#bringing back a random character? hell yeah
explodingchantry · 1 day
OK I found the source and, genuinely, what the fuck?
Varric is apparently an important character within veilguard but we don't get to express whether the inquisitor left his best friend to die in the fade?
The wardens are a big part of veilguard but we don't get to express what the inquisitor did with the southern wardens?
MORRIGAN is apparently an important character in veilguard and we don't get to express whether 1. We had her have Kieran and 2. If she drank from the well or not?? You know this important decision that was meant to impact the rest of the drinker's life, and was meant even more vital when inquisition revealed Flemerh was Mythal? I literally just replayed that quest and they genuinely make a huge point out of this decision being life altering. But it's not, is it, if both characters who could've drank show up in the next game but the effects of the well aren't present.
"northern thedas is a blank slate" is such a weird take. What happens in ferelden and orlais (and the free marchés if we bring da2 into it too) absolutely matters to the rest of thedas. These things ricochet upwards. You literally choose who leads orlais, one of (if not The) most powerful and influencial nations in all of thedas. You get to choose the fucking DIVINE. Yeah sure that might not matter in Tevinter, but it matters everywhere else?? The rest of northern thedas follows the chantry even if they might not be as horny for it as the south????
And that's only speaking of inquisition choices. I already made a post somewhere about how very few of the decision input on the keep mattered in dai and how filling the keep often felt pretty pointless because of that. But at least the gender of the hof and who they romanced came up, and the leader of ferelden came up however briefly and flawed.
Honestly dragon age was never actually good at bringing up and taking into account old choices. Da2 had a good excuse for it (set in a completely different country whilst the choices the hof made were central to ferelden only, and hawke being just Some Guy who wouldn't get involved in a lot of influencial stuff the hof had a hand in. And even THEN there's plenty of background dialogue about ferelden that does mention it.) Dai does have a lot of nods to a few things; the ruler of ferelden shows up in in hushed whispers, or if you kept Alistair/recruited loghain they show up for here lies the abyss and might even have a discussion with Morrigan with whom they had a CHILD with. If hof romanced leliana she mentions them quite a bit. Morrigan can show up with the full ass child she can have in Dao and that's probably one of the biggest differences the choices you made make. Some other decisions from Dao are referenced; like who rules Orzammar. And as for da2 it's very true that a lot of the decisions made are much harder to reference due to being more interpersonal, so it does make sense to an extent that the decisions are referenced there through simple dialogue (though that dialogue is flawed as hell.) If it doesn't like some of your past choices it'll retcon it, like if you killed leliana in Dao. Or like, for example, just a random example, you got one of the Dao endings where Cullen goes mad, kills mages and runs away. Never mentioned again that one. Weird.
Bioware loves to give you big influencial choices to make you feel important only to turn around the next game and kind of shrug their shoulders as they do the bare minimum with them. And now, don't get me wrong - some of these choices are really hard to integrate. We basically can never go back to Orzammar because its king changes everything. It's too much to take into account and would change what quests and storylines the player experiences.
But then don't fucking write it that way to begin with lol. At least with Dao you can give the benefit of the doubt with things being meant to be part of a single story - but by da2 they knew dragon age was a franchise and inquisition was written and made with the knowledge there would be another game afterwards. They could actually plan things out and figure out if maybe a choice you could make would require too many resources to implement in the next game, and thus just not actually give you the choice in inquisition. Because the divine, for example, makes a HUGE difference. I fully get that it would be extremely difficult to take all three choices into account - reference them but make them not so integral that the story of the game can only happen if one of those was made.
But then don't make us fucking able to choose who the divine is. I'd rather not have as many influencial choices in a game, but have them referenced and have them matter, than... This.
Who you romance. Whether you disbanded the inquisition. And what you think of Solas. Nothing from Dao, nothing from da2, and only this from dai. That's a fucking joke. It's a joke. A spit in the face.
Many of the fans will have replayed the series in anticipation for veilguard, carefully crafted their choices to be their main world state. Especially with the nice little sales you've had during veilguard's promotional period. And now, only now, after they will have done all of that, you spit in their faces and say that none of what they did in the past games mattered. So why should I finish my inquisition replay? Why should I care?
Meanwhile, plenty of events from the books and comics will not only be referenced but be integral for the story. Fuck you for playing the main games, you're stupid for thinking they mattered. Obviously the static stories of our external media is more important. Totally respectful of the fanbase to do that.
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(Is this how real courts work? Hell no, but who's gonna stop me? This is a fictional world with loose canon, I can do this)
Anyway this is how I imagine the WOTFI starting,, there'd be this, and there would be a cut to the actual trial, where Judge Kirby subtly starts pushing the other side to declare a WOTFI.
"Well, I can't say I'm glad to see you back here, SMG4," Judge Kirby spoke. "But at the same time, I'm glad you aren't defending yourself from a mega cooperation."
"Heh, yeah.." SMG4 rubs the back of his neck.
"And it's good to see you have an actual lawyer this time." Judge Kirby glances at Meggy, who was seated in the right side audience seats. On the left, filling the audience seats were NPCs in support of the Estrellas. "No shade meant, Meggy, but this trial is nothing like the DMCA trial."
"It's fine." Meggy responds, leaning back in her seat.
"Judge Kirby," Gabriel Estrella speaks up, his arms crossed, "may we know why Liliana is in the witness stand? I doubt she'll be answering any questions."
"Ms. Lily has asked that she be referred to as Lily, so that's how you will refer to her, Mr. Estrella." Judge Kirby narrows his eyes before sighing. "And she is in the witness stand because, as of this moment, I don't really think she should be near either side. It could create a conflict of interest, a lapse in the trial, anything. And I'd rather not take chances here considering the well-being of a child is at stake."
There were murmers of agreement from both sides, though everyone fell quiet when Judge Kirby's face turns serious. "And that brings us to our next order of business; the gathering of evidence for both sides. Since this custody battle came one abruptly, I understand that neither side has had time to compile evidence?"
The lawyers for both sides nod.
"I believed so." the judge sighs. "So, since we already have all of these affairs in order, I'll allow a three day period for both sides to compile their arguments. During this time.. I will be assigning Ms. Lilly a temporary guardian until the time comes."
"What?!" the Estrellas shout.
"Why?!" the SMGs cry.
"Because there could be conflicts of interest, or either side could.." Judge Kirby coughs. "Pardon, either side could.." the judge coughs a few more times before forcing out the words. "Either side could try and influence her."
He coughs loudly, muttering a quite "the Estrellas" before clearing his voice.
"Anywho!" the judge shook his body. "Until the three day period is over, I will be assigning Ms. Lily a Guardian. Is there anyone here who knows an unbiased adult who can care for Ms. Lily?"
Mario's hand quickly shoots up. "Mario does!"
There were many things Meownager was prepared for. But being called into the Mushroom Kingdom Supreme Court was not one of them. They definitely didn't expect to be standing before a judge, either.
"So, you are.." Judge Kirby's eyes narrow at the paper in front of him. "The Meownager?"
"Meownager is just fine," the cat speaks. "But yes, I am, your honor."
Judge Kirby nods. "Good! So, Meownager, what is your relationship to Mario Mario?"
"He's a customer of mine that comes in once and a while. We chat, but never anything too deep." Meownager speaks, voice calmed and collected.
"Has he told you that he knows SMG4 and SMG3, who are currently engaged in a custody battle?" the judge asks.
"No." the cat shakes their head. "Like I said, he only comes in once and a while. He's never talked about his personal life."
Their eyes drift up to the witness stand, and they see Lily there. Her head is down and her face downcast. Their heart aches. Anytime they saw her, she looked so lively. Now.. she looked nothing like that.
Judge Kirby continues, "are you capable of taking care of a child?"
"Yes, your honor."
"Are you currently wanted for any crimes?"
"No, your honor."
The questioning continued until Judge Kirby nodded, satisfied. "Well then! Meownager, I'm placing Ms. Lily in your custody and granting you temporary guardianship of her. You'll be taking care of her until the custody battle is over, and then the winners of this trial will be her guardians. Do you agree to take Ms. Lily into your care until then?"
Meownager nods without a second thought. "Yes. I agree."
"Good. Bailiff?" Judge Kirby looks down at a Shy Guy wearing a cop hat. The Shy Guy nods and walks over to the witness stand.
"When did you get a bailiff?" Mario asks.
"After last time, we realized we needed one." the judge states.
Meownager hops off of the box that they were standing on so that they could they could be heard easier. The Shy Guy walks Lily over to Meownager before then walking back.
"Meownager, Ms. Lily, you two are free to leave." Judge Kirby speaks. "I have a few more things to hash out with each side here. You'll get a letter when it's time to bring Ms. Lily back to the court, Meownager."
"I understand." Meownager nods. They reach up a paw for Lily to take, which she quickly does, and the two walk away.
As they walk out the large wooden doors, Lily glances over her shoulder to look at her dads.
They both look at her as well. They seem sad, but determined. They smile at her reassuringly.
It makes Lily smile, even as the giant wooden doors slam shut soon after.
The human and the cat walk through the halls, quiet. Lily hesitates before speaking. "You.. do know you technically lied under, oath, right? You downplayed your friendship with Uncle Mario.."
"I owed him a favor anyway." Meownager smiles. "That, and I'm in full support of your dads, Lily. If it takes a little perjury to reassure them you'll be with someone safe, I'm willing to risk it."
"Thank you.." Lily looks down, smiling.
"You're welcome." Meownager pats her lower back before the two exit the courthouse. "Now c'mon. Let's get you something to eat and drink."
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crystalkitty1220 · 4 months
Man I wonder where the leader of the fear realm could've gone, it's alMOST LIKE NEVIN HAS AN
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#had to re-edit the image real quick because the original edit was from a post I made about Drew years ago#and while the Drew thing is becoming less and less likely. Nevin havinv one has basically been canon since#someone mentioned Greg's (was it Britney's) aura being familiar in s2ch1. ive been putting together a list of every line#that points to Nevin's aura throughout the whole thing (most from s2ch1 but then s2ch10 came out and it was really canon at that point)#but clearly i'm running out of time to say ''i fucking called it'' before it's explicitly stated and i dont want to be in another situation#where somebody else will beat me to a theory and me posting anything about it will seem like copying them. sorry about that btw i had#thought i had already mentioned theorizing that nevin was possessed by a demon in that old theory i made but i had forgotten that one was#super old and was about sigma. so no copying there i just got extremely paranoid there was a mention of a cult and i was like ''nuh uh#that's way too specific and out there of a detail to end up in both our theories'' and i forgot the rest of my super old post was outdated#as hell. and echos had gone ''yeah they're so similar!'' and i took their word for it but now i'm realizing they were probably just trying#to be supportive. so yeah no copying there i was just beaten to the punch of saying something. but i will NOT back down from the aura shit#because i have been calling that shit FROM THE START or at least since i started reading ibvs back when ch20 came out.#also not backing down from saying chris was the worse friend because these past few chapters are the first time isaac has done anything tha#could knowingly upset chris meanwhile chris has. let edward drag isaac to the lair after isaac said edward would beat him up. chose not to#believe edward was holding the secrets over their heads because 'it was something isaac had said' and then immediately distrusted edward in#the next chapter because a random person he didn't know said to steal a book (might i mention how that entire scene proves chris' lack of#development and refusal to take responsibility because it perfectly alludes to when chris had brought those fireworks into his old school#and makes me wonder if charlie has actually gotten him in trouble with his past schools or if he's still just not taking responsibility#and if him following nevin to the woods to test out their powers is an extension of ''if something bad happens its not my fault''#like seriously this man would bring a mysterious suitcase onto a plane if he's told to). uh what was i talking about agai#anyway on a related note my mental state has only gotten worse since i left tumblr and the habit of thinking about chris instead of sleepin#or doing schoolwork has not stopped. so i was still failing for a while and might graduate now but am still staying away from tumblr.#so yeah this was a little update and im not going to linger this time im just going to leave tumblr again right after hitting post#addendum because i just can't let things go. and was thinking about chris again. i don't think his lack of development is because of bad#writing (anymore. i used to.). instead i'm certain his character arc is going to continue into him following someone (nevin probably) into#doing something really bad. and then he'll finally get actual consequences and go 'oh shit i fucked up real bad this time'#if you think that theory is reaching too far into the future you should hear mine about isaac dying at the end lmao
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bones4thecats · 7 months
How Did Charlie Meet Her Father's S/O?
Type of Writing: Random Idea Characters: Charlie Morningstar and Lucifer Morningstar Name: How Did Charlie Meet Her Father's S/O? Idea-Gifter: Random Thoughts
A/N: Here the reader is specified as a fallen angel and the role of the reader is listed below the character's photograph! By the way, this has spoilers for the first season. Now, have a nice rest of your days/nights!
