sageclairon · 3 years
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[VICTORIA PEDRETTI] Brightwood Academy welcomes [SAGE CLAIRON, 21, SHE/HER]. They come to us from [SALEM, IN] and are a [GUARDED]. They are known to be [EFFERVESCENT], but can also be [STUBBORN]. They are a [NEW STUDENT] with [PLANT MANIPULATION]. They are really into [LIGHT CHOKING, BREEDING, DOM/SUB], but prefer to steer clear of [DD/LG] We are pleased to have them join the family here at Brightwood!
LOVES plants. She constantly brings home plants and saves them from the inevitable hardware store deaths.
she is adopted, and didn't know it until she realized she was the only person in her family with a power
never fit in in her hometown, always the weird little outcast and is very excited to be near others like her
has a cat named Mr. Business. he is the oldest, meanest, fluffiest cat to ever exist. she  couldn't live without him
is very focused on finding her soulmate. doesn't really care about anything else right now tbh
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pyreddiekaspryk · 4 years
NAME & MARK: Eddie Kaspryk - Guarded
NICKNAMES: Eds, Dr. K, Eddie Spaghetti
POWER: Pyrokinesis
HOMETOWN: Seattle, Washington
SOCIAL STATUS: lower middle class
ASPIRATIONS: travel the world
+ CHARACTER TRAITS: loyal, responsible, intelligent, compassionate, cares for others and takes care of others, witty, health conscious, 
- CHARACTER TRAITS: hypochondriac, anxious, erratic, demanding, hesitant to try new things, obsessive, short-tempered, 
AGE AND YEAR: 23 - 2nd year
GENDER: cis male he/him
SEXUALITY & RELATIONSHIP: Gay - bonded with @emmettrobling​
CLASSES:  History of The Guarded, Introduction to Dominance, Caring for your Guardian, and Human Anatomy
CLUBS:  Astronomy, Glee, Drama
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Eddie was born into a two parent, two income family that was doing very well for themselves within the middle class economy. When he was younger, too young to remember, his family really had everything. But then his father died unexpectedly and temperaments shifted within the Kaspryk home. When Eddie was 5, his father died of cancer and the two of them had to watch him disappear from existence; it wasn't so much that he died, he disintegrated and then one day, he was gone. This is where Eddie's fear of illness is rooted, though Sonia has since watered it greatly. Her response to losing her husband was less than ideal. The woman cracked and let fear take hold of her, and she made the decision to change how she acted with her son. She was still loving most times, which is what has fucked Eddie up the most; it wasn't obvious that she had changed. In fact, most people wouldn't see the difference in how she and Eddie interacted. It was behind the scenes; those little remarks; manipulating and abusing him. Sonia became less than functional in her every day life, dropping everything that she had been interested in before the cancer had stolen from them. She'd been on the PTA board and everything before, and while she'd dropped some stuff to take care of Eddie's father, she completely dropped out of the world after he died.  Eddie can remember when his mother was less obsessive and possessive of him vaguely, but for the most part all he can remember is the way things are now. That means he doesn’t really remember his dad either, but he never had time to miss that father figure in his life, not with the way his mother smothered him. She fed him fears about sex and his sexuality, trying to keep him from finding a lover so that he'd never have a reason to leave her. He's still unaware that that's her only real reason for saying what she did. Eddie has always been adventurous, she felt she needed to be as extreme as she was because he was so strong and so curious. She knew he'd leave. She knew he'd leave her. If he ever seemed like he might leave, she'd tell him he was too fragile. It was dangerous. She did the same thing when they came to take him to this school, even. He’s always been smart, so she can’t use grades against him. Just guilt.
It was no wonder that it was his mother that first brought out his power over fire, and it’s something she has told him is a sign that he’s something bad because she is afraid that she can’t control him anymore; his fire manipulation makes him powerful in a way she can’t ever be because she is neither Guardian or Guarded. Nobody in their family had ever been anything incredibly, in fact... the Kaspryk family was falling behind. Their once high class home was now under a bit of disrepair-- not enough to not work, but enough to not be mint-- and their neighborhood was no longer as high class as it had been. It was more lower class, and it represented their fall to a single income home perfectly.
Growing up, he was so absolutely terrified of sex and sexuality and his own sexuality that it's a gateway drug. It might seem innocent and you might be laying with someone hot or someone that you care about, but secretly... they're could be infected, and then he’d be infected. Metaphorically speaking and literally. He's afraid having sex for the first time will be like injecting himself with a heroin needle, complete with all the risks for illness, death, and addiction. Any time he thinks on it, there's a push and pull in both directions. He's a boy that isn't asexual, he has some thoughts and some wants. But don't all addicts? He was also highly bullied; his friends all called themselves the loser’s club as a way to take the name back from the group of bullies that tormented them with that name and violence.
It wasn't that easy though, and he continues to repress himself, though he's sincerely trying to overcome his fears completely. He feels crazy, because he knows that nobody else in his friend group feels the way that he does about this stuff; nobody else is scared. He's considered doing some pretty stupid thing in the name of regaining control, like breaking rules, getting pierced, having sex (no going slow, no waiting for Eddie to be ready, just fucking sex; having it; it's done it happened), or doing something equally dangerous, but hasn't done anything about those impulses. It's this dichotomy, hidden inside of him, that's the root of why his powers are so difficult for him to control. He can't keep his head clear and under control, so the flames overtake him just like his emotions do.
