#bring on the Marley and Kie
whitetrashjj · 1 year
One of the OBX twitter stans who visits Charleston when they film just tweeted “jj and kies boat in s4 is green with lighting bolts on the sides 🥹” ??!!! JJ AND KIES BOAT WHAT?
Pics or it didn’t happen. I need to know the name so bad.
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loveharlow · 3 months
Ok hey so I saw someone say this: “Lowkey the dog part and what jj says about the kiss” and I’m CONFUSED and getting fomo lmfao😭 which chapter?
lmaoo y'all are making me feel bad with the fomo😭, here, i'll copy it here but it's from Season 2 - 005 (pt 2)
“Hi, girl.” You cooed, crouching down as the animal threw herself off the couch and into your arms. “How you feelin’?” You asked, scratching behind her ears before looking up to find Kie in the kitchen, lingering silently. She paced, fiddling with her fingers while struggling to hesitantly meet your eyes.
“Hey.” She said simply, eyes on you and JJ. You both sent the girl half-smiles, lips pulled into thin, tight lines. “I thought everyone had left, I didn’t know you two were…I, um, I fed her so, you shouldn’t have to worry about that.” She told you, shoving her hands in her back pockets nervously. “How are you? Or is that a…bad question to ask?”
You just shrugged one shoulder, swallowing awkwardly. “A lot better. Thanks for asking…” You replied genuinely. The room was filled with such a strong tension. By this point, everyone knew about the kiss between JJ and Kie. And everyone knew that everyone knew. The three of you stood around avoiding each other’s gazes, the only sound being the birds outside and Marley’s heavy panting. It didn’t feel right to be so hostile with Kie after everything that happened yesterday. And plus, you guessed you never got her side of everything. But even if the tension was no longer volatile, it was still awkward and suffocating. 
“Well, we should get goin’…” JJ piped up.
“Yeah, yeah, totally.” Kiara waved off, tucking her hair behind her ear and grabbing her tote bag from the dining chair. “I’ll…see you guys later.”
“You aren’t going to school?” You asked, Kiara stopping with her hand on the door. 
“No, I have some stuff to do. But I’ll catch up later.” She said, holding her hand up as a goodbye. “See ya.”
You both watched as she left — hearing her sneakers crunch oddly fast through the gravel before the sound faded out. You looked to JJ as his voice rang out. “Is it my place to say that you two need to talk it out?”
You grimaced before walking forward, out of the front door and towards your parked car as JJ followed. “I don’t know…” You dragged on, opening the driver’s side door as JJ got into the passenger seat. “It’s weird now. We’re together and she likes you…”
“Eh, I don’t think so.” JJ shrugged as you started the car, shooting him a confused look as you pulled out. 
“What do you mean?” You asked. “She kissed you.”
“I mean, yeah, but it was like she didn’t mean to. I didn’t want to say anything last night because it didn’t feel right to bring it up.” He said, looking at you as you drove, admiring the way the morning sun illuminated your eyelashes. “She came to me last night in the Surf Shack and apologized, said she had her feelings mixed up. I guess she meant between me and Pope, maybe? I don’t know. But she made it clear that she doesn’t like me like that, at the very least. But apparently, she also broke things off with Pope so, I’m confused on what she meant. Either way, maybe you’re the person she needs to talk to.” He suggested cooly. “Just sayin’.”
“Hm.” You hummed in thought, eyes trained on the road as your eyebrows pinched. Maybe JJ had a point. But when Kie was ready to talk, she would.
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jiarafics1 · 2 years
Home by jiaranation 1/1 (T)
Summary: "Pope, do you copy? The boat is leaving the main harbor, they still have Marley. Track it, I wanna know where their next move is before they do. I don't care what networks you have to use or what we have to do. FIND THAT BOAT!" Kie took a deep breath, she couldn't stop thinking about the letter Marley's kidnapper had left. What could she possibly have taken that they want?
"You took something very important to me and I want it back. So until then, I took something very important of yours...your daughter. Think of her as collateral. You know what I want. Bring it to the National docks by midnight or you'll never see your precious little girl again. If you think I'm bluffing, just try me. Guaranteed you won't like the outcome if you choose to ignore this request. See you soon."
Based on the song 'Home' by Catie Turner
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rafecameronsbadussy · 2 years
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Only You|| Surf’s Up (Ch. 1)
Summary: Reader wakes up to find herself in a typical predicament. She proceeds to join the pouges for some fun in the sun and surfs with a certain Maybank boy;).
Warnings: alcohol consumption
My work is not to be plagiarized.
A/n: Hello dears! I am so excited to bring this series to tumblr. I hope you will enjoy part one of Only You. I’m hoping I can get chapter two out by tomorrow <3.
The Outer Banks, Paradise on Earth.
It's the sort of place where you either have two jobs or two houses. Two tribes one island.
There's figure eight, the rich side of the island. Home of the kooks. Guess where we don't live.
And then there's the south side, or "the cut". Home of the working class who make a living bussing tables, washing yachts, running charters. Natural habitat of drumroll please... the pouges.
There's JJ, my best friend since the third grade. He's about as local as they come. Latest in a long line of fishing, smuggling, vendetta holding, salt-lifers who made their living off the water. Best surfer I know, just don't tell him I said that.
Now there's Y/n. A pouge through and through.
Y/n and JJ have had a thing for each other for as long as anyone can remember. But they both keep... busy. When she's not batting her lashes, you'll find her raving about "real music", or how our society is going to implode because we're all too close-minded. She's definitely going somewhere, not far, but somewhere.
And there's Kiara, or Kie, as we call her. She's a rich kid, actually, foot in both worlds. And when she's not saving turtles, or listening to Marley, or getting a dolphin tattoo, she hangs out with us.
And there's Pope, the brains of the operation. Finalist for the Lucas T. Vanderhorst Merit Scholarship. And the smartest person I know. A little bit of a weirdo. He's a pouge, just like the rest of us.
So that’s my crew, and that’s me, John Booker Routledge.
Y/n’s POV
Your eyes opened to an unfamiliar room, cluttered with clothes and sports paraphernalia.
"Shit," you mumble, slowly picking someone's arm off of you and slipping out of their bed. You turned away and started sliding on your half-wet bathing suit and clothes as quickly as possible, racking your brain for what happened last night.
"Hey," the guy grumbled, your face instinctively scrunched. Who is this mother fucker.
"Hey..." you whispered back, scrambling with your clothes and picking up your phone.
"Where are you going?" you slowly turn around at this.
"Breakfast," your eyes wandered around the room before discovering a sizable Tom Brady poster right above the bed that makes your eyes bulge.
"Come back to bed." Your eyes are drawn back as he grabs your arm and pulls you to sit on the bed.
"I will, hang on." You say squeezing his hand, smiling, and standing up. You tiptoe out of the house, thankfully making it out without confrontation.
Then a friendly brown van littered with stickers approaches from behind.
"No shit." You half-shout grinning. You hear John B and Kie whooping from inside.
"Woah Y/n, little early for a walk," JJ says. The Twinkie stops and Kie slides the back door open for you.
"You dirty girl." Kie teases.
"Haha very funny," you say smiling as you climb in and shut the door. You now recognize the area as Kie's neighborhood. The Twinkie begins moving once again, as you take your seat next to Kie.
"Shit Y/n, you're macking with kooks now." John B says from the driver's seat.
"I mean, gotta start networking to become a trophy wife early."
"That's what I'm sayin'," Kie adds, her hair blowing from the open windows
"Hey where's Pope?" you ask no one in particular.
"We're on our way over there now." John B replies.
"Ahh," you reply. Then, he and JJ start talking about fishing or some weird redneck shit.
"Sooo... how was it?" Kie questions grinning. You playfully roll your eyes and smile back.
"Who knows anymore, they all blend together."
"It looks like he liked it," she says, her smile still beaming, pointing to your neck. You pull out your phone to check.
"Oh my god." you start, "Men are literally feral, why am I getting marked like a piece of meat."
"He's gotta make sure you know you're his." her smile was stationary on her face.
"Come on baby, get back in bed and snuggle." she mocks, batting her lashes and pulling your arm.
"No because he basically said that," you respond, eyes widening. "That's not even the worst part. He had a Tom Brady poster above his bed."
"Noo," she replied, covering her mouth with her hand.
"Yeah," you respond, nodding.
"Maybe this is my sign from the universe to stop hoeing around."
"Eh, I won't though." you and Kie laugh together. "What about you? I see the way you and a certain someone have been acting." you pester beaming from ear to ear.
"Shut your mouth," she says raising her eyebrows making you giggle more. She glances at the thankfully, still preoccupied boys, specifically the brunette. "You really can't talk, what about you and blondie?"
"We just flirt for fun. You on the other hand... I see the sly little kisses on the cheek. You're not as slick as you think Missy." you say, pointing an accusatory finger her way.
"You can kiss people on the cheek. Friends kiss each other on the cheek all the time."
"Oh really, when have you ever kissed me on the cheek."
"Uh-..." she starts.
"Exactly," you say, lowering your finger. She then pecks your cheek and your mouth hangs open, your hand flys to the distinct spot. You gasp lightly. "Wow,"
"Um-" a muddled, awkward Pope stands outside the open door of the van. You and Kie both burst into laughter.
All the pouges and you lay sprawled out on the secluded beach, beer in hand. The sun is radiant and the waves crash against the shore.
"Do you think dogs can read minds?" JJ says from beside you on your towel.
"How drunk are you?" Pope asks from his beach chair.
"Maybe," you reply laying on your stomach with your head on your arms. "They're so smart."
"Yeah, smarter than me," JJ replies
"You know, you remind me of a Golden Retriever." you say turning back to look at him over your shoulder, "You're like pure lightheartedness."
"Roof, roof." JJ starts barking. You laugh and nudge him with your leg. "Wait, that's like the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me."
"Aww," you say sticking out your bottom lip a bit.
"Y'all are weird." John B says before taking a sip of his beer.
"You're just boring," you reply grinning at him, making him sarcastically roll his eyes.
"Wanna surf?" JJ asks you smiling.
"Who do you think I am." you grin as he grabs your hand to help you up. You take off your shorts and shirt and are met with an ogling boy. "Pick up your jaw blondie," you say, grinning.
"Just enjoying the view." His eyes drink you up and down and a smirk plays on his lips.
"Like what you see?"
"Mhm," he hums in content.
"Come on, dork," you say, putting a hand on his jaw to playfully turn his head to the side. You both jog off towards the crashing waves of the sparkling ocean with your boards. You take turns watching each other surf the waves and while watching him your mind begins to wander.
He surfs the wave effortlessly, his wet hair clings to his face, which is way more attractive than you'd like to admit. And his sparkling blue eyes mirror the hue of the ocean which makes him appear almost godlike. The sight in front of you brings you back to Kie's words. "What about you and blondie?".
Like you had already admitted you and JJ flirted, but you always assumed it was just flirting and nothing else. Now you were beginning to think it was more than that.
Nah no way it's just sexual attraction. I mean sure his smile felt like a beam of sunlight. And his embrace elicited fireworks in your chest. Not to mention every time you make eye contact you could swear your heart stops beating.
It's definitely just sexual.
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jeyramarie · 3 years
the pogue ballerina- JJ Maybank x Carrera! Reader
summary: you finally meet your sister’s friends
a/n: it’s been a while but i was re-watching the show and thought of this. I hope it’s good, I have an idea for a part 2 so if you guys like that let me know! happy reading 🦋 also good life is back on 🤙🏽 let’s go @halsmultibitch
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Being part of a kook family meant that you were gonna be involved in extracurricular activities.’To develop your talent’ they said. Unlike your sister Kie, you’ve been doing things since you were little. You took piano classes when you were 8, violin at 10 and ballet at 11. Musical instruments didn’t really feel like your ideal thing so you stuck with dance. 
Kie, on the other hand, only enjoyed surfing, smocking weed, listening to Marley and hanging with the pogues. You’ve never really interacted with them before, you always wondered how they were or what they talked about. The class went longer than expected which gave slight anxiety do the fact that you hated to keep your dad waiting. He always picked you up after work, ever since your first class. 
“You all did wonderfully today. Ana, work on your arm extensions. Y/n... very good work.” your teacher said making you smile as you looked down in embarrassment. You don’t have any friends outside of your family so when the teacher compliment you all you received were dirty looks from all the other girls. 
“You girls can go. Remember to come back with a well choreographed solo!” she said as the girls walked out, leaving you alone with the teacher as you gathered your things. You sat on the floor and removed your point shoes slowly, letting out a breath of relief are you freed your toes. Then you put on your sweats, sliding into your flip-flops as you popped in your headphones. You made your way outside ignoring all the whispers around you and began looking for your dad. 
“Hey! Y/n!” a voice shouted from behind you making you turn your head to see Kiara driving your dad’s truck with her friends. 
“Kie? Wh-what are you doing with dad’s truck?” you asked with wide eyes as you removed your headphones. The blonde boy in the passenger seat looked you up and down as he bit his lip and smirked. You didn’t notice but your sister did which made her roll her eyes and slap him in the arm. 
“Quit it!” she muttered as he chuckled and looked down at his lap. 
“Get in Y/n.” Kie said as she smiled at you widely. You made your way to the truck, getting in the back seat with two other boys. 
“Hi, i’m John B. This is Pope and that’s JJ.” the shaggy haired boy said shaking your hand.
“Hey, i’m Y/n.”
“Oh, we know.” JJ said lowly thinking you didn’t hear, when in reality you did. You sat straight on the seat, with your bag on your lap and your phone in your hand. The boys started making small talk, asking you about what you did in class and the things that you’ll do. The truck came to a stop and when you looked you were at the Wreck. All of you got out, still holding the conversation as the door bell rang. 
“Kiara! You took my truck!” Mike shouted walking around the counter and standing in front of his daughter. 
“I’m sorry, we just went to pick up Y/n.” 
“We? who’s we?” he asked crossing his arms making the pogue swallow. 
“Me and the guys..” 
“Kiara.. you put those dirty pogues into my truck?” Mike asked with gritted teeth walking closer to Kie.
“I called her.” You said making everyone turn to you.
“I called her cause class ended early... a-and i knew you were busy..” Mike stared at you, then at Kie and nodded walking back into the kitchen. When he was out of view your sister let out a breath in relief as she turned to you. 
“Thank you so much.” she smiled and pulled you into a tight hug. 
“Boys, take a seat. I’ll bring out the food.” Kiara said as she walked into the kitchen while the boys walked to a table leaving you alone in the middle of the restaurant, not knowing what to do. You were about to turn around and leave when you heard a whistle coming from the boys. 
“Come sit Y/n!” John B shouted waving you over to them. You sat down with them and continued to talk for some time till Kie brought over the food. A few minutes after Mike walked out and placed your favorite burger in front of you making you smile.
“Thanks dad.” you said as he bent down and pecked your head. 
“So, you have a boyfriend?” JJ asked you out of nowhere making your cheeks turn a soft shade of red. 
“Um.. n-no. I don’t.” you said nervous fidgeting with the straw in your drink.
“Good.” he muttered and took a bite off his burger. The boys ate really fast, talked with their mouth full making you a bit uncomfortable. You couldn’t believe someone could have no manners and be animalistic all at once. That caused you to be quiet the whole time until Pope noticed your distance. 
“Hey.. you okay? you’ve been really quiet.” he said in a low voice not wanting to interrupt JJ and John B’s argument over weed. 
“Yeah, i’m just... not used to this.”
“Not used to what?” JJ asked with his mouth full making specks of fries fly out to the table. 
“Um.. I eat alone... like, 95% of the time. So all of this is new to me.” you said and took a bite off your burger. After some time the pogues finished eating and started standing up to leave. You thought they were gonna leave you there but one particular boy stayed to wait for you, after Kie told him too. 
“You stayed back... why?” you asked with a confused expression as JJ took off his hat, tan his hand through his hair and placed his hat on again.
“Didn’t want to leave you alone, plus Kie told me to.” you chuckled which made him lift his head to really look at you. He never really noticed how beautiful you were until that moment.
“What are you guys doing after this?”
“We’ll probably go to the marsh for a bit, do some fishing.... some swimming.” JJ said and turned his head to look at you, to see that you were already staring.
