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Dearest reader,
The ton are abuzz with the latest gossip, stories leaking here and there. To celebrate, we have a surprise in store for you.
You are formally invited to our annual masquerade ball, held at the town hall. This will take place on the 21st June, starting 6pm sharp. You will be expected to uphold the correct attire, mask worn at all times. The mystery will envoke havoc, we are sure of it. We know that the members of the ton will delve into the excitement, and wish you all the best in your evening.
This event will run from the 22nd, and threads will continue for 1 week. Prior to the event, we ask you post photos of your outfit/masks, and any other relevant information you see fit. Please be inclusive of all, and send any gossip that occurs to @dailywhistledown
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ofsharpe · 1 year
event starter // ft. @whatmai​
when he had initially heard of the event, the basket auction, theo thought it was a ridiculous idea. auditioning off women to the highest bidder was a tragic idea, one that did not sit right with him at all. when the list of names were announced, he hoped that mai wouldn’t be one of them. although.. he knew deep down that she would. it was her duty to find a husband, no matter how messed up theo thought that to be. he cared about mai deeply, more deeply than he cared for anyone else. and the idea of her being bought by someone who would perhaps treat her like a trophy.. that made him sick to his stomach. so theo raided his savings and even took up a few extra shifts at the printers. he would try his very best to make sure that he would be the highest bidder. it was difficult, considering he were a mere commoner. but, somehow he managed to do it. so here he was, wicker basket in hand on his way to find his former best friend, the woman whom he cherished. 
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jaquettacovingtons · 1 year
@lonefeatherington​​ closed starter for masquerade ball {{&&jacquetta&penelope}} 
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jacquetta had been looking on the different couples dancing. she loved to dance, but she did not want to give anyone a false impression. she was not looking for  a husband. while she and james were not in romantic love, they adored one another, and he respected her in a way she rarely saw in most marriages. they were truly friends, and in her own way, she did love him. she saw friends think a man was charming and good, only to be treated horrible after marriage, simply because the man married them due to their dowry. james had left jacquetta with a huge account for herself, so she knew if she married, her new husband would take the money. not to mention her son’s well being. 
jacquetta had decided to take some fresh air in the garden. luckily there were a few married couples spread out, so it wasn’t as if she were completely alone. she sighed. the night air was nice and warm. she looked at the sky, and smiled. what a perfect night she thought. just as she began to enjoy the night air, she saw a young women, with red hair run out of the ball. she looked upset. if jacquetta was right, it was one of the feathrington girls...penelope if she was not mistaken. she felt bad penelope looked sad, so she walked over, and gave her a warm smile ❝are you alright?❞
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lordfitzwilliams · 1 year
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                                      oliver fitzwilliams’s masquerade ball outfit  
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mchealsterling · 1 year
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                                      michael sterling’s masquerade ball outfit  
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jaquettacovingtons · 1 year
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                                        jacquetta covington’s masquerade ball outfit  
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Dearest Reader,
A frenzied night amongst the ton on the most momentous occasion, for tonight is the night of the first season ball. This, as always, is held at the humble abode of the Queen. A much anticipated date when dreams shall be achieved. Hopes, fully realised, and lives, finally changed. For the better, one hopes.
Tonight, the Queen will assess all debutants and appoint the diamond of the evening. Who shall snag her majesty's affections and secure the most glowing endorsement? And who will face a fate worse than death? --- a plummet in social standing.
Further details to come.
So, shall we begin?
Welcome to our first event! This will last one week, to allow time for threads and plotting. Please inform the main of any major plots and make sure to include everyone.
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