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fatedmusehq · 4 years
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NAME: Madison Montgomery
AGE: 28
GENDER / PRONOUNS: cis female she/her
NATIVE OF: England
KINKS: perfection, success, she’s not very experienced 
ANTI-KINKS: scat, watersports, mistaking her for anything but the best
BRIGHTWOOD TRANSCRIPTS: enrolled at 21, 8th year student, her family are the Council representatives for Europe and one of the buildings is named after them so she’s well known for basically owning part of the school. If nothing else, the last name will be familiar because it’s a building that’s used often. 
Being born into one of the seven most powerful families in the world of Guarded and Guardians, Madison was raised with the best at all times. If she wanted vocal lessons, her parents called Mariah Carey. If she wanted to ride a horse, they had a stable of perfectly pedigree stallions in a stable. If she was going to attend an event, a tailor would come to measure her every single time (despite events being scheduled multiple times per month) and she got a new dress made from scratch that fit whatever her fantasy was at the moment. She was always surrounded by nannies and house staff, and she was waited on hand and foot; as is normal for a princess, which is what she is.
The Montgomery family is known for their musical endeavors, and not only do they donate money to musical causes, they participate in the music scene as well. They began as a singing duo that then hired on a band by popular demand, which then toured the world to the delight of fans everywhere. They created their own music festival, picking up other musical acts along the way. Other Montgomery family members are known for advancements in music, like inventions or new ways to do things both in making the music and editing it. They own their own record label with their own studios, and that is where they funnel their money in order to make it grow into more. They’re old money and have had money for a long time, though it hasn’t always been from means that can be explained on tax forms because some of it has come from their power as Guarded and Guardians. The Montgomery family is one of the oldest in the supernatural world though, there is no record of a time where they were anything but rich because they always have been. 
Madison has a twin, and because her parents travel so much it has left them without guidance for a lot of their life; especially their formative, childhood years. Madison easily took on the role of parent because she felt like she had to, but it’s not something she’s been able to stop and at this point she is a little beyond controlling and overbearing when it comes to her twin brother--- but to be fair to her, she is just as controlling and overbearing when it comes to herself and other people that are connected to her. She is constantly watching what she eats, how much she works out, how often she rehearses vocally, how often she practices her cheer routines, how often her team practices, how well they practice, what they eat, how often they drink, and more. The list of things that she is watching when it comes to keeping herself and other people in control is never-ending. At this point, in their full adult years, she will still lick her thumb and use it to wipe dirt off her twin’s face. She also watches his diet and gets on him when she thinks he’s slacking. It’s only because she wants the best for the both of them though and she doesn’t want him to be found lacking because she knows that he is better than that. Her faith in herself and her brother (and anything they touch, like clubs and projects) has no end either. Because of this, she pushes the both of them to participate in basically everything that they can. She has beauty pageant crowns, prom crowns, achievement awards, and all kinds of shiny wins under her name and so does her twin. They do things together too, like winning the cheerleading summer camp’s karaoke tournaments as a singing duo.
There are consequences for being an unapproachable showoff, perfect Barbie, pedestal sitting literal princess that doesn’t seem to think about anything but keeping the Montgomery name as close to perfect as possible though and one of them is that she’s nearing 30 and still at Brightwood, without a soulmate. 
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everywherealinagoes · 4 years
NAME: Alina Liu.  AGE: 26 years old.  STATUS: Guarded.  ZODIAC: Aquarius.  BIRTHDATE: January 1st, 1995.  HOMETOWN: San Francisco, CA. But was born in Xangai, China.  POWER: Portal Magic. The user is able to perform a form of magic that allows them to utilize portals, either magically manipulating them or using them to cast spells. SEXUALITY: Bisexual.  RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single/unbonded.  KINKS: Sensory play, bondage, impact play, TPE, orgasm denial.  ANTI-KINKS: scat, vore, watersports.  PERSONALITY (+): Fair, silly, creative, smart, funny, kind, protective.  PERSONALITY (-): Impulsive, stubborn, possessive, doesn’t take things seriously, easily bored, keeps things to herself. 
Alina Liu was born to a family of mapmakers. For years and generations the Liu have traveled the world and studied the art of making maps - all sorts of maps available, be it a continent or the human body itself, they could draw it. They’ve aided wars, they’ve drawn revolutionary maps, they are known to be the best at what they do. In each generation there has been at least one Guarded - whose powers were used to amplify the business if possible and therefore make the family more and more rich as generations passed. 
A majority of their money isn’t clean. With so many years and so many wars on their backs, the Liu were seen on the wrong side of history a couple times. Making maps for the enemy or providing the other side with information for a certain price. The family has been trying to redeem themselves for a few generations now - even since The Council was created - and has only worked in favor of the Guarded and the Guardians. 
Alina was born into that redeemed family. When her power came to light, some of her uncles and aunts were reminded of all the money they could make out of it if they were to break their promise. That’s when her parents moved the family to San Francisco - away from their known villa in Xangai. Growing up, Alina wasn’t spoiled but her parents were always keeping an eye on her. The girl had a tendency to vanish at the most inexplicable times. She’d got in trouble at school, she’d hide whenever her parents wanted to scold her. 
Sometimes her powers would land her in weird situations - Portal Magic is very unstable and not that easy to control after all - so she would see herself in a broom closet in Chicago or an Greek restaurant in New York. Fortunately, the way home was always easier. 
