you a little to see him struggle.
“It’s not that important, Link,” you comfort him. “It was a long time ago.”
“No,” he almost cuts you off, “I remember the storm. And I remember the farmhouse. The man of the house made me creamy mushroom soup.”
“That would be my father,” you smile, “and my mother offered to stitch your tunic, but you refused. And you refused a warm bath, to her horror.”
Link doesn’t laugh with you. He’s looking at you again, eyes observing you closely. You’re blushing hard. You don’t think even you, yourself, have ever looked at your own face as intensely as he is now. You can see frustration building up behind his eyes.
Finally, he shakes his head. “I’m sorry,” he apologizes and looks the other way. “I’m not trying to be rude on purpose.”
“It’s okay, Link,” you say, lightly touching his arm. “You had a lot going on at the time.”
You remember the night well. The first time you met the Hero of Hyrule was only a few months before the Calamity ended. He knocked on your family home’s door in the middle of the night, soaked from the heavy rain, bruised, and shivering. Your mother offered him a bed in the guest room because she recognized his blue tunic (there were rumors of a Champion awakened from a 100-year slumber), and your father made him food because he felt sorry for the boy.
You, too, felt sorry as you watched him eat his soup and then refuse the dry clothes your father offered him. He looked exhausted and on the verge of tears. He’s just a boy, you thought, your heart aching as you watched him rub his eyes dry while he may have thought no one was looking.
You’re not mad at Link for not remembering, nor do you feel disappointed. You never spoke with him. You never once thought he even noticed you sitting there by the fire, observing him quietly.
He was just a boy, you think, struggling to meet his gaze. You were the same age as him back then, and you believed – still do – eighteen was too young to bear the fate of the entire kingdom on his shoulders.
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Hateno sleeps quietly. There are no lights, not even a flicker of a single candle behind the darkened windows. There is no chatter, no laughter, no horse hooves, no buzzing insects. Even the wind seems to be on its tiptoes as it blows through the town, as if to avoid disturbing the sleeping people. The sand beneath your boots sounds awfully loud in the silent night.
“May I ask you something in return?” you quietly speak. There’s been a long stretch of silence between the two of you since your earlier conversation. You can see something is still troubling Link, and you don’t want him to go home feeling saddened by memories you didn’t mean to bring up to the surface.
Link doesn’t say anything but he turns to look at you.
“The question is a bit… silly,” you hesitate. He waits patiently for you to continue.
“Uhm,” you mutter, already feeling stupid even thinking of asking what you’re about to ask. “Did you ever, by chance, fight a swamp monster during your travels? A monster that perhaps turned out to be someone’s grandmother?”
Link blinks. “... I’m sorry?”
“Forget about it,” you say with an uncomfortable laugh, motioning for him to stop staring at you. “The children have a wild imagination sometimes.”
Link thinks for a moment before sternly saying, “I have never killed a grandmother.” But the frown on his face makes it seem that he, himself, is not quite so sure of his own statement.
“It’s just something silly one of my students said,” you explain, “I asked them to write down stories they’ve heard about you.”
“Oh,” he says.
“They adore you,” you feel the need to explain further. “It was just for practice. I think most of them just made things up for the assignment. I doubt you ever turned into a giant during your adventures, or did you?”
Link shakes his head, a small smile tugging at his lips. “No, I never did,” he says.
“I don’t understand how they can even come up with stories like that,” you laugh. “Poor Teebo swears he saw you riding a bear once!”
“And one of the girls says their aunt in Lurelin saw you sailing naked all the way from Eventide.”
“... Oh.”
“Can you believe the imagination of these children?” you chuckle, shaking your head.
Link rubs his neck. “Yeah, wild imagination…” he hesitantly agrees, forcing the most unconvincing laugh you’ve ever heard.
“Oh no, I’m so sorry,” you quickly apologize, “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. It was just a silly assignment.”
“No, I don’t mind. I– uh, I did sail to Eventide and back once,” Link admits, a faint blush coloring his cheeks.
You give him a sympathetic smile. “Stories change as they get passed on.”
“Yeah…” Link mutters, rubbing his neck again.
You come to a stop as you reach the East Wind. The store’s windows are pitch-black, just like the rest of the village. You hope you won’t disturb Pruce and his family when you sneak in. He has been generous for letting you stay up in their attic basically for free. Sure, your father knows the shopkeeper well, but you still think not many people from Hateno would offer such kindness to other people’s children. It’s not the most comfortable living arrangement for a woman in her twenties, but it is better than living with your parents. Besides, Zelda has promised you a room on the school’s second floor once it gets cleared out from all the junk left behind during building.
“Thank you for walking me back,” you say as you turn to look at Link, “I hope it wasn’t too much trouble.”
“It wasn’t,” Link assures you with a smile so soft it makes your heart flutter. You’re starting to understand why the girls in town act so giddy around him. He does have an endearing smile.
“I’ll see you around,” Link says, still smiling. “Have a good night.”
“You too, Link,” you say, feeling a bit flustered. You don’t quite understand your sudden giddiness, and you wish you could just slap some sense into yourself. You pry your eyes off of him before the butterflies in your stomach get any more restless. You take in a sharp breath when you suddenly feel his hand on your back again, pushing you gently towards the door right before he leaves. You are still certain he has no idea he’s doing it.
The night air feels almost too cold against your warm cheeks. You fumble with your keys for an embarrassingly long time before you get the door open. You can’t understand why suddenly your mind is completely overtaken by the thought of the Princess’ knight giving you such attention. You’ve never felt this starstruck around the Princess, and she, at least, is going to be crowned as the Queen of Hyrule one day.
You curse. There’s no other explanation: it has to be your students’ ‘heromania’ trying to overtake you.
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sucheonapologist · 2 years
Dark link boyfriend head cannons
Warning: a bit spicy?
• He's very protective of his s/o
° He doesn't like pda that much but he will force you to show his love bite in your neck to show everyone that you're taken
• He says he doesn't like you touching his ears but he actually likes it! He just doesn't like showing his vulnerable side that much.
° He's a cat person because they're less energetic unlike dogs (but if you're an energetic person he can tolerate you.)
• His love language would be act of service since he doesn't want you to work that much but he also doesn't want you to not do anything at all since he's secretly worried about your physical health.
° when you vent he doesn't give you any advices, rather, he'll just listen because he's not good with his words and would give you some space but if you're not comfortable being alone expect him to never let go of you when cuddling.
• He likes biting your shoulders and neck because he's a big tease.
° He would groan when you managed to escape his cuddle prison in the morning to make some breakfast and would say
"Breakfast can wait so come back. "
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cooliofango · 2 years
Strength of the Ancients
[BOTW! Link x F! Reader]
Prologue Part 1
[Next Part]
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A little author’s note before I start! This is a bit self indulgent and part of an idea I’ve been holding onto for a while now that I wanted to try writing out and I’ve decided to start on this platform! If it goes well then I may reach out to other platforms, but, for now, it shall remain here! This story is supposed to branch out throughout the three games and then some both before and after them based from my own imagination, so hopefully we’ll be in this for the long run. Also, the name for Link’s sister will be Alona in this story since she was never given a name in this game. All we know is that if she would’ve been an actual character in the game, she would’ve been a remake of Aryll or that she would’ve had a different name-- which I tried to make a little similar. For the names of Link’s parents, I will be getting them from the Sound and Drama CD which names Link’s father Banzetta and his mother Loretta, as well as Zelda’s mother who appears to be named Seline. Im choosing for the reader to be female for this story, though, again, if the story is liked enough, I will be happy to rewrite it with a male reader if requested. The picture was cropped and found on Picsart!
Masterlist to access the rest of the story!
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The steps of the two Hylians, a father and a son, echoed loudly in the castle, the lights pouring in from the crystal-like glass that lined the walls of the hallway. The ceilings rose high above them, the light glittering against the stone on the lower parts of the arches with the aid of the torches that remained lit beneath them. Every now and then, they would pass a guard who stood attentive yet unmoving in place. They simply watched as the king’s guests moved on. 
The son appeared to be a little anxious, though he kept quiet as he looked around this rather foreign place. His father was a blacksmith who provided weapons and armor for the royal calvary while him and his younger sister tended to the farm at home in his absences-- although they would often get help from their father if he wasn’t working. The closest the young boy has ever been to the castle was the town below its walls where his father worked and where he and his sister would travel to to sell the goods they grew. The castle was always something he and his sister would admire from afar, yet he never guessed that he would be going inside it.
“Chin up, boy,” The gruff voice of his father reached his ears, causing him to look up at the elder man.
“Yes, sir.” The boy muttered, straightening his posture and looking ahead. They approached large double doors, to which more guards stood at. However, upon noticing their presence, they moved to grab the handles of the door and pulled them open. The doors creaked on their hinges at the movement, though only because of how large they were rather than if they were old or not. Beyond the door way was a large throne room. The ceilings rose even higher than the ones in the halls do-- something the young one didn't not think was possible. In the middle of the back wall, overlooking the whole room, were the thrones that sat underneath a large stained glass mural of the symbol of Hyrule shaped into it. There were three of them, the largest being in the middle, one just a little shorter than it on the left, and a smaller one on the right. The king sat within the middle one. The boy felt himself tense under the king’s intimidating presence alone, feeling his gaze burn into him and his father.
The father stopped a few feet away from the king and knelt down to bow with respect. His son did the same not long after upon noticing his father’s movements. “You’re majesty, it’s an honor to make your presence,” the father spoke up once more in kind greeting before careful getting back to his feet.
“The honor is all mine, Banzetta. You’re presence here was greatly anticipated,” The king looked at the boy now, sitting up in place, “And this must be the boy, correct.” Upon being addressed, the young one quickly got to his feet and straightened his posture-- he hadn’t realized his father had stood up already and was still kneeling on the ground till now. Rhoam stood from his throne and made his way down the steps towards the child. “Let me see your hand, boy.”
And he did just that, not wanting to appear to be disrespectful before someone so powerful. The nervousness still remained as he held out his right hand to him. Though the boy didn’t know the full extent to the markings on his hand just yet, he already knew that it was what the king wanted to see. It was the sole reason why his father brought him here. On the back of his palm rested an ancient symbol known as the ti-force with the bottom right triangle highlighted against his skin. He didn't know what it meant-- but being here was a hope to get answers.
The king knelt down before the boy and took his hand to inspect it. The king’s hold was gentle and he slid his thumb over the triangle shape imbedded in the boy’s skin. “So it’s true then. The Hero of Courage has been reborn.” King Rhoam spoke knowingly. It was hard to tell whether he was in shock or if he was relieved by his tone and this expression didn’t change except for the slight narrowing of the eyes.
The Hero of Courage was someone mentioned in a story the boy had heard from his mother before she had passed away years ago. A hero from the sky, clad in green, who took on an evil being of Power named Demise to save his dear friend and Hyrule from destruction. From then on out, the three wielders of the tri-force continued to be reborn-- Power causing destruction, Wisdom allocating knowledge to the land, and Courage protecting the land. The boy didn’t think the story to be real at the time, mostly because of where the hero seemed to come from. If Hyrule used to have islands in the sky, then where were they now?
“Hylia...” Banzetta muttered with his own surprise. Unlike his son, he did know the story behind the never ending battle between Courage, Wisdom, and Power right away. Although the appearance of the Hero of Courage was one to be celebrating, it also foretold the near future of Hyrule. Hyrule would fall into war once more at the hands of the Calamity and the monsters it brings.
The king stood up from the ground, looking down at the young boy. “Link,” he spoke the name of the boy as he remembered it from the letter, “Do you understand the responsibilities of the Hero of Courage?” 
Link held a soft frown and directed his gaze away in thought. If he were to believe his mother’s stories to be true, then-- in a way-- he did have an idea of what the Hero of Courage’s duty was. “Yes, sir,” Link nodded hesitantly along with his words, looking back up at the king as he did so. 
“Do you accept this responsibility to protect Hyrule and fulfill the destiny given to you by the Golden Goddesses of old?” The king urged with hope, holding his hands behind his back as he waited for an answer.