“Do you wanna come with?”
“Um.. i don’t think i can. I don’t know if anyone would be comfortable with that.” you said fidgeting with your fingers.
“Hey, don’t worry. Everyone liked you anyway. You should definitely come with us.” he smiled and suddenly stood up extending his hand for you to grab. You looked at his hand and back at him as he gave you a soft smile.
“Come on, Y/n. Come on, don’t think about it too much.”
“Okay.” you muttered and placed your hand on his as your other hand grabbed your dance bag. JJ dragged you with him till you both stood next to the Twinkie. He never released his hand from yours as you stepped into the van. You say next to each other and continued your conversation on the way to the Chateau.
Once at the Chateau, the boys gathered everything for your afternoon at the marsh. They got the cooler and the beers leaving you and Kie inside the house.
“Wear this.” she said handing you a black bikini.
“Um.. thanks.”
“You’re welcome. I’ll wait for you out here.” Kie said and disappeared into the kitchen as you changed out of you leotard and tights. You tied both pieces of the swimsuit as you stared at yourself in the mirror. You were debating on whether to take the bun off or keep it on. ‘It’s the marsh Y/n, take the bun off’ you told yourself as you took a deep breath and began to take out the bobby-pins.
Your head felt an immense relief as the twisted hair cascaded down your back. Curls came into view as you took a bit of water in your hand and distributed it around your whole set of hair. You folded your clothes and placed them inside your bag, zipping it as you walked out.
“Well, hello there Ms. Carrera!” Kie shouted when she saw you.
“Look at you, all hot and shit. Who knew you had all that?” you laughed and placed your bag on the sofa. You took a pair of Kie’s shorts that were thrown there and put them on finishing your “look”. You blushed and walked out to the porch to see JJ staring at you. You both held your stares until John B slapped JJ’s head making his trance break. 
“Okay, you ready?” Kie asked as she closed the porch door to stand next to you. You nodded and followed her down to the dock where the boys were waiting. Everyone took their seats, John B drove, Pope sat next to him, Kie was in charge on handing the beers and you and JJ sat next to each other. 
“You look really pretty.” he whispered into your ear making you smile and blush as you looked at your lap. 
“Thank you.” 
“What are you doing tomorrow?” JJ asked and took a sip from his beer. 
“Maybe practice a bit at home. Why?” 
“Do you wanna... I don’t know. Go out to eat or something?” he said nervously looking at his beer and then at you. You smiled and stared at him with sparkly eyes as your heart started racing. This boy was gonna change your life forever and you didn’t even know it yet. 
taglist: @obxmxybxnk @o-b-x @a-wari @teenwaywardasgardian @a-golden-sunflower-vol-6 @x-lulu @jewel25 @the-unloved-person @sunsetsofanemoia @sexualparkour @lust-for-pan @obx-direction-sos @its-storytime @ilovefandoms102 @halsmultibitch @amorhollands @ilovejjmaybank @slutforjjmaybank @beth-winchester21
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doubleleoenergy · 3 years
iii. Angel, The Princess and the Pogue Series
And even though we live inside a dangerously empty life. You always seem to bring the light, you always seem to bring the light.
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: JJ Maybank x fem!reader
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, mentions of alcohol, mentions of drug use, mentions of suicide, mentions of alcoholism and addiction, swearing, if there are any others please let me know.
Summary: JJ spends a late night with y/n and finds out they’ve got a lot more in common than it seems.
Words: 2863
As soon as the last school bell chimed Thursday afternoon, the gang jumped from their seats and headed straight for John B’s van. JJ lingered in the hallway, leaning against a set of lockers outside of y/n’s class as he waited for her. He had spent any chance he had during the school day around her. It was like she was a beacon of light, a beacon of hope, after so many things in his life had gone wrong. Of course, he wasn’t sure if she even found him remotely attractive in that way, but he sure as shit thought she was.
Y/N’s class had finally dismissed for the day and she stepped out into the hall, smiling as she saw JJ who was standing there with a big goofy grin on his face. “You didn’t have to wait for me, I could’ve walked out to the van on my own.” She commented.
JJ pushed off the lockers, falling in step beside her, an arm draping loosely over her shoulders. Her heartbeat quicker in her chest, though she tried to play it off, letting her expression remain calm. “A princess should never walk alone.” He teased, pushing the front door of the school open with his opposite hand.
“Not sure I’m a princess.” She retorted, rolling her eyes dramatically which caused him to laugh.
“Well, that’s your new nickname, sorry princess.” He let go of her shoulder and jogged forward to the van, meeting Kiara for their secret handshake before sending a salute in John B’s direction.
“You ready to fish, y/n?” Kiara asked, hopping in after her into the van and shutting the door behind them. Again, she was sandwiched between Kiara and JJ, which of course she didn’t mind at all.
“Yeah, I think I’ve only fished once in my life, with a cousin in Montana. But I didn’t catch shit and refused to go after that.” She picked at her cuticles, watching as the van started cruising down the street, John B’s free hand moving to grab Sarah’s who sat in her usual spot in the passenger seat.
“Well, we’re kinda experts at this, so if you don’t at least catch one fish you’ve got some bad juju on you.” Pope responded, earning a smack to the chest from Kiara. “Damn Kie, it’s just a joke!” The gang laughed, John B continuing to drive until he pulled over at a dingey corner store, JJ hopping out of the back seat and going inside. Sarah started belting out the lyrics to a Bob Marley tune as they waited, JJ emerging minutes later carrying two cold packs of Natural Light.
“Can’t fish without beer, that’s a Pogue sin!” He claimed, shutting the door as he nestled back into his spot beside y/n. Five minutes later they pulled into the docks, John B parking his van in an empty spot before everyone hopped out one-by-one. The boat John B had was not the prettiest, but it just showed its resilience. He hopped in first before helping Sarah get in, JJ passing up the beer for John B to set down in the boat.
Y/N, Pope, and Kiara got in after, JJ waiting on the dock for John B’s signal to push off. He gave it a swift push after a nod from the other man, jumping in as John B turned the keys in the ignition, driving the boat off into the deeper portion of the water.
“It’s beer o’clock!” JJ commented, opening one end of the first case and passing out beers to everyone, including y/n. She opened the can and took a long swig, admiring the water as they trolled in the deep.
“We’re gonna want to go to the far side, that’s where the fish are feeding right now.” John B noted, the speed of the boat increasing as he headed in that direction. Sarah turned on the radio, the music wafting as they sped farther away from shore towards the sweet spot where they’d anchor down at.
Y/N’s hair whipped in the wind, taking in the view as they cruised along the water. The Outer Banks truly was paradise on earth, as the sign had stated when she first arrived. She wasn’t sure how she would feel, being in a new town for her final year of high school, but she just felt meant to be there, like it was fate.
Soon enough the boat slowed, Pope grabbing the anchor and tossing it in when John B instructed him to, finally turning off the ignition and sitting back in his seat, taking a heavy swig of his beer.
“Alright, let's get the poles set up.” John B took the poles that were slid tight against the side of the boat, handing one to each person aboard before opening the container of worms. JJ pulled a knife from his pocket, cutting a few longer worms in half, everyone grabbing a piece.
“Can you put it on yourself, princess?” JJ questioned, wrapping his worm tight on his hook before inspecting y/n’s in her hand. She scoffed, following what JJ had just done, wrapping the worm around the hook, stabbing it through until it was stuck tight.
“How’s this?” She tilted her head to the side, sticking her tongue out at him. JJ displayed his middle finger playfully at her, finishing the last little bit of his beer before he moved to the bow of the boat, standing up and casting his rod.
Y/N moved to stand next to Sarah and Pope, casting out as they did and making sure not to cross lines, as Pope had told instructed her not to do. It wasn’t long before the Pogues were reeling in fish, taking them off and inspecting them before tossing them back in the cool water. They seemed to make a competition of it, seeing whose fish was bigger and how many fish they could catch.
Ten minutes had gone by, everyone but y/n catching a fish. “Maybe you were right Pope, I’ve clearly got some bad juju following me.” She huffed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
“Nah, you’re just not doing it right.” JJ motioned her over to him where he stood at the bow, having y/n watch him cast. “See, I cast it out and I let it sink a bit before I start slowly reeling in. You gotta jiggle it a bit now and then too. Now you try.” He reeled in completely, his eyes on her as she took her turn. She listened to his notes, casting out far and waiting briefly before she started to reel, stopping after a few turns of the handle to jiggle her line. Sure enough, after a few turns of the handle she felt a bite, tugging sharply to ensure it was on the hook. Her line started moving from left to right as the fish tried to swim away.
“Fuck, I got one!” She cried out, reeling it in bit by bit, listening to JJ as he coached her through it. Soon enough the fish was above the water, y/n jumping up and down happily. The Pogues clapped behind her, cheering her on as she put her finger in the fish's mouth just as she had seen Sarah do, carefully freeing the hook from where it had been caught.
“We need to document this!” Kiara stated, opening the camera on her phone. “Say...fish food!” Y/N smiled at the camera, allowing the woman to snap a few pictures before she looked up at JJ proudly.
“Great job, and now a kiss.” JJ instructed, taking a swig from his second beer.
“For you or the fish?” The boat became dead silent at y/n’s words, JJ’s cheeks flashing crimson as he choked on the swig of beer. “I’m kidding.” That was a lie, she would’ve kissed him. She pecked the fish near its eyes before tossing it back into the water with a smile.
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 They continued to fish until the sun started to lower in the sky, y/n finally catching five and Kiara catching the most with eleven. The Pogues settled back into the boat, the music softly playing, the fishing poles now stashed away as they continued to sip on their beers.
“So, y/n, you said it’s just you and your sister?” Sarah chirped, leaning back into John B’s embrace.
“Uh yeah, she’s great. She’s actually working a double shift tonight at the hospital, but she told me to tell you guys hello and she can’t wait to meet you all sometime.” Pope trolled the boat on the route back towards the docks, taking another swig from his can.
“What about your parents?” He blurted out, receiving a hard smack from Kiara.
“You don’t have to answer that y/n.” She retorted, a death glare meeting Pope’s confused expression.
“N-No, it’s alright.” She swallowed, looking down at her hands as she continued. She’d eventually have to share; it might as well be now. And she’d had three beers, the liquid courage all she needed. “Well, my parents, my sister, and I lived here until I was three. My mom moved us after...well, after my dad shot himself. He battled with depression his whole life and the depression finally won.” John B turned the music off as she spoke, everyone going silent, even JJ.
“My mom couldn’t enjoy living here after my dad’s death, so she packed us up and we moved to Montana. My Aunt and Uncle live out there, so she wanted to be closer to family. My mom became a shell of a person, she couldn’t get over losing my dad and so she coped with alcohol. She was good at hiding it at first, sipping from a water bottle at my sister’s high school graduation, or adding a splash to her morning cup of coffee. Eventually it just got worse and she developed cirrhosis of the liver. She died a year ago from it.” Y/N cleared her throat with a sip of beer. “Enough of my sad, shitty life, the sunsets sure are beautiful here.”
JJ knew how she felt, all too well. Though his mother left him, and his piece of shit father was alive, he knew the struggles of having a parent with an addiction. He put a hand on her thigh, startling her briefly before her body untensed, enjoying the comforting gesture.
“Yeah, it really is.” Kiara agreed, eager to move the conversation away from y/n’s family, as it was clear she was done talking about it. “Ya’ll down for a dip?” Before anyone can protest Kiara is shimmying out of her shorts and top, her body clad in a navy-blue bikini as she hopped off the boat into the water.
“Hell yeah!” Pope added, pulling off his shirt as he dove in next to her. Sarah and John B joined them, jumping hand-in-hand off the boat.
“Shit, I forgot to put my bottoms on.” Y/N noted, Kiara leaning up on the edge of the boat beside the woman.
“It’s fine, just go in your underwear. It’s basically the same thing.” She let go of the boat, floating on her back in the water.
JJ stood up beside y/n, tossing his shirt off, giving y/n a view of his bare chest. His chest was tanned from the sun and chiseled; his arm muscles taut as he stretched them over his head. He met her gaze, a smirk playing on his lips as he noticed her eyes on him.
“C’mon, princess.” He joked before he dove off the boat and under the water, emerging seconds later, shaking out his blonde locks.
“Alright, I’m coming.” Y/N pulled her shirt up and set it on the seat, JJ’s eyes instinctively taking in her breasts clothed in a tiny orange bikini top. She pushed down her shorts, her black lace cheeky panties catching JJ’s attention, his breath hitching in his throat. Her body was gorgeous. She moved to the edge of the boat, John B and Sarah egging her on as she jumped in.
The water was cool, enveloping her body and refreshing her skin. She stayed under for a moment before resurfacing, whipping her hair off her face. They all waded around in the water, John B and Pope starting a war over who could splash the other the hardest.
JJ floated over to y/n, taking in the sight of her again beside him. Breathtaking, as always. “Sorry about your parents.” He mumbled, running a hand through his wet, shaggy hair.
“It’s alright, I’ve been through tons of therapy by now to know ‘it’s not my fault’, ‘addiction is a disease’, ‘depression can develop in the happiest people’. Blah, blah, blah.” She mocked herself, her lip quivering slightly at her words.
“My dad’s an alcoholic and a drug addict.” JJ admitted. “Used to beat the shit outta me. Luckily that bastard is far gone, haven’t seen him since he left over a year ago. So, we’ve got that in common. The parent with an addition, I mean. And you know, I’m here for you. Or whatever.” He mumbled, trying to seem nonchalant about the offer.
“Thanks, JJ. You’re a good guy.” It had been awhile since he heard that, but it made his heart soar knowing she felt that way.
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They swam until the sun had disappeared in the sky, heading into shore and docking the boat once again. They had air-dried by that point and pulled their clothes back on, everyone hopping out of the boat and heading for the van.
“Alright, John B do you mind dropping me off at The Wreck? I promised to help my parents clean up tonight.” Kiara asked, leaning back against the seat of the van.
“Yeah, sure Kie. We’ll drop you off first.” They drove towards The Wreck, everyone exhausted from the day of school followed by their boating adventure. As the gang talked amongst themselves, y/n’s eyes started to drift shut, her body lulling until she leaned her head against JJ’s shoulder, startling him at first. He took one look at her sleeping, a smile creeping onto his face, and he let her sleep, his fingers tracing lightly against the skin of her thigh as they drove.
They dropped Kiara off first, then Pope, dropping Sarah off at her place after, but not before she gave John B a soft goodnight kiss.
“Alright, let’s head to y/n’s place.” John B looked back at JJ, noticing y/n still asleep on his shoulder.
“Let her sleep, JB. We can just bring her back to your place for the night.” JJ announced, his hand still tracing her thigh.
“Dude, you’ve got it so bad for her.” John B replied, backing out of Sarah’s driveway and heading towards the Château.
“Shut up.” He retorted, shooting up his middle finger for John B to see in his rearview mirror.
“Is it so bad if you did? I’m with Sarah, and I couldn’t imagine my life without her.” John B turned down the road towards his place, glancing at JJ from his mirror every so often.
“M’not good at this stuff, JB.” JJ had never really held down a steady relationship. He got girls, for sure, but all were just one-night stands, nothing more. If he was being totally honest, he didn’t know if he deserved to be loved by someone like John B and Sarah. He didn’t know if someone could actually love all his broken pieces, and he didn’t want to feel like a burden on anyone.
The van pulled to a stop, John B hopping out and heading inside. JJ wrapped one arm behind y/n’s back, scooting her until his other arm scooped under her legs, pulling her up and out of the back seat. He carried her in his arms, y/n’s eyes fluttering open, blinking in the night sky.
“What are you doing?” She mumbled, her head lulling to look up at JJ as they entered the shack.
“I didn’t want to wake you, you just looked...peaceful. We can take you home if you’d like.” Y/N shook her head, letting him carry her until he kicked open his bedroom door, setting her down gently onto his comforter.
“I’ll stay, if that’s okay. I don’t really enjoy being home alone when Bailey’s gone all night.” She fell back against his bed, taking in the sight of his room. It was messy, but she expected that from a guy like him, although the comforter was soft and his mattress plush underneath her back.