After her 21st birthday, Alina was sent to Brightwood in search of her Guardian. Not sure if she would find someone patient enough to deal with her shenanigans, with her carelessness or impulsiveness. But she hoped her kind heart and fun personality could make up for it. She has been at the Academy for 5 years now - still single and unbounded. Time has taken some toll on her, but she has decided to remain light. She still has a lot to learn about her power and a few extra years wouldn’t hurt. 
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guardianzoe · 4 years
NAME & MARK: Zoe Barclay - Guardian
HOMETOWN: New York City
ASPIRATIONS: become a Council member, bringing the Barclay name the only step upwards it can go & also to amass an army of loyal followers
+ CHARACTER TRAITS: determined, ambitious, calculating, intelligent, charming when she wants to be, 
- CHARACTER TRAITS: apathetic, manipulative, callous, insulting, self-centered, selfish, 
AGE AND YEAR: 25 - 1st year
REASON FOR LATE ADMISSION: Incarceration - she may be a Guardian, but she will take advantage of and use anyone and everyone and she was responsible for someone being badly injured - nobody but staff knows that though
CLASSES: human anatomy, psychology, sociology, world history
CLUBS: cheerleading, lacrosse team, debate team
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[ARIANA GRANDE] Brightwood Academy welcomes [ZOE BARCLAY, 25, SHE/HER]. They come to us from [NEW YORK, NEW YORK] and are a [GUARDIAN]. They are known to be [DETERMINED], but can also be [APATHETIC]. They are a [NEW STUDENT, SO NOBODY KNOWS HER]. They are really into [POWER AND CONTROL, MIND GAMES, MANIPULATION, SUCCESS, BEING ON TOP], but prefer to seer clear of [BATHROOM STUFF] We are pleased to have them join the family here at Brightwood!
From a very young age, it was obvious that Zoe wasn’t like the kids around her. She got caught being mean to the other kids and didn’t seem to connect to what she was doing, but she learned to apologize when she was told to and move on until the next time. At least until the kids became too scared to tell on her, and she started to get away with it. She was highly intelligent and taught herself to be highly perceptive, and though at first her mean tendencies came from a lack of understanding, they eventually evolved into a curiosity. 
All of her schooling was done in private boarding schools, and soon enough Zoe had manipulated the girls around her and created a small following in every school she went to. These girls wanted to do anything to impress her, so she was able to explore all of her darkest sexual curiosities. The human body fascinates her, and pushing a body to its limit is her absolute favorite thing in the world. It’s the only kind of connection that she can stand, and not even her friends were really considered friends in the privacy of her mind. Her Machiavellian traits developed at an incredibly fast rate, because she needed to be able to keep her following under her command when each and every one of them knew that they were not obligated by any logical reason to submit to the way she treated them. She also had to keep them quiet, and make sure that anyone that might investigate, never felt the need to.
Having an environment where she felt like she had so much control allowed Zoe to blossom. She captained multiple clubs and participated in a variety of extra curricular activities. She rarely had a free moment to herself, and she liked it that way. Everything she did, she did with a pristine level of perfection. From playing lacrosse to insulting people. Her aesthetic is dark, but frilly like a princess-- or perhaps an evil Queen. 
Then she purposefully pushed someone passed their limits, and when one of the girls got scared and said she was going to tell, Zoe pushed her down a set of stairs. The people around her crumbled under the pressure of a police investigation and told everything. Zoe was considered the mastermind and with all of their testimonies of everything she’d ever made them do on record, she was incarcerated. Her parents did their best to buy her way out, but she had done too much to be able to bury it all this time; like they had so many times before then. 
Once again, she was in an environment where she rarely had a moment to herself and once again, she climbed her way to the top of the food chain very quickly. As always, she paid attention to her surroundings and took every opportunity she saw to learn new things, especially about other people. When she learned new things about how other people felt and thought, she didn’t understand the why, but she could catalog the information. 
Now that she’s been released, she’s starting her first year at Brightwood. Nobody knows her and she is free to start a whole new set of mind games with a whole lot of new knowledge under her belt; thanks to her time incarcerated. The only other difference is now she has people to boss around that have super powers and connections to the Council.
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flintcrestwood · 4 years
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Name: Flint Lawrence Crestwood  Age: 21 Birthday: February 10, 2000 Classification: Guarded Power: Earth Manipulator (he can communicate with/control plant life) Relationship Status: Single/Unbonded Sexuality: Homoflexible Kinks: Impact play, sensory play, bondage, mutual masturbation, exhibitionism, dirty talk/sexting Anti-Kinks: Scat, vore, watersports, age play, non-sexual bodily fluids Astrological Sign: Aquarius Personality Traits (+): Creative, loyal, unique, humanitarian, intelligent, compassionate Personality Traits (-): Overemotional, flighty, absent-minded, withdrawn at times, stubborn
Flint Lawrence Crestwood was born February 10, 2000 in Seattle, Washington to parents Justin Crestwood and Lydia Taylor-Crestwood. Flint’s parents were incredibly poor, often times working two to three jobs apiece in an attempt to keep their family afloat. Growing up, Flint was not afforded many opportunities, and was taught from an early age that anything he wanted in life, he’d have to obtain himself through hard work and determination. Of course, when he was born with the star mark on his wrist, his family knew what that meant- that somehow, some way, Flint was destined to be great. However, they treated him no differently because of this, believing he’d need a good and humble foundation beneath his feet when he was sent into the world, first to Brightwood and then to whatever lay ahead. 