Being the reborn hero was hard to believe and yet there was something in the back of his mind telling him to take this chance. It was a call to adventure screaming at him to accept this role. If he was really the Hero of Courage, then he needed to be the one to defeat the wielder of Power that intended to destroy his home. It’s only ever been the Hero of Courage who defeats this evil in every story he’s heard about from his dear mother.
“Y-Yes,” although he stutters, his face shows determination.
The king visibly relaxes, turning back to sit on the throne. “Very well,” he sits down on the throne with each arm resting on the arm rests beside him. King Rhoam turns his attention to Banzetta.
Father and son shared a gaze. The nervousness still hung in the air, yet something new had sparked within the boy. A will, you could say. Banzetta expressed worry, but, upon noting how his son accepted this weight, said nothing. Instead, he looked to the king.
“Banzetta, it would be ideal to keep Link here with our ranks. He will need to start training as soon as possible,” King Rhoam looked to where a couple guards were on the left of the throne room and nodded, to which they both made their way to the pair standing before him.
Banzetta tightened his lips into a straight line. “A-... A week. I’d like to request that he return here for training in a week,” he requested in hopes to give Link a bit of time at home before leaving so suddenly. The boy, in turn, seemed to already agree with this. He loved his sister dearly, after all, and he didn’t want to just leave her on her own without an explanation.
The king huffed to himself as he considered the request. There was time. According to the sages, the Calamity shouldn’t arrive for another half of a decade. They had five years to prepare-- five years to build an army.
“Very well. Return in exactly a week, no time later, no time less.”
Banzetta sighed with relief, “Of course. Thank you, your majesty.”
The king nodded and returned his focus back to Link. “And thank you, young one. Hyrule will forever be in your debt. Guards, please escort these two to the palace gates.”
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talesofsonicasura · 2 years
Ghost Lights
Two worlds become connected and one lost soul falls through the cracks. Maybe he can find what he's looking for with some peculiar help. Can be read gender neutral or preferred gender. Can be seen as platonic or romantic. This story is written in a summarized style for later one shots to be linked.
Ghost lights, unexplained lights or flame that appear from nowhere without a cause. They come and go whenever pleased leaving behind various kinds of intrigue. Some believe a ghost light might be a lost spirit who shines in hopes of finding home. Some think it's just optical phenomena crafted from the electrical activity.
Whether truth or fiction, lives are changed with their appearance. It's something that never ceases to amaze you even in the world that many incredible wonders call home. Especially when you came across your own life changing ghost lights.
You lived in the far out countryside of the Galar Region. A personal choice as the only 'nosy' visitors were the Pokemon that made this place their home way longer than anyone else. You never really had a problem with people at all. Far from it actually as someone can't be a Top Coordinator or even a Pokemon Trainer without some conversation.
Everyone just needs a break and a private place to have it. Thus your personal cottage nestled in the edges of Galar's Wild Area. Now you didn't live alone as your Pokemon are also there especially your closest partner.
Many trainers would start with one of the three starters offered by their region's professor. Some start off with Pokemon they befriended as children. You fit in the latter category although your partner wasn't exactly normal. Probably about 6 years old when the two of you first met.
Had been playing with some glow sticks in the dark not too far from the house only for a strange blue ball to land before you. It was covered in shining pink and light blue dots, two starry flairs in that same color but with a yellow dot at the center and their colors inverted from each other. Something found in a circus or amusement park than a kid's backyard.
You being the child you were, not enough self preservation in the face of an unknown Pokemon, offered the strange ball a glow stick. (Your mom still has anxiety recalling the idiocy of it all.) Anyway, didn't expect the ball to be the head of a 6 ft strange clown mimicking Pokemon.
Large dark blue cowl where the ball head hovered above, frills at the end of its tear drop shaped, heel shaped feet and two balls that floated around the waist were that same dark blue color. Blue, pink and yellow striped pole like body with angular 'thighs', thin arms that were light blue one side whilst pink on the other with the same color scheme for the two orbs floating over it's feet.
If you hadn't offered that glow stick, then you probably wouldn't have befriended your dear Blacephalon Jester. Didn't stop the many scares that the Ghost/Fire Type likes putting people through. Jester was your first special ghost light.
Since then, the two of you have been best friends. Playing games, cuddle sessions, training or goofing off and whatever activity could come to mind. Jester was always there with a Mind Blown at the ready. (Even if it meant chasing off any suitors.)
Tonight was the 12th anniversary of your first meeting, something usually celebrated between you both. Had bought some very special glow sticks for this very event and even found the perfect spot too. The two of you celebrated your meeting with a 'Glow Hunt'.
Basically some wild Pokemon help hide these glow sticks in the set area, this time being the Giant's Mirror. The one who collects the most glow sticks wins and gets a golden glow ring. Jester had won last year so you wanted to break the current tie.
It should've been a normal night like any other. Yet, instead life decided to grant another gift. Your second life changing ghost light...
"Found ya!" The green glowstick hidden within the slightly wet grass was plucked from its hiding spot. You smiled brightly at the item before tucking it away with the other 12 that been found. It had been 20 minutes since the Glow Hunt had started.
There were 37 glowstick hidden all across the area, the odd number being a measure to prevent any ties. So far, you manage to find a good chunk of them. Especially since some wild Pokemon decided to be utter trolls with the hiding spots.
Pretty sure that one Gengar put its given glowstick near the nest of a particularly cranky Grapploct. You shivered at the thought remembering how downright tenacious said Fighting Type was whenever someone angered them. There's even a caution sign warning Trainers cause of it!
Anyway, you decided to check out the small pond (also where the Giant's Mirror got it's namesake from) for hidden glow sticks. You were walking over when a bright azure light nearly blinded your vision. It was so like a flash grenade as it quickly vanished as it had appeared. The light seem to come from the Giant Mirror's pond.
Whatever it was, it gave you enough incentive to investigate. Upon arrival, everything seemed the same as it was before the game began. The large stone slab like rock by the water's edge, crystal clear surface that shone with the moonlight, floating body... Wait.
You rubbed your eyes hoping it was a hallucination or a Pokemon playing tricks. No it wasn't as the body with 10 glowsticks laid atop their chest is still there. "Holy fuck! JESTER!! JESTER COME QUICKLY!"
The Blacephalon had flew over immediately and helped pull the unconscious person onto the wet grass. It was a 5'7 young man around your age, skin light tan, hair was a dirty blonde, his ears were strangely longer yet pointed like an elf, and faded pink burns cover most of the right side lean perfectly fit body.
A blue tunic with a peculiar light blue pattern, beige pants, brown boots and a strange gold rimmed black tablet bearing an eye symbol on the back were the only things he had on him. Checking his pulse, you let out a sigh of relief upon the steady heartbeat that greeted back. "He's alive. Let's take him back to the cottage."
Pain. There was so much pain... Voices screaming in agony, rage, and fear. 'Pathetic! Such a disappointing little rat that you are!'/ 'Leave me alone. I don't care if my father assigned you to protect me. I can awaken my true power.'/ 'I don't know why your king thinks of you so highly. To me, you just look like a little mouse who doesn't know the possession your in.'
Sound so familiar yet unrecognizable at the same time. These words sound so true but most feel false. It all hurt the same though. And then came the blistering heat. Magenta tinted fire scorch the flesh so viciously that it marks would never disappear. They quickly became to much as a single voice cried. "LINK!!"
Sharp blue eyes of the young man opened frantically whilst he shot up with a harsh scream. Quickly glancing around, the realization that he was in someone's head became very apparent. The strange fancy bed underneath his body, colorful blue sheets decorated with paw prints delicately covering him, and the peculiar decor scattered about.
Sleek tables, strange roundish chair covered in some kind of fabric(sofa chair), various sized plushies of unrecognizable creatures, posters decorated with even more creatures to places he did not recognize either and such. By the table next to the dirty blonde was a glass of water alongside some strange large blue fruit.
The fruit looked like a berry but the slightly smaller than an apple and oval shaped. He picked up the glass, scrutinizing it for a few minutes before finally taking a sip. Blue eyes widened upon how refreshing and pure the water tasted. He guzzle down every last drop before taking a look at the strange fruit.
Sniffing it a few times, other than a delicate sweetness there didn't seem to be anything off, the dirty blonde took a bite. A sharp juicy sweetness merrily greeted his tastes as a jolt of vigor shot through his tired nerves. He greedily continued to eat the berry making sure not a single bite went to waste.
The young man had just finished off the fruit when the door to this strange room finally opened. Bright blue eyes trail over the odd clothing, plate of stew in hand and short round ears before meeting your own eyes. It felt like time finally stopped as the two of you sat in the room alone.
From there, you learned about the young man that you had rescued. His name was Link and he was a knight from another world. At first, he didn't exactly translate this information vocally well. The language he spoke had been absolutely different to your world's own. A language barrier that thankfully could be worked around when you began to use sign. Sign language was something constantly used whenever you didn't feel like talking.
Luck would have it that Link's sign language was very close to your own albeit with some minor differences in a few phrases. Anyway, the man explained his story the best he could. He was a champion trying to save his homeland from a malevolent force that would always threaten it.
It had been by sheer accident that Link crossed over into your world. A vicious monster known as a Guardian had been hunting him down. There was no way to effectively fight it so Link was forced to flee. All he remembers was a bright searing painful light and his vision going black afterwards.
Once he told part of his story, you explained where he was alongside who you were. Link had steadily began having signs of a panic attack so you quickly went to rub calming circles on his back. No one could blame him when someone looks at the Champion's current situation.
It was only when Link calmed down did you continue your explanation alongside the possibility of him getting home. Dimensional travel wasn't an near impossiblity unlike in his world. There where plenty of Pokemon who could create portals or rifts into different worlds. Your Blacephalon Jester was from a different reality called Ultra Space after all! Only issue came up to getting their help.
Some were practically impossible to find as they are either constantly moving or appeared under certain circumstances. That wouldn't stop you from helping Link get home though. It was a promise that wouldn't break.
Link would admit that all these new experiences were a lot for him to take in. You had introduced to the world of Pokemon before the two of you could set off. A precaution that needed to be taken as his world condition him to ready his blade upon every fight or flight trigger. Thus Link was introduced to your partner, the bizarrely shaped 'Blacephalon' Jester.
Link couldn't lie that the strange creature had immediately took him off guard. It mainly stemmed from the fact he couldn't discern any emotional expressions. There was no face or mouth but you did explain that the 'eyes' were actually in the star patterns on Jester's head.
"See the yellow dot here? That's the eye. I usually tell Jester's mood with the lights on his head." You taught him that Blacephalon would often flash the pink and blue dots to communicate their emotions and what each pattern met. Something shown as Link continued his interactions with Jester.
Whenever he was mad, the Ghost/Fire Type would flash only his pink lights. If Jester was sad, then only the blue lights glowed. Panic illicit random patterns while happy emotions lit up all the colored lights. Link learned that Jester was awfully touchy.
The Pokemon loved hugs and cuddles, often asking you then later Link himself for one. If he couldn't get a cuddle then Jester would happily settle for hand holding. A common occurrence that he didn't have much issue indulging. Being honest, Link actually liked the kind positive affection.
Ever since he began his journey to save Hyrule, most of the touches that greeted him meant harm. Link did brush against other people but it was either by accident or exchanging goods. Something that didn't really count. You would soon provide the same positive affection with him. Every hug, cuddle or kiss were consensual and welcomed.
Soon he became comfortable to tell you the whole story alongside the little memories he had before going into that 100 year slumber. Through it all, there was no look of disappointment, disgust or pity as Link spoke each word. What he got from your group were that of understanding sympathy.
No one here viewed his failures negatively unlike back in Hyrule. Then the next day, you began to call Link 'Wild'. He was honestly confused at first by the nickname. Why call him that than just Link? One day he asked that vary question.
"You woke up before a world surrounded by wilderness twice. The first time being after your one hundred year slumber and the second back in Galar. My mom believes new beginnings are signified by similar major events happen in twos. For me it was ghost lights as your's the wilderness. Thus, the nickname Wild." Looking back at that reason always made him smile.
You had told Link what Pokemon would most likely be able to get him home. "We're going to look for the Anti Matter Pokemon, Giratina. They're a legendary Ghost/Dragon Type that rule over a place called the Distortion World. It is a realm that can be accessed through any reflective surface so Giratina could have one to lead you home in there!"