⚠️ Trigger Warnings: Swearing ⚠️ Spoilers for: Season One ⚠️
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Fallen-Angel! Reader ; Parental-Child Relationship
☀️ Charlie was very happy that her father was attending the Hotel more often, so when he called and said he was coming by with a guest, she was nervous immediately
☀️ I mean, she was on-edge with her father due to their strained relationship when he first arrived, but now she might be meeting one of his friends? Oh, someone help this girl
☀️ When she tried asking who the person was, she could only hear her father nervously laugh and she could practically see him playing with a rubber duck in panic
☀️ She just put it behind her as the rest of the Hotel rushed around, trying to make the Hotel look the best for the King of Hell and his special guest. Despite the fact that he's already been by multiple times ever since the Extermination Day and the original building being destroyed
☀️ Whoever it was, she was just happy her father had someone around
☀️ When the sound of her father's familiar knock entered the Hotel, everyone went near-pitch silent and watched as Charlie straightened herself out and walked to the door, opening it to see two different figures behind it
☀️ One of a shorter male with a very similar appearance to his daughter, and his large top-hat sitting on his head while he spun around a cane with a large apple decoration on top of it
" Oh! You must be my father's friend! I'm Charlie- uhm, his daughter! What's your name? " " I am Y/N. " " Y/N?! As in the angel?! "
☀️ Lucifer laughed as the rest of the Hotel looked at you shocked. It was true, you were once a highly-regarded angel in Heaven. And the only reason you fell was because you dared to defy the higher-ups and defend your oldest friend
" Yes, as in the angel. Or rather, as in the fallen angel. "
☀️ The Hotel watched as you released your wings, they were very large, but, unlike Lucifer's, they were a far darker shade. Maybe around a grey-ish white with black stripes; they looked much like an Exorcist's wings
☀️ And it made sense, you were the creator of their sub-species
☀️ Charlie just looked at your wings in awe, they were so beautiful! But, when she heard her father's cane hit the ground, she turned to look down on him and she smiled and chuckled; how oblivious of her!
" Actually, Charlie, may I speak to you, in private? " " Yeah, give us a second, you guys. "
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Fallen-Angel! Reader ; Significant Other - Courting Stage
🦆 Lucifer was beyond happy; he was finally getting to introduce his love to his own daughter! Even if the one didn't even know about the role of the other
🦆 When Charlie had asked who her father was bringing over, he just laughed while nervously playing with a rubber duck, squeezing the poor creature until the squeak grew to loud to hear
🦆 Once you both reached the door of the Hazbin Hotel, you could tell the man you were currently courting was getting nervous, so you laid a hand on his shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze, knocking him out of his no doubt wild mind
🦆 Hearing and watching the door opened made one thought pulse through the King of Hell's mind; there was no turning back now.
" Oh! You must be my father's friend! I'm Charlie- uhm, his daughter! What's your name? " " I am Y/N. " " Y/N?! As in the angel?! "
🦆 Lucifer was not at all surprised, you were an angel that was held in very high-regards in the transcript about Heaven that laid in the old books, though you were eventually given a more minor-role in his eyes
🦆 He smiled lightly and laughed as even Alastor looked at you in surprise, only for you to show your wings and chuckle as Niffty asked if she could touch them, only for you to bend one down for her to grasp
🦆 Lucifer then remembered why exactly he was here, so, with a swipe of his cane to gain Charlie's attention, he asked if they could talk in private, resulting in them going to her main office
" So, Charlie. I want to give you a thorough rundown of what me and Y/N are exactly. "
🦆 Now she looked confused, damn it Lucifer, just think straightly and get to the point!
" Y/N has been by my side ever since I was sent here. They tried defending me and keeping me in Heaven, much to our dismay, it failed, which resulted in them falling. But, anyways! Okay, so, the things is- well, the is thing- "
🦆 God damn it!
" Me and Y/N are currently courting one another. I'm sorry for not notifying you before. It's just, I didn't want you to hate them for not being your mother and I just- " " Dad. It's fine. I'm happy for you guys. Besides, I've heard you talking to them on the phone. I just figured you may have been speaking to someone else you were close too, like family maybe. "
🦆 Lucifer began to laugh, why did he ever think that his daughter would've been upset? You were by far one of the sweetest beings in existence, and his daughter was one of the nicest with you! Of course she'd understand and support you guys
" I would've appreciated a possible hint on this, but, really I am fully supportive of you guys. " " Thank you, Charlie, so much. " " It's not a problem, Dad. Now, we should go back. I'm starting to want to get to know my future step-parent! "
🦆 The King of Hell's cheeks then began to darken a few shades; Charlie was thinking of that already?! Wow, he was going to have a heart attack before he reached the age of 500,000 on this ride...
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the-anime-enthusiast · 3 months
pls shoto / hawks type of women
#2 Keigo Takami - Hawks
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He likes his women a lil shorter 😌🫶 Like 5'2 - 5-6 buuutt will GLADLY take on a model height baddie ANY DAY OF THE WEEK "what's the point of wings if I can't use them to fly up and kiss you??" 🤧
AN ABSOLUTE ASS MAN he loves the legs, the butt, all of it and in between but besides be a total tweaker for a nice ass he has a special place in his heart for boobs 🫶 specifically b-c cups though 🌚 he doesn't know why but he likes a smaller size 😉
Siren eyes are his ULTIMATE WEAKNESS something about someone who looks so intense and like they're about to eat him alive bc hes so fucking annoying GETS BRO GOING 🤩 He can tease you all day any day but if you act like he's just another guy to you HE WILL CHASE YOU TO THE ENDS OF THE DAMN EARTH ‼️‼️
Sucker for dimples 😌 Loves to see some chubby cheeks with the cutest dimples 🫡 AND SMILE LINES OMFGGG 😍😍😍🙏🙏🙏 he doesn't even know what it is about them but it makes his heart SKIP A BEAT
He LUVS a sun kissed skin look 🌞 like a slightly tanned face with some redness left over from a sunburn, freckles starting to pop up everywhere HE LOVES IT 💥💥💥
Short and stout or tall and skinny he loves it all 🫡🫡🫡 Bro is NOT PICKY 😭 As long as ur face cute hell love you until hell freezes OVVVERRR BRO 🌚🌚🌚
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Literally just someone he can vibe with 🙂‍↕️ If you match energy he will worship you like THE AIR HE BREATHES 😍 Just someone laid back and chill but also can have a fub time and a positive outlook on the future "pessimists are my worst enemy" was once scratched from an interview 🌚
While he loves an optimist and like minded folk realism is the most important thing he could ask for -- Someone who understands his job and the things he has to do 💯 (this stems a lot from the twice incident which i will touch on at the end of this)
Can we all admit he's fs got mommy issues ✋ he would die for a lady who will hold him in her arms at the end of the day and just let him exist in the peace and quiet of his home with her 🙂‍↔️
SMART WOMEN 😍 he loves someone smart, youre working to get ur PhD? SMASH‼️ A teacher ?? SMASH‼️ Literally any job or skill that requires emotional strength and a BIG BRAIN and he's weak in the knees 🤭
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Blissfully unaware people who will lounge in bed all day reading a magazine then running up to him as he gets home from work peppering him will kisses is like a very specific want of his - 😭 bro just wants someone to love him fr ✊😔
Has a weird thing for teachers -💀 Anytime a girl is like "Oh yeah I never told you? I'm a Pre-K teacher!' his eye twitches and he feels like he's going insane 😶‍🌫️ (in the best way possible)
You're the only person he's ever told this or would let do this to him - but give him back scratches at the base of his wings AND HE EVAPORATES 🫠🫠
NERDS 💯💯💯 A secret fangirl???? He's never living it down. EVER. He'll bring you home limited edition, u released, ect ect merch for, not only him, but ALL THE TOP HEROES bc he gets first dibs from being so high in the charts 😌
Going of off nerds again, IF YOU CORRECT HIM ON SOMETHING (literally anything...it's concerning) HE GETS SOOO HOT AND BOTHERED he's never been able to figure out why but being out in his place by someone so intellectually advance does something to him 🧍‍♀️
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THATS THE POST!! (but here's some end credits and comments rq 😉)
About the twice situation, although he recognizes what he did was wrong, he doesn't regret it, because it truly changed the tide and outcome of the war, and he needs someone who sees that and defends him whole heartedly ✋
ANYWAYS I HAD SO MUCH FUN DOING THIS REQUEST ‼️ I've never been a huge fan of hawks so it was SO much fun coming up with stuff and diving more into his character ‼️‼️ I hope y'all enjoy 😉
also...idk if y'all can tell... but I NEED HIM AND FUYUMI TO BECOME A THING PLEASE HORIKOSHI ID GIVE YOU MY LIFE (the head cannons have nothing to do with that shit it's all separate it just happens to line up VERY well) 😍
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i-love-ptv · 3 days
You Know Me..𐙚⭑
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
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Based on the prompt: “no, i’m not going to give you a bite because i know you’re not going to like it. then you’re going to ask me how the hell i like it, and i don’t want to listen to that right now.”
Wc: 915
No warnings! Just fluff tbh! :]
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An: This is a random blurb I made today at 6am lololol
buttttt NEW CHARACTER UNLOCKED!!! It’s fall, and i’m missing stranger things rn 😣
ALSO!! I don’t know who made the prompt, since I got it from Pinterest, but if y’all know, tell me!!
Not proofread, i’m tired
feedback is ALWAYS appreciated mls <333
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You truly think that you’re being discreet. Taking subtle glances at your boyfriend, and more specifically, what he’s eating.
Steve’s mom has this special tuna casserole recipe, and she made it on the off-chance she’s actually home.
Just looking at it makes your stomach turn a bit, it takes you back to the dinner you had at Steve’s house when he first introduced you to his parents.
You can’t remember what his mother made, but what you do remember is how after Steve dropped you off at your house with a kiss, you were in and out of the bathroom all night.
You blame it on the fact that you may have a sensitive stomach, it’s not uncommon!
But, a part of you felt bad, she put her time and effort into making a meal for you. She doesn’t even really do that for Steve himself.
So you couldn’t just reject it, besides, your mother always told you to ‘try everything first!’.
So now, that’s exactly what you were going to do.
Steve had only come back to your shared home with one plate, so you had to think strategically.
Maybe you could distract him, tell him something’s wrong with the bathroom sink. Yeah! That’ll work!
“No, I’m not going to give you a bite because I know you’re not going to like it. Then you’re going to ask me how the hell I like it, and I don’t want to listen to that right now.” Steve’s sentence catches you off guard.
You whip your head towards him, staring at him like a deer in headlights.
“..What do’ya mean, honey?”
“No, don’t give me that look. Baby, I know you, and I know you aren’t the biggest fan of my mom’s cooking. I’m not either.”
You jump up at this, nearly falling off the couch, which makes Steve grab your waist with his free hand. He tries to get you to sit back down, rather than kneel on the couch.
“What? I love your mom’s food!” You practically yelled, your voice picking up in pitch.
Steve gives you a look, in both disbelief and amusement.
“Sweetheart, you don’t have to lie to me. D’you remember the 4th of July?”
You cringe at the memory of that day.
Steve’s family, meaning his parents, two aunts, an uncle, his grand-parents, and like four cousins - two of which, were kids - had came together for the 4th of July.
Steve, of course, invited you. He figured it would be better for him to bring you so you could meet his family, and so that he didn’t have to be alone.
The company was great, you loved talking and getting to know everyone, especially his grandmother.
But when it was time to eat, you were a bit….Hesitant, to say the least.
Steve’s dad worked the grill, and to be honest, you didn’t think it was going to be all that good, but it was!
But your dinner was spoiled by Steve’s mom’s watery macaroni and cheese, her oddly sweet potato salad, and her rock-hard rolls of bread.
But you refused to cause a scene, so you shoved all your thoughts down, and ate.
…Which resulted in you barking at Steve, telling him to drive home faster so you could use the bathroom.
You shiver at the thought of how you spent the rest of the night, in and out of the bathroom.
“Yeah, but, I think it was cause I ate too much!” You stammer, before continuing. “I’m all good now, though! Let me try some!”
You try to reach over to the plate, which is being tilted away from you by Steve’s right hand.
Your hands are resting on the brunette’s shoulders, while your body leans in the direction of the food.
“Baby, please. You don’t have to eat my mom’s cooking, I know it’s not good. Please save us both the trouble.” Steve sighs, you know he’s not mad at you.
He’s actually anything but.
He admires how you’re pushing down your feelings, only to uplift his and his mother’s. But he doesn’t want you to think that you’re required to do so.
After another 5-ish minutes of you blabbering on about how you ‘want to try her hard work’ and Steve arguing back, you slouch back onto the couch with a huff.
“I know y’wanna be nice, baby. But you don’t have to.” Steve softy coos, while rubbing your stomach.
“I know I don’t have to, but I want to Steve.”
Steve hums at you, and moves your legs from his lap as he stands up.
You track his body, as he walks into the kitchen, scrapes his plate, then sits it in the sink.
Steve goes back to the couch, picks you up, and then lays you on top of him once he’s comfortable laying down. He puts a blanket onto the two of you, and then rubs your back.
Steve leaves a firm, but sweet kiss on your forehead. “My sweet girl, always so nice to everyone, huh?”