Flint’s mother, Lydia, had always been a lover of plants, flowers, and anything nature-esque.In fact, one of her side-jobs was as a freelance photographer for local and community magazines. Though the family didn’t have much, they had each other, and Lydia always had as many plants around as she possibly could. It didn’t take long after Flint’s birth for his powers to begin to manifest.From the first time his mother showed him her plants up close, he was hooked. And, although Flint was still unable to speak or walk, the plants seemed to do better when he was around. It wasn’t long before Lydia realized that in some form or fashion, he seemed to be communicating with them. From that moment on, she did any and everything she could to nurture Flint’s power, teaching him all she knew about the various species and their required care. 
Sharing such a passion with his mother meant the two were and have always been incredibly close. Growing up, Flint never was able to maintain steady or stable friendships, always seeming to be more mature than others, and definitely less interested in the same toys and activities. So, he often said and still says that his mother is his best friend. His mother, and his plants. Though Flint has never been one to socialize easily, he doesn’t necessarily mind isolation. He finds spending time with his plants, and honing his powers, to be more fruitful and a better use of his time than meaningless gossip or unproductive smalltalk. 
Growing up, Flint was very close to his family. Their socioeconomic status never bothered him, and it wasn’t something he really ever thought about. He finds things like wealth and power to be incredibly mundane, and places no stock in them. Through watching his family’s struggles, he has learned well that wealth and power are virtually never synonymous with being good, quality people. In that way, he is a bit pessimistic. It is because of his feelings on matters such as power that, in some ways, he resents being a Guarded. While he loves and appreciates his power, he finds no comfort in knowing that everyone expects him to do big things with it, to really become someone, and to in some way change the world. He is, at heart, a visionary, but he does not appreciate the pressure placed upon him by his mark. 
Aside from his plants, school is also something Flint has always taken very seriously. From childhood, he sought to learn any and everything he could. He has been an avid reader from a young age, devouring books as quickly as he was able. Truthfully, he loves reading because he views it as an escape- a way to experience a reality different than his own, and a way to sate his sense of wanderlust. His family has always encouraged this interest as well, allowing him to read and explore any and every piece of writing and literature his heart desired. 
Ultimately, Flint is not looking forward to beginning his journey at Brightwood. While he understands the necessity, and is slightly enthused about the potential to meet others with similar experiences, interested, and abilities, he is not looking forward to being forced to live and mingle with so many people whom he believes to be obsessed with power and prestige. This is also the first time he has been away from his family, and although he’ll never admit it, he is more nervous than he’s ever been about that aspect of things. Finally, deep down, due to his lack of socialization skills and his overall preference for introversion, he is beyond concerned that he might never find his intended Guardian, and that everything he is sacrificing to attend Brightwood will be for nothing. 
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lorrainemelwood · 4 years
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Name: Lorraine Elise Melwood Age: 23 Birthday: December 19 Classification: Guarded Power: Psychic Medium (aka she communicates with the dead) Relationship Status: Single/Unbonded Sexuality: Heteroflexible Kinks: Ice/Wax play, orgasm control/denial, edging, sensory play, light bondage, sexting, mutual masturbation, polaroid kink, slight shoe fetish Anti-Kinks: Scat, vore, watersports, age play, non-sexual bodily fluids  Astrological Sign: Sagittarius  Personality Traits (+): Kind, inquisitive, compassionate, intelligent, diplomatic, friendly, good listener, maternal, optimistic Personality Traits (-): Picky, type-A to the extreme, critical (primarily of herself), spoiled, uptight, bores easily
Lorraine Elise Melwood was born on December 19, 1997 in Manhattan, a borough in New York City, New York. Lorraine’s family is incredibly wealthy, beyond well-known, and overwhelmingly respected throughout the world. She is the daughter of Christian and Anna Melwood. Her father, Christian, currently holds the position of Representative of the North on The Council, a title held by a member of the Melwood family for nearly 300 years. Lorraine is considered to be royalty throughout the land; there isn’t a soul alive unaware of her face, name, or position. 
All her life, Lorraine has been spoiled beyond belief. The silver spoon in her mouth has always afforded her opportunities and privileges few others have been granted, and she has lived a life of luxury and lavishness. Throughout her life Lorraine has attended the best and most prestigious schools, traveled the globe, and has had free-reign to do virtually whatever her heart desired. This lifestyle, however, was not without consequences. Due to her family’s status and reputation, Lorraine has been coached from an early age to always maintain a certain attitude and demeanor, and to always follow and live by an unwritten set of rules, those governing people of status. 
Despite them giving her every material object her heart could have possibly desired, it seemed Lorraine’s parents never had a kind word to say about her. From the outside, during times of publicity- charity events, galas, political and press tours- the Melwoods presented as the perfect family, one in which everything was more than fine, and very nearly perfect. Behind closed doors, however, a very different picture was painted. In childhood, Lorraine had learned that nothing short of a miracle would have ever made her parents change their ways. By her teenage years, the halls of Melwood Manor felt cold as ice, so much so that Lorraine could hardly bear it. It seemed that nothing about her would ever be right for them. If her hair was up, it should have been down, if it was down, it should have been curled. When Lorraine brought home straight A’s, they wondered why they couldn’t have been straight A+’s. When she graduated high school with 55 credits, 15 more than what was required, the wondered why she didn’t push for 56. Even Lorraine’s ability as a guarded brought negative commentary, although her status was something both parents called attention to frequently in the news. 