Apparently Giratina lived in a peculiar cavern called Turnback Cave which is found in the Sinnoh Region. You warn Link that the dual type would most likely be hostile upon confrontation so they would have to be ready before facing Giratina. A threat taken seriously as Legendary Pokemon could be considered gods in this world.
The thought alone often made his hope dwindle quickly. Link had failed his kingdom fighting a powerful demon. He didn't have the Master Sword or any equipment to fight that beast. Would he even last long against a god like Giratina? You didn't think that way however.
"Don't worry. I promise that I'll help you get back to your world. If that means fighting Giratina then so be it! We'll win! Keep your hopes up, hold tight to your beliefs and have faith cause if you give up then it's truly over!" It was these words that lit Link's determination whenever his hope dwindled. Every time he began to doubt himself in some way, you alongside Jester and your Pokemon always helped him up.
If Link didn't feel like he was strong enough, then he would train alongside your Pokemon to sharpen any lacking skills. Everyone had great understanding of his limits, weaknesses and strengths so the Champion can effectively improve. A game plan was already if a battle with Giratina occurred.
"Giratina is a Ghost/Dragon Type. That means Normal and Fighting Type moves will do nothing. If you want to go toe to toe with Giratina then we need to a way for you to deal Ice, Ghost, Fairy, Dragon or Dark Type attacks, Wild!"
Adding those 'typings' to his attacks should normally be impossible as your world's magic was different from his. But you were crafty and resourceful. Metal arrowheads were replaced with powder filled colorful round tips alongside special oils to apply to his sword.
"I grounded up a bunch of elemental gems and add a bit of special powder to make these! A direct hit will release the Type Energy you need. Controlled blast for the arrows and a controlled burst impact for the sword."
Wild often thought that you were related to the Sheikah or have an equivalent of them in your world. Hearing about an invention such as this would have Purah swarming to learn more. Then again, Link could admit he was curious too.
Wild was truly a cute dork, at least in your eyes. The two of you had to take the plane as Giratina mainly lives in the Sinnoh Region specifically Turnback Cave. Good enough distance for the Hylian to be greeted to modern civilization.
He was practically a kid in the candy store. Looking at every store, shop stand, Pokemon and TV screen he sees in pure childlike awe. Absolutely adorable especially when Link got to pet a Pokemon or eat food he hasn't tried before.
Wild did have a bit of difficulty staying still during the plane ride to Veilstone City. The telltale signs of claustrophobia wasn't easily missed so you held his hand. Something that helped reassure him as the plane continue it's flight path. Pointing out Pokemon flying outside the window also helped his anxiety. You couldn't forget...
"Um...help? I don't think these guys are good with personal space."
Wild was often surrounded by curious, cuddly Pokemon that share one specific Type: Ghost. Apparently your companion was a magnet to Ghost Type Pokemon. Dusknoir, Shuppet, Gengar, Mimikyu, Banette, etc. If they were part Ghost then they're attracted.
You believe these particular Pokemon see Wild as one of them, a fellow spirit to play with. Curious and hoping for the young man could play. The man didn't have the heart to not indulge them. Link tried to apologize for wasting time. That he needed to go back to his world as quick as possible.
"Wild, you don't have to apologize. It's important to relax as stressing about something is gonna make ya feel awful. There are times where you have to a break from things and collect yourself. Playing with Pokemon is one way to do it."
Link didn't try to apologize after that. You knew he carried a lot of weight on shoulders but Wild keeps forgetting that he's a person. The young man shouldn't run himself ragged and have a chance to just enjoy life. Even when a facing a crisis.
Once you guys reached Veilstone City, it wouldn't take long traveling to Turnback Cave on foot. Thus you decided to make the one day stay in the booming city special. A nice tour for Wild.
Checking out all kinds of goodies the stores had to offer, a smile growing on your face whenever something caught his interest. A few new outfits and accessories were stored in his Sheikah Slate. Y'all indulged in some delicious food alongside sweet treats.
It all ended attending a carnival that had recently set up shop. Saying Wild was good at carnival games is an understatement. If it had required him to throw or toss something, the Champion could barely lose. Tower of milk bottles taken out in one strike, rings land on every bottle and clown targets knock down in brutal pitches skill level.
You were pretty sure Wild had set a world record with the number of wins he gotten. Still surprised he has room in the Sheikah Slate to put the prizes. Almost comical seeing a giant Snorlax plush disappearing into streams of blue light.
The night went on with funnel cake, watching a circus and finally a ferris wheel ride. Seeing the city from above was always a sight. Although this felt more special than all the other times as the smile on Wild's face became brighter in the light.
It was finally time. Link had mentally prepared himself when the visage of Turnback Cave came into view. The ominous aura the place radiated was vicious as it sent a clear message down his spine. 'STAY AWAY OR FACE THE PRICE'
"Stick close to me, Wild. You are bound to get lost if you don't follow the correct path. This is one of the reasons why Turnback Cave earned it's name after all. Leave or risk becoming lost forever."
Despite never exploring a place like this, Wild instinctively took your warning to heart. The interior was more of a forgotten temple than a cavern. Stone pillars covered in dust, ancient messages now near indecipherable text, and an eerie fog that refused to let up until one of your Pokemon 'Defog' it.
As you continue to guide them through the maze like cavern, Wild's instincts were on high alert. The feeling of being watched was mutual but you kept quiet and so did he. Left, right, left, left, right throughout slightly different rooms. Only when the right numbered pillar was found did you guys finally went up.
One room. *thump* Two rooms. *thump thump* Three. *Graoooooooorrrr!* Your weight and the feeling of the hard stone floor made Wild see the shadowy claw. It's red tipped claws clung onto the stone wall snap back into the pooling violet vortex at the room's center.
Both of you kept your eyes on the eerie spiral, preparing for what was coming. Two piercing red lights pierced through the violet alongside a large black mass they clung to. He vaguely remembers the eerie malicious aura wrought by Calamity Ganon. Yet, it had nothing on the fierce pressure this draconic reaper wrought.
A near 15' mostly grey beast whose body made Link think of a snake that had their form cross with a horse. Six thick legs bearing three golden claws each, long thick tail bearing black ring patterns from thighs to tip, multiple broken shackle like gold ridges covered their legs in pairs of two whilst and three much larger pair down the neck.
Long vertical black stripe went down its front between five red horizontal stripes, two giant shadow ghostly wings tipped by red that made it look more like phantom claws and a golden 'crown' around it's head with two horns pointing sideways.
Wild immediately clutched his head in pain as phantom images came down on his head. The faded spidery figure of the Guardian, a raining marshland, red eyes gaze through the swamp water and a shadowy claw... Your concerned voice wrought him back to reality. It all made sense now.
"I remember... It was you! You're the one who brought me here and saved me from the Guardian!" The dragon, Giratina, nodded it's head in agreement. Everything almost made sense to him now. Only the 'Rebellion Pokemon' was capable of such a feat and where to take the Champion. But why? Like a psychic, you spoke up.
"Giratina can observe the world from its domain. Maybe...it was watching your world as well. Giratina could've seen the Calamity, your struggles, Wild. Ghost Types see you as one of their own so the Distortion World's ruler could have the same view."
Link couldn't help the shock on his face upon hearing your words. He looked Giratina in the eyes for confirmation and he saw it. Truth in the form of sympathetic kindness in those crimson orbs as the large dragon nodded it's head.
So many emotions swirled in his head that Link almost felt dizzy. Everything about this world despite how alien it was, felt more like home than his own. Smiling kind faces that didn't ask much from the Champion. Able to catch his breath and relax without the worry of an arrow to the back.
Truth be told, he once contemplated not returning and stay in this friendly kind realm. Yet, Link still had things to do in his world. People needed his help, the Calamity must be stopped. Only then could he really think more about his future when those in Hyrule can do the same.
"Giratina, thank you for saving my life and the experience I gained in this realm. Please take me back as the kingdom still needs my help." The dragon's crimson eyes stared back into his soft sky blue. Both held still in silence until Giratina gave it's answer.
A shadowy portal swirled into existence before you and Wild. Within the eye of the vortex was a grassland looking up to a bright sunny sky as the faraway visage of light green serpent flew by. 'This is it, the time to say goodbye.' Link swallowed hard at the thought.
Out of everything from this incredible misadventure, you had been the most special. Someone that kept his spirits up but also let his walls down and show weakness. Link never felt so alive after he awakened from that long slumber. Probably even before his downfall.
However it was time to say goodbye. Wild turned around, ready to speak but any words he had fell. You stood with your hand outstretched, a kind earnest smile on your face. The message was loud and clear.
'You don't have to do everything on your own. Let's do this together.'
Wild stood frozen in shock before smiling back. He took your hand as both of you leapt into the shadows. Giratina soon vanished within the darkness whilst the portal it made shut, almost if pleased by what's to come.
Hyrule began to heal as the Calamity finally fell months ago. Who saved it was one of many mysteries that occur over this particular time period. Strange creatures appearing from nowhere all across the land.
Beasts that brought life to barren fields, cleanse the corruption left behind by Corruption, and fell the beasts who meant the people harm. Whenever there was trouble, one would appear to set things right. Theories flooded the land as many try to make sense of these oddities.
Yet at a house within Hateno Village, the new owners merrily set up their home. No one notice the little flashes of blue and pink, moving teacups, or dancing flames that bounce within. Not even the crimson eyes watching through the reflections in silent amusement.
I won't lie. I had a lot of difficulty writing this. Originally thought about having Wild and Reader fighting Giratina but decided against it. There were too many ideas for this so it's why I wrote a summarized tale.
Like I said before, I'll be writing one shots for the events listed here and then link em. Sorry there has been a lack of content on this blog. Truth be told, I wanted to give my main blog some acknowledgement as well.
I haven't been doing fine, my life has been hectic for awhile plus I plan on moving somewhere in early or late summer. Things have become to pricey and dangerous in my area hence the decision of moving.
I actually have a few ideas for headcanons with a draft already in the works. Now there are people that have been asking for any continuation or more chapters. I have to say this behavior isn't something smiled upon by writers.
We have lives outside of the web. Our writing can be hobbies or stress relievers depending on the person. I'm not one to cancel my works. Lately Google Docs had deleted a good chunk of my stories so I'm struggling to pick up what has been lost.
There are some days where it hurts to think or I just feel empty. So please be courteous to me and my fellow writers. Everyone needs a chance to relax after all.
That's all I have for now! Until next time folks, I'll see you back in Hyrule! Here's Blacephalon and Giratina!
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loiteringdragon · 1 year
Chapters: 16/? Fandom: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Link(legend of Zelda)/reader, Link/Reader, Link (Legend of Zelda)/You Characters: Link (Legend of Zelda), Reader, Prince Sidon, Revali (Legend of Zelda), Urbosa (Legend of Zelda), Divine Beast Vah Ruta, Divine Beast Vah Naboris, Divine Beast Vah Medoh, Divine Beast Vah Rudania, The Rito (Legend of Zelda), Ruto (Legend of Zelda), Mipha (Legend of Zelda), Practically Everyone, You Additional Tags: Reader-Insert, Eventual Romance, Canon-Typical Violence, reader is a badass, Eventual Sexual Themes, Kissing, Falling In Love, Bonding, Action/Adventure, Adventure & Romance, First Kiss, First Time, Blood, Major Violence, Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, fem!reader - Freeform, Female Reader, POV Second Person, Reader Is Older Summary:
As someone who was all but done with your monotonous life, all you wanted to do was travel and explore the world outside of this small stable. You thought that day would never come. Until a man with beautiful blue eyes runs into your life. Literally.
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kaybreezy3000 · 25 days
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A steaming hot and humorous deli Five story, and An Ode To All The Fives We’ve Loved Before.
Written by: @badkitty3000 and @kaybreezy3000
(Rated Mature for Sexually Explicit Content, 6976 words)
Note: All six reader inserts in this one were inspired by characters we wrote in our other stories about Five. But if you haven't read any of these stories, you can still easily enjoy this one. If you find that you want a little more of Five and any one of these lovelies, links will be provided at the end.
Heading across the subway platform towards the deli, Five heard the shrill squeal of a train coming into the station. Thinking it was going to be another version of himself showing up, he slowed his step, letting out a tired sigh. “Here we go again.”