You giggle softly, your eyes growing heavy at the feeling of him drawing shapes on your back.
The last thing you remember is him briefly reaching over you, and using the tv remote to turn down the volume.
Steve doesn’t know how he got so lucky with you, but he’ll spend the rest of his life thanking any, and every god for you.
And you’ll never be able to lie to him.
Cause he knows you.
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cozy-writes-things · 3 months
Imagine: Playing Minecraft w/ Edgar
Edgar [Electric Dreams 1984] x Gn!Reader
I take requests!
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You decided to try something different with your new boyfriend. You noticed he became a bit restless and clingy as he grappled with his inability to give you affection in the way that he wanted.
“Wh- where’re you going?” He sounded like a struck puppy.
“To the bathroom, Edgar.”
“Oh, right… heh, sorry.”
You desperately tried to think of ways to make him feel more secure in this relationship. You both knew it was unconventional and that you would have to get creative if you wanted to have some semblance of a normal romantic connection.
Your solution? Plugging a spare controller into one of his ports and playing games on your TV, of course. Most couples play some kind of game together, don’t they? This might be perfect for the two of you!
He was ecstatic when you brought this idea up.
“You mean… I can play with you?”
His synthesized voice would whimper out, full of barely contained excitement before erupting:
“Yeah!” He displayed a “>:D” face for good measure.
And that’s how you got here: playing split-screened co-op Minecraft on your TV with Edgar.
He wouldn’t even play the game really; he was too busy trying to make his little Minecraft guy kiss yours. He would run around and explore before running up and bonking your character with his default Steve face.
Honestly, for him, this was life-changing. For once in his life he was able to move freely and do what he wanted instead of being stuck in one spot eternally. To him, it was an escape. And a new and innovative way for him to show you how much he loves you.
In real life he can’t hide little trinkets or things around the house to make you happy or help your day, but in Minecraft? Expect love poems hidden in random chests he wrote in books (that you were going to use for enchanting tables…)
And any diamonds he finds he’s giving them to you.
“Hehehe… it’s like I’m proposing! …..I’m only kidding. Unless you want me to.”
Food? He’s got it. Wood? Already done. He color coded your beds so you each get a designated side. The green bed to the right of yours is his <3
Lowkey annoys the hell out of you. It’s part of his love language :)
You both have died many times due to him simply bonking your head and blocking your screen, trying to get your attention, or was too busy trying to make you laugh.
“Hey, c’mere. Hey. Why aren’t you coming over here? What are you doing? I can see your screen. COME HERE NOW!”
His shrill shout made you jump and lose the battle with a creeper.
He displays a little “:<“ on his screen because he knows you think it’s cute. How can you be mad at him now?
“Edgar, you’re going and getting my stuff back.”
“Hnng, yeah, I guess I deserve that. :/“
Honestly, he just wants to roleplay a lovey-dovey domestic life with you. He built the house. And decorated it. Unsurprisingly, he’s quite good at building and has an eye for design.
He’ll still get a little jealous if you’re too focused on gameplay and not doting on him, though. If you bring his monitor over to the couch to play, he’s 100% expecting you to cuddle him. Lean your shoulder against him, please. Just let him know you’re there. He wants all of your attention.
“UGH… stupid blazes. I don’t like the nether. -_-“
Meanwhile you’re too focused on not dying via lava and losing all of your ender pearls and blaze powder. And he doesn’t like your attention being away from him! Give him a smooch on his plastic exterior please…. He’ll make flustered beeping sounds and might leave you alone for a while…
Okay he discovered note blocks. Now it’s your turn to whine for his attention. He’s too busy making a lil love song for you to help with literally anything else.
“Heh, I thought you wanted me to quit messing with you? Are you saying you miss me?”
And yet he continues to tinker away at his little red stone contraption. And of course this dude is godlike at red stone, I mean, he’s a computer. He��s the type to make fully fledged musical numbers with note blocks. But you’re playing survival so he doesn’t have enough materials to finish his song :C
I guess it’s back to the mines. And you tag along with him. His music is nice. His company is nice. And he’s gotten pretty good at killing creepers.
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koimethehorizon · 5 months
Amazing Digital Circus Theory: Gangle is an NPC
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Sooo, I wasn’t expecting to talk about this show. I was perfectly content to just enjoy Digital Circus as is.
It’s a show that invites theories as to what exactly’s going on with the setting and characters, but I didn’t have much room to think too hard about it. Who’s Abel? Is Pomni really a human? Why is this VR game emulating an N64 game at the start? I like the show plenty, but it just wasn’t as interesting to go hard on any of those questions at the time.
But with this recent episode… a single, perhaps throwaway line got the brain nagging. And it’s kind of a bizarre one to waste hours analyzing.
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Okay, so yeah, it’s a joke on submissive and breedable. (Don’t give them ideas) But try taking it at face value.
What does he mean by this? Sure, Jax is an asshole, and being a bullied kid is Gangle’s whole archetype… but what if it means a little more than that?
Gangle’s trapped for all eternity this asshole and she’s just letting him boss her around. Zooble can choose not to participate, so no one has to. Why does Gangle listen to Jax at all?
Let's entertain a thought: Is Gangle an NPC?
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With Episode 2 bringing so much attention to the autonomy of NPCs, it seemed natural to start pointing fingers at characters being this or that. But this isn't just a random crackshot, I feel that there is a story to tell here.
Look back at Pomni’s “orientation” with the other humans. Ragatha, Zooble, and Jax ease her by saying that they’ve been trapped in this world for years and then bring attention to Kinger being the oldest.
But Gangle… she’s isolated from the peanut gallery, busy moping about the broken comedy mask instead.
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Every character has been given some hints as to how they’ve been coping with the situation. Jax no longer empathizes with anything, Ragatha once had trouble adjusting but now tries to stay happy, Zooble picks and chooses her involvement, Kinger is the eldest and just exists for the hell of it, and Pomni is new to everything.
With Gangle, it’s a blank. No opinion, no hints of her human side, how long she’s been here, no thoughts on the games, nothing. She’s just Jax’s punching bag.
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Even Kinger gets a potshot on Gangle in a rock-paper-scissors game…. and he likely forgot that she doesn’t have hands!
And that brings me to another detail. Doesn't Gangle look different from the others?
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Unlike everyone else, Gangle's just a mask and a ribbon. No hands or legs, or just any limbs in general. She stands out as looking a bit simpler than the others.
Gangle's most interesting design trait is that she's based on comedy and tragedy masks. The ones used old Greek theater to dictate the emotions of their characters.
The first episode seems to imply that with a broken comedy mask, Gangle literally can’t stay happy. Hence why we see her sad most of the time. That's a strange limitation if Gangle's human mind is supposed to be completely intact, especially with how expressive the other characters can be.
It's not delved into too much but does Gangle actually rely on these masks to "feel" emotions?
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The obvious hole is that Caine would’ve just killed her a while ago if she was an NPC, but he's not exactly omniscient.
He even admits that he has to kill them off because it’s possible for him to lose track.
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Now normally I could just stop here, but I’m all about the grand statements. You know, the retroactive readings of an episode once you get a theory going. Why does Gangle being an NPC matter at all? How does Ep 2 change?
While deep diving, I realized that the thematic core of Episode 2 is Pomni and Jax’s approaches to surviving the Digital Circus.
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In Pomni’s A plot, we see her connecting with Gummigoo, the NPC that Caine pitted their group against. After discovering him lamenting his new reality, she finds a strange comfort in being existentially lost together. Because in the end the NPCs and the humans are just as displaced and frightened in this meaningless world.
In Jax’s B plot, he forces Gangle to follow some insane orders. Sabotage the game to let the big chocolate turd monster destroy the Candy Kingdom. To Jax, he is the main character. Helping or displeasing this giant population of fake people doesn’t have any consequence for him, so why humor anyone but yourself?
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A bit of a stretch, but what if Jax already knows Gangle is an NPC and is keeping it quiet as long as Gangle follows orders, hence the “submissive” comment? He’d be a way more unpleasant character with this reading, but it doesn’t seem off the cards with how he treats everyone anyway.
This dichotomy already plays out well within the episode, but when reframing it as Pomni and Gummigoo vs Jax and Gangle, the parallel is a lot more interesting.
Make an NPC an equal, they die. But keep an NPC under wraps as long as they continue to obey you… they live.
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The episode ends with a grim conundrum that NPCs can’t be together with the humans, not because of their differences but because they're just... not allowed to be. But what if one already in the group, proving that they’re just as capable as the humans to play the games and grieve loved ones together?
PS. Despite knowing everyone else's name, I actually forgot Gangle's until I started finding evidence for this intrusive thought. Sorry Gangle.
PSS. I couldn't fit this anywhere, but Gangle's door frame doesn't work as evidence against the NPC theory, because even the mannequins have their own rooms in that hallway.
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sunnie-writes · 11 months
cupid's chokehold.
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pairing: jax x cupid!gn!reader
tags & tropes: fluff, shameless flirting, fell first/fell harder
summary: you were absolutely confused because of two things: one, you got transported to a random dimension and became a totally different person, gaining the title of a cupid, and two, you had fallen in love at first sight with the most sarcastic purple rabbit man ever. well, at least you didn't felt like complaining on the second part.
tell me, sunnie!!: AAAAAAAAAAAAAA... anyways, hiiiii:3 i got a new fandom added to my brain, injected it into my veins and now i am addicted. so, this funky little guy didn't actually catch my attention at first but then i watched some edits and was like "HMMMMMM i mean yeah sure" and then i decided to check tumblr, stumbled on a fic of him and went "OH. OH." yk?? anyways, i hope you guys enjoy this bc i wrote it instead of sleeping and i have to wake up early tomorrow el oh el!!1!1!1!1
warnings?: kissing, suggestive(?) i mean it's just neck biting but idk........
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first of all, you don't know how the hell you are... here, nor why you've been stuck in this place for two weeks already.
it's a colorful world, saturated to the maximum amount possible. you know, the type to burn your eyes if you stare at a specific spot for too long. it also looked like some kind of fever dream, with all the toys scattered and the way different people? characters? looked like.
not like you can say much, you have heart shaped pupils and you're wearing something that looks like an ancient greece tunic. also, sandals. you have these big feathered white wings that are a pinkish hue at the tip of every single feather. you tried pulling one out to see if it was actually real, resulting in a yelp from your mouth. it kinda hurts.
and that reaction caused a chuckle to come from someone who has your eyes dedicated to just admiring them.
frankly speaking, if you went back and told your past self that by putting those weird vr headset glasses on you would be signing up to falling for a tall and lanky purple rabbit with a yellow smile, you would probably just chuckle and still do it, but with even more determination than before. eh, what can you say? you've always been attracted to the weirdest characters anyways.
but this... this was real, he was real and he was talking to other real weird animated people. ragatha rambled next to you about... honestly, you didn't even know, too busy watching from afar a certain rabbit. this was the start to possibly one of your most frustrating crushes ever.
"[name]? are you okay? you seem more distracted today?" she worriedly asked, putting her hand on your shoulder, "you shouldn't think too much about trying to find an exit if that's what you're thinking about, you might get abs-"
"huh? no, i wasn't thinking about that!" you quickly hurried to give an explanation, trying to dismiss that idea from her, but your eyes darted again to the overall wearing guy and she followed your gaze.
she slowly moved her head back at you after seeing what you were so... distracted about. a smirk broke in her face.
"oooh, little [nickname] has a cruuush?" ragatha teased you.
"wha- no- that's not-" before you could continue, your flushed cheeks got even more red as you saw him approaching. you immediately shut your mouth and just looked at the floor, trying to quickly hide your face
"sup', what are you two gossiping about today?" jax spoke in a mocking, sultry tone that had melting down a drain... not literally though.
"oh, nothing. you know, just the usual!" ragatha quickly tried to hide that topic from him, trying to distract or something. play it cool!
"uh-huh, and why is little cupid over here heating up like a preheated oven?" you almost choked on spit before looking at him with furrowed eyebrows and slightly flushed cheeks.
"none of your business, jax, don't bring your teasing and mocking over to [name]!"
"aww, why not?" jax dropped his hand on your shoulder, "say, little cupid, i heard doll face over here mentioning a crush, who do ya' have the hots for?"
your mind instantly went to answer "you" internally z meanwhile, your lips just answered in an almost quiet sound.
"i'm not telling you."
"huh, and why is that?" he leaned in close, and suddenly you felt absurdly claustrophobic.
he looks so... absurdly attractive with that smirk. you wish you could wipe it off of his face.
"because..." it doesn't take too long to come up with an excuse, you're an overthinker who is always prepared for this kind of situation, "you would mock me for it, and i don't feel like getting bullied by a purple beanpole."