“Yeah, of course you can stay. You can stay here anytime.” He glanced at her as she pushed her body under his covers, nuzzling her face into his pillow. “M’gonna sleep on the couch. If you need me, you can come get me…” Before he could finish his sentence y/n’s eyes closed, her breathing heavier as she drifted to unconsciousness again.
���Goodnight, y/n.” JJ whispered, creeping out of his room and shutting the door. He walked into the living room and plopped down on the couch, a huge smile on his face. She had him wrapped around her finger, an angel in his hell, and she had know idea.
Tagging those who may be interested. Please let me know if you’d like to be tagged/untagged: @midnightf, @serendipityrogers, @bucksmotel, @eireduchess, @fuckandfluff, @moniamaybank, @astrydis, @sokovianheadtilt​, @blackwiddows​, @matbarzalschain​, @bigassnocash​, @sspidermanss
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general-kenobi357 · 3 years
Someday Soon-Chapter 3
Pairing: JJ Maybank x Fem!OC
Summary: After finding a new lead the hunt to find the Royal Merchant is on.
Word Count: 4.4k
We all waited anxiously as Kie began to climb out of the mausoleum. I grabbed her flashlight as the boys helped her back onto the ground.
“That's not gold.” JJ stated, as we all examined the FedEx bag Kie had found.
“Holy shit.” John B stuttered, taking the package from Kie’s grasp. “This is from my dad.”
“Code red. Code red. Square groupers! Square groupers!” JJ alerted us to the car that was pulling up. “It's the guys who robbed your house.”
“Light! Light.” Pope reminded us all, as we ducked down to avoid being caught.
“Turn your light off, man!” John B urged JJ, who sat between me and John B, struggling with his head lamp. Reaching over I turned it off for him before we got caught. We all sat in silence. The only sound you could hear was our panicked breathing as we waited for something to happen.
“Do you think it's them?” Kie asked us all.
“Homie's got a gun.” JJ concluded, as he leaned over me to peer around the corner.
“Screw this.” Kie said standing up and breaking into a sprint towards the van.
I sat stunned for a moment more before I felt someone grab my hand and pull me to my feet. Before I knew it we stopped at the tall gate that stood between us and our escape.
“You have to climb over the fence, Sweetheart.” JJ told me, leaning close to my ear and snapping me out of my trance. The only thing I could hear was his voice. “Can you do that?”
“Yeah.” I muttered, as all of our friends began to scale the fence. “I think so.”
As I jumped onto the ground on the other side I finally felt as if I knew where I was again. JJ grabbed my hand again once he landed beside me.
“Hurry up!” Kie urged us all from her spot next to the van.
“Guys! Guys! Guys, I'm stuck.” Pope called out from the top of the gate where his shorts had gotten caught.
“Pope, come on!” JJ called out, just before he realized Pope couldn’t. “Alright hold still.” He concluded letting go of my hand so he could dig through his backpack. It took me a minute before I realized what he was looking for.
“No JJ.” I scolded him before turning to Pope. “Pope you have to jump.”
“You're gonna rip me.” Pope warned, as Kie and John B started to pull him down. “Wait. You're gonna rip me!”
“You're fine. Come on!” Kie told him as his pants tore and he could finally get down.
“Pope, come on!” John B said once he was on the ground. We all began running to the van before we were caught. Tires screeched against the pavement as we finally fled the scene.
Back at the Château we all began to gather around the table ready to find out what Kie had found back at the graveyard.
“That bread had mold on it three days ago.” Pope said in disgust, from the kitchen to my right.
“I'll just pull off the bad parts.” JJ reasoned, making me cringe in disgust. “Plus, mold is good for you. It's just a natural organism.”
“JJ!” Kie urged not willing to wait any longer to see what they had found.
“Yup, yup, yup! Let's do it.” JJ called hurrying into the room with a sandwich in hand. I turned around from where I stood behind John B, watching him take a bite before promptly spitting it into his hand.
“Holy shit.” I heard John B mutter as he opened the bag and dumped its contents onto the table.
“Oh. X marks the spot.” Pope pointed to the X on the map that John B was unfolding.
“Longitude, latitude.” John B pointed out, as we all examined the map of the ocean which surrounded the Outer Banks.
“Wait, there's somethin' else in there.” I said, noticing the map wasn’t the only thing we had found.
“What's that?” JJ asked from his spot beside me.
“It's a tape recorder, dumbass.” Kie answered, sounding frustrated and I couldn’t blame her. We had been through a lot that day and we were all becoming more exhausted as the day dragged out.
John B reached for the tape recorder before hitting the button on the side so it would start playing whatever had been recorded.
“Dear Bird.” A deep voice started speaking. I recognized the voice but without seeing a face I couldn’t place who it was, partially due to the fact I was so tired.
“Who's Bird?” JJ asked.
“That's what my dad called me.” John B answered and suddenly my tired mind put together the pieces and I realized this was all from John B’s father.
“I hate to say, ‘I told you so,’ but I told you so. And you doubted your old man. I suspect at this moment, you're filled with guilt and self-loathing over our last fight, but don't kill yourself just yet, kid. I didn't expect to find the Merchant either…”
As the tape ended we all looked at John B who sat in shock at what his father had just told us all.
“Holy shit, he did it!” JJ exclaimed in shock. “Big John... He found the Merchant…”
“Can you... can you please?” Kie stopped JJ from talking as we watched John B stand up in tears.
“Sorry.” JJ mumbled, realizing his mistake. Kie moved to comfort John B who was barely holding it together.
I turned back to JJ to give John B and Kie a minute, Pope was examining the map again and I saw the guilty look JJ held.
“Come on.” I told JJ, placing a hand on his shoulder to direct him towards the door. “I think there’s some mold free bread at my house.
“Shh.” I reminded JJ, as we entered the dark house, knowing my mom and sister were probably fast asleep inside.
Once in the kitchen I started to grab everything I needed to make us peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, as JJ jumped up to sit on the counter. A comfortable silence fell over us as I made us food. I handed him a plate as I took my own out onto the porch so we didn’t have to be as quiet.
“I’m sorry.” I finally spoke up as we began to eat.
“What?” He asked, confused.
“I’m sorry. I flipped out at you before and I shouldn’t have. You were right, you were just trying to be there for John B.” I explained, remembering the events that had occurred earlier that day.
“Well in all fairness you were also right, I definitely went about it the wrong way.” He responded, making me laugh a little.
“So you still want to be my friend?” I asked, watching his face fall slightly which confused me.
“Of course.” He assured me with a small smile. I smiled back as we finished eating.
Once again we were back to being best friends and laughing as we joked around while we headed back over to the rest of the Pogues.
After gathering the rest of the Pogues we had made our way to John B’s dock where we all sat, drinking again. I sat next to JJ leaning against him. The events of the day were starting to catch up to me and I felt as if I might crash soon. I listened to the others discuss the Royal Merchant while I tried to keep myself awake.
“How much was it again?” Pope asked.
“Four hundred mil.” John B reminded, he sounded as if he couldn’t even imagine a number that big.
“All right, let's talk the split.” JJ spoke up, I could feel the vibrations of his voice pass from him to me, keeping me slightly more awake. “Now, before we say ‘evenly,’ may I remind you that I am the only one that can properly defend us from those groupers who were after us. Protection? Not cheap, okay?”
“You haven't trained.” Pope told him. “You've done zero training.”
“YouTube, bro! That's at least a five percent bump right there. Any objections? Didn't think so.” He concluded which made me laugh.
“Yeah.” Pope tried to object but JJ had already moved on.
“What are you gonna do with your 80 mil, Pope?” JJ asked curiously.
“Pay for college in advance. And also, textbooks. Those are expensive.” Pope explained confidently. “What about you, Kie?”
“Yeah, what does a socialist do when she's rich?” John B asked.
“I just wanna make a double album.” She told us wishfully. “About OBX, the Pogues. You know, the way Catch a Fire is about Kingston. Record it at Marley Studio, Peter Tosh producing.”
“Peter Tosh is dead.” John B tried to reason.
“Peter Tosh is dead.” Kie agreed. “I know. Spirit of Peter Tosh will never die.”
“What about you Iz?” John B asked, as everyone turned to look at me.
“Well, I’m gonna buy my Mom our old house on Figure Eight. Then I'm moving to Hawaii, I’ll build a little house right on the beach. Surf every morning.” I explained, smiling while I thought about it all.
“How are you going to build a house? You can’t even use a screwdriver.” JJ teased me.
“Hey if Kie gets a dead producer, I get to pretend I know how to build a house.” I reasoned.
“Alright well, I know what I'll do.” JJ told us. “I'm gonna get a big ass house on Figure Eight and go full Kook.”
“You're gonna go full Kook?” I asked laughing at the thought.
“Yup.” He nodded. “Gonna get a marble statue of myself, and then I'm gonna get a koi pond. Put a bunch of those fish…”
“I'm never visiting.” Kie warned. “What are you gonna do, JB?”
“To going full Kook.” He decided finally, raising his beer.
“To going full Kook!” We all agreed as we clinked our beers together.
“All right, keep a look out.” JJ warned us all as we pulled up to the nicest hotel on the island. “We're behind enemy lines.”
I’d been here a few times before, once with my dad when I was young and a couple of times I had gone to see JJ on his lunch break. It still amazed me every time, especially now when I knew what it was like on the cut.
“Yo, come on, man. Just put it back.” Pope urged, pulling me out of my thoughts. I looked back into the van where JJ sat messing around with his new favorite toy.
“What? You can never be too careful.” JJ reasoned.
“Hey, I predict that bringing a weapon to a four-star hotel will likely cause more problems than they solve.”
“I swear to God, I'm gonna throw that thing in the ocean, JJ.” Kie warned him from the backseat of the van.
“Put it back.” I told him, taking the gun from his grasp and placing it back into the glove compartment. It seemed like me having to take away the gun from him was becoming more of a common occurrence.
“You can't grab a gun like that.” JJ explained, before he bent over to shuffle through his backpack. “Can't forget my badge. Professional busboy.” He reminded me, flashing the badge in front of my face.
“So, where are we going now?” Pope asked, as we all followed JJ to the kitchen entrance.
“We're getting on the internet because only rich people have electricity right now.” JJ explained, as we walked through the lobby of the hotel, most of the guests stared and I didn’t blame them. A group of Pogues willingly in the middle of Figure Eight was not a common occurrence. “See, they got the backup generators going? Kooks don't miss a beat.”
“Sweet Lord, the internet!” Pope cried out, as we entered the computer room. “I've missed you.”
“Let me get in there.” JJ said, sitting down next to Pope. “Gotta check out my Insta models.”
“We don't have time.” Kie tried to remind him that we were on a mission here.
“Coordinates, please?” Pope asked, getting ready to search them.
“34° 57' 30 " north. 75° 55' 42" west.” John B read off the map. “Boom, continental shelf right there.”
“Well, if it's off the deep end, it's not gonna be much of a treasure hunt, is it?” I reminded him trying not to get my hopes up yet.
“Come on, baby.” Pope muttered, as he zoomed in on the map and we all leaned in closer to get a better look. “Come on.”
“Shit, it's on the high side. It's only 900 feet.” John B let out the breath he was holding.
“That's not too deep.” JJ supplied.
“Is that doable or something?” Kie asked confused.
“Yeah, totally doable.” JJ responded.
“Will we be taking your personal submarine?” Pope asked.
“How do you know this, Mr. Dive Master?” I added.
“The salvage yard. They got a drone that can drop 1,000. It has a 360 camera and everything.” JJ explained to us. “It's for, like, deep dives and stuff. It's exactly what we need.”
“Can your dad get his grimy little hands on that?” John B asked, hopefully.
“Well, my dad's grimy little hands got his ass fired.” JJ informed us. “I guess the salvage captain frowns on showing up shitfaced, turns out. But the drone's there. It's in the impound yard out back.”
“How much did you say was on the Royal Merchant again?” I asked trying to weigh the pros and cons in my mind.
“400 million.” John B reminded us.
“400 mil.” JJ confirmed as we all seemed to come to an agreement that whatever we had to do was worth it.
“No. Absolutely not. Absolutely not. No!” Pope realized what was going on. He rushed to the door trying to block our way.
“Pope! Move.” Kie urged.
“Can't we do anything legal for money?” Pope asked me as I walked past him following the rest of the Pogues.
“When you have 400 million dollars everything is legal.” I reasoned with him.
“Pope, we're not stealing the drone. We're borrowing it.” John B explained, we were all still trying to get him on board with the plan.
"Humans are the only animal that can't tell fantasy from reality." Pope told us hopelessly.
“Did you come up with that?”
“Albert Bernstein came up with it, but it applies to this whole treasure-hunting thing. So, which is it? Fantasy or reality?”
“Why are you so weird, Pope?” JJ asked, more focused on the joint he was rolling than the conversation we were all having.
“It's fantasy, but possible reality.” John B concluded, after thinking for a moment.
“Reality.” Kie reassured from beside him.
“Virtual reality.” JJ told us all, as Pope grabbed the joint from between his lips before JJ could light it.
“Keep the signal clear.”
“You know what your problem is?”
“No! It's that you need to relax, man. You're always so tense!”
“I'm not too tense.”
“Alright you two.” I tried to stop their bickering as I climbed over JJ to get out of the van. Turning back to them I added. “Don’t be stupid, okay?”
“Sweetheart, that’s a big ask.” JJ tried to reason with me.
“Yeah I’m not sure you’ve met JJ.” Pope added.
“Hey I’m not the only one who does stupid stuff.” JJ argued as they started up their bickering again.
“Fine.” I interrupted. “Just… please try to stay out of jail?”
“Yeah alright we can do that I guess.” JJ concluded.
After leaving the boys behind I followed Kie towards her car.
“Alright, I’ll let the air out if you want to go get the guard?” I asked her circling around to the back of the trailer.
As the guard came over to the trailer I pretended to be inspecting the tire I had just flattened.
“It's too easy.” Kie whispered to me, as I stood up to give the guard some space.
“So he just kissed you?” I asked Kie, she had just been recounting what had happened to her and John B when we had left them at the lighthouse. It was nice to talk with her about boy problems. It reminded me of simpler times before we had begun looking for buried treasure and had our lives threatened.
“Yeah and I had no idea what to do.” Kie explained.
I was about to respond when we heard a dog barking from inside the yard.
“Do you hear that?” The guard asked us.
“Hear what?” I asked innocently.
“Oh, Tebow's got somethin'.” He told us.
“It's probably just a raccoon, maybe. You know?” Kie tried to cover for the boys. “Nothin' to worry about. Yeah?”
“Yeah.” He said going back to the tire.
“I’m gonna go give them some more time.” I mumbled to Kie before I went over to the other side of the trailer.
“Are you sure that one’s good?” Kie asked, warning me that the guard was done.
“What are you doing?” He demanded as I stood up from the tire.
“This one looks a little low too.” I tried to cover.
“Wait! Wait!” Kie called. But it was too late he was already running back into the yard.
“Shit.” I muttered as we got into Kie’s car. Hoping that the boys had made it out in time.
“Stealing drones makes you hungry.” Kie joked as John B parked the van in front of The Wreck.
“What I would do to a beer and shrimp and grits right now.” JJ told us as we all piled out of the van.
“It would not be pretty.” Pope teased.
As we walked into the restaurant I saw Kie’s dad frown from behind the counter, he definitely was not our biggest fan. After some convincing Kie walked back to us and told us to sit down as her dad brought out food for us all. I sat down between JJ and Pope as we all dug in.
As we finished up Kie stood and turned up the music that had been playing softly in the background. After some convincing John B joined her as JJ and I laughed at their ridiculous dancing.
Noticing Pope was being especially quiet, I looked back at him concerned, he looked as if someone had taken away his puppy.
“You think Pope’s okay?” I whispered to JJ.
“Yeah.” JJ replied, looking at Pope before turning back to me. “He’s just madly in love with a girl and doesn’t know how to tell her.”
“Hmm.” I hummed, still looking at Pope with concern.
“Come on.” JJ said, pulling me to my feet so we could join John B and Kie. I laughed as he spun me around.
“Pope, what are you waiting for?” I asked with a smile as I held out my hand for him and he reluctantly stood up.