Even before the train was fully stopped, he realized this wasn’t going to be one of his normally depressing encounters. There were six females inside one of the cars, all of them anxiously looking back at him standing under the warmth of the delicatessen's incandescent lights.
He was dumbstruck. There had never been anyone else besides himself on a train before. 
His breath caught as the doors began to slide open.
“No way…” he gasped, looking at the girl in front who had a baseball bat slung over her shoulders, her body poised for a fight.
“Five!” she shrieked as she pushed the doors open, kicking one of them aside faster with the heel of one of her checkered patterned boots. Dashing towards him, her wooden bat fell to the ground with a resounding thunk as she threw herself into his waiting arms.
Just then, a loud bark echoed through the subway. Bursting out from between the other girls’ legs, a golden-haired dog bee-lined it for the door of the deli, just as another stunned Five threw it open. A fraction of a second later, that Five was stumbling backwards, getting knocked down by the wild beast. “I missed you too, buddy,” he laughed through his tears as his furry friend affectionately slobbered him.
Next to them, pink and blue pigtails swayed as the first Five lifted the girl in his arms, kissing her anywhere he could plant his lips. Loving it, her smile got bigger and bigger the more frantic he got, and she started giggling even more about it when she looked down at the pair on the ground. “I guess it was easy enough for Mr. Pennycrumb to figure out which one of you was his master. Just look at him…he’s so happy he and his daddy finally get to go home.”
“Home?” the deli’s Greeter Five questioned, sounding heartbreakingly confused as the rest of the girls on the train came past, worriedly making their way towards the welcoming lights of the restaurant, all of them hoping their Fives were there too.
Inside, Five was behind the counter, doing his usual inventory of ingredients for his famous pastrami sandwich when he looked up to see the most beautiful sight he’d seen in a very long time. He could hardly believe his eyes and it took him a few seconds to realize she was real. 
Skidding around the corner from the kitchen while trying to hide the tears in his eyes, he grabbed his wife around her waist, reeling her in. With hands on each side of her face, he kissed her so desperately that he forgot to breathe. Finally, he pulled away, smiling lovingly as she started to cry.
“I can’t believe it’s really you. I’ve missed you so much, my love,” he choked out, stroking her cheek with his hand. “What are you doing here? When I ended up here, I thought I’d lost you and our entire world because our timeline was destroyed.”
“I missed you, too,” she breathlessly replied. “Things were a little all over the place with the timeline problem thing, but it’s okay now. We’re here to bring you home. I didn’t know there was an entire restaurant filled with you when I set out, but the girls and I ended up on the train together and it quickly became clear we were all in the same boat, and all of you were too. As crazy as all that is, when we realized where you all ended up, it was still a little surprising to say the least.”
“How did you even find this place? The odds of coming across it are astronomical.”
His wife rolled her eyes. “Really, Five? There’s like twenty of you here and not one of you can read a goddamn map? Together, the girls and I figured it out in about fifteen minutes.”
“Oh…” Five muttered.
She smiled and kissed his pouty face, pushing his dark hair off his forehead. “Well, it’s a good thing for you, and all these other boys, that before you got stuck here, you stole the hearts of the smartest, most badass women around because we’re here to save all your asses.” She looked around at all the Fives that looked like they were either about to have a breakdown or were in the middle of one. “And just in the knick of time, it seems,” she added.
While being devoured by the Five that had been previously pouring coffee, his girlfriend stopped him mid-kiss to say, “Hold on… you guys are stuck here because you don’t know how to read a map?” 
“We know how to read maps,” her Five scoffed back. “We just don’t know how to read this particular map.”
With his head down as he rounded the corner from the kitchen, another Five came in carrying a bin of clean dishes. Irritated that nobody was helping him he said, “You don’t know your ass from a hole in the ground, Waiter Five, and hey Brisket, you may be a worthless genius like the rest of us, but you’re letting the sandwiches burn!”
“I don’t give a fuck about the sandwiches, you moron,” Brisket Five snapped back. 
Brisket’s wife quirked a brow. “Brisket?” she questioned, letting his strange nickname roll off her tongue with seductive playfulness, only then just realizing her husband was wearing a chef’s apron.
“Are you surprised? You know I’m the king of the kitchen,” he said, giving her a cocky smirk. 
Hearing the allure of the feminine voice questioning Brisket Five, the distracted bus-boy finally looked up, his eyes as wide as saucers.
“HOLY SHIT!” he gasped as the tub of plates in his hands hit the floor. Moving almost as fast as if he’d blinked, he leapt over the booth between him and the luminously pale girl that was grinning at him with two shiny tips of sharp white studding into her lower lip.
“Hey there, you little horny devil,” the cheeky looking vampire girl snickered as he slid up to her, his boyish mess of dark hair all over the place as his entire body shook like a leaf with excitement. “Five, sweetie, there’s so many of you here…” 
Looking over at the lonely looking Five in the corner booth with his mannequin, the vampire’s fang descended a little more.
“Awww,” she cooed as she looked back at her own Five. “He’s so cute. He’s just like you were. Can I maybe have a little nibble on him, honey?”
“Hell no. I am the only abomination you get to suck on,” Bus-Boy Five dreamily replied, his soft green eyes luring her right back.
Interrupting their reunions, and their conversation about the map, the bathroom door flung open, and another Five carrying a mop came out, immediately directing his shock at the girl the Waiter Five was once again doing his best to suffocate with kisses. “Hey!” he yelled. “Are you that chick who used to fuck Klaus? 
Tossing his mop in the supply closet, the Janitor Five moved in closer, plopping his butt down on the tabletop next to a Five who was sitting there, contemplatively shuffling a deck of cards as he watched the bizarre scene unfolding.
At the mention of Klaus, Waiter Five gave his girl one more peck, then a sly grin as he said, “Those guys don’t know the whole story. All they need to know is that the Hargreeves with the best dick won. Isn’t that right, sweetheart?”
The girl that ironically used to own a coffee house shook her head at her now-waiter boyfriend as she stretched up, planting a big kiss on his lips. “You could say that. Or, more accurately, I won. I’ve been missing a lot of things about you, including your dick,” she teased while pulling him by the belt loops until their hips were flush.
A few feet away, a shapely woman with jet-black hair slid into a booth. The bells on her red headband rung cheerfully as her bottom bounced on the vinyl seat. The familiar sound made the slumped down man that was sitting there lift his head.
“Oh, Five…what did you do?” she soothed as she snuggled up next to him while placing a gentle hand on his cheek.
He looked over, eyeing her up and down with a foggy expression before the light suddenly went on. His face immediately relaxed with relief. “Oh my god…it’s you! How are you here? Fuck. Did I die and go to heaven?”
She shook her head, the same chipper smile on her face, just like always. Leaning in to give him a tender kiss, Drunk Five’s angelic girlfriend placed a warm hand on his thigh. “I will explain all of that later. Right now I think we need to get you sobered up.”
Her Five nodded slowly, his eyes becoming misty. “I’m sorry, I went a little crazy with the booze again,” he admitted, gesturing to the bottle on the table. “I’ve been a mess since I lost you.” His gaze drifted downward to her low-cut top and the perfect tits that were spilling out. “Damn, I missed you.”
Leaning in, his lips tickling the shell of his girlfriend’s ear, Waiter Five whispered, “I’m not sure how fucked-up Drunk Five got a nice girl like that.”
Looping her arms around his waist she smiled. “Because she’s an actual angel,” she replied. “Like from heaven. They had a real life Christmas Carol situation and that’s what helped him finally get his shit together.”
“Huh,” Waiter Five hummed before he started kissing her again, already not caring about the other alcoholic version of him’s issues.
As Greeter Five came inside, joining the group, one of the Fives nearest the door swooped in, taking the hand of the girl next to him, gently kissing it.
Instantly overwhelmed by the unexpected gesture, as well as the sight of all the other Fives, she turned to her Five, mouth agape. “Wow… I thought you had some kinky things going on inside your brain, but compared to you…” She started to crack-up. “He was just thinking about eating pastrami off my ass!”  
Looking beyond flustered by her calling him out, the other Five quickly backed away, stammering, “Wh-what is she, a mind reader?”
Positioning himself in front of her, Greeter Five’s already menacing expression turned even more threatening. “Yeah, dumbass, she is and she can alter your emotions, so I’d watch out if I were you or you might find yourself falling in love with a jar of sauerkraut. And you won't be eating pastrami or anything else off her ass as long as I’m here, so fuck off unless you’d like an acid burned dick and that spatula over there shoved up your ass.”
“You know that’s not how my powers work,” the petite blonde corrected as her hands slid around the Greeter Five’s trim waist. Clearly already aware of that, and enjoying her magical touch way too much, his grin grew and he started to lower his mouth to hers again.
Seeing that he was out of his element, and not about to win this one, the food fetish Five bolted out the door, prompting Janitor Five to stroll over, his hands casually tucked into his pockets. “Since you are the biggest nut job in here, it makes sense you’d be dating a sexy Harley Quinn look alike,” he said, distracting the couple.
“I mean no offense, sweetheart,” Janitor Five continued while suggestively wiggling his eyebrows at Greeter Five’s girl. 
She smiled.
“I think you’re hot,” he added as his cool green eyes sparkled triumphantly. “Just so you know, I am way less of a headcase than him, and I am not at all scared of letting you play around inside my head, or my pants.”
“Fuck you!” Greeter Five growled.“Keep your grimy toilet cleaning hands off of her, shithead! She’s my wife!”
“Woah, settle down there, ‘Mr. I started The Commission But Got Downgraded To The Doorman At A Deli.’ I am just trying to point out that I am a much lesser dipshit than you, and let the lady here know that you are not her only option when it comes to better Fives.”
“For fucks sake! We all know that I am the best Five in here!” Greeter Five loudly yelled back, as he lunged at him.
Catching her husband by the coat tails, the comic book character look alike’s fingers brushed against his lower back. The fight almost instantly forgotten, Greeter Five turned and lowered his forehead to hers, and within seconds, she had his mind and body coming back down to a much less murderous state of arousal, but it was already too late. That arrogant outburst started all the other Fives bickering and glaring at each other, sizing each other up even though they were all the exact same size.
No longer involved in the hostilities because he was caught in his wife’s euphoric spell, Greeter Five scooped her up, pinning her against the window next to the entryway.
“I wish I could kill all these pathetic bastards,” he breathed as he nuzzled his face against the crook of her neck.
“No you don’t. You’re a good man, Five,” she corrected.
Happily mind fucked and once again paying no attention to anything else other than the piece of ass he had in his hands, Greeter Five crushed his lips against his wife’s, inadvertently sliding her back along the window glass until they rammed into another three-peice suit wearing Five that had been standing near the door since his girlfriend had come in and claimed him. 
That Five had been basking in the pleasure of having his shaggy hair played with while the woman in front of him teased her hands down the front of his pants. Not happy with the Greeter Five for interrupting them, he angrily moved away from him, barking, “Get a room, asshole!” 
Greeter Five snickered. “Why?” he questioned through the fringe of his hair as he grinned at the other Five. “I don’t care if you fuckers watch.” 
Ready to own that, he shamelessly started rutting the prominent bulge in his pants into his giggling telepath.
Seeing and hearing all this madness, Brisket Five’s wife started to get a wild gleam in her eye as a million kinky thoughts about the vast number of identical, sexy men in the room filled her with naughty ideas.
Not nearly as fazed by all the bullshit happening around him, Brisket Five took her chin in his hand, guiding her face back to his until she was looking up at his piercing green eyes that could read her like an open book. With a subtle shake of his head, he raised an eyebrow. “I don’t fucking think so, darling,” he said, his voice low with warning.
She batted her lashes at him innocently. “What are you going to do about it, Daddy?”
At the mention of his dirty, yet fitting nickname, the other women perked up, dodging their own Five’s kisses and disappointed faces as they shared amused glances with one another.
Still getting publicly dry humped, only now over on the table edge in front of a Five that was still trying to sit there and do his crossword, Greeter Five’s girl chirped, “That’s amazing!  So it’s not just my Five that likes the daddy thing!”
None of the Fives needed to say it. Their intense glares directed at each other said it loud and clear for all of them.