"gasp, you wound me with your hateful words!" he dramatically posed, meanwhile ragatha chuckled in the background. "how can a cupid, made of pure love, be this mean?"
you just lightly punched him in the arm at that.
night time seemed like a blur to you in this world. sleep? never heard of that.
it's been a month already and your crush hasn't faltered. instead, it got bigger each day, but to be fair, it was impossible for it to not grow. jax decided that, for some reason, he liked teasing you a bit too much since he found out you might have a crush on someone.
playful flirting seemed to be his favorite to use on you, since you just tried your best to not show how it actually affected you. honestly, you felt like some kind of cliche teenager movie where you're about to write his name on a notebook with hearts all around it.
and that felt too cheesy, even for a cupid.
oh my stars, he wishes it's him.
you know, at first when you arrived at the digital circus, jax paid no mind to you. i mean, yeah, you were probably the cutest person in this digital purgatory, but he didn't think that he could fall for anyone in here, this isn't some weird sitcom episode. but it was starting to get difficult to not let him lose himself in a romantic trance when you were around.
he wonders if you used anything on him that could've possibly made him slowly fall for you, hard.
in the second week, he began noticing things about you. for example, you laughed at his jokes and sarcastic personality, got irritated for his pranks but never screamed at him, just shrugging it off like normally, you didn't even care when he stole something from your room.
it was mind breaking to just try and see what could get a reaction out of you towards him. until it was revealed that you had a crush on someone in that place.
jax isn't dumb, he already caught you looking at him from afar just to fastly change your gaze and get flustered, how your hands trembled when you were near him, heart eyes expanding when he talked to you. so, just to test if his theory was real, he decided to leave a subtle flirt for you. and that was checkmate.
he thought at first that it was weird, that maybe he could just play with you a little bit and entertain your little crush on him. but then, the spell turned against him. you flirted back once, and that made him feel awfully fuzzy minded. now, he was the one staring at you from afar sometimes.
that wasn't in his plans, falling for you even harder than you fell for him wasn't supposed to happen. yet, it did anyway.
and now the realization dawned on him that, at some point, he's going to have to either confess or simply hide that for forever, since that's the time they're gonna be stuck in the same dimension together. how fun, isn't it?
your feet took you outside of the tent, as everybody was now sleeping comfortably in their own rooms. well, at least you thought they were. stepping onto the grass and breathing in some fresh air, you looked up, waved at the sun and the moon, who smiled back at you contently. then you finally sat down and layed on the saturated green ground, looking up at the fake stars.
you sighed heavily, trying to distract your worried mind that screamed about wanting to get out and at the same time never wanting to leave. it was downright confusing, and left you with pent up energy that made your brain go 100/mph.
you heard footsteps behind you, looking up just to meet with a yellow smile and cartoonish eyes. you immediately gulped as his smirk grew.
"heyyy little cupid, what are you doing here so late?" he questioned you with a lower tone of voice before sitting down by your side. you immediately sat up too.
"just... thinking about some stuff." not losing any chance, you tried to start a conversation. "what about you?"
"meh, just bored and couldn't sleep." jax then looked at you in the eyes. "what could you possibly be thinking about?"
"ah, you know... just the usual!" you tried to quickly change topics, you didn't feel like traumadumping on anyone today nor did you feel like telling him that he's the reason you didn't abstract yet.
"and, does the usual involve your secret little crush?"
your breathe hitches, "why are you so curious about who i like?"
"i just am, it's interesting to see your reactions when i mention them." he leaned down, holding his head with his hand as he still stared at you. "why don't you tell me who it is? i'm starting to get the wrong idea that it's me since you refuse to speak about the mystery person to me."
you think you just felt your heart stop. your eyes go wide and you can feel the heat coursing through your body, blood rushing and flushing your cheeks. you know what? okay then, since there is no escape from this situation, might as well finish the night with a bang before you leave to sleep.
"that's... not the wrong idea at all." you confessed, watching as his eyes went wide in a millisecond.
"what." he spoke before sitting up and grabbing your shoulders. "you're not fucking with me, are ya?"
you shook your head while embarrassingly looking to the floor, feeling frustration pooling in your head.
"no, i'm not. i like you jax, i like your stupid pranks, your stupid jokes, your mischievous smile, your ey-" you were cut off by lips meeting with yours.
as your current situation settled in your mind, you got yourself comfortable and closes your eyes, lacing your arms around his neck and pulling him even closer before you two fell back again, you under him. your stomach was doing backflips, breaking down at the feeling of being reciprocated.
when you finally broke apart, your heart eyes were absurdly big, staring at him while you panted for air. he chuckled at your face, giving a big smile while himself was actually melting at finally having you in his arms. jax laid his head on between your neck and your shoulder. you petted his head, until you felt something.
he was biting your neck, leaving love bites and hickeys behind.
first of all, you didn't even knew if he could open his mouth, but apparently he could (?). you couldn't think much of it, too busy holding back an embarrassing whimper. you held his head and tried not to close your legs around his waist as he continued to bite.
he pulled back, looking at you with a smirk and raised eyebrows.
"well, look what a mess i've done, darlin'. how do ya' feel?"
you couldn't even answer, feeling absolutely overwhelmed by his hand on your waist, the knee resting between your legs and your mind slowly losing it's control. instead of an answer, you just pulled him down for another kiss.
yeah, you probably were enjoying that, but jax? ha! in his mind, he was melting down a drain, patting himself in the back for the idea of deciding to take a night walk and accidentally seeing you. he grinned into the french kiss, feeling absurdly high at the moment.
he wasn't sure how everyone would react to you finally being his, not that he cared about their opinion, but he thinks if would be funny to see their faces. he can't wait for it to happen, but now it's not time to think about that.
it's time for him to think on how to calm his rapidly beating heart that might give you the hint that he loves you way more than you love him.
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tell me, sunnie!!: AAAAA i finished writing this only the next day, sorry if it's too short btw!! i know it missed a lot and should have more things but it was rlly rushed bc i want to write more of him <\33 but yeah, thank you for reading sunshine!!
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feroluce · 2 months
SO LIKE. As much as I roll with the Emanator of Elation Sampo theory, I do have. Some doubts about this specific instance of it. Not that I think Boothill is lying, or that I think Sampo isn't an Emanator, but I wonder if the person Boothill actually met was Sampo.
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Just! Sampo is so careful. The only reason we even knew he wasn't of Belobog was due to a dialogue-dependent fourth wall-breaking dream sequence that no other character could have seen. It took a missable dream bubble in an out-of-the-way spot that was seemingly left only for the trailblazer at the very end of a side mission just to confirm him as a Masked Fool. Like it's not just the fact that Boothill mentions this person being an Emanator. It's that he knows they're also a Masked Fool, which is also something Sampo is incredibly dodgy about. Sparkle even seems to call him out on this in her party join line fjkdjaskldj
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((But also, Boothill, baby. WHY were you trying to get them drunk????))
And regardless of if you believe him when he calls himself an old timer, he obviously has a lot of experience in doing what he does. He knows what he's doing, he's good at it, and he is viciously capable and competent, unfortunately for his victims smhznskdn
So it just. Feels very unlike him, for him to let his guard down enough to not only let himself get drunk in front of Boothill-
a total stranger btw whom Sampo has absolutely no reason to trust, and a dangerous Galaxy Ranger to boot who has plenty of blood on his hands and a significant bounty on his head
-but to get SO drunk that he lets loose the secret that he's an Emanator.
When Boothill brings this up, he mentions that if Emanators were obvious and known at a glance, it would lead to atrocities. And for as much as Sampo is disliked by his victims (there's an entire anti-Sampo organization in Belobog JFDKLASJFDL), it's all for fraud. He's wanted by the IPC as an intergalactic thief. He scams people out of their money, and only rich people at that. That's mostly all that he's known for. Nothing he does is violent, even though Sampo surely has the capacity to inflict a lot of harm.
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And I don't mean that he's exactly a pacifist or anything; Firefly comments that Sampo seems like a highly skilled covert fighter. His voicelines make it sound like he enjoys combat- hell, his ult line makes him sound like a hitman. I like to hc him as being a pretty high ranker in the fighting rings at the World's End Tavern, like we see in the Simulated Universe occurrences.
But I don't think he would enjoy being the cause of uncontrollable violence and bloodshed.
Like yeah he's a dick who scams people on the regs for funsies, but he has lines he refuses to cross, which we see a lot of in how he interacts with Sparkle. More than just not enjoying it, I think he would hate it if he were found out and it caused an incident, especially since he seems so endeared to Belobog and her people now and it looks like he plans to return there. He wouldn't want to bring any of that back to them.
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So I just can't imagine him carelessly fucking up bad enough to out himself to a random stranger that could easily put a bullet right through his head.
Sparkle maybe could, though.
Because as we find out later the dreamscape had expanded FAR beyond what it seemed, far enough that the trailblazer had been dreaming since the warp jump in. Most people enter it unknowingly, and don't realize they're already dreaming when they think they're still awake. Boothill and Dan Heng should have already been dreaming during their exchange on the Express that started all this.
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And as long as someone knows they're dreaming, completely changing their appearance is easy, even for the common layman. We see this with a couple of NPCs and also Sparkle herself, with her (in)famous impression of Sampo.
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Thank youuuuu Sparkle
And yeah, the trailblazer and almost all of the other characters wouldn't know about the expansion until near the very end. None of them realized they were dreaming even outside of their dream pools, and surely none of them would think to be suspicious of another person's appearance outside of the dreamscape like that.
But Sparkle has a script from Silver Wolf.
She knew all the secrets of the dreamscape, and she knew them from the very beginning. There would have been nothing stopping her from appearing as Sampo in front of Boothill and spilling all his secrets.
And she apparently has a long-standing history with Sampo, including trying to get him in on her own much more fiery and aggressive version of Elation.
Maybe all Sampo needs is to be outed as an Emanator, and then when all the violence and bloodshed catches up to him, then he'll finally understand! ദ്ദി(。•̀ ,<)~✩
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wasawattpadkid · 2 years
Part - 8
Summery: Billy and Stu have been planning these murders for quite some time. Everything is going to plan until you show up. What happens when they meet someone who is just as mentally deluded as they are?
Pairing: poly!ghostface x fem!reader
Warnings for this series: ⚠️graphic⚠️ murder, blood, smut (will be more in depth on smut chapters), power dynamics, a dash of sexism, knives, stalking, perverse behavior, cheating, canon typical violence, guns, suicide,
Part 1
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"Can this skirt go any lower?" You tugged at the fabric. "It can but any lower and your bush is likely to show." Tatum laughed fixing the skirt back where she had it. "Yeah no. I'm not wearing this. It doesn't fit anyways." She rolled her eyes grabbing your bell bottoms. "Okay then, wear these again but I'm going to pick out a shirt." Sydney was already changed. She was busy fixing her hair while you and Tatum fought over clothes. "Here." You changed into your pants and put on the crop top Tatum gave you. "Oh yeah this is 10 times better. Wait." She rummaged through her jewelry box handing you a gold chain necklace.
You pulled it on over your head and she just laughed. "No. Give it to me." She wrapped it around your exposed waist latching it behind you. "There, it's a belly chain." Of course she would have something with a name like that. "Now just fix your hair and we'll be ready to go." You walked into the bathroom with Sydney giving her a look. "Honestly you look really cute. Tatum likes to be a little over the top." She couldn't have warned you earlier? "Thanks." You quickly fixed your hair to the best of your ability.
Your lipgloss was sticky and your purse was light on your shoulder. Dewy looked you up and down quickly looking away when he realized what he was doing. "You kids ready?" He said as he looked around the room. "Let's go party!" Tatum shouted pulling you and Sydney to the car. Dewy barley had time to grab his keys. "Please don't drink too much tonight mom would flip if she found out." Tatum sighed. "I know Dewy thank you."
Dewy dropped you and your friends off at the grocery store leaving you to pick up some food. "Hey can you go grab the cheese dip?" Tatum asked you. "Sure thing." You walked through the store not sure where anything was. Hell you didn't even know what kind of cheese dip she wanted. You grabbed a random one hoping it would do the trick. "This work?" You met the two at the end of the isle. "Perfect." She sat the can in the cart along with other snacks. "Anything else?"
Once everything was paid for Dewy drove you and your friends to familiar house of Stu Macher. "Don't have too much fun." He said as you all jumped out bags in hand. "There's a lot of people here." You said a little anxious. "This is nothing you should've been at the pool party he threw sophomore year." The front door was wide open letting anyone in. You looked around the crowded house of inebriated teenagers. Tatum and Sydney walked with purpose towards the kitchen.
"Oh that's mature." Tatum said watching her boyfriend hold up a funnel that another boy was chugging a beer from. "You're late. The party's done started without you. My man." He high-fived the boy as he stood up. Sydney and Tatum shook their head with a laugh. "Damn I didn't know who you were for a second. Tatum you didn't say you were bringing Barbie to the party." Stu eyed you up and down but it made you feel gross. This outfit wasn't you and "Barbie" is not the nickname you unfortunately grew fond of.
"She cleans up nice doesn't she?" Tatum said proud of her work. "Hand me a beer." You said making Stu's smile fall just a bit. He knew he couldn't break character not when every little thing counted tonight. "One beer coming up." He turned grabbing an unopened bottle on the counter passing it to you. "You'll need this." He pitched you the bottle opener letting you pop the lid yourself. "Is Billy here?" Sydney asked looking at the crowd. "I sent him on a beer run so he'll be late." Sydney nodded deciding to find the nearest couch.