And as we all danced together I forgot about the rest of the world for a couple minutes and enjoyed this moment with all my friends.
The next morning we had gathered on John B’s dock so that Pope could get a handle on the drone controls before we took it out on the open water. I sat in front of Pope and JJ with my feet in the water basking in the sun. I could see storm clouds brewing on the horizon but they hadn’t hit the island yet, for now everything was calm.
“What's this?” I heard JJ ask.
“Don't touch that.” Pope shooed JJ away so he sat down beside me. “I'm trying to work out this thing.”
“God bless geeks, Pope. Truly, man.” JJ added. “What would we do without you to control the drones?”
“It's not a drone. It's an ROV.”
“Shut up. Shut up. It's too early for that right now.”
“Hey, play nice boys.” I reminded them looking between the two.
“Hey, once we get footage of the wreck, we'll bring it to a lawyer in town and file a formal claim.” John B informed us from the water.
“It's bullshit. Why do we have to do that?” JJ sounded like a little kid being told he had to go home from the playground.
“Well, there is maritime salvage law.” Pope told us.
“You can't just go to the ocean floor and scoop a bunch of stuff up.” John B added.
“I know. I know. It's just lawyers aren't cheap, bro.” JJ reasoned.
“As soon as they see the footage, they'll work for a comp.”
“How do you know all of that?” I asked John B.
“'Cause my dad said it, like, a million times.”
“This tether is, like, really long.” Pope spoke up. “In the wrong weather, it could get pushed around.”
“Then we'll go at dead calm.” Kie reasoned as she climbed out of the water. “Slack tide?”
“So now, we just gotta wait around for the right weather.” Pope told us, as we listened to the far away thunder. “And today is not that day.”
As we walked back towards the Château I heard my Mom calling me from the porch of our house.
“Shoot, I forgot I was working today.” I said to the rest of the Pogues.
“You still want us to pick you up later?” JJ asked, as I checked my bag to make sure I had everything.
“Uh yeah, if you’re gonna be over there.” I responded not wanting to inconvenience them.
“Yeah, JJ and I are dropping off groceries on Figure Eight for my dad.” Pope explained.
“Okay, awesome. I’ll be at the Osborne’s house it’s like two docks down from the Cameron's.” I explained, as I made my way over to my mom’s car. “Bye!”
As I finished vacuuming I glanced at the clock on the wall of the Osborne’s house, this was the last house I had to clean today and JJ and Pope were set to pick me up soon. After I finished cleaning up, I headed downstairs to grab my stuff.
“Hey, you all done?” Mrs. Osborne asked me as I entered the kitchen. She had always been nice to me, well nicer than most Kooks.
“Yep.” I responded, putting the tip she had just handed me into my bag.
“Awesome, thank you.”
“Of course, I’ll see you in two weeks.” I told her.
“I’ll walk you out.” she said motioning in the direction of the front door.
“Oh, actually my friends are picking me up on your dock.”
“Oh okay.” She said, seeming a little confused.
“Bye!” I called out as I shut her back door and made my way toward the long dock. As I stepped out onto the dock I saw Heyward’s boat pull up on the other end.
When I walked onto the boat something seemed off, the two boys were silent which almost never happened. Looking between them I was confused. Without a word Pope pulled out of the dock and we headed back to the cut.
“What’s up with you two?” I asked a few minutes into the boat ride. The pair glanced at each other, Pope opened his mouth like he wanted to say something but after a pointed glare from JJ. He shut his mouth and readjusted his hat, it was sitting at a weird angle.
“Nothin’.” JJ told me with a straight face.
“Seriously?” I asked, frustrated with the two for keeping something to themselves.
“Seriously.” JJ confirmed, so much for Pogues not lying to Pogues.
“So we’re keeping secrets now? Cool.” I said pressing my lips into a tight line. Before they spoke another word I walked onto the back deck. Hoping that the breeze would help me cool off.
From inside the boat I could hear Pope arguing with JJ about telling me something. I couldn’t hear all of it but I knew they were keeping something from me as their words became louder.
“I don’t want her involved!” I finally heard JJ shout, which seemed to stop Pope from saying anything more and the pair became silent again.
After we spent the rest of the day surfing we were all back at the Château. I sat watching the sunset, wondering what had happened to JJ and Pope before they picked me up. I worried that by the time I found out what had really happened it would be too late.
“You really think it's out there? Like, no bullshit?” Pope asked.
“My father thought it was.” John B told us.
“But do you?”
“After hearing his voice on that tape… I think I do.”
“Only one way to find out.”
“Look, we're gonna find it, you know?” JJ spoke up from the hammock. I’d normally be sitting right beside him and even though we were only a few feet apart it felt like there were miles between us.
“Even JJ believes.” Kie joked.
“Oh, my God, JJ, do you really believe?” John B asked in disbelief.
“Totally. Wait. Are we talking about four mil?” JJ asked
“Four hundred mil.” Kie and Pope corrected.
“I'm gonna dream about shipwrecks.” JJ informed us all. “Good night, Bird!”
“Good night, bird shit!” John B teased.
The next day, the weather seemed perfect as we all boarded Heyward’s boat, ready to find some gold. I kept my distance from the others, I knew I should drop it but I couldn’t help but worry about what JJ and Pope refused to tell me.
“All right, JJ. Pin it here.” I heard John B call out.
“Roger that! X marks the spot.” JJ responded from inside. “All right, ladies and gentlemen. To going full Kook.”
As Pope took the drone deeper everyone's nerves rose. We were about to find out if it had been worth it.
As Kie let out more of the tether, I kept track of how far down the drown had gone. At 900 feet the wind was becoming too much and we still hadn’t found anything. But at almost 1000 feet Pope let out a sigh of relief.
“I'm at the bottom! I'm at the bottom! Okay, steady here, JJ!” Pope yelled out over the wind.
“You should be seeing something, man.” John B told him impatiently, we couldn’t stay out for much longer.
“I know, I know! Wait, wait.” Pope froze. “Oh, good God.”
“See anything?” I asked hopefully.
“It's the Royal Merchant.” Pope told us with certainty.
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thatbloodymuggle · 4 years
the one with the gun
Tongue Tied (jj maybank) 4/?
word count: 4.5k
warnings: cursing, guns
read it on wattpad
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For such a pleasant sleep, you'd think Rosie would have a pleasant wake-up.
Rosie was jolted awake by the force of an arm hitting her in the throat. Her eyes shot open in shock, and her body convulsed into a coughing fit. She instinctively threw off the arm that was cutting off her breathing. A sharp snore followed by a grunt sounded beside her.
Rosie turned her head to see JJ's face slumped against a pillow. They must have shifted at some point in the night as he was now on his stomach, and Rosie was on her back. JJ's mouth hung half open, and there was a puddle of drool on the sheets underneath.
"Ew," Rosie grumbled before pulling herself out of bed.
It was eerily quiet now in comparison to the howling wind and pelting rain beating against the shack just a few hours earlier. She padded out of the spare room and into the empty hallway. John B's door was still shut so Rosie assumed he was still sleeping. She made her way to the front room and onto the porch outside.
The yard was a complete disaster. Fallen branches and piles of debris littered the area. It was a miracle that John B's van and boat were still intact.
Rosie wandered through the yard and down towards the wooden dock. She cautiously put her weight on the creaky wood, making sure it was stable enough to walk on. She tiptoed along the length of the narrow dock. Rosie lowered herself down at the very end, letting her legs dangle over the edge. Her toes were inches away from the water below while her legs swung back and forth. She gazed at the calm water ahead, taking in the lingering smell of rain and the sound of chirping birds.
Rosie loved days after storms. She loved the irony of how such an ugly, chaotic thing could bring about singing birds, soft waves, and a beaming sun—as if nothing had ever happened.
She wasn't sure how long she sat there on the dock alone, but her meditative peace was cut short by the chatter of a boy a few yards back.
"Oh, man. That's not good," John B trudged outside with his hands behind his head. "That is not good."
Rosie craned her neck back to catch sight of a shirtless John B. A soft smile tugged at her chapped lips. He was yet to see her on the dock as he continued to assess the damage. Rosie turned back around to face the water.
"Agatha did some work, huh?" another voice chimed in.
Rosie could identify JJ's voice from miles away, but didn't bother turning around again. She was far too content watching her toes almost graze the surface of the water.
"Yeah, she did." John B replied.
The two boys began to clear out the fallen branches from the HMS Pogue.
"Mornin', Sunshine," John B called out to Rosie.
Rosie accepted that her moment of peace and quiet was over, and hauled herself up to her feet.
"Morning, boys."
Her bare feet creaked against the wooden planks as she made her way towards her friends. Their indistinguishable chatter became clearer once she approached them.
"What about the DCS? Wasn't that today?" JJ propped his elbows up on the boat, beer can in hand.
Rosie leaned her body against the side of the boat.
"Nah," John B dismissed him. "They're not gettin' on the ferry," he swung his arm out towards the sky, "It's God tellin' us to fish!"
Rosie frowned, "And when the DCS does come?"
"Another problem for another day," John B brushed her off. "Come on, we'll get out on the water, swing by Pope's place, and get Kie to bring us some beers!"
JJ wasn't hard to convince.
"Fine," Rosie gave in. "But you need to give me a ride to my place first," she crossed her arms. "I need to change and we can grab a quick breakfast."
"Deal." John B spit into his hand and held it out for her to spit-shake. Rosie turned up her nose in disgust. She grabbed his wrist, and moved it to JJ's face instead, wiping the spit off on his cheek. But it only backfired as JJ rubbed his wet cheek against her arm.
The Pogues set off for Rosie's house. Upon arriving, they didn't waste time wolfing down a quick breakfast of cereal and toast, and Rosie got dressed for the day. Soon enough, they were back at the Chateau and piling onto the HMS Pogue for a day on the water.
"To Heyward's we go!" John B zoomed across the water.
Rosie admired the beautiful scenery for the second time that day. The sun was almost at the very top of the sky, warming her tanned skin. It wasn't long until the small boat reached the main docking area of the Cut. As they moved closer to land, Rosie spotted a few familiar faces.
"Hi, Miss Amy!" John B waved at a blonde woman, "You guys get through it?"
"Still here," she smiled before turning back to her work. Once she was out of hearing distance, JJ slapped John B's arm.
"She totally looked at me."
"I saw it."
Rosie rolled her eyes and chucked a towel at JJ's stupid blond head.
As they continued their way along the dock, the damage caused by the hurricane became more evident. Debris littered the water, boats were damaged, and branches were everywhere. It would take ages to clean up. Rosie frowned at the thought.
JJ whistled, "Agatha, what did you do?"
"She's a crazy lady"
The two boys voiced Rosie's thoughts.
"We're gonna be cleaning this all summer," she sighed. Both boys nodded in agreement.
Rosie caught sight of Pope and his dad outside Heyward's just a few yards away. It seemed their place had been hit pretty bad as the two were working on cleaning up the damage. Pope was yet to notice his friends approaching, so John B took it upon himself to catch his attention. He raised his hand to his mouth, and mimicked speaking into a radio.
"We have a safety meeting, attendance mandatory."
Pope's head shot up to meet his friends, "I can't," he sighed, "my pop's got me on lockdown."
"Come on, man," JJ held his hand up to his face the mimic a radio as John B had, "Your dad's a pussy. Over."
Rosie cringed as Pope's dad moved towards the boat to chastise JJ, "Oh I heard that, you little bastard!"
"We need your son," John B called out.
"Yeah, and island rules. Day after a hurricane's a free day." JJ held his arms out with a grin.
Rosie decided it would be best not to get involved, and slumped further into her seat.
"Who the hell made that up?" Pope's dad asked in disbelief.
"Uh, Pentagon, I think. We have security clearance, I have a card," JJ quipped.
Rosie rolled her eyes, but couldn't fight the smirk tugging at her lips. Pope and his dad bickered back and forth for a few seconds: Pope trying to leave, and his dad urging him to stay. Eventually, he dismissed his father's protests and jumped into the boat. JJ and John B cheered, while Rosie shot Pope a warm smile. His dad continued yelling after the teenagers until they were out of sight.
"I don't like your friends!"
Rosie laughed. The boat sped away, setting off to its second destination. It didn't take long for John B to arrive at the Kook marina. Rosie grinned once she spotted her best friend walking down the wooden planks carrying a conspicuous cooler.
"Morning," she waved.
"What you got there," Pope grinned, "Juice boxes?"
Kie played along, "You know, just some yogurts and carrot sticks."
Rosie offered her friend a hand as she climbed into the boat. The second Kie set down the cooler, JJ was rummaging through it. He pulled out several beers with a triumphant smile,
The teenagers passed the drinks and a bottle opener around.
"Cheers!" they clinked their bottles together. Rosie took a long sip and sighed at the bitter taste.
"Ay Rosie," Kie glanced over at her friend, "Did you bring your boombox?"
"Always. Hold this," she handed her ice-cold beer to Kie. Rosie walked to the front end of the boat to retrieve the retro device. She hauled it to the back, and sat back down, setting it between her legs. Rosie rummaged through her bag for her CD's.
"What're we feelin'? The Stones? Marley? Beatles?"
"Marley. Always," Kie giggled. The other four teenagers shared a knowing look, but Rosie inserted the CD anyways. Bob Marley's melodic voice sounded around them, and Kie handed Rosie her beer.
The teenagers chatted and laughed as the music played and the warm breeze blew.
"Let me show you a party trick," JJ spoke with an impish smile. "Hey Pope, can you go a little faster?"
JJ made his way to the front of the boat. Rosie and the others instantly groaned, knowing what was about to happen.
"Oh God, I'm movin'," John B grumbled, joining Rosie and Kie in the back.
"We've tried this like 6000 times," Rosie yelled at him.
JJ ignored his friends protests, "It's gonna work!"
He positioned himself at the very front of the boat and held up his beer away from his face. As Pope picked up speed, the liquid spilled out of the bottle and flew back into JJ's mouth, but also all over everyone else.
"Oh come on!"
"You're getting beer in my hair!"
"All right. All right! You're done!"
The boat halted abruply, ending their complaints. They all jerked forwards, running into various items while JJ was thrown overboard. Rosie groaned and struggled to pull herself back up as the wind had been knocked out of her.
"Jesus, Pope!" Kiara groaned.
"Hey, JJ? You okay?" John B called out to his friend as he floated back up from the water. The blond groaned, and Rosie laughed hysterically through her pain.
"Karma's a bitch," she yelled at the overboard boy.
"I think my heels touched the back of my head,"JJ gasped for breath, ignoring Rosie's snide remark. The teens slowly recovered, and peered out of the boat.
"Pope, what did you do?" Kie sighed.
"Sandbar," he replied. "The channel changed"
"No shit."
Rosie stood up on the end of the boat alongside Pope, who was looking down into the water with wide eyes. She followed his gaze to see something massive submerged underneath.
"Guys, I think there's a boat down there," Pope summoned the others forward.
"Woah," Rosie whispered.
The others dismissed him, still disgruntled from the crash.
"No seriously guys, you're gonna want to see this! Look!" Rosie seconded her friend.
Kie and John B scrambled towards the end of the boat to get a view, while JJ swam over to the area. They didn't hesitate to strip down to their swimsuits and dive into the warm water. The water enveloped Rosie as she swam alongside the others down towards the wrecked boat. It wasn't too far down so they were able to get a quick look around, but were forced to float back up to the surface to get some air.
All five teenagers came up in almost perfect unison.
"You guys saw that?" JJ gasped.
"Yeah," Kie laughed in excitement.
"Holy shit," Rosie breathed alongside her friend.
They all swam back towards the boat. "That's a Grady-White," JJ babbled excitedly. "A new one of those is, like, 500 Gs, easy."
The Pogues climbed back into the boat, still jittery with excitement at their discovery.
John B lifted himself onto the HMS Pogue first, "That's the boat I saw when I surfed the surge," realization clouded his eyes.
"You surfed the surge?" Kie and Rosie spoke in unison with a judging tone.
"That's my boy, Pogue style!" JJ applauded and dabbed his friend up.
Pope brought them back to the task on hand, "Do we know whose boat that is?"
"No," John B replied. "But we're about to find out." He opened up a compartment at the front of the boat and pulled out an anchor, preparing himself to dive back down.
