#brian rants
snoozingrabbits · 5 months
I have a feeling Steph is so mischaracterized in this fandom because so many people didn't read the CYSTW posts.
Like the number of people in the fandom who admit to not reading the letters or not watching the tapes, I wouldn't be surprised
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zitgrimes · 5 months
"Money can't buy happiness" yeah and I'm still gonna blame all my mental problems on the fact I'm poor and am not able to live the way I want. Literally taking one step into a rich person's house could cure me.
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ender-of-the-sender · 4 months
How to become a character in The Mechanisms!
Blow up / want to blow up the / a moon
Be a lesbian in love with a ship
Gun turrets?
Kill your parents / be an orphan
Use They/Them pronouns
Be British
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lunarrosette · 3 months
Mcd related things I can go on and on abt (and will if ppl r interested)
Brian is way more tragic that he is treated in canon and by the majority of the fandom
Laurance is a better parallel to Shad than Aaron is
Aaron’s character sucks and not in a “he ruined my ship >:(“ kind of way, in the he failed to be a good tragic hero kind of way
Garroth’s betrayal at the end of s1 isn’t believable bc of poor scheduling (events feel out of order)
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endyark · 7 months
to add to the post i reblogged, i just want to say this
the slenderverse fandom has a huge problem with sexualizing the characters, and more importantly the actors. ive seen it mostly with evan jennings, tim sutton, and brian haight. people forget that THESE CHARACTERS ARE PLAYED BY REAL FUCKING PEOPLE. you can say you find them attractive, you can, just for the love of god don’t sexualize them publicly
why the fuck do you think most of the slenderverse cast members and creators don’t associate with their fandoms much anymore if at all? why do you think they post much less frequently? WHY DO YOU THINK BRIANS INSTAGRAM IS PRIVATE? because this fandom has such a big problem with being overly sexual with characters played by actual human beings with significant others who are, very rightfully and obviously, UNCOMFORTABLE
come on, guys. yall can do better. do whatever you want privately with your friends but please don’t make this shit public
don’t mean to be aggressive but seriously. stop
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mixedup-sideblog · 6 months
41 letters…what the fuck.
The charges listed against Peck:
- SA of a person under 16.
- SA by foreign object.
- SA oral.
- SA with use of anaesthesia or controlled substance.
- Using a minor for SA.
- Sending harmful matter.
Drake Bell was sexually tortured by this man when he was only 15 years old and 41 pieces of shit wrote this kind of crap in support of his abuser….
James Marsden:
“I do intend to shed light on the fact that he has learnt his lesson…the earth would fall from the sky before Brian would think about doing something like this again.”
- ahh don’t worry everyone, James is pretty sure he would never drug and r*pe a child again so let’s just let him off on this one!
Taran Killam:
“Brian is fully aware of his misjudgement and takes full responsibility.”
- poor old Brian making that minor misjudgement when he decided to prey on a child, turn him against his father, against his family, isolate him and groom him then repeatedly SA him. Don’t worry he’s stepping up and taking full responsibility!
Joanna Kerns:
“There must have been some extreme situation or temptation exerted upon him.” and “ I would hire him today to work with children.” And "a good man that made a mistake, not a bad man who got caught."
- see that’s all it was poor Brian could not resist the extreme temptation, of course blame the 15 year old victim not the fucking adult, it’s always the same bullshit from these people I swear.
Ron Melendez:
“I also know the young man…I have met his family, seen his behaviour…I saw him pursue a friendship with Brian, maintain their close ties…Brian made a large mistake but it was not his alone.”
- surprise, more victim blaming, more trivialising. A mistake is forgetting to lock your door or putting salt in your tea instead of sugar…repeatedly r*ping a child is not a fucking mistake - it’s a fucking crime!
Tom DeSanto:
“Brian is ashamed and remorseful about his lapse in judgment.” and “ I met Drake…he seemed very fearful of his father and unable to communicate with him whatever sexual issues he was going through”
- again - broken record here but r*ping a child is not a bloody lapse in judgment! And again - victim blaming and suggesting his family were at fault!
Will Freddie:
“I can only reiterate how devastated Brian is and how these past events have forever changed him.”
- well thank god Brian is so devastated that he got caught - poor thing. The threat of prison probably has ‘forever changed him’ but I’m sure his inability to stop himself from SAing kids has done far more significant damage to his victims (and yes I believe he has more than Drake).
Kimmy Robertson:
“An outrageous, overtly gay, over-sexed person…he totally took advantage of Brian’s willingness to help.”
- the amount of victim blaming in these letters, particularly this one, is just astounding. The 15 year old boy took advantage of the 40 something year old man? Do you really truly believe that Kimmy? I’ll say it again for the billionth time - What. The. Fuck.
And this is just the snippet, there are 34 more letters - all I’m sure are variations of the above examples. The fact that we live in a world where these people not only do and get away with this shit all the time but also are supported so wholeheartedly when they’re exposed for doing it, is quite frankly terrifying.