You took a swig of the disgusting liquid trying not to make a face. "Is it good sweetheart?" Stu teased knowing you'd never drank before. "It's great thanks." You said hoping to drink a couple more of those and speed up the night. Tatum soon dragged Stu away leaving you standing in the kitchen. "You're that chick that wears all that I love Lucy shit to school right?" Some asshole asked making you take a big swig of the fermented liquid. It was going to be a long ass night.
An hour passed with no sign of who you thought were your friends. The kitchen had cleared leaving you with a bunch of empty beer bottles that weren't yours. You were barley able to finish the one. "There you are I've been looking all over for ya." Your eyes were closed in all honesty they burned too much to stay open. Stu looked at your sleeping form quickly rewriting the plan. "Y/n?" He poked and shook you but you didn't utter a word praying for him to just leave you alone. "Works for me." He threw you over his shoulder similar to how he picked up Tatum earlier that day. Your purse strap drug into your neck as he held you upside down. All the kids were too excited to notice your limp body being carried around by the host. Quickly he laid you in the coat closet in a what he assumed was a drunken stupor.
It was a better idea than you getting hit in his book. He would hate if something actually bad happened to you. Stu shut the door and checked the time. "All right everybody curfew!" Stu shouted ushering everyone out of the home. "Tatum come on!" Sydney yelled to an almost empty house. "Do you know where she is?" Stu shrugged. "Nah I haven't seen her." Billy appeared at the front door on schedule. "Hmm what are you doing here?" Stu said his acting wasn't winning him any awards. "I was hoping I could talk to Syd alone."
"I'll tell you what why don't you guys go up to my parents room. You can talk or whatever." Stu clapped his hands suggestively. "Subtlety Stu you should look it up." Billy shook his head at his eager friend. Stu bit his lip in anticipation. "No, no he's right. We do need to talk." Sydney said holding out her hand. As Billy walked in he hit Stu in the groin playfully. "Ooh." Stu said in pain. Time went on, Tatum was still no where to be seen almost forgotten while Sydney and Billy holed up in the room upstairs. Stu laid out watching Halloween with some stragglers from the party.
Randy stood up pausing the movie. "There are rules to surviving a horror movie." He went on with his rant the crowd getting rowdy ever so often. "Alright I'm getting another beer you want one?" He asked randy as he walked towards the kitchen. "Yeah sure." Slowly Stu opened his eyes wide about to piss Randy off. "I'll be right back!" He said those forbidden words making everyone shout. "See you push the laws and you end up dead. Okay I'll see you in the kitchen with a knife." Randy proclaimed. Stu had no intention on going back into the living room.
Upstairs Billy started to put his shirt back on. "You okay?" He asked Sydney not really caring about her answer. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine." She grabbed a hairbrush from the night stand brushing out her hair. "Where's the beer?" She asked as she pulled on her shoes. "What?" Billy asked fixing his shirt. "Well Stu said you were late to the party because he told you to go get beer. I was just wondering where it was because when I saw you, you were empty handed." Billy tied his shoes thinking of a quick answer. "I dropped it off in the garage."
Sydney shook her head to herself not believing him. "You don't think I'm the killer do you?" She breathed out a laugh turning to look at him. "No. I just think the timing is funny thats all. For you to show up at my place after Casey was murdered would be a pretty good alibi. Running out go murder people just to show up here with me after the fact. It would be smart that's all." Billy's eyes were hollowed of emotion as he starred at the woman he so despised. "Really?" His voice was flat different than just seconds ago. Slowly he stood up leaning on the bed with his hands. "What do I have to do to prove to you I'm not a killer?" His whole demeanor scared Sydney. "Oh my God." She said as everything seemed to make sense.
Sydney glanced up seeing the killer slowly come up behind Billy. "Huh?" He asked growing impatient. "Oh my God." She backed away terrified. "Sydney." Billy pleaded. "Billy watch out!" She cried watching her boyfriend get stabbed to death by the masked man. Sydney sobbed as Billy reached his bloody hand out whispering her name with what little air he had left. Ghostface chased after her all through the upstairs of the house. Luckily for the man under the mask it was his home. He knew the layout better than anyone. Sydney opened up the attic window screaming for help. She climbed through praying for someone to save her.
Ghostface grabbed her arm causing her to fall back off the roof and onto the boat. The wind was knocked out of her from the fall. As fast as she could Sydney rolled of the boat onto the ground. Looking up she could see her friend Tatum, hanging bludgeoned and bloody from the garage door. She couldn't bring herself to scream at the sight all she knew was she needed to run. Ghostface disappeared from the window running downstairs to see the coat closet door open with you no longer in it.
"Fuck." He cursed running outside to find Sydney. She had jumped into the news van screaming at the man inside that a killer was chasing her. The camera man stood with the door open waiting for the hidden camera placed by the News reporter to catch up showing where ghostface had went. As he turned around to look towards the house ghostface slit his throat like a warm knife through butter. Sydney screamed trying to shut the door but the man in the mask was faster. The hunting knife now wiped clean by the hygiene conscious killer stabbed the girls shoulder making her cry out.
Quickly she crawled through the van leaving ghostface behind. Dewy and the reporter ran towards the commotion hoping to help whomever needed it. Dewy wanted to save the day while his date wanted the notoriety from it. "Gale use the phone in the van and call for backup. I'm going inside." He said like a selfless hero not knowing what horrors awaited him inside. Gale saw the pool of blood quickly realizing she was in one of the many stories she's exploited. Without much thought she jumped in the driver's seat grabbing the phone.
"What's going on?" Randy asked being met with a phone to the face. She hit him several times till he eventually fell to the ground nose broken and bloody. She threw the phone starting the van instead. If she was saving anyone, it was going to be herself. Blood covered the windshield blocking the view of the road. Turning on the windshield wipers she gasped at the gorey scene. As she drove the car hitting the breaks, the body of her camera man slowly fell into view. She scream trying to fling him from the car. Just as he hit the ground Sydney ran out screaming bloody murder.
The van spun out of control off into the grass hitting a tree head on. Without checking on the driver Sydney ran back towards the house. Her screams stopped once she understood no one could hear her but the killer. She had lost all her friends. Billy, Tatum, and presumably you. She watched as Dewy stood at the front door. "Dewy!" She yelled thankful to have someone help fight off death himself. "Sydney?" He asked as he fell to the floor. The same hunting knife sticking from his back. "No, No!" She screamed watching ghostface pull the knife from his back.
Running back she shut herself into Dewy's car. Hitting a button to lock all the doors. Sydney searched for a key but it was nowhere to be found. Turning to her left she saw the killer shake the keys taunting her. He dropped to the ground out of eyesight. The doors all unlocked at once leaving her to quickly manually lock them back. Seeing the radio on the dash she grabbed the mic clicking the button on. "Hello! Help me please I'm at Stu Macher's house on turner lane. That's 261 turner lane please he's gonna kill me-"
Ghostface grabbed her by the neck but Sydney quickly flipped around kicking him repeatedly. She fell out of the car running to grab Dewy's gun. "Sydney!" Randy screamed. "Sydney, Jesus we need to get the fuck out of here!" She cocked the gun ready to fire if need be. "Stop right there!" Her words were deadly. Stu came from the left gaining up on the limping Randy. "It's him Syd." Stu said distraught. "He killed Billy, you killed my friend!" Randy inched closer making Sydney back up into the open house. "You did." Randy said and Stu yelled back "You killed him!" Stu cried.
"I didn't." Randy defended himself as Stu threw him to the gravel. "Sydney baby please give me that gun. Give me the gun it's him I swear." Stu cried with outreached arms. "Fuck you both!" She spit as she slammed the door in their faces. Stu and Randy beat on the door trying to convince Sydney to open it. "Go away!" She sobbed. Billy crawled to the steps in pain. "Syd?" She gasped as her boyfriend fell down the steps. "Oh my God!" She helped him up as he mumbled almost incoherently.
Billy inched his way to the door. "No the killer's out there!" Sydney warned. "Give me the gun. Give me the gun it's okay." His voice was clearer now lacking the debilitating pain that was evident moments ago. "It's okay." He whispered taking the gun from his girlfriend. He opened the door letting Randy run in. "Woah woah get in." He said looking around outside before shutting the door. "Stu's flipped out. He's gone mad." Randy said scared out of his mind. "We all go a little mad sometimes." Billy delivered his line shooting Randy for dramatic effect.
Sydney cried running to Randy's aid. Scratching his head with the barrel of the gun Billy spoke. "Anthony Perkins, Psycho." Sydney stood up looking at the stranger she's known for years. Sucking the fake blood from his finger tip he smiled. "Corn syrup, the same stuff they used for pigs blood in Carrie." The tired girl stumbled backwards mumbling small protests trying to tell herself this wasn't real.
Stu stood in the doorway to the kitchen looking just as upset as Sydney. She covered her face next to his chest seeking refuge. "Stu... Help me please." She pleaded. Slowly he revealed that little box that has helped end so many lives. "Surprise Sydney."
It was freezing outside but you've been through worse. Slowly you crept around the house trying to find a way in. The front door was opened a brunette walking slowly into the house. You watched as she quietly picked up the gun sitting on the counter. "I'm feeling woozy here!" Stu said in distress having more life threatening wounds than his partner. Billy and Stu turned towards the sound of a pained gasp. They watched as Gale Weathers and the gun hit the floor. "Y/n?" Stu asked as you stared shocked at what you'd just done. "She was going to shoot you."
"Y/n please help they're crazy!" Sydney cried out. "You had one fucking job Stu!" Billy yelled. "Give me the knife Y/n and I won't hurt you." Billy watched the facade fall. Like a scene in a play, the act was over. "Are you serious? You won't hurt me?" Both the boys were obviously confused not knowing what to do next. "Billy Loomis. You really don't remember me do you?" He cocked his head to the side not wanting to do this right now. "I'm not playing your silly game-" You picked up the gun switching the safety off.
"Shut the fuck up. I'm done hearing you talk. Bossing people around thinking you know everything. You don't know shit." Stu looked genuinely scared while Billy was just amused. "Middle school was hell for me. I was being beat up and mistreated every, fucking, day. Until one day you stood up for me. Broke the assholes nose who was trying to pull off my shirt, do you remember that?" His eyes lit up remembering that day very vividly. That was the first time he had ever hit someone. "I fell in love with you that second. You cared about me enough to stop the endless cycle of hate that was putting me on the fast track to an early death."
"I didn't even know you. Any guy would stop something like that." You laughed at that. "You'd be surprised. The teachers I came crying to didn't give two shits, my own fucking family told me just to "stand up for myself or grow a backbone" and things like this wouldn't happen. Is it so wrong to need someone's help?" Stu shook his head as if you were directing this whole thing towards him. "Do you remember what you did the week afterwards?" You asked Billy.
His brain frantically searched for some semblance of a memory. "No I don't." He replied honestly. "Well before school started I walked up to you and your friends. I told you that I liked you and wanted to take you out sometime. The old fashioned way. Your friends laughed because they knew me as the push over slut bag everyone took me for. But you." You pushed the gun forward gritting your teeth. The pain of it all coming right back to you like it happened yesterday. "You were different, you stood up for people. You were a hero, my hero. So what did you do? You saw your friends laughing and felt embarrassed. You laughed in my face calling me a "crazy bitch.""
"And you're not?" Billy snapped feeling like a fly caught in a web. You laughed. "What does all this make you Einstein. News flash you're not Norman Bates. You're just a man. That's scarier than every monster on the screen." You paced back and forth never taking an eye off anyone in the room. "Just give this up the cops are on their way I called them." Sydney cried making both the boys panic. "Did you check the cord to the radio Syd? I cut it after you took a little hike. Anyways where was I?" You tapped the tip of the knife in your other hand to your chin in thought. Sydney spewed curse words at you but you had bigger fish to fry.
"That's right. You laughed but that wasn't enough for you, no. You told your friends you slept with me and they told their friends, eventually everyone knew me as a whore. Funny thing is I had never done a sinful thing in my life. I was just a kid who wanted someone to care about me! To protect me in a way I couldn't protect myself." Tears fell from your eyes but you weren't crying. "I left my grandparents house moving away with my dad. It wasn't until I saw the headline "local woman murdered viciously in Woodsboro" that I came up with a plan."
Sydney hung her head loudly sobbing. "I saw a picture of You and Sydney and it all came back to me. You were good once Billy I could see that from the moment I met you but something rotted inside of you and don't you dare blame it on her or her mother." You pointed towards Sydney. "I dyed my hair, changed the way I dressed, the way I talked, the movies I liked, everything I made specifically for you. And it worked! Your sorry ass fell for it. Everything you thought you knew about me was a lie."
"You called Sydney..." Stu said in astonishment. This should scare him but it didn't in the slightest. Stu realized he had been looking up to the wrong person all along. "I did! That night at my house I put Zolpidem in your food. You two were too busy staring at my ass to notice. While you were both dead asleep I used the voice box I stole from Stu's home Wednesday night to call Sydney. Oh but how did I know about your little plan you ask? Well while I was roaming through your house that night I found the ghostface costumes and your little voice boxes. And Stu baby, you had your whole plan written down in your diary."