"John B, that's way too deep," Rosie voiced her concern. He brushed her off.
"Dude, I'm not resuscitating you. Just making that clear up front," JJ half-joked.
The two girls watched in concern while the boys egged John B on.
"John B," Kie gave him a hard stare. She didn't get a chance to stop him though as JJ pushed his friend in with the anchor.
"Diver down!"
The remaining four anxiously peered over the edge of the boat, awaiting their friend's return. 20 seconds passed.. then 30.. 45.. a minute...
"It's been a minute guys," Rosie mumbled worriedly.
"Should we go get him?" Pope matched her concern. Before they could make any rash decisions, John B broke the surface. Rosie's shoulders slumped and she released a sigh of relief.
"Any dead bodies?"
"Looting potential?"
John B shook his head, and pulled a small object out of the water, "I found this motel key"
"A key?" Rosie deadpanned.
"Great! We salvaged a motel key," JJ added.
John B moved behind the wheel, and revved the engine up again. In seconds, they were zooming down the water again.
"Shouldn't we just report the wreck to the coast guard? Maybe we'll get a finder's fee," Kie suggested, to which the others agreed. The Pogues set off in the direction of the Coast Guard. Upon arrival, John B, Pope, and JJ hopped out of the boat to report the wreck. Kie and Rosie waited on the water, perfectly content with basking in the sun.
"So you spent the night at John B's last night, huh?" Kie turned to her friend as soon as the boys were gone. Rosie furrowed her brows in confusion. Since when was it out of the ordinary to crash at his place?
"Uh, yeah? And?"
"I heard you had a fun little sleepover," she teased with a knowing grin. Rosie's cheeks flared and her eyes widened in realization.
"Fun is the overstatement of the century," she brushed her off, "Who the fuck told you that anyways?" Rosie paused, before adding, "Oh, it was so John B. He's such a gossip."
Rosie hoped that would be enough to get Kie off her back, but she still persisted, "Come on, I need more than that. You slept in a bed together and you both made it out alive? How'd that happen?"
Rosie was saved from further embarrassment by the boys walking back in their direction.
"How'd it go?" she called out.
"Way too busy," Pope shook his head. "Not gonna happen"
"So, what's the plan then?" Kie cocked her head to the side.
John B paused for a moment before digging the key out of his pocket and holding it up, "I think I know how we're gonna find the guy who owns that boat."
Pope protested, but his complaints were ignored.
"I'm in," JJ and Rosie spoke simultaneously. Rosie shot him a glare, which he only smirked at.
Pope shook his head, but Kie nagged him, "Come on, we'll be lookouts."
He very reluctantly agreed, and the teens set off to solve the mystery of the motel key. Soon enough, the boat was wading towards a very beat-up motel.
JJ let out a low whistle, "I thought the Chateau looked bad."
"This place is a shit show," John B nodded in agreement.
"Motel or meth lab?" Kie added on.
"Probably both," Rosie replied.
The place truly was a wreck. The huge sign was knocked down, the roof was covered in tarps, and debris completely covered the area. John B carefully pulled the boat into a good-enough docking area.
JJ leapt out of the small boat and onto the land, using a rope to secure the boat .
"All right," John B joined JJ on the grass, "Here goes nothin'"
Rosie moved to follow, but JJ shot out his arm to stop her, "Woah, where do you think you're goin', Princess?"
She shot him a challenging glare and swatted his arm away, hopping off the HMS Pogue. "Where do you think? I'm finding out what's in that room."
Rosie and JJ stared each other down for a few seconds, each waiting for the other to give in. But when you put the two must stubborn people on the island together, neither of them will back down.
"Stand down JJ," John B groaned and pulled him back, "We need someone to keep you in check, anyways. Kie and Pope can stand guard."
Rosie grinned triumphantly and snatched the key from Kie. She strode ahead, making sure to bump into JJ's shoulder as she passed him.
"Hey," Pope's voice made her turn back around. "Don't let him," he pointed to JJ, "Do anything stupid."
JJ and John B replied at the same time.
"Oh, we will"
"I'm not making any promises"
Rosie watched with gleaming eyes as Kie pulled John B back, "Be careful."
John B gave her a warm smile, but the evident concern on her face didn't budge, "I mean it," she emphasized.
Rosie could only inwardly cringe as John B awkwardly laughed and left the boat, glancing back at Kie several times.
"Let's go," Rosie summoned both boys. She set off at a determined pace, not bothering to wait for them to catch up. As soon as they were out of hearing distance from the boat, she called back to John B, "You know for someone who has a fair amount of experience, you'd think you'd be better at flirting. That was fucking painful."
Before John B could protest, JJ joined in.
"Just be so careful, John," he grabbed his friend, mimicking Kie.
"Maybe she just wants us to be careful," John B defended himself. Rosie scoffed loudly, and JJ shot him a doubtful look.
"Since she heard you're being threatened with exile she's just been, like, uh, just be so careful John B," JJ made a show out of rubbing his shoulders, "Uh, just give me that John D already!"
Rosie struggled to contain her laughter. Any other time she would gladly join in on tormenting her friend, but they had a mission to accomplish.
"Bro, you know the rule. No Pogue-on-Pogue macking," he defended himself. "Besides," he attempted to divert the topic, "You're the one who's always hitting on her."
Rosie tuned out the squabbling boys. She heard them say something about how Kie's hot and how JJ's too horny for his own good, but she was too focused on the room numbers. 227...228..
"Here! 229," Rosie exclaimed, stopping abruptly. "This is it."
JJ knocked on the door several times.
"Housekeeping!" he called in a feminine voice that made Rosie subconsciously smile.
No response.
"Should we try it?" Rosie asked, raising the key to the lock on the door. Both boys voiced affirmative replies. With a swift twist, she unlocked the motel door and swung it open.
The group of three slowly made their way into the dark, empty room.
"Check the bag. See if there's a name on there somewhere," John B instructed, shining a flashlight into the dark space. The teenagers all set to work rummaging through the room. John B went through the bag, JJ picked up his jacket, and Rosie checked underneath the beds, but there didn't seem to be anything of great value. JJ wandered over to the nightstand.
"Guys, come here," he called, looking over a map. John B and Rosie both move in his direction. "Maybe this is where they were fishing."
John B stood next to JJ, and Rosie peered between their shoulders (she was too short to look above them).
"No, that's off the continental shelf. That's Big Swell. Nobody fishes there," John B argued.
Rosie tried, and failed, to catch sight of the map. Two 6 foot guys blocking the view of a 5'4" girl was not ideal. She huffed, and moved to the edge of the nightstand instead where she found a small piece of paper with a series of numbers written on it.
"Huh," she examined the sheet, trying to make sense of it. JJ and John B moved to other parts of the room. She continued to examine the note and the map (which she could finally see), trying to make sense of it all.
"Coffee," JJ trailed off as they rummaged through the room, "Tissues for when you get lonely..."
Normally that would earn him a smack upside the head, but Rosie couldn't be bothered as she stared at the papers.
John B opened the drawers underneath the TV to reveal an electronic safe. He began punching in a variety of combinations, but with no success.
"Punching shit at random," JJ mumbled, "That'll definitely work."
"Oh wait," Rosie brought the notepad paper to John B. "Try this."
She watched in anticipation as he punched in the series of numbers. To their delight, the light turned green and the safe clicked open. Once John B swung the door open, both their jaws dropped.
"Holy shit," Rosie mumbled. The two teenagers blinked twice to make sure their eyes weren't deceiving them. Cash on cash on cash. And to top it all off, a gun.
"Uh, JJ? You're gonna want to see this," John B called the blond over.
JJ crouched beside Rosie and John B to look inside the safe and didn't hesitate to snatch up the gun.
"Dude dude dude," he held it in awe. "This is a SIG Sauer," he squealed in excitement.
"JJ put the fucking gun down," Rosie hissed with wide eyes. John B tried to pry it out of his grip, but JJ wouldn't let up.
"This is a fucking spendy gatt, man," JJ ignored his friends, and proceeded to pretend to shoot them and everything else in the room. Rosie watched in horror. JJ was already explosive enough on his own. He was the absolute last person on Earth who should ever be handed a gun.
"Dude, we're not stealing anything," John B scolded him. JJ ignored him, yet again.
"Just take a pic of me, right here," he posed with the gun.
John B stared at him dumbfounded, "You want me to take a pic of you? That's what you want? Make our own incriminating evidence?"
"JJ, put it down now," Rosie nearly yelled.
Their attention was diverted from JJ's gun to the window as something tapped on it. John B rushed over and lifted the blinds. He paused momentarily, before sprinting to the main window and peering out.
"What is it?" Rosie asked, panicked.
"Shit," John B paused for a split second.
Rosie felt her heart beat a mile a minute. The three teeangers put away everything they'd taken out.
"What the fuck do we do now?" Rosie cried in complete panic.
John B scanned the room until his eyes landed on the window.
"Window, quick!" he lifted it open. John B climbed out, quickly followed by JJ. The room was far too high up to jump down, so they flattened themselves against the side of the building on the ledge of the window instead.
"Where the fuck do I go?" Rosie hissed at both of her friends who were already on either side of the window.
"Here," JJ edged to the side, leaving just enough room for the girl to stand next to him. She shut the window closed behind her. The three waited with bated breaths, bodies pressed up against the yellow concrete, focused on keeping their balance.
Rosie slowly craned her neck back to catch sight of Pope and Kie who were waving frantically. She leaned her head against the wall and focused on her breathing in an attempt to calm herself.  Just wait it out, she thought to herself.
John B and Rosie peered into the room through the blinds. They caught sight of the male cop snagging a wad of cash for himself.
"What the fuck?" John B mouthed to Rosie, who wore a similar expression of disbelief.
"What? What's going on?" JJ whispered to Rosie who was blocking his view. She turned to him a placed a finger over her lips, signaling for him to be quiet.
"Later," she whispered.
JJ moved closer to Rosie in an attempt to get a view inside. It all happened in slow motion.
The gun JJ had stolen fell from his pocket. It clattered onto the pavement below. Rosie jumped in shock. She lost her footing. She searched for something to cling onto, but JJ was blocking her from the pole she could've gripped. Her right foot was hanging off the ledge and just as her left foot began to slip, JJ's arm shot out and saved her. His right hand clung to the pole, and his left wrapped around her waist. He pulled Rosie flush against his body. The pair edged as far away from the window as they could. JJ's grip tightened in an attempt to make them seem smaller as the cop gazed out the window to investigate the source of the noise.
Rosie shut her eyes and her heart pounded out of her chest. If they were caught, she wouldn't just get a small fine. As an emancipated minor, she'd be treated like an adult; which meant potential jail time.
The seconds felt like hours, but the teenagers eventually heard the cops exit the room and shut the door behind them.
"Well that was fun," JJ carelessly released Rosie, almost sending her tumbling off again. She glared at him and every bone in her body wanted to push him off, but she refrained.
The trio hurried back into the room, out of the motel, and onto the HMS Pogue. It was certainly enough adventure for Rosie for one day. She nearly cried in relief once she boarded the boat.
"Never doing that again," she sighed.
JJ hopped in behind her, "Could have warned us sooner," he snapped at Kie and Pope, the legendary lookouts.
"We would have," Kie started, and shot a look at Pope, "Except Pope was on the Math Team."
Pope ignored Kie's comment, and looked to Rosie, John B, and JJ as he drove the boat away,
"The cops took everything like it was a crime scene. Did you guys find anything?"
Rosie opened her mouth to reply, but was cut off by JJ.
"Did we find anything" he trailed off, and reached behind his back, "No, I don't think so." He paused, before pulling out a wad of cash in one hand, and the gun in the other, "Oh yeah, we did!"
Pope and Kie both shot up from their seats.
"What the hell?"
"Dude, what?"
Kie glared at Rosie and John B for enabling JJ. Rosie held up her hands in surrender, "I'm not arguing with a guy holding a gun!"
Pope rambled on, "I'm gonna lose my merit scholarship!"
JJ shushed him, raising the gun up to his face. "Hey, at least you have us, right?"
"I'm living a nightmare."
That, Rosie thought, she could agree on.
@tangledinsparkles @lovelymaybankk @my--heroine @thelonelyumbrella @floretsoleil @flick24 @books-netflix-and-pizza @dad-ee-drea @dolanfivsosxox​ @anahgiedd @love-bean​
sorry for the abrupt ending, it was getting kinda wordy and I needed to cut it off! next part will likely be up tomorrow. this chapter was mainly filler, but things are about to heat up ;)
stay tuned!
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outer-bnks · 4 years
Two Burning Hearts Are Dared to Break (JJ x OC) Ch. 3
Chapters: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10
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After their police interrogations, the Pogues are invited to a funeral for John B and Sarah, but instead of finding closure, they find anger.
Warning: brief funeral scene
A/N: Everyone's kind of a hot mess right now, They’re all slowly trying to process their grief in their own time and because they’re such different characters, I want to really give them the time to do it in a way that feels natural? This chapter isn’t the best and was a bit of a filler to ensure that the storyline makes sense - the Pogues don’t know that Rafe killed the Sheriff, hence Elle’s empathy to him. 
Word count: 2,237
“Alright, thanks for your statement, we’re gonna need a few days to assess whether charges will be made and we’ll let you know. But if I were you, I’d be expecting to be back here fairly shortly” Shoupe hinted, leading Elle down the hallway to the front of the station. 
Elle turned to him, a sarcastic smile filling her face “Can’t wait”. Shoupe began to walk away, before she caught his attention again, “Hey Shoupe, just make sure Ward gets what’s coming to him. Sarah would be ashamed if she knew he got away with it” she stated, a coldness to her tone, before slamming the door shut.
She’d left her lawyer inside to fill out the rest of the legal papers that made no sense to her, grateful to finally be alone after spending three hours being pressed for answers she didn’t have. Her Dad really didn’t let her down this time, hiring one of the best lawyers in the North Carolina distract, a lady maybe mid-30s who was promised a big payout by Elle’s father if she was able to make some kind of settlement that would get the Pogues off the hook.
Crossing the road, Elle got into her car, wasting no time before heading to the Chateau to meet the others.
“How’d it go?!” Pope yelled from the porch as he watched Elle make her way out of the car. He’d been on the edge of his seat ever since he got back from his time at the station. Kiara had to calm him down by subtly bringing up something about autopsy school which launched him into an animated discussion about a new discovery he’d read about. Kie figured that he’d increased his trips to the library in hopes of keeping his mind occupied, and to probably find out what happens to one’s body when they drown.
“It was fine. Shoupe was super suspicious about Kie and I being able to pull off stunts like that without your or JJ’s help but I pulled the sexism card and he quickly shut up. Plus I think our Pogue reputation may have helped a little”, Elle disclosed as she made her way past Kie and Pope to the fridge to grab a beer. Cracking it open she took a large swig, feeling the cool liquid run down her throat. 
Sighing, she looked around at the shack, searching for any signs of JJ. As if on cue he entered the kitchen, leaning against the doorway. She ignored the fastening of her heartbeat at the sight of him. Cocking his head to the side he asked “So are they gonna arrest Ward?”. Elle noticed the harsh tone of his voice, something she was getting far too used to.
Looking at her converse to get a break from his intense gaze, she muttered “Not yet, they.. uh.. need to assess whether to charge Kie and I first, and then they’re going to look into it.”
He scoffed, “Yeah, sure they are”, before turning around and heading back onto the porch.
Pope, Kie and Elle remained in the kitchen, absentmindedly chatting about shifts at the Wreck and Heyward’s, and returning to school, in hopes of gaining some concept of normalcy. 
JJ’s voice snapped them out of their pleasantries, the sounds of rustling and groaning coming from outside. Hurrying out they saw JJ, on top of Rafe in the driveway, both hands clenching his shirt in his hands, both of their faces red with anger. “What made you  think you could come around here?” JJ spat, shoving the back of Rafe’s head into the gravel.
“Dude...ugh get off, fucking relax” Rafe huffed, trying to maneouver his body to find a way to push JJ off of him.
Darting down to the driveway, Pope and Kie managed to pull JJ off him, Elle standing between the two as they got back up on their feet. She watched Rafe with cautious eyes, watching him brush off the gravel from his clothes and running his hand through his hair, meeting his gaze “What are you doing here Rafe?”.