I do not accept - we did not know the extent of what we were defending as an excuse here. You knew the charges it’s even clear in the letters themselves - you know it’s about the SA of a child (a child some of you even knew personally), you decided to disregard them, defend them or downplay them. You are only coming out now with weak-ass apologies because you have to - in reality you never thought those letters would see the light of day outside the court room.
I’m sorry but the amount of victim blaming, trivialising and excusing here is just more proof to be added to the huge pile of evidence that Hollywood is a cesspit, it does not care about victims, it does not care about children.
If anyone is still in doubt about the amount of systemic CSA in Hollywood please go and watch An Open Secret (whole thing is on YouTube)- a movie that they desperately tried to bury but is just as hard hitting as ‘Quiet on Set.’
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th3idi0tsquad · 3 months
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lil heart felt rant below vv
theres something to say about how marble hornets and even just slenderverse as a whole has influences so many. with the documentary and the anniversary of this all has really got me happy for what’s to come. with news of some of the series finally picking up again (mla0 and dh00) i am just filled to the brim with excitement.
not only did theses series help me more than one, they also helped motivate me to make my own projects and actually start them. slenderverse made me love horror web series again, it has been there in my darkest moments to comfort me, it has actually made me see how i can create something out of nothing. i love the slenderverse, it is near and bear to my fucking heart.
i just hope that with all these new fans rolling in they can be better than what was before, because in the past we have treated these characters and literal people like trash, not saying all though.
but anyways this is supposed to be nice, and it is, i love it and i hope i can add to the slenderverse as they did, whatever that may be, wether its a taken well series or maybe just a series of goofs and gafs i dont really care, because i just want it out there.
if you have read this then thank you, and have a stupid day.
- T!S
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bendrownedbodypillow · 3 months
I think you should absolutely rant about Marble Hornets characters being watered down for shipping actually 👍
Okay so I'm gonna start with Jay, because my boy had the worst mischaracterization since Twink Masky (that's a different can of worms that I will be going into later).
Now, obviously, Jay is flawed, he makes bad decisions, and posting someone's medical documentation online is a BAD IDEA‼️‼️but that doesn't make him stupid. He's obviously not stupid, he's a flawed character, but the problem with how he's watered down is that they make him stupid, and they twink him out as well, they make him seem like this helpless pissbaby that needs Tim or Brian or Alex to save him when he lasted YEARS without them, and on the topic of Tim, they make him out to seem like this heartless bastard with nothing to offer but scatching remarks.
Tim is a complex, dynamic character, but he's interpretated as this awful guy, or the lord Himself, there's no in-between where we recognize that he's, at baseline, A Normal Guy, does he have issues? Yes! Do they make him evil and a moral lost cause? No! They don't, because he's a dynamic character with growth, and him and Jay are pushed in the the Grumpy x Sunshine box like Jay is anywhere NEAR sunshine, they're both struggling, they're both leaning on each other, and hot take, extreme paranoia on both ends doesn't scream Grumpy x Sunshine to me, and onto Alex, he's not the evil guy people think he is, again, he's flawed, everyone in Marble Hornets is flawed, that's what makes their characters so interesting! Alex was going fucking THROUGH IT, he was doing what he thought was right, he was trying to help, he was desperate, he's not this crazed murderer, he cared about his friends so much that he died for them, that doesn't scream horrible person to me, and not to mention, he was doing his fucking best even before Slenderman, he loved his friends, he loved his family, his girlfriend, and one by one, he lost them all, he lost everyone after trying to save them, even Brian, as Ray of Sunshine as hes treated (which isn't wrong, he's absolutely full of friendliness and kindness) is deeply flawed, and as much as we all love him, stalking people is pretty fucked up, and I'm sorry, but if you want uwu twinks in your media, read Boyfriends on webtoon and leave grown men ALONE
And I do think alot of the twinkifying comes from fat phobia (internalized or not), but that's a conversation for another day
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'Unleash the Magic' from MLP: Equestria Girls but it's Zane convincing Brian to betray Phoenix Drops. The students are a few members from the jury of nine. Does anyone else see my vision?
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polarseven · 1 year
I love that there were SO many inklings that Winter King was just so fucked up. Like, start of song? Excited, happy, maybe a lot but hey that's fine!
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Halfway through? Glimpse of insanity, but not Ice King's kind. The more sinister, evil kind that's subtle and creeping.
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Also? They did SUCH a good choice casting BRIAN DAVID GILBERT?!?!!!! LIKE. A little bit into the episode it just clicked and I went no FUCKING way god DAMN it. And I was right! It was him!!!!! And BDG is so accustomed with like...subtle horror and characters that are fucked up that I felt this is an AMAZING rope for him, I love it so much, like...he's not crazy right? This universe just has them flipped, right??? But the crown corrupts in every universe, so that could never be the case.