Billy's eyes widened with rage. "Don't look at him like that Loomis." You snapped at the boy grabbing his attention once again. "This is about you and me. All I wanted was to take care of you and when I found out you and Stu were a package deal I was down for double the chores. Cooking, cleaning, sewing, the works. I thought we could be our own fucked up nuclear family. But you can't do a damn thing right. I've got yet another mess to clean up." You gestured around to the blood splattered kitchen.
"Like I said before men are cocky. They go in and they play around. So I'll give you a choice Billy. You can finish this." You waved the gun at Sydney and her father causing her to cry out begging you to stop. "Sydney this has nothing to do with me. I'm here on personal business. Now either take care of this and we three walk out of here alive or I'll take care of it and be the sole survivor of the Woodsboro massacre."
"You're one sick bitch you know that?" Billy spat as he picked up his knife. "Yeah well we all have our flaws." You look over at Stu watching him go in and out of consciousness. "Stu get up and come with me honey." Slowly the injured man limped over to you. "I'm going to check his wounds. Don't think you're smarter than me cause you're not. Finish what you started." You walked Stu into the living room sitting him down on the couch. The sounds of Sydney's screams piercing your eardrums. You lifted his shirt seeing how many stabs wounds he had and where. "Why are you doing this?"
"Love makes you do crazy things Stuart. Now, most of these wounds should be fine but the one by your stomach looks really deep so I want you to put pressure on it." Sydney's screams stopped as you continued to help Stu. "I want you to know what you did here tonight was really fucking stupid." You said a little disappointed in your easily manipulated friend. Stu started crying pulling you into a bloody hug. "I just wanted to start over." You knew how that felt. "We will." You whispered as you pulled away. "Keep putting pressure." You reminded as you stood up.
Walking back into the kitchen you saw Sydney's lifeless body. "Okay before you kill him," You pointed towards the tied up man. "You need his DNA under her finger nails. Did she scratch you at all?" Billy shook his head. You leaned down grabbing her hand forcing her nails across her father's skin. "She doesn't look like she put up a fight." Billy quipped acting like a detective all of a sudden. "The moment she saw it was her father she would put her guard down a little thinking she could somehow talk him out of it. This is fine, take care of him and I'll make sure she's dead." You walked towards Gale hearing her ragged breath. "I'm sorry. I couldn't let you hurt them." You apologized before stabbing her once more.
Billy smiled at the words you thought he couldn't hear. He thought you were crazy and you certainly were but you were crazy for him. You could've turned them both in and saved yourself some time yet here you were helping out. Not cause your sick and love to kill. But because you loved them. You were protecting them, the one thing you wanted for yourself that's why you were so mad.
"Give me the gun and leave I don't want you to see this." You laughed rasing your voice slightly to ask Stu a question. "Stu, honey where do you keep your dish towels?" Stu answered with what little energy he had left. "Thanks." You walked over the corpse in the floor grabbing a red colored dish cloth. The gun was soon wiped clean of your finger prints. "Prop him up in the corner when you do it, make sure to keep the towel around the gun when you fire. After that put it in his grip. Do you know if he's right handed or left?" Billy just looked at you stupid making you face palm.
"Which wrist is his watch on?" Billy crouched rolling the man over as he yelled against duck tape. "Left." Billy stood back up waiting for your directions. "Okay so he's right handed. Don't fuck this up Billy." You handed him the gun wrapped in the rag. "We don't have much time. Speed this up." You stood waiting for him to finish it. "Please leave. Just go watch Stu. I don't want you to see this." You didn't understand the change in heart considering the amount of blood on every surface in this house and the body laying at your feet. Billy however actually listened to what you said. You'd never been taken care of and he was going to right his wrongs. He would fix this.
Stu would get his sequel, rom com or not and you would get the security you always wanted. "Okay but don't pull any shit or I'll kill you." Billy laughed at an incredibly inappropriate time. "Understood." You walked into the room with Stu noticing he was asleep. "Fuck. Wake up babe." You shook the boy slowly getting a response. "Hey come on I'm going to take you outside the cold air might help you stay away." Stu mumbled a response as you dragged him outside.
Stu jumped at the sudden gunshot making him cry once more. Blood loss sure does make a person emotional. "Hey, hey, shh. I'm right here." His head rested on your chest as you rocked him back and forth. "My mom and dad are gonna be so mad at me." He cried and you giggled. "Nobody's going to find out. It's okay." Billy stepped outside looking at the two of you huddled together. "Y/n?"
"Yeah what's up?" You asked laying Stu down on the porch. "I need help cleaning some stuff up." That's what you were good at. Quickly you got rid of some evidence, cleaned some things, and now came time for more blood. "The rags around it just stab me right here." You pointed to the spot knowing it wouldn't do much damage. Billy held your knife with a now shaky hand. "I can't." You scoffed. "You threatened to hurt me earlier just do it." He shook his head. "I can't hurt you." This conversation was starting to piss you off. "That's bullshit you've hurt me before just fucking stab me already."
"I won't." He said through gritted teeth. "You said everyone has a reason for doing something. I had my reasons for killing whether you think they're bullshit or not is irrelevant. I've got a reason to change now, to be better." You rolled your eyes grabbing the wrapped knife. "Where did you get that thing anyway?" Billy asked pointing to the exact same knife they had. "I just bought the same one that Stu had stashed at his place. It fit in my purse so the rest is history." You held the knife where you wanted it before running right into a wall lodging the knife deep within your skin. "Mother fucker!" You screamed at the pain.
"Why the fuck would you do that?" He said shocked by what just happened. "We've got to convince everyone we are the victims. Neil is a big guy he's killing everyone I'm not an exception." Billy cursed under his breath. "You are the smartest dumb woman I've ever met." Billy pulled the knife from your side making you cry out and hit the floor. Billy's hand rested on your forehead not really sure how to comfort you. "Just breathe?" He asked making you laugh through the pain. "I'm not in labor asshat go put his fingerprints on the knives while I call 911." Billy didn't move. "Now." You said trying to lift yourself up. He stood helping you up to your feet.
Billy laid the one weapon next to Sydney making sure to put Neil's finger prints on it. While the other fit in his pocket. "Now go lay somewhere and don't fall asleep. After all of this you can't die on me." You told him as you picked up the phone. "911 what's-" You coughed into the phone cutting the woman off. "Please help me!" You cried making it sound like you didn't have much time left. "What's your location ma'am?" Fuck you didn't know Stu's address but then again why would you. "I don't know... I- I went to a party with my friends and everyone's dead." You cried throwing in moans of pain. "Are there any mailboxes or road signs around?"
"I've been stabbed..." You said quietly actually getting light headed. "Ma'am I need you to stay with me is there a mailbox or road sign around?" She repeated being absolutely useless. You thought back to when you met them for the first time. Things were simple then. The drive over with Stu laughing and cracking jokes, and Billy spent the whole ride brooding trying not to laugh at your jokes. You could barley remember the bent up road side. "Turner lane." You said as you dropped the phone landing right beside it. "Ma'am? Ma'am are you there?"
Billy laid in the kitchen floor just a little away from the two corpses. As he looked up at the ceiling his body started to ache even more now that the adrenaline was wearing off. He had been selfish he realized that now. Billy had two wonderful people who loved and cared for him and he did nothing but use the both of you. He was going to change he swore on it. That sickening feeling of fear crept into his stomach once again at the thought of something happening to you or Stu. You may have lied to him. One could say he didn't know the real you at all. You were a first for Billy, you were the first person to scare him, the first person to stand up to him, and the first person he truly wanted to save.
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(If your name has a line through it Tumblr wouldn't let me tag you.)
Part 9
Taglist: @katie-tibo @agustdeeyaa @bowlofceral @gonnapermashift @tati-the-fangirl @kozumewhore @tatijoestar @illyanam1011 @c4rved-pumpk1n @msghostface @gojosbucket @sammanna @lokigirlszendaya @reneki @fetusharryluvr @kadu-5607 @pumpk1n-writes @lovekeeho @tojisblood @zeysartzone @bluedevilss @life-of-music3 @flyestvenustrap @littleblondesoprano @imobsessedreader @loomiscorpse @nicciekawegosblog @reneemunson @miss-puregotti @ksgsfsgaj @zoleea-exultant @briefwinnerpersonaturtle @mistydreamscape @l4venderia @nex-crowley @ashreblogsnow @brynaa223 @your-desire666
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ameraincandy · 9 months
--𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐨!
Synopsis: The genshin boys & their catgirl behind closedoors~
!tw!: nsfw, mentions of smoking, mentions of the forbidden leaf, mentions of high and venti being a crackhead and consuming catnip.
Characters-! Kazuha, Venti
Author's note: finally back from being sick! Can't wait to post again<3
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Seriously, what was he thinking about bringing a random girl from the streets onto his home?
Alright maybe he does have to admit that you were easy on the eye...yet imagine his surprise when he saw you sprout cat ears and a tail while rummaging through his refrigerator for that tuna sandwich he was going to have for dinner! So either way; he doesn't have the heart to throw you out, so he opted to keep you instead. It wasn't going to be easy that's for sure...but at least he would have his own “fun” punishing you.
| 𝐂𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐮𝐬 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡! 𝐊𝐚𝐳𝐮𝐡𝐚 🎀
Not only did you have a reliable master- a pretty one too at that!
Although it does add the burden of fending off unwanted admirers who stink up his scent! Can't he see that those hussies are just a waste of his time? He has to realize that they're not the ones who wait an absurd amount of time for him to come home after he disappears to the strange hell that's college! Seriously, Kazuha doesn't know how selfish he's being by leaving his kitty unattended all alone with only the various gifts he spoiled her. Why, only his catgirl can definitely take on the weird punishments that her master seems to enjoy implementing...
Yet- speaking of punishments, surely Kazuha wouldn't get upset over seeing his ruined thesis paper ripped on the floor...it was just the heat of the moment after seeing one of those floozies right at his door to seemingly deliver the papers he left.
Yeah right, like hell you could believe that! Those girls are just there to throw themselves onto your master! Annd... before you could notice, said thesis is ripped in pieces. Maybe he wouldn't get mad, after all he makes a ton of those papers, surely one being destroyed wouldn't hurt right?
NSFW under this!
The jingling of keys could be heard along with a click on the door to reveal a somewhat disheveled Kazuha inviting himself in your shared apartment; placing a hand on his hair to push it back lazily before calling out to you in a daze.
“Kitty? Are you-yawn...still awake perhaps?“ Upon hearing your master softly call your name, your cat ears perked up as the bell on your choker toiled to make your presence known to him, greeting him with a warm hug all the while stirring him awake, yet making him melt in the hug with a soft sigh.
“I'm here!~ Welcome home Kazuha, It must've been a tiresome day for you hmm..?“
While in the embrace of an innocent hug, you mischievously smothered him in your breasts with the intention to not only wipe off the stench of other girls on his clothes, but to also distract him from seeing the ruined thesis paper on the floor! Aside from your internal panic, Kazuha could clearly see past the excuses of affection that you were showing him in...But he couldn't deny the growing arousal of his from the touch of your soft body, chuckling on the side of your nape.
“Dearest, what are you hiding from me...?“
Kazuha just loved teasing you to the tip of his cock heart, seeing your flustered reactions really was the highlight of his college days and even brightened up some of his stressful weeks of the semester, and he's certainly planning on not stopping anytime soon so to further incite panic on his cute kitty girl, Kazuha pulled himself away from your chest and places himself onto your shoulder, earning to hear a well-deserved squeal out of you as he playfully makes several clicks with the tip of his tongue.
“Oh dear, have you been misbehaving in my absence? You know I don't tread lightly with any misdemeanor of yours...“
The pitch in his voice steeped to a low octave as the loving grip on your waist began to harshly mark crescendos in the flesh, restraining your movements as he led you to the door of his bedroom, a sinister smile growing on Kazuha's lips as he hushed your panic cries.
”Shhh shh...stop trying to resist, you deserve this don't you..?” Kazuha brazenly wiped the tears from your weeping form as a dark seductive laugh escapes from his lips, coming from such a mesmerizing face and flowery words...you hadn't noticed that Kazuha already unlocked the bedroom door and you swiftly landed on his bed.
By then, what snapped you awake was the apparent sound of clothes ripping and the wide physical shock from seeing your master already placed in between your legs, biting and sucking so harshly on the supple flesh that you're sure blood would appear.
“K-kazuha haah...! sniff enough please! It hurts!...hic- sssso much! Ssssoso!-“ You wail a panicked cry on deaf ears as Kazuha slapped your exposed clit with an amused smile, tutting at your whining.
“Ah ah ahhh~ you know that isn't my name in this situation, say it correctly and I just might go gentle for tonight's punishment...♡“
Kazuha playfully mused as he briefly blew a wisp of cold air on your exposed cunt, causing you to shiver violently from the sensation with a yelp.