“Look, I know I’m probably the last guy you wanna see right now, but I uh, came down to let you know that we’re going to hold a ceremony for her. For Sarah, and uh, kinda John B, I guess. For the accident.” he spoke, an unexpected softness in his tone. 
Pope and Kie exchanged looks, JJ stilling in Pope’s hold. Kie shook her head with disbelief, trying to wrap her mind around what Rafe was telling them,“A funeral? They haven’t even been dead 2 days yet, and you wanna throw a funeral? Are you serious?” she exclaimed. 
Elle kept her gaze on Rafe, attempting to decipher how he was coping with all this. Hesitantly he added, “It was Dad’s idea. He wanted to make sure she got the send off she deserves.”
“The send off she deserves?! She shouldn’t be having a funeral at all! It was your Dad that pushed them into that storm!” Pope spoke, his frustration coming out in the coarseness of his voice.
Rafe averted his gaze down to his feet, kicking at the gravel. Elle pretended not to notice the tears that formed in his eyes and the shaky breath he let out. Jumping in before he had the chance to respond, “Where will it be?”. 
Rafe looked up, noticing the softness in her voice. “It’ll be at the white church in Figure Eight on Tuesday at midday, and then a wake at our house”.
Elle nodded, turning around to face the others. They all looked between each other, a silent conversation taking place. Pope, Kie and Elle picked up the resistance from JJ, sending him pleading looks. They needed this, Sarah had become just as much a member of their pack as each of them. 
Pope, stepping away from beside JJ, came to stand next to Elle. His attitude muted after the emotional turmoil that had washed over the group, “Is this really for John B too?”
Rafe nodded solemnly, “Yeah, it’s for the both of them.”
“Alright, we’ll be there”, Pope responded, “you can leave now”, his firmness coming back into his tone.
Rafe gave a slight nod of his head, walking past the group up the driveway to his Jeep.
“Jesus Christ…” JJ breathed out.
The group returned to the silence that had become all too common for them, retreating back into the Chateau.
Tuesday rolled around, the group deciding to get ready individually and drive in together. As Elle finished off the touches to her light makeup, she tied her hair into a low pony, checking over her appearance. The mid-length navy blue dress she wore was far too flowy for a funeral, but she’d never had to have a funeral dress before. 
Kie beeped from out the front. Grabbing her phone and purse, which mainly held tissues, she headed down. “Hey” she offered softly, hopping into the car. Pope, next to Kie in the front turned, giving her a slight smile, “Hey, you alright?”
“I think I will be. You guys?” 
“I just want to get this done with” Kie sighed sadly, backing out of the Sterling residence. 
JJ remained quiet next to Elle, fumbling with his lighter in his lap. She gazed over his outfit, opting for his navy shorts, a black button down, and no hat. Elle couldn’t remember the last time she’d seen him this dressed up, well, dressed up in JJ terms.
The ride was silent except for Bob Marley playing quietly through the car's speakers. Arriving at the church, Elle exited the car, staring up at it she was struck with a strong sense of realisation. Their lives the past few weeks had led to this. And it was their fault.
Elle didn’t know that the rest of the Pogues' minds had also arrived at the same conclusion.They had done this. They could’ve prevented this if they’d just gone to the cops and told them everything they knew about Ward and the gold. But it was too late.
Kie reached for Elle’s hand, giving her a slight tug to make their way in, JJ and Pope trudging along behind them, taking in the scene occurring around them.
The inside of the church was beautiful. Although there were only about 10 rows of seats, the ceilings were high, the walls covered in colourful glass windows, everything in pristine condition. It was crawling with people, extended family, Kooks and people from the Academy that Elle could recognise from her brief time there. At the front sat a table holding two photo frames, one holding a beautiful image of Sarah smiling directly at the camera that must’ve been from some fancy Kook event last year, due to the light pink gown she wore. And next to her, in a noticeably smaller frame, a photo of John B that Kie had taken one day after a surfing session, holding his surfboard, his hair still wet and droplets covering his skin. Where’d they even get that photo? And then piles and piles of colourful flowers, all different bouquets, resting in front of the frames. Elle swallowed down the bile that raised in her throat, averting her eyes from the gut-wrenching reality that this was their funeral. 
Choosing one of the smaller, back rows, they sat and watched as everyone around them fussed over Sarah, not once hearing the tiniest mutter of John B’s name. Elle could feel the anxiety radiating off of JJ from her right, his leg bouncing rapidly against hers. As everyone began to be seated and the celebrant took to the stage, she placed her hand on his thigh in an attempt to calm his nerves. Flinching slightly from the contact, but then allowing her act of affection to settle him. As the woman launched into a symbolic story of love and loss, Elle pretended she didn’t notice Pope’s arm slip around Kie’s waist, her body melting into his subtly.
Scanning the crowd, Elle caught eyes with Topper clearly not engaged in the conversation that Rafe and Kelce were having beside him. Elle couldn’t help but feel a small ball of sympathy gather in her stomach at the sadness that swum in his eyes. Looking away, she squeezed JJ’s thigh slightly, whether it was a reminder that she was still there for him, or a reminder of who she should actually feel sympathy for, she wasn’t sure.
Elle couldn’t help but notice how little the ceremony was about John B, and how many times Sarah’s name slipped out of the woman's mouth, her insides burning at the idea of his memory being forgotten. She tried her hardest throughout it to hold back her tears, biting her tongue to suppress the urge to sob at the stories that were being shared of Sarah, and the lack of ones about John B. She wasn’t good at holding in her emotions in such circumstances, but something about this situation told her that this was not the place to express them.
Sweet relief was granted when the ceremony finished, the Pogues quickly filing out of the church and back into Kie’s car.
As Kie began driving out, she scoffed. “That was a joke. Are they kidding me? A ceremony for Sarah and John B my ass!” 
Pope reached out his hand, hesitantly placing it on her thigh as she continued. “They were clearly using John B to make themselves look better. Oh look at us, look how caring we are, it’s bullshit! And now we have to go to this stupid wake, to hear them talk about the stupid storm, and probably how stupid John B is for dragging Sarah along with him. Why, huh? Why should we?”
The group becoming accustomed to her outbursts, remained quiet. 
“Alright then, let’s ditch. Where should we go?”JJ spoke. Elle noted how subdued his usually boisterous voice was. 
And that’s how they ended up at The Wreck, amongst a few Touron’s enjoying the last moments of their Summer holiday. For this time of the afternoon, it was oddly quiet. The Pogues sat at the table, absentmindedly picking at the food Kie’s Dad had offered them when he saw their defeated faces walk through the door. 
A soft melody filled the room, before changing to a more upbeat song. Elle recognised the tune, trying to place her finger on where she’d heard it before. Turning to Kie she’d realised. It was from the night that they’d filed into The Wreck after stealing the drones, absolutely starving. And John B and Kie had danced. She watched as a tear ran down Kie’s cheek, pulling her into her shoulder as she began to sob. Elle had been waiting for this, for her breakdown to happen. Knowing Kie as well as she did, she knew she could only keep a front up for so long before cracking. And it had, the wall had cracked, and what had begun as a small stream of water that flowed through, turned quickly into a flood.
Pope watched on, his heart aching to comfort the girl he loves. Unlike Pope, JJ couldn’t bear to watch it, afraid of it triggering his own reaction, moving his chair out from under the table and swiftly making his way out of the restaurant without bidding goodbye to any of them.
I didn’t expect to write Kie as so vocal and angry after losing JB + Sarah but it feels right so she’s kinda losing her shit.
Excuse JJ, lil baby doesn’t know how to process his emotions :(
Angst coming in the next chapter finally!
let me know if you want to be on the taglist :)
taglist: @mybillyhardgrove  @cyrrusmreadings @downbytheouterbanks @belledutchess @imagines-and-preferences1216
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infinityhqs · 4 years
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           𝑾𝑬𝑳𝑪𝑶𝑴𝑬  𝑻𝑶  𝑨𝑼𝑹𝑶𝑹𝑨  ,  dana  !  don’t  forget to  read  over  our  pages   &   follow  everybody here  .  you  have  twenty-four  hours  to  send  in  your  account  or  you’ll  lose  your  chance at  paradise    !   we  hope    [  stefan  salvatore  ,  renesmee  carlie  cullen  ,  kiara  carrera  ,  gabriella  montez  ]    will  enjoy  their  say  at  aurora island  .  SMASH  THAT  FOLLOW BUTTON   !   a  reminder that  you  have  twenty-four  hours  to  post  an  intro  or  post  in  character  ,  but  feel  free  to  send  us  a  message if  more  time  is  needed, we  don’t  bite   !  
「    darren  barnet   ,   twenty  -  four  /  one  hundred  &  seventy  -  four   ,   cis  male  +  he/him    」 ˚╰ ❃ ╮  did  you  know    BUNNY  SNACKING   PACIFIST’S    real  name  is    STEFAN  SALVATORE     ?!    around  the  island  they  seem  to  be  quite     altruistic    ,  but  also     brooding    ,  but  it  makes  sense  given  they  are  a     DOCTOR   and  come  from     THE  VAMPIRE  DIARIES    .  you  can  hear   LIGHT  by  SLEEPING  AT  LAST   blasting  from  their  house ,  but  be  careful   !   they  can  be  agitated  as  nightmares  bring  back  memories  of  SAVING   ELENA   FROM   CAR   SUBMERGED   OVER   WICKERY   BRIDGE  .  even  so ,  it’s  impossible  to  see    a   red   1963   porsche   356b   karmann   coupe   zooming   through   empty   streets   ,   starting   &   ending   the   day   with   a   written   diary   entry   ,   lapis   lazuli   gemstone   engraved   with   family’s   crest   worn   on   middle   finger   ;   your   only   ticket   of   strolling   in   broad   daylight   (   must   be   worn   at   all   times   )   and  not  think  about  them .  
「    madelyn  cline   ,   twenty   ,   cis  female  +  she/her    」 ˚╰ ❃ ╮  did  you  know    NESSIE’S    real  name  is    RENESMEE  CARLIE  CULLEN     ?!    around  the  island  they  seem  to  be  quite     impish    ,  but  also     impetuous   ,  but  it  makes  sense  given  they  are  a     BARISTA   and  come  from   TWILIGHT    .  you  can  hear   HUNGER  by  FLORENCE  +  THE  MACHINE   blasting  from  their  house ,  but  be  careful   !   they  can  be  agitated  as  nightmares  bring  back  memories  of  THE   INTENSIFIED   CONFRONTATION   WITH   THE   VOLTURI  .  even  so ,  it’s  impossible  to  see    frolicking   barefoot   in   a   field   of   flowers   ,   flower   crown   placed   delicately   atop   mahogany   locks   ,   marble   tips   dancing   effortlessly   across   ivory   keys   and  not  think  about  them .   penned  by :    dana , 19  , she/her  , est  .  
「    madison  bailey   ,   eighteen   ,   demigirl  +  she/they    」 ˚╰ ❃ ╮  did  you  know    KIE’S    real  name  is    KIARA  CARRERA    ?!    around  the  island  they  seem  to  be  quite     serene    ,  but  also     acerbic    ,  but  it  makes  sense  given  they  are  a     STUDENT  /   WAITRESS   and  come  from     OUTER   BANKS    .  you  can  hear   COULD  YOU  BE  LOVED  by  BOB  MARLEY   blasting  from  their  house ,  but  be  careful   !   they  can  be  agitated  as  nightmares  bring  back  memories  of  KISSING   JOHN   B .  even  so ,  it’s  impossible  to  see    sporting   bracelets   on   bracelets   ,   sketches   of   your   next   desirable   tattoo   ;   (   free   the   innocents   held   in   captivity   )   ,   out   -   all   -   night   shenanigans   with   friends   ;   curing   your   craving   for   adventure   (   you   know   it   can’t   end   well   )      and  not  think  about  them .    
「    vanessa  hudgens   ,   twenty  -  nine   ,   cis  female  +  she/her    」 ˚╰ ❃ ╮  did  you  know    GABBY’S    real  name  is    GABRIELLA   MONTEZ     ?!    around  the  island  they  seem  to  be  quite     sapient   ,  but  also     fraudulent    ,  but  it  makes  sense  given  they  are  a     TEACHER   and  come  from     HIGH  SCHOOL  MUSICAL   .  you  can  hear   LEGENDS  by  KELSEA   BALLERINI   blasting  from  their  house ,  but  be  careful   !   they  can  be  agitated  as  nightmares  bring  back  memories  of   LEAVING   BEHIND   A   T   -   PLATED   PENDANT   THAT   ONCE   RESTED   AT   THE   HEART   .  even  so ,  it’s  impossible  to  see    chalkboards   covered   in   equations   ,   figures   slow   dancing   in   the   downpour   ,   stacks   of   books   piled   on   top   of   a   bike’s   saddle   and  not  think  about  them .    
0 notes
thatbloodymuggle · 4 years
the one with the almost
Tongue Tied (jj maybank) 8/?
word count: 3.5k
warnings: the usual
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"That bread had mold on it three days ago."
"I'll just pull off the bad parts. Plus, mold is good for you. It's just a...natural..organism."
After their escape from the graveyard, the gang headed straight for the Chateau, eager to find out what was inside of the conspicuous package. So there they were. JJ making a moldy sandwich, Pope criticizing it, and Kiara, Rosie, and John B all gathered around the FedEx package. After the sandwich debacle, Pope and JJ joined the group surrounding John B as he ripped open the envelope.
He pulled out a piece of folded paper which, as it was opened, revealed itself to be a map. But not just any map; a map with the location of the Royal Merchant marked.
"Holy shit."
John B proceeded to pull a black, rectangular device from the package.
"What's that?" the mold-eater asked.
"Tape recorder. Dumbass," Rosie mumbled, eyes trained on the map on the table.
Pope, JJ, Kiara, and Rosie watched as John B hit the play button.
Dear Bird,
"Who's Bird?" JJ interrupted
John B replied, not looking up from the device, "It's what my dad called me."
I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so. And you doubted your old man. I suspect at this moment you're filled with guilt and self-loathing over our last fight but don't kill yourself just yet, kid. I didn't expect to find the merchant either...
Rosie could only count the stitches on her hand as the voice of John B's father filled the room. She wasn't able to bring her gaze up to him, or anyone else because she knew how painful it was for him. She knew like no one else did. The silence after the end of the recording was deafening. No one knew what to say or do.
John B bolted out of his chair and ran towards the door, falling against the frame. JJ called after him excitedly, but was quickly shushed by Kiara. Kie went tried to comfort John B, who was now crying, and Rosie found it even harder to look up from the stitches. His pain pained her almost more than her own. Because at least she had closure. At least she got to say goodbye, and at least she wasn't left wondering.
Slowly, Rosie forced her eyes away from the stitches. She pad over to her friend's sobbing frame. Kie met her eye. The two girls had a silent exchange before Kie gave John B one last squeeze and left him with Rosie.
Rosie was quick to wrap her arms around the boy. He buried his head in the crook of her neck soaking her shirt with tears and racking her body with sobs, but she didn't mind.
"I know," she barely whispered.
She didn't need to say anything else. John B understood. Rosie and John B had never actually opened up to each other about the loss of their parents; about how they were both essentially orphans. With her refusal to confront her loss and John B's denial of his, they'd never come around to the topic. But now, as they stood there in each other's embrace, they realized how long overdue the conversation was. They shared a connection like none of the others.
Kiara, JJ, and Pope watched in awe at their friends' moment. Other than JJ, they'd never seen Rosie talk about, or even slightly hint at the loss of her mom. Nor had they seen John B break down over his dad.
Kiara led JJ and Pope outside to give Rosie and John B some space. Rosie and John B stood like this for a while longer, but eventually his cries subsided. Once they had died down into occasional sniffles, he pulled away from her. His eyes were red and puffy, but nothing Rosie hadn't seen before.
"Thank you," he sighed with a real, genuine smile.
"You don't need to thank me. Seriously," she smiled back.