“That’s it. We’re going to settle who is the ruler of this deli once and for all!” Greeter announced, right before sliding his girl’s booty shorts towards him so he could push her backside down on the table.
“Sounds like you want to put your money where your mouth is,” taunted Cards Five as he continued to nonchalantly shuffle through his deck.
“Fuck yeah, I am,” the Greeter confirmed, ripping the red and blue shorts down his woman’s legs as he licked his lips and lowered like he was about to dive face first into her pussy-which he was.
“Oh, you are on! Get ready to lose, assholes,” yelled Waiter Five as he picked his girl up with her legs wrapping around his waist.
As there were more grumbles and boastful claims coming from the Fives, the girls glanced around at the roomful of horny, angry men they had on their hands. Brisket Five’s and Greeter Five’s wives took one look at each other and knew exactly what the other was thinking. 
“Alright, ladies,” Brisket’s wife called out. “We can’t bring these horny old bastards home in the state they’re in. I think we should let them have their fun with us and then we can get out of here safely. Sound good?”
The women all nodded in agreement and just as fast they started to get pawed at even more aggressively.
Having witnessed all of this, the most aloof looking Five who had been sitting in the corner booth, lifted his glass, clinking it with the one sitting in front of his beloved mannequin. “I’m sorry, darling, you might want to shut your eyes.” 
Openingly admiring the butt of the girl with the other Five that had been over by the door, Janitor Five asked, “How’d you get so lucky to hit an ass like that?”
Smirking, the Five in question leaned up against the wall next to the jukebox while pulling his lady away from the Janitor. “It’s a long story but it started when I became a pervert that was obsessed with spying on her while I jerked off. Then there was an accidental parking lot abduction incident, and after that, it just sort of happened.”
“You mean, first you tied me up, then I tied you up and set you straight,” she corrected, tugging his tie, which earned her a quiet whimper.
“Oh, so you're into perverted creeps?” Janitor Five said, trying to get a rise out of her Five but he got nothing out of either of them other than more of her hands going down her perverted boyfriend’s pants.
Seeing again that he was going to be left high and dry, the Janitor Five moved on, selecting a perfect song from the jukebox next to them for the fuck-fest that was about to commence. He then turned to Drunk Five who was still in his booth and sneered. “You might as well count yourself out, dickhead. You won't even be able to get it up.”
With an indignant snort, Drunk Five pulled his cheery angel onto his lap, running his hands up and down her bare thighs as she ground down on his rapidly hardening crotch.
“What do you think, honey?” he rasped. “Is he right?”
“Yeah, I don’t think that’s going to be a problem, actually,” she laughed, leaning in for a deep kiss.
Cards Five, not at all interested in the sex part of all this, saw his opportunity elsewhere. He turned to the Janitor Five giving him a slanted smile.
“We’re going to make a killing,” he said before hopping up on one of the unoccupied tables with the deli already becoming rowdier from all the couples in various compromising positions and locations around him.
“Listen up, shit heads! Here’s the rules!” Cards Five called out. “The Five who can get their lady off the most times in five minutes wins and will be declared the official BEST FIVE! And…no helping your guys by touching yourselves ladies, or you’re out.”
“Awww,” Janitor Five huffed.
Ignoring his disappointment, Cards Five gestured for him to start collecting the bets, then he pulled his sleeve up and set his stopwatch. 
Holding his arm out to show the other Fives, he received the desired nods of approval from all.
Not needing any more encouragement to begin, as soon as Cards Five yelled out ‘go’, every Five who had the option started getting to work, determined to win his very important title. 
Amid a flurry of coat jackets being hurriedly shrugged off and ties being thrown through the air, their perfect song selection cued up. 
As the first few staccato notes of “Eye of the Tiger” filled the room, there was a chorus of enthusiastic cheers from the over-sexed men. 
The competition had officially begun.
With his vampire girlfriend at his side, Bus-Boy Five took off with her towards the bathroom, entering the small tiled room on the heels of the Pervert Five and his pretty dominator. Shoving him into the wall, the small but assertive female directed her man to drop his pants. Already looking so excited that he might explode, he didn’t argue. His pants fell around his ankles, the metal of his belt clanking against the floor as she yanked his underwear down, letting his length spring free.
With her shirt getting ripped open and the tiny pearl buttons tinkering across the counter, the vampire sank her fangs into her Five, moaning as he hungrily nipped his teeth across her porcelain neck.
Catching the door before it swung closed on them, Janitor Five propped it open, yelling, “There’s no room for modesty here, boys! You better give us a good show in there!” 
Over in their booth, doing just that, Drunk Five was already getting the full religious experience with his personal angel.
Straddling his lap, she quickly unbuckled his pants and shoved her hand inside, grabbing hold of his hardened cock. “Even though you fell off the wagon, you know I’ll always let you plow my field,” the angel quipped with a smile.
He pulled her in for a rough kiss, a hand on the back of her neck as she pumped her fist. “Enough of your bad jokes, sweetheart, right now I need you to ride my dick,” he murmured before groaning loudly, “Let’s show these assholes what we can do.”
“You got it, baby,” she purred next to his ear as she pushed her panties aside and sunk herself onto his waiting dick. 
With her tits bouncing in front of his face, and her hot sleeve moving fast over his cock, Drunk Five was in a Heaven made just for him. Clutching his shoulders, the angel threw her head back as his heels dug into the floor and he pounded up into her, her broken cries proving he was still a contender.
Simultaneously, on the other side of the deli, Brisket Five was not-so-gently squeezing his wife’s tight, round ass as he aggressively sucked at her neck.
“Five,” she breathed out desperately as she clawed at the back of his shirt after having flung his chef’s apron on the floor. She took a quick peek over his shoulder, scouting the room. “I think we’re out of fuckable places.”
Pulling back with a mischievous grin that always lit a fire in his wife’s pants, Five shook his head. “Not necessarily.”
She let out a short laugh as she worked as fast as she could to get his shirt unbuttoned and pushed off his arms. Running her hands down his firm, bare chest she looked up at him. “You’re going to fuck me in a closet, aren’t you?” 
As Brisket Five quickly hurried his wife along to his secret sex spot, Waiter Five brushed past, heading in the same direction. 
“I’m calling the kitchen, dipshit, so don’t even bother,” he snarled at Brisket Five. 
When he didn’t get the expected spiteful reply in response, Waiter Five stopped and turned. The chef version of himself was not actually trying to bone his woman in the kitchen. Instead, he was continuing in the direction of the supply closet.
“Where the fuck are you going? Scared your girl might see what she’s missing out on?” Waiter jeered, even as his girlfriend was pulling her legs tighter around his waist, rubbing against his hard crotch. His hands gripped her ass harder as he pushed her against the doorway of the kitchen, jerking his hips against her until she let out a beautifully needy moan.
“Think again, dumbshit,” Brisket barked back before unceremoniously shoving his wife into the closet and slamming the door behind him. 
“That guy is a total whack-job,” Waiter Five said to his girl before continuing inside, perching her on the food-prep counter. 
“How about you focus less on him and more on fucking me,” she suggested, snaking her hand down the front of his pants as she rubbed the large package that was tenting there.
With a quiet grunt, he let his eyes fall shut, his expression one of total bliss as he grinned back at her. “Good idea.” 
As she hastily began opening his fly, Five worked on yanking her pants down. Knowing his dirty-minded coffee girl inside and out, he shoved his hand between her legs, letting his long fingers work their magic.
“Daddy knows what you like, doesn’t he, sweetheart?” he seductively taunted.
At the first “Ffff-uuu…yesss” that she whimpered, he knew he had her right where he wanted, and he continued to finger her while she rocked her hips into his hand and pulled at the front of his shirt.
In the closet, Brisket’s wife was pushed roughly against a wall as he flattened her body, attacking her with bruising kisses. With his hands gripping her wrists, he shoved her arms over her head, pinning them to the wall as Janitor Five’s mop went clattering to the floor.
“Panties off. Now!” Five ordered in a harsh but quiet tone, knowing for a fact that this was a sure fire way to get her dripping wet.
Freeing her wrists, she did exactly what he said, dropping her shorts and underwear and kicking them off somewhere in the dim light of the closet. With the sound of his wife’s harsh breathing riling him up even more, Five anxiously unbuckled his pants and dropped them to the floor.
Lifting one of her legs, holding it up against his hip, he pressed his rock-hard cock between her legs, not entering her as his shaft rubbed against her wet slit.
As he continued to rut into her, faster and harder but not actually fucking her, he felt the satisfying shudder of her body against his. “That’s one, but I think we can do better than that, don’t you think, angel?” he teased.
Also about to witness a second orgasm, sitting over at his booth with Greeter Five licking and lapping his wife’s clit as his fingers squelched in and out of her quivering cunt, Crossword Five lowered a hand under the table, discreetly palming the tightly stretched fabric covering his crotch.
With his fingers thrusting and wife gasping, her body bucking on the table in front of them, Greeter Five looked up, his face proudly shining as he glanced at their booth buddy. “Might as well whip it out and go for it, you dirty bastard. She likes to watch.”
At the sound and sight of Crossword Five’s fly zipping down, the woman on the table between the two shameless men cried out, “Oh, Fivvvvve. Fucck, yes! I love you!”
“That’s right, say it louder, beautiful. Let these assholes get a taste of what they are missing!” her husband growled, right before grinding his face between her legs again.
In the corner booth, not at all impressed, the Five sitting with Dolores picked up his empty margarita, eyeing it like it had personally offended him. “I’m not like that, am I?” he questioned, to which the mannequin next to him held her Mona Lisa smile, but only until he looked over and cutely smirked. “Oh. You’re right. I am like that,” Five chuckled, clearly stewed.
In the bathroom two minutes earlier, the Pervert Five’s head fell back with a bang against the wall the moment his girlfriend’s lips began to circle around the dripping tip of his waiting erection.
A few feet away, flipping around his vampire, Bus-Boy Five was about to do some sucking of a totally different kind as he lined himself up to the smooth white ass waiting for him to destroy it. Fisting the length of the vamp’s hair as the tip of his cock prodded the coolness of her slippery folds, his words came out ominously dark. “You’re all I’ll ever want. This time I want forever.” 
“Then take it,” his vampire moaned as Five’s lips began to move along the exposed side of her milky throat. Looking like a man whose soul needed saving, using a hand to guide the thickened head of his cock where he needed it, penetrating all her senses at once, his blunted teeth slowly began to sink in.
A guttural moan reverberated from Five’s chest as his mouth filled with the salvation of her bittersweet taste.
Mouth agape, her fingers clenching the edge of the countertop as Five’s tongue moved over her broken skin, the vampire’s body, shaking with lust, jerked back, forcing him to bottom out.
“So-so fucking tight,” he deliriously groaned, just before thrusting his dick inside her again with much more supernatural vigor. 
Looking up as he fucked, his chocolate locks hanging in his eyes and his lip still bleeding from one of her love bites, Five grinned at his reflection in the mirror, the wicked gleam in his eyes matching the sinful glow in hers lovinginly looking back at him.
Not to be out done by the debauchery happening next to them, the other Five helplessly gasped a string of profanities as he clenched his hand on the back of his girlfriend’s head so he could better slam his dick down her throat.  
Interrupting the gagging and sniffling, whines and animalistic grunts and growls streaming out of the bathroom, pointing at the violent blow job in progress, Janitor Five barked out, “Disqualified! You’re supposed to be getting her off, not the other way around, you selfish dumbass!”
Coming fully undone, unloading in her mouth with his hips twitching even more spastically with each new wave of ecstasy, dumbass Five hissed and moaned, “Fuuu-aaaahh- This feels so ff- Mmfff- I don’t fff-ucking care.”
As Waiter Five’s girlfriend was coming down from her finger-fuck climax in the kitchen, he was already preparing for the next round. Stroking his leaking cock, he positioned his swollen tip at her soaking wet opening. As he slammed into her, her head fell back, knocking against the metal pots and pans that were hanging behind them. Each clatter of metal was accompanied by a loud moan as Waiter Five used all of his strength to give his girl the fuck of her life.
Alerted by all the noise, Janitor Five poked his head through the kitchen’s service window. “Hey, you better not drip any jizz on that floor, I just mopped it.”