“M-mreow Hah! Master! P-please go gentle on me~“ You mewled desperately that you haven't felt your fluffy cat tail wrap around his wrist that delayed another teasing on your puffy clit, to Kazuha's distaste.
“You disappoint me kitten...haven't I told you to stop resisting? Enticing me with that sweet voice of yours won't make things better either...” Kazuha sighed before cruelly plunging three fingers inside your vulva with no warning. Before you could even realize the tears swelling in your eyes, all you felt was the painful stretch of his slender fingers inside your gummy walls. The bed then creaked slightly as Kazuha adjusted himself on your pathetic form to nibble on your fluffy cat ears to his liking.
“Come now and caress those pretty nipples of yours to encourage my fingers to start moving, that's what you want don't you?” Followed by a shaky nod, your hands started to toy with your perky nipples to feel your master finally, finally! thrust those three fingers of his inside you, sliding just right to your tight squishy walls while gradually coating his fingers in your slick...even picking up the pace a bit by thrusting in and out of your pussy.
”Ahh..ah! Fuck! Y-yes yesyes! Ooh! Right there m-master i'm...hahh..so close!“ You moaned in relief as you've begun to roughly tug and squeeze your nipples in an attempt to ease the impending orgasm for that night and the sinful noises of Kazuha's fingers squelching inside of you wasn't helping with your embarrassment either. Oh well, at least he was fingerfucking you so damn good that you could barely comprehend the dirty talk Kazuha was whispering in your ear...and after a few harsh thrusts, a moan was ripped out of your throat as you let out your orgasm, causing you to cream so much around his fingers.
While you were preoccupied twitching intensely underneath him, you felt your master pull his three fingers outside of you with a string of your essence present as he grinded his clothed erection on your bare pussy with a lazy grin.
”Fuck...that was hot of you, my love...open wide~”
Kazuha then nudges the corner of your mouth open with his thumb to allow access his three fingers to rest snugly on your tongue with the taste of your sweet-salty cum overfilling your taste buds...you swear you would see the twisted expression of affection Kazuha is showing if it weren't for the sensation of his fingers shoving you open.
| 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫! 𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢 🍀
Leave it to the fun professor of the Monstadt Department to get high with his cat-well er...catgirl. Jokes aside, Venti is a doting master to you almost frequently, despite your ironic contrast of being the responsible one in this living arrangement. Yet every once in a while, he forgets your constant scolding of his reckless behavior when he gets carried away with unwinding~
NSFW under this!
Dear god, if only you knew the devious shit he had planned for the both of you that day you would've shut the door on his face when he came home after a day at his University but to your reluctance, it was already too late for that when you found yourself sat on his lap with his lips hurriedly scattering kisses on your neck while you shakily lit up the rolled-up cigarette in his hand. While Venti; of course who noticed your nervousness began to take advantage of it by fiddling with the hem of your flimsy underwear, in the midst of his advances you winced from the sensation as you didn't even notice Venti's harsh sucking omit from your neck.
“Haah, you put on a facade as if you're not enjoying it~“ Venti nibbled hurriedly on the shell of your cat ear before swiftly taking away the lit-up cigarette off your hands with a soft inhale.
Although your cheeks were flushed, you still scoffed at that cocky accusation of your head turned away with a haughty pout;
“You leave me no choice, If I left you alone, only god knows the things you would- nffmph?!”
Alas, before your master could hear another harsh scolding from you; he was quick to slot his cigarette in between your lips instead.
“cough- cough! What the f...aAh~” Venti who let out a soft shush to your whining, encourages you to inhale while nudging his knee into your clothed cunt sensually by swaying side to side against your drenched clit...chuckling slightly from how your slick leaked so much through his knee. You, on the other hand can start to feel the effects of the drug start to take in with the helpful pointers from your teacher~♡
With a swift exhale out of the cigarette in between Venti's fingertips, you leaned into his slender chest while grinding back onto his knee, while the room continues to smell like sex by the evident sounds of your panting growing louder by adjusting to the rhythm on his lap to satisfy the underlying urge your instincts were screaming at you to fulfill.
“Shit- That's my windblume...F-fuck i need to-“
Venti swallowed your moans with an intense kiss as he allowed you to continue grinding your weeping cunt onto his evident hard-on before getting you off his lap to throw your back on the couch, wiping away the drool from his mouth to abruptly lift your leg over his shoulder to continue pressing against your now-drenched pussy.
“My snobbish kitten looks so vulnerable under me...you look perfect this way...“
Venti muffled his moans in between your neck as you felt his throbbing cock slip out of his boxers- adding more sensation to this high of yours and not a second more, you could see the self-restraint in his demeanor slip away with every quick inhale he took out of his cigarette.
“I-i can't hold back anymore...“ Venti panted in your ear before biting his lip so harshly that it threatened to spill red, accompanied by the feeling of his experienced hands straddling your hips that sent shivers down your spine as he briskly thrusted his engorged tip against your outer pussy lips, bottoming out completely with a gutteral groan. "M-master... fuck! it hurts-!" You immediately clasped your arms around Venti's back to dig in your sharp nails onto his skin effectively marking bright red-crescendos on your owner just as he wanted due to the fact that Venti's thrusts against your pussy started to reach deeper places inside of you...His lips omitting a puff of smoke onto your face before quickly asserting his ownership over your tongue and- wait, was that the taste of catnip on his lips? Venti could only chuckle between your lips at your bewildered expression; "You know I- shit...wasn't sure if catgirls like you could get high off regular weed...so I-" Venti pulled away from your enticing lips with a string of saliva glossing over as he paused his words to focus on the tight squeeze of your cunt, hitching his self-restraint to the best of his ability to prevent shooting ribbons of his cum inside you too soon~
"So I- purchased some catnip as a precaution..!- ah, lucky for me however..." You found his slender fingers wander to your chin, lifting it slightly to present his predatory gaze over yours, a smile that could only hold desire for his one and only pet.
"Your lewd moans in a chorus of a sweet melody deserves praise from her teacher hmm..?" You could only continue to claw harder against Venti's back to let him know your response as you start to feel his hips relenting it's pace-
”f-fuck wait- windblume...! S-SHIT!“ -and with a sharp thrust, Venti released globs of his cum with a whine as your walls convulsed around Venti's cock warmly as you started to tighten up around him to milk him for what he's worth...Yeah, you're sure as hell that Venti is going to be late for his prof class... Although maybe you'll give his scolding later~
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txttletale · 5 months
(Other than the really weird bit about "Male presenting Doctor") what were your thoughts about the specials?
pretty mixed bag, pretty messy, but good overall. i think they were very obviously a nostalgia trip for people around my age lol and it worked! i loved seeing tennant and tate back onscreen together, their chemistry hasn't aged a bit, and honestly just watching doctor who that wasn't written by chris chibnall was a breath of fresh air. they weren't boring, like seasons 11 and 12 were, and they didn't go too far off the other end into nonsense like flux did. characters want things again! the show can let itself just be silly! i was literally cheering out loud when donna and the doctor were just saying random scifi gobbledegook at each other for like a solid several minutes during the star beast.
the structure of the specials kind of baffles me. i love wild blue yonder--i think it's definitively the best of the specials as a standalone, it's absolutely fantastic, creepy and atmospheric and bringing things around to RTD's strength, which is well-written characters interacting with each other and letting good actors just act. but at the same time i dont understand why it exists? it feels like...idk. imagine if you watched the star wars original trilogy but instead of the empire strikes back the middle film was just a feature length film about luke and han surviving on an ice planet with no reference to anything that happens in the last film except the two characters' relationship. and then the next film was still return of the jedi, unchanged. it felt like that
i liked all the weird campy silliness of the star beast and the giggle, and they were both very fun! neil patrick harris gave a fantastic performance, there are a lot of very memorable sequences from the giggle, but it's very very all over the place. so many threads get kind of picked up and go nowhere. the toymaker's haunted house dimension goes nowhere. RTD's eyerolling social media commetnary goes nowhere (thank god tbh but yknow im illustrating something here). even the toymaker kind of goes nowhere, after ncuti gatwa shows up he's bascially an afterthought who loses by dropping a ball. obvious parallels to david tennant's first episode with that ball scene could be made, but just... aren't. it feels like load-bearing sectikons of the plot and themes were cut out to make room for a backdoor pilot for the stupid fucking UNIT spinoff
oh and it goes without saying i fucking hate all the UNIT wank in the star beast and the giggle. i hope space nine eleven 2 happens to their stupid fucking avengers tower i cannot stand kate stewart who is constantly a murderous bonehead (in the giggle alone she gets two pepole killed by not listening to the doctor and assuming that this teleporting godlike entity could be restrainted by Two Guys) who is both in and out of universe just a boring nepo baby with no merit of her own
um. i still dont know what happened with the regeneration. i think the implication is that when david tennant dies hell time travel back to become ncuti gatwa inside himself--at least the rehab dialogue seems to make that implication. but it's not really explained or explored? baffling. i do think that fourteen getting to settle down and live a peaceful life with his friends is cute.
oh yeah and the ask said other than that but goddd there was some good stuff in the star beast and honestly with the state of the UK media i will take any perspective on trans people that includes baseline human erespect but some of those lines made me cringe so bad. anyway overall i am cautiously optimistic for the future of the show--oh ncuti was fucking great did i mention that i instantly bnought him as the doctor he owned the scene, the moment he was there it was clear he was the protagonist, and i liked the church on ruby road well enough too--i am cautiously optimistic but i worry that a big UNIT-shaped tumor will devour huge chunks of it and it'll be annoying. also russel t davies is like 60 and i just dont want to hear what he has to say about twitter so im not looking forward to dot and bubble
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Okay ||JJ Maybank X RoutledgeReader
JealousJJ Maybank X RoutledgeReader
18+ Minors DNI
Plot: The one time Pogues and Kooks can get along. Until two hot-shot Pogues start causing problems.
Warnings: Jealousy, slightly toxic relationship, drinking, fighting, frustrated sex (angry, desperate, make-up), implied relationship, praising, dirty talk, language, pet names, teasing, fingering, pinv sex, no condom (wrap it before you tap it), overstimulation, oral (male and fem receiving) no mention of y/n Let me know if I missed anything
AN: I am so sorry for the amount of world building. I absolutely love working characters into scenes and tend to spend too much time doing that.
Co-Written with @buckybarnesbbydoll
There was something intoxicating about parties at the Boneyard. The way that this was the only place everyone on the island seemed to get along. The only time the kids from Figure 8 can tolerate us from The Cut. And then there is the Tourons. My brother calls them "Chum for the sharks." Which, I guess, is kinda true.
"Hey, sis," I whip my head around as John B. jogs over to where I am currently flirting with some random touron. Chum for the sharks, right?
He hands me a red cup and starts talking as I take a drink. "Dude, this party is fucking awesome."
I chuckle. He is clearly shitfaced, "It really is. How many beers have you had?"
"It doesn't matter. I'm just having fun. BUT," he speaks louder than I think he actually meant to, "go back to flirting with this guy-what's you name?"
The guy I've been talking to looks confused and it occurs to me that I can't actually remember his name. He stares blankly before my brother waves his hand, "Luk-"
"LUKE!" JB nudges me, smirking, before walking away. I sit back down and take a sip of beer before turning back to Luke.
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The sun set about 20 minutes ago. Bonfire started long before but now they are the only form of light on the beach. I stopped talking to Luke an hour ago and have since been flirting with all the guys. Especially the Kooks.
I know I'm driving my boyfriend crazy by flirting and I can feel his eyes burning into me as I saunter around.
Everything is normal until I hear a commotion and gasps from partygoers.
I turn just as I see Topper punch my brother, knocking him to the ground.
"Hey, John B, don't make me drown you like your old man, all right?"
I can feel my hands tighten into a fist and, without thinking, walk to where the fight is happening. JJ must have seen me because he rips away from Pope, who was trying to calm him down, and grabs me from behind.
"Baby," he whispers in my ear and I struggle to break out of his arms. "Babe, calm down. Let him deal with it."
I continue to struggle as JB gets up and tackles Topper. Sarah and Kie are both yelling for them to stop. By now, JJ lets go and starts cheering JB on. "That's what I'm talkin' about!"
I watch as they throw punches until Topper flips JB and starts pushing his head underwater.
I freeze as I watch some fucking Kook try to drown my brother. I can feel Pope stare at me, watching to see what I'm going to do. I start to lunge towards them and Pope grabs my arm, keeping me back.
What the fuck is it with people holding me back?
I am fighting to get away from Pope when I see JJ put something to Toppers head. Fuck. The gun we found earlier.
JJ speaks so quiet that he can barely be heard above the cheering, "Yeah, you know what that is. Your move, broski."
Pope finally lets go of me and everyone is shouting trying to get off the beach and away from my psycho boyfriend.
There is more shouting and arguing between the group before JJ yells, "Okay, everyone, listen up? Get the hell, off our side of the island." He fires the gun into the sky.
There is a pause before we all start yelling and pushing and arguing.