Rosie led him outside to join the rest of their friends. While they were inside, JJ, Kiara, and Pope had situated themselves at the end of the dock. Rosie leaned against the rail inbetween JJ and Pope, while John B took the spot beside Kiara. Kie strummed her ukulele as they joined their friends. The sound was the perfect background noise to the chirping birds and soft waves. Rosie and John B exchanged one last meaningful glance before the silence was broken.
"How much was it again?" JJ asked as he skipped a rock along the water.
"Four hundred mil."
"All right let's talk the split," JJ hopped off from his spot on the railing. "Now, before we say 'evenly', may I remind you that I am the only one that can properly defend us," he pulled out the gun from his pocket that he never seemed to go anywhere without anymore.
JJ and Pope quickly broke out into an argument; Pope denying his request and JJ pushing it even more, until his voice fell on death ears.
"What are you gonna do with your 100 mil, Pope?" Kie changed the subject.
"Pay for college in advance," he didn't hesitate to answer, "And also textbooks. Those are expensive."
"What about you, Kie?" JJ turned the question on her.
"Yeah, what does a socialist do when she's rich?" Pope laughed.
She shrugged, "Just wanna make a double album. About OBX, the Pogues. Record it at Marley Studio, Peter Tosh producing--"
"Peter Tosh is--"
"Dead. I know that, Pope. Spirit of Peter Tosh will never die."
"I know what I'm gonna do," JJ interjected, "I'm gonna get a big ass house on Figure Eight and go full Kook. Gonna get a marble statue of myself, and them I'm gonna get a koi pond."
The Pogues all laughed. No matter how hard Rosie tried, she couldn't imagine JJ in any Kook setting. Ever.
"What about you, Rosie?"
Rosie took a moment before answering, "I honestly don't know. Probably save it, not spend it all at once, you know? I want a big family, lots of kids and stuff. Save it for them, probably."
Kie smiled softly at her friend's genuine answer.
"What are you gonna do, JB?"
He turned from the water to face his friends. Slowly, a grin made its way onto his face as he spoke for the first time since his breakdown.
"To going full Kook."
The teenagers wore matching grins and clinked their beers together.
"To going full Kook!"
About a couple of beers in, the group had moved to the firepit outside of the Chateau. Pope and John B, who had only had half a beer each, started a fire. The warmth of the flames felt like heaven against Rosie's skin in her dazed state.
"Kie! Play me a song," she giggled and leaned her head onto the other girl's shoulder. Kiara laughed at Rosie's tipsy state, but positioned her ukulele and strummed a series of chords nevertheless.
"Pope! Sing," Rosie instructed while raising her can of beer to her lips.
"Yeah, Pope, sing!" JJ egged him on. Kiara's strumming picked up in beat.
The boy shook his head frantically, "You know I would, but JB here's rumoured to have the voice of an angel."
John B didn't hesitate to break out into some Christmas tune, though Rosie couldn't tell which, to the beat of Kiara's ukulele. Rosie clapped along with a dopey grin spread across her face. The combination of John B's singing and Rosie's state sent the entire group into a fit of laughter.
"Rosie, you're drunk," Kiara stated the obvious.
"What? No I'm not, I'm only threeish drinks in," she held up her left hand to form a three. "Just a little bit tipsy."
"If you're just a little bit tipsy than I'm just a little bit poor," JJ laughed while popping open another can of beer.
"Let's play a game!" the shorter girl exclaimed, ignoring the blond's comment. "What's a good game?"
"Never Have I Ever?" Kiara suggested.
"Nah, that one's no fun. We already know everything we have and haven't done," Pope shot her down.
"What about Truth or Dare?" John B suggested.
"But if you forfeit, you shotgun a can," JJ added.
"Are you trying to get us all shitfaced?" Kie laughed at JJ's addition to the game.
The blond shrugged with a smirk, "Only if you forfeit."
Rosie picked up a piece of bark and chucked it at Pope's head across the firepit. Granted, she wasn't sober so she missed by at least a foot.
"Pope! Truth or dare?"
Rosie tapped her finger to her chin in contemplation until an idea hit her, "Ooh! Would you rather only drink water for the rest of your life or drink whatever you want, but it always has to have a little bit of pee in it?"
Kiara laughed at her friend's ridiculous question, which also sent Rosie into a fit of giggles
"Water. Water's great. No pee," Pope was quick to respond, rejecting Rosie's question.
"What? Come on, man. A little bit of pee isn't gonna kill you!" JJ laughed and nudged his uptight friend.
"Yeah, have some creativity, bro!" John B joined in.
Before Pope could initiate a never-ending arguement over drinking pee, Rosie threw another piece of bark at him. This time it hit him in the chest, but only out of pure luck.
"Popey, it's your turn!"
He picked up the piece of bark, and threw it at John B. "JB, truth or dare?"
Pope grinned deviously, "Ok. You've gotta give me a foot massage until your next turn."
"That's it?" John B asked, waiting for the catch.
"Hey, I'm just playing the game!" Pope laughed.
John B picked up the piece of bark and chucked it across to JJ.
"Dare," the blond spoke before John B even asked the question.
John B grinned as he massaged Pope's feet, "Sit on Rosie's lap until your next turn."
Rosie giggled and pat her lap to invite him on.
"Dude, I'm gonna crush her!" JJ pointed out the obvious. He was a good foot taller than the short girl.
"No! I'm strong. Look at this muscle," Rosie flexed her biceps, pushing up the skin with her other hand to make it appear bulging.
"You heard her," John B laughed.
JJ shrugged, and plopped himself onto the bouncing girl. She grunted and tried to continue laughing, but his weight was too much. John B gave him permission to slide down and sit inbeween her legs instead.
JJ tossed the piece of bark to Kiara, who had moved to sit beside Pope.
"Truth," she caught it in the air.
"Hmm, oh, I know! Who's the last person you kissed," JJ shot her an evil grin as he sipped from his beer.
Rosie's eyes widened at this and she tried to slap the beer from his hand but hit him in the face instead. "JJ, noo! You can't ask her that!"
She tried to whisper in his ear, but in her drunken state, it came out as a breathy yell. Kiara and John B's faces immediately turned red, while Pope stared at his friends, completely lost.
"Toss me a beer," Kiara glared at the smug blond, taking the forfeit. JJ and Rosie cheered her on as she chugged the can and threw it to the ground, marking her second beer. She then tossed the bark to Rosie, who failed miserably at catching it.
"Truth! No, dare! Truth!"
Kiara rolled her eyes at Rosie, but couldn't fight back her laugh.
"Well while we're on the topic of kissing, Rosie, who do you wanna kiss right now?"
Rosie gasped and widened her cloudy eyes. She shook her head frantically.
"I can't answer that!"
Rosie knew her answer, but even in a drunken state, she wasn't dumb enough to give it away. But she wasn't exactly smart enough to lie either.
"Beer me!" JJ held out a hand. Pope tossed a new can to him, which he stabbed a hole in with the edge of his keys. He handed it up to Rosie, who didn't hesitate the chug the whole can, letting out a loud burp afterwards.
The game continued on like this for a while with laughs shared, shotguns completed, and the piece of bark being tossed around the fire. These were the moments Rosie treasured most. The ones where they weren't doing anything particularly exciting--just lounging idly around a fire playing a childhood game. About three rounds in, Pope and Kiara had switched clothes, John B was balancing a can of beer on his nose, and JJ was yet to move from his spot inbetween Rosie's legs. The shortest girl reached for her can of beer, but was stopped by the blond beneath her.
"You're cut off," he laughed at the whining girl.
She was drunk, but not so drunk she was unaware of her actions. Rosie was in that blissful state of drunkedness. Although, JJ was right. If she continued drinking, she'd soon be vomiting and wake up in a trainwreck of regret.
"It's 2 AM, guys. I need to head back before my dad kills me," Kiara sighed reluctantly.
"Yeah, me too," Pope added.
Kiara went to stand, but stumbled slightly. She was fairly drunk, and Pope was tipsy himself.
"Let me give you guys a ride," John B stood with them. He'd had the least to drink with only one beer.
Rosie frowned and JJ protested, "Oh, come on! It's only 2!"
"Goodnight, guys! Sleep tight!" Kiara giggled and followed John B and Pope to the van. Rosie and JJ watched as the old car pulled out of the driveway, and drove out of sight.
"And then there were two," JJ sighed, leaning back against the log so his head was against Rosie's stomach. The pair watched the flames of the fire flicker for a few minutes in silence. Rosie subconciously thread her fingers through JJ's messy locks, causing him to lean further into her.
"I wanna lay down," Rosie sighed and pat JJ's head. "Let's move to the hammock"
He groaned, but complied. The pair of teenagers stumbled towards the hammock in the trees, occasionally bumping into each other with a laugh.
JJ held the swing steady and spoke with an exaggerated British accent, "Ladies first!"
"Why thank you, kind sir!" Rosie giggled, playing along.
She hopped into the large hammock, and JJ quickly followed. She giggled as they swung back and forth. With both side views obstructed, the only thing Rosie and JJ could see was the sky above and each other. They lay side by side, shoulder to shoulder, staring up at the stars.
"Isn't this the part where you point out all the constellations?" Rosie nudged the blond with a sly grin.
JJ cleared his throat, "Well above us we've got the big spoon thing. And then to the right I think that's supposed to be a dude with a belt but I don't see it," he lazily pointed out.
Rosie's relentless giggles were infectious, and soon JJ was in a fit of laughter as well. The hammock swung underneath them. Eventually their laughter died down, and the hammock stilled. Rosie and JJ were reaching the 'lazy drunk' stage. The one where you just want to lay down and talk about nothing for hours.
"Do you think we're actually gonna find all that gold?" Rosie turned her head towards JJ, who continued to look at the sky above.
He paused before answering, "Yeah. We have to."
"It's all a little far-fetched though, don't you think? 400 mil in gold sitting underwater for over a century?" she sighed.
JJ shrugged, "Sounds crazy. But I've got a feeling that something's out there."
Rosie hummed and turned her head so she was facing the sky again. A light breeze blew in, rocking the hammock back and forth.
"Why don't you ever talk about your mom?" JJ mumbled.
This time he turned to face her, and she continued staring at the stars. Rosie sighed and shifted under his stare.
"Because if I start I won't be able to stop."
The pair laid side-by-side in silence as JJ processed her answer. A minute or so later, he sucked in a breath, indicating he was about to start talking again.
"Vulnerability isn't weakness, Rosie."
Rosie sighed and turned her head to face JJ. His blue eyes were darker than usual.
"I know," she breathed so quietly, she was surprised he heard.
Both teenagers turned back to face the starry sky above.
"Why do you think we fight so much?" Rosie changed the subject
JJ laughed at this, shaking the hammock slightly.
"Why do you think we do?" he turned the question on her.
Rosie grinned, "I asked you first!"
The blond shrugged. She could feel him thinking hard as he tried to formulate an anwer. One that extended beyond him breaking her arm and her breaking his nose.
"I think we're more similar than we want to admit sometimes."
Rosie scrunched up her nose at this. Never in her life had she considered herself to be anything like JJ. She'd always viewed them as worlds-apart different.
"I think you're just as impulsive as me. You just do a better job of hiding it. I get mad when you do dumb, impulsive shit 'cause I know your process--it's the same as mine. And I wish it wasn't. I'm already a fuckin' lost cause and I don't want you self-destructing into one too."
Rosie's mind spun as JJ spoke. She watched his lips move and the crease between his brows shift. She wanted to say something, but nothing would come out. Her throat was dry, and her vocal chords were pulled tight. Rosie tried to read the expression on JJ's face, but she couldn't make it out in the dim light.
"Your turn," he breathed.
Unable to speak, she whispered.
"I don't like feeling."
JJ still wouldn't look at her, but Rosie could tell he was listening.
"Happiness and anger are easy. I've been feeling those emotions my whole life. But when I feel anything else, anything deeper, it's like my body rejects it. Grief, guilt, sadness," she continued with a shaky voice, "You pull this--this thing out of me and I don't know what it is, so I just replace it with anger. I hate you because you make me feel."
JJ finally turned to face Rosie. Her eyes were wide, almost as if she was scared of her own words. One stray tear leaked from the corner of her eye and trailed down her face. Instead of hiding for once, she let JJ cautiously wipe it away with his thumb. They subconciously inched closer to each other, their noses just millimeters apart.
"What do I make you feel?" he whispered.
Rosie didn't reply. Instead, she leaned into JJ until their noses bumped. The proximity of his breaths made goosebumps erupt all over. She let her eyes flutter shut. He nudged his nose against hers again. It was just them. No beating waves, no chirping crickets, no swaying hammock. Just JJ and Rosie. And then slowly, her lips just barely grazed against his, as if to say, I'm scared. His brushed against hers a little harder; I'm here.
Just as they came together, they were torn apart. An almost.
"JJ, Rosie! You comin' in?"
The pair jumped apart, rolling off the hammock in surprise. John B laughed at the two teenagers groaning in the dirt.
"Shithead," JJ groaned.
"Well I'm beat. See you in the morning," John B called out to his friends before entering the house and heading to his room.
The pair had already sobered up some, but the shock of the fall brought them back completely. They pulled themselves from the ground and followed John B inside the Chateau. There was a newfound tension between Rosie and JJ that made the usually comfortable silence almost unbearable.
"Well, uh, I'll take the couch," the blond scratched the back of his head awkwardly.
"I've got guest room, I guess," Rosie sent him a tight-lipped smile and a sharp nod.
She spun on her heels and headed for the room in the back of the shack, ignoring the burning desire to stay with him on the couch. The further she walked from JJ and the closer she got to the guest room, the stronger the desire grew. But instead of giving in, Rosie did what she did best. She pushed it away, suffocated it in hopes it would die--or at least, leave her alone for now.
But as Rosie closed the door of the guest room behind her and changed into one of John B's t-shirts, she couldn't avoid the questions.
Were they really about to kiss?
Was it just the alcohol talking?
What would've happened if John B hadn't shown up?
Rosie's mind was reeling with the events of just minutes before. As she crawled underneath the covers, she tried to distract herself. She thought about her shift at The Wreck the next day, and the Royal Merchant. But no matter what she tried, a pair of baby blues would always cloud her mind. Rosie wasn't sure how long she stayed up tossing and turning. She longed to be on the couch with JJ, and her body wouldn't let her sleep because of it. Her heartrate wouldn't slow, eyes wouldn't close, breaths wouldn't even out. But she wasn't about to give into her desire.
So Rosie lay there, drifting in and out of the conciousness for hours, thinking only of her almost.
@tangledinsparkles @lovelymaybankk @my--heroine @thelonelyumbrella @floretsoleil @flick24 @books-netflix-and-pizza @dad-ee-drea @dolanfivsosxox​ @anahgiedd @love-bean​ @maleriefay @mrs-maybank @shawnssongs​ @downbytheouterbanks​ @lostwnoah @2410slb​ @daygiowvibe​ @thesailbells​
hehe don’t kill me
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dearestdaffodils · 4 years
Season 1, Episode 1: PILOT
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A/N: A lot of quotes and character dialogue is taken from the show! I am not trying to take credit for the amazing work the writers and actors and everyone involved in this show did! I also left out writing scenes that don’t involve the main group (IE: Ward and Sarah talking with Lana Grubbs) and a few other scenes simply because I wasn’t quite sure how to write them. 
Warnings (for the whole series): violence (as it is in the show), swearing, mentions of abuse, underage drinking and smoking, drug use
Word Count: 3579
“The Outer Banks, paradise on earth.” I tune out John B’s voice, ignoring his ‘welcome to the OBX’ speech for the camera. He was determined to make a documentary about our lives this summer, though I really didn’t know why. 
Welcome to the OBX, an island divided in two. You either have two houses or two jobs, that’s what John B always says. That blond boy sitting next to me, that’s JJ. My boyfriend. He’s as local as they come. Latest in a very long line of fishing, smuggling, vendetta-holding salt-lifers who make their living off the water. Don’t tell him I said this but he’s the best surfer I know. Mild kleptomaniac and probably a future tax cheat. 
The girl across from me is Kiara or Kie. When she’s not saving turtles or listening to Marley, or getting a dolphin tattoo, she hangs with us. None of us really know why she’s a rich kid after all. Next to her is the brains of our little operation. Pope. Finalist for the Lucas T. Vanderhorst Merit Scholarship and the smartest kid I know. 