When Lorraine was born with the mark of the star, her family were thrilled. After all, Melwoods were known for producing Council Members and Guardeds, The family celebrated their gift, and did their best to predict what her power would be. Finding she was a psychic medium, however, seemed something they were less-than-thrilled about. As soon as she was capable of formulating thoughts and communicating her feelings, Lorraine began to talk frequently about the spirits she saw all around her. In many ways unbeknownst to her, her family found this offensive in some way, as if the power was giving to her as a personal affront by the Gods. 
Still, as Lorraine grew, so did her powers. There were times in which her gift frightened her, leaving her feeling helpless and defensive, especially when it came to communicating with spirits who were restless, extremely sad, or aggressive. But, Lorraine managed, navigating through her power as she learned and tested the boundaries of what she could do.
Throughout school, Lorraine excelled. Between her parents’ treatment of her, and the dark side to the Melwood legacy, Lorraine was more down-to-earth than most expected. She was kind, considerate, and fairly humble. After a year at Brightwood, Lorraine is just beginning to come into her own. Her power, and her control over it are higher than they ever have been, and she is doing her best to learn to disassociate herself from the negative traits that seem to run in her family. 
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guardedvictoria · 4 years
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Name: Victoria Maricella Garcia Age: 28 Birthday: September 6 Specification: Guarded Power: Witch/Magical Abilities Sexuality: Bisexual Relationship Status: Single/Unbonded
Victoria was born and raised in Austin, Texas, where she grew up living with her mother, Francesca, and her three brothers- one older and two younger. Growing up, Victoria’s family did not have much in the way of money or wealth. Her father had passed away when she was young, just after her youngest brother was born. Her parents had owned a bakery together for years, one that her mother struggled to keep open and afloat once her father was gone. The family managed, but just barely.
Throughout her life Victoria has done everything in her power to help her family and ensure their safety and comfort, but her mark as a guarded sometimes made that feeling impossible. Though her mother always talked about her mark as being something to celebrate Victoria struggled all her life to see it that way, knowing that her abilities made her and her family targets for people who wanted to hurt and destroy the guarded. Her powers and magical ability sprung forth when she was very young, and at first she struggled greatly to control them. Any time she got upset or emotional, things would happen- flying objects, shattering windows, and many other incidents left her feeling more out of place than she could describe. Due to several similar incidents, Victoria’s mother decided it was best she be homeschooled (beginning at the age of 10), in an attempt to help her learn to control her powers, and to stop the fear and judgement she often faced from her peers. 
At first this was something Victoria struggled with, because she missed having interactions with people her age, and she missed the opportunities school afforded. She felt like a freak, and not like some important person as her mother explained her to be. She couldn’t understand why she’d been chosen, believing that she was not really special in any way. But, the older she got, the more she learned to embrace and accept who she was. Through her close relationships with her brothers, and maintaining the few friendships she was able from her years at public school, Victoria began to grow into her own around age 16. 
Victoria has always been highly intelligent and studious, finding school to be a breeze and never having to put forth too much effort to achieve straight A’s. She is particularly interested in the sciences, because she finds them to be really similar to the magic she was gifted with and uses daily. Now, at 28 and having been at Brightwood for now six years, she is stronger and in a better place than she ever has been. She is now focused on finding her guardian and beginning their lives together. 
She is very intelligent, but is also opinionated. Victoria will share and express her thoughts and feelings, sometimes without being asked and at times when this may be inappropriate. She hopes to learn to better control this, but in many ways it is how she has been able to successfully stop the outbursts with her powers. Holding things in is a big detriment to her, and when she does things can easily happen or spiral out of control around her, causing her to lose her grip on herself and her abilities. She is very active sexually, but is hoping to explore more in the way of kink because she has had very generic and vanilla experiences primarily up to this point. 
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guardiandonovanev · 4 years
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Name: Donovan Jamal Evans Age: 25 Birthday: June 9 Specification: Guardian Sexuality: Pansexual Status; Single/Unbonded
Donovan Evans was both born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada. His parents, Michelle and Darius, were both very well known and influential in their community. Though neither of his parents are guardian/guarded, their careers in politics have ensured they brushed shoulders with some of the world’s most powerful people. Donovan grew up wealthy, but his parents were determined to raise him outside of the typical ‘rich’ mindset. 
Although his father grew up with a bit of a silver spoon in his mouth, Donovan’s mother did not. Michelle hailed from one of the roughest areas of Las Vegas, and grew up with barely two pennies to rub together. Due to the way she was raised and how she was brought up, it was important to her that Donovan always remember that things could change in an instant, and that he should never be too proud or too comfortable, or ever consider himself better than anyone else. His parents instilled values of humility, graciousness, and kindness in him, making sure he would be the ideal guardian for whoever his guarded would be. 
School isn’t something Donovan put a lot of thought into growing up, he was more interested in sports and workouts than reading through his textbooks. Still, he is naturally very intelligent, and that intelligence carried him on B and C averages, even without putting in hardly any effort. This was something his parents always hoped might change, but to this day the bare minimum is what he puts forth academically- just enough to get by and make sure he’s able to stay on the sports teams. 