Not slowing down for even a second while he continued to rail his girl as hard as possible, Waiter Five glanced over his shoulder at the dickhead in the doorway. “Says the guy that cums in the coleslaw.”
Smiling and mouthing ‘True’ to the girl being nailed where their food was prepared, Janitor Five witnessed a second Waiter-delivered orgasm. It was followed a few seconds later by a loud groan and some cursing as his counterpart came hard inside of her, the clanging of the pots and pans slowly quieting as his body stilled.
Back in the closet, Brisket Five’s wife clung to the rattling supply shelves as his hips slapped against her ass and his dick slammed inside her from behind. Sweating and out of breath, expertly maneuvering his fingers on her clit, she started coming hard.
“Fuck, Fiiive!!” she screamed as she bucked her ass backward and rolls of toilet paper rained down on them.
“That’s two,” he panted heavily as she tried to regain her composure enough to stand on her wobbly legs. “One more, darling?”
Grinning widely, pulling her flush with his chest, his cock still-hard, his wife nodded and smiled knowingly; just another confirmation that the two were meant for each other.
As he went in for a kiss, a hand tangled in her hair, she stumbled forward, causing Five to stagger backward into the door. The two came flying out of the supply closet with a giant crash as they fell into a mostly-naked heap onto the floor. 
There was a very brief pause as everyone else in the deli looked in their direction, but they were quickly ignored as the other Fives got back down to business.
“One minute left, boys…let’s wrap it up!” yelled Cards Five.
Determined not to lose, Brisket Five pushed his wife onto her back and crawled on top, not giving a shit that they were laid out for the entire deli to see. Thrusting his cock back into her still-wet cunt, Five let out a long groan. Going at it hard as he held himself up on his forearms, he rammed into her at just the right angle. From there, his wife’s third orgasm came quickly, allowing him to fill her up with an impressive stream of cum. 
Standing near the kitchen service window, Janitor Five slammed his palm down onto the order-up bell to signal the latest win. “Another one for Brisket!” he yelled. “That’s three!”
As Brisket Five and his wife laid on their backs, chests heaving, he grabbed a nearby discarded suit coat and threw it over her bottom half. With satisfied smiles, they lazily high-fived one another on a job well done.
Realizing he needed to do something fast, Greeter Five worked his hips overtime as his wife’s legs draped around the narrow of his waistcoat. 
“Come on, come on, come on!” Janitor Five chanted along with him as he dangled over the booth, watching their Greeter going at it, his dick working like a piston engine.
In a frenzy, beating his meat hard, Crossword Five let out a broken moan. 
Only taking his eyes off his prize long enough to see that Cards Five was counting down the final seconds on his fingers, Greeter Five frantically gasped, “Touch him, NOW!” 
As the telepath’s hand fell into Crossword Five’s free hand, his face pinched in ecstasy and spatters of cum flung from his rapidly pumping fist, landing all over the tabletop.
To the backdrop of Janitor Five loudly singing, ‘Rising up to the challenge of our rivals,’ Greeter Five’s wife’s eyes began to roll back in her head and her body began to tighten and turn to mush all over again.
Looking like a madman, Greeter Five kept at it, thrusting his throbbing cock in and out of her trembling hole as he filled her with load after load of pent up seed.  
“Yes! We got this in the bag!” Janitor Five exclaimed, obnoxiously clapping his hands together over the awe inspiring spectacle of the three exhibitionists simultaneously climaxing.
Turning back and forth between the two Fives who appeared to be at a tie, Cards Five held up his watch for his betting buddies to see. “It’s…TIME!” he shouted. 
Either not hearing that it was over, or simply not caring, Bus-Boy Five and his vampire girlfriend burst out of the bathroom with him carrying her like she was his front backpack. Unnaturally floating past everyone, he kept at it, impaling her, his phantomlike showmanship making it abundantly clear he wasn’t going to stop and he didn’t give a damn who won the fuck competition.
Just then, the bell on the door chimed as Old Five walked in wearing his dapper gray suit and hat. “Jesus Christ! What the hell is going on in here!” he gasped in horror as the undead couple disappeared through the doorway behind him.
Kissing his wife languidly as his softening dick wetly slipped out of her, Greeter Five began to laugh. “Busted, beautiful. I saw that,” he said, taunting her as she dizzily eyed-up the older gentleman. “Don’t even think about it,” he warned, still treasuring her with gentle brushes of his lips against her flushed cheeks.
“What?” she said as she grinned and pulled his pants around him, re-fastening his belt. “You give an amazing mustache ride. You can’t blame a girl for wanting to feel the tickle of your sexy old man whiskers for old time’s sake.”
The line between Greeter Five’s brows deepened with distaste as Old Five looked his half naked wife up and down, his mostly whitened brows going all the way to his hairline because he was so floored by what she just said.
Chuckling at Greeter Five’s sour expression, Janitor Five started to clear some of the scattered dishes on their table since their bus-boy was currently preoccupied doing vampire things. “Are you going to spank her for saying that, or do you want me to since you look a little spent?” he conversationally offered.
“No thank you. I’ll take care of it later,” Greeter Five politely chuckled as his wife pinched his butt.
As the rest of the Fives and their girls were still lounging around in various states of droopy eyed post coital bliss, twirling his wife’s panties on his index finger, Greeter Five smiled smugly. “As I said before all of this, I am, and always was, the winner here.”
Not having that, Brisket Five, helping his wife up off the floor, chimed in, “No. It’s a tie. Everyone heard my girl screaming for me at least three times. Twice in the closet and the last just now.”
Tensions rising again, arguing about how to divide the money, the betting Five’s started in on each other.
“Well, this has been interesting,” Old Five grumbled from where he was sitting in one of the back booths, his hat resting next to him as he sipped his coffee. “I can’t believe what a moron I used to be.” 
Before picking up his book, the old man’s eyes sparkled with mischief as he gave Greeter Five’s wife a flirty wink. Getting one back, he reached over, dropping a quarter in the jukebox.
Missing the enamored look on his wife’s face this time since his focus was on his nemesis, Greeter Five said, “Whatever. See you later, loser.”
Brisket Five’s smarmy grin deepened. “You only hit three because you are a cheater, shit head.”
About to say something else ridiculous to the other him, a finger pressed against Greeter Five’s lips, shushing him. Her mind willing him to shut his trap, the seemingly harmless blonde began softly singing along with the jukebox and his eyes instantly glossed over.
 Let ‘em say we're crazy, I don’t care about that…Put your hand in my hand baby, don’t ever look back…
“What a pussy,” Brisket Five laughed at the other him’s inability to see that he’d been silenced. 
Sighing, his wife’s head moved back and forth in reprimand.
“What?” he questioned, as if he didn't already know.
Grinning like an idiot as the song that had so much meaning to him played, Greeter Five, having forgotten what he was going on about, allowed his clever wife to tow him towards the door like a puppy on a leash. Following their lead, the Five who still owed his girlfriend for her world-class BJ, and a much more sober Five and his angel, happily made their way out with Waiter Five and his coffee girl not far behind. Brisket and his wife brought up the rear, his arm draped over her shoulder.
As all of the couples made their way out of the deli, every one of the Fives was looking forward to finally getting back to the places where they had first learned what it meant to be truly loved. 
Seeing that their only reliable cook was now leaving them, Janitor Five threw his hands in the air as he yelled out, “Hey, Brisket, what the fuck are we supposed to eat now?”
Turning around and seeing his signature apron lying on the floor, Brisket Five scooped it up. With a crooked grin, he flipped his hair out of his eyes and tossed it at the deli’s biggest asshole. “Why not try eating a dick?”
After the doors of the train closed, and the more fortunate Fives were on their way, Janitor looked over at Cards Five and shrugged as if considering that.
Turning to go back inside as he laughed, then began belting out, “AND…WE can build this dream TOGETHER, standing strong forever, NOTHINGS GONNA STOP US NOW! AND if this-”
As they heard the sound of another train coming into the station, he stopped. 
With that unexpected surprise, not long later, all of the remaining Fives finally found their happiness, too.
Thank you all for reading this, and for all your support through our many, many crazy Five stories. ❤️
To read Kitty's origin stories for Brisket Five, Waiter Five, and Drunk Five either visit this master list or hit the A03 links below.
(Brisket) Halo Series
(Waiter Five) 'Love In The Time of Cholera and Coffee
(Drunk Five) It's a Wonderful Life, Five Hargreeves
To read Breezy's origin stories for Greeter Five, Vampy Five, and Pervert Five either hit my master list or the A03 links below:
(Greeter Five) Paramore (The Umbrella Academy) 3-part series
(Vampy Five) 'The Devil Within'
(Pervert Five) 'Bad Things'
249 notes · View notes
turtletaubwrites · 10 months
I Want To Be Needed ~ Part 10
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Pairings: Zoro x Fem!Reader, Sanji x Fem!Reader, Robin x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 5613
This is part 10 of the Series 'We've All Got Needs,' linked below:
We've All Got Needs Masterlist
Ao3 Series Link
Summary: You ask Robin out on a date. You struggle with your place in your relationships, and on the crew.
Rating/Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content, Fem!Reader, 18+ Only, MDNI, Reader-Insert, Smut, Fluff, Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Flirting, Blow Jobs, Polyamory, Relationship Discussions, Relationship Drama, Vaginal Fingering, Cunnilingus, Penis in Vagina Sex, Thigh Riding, Hair Pulling, Choking, Overstimulation, Aftercare, Alcohol, Inappropriate Use of Akuma no Mi | Devil Fruit Powers, Insecurity, Tickling, Robin is mysterious, and the boys are protective
A/N: Hey y'all! Since this 'one shot' has gotten out of hand I've made this part rather long to wrap things up. I will be continuing this series, and next part will be a chaptered work that will follow after the events here. I hope you enjoy this, and where the story is headed! Thank you for reading! 😊🙏🏼
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“I didn’t know you could draw like that.”
You flashed Zoro a grin. He was leaning over your shoulder while you worked on a monograph, and he’d been following you around all morning. 
“I have to, it’s how we identify plants in the wild. We have to know the shapes of the stems and leaves, the textures, how many petals, every detail. If I identify a plant incorrectly it might not work the way we need it to, or it might make us sick. Or dead.”
“Damn. So you know how to poison people then?”
“Of course I do. Nature can destroy just as much as it can heal. Maybe even more.”
He wrapped his arms around you, humming softly against your neck.
“So you could probably kill any of us if you wanted. Just sneak something into our drinks?”
“Well, I won’t do that.”
“That’s pretty hot.”
He kissed your neck, nibbling with a soft chuckle as you squirmed.
“There’s something wrong with you!”
“Oh no! I bet my evil, sexy girlfriend can find a plant to fix me.”
He lifted you out of your chair, kissing and sucking your neck as he growled, sounding so playful that it made you squeal. Especially since it was the first time he’d called you his girlfriend. 
He pulled you away from your desk, spinning you to face him. Out of breath, you shivered as you looked into his gorgeous, dark eyes. 
“I’m working, Zoro.”
“Doesn’t look like it to me.”
He crossed his arms, and had the audacity to look skeptical.
Your cheeks burned as you fought a grin, and you tried to move around him to your desk. 
He was immovable.
“I’m the first mate, Y/N. I have to protect this ship.”
He leaned over you, his words getting heavier.
“I just found out there’s a potential murderer on board.”
“Zor- unf.”
He’d lifted you over his shoulder, and you fought his hold. Until the wind was knocked out of you when he slammed you onto your bed. 
“I need to make sure all threats are dealt with.”
You hadn’t caught your breath yet, but you managed to moan as you watched your swordsman free himself from his pants, stroking his hard length as he towered over you. Your body was already reacting, readying for whatever he had planned.
“Strip. I need to inspect you for weapons.”
He seemed so serious, and the fact that your body was already caving in pissed you off just a little bit. 
But not enough. That look in his eyes made you shiver with anticipation, and you needed him to wreck you. 
“Make it quick, I’ve still got work to do.”
He raised his brows at the challenge.
“So you wanna do this the hard way, huh? Get on your knees.”
His growl made your eyes roll back, and you obeyed. He shoved his cock down your throat so fucking deep you could barely breathe before he practically ripped your pants down.