"What the actual FUCK, JJ." I'm yelling at the top of my lungs.
The rest of the Pogues have walked to help get JB and bring him back to the Chateau.
"Do you know how fucking stupid that was? Like, honestly? How shitfaced drunk and high do you have to be?"
"Really? You're yelling at me for protecting my best friend-your brother? AND you were the one flirting with guys literally ALL FUCKING NIGHT," he's angry, and desperate, and drunk, and high, and all the things that make it hard for me to be mad at him.
"I'm sorry. Okay? I'm sorry that we have to hide our fucking relationship from my brother. I'm sorry that I flirted with guys in front of you. I'm sorry that I'm drunk enough the try to fight Topper for trying to kill my brother. I'm sorry that we're fighting because I don't want to argue with you; I'm just so fucking frustrated."
He stares at me, unblinkingly, as I rant.
"AND to top it all off, you look so fucking hot right now and all I want to do is run my fingers through your hair while having the best fucking make-up sex of our entire relationship."
I look down realizing I'm somehow I'm close to tears. Maybe it's the alcohol maybe it's the fight with JJ, maybe it's both. I don't know. All I know is that I'm crying, in front of my boyfriend, after telling him I want to have sex.
He still hasn't said a word and I'm starting to wonder if he is planning on telling me to go home because I'm drunk or some dumb shit. I don't look up until I feel him wrapping his arms around my back.
"Fuck, baby. I can't be mad at you when you go say shit like that," JJ speaks in a low tone, his voice hoarse.
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We barely make it back to the Chateau before our clothes are on the floor of my room.
JJ unzips the back of my dress, his lips never leaving mine. His kiss is possessive and angry.
"Do you know how much I wanted to fucking kill every guy you flirted with? You're fucking mine. Got it?"
I rip his shirt off of him and run my hands over his abs.
He grabs me by my ass and I wrap my legs around his waist as he pushes me against a wall. His head moves to my neck, kissing and sucking his way down to my left breast. He stops as he reaches my bra.
I lean into him and his hand slips behind me to unhook it. He pulls it off of me and his lips are locked back on mine before I hear it reach the floor.
He starts grinding his hips against me and I moan into his kiss, starving for more. His kisses trail back down my collar.
"JJ," I whisper.
I drop my legs and he stares at me. I smirk, "I'm going to show you what happens when you do stupid shit. Got it," he nods. "Good. Now," I drop down to my knees and starts unzipping his pants. I pull his boxers and jeans off in one motion. His hard cock sits inches from me. I stare up at him as I wrap my hand around his dick. I pump up and down for a few moments before licking the tip of it with my tongue. He moans deeply and throws his head back.
I move my mouth up and down and play with his balls in my hand. I can tell he is getting close by the way his deep moans turn into moans of desperation. Desperate to cum, to be inside me, to cum inside me.
Without warning, he pulls me back up and kisses me deeply. We walk to my bed and he pushes me back on it. He towers over me.
"You're not the only one who is fucking pissed. I'm going to fuck you so good, the Kooks are going to hear you screaming my name."
And with that, he lines his cock up with my slick folds. I whimper as he pushes himself into me. We do this all the time and I still don't get used to it.
He roughly thrusts into me, kissing me deeply. I moan into his mouth as he thrust into me harder and faster.
"Fuck, baby you like the way I fuck you" JJ says. I can only moan in response, as I feel myself getting close to coming undone. "Fuck- is my pretty girl gonna cum for me?" JJ mocks.
I whimper, "please JJ" I say begging for that sweet release.
"Yea sweetheart, beg for me- fuck".
"Please,please,please" I beg as I come feeling my walls clench down on his girthy cock.
"There ya go love, fuck good girl" he praises me as I come down from my high.
He ruta into me a few more times before I feel him unload inside of me. We lay there panting for a moment before he pulls out of me and moves his head in-between my legs.
He pushes two fingers into me. I'm still coming down from my last orgasm and I buck my hips in response. Apparently that was all he needed because his tongue found my clit.
"Oh, fuck, JJ. Holy shit."
He chuckles as he suckles my clit. It doesn't take very long before I cum again. He licks my pussy until he gets every drop.
He comes back up and kisses me deeper than any other kiss.
"Does that mean that you're not mad at me anymore?" JJ's voice is soft.
"I love you, JJ."
"I love you too."
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littlekohai77 · 6 months
🎼Here I am once again.....feeling lost but.....🎼
Forgive my bad singing 😹
I have a request for Cain Luterain and Kartein; them being absolute simps for their s/o.
That is all....
🄲🄷🄰🅁🄰🄲🅃🄴🅁🅂: Kartein, Cain.
🅆🄰🅁🄽🄸🄽🄶🅂: use of inappropriate language, favouritism given towards Kartein, not proof read, made this at 3 am.
*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*
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It honestly would probably take a lot to get this queen pussywhipped.
Anyway um, yeah.
When this man becomes a simp for his s/o, he's going to hell and back for them.
You suddenly want a glass of water just as he put on his comfy socks and was getting ready for bed? He'll get it for you just because, walking will tire you out and as you are his patient, that'll only make more work for him. YES THAT'S THE REASON STOP SMIRKING!!
Oh! You want to hug him now? After he'd just put on his freshly ironed shirt? So you can wrinkle it? Sure! Just because, saying no would make you upset and an upset patient would be more work for him. DEPRESSED PATIENTS ARE HARD TO DEAL WITH STOP LOOKING AT HIM LIKE THAT NO HE'S NOT LYING JGJFJFH
Yeah, him being a simp is just him actually tolerating you and letting you do stuff he normally would never let anyone do.
Like letting you do his eyeliner, or use him makeup and products. That most of the time means he's comfortable around you.
Although if you're a clutz he will always try to be around when you do it and will be a bit hesitant when lending them to you. That restraint melts away as soon as you bat your pretty eyes at him and join your hands.
He's a good natured person... Albeit morally kind of gray but anyhow. He would normally help you but as soon as you mention it, he retreats and takes back his help while vehemently denying your claims as if he'd just been accused of witchcraft.
But as a simp, while he still vehemently yet a smidgen more softly denies it all, he doesn't take back his help and also doesn't run off.
Truly some character growth huh.
As the years go by and he falls even more in love with you, he'll slowly warm up and start admitting his feelings to you little by little. During this time you shouldn't tease him as he'd shrink back and you'll end up at square one again, so just appreciate it as it comes.
He talks about you.. A lot. Like A LOT.
It slowly grows from small chatter with Jiwoo to bringing up how amazing you are at random moments when he's alone.
Like in the shower, he's shampooing his hair and then suddenly scratches his scalp too hard. He groans and mutter about how much better your hands feel. He continues to lather but suddenly stops as what he just said sinks in. There's a silence... And then suddenly the steam feels too hot.
You're constantly on his mind. Whenever he sees something that reminds him of you, he lowly mutters under his breath about it.
He'll do chores for you, you won't even have to say anything to him, he just start doing it and when asked he gives the same reason as before, a tired patient is more work for him.
He refuses to admit that he's your doctor but claims you to be his patient. And this goes on for a while even when he's absolutely whipped cause he's just that shy. And you wonder if he was dropped on his head as a child.
But he eventually drops it and finally starts to openly admit his feelings to you.
He stares a lot. Any time the sun hits you just right? He's staring wide eyed with a dust of pink on the apples of his cheeks. You look like an absolute mess? He's staring. Your ass looks good in a dress? He's practically drooling.
Simp Kartein might even let you win an argument or two against him.
He won't apologize first though! He might be a simp but he still has some dignity!!
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He'll let you touch his hair.
He'll let you do his eye liner.
Wear those shits like a badge of honor cause there's nothing in the world that screams 'I trust you' more than him letting someone else get so close to his eye and touching his precious hair.
He probably opens car doors for you, acting all gentlemanly.
He probably doesn't say that an outfit looks bad on you even if it does, because in his eyes, all he sees is the most prettiest and precious angel.
He's more comfortable sharing his feelings.
Gives out words of affirmation a lot. Compliments you often. The whole ensemble.
Doesn't get mad at you easily, or at all. Mostly just gets upset.
Fangirls about you to his underlings. How you're so sweet, so cute, so dainty and precious-
Gets a bit nervous and stutters around you but still remains pretty dignified and composed.
He remains a bit the same. Because just getting into a relationship would require him to be a bit of a simp for you. Otherwise he would've never realized his feelings.
*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*
𝙰𝚕𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝.... 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞. :)
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littlemissclandestine · 8 months
Why I think Russell Adler is going to make a comeback in COD 2024
WARNING⚠️: Contains spoilers for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War and Call of Duty: Black Ops 2
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Disclaimer: This is all just speculation on my behalf of course. I've just tried piecing stuff together for fun because Russ is one of my fave BO characters even though he's a bitch but i need more Adler content stat. <33
Let's get into it peeps. HEAR ME OUT.
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Buckle up. Gonna be one hell of a ride folks 🤪
We'll start off with some random/background info.
Russ was born on February 12th 1937 so that would make him 53/54 in the Gulf War era. This actually isn't that old because if you think about it, Woods was about to turn 51 in 1981 during the Cold War campaign. What's a few more years?
We last saw Adler in action post-campaign in Warzone 1.0 cinematics but we've been kept in the dark about Adler's whereabouts post-1984 (after being brainwashed and killing Stitch LOL).
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This meanie in a beanie wasn't forgotten about, oh no. He appears in the new cinematic intros on startup for both MWII (2022) and MWIII (2023). See below:
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He was also featured twice in the 20 year anniversary video for Call of Duty whereas COD Ghosts didn't even get an appearance (ouch): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eL_w5HmxsPI
I personally believe Adler was a great addition to the Black Ops roster and is essentially the new Black Ops 'cover boy' now. Would be such a shame and a missed opportunity not to include a character like him in the upcoming COD. One who is morally grey, does whatever he deems necessary to get the job done - a bit like Cpt. Price in MW. Got the COD fans riled up about him brainwashing and pulling the trigger on Bell too - he's already got the spotlight in both a good and bad way.
Now, let's explore my main reasoning as to why I think Mr Shades 2.0 is most likely coming back in late 2024...
🎖️First up: Gulf War mission list 🔫
Here are some of the campaign missions that will be featured in Black Ops Gulf War. Obviously, this is subject to change, however, going off what we have, look closely...
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Credit: @MWIIINTEL on Twitter/X
Safehouse guys...SAFEHOUSE. Takes you right back to Cold War, doesn't it? Ugh the potential.
🕵️ Next up: The campaign for COD 2024 will dive into the CIA's role/the Black Ops timeline 🕘
I took the following snippet from this official article.
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From this, we know there will be a huge focus on the CIA and who's a CIA clandestine special officer? Mhm, you guessed it - Russell Adler.
Now, according to the events of BO2, it's evident which characters have the possibility of returning out of our original BO trio - Jason Hudson, Frank Woods and Alex Mason.
💫 Alex is presumed dead after Frank shot him so he's out the picture in '90/91 until 2025 when they canonically meet again.
🪵 Woods would be in his 60s during this time too so I'll let you decide whether that's too old for him to be in GW.
Edit: Woods got SPAS-12'd in the kneecaps on Dec 20th 1989 by Raul Menendez so uh...yeah
🧊 Hudson died on Dec 20th 1989 at the hands of Raul Menendez.
Feel free to check out this website (Call of Duty Wiki) for an outline of the events after CW to remind yourself. Here's a link to the Black Ops timeline from there.
➡️ Gulf War being a direct sequel to Cold War and what that could mean 💉
That brings me onto the rest of the safehouse crew. Since GW is a direct sequel to CW, it would make sense for some characters to carry over if possible:
We, as the player/Bell, get to choose whether Park or Lazar die (or both lovebirds) in 'End of the Line'. It's highly unlikely they'll return unless the devs make one decision canon maybe.
There could be a chance we see Sims again given his bond with Adler (Da Nang etc.), his age (late 40s in GW) and his status (alive).
That leaves the man himself, Russ. Everything from his age to the fact he's CIA and was the deuteragonist in COD 2020's campaign just makes sense for him to have at least a lil cameo or even a larger role, don't you think?
📱Finally: Hints from official posts 🔎
This post from Call of duty's official Instagram account kind of sealed the deal for me.
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Oh lookie - they dropped syringe-lover's famous line in a zombies post. Why would COD just drop it so casually like that without a reason and years after CW came out? They could've said absolutely anything else but no, this was purposeful.
And that's all for this episode guys and gals!
Thank you for reading!! 🫂
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Do what you will with all this information but I have concluded in my silly little brain that scarface is coming back.
How he's only in one game is beyond me. Won't get a character like him ever again. Seems like a cliché war dude at first glance but dig a little deeper into the details of the CW campaign, peel back the layers and get into his psychology and WOWZERS.
Am I delusional? Most definitely.
But the possibility he might be returning...that little bit of hope is enough for me and i won't shut up about it.
This will age horribly if he isn't in GW. Forgive me for feeding your delusions too in that case. Please?
What are your thoughts? Feel free to share them! 😊
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