Donovan is very friendly and outgoing, but can sometimes be pretty dense. He’s not one to look overly hard into things, and in many cases views scenarios as black or white. He doesn’t easily pick up on subtle signals. Donovan speaks his mind, saying what he means and meaning what he says, and he expects others to return the same courtesy. 
He has been at the Academy for four years. He has had several flings and is very open sexually, but has still not found his intended guardian. He is beginning to get nervous, not really wanting to stay at Brightwood until he’s 30, but he does fear that maybe the system is wrong, and that there is not someone out there for him. He does not easily share his true feelings, so pretty much no one is aware of his waning hope.
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guardianchrissy · 4 years
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Name: Chrissy Elizabeth Johnson Age: 29 Birhday: February 20 Specification: Guardian Sexuality: Pansexual Status: Single/Unbonded
Chrissy was born and raised in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. The very beginning of Chrissy’s life was tougher than most. She was born to a teen mother who was unable to care for her, or give Chrissy the life she knew she deserved. So, as soon as she was born, Chrissy was placed up for adoption. Being an infant Chrissy was adopted quickly by a gay couple, Marcus and Jeremiah. They had no other children, and so Chrissy grew up as the center of attention and the apple of both of their eyes. 
Her fathers, realizing they were raising a Guardian, always did their best to teach her skills they thought she should know, to help her along the way. At a young age they enrolled her in Karate classes, and even put her in Archery lessons too. They wanted her to be as well rounded as possible and prepared for anything when she was old enough to find her Guarded. But, the older Chrissy got, she began to show less and less interest in activities like those. It became clear that her talents and passions laid with the performing arts. So, once she was old enough to express those desires, the focus quickly shifted to vocal and piano lessons. 
Chrissy has always done well and exceeded expectations academically, never bringing home less than a B+ and even that was rare. She has always had a love for studying, books, and school, and doesn’t even mind doing homework. Her fathers also brought her up to be as kind and helpful as possible, and she is a very sweet and caring individual. But, due to bullying she endured during school, she also struggles with confidence and anxiety issues, and has been known to get inside her own head too often for her own good. 
She has been at Brightwood Academy for seven years, and so far has been unsuccessful at finding her intended Guarded, but not for lack of trying. Chrissy is a dreamer, and she desperately wants to find her soulmate, and to be able to create a life with them. She is not known to be overly-sexually active, but she does indulge every once in a while. She plans to save most of her sexual drive and activity for her Guardian, wanting to make sure there are new things they are able to try and experience together. 
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soulmatejourneyhq · 3 years
The Muses
ROSALIE WALKER - Guarded (Technopathy) 21 cis female She/her. UNBONDED ASHLEY TURNER- Guardian 29 Genderfluid They/them. UNBONDED
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[EMILY BETT RICKARDS] Brightwood Academy welcomes [ROSALIE WALKER, HETEROSEXUAL, CIS FEMALE, 21, SHE/HER]. They come to us from [CASTLEWOOD, VA] and are a [GUARDED]. They are known to be [KIND], but can also be [AWKWARD]. They are a [NEW STUDENT] with [TECHNOPATHY]. They are really into [TBD], but prefer to steer clear of [TBD] We are pleased to have them join the family here at Brightwood! 
1. Is an only child and the only guarded in her family  2. Has spastic diplegia cerebral palsy and uses a manual wheelchair and power scooter for mobility depending on the situation. 3. Struggles with anxiety and prefers technology or animals to large crowds of people.  4. Is a virgin, saving herself for her bonded guardian. 5. Has a golden retriever service dog.
Character Basics
Character Name: Rosalie Abigail Walker Alias(es): None Gender: CIS Female Pronouns: She/her Age: 21 Year at Brightwood: First Sexuality: Heterosexual, Heteroromantic Birthday: March 1 Birthplace: Castlewood, VA Location: Brightwood Academy Classes:  History of The Guarded, Introduction to Dominance,  History of The Council, Introduction to Kink Clubs: TBD Suite: Melwood 223 Powers: Technopathy -  Psychically perceive and interface with technology
One with this ability could psychically perceive the presence, direction, distance and/or location of mechanical devices, at will. In addition, one can psychically perceive the quantity, quality, structure and function of mechanical devices, at will. Furthermore, one can psychically activate and/or deactivate power for electronic devices, at will. One could also psychically communicate with and command electronic devices, at will. One can even psychically channel their perception or consciousness through electronic media, at will.
Character Physical Appearance
Eyes: Blue Hair: Blonde (dyed) Height: 5′5″ Build: Average Complexion: Pale Tattoo(s): No Piercing(s): Ears Scars: 2 on her back, one on her right hip, one behind each of her knees. All from surgeries. Clothing Style: She wears a lot of jeans, sweaters, blouses, leggings. Can sometimes wear skirts and dresses. Prefers sneakers or ballet shoes over heels. Tends to go for a more natural make-up look. Tinted moisturizer, powder, and a tinted chapstick or lip gloss. See example here Weight: 121 pounds or 55 kg Shoe Size: 7 (US) or 37.5 (EU) Dress Size: 4 (US) or 36 (EU) Body Measurements:  33-25-34 in or 84-63.5-87 cm Bra Size: 32B
Character Personality
Character Traits: Naïve, socially awkward,  adaptable, kind, anxious, hard-working. Extensive Personality:  Rosalie is the type of person who would rather sit in a room alone with a cup of hot chocolate and her computer then be in a room full of people. She loves animals especially her service dog.  Flaws: Socially awkward, introverted, insecure Ambitions & Dreams: Really wants to find her soulmate and make a life together. Fears: being found by those who want to hurt guarded, not finding her guardian, heights, being away from technology Hobbies: video games, watching movies, therapeutic horseback riding  Likes: hot chocolate, animals, journaling. board games, a quiet night in Dislikes: Large crowds of people, being in the spotlight, snow. Food & Beverages: Likes coffee with cream and sugar, hot chocolate Kinks: TBD Motivation: To find her soulmate. 