You’d noticed Zoro preferred you in tight pants, enjoying the violence of dragging them down your skin, of using them to restrain your legs while he fucked you hard and mercilessly.  
After he made you beg him for more until you were lost in pulsing waves of pleasure and pain, he laid with you until you could walk to the shower with him.
And all of that was before lunch. 
You were starting to realize you’d need to take breaks between days with the boys just so you could get some work done.
“You’re not gonna watch me?”
After lunch, Zoro was pulling his shirt over his head, and you forgot what you were going to say. 
“Nevermind,” he teased, his smirk bringing your eyes back to his face. 
“I thought I’d go ask Robin out, actually.”
His eyes went wide for a moment, but he shook it off. 
“Well, uh. Good luck?”
His questioning tone brought a smirk to your face, and you gave him a playful punch.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be right back to ogle my boyfriend.”
You turned to leave, but he grabbed your wrist, pulling you into a kiss. 
“I like that.”
You shivered at his whispered words.
“What do you like?”
“Come in.”
Robin’s lilting voice made chills trail up your skin, and you opened the door with a smile.
Her eyes sparkled when she saw you, and she made room on that pretty loveseat of hers. 
“Y/N, it’s lovely to see you.”
Settling on the couch, you tilted toward her, and felt your hands shaking slightly.
She kept smiling at you, waiting.
“You too, Robin. I was hoping that you’d still be interested in having that date with me.”
Her smile deepened, and she set down her book. She reached her hand to yours, and your skin flushed red.
She’s so beautiful.
“I’d love that. When are you available?”
She asked that question with a smirk, and you gave a self deprecating laugh. 
“I’m taking a break tomorrow, and I’d love to spend it with you.”
“Can’t wait.”
Heading back on deck, you were practically skipping, amazed at how your life was turning out. 
Stopping in your tracks, you enjoyed the view before interrupting.
For as much as they seem to hate each other, they always end up close to each other when they don’t need to be.
You grinned at the boys, Zoro caring for his swords, while Sanji was leaning his elbows over the railing while he smoked. They were silent, but within 5 feet of each other.
Shaking your head, you intruded on their quiet company. 
“Hello boys.”
Seeing them both turn to you made warmth pour through your chest, it was such a satisfying sight.
“I’ve got a date with Robin tomorrow.”
“Congrats,” Zoro said with a small smile, seeming to be getting used to it.
Sanji on the other hand accidentally crushed his cigarette, dropping it on the deck to avoid burning his treasured hands. He stomped it out, making sure to pick it up to dispose of it properly. Smoking was bad enough, you were glad he didn’t litter. 
You tried not to laugh at his beet red face, but he started speaking so fast out of nowhere that you couldn’t help it.
“What are your plans? Are you having a brunch date, or maybe a candlelit dinner? We can set up some games on deck for you, and I’ll make some desserts. I wish the last island had some decent produce, I don’t know how I’m supposed to work without strawberries.”
He kept going, seeming to be talking to himself now, You laughed even more at Zoro’s grimace. 
Taking extra care getting ready in the morning, the thought of Robin kept tugging your lips into a smile. 
“Good morning, Y/N dear! Right this way!”
Sanji didn’t answer as he rushed you outside. 
“Sanji, did you steal my rose petals?”
There was a sparse trail of pink rose petals guiding your way.
“Only one flower, my dear. New love is worth all the flowers in the world.”
“Sanji, I harvest the petals and buds, you owe me a flower.”
He turned, winking before bowing out of the way. 
“I'll buy you a barrel of roses, darling. Just promise you’ll have a good time!”
You twirled to watch him go until you heard the soft chuckle behind you. 
“Good morning, Y/N. It looks like we’re going to be spoiled today.”
You beamed as you met her eyes, breath catching for a moment. Robin looked stunning in a cropped vest and pants, the dark purple making her skin seem to glow. 
“Good morning,” you replied, biting the inside of your lip as you sat with your favorite archeologist. 
Sanji had set up the entire day, and you had to admit that he did a lovely job. Occasionally you’d have to shoo him away when he acted like a butler, jumping at every possible need, lingering for just a bit too long.
Robin’s voice, her soft laugh, her playful smile. The fact that she was here with you, on a date. Your head was buzzing, and you hardly knew what you were talking about. She asked you about your favorite flowers, your goals to discover rare plants on the Grand Line, and you hardly noticed that she didn’t share much. 
She teased you, drawing you out with questions. Your mind filled in so much, your admiration for her blurring the edges a bit. 
After lunch, Sanji had paraded games for you to choose from. He was almost singing as he listed them off until you both cracked up, pointing to the Shogi board to get him to leave you alone.
Shogi was not your game, and you couldn’t help but feel her piercing eyes as she maneuvered her pieces, almost effortlessly taking you down. 
The sounds of Nami exercising across the deck drew your eyes, and you watched her practice with her baton for a moment. Robin’s voice pulled you back, and you noticed that your fingers had begun to dig into your thigh. 
“Another game?”
“Why not,” you laughed. “I love getting destroyed by you.”
You hadn’t meant to say that in the tone it came out in, and your eyes went wide at her smirk.
“That does sound fun,” she teased, setting up the board. 
You spent the entire day together, and it was just as lovely as it was at the start. The sun was setting, and you tapped your wine glasses over the incredible dinner Sanji had prepared. 
He’d left the wine bottle at the table after you’d told him to stop checking if you needed refills. As you pulled your glass away from hers, your elbow knocked the bottle over. 
Wincing, you waited for the crash, but Robin had sent an arm to catch it. Not a drop had spilled.
“Thank you.”
“Of course.”
Robin picked up the conversation where you’d left off, but your mind fought to tear you away. 
I can’t even go a day without needing help.
You felt like you constantly had to prove your usefulness on the crew, no matter how wonderfully caring and supportive everyone was. 
Your self pitying thoughts filled you with guilt, fogging your mind when you were meant to be here with Robin.
Robin, who was so powerful, she could save the whole crew. She’d saved you more than once.
So had Sanji and Zoro. Everyone on the crew.
And you were usually there hiding with Chopper. Until Chopper would transform, and save you too. 
You looked at Robin, her deep eyes scanning your face. You wanted to be present, grateful to be right here. 
I’ll just be everyone’s girlfriend. Everyone’s cheerleader. 
“Where have you gone, Y/N?”
“Oh, I-I’m sorry, Robin.”
She tilted her head, always seeming mildly curious.
“Really, I’m sorry. I’ve just had some things on my mind lately, I don’t know why they’re hogging my brain right now.”
Robin set down her glass, leaning on a hand toward you. 
“Whatever else we might become, we are friends. I’d like to know if something is bothering you.”
You cringed internally, hating how much you needed everyone. How much you’d needed Robin’s help lately. 
“I’ve just… been feeling… I’ve been wanting to do more for the crew than I have been.”
Her eyes softened, but she waited for you to continue. After a large sip of your wine, you took the opportunity she was giving. 
“I guess seeing the boys has made me notice it more. My work is valuable, I know it. But I want to help. I don’t want to be a burden.”
Your eyes had drifted to your wine glass, until you heard her take a breath. 
“Y/N, you have saved us in so many ways. Your skills are incredibly useful.”
“Not when we fight.”
Her deep eyes held yours, and you couldn’t decipher the emotion in them. 
“Knowledge is more valuable than violence.”
Now you let out a breath, trying to sort your thoughts. 
“I want to be able to protect the people I care about. I don’t want my friends to get hurt because I can’t protect myself… I want to be needed.”
“Well, Y/N… It sounds like you’ve got a new project to work on.”
Robin’s light tone broke the tension, and you let out a grateful laugh. The confidence in her words shivered through you. 
“I guess I do.”
She grinned at you, stretching and moving in her seat. 
“Y/N, it’s been a lovely day.”
Your heart sank.
“Would you like to have another glass in my room? Away from prying eyes?”
You nodded, not sure you could say anything, but followed Robin while your pulse sped through you. 
You could practically feel Sanji’s heavy breathing on your skin as he watched from across the deck. Remembering his blissed out face when you let him look up your skirt, you bit your lip. What a fucking perv. 
The thought of his desperate whines, and his needy hands on you tomorrow after his obsession today made you shiver. You had to shake it off.
Watching Robin’s hips swaying gently in front of you brought you back to the moment. 
You sat beside her, feeling suddenly paralyzed. 
We’ve been talking all day, what do I say now?
Luckily she leaned toward you, tapping your glasses again. 
“To firsts.”
You blushed, lifting your glass to your lips before replying.
“First dates?”
Chuckling, she adjusted her position, her thigh now warming against yours.
“To first everythings. Much more fun than lasts.”
Robin’s voice had shifted slightly, and you caught a slight furrow in her brow.
“Robin, ar-”
She put the force of those deep blue eyes on you then. Your breathing slowed, noticing the air touching your skin. 
She brushed a strand of hair out of your face, and that little bit of contact made your eyes flutter shut.
“You are so beautiful, Y/N.”
The way those words fell from her lips made them seem more real than you’d ever heard. Your eyes flew open, and you leaned toward her, your hand resting on her thigh.
“You are beautiful, Robin, gorgeous!”
She chuckled, leaning closer as she trailed fingers along your neck and shoulder. Her face leaned closer still, and your eyes were wide as she glanced at your parted lips. 
“May I kiss you, Y/N?”
You wanted to say yes, but all you could do was feel a shy grin take over your face until you nodded at her.
Then you gasped as her soft lips took yours.
Soft was the overpowering sensation. You reached for each other, your hands enjoying the smooth skin of her lower back, and the silkiness of her hair. 
Her hands ran along your thigh, and traced along your jaw to the back of your neck.
Robin's lips and tongue tasted like wine, and something sweet. You couldn’t help a small moan that escaped at how intoxicating she felt.
She let a pleased hum into your mouth before sucking your lower lip between her teeth. 
Your hands clenched on her skin, and she pulled you closer, trailing her fingers down your throat, teasing along your collarbones.
Robin pulled back from you, giving a quick kiss before searching your face. Your breath was heavy, and you had to fight not to pull her back in, feeling your body squirming with the ache for more of her touch. 
“Mm, I think I can see what all the fuss is about.”
Your eyes rolled back at her sultry tone, and then you moaned as her lips found your neck. 
You stopped holding back then, sending your hands to pull her toward you, teasing your fingers in her hair. The soft moan she gave you when you pulled that beautiful black hair had you reeling, and you climbed onto her lap to get closer. 
“Robin, you feel so good, so soft.”
Her breath was heavy now, and you felt her tugging at the ties at the back of your dress. Your body moved on its own, thrusting in her lap. She paused, gripping you, moving you so you were straddling one of her thighs. 
“Don’t stop,” she whispered against your neck as she moved her leg beneath you. Crying out, you grinded your center against her thigh, starting to pull at the laces on the front of her vest. 
Every movement, every breath felt electric, addictive. Every sound out of her lips made you need to make more, the need to make her feel good taking you over. The pressure, the friction from her thigh filling you with twisting warmth.
You caught her eyes before you opened her vest, smiling at her small nod before revealing her perfect chest. Her full breasts were so enticing, the buds of her nipples already hardened, and you ached to taste them. 
First you touched, gently caressing, massaging, before trailing small circles around her nipples while you continued to grind on her thigh. She cried out when you pinched them lightly before she pulled your dress over your head, revealing your own chest. 
The look in her eyes when she leaned forward to trail her tongue along your breasts was too much. You lost your grip on her, reaching back into her hair to keep from collapsing. 
Her muffled chuckle against your skin made you twitch, dancing on her thigh as you felt how much you’d soaked through your panties onto her tight pants. 
You slid off of her, landing on your knees between her legs, your breath catching when you saw her heavy lidded gaze. Now you brought your lips to her smooth skin, twirling your tongue around her nipples while you started pulling at her pants. 
Robin moaned as she helped you, lifting her hips as you dragged the fabric down. Her panties got pulled along with her tight pants, and you sucked in a breath when you saw how much wetness had pooled between her legs. 
You both giggled as you fought to pull the pants off completely, struggling at her feet while she leaned back and grinned at you. 
Settling yourself between her knees again, you gasped as she leaned over you, grabbing you by the hair into a rough kiss until you whimpered into her mouth. 