I could also go on a whole rant about how our Simon is so much better and healthier than him, and that Simon Petrikov is a really interesting example of taking accountability for your mental illness. Like, we can all agree that Winter King is absolutely fucked up for casting a spell for a hundred years to project his insanity from the crown onto that universes Princess Bubblegum and then say that it was fucking WILLPOWER?!?? But how much responsibility should our Simon take? It's true he was insane with very little to no control over his actions, but they still occurred. What about if he puts the crown back on? Ahpuld he be responsible for his actions then since he's making the decisions o do that, if he succeeds. And plus Simon already feels horribly guilty for his actions!! Like, perhaps Simon takes a bit more guilt than he should, or maybe just the right amount. But Our Simon OWN it. It's his and he wouldn't EVER want anyone else to struggle and go through what he went through, and I think that's commendable. And he also, I personally feel, has the right balance. Ice King wasn't him, but it was still him who did those things. He shouldn't be blamed for it, but he's also understanding of the fact that some people may see him in a different light because of it. It's so fascinating and I promise someone who's was more educated than me on more severe mental illnesses could tall a lot better on this topic. It's just such a fascinating complicated issue to me, especially to be depicted in a show.
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Y’all can’t convince me they didn’t have their own memes at Hogwarts. With a pensive they basically have Vine.
Anyways… Ideas include
“my father will hear about this”
“no, I’m Fred, he’s George”
“I can teach you to bottle fame, put a stopper to death” (variations get wilder and wilder but still with Snape’s intonation/voice)
“What the fuck is a Hufflepuff” (in Dumbledores voice)
“You are breaking school POLICY” (in Umbridges shrill voice)
“Well done Mr. Potter, you’ve [insert basic task, like woken up on time], 50000 points to Griffindor”
“Ah yes, youre a Gryffindor, correct? Then feel free to ignore all the rules, it shows bravery and earns house points”
“Ravenclaw? I guess we do have some of those. Perfectly brewed potion, …one house point for you, I guess.”
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snoozingrabbits · 3 months
Tiny Anxiety and paranoia rant
I tried to go on the aftershow stream for the slenderverse documentary, and I forgot how BAD twitch made my anxiety as someone who hates just talking online. Then i freaked out and got paranoid it was somehow sending my Instagram DMs in chat bc i was watching it in like the corner of my screen to talk to friends. And like theres no way to verify it WASN'T doing that. I know it probably wasn't but i cant stop thinking about it. I ended up having a whole ass panic attack and having to watch with no account through a different device. Bc like its not like i said anything bad but like it was under my account and like i dont need people seeing me complain about whatever's going on in life. And I hate that my Paranoia has gotten to the point I can't even lurk on a twitch stream without setting myself off. I just dont know how to deal with this anymore.
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Thinking about how Hoody!Brian had SO many opportunities to kill Alex but hesitated and couldn’t time and time again. He had the guy captured twice and while you could argue that the Operator interrupted him once, he also HAD him at Benedict Hall. He could’ve ended it there, but he couldn’t.
Hoody!Brian could hate him all he wanted, beat him to hell and back, and mock and threaten him, but he never was quite able to pull the trigger. Even at his lowest, even full of hate and contempt for Alex (and some for everyone else alive too), he couldn’t seem to cross that particular line. Which is incredibly interesting to me.
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rewatching mcd season 1 is a TRIP let me tell you omg because this has been driving me mental
there's this massive plothole that idk if anyone has really mentioned (at least not that i saw), and its that molly and dale's son was originally named ryan not brian??
like, did jess just change the name for funsies?? is it because she just forgot or is it foreshadowing to brian's betrayal??? i need answers STAT because i feel insane and my (non mcd watcher) friends who get my insane watch updates just simply do not yet understand my insanity over this help-
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jarvesque · 2 years
Gerard looking out for Red in the first 2 episodes
Gerard bickering with Pinocchio and fighting alongside him
Gerard doing the bravest thing of his life after watching Red and Pinocchio die fighting and getting inspired
Gerard telling Red that there's nothing wrong with her and she's not a monster
Gerard throwing the Veritas sword to Pinocchio at just the right moment
I can't fucking stop thinking about this fucking frog man and how he is so determined to protect the kids while still respecting them and treating them as equals.
In another world,where he's a bit more mature and his marriage is not a complete disaster, he would have been a great dad
Murph,you did again,first Kugrash and now this
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doorknobhater · 6 days
lil marble hornets and creepypasta rant-
ok i genuinely LOVE both and have for a long time but it kidna just gives me the ickies when I see people blurring the lines. Of course, where the "problem" most occurs is with tim and brian. like, fanon and headcanon, semi-okay, but just kinda taking them out of the marble hornets universe and depositing them into the creepypasta universe and changing like a TON OF SHIT about them.... nah bro.... i dont like it tbh
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