Character General
Diagnoses: Cerebral Palsy (spastic diplegia), social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder. Cerebral Palsy:  Spastic diplegia cerebral palsy is a form of cerebral palsy, a neurological condition that usually appears in infancy or early childhood, and permanently affects muscle control and coordination. Affected people have increased muscle tone which leads to spasticity (stiff or tight muscles and exaggerated reflexes) in the legs. The arm muscles are generally less affected or not affected at all.  As with other types of cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia is usually caused by brain damage, which generally happens before, during, or shortly after birth. There is no cure, and treatment options vary depending on the signs and symptoms present in each person and the severity of the condition, and may include physical, occupational and speech therapy, medication and surgery. Mobility: Rosalie uses a power scooter and manual wheelchair for mobility, which depends on the situation. Can walk for short distances with assistance (a walker or the help of a person).  Family: Rosalie is an only child. She is very close to her parents. Her mother is a registered nurse, her father is an English teacher.  Relationship(s): Prefers to have a small group of close friends that she can know well and feel comfortable with. Pet(s): A golden retriever service dog named Willow. Job: Wants to do something with computers. Languages: English
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[AARON TVEIT] Brightwood Academy welcomes [ASHLEY TURNER, PANSEXUAL, GENDERFLUID, 29, THEY/THEM]. They come to us from [MIAMI, FL] and are a [GUARDIAN]. They are known to be [OUTGOING], but can also be [VAIN]. They are a [EXISTING STUDENT]. They are really into [TBD], but prefer to seer clear of [TBD] We are pleased to have them join the family here at Brightwood!
1. Adopted by a bonded guarded/guardian and has five siblings. 2. Has been in off Broadway and Broadway productions 3. Their default pronouns are they/them, but they use all depending on how they are feeling. 4. Their guardian father trained them growing up, and their fathers taught them to take being a guardian very seriously.   5. Has been at Brightwood for eight years, and really hopes they’ll find their soulmate this year.
Character Basics
Character Name: Ashley Christopher Turner Alias(es): None Gender: Genderfluid, AMAB (Assigned male at birth)  Pronouns: They/them is their default, but can use others depending on how they are feeling. Age: 29 Year at Brightwood: Eighth Sexuality: Pansexual, Panromantic Birthday: June 25th Birthplace: Miami, FL Location: Brightwood Academy Classes: Advanced Weapons Training Clubs: Drama, Swim, Glee, Track and Field Suite: Montgomery 203 Powers: That of an UNBONDED Guardian. 
-Speed: Guardians have the capability to both run and move at twice the speed of the average human. -Strength: Guardians have the ability to lift and carry up to three times their own body weight.
Character Physical Appearance
Eyes: Blue Hair: Brown Height: 6′0″ Build: Average-Athletic Weight: 165 pounds or 75 kg Breasts: Ashley sometimes wears breast forms (see here link is nsfw). Shoe size: 10 (US) Complexion: Pale Tattoo(s): No Piercing(s): No Scars: Has a few scars on their body from training mishaps over the years.  Clothing Style: Really depends on how they feel. Likes to look nice and takes pride in their appearance. Jeans, skirts, dresses, blouses, leggings, t-shirts, button up shirts. They almost always wear a full face of make up (foundation, powder, lipstick, eyeshadow) Lipstick is a staple of theirs.  They love heels. They remember their father’s words that some clothing choices they like are impractical- about always needing to be ready to fight, to protect their Guarded, and don’t wear some things as much as they might like for that reason. See example here.
Character Personality
Character Traits: Outgoing, kind, fun-loving, protective, athletic, energetic, responsible. Extensive Personality:  Ashley loves being the center of attention. They love a good party and are very extroverted. They take being a guardian very seriously and are well versed in hand to hand combat and weapons among other things because of classes and being taught by their guardian father. They put the responsibility of being a Guardian, and being ready to protect a Guarded over their own wants and needs at times. Flaws: They can be overwhelming to some people, high maintenance. Ambitions & Dreams: Wants to go back to performing Fears: Not finding their soulmate, letting their fathers down, letting their Guarded down.  Hobbies: golf, surfing, playing guitar and piano, shopping Likes: being active, dancing,  singing, talking to people, face masks and self care, massages (giving and receiving), clothes, shoes, makeup- especially lipstick. Dislikes:  being isolated from others, beets, cooking. Food & Beverages: Doesn’t drink coffee. Likes a glass of pulp free orange juice in the morning. Preferred alcoholic beverage is beer. Likes infused water.  Kinks: TBD Motivation: To find their soulmate.