She pulled back, that teasing smile on her lips again.
“What would you like to do, Y/N?”
Biting your lip, you felt your body lean toward hers, craving her touch again.
“I want to make you feel good,” you whispered, suddenly shy again. 
She kissed you softly now, before scooting her body to the edge of the loveseat. She spread her thighs for you, leaning back to watch you. She trailed her fingers across her chest, and licked her lips.
“Please do.”
You moaned then, looking down at her gorgeous pussy, the wetness dripping from her folds making you shiver. 
You smiled up at her, meeting her darkened eyes as you brought your lips to her, kissing her clit the way she’d kissed your lips. 
Wrapping your hands around her thighs, you groaned against her folds while you felt her writhe for you.
Robin made such beautiful sounds, and you watched her face as you alternated sensations. Circling her clit with your tongue, long, flattened strokes, fast or slow, different directions. You smiled against her as she moaned your name softly, and you wanted to find what she needed.
When you sucked her clit lightly into your mouth, you were rewarded with the sight of her back arching against the love seat, her hand gripping at your fingers on her hips. 
You could have done this for days. 
“Please, Y/N.”
She bucked against you as you moaned loudly against her skin. The sound of this beautiful, mysterious woman begging you, gasping your name like that. It was perfect.
Pulling back to kiss your way up her thigh, you brought your fingers to her core. You traced them along her folds and around her clit, wetting them while she twitched for you. 
The taste of her still on your lips made your own body clench. You watched her, taking in every gasp and movement while you dipped one finger into her. Exploring, enjoying, you added another and leaned close, breathing along her skin. Robin bucked against your hand, and you thought you’d found what you’d been looking for. 
“Does this feel good, Robin,” you teased as you dragged your fingers along the soft spot you’d found deep inside her.
“Y-Yes, Y/N, right there. Gods, you feel so good.”
You felt a satisfied hum leave your throat before you tasted her clit again. 
Robin moaned louder now, and you gasped as you felt hands behind you, around you. All caressing your skin and holding you in place, as if there were anything in the world that could have kept you from bringing Robin what she needed. 
The sensation of Robin getting closer spurred you on, and you gave her everything you could. She screamed your name while you felt her body clenching, almost pulling your fingers deeper into her, her clit throbbing on your tongue. 
You kept going, riding that high with her until you brought her down gently.
She hummed happily as she looked down at you with heavy lidded eyes. 
I did that. 
You felt your skin buzzing as you kissed up her body, joining her on the loveseat. You let her taste herself on your lips before pulling her legs onto your lap while you softly touched and massaged what you could reach. 
She squirmed when you traced nails along her side, pulling away.
“Are you ticklish?”
“I guess I am.”
She’d laughed, but something in her words felt sad. 
“Can I see how ticklish you are,” you asked with a smirk on your lips. 
The grin that bloomed on her face made you forget it, and you giggled on the couch with her as she writhed under your touch. 
Finally she’d had enough, laughing and breathless until she called arms to trap you. 
You gasped at the warm restraints, and felt your skin flush as she stood in front of you, hands on her beautiful hips. 
“Is it my turn now?”
All you could do was nod, then cry out as you were carried, lifted, and set up on her bed by a small wave of arms. She’d laid you up on her pillows so you could meet her eyes as she laid across the edge of the bed. 
“Y/N, is it alright if I use my abilities to please you?”
The feel of her arms still softly restraining you, and the dark look in Robin’s made you gasp, and you breathed your ‘yes.’ 
Then you were moved again, a hand moving to the hair at the back of your neck, hands wrapping around your ankles, pulling your legs apart, and arms pulling your hands above your head, trapping them there. You sighed as so many warm hands slid across your skin, then cried out as you felt them pulling your panties away from you. 
Robin lay on her side at the bottom of the bed, leaning on an elbow as she watched your reactions. Her lips were parted, and you shivered under her attention. 
“What do you want now, Y/N?”
Gasping, you tried to remember how to speak. 
“I-I want you to touch me, Robin. Please.”
Her smile was too much for you, and your eyes fluttered closed.
Then you cried out as your body was covered in sensations. She gripped your hair, tugging until you whimpered. Soft caresses, warm strokes, light tickles, and even scratches took you over, until there was no room for thought. 
It wasn’t long until you were twitching, and you could feel even more wetness dripping from your core as you ached for her. 
“Would you like more, Y/N?”
Tears had started forming along your eyes, and you nodded desperately as your body shook. 
Your eyes had closed again until you felt her weight settle between your legs. You gasped as her lips teased your thighs, all of her arms still playing with you. 
She watched you, smiling as she kissed down, so close. She reached out with her tongue, the lightest of touches against your folds, and you tried to buck. Her arms held you like a vise, and your breathing stuttered. 
Her tongue and lips sank against you, and you were already so close. Robin wasted no time, sending one finger, then two, curling deep inside you. Her eyes still watched you, and you felt a hand reach around your throat. You nodded, seeing the pleased look in her eyes.
She sucked your clit at the same time that her fingers squeezed around your neck. Her fingers inside of you were moving hard so fast as you came. Your body would have bucked off the bed if she hadn’t held you so still. 
Your screams were high and breathy as her fingers kept their grip on your throat. You were fucking lost to bliss, and as you came down you couldn’t believe you were here with Robin. 
You laid together in her bed, cuddling and laughing quietly together. Now and then cozy kisses would be shared, gentle caresses. It felt like you were living in a world of soft and simple pleasures, nothing to do or worry about. 
“What’s that about?”
You’d pointed to a rather large book she’d been reading lately.
You groaned in her arms, shaking your head at her smug smile. 
“I’d like to know you better, Robin.”
She looked away, a smile on her face that didn’t seem right to you.
“It’s okay, Robin. You don’t need to tell me your life story.”
You pulled out of her arms so you could sit and face her, waiting for her eyes to return to you. Your breath felt restricted, and you realized you might have soured the perfect day. Touching your hand to hers, your breath eased as she looked back at your face. 
“Robin, whatever else we might become, you are my friend. We don’t have to talk about it. But I feel like there are things that hurt you, that you hide. You’re very good at it.”
You tried to keep your words light, almost joking with her at the last part. But her eyes stayed even.
“I just want you to know that I’m here for you, that’s all.”
You stared at her face, looking for anything, any sign that things were okay, or that you’d ruined it all. 
All you saw was a slight tension between her brows, and what looked like sadness in her eyes.
Then she smiled, pulling you in for a hug. Her voice was light now, but you couldn’t see her face.
“I’m here for you too, Y/N.”
The next morning you ignored Sanji’s pleas to stay with him after breakfast, promising you’d be his after lunch.��
Instead, you found Usopp in his quarters with the door open, filling his stars with gunpowder with his brows furrowed, and tongue poking out of his teeth in concentration. 
You waited until he finished, then joined him. 
Luckily, Usopp had stopped seeming nervous around you after finding out about the polyamory drama. You were glad to see him smiling at you again.
“Hey Y/N, what’s up?”
“I was wondering if you could help me.”
He raised his brows at you, and your mouth went dry.
I need this. I need to be able to help the crew more. 
“I know you helped Nami with her Climate Baton. I was hoping you could help with an idea.”
“Sure! What are you thinking?”
His whole face lit up, and you wanted to feel that. To feel needed by the crew.
You barely had time before lunch started, but you pulled Nami aside.
“Hey, hot stuff,” she teased before leaning in close and whispering. “Do I get to hear how things went with Robin yet?”
Laughing, you shook your head.
“Later, I swear. I was actually hoping you could help me with something.”
The rest of the day, you allowed yourself to be showered with affection. Sanji didn’t seem to mind that you sat between Zoro and Robin today, and the thrill you felt when she took your hand sent chills across your body. 
As the crew was finishing up with dinner, she pulled you aside before Sanji could interrupt. 
“I had a lovely time last night.”
“Me too.”
She grinned at your reply, touching her fingers to your jaw. 
“When can we have our next date?”
Today’s events swirled in your head, and you felt you were buzzing with excitement. Sanji had made a dessert just for you, and you savored it with him while he ate his meal. He made some cocktails, and you sat together, enjoying your evening, looking forward to whatever else he had planned for you. 
Sanji raised his glass, his cheesy smile bringing one to your lips. 
“Here’s to my stunning girl. My sweet, Y/N. You are a treasure to this ship. Everything you do helps us so much. This crew wouldn’t be here without you.”
His words made you pause. You felt your brows furrow as you looked at him, his cheesy smile seeming a little strange now. 
“What do you mean,” you asked, setting your glass down without taking a sip. 
“I just mean that we- I think the world of you!”
Narrowing your eyes, you felt like you should let it go, but something about his strained smile pushed you on. 
“Why are you telling me how much I help the crew?”
Your words made you realize what it meant, but you waited for him. 
Sanji winced, setting his glass on the table.
“Fuck… I’m so sorry, Y/N. Last night I saw you knock over the wine bottle, and I came closer. Then I heard you. I heard you share what you’ve been struggling with. I shouldn’t have listened, I know I need to fucking stop.”
He looked away, taking a swig of his drink. 
“I was worried about you, darling. I don’t want you to feel that you aren’t needed here.”
The glass was dripping condensation onto your cold fingers. Parts of you were fighting to let it go, but the rest was too full of the empty, uncomfortable feelings you’d been harboring. 
“How do you need me?”
You gave him a break on that one. Sanji looked desperate, and you started to feel like a shitty person instead of just a useless one. Standing up from the table, you downed your drink in two burning gulps. 
“Thank you for trying to make me feel better, Sanji. I’m going to go to bed now.”
Fuck, he looks fucking lost. 
Biting your tongue to keep your anger from spilling onto him, you leaned over the table for a hug. He gripped you tightly, rubbing a hand between your shoulder blades until you broke away, eyes stinging. 
“Goodnight, Y/N,” he said quietly as you tried not to run toward the door. 
A hard knock woke you in the morning.
“Open up, Needy!”
“Don’t yell at her, moss head.”
“Shut up, dumbass cook.”
Groaning, you glanced in the mirror, and shook your hair out of your face before opening the door. Sanji leaned against the frame, but Zoro came charging in, towering above you. 
“Why did I have to hear from Usopp that he’s making you a weapon?”
Sanji cut in, his tone far more even than Zoro’s near anger. 
“Sweetheart, I know you’ve been feeling self conscious about your place-”
“I’m not feeling self conscious,” you snapped, seeing Sanji’s eyes go wide as you threw those words at him. You turned back to Zoro, meeting his burning gaze.
“Usopp is making me a weapon so that I can be of more help to the crew.”
“What do you mean? You’re not a fighter.”
Your jaw clenched, glaring at Zoro’s face as he shot you down.
“Not yet. But I need to be able to defend myself.”
He frowned at you, seeming to struggle with his next words. 
“You’re right. As first mate, I should tell you too… But I don’t want you to fight.”
“Well I’m going to listen to the first mate. Plus, I’m not like you guys, or Luffy. I’m not going to run around picking fights.”
His narrowed eyes stared at you for too long, but you didn’t need to explain any more, so you just kept his gaze.
“I don’t like it.”
“You don’t have to like it.”
“Marimo, you can’t seriously be considering this.”
You rounded on your cook. 
“Sanji, I have to know how to fight if I’m going to survive on this crew. I don’t want to have to be saved all the time.” 
“Y/N, please listen. Going into fights without enough training is more dangerous than hiding. We’ve always had you. I will always protect you.”
“The waiter’s right, Y/N. You’re not carrying anything like that off the ship until you show me you can handle it.”
You grinned at them, even though you felt very unconvincing in your comfy pajamas. 
“Then I’ll show you.”
The boys left you to get ready for the day, but you just sat on your bed, planning your next steps. Your dream was still to discover the rarest plants in the world on the Grand Line. 
But if I’m going to achieve that goal, I’ll need to learn to survive here first. Nothing’s going to stop me. Not even the boys.
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Thank you for reading! 💜
TurtleTaub Fanfic Masterlist
Part 11
Tag List: @astheni-a | @ferns-fics | @heilee | @iamn1ya | @ghostfacefricker6969
A/N: Thank you for reading! Let me know what you think about Robin and their date 💜🥰
Buy me a coffee ☕🙏🏼
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