The kid in the driver’s seat, the one who is paying more attention to his camera than the road, that’s John Booker Routledge, but everyone calls him John B. He’s kinda like my brother. He and his dad took me in when my family dumped me on their front porch when JB and I were about four. He drives me crazy and he knows it. 
And then there’s me. Y/N Y/L/N. Little Routledge as JB likes to call me even though I’m four months older than him. Big John disappeared nine months ago at sea, which means JB and I have been on our own since Uncle T split for Mississippi. Everyone insists that Big John is dead but John B refuses to sign the papers until he sees a body. 
Social workers have been on our asses nearly every day, trying to force us into foster care. John B and I have managed to avoid them so far. 
So this is how our story starts. Me losing nearly all of my second family and a social worker breathing down my neck. 
JB and I are probably the only two people in history to say this but thank god for hurricane Agatha. 
“Hurricane Agatha continues its steady march towards Kildare Island on the Outer Banks of North Carolina…” JB set the radio on the counter, turning up the volume as we listened for a miracle to keep DCS away. 
“Holy shit.” I look outside, taking in the dark sky and swirling wind. “JB, I think we found our miracle!” I shout over the storm siren, fishing my phone out of the couch cushions and dialing the number for DCS. “Yeah, I think we’re gonna have to reschedule.” I blurt into the phone, barely giving the woman time to answer. 
John B rips the phone out of my hand, hanging up and dragging me outside. “We gotta surf the storm surge!” 
“Are you insane?” I stumble after him, dodging tree branches. “Those aren’t surfable waves!” 
“Says who?” He laughs. “Come on!” He drags me along, pausing to grab our boards. 
I run after him, splashing into the water as the storm rages around us. I paddle after John B, surfing a few waves before the storm starts to pick up its pace. “JB! We gotta get inside!” I shout. John B stares out towards the open water, ignoring me. 
“JB!” I shout. “We have to go!” I turn to look at him, my gaze following his extended arm and index finger. My eyes land on a boat, getting tossed around in the storm. “John B, we don’t have time to worry about what those idiots are doing, let’s go!” 
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The morning after a hurricane always feels like something out of a movie. The silence fills the gaps of life, save for the sound of chickens and the occasional shouts from neighbors.
I peel my eyes open, hearing John B moving around in the kitchen. I swing my legs over the side of my bed (which is really just two mattresses stacked on top of each other) and slowly stand up. I shield my eyes from the sunlight pouring in from my windows, moving the towels that double as my curtains out of the way.
I grab my phone from the stack of books next to my bed, checking the time. “No service,” I mutter, opening my door and stepping onto the cold wood floor of the Chateau. 
“JJ, you been outside?” John B asks the blond boy, shaking his shoulder. 
“I have polio, bro. I can’t walk.” JJ mumbles, burying his face deeper into the pillow. 
I make my way to the front door, lightly swatting at JJ to get him up. “Oh man…” I whisper, looking outside. “That’s no good.” I survey the yard, taking in the damage. “What’re you thinking, JB?” 
“I’m thinkin’ that storm surge pushed all the crabs out on the marsh maze. It’s God tellin’ us to fish since DCS isn’t getting on a ferry anytime soon.” John B grins. 
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I stand on the bow of the HMS Pogue with JJ, looking at all the damage. “We’ll be cleaning this all summer.” I murmur, shaking my head. 
“That is my nightmare.” John B pipes up from behind the wheel, pulling up parallel to the dock just outside Heyward’s. “Well, look who we have here.” 
“I can’t.” Pope mimics static, pretending to talk into a radio on his shoulder. “My pop’s got me on lockdown.” 
“Your dad’s a pussy. Over.” JJ does the same, looking directly at Heyward. 
“Oh, I heard that, you little bastard.” Heyward glares at JJ.
“We need your son.” JJ flashes one of his signature smiles.
“Yeah, and island rules.” I bite my lip to stifle a laugh. “Day after hurricane’s a free day.” 
“Who made that up?” Heyward looks between me and Pope. 
“Pentagon, I believe.” I laugh. “We have security clearance. I have a card.” 
“You think I’m stupid?” Heyward frowns as Pope moves towards the edge of the dock. 
“I’ll do it tomorrow. I promise. Tomorrow.” Pope moves to jump into the boat as Heyward moves forward. 
“You think - no, no. Hell no. You doin’ it right now.” 
“Get in the boat, Pope,” I whisper. “Make a run for it.” 
Pope leaps into the boat, holding his hat on his head. “I promise I’ll do it tomorrow, dad!” 
“We’ll bring him back in one piece!” I call to Heyward, waving. 
The boys whoop and cheer, driving up to Kie’s dock. I smile wide, grabbing onto the dock as we wait for her. 
“Good morning!” Kie hurries down the dock, carrying her usual backpack and cooler, her hair neatly tied up on the top of her head. 
“Welcome aboard, fellow Pogue princess.” I laugh, saluting her. “Whatcha got? Juice boxes?”
“You know, just some yogurts and carrot sticks. I made sandwiches too, cut the crusts off how you like ‘em.” She teases, poking my nose. 
I help her onto the boat, grabbing a beer from the cooler as John B drives out into the marsh. He weaves through the channels, leaning back in the captain’s seat, looking as if he’s asleep at the wheel. I wouldn’t be concerned if he was though, he knows these waters better than he knows himself.  
“Can you go a little faster?” JJ asks, stepping up to the bow. “I got a party trick to show you.” He balances on the edge of the boat, tilting the beer bottle, letting the liquid flow freely from the bottle. 
“You’re getting beer in my hair!” Kie and I shout in unison, screaming and falling out of our seats as the boat hits something, stopping immediately. “Jesus, JB!” 
JJ groans, popping up from the water in front of the boat. “I think my heels touched the back of my head.” He chokes out. 
“What did you do?”  I push myself off the deck of the boat, resting a hand on John B’s shoulder. 
“Sandbar.” John B mumbles. “The channel changed.” 
“No shit, genius.” I shake my head. 
“Hey, I saved the beer, though!” JJ cheers. 
“Congrats, J.” I lean over the side, sticking my hand out to him. “Come on.” 
“Guys… I think there’s a boat down there.” Pope calls, looking over the other side of the boat. 
“Shut up, no way.” Kie scoffs. 
“I’m serious. There’s a boat down there.” Pope points. 
I join him on the side, looking down at the shape in the water. “Only one way to find out.” I shrug, quickly discarding my shirt and shorts before diving in. I swim down, peering around in the murky water. My eyes go wide and I swim up, grabbing onto the edge of the boat. “That’s a fucking Grady-White. A new one is like an easy 500 G’s.” 
“That’s the boat we saw when we surfed the surge.” John B looks at me. “Maybe it hit the jetty or something.” 
“Do we know whose boat that is?” Kie frowns. 
“No, but we’re about to find out.” I smile. 
“It’s way too deep.” JJ shakes his head. “You’re not going down there.” 
“Oh, for the weak and feeble, JJ.” John B chuckles. “Little Routledge can handle it.” He turns his attention to me, saluting me. “Diver down.” 
“Diver down.” I flip him off before diving back down, searching around the boat. I pop up after a moment, pushing my hair out of my face. 
“Any dead bodies?” Pope asks nervously. 
“Looting potential?” JJ asks at the same time. 
I shake my head, holding up a bright yellow tag with a key attached. “I found this motel key.” 
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I jump out of the boat as we reach the motel, tying the rope around a stump. “So, what’s the plan?” 
“You’ll see, bubba.” John B grabs my wrist and JJ’s arm, pulling us along. 
“Yeah, that doesn’t inspire confidence, dumbass.” I roll my eyes. “This place is a shitshow, doesn’t look like anywhere someone with a Grady-White stays.” 
“Motel or meth lab?” Kie mutters under her breath. 
“You be the judge,” Pope mutters back before giving me a pointed look. “Don’t let your boyfriend do anything stupid.” 
“I can’t make any promises.” I raise my hands in surrender as we walk off, going up the steps of the motel. 
John B leads us to the door, checking the number on the key as JJ knocks on the door. 
“Housekeeping!” JJ calls in a high pitched voice, waiting for an answer. 
“Should we try it?” John B asks, prompting nods from JJ and me.
We enter the room, closing the door behind us. I look around the room, handing John B a map from the bed. I move towards the bathroom, seeing John B messing with the safe out of the corner of my eye. I scan the walls of the dark and dirty room, shining my flashlight around
“You guys are gonna wanna see this.” He murmurs. 
JJ and I hurry over, looking in the safe. “Damn…” I whisper, looking at the stack of money, a gun laying on top of it.
JJ grins like a maniac, grabbing the gun from the safe. 
“JJ, put that down now!” I whisper-shout. 
“Just take a picture of me! Right here and then I’ll put it back!” 
“You want me to take a picture of you?” I raise an eyebrow, crossing my arms over my chest. “Make our own incriminating evidence?” I look up, hearing a tapping on the window. I hurry over, looking out to see Pope and Kie jumping up and down. 
“Cops!” Kie shouts quietly. 
“Shit, boys, time to go,” I whisper. “Cops.”
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“Thanks for warning us so quickly.” I laugh, playfully shoving at Kie’s shoulder as we push off from the motel. 
“We would have warned you sooner except Pope was on the math team.” She rolls her eyes. 
“Did you guys find anything?” Pope asks. 
“No, I don’t think so.” JJ sighs before pulling out the gun and a stack of cash. “ Oh, yeah, we did.” 
“Are you serious?” Pope shouts in a high pitched voice. “I’m gonna lose my merit scholarship.” 
“At least you have us, right?” JJ grins. 
“I’m living the nightmare,” Pope whispers to himself. 
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“It’s Scooter Grubbs. He was out during the storm. Check out this pic I got.”
“Dead body.”
“Holy shit.” 
“What kind of boat did he have?”
“Somehow, that dirtbag copped a brand-new Grady-White. Everyone’s out looking for it.” 
The words seemed to hover around us as we drove back to the Chateau, following us as we collapsed into chairs on the porch. 
“Okay… so, um… we didn’t see anything.” John B takes off his hat, running a hand through his hair. “We don’t know anything.”
“We need to have total and complete amnesia.” Pope nods. 
“Actually, Pope is right for once.” JJ nods, slinging an arm around me as he slides into the seat next to me. “See, I agree with you sometimes. Deny, deny, deny.” 
“We can’t keep that money.” Kie paces up and down the porch. 
“Not all of us can afford unlimited data plans, Kiara.” JJ sighs. 
I lightly push at his chest, giving him a look. “We have to pass it off to Lana Grubbs.”
“Otherwise, it's bad karma.” Kie nods in agreement. 
“I don’t agree.” John B murmurs from the corner. “This is Scooter Grubbs we’re talking about. Same dude that’s buying individual cigarettes at the Porthole. Shit, one time I saw this dude begging for change in the Save-A-Lot parking lot because he needed gas. We’re talking about a dirtbag marina rat who’s never had more than 40 bucks in his pocket, and all of a sudden, he’s got a Grady-White? Just sayin’,” 
“We have to see what’s in the cargo hold of that wreck,” I speak up. “For now, we lay low and act normal.” 
“Kegger?” JJ grins. 
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As JB always says; you can’t understand the Outer Banks without understanding the boneyard. It's kinda like a three-layer burrito. There’s us and our friends, the working class derelicts. Then, there are the Kooks, the rich second-homers. They’re mostly from poncey-ass boarding schools, just rich trustafarian posers. Our natural enemies. And then, there are the Tourons. Totally clueless. Here for a week on vacation with their families. Chum for the sharks. 
I smile, making my way across the sand with drinks for me and JJ, passing Pope along the way. 
“It's kinda weird when on TV, we see people die, and they kinda just sit there, but in actuality, they would be shitting and farting up a storm.”
I laugh, shaking my head as I walk past Pope and the fire. I make my way over to JJ’s usual spot; a fallen tree half-buried in the sand. I hand JJ his drink, sipping mine. “Poor Pope.” I snicker, glancing at the other boy over my cup. “He just can’t figure out how to talk to girls.” 
“Sarah! Sarah, be careful, okay?” 
I turn my attention towards the metal buoy stuck in the sand, recognizing Topper’s voice as he tries to coax Sarah down from the buoy. 
That’s Sarah Cameron. Kook princess. Kiara’s best friend in the ninth grade, worst enemy in the tenth grade. JB works on her dad’s boats and I was supposed to be helping her stepmom with gardening but have basically become a glorified babysitter for the princess. And that’s Topper. Her not so pleasant boyfriend. Just saying his name makes me want to vomit. He actually thinks Pogues were bred to mow lawns. 
I watch as Topper lifts Sarah down, starting to walk her up the beach and back towards his car. I barely see JJ move forward, extending a cup in her face. 
“Sarah, can I interest you in a tasty Milwaukee beverage?” JJ smirks, frowning when she declines. “Is it not fancy enough for you?” 
“I’ll take it.” Topper reaches for the cup, glaring as JJ pulls it away. 
“If you said pretty please, maybe.” JJ teases. 
Topper moves to grab the cup, knocking into JJ’s hand and spilling the drink all over Sarah. “Dirty Pogues!” Topper growls as Sarah pushes him back. 
John B moves in front of JJ as I pull him away. Topper lunges at John B, knocking him into the water. “ Don’t make me drown you like your old man, all right?” Topper shouts, holding John B down in the water. 
JJ rushes forward, pressing the gun to Topper’s head and clicking the safety off. 
“JJ!” I gasp.
“Yeah, you know what that is. Your move, broski.” JJ huffs as Topper raises his hands in surrender, standing up. 
“Check your psycho boyfriend, Y/N!” Sarah whines.
“Okay, everyone, listen up! Get the hell off our side of the island!” JJ fires the gun twice into the air, watching as the crowd scatters.
“So much for laying low!” Pope hisses at JJ, helping Kie pick John B from the water. 
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The next morning, JB was up before the roosters started crowing. The rest of the Pogues had returned to their respective homes. Kie had taken Pope home before returning to her house in Figure 8. JJ had left a small kiss on the crown of my head before disappearing into the trees.
I wander out of my room, wiping sleep from my eyes. “You look like you just swallowed a jellyfish.” I bump shoulders with John B. 
“Sheriff Peterkin just left…” He mumbles. “She’s asking questions. She said she can help us with DCS if we help her.”  
“Well… we’ll just give her the most information we can without us getting in trouble.” I sigh. 
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“The three of us! We’ve got nothing to lose!” JJ huffs, gesturing between me, John B, and himself. “You’re not calling this off, John B. I have a plan. We borrow some scuba gear from Cameron’s big boat and then we go down to the wreck.” 
We probably should’ve learned a long long time ago to never listen to JJ. He’s filled to the brim of bad ideas, like stealing from JB’s rich boss. 
Big John said the island was America on steroids. The haves and have-nots like anyplace, but magnified and multiplied. The way JB and I see it, the game’s rigged. Maybe it always has been. No parents, money, and no one looking out for us. We got no chance unless we make it on our own. 
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“You took empty tanks, JB.” I sigh. 
“This one’s a quarter full.” John B mumbles. 
“So enough for one of us… I just love it when a plan comes together.” I rub my head in annoyance. 
“Does anyone even know how to dive?” John B asks.
“I read about it,” Pope speaks up.
“Great, Pope read about it. So someone’s gonna die.” I roll my eyes.
“Look, you put the thing in your mouth and breathe. How hard could it be?” JJ asks.
“If you come up too fast, nitrogen gets into your blood, and you get the bends.” Pope leans back in the captain’s seat. 
“Bends like, bend over and…” JJ giggles, bending over the wheel.
“The bends kill you.” Pope sighs, making JJ’s eyes go wide.
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We all circle around John B as he kneels on the dock, holding the bag from the wreck. 
“Can we please just open the bag?” Pope huffs. 
“Damn, Pope. That’s a rare outburst of emotion.” I snicker.
“You guys are literally killing me with anticipation. Open the bag.”
John B opens the bag, pulling out a canister. He twists open the canister, letting a small circular compass fall out. 
“Oh, wow. Yup. That’s about right.” Pope sighs. “Good job, everybody. We found a compass. It's not worth anything.” 
“This was my father’s.” John B mumbles. 
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