Character General
Vocal Range: F#2 to Eb5-E5 see here. Performing: Diagnoses: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)  Family:  Was adopted by a gay bonded guarded and guardian, has 5 siblings and they are all adopted and guarded/guardians too. They are a close-knit family. Relationship(s): .Ashley tries to get to know a lot of people. They are the type to have lots of friends.  Pet(s): None. Job: Wants to eventually go back to performing in some capacity.  Languages: English, Spanish
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thebijoubelmont · 3 years
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NAME: Emeril Bijou-Étienne Belmont
AGE: 26
GENDER / PRONOUNS: cis male he/him
NATIVE OF: Zimbabwe
KINKS: he just likes sex 
ANTI-KINKS: scat, watersports, 
BRIGHTWOOD TRANSCRIPTS: Bijou attended Brightwood as a normal student would at 21, even with his father being on the Council. He easily gets good grades without really having to try. When his father died, he inherited his role as Council seat holder, so since then he has traveled back and forth between Brightwood and Africa to keep care of his country.
As the first Belmont to gain a seat on the Council, Emeril’s father had his eye set on success from the moment he was old enough to start making choices to move towards his adult life. And once he had a child, he made sure that his child was raised with the same strict standards that he held for himself. This meant that the only acceptable outcome was perfection.
Unfortunately for that ideal, Emeril didn’t speak until much later than all of the other children his age and when he finally did, it became apparent quickly that he had a stutter. He was sent away and educated by the best of his country, and though he wrote his father all of the time to tell of his success in hopes of finally earning the man’s love, it never happened. He never got a letter back, because his father never even opened the ones he sent. His progress was not supported, and his success was not applauded.  His first name felt like a badge of honor he had not earned and also a noose around his neck, a branding that felt like his father’s touch because of its meaning. So he stopped using it when he was a child and has been known as Bijou so long nobody remembers his first name.
Until the day that he died, nothing was ever good enough for his father. 
This birthed a bitterness inside of Bijou and a self-loathing that he couldn’t escape. Because he was not perfect, he truly believed he was not worthy of love and that was why his father had not given it to him. Despite feeling like he deserved it, in the moments where his father was on his death bed, Bijou swore to never find his bond and never continue the Belmont name. Their family legacy would die with him and there would be no more Belmonts on the Council after Bijou passed himself. All of that struggle will eventually be for nothing, and that eventually would come much sooner than his father would have ever wanted. He swore it, and he meant it. 
He could not deny his people his protection, so he does take his responsibilities as a Council member very seriously. He does everything that he can for them, always aware that he is imperfect, and so inspired to do just a little bit more than he thought possible. After much thought, he does believe he can selflessly follow through with his promise. He’s a Guarded, so he isn’t denying anyone anything. If he were a Guardian, there would be some poor Guarded out there, lacking protection. He didn’t need protection, he didn’t care if he were in danger. He stays away from Guardians as best he can, and takes everything for granted but the positive things he can do for his people while fucking his way through life. Nobody can be let in. He’s very good at making people feel like he’s an open book, but he is very closed. It won’t be impossible, but it will be very difficult to get him to accept fate. He tries to time his trips out of Brightwood for exam time, he doesn’t allow himself the opportunity to potentially end up bonded and he won’t have children. 
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theguardiangabriel · 4 years
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NAME: Gabriel Miguel Anders
AGE: 23
BIRTHDATE: October 29, 1997
STATUS: Guardian
HOMETOWN: San Antonio, TX
SEXUALITY: Pansexual
[Diego Tinoco] Brightwood Academy welcomes [Gabriel Miguel Anders, 23, he/him]. They come to us from [San Antonio, TX] and are a [GUARDIAN]. They are known to be [compassionate], but can also be [naive]. They are a [3rd year student]. They are really into [edging, exhibitionism, teasing, voyeurism], but prefer to seer clear of [ age difference,  humiliation,  wrestling, scat, vore ] We are pleased to have them join the family here at Brightwood! 
Gabriel has been at Brightwood for two years, is starting his third right now.  He is ball of sunshine and is super compassionate to those around him.  He can be a bit naïve, always wanting to believe the best in people and sometimes giving them more chances than they deserve.  He’s been crushed several times in his short life already, but he always picks himself back up ready to take on everything again.  Gabriel is friendly, helpful, and about as athletic as one would expect of a Guardian.   He is however, a romantic.  A hopeless one at that.  He is interested in the human body, and in all aspects of the relationship between a Guarded and their Guardian when found.  Gabriel likes photography, astronomy and gardening for the aesthetics for photos.    
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logangreene · 4 years
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NAME: Logan Jeremiah Greene AGE: 28 BIRTHDATE: June 29th,1992 STATUS: Guarded HOMETOWN: Honolulu, Hawaii SEXUALITY: Bisexual RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single/Unbonded PERSONALITY:  INFP-A
Logan comes from a family of influential musicians. Their names are known across the world. His great grand father was friends with Louis Armstrong and the two played together.
That’s their claim to fame as he’s always lingered in the background. However, being at Brightwood has helped him find his voice or sound.
His confidence has grown every day since being there. He’s still nowhere where close to where he needs to be.
When he first came into his powers, he wasn’t necessarily surprised. Through and through, he is his mother’s son. Contrarily, he simply wasn’t sure he wanted them at all.
Growing up, the kids in his class always picked on him. They thought he was scrawny and too in touch with his feelings.
But now he embraces that side of himself fully. He wears his bleeding heart on his sleeve.
His instinct is kind of to take care of everyone.
He falls in love a lot. He loves love. 
At this point, he doesn’t care if he finds his beloved/guarded. He’s living his best life. 
It should be noted that he has a harder time talking to guys he’s into or attracted to. They tend to intimidate him more. 
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